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Mrs. P. Vadivukkarasi Ramanadin,
Asst. Professor,
Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing,
Mohali, Punjab.

    Normal labour and delivery is a physiologic
    process in which the attendant closely monitor
    the woman and fetus, with little medical
    Intervention required.

            Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     It is the process of expulsion of fetus, placenta
     and its membranes through the birth canal.

           Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

        Normal labor occurs
          at term,
          spontaneous in onset,
          fetus presenting by the vertex,
          it complete within 18 hours,
          no complication arise.

              Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

       First stage (or) Dilating stage
       Second stage (or) Pushing stage (or) pelvic

       Third stage (or) Placental stage
       Fourth stage (or) Recovery stage

          Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012



7   Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     It starts with regular and rhythmic uterine
     contractions till completion of full cervical
     dilatation (10cm).

           For primi gravida 16hrs to 18hrs.
           For multi gravida 6hsrs to 10hrs.

            Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

    3. Frequency of micturition
    4.Taking up of cervix and Cervical Effacement

            Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
Difference between True labor and False labor
       Niggling / Spurious labor / False labor                                True labor

     Uterine contraction :                                Uterine contraction :
         Not always present                                   Always present
         Lasts for 3 to 4 minutes                             Not exceed > 90 seconds
         Irregular                                            Regular and rhythmic
         Felt in lower back radiates to lower                 Felt in back or abdomen above navel
            Portion of abdomen
         May or may not be painful                             Abdominal tightening ,discomfort and
         Can stop with comfort measures                        Pain will not stop with comfort measures
         No back ache                                          May have back ache
         Intensity stop with position changes,                 Increase intensity with walking
     Cervix :                                             Cervix :
         No shortness , Soft                                 Shortening
         No dilatation                                       Dilatation
         No tensed membrane                                  Tensed membrane
         Posterior position                                  Anterior position
         No show                                             Show presents

     Fetus :                                              Fetus :
         No head engagement                                   Head engagement
10                     Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     Exact cause is unknown .

i ) Hormonal factors :
      Formation of Oxytocin receptors in uterine muscles by
  the influence of Estrogen . Which act with Prostaglandin
  secreted from Decidua and membrane triggers the uterine
  contraction. Emotional and physical stress stimulates
  Hypothalamus to release Oxytocin which triggers the
  uterine contraction .

ii ) Mechanical factors :
        Pressure exerted by presenting part to the os of cervix
   initiates uterine contraction Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing,

     Have 3 phases

         * Latent phases
         * Active phases
         * Transition phases

            Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
Criteria              Latent phase            Active phase            Transition phase
   Primi gravida        8 – 10 hrs            3 – 6 hrs               2 hrs
   Multi gravida        5 hrs                 4 hrs                   1 hr

   Strength           Mild – Moderate         Moderate – Strong       Strong – Very strong
   Rhythm             Irregular               More regular            Regular
   Frequency          5 – 30 mts              3 – 5 mts               2 – 3 mts
   Duration           30 – 45 seconds         40 – 70 seconds         45 - 90 seconds

Cervical dilatation   0 – 3 cm                4 – 7 cm                8 – 10 cm
                                              1.2 cm / hr in Primi    1 cm / hr in Primi
                                              1.5 cm / hr in Multi    2 cm / hr in Multi

Station of the head
   Primi gravida      0                       +2 cm                   +3 and above
   Multi gravida      -2 to 0 cm              +1 to +2 cm

Show                  Brownish Pale pink Pink to bloody               Bloody mucus
                      discharge                mucus

13               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab                8/25/2012



           Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     1.Fundal dominance
     3.Contraction and retraction
     4. Formation of upper and lower uterine segment
     5.Retraction Ring
     6.Cervical effacement
     7. Cervical dilatation
     8. Show

             Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

      1. Formation of the fore waters
      2. General fluid pressure
      3. Rupture of the membrane
      4. Fetal Axis pressure

           Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

        Show
        Uterine Contraction
        Rupture of membrane

           Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

18   Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

    Acute pain / Impaired comfort related to contraction –
     related hypoxia, dilatation of tissues and pressure on
     adjacent structures as evidenced by verbal reports,
     restlessness, muscle tension and narrowed focus

    Impaired urinary elimination related to altered intake,
     dehydration as evidenced by urinary retention / slow
     progression o f labour

    Fatigue related to discomfort / pain / increased energy
     requirement / altered coping ability
               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
Cont . . .

