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St. Barnabas

9:00 AM Said Eucharist

on the Danforth

Our 9:00 AM Said Eucharist begins on page 230 of the
green Book of Alternative Services.
Greetings and Collect for Purity
The Summary of the Law
The Kyrie
The Gloria

page 230
page 231
page 231
page 231

Collect of the Day: Almighty God, who inspired Luke the
physician to proclaim the love and healing power of your
Son, give your Church, by the grace of the Spirit and the
medicine of the gospel, the same love and power to heal;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Readings (as printed below)
Affirmation of Faith: The Nicene Creed
page 234
Prayers of the People (as announced)
Confession & Absolution
page 238
The Exchange of the Peace
Prayer over the Gifts: God of compassion, you are a strong
tower for all who trust in you. Be now and evermore our
defence, that we may proclaim the only name under heaven
given for health and salvation, the name of Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.

St. Luke the Evangelist
October 20, 2013 – 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
361 Danforth Ave., Toronto M4K 1P1

Eucharistic Prayer A
The Lord’s Prayer
The Breaking of the Bread
The Communion

page 241

Prayer after Communion
The Blessing
The Dismissal

page 247

page 213
till all the ransomed number
who stand before the throne
ascribe all power and glory
and praise to God alone.

10:30 AM Choral Eucharist
Our 10:30 AM Sung Eucharist begins on page 230 of the green
Book of Alternative Services. The hymns can be found in the
blue Book of Common Praise.

Service Music: John Merbecke


Greetings and Collect for Purity

p. 230

The Kyrie

p. 231

The Gloria

p. 231

Adagio in E – Frank Bridge (1879-1941)

The Gathering of the Community
Opening Hymn “By all your saints still striving”
1. By all your saints still striving,
for all your saints at rest,
your holy name, O Jesus,
forevermore be blessed!
For those passed on before us,
we sing our praise anew
and, walking in their footsteps,
would live our lives for you.
2. For Luke, belov’d physician,
all praise; whose gospel shows
the healer of the nations,
the one who shares our woes.
Your wine and oil, O Saviour,
upon our spirits pour,
and with true balm of Gilead
anoint us evermore.
3. We pray for saints we know not,
for saints still yet to be,
for grace to bear true witness
and serve you faithfully,

Collect of the Day: Almighty God, who inspired Luke the
physician to proclaim the love and healing power of your
Son, give your Church, by the grace of the Spirit and the
medicine of the gospel, the same love and power to heal;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

The Proclamation of the Word
Read by John Harris

Honour physicians for their services, for the Lord created them;
2for their gift of healing comes from the Most High, and they are
rewarded by the king. 3The skill of physicians makes them
distinguished, and in the presence of the great they are admired.
4The Lord created medicines out of the earth, and the sensible will
not despise them. 6And he gave skill to human beings that he
might be glorified in his marvellous works. 7By them the physician
heals and takes away pain; 8the pharmacist makes a
mixture from them. God’s works will never be finished; and from
him health spreads over all the earth. 9My child, when you are ill,
do not delay, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you. 10Give up
your faults and direct your hands rightly, and cleanse your heart
from all sin. 12Then give the physician his place, for the Lord
created him; do not let him leave you, for you need him. 13There
may come a time when recovery lies in the hands of physicians,
14for they too pray to the Lord that he grant them success in
diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving
life. SIRACH 38:1–4, 6–10, 12–14
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
PSALM 147: 1-7 (please remain seated for the psalm)
How good it is to sing praises to our God:
how pleasant it is to hon-our him with praise.
The Lord rebuilds Jer-u-sa-lem:
he gathers the ex-iles of Israel.
He heals the bro-ken-heart-ed:
and binds up their wounds.
He counts the number of the stars:
and calls them all by their names.
Great is our Lord and mighty in pow-er:
there is no limit to his wisdom.
The Lord lifts up the low-ly:
but casts the wick-ed to the ground.
Sing to the Lord with thanks-giv-ing:
make music to our God upon the harp.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son:
and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit.
As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be:
world with-out end A-men.
Read by Sue Ann Elite
5As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an
evangelist, carry out your ministry fully. 6As for me, I am already
being poured out as a libation, and the time of my

