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Vermachtnis Legacy - Chapter 5 By fraulineTaube (originally uploaded on the Exchange) Ghosts, deaths, birthdays - the whole legacy shebang. Vote for your favorite gen 4 kid for heir!
"Say, Dar, how about a date before I croak?" "Why, I thought you'd never ask!" Welcome back to the Vermachtnis Legacy, where we have no quirks or gimmicks other than the ones we were born with! I really liked all the kids in this generation - so much so that I couldn't decide who should be heir. So at the end of the chapter, I'll post their pictures and have a vote. Until then, enjoy!
"Hi! You may not recognize me, but my name is June Vermachtnis. I was born at the end of the last chapter. Anyway, I just wanted to get you all caught up. Last chapter Asher, the founder and my great-grandfather died, but there were three children running around the house. Generation 4 were the twins Joy and Jay, and my brother Jordan. Things were going smoothly, but the injudicious use of cheesecake led to to the birth of me and my twin Julian, making 9 sims in the house! Joy and Jay left for college soon after, and that brings us up to date. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to regress back to my infancy to fit in with the timeline! Just a moment!"
With Joy and Jay away at college, there were still 7 sims in the house - gen 2 Darcy and Leo, gen 3 Gabi and Jessie, and the gen 4 younger batch, Jordan, June, and Julian. June and Julian were soon toddlers. Perhaps you can tell who was the 'good' one?
June and Julian have similar, but not identical personalities. June is 6 neat, 10 outgoing, 8 active, 0 serious, and 10 nice. Julian is 5 neat, 9 outgoing, 6 active, 0 serious, and 7 nice. I think these two are trying to top out the personality scales, except for the fact that they are so very serious like their father.
Darcy, what are you doing? "Can't you see them? Disgusting! Horrible!" Calm down. See what? "The roaches!" Where? "The tiny brown dot in the middle of the picture." Oh, yeah, I guess I see those. How they got all the way out here where no one ever goes is a mystery, but, uh, go ahead and spray 'em, Darcy.
"Hello Madelein, my dear sweet shop girl. Thanks for calling, I've longed to hear your sweet voice. Only a few more days until I turn teen . . . what? Yeah, I know, only in a legacy . . ."
Typical legacy. The kids are working their butts off and the grownups goof off.
"Agh! I have the flu and I came out here to have some alone time! Can't you keep the brats inside?" Hey, its not my fault you didn't put up baby gates. "We don't have baby gates!" Hmph, some mother you are.
This can only mean trouble. Jordan and the twins are all set to age on the same day.
But first . . . "Hello?" "Hi Gabi, its Mom." "Oh, hi Mom. What's up?" "Birthday time! Are you ready for birthdays?" "Yeah, I sure am. Did you remember to dress up?" "Oh shoot, knew I forgot something. Did you?" "Nope. Hey, I gotta go. Its birthday time!" "Okay, see ya in a few!" "Kay, laters!"
After a quick wardrobe intervention, the family was ready. First up, the twins who never should have been.
I know I didn't have a lot of pics of June and Julian. Having 9 sims, and then, even when 2 went away, still having 7 left me kind of shell-shocked. But, anyway, here's June.
And Julian, a happy little fellow.
Kablam. Happy children. After all these transitions, Leo is still shocked by them.
Finally its Jordan's turn.  "Hmm, its only 8 o'clock. I wonder how long this will take. I have a date to keep with Madelein."
Transition . . . yawn . . .
Hee, not bad. He's a cutie, for sure. Jordan rolls fortune like his grandmother, with the lifetime want to earn $100,000. Not too bad. I'm kind of getting sick of all the career wants.
June, with her 10 points of activity, runs everywhere.
"Hello, Madelein. At last, I am of appropriate age to woo you." *giggle* "Who are you?" "It is I, Jordan, future finance extraordinaire, and I have come for you, Madelein." "You're pretty strange, but I'll be darned if you aren't cute!"
Aww, young love. Jordan has had his eye on Madelein ever since he met her at the gym as a child. They got along so well, I guessed that they might have good chemistry when they were of equal age, and I was right.
A nice little date. They're all sweetness when they're by themselves . . .
. . . but as soon as SHE shows up . . . "So, Mad, how about that algebra? Yeah . . ."
Leo is still loving the pink room. He spends a lot of his time here. I feel a little sorry for the guy. He loves taking care of the kids, but they're all doing their seperate things, skilling and wooing NPCs and whatnot.
"Can a man write in his diary in a pink room in peace?"
Gabi. Remember Gabi? Yeah, she hasn't changed much. She's trying to learn the ropes from Darcy on running the family business, but her heart's just not in it. Even though she's perma-plat, this pleasure sim still takes a lot of time on the simpler pleasures in life.
"Uh, who are you? Gabi invited me over." "I am Gabi-Ninja. And you are my sworn nemesis. You pushed me while I was pregnant. Now we must battle. To the death." "What?!!"
"My hair!" "Argh, I was saving that kidney for later!" "Oh yeah, well how do you like this?" "Not as well as you're going to like my fist up your . . ."
"I am Gabi-Ninja. I am victorious. And yet, you are not dead. Well, let's see what we can do about that."
"Um, where'd the gate go?" "Oh, never you mind. I'm just going to watch over here. Yes, that's it. Get acquainated with our little Fluffy."
