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SSoommee ddeeffiinniittiioonnss rreellaatteedd ttoo jjeett eennggiinnee
11.. EEnnggiinnee:: EEnnggiinnee iiss aa mmaacchhiinnee wwhhiicchh ccoonnvveerrttss cchheemmiiccaall eenneerrggyy ooff ffuueell iinnttoo hheeaatt eenneerrggyy
ttoo ddoo wwoorrkk..
22.. AAeerroo eennggiinnee:: AAeerroo eennggiinnee iiss aa mmaacchhiinnee wwhhiicchh ttrraannssffoorrmmss ppootteennttiiaall eenneerrggyy ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn
tthhee ffuueell aanndd aaiirr iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc aanndd // oorr mmeecchhaanniiccaall eenneerrggyy..
33.. GGaass TTuurrbbiinnee EEnnggiinnee:: AA ttyyppee ooff eennggiinnee wwhhiicchh ttrraannssffoorrmmss eenneerrggyy bbyy mmeeaannss ooff aa
ccoommpprreessssoorr,, ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr aanndd ttuurrbbiinnee..
44.. TTuurrbbiinnee:: TTuurrbbiinnee iiss aa wwhheeeell wwhhiicchh ddeerriivveess iittss ppoowweerr ffrroomm tthhee mmoottiioonn ooff aa fflluuiidd..
55.. PPrrooppuullssiioonn:: IImmppaarrttiinngg aacccceelleerraattiioonn ttoo aa cceerrttaaiinn mmaassss..
66.. TThhrruusstt:: AA ggaass jjeett eexxhhaauussttiinngg aatt hhiigghh vveelloocciittyy ffrroomm aa nnoozzzzllee ggeenneerraattiinngg aa ffoorrccee iinn tthhee
ooppppoossiittee ddiirreeccttiioonn iiss tteerrmmeedd aass tthhrruusstt..
77.. TTuurrbboo jjeett:: AAllll aaiirr ffllooww ggooeess tthhrroouugghh aa ggaass ggeenneerraattoorr ccoommpprreessssoorr,, ccoommbbuussttiioonn
cchhaammbbeerr aanndd ttuurrbbiinnee..
88.. BByyppaassss TTuurrbboo jjeett:: IItt aaddmmiittss mmoorree aaiirr tthhaann nneecceessssaarryy ffoorr GGaass GGeenneerraattoorr,, aaddddiittiioonnaall ffllooww
bbyy--ppaassssiinngg tthhee GGaass GGeenneerraattoorr..
99.. TTwwiinn ssppooooll bbyyppaassss TTuurrbboo jjeett:: AA ggeenneerraattoorr iinnccoorrppoorraatteess ttwwoo iinnddeeppeennddeenntt rroottaattiinngg
aasssseemmbblliieess.. AA llooww pprreessssuurree ttuurrbbiinnee aanndd hhiigghh pprreessssuurree ttuurrbbiinnee sshhaafftt rruunnss ccooaaxxiiaallllyy
AALL--3311FFPP,, RRDD--3333 eennggiinnee..
1100.. TTuurrbboo pprroopp:: AA ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee ddrriivviinngg aa pprrooppeelllleerr AAVVRROO,, AANN--3322 aaiirrccrraafftt..
1111.. TTuurrbboo SShhaafftt:: AA ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee ssuuppppllyyiinngg mmeecchhaanniiccaall eenneerrggyy oonn aa sshhaafftt ffoorr
vvaarriioouuss aapppplliiccaattiioonnss,, HHeelliiccoopptteerr rroottoorrss,, eelleeccttrriicc ggeenneerraattoorrss..
1122.. FFrreeee ttuurrbbiinnee ttuurrbboo sshhaafftt:: PPoowweerr ttuurrbbiinnee iiss mmeecchhaanniiccaallllyy iinnddeeppeennddeenntt ooff GGaass
GGeenneerraattoorr,, TTuurrbboo ssttaarrtteerr GGTTDDEE 111177--11MMOO..
1133.. MMoodduullee:: AAnn iinnddeeppeennddeenntt ssuubb aasssseemmbbllyy wwhhiicchh ccaann bbee eeaassiillyy rreemmoovveedd ffrroomm ootthheerr
aasssseemmbbllyy.. MMoodduullaarr ddeessiiggnn ppeerrmmiittss rreeppllaacceemmeenntt ooff aa mmoodduullee bbyy uusseerr wwiitthhoouutt rreettuurrnniinngg
ccoommpplleettee aasssseemmbbllyy ttoo ffaaccttoorryy..
TThhee aavviiaattiioonn ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee iiss ccaatteeggoorriizzeedd aass aa hheeaatt eennggiinnee.. IItt uusseess ggaass aass iittss wwoorrkkiinngg
fflluuiidd aanndd pprroodduucceess ((mmeecchhaanniiccaall)) sshhaafftt ppoowweerr aanndd tthhrruusstt.. GGeenneerraattiinngg tthhrruusstt,, iinn ppaarrttiiccuullaarr,,
iiss ppoossssiibbllee oonnllyy iiff tthhee eexxhhaauusstt vveelloocciittyy ooff ggaass iiss hhiigghheerr tthhaann tthhee vveelloocciittyy aatt wwhhiicchh aaiirr
eenntteerrss tthhee eennggiinnee.. IInn oorrddeerr ttoo aacccceelleerraattee tthhee ggaass,, eenneerrggyy mmuusstt bbee aaddddeedd ttoo tthhee aaiirrffllooww
wwiitthhiinn tthhee eennggiinnee wwhhiicchh ccaann tthheenn bbee ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy..
IInn aa ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee,, tthhee iinnccrreeaassee ooff eenneerrggyy iiss aaccccoommpplliisshheedd iinn ttwwoo ccoonnsseeccuuttiivvee
sstteeppss,, aanndd bbyy ttwwoo ddiiffffeerreenntt,, tthhoouugghh aaddjjaacceenntt,, eennggiinnee ccoommppoonneennttss.. FFiirrsstt,, pprreessssuurree ooff tthhee
aaiirrffllooww iiss rraaiisseedd bbyy aaccttiioonn ooff mmeecchhaanniiccaall sshhaafftt ppoowweerr.. TThhiiss iiss ddoonnee iinn tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr
sseeccttiioonn.. AAfftteerr iittss ddiisscchhaarrggee ffrroomm tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr,, tthhee pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr eenntteerrss iinn tthhee
ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr,, wwhheerree tthhee ffuueell aanndd pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr bbuurrnnss,, tthheerreebbyy tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff tthhee
ggaass iiss sstteeeeppllyy rraaiisseedd ((dduuee ttoo cchheemmiiccaall rreeaaccttiioonn ooff aaiirr aanndd ffuueell mmiixxttuurree))..
TThhee ggaass iiss nnooww ssuuffffiicciieennttllyy pprroocceesssseedd ttoo pprroovviiddee pphhyyssiiccaall wwoorrkk ffoorr tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee,, tthhee
ffiirrsstt ssttaattiioonn wwiitthhiinn tthhee eennggiinnee wwhheerree wwoorrkk eexxttrraacctteedd ffrroomm tthhee hhoott ggaass iiss ttuurrbbiinnee.. AAss tthhee
ggaass eexxppaannddss aanndd aacccceelleerraatteess,, iitt rroottaatteess tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee wwhhiicchh iinn ttuurrnn rroottaatteess tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr aass
ttuurrbbiinnee iiss ddiirreeccttllyy ccoouupplleedd ttoo tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr bbyy aa sshhaafftt ((ssppooooll)).. AAfftteerr ddiisscchhaarrggiinngg ffrroomm
tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee,, tthhee ggaass iiss ffuurrtthheerr aacccceelleerraatteedd iinn tthhee eexxhhaauusstt nnoozzzzllee,, wwhheerree aallll rreemmaaiinniinngg
uussaabbllee hheeaatt eenneerrggyy iiss ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy wwhhiicchh pprroodduucceess tthhrruusstt ffoorr mmoovviinngg tthhee
aaiirrccrraafftt ffoorrwwaarrdd ((NNeewwttoonn TThhiirrdd LLaaww))..