departure has come. 7I have fought the good fight, I have finished
the race, I have kept the faith. 8From now on there is reserved for
me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the
righteous judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me but
also to all who have longed for his appearing. 9Do your best to
come to me soon, 10for Demas, in love with this present world,
has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; Crescens has gone to
Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. 11Only Luke is with me. Get
Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful in my ministry. 12I
have sent Tychicus to Ephesus. 13When you come, bring the cloak
that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the
parchments. 2 TIMOTHY 4:5–13
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Gospel Alleluia:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of
the messenger who announces peace: who brings
good news / who announces salvation.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Gospeller: The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Gospeller: The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
according to Luke.
Glory be to thee, O Lord.
14Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and
a report about him spread through all the surrounding country.
15He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by
everyone. 16When he came to Nazareth, where he had been
brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was
his custom. He stood up to read, 17and the scroll of the
prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found
the place where it was written: 18“The Spirit of the Lord is upon
me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of
sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, 19to proclaim the
year of the Lord’s favour.” 20And he rolled up
the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of
all in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21Then he began to say to
them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
LUKE 4:14–21


The Gospel of Christ:
Praise be to thee, O Christ.


Fr Jonathan Eayrs

Affirmation of Faith (Please stand as able.)
The Nicene Creed
p. 234
Prayers of the People
led by Sue Ann Elite
(Please kneel, as able, for the Prayers of the People)
Prayer of Confession
p. 239
Let us humbly confess our sins to almighty God,
Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of
all things and judge of all people: We acknowledge and
confess our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we from
time to time most grievously have committed, By thought,
word and deed, Against thy divine majesty. We do earnestly
repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings. Have
mercy upon us, most merciful Father; For thy Son our Lord
Jesus Christ’s sake, Forgive us all that is past; And grant
that we may ever hereafter Serve and please thee In
newness of life, To the honour and glory of thy name;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Peace

(We stand and exchange the peace of Christ with our

The Celebration of the Eucharist
All who are baptized into Christ with water in the Name of the
Holy Trinity are welcome to receive Holy Communion. If you
will not be receiving, you are invited to come to the Communion
rail for a blessing. Please indicate this by crossing your arms
over your chest
Offertory Hymn (Gonfalon Royal)
(The gifts of bread and wine are presented and a collection is
taken up.)
Let the round world with songs rejoice;
let heaven return the joyful voice;
all mindful of the Apostles' fame,
let heaven and earth their praise proclaim.
Ye servants who once bore the light
of Gospel truth o'er heathen night,
still may your work that light impart,
to glad our eyes and cheer our heart.
O God, by whom to them was given
the key that shuts and opens heaven,
our chains unbind, our loss repair,
and grant us grace to enter there;
for at thy will they preached the word
which cured disease, which health conferred:
O may that healing power once more
our souls to grace and health restore:

that when thy Son again shall come,
and speak the world's unerring doom,
he may with them pronounce us blessed,
and place us in thy endless rest.
To thee, O Father; Son, to thee;
to thee, blessed Spirit, glory be!
So was it ay for ages past,
so shall through endless ages last. Amen.
Please be seated for the anthem.
Anthem: Judge Eternal – Malcolm Archer (born 1952)
The text of the anthem can be found in the blue hymnbook
# 594.
Prayer over the Gifts: God of compassion, you are a strong
tower for all who trust in you. Be now and evermore our
defence, that we may proclaim the only name under heaven
given for health and salvation, the name of Jesus Christ our
Lord. Men.
Eucharistic Prayer A
The Lord’s Prayer

p. 241
p. 245

The Breaking of the Bread
We break this bread,
Communion in Christ’s body once broken
Let your church be the wheat which bears its
fruit in dying
If we have died with him, we shall live with
him; if we hold firm, we shall reign with him.
Communion Hymn 74 ``For the bread which you have
broken`` (Omni dei dic Maria)
Prayer after Communion
The Blessing

Closing Hymn 433 “Lord you give the great commission”
(Abbot’s Leigh)
Dismissal: Deacon Grace Caldwell-Hill
Allegretto grazioso – Frank Bridge (1879-1941)
We welcome our new members, newcomers and visitors today.
Refreshments are provided in the entrance area; please take a
moment to enjoy them and share in fellowship.
To help us know each other better and to provide ministry as
needed, please fill out the envelope available in the pews and
at the entrance to the church.
Today we remember in our Prayers:
Anglican Cycle of Prayer, The Bishop, People & Clergy of the
Diocese of Kootenay
Diocesan Cycle, St. George, Gores Landing
Deanery Cycle, Church of the Resurrection
Parish Cycle, Our Lay Pastoral Visitors
Outreach & Advocacy Cycle, St. Stephen-in-the-Fields,
Toronto, and St. Theodore of Canterbury
Music Notes:
Next Sunday, October 27th, we welcome Daniel Kushner,
violinist, who will play music by Corelli and Gluck before,
during and following the 10:30 AM service. Please plan to
arrive early - the music will begin at approximately 10:20.AM.
Daniel is a member of our congregation who regularly attends
the 9 o'clock service.




