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IEEE Workshop on Foundations and Algorithms for Wireless Networking (FAWN 2006)

                   Strong Edge Coloring for
                    Channel Assignment in
                   Wireless Radio Networks

       Christopher L. Barrett                Gabriel Istrate                 V. S. Anil Kumar

                                                                             Sunil Thulasidasan
         Madhav V. Marathe                   Shripad Thite

  Basic and Applied Simulation Science (CCS-5), Los Alamos National Laboratory
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Virginia Bio-Informatics Institute and Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
Wireless broadcast
A node u can transmit to every node within its broadcast range
Pairs of nodes talk on a mutually decided frequency channel


                                                          u            Data

Communication is bidirectional since both data and acknowledgment
packets need to be sent
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Channel assignment as a graph problem
      Channel assignment or Link scheduling problem:
      Assign a frequency channel to each pair of transceivers that
      want to communicate

      Model the wireless network as a graph G = (V, E):
                Nodes in V are the n transceivers

                Edges in E are pairs of transceivers that can communicate

      Channel assignment or Link scheduling problem:
      Assign a frequency channel to each edge of E

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Primary interference


Primary interference at v from two nodes, both transmitting to v,
using the same channel simultaneously
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)       Shripad Thite (
Secondary interference

                      u                             v                          w              z

Secondary interference at v from two simultaneous transmissions

Tranmissions u → v and w → z interfere at v
Transmissions are intended for two different receivers
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Edge coloring

      Given a graph G = (V, E) representing the wireless network

      An edge coloring with k colors is a function

                                     f : E → {1, 2, 3, . . . , k}

      that assigns an integer (i.e., a color ) to each edge of G

      The edge coloring f assigns one of k available channels to
      every pair of communicating transceivers

      A partial edge coloring colors a subset of the edges

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Strong edge coloring
      Coloring constrained to avoid interference
      Two edges are within distance-2 of each other if they are
      adjacent or if they are both incident on a common edge

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Strong edge coloring
      Coloring constrained to avoid interference
      Two edges are within distance-2 of each other if they are
      adjacent or if they are both incident on a common edge

      A strong edge coloring is a coloring that assigns distinct
      colors to every pair of edges within distance-2 of each other
      A strong edge coloring is a conflict-free channel assignment
      avoiding primary and secondary interference
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Channel assignment in wireless networking

     Solid edges must get different colors because of dashed edges

      S. Ramanathan. A Unified Framework and Algorithm for Channel
      Assignment in Wireless Networks. Wireless Networks 5 (1999),
      pp. 81–94.
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Strong edge coloring in graph theory
       Number of colors χ needed is ∆ ≤ χ ≤ 2∆2 − 2∆ + 1

       NP-hard to determine if a graph is strong edge colorable with
       k colors for k ≥ 4 [Mahdian 2000]

      NP-hard to determine if a bipartite, 2-inductive graph is
      strong edge colorable with 5 colors [Erickson,Thite,Bunde

      Fixed parameter tractable: A strong edge coloring of G with
      the fewest colors can be computed in polynomial time if the
      treewidth of G is bounded [Salavatipour 2004]

       Erd˝s-Ne˘et˘il conjecture (1985): strong edge-coloring num-
          o     sr
                                 52                        1   2
       ber of a graph is at most 4 ∆ when ∆ is even and 4 (5∆ −
       2∆ + 1)when ∆ is odd.

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Algorithms for strong edge coloring
      We study and analyze sequential and distributed strong edge
      coloring algorithms for various graph classes
      Different graph classes model different aspects of wireless net-
      works; for example:
                disk graphs model geographic locality of communication
                c-inductive graphs model sparsity

      Basic outline of our algorithms:
             Order or partially order the edges
            Color edges greedily, choosing first available color

      Let Opt be the minimum number of colors used in a strong
      edge coloring of G; we use at most c · Opt colors, where c is
      a constant

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
D2EC(G): Strong edge coloring G
              with the fewest colors
      Assign a color to each (bidirected) edge
      Each color is a specific frequency from the available spectrum
      Strong edge coloring: Any two edges within distance 2 of
      each other must get different colors
                                    1                        4

                                    2                          5                1

      We minimize the number of colors in a strong edge coloring
      of the whole graph.
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Unit-disk graphs
      Choose nodes in coordinate order
      Greedily color incident edges
      with first available color