Types of aero engines
There are mainly three types of aero gas turbine engines. Those are:
A turbojet engine is a gas turbine engine that works by compressing airwith an inlet and a
compressor (axial, centrifugal or both), mixing the fuel with compressed air, burning the
mixture in the combustor, and then passing the hot, high pressure air through a turbine,
which extracts energy from the expanding gas passing through it. The engine converts
internal energy in the fuel to kinetic energy in the exhaust, producing thrust.
A turbofan engine is a gas turbine engine that is very similar to the turbojet. Like a
turbojet it uses the gas generator core (compressor, combustor, turbine) to convert
internal energy in fuel to kinetic energy in the exhaust. Turbofans differ from turbojets in
that they have an additional component, a fan. Like the compressor the fan is powered by
the turbine section of the engine. Unlike the turbojet some of the flow accelerated by fan
bypasses the gas generated core and is exhausted through a nozzle making the thrust
produced by the fan more efficient than that produced by the core.
It is a type of gas turbine engine. In turboprop engines, a portion of the engine’s thrust is
produced by spinning a propeller, rather than relying solely on high speed jet exhaust. As
their jet thrust is augmented by a propeller, turboprops are occasionally referred to as a
type of hybrid jet engine.
AAiimm ooff jjeett eennggiinnee
AAiimm ooff jjeett eennggiinnee iiss ttoo ggeenneerraattee hhoott ggaasseess aatt aa pprreessssuurree mmuucchh hhiigghheerr tthhaann aammbbiieenntt
pprreessssuurree ffoorr eexxppaannssiioonn iinn aa nnoozzzzllee ttoo pprroodduuccee tthhrruusstt.. CCeennttrraall eelleemmeenntt ooff jjeett eennggiinnee iiss ggaass
ggeenneerraattoorr wwhhiicchh ccoommpprriisseess ooff ccoommpprreessssoorr,, ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr aanndd ttuurrbbiinnee.. BByy aaddddiinngg
aann iinnlleett aanndd aa nnoozzzzllee,, aa ttuurrbboojjeett rreessuullttss..
Major parts and their functions of
Aero gas turbine engine:
Air intake of any turbojet powered aircraft has to carry out the very
important function of converting type kinetic energy of air flow to pressure energy
by compressing the air to a sufficiently high degree before it reaches the
compressor face. The engine performance i.e. thrust and specific fuel consumption
will depend upon the affiant conversion of this energy. At subsonic flight speeds,
the compression takes place mainly on the compressor. However, with the increase
in flight speeds more and more compression takes place in the air intake duct. At
Mach 2 the degree of compression in the air intake and the compressor is almost
Operation of air intake is quit complex for a supersonic aircraft due to
the wide range of the operating flight spectrum. As a component in the engine
aircraft system, the intake must satisfy a number of requirements such as:
a. Delivering the correct amount of air to the engine face as correct
speed with minimum loss of total energy contents.
b. Operating with a uniform discharge velocity profile as the
compressor surface.
c. Maintaining surge free steady flow in the air intake.
d. Creating maximum external drag due to airflow.
In order to obtain high thrust, it is necessary to recover the full energy
of free system with minimum of pressure loss. The pressure losses occur due to
friction, eddy loss and shows. At the supersonic speed pressure loss due to friction
and eddies is less compared to the loss across the shock system. Pressure loss
across the shock system is highest if declaration of flow is achieving by normal
shock and is reduce if it is achieved through series of oblique shocks. A shock
system for minimum pressure loss as a particular Mach no. can always be design.
Reducing the slow speed and channel length reduces the frictional losses.
Adequate lip contouring reduces Eddy losses.
The mass flow coefficient is the ratio of actual mass flow captured by
the intake to the maximum mass flow corresponding to check operation. The
operation of the air intake is said to be subcritical if the ratio is less than one and is
said to be super critical if the ratio is one or more. If the air supply is less than
engine requirement, then auxiliary profile must be provided so that engine does not
flame out. Such condition occurs during takeoff. The air is inducted through the
take of shutter which opens automatically during takeoff due to the difference in
the pressure between the outside air and air inside the channel. If supply is more
this extra air is must bypass to atmosphere before it reaches as the engine speed
increases the air requirement increases. In order to provide the correct amount of
air, it is necessary to contend the lip area.
Drag of intake consists of frictional drag. Low pressure drags additive
drag due to spillage of flow and shock drag. Additive drag is zero if mass flow co-
efficient is unity skin friction drag and pressure drag are generated due to the air
flow over the internal and external surface of the air channel. These drag forces
reduce the net thrust available on the aircraft.
To reduce the drag, it is necessary to reduce the fontal size of air
intake to minimum. The air spillage reduce the shock strength contour the lip
geometry properly avoid sudden turning of flow in the channel and use adequate
boundary air bleed.
LP compressor shaft provides the drive for following accessories through
suitable gear train and quill shaft.
a) Front scavenging oil pump.
b) Up compressor rotor with techno meter generator.
c) Centrifugal governor of main fuel regulating pumps.
HP turbine shaft provides the drive to the accessory gearbox through a
bevel gear train and coupling shaft from where the drive from the following
accessories is taken through and work of gear train and shafting.
 Starter generator
 Fuel regulating pump
 Hydraulic pump
 Fuel booster pump
 Oil unit
 De-aestor
 Breather
 Air craft generator
 HP rotor tachometer generator
Axial flow compressor is used in aero engine because in centrifugal
compressor the compression ratio is fixed. But in axial flow compressor C.R is
very high. There are two types
1. Single spool (Only one shaft is used)
2. Double spool (Two shafts are used)
Compressor has basically –
(i) Rotor blades (ii) Stator blades
Rotor blades add kinetic energy to the suction air, stator blades
converts the kinetic energy into pressure energy.
It consists of a distance ring, front casing, middle casing, split casings
(IVth, Vth, Vith, stage rotor) and rear casing (VIth stage stator).
Distance ring provides smooth entry of air into the compressor and
also helps to couple the engine to the aircraft intake through the air radiator of
intake. The rear flange of the casing is bolted to the front casing.
The front casing houses the 1st stage rotor blades, which are in, turn
bolted to the front bearing housing. The IInd stage casing comprises of the outer
and inner rings and IInd stage stator blades spot-welded to the rings.
Middle casing houses IIIrd stage stator blades, which are welded as
the outer radius. At the inner radius, a flange ring is welded to the stator blades. Air
is tapper from inter space between the inner ring of the middle casing and IVth
stage rotor assembly for various purposes such as pressurization of HP compressor
lubricating oil seals, cooling and seal pressurization for the turbine assembled and
thrust balancing of the HPCR.
Split casings accommodate IVth and Vth stage stator blades, which
are welded to them. The casings are bolted to the middle casing at one end to the
load ring of the rear casing at the other end.
The rear compressor casing houses the VIth stage stator blades, which
are bolted to the outer casing which at the inner radius. They are bolted to the rear
casing diaphragm flange.
The rotor assembly consists of individual discs with each set of HP
and LP spools forming ad room type construction except the 1st stage compressor
disc. The 1st stage disc is mounted as a cantilever on the LP compressor shaft with
the help of involute splined joint. The disc is located on the shaft by a splined lock
bolt. The nose bullet is of double construction and is given hydro phobic enamel
coating to prevent ice formation and erosion.
