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DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 1
Maty Siman
Platform for Application
Risk Intelligence
Using Source Code Understanding as a Risk Barometer
Source Code Analysis technologies have significantly evolved in recent years - making
improvements in precision and accuracy with the introduction of new analysis techniques
like flow analysis. This article describes this evolution and how the most advanced
capabilities available today like query-based analysis and Knowledge Discovery can be
leveraged to create a platform for Application Risk Intelligence (ARI) to help implement a
proactive security program.
As attacks become more financially moti-
curing their network, desktop and server
infrastructure, there has been a steady
shift in cyber attacks to the application
level. To address these new risks, several
technology markets for application secu-
rity have emerged including what Gartner
calls Static Application Security Testing
Can we really use Source Code Analysis
(SCA) to detect vulnerabilities in a way
that will give us satisfactory risk assur-
ance? The answer varies; we are able to
find problems with sufficient accuracy if
they are manifested in commonly known
sequences like a SQL injection. Many
flaws however are presented in the specif-
ic implementation of the applications
business logic1
, and adopting the standard
1  OWASP (Open Web Application Security Proj-
ect) is considered as the focal point for all applica-
tion-security related information. http://www.
analysis to handle these proprietary se-
quences make the task almost impossible.
The reason is that current technologies,
even those employing flow analyses, are
based on “black-box” implementation and
A probable detection method of suspi-
cious sequences can be through the iden-
tification of an irregularity within a set of
common sequences. Enabling detection of
proprietary and stochastic sequences re-
quires implementation of an open plat-
form for application understanding,
which not only finding basic vulnerabili-
ties but also provides systematic applica-
tion risk intelligence.
The key enabler of such a platform is the
exposure of all application building blocks
like data structure and flow using an ab-
stractive model common to all languages
and storing the wealth of know-how in a
persistent store like data base. Once the
application is exposed we must provide
tools to model the known and proprietary
sequences as well as exposing irregulari-
ties in the common sequences. In this ar-
ticle, we define the required solution ele-
ments. It concludes by presenting refer-
ence architecture to such a platform.
Exposing a common
language representation
Source code is inherently structured con-
taining static elements like functions and
variables as well as dynamic elements like
control and data flow. The static elements
can be modeled into a data structure re-
ferred as “CodeDom” 2
. This is usually one
of the first steps taken by some compilers’
frontend. CodeDom makes it possible for
create a byte/binary code thereof. The
CodeDom is an object-oriented structure
which represents the static nature of the
code. It contains all elements that make
the code, such as namespaces, classes,
methods, data members and statements.
The hierarchy of the CodeDom matches
the respective scope in the code. The pro-
cess of converting source code into DOM,
where all the symbols are resolved is a
tricky job that encompasses fine parsing
and resolving details. Compilers do this
job very well, as part of their frontend ac-
tion, so SCA tools usually tend to rely on
the intermediate code created by the com-
piler as the starting point of their analysis.
This method, although saving develop-
ment efforts, has certain drawbacks (e.g.
inability to scan code fragments and un-
2  There are several implementations of Code-
Dom. The one used by Microsoft is the closest in
meaning to the CodeDom developed by Checkmarx
and used in this article.
Maty Siman
is a technology and
security expert. He
founded Checkmarx
in 2006 to share his
innovations in appli-
cation security based on experience
he gained in securing intelligence
2 DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008
compiled code) that will be discussed be-
low. Another alternative is to develop a
Virtual Compiler (VC) that suits the exact
needs of the Code Analysis product. After
the code has been modeled, it can be
stored in a persistent OODB3
(Object Ori-
ented Data Base) in a query-able format.
Having the code stored in an OODB shifts
the view of the code from a flat represen-
tation into 3D query-able and correlate-
able format. It’s then easy to find interest-
ing code structures on demand, efficient-
ly and with full flexibility.
It becomes easy to find dead-methods
(methods that are never called). We need
to write a query that looks in the database
for all method declarations that do not
have a matching invocation statement.
The exact query will be shown in the next
On top of the CodeDom, which represents
static properties of the code, it is possible
to compute the Data Flow Graph, Control
Flow Graph and Control Dependency
Graph (DFG, CFG and CDG – respective-
ly). It enables tracing and understanding
of the dynamic flows of the application. It
can reveal for example how a specific val-
ue affects the application behavior and de-
termines the effect of a certain condition
statement. Formal and unified modeling
of these graphs, allows us to store them in
the same database as the CodeDom, and
enables true correlation between the two
by using simple query form.
A query can be used to conduct impact
analysis, in order to understand how
changing a Boolean value from True to
False, affects the course of the application.
