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Enterprise Architecture

                             ดร.ศศิพร อุษณวศิน
    ผอ.หลักสู ตร ป.โท สาขาวิศวกรรมซอฟต์ แวร์ (MS.SE)
   สถาบันวิทยาการสารสนเทศ (ISIS) มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม
What is
Enterprise Architecture?
Simple Answer:

 It’s about Strategic Planning   that’s all

WHAT’S the EA value

Answer: A focus on maximizing
investment returns…

The most common

The most common

                  … that it’s a
                  function of IT

EA is NOT just…
Systems, Information, Service or Solution Architecture

        EAs are stakeholders in their outputs.

EA IS about…

$ £ ¥ returns, Objectives & Performance   8
Now        with Green IT

Image from:
What we will gain from GREEN EA (GEA)?

                            Green-minded Staffs

   +   Green IT

Now we know what GEA is about
    and why we need it ..

      That’s easy!!!

     The hard part is

        HOW TO?                 11
Let’s think about it as                              building a house

                                              Different architectures
                                              serves different purposes

Main Purpose: Good Living           Business Goal
What do we mean by “Good”?

General requirements
     • Living functionalities
     • Security
     • Comfortability
Specific requirements                 Business
     • Location                       Requirements
     • Style (Thai, Modern, etc.)
     • Size
     • Money                                                              12
     • Time
With Green Architecture

Main Purpose: Good Living

What do we mean by “Good”?

General requirements
     • Living functionalities
     • Security
     • Comfortability
     • Environmental friendly
Specific requirements
     • Location                           still have to
     • Style (Thai, Modern, etc.)         maintain business PERFORMANCE!!!
     • Size
     • Money      reduce cost of living                              13
     • Time
How to develop GEA?
First, we need a blueprint!!!

                                        Second, we need to consolidate goals and
                                        value proposition among stakeholders

                  Third, we need to
                    replace           Finally, we need to evaluate the alignment
                    remove            between Green IT and business performance in
                    reduce            order to create/improve GEA
we need

EA Framework
EA Framework
• It’s a disciplines/guidelines for defining and maintaining
  the architecture models, governance and transition
  initiatives needed to effectively co-ordinate disparate
  groups towards common business and IT goals.

• It also links an enterprise's business strategy to its change
  programs through the definition of:
   – Architecture models – to capture the intended structures and serve
     as a blueprint for technology investment.
   – Mechanisms – such as architecture governance and transition
     planning to help plan and coordinate all parts of the business and
     ensure that they all pull in the same direction.

EA Framework

EA Framework
• Many EA frameworks have been published such as:
  –   Zachman Framework
  –   TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework)
  –   FEAF (US Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework)
  –   DoDAF/MoDAF (US Department of Defense / Ministry of
      Defense Architecture Framework)

      Each FRAMEWORK has its own
      Methods, Techniques & Tools
Domains in EA Framework

Architecture Relationships
                                                                     The Business Architecture is
                                                                     the result of defining the
                                                                     • business strategies,
                                                                     • processes, and
                                                                     • functional requirements.

                                                                     The Application Architecture
                                                                     focused on developing and/or
                                                                     implementing applications to
                                                                     fulfill the business
                                                                     requirements and to achieve
                                                                     the quality that
                                                                     meet business goals.

                                                                      The Information Architecture
                                                                      describes the data’s physical and
                                                                      logical aspects and the
                                                                      management of the data
                                                                      resources for supporting the
                                                                      business processes and
                                                                      functions of the enterprise.
The Technical Architecture         The Product Architecture identifies standards and
identifies and plans the           configurations for the enabling
computing services that form       technologies and products within the Technical
the technical infrastructure for   Architecture.
the enterprise.
Architecture Level

The Zachman Framework

Zachman Framework
• It is an intersection between two classical schemas:
   – The first is the fundamentals of communication found in the
     primitive interrogatives: What, How, When, Who, Where, and
     Why. It is the integration of answers to these questions that
     enables the comprehensive, composite description of complex

   – The second is derived from reification, the transformation of an
     abstract idea into an instantiation that was initially postulated by
     ancient Greek philosophers and is labeled in The Zachman
     Framework™: Identification, Definition, Representation,
     Specification, Configuration and Instantiation.

Zachman Framework
Six Perspectives
• Scope (Planner’s Perspective)
   – The planner is concerned with positioning the product in the context of
     its environment, including specifying its scope.
• Enterprise Model (Owner’s Perspective)
   – The owner is interested in the business deliverable and how it will be
• System Model (Designer’s Perspective)
   – The designer works with the specifications for the product to ensure that
     it will, in fact, fulfill the owner’s expectations.
• Technology Model (Builder’s Perspective)
   – The builder manages the process of assembling and fabricating the
     components in the production of the product.
• Detailed Representations (Subcontractor’s Perspective)
   – The subcontractor fabricates out-of-context components which meet the
     builder’s specifications.
• Functional Representations (Operator’s Perspective)
   – The operator validates the usability and performance of the product.
Zachman Framework
            Six Perspectives
            •   Scope (Planner’s Perspective)
                 – The planner is concerned with positioning the product in the context of its
Business           environment, including specifying its scope.
Analyst     •   Enterprise Model (Owner’s Perspective)
                 – The owner is interested in the business deliverable and how it will be used.
            •   System Model (Designer’s Perspective)
                 – The designer works with the specifications for the product to ensure that it
                   will, in fact, fulfill the owner’s expectations.
Technical   •   Technology Model (Builder’s Perspective)
Engineer         – The builder manages the process of assembling and fabricating the
                   components in the production of the product.
Developers •    Detailed Representations (Subcontractor’s Perspective)
                 – The subcontractor fabricates out-of-context components which meet the
                   builder’s specifications.
End users •     Functional Representations (Operator’s Perspective)
                 – The operator validates the usability and performance of the product.
Zachman Framework
Six Dimensions
• Data (What?)
   – Each of the rows in this column address the understanding of, and
     dealing with, any enterprise’s data.
• Function (How?)
   – The rows in the function column describe the process of translating the
     mission of the enterprise into successively more detailed definitions of
     its operations.
• Network (Where?)
   – This column is concerned with the geographical distribution of the
     enterprise’s activities.
• People (Who?)
   – The fourth column describes who is involved in the business and in the
     introduction of new technology.
• Time (When?)
   – The fifth column describes the effects of time on the enterprise.
• Motivation (Why?)
   – This domain is concerned with the translation of business goals and
     strategies into specific ends and means.
Overview of the Zachman Framework
  VA En terp rise          D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON                 B ased o n wo rk b y
  Arch itectu re           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why                            Jo h n A. Z ach man
S C OPE                  T hings Im portant             Proc ess es                     Bus iness                     Im portant                    Ev ents Signific ant            Bus iness Goals                             S C OPE
(C ON TEX TU AL )        to the B us ines s             Perform ed                      locations                     O rganiz ations               to the B us iness               and Strategy                        (C ON TEX TU AL )

Plan n er                E ntity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of          N ode = M ajor                P eople = Major               T ime = M ajor                  Ends/Means =                                Plan n er
                         B us iness T hing              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Loc ations          O rganiz ations               B us iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus ines s G oals
EN TER PR I S E          S em antic M odel              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Logis tic s         Work F low M odel             M as ter Sc hedule              Bus iness P lan                       EN TER PR I S E
M OD EL                                                 M odel                          Sy s tem                                                                                                                                M OD EL
(C ON C EPTU AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                      (C ON C EPTU AL )

Own er                   E nt = Bus ines s Entity        Proc = B us iness Process      N ode = Bus iness Loc ation   P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent         End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e                  Own er
                         R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es   Link = Bus iness Link age     Work = Work Produc t         Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le       M eans = Bus ines s Strategy
S YS TEM M OD EL         Logic al Data                  Applic ation                    Dis tributed Sy s tem         Hum an Interfac e             P roc ess ing                   Bus iness R ule                   S YS TEM M OD EL
(L OGI C AL )            M odel                         Arc hitec ture                  Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     M odel                                  (L OGI C AL )

D esig n er              E nt = Data Entity             Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion           P eople = Role               T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent         End = Struc tural A ss ertion              D esig n er
                         R el = Data Relations hip      I/O = U ser View s             Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable          Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle   M eans = Ac tion As sertion
TEC H N OL O GY          P hy s ical Data               Sy s tem                        T ec hnology                  P res entation                C ontrol                        R ule                                 TEC H N OL O GY
M OD EL                  M odel                         Des ign                         Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     Des ign                                       M OD EL
(PH YSI C AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PH YSI C AL )

B u ild er               E nt = Segm ent/T able         Proc = C om puter F unc tion    N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er                 T ime = Ex ec ute               End = C ondition                               B u ild er
                         R el = Pointer/Key             I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets      Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at        Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le    M eans = Ac tion
D ET AI L ED           Data                             Program                         N etw ork                     S ec urity                    T im ing                        R ule                                      D ET AI L ED
R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition                                                       Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               Definition                      Des ign                         R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S
(OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                                (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)

Su b - C on tracto r     E nt = F ield                  Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es                P eople = Identity            T ime = Interrupt               End = Sub-C ondition                 Su b -C on tracto r
                         R el = Address                 I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols                  Work = J ob                   Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle       M eans = Step
F U N C TI ONI N G       Data                           F unc tion                      N etw ork                     O rganiz ation                S chedule                       Strategy                              F U N C TI ONI N G
EN TER PR I S E                                                                                                                                                                                                            EN TER PR I S E

                         E nt =                         Proc =                          N ode =                       P eople =                     T ime =                         End =
                         R el =                         I/O =                           Link =                        Work =                        Cyc le =                        M eans =
                           D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON
                           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why

