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ROR Lab. Season 3
                    - The 3th Round -


                     March 29th, 2013

                 ChangHoon Jeong(@seapy)
                        ROR Lab.

13년 3월 30일 토요일
General Migration

                 • Use SQL(Database dependent)
                 • Run SQL by DB console
                 • Telling other developer and run SQL their
                   local DB
                 • Run SQL when you deploy to production
                                                       ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
ROR Migration
                 • Use ruby code(Database independent)
                 • Run rake task
                 • Other developer run rake task(it’s rails
                 • Run rake task when you deploy to

                                                         ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Migrations are Classes
                                                           rails 3.1 ~>
          class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration    class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
            def up                                            def change
              create_table :products do |t|                     create_table :products do |t|
                t.string :name                                    t.string :name
                t.text :description                               t.text :description
                t.timestamps                                      t.timestamps
              end                                               end
            end                                               end
            def down
              drop_table :products

                          subclass of ActiveRecord::Migration

                                                                                            ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Migration methods
                 • Database independent way       change_column

                 • Execute method allows you to    change_table
                   execute arbitrary SQL
                 • Migrations are wrapped in a    remove_column
                   transaction(PostgreSQL or      remove_index
                   SQLite3, not support MySQL)    rename_column
                                                  execute "SQL"

                                                    ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Up & Down Methods (1)
                 class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
                   def up
                     create_table :products do |t|
                       t.string :name
                       t.text :description
                   end                     updated_at, created_at
                   def down
                     drop_table :products

                                                                    ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Up & Down Methods (2)
                 class AddReceiveNewsletterToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
                   def up
                     change_table :users do |t|
                       t.boolean :receive_newsletter, :default => false
                     User.update_all ["receive_newsletter = ?", true]
                   def down
                     remove_column :users, :receive_newsletter

                                                                           ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Up & Down Methods (3)
                 class ExampleMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
                   def up
                     create_table :products do |t|
                       t.references :category
                     #add a foreign key
                     execute <<-SQL
                       ALTER TABLE products
                         ADD CONSTRAINT fk_products_categories
                         FOREIGN KEY (category_id)
                         REFERENCES categories(id)
                     add_column :users, :home_page_url, :string
                     rename_column :users, :email, :email_address
                   def down
                     rename_column :users, :email_address, :email
                     remove_column :users, :home_page_url
                     execute <<-SQL
                       ALTER TABLE products
                         DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_products_categories
                     drop_table :products

                                                                     ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Up & Down Methods (3)
                 class ExampleMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
                   def up
                     create_table :products do |t|
                       t.references :category
                     #add a foreign key
                     execute <<-SQL
                       ALTER TABLE products
                         ADD CONSTRAINT fk_products_categories
                         FOREIGN KEY (category_id)
                         REFERENCES categories(id)
                     add_column :users, :home_page_url, :string
                     rename_column :users, :email, :email_address
                   def down
                     rename_column :users, :email_address, :email
                     remove_column :users, :home_page_url
                     execute <<-SQL
                       ALTER TABLE products
                         DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_products_categories
                     drop_table :products

                                                                     ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Change Method
                 class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
                   def change
                     create_table :products do |t|
                       t.string :name                 • create_table
                       t.text :description            • add_column
                                                      • add_index
                       t.timestamps                   • rename_table
                     end                              • rename_column
                   end                                • rename_index
                                                      • add_timestamps
                                                      • remove_timestamps

                                                                 ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Supported Types
                             • not supported by Active Record
                              • t.column :name, 'typename'
                                                     ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Migration Files Naming

                 • db/migrate directory
                 • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_products.rb
                  • UTC timestamp
                  • The name of the migration

                                               ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
To Create
                     Migration Files
                 • $ rails generate model Post title:string
                 • $ rails generate scaffold Post title:string
                 • $ rails generate migration
                   AddContentToPosts content:text
                 • $ rails generate migration
                   RemoveContentFromPosts content:text

                                                          ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Add & Remove
                 • AddXXXToYYY
                 • RemoveXXXFromYYY
                 $ rails g migration AddNameToUsers
                 $ rails g migration RemoveNameFromUsers

                                                  ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
To Destroy
                     Migration Files

                 • $ rails destroy model Post title:string
                 • $ rails destroy scaffold Post title:string
                 • $ rails destroy migration
                   AddContentToPosts content:text

