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Pattern Language 3.0
Writing Pattern Languages for Human Actions

Takashi Iba
Faculty of Policy Management
Keio University
Invited Talk at PLoP2012 (Oct. 19,2012)
Potential Domains
   of Pattern Languages

 What are potential domains where
Pattern Language can be applied to?
Potential ity
      of Pattern Writers

What are the potentiality of people who
    can write pattern languages?
Pattern Languages
     Potential ly
   Save the world

 What are significant applications of
pattern languages for people on earth?
井庭 崇
Takashi Iba
井庭 崇
Takashi Iba
                     井庭 崇

• born in 1974 in Japan
• a trans-disciplinary researcher, creator, and writer, explores the
 nature of creativity and works to build media to nurture it.
• an associate professor at the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio
 University, Japan
• Ph.D. in Media and Governance, from Keio University in 2003.
• a visiting scholar at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence,
“Force = Why the problem is hard.” (Bootcamp)

                                     May the force be with you.

systems theory
pattern languages
Takashi Iba, Yoshihisa Fukuhara,
Introduction to Complex Systems:
The Adventure to the Frontier of
Knowledge, NTT Publishers,
in Japanese, 1998
National best seller, twenty thousand copies!
Takashi Iba, "A Study on Simulating Economies
and Societies as Evolutionary Complex Systems,"
 Ph.D Thesis for Graduate School of Media and
      Governance, Keio University, 2003
PlatBox Simulator, a software platform to execute and
to analyze the agent-based social simulations.

Component Builder, a tool for designing the model
component plugged into PlatBox Simulator.
Model-Driven Development of Agent-Based Social Simulations

                           Model-Driven Development

                        Conceptual Model         Simulation Model

                                              Source Code of Simulation


                                           Executable Program of Simulation
PlatBox Model Framework
Modeling with
UML diagram
Action Parts
Action Parts
 We define 281 action parts.
 All actions in social simulation can be
 described with combining these parts.
Memorize/Recall                      Increase the value of DoubleInformation the Agent has
Change the status of the Agent       Reduce the value of DoubleInformation the Agent has
Acquire the status of the Agent      Update the value of DoubleInformation the Agent has
Recieve Goods and Information        Increase the value of IntegerInformation the Agent has
Acquire the status of other Agent    Reduce the value of IntegerInformation the Agent has
Acquire the world status             Change the value of IntegerInformation the Agent has
Send Goods and Information
Change the status of other Agent
                                     Check the current status of this Behavior
                                     Specify the Type of this Behavior
Change the world status              Delete Information the Agent memorized
Acquire the details of Information   Assign all memorized Information of the Agent to a Map
Acquire the detals of Goods          Make the Agent Recall Information
Acquire Set                          Make the Agent Memorize Information
Acquire the details of Relation      Acquire all specified Types of Goods from the Agent
Create new Information               Acquire specified quantity of Goods from the Agent
Create new Goods                     Acquire specified Parent-Type of Goods from the Agent and Assign them to a Set
Create new Set                       Acquire specified Parent-Type and quantity of Goods from the Agent and Assign them to a Set
Edit Information                     Connect one way Relation between the Agent and others
Change the status of Goods           Connect mutual Relation between the Agent and others
Control Set                          Disconnect mutual Relation between the Agent and others
Calculate                            Disconnect one way Relation of the Agent
Output                               Disconnect all specified Types of Relations of the Agent
Terminate the Agent                  Disconnect a specified Parent-Type of Relations of the Agent
Add Behavior to the Agent            Close active Channel
Delete Behavior of the Agent         Specify the Agent
Obtain Goods                         Specify the Type of the Agent
.......                              Check whether the Agent has the specified Type of Goods
Model-Driven Development of Agent-Based Social Simulations

                           Model-Driven Development

                        Conceptual Model         Simulation Model

                                              Source Code of Simulation


                                           Executable Program of Simulation
Model Patterns
A Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling


       Immediate Reply
                                                                                                                         【 QuestionBehavior 】
    ■ 目的
      他のエージェントに質問し 、直ちに返答を受ける。
                                                                                                                                 ( from org.boxed_economy.besp.model.fmfw.behavior )

    ■ 動機
                                                                                Question                      Reply                    AbstractQuestionBehavior
                                                                                Behavior                      Behavior
     他のエージェントの属性等について知りたい場合                                                Questioner                     Respondent
    に、質問をして問い合わせることがある。                                                                    ToRespondent
                                                                                                                                questionAction ( )
                                                                                                                                readReplyAction ( )
                                                                                      QuestionInformation                       isReply ( )
    ■ 基本動作
       Questioner エージェントと Respondent エージェ                                       Question

    ントが登場する。       Questioner エージェントは、 Ques-                               Questioner                     Respondent
                                                                                                                         【 ReplyBehavior 】
    tionBehavior をもっており、     これによって Question-
    Information を生成し (ここでは内容は空とする) 、                                                                                                              AbstractBehavior
                                                                                                                                  ( from org.boxed_economy.besp.model.fmfw.behavior )
    Respondent エージェントに送信する。Respondent
    エージェントは 、ReplyBehavior でそれを受けて、                                             Question                      Reply                       AbstractReplyBehavior
    直ちに ReplyInformation を送り返す (ここでは文
                                                                                Behavior                      Behavior

                                                                           Questioner                     Respondent
                                                                                                                                replyAction ( )
                                                                                                                                isQuestion ( )

    ■ 設計

                                                                                                                         【 QustionInformation 】
            : ImmediateReplyWorld                       : ImmediateReplyModel                                                                       << interface >>
                                                                                                                                     ( from org.boxed_economy.besp.model.fmfw )

                      : Agent                                AGENTTYPE_Questioner : AgentType

                                : QuestionBehavior           BEHAVIORTYPE_Question : BehaviorType                                          QuestionInformation

                                : QuestionInformation        INFORMATIONTYPE_Question : InformationType

                                                                                                                         【 ReplyInformation 】
                     : Relation                              RELATIONTYPE_ToRespondent
                                                                                                                                                    << interface >>
                                                                                                                                     ( from org.boxed_economy.besp.model.fmfw )

                      : Agent                                AGENTTYPE_Respondent : AgentType

                                : ReplyBehavior              BEHAVIORTYPE_Reply : BehaviorType                                               ReplyInformation
                                                                                                                                contents: Srting

                                : ReplyInformation           INFORMATIONTYPE_Question : InformationType                         setContents ( String )
                                                                                                                                getContents ( ) : String
                                                                                                                                ReplyInformation ( String )

Takashi Iba, "A Study on Simulating Economies
and Societies as Evolutionary Complex Systems,"
 Ph.D Thesis for Graduate School of Media and
      Governance, Keio University, 2003
Realized the limitations...
Something is missing...

