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“Customers’ Perception towards Imported Cosmetics &
Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo”
(Based on the Study of Advanced Marketing Research)
Advanced Marketing Research (Course: 515)
Topic: Customers’ Perception towards Imported Cosmetics &
Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo
Prepared for:
Dr. A. K. Fazlul Haque Shah
Department of Marketing
Faculty of Business of Studies
University of Dhaka
Prepared by:
“Elegant (VI)”
Section: A
Department of Marketing (14th
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
Date of Submission: 1st
December, 2012 eng.
Group Profile:
“Elegant (VI)”
No. Name Roll Designation E-mail Address
1 Md. Abdur Rakib 041 Member
2 Rumana 087 Member
3 Md. Al Amin 089 Member
4 Anjuman Ara 139 Member
5 Md. Moben Ahmed 151 Member
6 Chowdhury Omor Faruque 173 Leader
Letter of Transmittal:
December, 2012 eng.
Dr. A. K. Fazlul Haque Shah
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Dear Sir,
Here is the report on the topic of “Customers’ Perception towards Imported Cosmetics &
Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo” and the details of research findings that you
asked us to conduct.
Our study of analyzing as well as learning research contents, problem statement, methodology,
designs, scaling, data analysis, interpretation & report preparation for a particular problem will
help us know about a lot of information to conduct any research.
We appreciate your choosing this report submission on research problem. If you need any
additional information or assistance in the overview of our report regarding the topic, please ask
Sincerely Yours,
“Elegant (VI)”
Section: A
Department of Marketing (14th
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
At first, we would like to thank almighty Allah for having me the opportunity to complete the
report. We also want to thank all the people, who have given their support and assistance and
extremely grateful to all of them for the completion of the report successfully. Our lab instructor
and classmates provided us with support and guidance for our report to be completed
We would like to thank our honorable course teacher Dr. A. K. Fazlul Haque Shah for his
valuable time and guidelines.
We would also like to thank him for choosing the report and giving us the opportunity to do a
research report and analysis.
Table of Contents:
No. Contents Page No.
1 Executive Summary iv
2 Introduction 1
3 Statement of the Problem (IN Case of 1st Topic) 1
4 Statement of the Problem (IN Case of 2nd Topic) 2
5 Objective of the study 2
6 Literature Review 2
7 Research Design 3
8 Measurement & Scaling 3
9 Research Development 4-5
10 Instruments (Questionnaires) & Forms (In Case of 1st Topic) 5-8
11 Instruments (Questionnaires) & Forms (In Case of 2nd Topic) 8-10
12 Sampling 10
13 Data Collection & Fieldwork 10-11
14 Data Analysis (In Case of 1st Topic) 11-12
15 Data Analysis (In Case of 2nd Topic) 12-13
16 Results of Data Analysis 13-17
17 Limitations & Scope of the Research 17
18 Conclusion 18
19 Recommendation 18
20 Appendices 19-22
21 References 22
Executive Summary:
In our Marketing Research Report we have chosen two topics for our research report. One is
“Customer Perceptions towards Imported Cosmetics” and the 2nd topic is “Customer
Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo”. For the 1st topic, we use the regression
methods to analyze the topic. And for the 2nd situation, we use MDS (Multidimensional Scaling)
method to analyze the situation as the 2nd topic is related to measure the customers’ preference
of different brands.
All the group members worked hard to complete the report; we divided our work on the basis of
different tasks. And we tried to work with heart & soul though we have various limitations.
The most significant findings of our report are:
 We find that customers have positive perception towards imported cosmetic product.
 In our report 40% of variance of dependent variable is explained by the Multidimensional
Scaling. Though it is not desirable, it is representative because our sample size is small.
The complete set of findings is discussed in details in analysis of the findings part of our report.
“A thing of beauty is joy forever”- John Keats
This poem is written by John Keats. He wrote this poem 200 hundreds years ago. John Keats is
no more with us. But we didn’t forget his famous comment about beauty. Some people have
good face others don’t have, whether they are beautiful or not we try to be beautiful buy using
some products that make us beautiful. Thus, the opportunity comes to us as a marketer to start a
new business which makes man and women more beautiful.