                                                           v precedes u

      Our algorithm uses at most 8 Opt + 1 colors
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Unit-disk graphs



   An edge (w, z) within distance-2 of (u, v) must have one endpoint
   in Du ∪ Dv

   If (w, z) is colored before (u, v), both w and z must precede u
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)       Shripad Thite (
Lower bound for unit-disk graphs
   If color k is used by the                                  Neighboring edges are inci-
                                                              dent on ≤ 8 cliques
   greedy algorithm for edge
   (u, v), then k − 1 colors must
                                                                  Two edges incident on a clique
   appear on neighboring edges
                                                                  must get different colors


                                                                             So, at least (k − 1)/8
                                                                             colors are necessary

                                                                   Our algorithm uses at most
                                                                   8 Opt + 1 colors
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
c-inductive graphs
          A graph with at most c vertices is c-inductive
                A graph G is c-inductive if it has a vertex v of degree
                ≤ c such that G − v is c-inductive
      Vertices can be sorted in inductive order

            i                  i         i              ui
                   vc−1 v2
          vc                            v1
      Every graph G is c-inductive for some c in the range
      δ(G) ≤ c ≤ ∆(G)

      A tree is 1-inductive; a planar graph is 5-inductive
      Graphs of bounded genus, bounded treewidth,                                             d-ply-
      neighborhood systems are c-inductive for small c
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Coloring c-inductive graphs

               i                                i           i                             ui
              vc                               v2          v1

      Compute an inductive ordering of the nodes of G

      For the ith node ui , greedily color all previously uncolored
      edges incident on ui —each uncolored edge is given the first
      available color

      Our algorithm uses at most 4c∆ colors; since ∆ colors are
      necessary, this is an O(c) approximation

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
(r, s)-civilized graphs
         A graph that can be drawn in E such that the length
         of each edge is ≤ r and the distance between any two
         points is ≥ s

                                                    Can model geographic networks
                                                    with occlusions due to topography
                                                    or other obtstacles

      We have a 2-approximation algorithm, using Mahdian’s exact
      algorithm for bounded-treewidth graphs
      Running time (only) is a function of r/s
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
D2EC(G,k): Coloring most edges of G
                      given k colors
   Let G = (V, E) be a disk graph modeling a wireless network
   Given a palette of k colors, k fixed

   Maximize the number of edges colored in a partial strong edge
   coloring of G with at most k colors

   Equivalently, maximize the number of pairs of transceivers that
   can communicate without interference

   We maximize the number of edges of G colored in a partial
   strong edge coloring with the given k colors

   Let Opt be the maximum number of edges colored in a partial
   strong edge coloring of G with k colors
   We color at leat c · Opt edges, where c is a constant
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Distributed model: synchronized
                   broadcast model
      Computation proceeds in rounds

      In each round, a node is either active or inactive

      In each round, only active nodes transmit; inactive nodes
      remain silent

      Every transmission is a broadcast

      Node v receives a message from node w if and only if:
         v is silent and w transmits
         no collision: w is the only neighbor of v to transmit

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Assumptions / Caveats

   Each node is aware of the number of its neighbors but not neces-
   sarily their IDs

   Each node knows its active degree, i.e., the number of its neighbors
   that are active in the current round

   At the beginning of each round, the active degree of every (active)
   vertex is computed in a distributed fashion, in ρ rounds

   Every node can detect if a collision happens, i.e., node v can detect
   if multiple neighbors of v transmit in the same round

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Distributed algorithm for unit-disk
   Randomized distributed algorithm for D2EC(G,k) where G is a
   unit-disk graph

   In O(kρ log n) rounds, the algorithm colors at least c·Opt edges,
   with high probability
   A simplified variant of Luby’s (1986) randomized algorithm for
   max independent set
   In each round, each vertex executes a simple protocol:
   compute → send → receive

   We use and refine results from an earlier paper:
   H. Balakrishnan, C. L. Barrett, V. S. Anil Kumar, M. V. Marathe, S. Thite.
   The distance-2 matching problem and its relationship to the MAC-layer
   capacity of ad-hoc wireless networks. IEEE J. Selected Areas in Commu-
   nication, 22(6):1069–1079, 2004.

