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‫فى‬ ‫المختصر‬‫فى‬ ‫المختصر‬
‫الدعوية‬ ‫المفكرة‬
‫نسبة‬‫نسبة‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬
‫وسلم‬‫وسلم‬‫بن‬ ‫المطلب‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫هو‬‫بن‬ ‫المطلب‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫هو‬
‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫مناف‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫هاشم‬‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫مناف‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫هاشم‬
‫الخليل‬ ‫ابراهيم‬ ‫سيدنا‬ ‫الى‬ ‫نسبة‬ ‫وينتهى‬‫الخليل‬ ‫ابراهيم‬ ‫سيدنا‬ ‫الى‬ ‫نسبة‬ ‫وينتهى‬
‫والسلم‬ ‫الصلة‬ ‫عليهما‬‫والسلم‬ ‫الصلة‬ ‫عليهما‬
‫بن‬ ‫مناف‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫وهب‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫آمنة‬ ‫وامة‬‫بن‬ ‫مناف‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫وهب‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫آمنة‬ ‫وامة‬
‫والد‬ ‫مع‬ ‫وتلتقى‬ ‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫زهرة‬‫والد‬ ‫مع‬ ‫وتلتقى‬ ‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫زهرة‬
‫الرسول‬‫الرسول‬‫وسلم‬ ‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫وسلم‬ ‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫فى‬‫فى‬
‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬
‫المطلب‬ ‫عبد‬‫المطلب‬ ‫عبد‬
‫أقــاربة‬‫أقــاربة‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬
‫السلم‬ ‫فى‬ ‫دخلوا‬‫السلم‬ ‫فى‬ ‫دخلوا‬
‫البيضاء‬ ‫حكيم‬ ‫أم‬‫البيضاء‬ ‫حكيم‬ ‫أم‬
‫طالب‬ ‫أبو‬‫طالب‬ ‫أبو‬
( )‫العزى‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫لهب‬ ‫أبو‬( )‫العزى‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫لهب‬ ‫أبو‬
‫الحارث‬‫الحارث‬ ‫المق‬‫المق‬
‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬
‫ابى‬ ‫بنت‬‫ابى‬ ‫بنت‬
‫عمر‬ ‫بنت‬‫عمر‬ ‫بنت‬
‫جحش‬ ‫بنت‬‫جحش‬ ‫بنت‬
‫حبيبة‬ ‫ام‬‫حبيبة‬ ‫ام‬
)‫بنت‬ ‫رملة‬)‫بنت‬ ‫رملة‬
(‫سفيان‬ ‫ابى‬(‫سفيان‬ ‫ابى‬
‫حيى‬ ‫بنت‬‫حيى‬ ‫بنت‬
‫اخطب‬ ‫بن‬‫اخطب‬ ‫بن‬
‫سلمة‬ ‫ام‬‫سلمة‬ ‫ام‬
‫بنت‬ ‫هند‬‫بنت‬ ‫هند‬
‫امية‬ ‫ابى‬‫امية‬ ‫ابى‬
‫الحارث‬ ‫بنت‬‫الحارث‬ ‫بنت‬
‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬
‫القبطيـــــــــــة‬ ‫ماريــــة‬‫القبطيـــــــــــة‬ ‫ماريــــة‬
‫النضيرية‬ ‫زيد‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫ريحانة‬‫النضيرية‬ ‫زيد‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫ريحانة‬
‫الذكور‬‫الذكور‬ ‫الناث‬‫الناث‬
‫أبنـــــــــــاؤة‬‫أبنـــــــــــاؤة‬‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬
‫كلهم‬ ‫اطفال‬ ‫ماتوا‬‫كلهم‬ ‫اطفال‬ ‫ماتوا‬
‫عدا‬ ‫خديجة‬ ‫من‬‫عدا‬ ‫خديجة‬ ‫من‬
‫مارية‬ ‫من‬‫مارية‬ ‫من‬ ‫عنها‬ ‫ا‬ ‫خديجةرضى‬ ‫من‬ ‫بناته‬ ‫كل‬‫عنها‬ ‫ا‬ ‫خديجةرضى‬ ‫من‬ ‫بناته‬ ‫كل‬
‫كلثوم‬ ‫أم‬‫كلثوم‬ ‫أم‬
‫عثمان‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫عثمان‬ ‫تزوجها‬
‫على‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫على‬ ‫تزوجها‬
‫طالب‬ ‫ابى‬‫طالب‬ ‫ابى‬
‫بن‬ ‫عثمان‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫بن‬ ‫عثمان‬ ‫تزوجها‬
‫وفاه‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫عفان‬‫وفاه‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫عفان‬
‫رقية‬ ‫اختها‬‫رقية‬ ‫اختها‬
‫ابو‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫ابو‬ ‫تزوجها‬
‫الربيع‬ ‫بن‬‫الربيع‬ ‫بن‬
‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬
‫صغيرا‬ ‫مات‬‫صغيرا‬ ‫مات‬
‫صغيرا‬ ‫مات‬‫صغيرا‬ ‫مات‬
‫صغيرة‬ ‫ماتت‬‫صغيرة‬ ‫ماتت‬
‫كلثوم‬ ‫أم‬‫كلثوم‬ ‫أم‬‫زينب‬‫زينب‬
‫بن‬ ‫على‬‫بن‬ ‫على‬
‫طالب‬ ‫ابى‬‫طالب‬ ‫ابى‬
‫وفاه‬ ‫بعد‬‫وفاه‬ ‫بعد‬
‫ا‬ ‫رضى‬‫ا‬ ‫رضى‬
‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬
‫والطاهر‬ ‫الطيب‬ ‫وهو‬‫والطاهر‬ ‫الطيب‬ ‫وهو‬
‫فضائلة‬‫فضائلة‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬
‫وسلم‬‫وسلم‬ --‫ونصرت‬ ،‫الكلم‬ ‫جوامع‬ ‫:اعطيت‬ ‫بست‬ ‫النبياء‬ ‫على‬ ‫فضلت‬‫ونصرت‬ ،‫الكلم‬ ‫جوامع‬ ‫:اعطيت‬ ‫بست‬ ‫النبياء‬ ‫على‬ ‫فضلت‬
‫الرض‬ ‫لى‬ ‫وجعلت‬ ،‫الغنائم‬ ‫لى‬ ‫واحلت‬ ،‫شهر‬ ‫مسيرة‬ ‫بالرعب‬‫الرض‬ ‫لى‬ ‫وجعلت‬ ،‫الغنائم‬ ‫لى‬ ‫واحلت‬ ،‫شهر‬ ‫مسيرة‬ ‫بالرعب‬
‫النبيون‬ ‫بى‬ ‫وختم‬ ،‫كافة‬ ‫للناس‬ ‫وارسلت‬ ،‫وطهورا‬ ‫مسجدا‬‫النبيون‬ ‫بى‬ ‫وختم‬ ،‫كافة‬ ‫للناس‬ ‫وارسلت‬ ،‫وطهورا‬ ‫مسجدا‬