p. 247

Church School
Our church school members will be meeting in The Study
(through the doors by the chapel and turn right) with Emily
Harris. Members return at Communion to rejoin their families.

those who died in war, but all the departed. Through his dying and
his rising Jesus binds together life and death, the living and the
departed. Through Him we are joined in one communion and

Taizé this evening
Come to this evening’s TaizĂ© service and bring a friend; doors
open at 6:30, service starts at 7:00 PM.

Perhaps you recall the old hymn: "Let Saints on Earth in concert
sing with those whose work is done."

Congratulations, Grace
This week we give thanks for the ordination anniversary of
Grace Caldwell-Hill: Grace was ordained to the Diaconate on
October 18, 2011.
Monday Night Bible study
Monday night Bible study resumes in The Study on Monday,
October 21st at 7:00 PM.
Choir Practice date change this week
Please note that choir practice will take place on Wednesday,
October 23rd this week at 7:50 PM.
And for the Market

All those great sandwich makers - please bring sandwiches
prepared and cut and portioned in individual sandwich bags for
the refreshment booth at the Market. We are very short staffed
in the kitchen (jobs available!)

One family, we dwell in Him,
One Church, above, beneath;
Though now divided by the stream,
The narrow stream of death.
Jesus does not want us to forget or neglect those whose lives have
shaped our own. The good that is grown in our lives serves to
complete the lives of those whom we still love but see no longer.
And so our Anglican tradition teaches us to remember the
departed and pray that God's will be accomplished in them.
"O Father of all, we pray to thee for those whom we love but see
no longer. Grant them thy peace; and in thy loving wisdom and
almighty power, work in them the good purpose of thy perfect
will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (Book of Common
Prayer, p. 601)


And don’t forget to come to our Market
The St. Barnabas Market takes place on Saturday, November
2nd from 10 AM to 3 PM. Lots of intriguing crafters and artists
have already signed up to sell their wares alongside our usual Bake
Table, Jams & Jellies, Craft Table, Refreshment Booth and Raffle.
Reflection: The Season of Remembrance
November is the season of remembrance. We remember not only

Two Special Musical Events coming up in November
1) Coffee House – The Bach Chamber Youth Choir,
who rehearse in our Upper Hall on Sunday evenings, are
offering an intimate evening of Smooth Harmonies,
featuring Folk, Broadway, Jazz & Classics in the Upper Hall..
Sunday, November 3, 2013, at 7:00 PM in the Hall.
Tickets: $15 at the door or call 416-431-0790
2) The Bach Chamber Children’s Chorus – The full
choir, of which the youth chorus is a part, will be giving a special
fundraising concert (with proceeds going to our organrestoration project) on the evening of Saturday, November
23rd. Stay tuned for details.
Book Club next month
The Book Club meets next on Wednesday, November
20th, at
10:30 AM in The Study. We will be reading Jean Vanier's
Becoming Human, his 1998 Massey Lectures. An inspired
and inspiring message. All welcome.




Monday, October 21st 7:00 PM Bible Study
In The Study
Wednesday, October 23rd 7:50 PM Choir Practice
In the downstairs choir room
Thursday, October 24th
12 noon Holy Eucharist
In the Chancel
Sunday, October 27th
Pentecost 23
9:00 AM Said Eucharist
10:30 AM Sung Eucharist
2:30 PM Nisbet Lodge
Readings for this week: Joel 2: 23-32; Psalm 65
2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18; Luke 18: 9-14



Liturgical Schedule November 3–24, 2013
November 3 Feast of All Saints
9:00 a.m. Said Eucharist
10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist
November 10 All Souls/Remembrance Sunday
9:00 a.m. Said Eucharist & Anointing
10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist & Anointing
November 17 Pentecost 26
9:00 a.m. Said Eucharist
10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist* (BAS, p. 230)
7:00 p.m. Taizé
November 24 Reign of Christ
9:00 a.m. Said Eucharist
10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist
2:30 p.m. Nisbet Lodge Service


