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       User-Defined Functions
•   Introduction
•   Function Definition
•   Void function
•   Global Vs Local variables
•   Random Number Generator
•   Recursion
•   Function Overloading
•   Sample Code
Functions in C++
•   Experience has shown that the best way to develop and maintain large
    programs is to construct it from smaller pieces(Modules)
•   This technique Called “Divide and Conquer”
    Bad Development Approach                             Wise Development Approach

    main()                        •Easer To                    {
    {                                                            -----
       -----                      Design                         ----
       -----                      Build                       }
       -----                      Debug
       -----                      Extend                      function f1()
       .                          Modify                      {
       .                          Understand                     ---
       .                          Reuse                          ---
       ----                       Better Organization         }
       -----                                                   function f2()
    Return 0;                                                  {
    }                                                             ---
(.Functions in C++(Cont
• In FORTRAN Modules Known as Subprograms
• In C++ Modules Known as Functions & Classes
• Programs use new and “prepackaged” modules
  – New: programmer-defined functions and classes
  – Prepackaged: from the standard library
++About Functions in C
  •      Functions invoked by a function–call-statement which consist of
         it’s name and information it needs (arguments)
  •      Boss To Worker Analogy
           A Boss (the calling/caller function) asks a worker (the called
         function) to perform a task and return result when it is done.

Worker              Worker
                                                                  Function Z
Function A           Function B

          Worker          Worker
                                            Note: usual main( ) Calls other
            Function B1      Function B2    functions, but other functions
                                                  can call each other
Function Calling
• Functions   called by writing
        functionName (argument);
        functionName(argument1, argument2, …);
• Example
         cout << sqrt( 900.0 );
    • sqrt (square root) function
    • The preceding statement would print 30
    • All functions in math library return a double
•   Function Arguments can be:
-   Constant         sqrt(9);
-   Variable         sqrt(x);
-   Expression       sqrt( x*9 + y) ;
                     sqrt( sqrt(x) ) ;
Function Calling
• Calling/invoking a function
   – sqrt(x);
   – Parentheses an operator used to call function
       • Pass argument x
       • Function gets its own copy of arguments
   – After finished, passes back result

        Function Name           argument          Output
       cout<< sqrt(9);

        Parentheses used to enclose argument(s)
Math Library Functions Revisited
Method             Description                      Example
ceil( x )          rounds x to the smallest integer ceil( 9.2 ) is 10.0
                   not less than x                  ceil( -9.8 ) is -9.0
cos( x )           trigonometric cosine of x        cos( 0.0 ) is 1.0
                   (x in radians)
exp( x )           exponential function ex          exp( 1.0 ) is 2.71828
                                                    exp( 2.0 ) is 7.38906
fabs( x )          absolute value of x              fabs( 5.1 ) is 5.1
                                                    fabs( 0.0 ) is 0.0
                                                    fabs( -8.76 ) is 8.76
floor( x )         rounds x to the largest integer  floor( 9.2 ) is 9.0
                   not greater than x               floor( -9.8 ) is -10.0
fmod( x, y )       remainder of x/y as a floating- fmod( 13.657, 2.333 ) is 1.992
                   point number
log( x )           natural logarithm of x (base e) log( 2.718282 ) is 1.0
                                                    log( 7.389056 ) is 2.0
log10( x )         logarithm of x (base 10)         log10( 10.0 ) is 1.0
                                                    log10( 100.0 ) is 2.0
pow( x, y )        x raised to power y (xy)         pow( 2, 7 ) is 128
                                                    pow( 9, .5 ) is 3
sin( x )           trigonometric sine of x          sin( 0.0 ) is 0
                   (x in radians)
sqrt( x )          square root of x                 sqrt( 900.0 ) is 30.0
                                                    sqrt( 9.0 ) is 3.0
tan( x )           trigonometric tangent of x       tan( 0.0 ) is 0
                   (x in radians)
Fig. 3.2 Math library functions.
• Functions
   – Modularize a program
   – Software reusability
      • Call function multiple times
• Local variables
   – Known only in the function in which they are defined
   – All variables declared in function definitions are local variables
• Parameters
   – Local variables passed to function when called
   – Provide outside information
Function Definition
• Function prototype
  – Tells compiler argument type and return type of function
  – int square( int );
     • Function takes an int and returns an int
  – Explained in more detail later

• Calling/invoking a function
  – square(x);
  – Parentheses an operator used to call function
     • Pass argument x
     • Function gets its own copy of arguments
  – After finished, passes back result
Function Definition
• Syntax format for function definition
  returned-value-type function-name (parameter-list)
       Declarations of local variables and Statements