Zachman Framework
•   Row 1 – Scope
     External Requirements and Drivers
                                                             What   How   Where   Who   When   Why
     Business Function Modeling
                                           1   Contextual                                            Contextual
    Row 2 – Enterprise Model
     Business Process Models               2   Conceptual                                            Conceptual

    Row 3 – System Model                   3     Logical                                               Logical

     Logical Models                        4    Physical                                              Physical

     Requirements Definition
    Row 4 – Technology Model               5    As Built                                              As Built

     Physical Models
                                           6   Functioning                                           Functioning
     Solution Definition and Development
                                                             What   How   Where   Who   When   Why
    Row 5 – As Built
     As Built
    Row 6 – Functioning Enterprise
     Functioning Enterprise
Framework Rules
                                             Basic Model = Entities and Relationships

                                                  Entity       Relationship       Entity
•   Rule 1:
    Columns have no order
    Rule 2:
                                                                         What   How   Where   Who   When   Why
    Each column has a simple, basic model
                                                           Contextual                                            Contextual

    Rule 3:
                                                           Conceptual                                            Conceptual
    Basic model of each column is unique
                                                             Logical                                               Logical
    Rule 4:
    Each row represents a distinct view                     Physical                                              Physical

    Rule 5:                                                 As Built                                              As Built

    Each cell is unique                                    Functioning                                           Functioning

    Rule 6:                                                              What   How   Where   Who   When   Why

    Combining the cells in one row forms a
    complete description from that view
Zachman Framework – Row 1
       Scope/Planner’s View
•   Motivation/Why                                • External
     Business goals, objectives and performance
     measures related to each function              Requirements and
     High-level business functions                • Business Function
     High-level data classes related to each
                                                                    What   How   Where   Who   When   Why
                                                  1   Contextual                                            Contextual
     Stakeholders related to each function            Conceptual                                            Conceptual

                                                        Logical                                               Logical
     Locations related to each function                Physical                                              Physical

                                                       As Built                                              As Built
     Cycles and events related to each                Functioning                                           Functioning

     function                                                       What   How   Where   Who   When   Why                30
Zachman Framework – Row 2
    Enterprise Model/Designer’s View
•   Motivation/Why
     Policies, procedures and standards for each   • Business Process Models
                                                   • Business Function
     Function/How                                    Allocation
      Business processes
                                                   • Elimination of Function
     Data/What                                       Overlap and Ambiguity
      Business data
                                                                     What   How   Where   Who   When   Why

                                                       Contextual                                            Contextual
      Roles and responsibilities in each           2   Conceptual                                            Conceptual
                                                         Logical                                               Logical
      Locations related to each process                 Physical                                              Physical

                                                        As Built                                              As Built
      Events for each process and sequencing           Functioning                                           Functioning

      of integration and process improvements                        What   How   Where   Who   When   Why                31
Zachman Framework – Row 3
    System Model/Designer’s View
•   Motivation/Why
    Policies, standards and procedures             • Logical Models
    associated with a business rule model
                                                   • Project Management
     Logical representation of information
     systems and their relationships
                                                   • Requirements
     Logical data models of data and data
                                                                        What   How   Where   Who   When   Why
     relationships underlying information
                                                          Contextual                                            Contextual
     Logical representation of access privileges          Conceptual                                            Conceptual
     constrained by roles and responsibilities
                                                   3        Logical                                               Logical
     Logical representation of the distributed             Physical                                              Physical
     system architecture for locations
                                                           As Built                                              As Built
     Logical events and their triggered responses         Functioning                                           Functioning

     constrained by business events and their responses                 What   How   Where   Who   When   Why                32
Zachman Framework – Row 4
Technology Model/Builder’s View
•   Motivation/Why
     Business rules constrained by information
                                                      • Physical Models
     systems standards
                                                      • Technology
    Function/How                                        Management
     Specifications of applications that operate
     on particular technology platforms               • Solution Definition
    Data/What                                           and Development
     Database management system (DBMS) type
                                                                        What   How   Where   Who   When   Why
     requirements constrained by logical data models
                                                          Contextual                                            Contextual
     Specification of access privileges to                Conceptual                                            Conceptual
     specific platforms and technologies
                                                            Logical                                               Logical
     Specification of network devices and their       4    Physical                                              Physical
     relationships within physical boundaries
                                                           As Built                                              As Built
     Specification of triggers to respond to system       Functioning                                           Functioning

     events on specific platforms and technologies                      What   How   Where   Who   When   Why                33
Zachman Framework – Row 5
      As Built/Integrator’s View
•   Motivation/Why                                       • As Built
    Business rules constrained by specific
    technology standards
                                                         • Configuration
     Programs coded to operate on specific                 Management
     technology platforms
                                                         • Deployment
     Data definitions constrained by physical
                                                                           What   How   Where   Who   When   Why
     data models
                                                             Contextual                                            Contextual
     Access privileges coded to control access               Conceptual                                            Conceptual
     to specific platforms and technologies
                                                               Logical                                               Logical
     Network devices configured to conform to                 Physical                                              Physical
     node specifications
                                                         5    As Built                                              As Built
     Timing definitions coded to sequence                    Functioning                                           Functioning

     activities on specific platforms and technologies                     What   How   Where   Who   When   Why                34
Zachman Framework – Row 6
Functioning Enterprise/User’s View
                                                       • Functioning
•   Motivation/Why
    Operating characteristics of specific                Enterprise
    technologies constrained by standards
                                                       • Operations
     Functioning computer instructions                   Management
    Data/What                                          • Evaluation
     Data values stored in actual databases
                                                                         What   How   Where   Who   When   Why

                                                           Contextual                                            Contextual
     Personnel and key stakeholders                        Conceptual                                            Conceptual
     working within their roles and responsibilities
                                                             Logical                                               Logical
     Sending and receiving messages                         Physical                                              Physical

                                                           Integrated                                            Integrated
     Timing definitions operating to sequence          6   Functioning                                           Functioning

     activities                                                          What   How   Where   Who   When   Why                35
Overview of the Zachman Framework
 VA Enterprise         DATA                          F UNCTI ON                     NETW ORK                    PEOPLE                     TI ME                          MOTI VATI ON                   Based on work b y
 Architectu re         What                          Ho w                           Where                       Who                        When                           Why                            Jo hn A. Z achman
S COPE               T hings Im portant            Process es                     Business                    Im portant                 Ev ents Significant            Bus iness Goals                          S COPE
(CONTEX TUAL)        to the Bus ines s             Perform ed                     locations                   Organiz ations             to the Business                and Strategy                       (CONTEX TUAL)

Planner              Entity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of         N ode = M ajor              People = Major             T ime = M ajor                 Ends/Means =                               Plann er
                     Business T hing               Business Process               Business Locations          Organiz ations             Bus iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus iness Goals
ENTERPRI S E         Sem antic M odel              Business Process               Business Logis tic s        Work Flow M odel           M as ter Schedule              Bus iness Plan                       ENTERPRI S E
MOD EL                                             M odel                         Sy stem                                                                                                                        MODEL
(CONCEPTU AL)                                                                                                                                                                                             (C ONCEPTU AL)

Owner                Ent = Bus iness Entity         Proc = Business Process       N ode = Business Loc ation People = Organization Unit T ime = Bus in ess Ev ent       End = Bus in ess O bjec tiv e               Own er
                     R el = Bus iness R elationship I/O = Bus iness R esourc es   Link = Bus iness Link age  Work = Work Product        Cyc le = Business Cycle         M eans = Business Strategy
S YS TEM MODEL       Logical Data                  Application                    Dis tributed Sys tem        Hum an Interface           Processing                     Bus iness R ule                   S YS TEM MODEL
(LOGI CAL )          M odel                        Arc hitec ture                 Arc hitec ture              Arc hitecture              Structure                      M odel                                  (L OGI CAL)

Design er            Ent = Data Entity             Proc = Applic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion         People = Role             T ime = Sys tem Event          End = Structural Assertion               Design er
                     R el = Data Relations hip     I/O = U ser View s            Link = Line C haracteris tics Work = Deliv erable       Cyc le = Process ing Cycle     M eans = Action As sertion
TECH NOLO GY         Phys ical Data                Sy stem                        T echnology                 Presentation               C ontrol                       R ule                                TECHNOLO GY
MOD EL               M odel                        Design                         Arc hitec ture              Arc hitecture              Structure                      Des ign                                    MODEL
(PHYSI CAL)                                                                                                                                                                                                    (PHYSI CAL)

Build er             Ent = Segm ent/Table          Proc = C om puter Func tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are People = Us er                T ime = Ex ecute               End = C ondition                             Builder
                     R el = Pointer/Key            I/O = Data Elem ents/Sets Link = Line Spec ifications Work = Screen F orm at          Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le   M eans = Action
DETAI LED          Data                            Program                        N etw ork                   Sec urity                  T im ing                       R ule                                    DETAI LED
REPRES ENTATI ONS Definition                                                      Arc hitec ture              Arc hitecture              Definition                     Des ign                         REPRES ENTATI ONS
(OUT-OF -CONTE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                      (OUT-OF -CONTE XT)

Sub-Contractor       Ent = Field                   Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es             People = Identity          T ime = Interrupt              End = Sub-C ondition                Su b-Contractor
                     R el = Address                I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols               Work = Job                 Cyc le = M ac hine Cycle       M eans = Step
FUNCTI ONI NG        Data                          F unc tion                     N etw ork                   Organiz ation              Schedule                       Strategy                             FUNCTI ONI NG
ENTERPRI S E                                                                                                                                                                                                  ENTERPRI S E

