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YouTube in Drupal

                                  Presented by
                                 Aaron Winborn
Step 1: Celebrate!
Step 3
Talk it up!
Register the name.
Configure nameservers.
Blog about it.
Research YouTube fonts for awhile.
Install file system and configure the database.
Talk it up some more!

                          Time on this step:
                            3.5 hours

                          Real work time:
                            1 hour
Initial Contributed Modules
  CCK -- to create content types
  Views -- to create custom listings
  Flag -- for "QuickLinks" and Promoted/Featured
  Panels -- to create pages
  FileField -- for video uploads
  Embedded Media Field -- for 'YouTube' videos
  jQuery Media -- to make FileField work w/ videos
  Pathauto -- friendly URL's
  Token -- required by Pathauto
  Zen -- the Theme

                                             Time: 0.75
                                             Total: 4.25
Create Content Type

Create node/%nid Panel
Node Panel Context
Initial Panel Content

                 Time to create initial panel: 0.25
                               Troubleshoot: 0.75

                            Total time so far: 5.75
Front Page Panels

Different pages for Anonymous & Authenticated Users

   global $user;
   if ($user->uid) {

                                                Time: 0.75
                                                 Total: 6.5
Time: 0.25
Total: 6.75
Create Filler Content
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean
pellentesque. Nulla sed nulla sit amet dolor ultrices dapibus. Fusce
semper. Donec vulputate. Quisque porttitor elit eget nisl. Donec eu
pede et arcu hendrerit egestas. Mauris lacus neque, porttitor at,
vestibulum id, aliquam adipiscing, leo. Curabitur risus pede, euismod
sit amet, vehicula ac, blandit nec, lacus. Etiam bibendum dolor et
magna. Curabitur est risus, cursus sit amet, cursus nec, vestibulum
eget, eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et
ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed tortor. Vivamus a ipsum eu tortor
commodo elementum. Phasellus blandit, massa in egestas ornare, mi
tortor feugiat arcu, mollis semper tortor nunc in augue. Nulla nec
neque. Aenean porttitor mi nec nunc.

                                                           Time: 1
                                                        Total: 7.75
Create Flags

                Time: 0.5
               Total: 8.25
Create Video Views
Promoted Block & Page; Featured Block & Page
(Pause for Live Demo)

Views 2 Needs to be Seen!

                             Time: 0.5
                            Total: 8.75
Create Node Panel (Take 2)

                              Time: 0.5
                             Total: 9.25
Debug PHP Errors w/ Node Panel

Time: 2
Total: 10.75
Create New Logo!
(and fav.ico too!)

                         Time: 2
                     Total: 12.75
Initial CSS for Home Panel Pages
body, div#page {
a:link, a:visited, a:active {

.page-front .view-display-id-block_1 .views-row-odd,
.page-front .view-display-id-block_1 .views-row-even {
padding:0 3px;

.page-front .view-display-id-block_2 .views-row-odd,
.page-front .view-display-id-block_2 .views-row-even {
border-bottom:1px dotted #BBBBBB;
margin-top:0 !important;

                                                             Time: 3
                                                         Total: 15.75
Initial CSS for Video Node page
#video-panel h2.title {
#video-panel .node-type-video {
background:#EEEEEE none repeat scroll 0 0;
border:1px solid #CCCCCC;
#video-panel .node-type-video .node-inner {
padding: 5px;
#video-panel .submitted {
height: 64px;
#video-panel .submitted .info a {
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: none;
#video-panel .submitted .info a {
text-decoration: underline;
#video-panel .picture {
border:3px double #999999;
width: 46px;
height: 46px;
                                                  Time: 1
                                              Total: 16.75
Install Media Mover & 
FFMPEG Wrapper

                         Time: 0.25
                           Total: 17
OK, I lied...

Install Media Mover & 
FFMPEG Wrapper

                         Time: 6.25
                           Total: 23
Watch FiveStar Video Tutorial

and-votingapi                             Time: 0.25
                                         Total: 23.25
Add FiveStar to Views

                          Time: 0.5
                        Total: 23.75
Roll back Five Star from v.Dev

     (Bleeding edge and all that...)