‫وأول‬ ‫القبر‬ ‫عنه‬ ‫ينشق‬ ‫من‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫آدم‬ ‫ولد‬ ‫سيد‬ ‫-انا‬‫وأول‬ ‫القبر‬ ‫عنه‬ ‫ينشق‬ ‫من‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫آدم‬ ‫ولد‬ ‫سيد‬ ‫-انا‬
‫مشفع‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫شافع‬‫مشفع‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫شافع‬
‫تبعا‬ ‫النبياء‬ ‫اكثر‬ ‫وانا‬ ‫الجنة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫يشفع‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫اول‬ ‫-انا‬‫تبعا‬ ‫النبياء‬ ‫اكثر‬ ‫وانا‬ ‫الجنة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫يشفع‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫اول‬ ‫-انا‬
‫انى‬ ‫ابعث‬ ‫أن‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫على‬ ‫يسلم‬ ‫كان‬ ‫بمكة‬ ‫حجرا‬ ‫لعرف‬ ‫-انى‬‫انى‬ ‫ابعث‬ ‫أن‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫على‬ ‫يسلم‬ ‫كان‬ ‫بمكة‬ ‫حجرا‬ ‫لعرف‬ ‫-انى‬
‫الن‬ ‫لعرفة‬‫الن‬ ‫لعرفة‬
‫أنت؟‬ ‫من‬ ‫الخازن‬ ‫فيقول‬ ‫فأستفتح‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫الجنة‬ ‫با ب‬ ‫-آتى‬‫أنت؟‬ ‫من‬ ‫الخازن‬ ‫فيقول‬ ‫فأستفتح‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫الجنة‬ ‫با ب‬ ‫-آتى‬
‫قبلك‬ ‫لحد‬ ‫أفتح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫أمرت‬ ‫بك‬ :‫فيقول‬ ‫:محمد‬ ‫فأقول‬‫قبلك‬ ‫لحد‬ ‫أفتح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫أمرت‬ ‫بك‬ :‫فيقول‬ ‫:محمد‬ ‫فأقول‬
،‫الكفر‬ ‫به‬ ‫ا‬ ‫يمحو‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الماحى‬ ‫وأنا‬ ،‫محمد‬ ‫أنا‬ ،‫أسماء‬ ‫لى‬ ‫-ان‬،‫الكفر‬ ‫به‬ ‫ا‬ ‫يمحو‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الماحى‬ ‫وأنا‬ ،‫محمد‬ ‫أنا‬ ،‫أسماء‬ ‫لى‬ ‫-ان‬
‫العاقب‬ ‫وأنا‬ ،‫قدمى‬ ‫على‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫يحشر‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الحاشر‬ ‫وأنا‬‫العاقب‬ ‫وأنا‬ ،‫قدمى‬ ‫على‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫يحشر‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الحاشر‬ ‫وأنا‬
‫نبى‬ ‫بعدى‬ ‫ليس‬ ‫الذى‬‫نبى‬ ‫بعدى‬ ‫ليس‬ ‫الذى‬
‫الرسول‬‫الرسول‬ ‫ما‬‫ما‬‫بين‬‫بين‬
‫من‬ ‫روضة‬‫من‬ ‫روضة‬
Acquire knowledge, it enables its professorAcquire knowledge, it enables its professor
to distinguish right from wrong; it lights theto distinguish right from wrong; it lights the
way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert,way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert,
our company in solitude and companionour company in solitude and companion
when friendless. It guides us to happiness,when friendless. It guides us to happiness,
it sustains us in misery, it is an ornamentit sustains us in misery, it is an ornament
amongst friends and an armour againstamongst friends and an armour against
enemies. (widely attributed to the Prophetenemies. (widely attributed to the Prophet
Mohammed (pbuhMohammed (pbuh((((
A Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field,A Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field,
from which man, birds and animals canfrom which man, birds and animals can
eat, is committing an act of charityeat, is committing an act of charity..
““There is a polish for everything that takesThere is a polish for everything that takes
away rust; and the polish for the heart isaway rust; and the polish for the heart is
the remembrance of Allahthe remembrance of Allah””..
What actions are most excellent? ToWhat actions are most excellent? To
gladden the heart of human beings, togladden the heart of human beings, to
feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, tofeed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to
lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and tolighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to
remove the sufferings of the injuredremove the sufferings of the injured..
The most excellent Jihad is that for theThe most excellent Jihad is that for the
conquest of selfconquest of self..
If you put your whole trust in Allah, as youIf you put your whole trust in Allah, as you
ought, He most certainly will satisfy yourought, He most certainly will satisfy your
needs, as He satisfies those of the birds.needs, as He satisfies those of the birds.
They come out hungry in the morning, butThey come out hungry in the morning, but
return full to their nestsreturn full to their nests..