                     Ent =                         Proc =                         N ode =                     People =                   T ime =                        End =
                     R el =                        I/O =                          Link =                      Work =                     Cyc le =                       M eans =
                       DATA                          F UNCTI ON                     NETW ORK                    PEOPLE                     TI ME                          MOTI VATI ON
                       What                          Ho w                           Where                       Who                        When                           Why
Overview of the Zachman Framework
  VA En terp rise          D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON                 B ased o n wo rk b y
  Arch itectu re           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why                            Jo h n A. Z ach man
S C OPE                  T hings Im portant             Proc ess es                     Bus iness                     Im portant                    Ev ents Signific ant            Bus iness Goals                             S C OPE
(C ON TEX TU AL )        to the B us ines s             Perform ed                      locations                     O rganiz ations               to the B us iness               and Strategy                        (C ON TEX TU AL )

Plan n er                E ntity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of          N ode = M ajor                P eople = Major               T ime = M ajor                  Ends/Means =                                Plan n er
                         B us iness T hing              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Loc ations          O rganiz ations               B us iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus ines s G oals
EN TER PR I S E          S em antic M odel              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Logis tic s         Work F low M odel             M as ter Sc hedule              Bus iness P lan                       EN TER PR I S E
M OD EL                                                 M odel                          Sy s tem                                                                                                                                M OD EL
                                                                                                                          List of                                                                                      (C ON C EPTU AL )

Own er                   E nt = Bus ines s Entity        Proc = B us iness Process
                         R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es
                                                                                        N ode = Bus iness Loc ation
                                                                                        Link = Bus iness Link age         business
                                                                                                                      P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent
                                                                                                                      Work = Work Produc t         Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le
                                                                                                                                                                                    End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e
                                                                                                                                                                                    M eans = Bus ines s Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Own er

                         Logic al Data                  Applic ation                    Dis tributed Sy s tem         Hum an Interfac e             P roc ess ing                   Bus iness R ule
(L OGI C AL )            M odel                         Arc hitec ture                  Arc hitec ture                    process
                                                                                                                      A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     M odel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      S YS TEM M OD EL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (L OGI C AL )

D esig n er              E nt = Data Entity             Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion           P eople = Role               T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent         End = Struc tural A ss ertion              D esig n er
                         R el = Data Relations hip      I/O = U ser View s             Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable          Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle   M eans = Ac tion As sertion
TEC H N OL O GY          P hy s ical Data               Sy s tem                        T ec hnology                  P res entation                C ontrol                        R ule                                 TEC H N OL O GY
M OD EL                  M odel                         Des ign                         Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     Des ign                                       M OD EL
(PH YSI C AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PH YSI C AL )

B u ild er               E nt = Segm ent/T able         Proc = C om puter F unc tion    N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er                 T ime = Ex ec ute               End = C ondition                               B u ild er
                         R el = Pointer/Key             I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets      Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at        Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le    M eans = Ac tion
D ET AI L ED           Data                             Program                         N etw ork                     S ec urity                    T im ing                        R ule                                      D ET AI L ED
R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition                                                       Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               Definition                      Des ign                         R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S
(OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                                (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)

Su b - C on tracto r     E nt = F ield                  Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es                P eople = Identity            T ime = Interrupt               End = Sub-C ondition                 Su b -C on tracto r
                         R el = Address                 I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols                  Work = J ob                   Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle       M eans = Step
F U N C TI ONI N G       Data                           F unc tion                      N etw ork                     O rganiz ation                S chedule                       Strategy                              F U N C TI ONI N G
EN TER PR I S E                                                                                                                                                                                                            EN TER PR I S E

                         E nt =                         Proc =                          N ode =                       P eople =                     T ime =                         End =
                         R el =                         I/O =                           Link =                        Work =                        Cyc le =                        M eans =
                           D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON
                           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why

Overview of the Zachman Framework
  VA En terp rise          D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON                 B ased o n wo rk b y
  Arch itectu re           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why                            Jo h n A. Z ach man
S C OPE                  T hings Im portant             Proc ess es                     Bus iness                     Im portant                    Ev ents Signific ant            Bus iness Goals                             S C OPE
(C ON TEX TU AL )        to the B us ines s             Perform ed                      locations                     O rganiz ations               to the B us iness               and Strategy                        (C ON TEX TU AL )

Plan n er                E ntity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of          N ode = M ajor                P eople = Major               T ime = M ajor                  Ends/Means =                                Plan n er
                         B us iness T hing              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Loc ations          O rganiz ations               B us iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus ines s G oals
EN TER PR I S E          S em antic M odel              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Logis tic s         Work F low M odel             M as ter Sc hedule              Bus iness P lan                       EN TER PR I S E
M OD EL                                                 M odel                          Sy s tem                                                                                                                                M OD EL
(C ON C EPTU AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                      (C ON C EPTU AL )

Own er                   E nt = Bus ines s Entity        Proc = B us iness Process      N ode = Bus iness Loc ation   P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent         End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e                  Own er

                         R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es
                         Logic al Data                  Applic ation
                                                                                             List of things
                                                                                        Link = Bus iness Link age
                                                                                        Dis tributed Sy s tem
                                                                                                                      Work = Work Produc t
                                                                                                                      Hum an Interfac e
                                                                                                                                                   Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le
                                                                                                                                                    P roc ess ing
                                                                                                                                                                                    M eans = Bus ines s Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                    Bus iness R ule                   S YS TEM M OD EL
(L OGI C AL )            M odel                         Arc hitec ture
                                                                                             (data, material)
                                                                                        Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     M odel                                  (L OGI C AL )

D esig n er              E nt = Data Entity             Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion           P eople = Role               T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent         End = Struc tural A ss ertion              D esig n er
                         R el = Data Relations hip      I/O = U ser View s             Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable          Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle   M eans = Ac tion As sertion
TEC H N OL O GY          P hy s ical Data               Sy s tem                        T ec hnology                  P res entation                C ontrol                        R ule                                 TEC H N OL O GY
M OD EL                  M odel                         Des ign                         Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     Des ign                                       M OD EL
(PH YSI C AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PH YSI C AL )

B u ild er               E nt = Segm ent/T able         Proc = C om puter F unc tion    N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er                 T ime = Ex ec ute               End = C ondition                               B u ild er
                         R el = Pointer/Key             I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets      Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at        Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le    M eans = Ac tion
D ET AI L ED           Data                             Program                         N etw ork                     S ec urity                    T im ing                        R ule                                      D ET AI L ED
R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition                                                       Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               Definition                      Des ign                         R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S
(OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                                (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)

Su b - C on tracto r     E nt = F ield                  Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es                P eople = Identity            T ime = Interrupt               End = Sub-C ondition                 Su b -C on tracto r
                         R el = Address                 I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols                  Work = J ob                   Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle       M eans = Step
F U N C TI ONI N G       Data                           F unc tion                      N etw ork                     O rganiz ation                S chedule                       Strategy                              F U N C TI ONI N G
EN TER PR I S E                                                                                                                                                                                                            EN TER PR I S E

                         E nt =                         Proc =                          N ode =                       P eople =                     T ime =                         End =
                         R el =                         I/O =                           Link =                        Work =                        Cyc le =                        M eans =
                           D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON
                           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why

Overview of the Zachman Framework
  VA En terp rise          D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON                 B ased o n wo rk b y
  Arch itectu re           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why                            Jo h n A. Z ach man
S C OPE                  T hings Im portant             Proc ess es                     Bus iness                     Im portant                    Ev ents Signific ant            Bus iness Goals                             S C OPE
(C ON TEX TU AL )        to the B us ines s             Perform ed                      locations                     O rganiz ations               to the B us iness               and Strategy                        (C ON TEX TU AL )

Plan n er                E ntity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of          N ode = M ajor                P eople = Major               T ime = M ajor                  Ends/Means =                                Plan n er
                         B us iness T hing              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Loc ations          O rganiz ations               B us iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus ines s G oals
EN TER PR I S E          S em antic M odel              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Logis tic s         Work F low M odel             M as ter Sc hedule              Bus iness P lan                       EN TER PR I S E
M OD EL                                                 M odel                          Sy s tem                                                                                                                                M OD EL
(C ON C EPTU AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                      (C ON C EPTU AL )

Own er                   E nt = Bus ines s Entity        Proc = B us iness Process
                         R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es
                                                                                        N ode = Bus iness Loc ation
                                                                                        Link = Bus iness Link age     Work = Work Produc t
                                                                                                                                                      List of
                                                                                                                      P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent
                                                                                                                                                   Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le
                                                                                                                                                                                    End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e
                                                                                                                                                                                    M eans = Bus ines s Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Own er

                         Logic al Data
                         M odel
                                                        Applic ation
                                                        Arc hitec ture
                                                                                        Dis tributed Sy s tem
                                                                                        Arc hitec ture
                                                                                                                      Hum an Interfac e
                                                                                                                      A rc hitec ture
                                                                                                                                                    P roc ess ing
                                                                                                                                                    S truc ture
                                                                                                                                                                                    Bus iness R ule
                                                                                                                                                                                    M odel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      S YS TEM M OD EL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (L OGI C AL )
D esig n er              E nt = Data Entity             Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion           P eople = Role               T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent         End = Struc tural A ss ertion              D esig n er
                         R el = Data Relations hip      I/O = U ser View s             Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable          Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle   M eans = Ac tion As sertion
TEC H N OL O GY          P hy s ical Data               Sy s tem                        T ec hnology                  P res entation                C ontrol                        R ule                                 TEC H N OL O GY
M OD EL                  M odel                         Des ign                         Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     Des ign                                       M OD EL
(PH YSI C AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PH YSI C AL )

B u ild er               E nt = Segm ent/T able         Proc = C om puter F unc tion    N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er                 T ime = Ex ec ute               End = C ondition                               B u ild er
                         R el = Pointer/Key             I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets      Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at        Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le    M eans = Ac tion
D ET AI L ED           Data                             Program                         N etw ork                     S ec urity                    T im ing                        R ule                                      D ET AI L ED
R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition                                                       Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               Definition                      Des ign                         R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S
(OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                                (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)

