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It Starts With Passion
           There’s no shortage of creative thinkers out there.
           What’s a little harder to find are creative thinkers who
           understand business. That’s where Supernova Media

           We are a full service web company. We provide our
           customers with a uniform custom branded web

           At Supernova Media we specialize in the speedy setup
           of WordPress websites & blogs. All our websites are
           mobile friendly, have onsite search engine optimization
           and social media integration.
What is WordPress?

WordPress is no doubt the most popular content
management and blog publishing application available
on the web today. First released in as a basic blog
engine, WordPress is now a full-featured, fully
customizable website creation tool used by millions of
individuals, businesses and organizations around the

WordPress is most popular for its packaged
application, which can be downloaded for free at and installed anywhere as the basis,
platform, and structure for an entire website. It also
offers free blog services online at
What is WordPress?

             Because it is open source—meaning simply that all
             of its code and files are free to use, customize, and
             enhance—WordPress technology has been
             harnessed by thousands. From curious individuals
             to freelance professionals to Fortune 500
             companies, people all over the world use
             WordPress because of its many powerful features.
             These include a templating
             system, workflow, search-engine friendly link
             structures, advanced content categorization, and
WordPress Statistics

        ,               ,
     WordPress Sites in the World
WordPress Statistics

Today 374,196 bloggers posted 412,407 posts and 420,254 comments.
That’s about 286 posts per minute, and 292 comments per minute. In
total 95,205,329 words were written. That's more than 2 times larger than
the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, which has about 40 million words!

How many people read blogs on

Over 297 million people view more than 2.5 billion pages each month.

How many posts are published on users produce about 500,000 new posts and 400,000 new
comments on an average day.
WordPress Statistics

Where in the world is used?

WordPress blogs are written in over 120 languages. Below is a break down of
the top 10 languages:

English 66%
Spanish 8.7%
Portuguese 6.5%
Indonesian 3.5%
Italian 2%
German 1.8%
French 1.4%
Russian 1.1%
Vietnamese 1.1%
Swedish 1.0%
WordPress Statistics

Who publishes on

From TechCrunch to TED, CNN, and the National
Football League, users span a broad

WordPress has a publisher blog detailing some
leading WordPress sites. You can also see more top blogs of the moment or view the top
freshly pressed posts.

Where to log in?

Once you have your Wordpress blog installed
(WordPress install page- how to), you need to log-
in to the WordPress administration area from
where you can write posts and articles, manage
comments, change your theme, etc. To log in the
WP admin panel, navigate to the WP login page or
directly type the URL in your browser:

Then enter you user id and password

            This is the WordPress

The Dashboard is the first screen you see when you
log into the administration area of your blog. The main
idea of the dashboard is to give you a place where you
can get an at-a-glance overview of what’s happening
with your blog. You can catch up on news, view your
draft posts, see who’s linking to you or how popular
your content’s been, quickly put out a no-frills post, or
check out and moderate your latest comments. It’s like
a bird’s eye view of operations, from which you can
swoop down into the particular details.

On the left hand side you see the menu
options for WordPress:                   In the main body of the
                                         Dashboard you see the
Dashboard,                               modules:
Media,                                   Right Now,
Links,                                   Recent Comments,
Pages,                                   Incoming Links,
Comments,                                Plugins,
Thesis,                                  QuickPress,
Appearance,                              Recent Drafts,
Plugins,                                 WordPress Blog
Users,                                   Other WordPress News.

Note: Your display may show different menu
options and modules depending on the plugins
you have installed and the wordpress theme
you are using. Also, you can set the screen
display options to show ans hide certain
modules by selecting the “Screen Options” on
the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard,
just below your User name and log out option.
Dashboard Modules

The Right Now module offers an “at-a-glance” look at your blog’s
posts, pages, categories, and tags. Click on the number and you’ll be taken
to the associated screen. There is also a count of
total, approved, pending, and spam comments. You can also click on the
numbers to load the appropriate comments screen. Below this info are
some links to get you into themes, widgets, or the spam queue.