    Risk for mild anxiety related to situational crisis, unmet needs, stress

    Risk for ineffective coping (individual / couple) related to situational
     crises / personal vulnerability / use of ineffective coping mechanism /
     inadequate support system / pain

    Risk for decreased cardiac output related to decreased venous return /
     hypovolemia / changes in systemic vascular resistance

    Deficient knowledge regarding progression of labour and available
     options related to lack of exposure / recall /              information
     misinterpretation / evidenced by questions / statement of
     misinterpretation / inadequate follow through of instructions

                   Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
      1) Latent phase :

                •Complete     admission procedures
                •Physical   examination
                •Monitor   maternal vital signs
                •Monitor   FHR
                •Status   of amniotic fluid
                •Status   of membrane
                •Observe    voiding
                •Assess    coping ability
                •Encourage     walking
                •Encourage     visiting , watching TV
                •Encourage     relaxation
                •Change     position every ½ hours

                •Monitor   Cervicogram
                                                        Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab
8/25/2012       •Monitor   Partogram
2) Active phase

      •Continue     monitor maternal vital signs
      •Status   of amniotic fluid
      •Encourage      voiding every 1 hour
      •Observe     for full bladder
      •Asses    progress of labor
      •Provide    comfort measures
      •Moist   lips or give ice chips
      •Apply   cool , damp cloth to woman’s face
      •Keep    bed linens dry
               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
Cont . . .

     •Sacral   support
     •Oral   hygiene
     •Inform   the progress
     •Administer     medication if necessary
     •Explain   electronic fetal monitor
     •Encourage      breathing and relaxation technique
     •Frequent    perineal care
     •Protect   from aspiration and injury

             Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
3) Transition phase

        •Continue      the active phase management
        •Do   not allow alone
        •Accept     the behaviour of the mother
        •Change      chux ( pad ) frequently
        •Keep    bed linen dry
        •Get   blanket if cold

          Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

25    Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     It begins with full cervical dilatation (10cm) till the
     birth of the baby.

     DURATION : 
        Primi gravida - 2 hours.
        Multi gravida - 30 minutes.

               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
        Expulsive uterine contraction
        Rupture of the fore waters
        Dilatation and gaping of anus
        Appearance of present part
        Congestion of the vulva
        Show

               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     Have 3 phases

         * Latent phases / Propulsive phase
         * Active phases / Expulsive phase
         *Transition phases / Compulsive phase

            Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
Cont. . .

             Descend of the fetus 2 cm below from the os to the pelvic
             floor .

             Descend of the fetus from the os 2cm below to the vaginal
             outlet ( Crowning )

              Ferguson reflux : Pressure exerted by the presenting
                                part over the cervix causing involuntary
                                uterine contraction
            Birth of the baby from the vaginal outlet till extension .
                  Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     I Uterine action
          Contraction becomes stronger, longer but less frequent.
          Membranes rupture spontaneously.
          Consequent drainage of liquor allows the hard, round
           fetal head to be directly applied to the vaginal tissues
           and aid distension.
          Fetal axis pressure increasing the flexion of the head
           which results in smaller presenting diameter ,more rapid
           progress and less trauma to both mother and fetus.
          Expulsive contraction.
          Compulsive contraction
          Involuntary uterine contraction.
              Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
Cont . . .

II Soft tissue displacement :
      As the hard fetal head descend, the soft tissue of the
       pelvis become displace.
      Anteriorly the bladder is pushed upwards into the
       abdomen which cause stretching and thinning of the
      Posterioly the rectum becomes flattened into the
       sacral curve and the pressure of the advancing head
       expels any residual faecal matter.
      Laterly the Levator ani Muscles dilate and thins out
       and perineal body is flattened ,displaced ,stretched
       and thinned.     8/25/2012
                                   Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab
  As the fetus descends, soft tissue and bony structures exert pressures which
  force the fetus to negotiate the birth canal by a series of passive movements
  collectively known as Mechanism of labor.