Su b - C on tracto r     E nt = F ield                  Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es                P eople = Identity            T ime = Interrupt               End = Sub-C ondition                 Su b -C on tracto r
                         R el = Address                 I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols                  Work = J ob                   Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle       M eans = Step
F U N C TI ONI N G       Data                           F unc tion                      N etw ork                     O rganiz ation                S chedule                       Strategy                              F U N C TI ONI N G
EN TER PR I S E                                                                                                                                                                                                            EN TER PR I S E

                         E nt =                         Proc =                          N ode =                       P eople =                     T ime =                         End =
                         R el =                         I/O =                           Link =                        Work =                        Cyc le =                        M eans =
                           D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON
                           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why

Overview of the Zachman Framework
  VA En terp rise          D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON                 B ased o n wo rk b y
  Arch itectu re           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why                            Jo h n A. Z ach man
S C OPE                  T hings Im portant             Proc ess es                     Bus iness                     Im portant                    Ev ents Signific ant            Bus iness Goals                             S C OPE
(C ON TEX TU AL )        to the B us ines s             Perform ed                      locations                     O rganiz ations               to the B us iness               and Strategy                        (C ON TEX TU AL )

Plan n er                E ntity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of          N ode = M ajor                P eople = Major               T ime = M ajor                  Ends/Means =                                Plan n er
                         B us iness T hing              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Loc ations          O rganiz ations               B us iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus ines s G oals
EN TER PR I S E          S em antic M odel              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Logis tic s         Work F low M odel             M as ter Sc hedule              Bus iness P lan                       EN TER PR I S E
M OD EL                                                 M odel                          Sy s tem                                                                                                                                M OD EL
                                                                                                                                                                            List of                                    (C ON C EPTU AL )

Own er                   E nt = Bus ines s Entity        Proc = B us iness Process
                         R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es
                                                                                        N ode = Bus iness Loc ation
                                                                                        Link = Bus iness Link age
                                                                                                                      P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent
                                                                                                                      Work = Work Produc t                                  organizationtiv e
                                                                                                                                                   Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le
                                                                                                                                                                               End = Bus iness O bjec
                                                                                                                                                                               M eans = Bus ines s Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Own er

                         Logic al Data
                         M odel
                                                        Applic ation
                                                        Arc hitec ture
                                                                                        Dis tributed Sy s tem
                                                                                        Arc hitec ture
                                                                                                                      Hum an Interfac e
                                                                                                                      A rc hitec ture
                                                                                                                                                    P roc ess ing
                                                                                                                                                    S truc ture
                                                                                                                                                                            unitsiness R roles
                                                                                                                                                                               M odel
                                                                                                                                                                                     & ule                            S YS TEM M OD EL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (L OGI C AL )

D esig n er              E nt = Data Entity             Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion           P eople = Role               T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent         End = Struc tural A ss ertion              D esig n er
                         R el = Data Relations hip      I/O = U ser View s             Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable          Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle   M eans = Ac tion As sertion
TEC H N OL O GY          P hy s ical Data               Sy s tem                        T ec hnology                  P res entation                C ontrol                        R ule                                 TEC H N OL O GY
M OD EL                  M odel                         Des ign                         Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     Des ign                                       M OD EL
(PH YSI C AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PH YSI C AL )

B u ild er               E nt = Segm ent/T able         Proc = C om puter F unc tion    N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er                 T ime = Ex ec ute               End = C ondition                               B u ild er
                         R el = Pointer/Key             I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets      Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at        Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le    M eans = Ac tion
D ET AI L ED           Data                             Program                         N etw ork                     S ec urity                    T im ing                        R ule                                      D ET AI L ED
R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition                                                       Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               Definition                      Des ign                         R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S
(OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                                (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)

Su b - C on tracto r     E nt = F ield                  Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es                P eople = Identity            T ime = Interrupt               End = Sub-C ondition                 Su b -C on tracto r
                         R el = Address                 I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols                  Work = J ob                   Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle       M eans = Step
F U N C TI ONI N G       Data                           F unc tion                      N etw ork                     O rganiz ation                S chedule                       Strategy                              F U N C TI ONI N G
EN TER PR I S E                                                                                                                                                                                                            EN TER PR I S E

                         E nt =                         Proc =                          N ode =                       P eople =                     T ime =                         End =
                         R el =                         I/O =                           Link =                        Work =                        Cyc le =                        M eans =
                           D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON
                           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why

Overview of the Zachman Framework
  VA En terp rise          D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON                 B ased o n wo rk b y
  Arch itectu re           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why                            Jo h n A. Z ach man
S C OPE                  T hings Im portant             Proc ess es                     Bus iness                     Im portant                    Ev ents Signific ant            Bus iness Goals                             S C OPE
(C ON TEX TU AL )        to the B us ines s             Perform ed                      locations                     O rganiz ations               to the B us iness               and Strategy                        (C ON TEX TU AL )

Plan n er                E ntity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of          N ode = M ajor                P eople = Major               T ime = M ajor                  Ends/Means =                                Plan n er
                         B us iness T hing              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Loc ations          O rganiz ations               B us iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus ines s G oals
EN TER PR I S E          S em antic M odel              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Logis tic s         Work F low M odel             M as ter Sc hedule              Bus iness P lan                       EN TER PR I S E
M OD EL                                                 M odel                          Sy s tem                                                                                                                                M OD EL
(C ON C EPTU AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                      (C ON C EPTU AL )
                                                                                                                                                                                                               List of
Own er                   E nt = Bus ines s Entity        Proc = B us iness Process      N ode = Bus iness Loc ation   P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent         End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e
                         R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es   Link = Bus iness Link age     Work = Work Produc t         Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le                                  events, Own er
                                                                                                                                                                                    M eans = Bus ines s Strategy
S YS TEM M OD EL         Logic al Data                  Applic ation                    Dis tributed Sy s tem         Hum an Interfac e             P roc ess ing                   Bus iness R ule
(L OGI C AL )            M odel                         Arc hitec ture                  Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     M odel                     triggers(L OGIODAL )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    S YS TEM M

D esig n er              E nt = Data Entity             Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion           P eople = Role               T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent         End = Struc tural A ss ertion              D esig n er
                         R el = Data Relations hip      I/O = U ser View s             Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable          Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle   M eans = Ac tion As sertion
TEC H N OL O GY          P hy s ical Data               Sy s tem                        T ec hnology                  P res entation                C ontrol                        R ule                                 TEC H N OL O GY
M OD EL                  M odel                         Des ign                         Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     Des ign                                       M OD EL
(PH YSI C AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PH YSI C AL )

B u ild er               E nt = Segm ent/T able         Proc = C om puter F unc tion    N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er                 T ime = Ex ec ute               End = C ondition                               B u ild er
                         R el = Pointer/Key             I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets      Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at        Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le    M eans = Ac tion
D ET AI L ED           Data                             Program                         N etw ork                     S ec urity                    T im ing                        R ule                                      D ET AI L ED
R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition                                                       Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               Definition                      Des ign                         R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S
(OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                                (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)

Su b - C on tracto r     E nt = F ield                  Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es                P eople = Identity            T ime = Interrupt               End = Sub-C ondition                 Su b -C on tracto r
                         R el = Address                 I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols                  Work = J ob                   Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle       M eans = Step
F U N C TI ONI N G       Data                           F unc tion                      N etw ork                     O rganiz ation                S chedule                       Strategy                              F U N C TI ONI N G
EN TER PR I S E                                                                                                                                                                                                            EN TER PR I S E

                         E nt =                         Proc =                          N ode =                       P eople =                     T ime =                         End =
                         R el =                         I/O =                           Link =                        Work =                        Cyc le =                        M eans =
                           D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON
                           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why

Overview of the Zachman Framework
  VA En terp rise          D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON                 B ased o n wo rk b y
  Arch itectu re           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why                            Jo h n A. Z ach man
S C OPE                  T hings Im portant             Proc ess es                     Bus iness                     Im portant                    Ev ents Signific ant            Bus iness Goals                             S C OPE
(C ON TEX TU AL )        to the B us ines s             Perform ed                      locations                     O rganiz ations               to the B us iness               and Strategy                        (C ON TEX TU AL )

Plan n er                E ntity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of          N ode = M ajor                P eople = Major               T ime = M ajor                  Ends/Means =                                Plan n er
                         B us iness T hing              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Loc ations          O rganiz ations               B us iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus ines s G oals
EN TER PR I S E          S em antic M odel              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Logis tic s         Work F low M odel             M as ter Sc hedule              Bus iness P lan                       EN TER PR I S E
M OD EL                                                 M odel                          Sy s tem                                                                                                                                M OD EL
(C ON C EPTU AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                      (C ON C EPTU AL )

Own er                   E nt = Bus ines s Entity        Proc = B us iness Process      N ode = Bus iness Loc ation   P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent         End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e                  Own er
                         R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es   Link = Bus iness Link age     Work = Work Produc t         Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le       M eans = Bus ines s Strategy
S YS TEM M OD EL         Logic al Data                  Applic ation                    Dis tributed Sy s tem         Hum an Interfac e             P roc ess ing                   Bus iness R ule                   S YS TEM M OD EL
(L OGI C AL )            M odel                         Arc hitec ture                  Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     M odel                                  (L OGI C AL )

D esig n er              E nt = Data Entity             Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion           P eople = Role               T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent         End = Struc tural A ss ertion              D esig n er
                         R el = Data Relations hip      I/O = U ser View s             Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable          Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle   M eans = Ac tion As sertion
TEC H N OL O GY          P hy s ical Data               Sy s tem                        T ec hnology                  P res entation                C ontrol                        R ule                                 TEC H N OL O GY
M OD EL                  M odel                         Des ign                         Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     Des ign                                       M OD EL
(PH YSI C AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PH YSI C AL )