The rotor blades of 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages are secured in the
respective discs by dove tailed locks. The axial movement is restricted either by
retaining dowels or by blades retaining rings or by both. HP compressor assembly
is built as an integral unit with the journal. The journal in the main torque
transmitting member and is fitted in the center bearing housing in two radial thrust
half bearings.
The combustion chamber is can annular type with ten straight flame
tubes, which are arranged between the combustion chamber outer casing and the
surround of the rear casing. Each flame tube consists of a conical section followed
by five cylindrical liners followed by one rear transition liner which are seem
welded to each other. The conical section has a vanned swirler and a deflector and
is spot-welded to the liner.
The combustion liners are provided with 12 slots in welded zone to
reduce thermal stresses and for a closer fit of the welded surfaces. The outer wall
of conical section has holes for providing air for cooling the deflector. The
deflector itself has two rows of holes. Holes on 3rd, 4th, 5th liners are suitably at
the shoulders of the liners (near welded section) for cooling liner walls. The air
form these holes are made to flow along the circumference by the extension of
liners. Flame tubes are inter connected by the inter connector tubes located in the
conical section. The inter connectors between flame tubes I, II, IX and X are
provided with fuel connection to receive the two ignitor connections. Flame
propulsion and pressure equalization among the flame tube is effected by the inter
connectors. The ignition assembly is mounted on the compressor chamber outer
casing and has three connections, one for supply of starting fuel to the inner cavity
of ignitors another for location of spare plug and the other for oxygen supply
required for flight relighting. The extended steam of ignitor has four holes to
provided P2 air supply to inner cavity. A deflector provides in the cavity gives P2
air and upward motion.
The front end of flame tube rest on burners to spherical to incorporate
in the swirlers and at the rear end the flange of the flame tube is redidity secured to
the common ring. Combustion chamber outer casing is fabricated from the sheet
metal sections and is provided with three flanges, front flange for securing the
C.C.O.C to the stator none of six stage compressor, middle and front flanges serve
for mounting the bracket of accessory drive gearbox assembly and rear flange is
connected to turbine nozzle diaphragm assembly. For inflight relighting oxygen at
7-9 kg/cm2
at the rate of 0.95 to 1.2 gm/sec/ignitor, which is taken from oxygen
bottles in aircraft. Flame tubes are made up of Ni base alloy and coated with
spherical enamel to improve heat and corrosion properties. The C.C.O.C and
C.C.I.C are made up of S.S
The function of the turbine is to drive the compressor and accessories
by extracting pressure and kinetic energy from high temperature gases coming
from C.C. Based on the flow of gases on the gas turbine it is classified into
1. Axial flow turbines
2. Radial flow turbines
In axial flow turbine gas enters and leaves axially where in radial flow
turbine gas enters radially and leaves axially and vice-versa. The axial flow turbine
consists of two main elements consisting of a set of stationary vanes and one or
more turbine rotors. In stationary vanes the pressure energy is converted to K.E
and the same is converted into mechanical energy with rotary blades. Nozzle vanes
either cast or forged. Some vanes are made hollow to allow cooling using pump,
bleed air. The blades of turbine are two basic types.
1. Impulse turbine
2. Reaction turbine
The turbine is of axial flow reaction type T3 maximum is limited to 936°c.
Turbine needed cool to avoid over heating of components. A rotor assembly are
supported by radial thrust ball bearings and cylindrical roller bearing as the
compressor and turbine and respectively. Fixed vanes are arranged radially
between concentric rings.
1st stage NGVS are made of hollow for cooling air in investment
casting. These are sliding fit over the spokes arrange radially between the internal
and external rings.
Discs of L.P.T and H.P.T are presses fitted into the shaft are fastened
together by means of radial pins, which ensures concentricity of disc and shaft.
Blades are fixed in broached fire-tree slots in the disc and are lock by plate locks.
Blades are cropped at the tip in order to eliminate occurrence of cracks due to
unfavorable resonance vibration at the railing edge. LP blades are placed together
at about 2/3 of the blade height to avoid resonance vibration. Where the lace passes
extra material is provided and this locally thickened area blends itself with aerofoil
to minimize aerodynamic losses. No hairline cracks and under cuts is permitted at
this place. Natural frequency limits of H.P.T.R blades are 1130 - 1190 LPS.
Frequencies of higher order should not be less than 9200 cps.
Delta turbine temperature= 278°c
Turbine efficiency = 0.9
Pressure ratio at turbine = 3.43
To provide higher thrust for short durations such as during take-off,
acceleration, climb and combat after burner are made use of a higher thrust engine
without thrust augmentation would mean a higher of the basic engine large fontal
area and high A/F ratio in gas turbines. Levels sufficient amount of unburnt
oxygen is made use of for burning consist of introduction and burning of fuel
between turbine and jet nozzle. The engine after burner system comprises of the
A diffuser serves to reduce the velocity of gases from the turbine to a
level suitable the flame. It consists of outer shell and an inner shell or truncated
cone, supported by five aerofoil shaped fairings.
Installed in the truncated cone of the diffuser, this provided the hot
stream of the pilot flame to light of the after burner fuel. This comprises of an
ignitor head with ignitor plug and ignitor case with nozzle. Electric current is fed to
the ignitor housing is coated with heat resistant enamel. Also cooling is provided
by air at P2.
It consists of an outer manifold with 60 burners (40 shaped on ring
and 20 shaped on pipes burning offering) and an inner manifold with 40 burners
(30 on ring and 10 on pipes along with two starting burners). The burners are of
simplex type and all supply atomized fuel against the direction of gas flow except
the starting burners, the starter burners supply fuel into the proposating the pilot
Flame stabilizers are of radial type, which serves as flame holder and
are mounted near the out let of the diffuser.
It is a convergent nozzle, which increases the velocity of gases leaving
the after burner, thereby increasing thrust. The high mass flow and temperature of
exhaust gases during reheat requires the nozzle to be opened up, which is not done
result in unstable operation of the engine. This explains the need for variable area
jet nozzle. Nozzle flaps 18 in number are provided for this purpose with the flap
control ring being actuated by the cylinders.
GAS TURBINE ENGINE: - An engine in which the working fluid is heated by
internal combustion be expanded through a turbine.
AERO ENGINE: An engine used to provide the main propulsive or lifting power
for aircraft.
CONSUMPTION: The total quantity of fuel consumed per hour.
SPECIFIC CONSUMPTION: - The weight propellant or fuel consumed per Kg of
thrust per hour.
ACCESSORY GEARBOX: - An engine drives the gearbox driving accessories.
ENGINE RATING: - A statement of the guaranteed minor alternately the average
performances of the engine, including output r.p.m specific fuel consumption, gas
temp, time limit and other relevant data specified conditions.
HEIGHT POWER FACTOR: - The ratio of power or thrust developed at a
specified attitude to that which would be developed at standard sec level it applied
to maximum power or thrust conditions of fuel throttle.
POWER UNIT: - An engine or two more engines complete with all components
and accessories used as fitted into an aircraft.
DRY WEIGHT: - The weight of an aero engine without liquid but including all
accessories essential to its running and any drives incorporated it for non-essential
WEIGHT PER KG THRUST: - The dry weight of an engine divided by the
maximum permissible thrust under standard sec level conditions.
Four forces come into action in an aero engine while flying.
1) Lift
2) Gravity
3) Thrust
4) Drag
It is produced by a lower pressure created on the upper surface of an
airplane’s wings compared to the pressure on the wing’s lower surface, causing the
wing to be lifted upwards. Lift depends upon: -
i) Shape of the airfoil.
ii) The angle of attack.
iii) The area of the surface exposed to airstream.
iv) The square of the air speed.
v) The air density.