         Descent takes place throughout the labor.
         Whichever part leads and first meets resistance of the pelvic floor
          will rotate forwards until it comes under the symphysis pubis.
         Whatever emerges from the pelvis will pivot around the public
                   Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
         Lie is longitudinal

        Attitude is one of good flexion
        Presentation is cephalic presentation
        Position is right or left occipito anterior
        Denominator is the occiput
        Presenting part is the posterior part of the anterior
         parietal bone
        Occiput pointing left / right ileo pectinal eminence
        Sagital sutures lies on right / left oblique diameter
        Presenting diameter is suboccipito frontal 10cm
 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab      8/25/2012

     1) Descend
     2) Flexion
     3) Internal rotation of the head
     4) Extension of the head
     5) Restitution
     6) Internal rotation of the shoulder
     7) External rotation of the head
     8)Lateral flexion of the body

             Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
Cont . . .
 1) Descend:
  In primi gravida it occurs during latter weeks of pregnancy

  It will be aided by

     Forces of uterine contraction and retraction
     Rupture of fore waters
     Full cervical dilatation
     Maternal efforts speeds progress
     Slope of the pelvic floor muscle

 2) Flexion:
  This increases throughout the labor

  Because of uterine contraction, fetal axis pressure will be exerted more on
    the occiput than the sinciput causing good flexion
  Because of flexion the suboccipito frontal 10cm is reduced into suboccipito
    bregmatic 9.5cm
  The occiput is the leading part
                 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
Cont . . .
 3) Internal rotation of the head:
  Because of gutter – shaped and slope of pelvic floor gives resistance

  The slope of the pelvic floor determines the direction of rotation

  The second principle applied. The occiput is the leading part and meets
    the pelvic floor resistance and it will rotate 1/8 of the circle forward until
    it comes under the symphysis pubis.
  Because of internal rotation there is a twist at the neck.

  The sagital suture move from right or left oblique to Antero – posterior

 4) Crowning:
  The occiput slips beneath the sub-pubic arch and crowning take place

  The presenting part engages the vaginal outlet and it will not recede
  The sub-occipito bregmatic diameter 9.5cm distends the vaginal outlet.

                 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
Cont . . .

 5) Extension of the head:
  Once crowning occur fetal head can extend

  Third principle applied

  The fetal head pivot around the the pubic bone

  This releases sinciput, face and chin sweeps the perineum and born by a
    movement of extension.
  The suboccipito frontal diameter 10cm distends the vaginal outlet

 6) Restitution:
  The occiput moves one-eighth of a circle towards the side from it started

  Because of this the twist in the neck of the fetus which resulted from
    internal rotation is now corrected by a slight un twisted movement

                Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     7) Internal rotation of the shoulder:
      Now the shoulder is the leading part which meets the pelvic floor
      Again second principle applied

      So from oblique diameter it will turn to Antero – posterior diameter

     8) External rotation of the head:
      The head rotate in same direction as restitution and the occiput of the
        fetal head now lies laterally

     9) Lateral flexion:
      Anterior shoulder deliver by downwards and backward movement
        and posterior shoulder deliver by upward and forward movement
      Body will be delivered by lateral flexion

                  Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

     Acute pain related to contraction – related hypoxia,
     dilatation of tissues and pressure on adjacent
     structures as evidenced by verbal reports,
     restlessness, muscle tension and narrowed focus
    Risk for impaired fetal gas exchange related to
     mechanical compression of head or cord / maternal
     position / prolonged labour affecting placental
     perfusion / effects of maternal anaesthesia /
    Risk for impaired skin / tissue integrity related to
     untoward stretching / laceration
8/25/2012                         Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab
Cont . . .

    Risk for fatigue related to anxiety / environmental
    Risk for deficient fluid volume related to lack of intake
     or excessive vascular loss
    Risk for infection related to broken or traumatized
     tissue / increased environmental exposure / rupture
     of amniotic membrane
    Risk for fetal injury related to descent / pressure
     changes / compromised circulation / environmental
               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
                   OF LABOR
        Assess FHR
        Assess uterine contraction
        Assess the progress of labor
        Arrange the delivery room
        Follow a sterile technique
        Clean vulva and perineal region using downward strokes
        Support woman
        Provide necessary materials and equipment
        Provide equipment for episiotomy
        Provide perineal support
        Give immediate care
        Assess the APGAR score for 1st , 5th , 15th minutes
        Assess for haemorrhage       Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012


44   Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

      It starts with separation of placenta till
      expulsion of placenta .