"Well, I am kind of hungry after all that fighting. I hope this is buttercream icing!"
"Yeah, Fluffy, high five!" No one messes with Gabi-Ninja.
Wow, what a nice dinner Jordan. What's the occasion? "Oh, the headmaster's coming over. I'm a fortune Sim and getting into private school is all I really want right now, but my parents are completely worthless. Also, I heard that grandma and grandpa got rejected for their kids getting in a while ago, so I thought I'd handle this myself."
Does this man not already look like a zombie? We may have to remedy that later. Anyway, he ate dinner alone, so that conversation wouldn't ruin his appetite like last time.
And a successful tour of the illustrious Vermachtnis bathrooms sealed the deal. Jordan, June, and Julian got into private school. "Son, I don't know why this man is congratulating me, since I've been making out with your mother in here for about an hour, but whatever it is, good job!" "Sigh, thanks dad." "You're welcome. And now, a little privacy please?"
With all of his skills at level 8 and a sunshiney platinum disposition, Jordan heads off to college to join his older sisters.
There he is soon joined by Madelein, herself a fortune sim, but with a surprising personality. She is extremely messy and has ZERO nice points. So begins the reign of "Mad Madelein."
A little catching up is in order.
Here's Jordan as a young adult. Smokin', isn't he? I must say I'm a fan.
And here's Madelein. Despite her deviant personality, she cleans up nice. At this point I was wrestling with this match, wondering, if Jordan is chosen as heir, can I put up with Madelein?
Kids! Please, no shots between classes.
"Say, Madelein, nice to meet you. I heard you're a total witch." "Pfft, what do you know? Why don't you go get abducted, you stupid knowledge Sim. Or do the aliens find your pjs as repulsive as I do?" "Right, well, good to meet you."
Meanwhile Jay is working inexorably towards her lifetime want of 20 different woohoos. Not a sim of discriminating tastes, Jay finds that many of the young students at Academie Le Tour are willing to help her. Although she really should have been a knowledge Sim, she does okay as romance.
That doesn't mean she can't still explore the darker sides of life however. Jay has decided to use her shelved knowledge persona to discover and document all the various types of woohoo she can engage in.
Jordan and Mad open a little electronics shop to quell their fortune wants. However, I soon discover the folly of trying to run a retail outlet with a Sim who is as mean as a rattlesnake. Mad lost stars faster than Jordan could pick them up. In fact, if his own mother hadn't come along and pitied them, Batteries Not Included would still have no stars after many hours of operation.
Mad isn't much better behaved at home, either. Except for Jordan, she treats all with disdain. "What did you say? I look like a llama in this outfit? Why you!"
"Gosh, Carla, I'm really sorry my girlfriend said that about you. I think you look beautiful in your cheerleading uniform." "Really, Jordan? That's so sweet. You know, you remind me of your dad, who I also dated. But enough about the past, let's talk about us."
Meanwhile . . . Look out behind you, Jordan! Doppelgangers! Ahhhhhhhh!
"Jordan, I know you already have a girlfriend, but I just can't hide my feelings. I really like you. Hell, I think I love you." "I love you too, Carla. What say we, um, seal the deal?" "Well, sounds good. I have a new move I've been dying to try out, but its a little weird." "That's okay, I'm game for things to get a little kinky . . ."
"Uh, whoa, Carla, that is a little weird."
"Ahh, that was good for me. Was it good for you, Jordan? . . . Jordan?" "Um, processing here . . . wait, okay, I'm back."
"Argh, Carla, don't leave! I'm just getting started!' Remember people, communication is key in a physical relationship, especially if you're prone to glitches.
"Weird or not, that was some awesome NPC woohoo."
Meanwhile, back at the main house, things were running pretty much the same as always.
Except for one thing. The stairs were glitched and the Vermachtnis sims could go up them, but could not go back down to get to the kitchen, school, or carpools. I realized I jinxed myself when I spent so much time on the house and said, "Hopefully, it'll last for a while." Not wanting to take my chances with such annoying glitches, I figured it was time to move.
Even though its the same size lot, we somehow lost money on the move. Oh well. Here is the new Vermachtnis manor. This one I made all one story, just on the off chance that the stair thing would reoccur. The Vermachtnises also pared down on objects, especially downloaded ones, hoping to reduce the lag.
Inside. Rooms clockwise from the bottom left: Kitchen/dining room, nursery, adult bedroom, shared bath, elder bedroom, playroom/potential extra bedroom, child bedroom 1, child bedroom 2, skilling room, bathroom. In the middle is a great room that functions as hallway and living room. The front porch is the depositing ground for a bunch of extra stuff. In an inaccessible room upstairs are the extra objects. In the back is a pool, the family mausoleum and an unfinished chapel, and a graveyard.
Leo decides to break in the new house. Please take a moment to notice my devious placement of the gnome. It kept getting stolen by people brought home from work, so I am hoping this may alleviate that problem.
Ah, marriage. Truly it is one of the highest joys to be found!
"Hi Katie Chapter Four. You keep following me home from school, so, I thought, why don't we be friends?" "Tee hee, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this. You have to get me away from my family! They dress us all like bunnies and we're just placeholders, anyway. You are my lifeline, Julian Vermachtnis." "Um, okay, want to play Mary Mack?"
