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Baptism And
  The Lord’s Supper
                by Richard W. De Haan

The Meaning Of Baptism
        o begin our study on the ordinances of the church, I

T     would like to focus your attention on baptism. In the
      first two lessons we will explore its meaning and its
relationship to salvation, then we will consider what the
Bible teaches about the Lord’s Supper.
    You may have noticed that I referred to baptism as an
ordinance—not a sacrament—of the church. I did so for a
very definite reason. There are those who, in using the term
sacrament to apply to baptism, view it wrongly as a means
of imparting some special grace. I realize that there are some
who use the word sacrament without any such intended
application. However, because of the wrong connotation given
the term by others, I prefer to call baptism an ordinance
rather than a sacrament.

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SACRAMENTALISM                        be washed away just before
When the word sacrament               he died.
was first applied to baptism              By the 12th century, as
in the latter part of the             many as 30 different rites
second century AD, it                 and ceremonies were being
was associated with some              practiced in the church. These
erroneous ideas that had been         were called either “mysteries”
drawn into Christendom from           or “sacraments.” That number,
the Greek mystery religions.          of course, has been gradually
The converts from paganism            reduced, but the term
were accustomed to having             sacrament has been retained.
cleansing ceremonies for              And for many it still refers
spiritual purification, and           to something that provides a
they began to think of                special means of grace. These
baptism as a means by which           people therefore think of
the stain of sin was removed.         salvation as a combination
These former pagans had               of faith, good works, and
been involved in practices            the sacraments. The biblical
they had looked on as having          teaching of salvation by grace
special powers, so it was only        through faith alone has been
a small step for them to view         lost to them.
the waters of baptism as                  Yes, sacramentalism is
possessing redemptive value.          still with us today. Because
    Constantine, the                  of the misleading connotation
Roman emperor who                     attached to the word
made Christianity the state           sacrament, I repeat my
religion in the fourth century,       conviction that we should be
reportedly postponed his              very careful to refer to the
baptism until he was on his           ordinances rather than the
deathbed. We presume that             sacraments of the church. So
he hoped all his sins would           important is it that we make
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plain the way of salvation by         I would gladly encourage
grace through faith —apart            him to be baptized.
from works or ritual—that                 In this series of lessons
even in our terminology               we will discuss only two
we must avoid giving the              ordinances, baptism and the
impression that baptism               Lord’s Supper, rather than the
has any saving power.                 so-called “seven sacraments of
    I would never baptize             the church.” There are those
anyone who had the idea that          who insist that baptism,
doing so would wash away his          confirmation, penance,
sin. If I were the pastor of a        the partaking of the bread
local church and someone              and the wine, ordination,
requested to be baptized, I           marriage, and extreme
would first ask him if he             unction are all to be
knew its meaning. I’d make            recognized as sacramental.
sure he understood that it has        They therefore look on each
no saving power whatever. I           of these observances as a
would then want to hear from          means by which supernatural
his own lips a clear testimony        grace is received. According
that he has recognized what           to this belief:
the Lord Jesus accomplished               • Baptism is thought to
for him at Calvary through                  wash away the stain of
His sacrifice for sin, and that             sin.
he has placed his trust in                • Confirmation (which
Christ, and in Him alone, for               includes laying on of
salvation. Being assured of                 hands, anointing, and
that, and satisfied that he                 prayers) is said to
recognized baptism as an                    bestow the sevenfold
ordinance rather than a                     grace of the Holy Spirit
sacrament of the church (that               on the person who has
it has no redemptive value),                already been baptized.
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• In penance, the                       near death are anointed
  forgiveness of post-                  with oil and prayed over.
  baptism mortal sins                   This is done, supposedly,
  is supposedly obtained                to impart special grace,
  by those who are truly                enabling the dying soul
  sorry for their sin, make             to confide in the mercy
  confession, and perform               of God and to resist
  the duties imposed                    the final attacks and
  on them.                              temptations of the devil.
• In ordination, a special            The idea of supernatural
  grace is said to be given       bestowment of grace through
  for the work and                the ritual is prominent in each
  temptations involved            of these seven “sacraments.”
  in serving God.                 We don’t see it this way.
• When the bread and              Rather than recognizing seven
  wine are blessed, it            sacraments which are claimed
  is asserted that they           to impart some spiritual
  actually become the             graces, we observe only two
  body and blood of Christ,       ordinances: baptism and the
  and that the one who            Lord’s Supper. We see them as
  partakes of them receives       symbolizing certain spiritual
  a measure of grace.             realities.
• In marriage, the man                Some religious groups
  and woman joined in             recognize a third church
  wedlock are said to             ordinance—foot-washing.
  receive grace to                Following the example of
  discharge faithfully the        Christ with His disciples,
  duties of the marital           they engage in that practice
  state until death.              as an outward expression of
• In extreme unction,             humility, and of their willing
  those who appear to be          submission to one another.
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Although we may not follow            those phrases into a rather
that custom, we do respect            lengthy statement.
those born-again believers                You may wonder how we
who do.                               can address all those differing
    With all of this in mind,         views in only two lessons.
let’s take a closer look at the       Well, it’s impossible. But I am
ordinance of water baptism.           not interested in discussing
                                      those details about baptism
WATER BAPTISM                         which do not affect our sense
Now, I realize that I                 of oneness in Christ. My
am discussing a very                  primary disagreement is
controversial subject.                with those who make
Differing views about                 water baptism essential to
the mode of baptism, its              salvation—who teach that it
recipients, and its formula           actually washes away sin or
are sincerely held and taught         contributes to the new birth.
by various churches. Some             I am further troubled by
say immersion is the proper           someone who says, “Unless
way to baptize; others think          you are baptized by someone
sprinkling or pouring is              in our group for the remission
acceptable. Some insist               of sins, you cannot be sure
that only believers should            you are going to heaven.” So
be baptized, while others             in this chapter and the next,
affirm that babies should             I’d like to concentrate on the
be included. Some ministers           following two questions:
say, “I baptize you in the                • What is the meaning
name of Jesus.” Others follow                of baptism?
the formula, “I baptize you in            • Does baptism save?
the name of the Father, and               There should be no doubt
of the Son, and of the Holy           about the answers. First let’s
Spirit.” Still others combine         address the question:
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WHAT IS THE                        Paul then drew an analogy
MEANING OF                      between the first Adam, who
BAPTISM?                        brought condemnation and
The answer is found in          death by his one act of
Romans 6:1-7. To appreciate     disobedience, and Jesus
what the apostle was saying     Christ, the last Adam, who
here, we should keep in mind provided justification and
that in the preceding chapters life for all through His
(Rom. 3–5) Paul convincingly    one act of obedience.
established the truth that         In the first five chapters
salvation is by grace through   of Romans, the apostle stated
faith. After indicating the     clearly that salvation is
depth of human sinfulness       received by faith and faith
and emphasizing the failure     alone. Knowing that some
of the law to bring salvation,  people would misunderstand
he made it clear that the       or deliberately misrepresent
only way a holy God declares    his teaching, Paul anticipated
sinners righteous is through    an objection by saying:
their faith in Christ, the         What shall we say then?
perfect sacrifice for sin (see     Shall we continue in sin
Rom. 3:19-28). To demonstrate      that grace may abound?
that human works have              (Rom. 6:1).
nothing to do with salvation,   In answer to his own
Paul pointed out that           question, he went on to say:
Abraham was justified before       Certainly not! How shall
he was circumcised (see 4:1-       we who died to sin live any
12). He said in Romans 5:1:        longer in it? (v.2).
    Therefore, having been         When a person receives the
    justified by faith, we have Lord Jesus as his Savior, he
    peace with God through      dies to the domination of sin.
    our Lord Jesus Christ.      Yes, in Christ believers have
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died to sin, and this is the           condemnation and bondage of
truth signified in baptism. By         sin and brought into a life of
going down into the waters of          peace with God and triumph
baptism, we who have placed            over sin. Baptism, therefore,
our trust in Christ testify that       has served symbolically as an
through our union with Him             introductory rite from the Day
we have been buried with               of Pentecost onward. It is the
Him in His death. Having               new believer’s first step of
died to sin, we are no longer          obedience. It is his public
under its condemnation or              identification with Christ.
bondage. Then, our emergence           The apostle said:
from the waters of baptism                 Do you not know that
signifies that through our                 as many of us as were
union with the living Lord we              baptized into Christ Jesus
have been raised from death                were baptized into His
with Him. We now have new                  death? (Rom. 6:3).
life—that which gives us                   When Paul made reference
spiritual victory. Here is what        to believers being “baptized
the apostle himself told us:           into Christ Jesus,” he used an
    Therefore we were buried           expression that’s identical in
    with Him through baptism           construction to a statement in
    into death, that just as           1 Corinthians 10:2, where he
    Christ was raised from             said that the Israelites were
    the dead by the glory of           “baptized into Moses.” The
    the Father, even so we also        Israelites, having already
    should walk in newness of          chosen to follow Moses out of
    life (Rom. 6:4).                   Egypt, were openly identified
    Water baptism speaks               with him when they passed
of our identification with             through the Red Sea. In like
Christ. By that identification         manner, we become followers
we are delivered from the              of the Lord Jesus the moment
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we place our trust in Him.                Logically they were
And in our baptism “into                  distinguishable, but in
Christ Jesus,” we openly                  practice they were all
identify ourselves with Him               bound up with the
as our leader and guide.                  transition from the old
   In his book Epistle To The             life to the new (Revell,
Ephesians, F. F. Bruce made               1961, p.70).
this statement in reference to            Baptism, then, is a
the words in Ephesians 4:5,           testimony of our death to
“One Lord, one faith, one             sin, of our severance from its
baptism”:                             domination, and of our pledge
   Baptism in water                   to live a new life through our
   continued to be the                faith-union with Jesus Christ.
   outward visible sign by            During the first century,
   which individuals who              baptism quickly followed
   believed the gospel . . .          salvation and was closely
   were publicly incorporated         associated with membership
   into this spirit-baptized          in the local church.
   fellowship—“baptized into              No one should ever make
   Christ” (Gal. 3:27). It must       the mistake of depending on
   be remembered that in              baptism as a basis of his hope
   New Testament times                for heaven. Whether baptized
   repentance and faith,              by sprinkling, pouring,
   regeneration and                   immersion, or all three, a
   conversion, baptism in             person may still be unsaved.
   water, reception of the            The only way you receive
   Holy Spirit, . . . admission       the forgiveness of sin and
   to church fellowship . . .         the gift of everlasting life
   were all part of a complex         is through a personal
   of events which took place         acceptance of the Lord Jesus
   within a short time. . . .         Christ as your Savior.