Query Language
Once we have a persistent OODB filled
with all the code properties of a scanned
application, it is possible to flexibly query4
it and search for any code sequence that’s
4  There were a few attempts to formalize a query
language for OODB. Most notable is OQL from ODM:
doc/pr35se/xF1118340.html in this article we chose
to use CxQL as defined by Checkmarx as it better
suites code analysis techniques.
either known or proprietary. The syntax
of the query language shown here is simi-
lar to C#, with added commands and data
types, such as CxList, It represents an ar-
ray of CodeDOM/Flow elements.
DOM Queries
To demonstrate what can be achieved us-
ing a query language, we must first write a
query that finds uncalled methods. Then
we find all method declarations and put it
in a list, finally we remove all declarations
from this list that have been called with a
matching method-invoke statement.
// Find all Method Declaration in the code
CxList MethodDeclaration = All.
// Find all Method Invocations in the code
CxList MethodInvokes = All.FindBy
// Find the matching declarations of the
// invocation we found
CxList DeclarationOfInvokes =
// Get the “dead” declarations
Return MethodDeclaration –
Flow Queries
We can take it one step further and use the
DFG information and conduct an impact
analysis by finding all the places which
will be affected by changing the initializa-
tion value of a variable called “s”.
// Look for the place where “s” is declared
CxList DeclaratorOfS = All.FindBy
// Find all places which are “data-influ-
enced by”
// the value assigned to “s” at its declaration
Return All.DataInfluencedBy
reasoning of the impact, tracing it from
source to target and backward (Fig. 1).
Security-Related Queries
database any question about the code, ei-
ther static or tracing flow properties. A
subset of these questions is security related
and based on commonly known security
sequences. In order to find SQL Injection5
for all the database-access in the code and
is directly influenced by the user’s input
without being sanitized properly:
// Find all places where a database is ac-
CxList db = Find _ DB();
// Find all interactive user inputs
CxList inputs = Find _
Interactive _ Inputs();
// Find places where user input is sanitized
CxList sanitized = Find _
// Return all database access which are
// influenced by an input but not sanitized
Return db.InfluencedByAndNot
Sanitized(inputs, sanitized);
In web applications, static variables are
shared among all users that access the sys-
tem simultaneously. This means that if a
value of a static variable is affected by a us-
er’s input, it may be overwritten by other
users. This results in race condition. To
trace such a sequence we can use a query
that finds all the places where the static
variable is influenced by the user input:
// Find all static variables
CxList statics = All.FindAll
Figure 1 | Flow-graph reasoning retrieved from database
DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 3
// Return places where static variable is as-
// a value retrieved from user
Return Find _ Interactive _
As said, many security-related issues are
manifested in commonly known sequenc-
es and modeling is therefore generic. The
platform provider should supply out-of-
the-box templates to discover these se-
quences. This is true for other applications
leveraging the open platform like: Coding
standards enforcement, Quality assurance
and more.
Business Logic Flaws
This brings us to an even more challeng-
ing aspect – the Business Logic Flaws
which are usually manifested in proprie-
tary code sequences. The examples we saw
previously are considered to be “technical
vulnerabilities” since they might affect
whatever the actual business is that’s
served by the application i.e. a book store,
bank or an internet provider. With “Busi-
ness Logic Flaws” it is possible to find vul-
process supported or enabled by the appli-
cation. Although this sets a higher chal-
lenge bar, it is possible to model many of
these sequences using the query language.
A common functionality in shopping
carts used by any online store is the abili-
ty to change the quantity of items for pur-
chase. In order to calculate the total
amount to be paid, the system has to mul-
tiply the quantity of items the user wishes
to purchase with the unit price of the item.
A scenario which is often overlooked
occurs when a user types in a negative
of items to be purchased. In such
case, when an appropriate condition is not
properly set, the total amount might be
drastically lower than the true value, or
even negative. Usually the best way to
avoid this is by simply adding in the appli-
cation a condition that verifies the quanti-
ty is greater than zero. In most cases such
edits will prevent the risk but if the edits
are neglected they can cause a fraudulent
event. We can model this using a query
which finds all variables called “quantity”
or similar, which are influenced by user
6  It is interesting to see PayPal’s specification
on this:
input and sent directly to the database, but
their value is never checked to be positive.
A skeleton of such query might look like
the following:
// Find all variables that hold a quantity.
CxList qty = All.FindByRegex
// All qunatities that are influenced by user
CxList inp _ qty =qty.Data
InfluencedBy(Find _ Interactive _
// All Binary Expressions that compare Qty
// with 0
CxList checking = All.FindBy
// All DB that are set from the above Qty
CxList db _ inp _ qty = Find _ DB().