"And that's how you do long division, Julian." "Mom, could you at least wear *opaque* undies when you're teaching me?" Except for his blossoming friendship with little bunny foo-foo, Julian keeps to himself mostly. He's not an extremely fast learner, and despite what his stats say, he acts shy.
June, on the other hand, is a little bundle of energy. Zooming around the house, rushing through her homework and skilling, beating the stuffing out of the bunny bear, this girl can't be contained.
"Hello, everyone. Are you enjoying the story? As you see, I have regained my child form. Can I tell you a secret? The doctor told my parents this shock therapy would help calm me down, but I actually rigged it to stop shocking me while everyone was sleeping. Pshaw, sleep, why does anyone even do it? A good two or three hours a night, and I'm ready to cause mischief again! Anyway, enough from me, let's get back to the rest of the family."
I present: Asher's Night of Terror, now showing at midnight at your favorite multiplex. Let's count, shall we? Darcy - 1
Julian - 2
June - 3 Aren't you tired June? Its the middle of the night. Why are you smiling? "I'm so going to have nightmares from that. Then I'll never have to sleep again!"
Julian - 4 "Yawn, this is getting old, great-grandpop."
Julian - 5 "Uh okay, that one was scary! I spoke too soon!"
Julian - 6 I included the plumbbob to show the effect Asher's scarings are having on Julian. I was getting warnings from social service about not feeding him enough.
Meanwhile, an epidemic has been sweeping the adults of the Vermachtnis house. I call it chronic napping. They always go straight for the couches, and never for the wonderful high-end beds I have provided for them.
"Hmm, I'm so tired. And the bed is in that room, allllll the way across the hallway. Maybe I'll just take a quick little nap first, to steel myself for the journey."
"Its a little cold out here. The bed is warm. Oh, but its so far away. Maybe I'll just stay here."
June has enormous eyes, so I was hoping she'd be a good smustler, but so far she's getting beat by the adorably insecure Julian.
"We are really bad at this." Yes, yes you are. June hardly ever even opens her eyes while dancing. Joy could teach her a thing or two about the art of the dance.
Oh, so that's what it takes to open those eyes. The ghosts are really restless. I brought their bed in the inventory, but I don't think they recognize it, because they are mad as all get out!
If you look carefully, you can see three generations of Vermachtnis women in this photo.
Jessie! I caught you again, being a good dad and a bad romance Sim! You hardly even roll wants for anything racy anymore, just wanting good grades for your children and hugs from your wife. "Please keep it a secret!" Oh don't worry. No one knows. Yup, no one's even seen this moment. Your secret's safe with me.
A trail of stink! But where does it lead?
Aha! Julian! While June's motives barely creep down, Julian's drop precipitously, not to mention that he has horrible nights, thanks to being a favorite target of the ghosties.
June! Pick that back up and get back to skilling. "No, this is boring! I want to punch the bag again." Argh! I think my scanner is bugged, she just picks it up, scans for a few minutes, then it appears on the floor.
Meanwhile, Julian is getting very close with Katie. They're best friends now! Too bad she's a CAS.
"Um, who are you?" "I'm Andrew, Katie's older sister." "Say what?" "When we were created I was originally a boy. But thanks to gender-balancing, I was made a girl, but SOMEONE forgot to change my name." Geez, sorry, but how funny is it that I have a female bunny named Andrew running around? I think I'll leave it.
Darcy is a rockin' grandma, just like her mother before her. Despite her extreme seriousness, she can always be found playing an instrument.
Leo's time is winding down. I had just enough time to get in one last date with Darcy, the love of his life. I was really wrestling with Leo's death. I wasn't nearly ready for him to leave, as he's my favorite Vermachtnis so far, but I will need space in the house before too long. Finally, I just decided to make him rapturously happy before he went, and the various naughty wants he spun and fulfilled with Darcy seemed to do the trick. I'm sure most Sims would count themselves lucky if they could woohoo their love three times immediately before they go.
Unbeknownst to the family outside, Darcy and Leo are bidding each other goodbye inside.
"Argh, I hear the music, but I'm closing my eyes. Maybe if I don't see him, he'll go away, right?" Sniff, Leo, don't leave me yet! I mean, don't leave your family!
"Eyes still closed. Is he gone? Can I open them?" Um, might not want to, just yet. At the very least, don't make any sudden movements.
With his lower left leg going bravely before the rest of him into the afterlife, Leo fades out of existence.
Leo Vermachtnis, formerly a bartender from Pleasantview, lived to be 76. He died platinum, having fulfilled his lifetime want to have a golden anniversary. His will benefitted 10 people, including listed beneficiaries: wife Darcy received $20,000, daughter Gabi received $10,000, sons Gordon and Gage received, respectively, $7,400 and $3,700, and grandson Jordan recieved $2,400. Altogether, the main Vermachtnis household inherited about $40,000 or so. Leo was a sweet sim and a great father and grandfather that favored his female offspring. He was easygoing and lovable, and will be missed.
"Grandma, I'm glad you didn't leave too. I miss Grandpa Leo."
"I do too. Boohoohoo . . ." These two took Leo's death really hard.
The rest of the family, not so much.