The Recent Comments module has a lot of new functionality to make
working with comments quick and easy from the Dashboard. It will show up
to 5 of the latest comments on your blog. If you hover your mouse over one
of the listed comments, action links will appear, letting you
Approve/Unapprove, Edit, Reply, Mark as Spam, or Delete. If you click on
the Reply action link, a form will appear, letting you reply to the comment
directly from the Dashboard.
Dashboard Modules

          The Incoming Links module will use Google Blog Search to
          display other blogs that have linked to your blog.

          QuickPress is a mini-post editor that allows instant content
          creation from the Dashboard. You can include a title, body
          text, media files, and tags in the post, and have the option of
          saving it as a draft or publishing immediately. For additional
          options such as adding categories or setting a future publish
          date, you should use the Add New Post screen.

          The Recent Drafts module displays links to your most recent
          drafts, allowing one-click access from the Dashboard. If you
          create drafts using QuickPress, they will appear in this module
Dashboard Modules

WordPress Blog & Other WordPress News are modules
that show news snippets and links to:

•   Recent posts from the News blog
•   Top blogs
•   Top Posts from around
•   Fastest Growing blogs

Configuring the Dashboard

Just like many of the administration screens, you can
configure the Dashboard by showing/hiding,
opening/closing, and moving modules.
Writing a Post

                 Writing posts and pages is the core activity in WordPress.
                 Posts are entries that display in reverse chronological
                 order on your blog’s front page. Posts are included in
                 category lists, archives, and feeds. Posts are always
                 associated with a date, which is included in the URL. You
                 can start your editorial experience by clicking the Add New
                 button located in the Posts menu.

                 Under the main Posts menu you have the following four
                 options (as shown in the screen shots below):

                 Posts - If you would like to edit a draft or a published post.
Writing a Post

Add New - Allows you to add a new post to your blog.

Categories - WordPress categories can be a key element in providing your
readers with a good experience when the come to your blog. A well designed
category structure can also have a substantial impact on your blog’s search
engine performance.

Post Tags - Tags provide a useful way to group related posts together, and to
quickly tell readers what a post is about. Tags also make it easier for people to
find your content. Tags are similar to, but more specific than, categories. The use
of tags is completely optional. Your posts will appear in the global tag listings of
any tags or categories you use. Therefore, assigning tags and categories to your
post increases the chance that other users will see your content.
Writing a Post

When you mouse over the menu option you
will see a small blue arrow indicating the
“click to toggle” menu open option.

After you have selected the add new post
you will see the following screen:

This is the Body of the post design editor, where
you format your posts.

•   You can insert images, media, video, into you
•   You add post to a specific category and add
    tag to the post.
•   You can save your post as a draft.
Writing a Post

         •   You can preview your post.
         •   You can set the visibility of a post.
         •   You can set the publish date.
         •   And of course you can click Publish, then you can view your
             published post.

         Descriptions of Post Fields

         Title - The title of your post. You can use any words or phrases. Avoid
         using the same title twice as that will cause problems. You can use
         commas, apostrophes, quotes, hypens/dashes, and other typical
         symbols in the post like "My Site - Here's Lookin' at You, Kid."
         WordPress will clean it up for the link to the post, called the post-slug.
Writing a Post

Post Editing Area - The blank box where you enter your
writing, links, links to images, and any information you want to display
on your site. You can use either the Visual or the HTML view to
compose your posts. For more on the HTML view, see the section
below, Visual Versus HTML View.

Preview button - Allows you to view the post before officially publishing
it and we recommend that you do so to make sure that everything
looks ok. There different post status that you can select but before
publishing there are only two options available. One is called Draft, and
the other is called Pending Review. Pending Review option is for your
blog users with a contributor role. They can contribute to your blog, but
all their articles must be approved by an administrator before they can
be published.
Writing a Post

Publish box - Contains buttons that control
the state of your post. The main states are
Published, Pending Review, and Draft. A
Published status means the post has been
published on your blog for all to see.
Pending Review means the draft is waiting
for review by an editor prior to publication.
Draft means the post has not been published
and remains a draft for you. If you select a
specific publish status and click the update
post or Publish button, that status is applied
to the post.
Writing a Post

                 For example, to save a post in the Pending
                 Review status, select Pending Review from the
                 Publish Status drop-down box, and click Save As
                 Pending. (You will see all posts organized by
                 status by going to Posts > Edit). To schedule a
                 post for publication on a future time or date, click
                 "Edit" in the Publish area next to the words
                 "Publish immediately". You can also change the
                 publish date to a date in the past to back-date
                 posts. Change the settings to the desired time
                 and date. You must also hit the "Publish" button
                 when you have completed the post to publish at
                 the desired time and date.
Writing a Post

