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CREATION DATE/TIME:    1-JULa-2002 09:52:20.00

SUBJECT: : Weekend News Clips   -   June 29th & 30th      ( [ UNKNOWN

TO:Popkin.Roy~epamail.epa.govC Papkin.Roy(        [ UNKNOWN I

TO:Chiclc.Kelly~epamail.epa.govC [ UNKNOWN I

TO:Berger.Diafle( (       [ UNKNOWNI

TO:Trovato.Ramoflagepamail.epa.govC          [ UNKNOWNI

TO:samnuel- a.    (samuel_a. [UNKNOWN
READ :UNKNOWN ( Basile.Tom(       UNKNOWN

TO:Cooper.Nildred~epamail       C Cooper.Mildred~epamail.epa.gflv [ UNKNOWN I
READ :UNKNOWN      ( Jaeger.Lisa~epamail.epa.gCv [ UNKNOWN I

TO:Deleon.Dona~epamfail.epa.govC [ UNKNOWN I

TO:Evans.Cary~epamfail.epa.govC [ UNKNOWN

TO:Rass.William~epamail.epaigov       C I UNKNOWN I
READ :UNKNOWN       Torma.Tim~epamail.epa.Qov    [ UNKNOWN I

TO:Walker.Jafl~epamfaiJ.epa.govC        C UNKNOWN I

file://DSEARCH_9_11_02 02 CEQFG1LFSOO3 CEQ.TXT                                         6/9/2006
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TO:Kalla.Patty(? (         [ UNKNOWN I
READ :UNKNOWN ( Makris.Jim~epamail.epa.gCv           [ UNKNOWN I

TO:Duteau.Helefl~epamail.epa.9ov      C E UNKNOWNI

TO:Carter.Doflfellgepamfail ( Carter.Donfele1epama~l [UNKNOWN I
READ :UNKNOWN      Co~nklin.Craig~epamlail~.epa-gov [ UNKNOWN I

TO;Cantor.Maura( [ UNKNOWN I

 TO:Mackinnfofl.Kathleefl~epamail   C Mackinnon.Kathl~eef~epamail [ UNKNOWN

 TOBretAde~pmi~p~o                      ( Bunt.nrwepmi~p~o                    ( UNKNOWN I

 TOBakunEiaet~pmi~p~o                         C Blcbr.lzbtgpmi~p~o                       [ UNKNO

 TO:John L. Howard Jr.    C CN=John L. Howard Jr./OU=CEQ/O=EOP@EOP [ CEOQ

 file://D:SEARCH_9_11_02-02_CEQF~_GlLF80O3 CEQ.TXT                                     6/9/2006
Page 3 oft8

READ:UNKNOWN   ( OtiS.Rick~epamfail.epa.gCv [ UNKNOWNI

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                                         (Horton.Ashl-ey~epamail.epa~gov              [ UNKNOWN    I

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 TOBwe.akepmi~p~o                      C BolsJc~pmi~p~o                             UNKNOWN I

 TOMni.ukr~pmi~p~o                          McnelTcereaal~p~                           [ UNKNOWN
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  file://D:SEARCII_9_11-02-02_CEQF_GILF8003_CEQ.TXT                                                    6/9/2006
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READ :UNKNOWN                     ( Hope.Brian~epamail.epa.9ov [ UNKNOWNI

(See attached file: INDEX - June 29th & 30th, 2002.wpd)
attached file: Weekend Edition EPA NEWS CLIPS - June 29th & 30th,
2002 .html)
                                      - Weekend Edition EPA NEWS CLIPS                                                    -June      29th &
 - INDEX - June 29th & 30th, 2002.wpd
ATT CREATION  TIME/DATE:  0 00:00:00.00