It is due to weight of the plane itself that acts vertically downwards
from the center of gravity of the airplane.
It is the forward direction pushing or pulling force created by the air
passing through the adjustable nozzle. This includes reciprocating engines, turbojet
engines and turboprop engines.
Drag is the force which opposes the forward motion of airplane. It is a
retarding force acting upon a body in motion through a fluid, parallel to the
direction of motion of a body. It is created by air impact force, skin friction and
displacement of air.
Modern gas turbine engines follow the Brayton Cycle. An engine cycle is named after
George Brayton (1830-1892), the American Engineer who developed it originally for use
in piston engines, although it was originally proposed and patented by Englishman John
Barber in 1791.
The ideal Brayton cycle in gas turbine engine consists of three components:
1. A gas compressor
2. A burner (or combustion chamber)
3. An expansion turbine
The processes involved in Ideal Brayton cycle are:
Isentropic process- ambient air is drawn into the compressor where it is pressurized.
Isobaric process- the compressed air then runs through a combustion chamber, where
fuel is burned, heating the air- a constant pressure process, since the chamber is open to
flow in and out.
Isentropic process- the heated, pressurized air then gives up energy, expanding through a
turbine. Some of the work extracted by the turbine is used to drive the compressor
Isobaric process- heat rejection (in the atmosphere).
The processes involved in Actual Brayton cycle are:
Adiabatic process- compression
Isobaric process-heat addition
Adiabatic process-expansion
Isobaric process-heat rejection
Brayton Cycle
WWoorrkkiinngg ooff aa jjeett eennggiinnee // ggaass
ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee
TThhee aavviiaattiioonn ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee iiss ccaatteeggoorriizzeedd aass aa hheeaatt eennggiinnee.. IItt uusseess ggaass aass iittss
wwoorrkkiinngg fflluuiidd aanndd pprroodduucceess ((mmeecchhaanniiccaall)) sshhaafftt ppoowweerr aanndd tthhrruusstt.. GGeenneerraattiinngg tthhrruusstt,, iinn
ppaarrttiiccuullaarr,, iiss ppoossssiibbllee oonnllyy iiff tthhee eexxhhaauusstt vveelloocciittyy ooff ggaass iiss hhiigghheerr tthhaann tthhee vveelloocciittyy aatt
wwhhiicchh aaiirr eenntteerrss tthhee eennggiinnee.. IInn oorrddeerr ttoo aacccceelleerraattee tthhee ggaass,, eenneerrggyy mmuusstt bbee aaddddeedd ttoo tthhee
aaiirrffllooww wwiitthhiinn tthhee eennggiinnee wwhhiicchh ccaann tthheenn bbee ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy..
IInn aa ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee,, tthhee iinnccrreeaassee ooff eenneerrggyy iiss aaccccoommpplliisshheedd iinn ttwwoo ccoonnsseeccuuttiivvee
sstteeppss,, aanndd bbyy ttwwoo ddiiffffeerreenntt,, tthhoouugghh aaddjjaacceenntt,, eennggiinnee ccoommppoonneennttss.. FFiirrsstt,, pprreessssuurree ooff tthhee
aaiirrffllooww iiss rraaiisseedd bbyy aaccttiioonn ooff mmeecchhaanniiccaall sshhaafftt ppoowweerr.. TThhiiss iiss ddoonnee iinn tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr
sseeccttiioonn.. AAfftteerr iittss ddiisscchhaarrggee ffrroomm tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr,, tthhee pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr eenntteerrss iinn tthhee
ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr,, wwhheerree tthhee ffuueell aanndd pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr bbuurrnnss,, tthheerreebbyy tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff tthhee
ggaass iiss sstteeeeppllyy rraaiisseedd ((dduuee ttoo cchheemmiiccaall rreeaaccttiioonn ooff aaiirr aanndd ffuueell mmiixxttuurree))..
TThhee ggaass iiss nnooww ssuuffffiicciieennttllyy pprroocceesssseedd ttoo pprroovviiddee pphhyyssiiccaall wwoorrkk ffoorr tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee,, tthhee
ffiirrsstt ssttaattiioonn wwiitthhiinn tthhee eennggiinnee wwhheerree wwoorrkk eexxttrraacctteedd ffrroomm tthhee hhoott ggaass iiss ttuurrbbiinnee.. AAss tthhee
ggaass eexxppaannddss aanndd aacccceelleerraatteess,, iitt rroottaatteess tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee wwhhiicchh iinn ttuurrnn rroottaatteess tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr aass
ttuurrbbiinnee iiss ddiirreeccttllyy ccoouupplleedd ttoo tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr bbyy aa sshhaafftt ((ssppooooll)).. AAfftteerr ddiisscchhaarrggiinngg ffrroomm
tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee,, tthhee ggaass iiss ffuurrtthheerr aacccceelleerraatteedd iinn tthhee eexxhhaauusstt nnoozzzzllee,, wwhheerree aallll rreemmaaiinniinngg
uussaabbllee hheeaatt eenneerrggyy iiss ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy wwhhiicchh pprroodduucceess tthhrruusstt ffoorr mmoovviinngg tthhee
aaiirrccrraafftt ffoorrwwaarrdd ((NNeewwttoonn TThhiirrdd LLaaww))..
EExxppllaannaattiioonn ooff wwoorrkkiinngg pprriinncciippllee..
AA.. TThhee aaiirr ffrroomm aattmmoosspphheerree iiss
ttaakkeenn iinn tthhrroouugghh aa ssiimmppllee oorr
ccoommpplleexx aaiirr iinnttaakkee ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn
tthhee fflliigghhtt ssppeeeedd aanndd ggeeoommeettrryy ooff
tthhee aaiirrccrraafftt aaiirr iinnttaakkee..
BB.. AAiirr iiss ccoommpprreesssseedd iinn aa cceennttrriiffuuggaall
oorr aaxxiiaall ffllooww ccoommpprreessssoorr ttoo iinnccrreeaassee
tthhee pprreessssuurree aanndd tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff aaiirr..
CC.. CCoommpprreesssseedd aaiirr eenntteerrss iinn
ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr wwhheerree ffuueell
iiss iinnjjeecctteedd aanndd bbuurrnneedd,, tthhuuss aaddddiinngg
mmoorree eenneerrggyy ttoo aaiirrffllooww.. TTeemmppeerraattuurree ooff ggaass
iinnccrreeaasseess wwhheerree aass pprreessssuurree rreemmaaiinnss
DD.. PPaarrtt ooff tthhee eenneerrggyy ggeenneerraatteedd
iiss uusseedd ttoo rruunn aa ttuurrbbiinnee wwhhiicchh
pprroovviiddeess ppoowweerr ffoorr rruunnnniinngg tthhee
ccoommpprreessssoorr aanndd aallssoo ssoommee
aacccceessssoorriieess nneecceessssaarryy ffoorr eennggiinnee
EE.. TThhee rreemmaaiinniinngg eenneerrggyy ooff ggaass
ssttrreeaamm iiss ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc
eenneerrggyy bbyy eexxhhaauusstt nnoozzzzllee ttoo pprroodduuccee
tthhrruusstt.. HHiigghh eexxhhaauusstt vveelloocciittyy iiss
pprreerreeqquuiissiittee ttoo ggeenneerraattiioonn ooff tthhrruusstt..
