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12th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics,
Ljubljana, Slovenia

             Succinct Multibit Tree:
    Compact Representation of Multibit Trees
          by Succinct Data Structures
       in Chemical Fingerprint Searches	

                           Yasuo Tabei
                     JST ERATO Minato Project
Chemical fingerprint search	
•  Space-efficient data structures to index 30 million
   chemical fingerprints, e.g., W=(1,5,7,10)
•  Find all fingerprints similar to a query (≧ε)
   –  Similarity = Jaccard (Tanimoto) (J(W,W’)=|W∩W’|/|W∪W’|)
•  Multibit tree (Kristensen et al.,WABI09)
  –  Data structure enabling fast similarity searches
   –  Memory-inefficiency of pointer-based representation
•  Succinct data structures (Jacobson, 1989)
   –  Space efficient and enabling fast operations
Ø Present succinct representation of multibit tree
•  Multibit Tree
•  Succinct Data Structures
   –  Rank/Select dictionary
   –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS
•  Succinct Multibit Trees
   –  Compact representation of multibit trees
   –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases
      1.  Variable-length array
      2.  Succinct Trie

•  Experiments
•  Multibit Tree
•  Succinct Data Structures
   –  Rank/Select dictionary
   –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS
•  Succinct Multibit Trees
   –  Compact representation of multibit trees
   –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases
      1.  Variable-length array
      2.  Succinct Trie

•  Experiments
Multibit Tree (MT) (Kristensen et al., 09)	
l    Multiple decision trees built on fingerprints
      clustered with respect to cardinality	
           (i)Fingerprint       (ii)Cluster into bins   (iii)Build decision
              Database              w.r.t cardinality        trees

           W1=(1,2,7,4,8)           W6 =(1)
           W2=(1,3,7)               W32=(2)
           W3=(1,3)                 W42=(4)              W6
           W5=(1,4,8,7)             W50=(8)                   W32
           W6=(1)                                                   W42 W

             ...                    W3 =(1,3)
                                    W9 =(2,4)
           Wn=(1,3,4)               W12=(1,4)
                                    W3 =(2,5,6)
                                                              W3      W12
                                    W9 =(1,3,6)
                            .       W18=(4,6,8)
                                         .          .
                                                        W3 W15 W9

                                                    .                 W12 W18
Similarity search of a query fingerprint Q	

l    If Jaccard similarity J(Wi , Q)          , two constraints are
      1.  Cardinality constraint
                       |Q|   |Wi |       |Q|
      2.  Upper bound of Jaccard similarity
                        min(|Wi | N0 , |Q| N1 )
                 |Wi | + |Q| min(|Wi | N0 , |Q|         N1 )
 - N0: The number of elements contained in Wi and not in Q
 - N1: The number of elements contained in Q and not in Wi
Similarity search of a query fingerprint Q	
Step1:                              Step2:                              Step3:
Find candidate solutions I1         Find candidate solutions I2         Calculate similarities
satisfying carinality constraints   satisfying upper bounds             to remove false positives

                W42 W
                                         W3          W12
          W3        W12

                                    W4    W15 W
    W4 W15 W9                                         W12         W18
                    W12 W18


•  Pointer-based representation of multibit trees
   needs a large amount of memory
 - Kc: number of fingerprints in bin c
 - C: total number of bins
   –  Log(.) factor is too large!
•  Need to store original fingerprint databases in
   memory to filter out false positives
•  Multibit Tree
•  Succinct Data Structures
   –  Rank/select dictionary
   –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS
•  Succinct Multibit Trees
   –  Compact representation of multibit trees
   –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases
      1.  Variable-length array
      2.  Succinct Trie

•  Experiments
Rank/select dictionary (RRR, 2002)
       : Foundation of various succinct data structures	

l    Enables the rank/select operations on bit string B in
      -  Rankc(B,i): return the number of c∈{0,1} in B[1…i]
      -  Selectc(B,i): return the position of i-th occurrence of c∈{0,1}
l    Efficient rank/select dictionary (Navarro and Providel, 2012) 	

 Ex) B=0110011100	
                    i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Rank1(B,8)=5      011001110 0
 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0	
                                            Memory: n + o(n) bits
Level-order Unary Degree Sequence
            (LOUDS) (Jacobson, 1989)	
•  Represents an ordered tree as a bit string
   of length 2n+1 (n: node number)
•  Construction
1)  Traversing the tree in a breadth-first manner
2)  Generating k 1s followed by 0 for a k-degree node in