When Allah created his creatures He wroteWhen Allah created his creatures He wrote
above His throne: 'Verily, my Compassionabove His throne: 'Verily, my Compassion
overcomes my wrathovercomes my wrath..
(Bukhari  Muslim)
Allah will not give mercy to anyone, exceptAllah will not give mercy to anyone, except
those who give mercy to other creaturesthose who give mercy to other creatures..
(Abdullah b. Amr: Abu Daud  Tirmidhi)
' 'Son, if you are able, keep your heart fromSon, if you are able, keep your heart from
morning till night and from night tillmorning till night and from night till
morning free from malice towards anyone.'morning free from malice towards anyone.'
Then the Prophet said: 'O my son! This isThen the Prophet said: 'O my son! This is
one of my laws, and he, who loves myone of my laws, and he, who loves my
laws verily loves melaws verily loves me.' .' 
Say what is true, although it may be bitterSay what is true, although it may be bitter
and displeasing to peopleand displeasing to people..
Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever isKindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is
not kind has no faithnot kind has no faith..
When you see a person who has beenWhen you see a person who has been
given more than you in money andgiven more than you in money and
beauty, look to those, who have beenbeauty, look to those, who have been
given lessgiven less..
If you do not feel ashamed of anything,If you do not feel ashamed of anything,
then you can do whatever you likethen you can do whatever you like..
(Abu-Masud: Bukhari)
O Lord, grant me your love, grant me that IO Lord, grant me your love, grant me that I
love those who love you; grant me, that Ilove those who love you; grant me, that I
might do the deeds that win your love.might do the deeds that win your love.
Make your love dearer to me than the loveMake your love dearer to me than the love
of myself, my family and wealthof myself, my family and wealth..
It is better to sit alone than in company withIt is better to sit alone than in company with
the bad; and it is better still to sit with thethe bad; and it is better still to sit with the
good than alone. It is better to speak to agood than alone. It is better to speak to a
seeker of knowledge than to remain silent;seeker of knowledge than to remain silent;
but silence is better than idle wordsbut silence is better than idle words..
Verily, a man teaching his child manners isVerily, a man teaching his child manners is
better than giving one bushel of grain inbetter than giving one bushel of grain in
““Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him;Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him;
therefore be kind to man on the earth. Hetherefore be kind to man on the earth. He
Who is in heaven will show mercy on youWho is in heaven will show mercy on you..””
(Abu Daud: Tirmidhi)
It is difficult for a man laden with riches toIt is difficult for a man laden with riches to
climb the steep path, that leads to blissclimb the steep path, that leads to bliss..
Once a man, who was passing through aOnce a man, who was passing through a
road, found a branch of a tree with tornsroad, found a branch of a tree with torns
obstructing it. The man removed theobstructing it. The man removed the
thorns from the way. Allah thanked himthorns from the way. Allah thanked him
and forgave his sinsand forgave his sins..
Who are the learned? Those who practiceWho are the learned? Those who practice
what they knowwhat they know..
Allah has revealed to me, that you must beAllah has revealed to me, that you must be
humble. No one should boast over onehumble. No one should boast over one
another, and no one should oppressanother, and no one should oppress
(Iyad b. Hinar al-Mujashi: Muslim)
Who is the most favoured of Allah? He,Who is the most favoured of Allah? He,
from whom the greatest good comes tofrom whom the greatest good comes to
His creaturesHis creatures..
A true Muslim is thankful to Allah inA true Muslim is thankful to Allah in
prosperity, and resigned to His will inprosperity, and resigned to His will in
A Muslim who meets with others andA Muslim who meets with others and
shares their burdens is better than oneshares their burdens is better than one
who lives a life of seclusion andwho lives a life of seclusion and
““Serve Allah, as you would if you could seeServe Allah, as you would if you could see
Him; although you cannot see Him, HeHim; although you cannot see Him, He
can see youcan see you..””
(Umar: Muslim)
Allah does not look at your appearance orAllah does not look at your appearance or
your possessions; but He looks at youryour possessions; but He looks at your
heart and your deedsheart and your deeds..
(Abu Huraira: Muslim)
The best richness is the richness of theThe best richness is the richness of the
(at the field of Tabuk, Syria, Rajab 9 A.H.: Bukhari)
Keep yourselves far from envy; because itKeep yourselves far from envy; because it
eats up and takes away good actions, likeeats up and takes away good actions, like
a fire eats up and burns wooda fire eats up and burns wood..
(Abu Daud)
Much silence and a good disposition, thereMuch silence and a good disposition, there
are no two things better than theseare no two things better than these..
Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of mildness,Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of mildness,
and He gives to the mild what He does notand He gives to the mild what He does not
give to the harshgive to the harsh..
Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves toWhoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to
meet himmeet him..
Once the Prophet was asked: 'Tell us,Once the Prophet was asked: 'Tell us,
which action is dearest to Allah?' Hewhich action is dearest to Allah?' He
answered: 'To say your prayer at itsanswered: 'To say your prayer at its
proper time.' Again he was asked: 'Whatproper time.' Again he was asked: 'What
comes next?' Mohammed said: 'To showcomes next?' Mohammed said: 'To show
kindness to parents.' 'Then what?' he waskindness to parents.' 'Then what?' he was
asked, 'To strive for the cause of Allahasked, 'To strive for the cause of Allah!' !' 
(Ibn Masad: Bukhari)
When two persons are together, two ofWhen two persons are together, two of
them must no whisper to each other,them must no whisper to each other,
without letting the third hear; because itwithout letting the third hear; because it
would hurt himwould hurt him..
(Bukhari  Muslim)
Verily, it is one of the respects to Allah toVerily, it is one of the respects to Allah to
honor an old manhonor an old man..
All Muslims are like a foundation, eachAll Muslims are like a foundation, each
strengthening the other; in such a waystrengthening the other; in such a way
they do support each otherthey do support each other..