                                                          ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Rake it~

                 • $ rake db:migrate        “up” state

                 • $ rake db:rollback “down” state
                 • $ rake db:migrate:status
                                                 ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Rake it~
      $ rake db:migrate:status                                              mysql> select * from schema_migrations;
                                                                            | version        |
     database: medibook_development                                         +----------------+
                                                                            | 20120531061820 |
      Status   Migration ID    Migration Name                               | 20120531105534 |
                                                                            | 20120531124444 |
     --------------------------------------------------                     | 20120531125446 |
        up     20120531061820 Create users                                  | 20120531133035 |
        up     20120531105534 Rolify create roles                           | 20120601102629 |
        up     20120531124444 Create boards                                 | 20120603223525 |
        up     20120531125446 Create board types                            | 20120603224330 |
        up     20120531133035 Create posts                                  | 20120603224625 |
        up     20120601102629 Create categories                             | 20120604064155 |
                                                                            | 20120604110743 |
        up     20120603223525 Create products                               | 20120702123904 |
        up     20120603224330 Add some fields to users                      | 20120702125358 |
        up     20120603224625 Add some fields to categories                 | 20120703005951 |
        up     20120604064155 Add category id to products                   | 20120704033651 |
        up     20120604110743 Add attachment product photo to products      | 20120728014210 |
        up     20120702123904 Add view count to products                    | 20120728061841 |
        up     20120702125358 Create comments                               | 20120728102213 |
                                                                            | 20120729053924 |
        up     20120703005951 Create favourites                             | 20120804011723 |
        up     20120704033651 Add account to users                          | 20120804012821 |
        up     20120728014210 Add devise to users                           | 20120804013538 |
        up     20120728061841 Remove password digest from users             | 20120808023400 |
        up     20120728102213 Create user groups                            | 20120810071351 |
        up     20120729053924 Create users groups                           +----------------+
        up     20120804011723 Add user details to users                     34 rows in set (0.00 sec)
        up     20120804012821 Create affiliations
        up     20120804013538 Add some fields to affiliations
        up     20120808023400 Add attachment company logo to affiliations
        up     20120810071351 Add active to users

                                                                                             ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Rake it~
                 $ rake db:version
                     Current version: 20120818023340

                 $ cat db/schema.rb

                 ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20120831045454) do

                   create_table   "ad_images", :force => true do |t|
                     t.integer    "adimageable_id"
                     t.string     "adimageable_type"
                     t.integer    "user_id"
                     t.string     "image_file_name"
                     t.string     "image_content_type"
                     t.integer    "image_file_size"
                     t.datetime   "created_at",         :null => false
                     t.datetime   "updated_at",         :null => false

                   add_index "ad_images", ["adimageable_id"], :name =>
                   add_index "ad_images", ["user_id"], :name =>

                                                                              ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Rake it~
                 $ rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations

       $ rake db:migrate:status                             $ rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations

       database: db/development.sqlite3                     You have 2 pending migrations:
                                                              20120818023340 CreateComments
        Status   Migration ID    Migration Name               20120818031154 CreateTags
       --------------------------------------------------   Run `rake db:migrate` to update your database then
          up     20120818022501 Create posts                try again.
         down    20120818023340 Create comments
         down    20120818031154 Create tags

                                                                                              ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
                 • db/schema.rb
                 • A database table : history of migrations

                                      $ rake db:migrate:status
                                         • up
                                         • down

                                                         ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Running Migrations

                      $ rake db:migrate
                      $ rake db:migrate VERSION=20090906120000
                      $ rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20090906120000

                      $ rake db:rollback
                      $ rake db:rollback STEP=3

                                                                    ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Running Migrations
                                                                 database: medibook_development

                                                                  Status   Migration ID

                                                                    up     20120531061820
                                                                    up     20120531105534
                                                                    up     20120531124444
                                                                    up     20120531125446
                 $ rake db:migrate                                  up     20120531133035
                                                                    up     20120601102629
                 $ rake db:migrate VERSION=20120702125358           up     20120603223525
                                                                    up     20120603224330
                 $ rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20120702125358      up     20120603224625
                                                                    up     20120604064155
                                                                    up     20120604110743
                                                                    up     20120702123904
                                                                    up     20120702125358
                                                                    up     20120703005951
                                                                    up     20120704033651
                                                                    up     20120728014210
                                                                    up     20120728061841
                                                                    up     20120728102213
                                                                    up     20120729053924
                                                                    up     20120804011723

                                                                    up     20120804012821
                                                                    up     20120804013538
                                                                    up     20120808023400
                                                                    up     20120810071351

                                                                                  ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Running Migrations
                                                               database: medibook_development

