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Sample Photo Essay
Creating an essay on the subject of a "Sample Photo Essay" can be both intriguing and
challenging. The task involves more than just putting words on paper; it requires a thoughtful
combination of visual elements and written content to convey a compelling narrative. Crafting a
photo essay involves selecting a series of images that tell a coherent and engaging story, and then
weaving them together with descriptive and analytical text.
One of the initial challenges lies in the selection of appropriate photographs. Each image must
contribute meaningfully to the overall theme of the essay. This requires a keen eye for detail, an
understanding of visual storytelling, and the ability to discern the emotional impact of each
picture. Moreover, finding the right balance between images and accompanying text is crucial.
The essay should seamlessly integrate both components, ensuring they complement and enhance
each other.
In addition to the creative aspects, the writer must possess strong writing skills to articulate the
significance of each photograph and the collective message they convey. The ability to provide
context, analyze visual elements, and draw connections between images is vital. This requires a
deep understanding of the chosen topic and effective communication skills to engage the
Furthermore, the challenge intensifies when attempting to capture the audience's attention and
maintain their interest throughout the essay. A successful photo essay should not only be visually
appealing but also intellectually stimulating, provoking thought and eliciting emotions.
Achieving this balance between aesthetics and substance requires careful planning, organization,
and a thorough understanding of the target audience.
Despite the difficulties, the process of creating a sample photo essay offers a unique opportunity
for self-expression and creativity. It allows the writer to experiment with the synergy between
words and images, pushing the boundaries of conventional essay writing.
For those seeking assistance or inspiration, various resources are available. Professional writing
services, such as, provide the option to order essays on a variety of topics,
including photo essays. These services offer expertise in crafting well-researched and compelling
content tailored to individual needs.
In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of creating a sample photo essay demands a combination
of artistic sensibility, writing proficiency, and a deep connection to the chosen subject. However,
for those looking for alternative solutions, platforms like offer a convenient
avenue to explore a wide range of essay topics and formats, ensuring that your writing needs are
met with professionalism and expertise.
Sample Photo Essay Sample Photo Essay
A Study Showing How Individuals in a Team Witnessed or...
This study showed how individuals in a team, witnessed or experienced interpersonal
aggression. The main areas that this study was based on was interpersonal aggression
and team diversity. Interpersonal aggression is described to be humiliating,
denigrating or ignoring a colleague which can take a significant toll on or at the
workplace. Studies have shown that employees that go through interpersonal
aggressionshow signs at their workplace, such as health problems, job dissatisfaction
and maybe even distress. The purpose of this study was to understand when this
aggression occurs, how and why interpersonal aggression occurs. The place that this
study was observed by is the workplace of the participants along with its diversity
team.... Show more content on ...
Team diversity is used in this study to see each of the individuals in how they
operate together in a team or in the same workplace and to see what the individuals
can contribute to the group or team. There are three social trends that govern the
team diversity in the nursing workplace such as females being prominent in the
nursing field, having a slow increase in males in the nursing field and shortage of
nurses in the local clinics, opening the opportunities for other minorities and
immigrants to have a job. The study s methods were to take the 30 nurses and assess
them with questionnaires daily. At least five Registered Nurses had to be assigned to
the morning shift three times a week. The nurses in the morning had a choice to
control what will happen for the rest of the shifts to make a change in the routine, like
a paradigm shift, to see a result if an interpersonal aggression will occur.When it came
to the race, sex, and age those factors did not have any change in the study. Like many
other studies, a demographic information was taken along with the distribution of
questionnaires. The interpersonal aggression was measured by the questionnaire that
touched upon the aggressive behavior that happened during their shift either to them
or to another person. When they had separated the information for the team diversity
there was no significance and their hypothesis only proved partial part of
Monetized Utilitarianism
Consequence Ethics; judging actions by the outcome rather than the act of doing;
only the consequences or the results are important. There are many styles of
consequentialism; one of which is Utilitarian. By definition, utilitarian ethics say we
should pursue the greatest good for the greatest number (Brusseau, 2012).
How is the lottery an example of the utilitarian monster? First, we need to outline
what a utilitarian monster is before deciding if it applies in this case. A utilitarian
monster is an imaginary, or highly conjectural, entity which derives the greatest
amount of pleasure by the sacrifice of the many to fuel its pleasure. Can we say the
lottery is an example of the utilitarian monster? Yes. Even though this money goes to
fund ... Show more content on ...
He believed that pleasure and happiness are ultimately synonymous. Ethics, this
means, seeks to maximize the pleasures (Brusseau, 2012). This is also not a short
term happiness, but an overall, over a long term, form of pleasure. Could the case
be made that, from a hedonistic utilitarian standpoint, the lottery is ethically
recommendable because it serves the welfare not only of the winner but also of
the millions of losers? Winning the lottery is a dream for most people and the
majority will not have their dream come to fruition. According to CBC News, the
odds of winning Canada s Lotto Max jackpot was one in an almost 29 million
chance. You are three times more likely to be killed in a traffic accident driving 16
kilometres to buy your ticket than winning the jackpot (CBC News, 2009). This is
not ethically desirable, as the odds of winning are exceedingly low. Therefore, from
the hedonistic utilitarian standpoint, over the long term, the only people gaining
pleasure/happiness are those winning, which is a very small number of
A Brief Note On Euro Zone Crisis Significantly Affected...
According to says Council for Leather Export, Indian leather exports were
registering an appreciable growth of more than 15% in Dollar Terms during the first
seven months of 2014 15, but, eventually ended with a moderate growth of 9.37%
during the fiscal 2014 15, primarily due to the Euro Zone crisis .
A decline in value of Euro followed by the crisis in Euro Zone is likely to have a
negative effect on India s export to European region, which accounts for around 18%
19% of India s total leather exports. The exports from key areas like Leather and
Gems Jewellery, which holds a major contribution in India s total exports to the
region were said to have witnessed a negative effect in the initial months of the
current fiscal due to the Euro Zone crisis.
This is one paradox the leather industry. On one end, Leather Industry is often
blamed for being the primary contributor in the contamination of rivers and also
creating health problems. While on the other, it is heralded as one of leading forex
earners for India and the hope of livelihood to approximately 25 lakh citizens in the
country. Of late, this Focus sector in the Make in India programme seems to be
experiencing chill winds from various directions. Will it be long before we hear
S.O.S ?
The growing uneasiness relating to the
Essay On There Is Not An App For That
There is Not an App for That Following the Guidelines of the American
Psychological Association Name Professor Introduction In society today,
everybody will explain there s an app for that! This essay will discuss an area of
life where there is not an app for that. It is an important area of life. The area of life
is something that helps you to earn money this is the area of life that I focus on.
As far as I know, there is not one single application that would be on an android,
smartphone or any other device that can actually give you hard cold cash in your
hand such as an ATM machine can and/or going to the bank in order to receive hard
cold cash from a teller. I know without a doubt that there is not one application that
can... Show more content on ...
Figure 2: Money Graph Someone may also need hard cold cash to buy goods at a
bake sale and/or to give a treat of a little spending money for lunchtime to their
child. With the applications that are in place now, even if you had access to
$100,000 from a cheque that you deposited with one of these applications and no
hard cold cash on you, you would not actually have any physical money at your
disposal at the time to give to your child for lunch money. In society today,
everybody will explain there s an app for that! This essay will discuss an area of
life where there is not an app for that. It is an important area of life. The area of life
is something that helps you to have happiness this is the area of life that I focus
on. As far as I know there is not one single application that would be on an android,
smartphone or any other device that can actually give you happiness in your hand
such as spending time with your parents or siblings or family, being in love with
someone and/or landing that dream job that you have always wanted. I know
without a doubt that there is not one application that can do that. I will explain
further in the following words. No Happiness with an App There are many
applications nowadays where you can deposit funds into your bank account from a
cheque, you can send virtual money to a friend that they would still require
transferring to a bank account in order to receive in cold hard cash through the usual
ways of an ATM once it is
Superheroes In Watchmen
Watchmen is different from most superhero stories. For instance, the superheroes in
Watchmen can be considered outcast, unenjoyed by the people of the city. They have
a much different reputation from other superheroes we hear about, such as Batman
and Superman. For example, this outcast theme is seen when the citizens of the city
throw shade at Dr. Manhattan for causing cancer (Moore 89 91), and the constant fear
when Rorschach appears (Moore 23). Furthermore, the government passed a law that
forbids them from existing in their superherostate. In other words, they are not
glorified as seen in other superhero depictions. After reading and seeing this within
the first chapters of the graphic novel, we must ask ourselves: Are the characters of
Aseptic Technique
An aseptic technique ensures that only uncontaminated equipment and fluids come
into contact with susceptible body sites. It should be used during any clinical
procedure that bypasses the body s natural defences. Using the principles of aseptic
minimises the spread of organisms from one person to another.
An essential part of infection control is firstly identifying possible sources on
infection, and secondly the modes by which the infection might be spread. Any
infection is caused by one of four types of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and
protozoa. These organisms can be carried by both the patients and the staff, and on
any equipment used within the practice. They can also be transferred outside the
work place where patients may come
Explain Why I Need A College Degree To Be Successful
Do you ever wonder if you really need a college degree to be successful.College isn
t necessary to be successful for many reasons. Cause if you go to college and don t
get no job than that s a waste of time, but if you don t attend and you have a job
than you did not waste time.Many jobs don t require for you to go to college. Also
many famous and successful people didn t go to college and is very successful.
Additionally many people are successful right after they graduate from high school.
Good jobs don t even require you to go to college or have a college degree, not
including Burger King, Mcdonald s, Denny s and etc. Furthermore a lot of athletes
don t even attend college and they are making more money than a person going to
college... Show more content on ...
4 Brilliant Reasons To Not Go To College. StartupCamp, 4 Jan. 2017, brilliant reasons to not go to college/. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017.
Jp. What Are the Odds of Succeeding with a College Degree? U.S. News World
Report, U.S. News World Report, 5 June 2012,
money/2012/06/05/what are the odds of succeeding with a college degree. Accessed
4 Mar. 2017.
Institution, Brookings. Is a College Degree Necessary for a Good Job? Not Always.
Values Capitalism, a college degree necessary for a
good job not always/. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017.
Sienna beard. 4 Reasons Why a College Education Is Necessary These Days. The
Cheat Sheet, The Cheat Sheet, 29 Oct. 2015, finance/4
reasons you should go to college.html/?a=viewall. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017.
Wu, Dareen. Why You Don t Need a College Degree to Succeed. Wise Bread, you dont need a college degree to succeed. Accessed 4
Mar. 2017.
Strebe, Sacha. You Don t Need a College Degree to Be Successful Here s Why.
MyDomaine, MyDomaine, 23 Sept. 2015, you dont need
a college degree. Accessed 4 Mar.
Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi Pros And Cons
The Pahlavi dynasty in Iran lasted from 1925 1979. In 1925 Reza Shah Pahlavi was
appointed and reined until 1941 when his son Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi
succeeded him after the Anglo Soviet invasion of Iran. Mohammed Reza Shah
Pahlavi was considered pro Western, who worked closely with many U.S. Presidential
administrations. In 1951 the European educated Mohammed Mosadegh, Prime
Minister of Iranwanted to nationalize Iran s oil industry. This political, economic and
ideological conflict resulted in Mohammed Reza ShahPahlavi being forced into exile
for a short period of time. Mosadegh s policies would have adversely affected the
British and American governments who had previously been in control of Iran s oil.
Therefore the Intelligence
Iago s Ambition In Othello
At all points of one s life, one has desires; what separates and defines a person is
determined by how that person goes about dealing with those desires. Some believe
in working honestly towards his or her aspirations and others in seizing it at any
cost. Iago, the antagonist of the play Othello is one of those people who would do
anything in order to get what he wishes. Because Othellonames Cassio lieutenant
instead of him, he begins to device a plan in vengeance to bring Othello and Cassio
down, which ends up tragic for all of the major characters. Iagos obsessive need for
revenge stems from jealousy and ambition, and because he is a master manipulator,
the plan goes extremely smooth for the majority of the play. At the end of Act 1,...
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He gets Cassio to talk to Othello s wife, Desdemona, to ask for his position back and
he begins to point out small things like them whispering. When Cassio exits the
scene when Othello approaches, Iago does not hesitate to make his move and
mentions it. Asking of Iago s suspicions, Iago says, Good my lord, pardon me,
Though I am bound to every act of duty I am not bound to that all slaves are free to
Utter my thoughts (138 140). This places Othello in the position of being alarmed
because what could be so horrible that this honest man would want to keep secret
from him. Eventually, Iago comes out with his fake suspicions and Othello
somewhat believes it but wants some kind of evidence. Fortunately, Iago s wife,
Emilia gets a hold of Desdemona s handkerchief and gives it to him. He puts more
of his plan into action saying, in Cassio s lodging [I] lose this napkin. And let him
find it. Trifles light as air Are to the jealous confirmations strong As proofs of holy
writ. (331 334). This is enough to convince Othello of Desdemona s affair with
Cassio, enraging him to want to murder the two. Othello decides he will kill his
wife, and asks Iago to do the same to
Electronic Protected Health Information On The...
To establish guidelines to assess and analyze potential risks and vulnerabilities to the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of the electronic protected health
information that Topaz Information Solutions, LLC (Topaz) creates, uses, processes
and transmits.
II.Scope and Limitations This policy applies to all Topaz workforce members.
III.Related Policy Names and Numbers
Privacy Policy (COM 001)
Security Policy (COM 002)
Disclosure Policy (COM 003)
Electronic Protected Health Information (e PHI) Any individually identifiable health
information protected by HIPAA that is transmitted by or stored in electronic media
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Actof 1996 (HIPAA) Regulations
protecting the privacy and security of certain health information
HIPAA Privacy Rule: Establishes national standards to protect individuals medical
records and other personal health information and applies to health plans, health care
clearinghouses, and health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions
HIPAA Security Rule: Establishes national standards to protect individuals electronic
personal health information that is created, received, used, or maintained by a
covered entity. The HIPAA Security Rule requires appropriate administrative,
physical and technical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and security
of electronic protected health
The Puppet Master Behind The Curtain
The Puppet Master Behind the Curtain;
The California Scandal
Andrew Moroz Purdue Calumet University
Interest groups in the current world serve specific agendas that either benefit or
disturb the general public. This paper will review and analyze the events of the Enron
Corporation in association with the electrical shortages and demand increase in
California in the turn of the century. By evaluating the corporate institutions motives
and agendas, a clear path will show that Enron misused its size and influenced
electric companies to manipulate energy prices, in order to leverage Enron s market
share and bolster profits to cover up losses that where attributed by unethical and
even Illegal activities in the past. The objective of this paper is to expose the
carelessness of special interest groups to satisfy corporate greed without consideration
of the general population.