(Abu Musa: Bukhari  Muslim)
Strive always to excel in virtue and truthStrive always to excel in virtue and truth..
You will not enter paradise until you haveYou will not enter paradise until you have
faith; and you will not complete your faithfaith; and you will not complete your faith
till you love one anothertill you love one another..
He, who wishes to enter paradise at theHe, who wishes to enter paradise at the
best gate, must please his father andbest gate, must please his father and
(Bukhari  Muslim)
I am leaving two things among you, and ifI am leaving two things among you, and if
you cling to them firmly you will never goyou cling to them firmly you will never go
astray; one is the Book of Allah and theastray; one is the Book of Allah and the
other is my way of lifeother is my way of life..
(Farewell Pilgrimage: Muatta)
Allah is One and likes UnityAllah is One and likes Unity..
The best of alms is that, which the rightThe best of alms is that, which the right
hand gives and the left hand knows nothand gives and the left hand knows not
The perfect Muslim is not a perfect Muslim,The perfect Muslim is not a perfect Muslim,
who eats till he is full and leaves hiswho eats till he is full and leaves his
neighbors hungryneighbors hungry..
(Ibn Abbas: Baihaqi)
He is not of us who is not affectionate to the littleHe is not of us who is not affectionate to the little
ones, and does not respect the old; and he isones, and does not respect the old; and he is
not of us, who does not order which is lawful,not of us, who does not order which is lawful,
and prohibits that which is unlawfuland prohibits that which is unlawful..
(Ibn Abbas: Tirmidhi)
No man is a true believer unless he desiresNo man is a true believer unless he desires
for his brother that, what he desires forfor his brother that, what he desires for
(Abu Hamza Anas: Bukhari  Muslim)
To strive for the cause of Allah fromTo strive for the cause of Allah from
daybreak to noon and sunset is betterdaybreak to noon and sunset is better
than the goods and enjoyment of thethan the goods and enjoyment of the
whole worldly lifewhole worldly life..
Be not like the hypocrite who, when heBe not like the hypocrite who, when he
talks, tells lies; when he gives a promise,talks, tells lies; when he gives a promise,
he breaks it; and when he is trusted, hehe breaks it; and when he is trusted, he
proves dishonestproves dishonest..
(Bukhari  Muslim)
The proof of a Muslim's sincerity is, that heThe proof of a Muslim's sincerity is, that he
pays no heed to that, which is not hispays no heed to that, which is not his
(Abu Hureira: Tirmidhi)
Do you know what is better than charityDo you know what is better than charity
and fasting and prayer? It is keepingand fasting and prayer? It is keeping
peace and good relations between people,peace and good relations between people,
as quarrels and bad feelings destroyas quarrels and bad feelings destroy
(Muslims  Bukhari)
Conduct yourself in this world, as if you areConduct yourself in this world, as if you are
here to stay forever; prepare for eternityhere to stay forever; prepare for eternity
as if you have to die tomorrowas if you have to die tomorrow..
The worldly comforts are not for me. I amThe worldly comforts are not for me. I am
like a traveller, who takes a rest under alike a traveller, who takes a rest under a
tree in the shade and then goes on histree in the shade and then goes on his
With thanks to theWith thanks to the
Compiler:Compiler: Dr.Shahid AtharDr.Shahid Athar``
 KindlyKindly recite Durood Shareef at least threerecite Durood Shareef at least three
times once you have gone throughtimes once you have gone through
 ““Allaahumma salliAllaahumma salli ‘‘ala Muhammad waala Muhammad wa ‘‘alaala
Aali Muhammad kama salaytaAali Muhammad kama salayta ‘‘ala aaliala aali
Ibraaheem, wa baarikIbraaheem, wa baarik ‘‘ala Muhammad waala Muhammad wa ‘‘alaala
aali Muhammad kama baaraktaaali Muhammad kama baarakta ‘‘ala aaliala aali