                                                                Status   Migration ID

                                                                  up     20120531061820
                                                                  up     20120531105534
                                                                  up     20120531124444
                                                                  up     20120531125446
                 $ rake db:migrate                                up     20120531133035
                                                                  up     20120601102629
                 $ rake db:migrate VERSION=20120702125358         up     20120603223525
                                                                  down   20120603224330
                 $ rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20120702125358      down   20120603224625
                                                                  down   20120604064155
                                                                  down   20120604110743
                                                                  down   20120702123904
                                                                  down   20120702125358
                                                                  down   20120703005951
                                                                  down   20120704033651
                                                                  down   20120728014210
                                                                  down   20120728061841
                                                                  down   20120728102213
                                                                  down   20120729053924
                                                                  down   20120804011723

                                                                  down   20120804012821
                                                                  down   20120804013538
                                                                  down   20120808023400
                                                                  down   20120810071351

                                                                                ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Running Migrations
                                                 database: medibook_development

                                                  Status   Migration ID

                                                    up     20120531061820
                                                    up     20120531105534
                 $ rake db:rollback                 up     20120531124444
                                                    up     20120531125446
                 $ rake db:migrate:redo             up     20120531133035
                                                    up     20120601102629
                 $ rake db:rollback STEP=3          up     20120603223525
                                                    up     20120603224330
                 $ rake db:migrate:redo STEP=3      up     20120603224625
                                                    up     20120604064155
                                                    up     20120604110743
                                                    up     20120702123904
                                                    up     20120702125358
                                                    up     20120703005951
                                                    up     20120704033651
                                                    up     20120728014210
                                                    up     20120728061841
                                                    up     20120728102213
                                                    up     20120729053924
                                                    up     20120804011723
                                                    up     20120804012821
                                                    up     20120804013538
                                                    up     20120808023400
                                                    up     20120810071351

                                                                  ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
output of migrations
         • suppress_messages
         • say
          • indent option true/false
         • say_with_time
          • return integer, number of rows affected

                                                  ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
         def change
            suppress_messages do
                 create_table :products do |t|
                   t.string :name
            say "Created a table"
            suppress_messages {add_index :products, :name}
            say "and an index!", true
            say_with_time 'Waiting for a while' do
                 sleep 10
            end                                  ==    CreateProducts: migrating ============

         end                                     -- Created a table

      end                                             -> and an index!
                                                 -- Waiting for a while
                                                      -> 10.0013s
                                                      -> 250 rows
                                                 ==    CreateProducts: migrated (10.0054s) ====

                                                                                ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Model in Migration
                 • YourTable.reset_column_information
                    # db/migrate/20100513121110_add_flag_to_product.rb
                    class AddFlagToProduct < ActiveRecord::Migration
                      class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
                      def change
                        add_column :products, :flag, :integer
                        Product.all.each do |product|
                          product.update_attributes!(:flag => false)

                 • Alice and Bob’s Story
                                                                         ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
App DB Init
                                          using db/schema.rb

            $ rake db:setup                                              $ rake db:reset
                 1. db:create                                              1. db:drop
                 2. db:schema:load                                         2. db:setup
                 3. db:seed


                                                                                                            ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일
Schema works

                 • $ rake db:schema:dump
                     called by db:migrate
                     create schema.rb

                 • $ rake db:schema:load
                     load schema.rb

                                            ROR Lab.
13년 3월 30일 토요일

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Rails Database Migrations - RORLab Season 3-3

