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Blood, Skin & Lymphoid
     Study Guide
     Samantha Blum
Blood Smear: Erythrocytes

              Rouleaux= stacks of RBCs
Blood Smear: Platelets

    Platelets appear as the small
    blue “fragments”
Blood Smear: Eosinophils

Blood Smears: Basophils
Blood Smears: Lymphocytes &

      Note the differences between the nuclei
Blood within vessels of heart

Contains blood cells other than
Blood within vessels of kidney

Notice how abundant blood cells
and vessels are in this highly
vascular organ.
General organization and components
              of bone marrow
•    Bone marrow is actually an organ comprised of different tissue components. It can be divided
     into a vascular compartment (40X) (arteries, veins, sinusoids) and a hemopoietic
     compartment (50X) (stroma of reticular tissue and free cells).

During erythropoiesis, cell size
decreases, the nucleus becomes
condensed (and eventually
discarded), and the cytoplasm becomes
increasingly acidophilic.

Basophilic erythroblast- Note the rim of intensely basophilic cytoplasm
Polychromatophilic erythroblast- "checkerboard" nucleus and slate-colored cytoplasm
Normoblast- The cytoplasm of these cells is decidedly acidophilic, due to loss of RNA and increase in
hemoglobin. Look for normoblasts in the process of extruding pyknotic nuclei
Reticulocyte- Note that reticulocytes have the same appearance as mature erythrocytes in a
conventionally-stained slide. When RNA specifically stained, you can distinguish between reticulocytes
and mature erythrocytes.
Erythropoesis Intermediates

•The cells in these three lines of development can be readily identified by the presence
of pronounced cytoplasmic granules, and by the gradual lobation of the nucleus. The
stem cell is the same or similar to that for erythropoiesis.
•You will only be responsible for identifying those granulocyte precursors that have
specific granules.
•Note: Mature granulocytes have segmented nuclei.
Megakaryocytes & Platelet Formation

   •Megakaryocytes have multi-lobed nuclei
   •Located near sinuscytoplasmic extensions break off to form platelets
Monocytopoesis & Lymphocytopoesis
• Development of the agranular leukocytes is
  difficult to follow at the light microscopic
  level. You will not be held responsible for
  identifying cell intermediates in these
  pathways (monocytes and lymphocytes).
Distinguishing Hemopoietic Stages
•   Erythropoiesis:
     – Basophilic erythroblast has basophilic/blue
                                                          Basophilic and
         cytoplasm, while polychromatophilic
         erythroblast has “slate”-colored cytoplasm       Poly.
         and a “checkerboard” pattern of granules         Erythroblast
     – Normoblast has acidophilic/pink
         cytoplasm and can be seen in process of
         extruding nucleus
•   Granulocytopoiesis:                               Normoblast
     – In all stages
           • Eosinophilic= pink granules
           • Neutrophilic= neutral granules
           • Basophilic= blue granules
     – Myelocyte= round nucleus
     – Metamyelocyte= approaching band/stab
         cell curved nucleus
     – Band/Stab= U-shaped nucleus
     – Mature= segmented nucleus
Blood Clinical Correlation
•   Iron deficiency anemia:
      – Lack of adequate dietary iron results in abnormally
          low levels of the blood pigment hemoglobin
          (which binds to, and requires, iron to function).
          Low hemoglobin content results in smaller
          erythrocytes that have a thin rim of hemoglobin
          around their periphery
•   Sickle cell anemia:
      – Sickle cell anemia is a condition caused by a
          mutation in the gene that codes for hemoglobin.
          The pathological hemoglobin causes red cells to
          adopt a spiky, "sickle" shape
•   Chronic myelogenous leukemia:
      – In chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), a
          mutation occurs that prevents cells of a particular
          line from maturing, but allows them to continue to
          self-renew, leading to a massive increase in their
          number. The immature myeloid cells (myeloblasts)
          accumulate in the marrow, where they replace
          normal elements. These abnormal cells often
          circulate in the peripheral blood. In the
          acute, "blast crisis" phase of this disease, large
          numbers of myeloblast-like cells appear in the
          peripheral blood.
Thick Skin
•   Note the absence of hair follicles.
•   Note that the epidermis is quite thick relative to the dermis.
•   Identify the well-defined outermost epidermal layer, the stratum corneum.
Thin Skin
•   Note that the epidermis is thin, relative to the dermis.
•   Notice the variation in abundance and type of hair follicles and glands, and in the thickness of the dermis.
Epidermis: Stratum Basale
•   This layer is also called stratum germinativum; why?
•   Note that these cells are highly mitotic.
Epidermis: Stratum Basale
Epidermis: Stratum Spinosum
•   this layer is formed as daughter cells from the stratum basale migrate toward the epidermal surface.
•   Identify the numerous artifactual intercellular "bridges" that give these cells a spiny appearance. The
    bridges are due to spot desmosomes
Epidermis: Stratum Granulosum
•   Not consistently present in thin skin, this layer (2-5 cells thick) contains darkly-staining cells.
•   Identify the keratohyalin granules (100X, 100X), which are responsible for the pronounced staining and
    granular appearance of this layer. The granules are not pigment, and are unrelated to the naturally
    pigmented melanin granules.
•   Examine keratinocyte nuclei (100X, 100X), which are beginning to degenerate in this layer.
Epidermis: Stratum Granulosum
Epidermis: Stratum Lucidum
•   This translucent layer of flattened cells is almost never seen in thin epidermis.
•   Note that nuclei are absent, and that cell boundaries are indistinct
Epidermis: Stratum Corneum
•Identify the dead, scale-like cells (40X, 50X).
•Note that the number of cell layers varies tremendously
Epidermis: Stratum Corneum
Epidermis: Melanin Granules
•   Note the widespread distribution of orange-brown granules in cells of the stratum basale, and, to some
    extent, in cells of the stratum spinosum (50X, 100X).
•   Note that melanin granules are present throughout the thickness of the epidermis, but are more difficult
    to see in superficial layers.
Epidermis: Melanocytes
•   These cells (schematic) occur with a low frequency (the melanocyte/ keratinocyte ratio is
    1/36), and are difficult to see by these staining methods.
•   Note that melanocyte cytoplasm is lighter than the cytoplasm of surrounding keratinocytes (blue
    arrows, 100X). The melanocyte secretes pigment-containing melanosomes that are then taken up
    by the epidermal keratinocytes and degraded to add pigment to their cytoplasm.
Dermis: Papillary Layer & Reticular
•   Papillary Layer:
     – The papillary and reticular layers are
          most easily distinguished in a
          trichrome-stained section.
     – Examine this C.T. network of fine
          collagenous, reticular and elastic fibers
          and note that dermal papillae extend
          upward into the epidermis . What is the
          function of these structures
•   Reticular Layer:
     – In this layer (and often extending into
          the subcutaneous region) are hair
          follicles, sweat and sebaceous
          glands, and smooth muscle (see
•   Note that adipocytes predominate in this subcutaneous layer (4X, 10X, 40X), which is not a part of the
•   Identify Pacinian corpuscles (5x, 10X, 40X) in hypodermis (and deep dermis). What is their function?
      – Pacinian corpuscles= encapsulated mechanoreceptors especially adapted to detect pressure and
      – Distinctive onion-like appearance due to tight Schwann cell wrapping around the bare sensory nerve
Sweat (Eccrine) Glands
•   These are found in both thick and thin skin. The type of secretion that occurs here is merocrine (eccrine).
    They are the only cutaneous glands in thick skin. Identify these unbranched, coiled, tubular, serous glands
    located in superficial hypodermis (4X, 20X, 20X, 50X).
•   Identify myoepithelial cells (40X, 50X), which are associated with secretory portions (best seen in the C.P.-
    Trichrome slide).
•   Try to find an excretory duct (40X) passing straight through the dermis, and emptying at the epidermal
•   Note that the walls of sweat gland ducts are stratified cuboidal epithelium, with two layers of cuboidal
    cells (40X, 50X, 100X).
Sweat (Eccrine) Glands