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Baptism And                          next day, weak as he was, he
Salvation                            testified of his faith in Christ
                                     to everyone who entered his
       minister who was              room. Then he lapsed into

A       called to the bedside
          of a dying man
promised he would return to
                                     a coma and died without
                                     regaining consciousness.
                                         The question arises: Did
serve him communion. Then            that man go to heaven? Some
he offered a formal prayer           people would have serious
and left. But the patient            doubts about it. This is
failed to find much comfort          because they believe it’s
in the preacher’s promise. He        essential to be baptized in
knew very well he had sinned         order to be saved and to
against God and needed               have our sins washed away.
forgiveness. How a ritualistic
observance of the Lord’s
Supper could possibly do              m Does baptism
him any good made no sense             save? Does it
to him, and he couldn’t sleep         wash away sin?
that night. When a nurse
came in and found him                Does it contribute
awake, she engaged him in            in any way to the
conversation, read him some             new birth? n
verses from the Bible, and
then had the joy of leading
him to Christ. And what a                Therefore, I would like
transformation! That dying           us to consider the questions:
man experienced at once the          Does baptism save? Does
joy of forgiveness and the           it wash away sin? Does it
assurance of being accepted          contribute in any way to the
into the family of God. The          new birth? The answers will
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become evident as we review              In this verse Peter was
the passages of Scripture that      addressing the same people
are usually referred to as          who not only cried out for the
proof that a person must be         execution of Christ but also
baptized by water to be saved.      declared, “His blood be on
   We have already seen in          us and on our children” (Mt.
our first lesson that Romans        27:25). Here he commanded
6:3 does not indicate that          them to repent—that is, to
there is any saving power           change their minds––and
in baptism.                         to be baptized in the name
   Some people believe,             of Jesus Christ “for the
however, that several other         remission of sins.” Does
passages of Scripture do teach      that mean that baptism
or suggest that baptism is          is the agent of forgiveness?
essential to being born again.      In other words, is a person
So let’s look at those verses to    baptized so that he can
see if they really do portray       receive forgiveness of sin?
baptism as having power to          No! Baptism is a testimony
wash away sins.                     that the one baptized has
                                    already changed his mind
ACTS 2:38                           about Christ. Accepting
This is the verse most often        Him instead of rejecting
quoted by those who believe         Him, he has experienced
that baptism is necessary           the forgiveness of sin.
for salvation. It says:                  What does Acts 2:38
    Repent, and let every one       mean when it says, “Repent,
    of you be baptized in the       . . . and be baptized . . . for
    name of Jesus Christ for        the remission of sins”? Here
    the remission of sins; and      is a possible explanation.
    you shall receive the gift      A. T. Robertson, a well-known
    of the Holy Spirit.             Greek scholar, has pointed out
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that the Greek preposition        centurion Cornelius, the Holy
eis, translated “for” in the      Spirit came upon the entire
phrase “for the remission         household when they believed
of sins,” may also mean           (see Acts 10:44-48). Even
because of. An example of         during that transition period
this can be found in Luke         in the early days of the
11:32, where the text says        church, therefore, people
that the people of Nineveh        were saved and received
“repented at the preaching        the Holy Spirit before they
of Jonah.” The word at is         were baptized in water.
a translation of the same             A second verse quoted by
Greek term eis found in           those who teach that water
Acts 2:38. The people of          baptism has some special
Jonah’s day, you see, did not     spiritual efficacy is:
repent for his preaching but
because of it.                    ACTS 22:16
    Then too, according to        In this passage, Ananias said
some Greek scholars the word      to the recently converted Saul
eis (translated “for” in Acts     of Tarsus:
2:38) may also mean, “with            Arise and be baptized,
a view toward.” According to          and wash away your
that possible meaning, the            sins, calling on the
people to whom Peter was              name of the Lord.
preaching were to repent              In trying to understand
and be baptized with a view       the meaning of the words
toward the forgiveness of         “Arise and be baptized, and
their sins. Acts 2:38 does        wash away your sins,” we
not teach that baptism brings     must follow this basic rule of
the remission of sins.            Bible study: Interpret every
    When Peter preached           verse in the light of the clear
the gospel to the Roman           teaching set forth in the rest
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of Scripture. Since the truth         waited in the days of
of justification by faith is          Noah, while the ark was
declared plainly in the Bible,        being prepared, in which
we know that Saul was                 a few, that is, eight souls,
forgiven the very moment he           were saved through water.
met Christ on the Damascus            There is also an antitype
Road and believed on Him.             which now saves us—
We are therefore safe in              baptism (not the removal
concluding that his baptism           of the filth of the flesh,
was the outward and physical          but the answer of a good
sign of his inward and                conscience toward God),
spiritual cleansing from              through the resurrection
sin by the grace of God.              of Jesus Christ.
    Another passage often             What did Peter mean in
misinterpreted as teaching        verse 21 when he said, “There
that baptism plays a part         is also an antitype which now
in saving us is:                  saves us—baptism”? Was he
                                  indicating that water baptism
1 PETER 3:18-21                   in itself has any saving
The passage reads as follows:     power? No, not at all! Rather,
  For Christ also suffered        he saw the waters of baptism
  once for sins, the just for     in much the same way he did
  the unjust, that He might       the deluge in Noah’s day.
  bring us to God, being put      Although those floodwaters
  to death in the flesh but       destroyed a wicked world of
  made alive by the Spirit,       sinners, they in turn saved
  by whom also He went and        Noah and his family by
  preached to the spirits in      buoying them up as they rode
  prison, who formerly were       out the storm in the ark. In
  disobedient, when once          that sense, Peter could say in
  the Divine longsuffering        verse 20 that “a few, that is,
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eight souls, were saved              good conscience toward God”
through water.” We know,             (1 Pet. 3:21). Peter was not
of course, that the waters           talking about the outward
saved them indirectly. They          washing of the body; he was
escaped by floating in the ark       speaking of what is really
while everything else was            necessary––an inward
being submerged. And the             spiritual cleansing that is
deliverance of Noah’s family         experienced only by those
under those circumstances            who have received Christ’s
reminded Peter of baptism.           forgiveness. No, baptism itself
Referring to the “eight souls        does not remove sin. It is a
. . . saved through water,”          symbolic testimony of an
he said, “There is also an           inner cleansing that has
antitype which now saves             already occurred.
us—baptism” (1 Pet. 3:21).               Now a few comments
Even as Noah and his family          about one other passage that
in the ark were “saved” by the       is sometimes mistakenly
very same waters that judged         related to water baptism.
the rest of the world, so also
the waters of God’s judgment         TITUS 3:5
poured out on Christ at              The verse reads:
Calvary for the sins of the             Not by works of
world became the means                  righteousness which
whereby all who are in the              we have done, but
ark of safety, the Lord Jesus           according to His mercy
Christ, are saved.                      He saved us, through the
     Please notice that Peter           washing of regeneration
went on to say baptism “saves           and renewing of the
us,” figuratively. It is “not the       Holy Spirit.
removal of the filth of the             Paul indicated in this
flesh, but the answer of a           verse that God has saved us
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“through the washing of                 passed away; behold, all
regeneration and renewing               things have become new
of the Holy Spirit.” This has           (2 Cor. 5:17).
been taken by some as a                 The implied reference
reference to baptism, and           to water in the word washing
they therefore conclude             in Titus 3:5 should be
that baptism is essential           understood in the light of
to regeneration.                    the Old Testament. In the
    In speaking of the              ritual of the Mosaic economy,
“washing of regeneration,”          as recorded in Leviticus,
however, the apostle was            water was used as a symbol
referring to a cleansed life,       of cleansing. And when the
not baptism. In verse 3, he         prophet Ezekiel portrayed
had spoken of the unsaved as        Israel’s future conversion,
“foolish, disobedient, deceived,    he quoted God’s promise
serving various lusts and           as follows:
pleasures, living in malice             Then I will sprinkle
and envy, hateful and hating            clean water on you, and
one another.” In verse 5, he            you shall be clean; I will
went on to declare that “not            cleanse you from all your
by works of righteousness               filthiness and from all
which we have done, but                 your idols (36:25).
according to His mercy                  The washing of
He saved us, through the            regeneration, therefore,
washing of regeneration.”           is a fitting symbol of the
That speaks of the cleansing        cleansing that the believer
that accompanies the new            receives from God through
birth.                              the new birth. With this in
    Therefore, if anyone is         mind, read what Paul wrote
    in Christ, he is a new          to the Ephesians:
    creation; old things have           Husbands, love your
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wives, just as Christ also     option for Christians. Doing
    loved the church and gave      the will of God is never an
    Himself for her, that He       optional matter. The Lord
    might sanctify and             Jesus gave His disciples this
    cleanse her with the           clear command:
    washing of water by the            Go therefore and make
    word (Eph. 5:25-26).               disciples of all the nations,
    The “washing of water              baptizing them in the
by the word” is related to             name of the Father and
spiritual cleansing. Water             of the Son and of the
baptism is not a means of              Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:19).
regeneration or spiritual              And on the Day of
cleansing; rather, it is           Pentecost, the record says:
symbolic of salvation and              Then those who gladly
the spiritual cleansing we             received his word were
enjoy through our union                baptized; and that day
with Christ by faith.                  about three thousand souls
    Even though baptism has            were added to them. And
no power to save us from our           they continued steadfastly
sins, we must be careful not           in the apostles’ doctrine
to minimize its place in the           and fellowship, in the
life of a Christian. Because           breaking of bread, and in
baptism has no saving                  prayers (Acts 2:41-42).
efficacy and is not mandatory          These 3,000 people
for salvation, some believers      converted on the Day of
have concluded that it’s really    Pentecost are models for
quite unimportant. But             us. They believed, they were
they’re wrong! Although it’s       baptized, they gathered for
true that baptism is not           instruction, they broke bread
essential to salvation, this       with one another, and they
does not make it merely an         prayed together.
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Baptism is important.         penalty was paid in full.
It’s a testimony to the           Then receive Him. In other
believer’s identification with    words, by an act of faith, place
Christ. And if you know Him       your trust in Him. The Bible
as Savior, the Lord wants you     says that “whoever calls on
to be baptized and to identify    the name of the Lord shall
with a local assembly of          be saved” (Rom. 10:13). After
believers who meet for            you have done that, your next
the preaching of the              steps should be baptism and
Word, the administration          church membership—not in
of the ordinances, and the        order to be saved but because
practice of mutual nurture,       you have already experienced
admonition, and discipline.       the saving grace of God by
If you are born again but         placing your faith in Christ.
have not been baptized, or        The Bible gives this promise:
have not united with a local         If you confess with your
church that is true to the           mouth the Lord Jesus
Word, I urge you to do so.           and believe in your heart
    Perhaps you have never           that God has raised Him
accepted the Lord Jesus              from the dead, you will
Christ as your personal              be saved. For with the
Savior. I would remind you           heart one believes unto
that salvation through a             righteousness, and with
personal belief in Christ is         the mouth confession is
first and foremost. Admit            made unto salvation
your spiritual need.                 (Rom. 10:9-10).