  – Parameter list
      • Comma separated list of arguments
          – Data type needed for each argument
      • If no arguments, use void or leave blank
  – Return-value-type
      • Data type of result returned (use void if nothing
Function Definition
• Example function
  int square( int y )

      return y * y;
• return keyword
  – Returns data, and control goes to function’s caller
       • If no data to return, use return;
  – Function ends when reaches right brace
       • Control goes to caller
• Functions cannot be defined inside other
// Creating and using a programmer-defined function.
        #include <iostream.h>
                                                          Function prototype: specifies
        int square( int );        // function prototype   data types of arguments and
                                                          return values. square
     int main()
                                                          expects an int, and returns
                                                          an int.
        // loop 10 times and calculate and output
        // square of x each time
        for ( int x = 1; x <= 10; x++ )
           cout << square( x ) << " "; // function call

                                                          Parentheses () cause function to be called.
          cout << endl;
                                                          When done, it returns the result.
          return 0;    // indicates successful termination

     } // end main

     // square function definition returns square of an integer
     int square( int y ) // y is a copy of argument to function
        return y * y;     // returns square of y as an int
                                                             Definition         of square. y is a
                                                                     copy of the argument passed.
     } // end function square                                        Returns y * y, or y squared.

1   4    9   16   25   36   49   64   81   100
Function Prototypes
• Function prototype contains
   –   Function name
   –   Parameters (number and data type)
   –   Return type (void if returns nothing)
   –   Only needed if function definition after function call
• Prototype must match function definition
   – Function prototype
        double maximum( double, double, double );
   – Definition
        double maximum( double x, double y, double
           z )
void Function takes arguments
If the Function does not RETURN result, it is called void Function

       void add2Nums(int,int);
       {       int a, b;
               cout<<“enter tow Number:”;
               cin >>a >> b;
               add2Nums(a, b)
               return 0;
       void add2Nums(int x, int y)
               cout<< x<< “+” << y << “=“ << x+y;
void Function take no arguments
If the function Does Not Take Arguments specify this with EMPTY-LIST OR
     write void inside
     void funA();
     void funB(void)
     {                                     Will be the same
           funA();                             in all cases
           return 0;
     void funA()
           cout << “Function-A takes no arqumentsn”;
     void funB()
           cout << “Also Function-B takes No argumentsn”;
Remarks on Functions
• Local variables
   – Known only in the function in which they are defined
   – All variables declared inside a function are local variables
• Parameters
   – Local variables passed to function when called (passing-
• Variables defined outside and before function main:
  – Called global variables
   – Can be accessible and used anywhere in the entire
Remarks on Functions
• Omitting the type of returned result defaults to int, but
  omitting a non-integer type is a Syntax Error
• If a Global variable defined again as a local variable in a
  function, then the Local-definition overrides the Global
• Function prototype, function definition, and function call
  must be consistent in:
      1- Number of arguments
      2- Type of those arguments
      3-Order of those arguments
Local vs Global Variables
int x,y; //Global Variables
int add2(int, int); //prototype
{ int s;
   x = 11;
   y = 22;
   cout << “global x=” << x << endl;
   cout << “Global y=” << y << endl;
   s = add2(x, y);
   cout << x << “+” << y << “=“ << s;
   cout<<“n---end of output---n”;
                                        global x=11
   return 0;
                                        global y=22
int add2(int x1,int y1)                 Local x=44
{ int x; //local variables              11+22=33
   x=44;                                ---end of output---
   cout << “nLocal x=” << x << endl;
   return x1+y1;
Finding Errors in Function Code
int sum(int x, int y)
    int result;
    result = x+y;
this function must return an integer value as indicated in the
    header definition (return result;) should be added
int sum (int n)
{ if (n==0)
           return 0;
the result of n+sum(n-1) is not returned; sum returns an improper
    result, the else part should be written as:-
else return n+sum(n-1);
Finding Errors in Function Code
void f(float a);
  float a;
; found after function definition header.
 redefining the parameter a in the function
void f(float a)
   float a2 = a + 8.9;
  cout <<a2<<endl;
Finding Errors in Function Code
void product(void)
   int a, b, c, result;
   cout << “enter three integers:”;
   cin >> a >> b >> c;
   result = a*b*c;
   cout << “Result is” << result;
   return result;
 According to the definition it should not return a value , but in the block
   (body) it did & this is WRONG.
  Remove return Result;
Function Call Methods
•   Call by value
    •   A copy of the value is passed
•   Call by reference
    •   The caller passes the address of the value