DataInfluencedBy(inp _ qty);
// Return all DB that are set user controllable
// Qty which is never compared to 0
Return db _ inp _ qty -db _ inp _
The example above, although schematic
and specific to the described scenario, can
be used as a template to any business case
in which there is a need to make sure in-
put from user is non-negative (number of
students in a course, number of travelers
in a flight, number of tickets to buy).
Merely the Regex pattern should be
Another example of a business logic-
flaw can be found in an online store where
it is essential to maintain tenant level pri-
vacy. It is imperative to find all the places
where a customer might have access to
other customers’ orders. Modeling it into
query might look for all SQL statements
Figure 2 | Class Hierarchy created by query
Figure 3 | 3D Control Flow Graph of an
4 DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008
that Select values from the “T_Orders” ta-
ble, where the “Where” clause is not influ-
enced by the current user ID. Again, this
can be used as a template query for simi-
lar business scenarios.
Application Understanding
The queries discussed so far were made
possible thanks to the fact that code infor-
mation was stored in a query-able data-
base. It is also possible to take further ad-
vantage of the database storage and extend
the discovery to finding new vulnerabili-
ties and better understanding the existing
Abstracting Vulnerabilities
When applying a query on a code base,
each result represents a single security
breach or a business risk. Although it pro-
vides great value to find these issues, it is
possible to take it to a higher abstraction
level, in such a way that the results will be
presented in a graphical way and reveal
the correlation between results. This ap-
proach proved to be useful in better un-
derstanding the code at hand, and finding
the best way to fix vulnerabilities.
A sample query that models the class hi-
erarchy will be simply -
// Look for the place where “s” is declared
CxList BaseClass = All.FindBy
Return = All.InheritsFrom
And the graphical representation of the re-
sults will look like a class hierarchy (Fig. 2).
A more sophisticated query that re-
quires 3D modeling capabilities7
the CFG on the XY axis, and the call stack
on the Z axis - the currently watched func-
tion is the closest CFG, and the called
functions can be seen farther in the graph.
Usually CFG is modeled as 2D graph that
shows the flow of a function (or an appli-
7  Some papers discuss the visualization effect of
source code:
[Young97] Peter Young and Malcolm Munro “A New
View of Call Graphs for Visualising Code Structures”
[Burd96] E.L. Burd, P.S. Chan, I.M.M. Duncan, M.
Munro and P. Young, “Improving Visual Representa-
tions of Code”
cation if we deal with interprocedure
CFG). Call graph is also modeled as 2D
graph where each function is a vertex and
function call is an edge of the graph.
We can combine both graphs to a single,
3D graph so the developer can see closer
the CFG of the function she is interested
in, and farther away the called function, so
tion at hand as well as have a quick glance
on the called function.
Taking this to debugging activities, a
developer has to choose whether he wants
to “Step-Over” or “Step-Into” a function
call. Using this graph, the developer can
called code, without losing the context of
the calling function.
In Fig. 3, the CFG of the application can
be seen clearly, where function calls are
places farther on the Z axis.
Employing these graphical capabilities
to the Risk Intelligence realm reveals inte-
resting correlations and leads to accurate-
ly identifying the „Best-Fix-Location”.
Looking for SQL Injection in an open-
source application led to 10 findings.
Instead of taking care of the 10 individual
results, modeling these into one graph
Figure 4 | Example of a Vulnerabilities Relation Graph
DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 5
(Fig. 4) shows clearly how these issues re-
late to each other:
It can be seen that there are very few of-
fending input commands in the system
(marked in gray), and most of the vulne-
rabilities pass through a single junction8
(stripes), which might be a good place to
consider putting in place input-validation
mechanisms as well as sanitizing the user
8  Basically, this can be found using max-flow/
min-cut algorithm:
Code Mining
The fact that the code is no longer a mere
text file but rather an actual information
source stored in an OODB permits us to
perform KDD9
(Knowledge Discovery in
Databases) techniques. KDD unveils in-
teresting previously unknown sequences
9  The field of KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Da-
tabase) is very large. One of the most cited articles
in this field:
[FPSS96] U. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, and P.
Smyth. “The KDD process of extracting useful know-
ledge from volumes of data. “
in general and security vulnerabilities in
For general coding practices, it can be
assumed that the majority of code devel-
oped in a corporate complies with the
best-coding practices defined there, and it
is desired to find the places where the code
doesn’t adhere to these standards. Al-
though every coding standard can be eas-
ily written as query, the Code Mining
techniques provide a method to automat-
ically define these “MetaQueries”.