Acknowledge that the Lord
Jesus died on the cross to pay
the price for your sins. Agree
that He arose from the dead
as proof that the death
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The                               Paul wrote the following:
Significance                          I received from the Lord
                                      that which I also delivered
Of The Lord’s                         to you: that the Lord Jesus
Supper                                on the same night in which
                                      He was betrayed took
      s we continue our               bread; and when He had

A       discussion of the
          ordinances of the
church, I’d like to consider
                                      given thanks, He broke it
                                      and said, “Take, eat; this
                                      is My body which is
with you the significance             broken for you; do this in
of the Lord’s Supper. This            remembrance of Me.” In
wonderful event in the life           the same manner He also
of a Christian should be:             took the cup after supper,
    • A Memorial Observance           saying, “This cup is the
    • A Symbolic Observance           new covenant in My blood.
    • A Continuing Observance         This do, as often as you
    • A Church Observance             drink it, in remembrance
    My prayer is that the Lord        of Me” (1 Cor. 11:23-25).
will use this study to give us        When Jesus instituted the
a better understanding of the     Lord’s Supper, He said, “This
communion service and lead        do . . . in remembrance of Me.”
us into a more meaningful         Such a reminder hardly
participation.                    seems necessary—for us nor
    First of all, the Lord’s      for the disciples. After all,
Supper should be:                 they would be firsthand
                                  witnesses of those awful
A MEMORIAL                        scenes leading up to and
OBSERVANCE                        culminating in the crucifixion.
Beginning with verse 23 of        How would they ever forget
1 Corinthians 11, the apostle     the agony of Christ in
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Gethsemane? The cruel             possible to become so busy
maltreatment during His           in the work of the gospel, and
night of trial? His brutal        so completely engrossed in
scourging by the Roman            contemplating the glory that
soldiers? His journey to          awaits us, that we fail to
Golgotha under the weight         reflect upon the awful price
of the cross? His wracking        that was paid to make it all
pain when the nails were          possible.
driven through His hands              Remembering the Lord
and feet? Or His God-like         as we gather with other
conduct while hanging and         believers fills our hearts
dying on the cross?               with gratitude. It brings to
    Sorry to say, it would        our minds those scenes of our
be all too possible even for      Lord’s suffering portrayed in
His followers to forget. So       the Gospels––the Savior’s
preoccupied could they            arrest in Gethsemane, the
become with proclaiming           mocking, the scourging, the
the message of forgiveness,       abuse at the trial, and the
declaring the truth of the        pain and the shame of
resurrection, and solving the     His crucifixion. Indeed, the
problems in the churches          Lord’s Supper is a touching
they had founded that they        memorial.
might seldom reflect deeply           How fitting, therefore, is
upon that which they had          this hymn written especially
witnessed in Gethsemane           for the communion service
and at Golgotha.                  by James Montgomery:
    And friend, we also                     According to
need the Lord’s Supper as               Thy gracious word,
a reminder of what the Lord              In meek humility,
Jesus endured for us when He               This will I do,
died to pay for our sins. It’s             my dying Lord:
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
I will remember Thee.                in His own body on the
       Remember Thee                     tree, that we, having died
       and all Thy pains                 to sins, might live for
   And all Thy love to me;               righteousness—by whose
      Yes, while a breath,               stripes you were healed
       a pulse remains,                  (1 Pet. 2:22-24).
   Will I remember Thee.                 Jesus, the sinless
Then, too, the Lord’s Supper         One, took our sins upon
should be:                           Himself. Yes, He became our
                                     substitute, bearing our sins
A SYMBOLIC                           in His own body on the cross.
OBSERVANCE                           He died to provide forgiveness
The elements of the Table of         and life for a world of sinners.
the Lord are symbols of what         This is what we should
was involved in His sacrifice        remember when we partake
as the Lamb of God in                of the bread in our observance
providing our salvation.             of the Lord’s Supper.
    The bread represents the             The cup symbolizes the
body of Christ. In chapter 2         blood of the Lord Jesus, which
of his first epistle, the apostle    was shed to pay for the sins of
Peter said this about the Lord       the world. In verse 24 of Mark
Jesus:                               14, we are told that as Jesus
    Who committed no sin, nor        and His disciples were eating
    was deceit found in His          the Passover meal He said,
    mouth; who, when He was          “This is My blood of the new
    reviled, did not revile in       covenant, which is shed for
    return; when He suffered,        many.” Therefore, in the
    He did not threaten, but         communion service, as we
    committed Himself to Him         hold the cup in our hands,
    who judges righteously;          we should thank God for the
    who Himself bore our sins        blood of Christ, which was
               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
shed to secure our redemption      sure His disciples knew that
and to cleanse us from sin.        He was speaking figuratively.
    The bread and the cup          They certainly did not expect
are symbolic of the body and       to see Him as an actual vine!
blood of the Lord Jesus.           Rather, they recognized what
They remind us of what He          He was saying to be symbolic.
endured to provide salvation,      With Christ portrayed as a
pointing to that event on          vine, and His followers as
which we base our hope for         the branches, the truth of our
all eternity.                      union with and dependence
    Some people claim that         on Him is taught in a forceful
when the bread and wine are        and unique manner.
consecrated, they change into          Our Lord also used
the actual body and blood of       figurative language when He
Christ. They object to our         said, “I am the door” (Jn. 10:9)
speaking of the bread and          and “I am the bread of life”
wine as symbols. To support        (6:35). Now, no one in Jesus’
their claim, they remind us        day believed that Jesus was
that Jesus said in reference to    claiming to be an actual door
the bread and the cup, “This       made of wood or an actual
is My body” and “This is My        piece of bread. He was
blood.” He did not say, they       speaking figuratively. And
argue, “This bread symbolizes      when He referred to the
My body” or “This wine             bread and the wine, He
symbolizes My blood.” We           declared, “This is My body”
should remember, however,          and “This is My blood.” We
that the Lord Jesus on             should understand that He
occasion used symbolic or          was simply using figurative
figurative language. In John       language.
15, for example, He referred           I should also point out
to Himself as “the vine.” I’m      a serious error in doctrine
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
related to the claim that the          but the life that He lives,
bread and the wine actually            He lives to God (6:10).
become the flesh and blood             And we find these words
of Christ. Some who take this      in the book of Hebrews:
view go on to conclude that            As it is appointed for men
the Lord Jesus is crucified            to die once, but after this
again every time the bread             the judgment, so Christ
and the wine are partaken of.          was offered once to bear the
                                       sins of many. To those who
                                       eagerly wait for Him He
   m The Bible                         will appear a second time,
  makes it very                        apart from sin, for
                                       salvation (9:27-28).
  clear that the                       And Hebrews 10:12,14
    sacrifice of                   says:
     Christ on                         But this Man, after He
                                       had offered one sacrifice
 the cross was a                       for sins forever, sat down at
 once-and-for-all                      the right hand of God . . . .
   payment for                         For by one offering He has
                                       perfected forever those who
       sin.n                           are being sanctified.
                                       Christ died only once.
The Bible, however, makes it       He arose from the grave
very clear that the sacrifice      only once. He ascended into
of Christ on the cross was a       heaven only once. He is now
once-and-for-all payment for       seated at the right hand of
sin. In the book of Romans,        God, where He will remain
Paul said this about Christ:       until He raptures His saints,
   For the death that He died,     judges them, and returns to
   He died to sin once for all;    earth as its rightful king. He
               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
is in glory, exalted at the            for I say to you, I will no
Father’s right hand—and He’s           longer eat of it until it is
there in His glorified physical        fulfilled in the kingdom
body. He is spiritually present        of God.” Then He took the
everywhere, but in His                 cup, and gave thanks, and
glorified body He lives in             said, “Take this and divide
heaven. The idea, therefore,           it among yourselves; for I
that the bread and wine                say to you, I will not drink
actually become the body               of the fruit of the vine
and blood of Christ, that He is        until the kingdom of God
somehow crucified repeatedly,          comes.” And He took bread,
is completely foreign to the           gave thanks and broke it,
teaching of the Bible.                 and gave it to them, saying,
    In addition to being a             “This is My body which is
memorial and a symbolic                given for you; do this in
observance, the Lord’s                 remembrance of Me.”
Supper should be:                      Likewise He also took the
                                       cup after supper, saying,
A CONTINUING                           “This cup is the new
OBSERVANCE                             covenant in My blood,
The Lord Jesus Himself                 which is shed for you”
established this ordinance.            (Lk. 22:14-20).
Referring to Christ, the               Following the example of
Gospel writer Luke told us:        Christ, assemblies of believers
   When the hour had come,         from the earliest days of the
   He sat down, and the            church to the present time
   twelve apostles with Him.       have observed the Lord’s
   Then He said to them,           Supper. We are told that the
   “With fervent desire I have     first company of believers,
   desired to eat this Passover    those 3,000 men and women
   with you before I suffer;       converted on the Day of
               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
Pentecost, “continued             A CHURCH
steadfastly in the apostles’      OBSERVANCE
doctrine and fellowship, in       Communion should be
the breaking of bread, and in     observed in or under the
prayers” (Acts 2:42). And that    supervision of the local
practice continued. In Acts       church whenever possible.
20:7 we are told that “on the     Celebrating the Lord’s Supper
first day of the week, when       is a solemn matter. It’s rich in
the disciples came together       significance and awesome in
to break bread, Paul, ready       what it portrays; so much
to depart the next day, spoke     so that carelessness in
to them and continued his         its practice among the
message until midnight.”          Corinthian believers had
    In Paul’s first epistle to    resulted in illness and even
the believers in Corinth, he      death for some of them.
made it evident that the          Paul wrote:
Lord’s Supper was still               He who eats and drinks in
being commemorated. In                an unworthy manner eats
fact, the apostle said:               and drinks judgment to
    For as often as you eat           himself, not discerning the
    this bread and drink              Lord’s body. For this reason
    this cup, you proclaim            many are weak and sick
    the Lord’s death till He          among you, and many
    comes (1 Cor. 11:26).             sleep (1 Cor. 11:29-30).