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
In each round:

   Each active vertex decides to wake up by flipping a coin

   Nodes that are awake broadcast to all their neighbors

   If a node (active or not) hears another node, it broadcasts this

   If an active node does not hear another node, then it belongs to
   a subset S

   If a node hears one or more nodes, then it belongs to another
   subset T

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
   Wake-up probability of node v is inversely proportional to its
   active degree; since coin flips are independent, the probability of
   a collision is small
   After O(ρ log n) rounds with high probability, each node is in
   either S or T
   S is a strong independent set; in another O(1) rounds, nodes in
   S compute a strong matching M ⊆ E
   |M | is guaranteed to be ‘large’, i.e., at least a constant times a
   maximum matching
            For every vertex u, at most O(1) edges within distance-2 can be in a strong matching
            For every vertex u, at least one edge within distance-2 is chosen by our algorithm

   All edges in M are greedily assigned a color
  Repeat for G − M
   Result: O(1)-approximate maximum partial strong edge color-
   ing, in O(kρ log n) rounds with high probability.
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)           Shripad Thite (
      We formulate interference-free channel assignment in wire-
      less networks as the strong edge coloring problem on

      We study various graph classes modeling different aspects
      of realistic wireless networks

      We give sequential approximation algorithms to minimize
      the number of channels in a channel assignment

      We give a distributed protocol to maximize the number of
      transceivers that can successfully communicate when we
      are given a fixed frequency spectrum

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Experiments: Greedy distributed algorithm for D2EC(G) on ran-
dom disk graphs with power-law radii distribution
  n random points in a unit square; broadcast radius follows power-law
  distribution—number of nodes with radius r proportional to r
                                         Number of colors
                                                                                                α = −1
                                                                                                α = −2
                                                                                                α = −4


   Number of points (log scale)
 1000                               100

  100                               50

  10                                 0
                                         0   200     400    600    800    1000   1200   1400   1600   1800   2000

                                                                                       Number of nodes
  1e-04    0.001    0.01      0.1
             Radius (log scale)
     Number of colors used to color all edges increases with n, but
                slower than theoretical bound for general graphs
Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)
                                                   Shripad Thite (
Experiments: Greedy distributed algorithm for D2EC(G,k) on
random unit-disk graphs
   n random points in a unit square; each with the same broadcast radius
   r chosen randomly
                       Fraction of edges colored





                       0          200            400         600              800             1000
                                                                          Number of nodes

 A large fraction of edges are colored in just 1 round, with a palette size of ∆2

Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)   Shripad Thite (
Experiments: Greedy distributed algorithm on random
       unit-disk graphs
                                                                               Number of edges colored
                                                                                 Number of colors
4000        r=0.013




        0       5          10       15       20     25     30
                                                         6000        r=0.019
                                                         5000        r=0.025
                    D2EC(k), n=10000, unit square




                                                                 0        5        10        15      20   25   30

   Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006)       Shripad Thite (

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Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment in Wireless Radio Networks