But life went on for the Vermachtnis family, and that very same night Julian and June were scheduled to transition into teens. Raising five children to this point was certainly a challenge, and I can't say I'm sorry to get done with the hard stages. Ready to grow up guys? "Almost . . . just a sec . . ."
"Okay, now that we've gotten our birthday presents we can move on."
June transitions first. Will she look like either of her older sisters?
And second is Julian, while some strange lady squats in the background.
Julian rolled knowledge, like his sister Joy, and wants to be Chief of Staff, like, oh let's see, his sister Joy, his grandmother Darcy, and his great-grandfather Asher. Boring.
Jay meanwhile rolls popularity, an aspiration I haven't seen since Daisy in generation 2. She has the despicable want to have 20 simultaneous best friends, but if anyone can do it, she can. Besides, that want should be pretty easy to mostly finish in college. Altogether, I think both the kids grew up rather good-looking, don't you?
Oh, nothing special. Just Jessie juggling omelette plates with one hand.
"Hey, June, hey June." "What?" "Who do you think used this candy machine last?" "Uh, me, you doofus." "Oh, really? Let's see what the fingerprint scanner has to say about that!"
Julian's teen years are not all about skilling, however. "Uh, who are . . ." *wipes drool up* ". . . who are you?" "Its me, Katie Chapter-Four. Thanks to you, I finally got to grow up and change out of that bunny suit. As you can see, I'm still rather fond of pink. So, where did we leave off again?"
Childhood friendship blossoms into beautiful love. These two are very into each other, but their relationship is contingent on Julian avoiding the heirship. If he is chosen, they will have to remain chaste friends once again, for Katie is CAS and can never be married in.
"Katie, darling, unless you're about to give me a lap dance, why don't you sit down beside me like a normal date would?" "Don't be silly, Julian, you have to ask me to join you first. Otherwise, it just wouldn't be proper!"
Hmm, reminds me of my teen years. We better leave these two alone for a little bit.
"Boooooo! I am Christy, the most evil ghost and I reign supreme." Yeah, she's still got it, but Asher must be taking lessons from his wife or something, because they've both been pretty active.
"Booooo. I am Christy and I . . ." Oh, knock it off. This is ridiculous, we only have three ghosts and Julian is forever being awakened and wetting himself and whatnot.
"Dad, its a good thing I'm knowledge, otherwise I would probably hate this house and have tried to leave by now. But as it is, I sure do love getting scared five times a night!" "Boy, there's something not right about you . . ." Yeah, well that's true of all your kids, Jessie. Speaking of the kids, its the end of the chapter and time to pick a favorite Vermachtnis kid for heir. Read ahead for the kids and their stats.
Firstborn - Joy Vermachtnis Personality: 2-5-6-7-6 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 2 (I think) Aspiration: Knowledge LTW: Chief of Staff Joy desires only knowledge about dance, and can often be found in front of a stereo somewhere where she is not researching the history of the smustle on her laptop.
2nd child - Jay Vermachtnis Personality: 1-5-10-7-6 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 4 Aspiration: Romance LTW: Woohoo 20 Sims Jay should have been knowledge, but she makes up for it in her choice of paramours. She is well on her way to reaching her LTW, and has wooed and hooed quite a few of Halcyon River Hill's odder denizens in her quest for all the varieties of woohoo.
3rd child - Jordan Vermachtnis Personality: 4-9-6-0-7 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 3 Aspiration: Fortune LTW: Earn $100,000 Jordan already owns his own electronics shop. His loyalties are divided between two women, the spitfire former shopgirl 'Mad' Madelein, and the all-American cheerleader, Carla.
4th born - Julian Vermachtnis Personality: 5-9-6-0-7 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 3 Aspiration: Knowledge LTW: Chief of Staff Julian has had a rough childhood, what with continuous scarings and needs that run down faster than any sim I've ever seen. Still, he's found happiness in the arms of a CAS sim, but even that is a precarious arrangement.
Lastly, 5th child - June Vermachtnis Personality: 6-10-8-0-10 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 4 Aspiration: Popularity LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends June has a hidden resevoir of energy and a limitless potential for mischief. Although her LTW is annoying, she has an aspiration that I still need.
Well, that's that. You can vote either here, in my guestbook, or by going over to and voting in the heir polls section. The heir will be decided next Friday, so hurry and let your opinion be heard! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter of the Vermachtnis family legacy. Next time, be sure to come back to see how the heir fares in college and witness the beginning of generation 5, the halfway point! Until then, may all your ghost be peaceful!

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Vermachtnis 5

  • 1. Vermachtnis Legacy - Chapter 5 By fraulineTaube (originally uploaded on the Exchange) Ghosts, deaths, birthdays - the whole legacy shebang. Vote for your favorite gen 4 kid for heir!
  • 2. "Say, Dar, how about a date before I croak?" "Why, I thought you'd never ask!" Welcome back to the Vermachtnis Legacy, where we have no quirks or gimmicks other than the ones we were born with! I really liked all the kids in this generation - so much so that I couldn't decide who should be heir. So at the end of the chapter, I'll post their pictures and have a vote. Until then, enjoy!