And that is why believers             We must therefore
everywhere continue to            be careful to make the
remember Jesus’ death             observance of the Lord’s Table
through this ordinance.           a meaningful experience. We
    Finally, the Lord’s           must issue warnings against
Supper should also be             entering into it carelessly or
recognized as:                    irreverently. We must also
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
realize that this can best be      say that one is right and
done under the supervision         the others are wrong. Rather,
of the local church.               “let each be fully convinced
    I’m not saying that the        in his own mind” (Rom. 14:5).
Lord’s Supper can only be          Regardless of any differences
observed in a church. There        we may have about the
are times when believers           frequency of the communion
might be isolated from an          service, we should all agree
organized body of believers        on this: It must be conducted
because of distance or             with reverence and with a
circumstances. I’m thinking of     solemn reflection upon the
Christians who are confined        great price paid for our
to homes or hospitals because      salvation by the Lord
of illness. These believers        Jesus Christ.
should not be deprived of the          To summarize,
privilege of remembering our       the Lord’s Supper is a
Lord’s death, though I believe     memorial observance,
they should be served the          a symbolic observance, a
elements by a representative       continuing observance, and a
of the local church.               church observance. It reminds
    Before concluding, let me      us of the great sacrifice
say just a few words about         involved in providing for our
the frequency of observing the     salvation. The bread and the
Lord’s Supper. Some believers      cup are symbols of the body
“break bread” every Sunday,        and blood of Christ. We are to
others do it monthly, and still    continue our remembrance of
others only once a quarter.        Christ “till He comes.” And, if
The Scriptures give no             possible, the observance of
command as to how often            the Lord’s Supper should
it should be observed. We          be under the supervision
therefore cannot dogmatically      of the local church.
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
The                                 imperfections, and so
Observance                          frightened by Paul’s
                                    warning in 1 Corinthians 11
Of The Lord’s                       about eating and drinking
Supper                              “unworthily,” that they either
                                    take communion with great
    n many churches today,          fear or they stay away from

I     the celebration of the
      Lord’s Supper is simply
tacked on to the end of a
                                    the service altogether.
                                        To help avoid these
                                    two extremes, I would like to
regular service. It’s almost        suggest three characteristics
like an afterthought. A few         of a proper observance
verses of Scripture are             of the Lord’s Supper. A
quickly read, a brief prayer        correct understanding of its
is offered, and the elements        significance will not keep us
are distributed. In this kind of    away from the communion
atmosphere it is doubtful that      table; rather, it will draw
anyone can give much serious        us to it and encourage us to
thought to the significance         participate in a conscientious
of the occasion. As a result,       and meaningful way.
many worshipers leave their             When the Lord’s Supper
churches holding the same           is observed properly, there
grudges and nursing the             should be:
same hatreds they had                   • Sincere Appreciation
when they entered.                      • Self-Examination
    Not everyone, of course,            • Brotherly Consideration
takes such an attitude toward           My prayer is that this
the observance of the Lord’s        study will help God’s children
Table. In fact, some go to          come to the Table of the Lord
the opposite extreme. They          in a way that is pleasing to
are so conscious of their           Him and with an attitude
               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
that brings the greatest            Please notice that we are
blessing.                       told in verse 17, Jesus took
    The first characteristic    the cup and gave thanks. And
of a proper observance of the   in verse 19 we read that He
Lord’s Table is:                took bread and gave thanks.
                                When our Lord gave thanks,
SINCERE                         He was not “asking the
APPRECIATION                    blessing” at a dinner. He and
The very sight of the bread     His disciples had already
and the cup (symbolic of the    finished the Passover feast.
body and blood of Christ,       What our Lord prayed over
reminding us of His great       was only some unleavened
sacrifice at Calvary)           bread and a cup of wine. He
should fill our hearts with     may have been offering
thanksgiving and praise to      thanks for what the bread
the Lord. Referring to the      and the wine signified—the
Lord Jesus, Luke told us:       sacrifice that would provide
   He took the cup, and         redemption for mankind.
   gave thanks, and said,       Regardless of the subject of
   “Take this and divide it     our Savior’s thanksgiving,
   among yourselves; for I      however, there should be
   say to you, I will not drink sincere appreciation and
   of the fruit of the vine     thanks in our hearts as we
   until the kingdom of God     partake of the elements.
   comes.” And He took bread,       The second characteristic
   gave thanks and broke it,    of a proper observance of the
   and gave it to them, saying, Lord’s Supper is:
   “This is My body which
   is given for you; do this    SELF-EXAMINATION
   in remembrance of Me”        By looking into our own
   (Lk. 22:17-19).              hearts and lives, we should
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
make sure that there is            penal effect of a deed.” Some
nothing unconfessed and            say, therefore, that to be
uncorrected which might            “guilty of the body and blood
result in our partaking of         of the Lord” means that God
the Lord’s Supper unworthily.      looks upon the offender (the
Some of the Christians in the      one who eats and drinks
early church at Corinth had        unworthily) as guilty of
evidently taken a light and        crucifying Christ. Ellicott’s
frivolous attitude toward the      Commentary On The Whole
Lord’s Supper. The apostle         Bible offers this word of
Paul therefore wrote to            explanation: “Sin was the
them as follows:                   cause of that body [of Christ]
    Whoever eats this bread or     being broken and that blood
    drinks this cup of the Lord    [of Christ] shed, and therefore
    in an unworthy manner          the one who unworthily uses
    will be guilty of the body     the symbols of them becomes
    and blood of the Lord. But     a participator in the guilt of
    let a man examine himself,     those who crucified that body
    and so let him eat of the      and shed that blood.”
    bread and drink of the             Whether or not you agree
    cup. For he who eats and       with such an interpretation,
    drinks in an unworthy          there’s no escaping the fact
    manner eats and drinks         that a careless and irreverent
    judgment to himself, not       celebration of the Lord’s
    discerning the Lord’s body     Supper is a very serious
    (1 Cor. 11:27-29).             matter. The person who
    Please notice what the         eats and drinks unworthily
apostle said in verse 27.          shows a disregard, almost
The Greek word translated          a contempt, for the broken
“guilty” is enochos. It may        body and shed blood of the
mean “to be liable to the          Savior. That’s why it is very
               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
important for us to engage in        we wasting time? Are we
careful self-examination when        watching the wrong kind of
we come to the Table of the          television programs? Are we
Lord.                                reading books that feed our
    The apostle Paul,                souls? Are we faithful in our
having indicated the sad             spiritual obligations?
consequences of eating and               Then, in reference to our
drinking “unworthily,” went          motives, we can test ourselves
on to say:                           by asking questions like
    But let a man examine            these: Why do we go to
    himself, and so let him eat      church? Why do we give our
    of the bread and drink of        financial support to it? Why
    the cup (v.28).                  do we teach Sunday school?
    The word examine in that         Are we doing what’s right for
verse can mean “to test.” As         the right reasons? Or are we
we gather at the Table of the        doing what is good to boost
Lord, we have the obligation         our own egos or to impress
to test our lives. A good way        our peers? Our service for
to do this is to ask ourselves       the Lord and what we do for
some probing questions about         others ought to be performed
our actions, our motives, and        because we love the Lord
our relationships.                   supremely and our neighbors
    First of all, in reference to    as ourselves.
our actions, we might raise              Finally, in reference to
such questions as these: Are         our relationships with
we conducting ourselves like         others, we should ask
Christians at home, at work,         questions like these:
and in every contact with            Are we kind, tenderhearted,
others? Is our language              and forgiving? Do we owe
becoming to a Christian?             anyone an apology? Do we
What about our habits? Are           have wrongs to make right?
               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
Are we harboring ill will          our sin that nailed Christ to
or an unforgiving spirit           the accursed tree, we would
toward those who may               be guilty of sacrilege if we
have wronged us?                   commemorated His great
    Yes, as we anticipate          sacrifice at Calvary while
eating the bread which             living in deliberate sin with
represents the body of Christ,     no intention of confessing or
and as we drink from the cup       forsaking it. To partake of the
which represents His blood,        bread, a symbol of the body of
we must be sensitive to our        Christ that was given for us,
sins, our faults, and our          and to drink of the cup, a
failures. We should see them       symbol of His blood shed for
in the light of the tremendous     our sins, while harboring ill
price Christ paid to secure our    will toward a brother or sister
redemption. And with that          in Christ would be an affront
awareness, we must confess         to Him. It would be like
our sins and determine with        adding insult to injury. At the
God’s help to forsake them.        communion table, therefore,
Doing that, we can claim           as we engage in self-
that wonderful promise in          examination and our sins
1 John 1:9.                        and failures come to mind,
    If we confess our sins,        we should confess them,
    He is faithful and just        forsake them, and accept the
    to forgive us our sins         forgiveness of God. Failing
    and to cleanse us from         to do so—partaking of the
    all unrighteousness.           elements of the Lord’s Table
    Having been cleansed           with no concern for the sin
“from all unrighteousness,”        in our lives—can result in
therefore, we will not be          chastening. If we do judge
eating and drinking                ourselves, however, the
unworthily. Since it was           punishing hand of God
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
can be avoided. Paul said:        for the Lord’s Supper.
    He who eats and drinks            What a difference it
    in an unworthy manner         would make in the Christian
    eats and drinks judgment      community, and in society at
    to himself, not discerning    large, if we who profess to
    the Lord’s body. For this     believe in Christ would be
    reason many are weak          careful to avoid eating and
    and sick among you, and       drinking unworthily at the
    many sleep. For if we         Table of the Lord! If we all
    would judge ourselves,        observed this, no believers
    we would not be judged        would ever remain at odds
    (1 Cor. 11:29-31).            with one another. We
    Of course, not all            would all forgive each
weakness, not all sickness,       other freely, even as
not all death is the result       Christ has forgiven us. If
of such judgment. In fact,        we obeyed this command,
it could very well be that        the misunderstandings that
God is not judging abuses         cause so much strife and
at the Lord’s Table in our        tension would melt away.
day in exactly the same           Relationships in our homes,
way as in the early church.       in our churches, and in our
Regardless of the manner          places of employment—yes,
in which the heavenly             everywhere—would be
Father chooses to chastise        revolutionized. The watching
His children, the apostle’s       world would be impressed.
words about the consequences      And those around us would
of eating and drinking            see that Christ really does
unworthily should encourage       make a difference in the lives
us to engage in sincere           of those who have placed
self-examination and honest       their trust in Him.
self-judgment in preparation          The third characteristic
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
of a proper observance of the     truth that they all shared a
Lord’s Supper is:                 common salvation and made
                                  up one body. Yes, as we gather
BROTHERLY                         with our brothers and sisters
CONSIDERATION                     in Christ at the Table of the
The apostle Paul, writing         Lord, we should be conscious
in 1 Corinthians 10 said:         of our oneness with those who
    The cup of blessing           partake of the elements with
    which we bless, is it not     us. Although we eat only an
    the communion of the          individual piece of bread, we
    blood of Christ? The bread    should keep in mind that as
    which we break, is it not     believers we are all members
    the communion of the body     of one body—the body of
    of Christ? For we, though     Christ. As born-again
    many, are one bread           believers, we all share the
    and one body; for we          wonderful benefits of our
    all partake of that one       Savior’s atoning work at
    bread (vv.16-17).             Calvary.