       Acini and ducts
Apocrine Glands (in Axilla)
•   Note that both eccrine and apocrine glands (4X) are present here.
•   Note that apocrine glands usually extend deeper into the hypodermis than do eccrine glands (4X).
•   Note that the secretory portion of an apocrine gland is also coiled and tubular, but has a considerably
    wider lumen than that of an eccrine gland (20X).
Apocrine Glands

Note the difference between apocrine glands (left) and eccrine glands (right)
Sebaceous Glands
•   Sebaceous glands. Hair follicles are almost always associated with sebaceous glands (20X). The
    secretory product, sebum, is produced by holocrine secretion. Note that the secretory portion is
    comprised of stratified epithelial cells that crowd into, and occlude, the lumen (50X). Identify lipid-
    filled vacuoles in these cells.
•   Note that the excretory ducts are quite short and wide, with a stratified epithelium that is
    continous with the epithelial hair sheath (40X).
Hair Follicles
•   Components of Hair Follicle:
     – Germinal matrix epithelial cells
     – Vascular connective tissue papilla
     – Hair bulbs
     – Hair root
     – Medulla, cortex and cuticle of hair.
     – Internal and external root sheath
Arrector Pili Muscles
•   Note the presence of bundles of smooth muscle cells (10X, 20X) in fortuitous sections. What is the
    function of these structures?
      – Makes hair stand erect
      – Pulls skin in to form dimples
      – Both functions “goosebumps”
•   Components of a Developing (Monkey) Finger:
     – Nail, or nail plate: body and root
     – Nail bed: This is comprised of an epidermis without stratum granulosum or stratum lucidum, and the
        underlying dermis.
     – Nail matrix : epithelium
     – Eponychium: cuticle
     – Hyponychium: This structure secures the free edge of the nail plate at the fingertip.
Clinical Correlation
•   Squamous cell carcinoma of skin:
     – Squamous cell carcinoma is the most
       common type of sun-associated
       tumor, although it may also be caused by
       chewing tobacco, carcinogenic
       chemicals, or ionizing radiation. Such cells
       may have an epithelioid (flattened)
       shape, or they may be rounded (1X, 5X).
       Squamous cell carcinomas are commonly
       removed surgically before they
•   Basal cell carcinoma of skin:
     – Basal cell tumors arise when cells in the
       basal layer of the epithelium of skin begin
       growing and dividing abnormally. The
       cells often grow in clumps (nodular
       lesions) surrounded by fibroblasts and
       lymphocytes (10X); the cells at the
       periphery of these islands are often
       arranged radially (40X). Basal cell
       carcinomas grow slowly and usually do
       not metastasize.
Clinical Correlation
•   Melanoma:
     – Malignant melanoma is a cancer that
       results from uncontrolled growth of
       melanocytes. It occurs most commonly
       in skin that has been heavily exposed
       to sunlight. Melanoma cells are
       large, have large nuclei, and can be
       found in any layer of the skin (5X, 40X).
       These cells have a high incidence of
•   Bullous pemphigoid:
     – In this autoimmune
       disorder, antibodies attack one of the
       protein components ("bullous
       pemphigoid antigen") of the
       hemidesmosome (schematic; EM).
       Since the hemidesmosome anchors
       the epithelium to the underlying
       connective tissue, its destruction
       loosens that connection and results in
       the formation of blisters.
The thymus, a central lymphoid organ, is the organ
  in which T-cell precursors differentiate to become
  immunocompetent T-lymphocytes capable of
  responding to antigen in the context of "self". The
  thymus is not a site where immune responses to
  foreign antigen occur, and thus it differs from the
  peripheral lymphoid tissues in structure and
  organization; specifically, it contains neither
  nodules nor germinal centers. It is a bi-lobed
  organ whose size and appearance varies with age.
Thymus: Overall Structure
•   Identify the connective tissue capsule and trabeculae that divide the thymus into lobules (4X).
•   Note the variation in lobule size.
•   Identify cortex and medulla of lobules (10X).
•   Note that lobules are not completely separated by trabeculae. Each lobe of the thymus contains a
    medullary core that extends into each lobule (4X).
•   Note the absence of lymphoid nodules and sinuses; you should be careful not to confuse circular regions
    of medulla with germinal centers.
•   Note that trabeculae are cortical structures; they do not extend into the medulla.
Thymic Cortex
•   Identify large, mitotic thymocytes (100X, thymic lymphocytes), and note that they decrease in size as the
    medulla is approached.
•   Identify reticular epithelial support cells (schematic, 100X); these have a stellate shape, and pale-staining
    nuclei with distinct nucleoli.
•   Note that, unlike other lymphoid organs, the thymus has an entirely cellular stroma; no reticular fibers are