                  Primi gravida :15 minutes
                  Multi gravida : 5 – 15 minutes
             Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012



              1) Retractionring / Living ligature
              2) Presence of Vigorous uterine contraction
              3) Achievement of haemostasis

               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
            STAGE OF LABOUR
    Acute pain related to tissue trauma / psychological
     response following delivery as evidenced by
     verbalization / changes in muscle tone / restlessness
    Risk for deficient fluid volume / Bleeding related to lack
     or restriction of oral intake, vomiting, diaphoresis,
     increased insensible water loss, uterine atony,
     lacerations of birth canal, retained placental fragments
    Risk for maternal injury related to positioning during
     delivery and transfers / difficulty with placental
     separation / abnormal blood profile
    Risk for impaired attachment related to physical barriers,
     separation, anxiety associated with the parent role
              Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

        Assess the maternal vital signs
        Assess for excessive bleeding
        Provide material for episiotomy repair
        Take to recovery room and provide comfortable
        Prevention and measures for heamorrhage

               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012


49   Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

      1 to 4 hours after the expulsion of placenta .

            Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
             STAGE OF LABOUR
     Acute pain related effects of hormones & medications /
     mechanical     trauma/      tissue    edema/physical      &
     psychological exhaustion/ anxiety as evidenced by reports
     of cramping/ muscle tremors/ guarding or distraction
     behavior/ facial mask
    Fatigue related to increased physical exertion, sleep
     deprivation, stress, environmental stimuli, hormonal
     changes evidenced by verbalization of overwhelming lack
     of energy, compromised concentration, listlessness
    Risk for bleeding related to myometrial fatigue / failure of
     hemostatic mechanism
    Risk for impaired attachment related to maternal
     fatigue/physical barrier/separation / lack of privacy/
     anxiety associated with the parent role
                Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
                STAGE OF LABOR

        Assess
            Fundal location and consistency
            Lochia amount , color , consistency , odour
            Vital signs
        Perineal or episiotomy care
        Status of hydration
        Bladder observation and distension
        Fatigue and exhaustion
               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

53   Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

        Increased BP in first and second stage of labor
         with a return to pre labor level during the third
         stage of labor
        Other factors which increases BP are anxiety
         apprehension and pain
        Increased Heart rate during second stage
        Clinical manifestation of hypotension and
         increased pulse rate results from Supine vena
         caval syndrome
               Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

        Oxygen consumption during labor is equal to
         that of moderate to strenuous exercise

        Increased in ventilation until respiratory center
         is not depressed by medication

        May quickly develop hypoxia or acidosis

        Hyperventilation       cause            decreased                   Carbon-
         dioxide in blood                                                      8/25/2012
                        Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab

    Muscle breakdown during labor results proteinuria.
     If it is more pre eclampsia results

    Distended bladder may cause prolonged labor and
     urinary stasis which results risk of infection

    Supine position may compress the ureters by
     distended uterine results decreased urinary flow

             Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012
    Decreased gastro intestinal peristaltic movement
     results from decreased absorption and decreased
     solid intake , because it can take 12 hrs to digest a

    Risk of aspiration of vomitus because of eating

    GI absorption of liquid is not changed

    Ice chips frequently can be given
              Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab   8/25/2012

        Muscle activity increases BMR, body temperature,
         Sweating and fluid evaporation from the skin

        Increased Perspiration

        Increased respiratory rate

        Hyper ventilation results from Labor alter the
         electrolyte balance

        Adequate hydration and IV Fluid administration is
         necessary       Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012