    Some believe that Paul’s          One of the glories of the
words in verse 17, “we all        Christian faith is that we are
partake of that one bread,”       all made spiritual equals
may reflect a practice in         through salvation. Rich
the early church. A sheet         and poor alike become the
of unleavened bread               children of God, members
was passed through the            of His family. The millionaire
congregation. Each believer       and the pauper, when placing
broke off a piece for himself.    their trust in Christ, both
The smaller portion denoted       experience the same new
the truth that Christ died        birth, are indwelt by the
for each individual. And the      same Holy Spirit, and share
larger portion spoke of the       the same hope. How glorious,
              © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
therefore, the truth of our         if we are completely
equality in Christ! The             sincere in our observance
apostle Paul said:                  of it. We must enter into it
    You are all sons of God         with sincere appreciation,
    through faith in Christ         self-examination, and
    Jesus. For as many of you       brotherly consideration.
    as were baptized into           If these elements are
    Christ have put on Christ.      present when we assemble
    There is neither Jew nor        with fellow believers to
    Greek, there is neither         remember the Lord’s
    slave nor free, there is        death, it truly becomes a life-
    neither male nor female;        transforming commemoration
    for you are all one in          of our Savior’s love and
    Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:26-28).    sacrifice for us.
    Remembering our Lord
as we gather for communion,
we should be very conscious
of our oneness in the Lord
with our fellow believers.
                                        This booklet is taken from messages
We should see them as our
                                        taught by Richard W. De Haan on
brothers and sisters in                 the Day Of Discovery television
Christ. When we do, there               program. Richard was president
is brotherly consideration,             and teacher of RBC Ministries from
another characteristic of a             1964 to 1984. He went home to be
                                        with the Lord on July 16, 2002.
proper observance of the
                                        Managing Editor: David Sper
Lord’s Supper.
                                        Cover Photo: Michael Forrest
    To summarize, the
                                        Scripture quotations are from the New
communion service                       King James Version. Copyright © 1982
                                        by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by
should be an edifying and               permission. All rights reserved.
strengthening experience,
                                        © 1982, 1994, 2002 RBC Ministries,
but this can happen only                Grand Rapids, MI. Printed in USA.

               © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
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Baptism The Lords Supper

  • 1. Baptism And The Lord’s Supper by Richard W. De Haan The Meaning Of Baptism o begin our study on the ordinances of the church, I T would like to focus your attention on baptism. In the first two lessons we will explore its meaning and its relationship to salvation, then we will consider what the Bible teaches about the Lord’s Supper. You may have noticed that I referred to baptism as an ordinance—not a sacrament—of the church. I did so for a very definite reason. There are those who, in using the term sacrament to apply to baptism, view it wrongly as a means of imparting some special grace. I realize that there are some who use the word sacrament without any such intended application. However, because of the wrong connotation given the term by others, I prefer to call baptism an ordinance rather than a sacrament. © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 2. SACRAMENTALISM be washed away just before When the word sacrament he died. was first applied to baptism By the 12th century, as in the latter part of the many as 30 different rites second century AD, it and ceremonies were being was associated with some practiced in the church. These erroneous ideas that had been were called either “mysteries” drawn into Christendom from or “sacraments.” That number, the Greek mystery religions. of course, has been gradually The converts from paganism reduced, but the term were accustomed to having sacrament has been retained. cleansing ceremonies for And for many it still refers spiritual purification, and to something that provides a they began to think of special means of grace. These baptism as a means by which people therefore think of the stain of sin was removed. salvation as a combination These former pagans had of faith, good works, and been involved in practices the sacraments. The biblical they had looked on as having teaching of salvation by grace special powers, so it was only through faith alone has been a small step for them to view lost to them. the waters of baptism as Yes, sacramentalism is possessing redemptive value. still with us today. Because Constantine, the of the misleading connotation Roman emperor who attached to the word made Christianity the state sacrament, I repeat my religion in the fourth century, conviction that we should be reportedly postponed his very careful to refer to the baptism until he was on his ordinances rather than the deathbed. We presume that sacraments of the church. So he hoped all his sins would important is it that we make 2 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 3. plain the way of salvation by I would gladly encourage grace through faith —apart him to be baptized. from works or ritual—that In this series of lessons even in our terminology we will discuss only two we must avoid giving the ordinances, baptism and the impression that baptism Lord’s Supper, rather than the has any saving power. so-called “seven sacraments of I would never baptize the church.” There are those anyone who had the idea that who insist that baptism, doing so would wash away his confirmation, penance, sin. If I were the pastor of a the partaking of the bread local church and someone and the wine, ordination, requested to be baptized, I marriage, and extreme would first ask him if he unction are all to be knew its meaning. I’d make recognized as sacramental. sure he understood that it has They therefore look on each no saving power whatever. I of these observances as a would then want to hear from means by which supernatural his own lips a clear testimony grace is received. According that he has recognized what to this belief: the Lord Jesus accomplished • Baptism is thought to for him at Calvary through wash away the stain of His sacrifice for sin, and that sin. he has placed his trust in • Confirmation (which Christ, and in Him alone, for includes laying on of salvation. Being assured of hands, anointing, and that, and satisfied that he prayers) is said to recognized baptism as an bestow the sevenfold ordinance rather than a grace of the Holy Spirit sacrament of the church (that on the person who has it has no redemptive value), already been baptized. 3 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 4. • In penance, the near death are anointed forgiveness of post- with oil and prayed over. baptism mortal sins This is done, supposedly, is supposedly obtained to impart special grace, by those who are truly enabling the dying soul sorry for their sin, make to confide in the mercy confession, and perform of God and to resist the duties imposed the final attacks and on them. temptations of the devil. • In ordination, a special The idea of supernatural grace is said to be given bestowment of grace through for the work and the ritual is prominent in each temptations involved of these seven “sacraments.” in serving God. We don’t see it this way. • When the bread and Rather than recognizing seven wine are blessed, it sacraments which are claimed is asserted that they to impart some spiritual actually become the graces, we observe only two body and blood of Christ, ordinances: baptism and the and that the one who Lord’s Supper. We see them as partakes of them receives symbolizing certain spiritual a measure of grace. realities. • In marriage, the man Some religious groups and woman joined in recognize a third church wedlock are said to ordinance—foot-washing. receive grace to Following the example of discharge faithfully the Christ with His disciples, duties of the marital they engage in that practice state until death. as an outward expression of • In extreme unction, humility, and of their willing those who appear to be submission to one another. 4 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 5. Although we may not follow those phrases into a rather that custom, we do respect lengthy statement. those born-again believers You may wonder how we who do. can address all those differing With all of this in mind, views in only two lessons. let’s take a closer look at the Well, it’s impossible. But I am ordinance of water baptism. not interested in discussing those details about baptism WATER BAPTISM which do not affect our sense Now, I realize that I of oneness in Christ. My am discussing a very primary disagreement is controversial subject. with those who make Differing views about water baptism essential to the mode of baptism, its salvation—who teach that it recipients, and its formula actually washes away sin or are sincerely held and taught contributes to the new birth. by various churches. Some I am further troubled by say immersion is the proper someone who says, “Unless way to baptize; others think you are baptized by someone sprinkling or pouring is in our group for the remission acceptable. Some insist of sins, you cannot be sure that only believers should you are going to heaven.” So be baptized, while others in this chapter and the next, affirm that babies should I’d like to concentrate on the be included. Some ministers following two questions: say, “I baptize you in the • What is the meaning name of Jesus.” Others follow of baptism? the formula, “I baptize you in • Does baptism save? the name of the Father, and There should be no doubt of the Son, and of the Holy about the answers. First let’s Spirit.” Still others combine address the question: 5 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 6. WHAT IS THE Paul then drew an analogy MEANING OF between the first Adam, who BAPTISM? brought condemnation and The answer is found in death by his one act of Romans 6:1-7. To appreciate disobedience, and Jesus what the apostle was saying Christ, the last Adam, who here, we should keep in mind provided justification and that in the preceding chapters life for all through His (Rom. 3–5) Paul convincingly one act of obedience. established the truth that In the first five chapters salvation is by grace through of Romans, the apostle stated faith. After indicating the clearly that salvation is depth of human sinfulness received by faith and faith and emphasizing the failure alone. Knowing that some of the law to bring salvation, people would misunderstand he made it clear that the or deliberately misrepresent only way a holy God declares his teaching, Paul anticipated sinners righteous is through an objection by saying: their faith in Christ, the What shall we say then? perfect sacrifice for sin (see Shall we continue in sin Rom. 3:19-28). To demonstrate that grace may abound? that human works have (Rom. 6:1). nothing to do with salvation, In answer to his own Paul pointed out that question, he went on to say: Abraham was justified before Certainly not! How shall he was circumcised (see 4:1- we who died to sin live any 12). He said in Romans 5:1: longer in it? (v.2). Therefore, having been When a person receives the justified by faith, we have Lord Jesus as his Savior, he peace with God through dies to the domination of sin. our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, in Christ believers have 6 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 7. died to sin, and this is the condemnation and bondage of truth signified in baptism. By sin and brought into a life of going down into the waters of peace with God and triumph baptism, we who have placed over sin. Baptism, therefore, our trust in Christ testify that has served symbolically as an through our union with Him introductory rite from the Day we have been buried with of Pentecost onward. It is the Him in His death. Having new believer’s first step of died to sin, we are no longer obedience. It is his public under its condemnation or identification with Christ. bondage. Then, our emergence The apostle said: from the waters of baptism Do you not know that signifies that through our as many of us as were union with the living Lord we baptized into Christ Jesus have been raised from death were baptized into His with Him. We now have new death? (Rom. 6:3). life—that which gives us When Paul made reference spiritual victory. Here is what to believers being “baptized the apostle himself told us: into Christ Jesus,” he used an Therefore we were buried expression that’s identical in with Him through baptism construction to a statement in into death, that just as 1 Corinthians 10:2, where he Christ was raised from said that