Ibraaheem innaka hameedun majeedIbraaheem innaka hameedun majeed (O(O
Allaah, send prayers upon Muhammad andAllaah, send prayers upon Muhammad and
upon the family of Muhammad as You sentupon the family of Muhammad as You sent
prayers upon the family of Ibraaheem, andprayers upon the family of Ibraaheem, and
send blessings upon Muhammad and uponsend blessings upon Muhammad and upon
the family of Muhammad, as You sentthe family of Muhammad, as You sent
blessings upon the family of Ibraaheem, Youblessings upon the family of Ibraaheem, You
are indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory).are indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory). ””

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Our great prophet

  • 2. ‫نسبة‬‫نسبة‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫وسلم‬‫وسلم‬‫بن‬ ‫المطلب‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫هو‬‫بن‬ ‫المطلب‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫هو‬ ‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫مناف‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫هاشم‬‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫مناف‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫هاشم‬ ‫الخليل‬ ‫ابراهيم‬ ‫سيدنا‬ ‫الى‬ ‫نسبة‬ ‫وينتهى‬‫الخليل‬ ‫ابراهيم‬ ‫سيدنا‬ ‫الى‬ ‫نسبة‬ ‫وينتهى‬ ‫والسلم‬ ‫الصلة‬ ‫عليهما‬‫والسلم‬ ‫الصلة‬ ‫عليهما‬ ‫بن‬ ‫مناف‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫وهب‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫آمنة‬ ‫وامة‬‫بن‬ ‫مناف‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫بن‬ ‫وهب‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫آمنة‬ ‫وامة‬ ‫والد‬ ‫مع‬ ‫وتلتقى‬ ‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫زهرة‬‫والد‬ ‫مع‬ ‫وتلتقى‬ ‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫زهرة‬ ‫الرسول‬‫الرسول‬‫وسلم‬ ‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫وسلم‬ ‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫فى‬‫فى‬ ‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬‫كل ب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫قصى‬
  • 3. ‫جدة‬‫جدة‬ ‫المطلب‬ ‫عبد‬‫المطلب‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫أقــاربة‬‫أقــاربة‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫وسلم‬‫وسلم‬ ‫أعمامه‬‫أعمامه‬‫عماته‬‫عماته‬ ‫السلم‬ ‫فى‬ ‫دخلوا‬‫السلم‬ ‫فى‬ ‫دخلوا‬ ‫البيضاء‬ ‫حكيم‬ ‫أم‬‫البيضاء‬ ‫حكيم‬ ‫أم‬ ‫برة‬‫برة‬ ‫صفية‬‫صفية‬ ‫أميمة‬‫أميمة‬ ‫عاتكه‬‫عاتكه‬ ‫أروى‬‫أروى‬ ‫طالب‬ ‫أبو‬‫طالب‬ ‫أبو‬ ( )‫العزى‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫لهب‬ ‫أبو‬( )‫العزى‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫لهب‬ ‫أبو‬ ‫الزبير‬‫الزبير‬ ‫حمزة‬‫حمزة‬ ‫العباس‬‫العباس‬ ‫الحارث‬‫الحارث‬ ‫المق‬‫المق‬ ‫وم‬‫وم‬ ‫المق‬‫المق‬ ‫وم‬‫وم‬‫ضرار‬‫ضرار‬‫حجل‬‫حجل‬
  • 4. ‫زوجاته‬‫زوجاته‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫وسلم‬‫وسلم‬ ‫خديجة‬‫خديجة‬ ‫بنت‬‫بنت‬ ‫خويلد‬‫خويلد‬ ‫سودة‬‫سودة‬ ‫بنت‬‫بنت‬ ‫زمعة‬‫زمعة‬ ‫عائشة‬‫عائشة‬ ‫ابى‬ ‫بنت‬‫ابى‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫بكر‬‫بكر‬ ‫حفصة‬‫حفصة‬ ‫عمر‬ ‫بنت‬‫عمر‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫زينب‬‫زينب‬ ‫بنت‬‫بنت‬ ‫خزيمة‬‫خزيمة‬ ‫زينب‬‫زينب‬ ‫جحش‬ ‫بنت‬‫جحش‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫جويرية‬‫جويرية‬ ‫بنت‬‫بنت‬ ‫الحارث‬‫الحارث‬ ‫حبيبة‬ ‫ام‬‫حبيبة‬ ‫ام‬ )‫بنت‬ ‫رملة‬)‫بنت‬ ‫رملة‬ (‫سفيان‬ ‫ابى‬(‫سفيان‬ ‫ابى‬ ‫صفية‬‫صفية‬ ‫حيى‬ ‫بنت‬‫حيى‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫اخطب‬ ‫بن‬‫اخطب‬ ‫بن‬ ‫سلمة‬ ‫ام‬‫سلمة‬ ‫ام‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫هند‬‫بنت‬ ‫هند‬ ‫امية‬ ‫ابى‬‫امية‬ ‫ابى‬ ‫ميمونه‬‫ميمونه‬ ‫الحارث‬ ‫بنت‬‫الحارث‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫محمد‬‫محمد‬ ‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫القبطيـــــــــــة‬ ‫ماريــــة‬‫القبطيـــــــــــة‬ ‫ماريــــة‬ ‫النضيرية‬ ‫زيد‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫ريحانة‬‫النضيرية‬ ‫زيد‬ ‫بنت‬ ‫ريحانة‬ ‫سراريــــــــــــــــة‬‫سراريــــــــــــــــة‬