Thank You

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Introduction to Jet Engines

  • 1. 1 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN TTOO AAEERROO EENNGGIINNEESS SSoommee ddeeffiinniittiioonnss rreellaatteedd ttoo jjeett eennggiinnee 11.. EEnnggiinnee:: EEnnggiinnee iiss aa mmaacchhiinnee wwhhiicchh ccoonnvveerrttss cchheemmiiccaall eenneerrggyy ooff ffuueell iinnttoo hheeaatt eenneerrggyy ttoo ddoo wwoorrkk.. 22.. AAeerroo eennggiinnee:: AAeerroo eennggiinnee iiss aa mmaacchhiinnee wwhhiicchh ttrraannssffoorrmmss ppootteennttiiaall eenneerrggyy ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn tthhee ffuueell aanndd aaiirr iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc aanndd // oorr mmeecchhaanniiccaall eenneerrggyy.. 33.. GGaass TTuurrbbiinnee EEnnggiinnee:: AA ttyyppee ooff eennggiinnee wwhhiicchh ttrraannssffoorrmmss eenneerrggyy bbyy mmeeaannss ooff aa ccoommpprreessssoorr,, ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr aanndd ttuurrbbiinnee.. 44.. TTuurrbbiinnee:: TTuurrbbiinnee iiss aa wwhheeeell wwhhiicchh ddeerriivveess iittss ppoowweerr ffrroomm tthhee mmoottiioonn ooff aa fflluuiidd.. 55.. PPrrooppuullssiioonn:: IImmppaarrttiinngg aacccceelleerraattiioonn ttoo aa cceerrttaaiinn mmaassss.. 66.. TThhrruusstt:: AA ggaass jjeett eexxhhaauussttiinngg aatt hhiigghh vveelloocciittyy ffrroomm aa nnoozzzzllee ggeenneerraattiinngg aa ffoorrccee iinn tthhee ooppppoossiittee ddiirreeccttiioonn iiss tteerrmmeedd aass tthhrruusstt.. 77.. TTuurrbboo jjeett:: AAllll aaiirr ffllooww ggooeess tthhrroouugghh aa ggaass ggeenneerraattoorr ccoommpprreessssoorr,, ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr aanndd ttuurrbbiinnee.. 88.. BByyppaassss TTuurrbboo jjeett:: IItt aaddmmiittss mmoorree aaiirr tthhaann nneecceessssaarryy ffoorr GGaass GGeenneerraattoorr,, aaddddiittiioonnaall ffllooww bbyy--ppaassssiinngg tthhee GGaass GGeenneerraattoorr.. 99.. TTwwiinn ssppooooll bbyyppaassss TTuurrbboo jjeett:: AA ggeenneerraattoorr iinnccoorrppoorraatteess ttwwoo iinnddeeppeennddeenntt rroottaattiinngg aasssseemmbblliieess.. AA llooww pprreessssuurree ttuurrbbiinnee aanndd hhiigghh pprreessssuurree ttuurrbbiinnee sshhaafftt rruunnss ccooaaxxiiaallllyy AALL--3311FFPP,, RRDD--3333 eennggiinnee.. 1100.. TTuurrbboo pprroopp:: AA ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee ddrriivviinngg aa pprrooppeelllleerr AAVVRROO,, AANN--3322 aaiirrccrraafftt.. 1111.. TTuurrbboo SShhaafftt:: AA ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee ssuuppppllyyiinngg mmeecchhaanniiccaall eenneerrggyy oonn aa sshhaafftt ffoorr vvaarriioouuss aapppplliiccaattiioonnss,, HHeelliiccoopptteerr rroottoorrss,, eelleeccttrriicc ggeenneerraattoorrss.. 1122.. FFrreeee ttuurrbbiinnee ttuurrbboo sshhaafftt:: PPoowweerr ttuurrbbiinnee iiss mmeecchhaanniiccaallllyy iinnddeeppeennddeenntt ooff GGaass GGeenneerraattoorr,, TTuurrbboo ssttaarrtteerr GGTTDDEE 111177--11MMOO.. 1133.. MMoodduullee:: AAnn iinnddeeppeennddeenntt ssuubb aasssseemmbbllyy wwhhiicchh ccaann bbee eeaassiillyy rreemmoovveedd ffrroomm ootthheerr aasssseemmbbllyy.. MMoodduullaarr ddeessiiggnn ppeerrmmiittss rreeppllaacceemmeenntt ooff aa mmoodduullee bbyy uusseerr wwiitthhoouutt rreettuurrnniinngg ccoommpplleettee aasssseemmbbllyy ttoo ffaaccttoorryy..
  • 2. 2 DESCRIPTION OF AERO-ENGINE: TThhee aavviiaattiioonn ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee iiss ccaatteeggoorriizzeedd aass aa hheeaatt eennggiinnee.. IItt uusseess ggaass aass iittss wwoorrkkiinngg fflluuiidd aanndd pprroodduucceess ((mmeecchhaanniiccaall)) sshhaafftt ppoowweerr aanndd tthhrruusstt.. GGeenneerraattiinngg tthhrruusstt,, iinn ppaarrttiiccuullaarr,, iiss ppoossssiibbllee oonnllyy iiff tthhee eexxhhaauusstt vveelloocciittyy ooff ggaass iiss hhiigghheerr tthhaann tthhee vveelloocciittyy aatt wwhhiicchh aaiirr eenntteerrss tthhee eennggiinnee.. IInn oorrddeerr ttoo aacccceelleerraattee tthhee ggaass,, eenneerrggyy mmuusstt bbee aaddddeedd ttoo tthhee aaiirrffllooww wwiitthhiinn tthhee eennggiinnee wwhhiicchh ccaann tthheenn bbee ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy.. IInn aa ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee,, tthhee iinnccrreeaassee ooff eenneerrggyy iiss aaccccoommpplliisshheedd iinn ttwwoo ccoonnsseeccuuttiivvee sstteeppss,, aanndd bbyy ttwwoo ddiiffffeerreenntt,, tthhoouugghh aaddjjaacceenntt,, eennggiinnee ccoommppoonneennttss.. FFiirrsstt,, pprreessssuurree ooff tthhee aaiirrffllooww iiss rraaiisseedd bbyy aaccttiioonn ooff mmeecchhaanniiccaall sshhaafftt ppoowweerr.. TThhiiss iiss ddoonnee iinn tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr sseeccttiioonn.. AAfftteerr iittss ddiisscchhaarrggee ffrroomm tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr,, tthhee pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr eenntteerrss iinn tthhee ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr,, wwhheerree tthhee ffuueell aanndd pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr bbuurrnnss,, tthheerreebbyy tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff tthhee ggaass iiss sstteeeeppllyy rraaiisseedd ((dduuee ttoo cchheemmiiccaall rreeaaccttiioonn ooff aaiirr aanndd ffuueell mmiixxttuurree)).. TThhee ggaass iiss nnooww ssuuffffiicciieennttllyy pprroocceesssseedd ttoo pprroovviiddee pphhyyssiiccaall wwoorrkk ffoorr tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee,, tthhee ffiirrsstt ssttaattiioonn wwiitthhiinn tthhee eennggiinnee wwhheerree wwoorrkk eexxttrraacctteedd ffrroomm tthhee hhoott ggaass iiss ttuurrbbiinnee.. AAss tthhee ggaass eexxppaannddss aanndd aacccceelleerraatteess,, iitt rroottaatteess tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee wwhhiicchh iinn ttuurrnn rroottaatteess tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr aass ttuurrbbiinnee iiss ddiirreeccttllyy ccoouupplleedd ttoo tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr bbyy aa sshhaafftt ((ssppooooll)).. AAfftteerr ddiisscchhaarrggiinngg ffrroomm tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee,, tthhee ggaass iiss ffuurrtthheerr aacccceelleerraatteedd iinn tthhee eexxhhaauusstt nnoozzzzllee,, wwhheerree aallll rreemmaaiinniinngg uussaabbllee hheeaatt eenneerrggyy iiss ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy wwhhiicchh pprroodduucceess tthhrruusstt ffoorr mmoovviinngg tthhee aaiirrccrraafftt ffoorrwwaarrdd ((NNeewwttoonn TThhiirrdd LLaaww))..