the Israelites were the dead by the glory of “baptized into Moses.” The the Father, even so we also Israelites, having already should walk in newness of chosen to follow Moses out of life (Rom. 6:4). Egypt, were openly identified Water baptism speaks with him when they passed of our identification with through the Red Sea. In like Christ. By that identification manner, we become followers we are delivered from the of the Lord Jesus the moment 7 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 8. we place our trust in Him. Logically they were And in our baptism “into distinguishable, but in Christ Jesus,” we openly practice they were all identify ourselves with Him bound up with the as our leader and guide. transition from the old In his book Epistle To The life to the new (Revell, Ephesians, F. F. Bruce made 1961, p.70). this statement in reference to Baptism, then, is a the words in Ephesians 4:5, testimony of our death to “One Lord, one faith, one sin, of our severance from its baptism”: domination, and of our pledge Baptism in water to live a new life through our continued to be the faith-union with Jesus Christ. outward visible sign by During the first century, which individuals who baptism quickly followed believed the gospel . . . salvation and was closely were publicly incorporated associated with membership into this spirit-baptized in the local church. fellowship—“baptized into No one should ever make Christ” (Gal. 3:27). It must the mistake of depending on be remembered that in baptism as a basis of his hope New Testament times for heaven. Whether baptized repentance and faith, by sprinkling, pouring, regeneration and immersion, or all three, a conversion, baptism in person may still be unsaved. water, reception of the The only way you receive Holy Spirit, . . . admission the forgiveness of sin and to church fellowship . . . the gift of everlasting life were all part of a complex is through a personal of events which took place acceptance of the Lord Jesus within a short time. . . . Christ as your Savior. 8 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 9. Baptism And next day, weak as he was, he Salvation testified of his faith in Christ to everyone who entered his minister who was room. Then he lapsed into A called to the bedside of a dying man promised he would return to a coma and died without regaining consciousness. The question arises: Did serve him communion. Then that man go to heaven? Some he offered a formal prayer people would have serious and left. But the patient doubts about it. This is failed to find much comfort because they believe it’s in the preacher’s promise. He essential to be baptized in knew very well he had sinned order to be saved and to against God and needed have our sins washed away. forgiveness. How a ritualistic observance of the Lord’s Supper could possibly do m Does baptism him any good made no sense save? Does it to him, and he couldn’t sleep wash away sin? that night. When a nurse came in and found him Does it contribute awake, she engaged him in in any way to the conversation, read him some new birth? n verses from the Bible, and then had the joy of leading him to Christ. And what a Therefore, I would like transformation! That dying us to consider the questions: man experienced at once the Does baptism save? Does joy of forgiveness and the it wash away sin? Does it assurance of being accepted contribute in any way to the into the family of God. The new birth? The answers will 9 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 10. become evident as we review In this verse Peter was the passages of Scripture that addressing the same people are usually referred to as who not only cried out for the proof that a person must be execution of Christ but also baptized by water to be saved. declared, “His blood be on We have already seen in us and on our children” (Mt. our first lesson that Romans 27:25). Here he commanded 6:3 does not indicate that them to repent—that is, to there is any saving power change their minds––and in baptism. to be baptized in the name Some people believe, of Jesus Christ “for the however, that several other remission of sins.” Does passages of Scripture do teach that mean that baptism or suggest that baptism is is the agent of forgiveness? essential to being born again. In other words, is a person So let’s look at those verses to baptized so that he can see if they really do portray receive forgiveness of sin? baptism as having power to No! Baptism is a testimony wash away sins. that the one baptized has already changed his mind ACTS 2:38 about Christ. Accepting This is the verse most often Him instead of rejecting quoted by those who believe Him, he has experienced that baptism is necessary the forgiveness of sin. for salvation. It says: What does Acts 2:38 Repent, and let every one mean when it says, “Repent, of you be baptized in the . . . and be baptized . . . for name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins”? Here the remission of sins; and is a possible explanation. you shall receive the gift A. T. Robertson, a well-known of the Holy Spirit. Greek scholar, has pointed out 10 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 11. that the Greek preposition centurion Cornelius, the Holy eis, translated “for” in the Spirit came upon the entire phrase “for the remission household when they believed of sins,” may also mean (see Acts 10:44-48). Even because of. An example of during that transition period this can be found in Luke in the early days of the 11:32, where the text says church, therefore, people that the people of Nineveh were saved and received “repented at the preaching the Holy Spirit before they of Jonah.” The word at is were baptized in water. a translation of the same A second verse quoted by Greek term eis found in those who teach that water Acts 2:38. The people of baptism has some special Jonah’s day, you see, did not spiritual efficacy is: repent for his preaching but because of it. ACTS 22:16 Then too, according to In this passage, Ananias said some Greek scholars the word to the recently converted Saul eis (translated “for” in Acts of Tarsus: 2:38) may also mean, “with Arise and be baptized, a view toward.” According to and wash away your that possible meaning, the sins, calling on the people to whom Peter was name of the Lord. preaching were to repent In trying to understand and be baptized with a view the meaning of the words toward the forgiveness of “Arise and be baptized, and their sins. Acts 2:38 does wash away your sins,” we not teach that baptism brings must follow this basic rule of the remission of sins. Bible study: Interpret every When Peter preached verse in the light of the clear the gospel to the Roman teaching set forth in the rest 11 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 12. of Scripture. Since the truth waited in the days of of justification by faith is Noah, while the ark was declared plainly in the Bible, being prepared, in which we know that Saul was a few, that is, eight souls, forgiven the very moment he were saved through water. met Christ on the Damascus There is also an antitype Road and believed on Him. which now saves us— We are therefore safe in baptism (not the removal concluding that his baptism of the filth of the flesh, was the outward and physical but the answer of a good sign of his inward and conscience toward God), spiritual cleansing from through the resurrection sin by the grace of God. of Jesus Christ. Another passage often What did Peter mean in misinterpreted as teaching verse 21 when he said, “There that baptism plays a part is also an antitype which now in saving us is: saves us—baptism”? Was he indicating that water baptism 1 PETER 3:18-21 in itself has any saving The passage reads as follows: power? No, not at all! Rather, For Christ also suffered he saw the waters of baptism once for sins, the just for in much the same way he did the unjust, that He might the deluge in Noah’s day. bring us to God, being put Although those floodwaters to death in the flesh but destroyed a wicked world of made alive by the Spirit, sinners, they in turn saved by whom also He went and Noah and his family by preached to the spirits in buoying them up as they rode prison, who formerly were out the storm in the ark. In disobedient, when once that sense, Peter could say in the Divine longsuffering verse 20 that “a few, that is, 12 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 13. eight souls, were saved good conscience toward God” through water.” We know, (1 Pet. 3:21). Peter was not of course, that the waters talking about the outward saved them indirectly. They washing of the body; he was escaped by floating in the ark speaking of what is really while everything else was necessary––an inward being submerged. And the spiritual cleansing that is deliverance of Noah’s family experienced only by those under those circumstances who have received Christ’s reminded Peter of baptism. forgiveness. No, baptism itself Referring to the “eight souls does not remove sin. It is a . . . saved through water,” symbolic testimony of an he said, “There is also an inner cleansing that has antitype which now saves already occurred. us—baptism” (1 Pet. 3:21). Now a few comments Even as Noah and his family about one other passage that in the ark were “saved” by the is sometimes mistakenly very same waters that judged related to water baptism. the rest of the world, so also the waters of God’s judgment TITUS 3:5 poured out on Christ at The verse reads: Calvary for the sins of the Not by works of world became the means righteousness which whereby all who are in the we have done, but ark of safety, the Lord Jesus according to His mercy Christ, are saved. He saved us, through the Please notice that Peter washing of regeneration went on to say baptism “saves and renewing of the us,” figuratively. It is “not the Holy Spirit. removal of the filth of the Paul indicated in this flesh, but the answer of a verse that God has saved us 13 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 14. “through the washing of passed away; behold, all regeneration and renewing things have become new of the Holy Spirit.” This has (2 Cor. 5:17). been taken by some as a The implied reference reference to baptism, and to water in the word washing they therefore conclude in Titus 3:5 should be that baptism is essential understood in the light of to regeneration. the Old Testament. In the In speaking of the ritual of the Mosaic economy, “washing of regeneration,” as recorded in Leviticus, however, the apostle was water was used as a symbol referring to a cleansed life, of cleansing. And when the not baptism. In verse 3, he prophet Ezekiel portrayed had spoken of the unsaved as Israel’s future conversion, “foolish, disobedient, deceived, he quoted God’s promise serving various lusts and as follows: pleasures, living in malice Then I will sprinkle and envy, hateful and hating clean water on you, and one another.” In verse 5, he you shall be clean; I will went on to declare that “not cleanse you from all your by works of righteousness filthiness and from all which we have done, but your idols (36:25). according to His mercy The washing of He saved us, through the regeneration, therefore, washing of regeneration.” is a fitting symbol of the That speaks of the cleansing cleansing that the believer that accompanies the new receives from God through birth. the new birth. With this in Therefore, if anyone is mind, read what Paul wrote in Christ, he is a new to the Ephesians: creation; old things have Husbands, love your 14 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 15. wives, just as Christ also option for Christians. Doing loved the church and gave the will of God is never an Himself for her, that He optional matter. The Lord might sanctify and Jesus gave His disciples this cleanse her with the clear command: washing of water by the Go therefore and make word (Eph. 5:25-26). disciples of all the nations, The “washing of water baptizing them in the by the word” is related to name of the Father and spiritual cleansing. Water of the Son and of the baptism is not a means of Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:19). regeneration or spiritual And on the Day of cleansing; rather, it is Pentecost, the record says: symbolic of salvation and Then those who gladly the spiritual cleansing we received his word were enjoy through our union baptized; and that day with Christ by faith. about three thousand souls Even though baptism has were added to them. And no power to save us from our they continued steadfastly sins, we must be careful not in the apostles’ doctrine to minimize its place in the and fellowship, in the life of a Christian. Because breaking of bread, and in baptism has no saving prayers (Acts 2:41-42). efficacy and is not mandatory These 3,000 people for salvation, some believers converted on the Day of have concluded that it’s really Pentecost are models for quite unimportant. But us. They believed, they were they’re wrong! Although it’s baptized, they gathered for true that baptism is not instruction, they broke bread essential to salvation, this with one another, and they does not make it merely an prayed together. 