Keywords: Enron, California, Electricity Crisis The Puppet Master Behind the
The California Scandal
Enron, a once thriving Houston based energy titan, is now reduced to a cautionary
adage among Americans to what massive failure corporate greed could lead to. At
its core however Enron s ethical and moral behavior was sound and seemed to be
aligned with industry competitors. In an opening statement to the Enron Code of
Ethics issued in July 2000, Lay wrote: As officers and employees of Enron Corp., its
subsidiaries, and its affiliated companies, we are responsible
Bisphenol A (or BPA) is an organic compound used in the industrial production of
plastics. It was first synthesised around 100 years ago, and has been used to
produce polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins since the 1960s (US FDA, 2012).
Polycarbonate plastics are lightweight and rigid, therefore used in products such as
CDs, DVDs, sports and medical equipment, food and drink containers and some
water supply pipes. Epoxy resins are used as protective coatings in food cans,
paints and adhesives (Aschberger, 2010). According to the US Environmental
Protection Agency, there are over three million tonnes of BPA produced worldwide
each year. Humans are exposed to BPA as it has the ability to hydrolyse (react with
water) when catalysed by hydroxide,... Show more content on ...
For example, Lang et al (2008) claims that higher levels of BPA in the urine were
associated with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. However, higher levels
of BPA in the urine could also suggest a high consumption of packaged food. The
packaged food is higher in sugar, salt and fat content, therefore would lead to a higher
risk of type 2 diabetes. The US Environmental Protection Agency concludes that these
studies are insufficient for use in risk assessment because of a variety of flaws in
some of the study designs . They further question the findings stating that there is an
inability of other researchers to reproduce the effects in standardised
Why The Hunting Life Has Its Limits
Hey I think I found a case for us! I hear from the other room. It s Chad telling me to
basically pack up because we are going multiple states over. What are the details
dude? I ask. Every once in awhile Chad thinks he found a case but it ends up being
some twisted person who likes to murder people in strange ways. It s probably also
my fault when that happens because I would miss the clues. Well a man was
found with his heart missing. Sound like a werewolf to you? Yup. I say while
packing my clothes into a small duffelbag. You see, the hunting life has its limits.
We can t keep a very large wardrobe since we are always moving around. We can t
even really afford new clothes for that matter. We mainly rely on fake identities and...
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Yeah, you re right. I say quietly as I hand him the keys. Anything wrong? He asks
suspiciously. Oh, no no i m fine. I reply as I look down at the floor. He squints at
me for a few seconds then looks away. He gets up and quickly packs his bag. I
stand in the door frame watching his anxious tendencies. He would look in his
bag, scan the room, look in his bag again and walk around the room until he found
what he was looking for. It s like he s always scanning his surroundings for
something awry. Alright, let s go. He says while walking out towards the car. We
stroll to the car, bags over our shoulders, and Chad fumbles with the keys. I laugh
and shake my head. I open the door and lean my seat back so I can sleep. I feel the
car engine turn on and I doze off. Hey, Dare! Wake up! We re here. I hear Chad say
while shaking me. Ugh ok ok. I mumbled while rubbing my eyes. I quickly sit up in
my seat. I grab my bag and walk into our motel room. I set down my duffelbag and
head to the shower. I turn on the water which takes forever to get hot but when it
does the steam quickly fills the bathroom. I put my hand in the water to check the
temperature. I immediately recoil my hand. God, thats hot. I whisper to myself. I
adjust the nozzle and I take a quick shower and get dressed. As I open the bathroom
door Chad is waiting and goes in right after. I m gonna go get a coke. I yelled. Ok!
Shouts Chad. I grab a dollar out of
Research Study On American Sign Language
1)How did you select this research study to analyze? That is, what search terms
did you use? What database did you use? What was your rationale for selecting this
particular study to analyze over the others identified in the search results? What is
the full reference for the study in APA format? When I searched for this article I
first started by going to UNF s One Search from the Library home page. I selected
the options full text only, peer reviewed only, and journal articles only This limited
my search but I felt only gave me the things worth reading that I know would be
more credible than anything else. Since I had already found two articles that
focused on Bi Bi I was hoping to find an article that focused on ASL so I typed in
the search American Sign Language . At first I only saw articles that focused on
hearing people learning ASL but as I scrolled down I saw the word Family which
caught my eye first. I decided to use this article because it gives the perspectives of
the families on how ASL affects their lives. 2)What was the background for the
study? That is, what previous knowledge did the author describe as a foundation for
the study in the review of related literature? The background for this study that the
authors mention is Dunst s, Trivetter s and Deal s practices in family centered
practices, which explains an appropriate and effective way to inform family
members of the options they have for their family member who is Deaf or hard of
History And Outlook Of A Popular Chain Coffee Shop,
Brewing Innovation, an article by Shezray Husain, Feroz Khan, and Waqas Mirza
in 2014 for London Business School, focuses on the history and outlook of a
popular chain coffee shop, Starbucks. By discussing a brief history of the cafГ©
brand and its rise and fall through the economic crisis of 2008, it was clear that the
company managed so proficiently due to strategic moves made by leadership. The
article explored how the company centered it focus on its consumers and building
itself a priority spot in the community by utilizing customer opinions and social
media. In fact, by doing so, the corporation not only survive the 2008 economic
downfall, but thrived to become of the innovative leaders of the 21st century (Lemus,
Feingenblatt, Orta, Rivero, 2015.) By executing strategic moves in five phases, the
company bounced back to become a main staple in everyday life. Starbucksis present
in 50 states in the US and 43 countries. It is one of the most respected brands,
winning awards such as Best Business , Most Admired Company , 100 Best
Corporate Citizens and so on (Husain, Khan, Mirza, 2014.) Starbuck s current
position amongst its competitors is clear in that all others fall behind. However, as
explained in the article, this was not always the case. Very few businesses faced little
turmoil when the recession took place. Starbucks Corporation did not escape this
fate, but instead of continuing to tread water, the company brought on a different
CEO who held a different
Use Of The Prediction Sheet By Filling It Out On The
Learning Activity #1When the teacher says, designated students will grab the
materials from the side of the room and bring them back to their table group.
As a large group we will discuss the each objects we are testing. Objects to test
(Rocks, foil, wood, pencils, styrofoam, metal, plastic container, lego, eraser, and milk
вћўWhat is the name of the object?
вћўWhat is it made of?
вћўWhat shape is the material in?
Students can then grab their prediction sheet from the center of the table and fill out
the name and date.
We will then go over how to use the prediction sheet and I will demonstrate one
material for them as a class. I will demonstrate how to use the prediction sheet by
filling it out on the smart board.
вћў ... Show more content on ...
Learning Activity #2Students will be working with their elbow partner at their table.
Before they begin we will discuss as a class what good group work looks like.
Students will then be instructed to work with their partner to write the name of each
material, and their prediction. Each student must complete his or her own prediction
Groups must get the teacher to sign off on their prediction sheet. Once everyone is
done, I will distribute the containers for water. We will then have a class discussion
on taking turns.
They will then explore the different types of materials in their groups. As they test
each material they will be recording each result. 10 mins
Teacher Notes: Assessments/ DifferentiationObserving
I will be walking around and asking questions to ensure students understand the tasks.
Students will be a completing their prediction sheet. I will make sure students record
each result.
Learning Activity #3Class discussion Did it sink or float?
After everyone has completed exploring the different types of materials we will have
a class discussion about the materials. We will distinguish between the materials that
floated and sank. This will be written on the white board. We can then discuss what
characteristics each pile had.
Questions to ask during discussion
What materials floated?
What materials sunk?
Were there any materials
Ho Chi Minh and The Vietnam War
The declaration of Vietnamese independence made by Ho Chi Minh in 1945 served
as a milestone in what was a century old struggle against foreign control. In its history
Vietnam had spent 1000 years under control of the Chinese and had resisted this
control vehemently. Revolts and rebellions against China finally lead to Vietnamese
independence in the tenth century. In the thirteenth century the Vietnamese drove
back Kublai Khan three times under the leadership Dao. Tran Hung Dao not only led
the Vietnamese people in driving Kublai Khan back, but did so by pioneering the
guerrilla warfare methods that would later be employed against both the French and
the United States. It is thus evident from this brief history of Vietnams that its... Show
more content on ...
As Eisenhower took office he and his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, chose
to agree with the assessment of Ho Chi Minh as an instrument of international
communism . This view would lock the United States once more in a policy driven
by fear of communism. The administration set about bolstering a war weary France
with promises of additional aid, but also with demands on access to French battle
plans. In March of 1954 the Vietminh s successful assault on French Garrisons left
the U.S. even more in doubt concerning France s success. By the time Kennedy took
office the French had withdrawn and Eisenhower had poured millions of dollars of
aid into South Vietnam. The U.S. policy had a chance to shift at this point, but once
again, Kennedy picked up the mantle of taking a stand against communism in Vietnam
Though the commitment at this point to forces in South Vietnam was not one of full
soldiers on the ground , Kennedy still inherited a dangerous situation. Kennedy made
a decision that caused yet another crucial turning point in the war in 1961 when he
committed both aid and advisers, marking a giant step forward into the War in
Vietnam. The U.S. policy took another hit when Kennedy ignored John Galbraith
who said that the United states was becoming entrapped in a long drawn out
indecisive involvement and
History of the Newspaper
History of the Newspaper
The first acknowledged newspaper came into existence in 1665 and was called the
Oxford Gazette . During the development stages, newspapers were split into two
separate camps. Firstly there are the tabloids. The tabloids have a long and
interesting history behind them. Lord Northcliffe; then owner of the Daily
Mirror, launched the Daily Mirror in November 1903 and were aimed specifically for
the female audience. In 1904 it was re launched at The Daily Illustrated Mirror as a
picture paper for men and women. It used mostly photos and climbed to a circulation
of over a million in 1914. When asked what s the secret of your success , Lord
Northcliffe said I give my readers ... Show more content on ...
The Mirror developed a close link to readers through ordinary working class
journalist and stories. In the 1950s Marjorie Proops became the first Agony Aunt
column. Through the 50 s and 60 s the Mirror focused on great social and political
issues. They invented the SHOCK issue, intending to shock, explain, illicit debates
and give solutions to social problems and particularly the fear of blacks and
immigrants during the Windrush years; there were a shortage of workers and so they
turned to colonies for extra workers. In 1981 the Sun and Mirror were losing readers
to the star due to its bingo competition. Larry Lamb; the editor of the Sun, was
sacked by Rupert Murdoch; chairman of the Sun newspapers owners news
international group. He was replaced by Kelvin Mackenzie who ran bingo
competition and slashed the price to beat off the competition. Following these
measures the Sun s circulation rose by sum 500,000 over 3months time period and
the Daily Star never recovered to its previous level.
Throughout the 1980 s, Mackenzie attacked political targets such as labor councilors,
unions and Minors strike (1984 85), using the red commie scare tactics during the
Cold War. He targeted those at the margins of society; from criminals to social
Car Dependency In The United States
Car dependency is one of the most important problems in the United States.
Owning a personal car is mandatory in most small towns. All roads are designed
for cars without pedestrian ways, and so much of the land is reserved for parking
lots. Pedestrian friendly cities rates are really low when it is compared with car
friendly ones.
As people have difficulties to reaching services and activities without having a car,
owning a car has its disadvantages and problems also. The problem s origin date
back to the 1920s. While cities were being planned, overall design was based on car
usage, but did not account for growth in that population. Urban sprawl added to
increased car usage, which was not taken into account during the design phase, and
improper ... Show more content on ...
First, mass motorization and increased road standards were results of inappropriate
urban planning. Every two households in the US had one registered automobile on
average in the mid 1930s, which is earlier than many European countries.
According to this high rate of motorization, high road standards were developed by
planners and engineers quickly, and cities adopted to this pattern easily. After the
mortgage policies in the 1950s (1), the interstate systems destroyed urban
neighborhoods and created divided urban systems by using wide big roads, so
urban sprawl increased. Also, low vehicle taxes and gasoline prices reduced the
cost of driving, and increased this car travel demand over time. Additionally, the
government subsidized most of the gas taxes, tolls, and registration fees, and the
result was the lack of public transportation in many US cities. Especially after World
War II, privately owned transit systems increased ticket prices, cut services, and
prompted people to own a private car. In 1970s, some of the US cities started to
promote walking and cycling with appropriate amenities (1), but it was not enough to
change people s travel behaviors. Lastly, maybe most importantly, zoninglaws do not
allow mixed land use planning which facilitates shorter trips between amenities in
most of the US cities. Zoning laws, also requires a minimum number of parking lots
per usage, rather than the maximum numbers of limited parking such as most
Animals in Medical Experiments Essay
Animal experimentation has been credited for the medicines made to assist diabetes,
vaccines for smallpox, deep brain stimulation for parkinson s disease, and many
more along with millions of dollars spent on failed experiments, millions of animal
deaths a year, misleading data and an overall bigger loss than gain. The main point of
animal testingis to benefit the safety and overall health of humans, but testing on non
humans to learn about humans doesn t contribute to the cause. Humans have the
voice protective of their own lives and demand rights, though every living creature
deserves the right to life and to safety. The way these animals are being treated is
heinous and insulting to the humanrace, as it subsides our morals and some... Show
more content on ...
Rats show us that they are of senses and are similar to humans, if they weren t we
wouldn t be testing on them, rats aren t less intelligence to other animals; So they
deserve rights just as other animals.
Animal testing models live generally deplorable and very restricted. These animals
are deprived of social interaction and proper living environments their entire lives.
This often causes odd behaviors that could very well interfere with every
experiment. For example large Rhesus monkeys are kept in two feet by three feet
cages and they developed abnormal neurotic behavior, such extreme conditions make
the animal s text results very questionable. (Fox) Scientists ignore the animal s
stuffing and call it adaptive because it is due to their unfitting environments.