  • 3. 3 Types of aero engines There are mainly three types of aero gas turbine engines. Those are: Turbojet: A turbojet engine is a gas turbine engine that works by compressing airwith an inlet and a compressor (axial, centrifugal or both), mixing the fuel with compressed air, burning the mixture in the combustor, and then passing the hot, high pressure air through a turbine, which extracts energy from the expanding gas passing through it. The engine converts internal energy in the fuel to kinetic energy in the exhaust, producing thrust. Turbofan: A turbofan engine is a gas turbine engine that is very similar to the turbojet. Like a turbojet it uses the gas generator core (compressor, combustor, turbine) to convert internal energy in fuel to kinetic energy in the exhaust. Turbofans differ from turbojets in that they have an additional component, a fan. Like the compressor the fan is powered by the turbine section of the engine. Unlike the turbojet some of the flow accelerated by fan bypasses the gas generated core and is exhausted through a nozzle making the thrust produced by the fan more efficient than that produced by the core.
  • 4. 4 Turboprop: It is a type of gas turbine engine. In turboprop engines, a portion of the engine’s thrust is produced by spinning a propeller, rather than relying solely on high speed jet exhaust. As their jet thrust is augmented by a propeller, turboprops are occasionally referred to as a type of hybrid jet engine. AAiimm ooff jjeett eennggiinnee AAiimm ooff jjeett eennggiinnee iiss ttoo ggeenneerraattee hhoott ggaasseess aatt aa pprreessssuurree mmuucchh hhiigghheerr tthhaann aammbbiieenntt pprreessssuurree ffoorr eexxppaannssiioonn iinn aa nnoozzzzllee ttoo pprroodduuccee tthhrruusstt.. CCeennttrraall eelleemmeenntt ooff jjeett eennggiinnee iiss ggaass ggeenneerraattoorr wwhhiicchh ccoommpprriisseess ooff ccoommpprreessssoorr,, ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr aanndd ttuurrbbiinnee.. BByy aaddddiinngg aann iinnlleett aanndd aa nnoozzzzllee,, aa ttuurrbboojjeett rreessuullttss..
  • 5. 5 Major parts and their functions of Aero gas turbine engine: AIR IN TAKE SYSTEM Air intake of any turbojet powered aircraft has to carry out the very important function of converting type kinetic energy of air flow to pressure energy by compressing the air to a sufficiently high degree before it reaches the compressor face. The engine performance i.e. thrust and specific fuel consumption will depend upon the affiant conversion of this energy. At subsonic flight speeds, the compression takes place mainly on the compressor. However, with the increase in flight speeds more and more compression takes place in the air intake duct. At Mach 2 the degree of compression in the air intake and the compressor is almost equal. Operation of air intake is quit complex for a supersonic aircraft due to the wide range of the operating flight spectrum. As a component in the engine aircraft system, the intake must satisfy a number of requirements such as: a. Delivering the correct amount of air to the engine face as correct speed with minimum loss of total energy contents. b. Operating with a uniform discharge velocity profile as the compressor surface. c. Maintaining surge free steady flow in the air intake. d. Creating maximum external drag due to airflow. PRESSURE RECOVERY In order to obtain high thrust, it is necessary to recover the full energy of free system with minimum of pressure loss. The pressure losses occur due to friction, eddy loss and shows. At the supersonic speed pressure loss due to friction and eddies is less compared to the loss across the shock system. Pressure loss across the shock system is highest if declaration of flow is achieving by normal shock and is reduce if it is achieved through series of oblique shocks. A shock system for minimum pressure loss as a particular Mach no. can always be design. Reducing the slow speed and channel length reduces the frictional losses. Adequate lip contouring reduces Eddy losses.
  • 6. 6 MASS FLOW The mass flow coefficient is the ratio of actual mass flow captured by the intake to the maximum mass flow corresponding to check operation. The operation of the air intake is said to be subcritical if the ratio is less than one and is said to be super critical if the ratio is one or more. If the air supply is less than engine requirement, then auxiliary profile must be provided so that engine does not flame out. Such condition occurs during takeoff. The air is inducted through the take of shutter which opens automatically during takeoff due to the difference in the pressure between the outside air and air inside the channel. If supply is more this extra air is must bypass to atmosphere before it reaches as the engine speed increases the air requirement increases. In order to provide the correct amount of air, it is necessary to contend the lip area. DRAG OF INTAKE Drag of intake consists of frictional drag. Low pressure drags additive drag due to spillage of flow and shock drag. Additive drag is zero if mass flow co- efficient is unity skin friction drag and pressure drag are generated due to the air flow over the internal and external surface of the air channel. These drag forces reduce the net thrust available on the aircraft. To reduce the drag, it is necessary to reduce the fontal size of air intake to minimum. The air spillage reduce the shock strength contour the lip geometry properly avoid sudden turning of flow in the channel and use adequate boundary air bleed. ACCESSORY DRIVE LP compressor shaft provides the drive for following accessories through suitable gear train and quill shaft. a) Front scavenging oil pump. b) Up compressor rotor with techno meter generator. c) Centrifugal governor of main fuel regulating pumps. HP turbine shaft provides the drive to the accessory gearbox through a bevel gear train and coupling shaft from where the drive from the following accessories is taken through and work of gear train and shafting.  Starter generator  Fuel regulating pump
  • 7. 7  Hydraulic pump  Fuel booster pump  Oil unit  De-aestor  Breather  Air craft generator  HP rotor tachometer generator COMPRESSOR Axial flow compressor is used in aero engine because in centrifugal compressor the compression ratio is fixed. But in axial flow compressor C.R is very high. There are two types 1. Single spool (Only one shaft is used) 2. Double spool (Two shafts are used) Compressor has basically – (i) Rotor blades (ii) Stator blades Rotor blades add kinetic energy to the suction air, stator blades converts the kinetic energy into pressure energy. COMPRESSOR CASING It consists of a distance ring, front casing, middle casing, split casings (IVth, Vth, Vith, stage rotor) and rear casing (VIth stage stator). DISTANCE RING Distance ring provides smooth entry of air into the compressor and also helps to couple the engine to the aircraft intake through the air radiator of intake. The rear flange of the casing is bolted to the front casing. FRONT CASING The front casing houses the 1st stage rotor blades, which are in, turn bolted to the front bearing housing. The IInd stage casing comprises of the outer and inner rings and IInd stage stator blades spot-welded to the rings. MIDDLE CASING Middle casing houses IIIrd stage stator blades, which are welded as the outer radius. At the inner radius, a flange ring is welded to the stator blades. Air is tapper from inter space between the inner ring of the middle casing and IVth stage rotor assembly for various purposes such as pressurization of HP compressor
  • 8. 8 lubricating oil seals, cooling and seal pressurization for the turbine assembled and thrust balancing of the HPCR. SPLIT CASING Split casings accommodate IVth and Vth stage stator blades, which are welded to them. The casings are bolted to the middle casing at one end to the load ring of the rear casing at the other end. REAR CASING The rear compressor casing houses the VIth stage stator blades, which are bolted to the outer casing which at the inner radius. They are bolted to the rear casing diaphragm flange. COMPRESSOR ROTOR The rotor assembly consists of individual discs with each set of HP and LP spools forming ad room type construction except the 1st stage compressor disc. The 1st stage disc is mounted as a cantilever on the LP compressor shaft with the help of involute splined joint. The disc is located on the shaft by a splined lock bolt. The nose bullet is of double construction and is given hydro phobic enamel coating to prevent ice formation and erosion. The rotor blades of 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages are secured in the respective discs by dove tailed locks. The axial movement is restricted either by retaining dowels or by blades retaining rings or by both. HP compressor assembly is built as an integral unit with the journal. The journal in the main torque transmitting member and is fitted in the center bearing housing in two radial thrust half bearings. COMBUSTION CHAMBER The combustion chamber is can annular type with ten straight flame tubes, which are arranged between the combustion chamber outer casing and the surround of the rear casing. Each flame tube consists of a conical section followed by five cylindrical liners followed by one rear transition liner which are seem welded to each other. The conical section has a vanned swirler and a deflector and is spot-welded to the liner. The combustion liners are provided with 12 slots in welded zone to reduce thermal stresses and for a closer fit of the welded surfaces. The outer wall