  • 3. "Hi! You may not recognize me, but my name is June Vermachtnis. I was born at the end of the last chapter. Anyway, I just wanted to get you all caught up. Last chapter Asher, the founder and my great-grandfather died, but there were three children running around the house. Generation 4 were the twins Joy and Jay, and my brother Jordan. Things were going smoothly, but the injudicious use of cheesecake led to to the birth of me and my twin Julian, making 9 sims in the house! Joy and Jay left for college soon after, and that brings us up to date. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to regress back to my infancy to fit in with the timeline! Just a moment!"
  • 4. With Joy and Jay away at college, there were still 7 sims in the house - gen 2 Darcy and Leo, gen 3 Gabi and Jessie, and the gen 4 younger batch, Jordan, June, and Julian. June and Julian were soon toddlers. Perhaps you can tell who was the 'good' one?
  • 5. June and Julian have similar, but not identical personalities. June is 6 neat, 10 outgoing, 8 active, 0 serious, and 10 nice. Julian is 5 neat, 9 outgoing, 6 active, 0 serious, and 7 nice. I think these two are trying to top out the personality scales, except for the fact that they are so very serious like their father.
  • 6. Darcy, what are you doing? "Can't you see them? Disgusting! Horrible!" Calm down. See what? "The roaches!" Where? "The tiny brown dot in the middle of the picture." Oh, yeah, I guess I see those. How they got all the way out here where no one ever goes is a mystery, but, uh, go ahead and spray 'em, Darcy.
  • 7. "Hello Madelein, my dear sweet shop girl. Thanks for calling, I've longed to hear your sweet voice. Only a few more days until I turn teen . . . what? Yeah, I know, only in a legacy . . ."
  • 8. Typical legacy. The kids are working their butts off and the grownups goof off.
  • 9. "Agh! I have the flu and I came out here to have some alone time! Can't you keep the brats inside?" Hey, its not my fault you didn't put up baby gates. "We don't have baby gates!" Hmph, some mother you are.
  • 10. This can only mean trouble. Jordan and the twins are all set to age on the same day.
  • 11. But first . . . "Hello?" "Hi Gabi, its Mom." "Oh, hi Mom. What's up?" "Birthday time! Are you ready for birthdays?" "Yeah, I sure am. Did you remember to dress up?" "Oh shoot, knew I forgot something. Did you?" "Nope. Hey, I gotta go. Its birthday time!" "Okay, see ya in a few!" "Kay, laters!"
  • 12. After a quick wardrobe intervention, the family was ready. First up, the twins who never should have been.
  • 13. I know I didn't have a lot of pics of June and Julian. Having 9 sims, and then, even when 2 went away, still having 7 left me kind of shell-shocked. But, anyway, here's June.
  • 14. And Julian, a happy little fellow.
  • 15. Kablam. Happy children. After all these transitions, Leo is still shocked by them.
  • 16. Finally its Jordan's turn. "Hmm, its only 8 o'clock. I wonder how long this will take. I have a date to keep with Madelein."
  • 17. Transition . . . yawn . . .
  • 18. Hee, not bad. He's a cutie, for sure. Jordan rolls fortune like his grandmother, with the lifetime want to earn $100,000. Not too bad. I'm kind of getting sick of all the career wants.
  • 19. June, with her 10 points of activity, runs everywhere.
  • 20. "Hello, Madelein. At last, I am of appropriate age to woo you." *giggle* "Who are you?" "It is I, Jordan, future finance extraordinaire, and I have come for you, Madelein." "You're pretty strange, but I'll be darned if you aren't cute!"
  • 21. Aww, young love. Jordan has had his eye on Madelein ever since he met her at the gym as a child. They got along so well, I guessed that they might have good chemistry when they were of equal age, and I was right.
  • 22. A nice little date. They're all sweetness when they're by themselves . . .
  • 23. . . . but as soon as SHE shows up . . . "So, Mad, how about that algebra? Yeah . . ."
  • 24. Leo is still loving the pink room. He spends a lot of his time here. I feel a little sorry for the guy. He loves taking care of the kids, but they're all doing their seperate things, skilling and wooing NPCs and whatnot.
  • 25. "Can a man write in his diary in a pink room in peace?"
  • 26. Gabi. Remember Gabi? Yeah, she hasn't changed much. She's trying to learn the ropes from Darcy on running the family business, but her heart's just not in it. Even though she's perma-plat, this pleasure sim still takes a lot of time on the simpler pleasures in life.
  • 27. "Uh, who are you? Gabi invited me over." "I am Gabi-Ninja. And you are my sworn nemesis. You pushed me while I was pregnant. Now we must battle. To the death." "What?!!"
  • 28. "My hair!" "Argh, I was saving that kidney for later!" "Oh yeah, well how do you like this?" "Not as well as you're going to like my fist up your . . ."
  • 29. "I am Gabi-Ninja. I am victorious. And yet, you are not dead. Well, let's see what we can do about that."
  • 30. "Um, where'd the gate go?" "Oh, never you mind. I'm just going to watch over here. Yes, that's it. Get acquainated with our little Fluffy."
  • 31. "Well, I am kind of hungry after all that fighting. I hope this is buttercream icing!"
  • 32. "Yeah, Fluffy, high five!" No one messes with Gabi-Ninja.