• Call by value
   Up to this point all the calls we have seen are call-by-value, a copy
    of the value (known) is passed from the caller-function to the called-
   Any change to the copy does not affect the original value in the
    caller function
   Advantages, prevents side effect, resulting in reliable software
Function Call Methods
• Call By Reference
 We introduce reference-parameter, to perform call by reference. The caller
  gives the called function the ability to directly access the caller’s value, and to
  modify it.
 A reference parameter is an alias for it’s corresponding argument, it is stated
  in c++ by “flow the parameter’s type” in the function prototype by an
  ampersand(&) also in the function definition-header.
 Advantage: performance issue

                    void     function_name (type &);// prototype

                    void function_name(type &parameter_name)
Example Function Call
int squareVal(int); //prototype call by value function
void squareRef(int &); // prototype call by –reference function
int main()
{ int x=2; z=4;
   cout<< “x=“ << x << “before calling squareVal”;
   cout << “n” << squareVal(x) << “n”; // call by value
   cout<< “x=“ << x << “After returning”
   cout<< “z=“ << z << “before calling squareRef”;
   squareRef(z); // call by reference
   cout<< “z=“ << z<< “After returning squareRef”
   return 0;
                                                   x=2 before calling squareVal
int squareVal(int a)
                                                   x=2 after returning
                                                   z=4 before calling squareRef
   return a*=a; // caller’s argument not modified
                                                   z=16 after returning squareRef
void squarRef(int &cRef)
   cRef *= cRef; // caller’s argument modified
Call-by-value vs.
   So far we looked at functions that get a •
         copy of what thecaller. passed in
This is call-by-value, as the value is what gets –
             .(passed in (the value of a variable
      We can also define functions that are •
          passed areference. to a variable
    This is call-by-reference, the function can –
           .change a callers variables directly
Recursion and Recursive Functions

• Main calls another function…..normal
• A function calls another
• A function calls itself ?! Possible?? YES
A recursive function is one that call itself.
Concept Of recursion
• A recursive function is called to solve a problem
• The function knows to solve only the simplest cases
  or so-called base-cases
• Thus if the function called with a base-case, it simply
  returns a result. But if it is called with more complex
  problem, the function divides the problem into two
  conceptual pieces, one knows how to do, and another
  doesn't know what to do.
• The second case/piece must resemble the original
  problem, but be a slightly simpler/smaller version of
  the original problem
Function Overloading
• Function overloading
   – Functions with same name and different
   – Should perform similar tasks
       • I.e., function to square ints and function to square floats
         int square( int x) {return x * x;}
         float square(float x) { return x * x; }
• A call-time c++ complier selects the proper function by
  examining the number, type and order of the parameters