                   1            S:	
                                  S 1 2 3 4 567
           2           3       B 101101101100000

       4       5       6   7
Properties of LOUDS	
                               1   23       4 5 67
         2            3       B:101101101100000
                                        1     2      34 5 67
     4       5       6    7

•  For a tree consisting of n nodes, there are n 1s
   and n+1 0s on bit string B
•  Each 1 and 0 except the first 0 on B corresponds
   to a tree node one-by-one
•  Positions of the parent and children for a tree
   node on B can be calculated by combining the
   rank/select operations in O(1)-time.
O(1)-time operations on a tree	
•  Parent/child operations for i such that B[i]=1
     –  First child:p=select0(B,rank1(B,i))+1
     –  Next child:i+1 for position i of the first child
     –  Parent     :p=select1(B,rank0(B,i))	


                                     i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
                2           3        B 101101101100000
                                           1     23       45        6 7
            4       5       6    7
•  Overview
   –  Chemical fingerprint search
•  Multibit Tree
•  Succinct Data Structures
   –  Rank/Select dictionary
   –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS
•  Succinct Multibit Trees
   –  Compact representation of multibit trees
   –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases
      1.  Variable-length array
      2.  Succinct Trie
•  Experiments
Succinct Multibit Trees (SMT)	

•  Consist of compact representations of multibit
   trees and fingerprint databases
•  Represent multibit trees by LOUDS
  –  O(8 C |Kc | 4C + M C) bits not including log factor
  –  Fast similarity searches
•  Two compact representations of fingerprint
  –  Variable-length array (VLA)
  –  Succinct trie (TRIE)
Succinct representation of
             multibit trees (SMT)	
•  Basic idea is to represent MT by LOUDS
  –  MT consists of multiple binary decision trees.
•  Bc: LOUDS representation of a decision tree
•  Lc: bit string indicating whether Bc[i] is a leaf or not
•  IDs: Array containing fingerprint identifiers

         1                SMT	
           2               3

      4        5       6       7
      W3       W4 W1           W2
Access to node auxiliaries and
    fingerprint identifiers in O(1)-time	
                               1    0
•  Access to node auxiliaries Mv , Mv for calculating
   upper bounds
   –  v = rank1 (Bc , p) for a given position p
   –  Each 1 bit in Bc corresponds to a node v
•  Identifiers for calculating Jaccard[p] = 1
                                    Lc similarities
   –  IDs[rank1 (Lc , p)] for a given position p
   –  Each 1 bit in Lc corresponds to an index on IDs

          2               3

      4       5       6       7
     W3       W4 W1           W2
Variable-length array for compactly
        representing fingerprints	
•  Standard array consists of bit strings of fixed-length
   –  Space-inefficient for storing small values
   Ex) Array, each element is represented as 8 bits
        Integer       2        1        3        4        32bits	
        Bit string 00000010 00000001 00000011 00000100

•  Variable-length array = bit strings of different lengths
        Integer      2        1        3        4         8bits	
        Bit string       10       1        11       100
   –  Space-efficient
   –  Random access is impossible
Representation of variable-length array	

•  Use two bit strings to represent an array A:
   -  R: bit string whose k-th substring corresponds to the
      bit string representation of A[k]
   -  P: bit string whose k-th substring consists of
       ( log A[k]    1) 0s followed by 1
Recovering A[k] from variable-length array	


•  A[k] is recovered by three steps:
  1.  Start position s: If k=1 s=1, else s = select1(P,k-1) + 1
  2.  End position e: e = select1(P,k)
  3.  Conversion: Convert substring R[s,e] to an integer
•  O(1)-time
•  Used to store an associative array
   –  keys are, usually, a string
•  Applicable to fingerprints considered as strings
                          Build                1	
           W1=(1,2,3)     trie	
           W2=(2,3,7,8)                  4	
           W3=(1,2,5,8)        3	
•  The alphabet size tends to be small for typical trie
   applications, e.g., DNA(4), English(26)
•  Difficulty: the word size of fingerprints is not always
   small, e.g., PubChem, 881 dimension
   –  Memory usage is dominated by labels
•  Compute the differences between every pair of a node
   label and the parent node label
                                      0       Compute
Ex)              Build    1               2   difference
                 trie                                 1            2
  W1=(1,2,3)                              3
                      2           3
  W2=(2,3,7,8)                                     1       2       1   Succinct Trie
                                                                        Succinct Trie
  W3=(1,2,5,8)    3       5       5
                                          7                            by LOUDS
                                                                        by LOUDS
                                               1       3           4
  W4=(1,3,5)                                               2
                              8                                    1
Succinct Trie (TRIE)	
•  Three components:
  –  T: LOUDS representation of trie
  –  D: Variable-length array containing node labels
  –  Idconv: Array containing fingerprint identifiers	