 Publish box Visibility - This determines how your post
 appears to the world. Public posts will be visible by all
 website visitors once published. Password Protected
 posts are published to all, but visitors must know the
 password to view the post content. Private posts are
 visible only to you (and to other editors or admins
 within your site). If your theme supports the sticky
 post option, you can check the “stick this post on the
 front page” box and it will make that post appear at the
 top of all other posts for as long as you want. This
 really helps when you are running a contest/promotion
 on your website or something of that sort.
Writing a Post

      Permalink - After saving your post, the Permalink below the title shows the
      potential URL for the post, as long as you have permalinks enabled. (To enable
      permalinks, go to Settings > Permalinks.) The URL is generated from your title. In
      previous versions of WordPress, this was referred to as the "page-slug." The
      commas, quotes, apostrophes, and other non-HTML favorable characters are
      changed and a dash is put between each word. If your title is "Buyers Wanted,
      Many “affordable” homes for sale.", it will be cleaned up to be "buyers-wanted-
      many-affordable-homes-for-sale" as the title. You can manually change this,
      maybe shortening it to "buyers-wanted".

      Save - Allows you to save your post as a draft / pending review rather than
      immediately publishing it. To return to your drafts later, visit Posts - Edit - in the
      menu bar, then select your post from the list.
Writing a Post

Publish - Publishes your post on the site. You can edit the time when
the post is published by clicking the Edit link above the Publish button
and specifying the time you want the post to be published. By
default, at the time the post is first auto-saved, that will be the date
and time of the post within the database.

Post Tags - Refers to micro-categories for your blog, similar to
including index entries for a page. Posts with similar tags are linked
together when a user clicks one of the tags. Tags have to be enabled
with the right code in your theme for them to appear in your post. Add
new tags to the post by typing the tag into the box and clicking "Add".
Writing a Post

         Categories - The general topic the post can be classified in.
        Generally, bloggers have 7-10 categories for their content. Readers can
        browse specific categories to see all posts in the category. To add a new
        category, click the +Add New Category link in this section. You can manage
        your categories by going to Posts > Categories.

        Excerpt - A summary/brief teaser of your posts featured on the front page
        of your site as well as on the category, archives, and search non-single post
        pages. It only appears in your post if you have changed the index.php
        template file to display the Excerpt instead of the full Content of a post. If
        so, WordPress will automatically use the first 55 words of your post as the
        Excerpt or up until the use of the More Quicktag mark. If you use an Explicit
        Excerpt, this will be used no matter what.
Writing a Post

Send Trackbacks - When writing a post in WordPress,
you might end up using sites as a resource, or you might
link to external articles as a reference. Note that the
Excerpt does not usually appear by default. WordPress
has a way of keeping track of that and it is called
trackbacks. Most of the time if not all of the time, the
system automatically detects each external link, and
notify the other site that it is being cited. Therefore if the
other site chooses, they can list your link as a trackback
below their comments. But you may also enter URLs if
you want to confirm that you send trackback to these
specific links in the field shown in the image above.
Writing a Post

                 Discussion - Options to enable interactivity and
                 notification of your posts. This section hosts two check
                 boxes: Allow Comments on this post and Allow
                 trackbacks and pingbacks on this post. If Allowing
                 Comments is unchecked, no one can post comments
                 to this particular post. If Allowing Pings is
                 unchecked, no one can post pingbacks or trackbacks
                 to this particular post. Control Discussion in
                 WordPress. This is a very resourceful option when
                 writing an announcement article because there is no
                 reason for users to comment.
Writing a Post

Password Protect This Post - To password protect a post, click Edit next to Visibility in
the Publish area to the top right, then click Password Protected, click Ok, and enter a
password. Then click OK. Note - Editor and Admin users can see password protected or
private posts in the edit view without knowing the password.

Post Author - A list of all blog authors you can select from to attribute as the post
author. This section only shows if you have multiple users with authoring rights in your
blog. For more information, see Users and Authors.