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CAR Email 4.01.02

  • 1. Cl' hills zsq Pagel of8l RECORD TYPE: FEDERAL (NOTES MAIL) ( [ UNKNOWN I CREATION DATE/TIME: 1-JULa-2002 09:52:20.00 SUBJECT: : Weekend News Clips - June 29th & 30th ( [ UNKNOWN READ :UNKNOWN TO:Popkin.Roy~epamail.epa.govC Papkin.Roy( [ UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN TO:Chiclc.Kelly~epamail.epa.govC [ UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN ( [ UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN TO:Berger.Diafle( ( [ UNKNOWNI READ :UNKNOWN TO:Trovato.Ramoflagepamail.epa.govC [ UNKNOWNI READ :UNKNOWN TO:samnuel- a. (samuel_a. [UNKNOWN READ :UNKNOWN ( Basile.Tom( UNKNOWN READ :UNKNOWN C [UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN TO:Cooper.Nildred~epamail C Cooper.Mildred~epamail.epa.gflv [ UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN ( Jaeger.Lisa~epamail.epa.gCv [ UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN ( [ UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN TO:Deleon.Dona~epamfail.epa.govC [ UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN TO:Evans.Cary~epamfail.epa.govC [ UNKNOWN READ :UNKNOWN C UNKNOWNI READ: UNKNOWN TO:Rass.William~epamail.epaigov C I UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN Torma.Tim~epamail.epa.Qov [ UNKNOWN I READ :UNKNOWN TO:Walker.Jafl~epamfaiJ.epa.govC C UNKNOWN I file://DSEARCH_9_11_02 02 CEQFG1LFSOO3 CEQ.TXT 6/9/2006
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  • 4. Page 4 of 81 READ :UNKNOWN ( Hope.Brian~epamail.epa.9ov [ UNKNOWNI READ :UNKNOWN TEXT: (See (See attached file: INDEX - June 29th & 30th, 2002.wpd) attached file: Weekend Edition EPA NEWS CLIPS - June 29th & 30th, 2002 .html) - Weekend Edition EPA NEWS CLIPS -June 29th & - INDEX - June 29th & 30th, 2002.wpd ATT CREATION TIME/DATE: 0 00:00:00.00 TEXT: to ASCII, Unable to convert NSREOP0lO3:[ATTACH.D83)SREOP0l3008FLlG.00l The following is a HEX DUMP: 34 1DEBA675AI FF57 5 04 3 3 5 05 0 0 0 0 0 1OA0 2 01000000Q205000000FEOFOOO000020000AF2EAC 0 DC 4 4 DA28FD7l1E85ECA6AA8FA3 6 9 2 7 DD 2 3 E 6 075B49AB8D1D9D067D57FCB9657F9F0E12556537B 9 1 7 2 1 BFEO4D0 0 C BADA 2 B5 9 946A46CDEC2B636887B7E75214356B54D82170DC77E760EE6B E DE 3 1 460C8 7 5 OFAC65 7 8 DFA 9 CF 5 117B807D41597C7F6954CB71E863256FD9798BD60A47A7 4 9 B 259E D9 4 D2 EC 9 9 2 OE 4 OlB 7 9 A 8 5 2CC442910930E2B7FFCE65F8822E75D9E8E7C117A5CFOD 492 CE92AF ll 7 CF608BDBD 6 4 4 FDBD7ll52F6086C9063A82B342E74BBE78CFA12A7DE58A7CA 7 EB 9 09lA AF0 9 5 3 3 DD 5 2 A79OBC567A3096DD1631D7lB17C2CFCD85C76E378BD3605B4797F86 6 142 B F6 3 7A56B 8C 8 7 C9 81 CF 2 1 BE2324CC3DD9C9477E3531FE0597AC5BlB2E744A7A6A998AD 9 7 3 6 9 2F96 6 0 CD3 2 4 AF 9 6 F85Dl7D54C26200lC144480803989305FCFB475047DFD6B47131CCC 6 47 AA 6DFAC326OCF49DF OFlBDl3 A4 44B7E2E2D2FDA3780lD697FCA4F52449217DC88953A87CAF5 6 742 A EAACAA3l C8 3 2 AO 4 88 4 B 2 8 61BD8 4 FA54A4Dl030DD7A9A6794266D841FD6AE9E4FID9A5 F2C D8 6 Cl 7 2 FFlEBl 6 6AE6EE8933ADlCOE7DB87269E09S05323671311OC9DO89B2A3ECEB17l 3655 27 F D57E04BD 4 E2 FADE 6 OC8CD3F34C90D891CC6275F9090CB6F3F991076C3243623E 0000055 03000 6EDF78BA5A02000B0000000000000O000000000082301000000C10100009A020 40000 051 4 EOOOOOO 5 BO 4 0 0 0 0 0 925010ooooOO6000000A90400000B30020000003AOOOOOOAF0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0F400 OOOOOOOCOOOOOOE904000008770100000004000000F5040000083401000 080 2 010O000OOFOO00000D050000081001000000020000001CO50000096DOlO000100001 0 0 000 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 8 4 80 0 5 00020004C0061007300650072004A00650074002000360050000000000 O00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000o 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 oooooo000000ooooooo0ooooo0oo0oo00o0000o00oo00o00o00o00o00o00o0oooooooooffo0oooo 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 0064002C012C012C012CO12C0164002CO1300000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00005 A 0002800D61EC30E39080000110900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OO 1 BO 1 0 0 8Bl43600540069006D006500730020004E0065007700200052006F0E01FOO20 00004 008000 0052006500670075006C0061007200000000000000000001000200580201000 5553 00000000000000000000000000 000112FC9C2400A1000000A1000000D41C1200000200 1200 5 55 3 2 EO0 2 CO01 2 00D4636DE12ClOO200000000090000000000F256Dl2CO000OOOE361AD 00000 00OOOOOF51 O8002B30309DO0337CO0780001O2000000000000030200020000000 0 0 2 0 0 5 00 55552O2O1 8BFFOOOOCOCOCODDOA1000830104000300FC9C21100ODDD4lCl2 0 00 DD00O000000 OOD4DDOBOB00030000040B00DDD45Fl0000006000300000000011 2 0 0 0 0 1OD451800 OOD3D4lBlFOO87010200080020035C3D01001E03000058020200580 0 0 00000 1210D544444 4 E4 5 5 7 5 3 808080434C495053DO041500000B00090001B00400 5 4 4 5 8 3 23 0 E F ED 0 0 4 1 5 00000B00090001EA053A01010001201500D04A5 4 4 8 0 8 08 0 4 54 4 4 9 5 4 4 9 4 4 00 900 BOO0 02742201 2 C8 03 2 3 03 032 8026804A554E458033302C8032303032D00415000 0035 3 C D400020 2 O1 5 0 0 DOCCD 4 lB23008601020008005802F0580000580201001E0302002 3 3 OCF D0100BO9018A D4 D3 05 lOOOOE010OOO023DOOO000l000OD3CCF20CF2414952F 77 6 57286S7678 D4 O5 O5 0 0 0 1 2 01 5 0 D 4 F6E80486F72697A6F6E3A804D6F726580706F D 0 6 060010100O4 6 6 7 56D6 5 7 3 8 0 2 84E595429808080502E37D0041500000BO0090001700BC00 6/9/2006 file:/DASEARCH 9-11 02-02-CEQFG1LF8003_CEQ.TXT
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