social systems theory
(autopoietic systems)
by Niklas Luhmann
Facilitation Patterns
for experiential learning
                              初心者への心がけ                            みんなの場
                            ■   ■  
                                状況 状況                             ■   ■  
                                                                     状況 状況
                                  体験学習プログラムの参加者の中には,今まで体験学        多くの人達で協力して何かの活動をする際,誰もが気
                            習やワークショ     ップなどに参加した経験が無い人がいる
                                  習やワークショ  ップなどに参加した経験が無い人がいる     持ち良く参加したいと思うものである.しかしながら,
                                  こともあるだろう.そのような人は,入りやすい受付        人数が増えることでやりにくくなったり,グループ内の
                            (19) によってある程度リラックスさせることができる
                                  (19) によってある程度リラックスさせることができる     メンバーによって活発的な雰囲気が失われてしまうこと
                            が, が,
                                      どのように参加をしていけばいいか分からず不安に     がある.がある.
                                  思っていることが多い.                                *   * **  
                                                                               *    *
                                           *   * **  
                                             *    *               ■   ■  
                                                                     問題 問題
                            ■   ■  
                                問題 問題                             主体的に参加できる場づくりをするためにはどうすれ
                            ワークショ    ップ初心者に対しては,どのようなことに注
                                  ワークショ  ップ初心者に対しては,どのようなことに注     ば良いだろうか.
                                                                  ■   ■  
                                                                     問題記述 問題記述
                            ■   ■  
                               問題記述問題記述                           メンバー同士の意見を共有することや,その意見に対
                                体験学習のような主体的に参加が求められる学習に慣          して議論を交わす際に,特定の人だけが発言をしてそ
                                れていない参加者に対しては,配慮をしたい.何故な          の場を仕切ってし まうことがおこる.そうなると,少
                                                                       の場を仕切ってし まうことがおこる.そうなると,少
                                ら,初心者の参加者にとっては,体験学習の運営方法や         数派になった人の意見が正しく吟味されないばかりか,
                            参加の仕方は新鮮に感じることが多く, どのように参加
                                参加の仕方は新鮮に感じることが多く,どのように参加         疎外されたことにより全く意見を出さなくなる傍観者
                                したら良いか解らず戸惑いやすい.体験学習では,一連         になりやすい.学習の効果を引き出すためにも,参加者
                                のプログラムに対等な関係で参加することが,参加者          一人一人がチームに貢献する必要がある—–責任の明確
                                同士の気づきを増やすために必要である.したがって,         化 (27).そのためには,自由に発言ができるような環
                                                                       化 (27).そのためには,自由に発言ができるような環
                                初心者に対する事前のフォローが重要になる.             境をつくる必要がある.
                            ■   ■  
                               解決方法解決方法                           ■   ■  
                                初心者に対しては,ファシリテーターからどのように参         メンバーが対等な関係で議論ができる環境をつくろう.

                                                                  ■   ■  
                            ■   ■  
                               具体例具体例                             すること.また,ファシリテーターがどんな意見でも推
                            参加における心得の内容としては,  「『積極的に参加して
                                参加における心得の内容としては,   「『積極的に参加して     奨するように働きかけを行うことや,どんな意見であっ
                            ください』体験学習ではみなさんが主役です. 「 」や,
                                ください』体験学習ではみなさんが主役です. 「 」や,
                                                          『楽 『楽   てもフィリップチャートにまとめで張り出すこと —–可 —–可
                                しんでください』私がそそのかし役となって,皆さんに         視化された意見 (43) をおこなうと意見を視覚的にも対
                                                                      視化された意見 (43) をおこなうと意見を視覚的にも対
                                いろんな体験をしてもらいますが,まずは楽しんでくだ         等に扱っていることがわかるので,自由な発言がうまれ
                               」などが上げられるだろう 17) . 17) .
                            さい.さい. 」などが上げられるだろう                   て対等な議論が進みやすくなる.
                                       *   * **  
                                         *    *                                 *   * **  
                                                                                  *    *
                            ■   ■  
                               関連 関連                              ■   ■  
                                                                     関連 関連

Takahiro Shimizu
                                ファシリテーションにおける重要な点の一つに,メン          平等に参加してもらうためにも,初心者への心がけ (21) (21)
                                バー同士が対等に活動したり議論したりする場をつく          を忘れないようにしよう.また,質問タイム (41) を設 を設
                                                                      を忘れないようにしよう.また,質問タイム (41)
                            ることがある—-みんなの場 (31).(31).
& Takashi Iba                                                     けることで,誰もが同じ スタートラインに立てるよう
                                                                      けることで,誰もが同じ スタートラインに立てるよう
                                   図3   初心者への心がけパターン
                                        図 3 初心者への心がけパターン          人に対しては,問いかけを行うことも有効である—–議 —–議
                                                                  論を促す問いかけ (32).さらに,意思決定における公
                                                                      論を促す問いかけ (32).さらに,意思決定における公
                            26) 渡辺武: 新しい会議の知恵:みんなで育てる話し
                                 26) 渡辺武: 新しい会議の知恵:みんなで育てる話し      平性 (30) も保たれる必要がある.最後に,メンバーが
                                                                      平性 (30) も保たれる必要がある.最後に,メンバーが
at Allerton House, PLoP 2007
Outside of Work

                                                                                                                                                                                    Relationship                                Communication        5.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [1] K

Project Patterns
                                                                                                                                                            Thank You Spirit                           Positive Chain              Deep Dive
                                                                                                                                                                                   Deep Dialog                                                           Y
                                                                                                                Pattern No.19 Naming                                                                                                                     2
                                                                                                                    Context There are so many ideas and concepts. It is get-                                                                         [2] T
                   Since it is difficult to show all of the forty seven patterns,
                                                                                                           Characteristics of an discuss the complex blurry. Re-
                                                                                                                 ting difficult toidea or final output is topics. People under-
                                                                                                        peating the sentence takes an extra but with adjectives to “round
                                                                                                                 stand the world by naming, time and difficult like,
                 only two out of forty seven patterns will be introduced here.
                 One is “Outside of Work”, which is likely to be used at                                focus on andissue. object”bothers the fluenciesobject. You need some
                                                                                                                  an hard It also cannot specify one of conversa-                                                                                        J
                                                                                                        tion.    idea to make communication comfortable.                                                                                             [3] Y
                 early stage, and another is “Naming”, which is useful for
                 the middle stage.                                                                         Force                                                                                                                                         E
                                                                                                           • Available time is limited.                                                                                                                  J
                 Pattern No.2 Outside of Work
                                                                                                           • It is easy to talk about the named thing.
                   When the project is on the early stage and the team members
                 do not know each other. It is almost impossible to understand                                                                                                     Let’s call it “oasis” !
                                                                                                           • People tend to forget easily.
                 others in a second. Time must be spent to get to know who they
                 really are. This is not especially limited to early stages of the                         • Having common language drives the communication.
                                                                                                                                                             What was Juhn’s idea??

                        3.    EXAMPLES OF PROJECT PATTERNS                                            Problem
                                                                                            Name it. By naming a new idea or an object, it becomes
                             Since it is difficult to show all of the forty seven patterns,             Characteristics of an idea or final output is blurry. Re-
                                                                                         easier to talk about. It also clarifies the characteristics of
                                                                                                   peating the sentence takes an extra time and difficult to
                          only two out of forty seven patterns will be introduced here. idea and make it easy to compare with other ideas.
                          One is “Outside of Work”, which is likely to be used atResolutionon an issue. It also bothers the fluencies of conversa-
                          early stage, and another is “Naming”, which is useful forCommon language makes the conversation smooth.
                          the middle stage.                                                  Notes Force
                                                                                         “Let’s talk about John’s time is limited.
                                                                                                       • Available idea.”
                          Pattern No.2 Outside of Work
                                                                                         “What’ s John’s idea?”
                    Members are not able to understand each other’s thoughts and
                 feelings yet. Wethe projectbuild and early stage and theunder- members  “The idea of aIt is easy to talk about the named thing.
                                                                                                       • new pattern about projects.”
                             When have not is on the maintained trust, team
                 standing, camaraderieeach empathy, in a team. impossible to understand
                          do not know and other. It is almost                            “Ok, then let’s name his idea, ‘Oasis’ from now on!”
                                                                                                       • People tend to forget easily.
                    Force others in a second. Time must be spent to get to know who they the names of the patterns in Project Patterns are good
                                                                                         examples of naming.
                     • Work is not the easiest place to build limited to early stages of the
                          really are. This is not especially the trusting relation-                    • Having common language drives the communication.
                        ships.                                                               Related Patterns
                     • People have different cultures and perspectives.                                Solution
                     • Trust and empathy is needed in a team to result issues and                     Name it. By naming a new idea or an object, it becomes     Naming

                        motivate collaboration.                                                    easier to talk about. It also clarifies the characteristics of
                                                                                                                                   Think Again                                    Creative Thinking