  • 33. Wow, what a nice dinner Jordan. What's the occasion? "Oh, the headmaster's coming over. I'm a fortune Sim and getting into private school is all I really want right now, but my parents are completely worthless. Also, I heard that grandma and grandpa got rejected for their kids getting in a while ago, so I thought I'd handle this myself."
  • 34. Does this man not already look like a zombie? We may have to remedy that later. Anyway, he ate dinner alone, so that conversation wouldn't ruin his appetite like last time.
  • 35. And a successful tour of the illustrious Vermachtnis bathrooms sealed the deal. Jordan, June, and Julian got into private school. "Son, I don't know why this man is congratulating me, since I've been making out with your mother in here for about an hour, but whatever it is, good job!" "Sigh, thanks dad." "You're welcome. And now, a little privacy please?"
  • 36. With all of his skills at level 8 and a sunshiney platinum disposition, Jordan heads off to college to join his older sisters.
  • 37. There he is soon joined by Madelein, herself a fortune sim, but with a surprising personality. She is extremely messy and has ZERO nice points. So begins the reign of "Mad Madelein."
  • 38. A little catching up is in order.
  • 39. Here's Jordan as a young adult. Smokin', isn't he? I must say I'm a fan.
  • 40. And here's Madelein. Despite her deviant personality, she cleans up nice. At this point I was wrestling with this match, wondering, if Jordan is chosen as heir, can I put up with Madelein?
  • 41. Kids! Please, no shots between classes.
  • 42. "Say, Madelein, nice to meet you. I heard you're a total witch." "Pfft, what do you know? Why don't you go get abducted, you stupid knowledge Sim. Or do the aliens find your pjs as repulsive as I do?" "Right, well, good to meet you."
  • 43. Meanwhile Jay is working inexorably towards her lifetime want of 20 different woohoos. Not a sim of discriminating tastes, Jay finds that many of the young students at Academie Le Tour are willing to help her. Although she really should have been a knowledge Sim, she does okay as romance.
  • 44. That doesn't mean she can't still explore the darker sides of life however. Jay has decided to use her shelved knowledge persona to discover and document all the various types of woohoo she can engage in.
  • 45. Jordan and Mad open a little electronics shop to quell their fortune wants. However, I soon discover the folly of trying to run a retail outlet with a Sim who is as mean as a rattlesnake. Mad lost stars faster than Jordan could pick them up. In fact, if his own mother hadn't come along and pitied them, Batteries Not Included would still have no stars after many hours of operation.
  • 46. Mad isn't much better behaved at home, either. Except for Jordan, she treats all with disdain. "What did you say? I look like a llama in this outfit? Why you!"
  • 47. "Gosh, Carla, I'm really sorry my girlfriend said that about you. I think you look beautiful in your cheerleading uniform." "Really, Jordan? That's so sweet. You know, you remind me of your dad, who I also dated. But enough about the past, let's talk about us."
  • 48. Meanwhile . . . Look out behind you, Jordan! Doppelgangers! Ahhhhhhhh!
  • 49. "Jordan, I know you already have a girlfriend, but I just can't hide my feelings. I really like you. Hell, I think I love you." "I love you too, Carla. What say we, um, seal the deal?" "Well, sounds good. I have a new move I've been dying to try out, but its a little weird." "That's okay, I'm game for things to get a little kinky . . ."
  • 50. "Uh, whoa, Carla, that is a little weird."
  • 51. "Ahh, that was good for me. Was it good for you, Jordan? . . . Jordan?" "Um, processing here . . . wait, okay, I'm back."
  • 52. "Argh, Carla, don't leave! I'm just getting started!' Remember people, communication is key in a physical relationship, especially if you're prone to glitches.
  • 53. "Weird or not, that was some awesome NPC woohoo."
  • 54. Meanwhile, back at the main house, things were running pretty much the same as always.
  • 55. Except for one thing. The stairs were glitched and the Vermachtnis sims could go up them, but could not go back down to get to the kitchen, school, or carpools. I realized I jinxed myself when I spent so much time on the house and said, "Hopefully, it'll last for a while." Not wanting to take my chances with such annoying glitches, I figured it was time to move.
  • 56. Even though its the same size lot, we somehow lost money on the move. Oh well. Here is the new Vermachtnis manor. This one I made all one story, just on the off chance that the stair thing would reoccur. The Vermachtnises also pared down on objects, especially downloaded ones, hoping to reduce the lag.
  • 57. Inside. Rooms clockwise from the bottom left: Kitchen/dining room, nursery, adult bedroom, shared bath, elder bedroom, playroom/potential extra bedroom, child bedroom 1, child bedroom 2, skilling room, bathroom. In the middle is a great room that functions as hallway and living room. The front porch is the depositing ground for a bunch of extra stuff. In an inaccessible room upstairs are the extra objects. In the back is a pool, the family mausoleum and an unfinished chapel, and a graveyard.
  • 58. Leo decides to break in the new house. Please take a moment to notice my devious placement of the gnome. It kept getting stolen by people brought home from work, so I am hoping this may alleviate that problem.
  • 59. Ah, marriage. Truly it is one of the highest joys to be found!
  • 60. "Hi Katie Chapter Four. You keep following me home from school, so, I thought, why don't we be friends?" "Tee hee, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this. You have to get me away from my family! They dress us all like bunnies and we're just placeholders, anyway. You are my lifeline, Julian Vermachtnis." "Um, okay, want to play Mary Mack?"