  • 1. IEEE Workshop on Foundations and Algorithms for Wireless Networking (FAWN 2006) Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment in Wireless Radio Networks Christopher L. Barrett Gabriel Istrate V. S. Anil Kumar Sunil Thulasidasan Madhav V. Marathe Shripad Thite Basic and Applied Simulation Science (CCS-5), Los Alamos National Laboratory Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Virginia Bio-Informatics Institute and Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
  • 2. Wireless broadcast A node u can transmit to every node within its broadcast range Pairs of nodes talk on a mutually decided frequency channel ACK v u Data Communication is bidirectional since both data and acknowledgment packets need to be sent Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 3. Channel assignment as a graph problem Channel assignment or Link scheduling problem: Assign a frequency channel to each pair of transceivers that want to communicate Model the wireless network as a graph G = (V, E): Nodes in V are the n transceivers Edges in E are pairs of transceivers that can communicate directly Channel assignment or Link scheduling problem: Assign a frequency channel to each edge of E Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 4. Primary interference w v u Primary interference at v from two nodes, both transmitting to v, using the same channel simultaneously Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 5. Secondary interference u v w z Secondary interference at v from two simultaneous transmissions Tranmissions u → v and w → z interfere at v Transmissions are intended for two different receivers Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 6. Edge coloring Given a graph G = (V, E) representing the wireless network An edge coloring with k colors is a function f : E → {1, 2, 3, . . . , k} that assigns an integer (i.e., a color ) to each edge of G The edge coloring f assigns one of k available channels to every pair of communicating transceivers A partial edge coloring colors a subset of the edges Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 7. Strong edge coloring Coloring constrained to avoid interference Two edges are within distance-2 of each other if they are adjacent or if they are both incident on a common edge Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 8. Strong edge coloring Coloring constrained to avoid interference Two edges are within distance-2 of each other if they are adjacent or if they are both incident on a common edge A strong edge coloring is a coloring that assigns distinct colors to every pair of edges within distance-2 of each other A strong edge coloring is a conflict-free channel assignment avoiding primary and secondary interference Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 9. Channel assignment in wireless networking Solid edges must get different colors because of dashed edges S. Ramanathan. A Unified Framework and Algorithm for Channel Assignment in Wireless Networks. Wireless Networks 5 (1999), pp. 81–94. Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 10. Strong edge coloring in graph theory Number of colors χ needed is ∆ ≤ χ ≤ 2∆2 − 2∆ + 1 NP-hard to determine if a graph is strong edge colorable with k colors for k ≥ 4 [Mahdian 2000] NP-hard to determine if a bipartite, 2-inductive graph is strong edge colorable with 5 colors [Erickson,Thite,Bunde 2002] Fixed parameter tractable: A strong edge coloring of G with the fewest colors can be computed in polynomial time if the treewidth of G is bounded [Salavatipour 2004] Erd˝s-Ne˘et˘il conjecture (1985): strong edge-coloring num- o sr 52 1 2 ber of a graph is at most 4 ∆ when ∆ is even and 4 (5∆ − 2∆ + 1)when ∆ is odd. Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 11. Algorithms for strong edge coloring We study and analyze sequential and distributed strong edge coloring algorithms for various graph classes Different graph classes model different aspects of wireless net- works; for example: disk graphs model geographic locality of communication c-inductive graphs model sparsity Basic outline of our algorithms: Order or partially order the edges Color edges greedily, choosing first available color Let Opt be the minimum number of colors used in a strong edge coloring of G; we use at most c · Opt colors, where c is a constant Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 12. D2EC(G): Strong edge coloring G with the fewest colors Assign a color to each (bidirected) edge Each color is a specific frequency from the available spectrum Strong edge coloring: Any two edges within distance 2 of each other must get different colors 1 1 4 3 2 5 1 6 2 3 4 We minimize the number of colors in a strong edge coloring of the whole graph. Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 13. Unit-disk graphs Choose nodes in coordinate order Greedily color incident edges with first available color u v v precedes u Our algorithm uses at most 8 Opt + 1 colors Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 14. Unit-disk graphs u v w z An edge (w, z) within distance-2 of (u, v) must have one endpoint in Du ∪ Dv If (w, z) is colored before (u, v), both w and z must precede u Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 15. Lower bound for unit-disk graphs If color k is used by the Neighboring edges are inci- dent on ≤ 8 cliques greedy algorithm for edge (u, v), then k − 1 colors must Two edges incident on a clique appear on neighboring edges must get different colors u v So, at least (k − 1)/8 w colors are necessary Our algorithm uses at most z 8 Opt + 1 colors Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 16. c-inductive graphs Definition: A graph with at most c vertices is c-inductive A graph G is c-inductive if it has a vertex v of degree ≤ c such that G − v is c-inductive Vertices can be sorted in inductive order i i i i ui vc−1 v2 vc v1 Every graph G is c-inductive for some c in the range δ(G) ≤ c ≤ ∆(G) A tree is 1-inductive; a planar graph is 5-inductive Graphs of bounded genus, bounded treewidth, d-ply- neighborhood systems are c-inductive for small c Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 17. Coloring c-inductive graphs i i i i ui vc−1 vc v2 v1 Compute an inductive ordering of the nodes of G For the ith node ui , greedily color all previously uncolored edges incident on ui —each uncolored