As a developing nation, unfortunately we don’t have enough technology to use the latest
technology to use our cosmetic products. So, we have to depend on the quality imported
products. So, our client decided to import the quality cosmetic product from abroad. Before
importing this product he wants to know about the perception about customer to imported
genuine cosmetic product. We believe that Customer is our king”. By Knowing about customers,
it will help us to import the right products for right customers. This will be profitable for both
our client and his customers.
Statement of the Problem (In Case of 1st Topic):
Our client has decided to import the cosmetic product by his agent, who lives in U.S.A. He helps
our clients to supply the original product. From the thousands of product our client needs to
choose some products which is popular in Bangladeshi market. As we wanted to import quality
product, so the price will definitely be high. And our customers are upper class. We supply these
products initially in Dhaka city in popular shopping mall, super market and cosmetic shop. We
want to know the customers’ perception about imported cosmetic products and to determine
whether it is profitable or not for our company. That is why we have chosen the topic as
“Customer Perceptions towards Imported Cosmetic Products”.
Statement of the Problem (In Case of 2nd Topic):
As there are many brands of shampoo exist in our market, it is difficult for our client to
understand customer preference of different brands of shampoo. He wants to know the customer
preference on different brands that exist in our market. That is why we have chosen the topic as
“Customers’ Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo” in which shampoos are also
imported for different countries.
Objective of the Study:
General objective:
We wanted to know about customer perception towards imported cosmetic product to determine
whether it is profitable for our clients business or not.
Specific objective:
 Customer brand choice about cosmetic product
 Where they would like to purchase cosmetic product.
 Price or quality which impact most before purchasing
 How many times they purchase cosmetic in a month
 Positioning of different brand of shampoo in market.
Literature Review:
Numerous studies will be conducted to measure customer attitudes towards imported cosmetics
and preference of different brands of shampoo. Various factors have been identified that can
affect the customer satisfaction. Customers are usually price sensitive, quality conscious, loyal to
different brands. But in our country variety of product is not available as there are less research
about the product, technology limitation, financial problem and shortage of efficient manpower
in this sector. Thus imported cosmetics have a great demand in the marketplace. Especially
women are very much attracted to such kinds of products. Personal marketing (Such as, Katrina
Kaif is the brand ambassador of Lux in India) attracted our women to know about the foreign
beauty product and also creating huge demand in the local market. Although company like
Unilever have lots of beauty product but all the product is not imported by the mother company
as the cost is huge or other reason. This is the great opportunity for the local importer. They can
easily imported quality product and using the brand name and no advertisement cost they can
easily familiar with the customer.
In cosmetic product industry, there are various issues that appear such as market penetration,
price insensitivity, grey market etc. Every marketer has to know the perception of the consumers
about the products they are going to offer. Variety of information must be required to conduct
the research such as brand preference, usage volume and rates, quality issues, price issues,
product variety etc.
We will try to identify conceptual map of customer in purchase decision of imported cosmetics
how favorable attitude customer behavior towards foreign brand and preference of different
brands of shampoo on the basis of paired comparison. A comparison between national and
foreign brand preferences among customers can give an illustrative overview of the topic. In this
regard we will follow Regression Analysis and multidimensional scaling. Through SPSS we will
make concrete illustration of the problem.
Research Design:
Nature of the Study: The study is quantitative in nature. It uses descriptive research design as it
involves the survey.
Measurements & Scaling:
We have followed 5 point Liker scale (1= strongly disagree, 5= strongly agree), multiple choice
and paired comparison for the 2nd topic.
Research Development:
We have developed our research by the following way:
Conceptual Model (in case of 1st topic)
Customer perception is the extent to which quality & price of cosmetics matches customer
expectations. Customer expectations are formed on the basis of their prior experience of usage
cosmetics, renowned brand & so on. Customer perception on imported cosmetics includes
quality, price, brand name, promotion & usage. These are used as independent variables as they
have impact on the level of perception of customers.
Selection of
Data Analysis
Research on
Independent Variables:
Instruments (Questionnaires) & Forms (In Case of 1st Topic):
Questionnaire Form
(For academic purpose only)
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Respondents’ Personal Information:
Name Particulars
Brand Name
Questionnaire for the 1st
To conduct the study 30 questionnaire are formed based on the attributes found from the
independent variables. The respondents are given a questionnaire with some attributes to give
their perceptions on the related issues and the responses will be marked in a 5- point likert scale
from 1(strongly disagree) to 5(strongly agree) & personal choice
 Which types of cosmetic do you use?