15 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 16. Baptism is important. penalty was paid in full. It’s a testimony to the Then receive Him. In other believer’s identification with words, by an act of faith, place Christ. And if you know Him your trust in Him. The Bible as Savior, the Lord wants you says that “whoever calls on to be baptized and to identify the name of the Lord shall with a local assembly of be saved” (Rom. 10:13). After believers who meet for you have done that, your next the preaching of the steps should be baptism and Word, the administration church membership—not in of the ordinances, and the order to be saved but because practice of mutual nurture, you have already experienced admonition, and discipline. the saving grace of God by If you are born again but placing your faith in Christ. have not been baptized, or The Bible gives this promise: have not united with a local If you confess with your church that is true to the mouth the Lord Jesus Word, I urge you to do so. and believe in your heart Perhaps you have never that God has raised Him accepted the Lord Jesus from the dead, you will Christ as your personal be saved. For with the Savior. I would remind you heart one believes unto that salvation through a righteousness, and with personal belief in Christ is the mouth confession is first and foremost. Admit made unto salvation your spiritual need. (Rom. 10:9-10). Acknowledge that the Lord Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for your sins. Agree that He arose from the dead as proof that the death 16 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 17. The Paul wrote the following: Significance I received from the Lord that which I also delivered Of The Lord’s to you: that the Lord Jesus Supper on the same night in which He was betrayed took s we continue our bread; and when He had A discussion of the ordinances of the church, I’d like to consider given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is with you the significance broken for you; do this in of the Lord’s Supper. This remembrance of Me.” In wonderful event in the life the same manner He also of a Christian should be: took the cup after supper, • A Memorial Observance saying, “This cup is the • A Symbolic Observance new covenant in My blood. • A Continuing Observance This do, as often as you • A Church Observance drink it, in remembrance My prayer is that the Lord of Me” (1 Cor. 11:23-25). will use this study to give us When Jesus instituted the a better understanding of the Lord’s Supper, He said, “This communion service and lead do . . . in remembrance of Me.” us into a more meaningful Such a reminder hardly participation. seems necessary—for us nor First of all, the Lord’s for the disciples. After all, Supper should be: they would be firsthand witnesses of those awful A MEMORIAL scenes leading up to and OBSERVANCE culminating in the crucifixion. Beginning with verse 23 of How would they ever forget 1 Corinthians 11, the apostle the agony of Christ in 17 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 18. Gethsemane? The cruel possible to become so busy maltreatment during His in the work of the gospel, and night of trial? His brutal so completely engrossed in scourging by the Roman contemplating the glory that soldiers? His journey to awaits us, that we fail to Golgotha under the weight reflect upon the awful price of the cross? His wracking that was paid to make it all pain when the nails were possible. driven through His hands Remembering the Lord and feet? Or His God-like as we gather with other conduct while hanging and believers fills our hearts dying on the cross? with gratitude. It brings to Sorry to say, it would our minds those scenes of our be all too possible even for Lord’s suffering portrayed in His followers to forget. So the Gospels––the Savior’s preoccupied could they arrest in Gethsemane, the become with proclaiming mocking, the scourging, the the message of forgiveness, abuse at the trial, and the declaring the truth of the pain and the shame of resurrection, and solving the His crucifixion. Indeed, the problems in the churches Lord’s Supper is a touching they had founded that they memorial. might seldom reflect deeply How fitting, therefore, is upon that which they had this hymn written especially witnessed in Gethsemane for the communion service and at Golgotha. by James Montgomery: And friend, we also According to need the Lord’s Supper as Thy gracious word, a reminder of what the Lord In meek humility, Jesus endured for us when He This will I do, died to pay for our sins. It’s my dying Lord: 18 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 19. I will remember Thee. in His own body on the Remember Thee tree, that we, having died and all Thy pains to sins, might live for And all Thy love to me; righteousness—by whose Yes, while a breath, stripes you were healed a pulse remains, (1 Pet. 2:22-24). Will I remember Thee. Jesus, the sinless Then, too, the Lord’s Supper One, took our sins upon should be: Himself. Yes, He became our substitute, bearing our sins A SYMBOLIC in His own body on the cross. OBSERVANCE He died to provide forgiveness The elements of the Table of and life for a world of sinners. the Lord are symbols of what This is what we should was involved in His sacrifice remember when we partake as the Lamb of God in of the bread in our observance providing our salvation. of the Lord’s Supper. The bread represents the The cup symbolizes the body of Christ. In chapter 2 blood of the Lord Jesus, which of his first epistle, the apostle was shed to pay for the sins of Peter said this about the Lord the world. In verse 24 of Mark Jesus: 14, we are told that as Jesus Who committed no sin, nor and His disciples were eating was deceit found in His the Passover meal He said, mouth; who, when He was “This is My blood of the new reviled, did not revile in covenant, which is shed for return; when He suffered, many.” Therefore, in the He did not threaten, but communion service, as we committed Himself to Him hold the cup in our hands, who judges righteously; we should thank God for the who Himself bore our sins blood of Christ, which was 19 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 20. shed to secure our redemption sure His disciples knew that and to cleanse us from sin. He was speaking figuratively. The bread and the cup They certainly did not expect are symbolic of the body and to see Him as an actual vine! blood of the Lord Jesus. Rather, they recognized what They remind us of what He He was saying to be symbolic. endured to provide salvation, With Christ portrayed as a pointing to that event on vine, and His followers as which we base our hope for the branches, the truth of our all eternity. union with and dependence Some people claim that on Him is taught in a forceful when the bread and wine are and unique manner. consecrated, they change into Our Lord also used the actual body and blood of figurative language when He Christ. They object to our said, “I am the door” (Jn. 10:9) speaking of the bread and and “I am the bread of life” wine as symbols. To support (6:35). Now, no one in Jesus’ their claim, they remind us day believed that Jesus was that Jesus said in reference to claiming to be an actual door the bread and the cup, “This made of wood or an actual is My body” and “This is My piece of bread. He was blood.” He did not say, they speaking figuratively. And argue, “This bread symbolizes when He referred to the My body” or “This wine bread and the wine, He symbolizes My blood.” We declared, “This is My body” should remember, however, and “This is My blood.” We that the Lord Jesus on should understand that He occasion used symbolic or was simply using figurative figurative language. In John language. 15, for example, He referred I should also point out to Himself as “the vine.” I’m a serious error in doctrine 20 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 21. related to the claim that the but the life that He lives, bread and the wine actually He lives to God (6:10). become the flesh and blood And we find these words of Christ. Some who take this in the book of Hebrews: view go on to conclude that As it is appointed for men the Lord Jesus is crucified to die once, but after this again every time the bread the judgment, so Christ and the wine are partaken of. was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He m The Bible will appear a second time, makes it very apart from sin, for salvation (9:27-28). clear that the And Hebrews 10:12,14 sacrifice of says: Christ on But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice the cross was a for sins forever, sat down at once-and-for-all the right hand of God . . . . payment for For by one offering He has perfected forever those who sin.n are being sanctified. Christ died only once. The Bible, however, makes it He arose from the grave very clear that the sacrifice only once. He ascended into of Christ on the cross was a heaven only once. He is now once-and-for-all payment for seated at the right hand of sin. In the book of Romans, God, where He will remain Paul said this about Christ: until He raptures His saints, For the death that He died, judges them, and returns to He died to sin once for all; earth as its rightful king. He 21 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 22. is in glory, exalted at the for I say to you, I will no Father’s right hand—and He’s longer eat of it until it is there in His glorified physical fulfilled in the kingdom body. He is spiritually present of God.” Then He took the everywhere, but in His cup, and gave thanks, and glorified body He lives in said, “Take this and divide heaven. The idea, therefore, it among yourselves; for I that the bread and wine say to you, I will not drink actually become the body of the fruit of the vine and blood of Christ, that He is until the kingdom of God somehow crucified repeatedly, comes.” And He took bread, is completely foreign to the gave thanks and broke it, teaching of the Bible. and gave it to them, saying, In addition to being a “This is My body which is memorial and a symbolic given for you; do this in observance, the Lord’s remembrance of Me.” Supper should be: Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, A CONTINUING “This cup is the new OBSERVANCE covenant in My blood, The Lord Jesus Himself which is shed for you” established this ordinance. (Lk. 22:14-20). Referring to Christ, the Following the example of Gospel writer Luke told us: Christ, assemblies of believers When the hour had come, from the earliest days of the He sat down, and the church to the present time twelve apostles with Him. have observed the Lord’s Then He said to them, Supper. We are told that the “With fervent desire I have first company of believers, desired to eat this Passover those 3,000 men and women with you before I suffer; converted on the Day of 22 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 23. Pentecost, “continued A CHURCH steadfastly in the apostles’ OBSERVANCE doctrine and fellowship, in Communion should be the breaking of bread, and in observed in or under the prayers” (Acts 2:42). And that supervision of the local practice continued. In Acts church whenever possible. 20:7 we are told that “on the Celebrating the Lord’s Supper first day of the week, when is a solemn matter. It’s rich in the disciples came together significance and awesome in to break bread, Paul, ready what it portrays; so much to depart the next day, spoke so that carelessness in to them and continued his its practice among the message until midnight.” Corinthian believers had In Paul’s first epistle to resulted in illness and even the believers in Corinth, he death for some of them. made it evident that the Paul wrote: Lord’s Supper was still He who eats and drinks in being commemorated. In an unworthy manner eats fact, the apostle said: and drinks judgment to For as often as you eat himself, not discerning the this bread and drink Lord’s body. For this reason this cup, you proclaim many are weak and sick the Lord’s death till He among you, and many comes (1 Cor. 11:26). sleep (1 Cor. 11:29-30). And that is why believers We must therefore everywhere continue to be careful to make the remember Jesus’ death observance of the Lord’s Table through this ordinance. a meaningful experience. We Finally, the Lord’s must issue warnings against Supper should also be entering into it carelessly or recognized as: irreverently. We must also 23 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 24. realize that this can best be say that one is right and done under the supervision the others are wrong. Rather, of the local church. “let each be fully convinced I’m not saying that the in his own mind” (Rom. 14:5). Lord’s Supper can only be Regardless of any differences observed in a church. There we may have about the are times when believers frequency of the communion might be isolated from an service, we should all agree organized body of believers on this: It must be conducted because of distance or with reverence and with a circumstances. I’m thinking of solemn reflection upon the Christians who are confined great price paid for our to homes or hospitals because salvation by the Lord of illness. These believers Jesus Christ. should not be deprived of the To summarize, privilege of remembering our the Lord’s Supper is a Lord’s death, though I believe memorial observance, they should be served the a symbolic observance, a elements by a representative continuing observance, and a of the local church. church observance. It reminds Before concluding, let me us of the great sacrifice say just a few words about involved in providing for our the frequency of observing the salvation. The bread and the Lord’s Supper. Some believers cup are symbols of the body “break bread” every Sunday, and blood of Christ. We are to others do it monthly, and still continue our remembrance of others only once a quarter. Christ “till He comes.” And, if The Scriptures give no possible, the observance of command as to how often the Lord’s Supper should it should be observed. We be under the supervision therefore cannot dogmatically of the local church. 