B u ild er               E nt = Segm ent/T able         Proc = C om puter F unc tion    N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er                 T ime = Ex ec ute               End = C ondition                               B u ild er
                         R el = Pointer/Key             I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets      Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at        Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le    M eans = Ac tion
D ET AI L ED           Data                             Program                         N etw ork                     S ec urity                    T im ing                        R ule                                      D ET AI L ED
R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition                                                       Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               Definition                      Des ign                         R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S
(OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                                (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)

Su b - C on tracto r     E nt = F ield                  Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es                P eople = Identity            T ime = Interrupt               End = Sub-C ondition                 Su b -C on tracto r
                         R el = Address                 I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols                  Work = J ob                   Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle       M eans = Step
F U N C TI ONI N G       Data                           F unc tion                      N etw ork                     O rganiz ation                S chedule                       Strategy                              F U N C TI ONI N G
EN TER PR I S E                                                                                                                                                                                                            EN TER PR I S E

                         E nt =                         Proc =                          N ode =                       P eople =                     T ime =                         End =
                         R el =                         I/O =                           Link =                        Work =                        Cyc le =                        M eans =
                           D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON
                           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why

Overview of the Zachman Framework
  VA En terp rise          D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON                 B ased o n wo rk b y
  Arch itectu re           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why                            Jo h n A. Z ach man
S C OPE                  T hings Im portant             Proc ess es                     Bus iness                     Im portant                    Ev ents Signific ant            Bus iness Goals                             S C OPE
(C ON TEX TU AL )        to the B us ines s             Perform ed                      locations                     O rganiz ations               to the B us iness               and Strategy                        (C ON TEX TU AL )

Plan n er                E ntity = C lass of            F unc tion = C lass of          N ode = M ajor                P eople = Major               T ime = M ajor                  Ends/Means =                                Plan n er
                         B us iness T hing              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Loc ations          O rganiz ations               B us iness Ev ent               M ajor Bus ines s G oals
EN TER PR I S E          S em antic M odel              Bus iness Process               Bus iness Logis tic s         Work F low M odel             M as ter Sc hedule              Bus iness P lan                       EN TER PR I S E
M OD EL                                                 M odel                          Sy s tem                                                                                                                                M OD EL
(C ON C EPTU AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                      (C ON C EPTU AL )

Own er                   E nt = Bus ines s Entity        Proc = B us iness Process      N ode = Bus iness Loc ation   P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent         End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e                  Own er
                         R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es   Link = Bus iness Link age     Work = Work Produc t         Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le       M eans = Bus ines s Strategy
S YS TEM M OD EL         Logic al Data                  Applic ation                    Dis tributed Sy s tem         Hum an Interfac e             P roc ess ing                   Bus iness R ule                   S YS TEM M OD EL
(L OGI C AL )            M odel                         Arc hitec ture                  Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     M odel                                  (L OGI C AL )

D esig n er              E nt = Data Entity             Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion
                                                                                                                ProcessP eople = Role               T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent         End = Struc tural A ss ertion              D esig n er

                         R el = Data Relations hip
                         P hy s ical Data
                                                        I/O = U ser View s
                                                        Sy s tem                        T ec hnology
                                                                                       Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable
                                                                                                                      P res entation
                                                                                                                                                    Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle
                                                                                                                                                    C ontrol
                                                                                                                                                                                    M eans = Ac tion As sertion
                                                                                                                                                                                    R ule                                 TEC H N OL O GY
M OD EL                  M odel                         Des ign                         Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               S truc ture                     Des ign                                       M OD EL
(PH YSI C AL )                                                                                                                                                                                                              (PH YSI C AL )

B u ild er               E nt = Segm ent/T able         Proc = C om puter F unc tion    N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er                 T ime = Ex ec ute               End = C ondition                               B u ild er
                         R el = Pointer/Key             I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets      Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at        Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le    M eans = Ac tion
D ET AI L ED           Data                             Program                         N etw ork                     S ec urity                    T im ing                        R ule                                      D ET AI L ED
R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition                                                       Arc hitec ture                A rc hitec ture               Definition                      Des ign                         R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S
(OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)                                                                                                                                                                                                (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT)

Su b - C on tracto r     E nt = F ield                  Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es                P eople = Identity
                                                                                                                                                               ProcessEnd = Sub-C ondition
                                                                                                                                                    T ime = Interrupt
                                                                                                                                                                       of insurance claim tracto r
                                                                                                                                                                                           Su b -C on
                         R el = Address                 I/O = C ontrol Block       Link = Protoc ols                  Work = J ob                   Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle       M eans = Step
F U N C TI ONI N G       Data                           F unc tion                      N etw ork                     O rganiz ation                S chedule                       Strategy                              F U N C TI ONI N G
EN TER PR I S E                                                                                                                                                                                                            EN TER PR I S E

                         E nt =                         Proc =                          N ode =                       P eople =                     T ime =                         End =
                         R el =                         I/O =                           Link =                        Work =                        Cyc le =                        M eans =
                           D AT A                         F U N C TI ON                   N ETW OR K                    PEOPL E                       TI M E                          M OTI VA TI ON
                           Wh at                          How                             W h ere                       Who                           W h en                          Why