Scientists also put aside their mental, emotional, psychological and social suffering
and it s significance on their projects.There are laws against the cruelty against
animals that live in our homes but an animal bred to test on has almost no safety
rights; rats and mice have none at all. These specimens are burned, cut open,
shocked, poisoned, socially isolated, starved, dehydrated, forcibly restrained, addicted
to drugs, brain damaged, given birth defects, and killed in various pointless
experiments(Chanda). Not many humans can even imagine having any of those
things being done to them, yet everyday we take the power over a
The Importance Of Reproductive Rights
Women s rights have always been, and will most likely continue to be, an extremely
controversial issue. There are many individuals that, still to this day, do not believe
that men and women are equal and therefore, shouldn t be treated as such. However,
despite the constant opposition, women s rights have come a long way over the last
several decades. During the 20th century alone, women gained some of their most
monumental rights, in my opinion. Some of these rights include, but are not limited
to having the right to; vote, be payed the same amount as men for equal work, and not
be discriminated against due to their sex, religion, race, etc. Also during the 20th
century, women were granted reproductive rights, which I will be focusing on for the
duration of this paper.
According to the United Nations, reproductive rights are defined as the basic rights of
all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and
timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right
to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health . The definition also
includes the right to make decisions concerning reproduction free of discrimination,
coercion and violence (United Nations 20). Reproductive rights are recognized human
rights under both national and international laws. Even though women s reproductive
rights are documented by laws, violations of these said rights still occur very
frequently. These violations can
Vietnam s Cosmetics Market.
VVietnams Cosmetics Market
With a population of 86 million over half aged under 30 Vietnam in particular is an
attractive market for cosmetic companies. In fact, according to business advice
service Vietnam Net, approximately 90% of cosmetics sold in the country are
imported. The country s largest foreign players are South Korea (30%), the EU
(23%), Japan (17%), Thailand (13%) and the US (10%), according to 2006 estimates
from the US Commercial Service. Ngo Minh Phuong from the US Commercial
Service in Vietnam points out: Although the share by each player may be slightly
different [than the 2006 figures given] the ranking is the same and [South] Korea is
still clearly the predominant player.
According to the Vietnams association s ... Show more content on ...
We re looking for expansion partners in Aseanbut the deals will vary from
manufacturing to marketing and direct selling, . In two years the second plant in
Burma will be manufacturing makeup and skincare products. Better Way will hold
40 per cent of the plant. Its partner Saha plans to develop a 500 rai (80 hectare)
industrial park in the country. (R amp;D)
The first factory in Burma for fragrance products has reached its limit in
manufacturing efficiency.
Better Way (Thailand) is also working with Wuttisak Clinic to create product
formulas. The first fruit of the collaboration, launched yesterday, is Mistine White
Spa Glutathione UV whitening lotion.
Better Way in the near future will be able to use Wuttisak s 115 beauty clinics
throughout the country to place and sell its Mistine cosmetics, while Wuttisak can use
the Mistine direct selling network to distribute its cosmetic and skincare lines. http:/
/ amp;sec=2
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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., A Political Icon Essay
There are a select few individuals who have come variously to be called great or
brilliant because they and their accomplishments have forever changed society and
the world. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those individuals. Martin Luther
King s contributions to history place him in this inimitable position. One of the great
figures in the march of human history, Martin Luther King Jr., like Gandhi before
him, lived by a heroic credo of non violence. More than two decades since his death,
Martin Luther King ideas; his call for racial equality, his faith in the ultimate triumph
of justice, and his insistence on the power of nonviolent struggle to bring about a
major transformation of American society are as vital and timely as... Show more
content on ...
King, quickly realized that the best strategy to liberate African Americans and gain
them rights was to use nonviolent forms of protest. He recognized that nonviolence
was strategically the only realistic option for oppressed African Americans to
achieve justice as well as the fact that violence would simply polarize the races and
make true justice and reconciliation impossible (King, 1983). This gave King, like
Mohandas Gandhi, the stature of being both a great moral leader and a brilliant
political strategist (Cone, 1969). King organized marches, speeches, and much more
to motivate the Africans of America to fight for their rights. His political philosophy
and strong beliefs helped lead a nation to the racial justice it has today.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great speaker, a role model, and a man who wasn t
afraid to dream . Black Americans needed a Martin Luther King, but above all the
world needed him. The significant qualities of this special man cannot be
underestimated nor taken for granted. Within a span of thirteen years from 1955 to
his death in 1968 he was able to expound, expose, and extricate America from many
wrongs (Cone, 1969). Martin Luther King was such an inspirational leader because
he appealed to not only the black population, but he appealed to all people who
believed in equality and freedom. King, not only spoke with
Science Fair Questions
Science Fair Question
How do different colors absorb and re emit radiant (light) energy?
Background Research Have you ever experienced the warmth provided by a shaft of
sunlight through a window? This paper is going to discuss how different colors
absorb and re emit radiant (light) energy. The following terms will be discussed;
energy, radiant energy, photon, and electron volt.
Energy is defined as usable heat or power, measured by the amount of work done,
usually in joules or watts. Energy can exist in a variety of forms, such as electrical,
mechanical, chemical, thermal, or nuclear, and can be transformed to one form to
another (The American Heritage Student Science Dictionary 116). Solar radiation can
be converted into ... Show more content on ...
Photon s are discrete bundles of energy and never stop moving, which is the opposite
of absolute zero (Photon What is a Photon?). The Stefan Boltzmann Law is a
statement that the total radiation heat energy emitted from a surface is proportional
to the fourth power of its absolute temperature (Stefan Boltzmann Law) and it is a
very important aspect of this project. Temperature Kelvin is the only temperature
scale designed to fit absolute zero, even though absolute zero my never be reached,
though it has been approached (What is absolute
Case Study Of ALMA RAS
ALMA RAS started its business in Olovo seventeen years ago. It was symbolically
founded on International Women s Day and has since become renowned as
indispensable for those enjoying high quality fine underwear and nightwear. Over
the years, ALMA RAS has showed continuous growth and development from a small
family business to one of the most well known brands in BiH, with a widespread
wholesale distribution network and its own retail stores throughout BiH. In 2014,
ALMA RAS expanded its business to Serbiaby opening its first store in Belgrade,
while its export network, apart from Montenegro, Macedonia and Norway, has
reached as far as South Korea. Increasing demand also requires additional production
capacities, so in 2014, apart from the existing facilities in... Show more content on ...
Basic Collection is underwear in its simplest form, in black, white and beige,
always available in Alma Ras retail stores and with our franchise partners. Because
of bigger demand of this collection gave the company reason to get demand pull
influation. That means the situation when prices of articles increase because of
higher demand. They are in corperation with Dolce Gabanna , they send their
materials to alma ras company so they produce some special staff for D G and this
collection goes just for D G.
3.Impact of Interest Rates
Alma Ras company has started in house to produce textil, they reach good profit so
they decided to spread their business but they needed more money that they had, so
they must to take credit to establish their business , interest rates was no problem
for them because the borrowed money quickly paid off , thus they had no problems
with pay off the loans . We can conclude that their demand was high and profit also,
so they paid all loans on time and they spread their company in bigger.
4.How Market Prices Are
The Ethics Of DNA Testing And Ethical Dilemmas
As time goes on civilizations find innovations to make living a little bit easier.
However, new frontiers often bring struggles. In Flackelmann s articles on The
Ethics of DNA Testing four situations are given and later followed by a
comprehensive analysis by both the public and by experts in ethics, law, geneticsand
any other various fields that correlate with the cases scenarios. The first scenario
(titled A Case of Dwarfism ) describes the story of a couple who are carrying the
gene for achondroplasia, meaning they both are dwarfs. The counselor tells the
parents that through genetic testing they can find out whether or not the child will
have dwarfism as well. The couple has made 3 decisions; the first being that if the
child has... Show more content on ...
I think in an advancing society it is necessary but, with limitations. A person has a
right to know about their future children and is entitled to avoid anything they may
consider to be too troubling to handle; however, patients should be made aware that
the results may be negative or defamatory. But, access to this kind of information
requires a serious amount of sensitivity and the person handling it should be aware of
this and understand that the only ethics that have entitlement in this situation are the
subjects . I think it s all very delicate and subjective. There should be many
considerations when having a child or dealing with one s genetics but, the most
important one is quality of life. As long as the ethics support that they are not only
beneficial but,
Evolution Phases Of Non Governmental Organizations
Evolution Phases of Non Governmental Organisations in India Dr. Suresh Kumar
Bhaker, Assistant Professor, Management in Haryana School of Business, Guru
Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology Hisar, Haryana Abstract This
survey paper highlights the sequential and verifiable improvement of the Non
Governmental Organizations in India. It additionally assesses how these
associations created amid pre autonomy and post reliance period and considering
the advancement time of NGOs altogether four stages with evolving parts. Key
Words: Non Governmental Organizations, Evolution, Phases, Voluntarism,
Changing Roles. Historical Background Balmiki s Ramayan depicts one of the
soonest willful activities as saw today when Ram was leaving Ayodhya and going
to woods, according to his fathers request. Individuals sorted out and took after Ram
to take him back to Ayodhya. They were driven by Brahmin who was old to the
point that their heads were shaking (VayaPrakampShir), and their beneficiary was as
reasonable as a swan (hansshukishir). They asked for, and put good and religious
weight on Ram to return back. At the point when Ram did not return and deluded
them at the Tamasa, they returned home and in anguish they sorted out a bandh;
markets were shut, no one cooked sustenance on that day, and even the ladies
conveying their first child did not feel upbeat. The national artist Maitheli Sharan
Gupt portrayed this scene in; Saket and called this type of dissent Vinat Vidroh
There are many conspiracy theories concerning the life and death of Tupac
Shakur. Tupac Amaru Shakur was an American rapper and actor. Tupac was born
New York, New York, United States on 16 June 1971. His birth name was Lesane
Parish Crooks. Tupac was killed on September 13, 1996, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
There have been many different stories about his death. People say he is still alive
and then people said he is dead. There have also been people saying his death was
caused because of his music and the Illuminati killed him. Various conspiracy
theorists throughout the public believe that the Illuminati killed Tupac because he
was exposing them and also not promoting the ideals that they desired. The ways
Tupac exposed the Illuminati was... Show more content on ...
(Illuminati History) Originally Weishaupt had planned the order to be named the
Perfectibilists . The group has also been called the Bavarian Illuminati and its
ideology has been called Illuminism . Many influential intellectuals and progressive
politicians counted themselves as members, including Ferdinand of Brunswick
and the diplomat Xavier von Zwack, the second in command of the order. The
order had branches in most European countries: it reportedly had around 2,000
members over the span of ten years. It attracted literary men such as Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder and the reigning dukes of
Gotha and Weimar. In 1777 Karl Theodor became ruler of Bavaria. He was a
proponent of Enlightened Despotism and his government banned all secret
societies including the Illuminati. Internal rupture and panic over succession
preceded its downfall, which was affected by the Secular Edict made by the
Bavarian government.] The March 2, 1785 edict seems to have been deathblow to
the Illuminati in Bavaria. Weishaupt had fled and documents and internal
correspondences, seized in 1786 and 1787, were subsequently published by the
government in 1787. Von Zwack s home was searched to disclose much of the
group s literature. There are also theories about Tupac faking his death, and he is
still alive. The 7 Day Theory is an idea
The Current Financial Crisis Essay
Frederic Mishkin makes the point in the text, The Economics of Money Banking, and
Financial Markets (2010) that Banks and other financial institutions are what make
financial markets work. Without them, financial markets would not be able to move
funds from people who save to people who have productive investment opportunities.
(p.7). The movement of funds between savers and those with productive investment
opportunities is the means of creating growth. When people lose confidence in the
economy this activity freezes or weakens, consequently, asset prices decline,
unemployment rises and companies default as was the case of Lehman Brothers in
2008. The freezing of the flow of money is a financial crisis. Today, the global flow of
... Show more content on ...
Europe and China are major economies that impact the world.
Europe s challenges with the Euro are complicated. The United States congress
had trouble agreeing to enact legislature to raise its debt ceiling in order to meet its
obligations and maintain its credit ratings. In Europe, separate countries need to
agree to come together with a combined political will to stabilize countries and
banks in financial trouble. Without the power to print money individually, each
country under the single currency must come together under combined policies.
Today, Europe seems willing to reach combined policy decisions to avoid an
economic disaster. Ultimately, if this happens, the Euro will have a stronger
future just as the United States gained a stronger political and financial system
from policies created as a result of the Great Depression. If Europe fails to come to
agreement on combined policies to solve the European Debt Crisis the world will
realize the financial risks. Direct exposure is already being seen in the financial
institutions. MF Global recently filed for bankruptcy. Exposure to European bonds
brought down a $41B firm just 3 weeks after a European bank failure. Repo to
maturity contacts. Falling bond values created the need for more collateral in this
type of financial instrument. Firms with similar investments could see greater risk if
interest rates rise and bond values fall.
Company earnings have been the bright light
Harriet Tubman Research Paper
Harriet Tubman Explanatory Harriet Tubman was an extraordinary heroine.
Harriet was a former slave who ran away in hopes to gain freedom in the northern
states and Canada. After Harriet made her first trip alone to Philadelphia, she
devoted her life to returning south and leading other slaves into Philadelphia, and
later Canada due to the Fugitive Slave Act. Harriet Tubman in her lifetime
liberated over three hundred slaves, with her largest group of eleven slaves. As
you will soon see, Harriet Tubman is a famous heroine in history who did
extraordinary acts of generosity. Harriet Ross was born a slave in Dorchester
County, Maryland. She worked all day along with her family under Master
Edward. One day while working on the plantation, her sister Tilly was sold to
another plantation, leaving Harriet and her family behind. Master Edward believed
Harriet and her family wanted to run away and hired slave overseers to watch them
at all times; resulting in, a slave overseer spotting Harriet away from her plantation.
Harriet had a brick thrown at... Show more content on ...
She freed a total amount of three hundred slaves in her lifetime. Even though her
parents disapproved of her expeditions, Harriet knew it was her duty to free the
slaves and bring them freedom. Her largest group was eleven slaves, brought up
from her home state of Maryland. She brought the slaves all the way up to Canada,
due to the Fugitive Slave Act that they could be returned to their slaves in the
northern states. Harriet was forced to make sure none of the slaves would leave the
railroad under her supervision. If a slave left, the slave would be forced to disclose
important information about the Underground Railroad; inevitably, causing the
slaves return to their masters. The stationmasters on the railroad will be jailed and
their stations closed. Harriet Tubman was named Moses at the height of her power of
freeing the
Examples Of Abigail Lying In The Crucible
There is no such thing as a perfect liar. In this book many characters lie to try to
avoid confrontation with others and so they can get away with things. This is
exactly how Abigail acted throughout the story in which ways that can be easily
related to a crucible. A crucible is a pot that can withstand great heat, so it is used
for melting other metals. Crucible can also be defined as severe or hard test/trial,
and lastly it is an adjective used to describe a hard grade steel. Abigail is a very
popular character in this play, her name and herself pop up all the time and have a
big significance on the play and how the trials progress. Characters that she talks to
or confronts are John Proctor, a farmer who is currently married and isn t big into the
trials until her wife is accused. Then Reverend Parris, Abigail s... Show more content
on ...