                                       Time: 0.25
                                         Total: 24
Create Taxonomy View

                        Time: 0.25
                       Total: 24.25
Override Taxonomy View Theme
// $Id: views-view-fields.tpl.php,v 1.6 2008/09/24 22:48:21 merlinofchaos Exp $
 * @file views-view-fields--video-taxonomy.tpl.php
 * Default simple view template to all the fields as a row.
 * - $view: The view in use.
 * - $fields: an array of $field objects. Each one contains:
 *    - $field->content: The output of the field.
 *    - $field->raw: The raw data for the field, if it exists. This is NOT output safe.
 *    - $field->class: The safe class id to use.
 *    - $field->handler: The Views field handler object controlling this field. Do not use
 *      var_export to dump this object, as it can't handle the recursion.
 *    - $field->inline: Whether or not the field should be inline.
 *    - $field->inline_html: either div or span based on the above flag.
 *    - $field->separator: an optional separator that may appear before a field.
 * - $row: The raw result object from the query, with all data it fetched.
 * @ingroup views_templates
 $extra = (arg(1) && !is_numeric(arg(1))) ? (arg(1) .'/') : '';
<?php print l($fields['name']->content, arg(0) .'/'. $extra . $fields['tid']->content, array
('html' => TRUE)); ?>

                                                                               Time: 0.5
                                                                             Total: 24.75
Add Primary Menu & Play with CSS

                                 Time: 2
                             Total: 26.75
Make Primary Menu Active 
for Video Nodes

function phptemplate_links($links, $attributes = array('class' => 'links')) {
  // ...
  if (isset($link['href']) && ($link['href'] == $_GET['q'] || ($link['href'] == '<front>' &&
drupal_is_front_page()) || (($link['href'] == '<front>') && ($_GET['q'] == 'panel')))) {
         $class .= ' active';
      else if ($link['href'] == 'browse' && arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) && is_numeric(arg(1)))
         $node = node_load(arg(1));
         if ($node->type == 'video') {
           $class .= ' active';
      else if ($link['href'] == 'browse' && arg(0) == 'taxonomy') {
         $class .= ' active';
  // ...

                                                                              Time: 0.5
                                                                            Total: 27.25
Make 'Playing Now' Cycler

                                Work time: 0.5
(And Blog about it!)               Blog time: 1
                            Total so far: 28.75
QuickList Flag & Views

                             Time: 2
                         Total: 30.75
CSS for QuickList +/- on Thumbs

/* QuickList flag link */
.views-field-ops {
float: left;

.flag-quicklist a {
text-indent: -5000px;
height: 25px;
width: 25px;
display: block;
float: left;

.flag-quicklist a.flag-action {
background:transparent url(master-vfl65847.gif) no-repeat scroll -537px 4px;

.flag-quicklist a.unflag-action {
background:transparent url(master-vfl65847.gif) no-repeat scroll -587px 4px;

                                                                               Time: 2
                                                                           Total: 32.75
User videos at my/videos

                               Time: 1
                           Total: 33.75
Make /user & /my 
Active on Home Menu Tab
      else if ($link['href'] == '<front>' && (in_array(arg(0), array('user', 'my')))) {
        $class .= ' active';
      else if ($link['href'] == 'community' && arg(0) == 'forum') {
        $class .= ' active';
      else if ($link['href'] == 'community' && arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) && is_numeric(arg
(1))) {
        $node = node_load(arg(1));
        if ($node->type == 'forum') {
          $class .= ' active';

                                                                             Time: 0.25
                                                                               Total: 34
Create Top & Footer Menus

                             Time: 0.25
                            Total: 34.25
CSS for Menus & Nav Bars
/* primary menu */
#primary {
padding:5px 0 0;
#primary li {
background:transparent url(master-vfl65847.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 -137px;
padding: 0;

#primary li span.leftcap {
background:transparent url(master-vfl65847.gif) no-repeat scroll -152px 0;

                                                                               Time: 0.5
                                                                             Total: 34.75
Advanced Forum Configuration

                                   Time: 1
                               Total: 35.75
Add View Block w/ Forum Listings

                               Time: 0.5
                             Total: 36.25
YouTube Redesign! Yay!