Note: Some options are theme specific. Meaning depending on which them you have for
your Blog you will see different options.
Writing a Post

SEO Details and Additional
Style - Right out of the box
Thesis includes some
pretty powerful SEO
options. One of the most
important ones is the meta
description box in the add
new post page. Whenever
you create a new post you
should always get in the
habit of filling this out
accurately with relative
Writing a Post

The first 3 items are:   Custom Title Tag ~ Meta Description ~ Meta Keywords

Custom Title Tag - By default, all of your post and page
title tags will consist of the title of that particular post or
page (which you assign when creating the post or page in
WordPress). You can override this behavior, and further
extend your on-page SEO, by entering your own desired
value for the title tag in the “Custom Title Tag” field. This is
the text that appears at the top of the browser and is also
the title used when your article is displayed in the search
results. An example of this feature being useful would be if
you want to remove your site name from one page, but
keep it for others.
Writing a Post

                 Meta Description - This is what appears underneath your
                 post title in the search results. A meta description isn’t
                 always used by Google, but it usually is. Make sure to
                 accurately describe your post in ~160 words and you should
                 be fine. This has no affect on your rankings, but it does
                 have an affect on your clickthrough rate. Use this spot to
                 entice users to click on your post.

                 Meta Keywords - Google has been very upfront saying they
                 do not use meta keywords, so I wouldn’t worry about them.
                 If you’d like, you can put keywords in here.
Writing a Post

Post Image and Thumbnail - Post images are a perfect
way to add more visual punch to your site. During the
normal stream of content, Thesis Post Images will
display full-size, and by default, they’ll be automatically
cropped into smaller thumbnail images for use in other
areas, like teasers. The options you use to specify a
Thesis Post Image and/or Thumbnail are located on the
Edit panel for each Post or Page, under Post Image and
Writing a Post

Before adding an image, you should click the +more info link to the right of the words
“Post Image”. In the explanatory text there, Thesis will give you information about the
maximum width it has determined that you should use for post images, based on the
current width of your content column. A lot of people don’t worry about their image alt
text. That’s silly. Google and other search engines can’t see images, so let them
know what the image is about. Provide a short description with your keywords for
both the post image and the post thumbnail as well as any other images you use.
(Bonus tip: Name your images smartly. Let google know that the image is
keyword.jpg, rather than 1xxx0766rT3.jpg.)

Multimedia Box Options -Thesis allows you override the Default (i.e., Sitewide)
Settings for the Multimedia Box for each Post and Page you create.
Writing a Post

Robots Meta Tags - Use this if you choose to
not have Google index, or crawl the post.

CSS Class - if you’re good at code and want
to format the post differently than the default
for WordPress.

“Read More” Text - if you want to show a
portion of your post you can have a “read
more” link to view the entire post.

301 Redirect for this Page’s URL - usually
used for affiliate links.
Add an Image to Your Post

These four tiny icons are used to insert images, video, music and media into your post.

  Now as you can see, we have combined two tabs
  together in the image(to the right), but they do not
  appear right below each other.
Add an Image to Your Post

Input options:
From Computer
From URL
Media Library

You would have to click on From URL tab to see the bottom version. But it is just that easy to insert
an image with WordPress.

You can either upload it from your computer, or you can simply use the one that you have already
uploaded on the web.

Adding a video, music or other media (such as a pdf document) follows the same procedure. If you
click on From Computer, click on select files, a dialogue window opens which allows you to find
the image file on your computer, select the image, and upload it.
Add an Image to Your Post

If you click on From URL, you would be entering the url of the
image. For example if you have an image stored on flicker or
photobucket, you would use that url link for the image. You can
also add images from your computer.

Also you can add a title to your photo, an image caption, set the
alignment of the image and add a link to the image.

The alignment of the image effect the warping of the text around
the image and the placement of the image whether it’s left, right or
center justification.

Adding a link to the image will make that image clickable, meaning
it will take the viewer to another URL.
Our Services
Being Passionate comes easy when you
genuinely enjoy what you do. We offer an
array of services at Supernova Media but
here’s what we do best:

•   Web Design & Hosting
•   Consulting
•   Branding
•   Virtual Tours

We know that your success is our success.
Contact Us
About Nancy Bain
      Nancy is a business owner, educator, and business strategist
      with more than 20 years experience. When she is not advising
      and teaching people about social media, Nancy spends a lot of
      her own time using social media.