1. Indigenous product
2. Imported product
 How often do you use cosmetic product?
1. More than once a day
2. Once a day
3. Less than once a day
4. Never
 Which of these factors do you particularly look for purchasing your cosmetic product?
1. Brand I always buy
2. Special benefits (e.g. Vitamins, sun protection, natural ingredients)
3. Well-known brand
4. Cheapest price
 “Quality is the most important things that I consider”- Do you agree with this statement?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
 “Price is critical in my purchase decision”- Do you agree with the statement?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
 Your purchasing decision is made on the basis of the person marketing (Brand
Personality)”- Do you agree with this statement?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
 Which advertising media do you expose more?
a) Television
b) Newspaper
c) Internet
d) Magazine
e) Billboard
 Which of the company you favor when you purchasing your cosmetic product?
1. Unilever
2. Square
3. Johnson & Johnson
4. P & G
5. Garner
 When purchasing cosmetic product Halal product is considered most by you – Do you
agree with the statement?
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
Instruments (Questionnaires) & Forms (In Case of 2nd Topic):
Questionnaire Form
(For academic purpose only)
Department of Marketing
University of Dhaka
Respondents’ Personal Information:
Name Particulars
Questionnaire for 2nd Topic:
To conduct the study 30 questionnaire will be formed based on the attributes found from the
independent variables. Each respondent is given a questionnaire with brands similarity judgment.
 Please rate the brands in terms of similarity judgment.
Similarity Judgment
Dissimilar Indifferent Similar Very
1 2 3 4 5
All Clear vs. Head & Shoulder
All Clear vs. Pantene
All Clear vs. Sunsilk
All Clear vs. Dove
All Clear vs. Garnier
All Clear vs. Vatika
All Clear vs. L’Oreal
Head & Shoulder vs. Pantene
Head & Shoulder vs. Sunsilk
Head & Shoulder vs. Dove
Head & Shoulder vs. Garnier
Head & Shoulder vs. Vatika
Head & Shoulder vs. L’Oreal
Pantene vs. Sunsilk
Pantene vs. Dove
Pantene vs. Garnier
Pantene vs. Vatika
Pantene vs. L’Oreal
Sunsilk vs. Dove
Sunsilk vs. Garnier
Sunsilk vs. Vatika
Sunsilk vs. L’Oreal
Dove vs. Garnier
Dove vs. Vatika
Dove vs. L’Oreal
Garnier vs. Vatika
Garnier vs. L’Oreal
Vatika vs. L’Oreal
The target population for the study includes all of the customers (especially female). To conduct
the study convenience sampling has been used as it meets criteria with 30 respondents from
different departments of the Dhaka University.
Data Collection & Fieldwork:
Data Collection Method:
To facilitate the study, data have been collected by using the approaches illustrated below:
Methods of Data Analysis:
Data is analyzed by using the regression analysis (in case of 1st
topic) and multidimensional
scaling (in case of 2nd
topic) through SPSS software.
Data Analysis (In Case of 1st Topic):
Our principal tool is linear regression model which is commonly known as the multiple
regression models. The form looks like this:
Y= β0 +β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + βkXk + e
Y=Customer Perceptions.
Β0 = Constant (Intercept of the variable).
Data for
Journals Periodicals Articles
Β1 = Coefficient of cosmetics quality.
X1 = Importance of cosmetics quality.
Β2 = coefficient of cosmetics price.
X2 = Importance of cosmetics price.
Β3 = Coefficient of cosmetics brand name.
X3 = Importance of cosmetics brand name.
Β4 = Coefficient of cosmetics promotional activities.
X4 = Importance of cosmetics promotional activities.
e = error.
Data Analysis (In Case of 2nd Topic)::
We have used multidimensional scaling for comparing the different brands of shampoo on the
basis of different attributes by using following attributes.