                           Time: 0.5
                         Total: 36.75
Troubleshoot Media Mover

                               Time: 4
                           Total: 40.25
Subscription Button Theming

function youdrup_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  // Add spans around subscriptions button for styling.
  if ($form_id == 'subscriptions_ui_node_form') {
    $form['wrapper']['#title'] = '<span class="button-left"></span><span
class="button-text">'. $form['wrapper']['#title'] .'</span><span class="

                                                                             Time: 2.5
                                                                           Total: 42.75
Node Block CSS (and More Link)
// $Id$

function toggle_slider($link) {
//    $link = $('.more-slider').children('.
   var more = $link.text() == 'more info';    if (Drupal.jsEnabled) {
   if (more) {                                  $(document).ready(function () {
     $link.text('less info');                     $('#content-teaser').show();
     $('#content-full').slideDown();              $('#content-full').hide();
     $('#content-teaser').slideUp();              $section = $('#slider-link');
   }                                              $section.html('(<a href="#" id="slider-link-a"
   else {                                     >more info</a>)');
     $link.text('more info');                     $('#slider-link-a').click(function () {
     $('#content-teaser').slideDown();              toggle_slider($(this));
     $('#content-full').slideUp();                  return false;
   }                                              });
}                                               });
                                                console.log('embed start');
                                                $('.views-field-field-video-youtube-embed a').
                                              each(function (i) {
                                                  if ($(this).children('img').size() == 0) {
                                                    console.log('embed pass');
                                                                               Time: 0.5
                                                                             Total: 43.25
jQuery Media
Debug Session
Random bug-hunting...

                          Time: 0.5
                        Total: 43.75
Media Mover Woes

Finally, a live demo!

                        Time: 3.25
                          Total: 47
jQuery UI for Tabs (Fun!)

                             Time: 1.5
                            Total: 48.5
Grab Correct Thumbnails
  Blank thumbnail if no Emfield

   if ($row->node_data_field_video_youtube_field_thumbnail_fid) {
     $results = db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE fid = %d", $row-
>node_data_field_video_youtube_field_thumbnail_fid, 0, 1);
     $file = db_fetch_object($results);
     print l(theme('imagecache', 'thumbnail', $file->filepath), 'node/'. $row->nid, array
('html' => TRUE));
   else if ($row->{$field->field_alias}) {
     print $output;
   else {
     print l(theme('image', path_to_theme() .'/video-not-available.png'), 'node/'. $row->nid,
array('html' => TRUE));

                                                                                 Time: 1
                                                                              Total: 49.5
Create Slide Show Presentation

Click to add content... ;)

                                    Time: 4
                                 Total: 53.5

     Total Time: 53.5 hours (plus this presentation)
Modules used for YouDrup
Administration Menu      Devel & Devel Generate
Content (CCK):           ImageAPI
  Content Permissions      ImageAPI GD2
  Embedded Media Field   ImageCache
  Embedded Video Field   Media Mover API
  Field Group              FFMPEG Media Mover
  FileField                Media Mover Auto Run
  ImageField               Media Mover CCK
Core modules:              Media Mover Directory
  Menu                   Media Player
  Path                   Advanced Forum
  Search                 FFMPEG Wrapper
  Statistics             Flag
  Update Status          Google Analytics
Modules used (Continued)
jQuery UI               jQuery Update
MimeDetect              jQ
Mollom                  jQuery Media
Pathauto                Views
Service Links             Views UI
Similar by Terms        Voting API
Token                   FiveStar
YouTube API             YouDrup (Custom Module)
  Panel Pages
  Panels Simple Cache
  Views Panes
  Subscriptions Mail
  Subscriptions UI
YouTube in Drupal