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  • 2. LABOUR Mrs. P. Vadivukkarasi Ramanadin, Asst. Professor, Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION 3 Normal labour and delivery is a physiologic process in which the attendant closely monitor the woman and fetus, with little medical Intervention required. Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 4. DEFINITION 4 It is the process of expulsion of fetus, placenta and its membranes through the birth canal. Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 5. NORMAL LABOUR / EUTOCIA 5 Normal labor occurs  at term,  spontaneous in onset,  fetus presenting by the vertex,  it complete within 18 hours,  no complication arise. Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 6. STAGES OF LABOUR 6  First stage (or) Dilating stage  Second stage (or) Pushing stage (or) pelvic stage  Third stage (or) Placental stage  Fourth stage (or) Recovery stage Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 7. FIRST STAGE OR DILATING STAGE 7 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 8. DEFINITION 8 It starts with regular and rhythmic uterine contractions till completion of full cervical dilatation (10cm). DURATION :  For primi gravida 16hrs to 18hrs.  For multi gravida 6hsrs to 10hrs. Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 9. ONSET OF LABOUR 9 1.Prelabour 2.Lightening 3. Frequency of micturition 4.Taking up of cervix and Cervical Effacement Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 10. Difference between True labor and False labor Niggling / Spurious labor / False labor True labor Uterine contraction : Uterine contraction : Not always present Always present Lasts for 3 to 4 minutes Not exceed > 90 seconds Irregular Regular and rhythmic Felt in lower back radiates to lower Felt in back or abdomen above navel Portion of abdomen May or may not be painful Abdominal tightening ,discomfort and Can stop with comfort measures Pain will not stop with comfort measures No back ache May have back ache Intensity stop with position changes, Increase intensity with walking Walking Cervix : Cervix : No shortness , Soft Shortening No dilatation Dilatation No tensed membrane Tensed membrane Posterior position Anterior position No show Show presents Fetus : Fetus : No head engagement Head engagement 10 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 11. CAUSES OF ONSET OF LABOR 11 Exact cause is unknown . i ) Hormonal factors : Formation of Oxytocin receptors in uterine muscles by the influence of Estrogen . Which act with Prostaglandin secreted from Decidua and membrane triggers the uterine contraction. Emotional and physical stress stimulates Hypothalamus to release Oxytocin which triggers the uterine contraction . ii ) Mechanical factors : Pressure exerted by presenting part to the os of cervix initiates uterine contraction Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing,
  • 12. PHASES OF FIRST STAGE OF LABOR 12 Have 3 phases * Latent phases * Active phases * Transition phases Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 13. MATERNAL PROGRESS IN I STAGE OF LABOR Criteria Latent phase Active phase Transition phase Duration Primi gravida 8 – 10 hrs 3 – 6 hrs 2 hrs Multi gravida 5 hrs 4 hrs 1 hr Contraction Strength Mild – Moderate Moderate – Strong Strong – Very strong Rhythm Irregular More regular Regular Frequency 5 – 30 mts 3 – 5 mts 2 – 3 mts Duration 30 – 45 seconds 40 – 70 seconds 45 - 90 seconds Cervical dilatation 0 – 3 cm 4 – 7 cm 8 – 10 cm 1.2 cm / hr in Primi 1 cm / hr in Primi 1.5 cm / hr in Multi 2 cm / hr in Multi Station of the head Primi gravida 0 +2 cm +3 and above Multi gravida -2 to 0 cm +1 to +2 cm Show Brownish Pale pink Pink to bloody Bloody mucus discharge mucus 13 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 14. PHYSILOGY OF I STAGE OF LABOUR 14 I . UTERINE ACTION II . MECHANICAL FACTORS Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 15. I.UTERING ACTION 15 1.Fundal dominance 2.Polarity 3.Contraction and retraction 4. Formation of upper and lower uterine segment 5.Retraction Ring 6.Cervical effacement 7. Cervical dilatation 8. Show Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 16. II. MECHANICAL FACTORS 16 1. Formation of the fore waters 2. General fluid pressure 3. Rupture of the membrane 4. Fetal Axis pressure Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 17. RECOGNITION OF I STAGE OF LABOR 17  Show  Uterine Contraction  Rupture of membrane Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 18. NURSING MANAGEMENT 18 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 19. NURSING DIAGNOSES IN THE FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR 19  Acute pain / Impaired comfort related to contraction – related hypoxia, dilatation of tissues and pressure on adjacent structures as evidenced by verbal reports, restlessness, muscle tension and narrowed focus  Impaired urinary elimination related to altered intake, dehydration as evidenced by urinary retention / slow progression o f labour  Fatigue related to discomfort / pain / increased energy requirement / altered coping ability Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 20. Cont . . . 