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  • 1. GREEN Enterprise Architecture ดร.ศศิพร อุษณวศิน ผอ.หลักสู ตร ป.โท สาขาวิศวกรรมซอฟต์ แวร์ (MS.SE) สถาบันวิทยาการสารสนเทศ (ISIS) มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม 1 email:
  • 3. Simple Answer: It’s about Strategic Planning that’s all 3
  • 4. WHAT’S the EA value proposition? Answer: A focus on maximizing investment returns… 4
  • 6. The most common misconception? … that it’s a function of IT 6
  • 7. EA is NOT just… Systems, Information, Service or Solution Architecture EAs are stakeholders in their outputs. 7
  • 8. EA IS about… $ £ ¥ returns, Objectives & Performance 8
  • 9. Now with Green IT 9 Image from:
  • 10. What we will gain from GREEN EA (GEA)? Enterprise Architecture Green-minded Staffs + + Green IT Profits = 10
  • 11. Now we know what GEA is about and why we need it .. That’s easy!!! The hard part is HOW TO? 11
  • 12. Let’s think about it as building a house Different architectures serves different purposes Main Purpose: Good Living Business Goal What do we mean by “Good”? General requirements • Living functionalities • Security • Comfortability Specific requirements Business • Location Requirements • Style (Thai, Modern, etc.) • Size • Money 12 • Time
  • 13. With Green Architecture Main Purpose: Good Living What do we mean by “Good”? General requirements • Living functionalities • Security • Comfortability • Environmental friendly Specific requirements • Location still have to • Style (Thai, Modern, etc.) maintain business PERFORMANCE!!! • Size • Money reduce cost of living 13 • Time
  • 14. How to develop GEA? First, we need a blueprint!!! Second, we need to consolidate goals and value proposition among stakeholders Third, we need to re-plan re-engineering re-use re-cycle replace Finally, we need to evaluate the alignment 14 remove between Green IT and business performance in reduce order to create/improve GEA
  • 16. EA Framework • It’s a disciplines/guidelines for defining and maintaining the architecture models, governance and transition initiatives needed to effectively co-ordinate disparate groups towards common business and IT goals. • It also links an enterprise's business strategy to its change programs through the definition of: – Architecture models – to capture the intended structures and serve as a blueprint for technology investment. – Mechanisms – such as architecture governance and transition planning to help plan and coordinate all parts of the business and ensure that they all pull in the same direction. 16
  • 18. EA Framework • Many EA frameworks have been published such as: – Zachman Framework – TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) – FEAF (US Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework) – DoDAF/MoDAF (US Department of Defense / Ministry of Defense Architecture Framework) Each FRAMEWORK has its own Methods, Techniques & Tools 18
  • 19. Domains in EA Framework 19
  • 20. Architecture Relationships The Business Architecture is the result of defining the • business strategies, • processes, and • functional requirements. The Application Architecture focused on developing and/or implementing applications to fulfill the business requirements and to achieve the quality that meet business goals. The Information Architecture describes the data’s physical and logical aspects and the management of the data resources for supporting the business processes and functions of the enterprise. The Technical Architecture The Product Architecture identifies standards and identifies and plans the configurations for the enabling computing services that form technologies and products within the Technical the technical infrastructure for Architecture. the enterprise.
  • 23. Zachman Framework • It is an intersection between two classical schemas: – The first is the fundamentals of communication found in the primitive interrogatives: What, How, When, Who, Where, and Why. It is the integration of answers to these questions that enables the comprehensive, composite description of complex ideas. – The second is derived from reification, the transformation of an abstract idea into an instantiation that was initially postulated by ancient Greek philosophers and is labeled in The Zachman Framework™: Identification, Definition, Representation, Specification, Configuration and Instantiation. 23
  • 24. Zachman Framework Six Perspectives • Scope (Planner’s Perspective) – The planner is concerned with positioning the product in the context of its environment, including specifying its scope. • Enterprise Model (Owner’s Perspective) – The owner is interested in the business deliverable and how it will be used. • System Model (Designer’s Perspective) – The designer works with the specifications for the product to ensure that it will, in fact, fulfill the owner’s expectations. • Technology Model (Builder’s Perspective) – The builder manages the process of assembling and fabricating the components in the production of the product. • Detailed Representations (Subcontractor’s Perspective) – The subcontractor fabricates out-of-context components which meet the builder’s specifications. • Functional Representations (Operator’s Perspective) – The operator validates the usability and performance of the product.
  • 25. Zachman Framework Six Perspectives • Scope (Planner’s Perspective) – The planner is concerned with positioning the product in the context of its Business environment, including specifying its scope. Analyst • Enterprise Model (Owner’s Perspective) – The owner is interested in the business deliverable and how it will be used. System • System Model (Designer’s Perspective) Analyst – The designer works with the specifications for the product to ensure that it will, in fact, fulfill the owner’s expectations. Technical • Technology Model (Builder’s Perspective) Engineer – The builder manages the process of assembling and fabricating the components in the production of the product. Developers • Detailed Representations (Subcontractor’s Perspective) – The subcontractor fabricates out-of-context components which meet the builder’s specifications. End users • Functional Representations (Operator’s Perspective) – The operator validates the usability and performance of the product.
  • 26. Zachman Framework Six Dimensions • Data (What?) – Each of the rows in this column address the understanding of, and dealing with, any enterprise’s data. • Function (How?) – The rows in the function column describe the process of translating the mission of the enterprise into successively more detailed definitions of its operations. • Network (Where?) – This column is concerned with the geographical distribution of the enterprise’s activities. • People (Who?) – The fourth column describes who is involved in the business and in the introduction of new technology. • Time (When?) – The fifth column describes the effects of time on the enterprise. • Motivation (Why?) – This domain is concerned with the translation of business goals and strategies into specific ends and means.
  • 27. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA En terp rise D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON B ased o n wo rk b y Arch itectu re Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why Jo h n A. Z ach man S C OPE T hings Im portant Proc ess es Bus iness Im portant Ev ents Signific ant Bus iness Goals S C OPE (C ON TEX TU AL ) to the B us ines s Perform ed locations O rganiz ations to the B us iness and Strategy (C ON TEX TU AL ) Plan n er E ntity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor P eople = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plan n er B us iness T hing Bus iness Process Bus iness Loc ations O rganiz ations B us iness Ev ent M ajor Bus ines s G oals EN TER PR I S E S em antic M odel Bus iness Process Bus iness Logis tic s Work F low M odel M as ter Sc hedule Bus iness P lan EN TER PR I S E M OD EL M odel Sy s tem M OD EL (C ON C EPTU AL ) (C ON C EPTU AL ) Own er E nt = Bus ines s Entity Proc = B us iness Process N ode = Bus iness Loc ation P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e Own er R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es Link = Bus iness Link age Work = Work Produc t Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le M eans = Bus ines s Strategy S YS TEM M OD EL Logic al Data Applic ation Dis tributed Sy s tem Hum an Interfac e P roc ess ing Bus iness R ule S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) M odel Arc hitec ture Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture M odel (L OGI C AL ) D esig n er E nt = Data Entity Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion P eople = Role T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent End = Struc tural A ss ertion D esig n er R el = Data Relations hip I/O = U ser View s Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle M eans = Ac tion As sertion TEC H N OL O GY P hy s ical Data Sy s tem T ec hnology P res entation C ontrol R ule TEC H N OL O GY M OD EL M odel Des ign Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture Des ign M OD EL (PH YSI C AL ) (PH YSI C AL ) B u ild er E nt = Segm ent/T able Proc = C om puter F unc tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er T ime = Ex ec ute End = C ondition B u ild er R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Ac tion D ET AI L ED Data Program N etw ork S ec urity T im ing R ule D ET AI L ED R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture Definition Des ign R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) Su b - C on tracto r E nt = F ield Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es P eople = Identity T ime = Interrupt End = Sub-C ondition Su b -C on tracto r R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = J ob Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle M eans = Step F U N C TI ONI N G Data F unc tion N etw ork O rganiz ation S chedule Strategy F U N C TI ONI N G EN TER PR I S E EN TER PR I S E E nt = Proc = N ode = P eople = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why 27
  • 28. Zachman Framework • Row 1 – Scope External Requirements and Drivers What How Where Who When Why Business Function Modeling 1 Contextual Contextual Row 2 – Enterprise Model Business Process Models 2 Conceptual Conceptual Row 3 – System Model 3 Logical Logical Logical Models 4 Physical Physical Requirements Definition Row 4 – Technology Model 5 As Built As Built Physical Models 6 Functioning Functioning Solution Definition and Development What How Where Who When Why Row 5 – As Built As Built Deployment Row 6 – Functioning Enterprise Functioning Enterprise Evaluation 28
  • 29. Framework Rules Basic Model = Entities and Relationships Entity Relationship Entity • Rule 1: Columns have no order Rule 2: What How Where Who When Why Each column has a simple, basic model Contextual Contextual Rule 3: Conceptual Conceptual Basic model of each column is unique Logical Logical Rule 4: Each row represents a distinct view Physical Physical Rule 5: As Built As Built Each cell is unique Functioning Functioning Rule 6: What How Where Who When Why Combining the cells in one row forms a complete description from that view 29
  • 30. Zachman Framework – Row 1 Scope/Planner’s View • Motivation/Why • External Business goals, objectives and performance measures related to each function Requirements and Drivers Function/How High-level business functions • Business Function Data/What Modeling High-level data classes related to each What How Where Who When Why function 1 Contextual Contextual People/Who Stakeholders related to each function Conceptual Conceptual Logical Logical Network/Where Locations related to each function Physical Physical As Built As Built Time/When Cycles and events related to each Functioning Functioning function What How Where Who When Why 30
  • 31. Zachman Framework – Row 2 Enterprise Model/Designer’s View • Motivation/Why Policies, procedures and standards for each • Business Process Models process • Business Function Function/How Allocation Business processes • Elimination of Function Data/What Overlap and Ambiguity Business data What How Where Who When Why Contextual Contextual People/Who Roles and responsibilities in each 2 Conceptual Conceptual process Logical Logical Network/Where Locations related to each process Physical Physical As Built As Built Time/When Events for each process and sequencing Functioning Functioning of integration and process improvements What How Where Who When Why 31
  • 32. Zachman Framework – Row 3 System Model/Designer’s View • Motivation/Why Policies, standards and procedures • Logical Models associated with a business rule model • Project Management Function/How Logical representation of information systems and their relationships • Requirements Data/What Definition Logical data models of data and data What How Where Who When Why relationships underlying information Contextual Contextual People/Who Logical representation of access privileges Conceptual Conceptual constrained by roles and responsibilities 3 Logical Logical Network/Where Logical representation of the distributed Physical Physical system architecture for locations As Built As Built Time/When Logical events and their triggered responses Functioning Functioning constrained by business events and their responses What How Where Who When Why 32