For example, a common good develop-
ment practice is to have at least one state-
ment within Catch block, and not to leave
it empty. In its query form it will look for
all „Catch”s in the code („All.FindByType
(typeof(CatchStmt))”) and out of those,
find the ones that their catch.statements.
count property equals to 0. Using the
Code Mining technique, the system auto-
matically identifies that the property catch
block in most cases in the code is not emp-
of-sequence entries.
A more common security-oriented ex-
ample is Authentication-Bypass. After a
user has successfully authenticated to the
system, each subsequent page should
make sure the request is through a authen-
ticated user. Otherwise, a malicious user
can go directly to that page without au-
thenticating first, and thereby completely
bypassing the authentication mechanism.
This has to be done on each page that is
considered as sensitive10
. Often this is
done correctly, but from time to time a de-
veloper neglects to put this security mea-
sure in place. As demonstrated previous-
ly, it is easy to formulate a query which
makes sure that every sensitive page is cor-
rectly prefixed with “IsAutenticated”
statement. Using Code-Mining (specifi-
cally, Code-Sequence-Mining), there is no
need to actually write any query. The sys-
tem automatically correlates between spe-
cific statements (which are identified as
sensitive, such as DB or file access) and the
“IsAuthenticated” statement that most of
the time appears previously.
10  Microsoft Hotmail suffered from this type of
vulnerability in 2002, where hackers were able to by-
pass security questions that users must answer be-
fore resetting their password.
Figure 5 | Multiple-Tiers Application scanning example
Figure 6 | Platform‚Plugins‘
6 DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008
Use Case - Modular Scanning of
Large Application Platform
To illustrate the abilities provided by ap-
plication understanding, we can better
demonstrate it by describing a solution to
a complex analysis problem solved by us-
ing a deep understanding of the applica-
tion and flows. Many modern application
platforms including cloud-based offerings
are multi layered including engine, plat-
form and associated applications. The in-
herent problem with such monolithic plat-
forms is that exploring vulnerabilities
within a specific application or a platform
module might require full platform anal-
ysis. This is not realistic especially when
trying to implement a true SDLC. To en-
able on demand vulnerability detection of
a certain module or an application, a mod-
ular scanning solution must be applied.
Such a solution is impossible using con-
ventional methods due to inter dependen-
cies between modules. How can we lever-
age application understanding as to devise
the solution?
We start with an example (Fig. 5). How
might a SQL Injection be manifested in an
application riding on a platform?
Looking for SQL Injection discovers that
Module1, at the application layer, connects
to Module5 at the platform layer, which in
turn is connected to Module7 at the en-
gine layer, in such a way that input from
the user at Module1 finds its way to Mod-
ule7 without being cleaned properly.
It is obvious that in order to find the SQL
Injection, all three layers have to be
scanned. However, there are many appli-
cations that ride on the platform, and we
do not want to scan the entire platform
each time we change the application. Fur-
thermore, the source of the platform is
mostly unavailable to the application de-
Using application understanding tech-
niques we can explore the platform using
“mapping” queries, and create “plugins” –
the “essence” of the platform. (Fig. 6) The
plug-ins keep the inter-dependencies in-
formation and that will come in handy la-
ter when scanning individual modules.
A plug-in might include information
like: function foo() in Module5 is the part
of the platform’s API and it connects to
Module7 that accesses a database and in-
cludes no sanitation; hence it’s exposed to
database manipulation. Consequently all
application calls to Module5 for data base
access cannot rely on the called module to
be safe and should sanitize date prior to
the call.
After creation of plug-ins, only the indi-
vidual application needs to be scanned.
The system automatically solves the linka-
ge between the modules and determines
which of the linked modules are safe or
Once the platform is “understood” we
can safely perform modular scanning, de-
tecting the vulnerabilities in a single mo-
dule without losing accuracy due to inter
Reference Architecture
In order to build an effective and flexible
platform which enables true application
understanding and risk intelligence, the
developers should follow some architectu-
ral principals laid out in the following re-
ference architecture (Fig. 7).