  • 5. ‫الذكور‬‫الذكور‬ ‫الناث‬‫الناث‬ ‫أبناؤة‬‫أبناؤة‬ ‫أبنـــــــــــاؤة‬‫أبنـــــــــــاؤة‬‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫وسلم‬ ‫عليه‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫كلهم‬ ‫اطفال‬ ‫ماتوا‬‫كلهم‬ ‫اطفال‬ ‫ماتوا‬ ‫عدا‬ ‫خديجة‬ ‫من‬‫عدا‬ ‫خديجة‬ ‫من‬ ‫ابراهيم‬‫ابراهيم‬ ‫مارية‬ ‫من‬‫مارية‬ ‫من‬ ‫عنها‬ ‫ا‬ ‫خديجةرضى‬ ‫من‬ ‫بناته‬ ‫كل‬‫عنها‬ ‫ا‬ ‫خديجةرضى‬ ‫من‬ ‫بناته‬ ‫كل‬ ‫زينب‬‫زينب‬ ‫كلثوم‬ ‫أم‬‫كلثوم‬ ‫أم‬ ‫فاطمة‬‫فاطمة‬ ‫رقية‬‫رقية‬ ‫عثمان‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫عثمان‬ ‫تزوجها‬ ‫بن‬‫بن‬ ‫عفان‬‫عفان‬ ‫على‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫على‬ ‫تزوجها‬ ‫بن‬‫بن‬ ‫طالب‬ ‫ابى‬‫طالب‬ ‫ابى‬ ‫بن‬ ‫عثمان‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫بن‬ ‫عثمان‬ ‫تزوجها‬ ‫وفاه‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫عفان‬‫وفاه‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫عفان‬ ‫رقية‬ ‫اختها‬‫رقية‬ ‫اختها‬ ‫ابو‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫ابو‬ ‫تزوجها‬ ‫العاص‬‫العاص‬ ‫الربيع‬ ‫بن‬‫الربيع‬ ‫بن‬ ‫على‬‫على‬ ‫أمامة‬‫أمامة‬ ‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫صغيرا‬ ‫مات‬‫صغيرا‬ ‫مات‬ ‫الحسن‬‫الحسن‬‫االحسين‬‫االحسين‬ ‫محسن‬‫محسن‬ ‫صغيرا‬ ‫مات‬‫صغيرا‬ ‫مات‬ ‫رقية‬‫رقية‬ ‫صغيرة‬ ‫ماتت‬‫صغيرة‬ ‫ماتت‬ ‫كلثوم‬ ‫أم‬‫كلثوم‬ ‫أم‬‫زينب‬‫زينب‬ ‫تزوجها‬‫تزوجها‬ ‫بن‬ ‫على‬‫بن‬ ‫على‬ ‫طالب‬ ‫ابى‬‫طالب‬ ‫ابى‬ ‫وفاه‬ ‫بعد‬‫وفاه‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫فاطمة‬‫فاطمة‬ ‫ا‬ ‫رضى‬‫ا‬ ‫رضى‬ ‫عنها‬‫عنها‬ ‫القاسم‬‫القاسم‬ ‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬‫ا‬ ‫عبد‬ ‫والطاهر‬ ‫الطيب‬ ‫وهو‬‫والطاهر‬ ‫الطيب‬ ‫وهو‬ ‫إبراهيم‬‫إبراهيم‬
  • 6. ‫فضائلة‬‫فضائلة‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬‫علية‬ ‫ا‬ ‫صلى‬ ‫وسلم‬‫وسلم‬ --‫ونصرت‬ ،‫الكلم‬ ‫جوامع‬ ‫:اعطيت‬ ‫بست‬ ‫النبياء‬ ‫على‬ ‫فضلت‬‫ونصرت‬ ،‫الكلم‬ ‫جوامع‬ ‫:اعطيت‬ ‫بست‬ ‫النبياء‬ ‫على‬ ‫فضلت‬ ‫الرض‬ ‫لى‬ ‫وجعلت‬ ،‫الغنائم‬ ‫لى‬ ‫واحلت‬ ،‫شهر‬ ‫مسيرة‬ ‫بالرعب‬‫الرض‬ ‫لى‬ ‫وجعلت‬ ،‫الغنائم‬ ‫لى‬ ‫واحلت‬ ،‫شهر‬ ‫مسيرة‬ ‫بالرعب‬ ‫النبيون‬ ‫بى‬ ‫وختم‬ ،‫كافة‬ ‫للناس‬ ‫وارسلت‬ ،‫وطهورا‬ ‫مسجدا‬‫النبيون‬ ‫بى‬ ‫وختم‬ ،‫كافة‬ ‫للناس‬ ‫وارسلت‬ ،‫وطهورا‬ ‫مسجدا‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫القبر‬ ‫عنه‬ ‫ينشق‬ ‫من‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫آدم‬ ‫ولد‬ ‫سيد‬ ‫-انا‬‫وأول‬ ‫القبر‬ ‫عنه‬ ‫ينشق‬ ‫من‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫آدم‬ ‫ولد‬ ‫سيد‬ ‫-انا‬ ‫مشفع‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫شافع‬‫مشفع‬ ‫وأول‬ ‫شافع‬ ‫تبعا‬ ‫النبياء‬ ‫اكثر‬ ‫وانا‬ ‫الجنة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫يشفع‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫اول‬ ‫-انا‬‫تبعا‬ ‫النبياء‬ ‫اكثر‬ ‫وانا‬ ‫الجنة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫يشفع‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫اول‬ ‫-انا‬ ‫انى‬ ‫ابعث‬ ‫أن‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫على‬ ‫يسلم‬ ‫كان‬ ‫بمكة‬ ‫حجرا‬ ‫لعرف‬ ‫-انى‬‫انى‬ ‫ابعث‬ ‫أن‬ ‫قبل‬ ‫على‬ ‫يسلم‬ ‫كان‬ ‫بمكة‬ ‫حجرا‬ ‫لعرف‬ ‫-انى‬ ‫الن‬ ‫لعرفة‬‫الن‬ ‫لعرفة‬ ‫أنت؟‬ ‫من‬ ‫الخازن‬ ‫فيقول‬ ‫فأستفتح‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫الجنة‬ ‫با ب‬ ‫-آتى‬‫أنت؟‬ ‫من‬ ‫الخازن‬ ‫فيقول‬ ‫فأستفتح‬ ‫القيامة‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫الجنة‬ ‫با ب‬ ‫-آتى‬ ‫قبلك‬ ‫لحد‬ ‫أفتح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫أمرت‬ ‫بك‬ :‫فيقول‬ ‫:محمد‬ ‫فأقول‬‫قبلك‬ ‫لحد‬ ‫أفتح‬ ‫ل‬ ‫أمرت‬ ‫بك‬ :‫فيقول‬ ‫:محمد‬ ‫فأقول‬ ،‫الكفر‬ ‫به‬ ‫ا‬ ‫يمحو‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الماحى‬ ‫وأنا‬ ،‫محمد‬ ‫أنا‬ ،‫أسماء‬ ‫لى‬ ‫-ان‬،‫الكفر‬ ‫به‬ ‫ا‬ ‫يمحو‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الماحى‬ ‫وأنا‬ ،‫محمد‬ ‫أنا‬ ،‫أسماء‬ ‫لى‬ ‫-ان‬ ‫العاقب‬ ‫وأنا‬ ،‫قدمى‬ ‫على‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫يحشر‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الحاشر‬ ‫وأنا‬‫العاقب‬ ‫وأنا‬ ،‫قدمى‬ ‫على‬ ‫الناس‬ ‫يحشر‬ ‫الذى‬ ‫الحاشر‬ ‫وأنا‬ ‫نبى‬ ‫بعدى‬ ‫ليس‬ ‫الذى‬‫نبى‬ ‫بعدى‬ ‫ليس‬ ‫الذى‬
  • 8.