  Trie                  1	
           Succinct Trie
   Node ids	
                                           LBS T	
     Words D	
•  Multibit Tree
•  Succinct Data Structures
   –  Rank/Select dictionary
   –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS
•  Succinct Multibit Trees
   –  Compact representation of multibit trees
   –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases
      1.  Variable-length array
      2.  Succinct Trie

•  Experiments

•  30 million chemical fingerprints from
   PubChem database
•  Evaluate search time and memory
•  Compared succinct multibit tree (SMT) to
   pointer-based multibit tree (MT)
•  Compared variable-length array (VLD) and
   succint trie (TRIE) to the raw
   representation of fingeprint databases.
Memory usage of multibit trees	
              6000       SMT



Memory (MB)



                                                                                 ●         ●
                0    ●●

                 0.0e+00       5.0e+06   1.0e+07      1.5e+07       2.0e+07   2.5e+07   3.0e+07
                                                   # of fingerprints
Memory usage of representations of
                           fingerprint databases	

Memory (MB)



                                                                                    ●         ●

                                     ●         ●             ●           ●
                     0.0e+00      5.0e+06   1.0e+07      1.5e+07       2.0e+07   2.5e+07   3.0e+07
                                                      # of fingerprints
Search time and memory on 30 million
  fingerprints (ε=0.98) #answers:10	
     search time (sec)

                         0.015        SMT+VLA

                         0.010                MT+TRIE

                         0.005                                  MT+RAW

5000    10000     15000   20000 22GB	
      memory (MB)
Search time and memory on 30 million
 fingerprints (ε=0.9) #answers:1,440	
    search time (sec)

                                 SMT+VLA MT+VLA
                        0.5           MT+TRIE
5000    10000   15000     2000022GB	
     memory (MB)

•  Succinct Multibit Trees (SMT)
•  Compactly represent multibit trees and
   fingerprints by succinct data structures
•  Represent multibit trees by LOUDS
•  Represent fingerprints by variabl-length array and
   succinct trie
•  Enables us to index 30 million fingerprints in 2GB
   by SMT+TRIE and in 4GB by SMT+VLA
•  Search time remains practically fast
Succinct Data Structures	
•  Space-efficient data structures enabling fast
•  Pointer-based representations of ordered trees
   consume a large amount of memory
  –  O(nlogn) bits for the number n of nodes
  –  logn factor is too large for large-scale data
•  Represent ordered trees as bit strings of length 2n
   + 1 and enables O(1)-time operations
  –  Ex) 0100100101000
•  Various succinct data structures
  –  sets(Raman,2002), sequences(Ferragina,2001),
     trees(Jacobson,1989), graphs(Turan,1989)

l  Divide the bit array B into large blocks of length =log2n
   RL=Ranks of large blocks
l  Divide each large block to small blocks of length s=(logn)/2

  Rs=Ranks of small blocks relative to the large block
      rank1(B,i)=RL[i/l]+Rs[i/s]+(remaining rank)	
          Memory: n + o(n) bits
Recovering A[k] from variable-length array	
 •  A[k] is recovered by three steps:
    1.  Start position s: If k=1 s=1, else s = select1(P,k-1) + 1
    2.  End position e: e = select1(P,k)
    3.  Conversion: Convert substring R[s,e] to an integer
 •  O(1)-time

  1.  s = select1(P,2)+1=4        s	
  2.  e = select1(P,3)=7
  3.  Convert R[4,7]=1000 to the integer 8

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Applied Psych Test Design: Part E--Cacluate norms and derived scoresApplied Psych Test Design: Part E--Cacluate norms and derived scores
Applied Psych Test Design: Part E--Cacluate norms and derived scores
Topological sort
Topological sortTopological sort
Topological sort