Abigail lying is the perfect way to show she is a crucible because in the play she
tries to melt away her problems by lying which relates to a crucible which is a
melting pot. In her affair with John Proctor she is a great example of a hard test or
trial because John cannot figure out this test which is Abigail and it impacted how
he moved on because he always had the thought of his lechery in the back of his
mind. Finally the trials with Elizabeth showed how Abigail is a high grade steel
because she took a needle to her belly in order for her to get rid of Elizabeth and
have John Proctor all to herself. Everything didn t work out in the end for Abigail
Williams as she left the town and her family behind because she knew she would
be caught for lying in court but she was a perfect example of the word crucible in
the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. So, is there such thing as a perfect
Busines Essay
[Date] LSBF Lecturer Michael Olusoji [Date] LSBF Lecturer Michael Olusoji
LO1. Be able to use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and
secondary 1.1 Create a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data for a
given business
1.2 Present the... Show more content on ...
Be able to use software generated information to make decisions in an organisation
4.1 Use appropriate information processing tools
.....................................................................12 4.2 Prepare a project plan for an
activity and determine the critical path..............................13 4.3 Use financial tools
for decision making...................................................................................14
Summary It all about an anti ageing product. There is a huge demand in the
market, the actual product is not efficient and is expensive. Ms Kimberly Archover
from Palm Beach USA, Her innovative product which is already popular in USA is
being marketed in a jar which looks similar to face cream jars for $24.99 and
available in two different bottle at 17 stores in Florida and ВЈ15 on her UK website.
Available from Ms Aschauer is keen to launch this
product on a grand scale in the UK and to open stores nationwide. One of the
product user has come with the new anti ageing product that she created and the
product is effective and cost less compare to the old in the market. Introduction
Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the
values and preferences of the decision maker. It is also an important part of doing a
better business Moreover, using appropriate IT software and spreadsheets for data
analysis and the
American Imperialism Essay examples
The United States of America had begun its political life as a colony of the British
Empire. However, as the 20th century dawned, the nation quickly found itself as one
of the world s leading imperial powers. Historians have proposed various reasons for
this change in the American psyche. Historians from the progressive school of
thought argue that economic interests dictated American foreign policy; while
academics of the Conservative or older patriotic tradition advocate that the nation s
brief foray into imperialism represented a great aberration from typical American
isolationism. A third school led by Julius Pratt, applied Social Darwinism to the
country stating that a combination of religious and humanitarian components
motivated... Show more content on ...
This need for new markets had pushed the nation into conflict with other imperial
powers. Exempli Gratia Beard, a champion of the progressive school, stated that the
desire for profits had pushed Americans into war with Spain over Cuba (Grob, page
The Spanish American War was fought mainly for economic reasons. The United
States primary motivation for entering the war was purely economic (Spanish
American War). The United States had a vested interest in Cuba almost fifty million
dollars invested in the island nation. Additionally, America had a sound trade history
with Cuba: trading more with the Spanish colony than its motherland (Cuba). The
rotting Spanish Empire provided a hindrance to American business interests. Tariffs
and trade fees were especially troublesome to American businessmen. After the war,
America had successfully the profitability of their investments. This was done
through the Platt Amendment. This amendment had essentially dictated Cuba s
economic policy: allowing Americans to check Cuban national debt and foreign
treaties (Platt Amendment).
A second theater of the Spanish American War was the Philippines. Although the
United States initially had ambivalent feelings toward the Pacific island nation, the
nation ultimately moved to incorporate the territory for economic reasons. Acting
under the facade of protecting the native people from atrocities committed by Spanish
colonists, the United States government annexed
The Pirate Bay
The Pirate Bay Case Study
The Internet has served as a medium for peers to share any kind of files, like
pictures, videos, music, books, etc. However, in order for peers to be able to
exchange files, a platform is needed. There are many platforms available that serve
as a bridge technology so that peers can share files with other peers around the
world. These platforms only serve as a connection devise and not as a piracy store.
As a result of the existence of these types of platforms, industries became concerned
that this practice is violating the copyrights of the copyright holders. These industries
demand that these platforms are shut down. However, these sharing file platforms
state that they are not ... Show more content on ...
The torrent file is a file that contains only data which identifies the components that
the digital file has been divided into. This in order to facilitate distribution of this
file, an address for one or more trackers is a rule specified in a torrent file.
(Stockholm District Court Verdict, 2009). Basic knowledge of P2P and Bit Torrent
is needed to understand the direct work of The Pirate Bay s platform.
Prosecution s Evidence
According to the District Prosecutor, the aiding and abetting referred to the fact that
the defendants, through the file sharing service, provided others with the opportunity
to upload torrent files to the service, provided others with a database linked to a
catalogue of torrent files, provided the opportunity for other to search for and
download torrent files and also provided the functionality with the assistance of which
individuals wishing to share files with each other and could contact each other
through the file sharing service s tracker function. (Stockholm District Court Verdict).
The verdict shows that the district Prosecutor also alleged that the defendants were
guilty of preparation for breach of the copyright act, during the period of July 1,
2005 to May 31, 2006, and prepared a database with associated catalogue and stored
the torrent files which related to the copyright protected rights and works. It states
that the torrent files were specifically intended to be used as an
Samuel Barber Piano
Noted to be one of Samuel Barber s most popular piano works, acclaimed pianist
Vladimir Horowitz called Sonata for Piano, op. 26 the first truly great native work
in the form and premiered the sonata, sparking it s rise to fame. Barber was a friend
and fan of Horowitz, and found compositional inspiration through Horowitz s
playing by implementing wide pallets of color, flexible tempo changes, and huge
sonorities. In addition, Horowitz found Barber to be one of the few American
composers who knows how to write for the piano. Composed during the late 1940 s,
this sonata is very emblematic of some of the many unconventional 20th Century
composing techniques, through the usage of 12 tone technique, unconventional
harmonies, and chromaticism and... Show more content on ...
The dynamic and energetic first movement starts in a different key than it s home
key of E flat minor, and was woven in sonata form. It is known for having many
staggering several key and time signature changes and rhythmic figurations that
mostly consist of dotted 8ths and 16ths, triplets, and groups of 16ths while
contrasting with very mysterious sounding lyrical themes in between. These
alternations are very unpredictable and constantly keep the listener guessing. The
second movement, which is in rondo form, maintains the mysteriousness of the first
movement, but maintains a very playful and mischievous attitude, rather than an
intense and fiery one. It keeps flowing and flowing like water without stopping to
slow down once, all while maneuvering between double and triple meter and skipping
around the range of the keyboard. The third movement s aesthetic is one of heart
wrenching lament through lots of sobbing chromaticism, dissonant shades, and dark,
tempestuous chords. Stylistically, it is the most modern sounding movement of all
and employs the 12 tone technique like the first
Composting and Plant Growth
Review of Related Literature
Vermicomposting, as an industrial process, was originally developed to remove
unwanted organic materials from the agricultural and industrial waste streams. The
derived product: earthworm castings, is now recognized as a high value material
which, when blended with soil, can restore soil tilth by correcting the imbalances
caused by the over utilization of petrol chemical based fertilizers; thus enabling crops
and plants to naturally combat pests and diseases, all resulting in increased crop
production and general plant health.
Using European technology we began researching production processes and the
potential of Vermicomposting over 20 years ago. In 1991 we built the first... Show
more content on ...
We developed our operational protocols from this research, and this research and
operational training goes with every system.
Other investigations concentrated on the properties of Vermicompostthat increased
plant growth. The increased plant growth observed greatly exceeded any of the
nutrient inputs applied and all recent plant growth trials received balancing levels
of nutrient inputs to ensure nutrients were not the cause. * Small additions of
Vermicompost decreased the incidence of various plant diseases and the numbers
of plant parasitic nematodes were suppressed. * Further research investigating
production methods (Third part of Phase I and II) and effective practical
applications of water soluble elutriates for foliar application for immediate disease
and pest control are ongoing. Initial results were completed in June 2009 : Liquid
Extracts for Disease and Pest Control. * Heat sterilization of finished Vermicompost
was shown to remove all plant growth enhancing properties, but these could be
restored by the addition of aqueous extracts of un sterilized Vermicompost. This
demonstrates the key factor is clearly microbial, most likely associated with plant
growth regulators and increased levels of humic acid and folic acid found in
Vermicompost. * Results showed
Essay about Existence of Free Will
Existence of Free Will
Existence of free will is often argued from introspection. Freedom means choice.
Since I chose to write this paper and I could have chosen otherwise, I am free in
writing this paper. However, to establish that I could have chosen otherwise, proving
that I felt that I could have chosen otherwise is not enough: One must also prove that
my choice is the original cause of my motives to write this paper.
According to compatibilists, your action is free if the immediate cause of the action
are your thoughts, there is no coercion, no duress (physical or mental), and your
thoughts satisfy a certain condition on freedom, which varies depending on the
compatibilist. If that is used as definition of freedom, then my ... Show more content
on ...
Moreover, the only way to show existence of possibilities is through choices and
randomness, so if the world is deterministic, there is no evidence that the world can
possibly be anything but what it is; deciding what is possible would be a matter of
convention and not reality. In a deterministic world, choosing to do otherwise is as
impossible as choosing for 2+2 to equal five: Under no circumstance does any person
has any choice.
Rejection of determinism, however, is insufficient for free will. Mere randomness
does not amount to freedom since it is indistinguishable whether the randomness is
generated now or one million years ago. Postulating a free agent is not sufficient
either, because of the following argument: Suppose that whenever you act, you act a
particular way solely because of the way you are except for the external factors or
randomness. At this moment, you cannot change what you are at this moment since
at any given time you are what you are at that time. The external factors are also
what they are they can change with time, but we are analyzing them at the time you
make the choice. If an outcome is random, you cannot choose it either. If you had
chosen to act otherwise, then since your choice is based solely on yourself, external
factors, and randomness, these factors would be different from what they are. Since
you cannot change these factors, you cannot choose to act otherwise. For a choice to
be genuine,
Best Memory Foam Topper Research Paper
1. Size
Memory foam mattress toppers are available with thickness ranging from 2 to 4
The two inch ones are the cheapest and offer average comfort but is good for a
person with medium build provided the mattress topper you buy is of high quality.
The 3 inch one is the best memory foam mattress topper for most people and it offers
excellent comfort level.
A 4 inch topper is needed only if you are above 240 pounds or if you need extra
2. Density
The best memory foam mattress toppers have a density of 5 pounds. Those mattress
toppers with 4 pound density are also excellent. High density toppers offer better
body support and reduces more pressure points giving you a much better sleep. It also
responds better to your body temperature
Easyjet Analysis
Impacts of Tourism and Travel, Transport and Logistics
External Impacts5 Political and Legal impacts5 Economical impacts6 Sociocultural
impacts7 Technological impacts8 Environmental impacts9
Other impacts10 Staffing and recruiting10 Branding11 Competitors and competitive
advantage11 Future expansion12
Nowadays aviation is a big industry. According to Hanlon (2004) it origins from
1919 just after the Second World War and half a century on it carries about 1.5
billion passengers a year, generating about $300 billion in revenue and employing
about 1.7 million people. ... Show more content on ...
The main concept of cost leadership is achieved through the following actions:
reducing the distribution cots using Internet and Phone reservations; maximizing the
utilization of each aircraft ; ticketless travel; no free meal; efficient use of airports;
paperless operations;
These are some of the strategies that traditional airlines use to eliminate the
unnecessary costs and frills .
External Impacts
Political and Legal impacts
The author believes that the government and European taxes are the main political
factors that can affect the future of the company. Airport taxes are levied as a fixed
tax on the sale of airline seats in most of the countries where easyJet operates. The
UK government had established one of the highest taxes in Europe Air Passenger
Duty (APD). In 2008, the APD tax is charged at ВЈ10 ВЈ20 for flights within Europe
and at ВЈ40 ВЈ80 for long haul flights. (Osborne, 2008). At that time the company
takes out an advertisement in the UK national newspaper for making the APD tax
greener and free of subsidies to airlines with transfer passengers. EasyJet takes action
to replace the APD tax with a flight base tax. This means that the passengers that fly
in the newest aircraft cause less pollution and they should not pay the same money as
somebody using an old aircraft.
Recently, the additional taxes concerning
Too Much Too Soon Essay
MGMT 121/ SM05(1)
SynopsisThe scenario is about Sara Patel; she has finished college and is working
in a company called Maddison for three years. The first two years she had worked in
sales department but now she is working as a sales trainer in the sales and
development department. For a while everything was going smooth, all the people in
the department liked her and there was an air of openness, until the department
started expanding. The first problem that arose was allocation of funds to the
different units in her department, employees were complaining about Sarah
allocating more resources in her department. Secondly there were problems allocating
funds to the local area ... Show more content on ...
Employees also complained about scarcity of basic stuff including pens, laptops and
blackberries. She was wasting financial resources of the department on her useless
travelling and unnecessary courses. She had five resignations at her desk at the same
time from her functional heads that she gave excellent rating without even meeting,
and now she has to explain it to the VP of Operations.
Main issue
A manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating
their work activities to accomplish organizational goals. The manager should work
effectively and efficiently, getting out the highest output with minimal input.
Whereas in case of Maddison, Inc. the staff working under Sara complained of
shortage of basic stuff like pen, laptops and blackberries.
Manger should also have management skills like human, technical and conceptual.