      Find Nancy online:

      Google+ : Nancy Bain       Like Supernova Media on
      Follow Nancy on Twitter    Facebook
      Visit her Website          Find her on LinkedIn
      Follow her Blog            And visit her YouTube Channel

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WordPress 101: Guide to Blogging Platform

  • 2. Stay Informed Join our E-Club to receive our monthly newsletter, with practical tips to increase brand awareness and strategies for more engaging relationships with your clients. Visit and Like our Facebook page Go ahead - post your Social Media & WordPress questions and get answers in real time.
  • 3. It Starts With Passion There’s no shortage of creative thinkers out there. What’s a little harder to find are creative thinkers who understand business. That’s where Supernova Media Shines. We are a full service web company. We provide our customers with a uniform custom branded web presence. At Supernova Media we specialize in the speedy setup of WordPress websites & blogs. All our websites are mobile friendly, have onsite search engine optimization and social media integration.
  • 4. What is WordPress? WordPress is no doubt the most popular content management and blog publishing application available on the web today. First released in as a basic blog engine, WordPress is now a full-featured, fully customizable website creation tool used by millions of individuals, businesses and organizations around the world.

WordPress is most popular for its packaged application, which can be downloaded for free at and installed anywhere as the basis, platform, and structure for an entire website. It also offers free blog services online at
  • 5. What is WordPress? Because it is open source—meaning simply that all of its code and files are free to use, customize, and enhance—WordPress technology has been harnessed by thousands. From curious individuals to freelance professionals to Fortune 500 companies, people all over the world use WordPress because of its many powerful features. These include a templating system, workflow, search-engine friendly link structures, advanced content categorization, and more.
  • 6. WordPress Statistics , , WordPress Sites in the World
  • 7. WordPress Statistics Today 374,196 bloggers posted 412,407 posts and 420,254 comments. That’s about 286 posts per minute, and 292 comments per minute. In total 95,205,329 words were written. That's more than 2 times larger than the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, which has about 40 million words! How many people read blogs on Over 297 million people view more than 2.5 billion pages each month. How many posts are published on users produce about 500,000 new posts and 400,000 new comments on an average day.
  • 8. WordPress Statistics Where in the world is used? WordPress blogs are written in over 120 languages. Below is a break down of the top 10 languages: English 66% Spanish 8.7% Portuguese 6.5% Indonesian 3.5% Italian 2% German 1.8% French 1.4% Russian 1.1% Vietnamese 1.1% Swedish 1.0%
  • 9. WordPress Statistics Who publishes on From TechCrunch to TED, CNN, and the National Football League, users span a broad range. WordPress has a publisher blog detailing some leading WordPress sites. You can also see more top blogs of the moment or view the top freshly pressed posts.
  • 10. Login Where to log in? Once you have your Wordpress blog installed (WordPress install page- how to), you need to log- in to the WordPress administration area from where you can write posts and articles, manage comments, change your theme, etc. To log in the WP admin panel, navigate to the WP login page or directly type the URL in your browser: Then enter you user id and password
  • 11. Dashboard This is the WordPress Dashboard
  • 12. Dashboard The Dashboard is the first screen you see when you log into the administration area of your blog. The main idea of the dashboard is to give you a place where you can get an at-a-glance overview of what’s happening with your blog. You can catch up on news, view your draft posts, see who’s linking to you or how popular your content’s been, quickly put out a no-frills post, or check out and moderate your latest comments. It’s like a bird’s eye view of operations, from which you can swoop down into the particular details.
  • 13. Dashboard On the left hand side you see the menu options for WordPress: In the main body of the Dashboard you see the Dashboard, modules: Post, Media, Right Now, Links, Recent Comments, Pages, Incoming Links, Comments, Plugins, Thesis, QuickPress, Appearance, Recent Drafts, Plugins, WordPress Blog Users, Other WordPress News. Tools, Settings.
  • 14. Dashboard Note: Your display may show different menu options and modules depending on the plugins you have installed and the wordpress theme you are using. Also, you can set the screen display options to show ans hide certain modules by selecting the “Screen Options” on the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard, just below your User name and log out option.