Fr. Jonathan Eayrs
Fr. David Hoopes, OHC
The Rev. Grace Caldwell-Hill
Gary Davenport, Jane Smith
Lyn Inniss, Everod Miller,
Jan Booker
Mary Roycroft Ranni
Dr. Eugene Gates

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Leaflet - St Barnabas on the Danforth -20 Oct 2013

  • 1. St. Barnabas 9:00 AM Said Eucharist on the Danforth Our 9:00 AM Said Eucharist begins on page 230 of the green Book of Alternative Services. Greetings and Collect for Purity The Summary of the Law The Kyrie The Gloria page 230 page 231 page 231 page 231 Collect of the Day: Almighty God, who inspired Luke the physician to proclaim the love and healing power of your Son, give your Church, by the grace of the Spirit and the medicine of the gospel, the same love and power to heal; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Readings (as printed below) Affirmation of Faith: The Nicene Creed page 234 Prayers of the People (as announced) Confession & Absolution page 238 The Exchange of the Peace Prayer over the Gifts: God of compassion, you are a strong tower for all who trust in you. Be now and evermore our defence, that we may proclaim the only name under heaven given for health and salvation, the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. St. Luke the Evangelist October 20, 2013 – 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. 361 Danforth Ave., Toronto M4K 1P1 416-463-1344 Eucharistic Prayer A The Lord’s Prayer The Breaking of the Bread The Communion page 241 Prayer after Communion The Blessing The Dismissal page 247 page 213
  • 2. till all the ransomed number who stand before the throne ascribe all power and glory and praise to God alone. 10:30 AM Choral Eucharist Our 10:30 AM Sung Eucharist begins on page 230 of the green Book of Alternative Services. The hymns can be found in the blue Book of Common Praise. Service Music: John Merbecke Organ: Greetings and Collect for Purity p. 230 The Kyrie p. 231 The Gloria p. 231 Adagio in E – Frank Bridge (1879-1941) The Gathering of the Community Opening Hymn “By all your saints still striving” (Thornbury) 1. By all your saints still striving, for all your saints at rest, your holy name, O Jesus, forevermore be blessed! For those passed on before us, we sing our praise anew and, walking in their footsteps, would live our lives for you. 2. For Luke, belov’d physician, all praise; whose gospel shows the healer of the nations, the one who shares our woes. Your wine and oil, O Saviour, upon our spirits pour, and with true balm of Gilead anoint us evermore. 3. We pray for saints we know not, for saints still yet to be, for grace to bear true witness and serve you faithfully, Collect of the Day: Almighty God, who inspired Luke the physician to proclaim the love and healing power of your Son, give your Church, by the grace of the Spirit and the medicine of the gospel, the same love and power to heal; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. The Proclamation of the Word A READING FROM THE BOOK OF SIRACH Read by John Harris Honour physicians for their services, for the Lord created them; 2for their gift of healing comes from the Most High, and they are rewarded by the king. 3The skill of physicians makes them distinguished, and in the presence of the great they are admired. 4The Lord created medicines out of the earth, and the sensible will not despise them. 6And he gave skill to human beings that he might be glorified in his marvellous works. 7By them the physician heals and takes away pain; 8the pharmacist makes a mixture from them. God’s works will never be finished; and from him health spreads over all the earth. 9My child, when you are ill, do not delay, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you. 10Give up your faults and direct your hands rightly, and cleanse your heart from all sin. 12Then give the physician his place, for the Lord 1
  • 3. created him; do not let him leave you, for you need him. 13There may come a time when recovery lies in the hands of physicians, 14for they too pray to the Lord that he grant them success in diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving life. SIRACH 38:1–4, 6–10, 12–14 The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. PSALM 147: 1-7 (please remain seated for the psalm) How good it is to sing praises to our God: how pleasant it is to hon-our him with praise. The Lord rebuilds Jer-u-sa-lem: he gathers the ex-iles of Israel. He heals the bro-ken-heart-ed: and binds up their wounds. He counts the number of the stars: and calls them all by their names. Great is our Lord and mighty in pow-er: there is no limit to his wisdom. The Lord lifts up the low-ly: but casts the wick-ed to the ground. Sing to the Lord with thanks-giv-ing: make music to our God upon the harp. Glory be to the Father and to the Son: and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be: world with-out end A-men. A READING FROM THE SECOND LETTER OF PAUL TO TIMOTHY Read by Sue Ann Elite 5As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully. 6As for me, I am already being poured out as a libation, and the time of my departure has come. 7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8From now on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 9Do your best to come to me soon, 10for Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. 11Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful in my ministry. 12I have sent Tychicus to Ephesus. 13When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments. 2 TIMOTHY 4:5–13 The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Gospel Alleluia: Choir: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia All: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Cantor: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace: who brings good news / who announces salvation. All: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia Gospeller: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. Gospeller: The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke. All: Glory be to thee, O Lord. 14Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and a report about him spread through all the surrounding country. 15He began to teach in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. 16When he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, he went to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his custom. He stood up to read, 17and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written: 18“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of
  • 4. sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, 19to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” 20And he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. 21Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” LUKE 4:14–21 Gospeller: All: The Gospel of Christ: Praise be to thee, O Christ. Homily Fr Jonathan Eayrs Affirmation of Faith (Please stand as able.) The Nicene Creed p. 234 Prayers of the People led by Sue Ann Elite (Please kneel, as able, for the Prayers of the People) Prayer of Confession p. 239 Let us humbly confess our sins to almighty God, Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things and judge of all people: We acknowledge and confess our manifold sins and wickedness, Which we from time to time most grievously have committed, By thought, word and deed, Against thy divine majesty. We do earnestly repent, and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings. Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father; For thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, Forgive us all that is past; And grant that we may ever hereafter Serve and please thee In newness of life, To the honour and glory of thy name; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Absolution The Peace (We stand and exchange the peace of Christ with our neighbours.) The Celebration of the Eucharist All who are baptized into Christ with water in the Name of the Holy Trinity are welcome to receive Holy Communion. If you will not be receiving, you are invited to come to the Communion rail for a blessing. Please indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest Offertory Hymn (Gonfalon Royal) (The gifts of bread and wine are presented and a collection is taken up.) Let the round world with songs rejoice; let heaven return the joyful voice; all mindful of the Apostles' fame, let heaven and earth their praise proclaim. Ye servants who once bore the light of Gospel truth o'er heathen night, still may your work that light impart, to glad our eyes and cheer our heart. O God, by whom to them was given the key that shuts and opens heaven, our chains unbind, our loss repair, and grant us grace to enter there; for at thy will they preached the word which cured disease, which health conferred: O may that healing power once more our souls to grace and health restore: that when thy Son again shall come, and speak the world's unerring doom,
  • 5. he may with them pronounce us blessed, and place us in thy endless rest. To thee, O Father; Son, to thee; to thee, blessed Spirit, glory be! So was it ay for ages past, so shall through endless ages last. Amen. Please be seated for the anthem. Anthem: Judge Eternal – Malcolm Archer (born 1952) The text of the anthem can be found in the blue hymnbook # 594. Prayer over the Gifts: God of compassion, you are a strong tower for all who trust in you. Be now and evermore our defence, that we may proclaim the only name under heaven given for health and salvation, the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Men. Eucharistic Prayer A The Lord’s Prayer p. 241 p. 245 The Breaking of the Bread Celebrant: We break this bread, All: Communion in Christ’s body once broken Celebrant: Let your church be the wheat which bears its fruit in dying All: If we have died with him, we shall live with him; if we hold firm, we shall reign with him. Communion Hymn 74 ``For the bread which you have broken`` (Omni dei dic Maria) Prayer after Communion The Blessing Announcements Closing Hymn 433 “Lord you give the great commission” (Abbot’s Leigh) Dismissal: Deacon Grace Caldwell-Hill Organ: Allegretto grazioso – Frank Bridge (1879-1941) We welcome our new members, newcomers and visitors today. Refreshments are provided in the entrance area; please take a moment to enjoy them and share in fellowship. To help us know each other better and to provide ministry as needed, please fill out the envelope available in the pews and at the entrance to the church. Today we remember in our Prayers: Anglican Cycle of Prayer, The Bishop, People & Clergy of the Diocese of Kootenay Diocesan Cycle, St. George, Gores Landing Deanery Cycle, Church of the Resurrection Parish Cycle, Our Lay Pastoral Visitors Outreach & Advocacy Cycle, St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, Toronto, and St. Theodore of Canterbury Music Notes: Next Sunday, October 27th, we welcome Daniel Kushner, violinist, who will play music by Corelli and Gluck before, during and following the 10:30 AM service. Please plan to arrive early - the music will begin at approximately 10:20.AM. Daniel is a member of our congregation who regularly attends the 9 o'clock service. U U U p. 247 LIFE AND MINISTRY OF OUR COMMUNITY