                     • Team member’s time is valuable.                                             the idea and make it easy to compare with other ideas.
                    Solution                                                                          Resolution        Leave Record   Reflective Meeting
                                                                                                                                                             Scale Conversion
                                                                                                                                                                                               Body Storming

                    By inviting members to parties and spending time together                         Common language makes the conversation smooth.        Creative Workplace            Exciting Contacts

                 outside of work, it becomes easier to understand their ideas and                     Notes
                 personalities. That leads to active communication. Include many
                                                                                                   “Let’s talk about John’s idea.”
                 different types of activities so that no one feels left out if they do
                             Problem                                                     4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                                                                   “What’ s John’s idea?”
                 not want to participate because of cultural differences.
Miyuko Naruse
                             Members are not able to understand each other’s thoughts andMany thanks to everyone who helped us to make and de-
                    Resolution yet. We have not build and maintained trust, under-
                          feelings                                                                 “The idea of a new pattern about projects.”
                    The team has been motivated and increasedin a team. commu-           velop the“Ok, then let’swould like to thank to Antonio Rito
                                                                                                    patterns. We name his idea, ‘Oasis’ from now on!”
                          standing, camaraderie and empathy, trust and
Yusuke Takada    nication. Force
                              • Work is not the easiest place to build the trusting
                                                                                         Silva for All theour “shepherd” and providing many useful are good
                                                                                                    being names of the patterns in Project Patterns
                                                                                         suggestions. We also naming.
                    Start with going to dinner after work. Eating together relaxes relation-
                                                                                                   examples of would like to thank to those who at-
                                                                                         tended the Relatedworkshop of the Pattern Languages of
                                                                                                       writers’ Patterns
Yohei Yumura     people, which ships.
                                 will support them to be open and honest.
                    Related •Patterns
                                 People have different cultures and perspectives.
                                                                                         Programs (PLoP) conferences for giving fuiltful comments
                                                                                         and advise.
Koji Wakamatsu            • Trust and empathy is needed in a team to result issues and
                            motivate collaboration.
                                                                      Outside of Work

                                                                                        5.                   REFERENCES
& Takashi Iba
                                                                                                                                                                    Think Again                                         Creative Thinking
                                                       Relationship                     Communication
                          • Team member’s time is valuable.
                         Solution   Thank You Spirit                   Positive Chain
                                                                                         Deep Dive
                                                                                                           Kanafumi Furuichi and Koji Wakamatsu and Yohei
                                                                                                                                                     Leave Record       Reflective Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Scale Conversion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Body Storming

(PLoP2008)                                                                                                 Yumura and Takashi Iba. A Pattern Language in
                                                       Deep Dialog
                        By inviting members to parties and spending time together                                                                                                                Creative Workplace             Exciting Contacts

                      outside of work, it becomes easier to understand their ideas and                     Project Management, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports,
                 Pattern No.19That leads to active communication. Include many
                      personalities. Naming                                                                2007-MPS-64, in Japanese, 2007
                  Context There areof activities so that no one feels It is out if they [2]
                      different types so many ideas and concepts. left get-               do                     4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
                                                                                                           Takashi Iba and Yohei Yumura and Koji Wakamatsu
helps the students to work on their research activities. In
                                                                                                                                 order to evolve this pattern language, we want many people
                                                                                                                                 to use this pattern language, and get the feedbacks.

          Research Patterns                                                                                                      3.   EXAMPLE PATTERNS
                                                                                                                                    This paper introduce 2 patterns of Research Patterns:
                                                                                                                                 “Hot Team” from Relationship category and “Clear Roadmap”
                                                                                                                                 from Motivation category.

          (PLoP2008)                                                                                                                                 Hot Team                                          Cont
                                                                                                                                                                                                   This pat
                                                                                                                                                                                                   for resea
                                                                                                                                                                                                   You don
 t. The communication between the team members become
smoother if this pattern language is shared. Once it becomes
                                                                               Clear Roadmap                                                                                                       way.
to the common language, you will save extra discussion.                                                                                                                                            You wan
   We hope that this pattern language for academic research                                                                                                                                        You don
helps the students to work on their research activities. In                                                                                                                                        It’s diffic
order to evolve this pattern language, we want many people                                                                                                                                         Big succ
to use this pattern language, and get the feedbacks.
3.   EXAMPLE PATTERNS                                                                                                               Context                                                        Compare
   This paper introduce 2 patterns of Research Patterns:                                                                         This pattern is used when you are forming a new project           a roadm
“Hot Team” from Relationship category and “Clear Roadmap”                                                                        team.                                                             what you
 rom Motivation category.                                                                                                           Problem                                                        up with
                                                                                                                                 People don’t know each other and don’t feel committed to          reach you
                    Hot Team                                      This pattern motivates people who have lost their passion
                                                                                                                                 the team.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   You kno
                                                                  for research.
                                                                                                                                 You want to build up people’s self esteem and self confi-          Working
                                                                      Problem                                                    dence.                                                            makes yo
                                                                  You don’t feel any passion for research. You’ve lost your      You want to create the ”social glue” for your new team.           you refoc
                                                                  way.                                                           Available time is limited, so complex or long activities should   confidenc
                                                                      Forces                                                     be avoided.                                                          Howev
                                                                  You want to improve self confidence.                            Funds of the team members are limited, as well.                   turn in y
                                                                  You don’t have much time for research.                                                                                           feedback
                                                                  It’s difficult for researchers to set a final goal of research.       Solution                                                      like a ver
                                                                  Big success in research needs close strategies.                Social bonding will help your team in their road to project       time tha
                                                                                                                                 success. Make time available for extra-curricular activi-         revise pla
                                                                      Solution                                                   ties such as bowling, fishing, eating (see also “Brown Bag
   Context                                                        Compare your present situation with your goals. Construct      Lunch”), drinking, hiking or other adventures. This will          4. AC
This pattern is used when you are forming a new project           a roadmap by back tracking from your goals. Ask yourself       help your team members construct tighter relationships by            We wa
team.                                                             what you need to do to meet them. This way you will end        providing more common ground, shared experiences and get-         tunity to
   Problem                                                        up with a clearer view of you next actions and a plan to       ting to know more aspects of their colleagues.                    is my “s
People don’t know each other and don’t feel committed to          reach your goals.                                                  Consequences                                                  in the W
the team.                                                             Consequences                                               You will create a “Community of Trust” where people sup-          my pape
   Forces                                                         You know where to go, and when you need to be there.           port each other. You spend more time together and share           kindness
           Yuji Kobayashi
You want to build up people’s self esteem and self confi-
                                                                  Working on your end goals and goals needed to get there
                                                                  makes you revise and review your research. This will help
                                                                                                                                 experiences and feelings with your team mates.
                                                                                                                                    However, games and activities require extra time if they
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to impro

           Mariko Yoshida
You want to create the ”social glue” for your new team.
Available time is limited, so complex or long activities should
                                                                  you refocus and provide you with fresh insights. Your self
                                                                  confidence will improve once you know the road ahead.
                                                                                                                                 are to be good ways to know each other. Money may also
                                                                                                                                 present a problem, as not all people in your team may have
                                                                                                                                                                                                   5. RE
                                                                                                                                                                                                   [1] C. Al
           Ayaka Sasaki
be avoided.                                                          However, you may aim too low or too high or make wrong      generous budgets for extra-curricular activities. Watch out
Funds of the team members are limited, as well.                   turn in your roadmap. Talk with other people to get their      for other differences in your team, such as cultural diversity
                                                                                                                                                                                                   [2] C. Al
                                                                  feedback on your plan. Creating your roadmap may seem          - for example, in some cultures drinking alcohol is barred.
    Solution Takashi Iba
           &                                                                                                                                                                                           Unive
                                                                  like a very short activity, but working on it may take more    Competitive games and competitive activities may gener-
Social bonding will help your team in their road to project       time than you expect. Resist the temptation to constantly      ate tensions in the team, so try to steer away from overly
success. Make time available for extra-curricular activi-
ties such as bowling, fishing, eating (see also “Brown Bag
                                                                  revise plans and never do any research!                        competitive games.