                                                                       Green arrows= reticular epithelial support cells
                                                                       NOTE: These cells appear to be “outlined”
Thymic Medulla
•   Note that lymphocytes are less dense here (medulla is less stained than the cortex on previous slide…), so
    that reticular epithelial cells are more readily identified.
•   Identify reticular epithelial cells (100X), which have large, oblong nuclei.
•   Locate a Hassall's corpuscle (50X), and identify the concentric reticular cells that are hyalinized (100X, EM)
    and degenerated toward the center of the corpuscle.
Hassal’s Corpuscles
Thymus: Blood Vessels
•   Note that only capillaries (50X) are present in the cortex. Epithelial reticular cells ensheath thymic cortical
    capillaries, thereby contributing to a blood-thymic barrier (schematic) that keeps the cortex free of
    circulating antigens.

                                                           Epithelial reticular cells cover thymic cortical capillaries blood-thymic barrier
Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue
•   This tissue is often present as an infiltration of the lamina propria of mucous membranes, especially in
    gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages and some other blood
    cells are scattered within the reticular connective tissue among the components of the lamina propria.
    Scan these slides of various regions of the digestive tract and locate diffuse lymphoid tissue (10X, 40X).
    Diffuse lymphoid tissue is particularly abundant in the lamina propria of colon. In all slides, identify:
•   Lymphocytes (100X). These are the most abundant cell type.
•   Macrophages (100X, lamina propria of small intestine). Both fixed and free macrophages are generally
•   Plasma cells (20X, 100X). You may also see these antibody-producing cells.
Lymphoid Nodules
• Lymphoid tissue arranged in a dense, spherical
  aggregation is called a lymphoid nodule.
  These can occur as solitary nodules, as
  loosely-organized aggregations, or as part of
  an encapsulated lymphoid organ.
Solitary Lymphoid Nodules
•   Solitary One nodule on its own, at a distance from other nodules
•   Note that nodules can vary considerably in size.
•   Identify lymphocytes in the nodules.
•   Identify lymphoid nodules (4X, 10X, 10X, 10X) and secondary nodules (4X, 10X). Note that secondary
    nodules have lighter-stained germinal centers.
•   Note that nodules may be surrounded by diffuse lymphoid tissue.
Aggregate Lymphoid Nodules
•   Aggregate multiple nodules adjacent to one another
•   Examine this section for loose aggregates of lymphoid nodules. In the ileum, these characteristic
    aggregates may include 10-100 lymphoid nodules and are called Peyer's patches (4X, 20X). They aid in the
    identification of this region of small intestine (to be studied later).
•   Identify lymphoid nodules and note secondary nodules
Peripheral Lymphoid Organ
• A lymphoid organ is an aggregation of
  lymphoid tissue that has a capsule of dense
  connective tissue. Lymph nodes, spleen and
  thymus are lymphoid organs that have
  complete capsules; tonsils are partially
  encapsulated lymphoid organs.
Lymph Nodes: General Structure
•   Note the overall bean-like shape, with a hilus at the concavity.
•   Identify the dense irregular connective tissue capsule with septa (20X, 40X) or trabeculae extending into
    the organ.
•   Identify both afferent (4X, 10X, 40X) and efferent lymphatic vessels. This feature is unique to lymph
•   Identify both cortical and medullary regions.
Lymph Nodes: Cortex
•   Identify lymphoid nodules surrounded by diffuse lymphoid tissue.
•   Lymphoid nodules in their inactive state are primary nodules; secondary nodules are easily identified by
    their germinal centers.
•   Note that cells within the germinal centers (40X) are larger, and have paler-staining, more euchromatic
    nuclei (100X), than do the cells surrounding them.
Lymph Nodes: Medulla
•   Note that the lymphoid tissue is arranged here as cords (20X).
•   Identify medullary sinuses.
Lymph Nodes: Framework
•   Note that the capsule (50X) and trabeculae (50X) are composed of dense C.T.
•   Identify fibroblasts in the dense C.T. (50X, 50X)
•   Study the delicate reticular tissue (50X) of the stroma. Note the reticular fibers stained specifically on
    especially slide 0-45.
•   Examine the reticular cells (50X), which are responsible for producing reticular fibers. The reticular cells
    form a network of cell processes associated with the supporting reticular fiber network.
•   Note that the reticular framework extends into sinuses, as well as into nodules and cords (50X, 50X).
•   Identify fixed macrophages (100X).
Lymph Nodes: Sinuses
•   Lymph enters the node via afferent vessels, passes through the node via sinuses, and exits at the hilus via
    efferent vessels. The sinuses have discontinuous walls lined by reticular cells and fixed
    macrophages, allowing lymphocytes to move into sinuses, and, eventually, into efferent lymphatics.
•   Identify afferent lymphatics (4X, 10X, 40X) piercing the capsule at a number of sites.
•   Identify subcapsular sinuses (20X).
•   Identify cortical (trabecular) sinuses (20X).
•   Identify medullary sinuses (50X).
•   Identify efferent lymphatics at the hilus.