  • 9. 9 of conical section has holes for providing air for cooling the deflector. The deflector itself has two rows of holes. Holes on 3rd, 4th, 5th liners are suitably at the shoulders of the liners (near welded section) for cooling liner walls. The air form these holes are made to flow along the circumference by the extension of liners. Flame tubes are inter connected by the inter connector tubes located in the conical section. The inter connectors between flame tubes I, II, IX and X are provided with fuel connection to receive the two ignitor connections. Flame propulsion and pressure equalization among the flame tube is effected by the inter connectors. The ignition assembly is mounted on the compressor chamber outer casing and has three connections, one for supply of starting fuel to the inner cavity of ignitors another for location of spare plug and the other for oxygen supply required for flight relighting. The extended steam of ignitor has four holes to provided P2 air supply to inner cavity. A deflector provides in the cavity gives P2 air and upward motion. The front end of flame tube rest on burners to spherical to incorporate in the swirlers and at the rear end the flange of the flame tube is redidity secured to the common ring. Combustion chamber outer casing is fabricated from the sheet metal sections and is provided with three flanges, front flange for securing the C.C.O.C to the stator none of six stage compressor, middle and front flanges serve for mounting the bracket of accessory drive gearbox assembly and rear flange is connected to turbine nozzle diaphragm assembly. For inflight relighting oxygen at 7-9 kg/cm2 at the rate of 0.95 to 1.2 gm/sec/ignitor, which is taken from oxygen bottles in aircraft. Flame tubes are made up of Ni base alloy and coated with spherical enamel to improve heat and corrosion properties. The C.C.O.C and C.C.I.C are made up of S.S TURBINE The function of the turbine is to drive the compressor and accessories by extracting pressure and kinetic energy from high temperature gases coming from C.C. Based on the flow of gases on the gas turbine it is classified into 1. Axial flow turbines 2. Radial flow turbines In axial flow turbine gas enters and leaves axially where in radial flow turbine gas enters radially and leaves axially and vice-versa. The axial flow turbine consists of two main elements consisting of a set of stationary vanes and one or more turbine rotors. In stationary vanes the pressure energy is converted to K.E and the same is converted into mechanical energy with rotary blades. Nozzle vanes either cast or forged. Some vanes are made hollow to allow cooling using pump, bleed air. The blades of turbine are two basic types.
  • 10. 10 1. Impulse turbine 2. Reaction turbine The turbine is of axial flow reaction type T3 maximum is limited to 936°c. Turbine needed cool to avoid over heating of components. A rotor assembly are supported by radial thrust ball bearings and cylindrical roller bearing as the compressor and turbine and respectively. Fixed vanes are arranged radially between concentric rings. 1st stage NGVS are made of hollow for cooling air in investment casting. These are sliding fit over the spokes arrange radially between the internal and external rings. ROTORS Discs of L.P.T and H.P.T are presses fitted into the shaft are fastened together by means of radial pins, which ensures concentricity of disc and shaft. Blades are fixed in broached fire-tree slots in the disc and are lock by plate locks. Blades are cropped at the tip in order to eliminate occurrence of cracks due to unfavorable resonance vibration at the railing edge. LP blades are placed together at about 2/3 of the blade height to avoid resonance vibration. Where the lace passes extra material is provided and this locally thickened area blends itself with aerofoil to minimize aerodynamic losses. No hairline cracks and under cuts is permitted at this place. Natural frequency limits of H.P.T.R blades are 1130 - 1190 LPS. Frequencies of higher order should not be less than 9200 cps. Delta turbine temperature= 278°c Turbine efficiency = 0.9 Pressure ratio at turbine = 3.43 AFTER BURNER AND JET NOZZLE To provide higher thrust for short durations such as during take-off, acceleration, climb and combat after burner are made use of a higher thrust engine without thrust augmentation would mean a higher of the basic engine large fontal area and high A/F ratio in gas turbines. Levels sufficient amount of unburnt oxygen is made use of for burning consist of introduction and burning of fuel between turbine and jet nozzle. The engine after burner system comprises of the following. 1. DIFFUSER A diffuser serves to reduce the velocity of gases from the turbine to a level suitable the flame. It consists of outer shell and an inner shell or truncated cone, supported by five aerofoil shaped fairings.
  • 11. 11 2. REHEAT PILOT COMBUSTION CHAMBER Installed in the truncated cone of the diffuser, this provided the hot stream of the pilot flame to light of the after burner fuel. This comprises of an ignitor head with ignitor plug and ignitor case with nozzle. Electric current is fed to the ignitor housing is coated with heat resistant enamel. Also cooling is provided by air at P2. 3. AFTER BURNER MAIN FOLDS It consists of an outer manifold with 60 burners (40 shaped on ring and 20 shaped on pipes burning offering) and an inner manifold with 40 burners (30 on ring and 10 on pipes along with two starting burners). The burners are of simplex type and all supply atomized fuel against the direction of gas flow except the starting burners, the starter burners supply fuel into the proposating the pilot flame. 4. FLAME STABILIZER Flame stabilizers are of radial type, which serves as flame holder and are mounted near the out let of the diffuser. 5. VARIABLE AREA JET NOZZLE It is a convergent nozzle, which increases the velocity of gases leaving the after burner, thereby increasing thrust. The high mass flow and temperature of exhaust gases during reheat requires the nozzle to be opened up, which is not done result in unstable operation of the engine. This explains the need for variable area jet nozzle. Nozzle flaps 18 in number are provided for this purpose with the flap control ring being actuated by the cylinders. SOME MORE TERMS RELATED IN VARIOUS SYSTEMS TO AN AEROENGINE: GAS TURBINE ENGINE: - An engine in which the working fluid is heated by internal combustion be expanded through a turbine. AERO ENGINE: An engine used to provide the main propulsive or lifting power for aircraft. CONSUMPTION: The total quantity of fuel consumed per hour. SPECIFIC CONSUMPTION: - The weight propellant or fuel consumed per Kg of thrust per hour.
  • 12. 12 ACCESSORY GEARBOX: - An engine drives the gearbox driving accessories. ENGINE RATING: - A statement of the guaranteed minor alternately the average performances of the engine, including output r.p.m specific fuel consumption, gas temp, time limit and other relevant data specified conditions. HEIGHT POWER FACTOR: - The ratio of power or thrust developed at a specified attitude to that which would be developed at standard sec level it applied to maximum power or thrust conditions of fuel throttle. POWER UNIT: - An engine or two more engines complete with all components and accessories used as fitted into an aircraft. DRY WEIGHT: - The weight of an aero engine without liquid but including all accessories essential to its running and any drives incorporated it for non-essential accessories. WEIGHT PER KG THRUST: - The dry weight of an engine divided by the maximum permissible thrust under standard sec level conditions.