We have performed paired comparison by making comparison on the following brands:
a) All clear
b) Head & Shoulders
c) Pantene
d) Sunsilk
e) Dove
f) Garnier
g) Vatika &
h) L’Oreal
Results of Data Analysis:
Regression Analysis:
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
1 0.460 0.212 -0.143 1.53143
a. Predictors: (Constant), Halal Consideration in Purchasing, Frequency of Usage, Types of
Cosmetics Used, Purchase decision based on person marketing, Advertising media
exposure preference, Factors considered for Purchasing, Company favored for
purchasing, Price is critical in Purchase decision, Quality is Most Important.
b. Dependent Variable: Customers' Positive Perception towards Imported Cosmetics.
R= 0.460, R represents the multiple correlation among the variables specified. Here, R = 0.460
means positive correlation among the variables.
= 0.212 measures the proportion of variation in one variable that is explained by the other. It
means that variation in the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables. Here, R
& R2
are not close to symmetric measures of association.
Adjusted R2
= 0.212-9(1- 0.212)/20 = -0.143 measures the number of independent variables &
the sample size to account for diminishing return.
Model Sum of
df Mean
F Sig.
1 Regression 12.595 9 1.399 0.597 0.785
Residual 46.905 20 2.345
Total 59.500 29
a. Predictors: (Constant), Halal Consideration in Purchasing, Frequency of Usage, Types of
Cosmetics Used, Purchase decision based on person marketing, Advertising media
exposure preference, Factors considered for Purchasing, Company favored for
purchasing, Price is critical in Purchase decision, Quality is Most Important.
b. Dependent Variable: Customers' Positive Perception towards Imported Cosmetics.
F is significant with 20 degrees of freedom.
Here, F =
𝑆𝑆 𝑟𝑒𝑔 /𝑘
𝑆𝑆 𝑟𝑒𝑠 /(𝑛−𝑘−1)
= 0.597
Null hypothesis is rejected means that one or more partial regression coefficient have a value
different from 0.
But to determine which β (s) are nonzero t-test is required.
Independent variables like Halal Consideration in Purchasing, Frequency of Usage, Types of
Cosmetics Used, Purchase decision based on person marketing, Advertising media exposure
preference, Factors considered for Purchasing, Company favored for purchasing, Price is critical
in Purchase decision, Quality is Most Important are significant in t-test. That means these
variables have values of nonzero and there are linear relationship between X & Y.
Model Unstandardized
t Sig.
B Std.
1 (Constant) 5.978 2.781 2.150 .044
Types of Cosmetics Used .476 .764 .159 .622 .541
Frequency of Usage .107 .553 .048 .194 .848
Factors considered for Purchasing -.360 .529 -.175 -.682 .503
Quality is Most Important -.657 .559 -.390 -1.176 .253
Price is critical in Purchase decision .027 .338 .024 .080 .937
Purchase decision based on person
-.302 .289 -.275 -1.046 .308
Advertising media exposure
.055 .355 .036 .154 .879
Company favored for purchasing -.270 .263 -.257 -1.026 .317
Halal Consideration in Purchasing .465 .413 .361 1.126 .273
From the testing for significance of the Partial regression coefficients (βi’s), Halal Consideration
in Purchasing, Frequency of Usage, Types of Cosmetics Used, Advertising media exposure
preference & Price is critical in Purchase decision are important in explaining “Customers'
Perception towards Imported Cosmetics”.
On the other hand, Factors considered for Purchasing, Quality is Most Important, Purchase
decision based on person marketing &Company favored for purchasing are not important in
explaining “Customers' Perception towards Imported Cosmetics”.
The estimated model can be illustrated as the following:
Ŷ (Customers' Positive Perception towards Imported Cosmetics) = 5.978 (Constant) + .476
(Types of Cosmetics Used) + .107 (Frequency of Usage) + (-.360) (Factors considered for
Purchasing) + (-.657) (Quality is Most Important) + .027 (Price is critical in Purchase decision) +
(-.302) (Purchase decision based on person marketing) + .055 (Advertising media exposure
preference) + (-.270) (Company favored for purchasing) + .465 (Halal Consideration in
On the basis of these models, “Customers' Positive Perception towards Imported Cosmetics”
shows 3.5. It means that customers have positive perception towards the imported cosmetics.
MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) Analysis:
We have labeled horizontal axis as quality and the vertical axis as Brand Image. Positive large
values of horizontal axis denote higher in quality and negative values denotes lower in quality.
On the other hand, positive large values of vertical axis denote high brand image and negative
values denotes low brand image of that product.