▶▶ The most important principals are as
™™ Conversion to Common language form
™™ Generate DOM and Flow properties
™™ Store in persistent a database
™™ Expose the abstractive model
™™ Enable data access using a formal query
™™ Mine data using an analytical engine
™™ Supply detection queries for commonly
known sequences – e.g. OWASP Top 10
™™ Enable the addition of new query temp-
lates that handle common and proprie-
tary sequences
™™ Enable conversion of discovered sto-
chastic sequences to detection queries
Figure 7 | Reference Architecture

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A Platform for Application Risk Intelligence

  • 1. AUFSÄTZE DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 1 Maty Siman Platform for Application Risk Intelligence Using Source Code Understanding as a Risk Barometer Source Code Analysis technologies have significantly evolved in recent years - making improvements in precision and accuracy with the introduction of new analysis techniques like flow analysis. This article describes this evolution and how the most advanced capabilities available today like query-based analysis and Knowledge Discovery can be leveraged to create a platform for Application Risk Intelligence (ARI) to help implement a proactive security program. As attacks become more financially moti- vated,andasorganizationsgetbetteratse- curing their network, desktop and server infrastructure, there has been a steady shift in cyber attacks to the application level. To address these new risks, several technology markets for application secu- rity have emerged including what Gartner calls Static Application Security Testing (SAST). Can we really use Source Code Analysis (SCA) to detect vulnerabilities in a way that will give us satisfactory risk assur- ance? The answer varies; we are able to find problems with sufficient accuracy if they are manifested in commonly known sequences like a SQL injection. Many flaws however are presented in the specif- ic implementation of the applications business logic1 , and adopting the standard 1  OWASP (Open Web Application Security Proj- ect) is considered as the focal point for all applica- tion-security related information. http://www. analysis to handle these proprietary se- quences make the task almost impossible. The reason is that current technologies, even those employing flow analyses, are based on “black-box” implementation and thereforecanonlyhandleknownsequenc- es. A probable detection method of suspi- cious sequences can be through the iden- tification of an irregularity within a set of common sequences. Enabling detection of proprietary and stochastic sequences re- quires implementation of an open plat- form for application understanding, which not only finding basic vulnerabili- ties but also provides systematic applica- tion risk intelligence. The key enabler of such a platform is the exposure of all application building blocks like data structure and flow using an ab- stractive model common to all languages and storing the wealth of know-how in a persistent store like data base. Once the application is exposed we must provide tools to model the known and proprietary sequences as well as exposing irregulari- ties in the common sequences. In this ar- ticle, we define the required solution ele- ments. It concludes by presenting refer- ence architecture to such a platform. Exposing a common language representation Source code is inherently structured con- taining static elements like functions and variables as well as dynamic elements like control and data flow. The static elements can be modeled into a data structure re- ferred as “CodeDom” 2 . This is usually one of the first steps taken by some compilers’ frontend. CodeDom makes it possible for thecompilerto“understand”thecodeand create a byte/binary code thereof. The CodeDom is an object-oriented structure which represents the static nature of the code. It contains all elements that make the code, such as namespaces, classes, methods, data members and statements. The hierarchy of the CodeDom matches the respective scope in the code. The pro- cess of converting source code into DOM, where all the symbols are resolved is a tricky job that encompasses fine parsing and resolving details. Compilers do this job very well, as part of their frontend ac- tion, so SCA tools usually tend to rely on the intermediate code created by the com- piler as the starting point of their analysis. This method, although saving develop- ment efforts, has certain drawbacks (e.g. inability to scan code fragments and un- 2  There are several implementations of Code- Dom. The one used by Microsoft is the closest in meaning to the CodeDom developed by Checkmarx and used in this article. en-us/library/system.codedom.aspx Maty Siman is a technology and security expert. He founded Checkmarx in 2006 to share his innovations in appli- cation security based on experience he gained in securing intelligence systems. E-Mail:
  • 2. 2 DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 AUFSÄTZE compiled code) that will be discussed be- low. Another alternative is to develop a Virtual Compiler (VC) that suits the exact needs of the Code Analysis product. After the code has been modeled, it can be stored in a persistent OODB3 (Object Ori- ented Data Base) in a query-able format. Having the code stored in an OODB shifts the view of the code from a flat represen- tation into 3D query-able and correlate- able format. It’s then easy to find interest- ing code structures on demand, efficient- ly and with full flexibility. Example It becomes easy to find dead-methods (methods that are never called). We need to write a query that looks in the database for all method declarations that do not have a matching invocation statement. The exact query will be shown in the next chapter. On top of the CodeDom, which represents static properties of the code, it is possible to compute the Data Flow Graph, Control Flow Graph and Control Dependency Graph (DFG, CFG and CDG – respective- ly). It enables tracing and understanding of the dynamic flows of the application. It can reveal for example how a specific val- ue affects the application behavior and de- termines the effect of a certain condition statement. Formal and unified modeling of these graphs, allows us to store them in the same database as the CodeDom, and enables true correlation between the two by using simple query form. Example A query can be used to conduct impact analysis, in order to understand how changing a Boolean value from True to False, affects the course of the application. Query Language Once we have a persistent OODB filled with all the code properties of a scanned application, it is possible to flexibly query4 it and search for any code sequence that’s 3 4  There were a few attempts to formalize a query language for OODB. Most notable is OQL from ODM: v8r1/index.jsp?topic=/ doc/pr35se/xF1118340.html in this article we chose to use CxQL as defined by Checkmarx as it better suites code analysis techniques. either known or proprietary. The syntax of the query language shown here is simi- lar to C#, with added commands and data types, such as CxList, It represents an ar- ray of CodeDOM/Flow elements. DOM Queries To demonstrate what can be achieved us- ing a query language, we must first write a query that finds uncalled methods. Then we find all method declarations and put it in a list, finally we remove all declarations from this list that have been called with a matching method-invoke statement. // Find all Method Declaration in the code CxList MethodDeclaration = All. FindByType(typeof(MethodDecl)); // Find all Method Invocations in the code CxList MethodInvokes = All.FindBy Type(typeof(MethodInvokeExpr)); // Find the matching declarations of the // invocation we found CxList DeclarationOfInvokes = All.FindAllReferences(Method Invokes); // Get the “dead” declarations Return MethodDeclaration – DeclarationOfInvokes; Flow Queries We can take it one step further and use the DFG information and conduct an impact analysis by finding all the places which will be affected by changing the initializa- tion value of a variable called “s”. // Look for the place where “s” is declared CxList DeclaratorOfS = All.FindBy Type(typeof(Declarator)).FindBy ShortName(“s”); // Find all places which are “data-influ- enced by” // the value assigned to “s” at its declaration Return All.DataInfluencedBy (DeclaratorOfS); Thedatabasecanprovideasaresultthefull reasoning of the impact, tracing it from source to target and backward (Fig. 1). Security-Related Queries Aswehaveseen,itispossibleto“ask”the database any question about the code, ei- ther static or tracing flow properties. A subset of these questions is security related and based on commonly known security sequences. In order to find SQL Injection5 vulnerabilitieswetraceitintheapplication usingthefollowingsimplequerythatlooks for all the database-access in the code and is directly influenced by the user’s input without being sanitized properly: // Find all places where a database is ac- cessed CxList db = Find _ DB(); // Find all interactive user inputs CxList inputs = Find _ Interactive _ Inputs(); // Find places where user input is sanitized CxList sanitized = Find _ Sanitize(); // Return all database access which are // influenced by an input but not sanitized Return db.InfluencedByAndNot Sanitized(inputs, sanitized); Wecancontinuewiththesecondexample. In web applications, static variables are shared among all users that access the sys- tem simultaneously. This means that if a value of a static variable is affected by a us- er’s input, it may be overwritten by other users. This results in race condition. To trace such a sequence we can use a query that finds all the places where the static variable is influenced by the user input: // Find all static variables CxList statics = All.FindAll References(All.FindByField Attributes(Modifiers.Static)); 5 Figure 1 | Flow-graph reasoning retrieved from database
  • 3. AUFSÄTZE DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 3 // Return places where static variable is as- signed // a value retrieved from user Return Find _ Interactive _ Inputs().DataInfluencingOn (statics); As said, many security-related issues are manifested in commonly known sequenc- es and modeling is therefore generic. The platform provider should supply out-of- the-box templates to discover these se- quences. This is true for other applications leveraging the open platform like: Coding standards enforcement, Quality assurance and more. Business Logic Flaws This brings us to an even more challeng- ing aspect – the Business Logic Flaws which are usually manifested in proprie- tary code sequences. The examples we saw previously are considered to be “technical vulnerabilities” since they might affect whatever the actual business is that’s served by the application i.e. a book store, bank or an internet provider. With “Busi- ness Logic Flaws” it is possible to find vul- nerabilitiesthatarespecifictothebusiness process supported or enabled by the appli- cation. Although this sets a higher chal- lenge bar, it is possible to model many of these sequences using the query language. A common functionality in shopping carts used by any online store is the abili- ty to change the quantity of items for pur- chase. In order to calculate the total amount to be paid, the system has to mul- tiply the quantity of items the user wishes to purchase with the unit price of the item. A scenario which is often overlooked occurs when a user types in a negative quantity6 of items to be purchased. In such case, when an appropriate condition is not properly set, the total amount might be drastically lower than the true value, or even negative. Usually the best way to avoid this is by simply adding in the appli- cation a condition that verifies the quanti- ty is greater than zero. In most cases such edits will prevent the risk but if the edits are neglected they can cause a fraudulent event. We can model this using a