24 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 25. The imperfections, and so Observance frightened by Paul’s warning in 1 Corinthians 11 Of The Lord’s about eating and drinking Supper “unworthily,” that they either take communion with great n many churches today, fear or they stay away from I the celebration of the Lord’s Supper is simply tacked on to the end of a the service altogether. To help avoid these two extremes, I would like to regular service. It’s almost suggest three characteristics like an afterthought. A few of a proper observance verses of Scripture are of the Lord’s Supper. A quickly read, a brief prayer correct understanding of its is offered, and the elements significance will not keep us are distributed. In this kind of away from the communion atmosphere it is doubtful that table; rather, it will draw anyone can give much serious us to it and encourage us to thought to the significance participate in a conscientious of the occasion. As a result, and meaningful way. many worshipers leave their When the Lord’s Supper churches holding the same is observed properly, there grudges and nursing the should be: same hatreds they had • Sincere Appreciation when they entered. • Self-Examination Not everyone, of course, • Brotherly Consideration takes such an attitude toward My prayer is that this the observance of the Lord’s study will help God’s children Table. In fact, some go to come to the Table of the Lord the opposite extreme. They in a way that is pleasing to are so conscious of their Him and with an attitude 25 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 26. that brings the greatest Please notice that we are blessing. told in verse 17, Jesus took The first characteristic the cup and gave thanks. And of a proper observance of the in verse 19 we read that He Lord’s Table is: took bread and gave thanks. When our Lord gave thanks, SINCERE He was not “asking the APPRECIATION blessing” at a dinner. He and The very sight of the bread His disciples had already and the cup (symbolic of the finished the Passover feast. body and blood of Christ, What our Lord prayed over reminding us of His great was only some unleavened sacrifice at Calvary) bread and a cup of wine. He should fill our hearts with may have been offering thanksgiving and praise to thanks for what the bread the Lord. Referring to the and the wine signified—the Lord Jesus, Luke told us: sacrifice that would provide He took the cup, and redemption for mankind. gave thanks, and said, Regardless of the subject of “Take this and divide it our Savior’s thanksgiving, among yourselves; for I however, there should be say to you, I will not drink sincere appreciation and of the fruit of the vine thanks in our hearts as we until the kingdom of God partake of the elements. comes.” And He took bread, The second characteristic gave thanks and broke it, of a proper observance of the and gave it to them, saying, Lord’s Supper is: “This is My body which is given for you; do this SELF-EXAMINATION in remembrance of Me” By looking into our own (Lk. 22:17-19). hearts and lives, we should 26 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 27. make sure that there is penal effect of a deed.” Some nothing unconfessed and say, therefore, that to be uncorrected which might “guilty of the body and blood result in our partaking of of the Lord” means that God the Lord’s Supper unworthily. looks upon the offender (the Some of the Christians in the one who eats and drinks early church at Corinth had unworthily) as guilty of evidently taken a light and crucifying Christ. Ellicott’s frivolous attitude toward the Commentary On The Whole Lord’s Supper. The apostle Bible offers this word of Paul therefore wrote to explanation: “Sin was the them as follows: cause of that body [of Christ] Whoever eats this bread or being broken and that blood drinks this cup of the Lord [of Christ] shed, and therefore in an unworthy manner the one who unworthily uses will be guilty of the body the symbols of them becomes and blood of the Lord. But a participator in the guilt of let a man examine himself, those who crucified that body and so let him eat of the and shed that blood.” bread and drink of the Whether or not you agree cup. For he who eats and with such an interpretation, drinks in an unworthy there’s no escaping the fact manner eats and drinks that a careless and irreverent judgment to himself, not celebration of the Lord’s discerning the Lord’s body Supper is a very serious (1 Cor. 11:27-29). matter. The person who Please notice what the eats and drinks unworthily apostle said in verse 27. shows a disregard, almost The Greek word translated a contempt, for the broken “guilty” is enochos. It may body and shed blood of the mean “to be liable to the Savior. That’s why it is very 27 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 28. important for us to engage in we wasting time? Are we careful self-examination when watching the wrong kind of we come to the Table of the television programs? Are we Lord. reading books that feed our The apostle Paul, souls? Are we faithful in our having indicated the sad spiritual obligations? consequences of eating and Then, in reference to our drinking “unworthily,” went motives, we can test ourselves on to say: by asking questions like But let a man examine these: Why do we go to himself, and so let him eat church? Why do we give our of the bread and drink of financial support to it? Why the cup (v.28). do we teach Sunday school? The word examine in that Are we doing what’s right for verse can mean “to test.” As the right reasons? Or are we we gather at the Table of the doing what is good to boost Lord, we have the obligation our own egos or to impress to test our lives. A good way our peers? Our service for to do this is to ask ourselves the Lord and what we do for some probing questions about others ought to be performed our actions, our motives, and because we love the Lord our relationships. supremely and our neighbors First of all, in reference to as ourselves. our actions, we might raise Finally, in reference to such questions as these: Are our relationships with we conducting ourselves like others, we should ask Christians at home, at work, questions like these: and in every contact with Are we kind, tenderhearted, others? Is our language and forgiving? Do we owe becoming to a Christian? anyone an apology? Do we What about our habits? Are have wrongs to make right? 28 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 29. Are we harboring ill will our sin that nailed Christ to or an unforgiving spirit the accursed tree, we would toward those who may be guilty of sacrilege if we have wronged us? commemorated His great Yes, as we anticipate sacrifice at Calvary while eating the bread which living in deliberate sin with represents the body of Christ, no intention of confessing or and as we drink from the cup forsaking it. To partake of the which represents His blood, bread, a symbol of the body of we must be sensitive to our Christ that was given for us, sins, our faults, and our and to drink of the cup, a failures. We should see them symbol of His blood shed for in the light of the tremendous our sins, while harboring ill price Christ paid to secure our will toward a brother or sister redemption. And with that in Christ would be an affront awareness, we must confess to Him. It would be like our sins and determine with adding insult to injury. At the God’s help to forsake them. communion table, therefore, Doing that, we can claim as we engage in self- that wonderful promise in examination and our sins 1 John 1:9. and failures come to mind, If we confess our sins, we should confess them, He is faithful and just forsake them, and accept the to forgive us our sins forgiveness of God. Failing and to cleanse us from to do so—partaking of the all unrighteousness. elements of the Lord’s Table Having been cleansed with no concern for the sin “from all unrighteousness,” in our lives—can result in therefore, we will not be chastening. If we do judge eating and drinking ourselves, however, the unworthily. Since it was punishing hand of God 29 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 30. can be avoided. Paul said: for the Lord’s Supper. He who eats and drinks What a difference it in an unworthy manner would make in the Christian eats and drinks judgment community, and in society at to himself, not discerning large, if we who profess to the Lord’s body. For this believe in Christ would be reason many are weak careful to avoid eating and and sick among you, and drinking unworthily at the many sleep. For if we Table of the Lord! If we all would judge ourselves, observed this, no believers we would not be judged would ever remain at odds (1 Cor. 11:29-31). with one another. We Of course, not all would all forgive each weakness, not all sickness, other freely, even as not all death is the result Christ has forgiven us. If of such judgment. In fact, we obeyed this command, it could very well be that the misunderstandings that God is not judging abuses cause so much strife and at the Lord’s Table in our tension would melt away. day in exactly the same Relationships in our homes, way as in the early church. in our churches, and in our Regardless of the manner places of employment—yes, in which the heavenly everywhere—would be Father chooses to chastise revolutionized. The watching His children, the apostle’s world would be impressed. words about the consequences And those around us would of eating and drinking see that Christ really does unworthily should encourage make a difference in the lives us to engage in sincere of those who have placed self-examination and honest their trust in Him. self-judgment in preparation The third characteristic 30 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 31. of a proper observance of the truth that they all shared a Lord’s Supper is: common salvation and made up one body. Yes, as we gather BROTHERLY with our brothers and sisters CONSIDERATION in Christ at the Table of the The apostle Paul, writing Lord, we should be conscious in 1 Corinthians 10 said: of our oneness with those who The cup of blessing partake of the elements with which we bless, is it not us. Although we eat only an the communion of the individual piece of bread, we blood of Christ? The bread should keep in mind that as which we break, is it not believers we are all members the communion of the body of one body—the body of of Christ? For we, though Christ. As born-again many, are one bread believers, we all share the and one body; for we wonderful benefits of our all partake of that one Savior’s atoning work at bread (vv.16-17). Calvary. Some believe that Paul’s One of the glories of the words in verse 17, “we all Christian faith is that we are partake of that one bread,” all made spiritual equals may reflect a practice in through salvation. Rich the early church. A sheet and poor alike become the of unleavened bread children of God, members was passed through the of His family. The millionaire congregation. Each believer and the pauper, when placing broke off a piece for himself. their trust in Christ, both The smaller portion denoted experience the same new the truth that Christ died birth, are indwelt by the for each individual. And the same Holy Spirit, and share larger portion spoke of the the same hope. How glorious, 31 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
  • 32. therefore, the truth of our if we are completely equality in Christ! The sincere in our observance apostle Paul said: of it. We must enter into it You are all sons of God with sincere appreciation, through faith in Christ self-examination, and Jesus. For as many of you brotherly consideration. as were baptized into If these elements are Christ have put on Christ. present when we assemble There is neither Jew nor with fellow believers to Greek, there is neither remember the Lord’s slave nor free, there is death, it truly becomes a life- neither male nor female; transforming commemoration for you are all one in of our Savior’s love and Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:26-28). sacrifice for us. Remembering our Lord as we gather for communion, we should be very conscious of our oneness in the Lord with our fellow believers. This booklet is taken from messages We should see them as our taught by Richard W. De Haan on brothers and sisters in the Day Of Discovery television Christ. When we do, there program. Richard was president is brotherly consideration, and teacher of RBC Ministries from another characteristic of a 1964 to 1984. He went home to be with the Lord on July 16, 2002. proper observance of the Managing Editor: David Sper Lord’s Supper. Cover Photo: Michael Forrest To summarize, the Scripture quotations are from the New communion service King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by should be an edifying and permission. All rights reserved. strengthening experience, © 1982, 1994, 2002 RBC Ministries, but this can happen only Grand Rapids, MI. Printed in USA. 32 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
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