In the horizontal axis, Head & Shoulder, Garnier and Pantene are with positive value. It indicates
that Head & Shoulder, Garnier and Pantene are very high quality brands of shampoo. Head &
Shoulder is a leading brand on quality dimension and Garnier is the close competitor competing
on quality according to customers’ preference. Pantene is also good at quality but the brand
image is not so strong according to the perceptions of customers. On the vertical axis, Clear,
Sunsilk and Dove are on negative sides. It indicates that the brand image of Clear Sunsilk and
Dove are not good according to customers’ preference. On the other hand, Vatika, L’Oreal are on
positive side of the vertical axis. It indicates that the brand image of Vatika and L’Oreal are
For the matrix,
Stress = .26547 RSQ = .40216
Here, RSQ indicates that 40% of variance of dependent variable is explained by the
Multidimensional Scaling. Though it is not desirable, it is representative because my sample size
was small.
Limitations & Scope of Research:
 Lack of expertise is one of the major barriers in conducting the study. Besides, this study has
been conducted only on the basis of regression analysis that might include other techniques.
 Questionnaire may not be well developed to identify the underlying influences.
 Sample size of 30 may not be representative of the total users of cosmetics products.
 Those who are interested will find this field more attractive as there is great number of
respondents to provide the valuable information needed. It offers available opportunities for
the researchers to work with this field that will help increase the quality of domestic cosmetic
 We will not use more than 30 samples of respondents as it will costs for us more.
 We may need one month to conduct the research on customers. Because surveying customers
using questionnaire, analyzing the data and preparing the total project will require
considerable time.
Cosmetic product is very much demandable product in Bangladesh. The prospect of this product
is lucrative. But the businessmen should be careful about the quality assurance of the product.
And they should also choose the right brand which helps them to profit in the marketplace. As
our client is also a importer of cosmetic product he should follow the following factors. We are
very much sure that following those factors are helping our clients to do well in this business.
The report finds following recommendation:
1) Our client should import the Halal product as the most of the respondent given preference
in this issue.
2) In advertising personal marketing is important. The customer is greatly influence by the
personal marketing. So our clients need to advertise by the celebrities of his product.
3) Quality is most important in comparison of price in cosmetic product. So the quality
should be given more priorities than the price by our clients.
Statistical Output (In Case of 1st Topic):
Descriptive Statistics
Variables Mean Std. Deviation N
Customers' Positive Perception Towards Imported Cosmetics 3.5000 1.43238 30
Types of Cosmetics Used 1.6667 .47946 30
Frequency of Usage 1.7333 .63968 30
Factors considered for Purchasing 2.0000 .69481 30
Quality is Most Important 4.3667 .85029 30
Price is critical in Purchase decision 3.4000 1.24845 30
Purchase decision based on person marketing 3.4667 1.30604 30
Advertising media exposure preference 1.5667 .93526 30
Company favored for purchasing 3.0667 1.36289 30
Halal Consideration in Purchasing 3.9333 1.11211 30
Residuals Statistics
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N
Predicted Value 2.4268 4.6984 3.5000 .65901 30
Residual -2.16337 2.53594 .00000 1.27178 30
Std. Predicted Value -1.628 1.818 .000 1.000 30
Std. Residual -1.413 1.656 .000 .830 30
Statistical Output (In Case of 2nd Topic):
Optimally Scaled Data (Disparities)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 .000
2 1.641 .000
3 .925 2.358 .000
4 2.358 1.641 1.641 .000
5 .925 3.074 3.074 1.641 .000
6 1.641 1.641 2.358 2.358 2.358 .000
7 1.641 1.641 2.358 2.358 2.358 2.358 .000
8 1.641 2.358 3.074 1.641 2.358 2.358 1.641 .000
 Naresh K. Malhotra & Satyabhusan Dash (2011-2012). Marketing Research, An Applied
Orientation, Sixth Edition
 Robert J. Kaden. 2010. Guerrilla Marketing Research: Marketing Research Techniques
That Can Help Any Business Make More Money . 4th
 Arlene Fink. 2009. How to Conduct Surveys: A Step-by-Step Guide . 5th
 › Marketing

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Report On “Customers’ Perception towards Imported Cosmetics & Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo” [Elegant (VI)]

  • 1. Report On “Customers’ Perception towards Imported Cosmetics & Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo” (Based on the Study of Advanced Marketing Research)
  • 2. Report On Advanced Marketing Research (Course: 515) Topic: Customers’ Perception towards Imported Cosmetics & Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo Prepared for: Dr. A. K. Fazlul Haque Shah Professor Department of Marketing Faculty of Business of Studies University of Dhaka Prepared by: “Elegant (VI)” Section: A Department of Marketing (14th ) Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka Date of Submission: 1st December, 2012 eng.