query which finds all variables called “quantity” or similar, which are influenced by user 6  It is interesting to see PayPal’s specification on this: render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_ api_ECCustomizing input and sent directly to the database, but their value is never checked to be positive. A skeleton of such query might look like the following: // Find all variables that hold a quantity. CxList qty = All.FindByRegex (“q.t.y”); // All qunatities that are influenced by user input CxList inp _ qty =qty.Data InfluencedBy(Find _ Interactive _ Inputs()); // All Binary Expressions that compare Qty // with 0 CxList checking = All.FindBy Type(typeof(BinaryExpr). DataInfluencedBy(qty). DataInfluencedBy(All.FindBy Name(“0”)); <…cont…> <…cont…> // All DB that are set from the above Qty vars CxList db _ inp _ qty = Find _ DB(). DataInfluencedBy(inp _ qty); // Return all DB that are set user controllable // Qty which is never compared to 0 Return db _ inp _ qty -db _ inp _ qty.ControlInfluencedBy(checking); The example above, although schematic and specific to the described scenario, can be used as a template to any business case in which there is a need to make sure in- put from user is non-negative (number of students in a course, number of travelers in a flight, number of tickets to buy). Merely the Regex pattern should be changed. Another example of a business logic- flaw can be found in an online store where it is essential to maintain tenant level pri- vacy. It is imperative to find all the places where a customer might have access to other customers’ orders. Modeling it into query might look for all SQL statements Figure 2 | Class Hierarchy created by query Figure 3 | 3D Control Flow Graph of an Application
  • 4. 4 DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 AUFSÄTZE that Select values from the “T_Orders” ta- ble, where the “Where” clause is not influ- enced by the current user ID. Again, this can be used as a template query for simi- lar business scenarios. Application Understanding The queries discussed so far were made possible thanks to the fact that code infor- mation was stored in a query-able data- base. It is also possible to take further ad- vantage of the database storage and extend the discovery to finding new vulnerabili- ties and better understanding the existing ones. Abstracting Vulnerabilities When applying a query on a code base, each result represents a single security breach or a business risk. Although it pro- vides great value to find these issues, it is possible to take it to a higher abstraction level, in such a way that the results will be presented in a graphical way and reveal the correlation between results. This ap- proach proved to be useful in better un- derstanding the code at hand, and finding the best way to fix vulnerabilities. A sample query that models the class hi- erarchy will be simply - // Look for the place where “s” is declared CxList BaseClass = All.FindBy Type(typeof(ClassDecl)); Return = All.InheritsFrom (BaseClass); And the graphical representation of the re- sults will look like a class hierarchy (Fig. 2). A more sophisticated query that re- quires 3D modeling capabilities7 models the CFG on the XY axis, and the call stack on the Z axis - the currently watched func- tion is the closest CFG, and the called functions can be seen farther in the graph. Usually CFG is modeled as 2D graph that shows the flow of a function (or an appli- 7  Some papers discuss the visualization effect of source code: [Young97] Peter Young and Malcolm Munro “A New View of Call Graphs for Visualising Code Structures” [Burd96] E.L. Burd, P.S. Chan, I.M.M. Duncan, M. Munro and P. Young, “Improving Visual Representa- tions of Code” es/work/Documents/tr-10-96 cation if we deal with interprocedure CFG). Call graph is also modeled as 2D graph where each function is a vertex and function call is an edge of the graph. We can combine both graphs to a single, 3D graph so the developer can see closer the CFG of the function she is interested in, and farther away the called function, so atthesametimeshecanfocusonthefunc- tion at hand as well as have a quick glance on the called function. Taking this to debugging activities, a developer has to choose whether he wants to “Step-Over” or “Step-Into” a function call. Using this graph, the developer can virtuallydobothatthesametime–seethe called code, without losing the context of the calling function. In Fig. 3, the CFG of the application can be seen clearly, where function calls are places farther on the Z axis. Employing these graphical capabilities to the Risk Intelligence realm reveals inte- resting correlations and leads to accurate- ly identifying the „Best-Fix-Location”. Looking for SQL Injection in an open- source application led to 10 findings. Instead of taking care of the 10 individual results, modeling these into one graph Figure 4 | Example of a Vulnerabilities Relation Graph
  • 5. AUFSÄTZE DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 5 (Fig. 4) shows clearly how these issues re- late to each other: It can be seen that there are very few of- fending input commands in the system (marked in gray), and most of the vulne- rabilities pass through a single junction8 (stripes), which might be a good place to consider putting in place input-validation mechanisms as well as sanitizing the user data. 8  Basically, this can be found using max-flow/ min-cut algorithm: chinneck/po/Chapter9.pdf Code Mining The fact that the code is no longer a mere text file but rather an actual information source stored in an OODB permits us to perform KDD9 (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) techniques. KDD unveils in- teresting previously unknown sequences 9  The field of KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Da- tabase) is very large. One of the most cited articles in this field: [FPSS96] U. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, and P. Smyth. “The KDD process of extracting useful know- ledge from volumes of data. “ edu/course/05/IST597/papers/Fayyad_1996.pdf in general and security vulnerabilities in particular. For general coding practices, it can be assumed that the majority of code devel- oped in a corporate complies with the best-coding practices defined there, and it is desired to find the places where the code doesn’t adhere to these standards. Al- though every coding standard can be eas- ily written as query, the Code Mining techniques provide a method to automat- ically define these “MetaQueries”. For example, a common good develop- ment practice is to have at least one state- ment within Catch block, and not to leave it empty. In its query form it will look for all „Catch”s in the code („All.FindByType (typeof(CatchStmt))”) and out of those, find the ones that their catch.statements. count property equals to 0. Using the Code Mining technique, the system auto- matically identifies that the property catch block in most cases in the code is not emp- ty,andflagsviolationsbymarkingtheout- of-sequence entries. A more common security-oriented ex- ample is Authentication-Bypass. After a user has successfully authenticated to the system, each subsequent page should make sure the request is through a authen- ticated user. Otherwise, a malicious user can go directly to that page without au- thenticating first, and thereby completely bypassing the authentication mechanism. This has to be done on each page that is considered as sensitive10 . Often this is done correctly, but from time to time a de- veloper neglects to put this security mea- sure in place. As demonstrated previous- ly, it is easy to formulate a query which makes sure that every sensitive page is cor- rectly prefixed with “IsAutenticated” statement. Using Code-Mining (specifi- cally, Code-Sequence-Mining), there is no need to actually write any query. The sys- tem automatically correlates between spe- cific statements (which are identified as sensitive, such as DB or file access) and the “IsAuthenticated” statement that most of the time appears previously. 10  Microsoft Hotmail suffered from this type of vulnerability in 2002, where hackers were able to by- pass security questions that users must answer be- fore resetting their password. isn/2002/Feb/54 Figure 5 | Multiple-Tiers Application scanning example Figure 6 | Platform‚Plugins‘
  • 6. 6 DuD • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 1 | 2008 AUFSÄTZE Use Case - Modular Scanning of Large Application Platform To illustrate the abilities provided by ap- plication understanding, we can better demonstrate it by describing a solution to a complex analysis problem solved by us- ing a deep understanding of the applica- tion and flows. Many modern application platforms including cloud-based offerings are multi layered including engine, plat- form and associated applications. The in- herent problem with such monolithic plat- forms is that exploring vulnerabilities within a specific application or a platform module might require full platform anal- ysis. This is not realistic especially when trying to implement a true SDLC. To en- able on demand vulnerability detection of a certain module or an application, a mod- ular scanning solution must be applied. Such a solution is impossible using con- ventional methods due to inter dependen- cies between modules. How can we lever- age application understanding as to devise the solution? We start with an example (Fig. 5). How might a SQL Injection be manifested in an application riding on a platform? Looking for SQL Injection discovers that Module1, at the application layer, connects to Module5 at the platform layer, which in turn is connected to Module7 at the en- gine layer, in such a way that input from the user at Module1 finds its way to Mod- ule7 without being cleaned properly. It is obvious that in order to find the SQL Injection, all three layers have to be scanned. However, there are many appli- cations that ride on the platform, and we do not want to scan the entire platform each time we change the application. Fur- thermore, the source of the platform is mostly unavailable to the application de- velopers. Using application understanding tech- niques we can explore the platform using “mapping” queries, and create “plugins” – the “essence” of the platform. (Fig. 6) The plug-ins keep the inter-dependencies in- formation and that will come in handy la- ter when scanning individual modules. A plug-in might include information like: function foo() in Module5 is the part of the platform’s API and it connects to Module7 that accesses a database and in- cludes no sanitation; hence it’s exposed to database manipulation. Consequently all application calls to Module5 for data base access cannot rely on the called module to be safe and should sanitize date prior to the call. After creation of plug-ins, only the indi- vidual application needs to be scanned. The system automatically solves the linka- ge between the modules and determines which of the linked modules are safe or not. Once the platform is “understood” we can safely perform modular scanning, de- tecting the vulnerabilities in a single mo- dule without losing accuracy due to inter dependencies. Reference Architecture In order to build an effective and flexible platform which enables true application understanding and risk intelligence, the developers should follow some architectu- ral principals laid out in the following re- ference architecture (Fig. 7). ▶▶ The most important principals are as follows: ™™ Conversion to Common language form ™™ Generate DOM and Flow properties ™™ Store in persistent a database ™™ Expose the abstractive model ™™ Enable data access using a formal query language ™™ Mine data using an analytical engine ™™ Supply detection queries for commonly known sequences – e.g. OWASP Top 10 ™™ Enable the addition of new query temp- lates that handle common and proprie- tary sequences ™™ Enable conversion of discovered sto- chastic sequences to detection queries Figure 7 | Reference Architecture