             Presented by
            Aaron Winborn

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  • 1. YouTube in Drupal Presented by Aaron Winborn
  • 3.
  • 4. Step 3 Talk it up! Register the name. Configure nameservers. Blog about it. Research YouTube fonts for awhile. Install file system and configure the database. Talk it up some more! Time on this step:   3.5 hours Real work time:   1 hour
  • 5. Initial Contributed Modules CCK -- to create content types Views -- to create custom listings Flag -- for "QuickLinks" and Promoted/Featured Panels -- to create pages FileField -- for video uploads Embedded Media Field -- for 'YouTube' videos jQuery Media -- to make FileField work w/ videos Pathauto -- friendly URL's Token -- required by Pathauto Zen -- the Theme Time: 0.75 Total: 4.25
  • 6. Create Content Type Time: 0.5 Total: 4.75
  • 9. Initial Panel Content Time to create initial panel: 0.25 Troubleshoot: 0.75 Total time so far: 5.75
  • 10.
  • 11. Front Page Panels Different pages for Anonymous & Authenticated Users global $user; if ($user->uid) { drupal_goto('panel'); } Time: 0.75 Total: 6.5
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 20. Create Filler Content Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pellentesque. Nulla sed nulla sit amet dolor ultrices dapibus. Fusce semper. Donec vulputate. Quisque porttitor elit eget nisl. Donec eu pede et arcu hendrerit egestas. Mauris lacus neque, porttitor at, vestibulum id, aliquam adipiscing, leo. Curabitur risus pede, euismod sit amet, vehicula ac, blandit nec, lacus. Etiam bibendum dolor et magna. Curabitur est risus, cursus sit amet, cursus nec, vestibulum eget, eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed tortor. Vivamus a ipsum eu tortor commodo elementum. Phasellus blandit, massa in egestas ornare, mi tortor feugiat arcu, mollis semper tortor nunc in augue. Nulla nec neque. Aenean porttitor mi nec nunc. Time: 1 Total: 7.75
  • 21. Create Flags Time: 0.5 Total: 8.25
  • 22.
  • 23. Create Video Views Promoted Block & Page; Featured Block & Page
  • 24. (Pause for Live Demo) Views 2 Needs to be Seen! Time: 0.5 Total: 8.75
  • 25. Create Node Panel (Take 2) Time: 0.5 Total: 9.25
  • 26. Debug PHP Errors w/ Node Panel Time: 2 Total: 10.75
  • 27. Create New Logo! (and fav.ico too!) Time: 2 Total: 12.75
  • 28. Initial CSS for Home Panel Pages body, div#page { color:#000000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:12px; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color:#0033CC; } .page-front .view-display-id-block_1 .views-row-odd, .page-front .view-display-id-block_1 .views-row-even { float:left; padding:0 3px; text-align:center; width:23%; margin-bottom:0; } .page-front .view-display-id-block_2 .views-row-odd, .page-front .view-display-id-block_2 .views-row-even { border-bottom:1px dotted #BBBBBB; padding-bottom:10px; margin-top:0 !important; } Time: 3 Total: 15.75
  • 29. Initial CSS for Video Node page #video-panel h2.title { display:none; } #video-panel .node-type-video { background:#EEEEEE none repeat scroll 0 0; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; } #video-panel .node-type-video .node-inner { padding: 5px; } #video-panel .submitted { height: 64px; } #video-panel .submitted .info a { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } #video-panel .submitted .info a { text-decoration: underline; } #video-panel .picture { float:left; margin-top:6px; background-color:#FFFFFF; border:3px double #999999; display:block; overflow:hidden; width: 46px; height: 46px; } Time: 1 Total: 16.75
  • 30. Install Media Mover &  FFMPEG Wrapper Time: 0.25 Total: 17
  • 31. OK, I lied... Install Media Mover &  FFMPEG Wrapper Time: 6.25 Total: 23