  • 61. "And that's how you do long division, Julian." "Mom, could you at least wear *opaque* undies when you're teaching me?" Except for his blossoming friendship with little bunny foo-foo, Julian keeps to himself mostly. He's not an extremely fast learner, and despite what his stats say, he acts shy.
  • 62. June, on the other hand, is a little bundle of energy. Zooming around the house, rushing through her homework and skilling, beating the stuffing out of the bunny bear, this girl can't be contained.
  • 63. "Hello, everyone. Are you enjoying the story? As you see, I have regained my child form. Can I tell you a secret? The doctor told my parents this shock therapy would help calm me down, but I actually rigged it to stop shocking me while everyone was sleeping. Pshaw, sleep, why does anyone even do it? A good two or three hours a night, and I'm ready to cause mischief again! Anyway, enough from me, let's get back to the rest of the family."
  • 64. I present: Asher's Night of Terror, now showing at midnight at your favorite multiplex. Let's count, shall we? Darcy - 1
  • 66. June - 3 Aren't you tired June? Its the middle of the night. Why are you smiling? "I'm so going to have nightmares from that. Then I'll never have to sleep again!"
  • 67. Julian - 4 "Yawn, this is getting old, great-grandpop."
  • 68. Julian - 5 "Uh okay, that one was scary! I spoke too soon!"
  • 69. Julian - 6 I included the plumbbob to show the effect Asher's scarings are having on Julian. I was getting warnings from social service about not feeding him enough.
  • 70. Meanwhile, an epidemic has been sweeping the adults of the Vermachtnis house. I call it chronic napping. They always go straight for the couches, and never for the wonderful high-end beds I have provided for them.
  • 71. "Hmm, I'm so tired. And the bed is in that room, allllll the way across the hallway. Maybe I'll just take a quick little nap first, to steel myself for the journey."
  • 72. "Its a little cold out here. The bed is warm. Oh, but its so far away. Maybe I'll just stay here."
  • 73. June has enormous eyes, so I was hoping she'd be a good smustler, but so far she's getting beat by the adorably insecure Julian.
  • 74. "We are really bad at this." Yes, yes you are. June hardly ever even opens her eyes while dancing. Joy could teach her a thing or two about the art of the dance.
  • 75. Oh, so that's what it takes to open those eyes. The ghosts are really restless. I brought their bed in the inventory, but I don't think they recognize it, because they are mad as all get out!
  • 76. If you look carefully, you can see three generations of Vermachtnis women in this photo.
  • 77. Jessie! I caught you again, being a good dad and a bad romance Sim! You hardly even roll wants for anything racy anymore, just wanting good grades for your children and hugs from your wife. "Please keep it a secret!" Oh don't worry. No one knows. Yup, no one's even seen this moment. Your secret's safe with me.
  • 78. A trail of stink! But where does it lead?
  • 79. Aha! Julian! While June's motives barely creep down, Julian's drop precipitously, not to mention that he has horrible nights, thanks to being a favorite target of the ghosties.
  • 80. June! Pick that back up and get back to skilling. "No, this is boring! I want to punch the bag again." Argh! I think my scanner is bugged, she just picks it up, scans for a few minutes, then it appears on the floor.
  • 81. Meanwhile, Julian is getting very close with Katie. They're best friends now! Too bad she's a CAS.
  • 82. "Um, who are you?" "I'm Andrew, Katie's older sister." "Say what?" "When we were created I was originally a boy. But thanks to gender-balancing, I was made a girl, but SOMEONE forgot to change my name." Geez, sorry, but how funny is it that I have a female bunny named Andrew running around? I think I'll leave it.
  • 83. Darcy is a rockin' grandma, just like her mother before her. Despite her extreme seriousness, she can always be found playing an instrument.
  • 84. Leo's time is winding down. I had just enough time to get in one last date with Darcy, the love of his life. I was really wrestling with Leo's death. I wasn't nearly ready for him to leave, as he's my favorite Vermachtnis so far, but I will need space in the house before too long. Finally, I just decided to make him rapturously happy before he went, and the various naughty wants he spun and fulfilled with Darcy seemed to do the trick. I'm sure most Sims would count themselves lucky if they could woohoo their love three times immediately before they go.
  • 85. Unbeknownst to the family outside, Darcy and Leo are bidding each other goodbye inside.
  • 86. "Argh, I hear the music, but I'm closing my eyes. Maybe if I don't see him, he'll go away, right?" Sniff, Leo, don't leave me yet! I mean, don't leave your family!
  • 87. "Eyes still closed. Is he gone? Can I open them?" Um, might not want to, just yet. At the very least, don't make any sudden movements.
  • 88. With his lower left leg going bravely before the rest of him into the afterlife, Leo fades out of existence.
  • 89. Leo Vermachtnis, formerly a bartender from Pleasantview, lived to be 76. He died platinum, having fulfilled his lifetime want to have a golden anniversary. His will benefitted 10 people, including listed beneficiaries: wife Darcy received $20,000, daughter Gabi received $10,000, sons Gordon and Gage received, respectively, $7,400 and $3,700, and grandson Jordan recieved $2,400. Altogether, the main Vermachtnis household inherited about $40,000 or so. Leo was a sweet sim and a great father and grandfather that favored his female offspring. He was easygoing and lovable, and will be missed.