  • 1. 12th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Ljubljana, Slovenia Succinct Multibit Tree: Compact Representation of Multibit Trees by Succinct Data Structures in Chemical Fingerprint Searches Yasuo Tabei JST ERATO Minato Project
  • 2. Chemical fingerprint search •  Space-efficient data structures to index 30 million chemical fingerprints, e.g., W=(1,5,7,10) •  Find all fingerprints similar to a query (≧ε) –  Similarity = Jaccard (Tanimoto) (J(W,W’)=|W∩W’|/|W∪W’|) •  Multibit tree (Kristensen et al.,WABI09) –  Data structure enabling fast similarity searches –  Memory-inefficiency of pointer-based representation •  Succinct data structures (Jacobson, 1989) –  Space efficient and enabling fast operations Ø Present succinct representation of multibit tree
  • 3. Outline •  Multibit Tree •  Succinct Data Structures –  Rank/Select dictionary –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS •  Succinct Multibit Trees –  Compact representation of multibit trees –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases 1.  Variable-length array 2.  Succinct Trie •  Experiments
  • 4. Outline •  Multibit Tree •  Succinct Data Structures –  Rank/Select dictionary –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS •  Succinct Multibit Trees –  Compact representation of multibit trees –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases 1.  Variable-length array 2.  Succinct Trie •  Experiments
  • 5. Multibit Tree (MT) (Kristensen et al., 09) l  Multiple decision trees built on fingerprints clustered with respect to cardinality (i)Fingerprint (ii)Cluster into bins (iii)Build decision Database w.r.t cardinality trees W1=(1,2,7,4,8) W6 =(1) W2=(1,3,7) W32=(2) W3=(1,3) W42=(4) W6 W5=(1,4,8,7) W50=(8) W32 W6=(1) W42 W 50 ... W3 =(1,3) W9 =(2,4) Wn=(1,3,4) W12=(1,4) W9 W3 =(2,5,6) W3 W12 W9 =(1,3,6) . . W12=(4,6,7) W15=(2,3,5) . W18=(4,6,8) . . . . . W3 W15 W9 . W12 W18
  • 6. Similarity search of a query fingerprint Q l  If Jaccard similarity J(Wi , Q) , two constraints are satisfied: 1.  Cardinality constraint 1 |Q| |Wi | |Q| 2.  Upper bound of Jaccard similarity min(|Wi | N0 , |Q| N1 ) |Wi | + |Q| min(|Wi | N0 , |Q| N1 ) - N0: The number of elements contained in Wi and not in Q - N1: The number of elements contained in Q and not in Wi
  • 7. Similarity search of a query fingerprint Q Step1: Step2: Step3: Find candidate solutions I1 Find candidate solutions I2 Calculate similarities satisfying carinality constraints satisfying upper bounds to remove false positives in Searched W6 pruned W32 W42 W 50 W9 ? W3 W12 ? W9 W3 W12 W4 W15 W 9 W4 W15 W9 W12 W18 W12 W18 . . .
  • 8. Drawbacks •  Pointer-based representation of multibit trees needs a large amount of memory                  bits - Kc: number of fingerprints in bin c - C: total number of bins –  Log(.) factor is too large! •  Need to store original fingerprint databases in memory to filter out false positives
  • 9. Outline •  Multibit Tree •  Succinct Data Structures –  Rank/select dictionary –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS •  Succinct Multibit Trees –  Compact representation of multibit trees –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases 1.  Variable-length array 2.  Succinct Trie •  Experiments
  • 10. Rank/select dictionary (RRR, 2002) : Foundation of various succinct data structures l  Enables the rank/select operations on bit string B in O(1)-time -  Rankc(B,i): return the number of c∈{0,1} in B[1…i] -  Selectc(B,i): return the position of i-th occurrence of c∈{0,1} l  Efficient rank/select dictionary (Navarro and Providel, 2012) Ex) B=0110011100 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rank1(B,8)=5 011001110 0 Select1(B,3)=6 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Memory: n + o(n) bits