  • 33. Zachman Framework – Row 4 Technology Model/Builder’s View • Motivation/Why Business rules constrained by information • Physical Models systems standards • Technology Function/How Management Specifications of applications that operate on particular technology platforms • Solution Definition Data/What and Development Database management system (DBMS) type What How Where Who When Why requirements constrained by logical data models Contextual Contextual People/Who Specification of access privileges to Conceptual Conceptual specific platforms and technologies Logical Logical Network/Where Specification of network devices and their 4 Physical Physical relationships within physical boundaries As Built As Built Time/When Specification of triggers to respond to system Functioning Functioning events on specific platforms and technologies What How Where Who When Why 33
  • 34. Zachman Framework – Row 5 As Built/Integrator’s View • Motivation/Why • As Built Business rules constrained by specific technology standards • Configuration Function/How Programs coded to operate on specific Management technology platforms Data/What • Deployment Data definitions constrained by physical What How Where Who When Why data models Contextual Contextual People/Who Access privileges coded to control access Conceptual Conceptual to specific platforms and technologies Logical Logical Network/Where Network devices configured to conform to Physical Physical node specifications 5 As Built As Built Time/When Timing definitions coded to sequence Functioning Functioning activities on specific platforms and technologies What How Where Who When Why 34
  • 35. Zachman Framework – Row 6 Functioning Enterprise/User’s View • Functioning • Motivation/Why Operating characteristics of specific Enterprise technologies constrained by standards • Operations Function/How Functioning computer instructions Management Data/What • Evaluation Data values stored in actual databases What How Where Who When Why Contextual Contextual People/Who Personnel and key stakeholders Conceptual Conceptual working within their roles and responsibilities Logical Logical Network/Where Sending and receiving messages Physical Physical Integrated Integrated Time/When Timing definitions operating to sequence 6 Functioning Functioning activities What How Where Who When Why 35
  • 36. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA Enterprise DATA F UNCTI ON NETW ORK PEOPLE TI ME MOTI VATI ON Based on work b y Architectu re What Ho w Where Who When Why Jo hn A. Z achman S COPE T hings Im portant Process es Business Im portant Ev ents Significant Bus iness Goals S COPE (CONTEX TUAL) to the Bus ines s Perform ed locations Organiz ations to the Business and Strategy (CONTEX TUAL) Planner Entity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor People = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plann er Business T hing Business Process Business Locations Organiz ations Bus iness Ev ent M ajor Bus iness Goals ENTERPRI S E Sem antic M odel Business Process Business Logis tic s Work Flow M odel M as ter Schedule Bus iness Plan ENTERPRI S E MOD EL M odel Sy stem MODEL (CONCEPTU AL) (C ONCEPTU AL) Owner Ent = Bus iness Entity Proc = Business Process N ode = Business Loc ation People = Organization Unit T ime = Bus in ess Ev ent End = Bus in ess O bjec tiv e Own er R el = Bus iness R elationship I/O = Bus iness R esourc es Link = Bus iness Link age Work = Work Product Cyc le = Business Cycle M eans = Business Strategy S YS TEM MODEL Logical Data Application Dis tributed Sys tem Hum an Interface Processing Bus iness R ule S YS TEM MODEL (LOGI CAL ) M odel Arc hitec ture Arc hitec ture Arc hitecture Structure M odel (L OGI CAL) Design er Ent = Data Entity Proc = Applic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion People = Role T ime = Sys tem Event End = Structural Assertion Design er R el = Data Relations hip I/O = U ser View s Link = Line C haracteris tics Work = Deliv erable Cyc le = Process ing Cycle M eans = Action As sertion TECH NOLO GY Phys ical Data Sy stem T echnology Presentation C ontrol R ule TECHNOLO GY MOD EL M odel Design Arc hitec ture Arc hitecture Structure Des ign MODEL (PHYSI CAL) (PHYSI CAL) Build er Ent = Segm ent/Table Proc = C om puter Func tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are People = Us er T ime = Ex ecute End = C ondition Builder R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents/Sets Link = Line Spec ifications Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Action DETAI LED Data Program N etw ork Sec urity T im ing R ule DETAI LED REPRES ENTATI ONS Definition Arc hitec ture Arc hitecture Definition Des ign REPRES ENTATI ONS (OUT-OF -CONTE XT) (OUT-OF -CONTE XT) Sub-Contractor Ent = Field Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es People = Identity T ime = Interrupt End = Sub-C ondition Su b-Contractor R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = Job Cyc le = M ac hine Cycle M eans = Step FUNCTI ONI NG Data F unc tion N etw ork Organiz ation Schedule Strategy FUNCTI ONI NG ENTERPRI S E ENTERPRI S E Ent = Proc = N ode = People = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = DATA F UNCTI ON NETW ORK PEOPLE TI ME MOTI VATI ON What Ho w Where Who When Why
  • 37. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA En terp rise D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON B ased o n wo rk b y Arch itectu re Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why Jo h n A. Z ach man S C OPE T hings Im portant Proc ess es Bus iness Im portant Ev ents Signific ant Bus iness Goals S C OPE (C ON TEX TU AL ) to the B us ines s Perform ed locations O rganiz ations to the B us iness and Strategy (C ON TEX TU AL ) Plan n er E ntity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor P eople = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plan n er B us iness T hing Bus iness Process Bus iness Loc ations O rganiz ations B us iness Ev ent M ajor Bus ines s G oals EN TER PR I S E S em antic M odel Bus iness Process Bus iness Logis tic s Work F low M odel M as ter Sc hedule Bus iness P lan EN TER PR I S E M OD EL M odel Sy s tem M OD EL (C ON C EPTU AL ) List of (C ON C EPTU AL ) Own er E nt = Bus ines s Entity Proc = B us iness Process R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es N ode = Bus iness Loc ation Link = Bus iness Link age business P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent Work = Work Produc t Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e M eans = Bus ines s Strategy Own er Logic al Data Applic ation Dis tributed Sy s tem Hum an Interfac e P roc ess ing Bus iness R ule S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) M odel Arc hitec ture Arc hitec ture process A rc hitec ture S truc ture M odel S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) D esig n er E nt = Data Entity Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion P eople = Role T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent End = Struc tural A ss ertion D esig n er R el = Data Relations hip I/O = U ser View s Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle M eans = Ac tion As sertion TEC H N OL O GY P hy s ical Data Sy s tem T ec hnology P res entation C ontrol R ule TEC H N OL O GY M OD EL M odel Des ign Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture Des ign M OD EL (PH YSI C AL ) (PH YSI C AL ) B u ild er E nt = Segm ent/T able Proc = C om puter F unc tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er T ime = Ex ec ute End = C ondition B u ild er R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Ac tion D ET AI L ED Data Program N etw ork S ec urity T im ing R ule D ET AI L ED R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture Definition Des ign R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) Su b - C on tracto r E nt = F ield Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es P eople = Identity T ime = Interrupt End = Sub-C ondition Su b -C on tracto r R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = J ob Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle M eans = Step F U N C TI ONI N G Data F unc tion N etw ork O rganiz ation S chedule Strategy F U N C TI ONI N G EN TER PR I S E EN TER PR I S E E nt = Proc = N ode = P eople = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why 37
  • 38. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA En terp rise D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON B ased o n wo rk b y Arch itectu re Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why Jo h n A. Z ach man S C OPE T hings Im portant Proc ess es Bus iness Im portant Ev ents Signific ant Bus iness Goals S C OPE (C ON TEX TU AL ) to the B us ines s Perform ed locations O rganiz ations to the B us iness and Strategy (C ON TEX TU AL ) Plan n er E ntity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor P eople = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plan n er B us iness T hing Bus iness Process Bus iness Loc ations O rganiz ations B us iness Ev ent M ajor Bus ines s G oals EN TER PR I S E S em antic M odel Bus iness Process Bus iness Logis tic s Work F low M odel M as ter Sc hedule Bus iness P lan EN TER PR I S E M OD EL M odel Sy s tem M OD EL (C ON C EPTU AL ) (C ON C EPTU AL ) Own er E nt = Bus ines s Entity Proc = B us iness Process N ode = Bus iness Loc ation P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e Own er S YS TEM M OD EL R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es Logic al Data Applic ation List of things Link = Bus iness Link age Dis tributed Sy s tem Work = Work Produc t Hum an Interfac e Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le P roc ess ing M eans = Bus ines s Strategy Bus iness R ule S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) M odel Arc hitec ture (data, material) Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture M odel (L OGI C AL ) D esig n er E nt = Data Entity Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion P eople = Role T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent End = Struc tural A ss ertion D esig n er R el = Data Relations hip I/O = U ser View s Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle M eans = Ac tion As sertion TEC H N OL O GY P hy s ical Data Sy s tem T ec hnology P res entation C ontrol R ule TEC H N OL O GY M OD EL M odel Des ign Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture Des ign M OD EL (PH YSI C AL ) (PH YSI C AL ) B u ild er E nt = Segm ent/T able Proc = C om puter F unc tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er T ime = Ex ec ute End = C ondition B u ild er R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Ac tion D ET AI L ED Data Program N etw ork S ec urity T im ing R ule D ET AI L ED R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture Definition Des ign R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) Su b - C on tracto r E nt = F ield Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es P eople = Identity T ime = Interrupt End = Sub-C ondition Su b -C on tracto r R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = J ob Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle M eans = Step F U N C TI ONI N G Data F unc tion N etw ork O rganiz ation S chedule Strategy F U N C TI ONI N G EN TER PR I S E EN TER PR I S E E nt = Proc = N ode = P eople = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why 38
  • 39. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA En terp rise D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON B ased o n wo rk b y Arch itectu re Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why Jo h n A. Z ach man S C OPE T hings Im portant Proc ess es Bus iness Im portant Ev ents Signific ant Bus iness Goals S C OPE (C ON TEX TU AL ) to the B us ines s Perform ed locations O rganiz ations to the B us iness and Strategy (C ON TEX TU AL ) Plan n er E ntity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor P eople = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plan n er B us iness T hing Bus iness Process Bus iness Loc ations O rganiz ations B us iness Ev ent M ajor Bus ines s G oals EN TER PR I S E S em antic M odel Bus iness Process Bus iness Logis tic s Work F low M odel M as ter Sc hedule Bus iness P lan EN TER PR I S E M OD EL M odel Sy s tem M OD EL (C ON C EPTU AL ) (C ON C EPTU AL ) Own er E nt = Bus ines s Entity Proc = B us iness Process R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es N ode = Bus iness Loc ation Link = Bus iness Link age Work = Work Produc t List of P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e M eans = Bus ines s Strategy Own er S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) Logic al Data M odel Applic ation Arc hitec ture Dis tributed Sy s tem Arc hitec ture Hum an Interfac e A rc hitec ture geographic P roc ess ing S truc ture Bus iness R ule M odel S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) locations D esig n er E nt = Data Entity Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion P eople = Role T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent End = Struc tural A ss ertion D esig n er R el = Data Relations hip I/O = U ser View s Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle M eans = Ac tion As sertion TEC H N OL O GY P hy s ical Data Sy s tem T ec hnology P res entation C ontrol R ule TEC H N OL O GY M OD EL M odel Des ign Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture Des ign M OD EL (PH YSI C AL ) (PH YSI C AL ) B u ild er E nt = Segm ent/T able Proc = C om puter F unc tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er T ime = Ex ec ute End = C ondition B u ild er R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Ac tion D ET AI L ED Data Program N etw ork S ec urity T im ing R ule D ET AI L ED R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture Definition Des ign R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) Su b - C on tracto r E nt = F ield Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es P eople = Identity T ime = Interrupt End = Sub-C ondition Su b -C on tracto r R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = J ob Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle M eans = Step F U N C TI ONI N G Data F unc tion N etw ork O rganiz ation S chedule Strategy F U N C TI ONI N G EN TER PR I S E EN TER PR I S E E nt = Proc = N ode = P eople = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why 39