Lunch”), drinking, hiking or other adventures. This will          4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
help your team members construct tighter relationships by           We want to thank many people for giving me the oppor-
Learning Patterns                                                                                                                                                                                                                            21. Hidden Connections
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      20. A Bird’s- & Bug’s-Eye View
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             22. Frontier Finder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 23. Creative Switch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 19. Multi-Camera Shooting                          24. Fruit Farming

(PLoP2009, AsianPLoP2010)                                                                                                                                                                                             18. Field Diving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 17. Prototyping
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            25. Initial Draft Only Halfway
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 26. Attractive Expression
                                                                                                                                                                                                          16. Thinking in Action
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     27. Acceleration to Next

                                                                                                                                                                                                    15. Chain of Excitement!                                         2. Creative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Project                                             28. Community of Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                14. Triangle Scaling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              29. Good Rivals
                                                                                                                                                                                              13. Tornade of Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                30. Consequential Encounter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           0. Design Your Learning

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1. Making              3. Open-Process
                                                                                                                                                                                              12. Tangible Piles                                    Opportunities                Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                11. Language Shower                                                                                                          31. Firm Determination
                                                                                                                                                                                                     10. Embodied Skills                                                                                                  32. Talking Thinker
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        33. Learning by Teaching

                                                                                                                                                                                                         9. Playful Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  34. Obvious Reason
                                                                                                                                                                                                            8. Foreign Language Every Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             35. Right Way
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7. Output-Driven Learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        36. Brave Change

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       6. Effective Asking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       37. Explorer’s Passion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5. Learning by Imitation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 38. Slef-Producing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4. Jump In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             39. Be Extreme!
                                                                      Learning Patterns : A Pattern Language for Creative Learning (ver. 0.80)

  0 Design Your Learning

  1 Making Opportunities
  2 Creative Project                                                                                                                                                                No.21
  3 Open-Process Learning

Takashi Iba
       Jump In
       Learning by Imitation
       Effective Asking
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hidden Connections

Toko Miyake
   7   Output-Driven Learning
   8   Foreign Language Every Day
   9   Playful Learning                                                                                                                                                                     An unexpected connection is the very thing that is exciting.
  10   Embodied Skills

  11   Language Shower

Miyuko Naruse
  12   Tangible Piles                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       You are studying something from typical points of view.
  13   Tornado of Learning
  14   Triangle Scaling
  15   Chain of Excitement!

Natsumi Yotsumoto
       Thinking in Action
       Field Diving
       Multi-Camera Shooting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unexpected discoveries hardly manifest themselves from a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                It looks good if it is what you are already accustomed to.
  20   A Bird's- & Bug's-Eye View
  21   Hidden Connections
  22   Frontier Finder                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          you are applying a new point of view.
  23   Creative Switch
  24   Fruit Farming                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the whole due to a drastic increase of connections among them.
  25   Initial Draft Only Halfway
  26   Attractive Expression
  27   Acceleration to Next

Takashi Iba
  28   Community of Learning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Explore hidden connections among things to attain inspiration.
  29   Good Rivals
  30   Consequential Encounter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Find hidden connections among different fields that share the same
  31   Firm Determination

& Toko Miyake
  32   Talking Thinker
                                                                                                                                                                                     “Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at
  33   Learning by Teaching                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Think about how and why these things are connected.
  34   Obvious Reason                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Make a new category for each connection.

  35   Right Way                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Consider other things that can be connected to the new category.
  36   Brave Change
                                                                                                                                                 A Pattern Language
  37   Explorer's Passion
                                                                                                                                                                                     — Andy Warhol
       Be Extreme!
                                                       Ver. 0.80
                                                 September, 2011                                                                                 for Creative Learning
                                    Learning Patterns Project
Pedagogical Patterns for
Creative Learning
(PLoP2011)                                                                                        Generative Participant
                                                                                                                                                     Moreover, learners become to deeply understand the value of
                                                                                                                                                     collaboration with others, so to be willing to enjoy creative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Palincsar, A. S.,
                                                                                                                                                     dialogues.                                                       tion in reading co
                                                                                      Encourage students in thinking, communicating, and                                                                              chologist, 22 (3 &
                                                                                                             creating,                                                           ***
                                                                                  as a participant in the activity rather than a teaching actor.
                                                                                                                                                     For instance, C. Ichikawa participates into his class entitles
                                                                                                                                                     “Future Funeral” at the Tokyo Community School based on          4. CONCLU
                                                                                                                                                     Generative Participant. Since it is quite difficult for children   In this paper, we
                                                                                                                                                     to imagine their future concretely how and what they will be     creative learning
                                                                                                                                                     thirty years later, he first shows an example of chronology       patterns are inte
                                                                                                                          ?   Wow
                                                                                                                          w       ! good
                                                                                                                                         !           of his future. It includes many things such as good, bad,        guage, which wi
                                                                                                                                          ide        proud and shame things frankly, and he presented to them,        The pattern lang
                                                                                                                                     disco     a
                                                                                                                                                     and inspires the students to make their own chronology. In       languages known
                                                                                                                                                     the halfway of writing, he has students give a presentation      sense. Connectin
                    “Water Purifying” for discovering the invisible: When                                                                            about their chronology to each other, and brush-up their         and improve lan
                    meeting with large earthquake, we have no water supply.                                                                          chronology. In all phases, he tells his ideas, opinions and      better education.
                    To get drinkable water is truly authentic matter, stu-                                                                           questions in order to assist to accelerate the flow of commu-
                    dents desperately investigate to discover invisible mech-                                                                        nication and reconsider their ideas.
                    anism.                                                        You are about to facilitate creative learning in the classroom,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      5. ACKNOW
                                                                                  after you have designed the curriculum based on Discovery-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We would like to
                                                                                  Driven Expanding and the mission based on Challenging Mis-                                                                          an opportunity t
                                                                                  sion. Thanks to the accumulation of learning through Discovery-                                                                     Ryusei Yoshida f
                                                                                  Driven Expanding, the learners feel easy to say their ideas and                                                                     also thank to ou
                                                                                  approve other’s ideas. Also, thanks to the series of experi-                                                                        shop participants
                                                                                  ences through Challenging Mission, the learners are ready to
                                                                                  cope with the difficulty of the mission.                                                                                              6. REFERE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      [1] D. L. G. Anth
                                                                                                           In this context                                                                                            [2] Y. Anzai and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          doing. Psycho
                                                                                  Communication for the collaboration doesn’t always                                                                                      1979.
                                                                                  go smoothly, and often stops and sometimes falls                                                                                    [3] J. Bergin. Fou
                                                                                  into the situation where a very few members control                                                                                     Conference of
                                                                                  the flow and others follow it. In such a situation, teach-                                                                           [4] J. Dewey. De
                                                                                  ers’ direct control of the flow often inhibits creative learning,                                                                        (1916).
                                                                                  and therefore learning through creation does not occur. This                                                                        [5] P. F. Duckier
                                                                                  problem has been discussed for a long time in the study of                                                                              Our Changin
                                                                                  collaborative learning such as Palincsar et al. (1987). The                                                                             (1968).
                                                                                  most important point of creative learning is successive emer-                                                                       [6] T. Iba. An au
                                                                                  gence of discoveries. So learners must continue to produce                                                                              Procedia - So
                                                                                  discoveries not by thinking but also by communication.                                                                                  2(4):6610–662
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      [7] T. Iba and Le
                                                                                                              Therefore                                                                                                   patterns: A p
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Third In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Innovation N
                    “Create the Science-Fiction Story” for discovering how
                                                                                  Consider you as a participant in the activity rather                                                                                [8] C. Ichikawa. T
                    to discover: Some constraints ( Science Fiction, positive
                                                                                  than a teaching actor, who contributes to produce                                                                                       Inquire]. Auth
                    ending, character’s personality ) that were given to stu-