  • 13. 13 PRINCIPLE OF FLIGHT Four forces come into action in an aero engine while flying. 1) Lift 2) Gravity 3) Thrust 4) Drag 1) LIFT It is produced by a lower pressure created on the upper surface of an airplane’s wings compared to the pressure on the wing’s lower surface, causing the wing to be lifted upwards. Lift depends upon: - i) Shape of the airfoil. ii) The angle of attack. iii) The area of the surface exposed to airstream. iv) The square of the air speed. v) The air density. 2) GRAVITY It is due to weight of the plane itself that acts vertically downwards from the center of gravity of the airplane. 3) THRUST It is the forward direction pushing or pulling force created by the air passing through the adjustable nozzle. This includes reciprocating engines, turbojet engines and turboprop engines. 4) DRAG Drag is the force which opposes the forward motion of airplane. It is a retarding force acting upon a body in motion through a fluid, parallel to the direction of motion of a body. It is created by air impact force, skin friction and displacement of air.
  • 14. 14 PRINCIPLE OF JET ENGINE/GAS TURBINE ENGINE Modern gas turbine engines follow the Brayton Cycle. An engine cycle is named after George Brayton (1830-1892), the American Engineer who developed it originally for use in piston engines, although it was originally proposed and patented by Englishman John Barber in 1791. The ideal Brayton cycle in gas turbine engine consists of three components: 1. A gas compressor 2. A burner (or combustion chamber) 3. An expansion turbine The processes involved in Ideal Brayton cycle are: Isentropic process- ambient air is drawn into the compressor where it is pressurized. Isobaric process- the compressed air then runs through a combustion chamber, where fuel is burned, heating the air- a constant pressure process, since the chamber is open to flow in and out. Isentropic process- the heated, pressurized air then gives up energy, expanding through a turbine. Some of the work extracted by the turbine is used to drive the compressor Isobaric process- heat rejection (in the atmosphere). The processes involved in Actual Brayton cycle are: Adiabatic process- compression Isobaric process-heat addition Adiabatic process-expansion Isobaric process-heat rejection Brayton Cycle
  • 15. 15 WWoorrkkiinngg ooff aa jjeett eennggiinnee // ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee TThhee aavviiaattiioonn ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee iiss ccaatteeggoorriizzeedd aass aa hheeaatt eennggiinnee.. IItt uusseess ggaass aass iittss wwoorrkkiinngg fflluuiidd aanndd pprroodduucceess ((mmeecchhaanniiccaall)) sshhaafftt ppoowweerr aanndd tthhrruusstt.. GGeenneerraattiinngg tthhrruusstt,, iinn ppaarrttiiccuullaarr,, iiss ppoossssiibbllee oonnllyy iiff tthhee eexxhhaauusstt vveelloocciittyy ooff ggaass iiss hhiigghheerr tthhaann tthhee vveelloocciittyy aatt wwhhiicchh aaiirr eenntteerrss tthhee eennggiinnee.. IInn oorrddeerr ttoo aacccceelleerraattee tthhee ggaass,, eenneerrggyy mmuusstt bbee aaddddeedd ttoo tthhee aaiirrffllooww wwiitthhiinn tthhee eennggiinnee wwhhiicchh ccaann tthheenn bbee ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy.. IInn aa ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee eennggiinnee,, tthhee iinnccrreeaassee ooff eenneerrggyy iiss aaccccoommpplliisshheedd iinn ttwwoo ccoonnsseeccuuttiivvee sstteeppss,, aanndd bbyy ttwwoo ddiiffffeerreenntt,, tthhoouugghh aaddjjaacceenntt,, eennggiinnee ccoommppoonneennttss.. FFiirrsstt,, pprreessssuurree ooff tthhee aaiirrffllooww iiss rraaiisseedd bbyy aaccttiioonn ooff mmeecchhaanniiccaall sshhaafftt ppoowweerr.. TThhiiss iiss ddoonnee iinn tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr sseeccttiioonn.. AAfftteerr iittss ddiisscchhaarrggee ffrroomm tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr,, tthhee pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr eenntteerrss iinn tthhee ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr,, wwhheerree tthhee ffuueell aanndd pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr bbuurrnnss,, tthheerreebbyy tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff tthhee ggaass iiss sstteeeeppllyy rraaiisseedd ((dduuee ttoo cchheemmiiccaall rreeaaccttiioonn ooff aaiirr aanndd ffuueell mmiixxttuurree)).. TThhee ggaass iiss nnooww ssuuffffiicciieennttllyy pprroocceesssseedd ttoo pprroovviiddee pphhyyssiiccaall wwoorrkk ffoorr tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee,, tthhee ffiirrsstt ssttaattiioonn wwiitthhiinn tthhee eennggiinnee wwhheerree wwoorrkk eexxttrraacctteedd ffrroomm tthhee hhoott ggaass iiss ttuurrbbiinnee.. AAss tthhee ggaass eexxppaannddss aanndd aacccceelleerraatteess,, iitt rroottaatteess tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee wwhhiicchh iinn ttuurrnn rroottaatteess tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr aass ttuurrbbiinnee iiss ddiirreeccttllyy ccoouupplleedd ttoo tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr bbyy aa sshhaafftt ((ssppooooll)).. AAfftteerr ddiisscchhaarrggiinngg ffrroomm tthhee ttuurrbbiinnee,, tthhee ggaass iiss ffuurrtthheerr aacccceelleerraatteedd iinn tthhee eexxhhaauusstt nnoozzzzllee,, wwhheerree aallll rreemmaaiinniinngg uussaabbllee hheeaatt eenneerrggyy iiss ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy wwhhiicchh pprroodduucceess tthhrruusstt ffoorr mmoovviinngg tthhee aaiirrccrraafftt ffoorrwwaarrdd ((NNeewwttoonn TThhiirrdd LLaaww)).. EExxppllaannaattiioonn ooff wwoorrkkiinngg pprriinncciippllee.. AA.. TThhee aaiirr ffrroomm aattmmoosspphheerree iiss ttaakkeenn iinn tthhrroouugghh aa ssiimmppllee oorr ccoommpplleexx aaiirr iinnttaakkee ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee fflliigghhtt ssppeeeedd aanndd ggeeoommeettrryy ooff tthhee aaiirrccrraafftt aaiirr iinnttaakkee.. BB.. AAiirr iiss ccoommpprreesssseedd iinn aa cceennttrriiffuuggaall oorr aaxxiiaall ffllooww ccoommpprreessssoorr ttoo iinnccrreeaassee tthhee pprreessssuurree aanndd tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff aaiirr.. CC.. CCoommpprreesssseedd aaiirr eenntteerrss iinn ccoommbbuussttiioonn cchhaammbbeerr wwhheerree ffuueell iiss iinnjjeecctteedd aanndd bbuurrnneedd,, tthhuuss aaddddiinngg mmoorree eenneerrggyy ttoo aaiirrffllooww.. TTeemmppeerraattuurree ooff ggaass iinnccrreeaasseess wwhheerree aass pprreessssuurree rreemmaaiinnss ccoonnssttaanntt..
  • 16. 16 DD.. PPaarrtt ooff tthhee eenneerrggyy ggeenneerraatteedd iiss uusseedd ttoo rruunn aa ttuurrbbiinnee wwhhiicchh pprroovviiddeess ppoowweerr ffoorr rruunnnniinngg tthhee ccoommpprreessssoorr aanndd aallssoo ssoommee aacccceessssoorriieess nneecceessssaarryy ffoorr eennggiinnee ooppeerraattiioonn.. EE.. TThhee rreemmaaiinniinngg eenneerrggyy ooff ggaass ssttrreeaamm iiss ccoonnvveerrtteedd iinnttoo kkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy bbyy eexxhhaauusstt nnoozzzzllee ttoo pprroodduuccee tthhrruusstt.. HHiigghh eexxhhaauusstt vveelloocciittyy iiss pprreerreeqquuiissiittee ttoo ggeenneerraattiioonn ooff tthhrruusstt..