  • 15. Dashboard Modules The Right Now module offers an “at-a-glance” look at your blog’s posts, pages, categories, and tags. Click on the number and you’ll be taken to the associated screen. There is also a count of total, approved, pending, and spam comments. You can also click on the numbers to load the appropriate comments screen. Below this info are some links to get you into themes, widgets, or the spam queue. The Recent Comments module has a lot of new functionality to make working with comments quick and easy from the Dashboard. It will show up to 5 of the latest comments on your blog. If you hover your mouse over one of the listed comments, action links will appear, letting you Approve/Unapprove, Edit, Reply, Mark as Spam, or Delete. If you click on the Reply action link, a form will appear, letting you reply to the comment directly from the Dashboard.
  • 16. Dashboard Modules The Incoming Links module will use Google Blog Search to display other blogs that have linked to your blog. QuickPress is a mini-post editor that allows instant content creation from the Dashboard. You can include a title, body text, media files, and tags in the post, and have the option of saving it as a draft or publishing immediately. For additional options such as adding categories or setting a future publish date, you should use the Add New Post screen. The Recent Drafts module displays links to your most recent drafts, allowing one-click access from the Dashboard. If you create drafts using QuickPress, they will appear in this module immediately.
  • 17. Dashboard Modules WordPress Blog & Other WordPress News are modules that show news snippets and links to: • Recent posts from the News blog • Top blogs • Top Posts from around • Fastest Growing blogs Configuring the Dashboard Just like many of the administration screens, you can configure the Dashboard by showing/hiding, opening/closing, and moving modules.
  • 18. Writing a Post Writing posts and pages is the core activity in WordPress. Posts are entries that display in reverse chronological order on your blog’s front page. Posts are included in category lists, archives, and feeds. Posts are always associated with a date, which is included in the URL. You can start your editorial experience by clicking the Add New button located in the Posts menu. Under the main Posts menu you have the following four options (as shown in the screen shots below): Posts - If you would like to edit a draft or a published post.
  • 19. Writing a Post Add New - Allows you to add a new post to your blog. Categories - WordPress categories can be a key element in providing your readers with a good experience when the come to your blog. A well designed category structure can also have a substantial impact on your blog’s search engine performance. Post Tags - Tags provide a useful way to group related posts together, and to quickly tell readers what a post is about. Tags also make it easier for people to find your content. Tags are similar to, but more specific than, categories. The use of tags is completely optional. Your posts will appear in the global tag listings of any tags or categories you use. Therefore, assigning tags and categories to your post increases the chance that other users will see your content.
  • 20. Writing a Post When you mouse over the menu option you will see a small blue arrow indicating the “click to toggle” menu open option. After you have selected the add new post you will see the following screen: This is the Body of the post design editor, where you format your posts. • You can insert images, media, video, into you posts. • You add post to a specific category and add tag to the post. • You can save your post as a draft.
  • 21. Writing a Post • You can preview your post. • You can set the visibility of a post. • You can set the publish date. • And of course you can click Publish, then you can view your published post. Descriptions of Post Fields Title - The title of your post. You can use any words or phrases. Avoid using the same title twice as that will cause problems. You can use commas, apostrophes, quotes, hypens/dashes, and other typical symbols in the post like "My Site - Here's Lookin' at You, Kid." WordPress will clean it up for the link to the post, called the post-slug.
  • 22. Writing a Post Post Editing Area - The blank box where you enter your writing, links, links to images, and any information you want to display on your site. You can use either the Visual or the HTML view to compose your posts. For more on the HTML view, see the section below, Visual Versus HTML View. Preview button - Allows you to view the post before officially publishing it and we recommend that you do so to make sure that everything looks ok. There different post status that you can select but before publishing there are only two options available. One is called Draft, and the other is called Pending Review. Pending Review option is for your blog users with a contributor role. They can contribute to your blog, but all their articles must be approved by an administrator before they can be published.
  • 23. Writing a Post Publish box - Contains buttons that control the state of your post. The main states are Published, Pending Review, and Draft. A Published status means the post has been published on your blog for all to see. Pending Review means the draft is waiting for review by an editor prior to publication. Draft means the post has not been published and remains a draft for you. If you select a specific publish status and click the update post or Publish button, that status is applied to the post.