Takashi Iba
                                                                                  some of discoveries in the creation and also encour-                                                                                [9] M. Resnick. S
                    dents drove them to think creatively and discuss lively.
                                                                                  age your partners (learners) to think and commu-                                                                                        society. Learn
                    This Challenging Mission convinced them how to dis-
                                                                                  nicate. More concretely, tell your ideas, opinions such as                                                                              December Jan
                    cover their own discovery.
                                                                                  “Oh! That’s a nice idea!” and questions such as “Do you

Chikara Ichikawa    References
                    International Baccalaureate Organization, IB learner profile
                                                                                  mean ...?”, which assist to accelerate the flow of commu-
                                                                                  nication and reconsider their ideas. It does not mean the
                                                                                  control of the flow from outside. Rather, it is the influence        Generative Participant to “Future Funeral”: The setting

Mami Sakamoto
                    booklet, 2008                                                 from inside.                                                       of not just imagine 30 years later but assume to meet at
                                                                                                                                                     the “future funeral” of their elementary teacher makes
                                                                                                            Consequently                             students feel authentic. Both a teacher and students

Tomohito Yamazaki
                                                                                                                                                     have no exact answer, they are doing the creative dia-
                                                                                                                                                     logue in order to forecast the future. A teacher partic-
                                                                                  Learners can keep concentration into the creation and feel         ipate the discussion not only to facilitate students but
                                                                                  the progress, and therefore they learn through the creation.       also to present teacher’s view straightly.

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Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
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Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
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Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
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Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling
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「クリエイティブ・ラーニング:これからの学びと、学校・書店・図書館の新しい役割」(井庭崇, 図書館総合展2019)「クリエイティブ・ラーニング:これからの学びと、学校・書店・図書館の新しい役割」(井庭崇, 図書館総合展2019)
「クリエイティブ・ラーニング:これからの学びと、学校・書店・図書館の新しい役割」(井庭崇, 図書館総合展2019)Takashi Iba
Takashi Iba's talk @ "Designing SFC Spirits", Keio University SFC
Takashi Iba's talk @ "Designing SFC Spirits", Keio University SFCTakashi Iba's talk @ "Designing SFC Spirits", Keio University SFC
Takashi Iba's talk @ "Designing SFC Spirits", Keio University SFCTakashi Iba

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Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling

  • 1. Pattern Language 3.0 Writing Pattern Languages for Human Actions Takashi Iba Faculty of Policy Management Keio University Invited Talk at PLoP2012 (Oct. 19,2012)
  • 2. Potential Domains of Pattern Languages What are potential domains where Pattern Language can be applied to?
  • 3. Potential ity of Pattern Writers What are the potentiality of people who can write pattern languages?
  • 4. Pattern Languages Potential ly Save the world What are significant applications of pattern languages for people on earth?
  • 7. Takashi Iba 井庭 崇 • born in 1974 in Japan • a trans-disciplinary researcher, creator, and writer, explores the nature of creativity and works to build media to nurture it. • an associate professor at the Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University, Japan • Ph.D. in Media and Governance, from Keio University in 2003. • a visiting scholar at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, 2009-2010
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. “Force = Why the problem is hard.” (Bootcamp) May the force be with you.
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 13. 13
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. 17
  • 22. systems theory modeling & pattern languages
  • 23.
  • 24. Takashi Iba, Yoshihisa Fukuhara, Introduction to Complex Systems: The Adventure to the Frontier of Knowledge, NTT Publishers, in Japanese, 1998 National best seller, twenty thousand copies!
  • 25. Takashi Iba, "A Study on Simulating Economies and Societies as Evolutionary Complex Systems," Ph.D Thesis for Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, 2003
  • 26. PlatBox Simulator, a software platform to execute and to analyze the agent-based social simulations. Component Builder, a tool for designing the model component plugged into PlatBox Simulator.
  • 27. Model-Driven Development of Agent-Based Social Simulations Model-Driven Development Conceptual Model Simulation Model Component Builder Source Code of Simulation Java Compiler Executable Program of Simulation
  • 29. Modeling with UML diagram + Action Parts
  • 30. Action Parts We define 281 action parts. All actions in social simulation can be described with combining these parts. Memorize/Recall Increase the value of DoubleInformation the Agent has Change the status of the Agent Reduce the value of DoubleInformation the Agent has Acquire the status of the Agent Update the value of DoubleInformation the Agent has Recieve Goods and Information Increase the value of IntegerInformation the Agent has Acquire the status of other Agent Reduce the value of IntegerInformation the Agent has Acquire the world status Change the value of IntegerInformation the Agent has Send Goods and Information Change the status of other Agent テキスト Check the current status of this Behavior Specify the Type of this Behavior Change the world status Delete Information the Agent memorized Acquire the details of Information Assign all memorized Information of the Agent to a Map Acquire the detals of Goods Make the Agent Recall Information Acquire Set Make the Agent Memorize Information Acquire the details of Relation Acquire all specified Types of Goods from the Agent Create new Information Acquire specified quantity of Goods from the Agent Create new Goods Acquire specified Parent-Type of Goods from the Agent and Assign them to a Set Create new Set Acquire specified Parent-Type and quantity of Goods from the Agent and Assign them to a Set Edit Information Connect one way Relation between the Agent and others Change the status of Goods Connect mutual Relation between the Agent and others Control Set Disconnect mutual Relation between the Agent and others Calculate Disconnect one way Relation of the Agent Output Disconnect all specified Types of Relations of the Agent Terminate the Agent Disconnect a specified Parent-Type of Relations of the Agent Add Behavior to the Agent Close active Channel Delete Behavior of the Agent Specify the Agent Obtain Goods Specify the Type of the Agent ....... Check whether the Agent has the specified Type of Goods .........
  • 31. Model-Driven Development of Agent-Based Social Simulations Model-Driven Development Conceptual Model Simulation Model Component Builder Source Code of Simulation Java Compiler Executable Program of Simulation
  • 32. Model Patterns A Pattern Language for Agent-Based Social Modeling コミュニケーションのモデル・パターン Immediate Reply 【 QuestionBehavior 】 ■ 目的 他のエージェントに質問し 、直ちに返答を受ける。 AbstractBehavior ( from org.boxed_economy.besp.model.fmfw.behavior ) ■ 動機 Question Reply AbstractQuestionBehavior Behavior Behavior 他のエージェントの属性等について知りたい場合 Questioner Respondent に、質問をして問い合わせることがある。 ToRespondent QuestionBehavior questionAction ( ) readReplyAction ( ) QuestionInformation isReply ( ) ■ 基本動作 Questioner エージェントと Respondent エージェ Question Behavior Reply Behavior ントが登場する。 Questioner エージェントは、 Ques- Questioner Respondent 【 ReplyBehavior 】 tionBehavior をもっており、 これによって Question- Information を生成し (ここでは内容は空とする) 、 AbstractBehavior ( from org.boxed_economy.besp.model.fmfw.behavior ) ReplyInformation Respondent エージェントに送信する。Respondent エージェントは 、ReplyBehavior でそれを受けて、 Question Reply AbstractReplyBehavior 直ちに ReplyInformation を送り返す (ここでは文 Behavior Behavior Questioner Respondent 字列の内容をもつとする)。 ReplyBehavior replyAction ( ) isQuestion ( ) ■ 設計 【全体像】 【 QustionInformation 】 : ImmediateReplyWorld : ImmediateReplyModel << interface >> Imformation ( from org.boxed_economy.besp.model.fmfw ) : Agent AGENTTYPE_Questioner : AgentType : QuestionBehavior BEHAVIORTYPE_Question : BehaviorType QuestionInformation : QuestionInformation INFORMATIONTYPE_Question : InformationType 【 ReplyInformation 】 : Relation RELATIONTYPE_ToRespondent << interface >> Imformation ( from org.boxed_economy.besp.model.fmfw ) : Agent AGENTTYPE_Respondent : AgentType : ReplyBehavior BEHAVIORTYPE_Reply : BehaviorType ReplyInformation contents: Srting : ReplyInformation INFORMATIONTYPE_Question : InformationType setContents ( String ) getContents ( ) : String ReplyInformation ( String ) 260
  • 33. Takashi Iba, "A Study on Simulating Economies and Societies as Evolutionary Complex Systems," Ph.D Thesis for Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, 2003
  • 36. life
  • 38. social systems theory (autopoietic systems) by Niklas Luhmann
  • 39. Facilitation Patterns for experiential learning 初心者への心がけ 初心者への心がけ みんなの場 みんなの場 ■   ■   状況 状況 ■   ■   状況 状況 体験学習プログラムの参加者の中には,今まで体験学 体験学習プログラムの参加者の中には,今まで体験学 多くの人達で協力して何かの活動をする際,誰もが気 多くの人達で協力して何かの活動をする際,誰もが気 習やワークショ ップなどに参加した経験が無い人がいる 習やワークショ ップなどに参加した経験が無い人がいる 持ち良く参加したいと思うものである.しかしながら, 持ち良く参加したいと思うものである.しかしながら, こともあるだろう.そのような人は,入りやすい受付 こともあるだろう.そのような人は,入りやすい受付 人数が増えることでやりにくくなったり,グループ内の 人数が増えることでやりにくくなったり,グループ内の (19) によってある程度リラックスさせることができる (19) によってある程度リラックスさせることができる メンバーによって活発的な雰囲気が失われてしまうこと メンバーによって活発的な雰囲気が失われてしまうこと が, が, どのように参加をしていけばいいか分からず不安に どのように参加をしていけばいいか分からず不安に がある.がある. 思っていることが多い. 思っていることが多い. *   * **   *    * *   * **   *    * ■   ■   問題 問題 ■   ■   問題 問題 主体的に参加できる場づくりをするためにはどうすれ 主体的に参加できる場づくりをするためにはどうすれ ワークショ ップ初心者に対しては,どのようなことに注 ワークショ ップ初心者に対しては,どのようなことに注 ば良いだろうか. ば良いだろうか. 意すれば良いだろうか. 意すれば良いだろうか. ■   ■   問題記述 問題記述 ■   ■   問題記述問題記述 メンバー同士の意見を共有することや,その意見に対 メンバー同士の意見を共有することや,その意見に対 体験学習のような主体的に参加が求められる学習に慣 体験学習のような主体的に参加が求められる学習に慣 して議論を交わす際に,特定の人だけが発言をしてそ して議論を交わす際に,特定の人だけが発言をしてそ れていない参加者に対しては,配慮をしたい.何故な れていない参加者に対しては,配慮をしたい.何故な の場を仕切ってし まうことがおこる.そうなると,少 の場を仕切ってし まうことがおこる.そうなると,少 ら,初心者の参加者にとっては,体験学習の運営方法や ら,初心者の参加者にとっては,体験学習の運営方法や 数派になった人の意見が正しく吟味されないばかりか, 数派になった人の意見が正しく吟味されないばかりか, 参加の仕方は新鮮に感じることが多く, どのように参加 参加の仕方は新鮮に感じることが多く,どのように参加 疎外されたことにより全く意見を出さなくなる傍観者 疎外されたことにより全く意見を出さなくなる傍観者 したら良いか解らず戸惑いやすい.体験学習では,一連 したら良いか解らず戸惑いやすい.体験学習では,一連 になりやすい.学習の効果を引き出すためにも,参加者 になりやすい.学習の効果を引き出すためにも,参加者 のプログラムに対等な関係で参加することが,参加者 のプログラムに対等な関係で参加することが,参加者 一人一人がチームに貢献する必要がある—–責任の明確 一人一人がチームに貢献する必要がある—–責任の明確 同士の気づきを増やすために必要である.したがって, 同士の気づきを増やすために必要である.したがって, 化 (27).そのためには,自由に発言ができるような環 化 (27).そのためには,自由に発言ができるような環 初心者に対する事前のフォローが重要になる. 初心者に対する事前のフォローが重要になる. 境をつくる必要がある. 境をつくる必要がある. ■   ■   解決方法解決方法 ■   ■   解決方法解決方法 初心者に対しては,ファシリテーターからどのように参 初心者に対しては,ファシリテーターからどのように参 メンバーが対等な関係で議論ができる環境をつくろう. メンバーが対等な関係で議論ができる環境をつくろう. 加してほしいのかを伝えることや,参加における心得を 加してほしいのかを伝えることや,参加における心得を 示そう.示そう. ■   ■   具体例具体例 例えば,身分や役職,性別,年齢による権威行使を排除 例えば,身分や役職,性別,年齢による権威行使を排除 ■   ■   具体例具体例 すること.また,ファシリテーターがどんな意見でも推 すること.また,ファシリテーターがどんな意見でも推 参加における心得の内容としては, 「『積極的に参加して 参加における心得の内容としては, 「『積極的に参加して 奨するように働きかけを行うことや,どんな意見であっ 奨するように働きかけを行うことや,どんな意見であっ ください』体験学習ではみなさんが主役です. 「 」や, ください』体験学習ではみなさんが主役です. 「 」や, 『楽 『楽 てもフィリップチャートにまとめで張り出すこと —–可 —–可 てもフィリップチャートにまとめで張り出すこと しんでください』私がそそのかし役となって,皆さんに しんでください』私がそそのかし役となって,皆さんに 視化された意見 (43) をおこなうと意見を視覚的にも対 視化された意見 (43) をおこなうと意見を視覚的にも対 いろんな体験をしてもらいますが,まずは楽しんでくだ いろんな体験をしてもらいますが,まずは楽しんでくだ 等に扱っていることがわかるので,自由な発言がうまれ 等に扱っていることがわかるので,自由な発言がうまれ 」などが上げられるだろう 17) . 17) . さい.さい. 」などが上げられるだろう て対等な議論が進みやすくなる. て対等な議論が進みやすくなる. *   * **   *    * *   * **   *    * ■   ■   関連 関連 ■   ■   関連 関連 Takahiro Shimizu ファシリテーションにおける重要な点の一つに,メン ファシリテーションにおける重要な点の一つに,メン 平等に参加してもらうためにも,初心者への心がけ (21) (21) 平等に参加してもらうためにも,初心者への心がけ バー同士が対等に活動したり議論したりする場をつく バー同士が対等に活動したり議論したりする場をつく を忘れないようにしよう.また,質問タイム (41) を設 を設 を忘れないようにしよう.また,質問タイム (41) ることがある—-みんなの場 (31).(31). ることがある—-みんなの場 & Takashi Iba けることで,誰もが同じ スタートラインに立てるよう けることで,誰もが同じ スタートラインに立てるよう に個別の疑問点を解消させよう.さらに,発言が少ない に個別の疑問点を解消させよう.さらに,発言が少ない 図3 初心者への心がけパターン 図 3 初心者への心がけパターン 人に対しては,問いかけを行うことも有効である—–議 —–議 人に対しては,問いかけを行うことも有効である 論を促す問いかけ (32).さらに,意思決定における公 論を促す問いかけ (32).さらに,意思決定における公 26) 渡辺武: 新しい会議の知恵:みんなで育てる話し 26) 渡辺武: 新しい会議の知恵:みんなで育てる話し 平性 (30) も保たれる必要がある.最後に,メンバーが 平性 (30) も保たれる必要がある.最後に,メンバーが