  • 40. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA En terp rise D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON B ased o n wo rk b y Arch itectu re Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why Jo h n A. Z ach man S C OPE T hings Im portant Proc ess es Bus iness Im portant Ev ents Signific ant Bus iness Goals S C OPE (C ON TEX TU AL ) to the B us ines s Perform ed locations O rganiz ations to the B us iness and Strategy (C ON TEX TU AL ) Plan n er E ntity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor P eople = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plan n er B us iness T hing Bus iness Process Bus iness Loc ations O rganiz ations B us iness Ev ent M ajor Bus ines s G oals EN TER PR I S E S em antic M odel Bus iness Process Bus iness Logis tic s Work F low M odel M as ter Sc hedule Bus iness P lan EN TER PR I S E M OD EL M odel Sy s tem M OD EL (C ON C EPTU AL ) List of (C ON C EPTU AL ) Own er E nt = Bus ines s Entity Proc = B us iness Process R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es N ode = Bus iness Loc ation Link = Bus iness Link age P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent Work = Work Produc t organizationtiv e Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le End = Bus iness O bjec M eans = Bus ines s Strategy Own er S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) Logic al Data M odel Applic ation Arc hitec ture Dis tributed Sy s tem Arc hitec ture Hum an Interfac e A rc hitec ture P roc ess ing S truc ture unitsiness R roles Bus M odel & ule S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) D esig n er E nt = Data Entity Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion P eople = Role T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent End = Struc tural A ss ertion D esig n er R el = Data Relations hip I/O = U ser View s Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle M eans = Ac tion As sertion TEC H N OL O GY P hy s ical Data Sy s tem T ec hnology P res entation C ontrol R ule TEC H N OL O GY M OD EL M odel Des ign Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture Des ign M OD EL (PH YSI C AL ) (PH YSI C AL ) B u ild er E nt = Segm ent/T able Proc = C om puter F unc tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er T ime = Ex ec ute End = C ondition B u ild er R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Ac tion D ET AI L ED Data Program N etw ork S ec urity T im ing R ule D ET AI L ED R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture Definition Des ign R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) Su b - C on tracto r E nt = F ield Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es P eople = Identity T ime = Interrupt End = Sub-C ondition Su b -C on tracto r R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = J ob Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle M eans = Step F U N C TI ONI N G Data F unc tion N etw ork O rganiz ation S chedule Strategy F U N C TI ONI N G EN TER PR I S E EN TER PR I S E E nt = Proc = N ode = P eople = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why 40
  • 41. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA En terp rise D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON B ased o n wo rk b y Arch itectu re Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why Jo h n A. Z ach man S C OPE T hings Im portant Proc ess es Bus iness Im portant Ev ents Signific ant Bus iness Goals S C OPE (C ON TEX TU AL ) to the B us ines s Perform ed locations O rganiz ations to the B us iness and Strategy (C ON TEX TU AL ) Plan n er E ntity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor P eople = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plan n er B us iness T hing Bus iness Process Bus iness Loc ations O rganiz ations B us iness Ev ent M ajor Bus ines s G oals EN TER PR I S E S em antic M odel Bus iness Process Bus iness Logis tic s Work F low M odel M as ter Sc hedule Bus iness P lan EN TER PR I S E M OD EL M odel Sy s tem M OD EL (C ON C EPTU AL ) (C ON C EPTU AL ) List of Own er E nt = Bus ines s Entity Proc = B us iness Process N ode = Bus iness Loc ation P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es Link = Bus iness Link age Work = Work Produc t Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le events, Own er M eans = Bus ines s Strategy S YS TEM M OD EL Logic al Data Applic ation Dis tributed Sy s tem Hum an Interfac e P roc ess ing Bus iness R ule (L OGI C AL ) M odel Arc hitec ture Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture M odel triggers(L OGIODAL ) S YS TEM M C EL D esig n er E nt = Data Entity Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion P eople = Role T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent End = Struc tural A ss ertion D esig n er R el = Data Relations hip I/O = U ser View s Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle M eans = Ac tion As sertion TEC H N OL O GY P hy s ical Data Sy s tem T ec hnology P res entation C ontrol R ule TEC H N OL O GY M OD EL M odel Des ign Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture Des ign M OD EL (PH YSI C AL ) (PH YSI C AL ) B u ild er E nt = Segm ent/T able Proc = C om puter F unc tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er T ime = Ex ec ute End = C ondition B u ild er R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Ac tion D ET AI L ED Data Program N etw ork S ec urity T im ing R ule D ET AI L ED R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture Definition Des ign R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) Su b - C on tracto r E nt = F ield Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es P eople = Identity T ime = Interrupt End = Sub-C ondition Su b -C on tracto r R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = J ob Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle M eans = Step F U N C TI ONI N G Data F unc tion N etw ork O rganiz ation S chedule Strategy F U N C TI ONI N G EN TER PR I S E EN TER PR I S E E nt = Proc = N ode = P eople = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why 41
  • 42. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA En terp rise D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON B ased o n wo rk b y Arch itectu re Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why Jo h n A. Z ach man S C OPE T hings Im portant Proc ess es Bus iness Im portant Ev ents Signific ant Bus iness Goals S C OPE (C ON TEX TU AL ) to the B us ines s Perform ed locations O rganiz ations to the B us iness and Strategy (C ON TEX TU AL ) Plan n er E ntity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor P eople = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plan n er B us iness T hing Bus iness Process Bus iness Loc ations O rganiz ations B us iness Ev ent M ajor Bus ines s G oals EN TER PR I S E S em antic M odel Bus iness Process Bus iness Logis tic s Work F low M odel M as ter Sc hedule Bus iness P lan EN TER PR I S E M OD EL M odel Sy s tem M OD EL (C ON C EPTU AL ) (C ON C EPTU AL ) Own er E nt = Bus ines s Entity Proc = B us iness Process N ode = Bus iness Loc ation P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e Own er R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es Link = Bus iness Link age Work = Work Produc t Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le M eans = Bus ines s Strategy S YS TEM M OD EL Logic al Data Applic ation Dis tributed Sy s tem Hum an Interfac e P roc ess ing Bus iness R ule S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) M odel Arc hitec ture Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture M odel (L OGI C AL ) D esig n er E nt = Data Entity Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion P eople = Role T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent End = Struc tural A ss ertion D esig n er R el = Data Relations hip I/O = U ser View s Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle M eans = Ac tion As sertion TEC H N OL O GY P hy s ical Data Sy s tem T ec hnology P res entation C ontrol R ule TEC H N OL O GY M OD EL M odel Des ign Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture Des ign M OD EL (PH YSI C AL ) (PH YSI C AL ) B u ild er E nt = Segm ent/T able Proc = C om puter F unc tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er T ime = Ex ec ute End = C ondition B u ild er R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Ac tion D ET AI L ED Data Program N etw ork S ec urity T im ing R ule D ET AI L ED R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture Definition Des ign R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) Su b - C on tracto r E nt = F ield Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es P eople = Identity T ime = Interrupt End = Sub-C ondition Su b -C on tracto r R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = J ob Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle M eans = Step F U N C TI ONI N G Data F unc tion N etw ork O rganiz ation S chedule Strategy F U N C TI ONI N G EN TER PR I S E EN TER PR I S E E nt = Proc = N ode = P eople = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why 42
  • 43. Overview of the Zachman Framework VA En terp rise D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON B ased o n wo rk b y Arch itectu re Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why Jo h n A. Z ach man S C OPE T hings Im portant Proc ess es Bus iness Im portant Ev ents Signific ant Bus iness Goals S C OPE (C ON TEX TU AL ) to the B us ines s Perform ed locations O rganiz ations to the B us iness and Strategy (C ON TEX TU AL ) Plan n er E ntity = C lass of F unc tion = C lass of N ode = M ajor P eople = Major T ime = M ajor Ends/Means = Plan n er B us iness T hing Bus iness Process Bus iness Loc ations O rganiz ations B us iness Ev ent M ajor Bus ines s G oals EN TER PR I S E S em antic M odel Bus iness Process Bus iness Logis tic s Work F low M odel M as ter Sc hedule Bus iness P lan EN TER PR I S E M OD EL M odel Sy s tem M OD EL (C ON C EPTU AL ) (C ON C EPTU AL ) Own er E nt = Bus ines s Entity Proc = B us iness Process N ode = Bus iness Loc ation P eople = Organiz ation Unit T ime = Bus iness Ev ent End = Bus iness O bjec tiv e Own er R el = Bus ines s R elationship I/O = Bus iness R es ourc es Link = Bus iness Link age Work = Work Produc t Cyc le = B us iness Cyc le M eans = Bus ines s Strategy S YS TEM M OD EL Logic al Data Applic ation Dis tributed Sy s tem Hum an Interfac e P roc ess ing Bus iness R ule S YS TEM M OD EL (L OGI C AL ) M odel Arc hitec ture Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture M odel (L OGI C AL ) D esig n er E nt = Data Entity Proc = A pplic ation Func tion N ode = IS F unc tion ProcessP eople = Role T ime = Sy s tem Ev ent End = Struc tural A ss ertion D esig n er TEC H N OL O GY R el = Data Relations hip P hy s ical Data I/O = U ser View s Sy s tem T ec hnology model Link = Line C harac teris tic s Work = Deliv erable P res entation Cyc le = P roc ess ing Cy cle C ontrol M eans = Ac tion As sertion R ule TEC H N OL O GY M OD EL M odel Des ign Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture S truc ture Des ign M OD EL (PH YSI C AL ) (PH YSI C AL ) B u ild er E nt = Segm ent/T able Proc = C om puter F unc tion N ode = Hardw are/Softw are P eople = Us er T ime = Ex ec ute End = C ondition B u ild er R el = Pointer/Key I/O = Data Elem ents /Sets Link = Line S pec ific ations Work = Screen F orm at Cyc le = C om ponent Cy c le M eans = Ac tion D ET AI L ED Data Program N etw ork S ec urity T im ing R ule D ET AI L ED R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S Definition Arc hitec ture A rc hitec ture Definition Des ign R EPR ES EN T ATI ON S (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) (OU T-OF -C ON TE XT) Su b - C on tracto r E nt = F ield Proc = Language Statem ent N ode = Addres s es P eople = Identity ProcessEnd = Sub-C ondition T ime = Interrupt of insurance claim tracto r Su b -C on R el = Address I/O = C ontrol Block Link = Protoc ols Work = J ob Cyc le = M ac hine Cy cle M eans = Step F U N C TI ONI N G Data F unc tion N etw ork O rganiz ation S chedule Strategy F U N C TI ONI N G EN TER PR I S E EN TER PR I S E E nt = Proc = N ode = P eople = T ime = End = R el = I/O = Link = Work = Cyc le = M eans = D AT A F U N C TI ON N ETW OR K PEOPL E TI M E M OTI VA TI ON Wh at How W h ere Who W h en Why 43