  • 90. "Grandma, I'm glad you didn't leave too. I miss Grandpa Leo."
  • 91. "I do too. Boohoohoo . . ." These two took Leo's death really hard.
  • 92. The rest of the family, not so much.
  • 93. But life went on for the Vermachtnis family, and that very same night Julian and June were scheduled to transition into teens. Raising five children to this point was certainly a challenge, and I can't say I'm sorry to get done with the hard stages. Ready to grow up guys? "Almost . . . just a sec . . ."
  • 94. "Okay, now that we've gotten our birthday presents we can move on."
  • 95. June transitions first. Will she look like either of her older sisters?
  • 96. And second is Julian, while some strange lady squats in the background.
  • 97. Julian rolled knowledge, like his sister Joy, and wants to be Chief of Staff, like, oh let's see, his sister Joy, his grandmother Darcy, and his great-grandfather Asher. Boring.
  • 98. Jay meanwhile rolls popularity, an aspiration I haven't seen since Daisy in generation 2. She has the despicable want to have 20 simultaneous best friends, but if anyone can do it, she can. Besides, that want should be pretty easy to mostly finish in college. Altogether, I think both the kids grew up rather good-looking, don't you?
  • 99. Oh, nothing special. Just Jessie juggling omelette plates with one hand.
  • 100. "Hey, June, hey June." "What?" "Who do you think used this candy machine last?" "Uh, me, you doofus." "Oh, really? Let's see what the fingerprint scanner has to say about that!"
  • 101. Julian's teen years are not all about skilling, however. "Uh, who are . . ." *wipes drool up* ". . . who are you?" "Its me, Katie Chapter-Four. Thanks to you, I finally got to grow up and change out of that bunny suit. As you can see, I'm still rather fond of pink. So, where did we leave off again?"
  • 102. Childhood friendship blossoms into beautiful love. These two are very into each other, but their relationship is contingent on Julian avoiding the heirship. If he is chosen, they will have to remain chaste friends once again, for Katie is CAS and can never be married in.
  • 103. "Katie, darling, unless you're about to give me a lap dance, why don't you sit down beside me like a normal date would?" "Don't be silly, Julian, you have to ask me to join you first. Otherwise, it just wouldn't be proper!"
  • 104. Hmm, reminds me of my teen years. We better leave these two alone for a little bit.
  • 105. "Boooooo! I am Christy, the most evil ghost and I reign supreme." Yeah, she's still got it, but Asher must be taking lessons from his wife or something, because they've both been pretty active.
  • 106. "Booooo. I am Christy and I . . ." Oh, knock it off. This is ridiculous, we only have three ghosts and Julian is forever being awakened and wetting himself and whatnot.
  • 107. "Dad, its a good thing I'm knowledge, otherwise I would probably hate this house and have tried to leave by now. But as it is, I sure do love getting scared five times a night!" "Boy, there's something not right about you . . ." Yeah, well that's true of all your kids, Jessie. Speaking of the kids, its the end of the chapter and time to pick a favorite Vermachtnis kid for heir. Read ahead for the kids and their stats.
  • 108. Firstborn - Joy Vermachtnis Personality: 2-5-6-7-6 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 2 (I think) Aspiration: Knowledge LTW: Chief of Staff Joy desires only knowledge about dance, and can often be found in front of a stereo somewhere where she is not researching the history of the smustle on her laptop.
  • 109. 2nd child - Jay Vermachtnis Personality: 1-5-10-7-6 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 4 Aspiration: Romance LTW: Woohoo 20 Sims Jay should have been knowledge, but she makes up for it in her choice of paramours. She is well on her way to reaching her LTW, and has wooed and hooed quite a few of Halcyon River Hill's odder denizens in her quest for all the varieties of woohoo.
  • 110. 3rd child - Jordan Vermachtnis Personality: 4-9-6-0-7 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 3 Aspiration: Fortune LTW: Earn $100,000 Jordan already owns his own electronics shop. His loyalties are divided between two women, the spitfire former shopgirl 'Mad' Madelein, and the all-American cheerleader, Carla.
  • 111. 4th born - Julian Vermachtnis Personality: 5-9-6-0-7 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 3 Aspiration: Knowledge LTW: Chief of Staff Julian has had a rough childhood, what with continuous scarings and needs that run down faster than any sim I've ever seen. Still, he's found happiness in the arms of a CAS sim, but even that is a precarious arrangement.
  • 112. Lastly, 5th child - June Vermachtnis Personality: 6-10-8-0-10 Black hair, blue eyes, skintone 4 Aspiration: Popularity LTW: Have 20 Simultaneous Best Friends June has a hidden resevoir of energy and a limitless potential for mischief. Although her LTW is annoying, she has an aspiration that I still need.
  • 113. Well, that's that. You can vote either here, in my guestbook, or by going over to and voting in the heir polls section. The heir will be decided next Friday, so hurry and let your opinion be heard! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter of the Vermachtnis family legacy. Next time, be sure to come back to see how the heir fares in college and witness the beginning of generation 5, the halfway point! Until then, may all your ghost be peaceful!

Editor's Notes

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