  • 40. at Allerton House, PLoP 2007
  • 41. Outside of Work Relationship Communication 5. [1] K Project Patterns Thank You Spirit Positive Chain Deep Dive Deep Dialog Y P Pattern No.19 Naming 2 Context There are so many ideas and concepts. It is get- [2] T (PLoP2008) 3. EXAMPLES OF PROJECT PATTERNS Since it is difficult to show all of the forty seven patterns, Problem Characteristics of an discuss the complex blurry. Re- ting difficult toidea or final output is topics. People under- peating the sentence takes an extra but with adjectives to “round stand the world by naming, time and difficult like, a P only two out of forty seven patterns will be introduced here. One is “Outside of Work”, which is likely to be used at focus on andissue. object”bothers the fluenciesobject. You need some an hard It also cannot specify one of conversa- J tion. idea to make communication comfortable. [3] Y early stage, and another is “Naming”, which is useful for the middle stage. Force E P • Available time is limited. J Pattern No.2 Outside of Work Context • It is easy to talk about the named thing. When the project is on the early stage and the team members do not know each other. It is almost impossible to understand Let’s call it “oasis” ! • People tend to forget easily. others in a second. Time must be spent to get to know who they really are. This is not especially limited to early stages of the • Having common language drives the communication. What was Juhn’s idea?? project. Solution 3. EXAMPLES OF PROJECT PATTERNS Problem Name it. By naming a new idea or an object, it becomes Since it is difficult to show all of the forty seven patterns, Characteristics of an idea or final output is blurry. Re- easier to talk about. It also clarifies the characteristics of peating the sentence takes an extra time and difficult to only two out of forty seven patterns will be introduced here. idea and make it easy to compare with other ideas. the One is “Outside of Work”, which is likely to be used atResolutionon an issue. It also bothers the fluencies of conversa- focus tion. early stage, and another is “Naming”, which is useful forCommon language makes the conversation smooth. the middle stage. Notes Force “Let’s talk about John’s time is limited. • Available idea.” Pattern No.2 Outside of Work Problem “What’ s John’s idea?” Members are not able to understand each other’s thoughts and Context feelings yet. Wethe projectbuild and early stage and theunder- members “The idea of aIt is easy to talk about the named thing. • new pattern about projects.” When have not is on the maintained trust, team standing, camaraderieeach empathy, in a team. impossible to understand do not know and other. It is almost “Ok, then let’s name his idea, ‘Oasis’ from now on!” • People tend to forget easily. Force others in a second. Time must be spent to get to know who they the names of the patterns in Project Patterns are good All examples of naming. • Work is not the easiest place to build limited to early stages of the really are. This is not especially the trusting relation- • Having common language drives the communication. project. ships. Related Patterns • People have different cultures and perspectives. Solution • Trust and empathy is needed in a team to result issues and Name it. By naming a new idea or an object, it becomes Naming motivate collaboration. easier to talk about. It also clarifies the characteristics of Think Again Creative Thinking • Team member’s time is valuable. the idea and make it easy to compare with other ideas. Solution Resolution Leave Record Reflective Meeting Scale Conversion Body Storming By inviting members to parties and spending time together Common language makes the conversation smooth. Creative Workplace Exciting Contacts outside of work, it becomes easier to understand their ideas and Notes personalities. That leads to active communication. Include many “Let’s talk about John’s idea.” different types of activities so that no one feels left out if they do Problem 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “What’ s John’s idea?” not want to participate because of cultural differences. Miyuko Naruse Members are not able to understand each other’s thoughts andMany thanks to everyone who helped us to make and de- Resolution yet. We have not build and maintained trust, under- feelings “The idea of a new pattern about projects.” The team has been motivated and increasedin a team. commu- velop the“Ok, then let’swould like to thank to Antonio Rito patterns. We name his idea, ‘Oasis’ from now on!” standing, camaraderie and empathy, trust and Yusuke Takada nication. Force Notes • Work is not the easiest place to build the trusting Silva for All theour “shepherd” and providing many useful are good being names of the patterns in Project Patterns suggestions. We also naming. Start with going to dinner after work. Eating together relaxes relation- examples of would like to thank to those who at- tended the Relatedworkshop of the Pattern Languages of writers’ Patterns Yohei Yumura people, which ships. will support them to be open and honest. Related •Patterns People have different cultures and perspectives. Programs (PLoP) conferences for giving fuiltful comments and advise. Koji Wakamatsu • Trust and empathy is needed in a team to result issues and motivate collaboration. Outside of Work Naming 5. REFERENCES & Takashi Iba Think Again Creative Thinking Relationship Communication • Team member’s time is valuable. Solution Thank You Spirit Positive Chain [1] Deep Dive Kanafumi Furuichi and Koji Wakamatsu and Yohei Leave Record Reflective Meeting Scale Conversion Body Storming (PLoP2008) Yumura and Takashi Iba. A Pattern Language in Deep Dialog By inviting members to parties and spending time together Creative Workplace Exciting Contacts outside of work, it becomes easier to understand their ideas and Project Management, IPSJ SIG Technical Reports, Pattern No.19That leads to active communication. Include many personalities. Naming 2007-MPS-64, in Japanese, 2007 Context There areof activities so that no one feels It is out if they [2] different types so many ideas and concepts. left get- do 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Takashi Iba and Yohei Yumura and Koji Wakamatsu
  • 42. helps the students to work on their research activities. In order to evolve this pattern language, we want many people to use this pattern language, and get the feedbacks. Research Patterns 3. EXAMPLE PATTERNS This paper introduce 2 patterns of Research Patterns: “Hot Team” from Relationship category and “Clear Roadmap” from Motivation category. (PLoP2008) Hot Team Cont This pat for resea Prob You don t. The communication between the team members become smoother if this pattern language is shared. Once it becomes Clear Roadmap way. Force to the common language, you will save extra discussion. You wan We hope that this pattern language for academic research You don helps the students to work on their research activities. In It’s diffic order to evolve this pattern language, we want many people Big succ to use this pattern language, and get the feedbacks. Solut 3. EXAMPLE PATTERNS Context Compare This paper introduce 2 patterns of Research Patterns: This pattern is used when you are forming a new project a roadm “Hot Team” from Relationship category and “Clear Roadmap” team. what you rom Motivation category. Problem up with People don’t know each other and don’t feel committed to reach you Context Hot Team This pattern motivates people who have lost their passion the team. Forces Cons You kno for research. You want to build up people’s self esteem and self confi- Working Problem dence. makes yo You don’t feel any passion for research. You’ve lost your You want to create the ”social glue” for your new team. you refoc way. Available time is limited, so complex or long activities should confidenc Forces be avoided. Howev You want to improve self confidence. Funds of the team members are limited, as well. turn in y You don’t have much time for research. feedback It’s difficult for researchers to set a final goal of research. Solution like a ver Big success in research needs close strategies. Social bonding will help your team in their road to project time tha success. Make time available for extra-curricular activi- revise pla Solution ties such as bowling, fishing, eating (see also “Brown Bag Context Compare your present situation with your goals. Construct Lunch”), drinking, hiking or other adventures. This will 4. AC This pattern is used when you are forming a new project a roadmap by back tracking from your goals. Ask yourself help your team members construct tighter relationships by We wa team. what you need to do to meet them. This way you will end providing more common ground, shared experiences and get- tunity to Problem up with a clearer view of you next actions and a plan to ting to know more aspects of their colleagues. is my “s People don’t know each other and don’t feel committed to reach your goals. Consequences in the W the team. Consequences You will create a “Community of Trust” where people sup- my pape Forces You know where to go, and when you need to be there. port each other. You