  • 32. Watch FiveStar Video Tutorial http://www.lullabot. com/videocast/building-views-fivestar- and-votingapi Time: 0.25 Total: 23.25
  • 33. Add FiveStar to Views Time: 0.5 Total: 23.75
  • 34. Roll back Five Star from v.Dev (Bleeding edge and all that...) Time: 0.25 Total: 24
  • 35. Create Taxonomy View Time: 0.25 Total: 24.25
  • 36. Override Taxonomy View Theme <?php // $Id: views-view-fields.tpl.php,v 1.6 2008/09/24 22:48:21 merlinofchaos Exp $ /** * @file views-view-fields--video-taxonomy.tpl.php * Default simple view template to all the fields as a row. * * - $view: The view in use. * - $fields: an array of $field objects. Each one contains: * - $field->content: The output of the field. * - $field->raw: The raw data for the field, if it exists. This is NOT output safe. * - $field->class: The safe class id to use. * - $field->handler: The Views field handler object controlling this field. Do not use * var_export to dump this object, as it can't handle the recursion. * - $field->inline: Whether or not the field should be inline. * - $field->inline_html: either div or span based on the above flag. * - $field->separator: an optional separator that may appear before a field. * - $row: The raw result object from the query, with all data it fetched. * * @ingroup views_templates */ $extra = (arg(1) && !is_numeric(arg(1))) ? (arg(1) .'/') : ''; ?> <?php print l($fields['name']->content, arg(0) .'/'. $extra . $fields['tid']->content, array ('html' => TRUE)); ?> Time: 0.5 Total: 24.75
  • 37. Add Primary Menu & Play with CSS Time: 2 Total: 26.75
  • 38. Make Primary Menu Active  for Video Nodes function phptemplate_links($links, $attributes = array('class' => 'links')) { // ... if (isset($link['href']) && ($link['href'] == $_GET['q'] || ($link['href'] == '<front>' && drupal_is_front_page()) || (($link['href'] == '<front>') && ($_GET['q'] == 'panel')))) { $class .= ' active'; } else if ($link['href'] == 'browse' && arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) && is_numeric(arg(1))) { $node = node_load(arg(1)); if ($node->type == 'video') { $class .= ' active'; } } else if ($link['href'] == 'browse' && arg(0) == 'taxonomy') { $class .= ' active'; } } // ... } Time: 0.5 Total: 27.25
  • 39. Make 'Playing Now' Cycler Work time: 0.5 (And Blog about it!) Blog time: 1 Total so far: 28.75
  • 40. QuickList Flag & Views Time: 2 Total: 30.75
  • 41. CSS for QuickList +/- on Thumbs /* QuickList flag link */ .views-field-ops { float: left; height:0; } .flag-quicklist a { text-indent: -5000px; height: 25px; width: 25px; margin-top:-24px; display: block; float: left; } .flag-quicklist a.flag-action { background:transparent url(master-vfl65847.gif) no-repeat scroll -537px 4px; } .flag-quicklist a.unflag-action { background:transparent url(master-vfl65847.gif) no-repeat scroll -587px 4px; } Time: 2 Total: 32.75
  • 42. User videos at my/videos Time: 1 Total: 33.75
  • 43. Make /user & /my  Active on Home Menu Tab else if ($link['href'] == '<front>' && (in_array(arg(0), array('user', 'my')))) { $class .= ' active'; } else if ($link['href'] == 'community' && arg(0) == 'forum') { $class .= ' active'; } else if ($link['href'] == 'community' && arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) && is_numeric(arg (1))) { $node = node_load(arg(1)); if ($node->type == 'forum') { $class .= ' active'; } Time: 0.25 Total: 34
  • 44. Create Top & Footer Menus Time: 0.25 Total: 34.25