  • 3. Group Profile: “Elegant (VI)” No. Name Roll Designation E-mail Address 1 Md. Abdur Rakib 041 Member 2 Rumana 087 Member 3 Md. Al Amin 089 Member 4 Anjuman Ara 139 Member 5 Md. Moben Ahmed 151 Member 6 Chowdhury Omor Faruque 173 Leader
  • 4. Letter of Transmittal: 1st December, 2012 eng. Dr. A. K. Fazlul Haque Shah Professor Department of Marketing University of Dhaka Dear Sir, Here is the report on the topic of “Customers’ Perception towards Imported Cosmetics & Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo” and the details of research findings that you asked us to conduct. Our study of analyzing as well as learning research contents, problem statement, methodology, designs, scaling, data analysis, interpretation & report preparation for a particular problem will help us know about a lot of information to conduct any research. We appreciate your choosing this report submission on research problem. If you need any additional information or assistance in the overview of our report regarding the topic, please ask us. Sincerely Yours, “Elegant (VI)” Section: A Department of Marketing (14th ) Faculty of Business Studies University of Dhaka
  • 5. Acknowledgement: At first, we would like to thank almighty Allah for having me the opportunity to complete the report. We also want to thank all the people, who have given their support and assistance and extremely grateful to all of them for the completion of the report successfully. Our lab instructor and classmates provided us with support and guidance for our report to be completed successfully. We would like to thank our honorable course teacher Dr. A. K. Fazlul Haque Shah for his valuable time and guidelines. We would also like to thank him for choosing the report and giving us the opportunity to do a research report and analysis.
  • 6. Table of Contents: No. Contents Page No. 1 Executive Summary iv 2 Introduction 1 3 Statement of the Problem (IN Case of 1st Topic) 1 4 Statement of the Problem (IN Case of 2nd Topic) 2 5 Objective of the study 2 6 Literature Review 2 7 Research Design 3 8 Measurement & Scaling 3 9 Research Development 4-5 10 Instruments (Questionnaires) & Forms (In Case of 1st Topic) 5-8 11 Instruments (Questionnaires) & Forms (In Case of 2nd Topic) 8-10 12 Sampling 10 13 Data Collection & Fieldwork 10-11 14 Data Analysis (In Case of 1st Topic) 11-12 15 Data Analysis (In Case of 2nd Topic) 12-13 16 Results of Data Analysis 13-17 17 Limitations & Scope of the Research 17 18 Conclusion 18 19 Recommendation 18 20 Appendices 19-22 21 References 22
  • 7. Executive Summary: In our Marketing Research Report we have chosen two topics for our research report. One is “Customer Perceptions towards Imported Cosmetics” and the 2nd topic is “Customer Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo”. For the 1st topic, we use the regression methods to analyze the topic. And for the 2nd situation, we use MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) method to analyze the situation as the 2nd topic is related to measure the customers’ preference of different brands. All the group members worked hard to complete the report; we divided our work on the basis of different tasks. And we tried to work with heart & soul though we have various limitations. The most significant findings of our report are:  We find that customers have positive perception towards imported cosmetic product.  In our report 40% of variance of dependent variable is explained by the Multidimensional Scaling. Though it is not desirable, it is representative because our sample size is small. The complete set of findings is discussed in details in analysis of the findings part of our report.