  • 9. Acquire knowledge, it enables its professorAcquire knowledge, it enables its professor to distinguish right from wrong; it lights theto distinguish right from wrong; it lights the way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert,way to heaven. It is our friend in the desert, our company in solitude and companionour company in solitude and companion when friendless. It guides us to happiness,when friendless. It guides us to happiness, it sustains us in misery, it is an ornamentit sustains us in misery, it is an ornament amongst friends and an armour againstamongst friends and an armour against enemies. (widely attributed to the Prophetenemies. (widely attributed to the Prophet Mohammed (pbuhMohammed (pbuh((((
  • 10. A Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field,A Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field, from which man, birds and animals canfrom which man, birds and animals can eat, is committing an act of charityeat, is committing an act of charity.. (Muslim)
  • 11. ““There is a polish for everything that takesThere is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for the heart isaway rust; and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of Allahthe remembrance of Allah””.. (Bukhari)
  • 12. What actions are most excellent? ToWhat actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, togladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, tofeed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and tolighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injuredremove the sufferings of the injured.. (Bukhari)
  • 13. The most excellent Jihad is that for theThe most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of selfconquest of self.. (Bukhari)
  • 14. If you put your whole trust in Allah, as youIf you put your whole trust in Allah, as you ought, He most certainly will satisfy yourought, He most certainly will satisfy your needs, as He satisfies those of the birds.needs, as He satisfies those of the birds. They come out hungry in the morning, butThey come out hungry in the morning, but return full to their nestsreturn full to their nests.. (Tirmidhi)
  • 15. When Allah created his creatures He wroteWhen Allah created his creatures He wrote above His throne: 'Verily, my Compassionabove His throne: 'Verily, my Compassion overcomes my wrathovercomes my wrath.. (Bukhari Muslim)
  • 16. Allah will not give mercy to anyone, exceptAllah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to other creaturesthose who give mercy to other creatures.. (Abdullah b. Amr: Abu Daud Tirmidhi)
  • 17. ' 'Son, if you are able, keep your heart fromSon, if you are able, keep your heart from morning till night and from night tillmorning till night and from night till morning free from malice towards anyone.'morning free from malice towards anyone.' Then the Prophet said: 'O my son! This isThen the Prophet said: 'O my son! This is one of my laws, and he, who loves myone of my laws, and he, who loves my laws verily loves melaws verily loves me.' .' (Bukhari)
  • 18. Say what is true, although it may be bitterSay what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to peopleand displeasing to people.. (Baihaqi)
  • 19. Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever isKindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faithnot kind has no faith.. (Muslim)
  • 20. When you see a person who has beenWhen you see a person who has been given more than you in money andgiven more than you in money and beauty, look to those, who have beenbeauty, look to those, who have been given lessgiven less.. (Muslim)
  • 21. If you do not feel ashamed of anything,If you do not feel ashamed of anything, then you can do whatever you likethen you can do whatever you like.. (Abu-Masud: Bukhari)
  • 22. O Lord, grant me your love, grant me that IO Lord, grant me your love, grant me that I love those who love you; grant me, that Ilove those who love you; grant me, that I might do the deeds that win your love.might do the deeds that win your love. Make your love dearer to me than the loveMake your love dearer to me than the love of myself, my family and wealthof myself, my family and wealth.. (Tirmidhi)
  • 23. It is better to sit alone than in company withIt is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with thethe bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to agood than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent;seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle wordsbut silence is better than idle words.. (Bukhari)
  • 24. Verily, a man teaching his child manners isVerily, a man teaching his child manners is better than giving one bushel of grain inbetter than giving one bushel of grain in almsalms.. (Muslim)
  • 25. ““Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him;Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him; therefore be kind to man on the earth. Hetherefore be kind to man on the earth. He Who is in heaven will show mercy on youWho is in heaven will show mercy on you..”” (Abu Daud: Tirmidhi)
  • 26. It is difficult for a man laden with riches toIt is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path, that leads to blissclimb the steep path, that leads to bliss.. (Muslim)
  • 27. Once a man, who was passing through aOnce a man, who was passing through a road, found a branch of a tree with tornsroad, found a branch of a tree with torns obstructing it. The man removed theobstructing it. The man removed the thorns from the way. Allah thanked himthorns from the way. Allah thanked him and forgave his sinsand forgave his sins.. (Bukhari)
  • 28. Who are the learned? Those who practiceWho are the learned? Those who practice what they knowwhat they know.. (Bukhari)
  • 29. Allah has revealed to me, that you must beAllah has revealed to me, that you must be humble. No one should boast over onehumble. No one should boast over one another, and no one should oppressanother, and no one should oppress anotheranother.. (Iyad b. Hinar al-Mujashi: Muslim)
  • 30. Who is the most favoured of Allah? He,Who is the most favoured of Allah? He, from whom the greatest good comes tofrom whom the greatest good comes to His creaturesHis creatures.. (Bukhari)
  • 31. A true Muslim is thankful to Allah inA true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will inprosperity, and resigned to His will in adversityadversity.. (Muslim)
  • 32. A Muslim who meets with others andA Muslim who meets with others and shares their burdens is better than oneshares their burdens is better than one who lives a life of seclusion andwho lives a life of seclusion and contemplationcontemplation.. (Muslim)
  • 33. ““Serve Allah, as you would if you could seeServe Allah, as you would if you could see Him; although you cannot see Him, HeHim; although you cannot see Him, He can see youcan see you..”” (Umar: Muslim)
  • 34. Allah does not look at your appearance orAllah does not look at your appearance or your possessions; but He looks at youryour possessions; but He looks at your heart and your deedsheart and your deeds.. (Abu Huraira: Muslim)