20  Risk for mild anxiety related to situational crisis, unmet needs, stress  Risk for ineffective coping (individual / couple) related to situational crises / personal vulnerability / use of ineffective coping mechanism / inadequate support system / pain  Risk for decreased cardiac output related to decreased venous return / hypovolemia / changes in systemic vascular resistance  Deficient knowledge regarding progression of labour and available options related to lack of exposure / recall / information misinterpretation / evidenced by questions / statement of misinterpretation / inadequate follow through of instructions Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 21. NURSING MANAGEMENT IN I STAGE OF LABOR  1) Latent phase : 21 •Complete admission procedures •Physical examination •Monitor maternal vital signs •Monitor FHR •Status of amniotic fluid •Status of membrane •Observe voiding •Assess coping ability •Encourage walking •Encourage visiting , watching TV •Encourage relaxation •Change position every ½ hours •Effleurage •Monitor Cervicogram Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012 •Monitor Partogram
  • 22. 2) Active phase 22 •Continue monitor maternal vital signs •Status of amniotic fluid •Encourage voiding every 1 hour •Observe for full bladder •Asses progress of labor •Provide comfort measures •Moist lips or give ice chips •Apply cool , damp cloth to woman’s face •Keep bed linens dry Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012 •Effleurage
  • 23. Cont . . . 23 •Sacral support •Oral hygiene •Inform the progress •Administer medication if necessary •Explain electronic fetal monitor •Encourage breathing and relaxation technique •Frequent perineal care •Protect from aspiration and injury Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 24. 3) Transition phase 24 •Continue the active phase management •Do not allow alone •Accept the behaviour of the mother •Change chux ( pad ) frequently •Keep bed linen dry •Get blanket if cold Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 25. SECOND STAGE OF LABOUR /  PUSHING STAGE / PELVIC STAGE  25 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 26. DEFINITION 26 It begins with full cervical dilatation (10cm) till the birth of the baby. DURATION :   Primi gravida - 2 hours.  Multi gravida - 30 minutes. Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 27. RECOGNITION OF COMMENCEMENT 27 OF II STAGE OF LABOUR    Expulsive uterine contraction  Rupture of the fore waters  Dilatation and gaping of anus  Appearance of present part  Congestion of the vulva  Show Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 28. PHASES OF SECOND STAGE OF 28 LABOUR Have 3 phases * Latent phases / Propulsive phase * Active phases / Expulsive phase *Transition phases / Compulsive phase Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 29. Cont. . . 29  LATENT PHASES / PROPULSIVE PHASE : Descend of the fetus 2 cm below from the os to the pelvic floor .  ACTIVE PHASES / EXPULSIVE PHASE : Descend of the fetus from the os 2cm below to the vaginal outlet ( Crowning ) Ferguson reflux : Pressure exerted by the presenting part over the cervix causing involuntary uterine contraction    TRANSITION PHASES / COMPULSIVE PHASE : Birth of the baby from the vaginal outlet till extension . Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 30. PHYSIOLOGY OF II STAGE OF LABOUR 30 I Uterine action  Contraction becomes stronger, longer but less frequent.  Membranes rupture spontaneously.  Consequent drainage of liquor allows the hard, round fetal head to be directly applied to the vaginal tissues and aid distension.  Fetal axis pressure increasing the flexion of the head which results in smaller presenting diameter ,more rapid progress and less trauma to both mother and fetus.  Expulsive contraction.  Compulsive contraction  Involuntary uterine contraction. Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 31. Cont . . . 31 II Soft tissue displacement :  As the hard fetal head descend, the soft tissue of the pelvis become displace.  Anteriorly the bladder is pushed upwards into the abdomen which cause stretching and thinning of the urethra.  Posterioly the rectum becomes flattened into the sacral curve and the pressure of the advancing head expels any residual faecal matter.  Laterly the Levator ani Muscles dilate and thins out and perineal body is flattened ,displaced ,stretched and thinned. 8/25/2012 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab
  • 32. MECHANISM OF NORMAL LABOUR / 32 CARDINAL MOVEMENTS OF LABOUR DEFINITION As the fetus descends, soft tissue and bony structures exert pressures which force the fetus to negotiate the birth canal by a series of passive movements collectively known as Mechanism of labor. PRINCIPLES  Descent takes place throughout the labor.  Whichever part leads and first meets resistance of the pelvic floor will rotate forwards until it comes under the symphysis pubis.  Whatever emerges from the pelvis will pivot around the public bone. Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 33. CHARECTERISTICS Lie is longitudinal 33   Attitude is one of good flexion  Presentation is cephalic presentation  Position is right or left occipito anterior  Denominator is the occiput  Presenting part is the posterior part of the anterior parietal bone  Occiput pointing left / right ileo pectinal eminence  Sagital sutures lies on right / left oblique diameter  Presenting diameter is suboccipito frontal 10cm Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 34. CARDINAL MOVEMENTS 34 1) Descend 2) Flexion 3) Internal rotation of the head 4) Extension of the head 5) Restitution 6) Internal rotation of the shoulder 7) External rotation of the head 8)Lateral flexion of the body Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 35. Cont . . . 35 1) Descend:  In primi gravida it occurs during latter weeks of pregnancy  It will be aided by  Forces of uterine contraction and retraction  Rupture of fore waters  Full cervical dilatation  Maternal efforts speeds progress  Slope of the pelvic floor muscle 2) Flexion:  This increases throughout the labor  Because of uterine contraction, fetal axis pressure will be exerted more on the occiput than the sinciput causing good flexion  Because of flexion the suboccipito frontal 10cm is reduced into suboccipito bregmatic 9.5cm  The occiput is the leading part Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 36. Cont . . . 36 3) Internal rotation of the head:  Because of gutter – shaped and slope of pelvic floor gives resistance  The slope of the pelvic floor determines the direction of rotation  The second principle applied. The occiput is the leading part and meets the pelvic floor resistance and it will rotate 1/8 of the circle forward until it comes under the symphysis pubis.  Because of internal rotation there is a twist at the neck.  The sagital suture move from right or left oblique to Antero – posterior diameter 4) Crowning:  The occiput slips beneath the sub-pubic arch and crowning take place  The presenting part engages the vaginal outlet and it will not recede backward.  The sub-occipito bregmatic diameter 9.5cm distends the vaginal outlet. Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 37. Cont . . . 37 5) Extension of the head:  Once crowning occur fetal head can extend  Third principle applied  The fetal head pivot around the the pubic bone  This releases sinciput, face and chin sweeps the perineum and born by a movement of extension.  The suboccipito frontal diameter 10cm distends the vaginal outlet 6) Restitution:  The occiput moves one-eighth of a circle towards the side from it started  Because of this the twist in the neck of the fetus which resulted from internal rotation is now corrected by a slight un twisted movement Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 38. 38 7) Internal rotation of the shoulder:  Now the shoulder is the leading part which meets the pelvic floor resistance  Again second principle applied  So from oblique diameter it will turn to Antero – posterior diameter 8) External rotation of the head:  The head rotate in same direction as restitution and the occiput of the fetal head now lies laterally 9) Lateral flexion:  Anterior shoulder deliver by downwards and backward movement and posterior shoulder deliver by upward and forward movement  Body will be delivered by lateral flexion Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
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  • 41. NURSING DIAGNOSES IN THE SECOND STAGE OF LABOUR 41  Acute pain related to contraction – related hypoxia, dilatation of tissues and pressure on adjacent structures as evidenced by verbal reports, restlessness, muscle tension and narrowed focus  Risk for impaired fetal gas exchange related to mechanical compression of head or cord / maternal position / prolonged labour affecting placental perfusion / effects of maternal anaesthesia / hyperventilation  Risk for impaired skin / tissue integrity related to untoward stretching / laceration 8/25/2012 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab
  • 42. Cont . . . 42  Risk for fatigue related to anxiety / environmental humidity  Risk for deficient fluid volume related to lack of intake or excessive vascular loss  Risk for infection related to broken or traumatized tissue / increased environmental exposure / rupture of amniotic membrane  Risk for fetal injury related to descent / pressure changes / compromised circulation / environmental exposure Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 43. NURSING MANAGEMENT OF II STAGE 43 OF LABOR  Assess FHR  Assess uterine contraction  Assess the progress of labor  Arrange the delivery room  Follow a sterile technique  Clean vulva and perineal region using downward strokes  Support woman  Provide necessary materials and equipment  Provide equipment for episiotomy  Provide perineal