  • 45. CSS for Menus & Nav Bars /* primary menu */ #primary { float:right; height:28px; list-style-type:none; margin:0; padding:5px 0 0; width:693px; } #primary li { background:transparent url(master-vfl65847.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 -137px; display:block; float:left; margin-right:5px; padding: 0; } #primary li span.leftcap { background:transparent url(master-vfl65847.gif) no-repeat scroll -152px 0; display:block; float:left; height:28px; width:5px; } Time: 0.5 Total: 34.75
  • 46. Advanced Forum Configuration Time: 1 Total: 35.75
  • 47. Add View Block w/ Forum Listings Time: 0.5 Total: 36.25
  • 48. YouTube Redesign! Yay! Time: 0.5 Total: 36.75
  • 49. Troubleshoot Media Mover Time: 4 Total: 40.25
  • 50. Subscription Button Theming function youdrup_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { // Add spans around subscriptions button for styling. if ($form_id == 'subscriptions_ui_node_form') { $form['wrapper']['#title'] = '<span class="button-left"></span><span class="button-text">'. $form['wrapper']['#title'] .'</span><span class=" button-right"></span>'; } Time: 2.5 Total: 42.75
  • 51. Node Block CSS (and More Link) // $Id$ function toggle_slider($link) { // $link = $('.more-slider').children('. slider-link').children('a'); var more = $link.text() == 'more info'; if (Drupal.jsEnabled) { if (more) { $(document).ready(function () { $link.text('less info'); $('#content-teaser').show(); $('#content-full').slideDown(); $('#content-full').hide(); $('#content-teaser').slideUp(); $section = $('#slider-link'); } $section.html('(<a href="#" id="slider-link-a" else { >more info</a>)'); $link.text('more info'); $('#slider-link-a').click(function () { $('#content-teaser').slideDown(); toggle_slider($(this)); $('#content-full').slideUp(); return false; } }); } }); console.log('embed start'); $('.views-field-field-video-youtube-embed a'). each(function (i) { console.log('starting...'); if ($(this).children('img').size() == 0) { console.log('embed pass'); $(this).parent().hide(); } }); } Time: 0.5 Total: 43.25
  • 52. jQuery Media Debug Session Random bug-hunting... Time: 0.5 Total: 43.75
  • 53. Media Mover Woes Finally, a live demo! Time: 3.25 Total: 47
  • 54. jQuery UI for Tabs (Fun!) Time: 1.5 Total: 48.5
  • 55. Grab Correct Thumbnails Problem:   Blank thumbnail if no Emfield Solution: <?php if ($row->node_data_field_video_youtube_field_thumbnail_fid) { $results = db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {files} WHERE fid = %d", $row- >node_data_field_video_youtube_field_thumbnail_fid, 0, 1); $file = db_fetch_object($results); print l(theme('imagecache', 'thumbnail', $file->filepath), 'node/'. $row->nid, array ('html' => TRUE)); } else if ($row->{$field->field_alias}) { print $output; } else { print l(theme('image', path_to_theme() .'/video-not-available.png'), 'node/'. $row->nid, array('html' => TRUE)); } ?> Time: 1 Total: 49.5
  • 56. Create Slide Show Presentation Click to add content... ;) Time: 4 Total: 53.5
  • 57.
  • 58. Celebrate! Total Time: 53.5 hours (plus this presentation)
  • 59. Modules used for YouDrup Administration Menu Devel & Devel Generate Content (CCK): ImageAPI   Content Permissions   ImageAPI GD2   Embedded Media Field ImageCache   Embedded Video Field Media Mover API   Field Group   FFMPEG Media Mover   FileField   Media Mover Auto Run   ImageField   Media Mover CCK Core modules:   Media Mover Directory   Menu Media Player   Path Advanced Forum   Search FFMPEG Wrapper   Statistics Flag   Update Status Google Analytics  
  • 60. Modules used (Continued) jQuery UI jQuery Update MimeDetect jQ Mollom jQuery Media Pathauto Views Service Links   Views UI Similar by Terms Voting API Token FiveStar YouTube API YouDrup (Custom Module) Panels   Panel Pages   Panels Simple Cache   Views Panes Subscriptions   Subscriptions Mail   Subscriptions UI
  • 61. YouTube in Drupal Presented by Aaron Winborn