                                                                     See Medulla slide for medullary sinus
Lymph Nodes: Blood Vessels and
•   Identify arteries at the lymph node hilus that provide branches to medulla, cortex, and trabeculae.
•   Identify the dense network of capillaries (40X) in the medullary cords.
•   Note that the cuboidal endothelium of post-capillary (high-endothelial) venules
    (100X, 100X, 100X, animation) is the site where B- and T-lymphocytes leave the blood to enter the lymph
    stream. They eventually leave the lymph node via efferent lymphatics.
•   Locate nerves entering the lymph node at the hilus.
•   Although considered lymphoid organs by virtue of their partial connective tissue
    capsule, tonsils are not much more organized than Peyer's patches. Three groups
    of tonsils form a ring of lymphoid tissue around the pharynx. All are aggregates of
    nodules embedded in diffuse lymphoid tissue. They have an invaginated surface
    epithelium and an underlying connective tissue capsule.
Palatine Tonsils
•   Identify lymphoid nodules (4X).
•   Note that the surface epithelium
    extends into deep
    invaginations, the tonsillar crypts
•   Identify lymphocytes invading the
    epithelium (40X).
•   What type of C.T. is present in the
    hemi-capsule (40X) that separates
    the tonsil from underlying muscle?
      – Fibrous connective tissue
Lingual Tonsils
•   These tonsils are actually aggregations of epithelial pits surrounded by lymphoid tissue.
•   Identify crypts (4X).
•   Identify surface epithelium (40X, 40X).
•   Identify nodules and internodular spaces (4X, 40X).
•   Examine the hemi-capsule (4X, 40X).
Pharyngeal Tonsils
•   Located in the nasopharynx, rather than the oropharynx, these tonsils differ somewhat from palatine and
    lingual tonsils.
•   Examine the surface invaginations (4X). These are actually longitudinal folds, rather than crypts.
•   Identify the surface epithelium (20X, 40X).
•   Identify nodules (4X).
•   These tonsils have a hemi-capsule, although the capsule is not visible in these particular slides because it
    was not dissected along with the specimen.
Spleen: Overall Structure
•   Identify the capsule and branching trabeculae (4X).
•   Distinguish white pulp and red pulp. Identify splenic nodules (10X) within the white pulp.
Spleen: Capsule and Trabeculae
•   Note the presence of blood vessels (10X) in the trabeculae.
•   Within the connective tissue, identify elastic fibers (100X) and smooth muscle cells (20X, 100X).
Spleen: Reticular Framework
•   Slide E-47, with reticular stain, demonstrates the presence of a delicate reticular tissue stroma, upon
    which free cells are supported.
Reticular Cell/Fibers in Framework of
Spleen: White Pulp
•   Identify lymphocytes (100x).
•   Locate a secondary lymphoid nodule in the white pulp. Identify the central artery/arteriole
    (20X, 20X, 100X). The nodule is actually a local expansion of the lymphoid ensheathment of the artery.
•   Note the eccentric placement of the central artery (20X, 40X) in those nodules that have a germinal center.
    All secondary lymphoid nodules, which are activated for a humoral response, have germinal centers.
•   Identify the Periarteriolar Lymphoid Sheath (PALS) of lymphocytes surrounding the central artery
    (20X, 20X, 20X, 40X, 100X). T-lymphocytes principally surround the central artery, while B-lymphocytes are
    primarily located in the secondary nodules with germinal centers (100X). A germinal center is a site of B-
    lymphocyte proliferation.
•   Why is white pulp called white pulp?
     –    White pulp contains lymphocytes (WHITE blood cells) and can be distinguished from red pulp, which contains
          sinusoids filled with RED blood cells.


Spleen: Red Pulp
• Two components are present in red pulp:
  venous sinuses and pulp cords.
Red Pulp: Pulp Cords
                        (aka Cords of Bilroth)
•   These structures consist of a spongy network of cells arranged on the reticular stroma. Identify the
    principal cell types (40X, 100X, 100X) present in the cords (20X): lymphocytes, macrophages
    (40X, 100X), plasma cells (100X), and erythrocytes.
•   Note that red pulp cords gradually merge into white pulp.
•   Note that lymphocytes (of all sizes) are less numerous in red than white pulp (20X, 40X).
•   Note that the pulp cords contain a large population of highly phagocytic cells (macrophages; 100X). What
    do these cells do here?
      – Macrophages destroy aged/damaged RBCs that move freely through the cords and venous sinuses.
•   Why is red pulp called red pulp?
      – Much less lymphocytes than white pulp; greater number of RBCs
Splenic Phagocytosis
• Slide O-18 demonstrates the presence of phagocytic cells in spleen (100X)
  by uptake of India ink (only phagocytic cells can sequester the ink, which is
  made up of tiny carbon particles).
Red Pulp: Venous Sinuses
•   These lie between pulp cords (20X, 100X). Note that they are lined by endothelial cells that form a
    discontinous sinus wall (100X, 100X, EM).
•   Study the contents of the venous sinuses.
Spleen: Blood Circulation
•   You should make sure that you can identify the following splenic structures in your
•   Splenic artery.
•   Trabecular arteries.
•   Central arteries of white pulp.
•   Penicillar arterioles of red pulp (with pulp arteriole, sheathed arteriole, and
    terminal arterial capillary).
•   Venous sinuses.
•   Pulp veins.
•   Trabecular veins.
•   Splenic veins.
Clinical Correlation
1.   Follicular lymphoma (HD047).
     A follicular lymphoma is a tumor of
     lymphoid cells (most often B-cells), in
     which the cells cluster into nodules that
     resemble normal lymphoid follicles. All
     lymphoid tumors derive from a single
     transformed cell, so they are
     monoclonal, which means that all of
     the tumor cells are identical. As it fills
     with abnormal lymphocytes, the lymph
     node's normal structure is destroyed
2.   Hodgkin lymphoma (HD045).
     Hodgkin lymphoma is a lymphoid
     cancer that begins as an enlargement
     of a single node, then spreads to
     neighboring nodes. Its most
     characteristic feature is the
     giant, neoplastic Reed-Sternberg (RS)
     cell. This form of the disease (Nodular
     Sclerosis) shows a modified form of the
     RS cell, the lacunar cell (5X, 40X).
                                                  40x   5x