  • 1. ROR Lab. Season 3 - The 3th Round - Database Migrations March 29th, 2013 ChangHoon Jeong(@seapy) ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 2. General Migration • Use SQL(Database dependent) • Run SQL by DB console • Telling other developer and run SQL their local DB • Run SQL when you deploy to production ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 3. ROR Migration • Use ruby code(Database independent) • Run rake task • Other developer run rake task(it’s rails convention) • Run rake task when you deploy to production ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 4. Migrations are Classes rails 3.1 ~> class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration   def up   def change     create_table :products do |t|     create_table :products do |t|       t.string :name       t.string :name       t.text :description       t.text :description           t.timestamps       t.timestamps     end     end   end   end   end   def down     drop_table :products   end end subclass of ActiveRecord::Migration ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 5. Migration methods add_column add_index • Database independent way change_column • Execute method allows you to change_table create_table execute arbitrary SQL drop_table • Migrations are wrapped in a remove_column transaction(PostgreSQL or remove_index SQLite3, not support MySQL) rename_column execute "SQL" ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 6. Up & Down Methods (1) class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration   def up     create_table :products do |t|       t.string :name       t.text :description         t.timestamps     end   end updated_at, created_at     def down     drop_table :products   end end ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 7. Up & Down Methods (2) class AddReceiveNewsletterToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration   def up     change_table :users do |t|       t.boolean :receive_newsletter, :default => false     end     User.update_all ["receive_newsletter = ?", true]   end     def down     remove_column :users, :receive_newsletter   end end ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 8. Up & Down Methods (3) class ExampleMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration   def up     create_table :products do |t|       t.references :category     end     #add a foreign key     execute <<-SQL category_id       ALTER TABLE products         ADD CONSTRAINT fk_products_categories         FOREIGN KEY (category_id)         REFERENCES categories(id)     SQL     add_column :users, :home_page_url, :string     rename_column :users, :email, :email_address   end     def down     rename_column :users, :email_address, :email     remove_column :users, :home_page_url     execute <<-SQL       ALTER TABLE products         DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_products_categories     SQL     drop_table :products   end end ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 9. Up & Down Methods (3) class ExampleMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration   def up     create_table :products do |t|       t.references :category     end     #add a foreign key     execute <<-SQL category_id       ALTER TABLE products         ADD CONSTRAINT fk_products_categories         FOREIGN KEY (category_id)         REFERENCES categories(id)     SQL     add_column :users, :home_page_url, :string     rename_column :users, :email, :email_address   end     def down     rename_column :users, :email_address, :email     remove_column :users, :home_page_url     execute <<-SQL       ALTER TABLE products         DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_products_categories     SQL     drop_table :products   end end ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 10. Change Method class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration   def change     create_table :products do |t|       t.string :name • create_table       t.text :description • add_column   • add_index       t.timestamps • rename_table     end • rename_column   end • rename_index end • add_timestamps • remove_timestamps ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 11. Supported Types :binary :boolean :date :datetime :decimal :float • not supported by Active Record :integer :primary_key • t.column :name, 'typename' :string :text :time :timestamp ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 12. Migration Files Naming • db/migrate directory • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_products.rb • UTC timestamp • The name of the migration class(CamelCased) ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 13. To Create Migration Files • $ rails generate model Post title:string • $ rails generate scaffold Post title:string • $ rails generate migration AddContentToPosts content:text • $ rails generate migration RemoveContentFromPosts content:text ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 14. Add & Remove Columns • AddXXXToYYY • RemoveXXXFromYYY $ rails g migration AddNameToUsers $ rails g migration RemoveNameFromUsers ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 15. To Destroy Migration Files • $ rails destroy model Post title:string • $ rails destroy scaffold Post title:string • $ rails destroy migration AddContentToPosts content:text ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 16. Rake it~ • $ rake db:migrate “up” state • $ rake db:rollback “down” state • $ rake db:migrate:status ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 17. Rake it~ $ rake db:migrate:status mysql> select * from schema_migrations; +----------------+ | version | database: medibook_development +----------------+ | 20120531061820 | Status Migration ID Migration Name | 20120531105534 | | 20120531124444 | -------------------------------------------------- | 20120531125446 | up 20120531061820 Create users | 20120531133035 | up 20120531105534 Rolify create roles | 20120601102629 | up 20120531124444 Create boards | 20120603223525 | up 20120531125446 Create board types | 20120603224330 | up 20120531133035 Create posts | 20120603224625 | up 20120601102629 Create categories | 20120604064155 | | 20120604110743 | up 20120603223525 Create products | 20120702123904 | up 20120603224330 Add some fields to users | 20120702125358 | up 20120603224625 Add some fields to categories | 20120703005951 | up 20120604064155 Add category id to products | 20120704033651 | up 20120604110743 Add attachment product photo to products | 20120728014210 | up 20120702123904 Add view count to products | 20120728061841 | up 20120702125358 Create comments | 20120728102213 | | 20120729053924 | up 20120703005951 Create favourites | 20120804011723 | up 20120704033651 Add account to users | 20120804012821 | up 20120728014210 Add devise to users | 20120804013538 | up 20120728061841 Remove password digest from users | 20120808023400 | up 20120728102213 Create user groups | 20120810071351 | up 20120729053924 Create users groups +----------------+ up 20120804011723 Add user details to users 34 rows in set (0.00 sec) up 20120804012821 Create affiliations up 20120804013538 Add some fields to affiliations up 20120808023400 Add attachment company logo to affiliations up 20120810071351 Add active to users ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 18. Rake it~ $ rake db:version Current version: 20120818023340 $ cat db/schema.rb ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20120831045454) do create_table "ad_images", :force => true do |t| t.integer "adimageable_id" t.string "adimageable_type" t.integer "user_id" t.string "image_file_name" t.string "image_content_type" t.integer "image_file_size" t.datetime "created_at", :null => false t.datetime "updated_at", :null => false end add_index "ad_images", ["adimageable_id"], :name => "index_ad_images_on_adimageable_id" add_index "ad_images", ["user_id"], :name => "index_ad_images_on_user_id" ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 19. Rake it~ $ rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations $ rake db:migrate:status $ rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations database: db/development.sqlite3 You have 2 pending migrations: 20120818023340 CreateComments Status Migration ID Migration Name 20120818031154 CreateTags -------------------------------------------------- Run `rake db:migrate` to update your database then up 20120818022501 Create posts try again. down 20120818023340 Create comments down 20120818031154 Create tags ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 20. schema_migrations • db/schema.rb • A database table : history of migrations $ rake db:migrate:status • up • down ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 21. Running Migrations db/schema.rb db:schema:dump UP $ rake db:migrate $ rake db:migrate VERSION=20090906120000 $ rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20090906120000 DOWN $ rake db:rollback $ rake db:rollback STEP=3 ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 22. Running Migrations database: medibook_development Status Migration ID -------------------------- UP up 20120531061820 up 20120531105534 up 20120531124444 up 20120531125446 $ rake db:migrate up 20120531133035 up 20120601102629 $ rake db:migrate VERSION=20120702125358 up 20120603223525 up 20120603224330 $ rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20120702125358 up 20120603224625 up 20120604064155 up 20120604110743 up 20120702123904 up 20120702125358 up 20120703005951 up 20120704033651 up 20120728014210 up 20120728061841 up 20120728102213 up 20120729053924 up 20120804011723 db:migrate:down up 20120804012821 up 20120804013538 up 20120808023400 up 20120810071351 ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 23. Running Migrations database: medibook_development Status Migration ID -------------------------- UP up 20120531061820 up 20120531105534 up 20120531124444 up 20120531125446 $ rake db:migrate up 20120531133035 up 20120601102629 $ rake db:migrate VERSION=20120702125358 up 20120603223525 down 20120603224330 $ rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20120702125358 down 20120603224625 down 20120604064155 down 20120604110743 down 20120702123904 down 20120702125358 down 20120703005951 down 20120704033651 down 20120728014210 down 20120728061841 down 20120728102213 down 20120729053924 down 20120804011723 db:migrate:up down 20120804012821 down 20120804013538 down 20120808023400 down 20120810071351 ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 24. Running Migrations database: medibook_development Status Migration ID -------------------------- UP up 20120531061820 up 20120531105534 $ rake db:rollback up 20120531124444 up 20120531125446 $ rake db:migrate:redo up 20120531133035 up 20120601102629 $ rake db:rollback STEP=3 up 20120603223525 up 20120603224330 $ rake db:migrate:redo STEP=3 up 20120603224625 up 20120604064155 up 20120604110743 up 20120702123904 up 20120702125358 up 20120703005951 up 20120704033651 up 20120728014210 up 20120728061841 up 20120728102213 up 20120729053924 up 20120804011723 up 20120804012821 up 20120804013538 up 20120808023400 up 20120810071351 ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 25. output of migrations • suppress_messages • say • indent option true/false • say_with_time • return integer, number of rows affected ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 26. class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration def change suppress_messages do create_table :products do |t| t.string :name end end say "Created a table" suppress_messages {add_index :products, :name} say "and an index!", true say_with_time 'Waiting for a while' do sleep 10 250 end == CreateProducts: migrating ============ end -- Created a table end -> and an index! -- Waiting for a while -> 10.0013s -> 250 rows == CreateProducts: migrated (10.0054s) ==== ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 27. Model in Migration • YourTable.reset_column_information # db/migrate/20100513121110_add_flag_to_product.rb   class AddFlagToProduct < ActiveRecord::Migration   class Product < ActiveRecord::Base   end     def change     add_column :products, :flag, :integer     Product.reset_column_information     Product.all.each do |product|       product.update_attributes!(:flag => false)     end   end end • Alice and Bob’s Story ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 28. App DB Init using db/schema.rb $ rake db:setup $ rake db:reset 1. db:create 1. db:drop 2. db:schema:load 2. db:setup 3. db:seed ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 29. Schema works • $ rake db:schema:dump called by db:migrate create schema.rb • $ rake db:schema:load load schema.rb ROR Lab. 13년 3월 30일 토요일
  • 31.   13년 3월 30일 토요일