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  • 1. C++ PROGRAMMING User-Defined Functions • Introduction • Function Definition • Void function • Global Vs Local variables • Random Number Generator • Recursion • Function Overloading • Sample Code
  • 2. Functions in C++ • Experience has shown that the best way to develop and maintain large programs is to construct it from smaller pieces(Modules) • This technique Called “Divide and Conquer” Bad Development Approach Wise Development Approach main() main() •Easer To { { ----- ----- Design ---- ----- Build } ----- Debug ----- Extend function f1() . Modify { . Understand --- . Reuse --- ---- Better Organization } ----- ----- function f2() Return 0; { } --- --- }
  • 3. (.Functions in C++(Cont • In FORTRAN Modules Known as Subprograms • In C++ Modules Known as Functions & Classes • Programs use new and “prepackaged” modules – New: programmer-defined functions and classes – Prepackaged: from the standard library
  • 4. ++About Functions in C • Functions invoked by a function–call-statement which consist of it’s name and information it needs (arguments) • Boss To Worker Analogy  A Boss (the calling/caller function) asks a worker (the called function) to perform a task and return result when it is done. Boss Main Worker Worker Worker Function Z Function A Function B Worker Worker Note: usual main( ) Calls other Function B1 Function B2 functions, but other functions can call each other
  • 5. Function Calling • Functions called by writing functionName (argument); or functionName(argument1, argument2, …); • Example cout << sqrt( 900.0 ); • sqrt (square root) function • The preceding statement would print 30 • All functions in math library return a double • Function Arguments can be: - Constant sqrt(9); - Variable sqrt(x); - Expression sqrt( x*9 + y) ; sqrt( sqrt(x) ) ;
  • 6. Function Calling • Calling/invoking a function – sqrt(x); – Parentheses an operator used to call function • Pass argument x • Function gets its own copy of arguments – After finished, passes back result Function Name argument Output 3 cout<< sqrt(9); Parentheses used to enclose argument(s)
  • 7. Math Library Functions Revisited Method Description Example ceil( x ) rounds x to the smallest integer ceil( 9.2 ) is 10.0 not less than x ceil( -9.8 ) is -9.0 cos( x ) trigonometric cosine of x cos( 0.0 ) is 1.0 (x in radians) exp( x ) exponential function ex exp( 1.0 ) is 2.71828 exp( 2.0 ) is 7.38906 fabs( x ) absolute value of x fabs( 5.1 ) is 5.1 fabs( 0.0 ) is 0.0 fabs( -8.76 ) is 8.76 floor( x ) rounds x to the largest integer floor( 9.2 ) is 9.0 not greater than x floor( -9.8 ) is -10.0 fmod( x, y ) remainder of x/y as a floating- fmod( 13.657, 2.333 ) is 1.992 point number log( x ) natural logarithm of x (base e) log( 2.718282 ) is 1.0 log( 7.389056 ) is 2.0 log10( x ) logarithm of x (base 10) log10( 10.0 ) is 1.0 log10( 100.0 ) is 2.0 pow( x, y ) x raised to power y (xy) pow( 2, 7 ) is 128 pow( 9, .5 ) is 3 sin( x ) trigonometric sine of x sin( 0.0 ) is 0 (x in radians) sqrt( x ) square root of x sqrt( 900.0 ) is 30.0 sqrt( 9.0 ) is 3.0 tan( x ) trigonometric tangent of x tan( 0.0 ) is 0 (x in radians) Fig. 3.2 Math library functions.
  • 8. Functions • Functions – Modularize a program – Software reusability • Call function multiple times • Local variables – Known only in the function in which they are defined – All variables declared in function definitions are local variables • Parameters – Local variables passed to function when called – Provide outside information
  • 9. Function Definition • Function prototype – Tells compiler argument type and return type of function – int square( int ); • Function takes an int and returns an int – Explained in more detail later • Calling/invoking a function – square(x); – Parentheses an operator used to call function • Pass argument x • Function gets its own copy of arguments – After finished, passes back result
  • 10. Function Definition • Syntax format for function definition returned-value-type function-name (parameter-list) { Declarations of local variables and Statements } – Parameter list • Comma separated list of arguments – Data type needed for each argument • If no arguments, use void or leave blank – Return-value-type • Data type of result returned (use void if nothing returned)
  • 11. Function Definition • Example function int square( int y ) { return y * y; } • return keyword – Returns data, and control goes to function’s caller • If no data to return, use return; – Function ends when reaches right brace • Control goes to caller • Functions cannot be defined inside other functions
  • 12. // Creating and using a programmer-defined function. #include <iostream.h> Function prototype: specifies int square( int ); // function prototype data types of arguments and return values. square int main() expects an int, and returns { an int. // loop 10 times and calculate and output // square of x each time for ( int x = 1; x <= 10; x++ ) cout << square( x ) << " "; // function call Parentheses () cause function to be called. cout << endl; When done, it returns the result. return 0; // indicates successful termination } // end main // square function definition returns square of an integer int square( int y ) // y is a copy of argument to function { return y * y; // returns square of y as an int Definition of square. y is a copy of the argument passed. } // end function square Returns y * y, or y squared. 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
  • 13. Function Prototypes • Function prototype contains – Function name – Parameters (number and data type) – Return type (void if returns nothing) – Only needed if function definition after function call • Prototype must match function definition – Function prototype double maximum( double, double, double ); – Definition double maximum( double x, double y, double z ) { … }
  • 14. void Function takes arguments If the Function does not RETURN result, it is called void Function #include<iostream.h> void add2Nums(int,int); main() { int a, b; cout<<“enter tow Number:”; cin >>a >> b; add2Nums(a, b) return 0; } void add2Nums(int x, int y) { cout<< x<< “+” << y << “=“ << x+y; }