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Blood, skin & lymphoid study guide

  • 1. Blood, Skin & Lymphoid Study Guide Samantha Blum
  • 3. Blood Smear: Erythrocytes Rouleaux= stacks of RBCs
  • 5. Blood Smear: Platelets Platelets appear as the small blue “fragments”
  • 9. Blood Smears: Lymphocytes & Monocytes Note the differences between the nuclei
  • 10.
  • 11. Blood within vessels of heart Contains blood cells other than erythrocytes
  • 12. Blood within vessels of kidney Notice how abundant blood cells and vessels are in this highly vascular organ.
  • 13. General organization and components of bone marrow • Bone marrow is actually an organ comprised of different tissue components. It can be divided into a vascular compartment (40X) (arteries, veins, sinusoids) and a hemopoietic compartment (50X) (stroma of reticular tissue and free cells).
  • 14. Erythropoesis During erythropoiesis, cell size decreases, the nucleus becomes condensed (and eventually discarded), and the cytoplasm becomes increasingly acidophilic.
  • 15. Erythropoesis Basophilic erythroblast- Note the rim of intensely basophilic cytoplasm Polychromatophilic erythroblast- "checkerboard" nucleus and slate-colored cytoplasm Normoblast- The cytoplasm of these cells is decidedly acidophilic, due to loss of RNA and increase in hemoglobin. Look for normoblasts in the process of extruding pyknotic nuclei Reticulocyte- Note that reticulocytes have the same appearance as mature erythrocytes in a conventionally-stained slide. When RNA specifically stained, you can distinguish between reticulocytes and mature erythrocytes.
  • 17. Granulocytopoesis •The cells in these three lines of development can be readily identified by the presence of pronounced cytoplasmic granules, and by the gradual lobation of the nucleus. The stem cell is the same or similar to that for erythropoiesis. •You will only be responsible for identifying those granulocyte precursors that have specific granules. •Note: Mature granulocytes have segmented nuclei.
  • 19. Megakaryocytes & Platelet Formation •Megakaryocytes have multi-lobed nuclei •Located near sinuscytoplasmic extensions break off to form platelets
  • 20. Monocytopoesis & Lymphocytopoesis • Development of the agranular leukocytes is difficult to follow at the light microscopic level. You will not be held responsible for identifying cell intermediates in these pathways (monocytes and lymphocytes).
  • 21. Distinguishing Hemopoietic Stages • Erythropoiesis: – Basophilic erythroblast has basophilic/blue Basophilic and cytoplasm, while polychromatophilic erythroblast has “slate”-colored cytoplasm Poly. and a “checkerboard” pattern of granules Erythroblast – Normoblast has acidophilic/pink cytoplasm and can be seen in process of extruding nucleus • Granulocytopoiesis: Normoblast – In all stages • Eosinophilic= pink granules • Neutrophilic= neutral granules • Basophilic= blue granules – Myelocyte= round nucleus – Metamyelocyte= approaching band/stab cell curved nucleus – Band/Stab= U-shaped nucleus – Mature= segmented nucleus
  • 22. Blood Clinical Correlation • Iron deficiency anemia: – Lack of adequate dietary iron results in abnormally low levels of the blood pigment hemoglobin (which binds to, and requires, iron to function). Low hemoglobin content results in smaller erythrocytes that have a thin rim of hemoglobin around their periphery • Sickle cell anemia: – Sickle cell anemia is a condition caused by a mutation in the gene that codes for hemoglobin. The pathological hemoglobin causes red cells to adopt a spiky, "sickle" shape • Chronic myelogenous leukemia: – In chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), a mutation occurs that prevents cells of a particular line from maturing, but allows them to continue to self-renew, leading to a massive increase in their number. The immature myeloid cells (myeloblasts) accumulate in the marrow, where they replace normal elements. These abnormal cells often circulate in the peripheral blood. In the acute, "blast crisis" phase of this disease, large numbers of myeloblast-like cells appear in the peripheral blood.
  • 23. Skin
  • 24. Thick Skin • Note the absence of hair follicles. • Note that the epidermis is quite thick relative to the dermis. • Identify the well-defined outermost epidermal layer, the stratum corneum.
  • 25. Thin Skin • Note that the epidermis is thin, relative to the dermis. • Notice the variation in abundance and type of hair follicles and glands, and in the thickness of the dermis.
  • 26. Epidermis: Stratum Basale • This layer is also called stratum germinativum; why? • Note that these cells are highly mitotic.
  • 28. Epidermis: Stratum Spinosum • this layer is formed as daughter cells from the stratum basale migrate toward the epidermal surface. • Identify the numerous artifactual intercellular "bridges" that give these cells a spiny appearance. The bridges are due to spot desmosomes
  • 29. Epidermis: Stratum Granulosum • Not consistently present in thin skin, this layer (2-5 cells thick) contains darkly-staining cells. • Identify the keratohyalin granules (100X, 100X), which are responsible for the pronounced staining and granular appearance of this layer. The granules are not pigment, and are unrelated to the naturally pigmented melanin granules. • Examine keratinocyte nuclei (100X, 100X), which are beginning to degenerate in this layer.
  • 31. Epidermis: Stratum Lucidum • This translucent layer of flattened cells is almost never seen in thin epidermis. • Note that nuclei are absent, and that cell boundaries are indistinct
  • 32. Epidermis: Stratum Corneum •Identify the dead, scale-like cells (40X, 50X). •Note that the number of cell layers varies tremendously
  • 34. Epidermis: Melanin Granules • Note the widespread distribution of orange-brown granules in cells of the stratum basale, and, to some extent, in cells of the stratum spinosum (50X, 100X). • Note that melanin granules are present throughout the thickness of the epidermis, but are more difficult to see in superficial layers.