  • 11. Level-order Unary Degree Sequence (LOUDS) (Jacobson, 1989) •  Represents an ordered tree as a bit string of length 2n+1 (n: node number) •  Construction 1)  Traversing the tree in a breadth-first manner 2)  Generating k 1s followed by 0 for a k-degree node in preorder 1 S:  super  root S 1 2 3 4 567 2 3 B 101101101100000 4 5 6 7
  • 12. Properties of LOUDS 1 1 23 4 5 67 2 3 B:101101101100000 1 2 34 5 67 4 5 6 7 •  For a tree consisting of n nodes, there are n 1s and n+1 0s on bit string B •  Each 1 and 0 except the first 0 on B corresponds to a tree node one-by-one •  Positions of the parent and children for a tree node on B can be calculated by combining the rank/select operations in O(1)-time.
  • 13. O(1)-time operations on a tree •  Parent/child operations for i such that B[i]=1 –  First child:p=select0(B,rank1(B,i))+1 –  Next child:i+1 for position i of the first child –  Parent :p=select1(B,rank0(B,i)) Ex)  Calcula2ng  the  first  child  for  i  =  4 1 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 B 101101101100000 1 23 45 6 7 4 5 6 7 i=4 rank1(B,4)=3 select0(B,3)=9
  • 14. Outline •  Overview –  Chemical fingerprint search •  Multibit Tree •  Succinct Data Structures –  Rank/Select dictionary –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS •  Succinct Multibit Trees –  Compact representation of multibit trees –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases 1.  Variable-length array 2.  Succinct Trie •  Experiments
  • 15. Succinct Multibit Trees (SMT) •  Consist of compact representations of multibit trees and fingerprint databases •  Represent multibit trees by LOUDS –  O(8 C |Kc | 4C + M C) bits not including log factor c=1 –  Fast similarity searches •  Two compact representations of fingerprint databases –  Variable-length array (VLA) –  Succinct trie (TRIE)
  • 16. Succinct representation of multibit trees (SMT) •  Basic idea is to represent MT by LOUDS –  MT consists of multiple binary decision trees. •  Bc: LOUDS representation of a decision tree •  Lc: bit string indicating whether Bc[i] is a leaf or not •  IDs: Array containing fingerprint identifiers MT 1 SMT 2 3 4 5 6 7 W3 W4 W1 W2
  • 17. Access to node auxiliaries and fingerprint identifiers in O(1)-time 1 0 •  Access to node auxiliaries Mv , Mv for calculating upper bounds –  v = rank1 (Bc , p) for a given position p –  Each 1 bit in Bc corresponds to a node v •  Identifiers for calculating Jaccard[p] = 1 Lc similarities –  IDs[rank1 (Lc , p)] for a given position p –  Each 1 bit in Lc corresponds to an index on IDs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 W3 W4 W1 W2
  • 18. Variable-length array for compactly representing fingerprints •  Standard array consists of bit strings of fixed-length –  Space-inefficient for storing small values Ex) Array, each element is represented as 8 bits Integer 2 1 3 4 32bits Bit string 00000010 00000001 00000011 00000100 •  Variable-length array = bit strings of different lengths Ex) Integer 2 1 3 4 8bits Bit string 10 1 11 100 –  Space-efficient –  Random access is impossible
  • 19. Representation of variable-length array •  Use two bit strings to represent an array A: -  R: bit string whose k-th substring corresponds to the bit string representation of A[k] -  P: bit string whose k-th substring consists of ( log A[k] 1) 0s followed by 1
  • 20. Recovering A[k] from variable-length array K=3 s e •  A[k] is recovered by three steps: 1.  Start position s: If k=1 s=1, else s = select1(P,k-1) + 1 2.  End position e: e = select1(P,k) 3.  Conversion: Convert substring R[s,e] to an integer •  O(1)-time
  • 21. Trie •  Used to store an associative array –  keys are, usually, a string •  Applicable to fingerprints considered as strings 0 1 Build 1 2 W1=(1,2,3) trie 2 3 2 3 3 W2=(2,3,7,8) 4 5 6 W3=(1,2,5,8) 3 5 7 7 5 10 8 9 W4=(1,3,5) 8 8 12 11