support  Give immediate care  Assess the APGAR score for 1st , 5th , 15th minutes  Assess for haemorrhage Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 44. III STAGE / PLACENTAL STAGE 44 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 45. DEFINITION 45 It starts with separation of placenta till expulsion of placenta . DURATION :  Primi gravida :15 minutes  Multi gravida : 5 – 15 minutes Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 46. PHYSIOLOGY OF III STAGE OF LABOR 46 I) MECHANICAL FACTORS II) HAEMOSTASIS 1) Retractionring / Living ligature 2) Presence of Vigorous uterine contraction 3) Achievement of haemostasis Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 47. NURSING DIAGNOSES IN THE THIRD 47 STAGE OF LABOUR  Acute pain related to tissue trauma / psychological response following delivery as evidenced by verbalization / changes in muscle tone / restlessness  Risk for deficient fluid volume / Bleeding related to lack or restriction of oral intake, vomiting, diaphoresis, increased insensible water loss, uterine atony, lacerations of birth canal, retained placental fragments  Risk for maternal injury related to positioning during delivery and transfers / difficulty with placental separation / abnormal blood profile  Risk for impaired attachment related to physical barriers, separation, anxiety associated with the parent role Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 48. NURSING MANAGEMENT 48  Assess the maternal vital signs  Assess for excessive bleeding  Provide material for episiotomy repair  Take to recovery room and provide comfortable position  Prevention and measures for heamorrhage Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 49. IV STAGE / RECOVERY STAGE 49 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 50. DEFINITION 50 1 to 4 hours after the expulsion of placenta . Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 51. NURSING DIAGNOSES IN THE FOURTH 51 STAGE OF LABOUR  Acute pain related effects of hormones & medications / mechanical trauma/ tissue edema/physical & psychological exhaustion/ anxiety as evidenced by reports of cramping/ muscle tremors/ guarding or distraction behavior/ facial mask  Fatigue related to increased physical exertion, sleep deprivation, stress, environmental stimuli, hormonal changes evidenced by verbalization of overwhelming lack of energy, compromised concentration, listlessness  Risk for bleeding related to myometrial fatigue / failure of hemostatic mechanism  Risk for impaired attachment related to maternal fatigue/physical barrier/separation / lack of privacy/ anxiety associated with the parent role Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 52. NURSING MANAGEMENT OF IV 52 STAGE OF LABOR  Assess  Fundal location and consistency  Lochia amount , color , consistency , odour  Vital signs  Perineal or episiotomy care  Status of hydration  Bladder observation and distension  Fatigue and exhaustion Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 53. MATERNAL SYSTEMIC RESPONSE TO LABOUR 53 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 54. I CARDIO VASCULAR SYSTEM 54  Increased BP in first and second stage of labor with a return to pre labor level during the third stage of labor  Other factors which increases BP are anxiety apprehension and pain  Increased Heart rate during second stage  Clinical manifestation of hypotension and increased pulse rate results from Supine vena caval syndrome Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 55. II RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 55  Oxygen consumption during labor is equal to that of moderate to strenuous exercise  Increased in ventilation until respiratory center is not depressed by medication  May quickly develop hypoxia or acidosis  Hyperventilation cause decreased Carbon- dioxide in blood 8/25/2012 Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab
  • 56. III RENAL SYSTEM 56  Muscle breakdown during labor results proteinuria. If it is more pre eclampsia results  Distended bladder may cause prolonged labor and urinary stasis which results risk of infection  Supine position may compress the ureters by distended uterine results decreased urinary flow Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 57. V GASTRO INTESTINAL TRACT 57 SYSTEM  Decreased gastro intestinal peristaltic movement results from decreased absorption and decreased solid intake , because it can take 12 hrs to digest a meal  Risk of aspiration of vomitus because of eating  GI absorption of liquid is not changed  Ice chips frequently can be given Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012
  • 58. IV FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE 58  Muscle activity increases BMR, body temperature, Sweating and fluid evaporation from the skin  Increased Perspiration  Increased respiratory rate  Hyper ventilation results from Labor alter the electrolyte balance  Adequate hydration and IV Fluid administration is necessary Mata Sahib Kaur College of Nursing, Mohali, Punjab 8/25/2012