edge is given the first available color Our algorithm uses at most 4c∆ colors; since ∆ colors are necessary, this is an O(c) approximation Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 18. (r, s)-civilized graphs d A graph that can be drawn in E such that the length of each edge is ≤ r and the distance between any two points is ≥ s Can model geographic networks with occlusions due to topography or other obtstacles We have a 2-approximation algorithm, using Mahdian’s exact algorithm for bounded-treewidth graphs Running time (only) is a function of r/s Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 19. D2EC(G,k): Coloring most edges of G given k colors Let G = (V, E) be a disk graph modeling a wireless network Given a palette of k colors, k fixed Maximize the number of edges colored in a partial strong edge coloring of G with at most k colors Equivalently, maximize the number of pairs of transceivers that can communicate without interference We maximize the number of edges of G colored in a partial strong edge coloring with the given k colors Let Opt be the maximum number of edges colored in a partial strong edge coloring of G with k colors We color at leat c · Opt edges, where c is a constant Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 20. Distributed model: synchronized broadcast model Computation proceeds in rounds In each round, a node is either active or inactive In each round, only active nodes transmit; inactive nodes remain silent Every transmission is a broadcast Node v receives a message from node w if and only if: v is silent and w transmits no collision: w is the only neighbor of v to transmit Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 21. Assumptions / Caveats Each node is aware of the number of its neighbors but not neces- sarily their IDs Each node knows its active degree, i.e., the number of its neighbors that are active in the current round At the beginning of each round, the active degree of every (active) vertex is computed in a distributed fashion, in ρ rounds Every node can detect if a collision happens, i.e., node v can detect if multiple neighbors of v transmit in the same round Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 22. Distributed algorithm for unit-disk graphs Randomized distributed algorithm for D2EC(G,k) where G is a unit-disk graph In O(kρ log n) rounds, the algorithm colors at least c·Opt edges, with high probability A simplified variant of Luby’s (1986) randomized algorithm for max independent set In each round, each vertex executes a simple protocol: compute → send → receive We use and refine results from an earlier paper: H. Balakrishnan, C. L. Barrett, V. S. Anil Kumar, M. V. Marathe, S. Thite. The distance-2 matching problem and its relationship to the MAC-layer capacity of ad-hoc wireless networks. IEEE J. Selected Areas in Commu- nication, 22(6):1069–1079, 2004. Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 23. In each round: Each active vertex decides to wake up by flipping a coin Nodes that are awake broadcast to all their neighbors If a node (active or not) hears another node, it broadcasts this knowledge If an active node does not hear another node, then it belongs to a subset S If a node hears one or more nodes, then it belongs to another subset T Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 24. Analysis Wake-up probability of node v is inversely proportional to its active degree; since coin flips are independent, the probability of a collision is small After O(ρ log n) rounds with high probability, each node is in either S or T S is a strong independent set; in another O(1) rounds, nodes in S compute a strong matching M ⊆ E |M | is guaranteed to be ‘large’, i.e., at least a constant times a maximum matching For every vertex u, at most O(1) edges within distance-2 can be in a strong matching For every vertex u, at least one edge within distance-2 is chosen by our algorithm All edges in M are greedily assigned a color Repeat for G − M Result: O(1)-approximate maximum partial strong edge color- ing, in O(kρ log n) rounds with high probability. Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 25. Summary We formulate interference-free channel assignment in wire- less networks as the strong edge coloring problem on graphs We study various graph classes modeling different aspects of realistic wireless networks We give sequential approximation algorithms to minimize the number of channels in a channel assignment We give a distributed protocol to maximize the number of transceivers that can successfully communicate when we are given a fixed frequency spectrum Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 26. Grazie! Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 27. Experiments Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 28. Experiments: Greedy distributed algorithm for D2EC(G) on ran- dom disk graphs with power-law radii distribution n random points in a unit square; broadcast radius follows power-law α distribution—number of nodes with radius r proportional to r Number of colors 250 α=0 α = −1 α = −2 α = −4 200 150 Number of points (log scale) 1000 100 100 50 10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Number of nodes 1 1e-04 0.001 0.01 0.1 Radius (log scale) Number of colors used to color all edges increases with n, but slower than theoretical bound for general graphs Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 29. Experiments: Greedy distributed algorithm for D2EC(G,k) on random unit-disk graphs n random points in a unit square; each with the same broadcast radius r chosen randomly Fraction of edges colored 1 radius=0.05 radius=0.1 radius=0.2 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Number of nodes A large fraction of edges are colored in just 1 round, with a palette size of ∆2 Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (
  • 30. Experiments: Greedy distributed algorithm on random unit-disk graphs 7000 Number of edges colored r=0.001 r=0.003 vs. 6000 r=0.005 r=0.007 Number of colors 5000 r=0.009 r=0.011 4000 r=0.013 3000 2000 1000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 8000 r=0.013 r=0.015 7000 r=0.017 6000 r=0.019 r=0.021 5000 r=0.025 r=0.029 D2EC(k), n=10000, unit square 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Strong Edge Coloring for Channel Assignment (FAWN 2006) Shripad Thite (