Technical skills refer to knowledge of the field in which he/she is working. Sara
had no technical skills; she was an unqualified trainer as she was there fresh after
university and had not work experience in her field. Human skills are the ability to
work well with other people both individually and in a group. It refers to
communicate, motivate, lead and inspire the staff. Sara had no human skills as her
staff wanted her to step down at the lunch meeting. Conceptual skills involve the
mental ability of a person

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Sample Photo Essay

  • 1. Sample Photo Essay Creating an essay on the subject of a "Sample Photo Essay" can be both intriguing and challenging. The task involves more than just putting words on paper; it requires a thoughtful combination of visual elements and written content to convey a compelling narrative. Crafting a photo essay involves selecting a series of images that tell a coherent and engaging story, and then weaving them together with descriptive and analytical text. One of the initial challenges lies in the selection of appropriate photographs. Each image must contribute meaningfully to the overall theme of the essay. This requires a keen eye for detail, an understanding of visual storytelling, and the ability to discern the emotional impact of each picture. Moreover, finding the right balance between images and accompanying text is crucial. The essay should seamlessly integrate both components, ensuring they complement and enhance each other. In addition to the creative aspects, the writer must possess strong writing skills to articulate the significance of each photograph and the collective message they convey. The ability to provide context, analyze visual elements, and draw connections between images is vital. This requires a deep understanding of the chosen topic and effective communication skills to engage the audience. Furthermore, the challenge intensifies when attempting to capture the audience's attention and maintain their interest throughout the essay. A successful photo essay should not only be visually appealing but also intellectually stimulating, provoking thought and eliciting emotions. Achieving this balance between aesthetics and substance requires careful planning, organization, and a thorough understanding of the target audience. Despite the difficulties, the process of creating a sample photo essay offers a unique opportunity for self-expression and creativity. It allows the writer to experiment with the synergy between words and images, pushing the boundaries of conventional essay writing. For those seeking assistance or inspiration, various resources are available. Professional writing services, such as, provide the option to order essays on a variety of topics, including photo essays. These services offer expertise in crafting well-researched and compelling content tailored to individual needs. In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of creating a sample photo essay demands a combination of artistic sensibility, writing proficiency, and a deep connection to the chosen subject. However, for those looking for alternative solutions, platforms like offer a convenient avenue to explore a wide range of essay topics and formats, ensuring that your writing needs are met with professionalism and expertise. Sample Photo Essay Sample Photo Essay
  • 2. A Study Showing How Individuals in a Team Witnessed or... This study showed how individuals in a team, witnessed or experienced interpersonal aggression. The main areas that this study was based on was interpersonal aggression and team diversity. Interpersonal aggression is described to be humiliating, denigrating or ignoring a colleague which can take a significant toll on or at the workplace. Studies have shown that employees that go through interpersonal aggressionshow signs at their workplace, such as health problems, job dissatisfaction and maybe even distress. The purpose of this study was to understand when this aggression occurs, how and why interpersonal aggression occurs. The place that this study was observed by is the workplace of the participants along with its diversity team.... Show more content on ... Team diversity is used in this study to see each of the individuals in how they operate together in a team or in the same workplace and to see what the individuals can contribute to the group or team. There are three social trends that govern the team diversity in the nursing workplace such as females being prominent in the nursing field, having a slow increase in males in the nursing field and shortage of nurses in the local clinics, opening the opportunities for other minorities and immigrants to have a job. The study s methods were to take the 30 nurses and assess them with questionnaires daily. At least five Registered Nurses had to be assigned to the morning shift three times a week. The nurses in the morning had a choice to control what will happen for the rest of the shifts to make a change in the routine, like a paradigm shift, to see a result if an interpersonal aggression will occur.When it came to the race, sex, and age those factors did not have any change in the study. Like many other studies, a demographic information was taken along with the distribution of questionnaires. The interpersonal aggression was measured by the questionnaire that touched upon the aggressive behavior that happened during their shift either to them or to another person. When they had separated the information for the team diversity there was no significance and their hypothesis only proved partial part of
  • 3. Monetized Utilitarianism Consequence Ethics; judging actions by the outcome rather than the act of doing; only the consequences or the results are important. There are many styles of consequentialism; one of which is Utilitarian. By definition, utilitarian ethics say we should pursue the greatest good for the greatest number (Brusseau, 2012). How is the lottery an example of the utilitarian monster? First, we need to outline what a utilitarian monster is before deciding if it applies in this case. A utilitarian monster is an imaginary, or highly conjectural, entity which derives the greatest amount of pleasure by the sacrifice of the many to fuel its pleasure. Can we say the lottery is an example of the utilitarian monster? Yes. Even though this money goes to fund ... Show more content on ... He believed that pleasure and happiness are ultimately synonymous. Ethics, this means, seeks to maximize the pleasures (Brusseau, 2012). This is also not a short term happiness, but an overall, over a long term, form of pleasure. Could the case be made that, from a hedonistic utilitarian standpoint, the lottery is ethically recommendable because it serves the welfare not only of the winner but also of the millions of losers? Winning the lottery is a dream for most people and the majority will not have their dream come to fruition. According to CBC News, the odds of winning Canada s Lotto Max jackpot was one in an almost 29 million chance. You are three times more likely to be killed in a traffic accident driving 16 kilometres to buy your ticket than winning the jackpot (CBC News, 2009). This is not ethically desirable, as the odds of winning are exceedingly low. Therefore, from the hedonistic utilitarian standpoint, over the long term, the only people gaining pleasure/happiness are those winning, which is a very small number of
  • 4. A Brief Note On Euro Zone Crisis Significantly Affected... 1. EURO ZONE CRISIS CONSIDERABLY AFFECTED INDIAN LEATHER INDUSTRY According to says Council for Leather Export, Indian leather exports were registering an appreciable growth of more than 15% in Dollar Terms during the first seven months of 2014 15, but, eventually ended with a moderate growth of 9.37% during the fiscal 2014 15, primarily due to the Euro Zone crisis . A decline in value of Euro followed by the crisis in Euro Zone is likely to have a negative effect on India s export to European region, which accounts for around 18% 19% of India s total leather exports. The exports from key areas like Leather and Gems Jewellery, which holds a major contribution in India s total exports to the region were said to have witnessed a negative effect in the initial months of the current fiscal due to the Euro Zone crisis. 2. LEATHER INDUSTRY YET TO PUT THE BEST FOOT FORWARD This is one paradox the leather industry. On one end, Leather Industry is often blamed for being the primary contributor in the contamination of rivers and also creating health problems. While on the other, it is heralded as one of leading forex earners for India and the hope of livelihood to approximately 25 lakh citizens in the country. Of late, this Focus sector in the Make in India programme seems to be experiencing chill winds from various directions. Will it be long before we hear S.O.S ? 3. BEEF SCARE HITS LEATHER INDUSTRY HARD AND MANY LOSE JOBS. The growing uneasiness relating to the
  • 5. Essay On There Is Not An App For That There is Not an App for That Following the Guidelines of the American Psychological Association Name Professor Introduction In society today, everybody will explain there s an app for that! This essay will discuss an area of life where there is not an app for that. It is an important area of life. The area of life is something that helps you to earn money this is the area of life that I focus on. As far as I know, there is not one single application that would be on an android, smartphone or any other device that can actually give you hard cold cash in your hand such as an ATM machine can and/or going to the bank in order to receive hard cold cash from a teller. I know without a doubt that there is not one application that can... Show more content on ... Figure 2: Money Graph Someone may also need hard cold cash to buy goods at a bake sale and/or to give a treat of a little spending money for lunchtime to their child. With the applications that are in place now, even if you had access to $100,000 from a cheque that you deposited with one of these applications and no hard cold cash on you, you would not actually have any physical money at your disposal at the time to give to your child for lunch money. In society today, everybody will explain there s an app for that! This essay will discuss an area of life where there is not an app for that. It is an important area of life. The area of life is something that helps you to have happiness this is the area of life that I focus on. As far as I know there is not one single application that would be on an android, smartphone or any other device that can actually give you happiness in your hand such as spending time with your parents or siblings or family, being in love with someone and/or landing that dream job that you have always wanted. I know without a doubt that there is not one application that can do that. I will explain further in the following words. No Happiness with an App There are many applications nowadays where you can deposit funds into your bank account from a cheque, you can send virtual money to a friend that they would still require transferring to a bank account in order to receive in cold hard cash through the usual ways of an ATM once it is
  • 6. Superheroes In Watchmen Watchmen is different from most superhero stories. For instance, the superheroes in Watchmen can be considered outcast, unenjoyed by the people of the city. They have a much different reputation from other superheroes we hear about, such as Batman and Superman. For example, this outcast theme is seen when the citizens of the city throw shade at Dr. Manhattan for causing cancer (Moore 89 91), and the constant fear when Rorschach appears (Moore 23). Furthermore, the government passed a law that forbids them from existing in their superherostate. In other words, they are not glorified as seen in other superhero depictions. After reading and seeing this within the first chapters of the graphic novel, we must ask ourselves: Are the characters of
  • 7. Aseptic Technique An aseptic technique ensures that only uncontaminated equipment and fluids come into contact with susceptible body sites. It should be used during any clinical procedure that bypasses the body s natural defences. Using the principles of aseptic minimises the spread of organisms from one person to another. An essential part of infection control is firstly identifying possible sources on infection, and secondly the modes by which the infection might be spread. Any infection is caused by one of four types of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and protozoa. These organisms can be carried by both the patients and the staff, and on any equipment used within the practice. They can also be transferred outside the work place where patients may come
  • 8. Explain Why I Need A College Degree To Be Successful Essay Do you ever wonder if you really need a college degree to be successful.College isn t necessary to be successful for many reasons. Cause if you go to college and don t get no job than that s a waste of time, but if you don t attend and you have a job than you did not waste time.Many jobs don t require for you to go to college. Also many famous and successful people didn t go to college and is very successful. Additionally many people are successful right after they graduate from high school. Good jobs don t even require you to go to college or have a college degree, not including Burger King, Mcdonald s, Denny s and etc. Furthermore a lot of athletes don t even attend college and they are making more money than a person going to college... Show more content on ... 4 Brilliant Reasons To Not Go To College. StartupCamp, 4 Jan. 2017, brilliant reasons to not go to college/. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017. Jp. What Are the Odds of Succeeding with a College Degree? U.S. News World Report, U.S. News World Report, 5 June 2012, money/2012/06/05/what are the odds of succeeding with a college degree. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017. Institution, Brookings. Is a College Degree Necessary for a Good Job? Not Always. Values Capitalism, a college degree necessary for a good job not always/. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017. Sienna beard. 4 Reasons Why a College Education Is Necessary These Days. The Cheat Sheet, The Cheat Sheet, 29 Oct. 2015, finance/4 reasons you should go to college.html/?a=viewall. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017. Wu, Dareen. Why You Don t Need a College Degree to Succeed. Wise Bread, you dont need a college degree to succeed. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017. Strebe, Sacha. You Don t Need a College Degree to Be Successful Here s Why. MyDomaine, MyDomaine, 23 Sept. 2015, you dont need a college degree. Accessed 4 Mar.