spend more time together and share kindness Yuji Kobayashi You want to build up people’s self esteem and self confi- dence. Working on your end goals and goals needed to get there makes you revise and review your research. This will help experiences and feelings with your team mates. However, games and activities require extra time if they to impro Mariko Yoshida You want to create the ”social glue” for your new team. Available time is limited, so complex or long activities should you refocus and provide you with fresh insights. Your self confidence will improve once you know the road ahead. are to be good ways to know each other. Money may also present a problem, as not all people in your team may have 5. RE [1] C. Al Ayaka Sasaki be avoided. However, you may aim too low or too high or make wrong generous budgets for extra-curricular activities. Watch out Press Funds of the team members are limited, as well. turn in your roadmap. Talk with other people to get their for other differences in your team, such as cultural diversity [2] C. Al feedback on your plan. Creating your roadmap may seem - for example, in some cultures drinking alcohol is barred. Solution Takashi Iba & Unive like a very short activity, but working on it may take more Competitive games and competitive activities may gener- Social bonding will help your team in their road to project time than you expect. Resist the temptation to constantly ate tensions in the team, so try to steer away from overly (PLoP2008) success. Make time available for extra-curricular activi- ties such as bowling, fishing, eating (see also “Brown Bag revise plans and never do any research! competitive games. Lunch”), drinking, hiking or other adventures. This will 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS help your team members construct tighter relationships by We want to thank many people for giving me the oppor-
  • 43. Learning Patterns 21. Hidden Connections 20. A Bird’s- & Bug’s-Eye View 22. Frontier Finder 23. Creative Switch 19. Multi-Camera Shooting 24. Fruit Farming (PLoP2009, AsianPLoP2010) 18. Field Diving 17. Prototyping 25. Initial Draft Only Halfway 26. Attractive Expression 16. Thinking in Action 27. Acceleration to Next 15. Chain of Excitement! 2. Creative Project 28. Community of Learning 14. Triangle Scaling 29. Good Rivals 13. Tornade of Learning 30. Consequential Encounter 0. Design Your Learning 1. Making 3. Open-Process 12. Tangible Piles Opportunities Learning 11. Language Shower 31. Firm Determination 10. Embodied Skills 32. Talking Thinker 33. Learning by Teaching 9. Playful Learning 34. Obvious Reason 8. Foreign Language Every Day 35. Right Way 7. Output-Driven Learning 36. Brave Change 6. Effective Asking 37. Explorer’s Passion 5. Learning by Imitation 38. Slef-Producing 4. Jump In 39. Be Extreme! Learning Patterns : A Pattern Language for Creative Learning (ver. 0.80) 0 Design Your Learning 1 Making Opportunities 2 Creative Project No.21 No. 3 Open-Process Learning Takashi Iba 4 5 6 Jump In Learning by Imitation Effective Asking Hidden Connections Toko Miyake 7 Output-Driven Learning 8 Foreign Language Every Day 9 Playful Learning An unexpected connection is the very thing that is exciting. 10 Embodied Skills 0.80 11 Language Shower Miyuko Naruse ver. 12 Tangible Piles You are studying something from typical points of view. 13 Tornado of Learning 14 Triangle Scaling 15 Chain of Excitement! Natsumi Yotsumoto 16 17 18 19 Thinking in Action Prototyping Field Diving Multi-Camera Shooting Unexpected discoveries hardly manifest themselves from a (PLoP2009) It looks good if it is what you are already accustomed to. 20 A Bird's- & Bug's-Eye View 21 Hidden Connections 22 Frontier Finder you are applying a new point of view. 23 Creative Switch 24 Fruit Farming the whole due to a drastic increase of connections among them. 25 Initial Draft Only Halfway 26 Attractive Expression 27 Acceleration to Next Takashi Iba 28 Community of Learning Explore hidden connections among things to attain inspiration. 29 Good Rivals 30 Consequential Encounter Find hidden connections among different fields that share the same 31 Firm Determination terms. & Toko Miyake 32 Talking Thinker “Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at 33 Learning by Teaching Think about how and why these things are connected. 34 Obvious Reason Make a new category for each connection. patterns 35 Right Way Consider other things that can be connected to the new category. 36 Brave Change A Pattern Language (AsianPLoP2010) 37 Explorer's Passion — Andy Warhol 38 39 Self-Producing Be Extreme! Ver. 0.80 September, 2011 for Creative Learning Learning Patterns Project
  • 44. Pedagogical Patterns for Creative Learning (PLoP2011) Generative Participant Moreover, learners become to deeply understand the value of collaboration with others, so to be willing to enjoy creative References Palincsar, A. S., dialogues. tion in reading co Encourage students in thinking, communicating, and chologist, 22 (3 & creating, *** as a participant in the activity rather than a teaching actor. For instance, C. Ichikawa participates into his class entitles “Future Funeral” at the Tokyo Community School based on 4. CONCLU Generative Participant. Since it is quite difficult for children In this paper, we to imagine their future concretely how and what they will be creative learning thirty years later, he first shows an example of chronology patterns are inte ? Wow ho w ! good ?? ! of his future. It includes many things such as good, bad, guage, which wi ! ide proud and shame things frankly, and he presented to them, The pattern lang disco a very and inspires the students to make their own chronology. In languages known the halfway of writing, he has students give a presentation sense. Connectin “Water Purifying” for discovering the invisible: When about their chronology to each other, and brush-up their and improve lan meeting with large earthquake, we have no water supply. chronology. In all phases, he tells his ideas, opinions and better education. To get drinkable water is truly authentic matter, stu- questions in order to assist to accelerate the flow of commu- dents desperately investigate to discover invisible mech- nication and reconsider their ideas. anism. You are about to facilitate creative learning in the classroom, 5. ACKNOW after you have designed the curriculum based on Discovery- We would like to Driven Expanding and the mission based on Challenging Mis- an opportunity t sion. Thanks to the accumulation of learning through Discovery- Ryusei Yoshida f Driven Expanding, the learners feel easy to say their ideas and also thank to ou approve other’s ideas. Also, thanks to the series of experi- shop participants ences through Challenging Mission, the learners are ready to cope with the difficulty of the mission. 6. REFERE [1] D. L. G. Anth 1996. In this context [2] Y. Anzai and doing. Psycho Communication for the collaboration doesn’t always 1979. go smoothly, and often stops and sometimes falls [3] J. Bergin. Fou into the situation where a very few members control Conference of the flow and others follow it. In such a situation, teach- [4] J. Dewey. De ers’ direct control of the flow often inhibits creative learning, (1916). and therefore learning through creation does not occur. This [5] P. F. Duckier problem has been discussed for a long time in the study of Our Changin collaborative learning such as Palincsar et al. (1987). The (1968). most important point of creative learning is successive emer- [6] T. Iba. An au gence of discoveries. So learners must continue to produce Procedia - So discoveries not by thinking but also by communication. 2(4):6610–662 [7] T. Iba and Le Therefore patterns: A p The Third In Innovation N “Create the Science-Fiction Story” for discovering how Consider you as a participant in the activity rather [8] C. Ichikawa. T to discover: Some constraints ( Science Fiction, positive than a teaching actor, who contributes to produce Inquire]. Auth ending, character’s personality ) that were given to stu- Takashi Iba some of discoveries in the creation and also encour- [9] M. Resnick. S dents drove them to think creatively and discuss lively. age your partners (learners) to think and commu- society. Learn This Challenging Mission convinced them how to dis- nicate. More concretely, tell your ideas, opinions such as December Jan cover their own discovery. “Oh! That’s a nice idea!” and questions such as “Do you Chikara Ichikawa References International Baccalaureate Organization, IB learner profile mean ...?”, which assist to accelerate the flow of commu- nication and reconsider their ideas. It does not mean the control of the flow from outside. Rather, it is the influence Generative Participant to “Future Funeral”: The setting Mami Sakamoto booklet, 2008 from inside. of not just imagine 30 years later but assume to meet at the “future funeral” of their elementary teacher makes Consequently students feel authentic. Both a teacher and students Tomohito Yamazaki have no exact answer, they are doing the creative dia- logue in order to forecast the future. A teacher partic- Learners can keep concentration into the creation and feel ipate the discussion not only to facilitate students but the progress, and therefore they learn through the creation. also to present teacher’s view straightly. (PLoP2011)