  • 24. Writing a Post For example, to save a post in the Pending Review status, select Pending Review from the Publish Status drop-down box, and click Save As Pending. (You will see all posts organized by status by going to Posts > Edit). To schedule a post for publication on a future time or date, click "Edit" in the Publish area next to the words "Publish immediately". You can also change the publish date to a date in the past to back-date posts. Change the settings to the desired time and date. You must also hit the "Publish" button when you have completed the post to publish at the desired time and date.
  • 25. Writing a Post Publish box Visibility - This determines how your post appears to the world. Public posts will be visible by all website visitors once published. Password Protected posts are published to all, but visitors must know the password to view the post content. Private posts are visible only to you (and to other editors or admins within your site). If your theme supports the sticky post option, you can check the “stick this post on the front page” box and it will make that post appear at the top of all other posts for as long as you want. This really helps when you are running a contest/promotion on your website or something of that sort.
  • 26. Writing a Post Permalink - After saving your post, the Permalink below the title shows the potential URL for the post, as long as you have permalinks enabled. (To enable permalinks, go to Settings > Permalinks.) The URL is generated from your title. In previous versions of WordPress, this was referred to as the "page-slug." The commas, quotes, apostrophes, and other non-HTML favorable characters are changed and a dash is put between each word. If your title is "Buyers Wanted, Many “affordable” homes for sale.", it will be cleaned up to be "buyers-wanted- many-affordable-homes-for-sale" as the title. You can manually change this, maybe shortening it to "buyers-wanted". Save - Allows you to save your post as a draft / pending review rather than immediately publishing it. To return to your drafts later, visit Posts - Edit - in the menu bar, then select your post from the list.
  • 27. Writing a Post Publish - Publishes your post on the site. You can edit the time when the post is published by clicking the Edit link above the Publish button and specifying the time you want the post to be published. By default, at the time the post is first auto-saved, that will be the date and time of the post within the database. Post Tags - Refers to micro-categories for your blog, similar to including index entries for a page. Posts with similar tags are linked together when a user clicks one of the tags. Tags have to be enabled with the right code in your theme for them to appear in your post. Add new tags to the post by typing the tag into the box and clicking "Add".
  • 28. Writing a Post Categories - The general topic the post can be classified in. Generally, bloggers have 7-10 categories for their content. Readers can browse specific categories to see all posts in the category. To add a new category, click the +Add New Category link in this section. You can manage your categories by going to Posts > Categories. Excerpt - A summary/brief teaser of your posts featured on the front page of your site as well as on the category, archives, and search non-single post pages. It only appears in your post if you have changed the index.php template file to display the Excerpt instead of the full Content of a post. If so, WordPress will automatically use the first 55 words of your post as the Excerpt or up until the use of the More Quicktag mark. If you use an Explicit Excerpt, this will be used no matter what.
  • 29. Writing a Post Send Trackbacks - When writing a post in WordPress, you might end up using sites as a resource, or you might link to external articles as a reference. Note that the Excerpt does not usually appear by default. WordPress has a way of keeping track of that and it is called trackbacks. Most of the time if not all of the time, the system automatically detects each external link, and notify the other site that it is being cited. Therefore if the other site chooses, they can list your link as a trackback below their comments. But you may also enter URLs if you want to confirm that you send trackback to these specific links in the field shown in the image above.
  • 30. Writing a Post Discussion - Options to enable interactivity and notification of your posts. This section hosts two check boxes: Allow Comments on this post and Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this post. If Allowing Comments is unchecked, no one can post comments to this particular post. If Allowing Pings is unchecked, no one can post pingbacks or trackbacks to this particular post. Control Discussion in WordPress. This is a very resourceful option when writing an announcement article because there is no reason for users to comment.
  • 31. Writing a Post Password Protect This Post - To password protect a post, click Edit next to Visibility in the Publish area to the top right, then click Password Protected, click Ok, and enter a password. Then click OK. Note - Editor and Admin users can see password protected or private posts in the edit view without knowing the password. Post Author - A list of all blog authors you can select from to attribute as the post author. This section only shows if you have multiple users with authoring rights in your blog. For more information, see Users and Authors. Note: Some options are theme specific. Meaning depending on which them you have for your Blog you will see different options.