  • 15. void Function take no arguments If the function Does Not Take Arguments specify this with EMPTY-LIST OR write void inside #include<iostream.h> void funA(); void funB(void) main() { Will be the same funA(); in all cases funB(); return 0; } void funA() { cout << “Function-A takes no arqumentsn”; } void funB() { cout << “Also Function-B takes No argumentsn”; }
  • 16. Remarks on Functions • Local variables – Known only in the function in which they are defined – All variables declared inside a function are local variables • Parameters – Local variables passed to function when called (passing- parameters) • Variables defined outside and before function main: – Called global variables – Can be accessible and used anywhere in the entire program
  • 17. Remarks on Functions • Omitting the type of returned result defaults to int, but omitting a non-integer type is a Syntax Error • If a Global variable defined again as a local variable in a function, then the Local-definition overrides the Global defining • Function prototype, function definition, and function call must be consistent in: 1- Number of arguments 2- Type of those arguments 3-Order of those arguments
  • 18. Local vs Global Variables #include<iostream.h> int x,y; //Global Variables int add2(int, int); //prototype main() { int s; x = 11; y = 22; cout << “global x=” << x << endl; cout << “Global y=” << y << endl; s = add2(x, y); cout << x << “+” << y << “=“ << s; cout<<endl; cout<<“n---end of output---n”; global x=11 return 0; } global y=22 int add2(int x1,int y1) Local x=44 { int x; //local variables 11+22=33 x=44; ---end of output--- cout << “nLocal x=” << x << endl; return x1+y1; }
  • 19. Finding Errors in Function Code int sum(int x, int y) { int result; result = x+y; } this function must return an integer value as indicated in the header definition (return result;) should be added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - int sum (int n) { if (n==0) return 0; else n+sum(n-1); } the result of n+sum(n-1) is not returned; sum returns an improper result, the else part should be written as:- else return n+sum(n-1);
  • 20. Finding Errors in Function Code void f(float a); { float a; cout<<a<<endl; } ; found after function definition header.  redefining the parameter a in the function void f(float a) { float a2 = a + 8.9; cout <<a2<<endl; }
  • 21. Finding Errors in Function Code void product(void) { int a, b, c, result; cout << “enter three integers:”; cin >> a >> b >> c; result = a*b*c; cout << “Result is” << result; return result; }  According to the definition it should not return a value , but in the block (body) it did & this is WRONG.   Remove return Result;
  • 22. Function Call Methods • Call by value • A copy of the value is passed • Call by reference • The caller passes the address of the value • Call by value  Up to this point all the calls we have seen are call-by-value, a copy of the value (known) is passed from the caller-function to the called- function  Any change to the copy does not affect the original value in the caller function  Advantages, prevents side effect, resulting in reliable software
  • 23. Function Call Methods • Call By Reference  We introduce reference-parameter, to perform call by reference. The caller gives the called function the ability to directly access the caller’s value, and to modify it.  A reference parameter is an alias for it’s corresponding argument, it is stated in c++ by “flow the parameter’s type” in the function prototype by an ampersand(&) also in the function definition-header.  Advantage: performance issue void function_name (type &);// prototype main() { ----- ------ } void function_name(type &parameter_name)
  • 24. Example Function Call #include<iostream.h> int squareVal(int); //prototype call by value function void squareRef(int &); // prototype call by –reference function int main() { int x=2; z=4; cout<< “x=“ << x << “before calling squareVal”; cout << “n” << squareVal(x) << “n”; // call by value cout<< “x=“ << x << “After returning” cout<< “z=“ << z << “before calling squareRef”; squareRef(z); // call by reference cout<< “z=“ << z<< “After returning squareRef” return 0; x=2 before calling squareVal } 4 int squareVal(int a) x=2 after returning { z=4 before calling squareRef return a*=a; // caller’s argument not modified z=16 after returning squareRef } void squarRef(int &cRef) { cRef *= cRef; // caller’s argument modified }
  • 25. Call-by-value vs. Call-by-reference So far we looked at functions that get a • copy of what thecaller. passed in This is call-by-value, as the value is what gets – .(passed in (the value of a variable We can also define functions that are • passed areference. to a variable This is call-by-reference, the function can – .change a callers variables directly
  • 26. Recursion and Recursive Functions • Main calls another function…..normal • A function calls another function2….normal • A function calls itself ?! Possible?? YES A recursive function is one that call itself.
  • 27. Concept Of recursion • A recursive function is called to solve a problem • The function knows to solve only the simplest cases or so-called base-cases • Thus if the function called with a base-case, it simply returns a result. But if it is called with more complex problem, the function divides the problem into two conceptual pieces, one knows how to do, and another doesn't know what to do. • The second case/piece must resemble the original problem, but be a slightly simpler/smaller version of the original problem
  • 28. Function Overloading • Function overloading – Functions with same name and different parameters – Should perform similar tasks • I.e., function to square ints and function to square floats int square( int x) {return x * x;} float square(float x) { return x * x; } • A call-time c++ complier selects the proper function by examining the number, type and order of the parameters