  • 8. Introduction: “A thing of beauty is joy forever”- John Keats This poem is written by John Keats. He wrote this poem 200 hundreds years ago. John Keats is no more with us. But we didn’t forget his famous comment about beauty. Some people have good face others don’t have, whether they are beautiful or not we try to be beautiful buy using some products that make us beautiful. Thus, the opportunity comes to us as a marketer to start a new business which makes man and women more beautiful. As a developing nation, unfortunately we don’t have enough technology to use the latest technology to use our cosmetic products. So, we have to depend on the quality imported products. So, our client decided to import the quality cosmetic product from abroad. Before importing this product he wants to know about the perception about customer to imported genuine cosmetic product. We believe that Customer is our king”. By Knowing about customers, it will help us to import the right products for right customers. This will be profitable for both our client and his customers. Statement of the Problem (In Case of 1st Topic): Our client has decided to import the cosmetic product by his agent, who lives in U.S.A. He helps our clients to supply the original product. From the thousands of product our client needs to choose some products which is popular in Bangladeshi market. As we wanted to import quality product, so the price will definitely be high. And our customers are upper class. We supply these products initially in Dhaka city in popular shopping mall, super market and cosmetic shop. We want to know the customers’ perception about imported cosmetic products and to determine whether it is profitable or not for our company. That is why we have chosen the topic as “Customer Perceptions towards Imported Cosmetic Products”.
  • 9. Statement of the Problem (In Case of 2nd Topic): As there are many brands of shampoo exist in our market, it is difficult for our client to understand customer preference of different brands of shampoo. He wants to know the customer preference on different brands that exist in our market. That is why we have chosen the topic as “Customers’ Preference towards Different Brands of Shampoo” in which shampoos are also imported for different countries. Objective of the Study: General objective: We wanted to know about customer perception towards imported cosmetic product to determine whether it is profitable for our clients business or not. Specific objective:  Customer brand choice about cosmetic product  Where they would like to purchase cosmetic product.  Price or quality which impact most before purchasing  How many times they purchase cosmetic in a month  Positioning of different brand of shampoo in market. Literature Review: Numerous studies will be conducted to measure customer attitudes towards imported cosmetics and preference of different brands of shampoo. Various factors have been identified that can affect the customer satisfaction. Customers are usually price sensitive, quality conscious, loyal to different brands. But in our country variety of product is not available as there are less research about the product, technology limitation, financial problem and shortage of efficient manpower in this sector. Thus imported cosmetics have a great demand in the marketplace. Especially
  • 10. women are very much attracted to such kinds of products. Personal marketing (Such as, Katrina Kaif is the brand ambassador of Lux in India) attracted our women to know about the foreign beauty product and also creating huge demand in the local market. Although company like Unilever have lots of beauty product but all the product is not imported by the mother company as the cost is huge or other reason. This is the great opportunity for the local importer. They can easily imported quality product and using the brand name and no advertisement cost they can easily familiar with the customer. In cosmetic product industry, there are various issues that appear such as market penetration, price insensitivity, grey market etc. Every marketer has to know the perception of the consumers about the products they are going to offer. Variety of information must be required to conduct the research such as brand preference, usage volume and rates, quality issues, price issues, product variety etc. We will try to identify conceptual map of customer in purchase decision of imported cosmetics how favorable attitude customer behavior towards foreign brand and preference of different brands of shampoo on the basis of paired comparison. A comparison between national and foreign brand preferences among customers can give an illustrative overview of the topic. In this regard we will follow Regression Analysis and multidimensional scaling. Through SPSS we will make concrete illustration of the problem. Research Design: Nature of the Study: The study is quantitative in nature. It uses descriptive research design as it involves the survey. Measurements & Scaling: We have followed 5 point Liker scale (1= strongly disagree, 5= strongly agree), multiple choice and paired comparison for the 2nd topic.