  • 9. Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi Pros And Cons The Pahlavi dynasty in Iran lasted from 1925 1979. In 1925 Reza Shah Pahlavi was appointed and reined until 1941 when his son Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi succeeded him after the Anglo Soviet invasion of Iran. Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi was considered pro Western, who worked closely with many U.S. Presidential administrations. In 1951 the European educated Mohammed Mosadegh, Prime Minister of Iranwanted to nationalize Iran s oil industry. This political, economic and ideological conflict resulted in Mohammed Reza ShahPahlavi being forced into exile for a short period of time. Mosadegh s policies would have adversely affected the British and American governments who had previously been in control of Iran s oil. Therefore the Intelligence
  • 10. Iago s Ambition In Othello At all points of one s life, one has desires; what separates and defines a person is determined by how that person goes about dealing with those desires. Some believe in working honestly towards his or her aspirations and others in seizing it at any cost. Iago, the antagonist of the play Othello is one of those people who would do anything in order to get what he wishes. Because Othellonames Cassio lieutenant instead of him, he begins to device a plan in vengeance to bring Othello and Cassio down, which ends up tragic for all of the major characters. Iagos obsessive need for revenge stems from jealousy and ambition, and because he is a master manipulator, the plan goes extremely smooth for the majority of the play. At the end of Act 1,... Show more content on ... He gets Cassio to talk to Othello s wife, Desdemona, to ask for his position back and he begins to point out small things like them whispering. When Cassio exits the scene when Othello approaches, Iago does not hesitate to make his move and mentions it. Asking of Iago s suspicions, Iago says, Good my lord, pardon me, Though I am bound to every act of duty I am not bound to that all slaves are free to Utter my thoughts (138 140). This places Othello in the position of being alarmed because what could be so horrible that this honest man would want to keep secret from him. Eventually, Iago comes out with his fake suspicions and Othello somewhat believes it but wants some kind of evidence. Fortunately, Iago s wife, Emilia gets a hold of Desdemona s handkerchief and gives it to him. He puts more of his plan into action saying, in Cassio s lodging [I] lose this napkin. And let him find it. Trifles light as air Are to the jealous confirmations strong As proofs of holy writ. (331 334). This is enough to convince Othello of Desdemona s affair with Cassio, enraging him to want to murder the two. Othello decides he will kill his wife, and asks Iago to do the same to
  • 11. Electronic Protected Health Information On The... I.Purpose To establish guidelines to assess and analyze potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the electronic protected health information that Topaz Information Solutions, LLC (Topaz) creates, uses, processes and transmits. II.Scope and Limitations This policy applies to all Topaz workforce members. III.Related Policy Names and Numbers Privacy Policy (COM 001) Security Policy (COM 002) Disclosure Policy (COM 003) IV.Definitions Electronic Protected Health Information (e PHI) Any individually identifiable health information protected by HIPAA that is transmitted by or stored in electronic media Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Actof 1996 (HIPAA) Regulations protecting the privacy and security of certain health information HIPAA Privacy Rule: Establishes national standards to protect individuals medical records and other personal health information and applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically HIPAA Security Rule: Establishes national standards to protect individuals electronic personal health information that is created, received, used, or maintained by a covered entity. The HIPAA Security Rule requires appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and security of electronic protected health
  • 12. The Puppet Master Behind The Curtain The Puppet Master Behind the Curtain; The California Scandal Andrew Moroz Purdue Calumet University Abstract Interest groups in the current world serve specific agendas that either benefit or disturb the general public. This paper will review and analyze the events of the Enron Corporation in association with the electrical shortages and demand increase in California in the turn of the century. By evaluating the corporate institutions motives and agendas, a clear path will show that Enron misused its size and influenced electric companies to manipulate energy prices, in order to leverage Enron s market share and bolster profits to cover up losses that where attributed by unethical and even Illegal activities in the past. The objective of this paper is to expose the carelessness of special interest groups to satisfy corporate greed without consideration of the general population. Keywords: Enron, California, Electricity Crisis The Puppet Master Behind the Curtain; The California Scandal Enron, a once thriving Houston based energy titan, is now reduced to a cautionary adage among Americans to what massive failure corporate greed could lead to. At its core however Enron s ethical and moral behavior was sound and seemed to be aligned with industry competitors. In an opening statement to the Enron Code of Ethics issued in July 2000, Lay wrote: As officers and employees of Enron Corp., its subsidiaries, and its affiliated companies, we are responsible
  • 13. Bisphenol-A Bisphenol A (or BPA) is an organic compound used in the industrial production of plastics. It was first synthesised around 100 years ago, and has been used to produce polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins since the 1960s (US FDA, 2012). Polycarbonate plastics are lightweight and rigid, therefore used in products such as CDs, DVDs, sports and medical equipment, food and drink containers and some water supply pipes. Epoxy resins are used as protective coatings in food cans, paints and adhesives (Aschberger, 2010). According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, there are over three million tonnes of BPA produced worldwide each year. Humans are exposed to BPA as it has the ability to hydrolyse (react with water) when catalysed by hydroxide,... Show more content on ... For example, Lang et al (2008) claims that higher levels of BPA in the urine were associated with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. However, higher levels of BPA in the urine could also suggest a high consumption of packaged food. The packaged food is higher in sugar, salt and fat content, therefore would lead to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. The US Environmental Protection Agency concludes that these studies are insufficient for use in risk assessment because of a variety of flaws in some of the study designs . They further question the findings stating that there is an inability of other researchers to reproduce the effects in standardised
  • 14. Why The Hunting Life Has Its Limits Hey I think I found a case for us! I hear from the other room. It s Chad telling me to basically pack up because we are going multiple states over. What are the details dude? I ask. Every once in awhile Chad thinks he found a case but it ends up being some twisted person who likes to murder people in strange ways. It s probably also my fault when that happens because I would miss the clues. Well a man was found with his heart missing. Sound like a werewolf to you? Yup. I say while packing my clothes into a small duffelbag. You see, the hunting life has its limits. We can t keep a very large wardrobe since we are always moving around. We can t even really afford new clothes for that matter. We mainly rely on fake identities and... Show more content on ... Yeah, you re right. I say quietly as I hand him the keys. Anything wrong? He asks suspiciously. Oh, no no i m fine. I reply as I look down at the floor. He squints at me for a few seconds then looks away. He gets up and quickly packs his bag. I stand in the door frame watching his anxious tendencies. He would look in his bag, scan the room, look in his bag again and walk around the room until he found what he was looking for. It s like he s always scanning his surroundings for something awry. Alright, let s go. He says while walking out towards the car. We stroll to the car, bags over our shoulders, and Chad fumbles with the keys. I laugh and shake my head. I open the door and lean my seat back so I can sleep. I feel the car engine turn on and I doze off. Hey, Dare! Wake up! We re here. I hear Chad say while shaking me. Ugh ok ok. I mumbled while rubbing my eyes. I quickly sit up in my seat. I grab my bag and walk into our motel room. I set down my duffelbag and head to the shower. I turn on the water which takes forever to get hot but when it does the steam quickly fills the bathroom. I put my hand in the water to check the temperature. I immediately recoil my hand. God, thats hot. I whisper to myself. I adjust the nozzle and I take a quick shower and get dressed. As I open the bathroom door Chad is waiting and goes in right after. I m gonna go get a coke. I yelled. Ok! Shouts Chad. I grab a dollar out of
  • 15. Research Study On American Sign Language 1)How did you select this research study to analyze? That is, what search terms did you use? What database did you use? What was your rationale for selecting this particular study to analyze over the others identified in the search results? What is the full reference for the study in APA format? When I searched for this article I first started by going to UNF s One Search from the Library home page. I selected the options full text only, peer reviewed only, and journal articles only This limited my search but I felt only gave me the things worth reading that I know would be more credible than anything else. Since I had already found two articles that focused on Bi Bi I was hoping to find an article that focused on ASL so I typed in the search American Sign Language . At first I only saw articles that focused on hearing people learning ASL but as I scrolled down I saw the word Family which caught my eye first. I decided to use this article because it gives the perspectives of the families on how ASL affects their lives. 2)What was the background for the study? That is, what previous knowledge did the author describe as a foundation for the study in the review of related literature? The background for this study that the authors mention is Dunst s, Trivetter s and Deal s practices in family centered practices, which explains an appropriate and effective way to inform family members of the options they have for their family member who is Deaf or hard of hearing.
  • 16. History And Outlook Of A Popular Chain Coffee Shop, Starbucks Brewing Innovation, an article by Shezray Husain, Feroz Khan, and Waqas Mirza in 2014 for London Business School, focuses on the history and outlook of a popular chain coffee shop, Starbucks. By discussing a brief history of the cafГ© brand and its rise and fall through the economic crisis of 2008, it was clear that the company managed so proficiently due to strategic moves made by leadership. The article explored how the company centered it focus on its consumers and building itself a priority spot in the community by utilizing customer opinions and social media. In fact, by doing so, the corporation not only survive the 2008 economic downfall, but thrived to become of the innovative leaders of the 21st century (Lemus, Feingenblatt, Orta, Rivero, 2015.) By executing strategic moves in five phases, the company bounced back to become a main staple in everyday life. Starbucksis present in 50 states in the US and 43 countries. It is one of the most respected brands, winning awards such as Best Business , Most Admired Company , 100 Best Corporate Citizens and so on (Husain, Khan, Mirza, 2014.) Starbuck s current position amongst its competitors is clear in that all others fall behind. However, as explained in the article, this was not always the case. Very few businesses faced little turmoil when the recession took place. Starbucks Corporation did not escape this fate, but instead of continuing to tread water, the company brought on a different CEO who held a different
  • 17. Use Of The Prediction Sheet By Filling It Out On The Smart... Learning Activity #1When the teacher says, designated students will grab the materials from the side of the room and bring them back to their table group. As a large group we will discuss the each objects we are testing. Objects to test (Rocks, foil, wood, pencils, styrofoam, metal, plastic container, lego, eraser, and milk jugs) вћўWhat is the name of the object? вћўWhat is it made of? вћўWhat shape is the material in? Students can then grab their prediction sheet from the center of the table and fill out the name and date. We will then go over how to use the prediction sheet and I will demonstrate one material for them as a class. I will demonstrate how to use the prediction sheet by filling it out on the smart board. вћў ... Show more content on ... Learning Activity #2Students will be working with their elbow partner at their table. Before they begin we will discuss as a class what good group work looks like. Students will then be instructed to work with their partner to write the name of each material, and their prediction. Each student must complete his or her own prediction sheet. Groups must get the teacher to sign off on their prediction sheet. Once everyone is done, I will distribute the containers for water. We will then have a class discussion on taking turns. They will then explore the different types of materials in their groups. As they test each material they will be recording each result. 10 mins Teacher Notes: Assessments/ DifferentiationObserving I will be walking around and asking questions to ensure students understand the tasks. Students will be a completing their prediction sheet. I will make sure students record each result. Learning Activity #3Class discussion Did it sink or float? After everyone has completed exploring the different types of materials we will have a class discussion about the materials. We will distinguish between the materials that floated and sank. This will be written on the white board. We can then discuss what characteristics each pile had. Questions to ask during discussion What materials floated? What materials sunk? Were there any materials
  • 18. Ho Chi Minh and The Vietnam War The declaration of Vietnamese independence made by Ho Chi Minh in 1945 served as a milestone in what was a century old struggle against foreign control. In its history Vietnam had spent 1000 years under control of the Chinese and had resisted this control vehemently. Revolts and rebellions against China finally lead to Vietnamese independence in the tenth century. In the thirteenth century the Vietnamese drove back Kublai Khan three times under the leadership Dao. Tran Hung Dao not only led the Vietnamese people in driving Kublai Khan back, but did so by pioneering the guerrilla warfare methods that would later be employed against both the French and the United States. It is thus evident from this brief history of Vietnams that its... Show more content on ... As Eisenhower took office he and his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, chose to agree with the assessment of Ho Chi Minh as an instrument of international communism . This view would lock the United States once more in a policy driven by fear of communism. The administration set about bolstering a war weary France with promises of additional aid, but also with demands on access to French battle plans. In March of 1954 the Vietminh s successful assault on French Garrisons left the U.S. even more in doubt concerning France s success. By the time Kennedy took office the French had withdrawn and Eisenhower had poured millions of dollars of aid into South Vietnam. The U.S. policy had a chance to shift at this point, but once again, Kennedy picked up the mantle of taking a stand against communism in Vietnam . Though the commitment at this point to forces in South Vietnam was not one of full soldiers on the ground , Kennedy still inherited a dangerous situation. Kennedy made a decision that caused yet another crucial turning point in the war in 1961 when he committed both aid and advisers, marking a giant step forward into the War in Vietnam. The U.S. policy took another hit when Kennedy ignored John Galbraith who said that the United states was becoming entrapped in a long drawn out indecisive involvement and
  • 19. History of the Newspaper History of the Newspaper The first acknowledged newspaper came into existence in 1665 and was called the Oxford Gazette . During the development stages, newspapers were split into two separate camps. Firstly there are the tabloids. The tabloids have a long and interesting history behind them. Lord Northcliffe; then owner of the Daily Mirror, launched the Daily Mirror in November 1903 and were aimed specifically for the female audience. In 1904 it was re launched at The Daily Illustrated Mirror as a picture paper for men and women. It used mostly photos and climbed to a circulation of over a million in 1914. When asked what s the secret of your success , Lord Northcliffe said I give my readers ... Show more content on ... The Mirror developed a close link to readers through ordinary working class journalist and stories. In the 1950s Marjorie Proops became the first Agony Aunt column. Through the 50 s and 60 s the Mirror focused on great social and political issues. They invented the SHOCK issue, intending to shock, explain, illicit debates and give solutions to social problems and particularly the fear of blacks and immigrants during the Windrush years; there were a shortage of workers and so they turned to colonies for extra workers. In 1981 the Sun and Mirror were losing readers to the star due to its bingo competition. Larry Lamb; the editor of the Sun, was sacked by Rupert Murdoch; chairman of the Sun newspapers owners news international group. He was replaced by Kelvin Mackenzie who ran bingo competition and slashed the price to beat off the competition. Following these measures the Sun s circulation rose by sum 500,000 over 3months time period and the Daily Star never recovered to its previous level. Throughout the 1980 s, Mackenzie attacked political targets such as labor councilors, unions and Minors strike (1984 85), using the red commie scare tactics during the Cold War. He targeted those at the margins of society; from criminals to social
  • 20. Car Dependency In The United States Car dependency is one of the most important problems in the United States. Owning a personal car is mandatory in most small towns. All roads are designed for cars without pedestrian ways, and so much of the land is reserved for parking lots. Pedestrian friendly cities rates are really low when it is compared with car friendly ones. As people have difficulties to reaching services and activities without having a car, owning a car has its disadvantages and problems also. The problem s origin date back to the 1920s. While cities were being planned, overall design was based on car usage, but did not account for growth in that population. Urban sprawl added to increased car usage, which was not taken into account during the design phase, and improper ... Show more content on ... First, mass motorization and increased road standards were results of inappropriate urban planning. Every two households in the US had one registered automobile on average in the mid 1930s, which is earlier than many European countries. According to this high rate of motorization, high road standards were developed by planners and engineers quickly, and cities adopted to this pattern easily. After the mortgage policies in the 1950s (1), the interstate systems destroyed urban neighborhoods and created divided urban systems by using wide big roads, so urban sprawl increased. Also, low vehicle taxes and gasoline prices reduced the cost of driving, and increased this car travel demand over time. Additionally, the government subsidized most of the gas taxes, tolls, and registration fees, and the result was the lack of public transportation in many US cities. Especially after World War II, privately owned transit systems increased ticket prices, cut services, and prompted people to own a private car. In 1970s, some of the US cities started to promote walking and cycling with appropriate amenities (1), but it was not enough to change people s travel behaviors. Lastly, maybe most importantly, zoninglaws do not allow mixed land use planning which facilitates shorter trips between amenities in most of the US cities. Zoning laws, also requires a minimum number of parking lots per usage, rather than the maximum numbers of limited parking such as most European