  • 35. Epidermis: Melanocytes • These cells (schematic) occur with a low frequency (the melanocyte/ keratinocyte ratio is 1/36), and are difficult to see by these staining methods. • Note that melanocyte cytoplasm is lighter than the cytoplasm of surrounding keratinocytes (blue arrows, 100X). The melanocyte secretes pigment-containing melanosomes that are then taken up by the epidermal keratinocytes and degraded to add pigment to their cytoplasm.
  • 36. Dermis: Papillary Layer & Reticular Layer • Papillary Layer: – The papillary and reticular layers are most easily distinguished in a trichrome-stained section. – Examine this C.T. network of fine collagenous, reticular and elastic fibers and note that dermal papillae extend upward into the epidermis . What is the function of these structures • Reticular Layer: – In this layer (and often extending into the subcutaneous region) are hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands, and smooth muscle (see below).
  • 37. Hypodermis • Note that adipocytes predominate in this subcutaneous layer (4X, 10X, 40X), which is not a part of the skin. • Identify Pacinian corpuscles (5x, 10X, 40X) in hypodermis (and deep dermis). What is their function? – Pacinian corpuscles= encapsulated mechanoreceptors especially adapted to detect pressure and vibration – Distinctive onion-like appearance due to tight Schwann cell wrapping around the bare sensory nerve ending
  • 38. Sweat (Eccrine) Glands • These are found in both thick and thin skin. The type of secretion that occurs here is merocrine (eccrine). They are the only cutaneous glands in thick skin. Identify these unbranched, coiled, tubular, serous glands located in superficial hypodermis (4X, 20X, 20X, 50X). • Identify myoepithelial cells (40X, 50X), which are associated with secretory portions (best seen in the C.P.- Trichrome slide). • Try to find an excretory duct (40X) passing straight through the dermis, and emptying at the epidermal surface. • Note that the walls of sweat gland ducts are stratified cuboidal epithelium, with two layers of cuboidal cells (40X, 50X, 100X).
  • 39. Sweat (Eccrine) Glands Acini and ducts
  • 40. Apocrine Glands (in Axilla) • Note that both eccrine and apocrine glands (4X) are present here. • Note that apocrine glands usually extend deeper into the hypodermis than do eccrine glands (4X). • Note that the secretory portion of an apocrine gland is also coiled and tubular, but has a considerably wider lumen than that of an eccrine gland (20X).
  • 41. Apocrine Glands Note the difference between apocrine glands (left) and eccrine glands (right)
  • 42. Sebaceous Glands • Sebaceous glands. Hair follicles are almost always associated with sebaceous glands (20X). The secretory product, sebum, is produced by holocrine secretion. Note that the secretory portion is comprised of stratified epithelial cells that crowd into, and occlude, the lumen (50X). Identify lipid- filled vacuoles in these cells. • Note that the excretory ducts are quite short and wide, with a stratified epithelium that is continous with the epithelial hair sheath (40X).
  • 43. Hair Follicles • Components of Hair Follicle: – Germinal matrix epithelial cells Hair – Vascular connective tissue papilla bulb – Hair bulbs – Hair root – Medulla, cortex and cuticle of hair. – Internal and external root sheath
  • 44. Arrector Pili Muscles • Note the presence of bundles of smooth muscle cells (10X, 20X) in fortuitous sections. What is the function of these structures? – Makes hair stand erect – Pulls skin in to form dimples – Both functions “goosebumps”
  • 45. Nails • Components of a Developing (Monkey) Finger: – Nail, or nail plate: body and root – Nail bed: This is comprised of an epidermis without stratum granulosum or stratum lucidum, and the underlying dermis. – Nail matrix : epithelium – Eponychium: cuticle – Hyponychium: This structure secures the free edge of the nail plate at the fingertip.
  • 46. Clinical Correlation • Squamous cell carcinoma of skin: – Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of sun-associated tumor, although it may also be caused by chewing tobacco, carcinogenic chemicals, or ionizing radiation. Such cells may have an epithelioid (flattened) shape, or they may be rounded (1X, 5X). Squamous cell carcinomas are commonly removed surgically before they metastasize. • Basal cell carcinoma of skin: – Basal cell tumors arise when cells in the basal layer of the epithelium of skin begin growing and dividing abnormally. The cells often grow in clumps (nodular lesions) surrounded by fibroblasts and lymphocytes (10X); the cells at the periphery of these islands are often arranged radially (40X). Basal cell carcinomas grow slowly and usually do not metastasize.
  • 47. Clinical Correlation • Melanoma: – Malignant melanoma is a cancer that results from uncontrolled growth of melanocytes. It occurs most commonly in skin that has been heavily exposed to sunlight. Melanoma cells are large, have large nuclei, and can be found in any layer of the skin (5X, 40X). These cells have a high incidence of metastasis. • Bullous pemphigoid: – In this autoimmune disorder, antibodies attack one of the protein components ("bullous pemphigoid antigen") of the hemidesmosome (schematic; EM). Since the hemidesmosome anchors the epithelium to the underlying connective tissue, its destruction loosens that connection and results in the formation of blisters.
  • 49. Thymus The thymus, a central lymphoid organ, is the organ in which T-cell precursors differentiate to become immunocompetent T-lymphocytes capable of responding to antigen in the context of "self". The thymus is not a site where immune responses to foreign antigen occur, and thus it differs from the peripheral lymphoid tissues in structure and organization; specifically, it contains neither nodules nor germinal centers. It is a bi-lobed organ whose size and appearance varies with age.