  • 32. Writing a Post SEO Details and Additional Style - Right out of the box Thesis includes some pretty powerful SEO options. One of the most important ones is the meta description box in the add new post page. Whenever you create a new post you should always get in the habit of filling this out accurately with relative keywords.
  • 33. Writing a Post The first 3 items are: Custom Title Tag ~ Meta Description ~ Meta Keywords Custom Title Tag - By default, all of your post and page title tags will consist of the title of that particular post or page (which you assign when creating the post or page in WordPress). You can override this behavior, and further extend your on-page SEO, by entering your own desired value for the title tag in the “Custom Title Tag” field. This is the text that appears at the top of the browser and is also the title used when your article is displayed in the search results. An example of this feature being useful would be if you want to remove your site name from one page, but keep it for others.
  • 34. Writing a Post Meta Description - This is what appears underneath your post title in the search results. A meta description isn’t always used by Google, but it usually is. Make sure to accurately describe your post in ~160 words and you should be fine. This has no affect on your rankings, but it does have an affect on your clickthrough rate. Use this spot to entice users to click on your post. Meta Keywords - Google has been very upfront saying they do not use meta keywords, so I wouldn’t worry about them. If you’d like, you can put keywords in here.
  • 35. Writing a Post Post Image and Thumbnail - Post images are a perfect way to add more visual punch to your site. During the normal stream of content, Thesis Post Images will display full-size, and by default, they’ll be automatically cropped into smaller thumbnail images for use in other areas, like teasers. The options you use to specify a Thesis Post Image and/or Thumbnail are located on the Edit panel for each Post or Page, under Post Image and Thumbnail.
  • 36. Writing a Post Before adding an image, you should click the +more info link to the right of the words “Post Image”. In the explanatory text there, Thesis will give you information about the maximum width it has determined that you should use for post images, based on the current width of your content column. A lot of people don’t worry about their image alt text. That’s silly. Google and other search engines can’t see images, so let them know what the image is about. Provide a short description with your keywords for both the post image and the post thumbnail as well as any other images you use. (Bonus tip: Name your images smartly. Let google know that the image is keyword.jpg, rather than 1xxx0766rT3.jpg.) Multimedia Box Options -Thesis allows you override the Default (i.e., Sitewide) Settings for the Multimedia Box for each Post and Page you create.
  • 37. Writing a Post Robots Meta Tags - Use this if you choose to not have Google index, or crawl the post. CSS Class - if you’re good at code and want to format the post differently than the default for WordPress. “Read More” Text - if you want to show a portion of your post you can have a “read more” link to view the entire post. 301 Redirect for this Page’s URL - usually used for affiliate links.
  • 38. Add an Image to Your Post These four tiny icons are used to insert images, video, music and media into your post. Now as you can see, we have combined two tabs together in the image(to the right), but they do not appear right below each other.
  • 39. Add an Image to Your Post Input options: From Computer From URL Media Library You would have to click on From URL tab to see the bottom version. But it is just that easy to insert an image with WordPress. You can either upload it from your computer, or you can simply use the one that you have already uploaded on the web. Adding a video, music or other media (such as a pdf document) follows the same procedure. If you click on From Computer, click on select files, a dialogue window opens which allows you to find the image file on your computer, select the image, and upload it.
  • 40. Add an Image to Your Post If you click on From URL, you would be entering the url of the image. For example if you have an image stored on flicker or photobucket, you would use that url link for the image. You can also add images from your computer. Also you can add a title to your photo, an image caption, set the alignment of the image and add a link to the image. The alignment of the image effect the warping of the text around the image and the placement of the image whether it’s left, right or center justification. Adding a link to the image will make that image clickable, meaning it will take the viewer to another URL.
  • 41. Our Services Being Passionate comes easy when you genuinely enjoy what you do. We offer an array of services at Supernova Media but here’s what we do best: • Web Design & Hosting • Consulting • Branding • Virtual Tours We know that your success is our success. Contact Us
  • 42. About Nancy Bain Nancy is a business owner, educator, and business strategist with more than 20 years experience. When she is not advising and teaching people about social media, Nancy spends a lot of her own time using social media. Find Nancy online: Google+ : Nancy Bain Like Supernova Media on Follow Nancy on Twitter Facebook Visit her Website Find her on LinkedIn Follow her Blog And visit her YouTube Channel