  • 21. Animals in Medical Experiments Essay Animal experimentation has been credited for the medicines made to assist diabetes, vaccines for smallpox, deep brain stimulation for parkinson s disease, and many more along with millions of dollars spent on failed experiments, millions of animal deaths a year, misleading data and an overall bigger loss than gain. The main point of animal testingis to benefit the safety and overall health of humans, but testing on non humans to learn about humans doesn t contribute to the cause. Humans have the voice protective of their own lives and demand rights, though every living creature deserves the right to life and to safety. The way these animals are being treated is heinous and insulting to the humanrace, as it subsides our morals and some... Show more content on ... Rats show us that they are of senses and are similar to humans, if they weren t we wouldn t be testing on them, rats aren t less intelligence to other animals; So they deserve rights just as other animals. Animal testing models live generally deplorable and very restricted. These animals are deprived of social interaction and proper living environments their entire lives. This often causes odd behaviors that could very well interfere with every experiment. For example large Rhesus monkeys are kept in two feet by three feet cages and they developed abnormal neurotic behavior, such extreme conditions make the animal s text results very questionable. (Fox) Scientists ignore the animal s stuffing and call it adaptive because it is due to their unfitting environments. Scientists also put aside their mental, emotional, psychological and social suffering and it s significance on their projects.There are laws against the cruelty against animals that live in our homes but an animal bred to test on has almost no safety rights; rats and mice have none at all. These specimens are burned, cut open, shocked, poisoned, socially isolated, starved, dehydrated, forcibly restrained, addicted to drugs, brain damaged, given birth defects, and killed in various pointless experiments(Chanda). Not many humans can even imagine having any of those things being done to them, yet everyday we take the power over a
  • 22. The Importance Of Reproductive Rights Women s rights have always been, and will most likely continue to be, an extremely controversial issue. There are many individuals that, still to this day, do not believe that men and women are equal and therefore, shouldn t be treated as such. However, despite the constant opposition, women s rights have come a long way over the last several decades. During the 20th century alone, women gained some of their most monumental rights, in my opinion. Some of these rights include, but are not limited to having the right to; vote, be payed the same amount as men for equal work, and not be discriminated against due to their sex, religion, race, etc. Also during the 20th century, women were granted reproductive rights, which I will be focusing on for the duration of this paper. According to the United Nations, reproductive rights are defined as the basic rights of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health . The definition also includes the right to make decisions concerning reproduction free of discrimination, coercion and violence (United Nations 20). Reproductive rights are recognized human rights under both national and international laws. Even though women s reproductive rights are documented by laws, violations of these said rights still occur very frequently. These violations can
  • 23. Vietnam s Cosmetics Market. VVietnams Cosmetics Market With a population of 86 million over half aged under 30 Vietnam in particular is an attractive market for cosmetic companies. In fact, according to business advice service Vietnam Net, approximately 90% of cosmetics sold in the country are imported. The country s largest foreign players are South Korea (30%), the EU (23%), Japan (17%), Thailand (13%) and the US (10%), according to 2006 estimates from the US Commercial Service. Ngo Minh Phuong from the US Commercial Service in Vietnam points out: Although the share by each player may be slightly different [than the 2006 figures given] the ranking is the same and [South] Korea is still clearly the predominant player. According to the Vietnams association s ... Show more content on ... We re looking for expansion partners in Aseanbut the deals will vary from manufacturing to marketing and direct selling, . In two years the second plant in Burma will be manufacturing makeup and skincare products. Better Way will hold 40 per cent of the plant. Its partner Saha plans to develop a 500 rai (80 hectare) industrial park in the country. (R amp;D) The first factory in Burma for fragrance products has reached its limit in manufacturing efficiency. Better Way (Thailand) is also working with Wuttisak Clinic to create product formulas. The first fruit of the collaboration, launched yesterday, is Mistine White Spa Glutathione UV whitening lotion. Better Way in the near future will be able to use Wuttisak s 115 beauty clinics throughout the country to place and sell its Mistine cosmetics, while Wuttisak can use the Mistine direct selling network to distribute its cosmetic and skincare lines. http:/ / amp;sec=2 ไม่๠ѓаёЉа№€аё ўаёµа№€аё«а№‰аё สมาร์ทโฟนทภแต่๠Ђаё›а№‡аё™а№Ѓаё›а№‰аё‡аёћаё±аёџаёаёґаёЎаёћаёаёЈа№Њаё•аё€аё ІаёЃ นับเป็นаёаёµаёЃаёЃаёІаёЈа№Ѓаёња№€аё‚аё ўаёІаёўаё„аё§аёІаёЎаё™ เกิดเป็นพลังครีเаёаё•а№Ђаё‹а№‡аёЃа№ЂаёЎа ด้วยมูลค่ภІаё•аёҐаёІаё”1,200 ล้านบาท аё—аёµа№€а№ ЃаёЎа№‰а№Ѓаё•а№€а№ ЃаёљаёЈаё™аё”์ไทย аёЎаёґаёЄаё—аёґаё™ ทเวลฟ์พลัส аёЉаёµа№Ђаё™а№€ аё ўаё±аё‡аё‚аёІаё” аёљаёµаёљаёµ ไม่ได้ บริโภคเปลี่ภўаё™ ตลาดเปลี่ภўаё™ ทั้งมิสทิน และ 12 Plus ให้ข้аёаёЎаё№аёҐа№ѓаёЃаёҐа№‰а№Ђаё„аёµаёўаё‡аёЃаё±аё™аё§а№€ 4 аё›аёµаё—аёµа№€аё ња№€аё Іаё™аёЎаёІаёЎаё№аёҐаё„а№€аё Іаё•аёҐаёІаё”แป้ภ600 ล้านบาท ได้ลดฮวบลงกว่าครึ่ง
  • 24. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., A Political Icon Essay There are a select few individuals who have come variously to be called great or brilliant because they and their accomplishments have forever changed society and the world. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of those individuals. Martin Luther King s contributions to history place him in this inimitable position. One of the great figures in the march of human history, Martin Luther King Jr., like Gandhi before him, lived by a heroic credo of non violence. More than two decades since his death, Martin Luther King ideas; his call for racial equality, his faith in the ultimate triumph of justice, and his insistence on the power of nonviolent struggle to bring about a major transformation of American society are as vital and timely as... Show more content on ... King, quickly realized that the best strategy to liberate African Americans and gain them rights was to use nonviolent forms of protest. He recognized that nonviolence was strategically the only realistic option for oppressed African Americans to achieve justice as well as the fact that violence would simply polarize the races and make true justice and reconciliation impossible (King, 1983). This gave King, like Mohandas Gandhi, the stature of being both a great moral leader and a brilliant political strategist (Cone, 1969). King organized marches, speeches, and much more to motivate the Africans of America to fight for their rights. His political philosophy and strong beliefs helped lead a nation to the racial justice it has today. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great speaker, a role model, and a man who wasn t afraid to dream . Black Americans needed a Martin Luther King, but above all the world needed him. The significant qualities of this special man cannot be underestimated nor taken for granted. Within a span of thirteen years from 1955 to his death in 1968 he was able to expound, expose, and extricate America from many wrongs (Cone, 1969). Martin Luther King was such an inspirational leader because he appealed to not only the black population, but he appealed to all people who believed in equality and freedom. King, not only spoke with
  • 25. Science Fair Questions Science Fair Question How do different colors absorb and re emit radiant (light) energy? Background Research Have you ever experienced the warmth provided by a shaft of sunlight through a window? This paper is going to discuss how different colors absorb and re emit radiant (light) energy. The following terms will be discussed; energy, radiant energy, photon, and electron volt. Energy is defined as usable heat or power, measured by the amount of work done, usually in joules or watts. Energy can exist in a variety of forms, such as electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, or nuclear, and can be transformed to one form to another (The American Heritage Student Science Dictionary 116). Solar radiation can be converted into ... Show more content on ... Photon s are discrete bundles of energy and never stop moving, which is the opposite of absolute zero (Photon What is a Photon?). The Stefan Boltzmann Law is a statement that the total radiation heat energy emitted from a surface is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature (Stefan Boltzmann Law) and it is a very important aspect of this project. Temperature Kelvin is the only temperature scale designed to fit absolute zero, even though absolute zero my never be reached, though it has been approached (What is absolute
  • 26. Case Study Of ALMA RAS ALMA RAS started its business in Olovo seventeen years ago. It was symbolically founded on International Women s Day and has since become renowned as indispensable for those enjoying high quality fine underwear and nightwear. Over the years, ALMA RAS has showed continuous growth and development from a small family business to one of the most well known brands in BiH, with a widespread wholesale distribution network and its own retail stores throughout BiH. In 2014, ALMA RAS expanded its business to Serbiaby opening its first store in Belgrade, while its export network, apart from Montenegro, Macedonia and Norway, has reached as far as South Korea. Increasing demand also requires additional production capacities, so in 2014, apart from the existing facilities in... Show more content on ... Basic Collection is underwear in its simplest form, in black, white and beige, always available in Alma Ras retail stores and with our franchise partners. Because of bigger demand of this collection gave the company reason to get demand pull influation. That means the situation when prices of articles increase because of higher demand. They are in corperation with Dolce Gabanna , they send their materials to alma ras company so they produce some special staff for D G and this collection goes just for D G. 3.Impact of Interest Rates Alma Ras company has started in house to produce textil, they reach good profit so they decided to spread their business but they needed more money that they had, so they must to take credit to establish their business , interest rates was no problem for them because the borrowed money quickly paid off , thus they had no problems with pay off the loans . We can conclude that their demand was high and profit also, so they paid all loans on time and they spread their company in bigger. 4.How Market Prices Are
  • 27. The Ethics Of DNA Testing And Ethical Dilemmas As time goes on civilizations find innovations to make living a little bit easier. However, new frontiers often bring struggles. In Flackelmann s articles on The Ethics of DNA Testing four situations are given and later followed by a comprehensive analysis by both the public and by experts in ethics, law, geneticsand any other various fields that correlate with the cases scenarios. The first scenario (titled A Case of Dwarfism ) describes the story of a couple who are carrying the gene for achondroplasia, meaning they both are dwarfs. The counselor tells the parents that through genetic testing they can find out whether or not the child will have dwarfism as well. The couple has made 3 decisions; the first being that if the child has... Show more content on ... I think in an advancing society it is necessary but, with limitations. A person has a right to know about their future children and is entitled to avoid anything they may consider to be too troubling to handle; however, patients should be made aware that the results may be negative or defamatory. But, access to this kind of information requires a serious amount of sensitivity and the person handling it should be aware of this and understand that the only ethics that have entitlement in this situation are the subjects . I think it s all very delicate and subjective. There should be many considerations when having a child or dealing with one s genetics but, the most important one is quality of life. As long as the ethics support that they are not only beneficial but,
  • 28. Evolution Phases Of Non Governmental Organizations Evolution Phases of Non Governmental Organisations in India Dr. Suresh Kumar Bhaker, Assistant Professor, Management in Haryana School of Business, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology Hisar, Haryana Abstract This survey paper highlights the sequential and verifiable improvement of the Non Governmental Organizations in India. It additionally assesses how these associations created amid pre autonomy and post reliance period and considering the advancement time of NGOs altogether four stages with evolving parts. Key Words: Non Governmental Organizations, Evolution, Phases, Voluntarism, Changing Roles. Historical Background Balmiki s Ramayan depicts one of the soonest willful activities as saw today when Ram was leaving Ayodhya and going to woods, according to his fathers request. Individuals sorted out and took after Ram to take him back to Ayodhya. They were driven by Brahmin who was old to the point that their heads were shaking (VayaPrakampShir), and their beneficiary was as reasonable as a swan (hansshukishir). They asked for, and put good and religious weight on Ram to return back. At the point when Ram did not return and deluded them at the Tamasa, they returned home and in anguish they sorted out a bandh; markets were shut, no one cooked sustenance on that day, and even the ladies conveying their first child did not feel upbeat. The national artist Maitheli Sharan Gupt portrayed this scene in; Saket and called this type of dissent Vinat Vidroh
  • 29. Tupac There are many conspiracy theories concerning the life and death of Tupac Shakur. Tupac Amaru Shakur was an American rapper and actor. Tupac was born New York, New York, United States on 16 June 1971. His birth name was Lesane Parish Crooks. Tupac was killed on September 13, 1996, in Las Vegas, Nevada. There have been many different stories about his death. People say he is still alive and then people said he is dead. There have also been people saying his death was caused because of his music and the Illuminati killed him. Various conspiracy theorists throughout the public believe that the Illuminati killed Tupac because he was exposing them and also not promoting the ideals that they desired. The ways Tupac exposed the Illuminati was... Show more content on ... (Illuminati History) Originally Weishaupt had planned the order to be named the Perfectibilists . The group has also been called the Bavarian Illuminati and its ideology has been called Illuminism . Many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members, including Ferdinand of Brunswick and the diplomat Xavier von Zwack, the second in command of the order. The order had branches in most European countries: it reportedly had around 2,000 members over the span of ten years. It attracted literary men such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder and the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar. In 1777 Karl Theodor became ruler of Bavaria. He was a proponent of Enlightened Despotism and his government banned all secret societies including the Illuminati. Internal rupture and panic over succession preceded its downfall, which was affected by the Secular Edict made by the Bavarian government.] The March 2, 1785 edict seems to have been deathblow to the Illuminati in Bavaria. Weishaupt had fled and documents and internal correspondences, seized in 1786 and 1787, were subsequently published by the government in 1787. Von Zwack s home was searched to disclose much of the group s literature. There are also theories about Tupac faking his death, and he is still alive. The 7 Day Theory is an idea
  • 30. The Current Financial Crisis Essay Frederic Mishkin makes the point in the text, The Economics of Money Banking, and Financial Markets (2010) that Banks and other financial institutions are what make financial markets work. Without them, financial markets would not be able to move funds from people who save to people who have productive investment opportunities. (p.7). The movement of funds between savers and those with productive investment opportunities is the means of creating growth. When people lose confidence in the economy this activity freezes or weakens, consequently, asset prices decline, unemployment rises and companies default as was the case of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The freezing of the flow of money is a financial crisis. Today, the global flow of ... Show more content on ... Europe and China are major economies that impact the world. Europe s challenges with the Euro are complicated. The United States congress had trouble agreeing to enact legislature to raise its debt ceiling in order to meet its obligations and maintain its credit ratings. In Europe, separate countries need to agree to come together with a combined political will to stabilize countries and banks in financial trouble. Without the power to print money individually, each country under the single currency must come together under combined policies. Today, Europe seems willing to reach combined policy decisions to avoid an economic disaster. Ultimately, if this happens, the Euro will have a stronger future just as the United States gained a stronger political and financial system from policies created as a result of the Great Depression. If Europe fails to come to agreement on combined policies to solve the European Debt Crisis the world will realize the financial risks. Direct exposure is already being seen in the financial institutions. MF Global recently filed for bankruptcy. Exposure to European bonds brought down a $41B firm just 3 weeks after a European bank failure. Repo to maturity contacts. Falling bond values created the need for more collateral in this type of financial instrument. Firms with similar investments could see greater risk if interest rates rise and bond values fall. Company earnings have been the bright light
  • 31. Harriet Tubman Research Paper Harriet Tubman Explanatory Harriet Tubman was an extraordinary heroine. Harriet was a former slave who ran away in hopes to gain freedom in the northern states and Canada. After Harriet made her first trip alone to Philadelphia, she devoted her life to returning south and leading other slaves into Philadelphia, and later Canada due to the Fugitive Slave Act. Harriet Tubman in her lifetime liberated over three hundred slaves, with her largest group of eleven slaves. As you will soon see, Harriet Tubman is a famous heroine in history who did extraordinary acts of generosity. Harriet Ross was born a slave in Dorchester County, Maryland. She worked all day along with her family under Master Edward. One day while working on the plantation, her sister Tilly was sold to another plantation, leaving Harriet and her family behind. Master Edward believed Harriet and her family wanted to run away and hired slave overseers to watch them at all times; resulting in, a slave overseer spotting Harriet away from her plantation. Harriet had a brick thrown at... Show more content on ... She freed a total amount of three hundred slaves in her lifetime. Even though her parents disapproved of her expeditions, Harriet knew it was her duty to free the slaves and bring them freedom. Her largest group was eleven slaves, brought up from her home state of Maryland. She brought the slaves all the way up to Canada, due to the Fugitive Slave Act that they could be returned to their slaves in the northern states. Harriet was forced to make sure none of the slaves would leave the railroad under her supervision. If a slave left, the slave would be forced to disclose important information about the Underground Railroad; inevitably, causing the slaves return to their masters. The stationmasters on the railroad will be jailed and their stations closed. Harriet Tubman was named Moses at the height of her power of freeing the