  • 35. The best richness is the richness of theThe best richness is the richness of the soulsoul.. (at the field of Tabuk, Syria, Rajab 9 A.H.: Bukhari)
  • 36. Keep yourselves far from envy; because itKeep yourselves far from envy; because it eats up and takes away good actions, likeeats up and takes away good actions, like a fire eats up and burns wooda fire eats up and burns wood.. (Abu Daud)
  • 37. Much silence and a good disposition, thereMuch silence and a good disposition, there are no two things better than theseare no two things better than these.. (Bukhari)
  • 38. Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of mildness,Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of mildness, and He gives to the mild what He does notand He gives to the mild what He does not give to the harshgive to the harsh.. (Muslim)
  • 39. Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves toWhoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet himmeet him.. (Bukhari)
  • 40. Once the Prophet was asked: 'Tell us,Once the Prophet was asked: 'Tell us, which action is dearest to Allah?' Hewhich action is dearest to Allah?' He answered: 'To say your prayer at itsanswered: 'To say your prayer at its proper time.' Again he was asked: 'Whatproper time.' Again he was asked: 'What comes next?' Mohammed said: 'To showcomes next?' Mohammed said: 'To show kindness to parents.' 'Then what?' he waskindness to parents.' 'Then what?' he was asked, 'To strive for the cause of Allahasked, 'To strive for the cause of Allah!' !' (Ibn Masad: Bukhari)
  • 41. When two persons are together, two ofWhen two persons are together, two of them must no whisper to each other,them must no whisper to each other, without letting the third hear; because itwithout letting the third hear; because it would hurt himwould hurt him.. (Bukhari Muslim)
  • 42. Verily, it is one of the respects to Allah toVerily, it is one of the respects to Allah to honor an old manhonor an old man.. (Bukhari)
  • 43. All Muslims are like a foundation, eachAll Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other; in such a waystrengthening the other; in such a way they do support each otherthey do support each other.. (Abu Musa: Bukhari Muslim)
  • 44. Strive always to excel in virtue and truthStrive always to excel in virtue and truth.. (Bukhari)
  • 45. You will not enter paradise until you haveYou will not enter paradise until you have faith; and you will not complete your faithfaith; and you will not complete your faith till you love one anothertill you love one another.. (Muslim)
  • 46. He, who wishes to enter paradise at theHe, who wishes to enter paradise at the best gate, must please his father andbest gate, must please his father and mothermother.. (Bukhari Muslim)
  • 47. I am leaving two things among you, and ifI am leaving two things among you, and if you cling to them firmly you will never goyou cling to them firmly you will never go astray; one is the Book of Allah and theastray; one is the Book of Allah and the other is my way of lifeother is my way of life.. (Farewell Pilgrimage: Muatta)
  • 48. Allah is One and likes UnityAllah is One and likes Unity.. (Muslim)
  • 49. The best of alms is that, which the rightThe best of alms is that, which the right hand gives and the left hand knows nothand gives and the left hand knows not ofof.. (Bukhari)
  • 50. The perfect Muslim is not a perfect Muslim,The perfect Muslim is not a perfect Muslim, who eats till he is full and leaves hiswho eats till he is full and leaves his neighbors hungryneighbors hungry.. (Ibn Abbas: Baihaqi)
  • 51. He is not of us who is not affectionate to the littleHe is not of us who is not affectionate to the little ones, and does not respect the old; and he isones, and does not respect the old; and he is not of us, who does not order which is lawful,not of us, who does not order which is lawful, and prohibits that which is unlawfuland prohibits that which is unlawful.. (Ibn Abbas: Tirmidhi)
  • 52. No man is a true believer unless he desiresNo man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother that, what he desires forfor his brother that, what he desires for himselfhimself.. (Abu Hamza Anas: Bukhari Muslim)
  • 53. To strive for the cause of Allah fromTo strive for the cause of Allah from daybreak to noon and sunset is betterdaybreak to noon and sunset is better than the goods and enjoyment of thethan the goods and enjoyment of the whole worldly lifewhole worldly life.. (Bukhari)
  • 54. Be not like the hypocrite who, when heBe not like the hypocrite who, when he talks, tells lies; when he gives a promise,talks, tells lies; when he gives a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, hehe breaks it; and when he is trusted, he proves dishonestproves dishonest.. (Bukhari Muslim)
  • 55. The proof of a Muslim's sincerity is, that heThe proof of a Muslim's sincerity is, that he pays no heed to that, which is not hispays no heed to that, which is not his businessbusiness.. (Abu Hureira: Tirmidhi)
  • 56. Do you know what is better than charityDo you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keepingand fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people,peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroyas quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankindmankind.. (Muslims Bukhari)
  • 57. Conduct yourself in this world, as if you areConduct yourself in this world, as if you are here to stay forever; prepare for eternityhere to stay forever; prepare for eternity as if you have to die tomorrowas if you have to die tomorrow.. (Bukhari)
  • 58. The worldly comforts are not for me. I amThe worldly comforts are not for me. I am like a traveller, who takes a rest under alike a traveller, who takes a rest under a tree in the shade and then goes on histree in the shade and then goes on his wayway.. (Tirmidhi)
  • 59. With thanks to theWith thanks to the Compiler:Compiler: Dr.Shahid AtharDr.Shahid Athar``  KindlyKindly recite Durood Shareef at least threerecite Durood Shareef at least three times once you have gone throughtimes once you have gone through  ““Allaahumma salliAllaahumma salli ‘‘ala Muhammad waala Muhammad wa ‘‘alaala Aali Muhammad kama salaytaAali Muhammad kama salayta ‘‘ala aaliala aali Ibraaheem, wa baarikIbraaheem, wa baarik ‘‘ala Muhammad waala Muhammad wa ‘‘alaala aali Muhammad kama baaraktaaali Muhammad kama baarakta ‘‘ala aaliala aali Ibraaheem innaka hameedun majeedIbraaheem innaka hameedun majeed (O(O Allaah, send prayers upon Muhammad andAllaah, send prayers upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad as You sentupon the family of Muhammad as You sent prayers upon the family of Ibraaheem, andprayers upon the family of Ibraaheem, and send blessings upon Muhammad and uponsend blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, as You sentthe family of Muhammad, as You sent blessings upon the family of Ibraaheem, Youblessings upon the family of Ibraaheem, You are indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory).are indeed Worthy of Praise, Full of Glory). ””