  • 50. Thymus: Overall Structure • Identify the connective tissue capsule and trabeculae that divide the thymus into lobules (4X). • Note the variation in lobule size. • Identify cortex and medulla of lobules (10X). • Note that lobules are not completely separated by trabeculae. Each lobe of the thymus contains a medullary core that extends into each lobule (4X). • Note the absence of lymphoid nodules and sinuses; you should be careful not to confuse circular regions of medulla with germinal centers. • Note that trabeculae are cortical structures; they do not extend into the medulla.
  • 51. Thymic Cortex • Identify large, mitotic thymocytes (100X, thymic lymphocytes), and note that they decrease in size as the medulla is approached. • Identify reticular epithelial support cells (schematic, 100X); these have a stellate shape, and pale-staining nuclei with distinct nucleoli. • Note that, unlike other lymphoid organs, the thymus has an entirely cellular stroma; no reticular fibers are present. Green arrows= reticular epithelial support cells NOTE: These cells appear to be “outlined”
  • 52. Thymic Medulla • Note that lymphocytes are less dense here (medulla is less stained than the cortex on previous slide…), so that reticular epithelial cells are more readily identified. • Identify reticular epithelial cells (100X), which have large, oblong nuclei. • Locate a Hassall's corpuscle (50X), and identify the concentric reticular cells that are hyalinized (100X, EM) and degenerated toward the center of the corpuscle.
  • 54. Thymus: Blood Vessels • Note that only capillaries (50X) are present in the cortex. Epithelial reticular cells ensheath thymic cortical capillaries, thereby contributing to a blood-thymic barrier (schematic) that keeps the cortex free of circulating antigens. Epithelial reticular cells cover thymic cortical capillaries blood-thymic barrier
  • 55. Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue • This tissue is often present as an infiltration of the lamina propria of mucous membranes, especially in gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts. Lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages and some other blood cells are scattered within the reticular connective tissue among the components of the lamina propria. Scan these slides of various regions of the digestive tract and locate diffuse lymphoid tissue (10X, 40X). Diffuse lymphoid tissue is particularly abundant in the lamina propria of colon. In all slides, identify: • Lymphocytes (100X). These are the most abundant cell type. • Macrophages (100X, lamina propria of small intestine). Both fixed and free macrophages are generally present. • Plasma cells (20X, 100X). You may also see these antibody-producing cells.
  • 56. Lymphoid Nodules • Lymphoid tissue arranged in a dense, spherical aggregation is called a lymphoid nodule. These can occur as solitary nodules, as loosely-organized aggregations, or as part of an encapsulated lymphoid organ.
  • 57. Solitary Lymphoid Nodules • Solitary One nodule on its own, at a distance from other nodules • Note that nodules can vary considerably in size. • Identify lymphocytes in the nodules. • Identify lymphoid nodules (4X, 10X, 10X, 10X) and secondary nodules (4X, 10X). Note that secondary nodules have lighter-stained germinal centers. • Note that nodules may be surrounded by diffuse lymphoid tissue.
  • 58. Aggregate Lymphoid Nodules • Aggregate multiple nodules adjacent to one another • Examine this section for loose aggregates of lymphoid nodules. In the ileum, these characteristic aggregates may include 10-100 lymphoid nodules and are called Peyer's patches (4X, 20X). They aid in the identification of this region of small intestine (to be studied later). • Identify lymphoid nodules and note secondary nodules
  • 59. Peripheral Lymphoid Organ • A lymphoid organ is an aggregation of lymphoid tissue that has a capsule of dense connective tissue. Lymph nodes, spleen and thymus are lymphoid organs that have complete capsules; tonsils are partially encapsulated lymphoid organs.
  • 60. Lymph Nodes: General Structure • Note the overall bean-like shape, with a hilus at the concavity. • Identify the dense irregular connective tissue capsule with septa (20X, 40X) or trabeculae extending into the organ. • Identify both afferent (4X, 10X, 40X) and efferent lymphatic vessels. This feature is unique to lymph nodes. • Identify both cortical and medullary regions.
  • 61. Lymph Nodes: Cortex • Identify lymphoid nodules surrounded by diffuse lymphoid tissue. • Lymphoid nodules in their inactive state are primary nodules; secondary nodules are easily identified by their germinal centers. • Note that cells within the germinal centers (40X) are larger, and have paler-staining, more euchromatic nuclei (100X), than do the cells surrounding them.
  • 62. Lymph Nodes: Medulla • Note that the lymphoid tissue is arranged here as cords (20X). • Identify medullary sinuses.
  • 63. Lymph Nodes: Framework • Note that the capsule (50X) and trabeculae (50X) are composed of dense C.T. • Identify fibroblasts in the dense C.T. (50X, 50X) • Study the delicate reticular tissue (50X) of the stroma. Note the reticular fibers stained specifically on especially slide 0-45. • Examine the reticular cells (50X), which are responsible for producing reticular fibers. The reticular cells form a network of cell processes associated with the supporting reticular fiber network. • Note that the reticular framework extends into sinuses, as well as into nodules and cords (50X, 50X). • Identify fixed macrophages (100X).
  • 64. Lymph Nodes: Sinuses • Lymph enters the node via afferent vessels, passes through the node via sinuses, and exits at the hilus via efferent vessels. The sinuses have discontinuous walls lined by reticular cells and fixed macrophages, allowing lymphocytes to move into sinuses, and, eventually, into efferent lymphatics. • Identify afferent lymphatics (4X, 10X, 40X) piercing the capsule at a number of sites. • Identify subcapsular sinuses (20X). • Identify cortical (trabecular) sinuses (20X). • Identify medullary sinuses (50X). • Identify efferent lymphatics at the hilus. See Medulla slide for medullary sinus