  • 32. Examples Of Abigail Lying In The Crucible There is no such thing as a perfect liar. In this book many characters lie to try to avoid confrontation with others and so they can get away with things. This is exactly how Abigail acted throughout the story in which ways that can be easily related to a crucible. A crucible is a pot that can withstand great heat, so it is used for melting other metals. Crucible can also be defined as severe or hard test/trial, and lastly it is an adjective used to describe a hard grade steel. Abigail is a very popular character in this play, her name and herself pop up all the time and have a big significance on the play and how the trials progress. Characters that she talks to or confronts are John Proctor, a farmer who is currently married and isn t big into the trials until her wife is accused. Then Reverend Parris, Abigail s... Show more content on ... Abigail lying is the perfect way to show she is a crucible because in the play she tries to melt away her problems by lying which relates to a crucible which is a melting pot. In her affair with John Proctor she is a great example of a hard test or trial because John cannot figure out this test which is Abigail and it impacted how he moved on because he always had the thought of his lechery in the back of his mind. Finally the trials with Elizabeth showed how Abigail is a high grade steel because she took a needle to her belly in order for her to get rid of Elizabeth and have John Proctor all to herself. Everything didn t work out in the end for Abigail Williams as she left the town and her family behind because she knew she would be caught for lying in court but she was a perfect example of the word crucible in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. So, is there such thing as a perfect
  • 33. Busines Essay BUSINESS DECISION MAKING A4064059 CONSTANCE LELO MABIALA [Date] LSBF Lecturer Michael Olusoji [Date] LSBF Lecturer Michael Olusoji INDEX CONTENTS Summary........................................................................................................................................ Introduction.................................................................................................................................... LO1. Be able to use a variety of sources for the collection of data, both primary and secondary 1.1 Create a plan for the collection of primary and secondary data for a given business problem........................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Present the... Show more content on ... Be able to use software generated information to make decisions in an organisation 4.1 Use appropriate information processing tools .....................................................................12 4.2 Prepare a project plan for an activity and determine the critical path..............................13 4.3 Use financial tools for decision making...................................................................................14 Conclusion..................................................................................................................................... References...................................................................................................................................... Summary It all about an anti ageing product. There is a huge demand in the market, the actual product is not efficient and is expensive. Ms Kimberly Archover from Palm Beach USA, Her innovative product which is already popular in USA is being marketed in a jar which looks similar to face cream jars for $24.99 and available in two different bottle at 17 stores in Florida and ВЈ15 on her UK website. Available from Ms Aschauer is keen to launch this product on a grand scale in the UK and to open stores nationwide. One of the product user has come with the new anti ageing product that she created and the product is effective and cost less compare to the old in the market. Introduction Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker. It is also an important part of doing a better business Moreover, using appropriate IT software and spreadsheets for data analysis and the
  • 34. American Imperialism Essay examples The United States of America had begun its political life as a colony of the British Empire. However, as the 20th century dawned, the nation quickly found itself as one of the world s leading imperial powers. Historians have proposed various reasons for this change in the American psyche. Historians from the progressive school of thought argue that economic interests dictated American foreign policy; while academics of the Conservative or older patriotic tradition advocate that the nation s brief foray into imperialism represented a great aberration from typical American isolationism. A third school led by Julius Pratt, applied Social Darwinism to the country stating that a combination of religious and humanitarian components motivated... Show more content on ... This need for new markets had pushed the nation into conflict with other imperial powers. Exempli Gratia Beard, a champion of the progressive school, stated that the desire for profits had pushed Americans into war with Spain over Cuba (Grob, page 165). The Spanish American War was fought mainly for economic reasons. The United States primary motivation for entering the war was purely economic (Spanish American War). The United States had a vested interest in Cuba almost fifty million dollars invested in the island nation. Additionally, America had a sound trade history with Cuba: trading more with the Spanish colony than its motherland (Cuba). The rotting Spanish Empire provided a hindrance to American business interests. Tariffs and trade fees were especially troublesome to American businessmen. After the war, America had successfully the profitability of their investments. This was done through the Platt Amendment. This amendment had essentially dictated Cuba s economic policy: allowing Americans to check Cuban national debt and foreign treaties (Platt Amendment). A second theater of the Spanish American War was the Philippines. Although the United States initially had ambivalent feelings toward the Pacific island nation, the nation ultimately moved to incorporate the territory for economic reasons. Acting under the facade of protecting the native people from atrocities committed by Spanish colonists, the United States government annexed
  • 35. The Pirate Bay The Pirate Bay Case Study 24 06 2009 Introduction The Internet has served as a medium for peers to share any kind of files, like pictures, videos, music, books, etc. However, in order for peers to be able to exchange files, a platform is needed. There are many platforms available that serve as a bridge technology so that peers can share files with other peers around the world. These platforms only serve as a connection devise and not as a piracy store. As a result of the existence of these types of platforms, industries became concerned that this practice is violating the copyrights of the copyright holders. These industries demand that these platforms are shut down. However, these sharing file platforms state that they are not ... Show more content on ... The torrent file is a file that contains only data which identifies the components that the digital file has been divided into. This in order to facilitate distribution of this file, an address for one or more trackers is a rule specified in a torrent file. (Stockholm District Court Verdict, 2009). Basic knowledge of P2P and Bit Torrent is needed to understand the direct work of The Pirate Bay s platform. Prosecution s Evidence According to the District Prosecutor, the aiding and abetting referred to the fact that the defendants, through the file sharing service, provided others with the opportunity to upload torrent files to the service, provided others with a database linked to a catalogue of torrent files, provided the opportunity for other to search for and download torrent files and also provided the functionality with the assistance of which individuals wishing to share files with each other and could contact each other through the file sharing service s tracker function. (Stockholm District Court Verdict). The verdict shows that the district Prosecutor also alleged that the defendants were guilty of preparation for breach of the copyright act, during the period of July 1, 2005 to May 31, 2006, and prepared a database with associated catalogue and stored the torrent files which related to the copyright protected rights and works. It states that the torrent files were specifically intended to be used as an
  • 36. Samuel Barber Piano Noted to be one of Samuel Barber s most popular piano works, acclaimed pianist Vladimir Horowitz called Sonata for Piano, op. 26 the first truly great native work in the form and premiered the sonata, sparking it s rise to fame. Barber was a friend and fan of Horowitz, and found compositional inspiration through Horowitz s playing by implementing wide pallets of color, flexible tempo changes, and huge sonorities. In addition, Horowitz found Barber to be one of the few American composers who knows how to write for the piano. Composed during the late 1940 s, this sonata is very emblematic of some of the many unconventional 20th Century composing techniques, through the usage of 12 tone technique, unconventional harmonies, and chromaticism and... Show more content on ... The dynamic and energetic first movement starts in a different key than it s home key of E flat minor, and was woven in sonata form. It is known for having many staggering several key and time signature changes and rhythmic figurations that mostly consist of dotted 8ths and 16ths, triplets, and groups of 16ths while contrasting with very mysterious sounding lyrical themes in between. These alternations are very unpredictable and constantly keep the listener guessing. The second movement, which is in rondo form, maintains the mysteriousness of the first movement, but maintains a very playful and mischievous attitude, rather than an intense and fiery one. It keeps flowing and flowing like water without stopping to slow down once, all while maneuvering between double and triple meter and skipping around the range of the keyboard. The third movement s aesthetic is one of heart wrenching lament through lots of sobbing chromaticism, dissonant shades, and dark, tempestuous chords. Stylistically, it is the most modern sounding movement of all and employs the 12 tone technique like the first
  • 37. Composting and Plant Growth Review of Related Literature HISTORY OF VERMICOMPOSTING Vermicomposting, as an industrial process, was originally developed to remove unwanted organic materials from the agricultural and industrial waste streams. The derived product: earthworm castings, is now recognized as a high value material which, when blended with soil, can restore soil tilth by correcting the imbalances caused by the over utilization of petrol chemical based fertilizers; thus enabling crops and plants to naturally combat pests and diseases, all resulting in increased crop production and general plant health. Using European technology we began researching production processes and the potential of Vermicomposting over 20 years ago. In 1991 we built the first... Show more content on ... We developed our operational protocols from this research, and this research and operational training goes with every system. Other investigations concentrated on the properties of Vermicompostthat increased plant growth. The increased plant growth observed greatly exceeded any of the nutrient inputs applied and all recent plant growth trials received balancing levels of nutrient inputs to ensure nutrients were not the cause. * Small additions of Vermicompost decreased the incidence of various plant diseases and the numbers of plant parasitic nematodes were suppressed. * Further research investigating production methods (Third part of Phase I and II) and effective practical applications of water soluble elutriates for foliar application for immediate disease and pest control are ongoing. Initial results were completed in June 2009 : Liquid Extracts for Disease and Pest Control. * Heat sterilization of finished Vermicompost was shown to remove all plant growth enhancing properties, but these could be restored by the addition of aqueous extracts of un sterilized Vermicompost. This demonstrates the key factor is clearly microbial, most likely associated with plant growth regulators and increased levels of humic acid and folic acid found in Vermicompost. * Results showed
  • 38. Essay about Existence of Free Will Existence of Free Will Existence of free will is often argued from introspection. Freedom means choice. Since I chose to write this paper and I could have chosen otherwise, I am free in writing this paper. However, to establish that I could have chosen otherwise, proving that I felt that I could have chosen otherwise is not enough: One must also prove that my choice is the original cause of my motives to write this paper. According to compatibilists, your action is free if the immediate cause of the action are your thoughts, there is no coercion, no duress (physical or mental), and your thoughts satisfy a certain condition on freedom, which varies depending on the compatibilist. If that is used as definition of freedom, then my ... Show more content on ... Moreover, the only way to show existence of possibilities is through choices and randomness, so if the world is deterministic, there is no evidence that the world can possibly be anything but what it is; deciding what is possible would be a matter of convention and not reality. In a deterministic world, choosing to do otherwise is as impossible as choosing for 2+2 to equal five: Under no circumstance does any person has any choice. Rejection of determinism, however, is insufficient for free will. Mere randomness does not amount to freedom since it is indistinguishable whether the randomness is generated now or one million years ago. Postulating a free agent is not sufficient either, because of the following argument: Suppose that whenever you act, you act a particular way solely because of the way you are except for the external factors or randomness. At this moment, you cannot change what you are at this moment since at any given time you are what you are at that time. The external factors are also what they are they can change with time, but we are analyzing them at the time you make the choice. If an outcome is random, you cannot choose it either. If you had chosen to act otherwise, then since your choice is based solely on yourself, external factors, and randomness, these factors would be different from what they are. Since you cannot change these factors, you cannot choose to act otherwise. For a choice to be genuine,
  • 39. Best Memory Foam Topper Research Paper 1. Size Memory foam mattress toppers are available with thickness ranging from 2 to 4 inches. The two inch ones are the cheapest and offer average comfort but is good for a person with medium build provided the mattress topper you buy is of high quality. The 3 inch one is the best memory foam mattress topper for most people and it offers excellent comfort level. A 4 inch topper is needed only if you are above 240 pounds or if you need extra support. 2. Density The best memory foam mattress toppers have a density of 5 pounds. Those mattress toppers with 4 pound density are also excellent. High density toppers offer better body support and reduces more pressure points giving you a much better sleep. It also responds better to your body temperature
  • 40. Easyjet Analysis Impacts of Tourism and Travel, Transport and Logistics EasyJet TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction3 Background3 External Impacts5 Political and Legal impacts5 Economical impacts6 Sociocultural impacts7 Technological impacts8 Environmental impacts9 Other impacts10 Staffing and recruiting10 Branding11 Competitors and competitive advantage11 Future expansion12 Conclusion13 Recommendations:15 References16 Introduction Nowadays aviation is a big industry. According to Hanlon (2004) it origins from 1919 just after the Second World War and half a century on it carries about 1.5 billion passengers a year, generating about $300 billion in revenue and employing about 1.7 million people. ... Show more content on ... The main concept of cost leadership is achieved through the following actions: reducing the distribution cots using Internet and Phone reservations; maximizing the utilization of each aircraft ; ticketless travel; no free meal; efficient use of airports; paperless operations; These are some of the strategies that traditional airlines use to eliminate the unnecessary costs and frills . External Impacts Political and Legal impacts The author believes that the government and European taxes are the main political factors that can affect the future of the company. Airport taxes are levied as a fixed tax on the sale of airline seats in most of the countries where easyJet operates. The UK government had established one of the highest taxes in Europe Air Passenger Duty (APD). In 2008, the APD tax is charged at ВЈ10 ВЈ20 for flights within Europe and at ВЈ40 ВЈ80 for long haul flights. (Osborne, 2008). At that time the company takes out an advertisement in the UK national newspaper for making the APD tax greener and free of subsidies to airlines with transfer passengers. EasyJet takes action to replace the APD tax with a flight base tax. This means that the passengers that fly in the newest aircraft cause less pollution and they should not pay the same money as somebody using an old aircraft. Recently, the additional taxes concerning
  • 41. Too Much Too Soon Essay CASE STUDY TOO MUCH TOO SOON NISHANT THAKUR 1775563 MGMT 121/ SM05(1) SynopsisThe scenario is about Sara Patel; she has finished college and is working in a company called Maddison for three years. The first two years she had worked in sales department but now she is working as a sales trainer in the sales and development department. For a while everything was going smooth, all the people in the department liked her and there was an air of openness, until the department started expanding. The first problem that arose was allocation of funds to the different units in her department, employees were complaining about Sarah allocating more resources in her department. Secondly there were problems allocating funds to the local area ... Show more content on ... Employees also complained about scarcity of basic stuff including pens, laptops and blackberries. She was wasting financial resources of the department on her useless travelling and unnecessary courses. She had five resignations at her desk at the same time from her functional heads that she gave excellent rating without even meeting, and now she has to explain it to the VP of Operations. Main issue A manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities to accomplish organizational goals. The manager should work effectively and efficiently, getting out the highest output with minimal input. Whereas in case of Maddison, Inc. the staff working under Sara complained of shortage of basic stuff like pen, laptops and blackberries. Manger should also have management skills like human, technical and conceptual. Technical skills refer to knowledge of the field in which he/she is working. Sara had no technical skills; she was an unqualified trainer as she was there fresh after university and had not work experience in her field. Human skills are the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group. It refers to communicate, motivate, lead and inspire the staff. Sara had no human skills as her staff wanted her to step down at the lunch meeting. Conceptual skills involve the mental ability of a person