  • 6. Church School Our church school members will be meeting in The Study (through the doors by the chapel and turn right) with Emily Harris. Members return at Communion to rejoin their families. those who died in war, but all the departed. Through his dying and his rising Jesus binds together life and death, the living and the departed. Through Him we are joined in one communion and fellowship. TaizĂ© this evening Come to this evening’s TaizĂ© service and bring a friend; doors open at 6:30, service starts at 7:00 PM. Perhaps you recall the old hymn: "Let Saints on Earth in concert sing with those whose work is done." Congratulations, Grace This week we give thanks for the ordination anniversary of Grace Caldwell-Hill: Grace was ordained to the Diaconate on October 18, 2011. Monday Night Bible study Monday night Bible study resumes in The Study on Monday, October 21st at 7:00 PM. Choir Practice date change this week Please note that choir practice will take place on Wednesday, October 23rd this week at 7:50 PM. And for the Market
 All those great sandwich makers - please bring sandwiches prepared and cut and portioned in individual sandwich bags for the refreshment booth at the Market. We are very short staffed in the kitchen (jobs available!) One family, we dwell in Him, One Church, above, beneath; Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death. Jesus does not want us to forget or neglect those whose lives have shaped our own. The good that is grown in our lives serves to complete the lives of those whom we still love but see no longer. And so our Anglican tradition teaches us to remember the departed and pray that God's will be accomplished in them. "O Father of all, we pray to thee for those whom we love but see no longer. Grant them thy peace; and in thy loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of thy perfect will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (Book of Common Prayer, p. 601) V And don’t forget to come to our Market The St. Barnabas Market takes place on Saturday, November 2nd from 10 AM to 3 PM. Lots of intriguing crafters and artists have already signed up to sell their wares alongside our usual Bake Table, Jams & Jellies, Craft Table, Refreshment Booth and Raffle. Reflection: The Season of Remembrance November is the season of remembrance. We remember not only Two Special Musical Events coming up in November
  • 7. 1) Coffee House – The Bach Chamber Youth Choir, who rehearse in our Upper Hall on Sunday evenings, are offering an intimate evening of Smooth Harmonies, featuring Folk, Broadway, Jazz & Classics in the Upper Hall.. Sunday, November 3, 2013, at 7:00 PM in the Hall. Tickets: $15 at the door or call 416-431-0790 2) The Bach Chamber Children’s Chorus – The full choir, of which the youth chorus is a part, will be giving a special fundraising concert (with proceeds going to our organrestoration project) on the evening of Saturday, November 23rd. Stay tuned for details. Book Club next month The Book Club meets next on Wednesday, November 20th, at 10:30 AM in The Study. We will be reading Jean Vanier's Becoming Human, his 1998 Massey Lectures. An inspired and inspiring message. All welcome. V V V WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK Monday, October 21st 7:00 PM Bible Study In The Study Wednesday, October 23rd 7:50 PM Choir Practice In the downstairs choir room WORSHIP SCHEDULE Thursday, October 24th 12 noon Holy Eucharist In the Chancel Sunday, October 27th Pentecost 23 9:00 AM Said Eucharist 10:30 AM Sung Eucharist 2:30 PM Nisbet Lodge Readings for this week: Joel 2: 23-32; Psalm 65 2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18; Luke 18: 9-14 V V V
  • 8. Liturgical Schedule November 3–24, 2013 November 3 Feast of All Saints 9:00 a.m. Said Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist November 10 All Souls/Remembrance Sunday 9:00 a.m. Said Eucharist & Anointing 10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist & Anointing November 17 Pentecost 26 9:00 a.m. Said Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist* (BAS, p. 230) 7:00 p.m. TaizĂ© November 24 Reign of Christ 9:00 a.m. Said Eucharist 10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist 2:30 p.m. Nisbet Lodge Service CLERGY HONORARY ASSISTANT DEACON LEADERSHIP TEAM Fr. Jonathan Eayrs Fr. David Hoopes, OHC The Rev. Grace Caldwell-Hill Gary Davenport, Jane Smith Lyn Inniss, Everod Miller, Jan Booker ORGANIST & CHOIRMASTER Neil Houlton PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Mary Roycroft Ranni ORGANIST EMERITUS Dr. Eugene Gates