  • 65. Lymph Nodes: Blood Vessels and Nerves • Identify arteries at the lymph node hilus that provide branches to medulla, cortex, and trabeculae. • Identify the dense network of capillaries (40X) in the medullary cords. • Note that the cuboidal endothelium of post-capillary (high-endothelial) venules (100X, 100X, 100X, animation) is the site where B- and T-lymphocytes leave the blood to enter the lymph stream. They eventually leave the lymph node via efferent lymphatics. • Locate nerves entering the lymph node at the hilus.
  • 66. Tonsils • Although considered lymphoid organs by virtue of their partial connective tissue capsule, tonsils are not much more organized than Peyer's patches. Three groups of tonsils form a ring of lymphoid tissue around the pharynx. All are aggregates of nodules embedded in diffuse lymphoid tissue. They have an invaginated surface epithelium and an underlying connective tissue capsule.
  • 67. Palatine Tonsils • Identify lymphoid nodules (4X). • Note that the surface epithelium extends into deep invaginations, the tonsillar crypts (10X). • Identify lymphocytes invading the epithelium (40X). • What type of C.T. is present in the hemi-capsule (40X) that separates the tonsil from underlying muscle? – Fibrous connective tissue
  • 68. Lingual Tonsils • These tonsils are actually aggregations of epithelial pits surrounded by lymphoid tissue. • Identify crypts (4X). • Identify surface epithelium (40X, 40X). • Identify nodules and internodular spaces (4X, 40X). • Examine the hemi-capsule (4X, 40X).
  • 69. Pharyngeal Tonsils • Located in the nasopharynx, rather than the oropharynx, these tonsils differ somewhat from palatine and lingual tonsils. • Examine the surface invaginations (4X). These are actually longitudinal folds, rather than crypts. • Identify the surface epithelium (20X, 40X). • Identify nodules (4X). • These tonsils have a hemi-capsule, although the capsule is not visible in these particular slides because it was not dissected along with the specimen.
  • 70. Spleen: Overall Structure • Identify the capsule and branching trabeculae (4X). • Distinguish white pulp and red pulp. Identify splenic nodules (10X) within the white pulp.
  • 71. Spleen: Capsule and Trabeculae • Note the presence of blood vessels (10X) in the trabeculae. • Within the connective tissue, identify elastic fibers (100X) and smooth muscle cells (20X, 100X).
  • 72. Spleen: Reticular Framework • Slide E-47, with reticular stain, demonstrates the presence of a delicate reticular tissue stroma, upon which free cells are supported.
  • 73. Reticular Cell/Fibers in Framework of Spleen
  • 74. Spleen: White Pulp • Identify lymphocytes (100x). • Locate a secondary lymphoid nodule in the white pulp. Identify the central artery/arteriole (20X, 20X, 100X). The nodule is actually a local expansion of the lymphoid ensheathment of the artery. • Note the eccentric placement of the central artery (20X, 40X) in those nodules that have a germinal center. All secondary lymphoid nodules, which are activated for a humoral response, have germinal centers. • Identify the Periarteriolar Lymphoid Sheath (PALS) of lymphocytes surrounding the central artery (20X, 20X, 20X, 40X, 100X). T-lymphocytes principally surround the central artery, while B-lymphocytes are primarily located in the secondary nodules with germinal centers (100X). A germinal center is a site of B- lymphocyte proliferation. • Why is white pulp called white pulp? – White pulp contains lymphocytes (WHITE blood cells) and can be distinguished from red pulp, which contains sinusoids filled with RED blood cells. B-lymphocytes T-lymphocytes
  • 75. Spleen: Red Pulp • Two components are present in red pulp: venous sinuses and pulp cords.
  • 76. Red Pulp: Pulp Cords (aka Cords of Bilroth) • These structures consist of a spongy network of cells arranged on the reticular stroma. Identify the principal cell types (40X, 100X, 100X) present in the cords (20X): lymphocytes, macrophages (40X, 100X), plasma cells (100X), and erythrocytes. • Note that red pulp cords gradually merge into white pulp. • Note that lymphocytes (of all sizes) are less numerous in red than white pulp (20X, 40X). • Note that the pulp cords contain a large population of highly phagocytic cells (macrophages; 100X). What do these cells do here? – Macrophages destroy aged/damaged RBCs that move freely through the cords and venous sinuses. • Why is red pulp called red pulp? – Much less lymphocytes than white pulp; greater number of RBCs
  • 77. Splenic Phagocytosis • Slide O-18 demonstrates the presence of phagocytic cells in spleen (100X) by uptake of India ink (only phagocytic cells can sequester the ink, which is made up of tiny carbon particles).
  • 78. Red Pulp: Venous Sinuses • These lie between pulp cords (20X, 100X). Note that they are lined by endothelial cells that form a discontinous sinus wall (100X, 100X, EM). • Study the contents of the venous sinuses.
  • 79. Spleen: Blood Circulation • You should make sure that you can identify the following splenic structures in your slides: • Splenic artery. • Trabecular arteries. • Central arteries of white pulp. • Penicillar arterioles of red pulp (with pulp arteriole, sheathed arteriole, and terminal arterial capillary). • Venous sinuses. • Pulp veins. • Trabecular veins. • Splenic veins.
  • 80. Clinical Correlation 1. Follicular lymphoma (HD047). A follicular lymphoma is a tumor of lymphoid cells (most often B-cells), in which the cells cluster into nodules that resemble normal lymphoid follicles. All lymphoid tumors derive from a single transformed cell, so they are monoclonal, which means that all of the tumor cells are identical. As it fills with abnormal lymphocytes, the lymph node's normal structure is destroyed (1X). 2. Hodgkin lymphoma (HD045). Hodgkin lymphoma is a lymphoid cancer that begins as an enlargement of a single node, then spreads to neighboring nodes. Its most characteristic feature is the giant, neoplastic Reed-Sternberg (RS) cell. This form of the disease (Nodular Sclerosis) shows a modified form of the RS cell, the lacunar cell (5X, 40X). 40x 5x