  • 22. Difficulty •  The alphabet size tends to be small for typical trie applications, e.g., DNA(4), English(26) •  Difficulty: the word size of fingerprints is not always small, e.g., PubChem, 881 dimension –  Memory usage is dominated by labels •  Compute the differences between every pair of a node label and the parent node label 0 Compute 0 Ex) Build 1 2 difference trie 1 2 W1=(1,2,3) 3 2 3 W2=(2,3,7,8) 1 2 1 Succinct Trie Succinct Trie W3=(1,2,5,8) 3 5 5 7 by LOUDS by LOUDS 1 3 4 W4=(1,3,5) 2 8 8 1 3
  • 23. Succinct Trie (TRIE) •  Three components: –  T: LOUDS representation of trie –  D: Variable-length array containing node labels –  Idconv: Array containing fingerprint identifiers Trie 1 0 Succinct Trie 1 2 Node ids - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 LBS T 10 110 110 10 110 10 10 0 10 0 10 0 0 2 3 Words D   0 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 4 3 1 1 2 1 4 5 6 Index W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 1 3 4 idconv 7 12 11 10 9 7 2 10 8 9 1 3 12 11
  • 24. Outline •  Multibit Tree •  Succinct Data Structures –  Rank/Select dictionary –  Succinct ordered tree: LOUDS •  Succinct Multibit Trees –  Compact representation of multibit trees –  Compact representation of fingerprint databases 1.  Variable-length array 2.  Succinct Trie •  Experiments
  • 25. Experiments •  30 million chemical fingerprints from PubChem database •  Evaluate search time and memory •  Compared succinct multibit tree (SMT) to pointer-based multibit tree (MT) •  Compared variable-length array (VLD) and succint trie (TRIE) to the raw representation of fingeprint databases.
  • 26. Memory usage of multibit trees 6000 SMT 6G ● MT 5000 4000 Memory (MB) 3000 2000 1000 ● ● ● ● 847MB ● ● 0 ●● ● 0.0e+00 5.0e+06 1.0e+07 1.5e+07 2.0e+07 2.5e+07 3.0e+07 # of fingerprints
  • 27. Memory usage of representations of fingerprint databases TRIE 16GB ● VLA RAW 15000 Memory (MB) 10000 5000 3.2GB ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● 1.3GB 0 0.0e+00 5.0e+06 1.0e+07 1.5e+07 2.0e+07 2.5e+07 3.0e+07 # of fingerprints
  • 28. Search time and memory on 30 million fingerprints (ε=0.98) #answers:10 0.025 SMT+TRIE 0.021 ● 0.020 search time (sec) 0.015 SMT+VLA 0.014 SMT+RAW 0.010 MT+TRIE MT+VLA 0.006 0.005 MT+RAW 0.000 2GB 5000 10000 15000 20000 22GB 4GB memory (MB)
  • 29. Search time and memory on 30 million fingerprints (ε=0.9) #answers:1,440 2.0 SMT+TRIE 1.7 ● 1.5 search time (sec) 1.0 SMT+VLA MT+VLA 0.58 SMT+RAW 0.5 MT+TRIE 0.3 MT+RAW 0.0 2GB 5000 10000 15000 2000022GB 4GB memory (MB)
  • 30. Summary •  Succinct Multibit Trees (SMT) •  Compactly represent multibit trees and fingerprints by succinct data structures •  Represent multibit trees by LOUDS •  Represent fingerprints by variabl-length array and succinct trie •  Enables us to index 30 million fingerprints in 2GB by SMT+TRIE and in 4GB by SMT+VLA •  Search time remains practically fast
  • 31. Succinct Data Structures •  Space-efficient data structures enabling fast operations •  Pointer-based representations of ordered trees consume a large amount of memory –  O(nlogn) bits for the number n of nodes –  logn factor is too large for large-scale data •  Represent ordered trees as bit strings of length 2n + 1 and enables O(1)-time operations –  Ex) 0100100101000 •  Various succinct data structures –  sets(Raman,2002), sequences(Ferragina,2001), trees(Jacobson,1989), graphs(Turan,1989)
  • 32. B l  Divide the bit array B into large blocks of length =log2n RL=Ranks of large blocks l  Divide each large block to small blocks of length s=(logn)/2 Rs=Ranks of small blocks relative to the large block rank1(B,i)=RL[i/l]+Rs[i/s]+(remaining rank) Time:O(1) Memory: n + o(n) bits
  • 33. Recovering A[k] from variable-length array •  A[k] is recovered by three steps: 1.  Start position s: If k=1 s=1, else s = select1(P,k-1) + 1 2.  End position e: e = select1(P,k) 3.  Conversion: Convert substring R[s,e] to an integer •  O(1)-time Ex)k=3 1.  s = select1(P,2)+1=4 s e 2.  e = select1(P,3)=7 3.  Convert R[4,7]=1000 to the integer 8