  • 11. Research Development: We have developed our research by the following way: Conceptual Model (in case of 1st topic) Customer perception is the extent to which quality & price of cosmetics matches customer expectations. Customer expectations are formed on the basis of their prior experience of usage cosmetics, renowned brand & so on. Customer perception on imported cosmetics includes quality, price, brand name, promotion & usage. These are used as independent variables as they have impact on the level of perception of customers. Secondary Data Selection of Variables Literature Review Questionnaire Preparation Conduct Survey through fieldwork Primary Data Data Analysis Report Preparation Research on Customer’s perception
  • 12. Independent Variables: Instruments (Questionnaires) & Forms (In Case of 1st Topic): Forms: Questionnaire Form (For academic purpose only) Department of Marketing University of Dhaka Respondents’ Personal Information: Name Particulars Sex Age Occupation Location Email Price Brand Name Promotion Usage Customer Perception Independent variable Variable Dependent variable Quality
  • 13. Questionnaire for the 1st Topic: To conduct the study 30 questionnaire are formed based on the attributes found from the independent variables. The respondents are given a questionnaire with some attributes to give their perceptions on the related issues and the responses will be marked in a 5- point likert scale from 1(strongly disagree) to 5(strongly agree) & personal choice Questionnaire  Which types of cosmetic do you use? 1. Indigenous product 2. Imported product  How often do you use cosmetic product? 1. More than once a day 2. Once a day 3. Less than once a day 4. Never  Which of these factors do you particularly look for purchasing your cosmetic product? 1. Brand I always buy 2. Special benefits (e.g. Vitamins, sun protection, natural ingredients) 3. Well-known brand 4. Cheapest price  “Quality is the most important things that I consider”- Do you agree with this statement? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5
  • 14.  “Price is critical in my purchase decision”- Do you agree with the statement? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5  Your purchasing decision is made on the basis of the person marketing (Brand Personality)”- Do you agree with this statement? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5  Which advertising media do you expose more? a) Television b) Newspaper c) Internet d) Magazine e) Billboard  Which of the company you favor when you purchasing your cosmetic product? 1. Unilever 2. Square 3. Johnson & Johnson 4. P & G 5. Garner
  • 15.  When purchasing cosmetic product Halal product is considered most by you – Do you agree with the statement? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Instruments (Questionnaires) & Forms (In Case of 2nd Topic): Forms: Questionnaire Form (For academic purpose only) Department of Marketing University of Dhaka Respondents’ Personal Information: Name Particulars Sex Age Occupation Location Email
  • 16. Questionnaire for 2nd Topic: To conduct the study 30 questionnaire will be formed based on the attributes found from the independent variables. Each respondent is given a questionnaire with brands similarity judgment. Questionnaire  Please rate the brands in terms of similarity judgment. Similarity Judgment Very Similar Dissimilar Indifferent Similar Very Similar 1 2 3 4 5 All Clear vs. Head & Shoulder All Clear vs. Pantene All Clear vs. Sunsilk All Clear vs. Dove All Clear vs. Garnier All Clear vs. Vatika All Clear vs. L’Oreal Head & Shoulder vs. Pantene Head & Shoulder vs. Sunsilk Head & Shoulder vs. Dove Head & Shoulder vs. Garnier Head & Shoulder vs. Vatika Head & Shoulder vs. L’Oreal Pantene vs. Sunsilk Pantene vs. Dove Pantene vs. Garnier Pantene vs. Vatika
  • 17. Pantene vs. L’Oreal Sunsilk vs. Dove Sunsilk vs. Garnier Sunsilk vs. Vatika Sunsilk vs. L’Oreal Dove vs. Garnier Dove vs. Vatika Dove vs. L’Oreal Garnier vs. Vatika Garnier vs. L’Oreal Vatika vs. L’Oreal Sampling: The target population for the study includes all of the customers (especially female). To conduct the study convenience sampling has been used as it meets criteria with 30 respondents from different departments of the Dhaka University.
  • 18. Data Collection & Fieldwork: Data Collection Method: To facilitate the study, data have been collected by using the approaches illustrated below: Methods of Data Analysis: Data is analyzed by using the regression analysis (in case of 1st topic) and multidimensional scaling (in case of 2nd topic) through SPSS software. Data Analysis (In Case of 1st Topic): Our principal tool is linear regression model which is commonly known as the multiple regression models. The form looks like this: Y= β0 +β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + βkXk + e Y=Customer Perceptions. Β0 = Constant (Intercept of the variable). Data for Research Primary Data Survey Secondary Data Website Journals Periodicals Articles
  • 19. Β1 = Coefficient of cosmetics quality. X1 = Importance of cosmetics quality. Β2 = coefficient of cosmetics price. X2 = Importance of cosmetics price. Β3 = Coefficient of cosmetics brand name. X3 = Importance of cosmetics brand name. Β4 = Coefficient of cosmetics promotional activities. X4 = Importance of cosmetics promotional activities. e = error. Data Analysis (In Case of 2nd Topic):: We have used multidimensional scaling for comparing the different brands of shampoo on the basis of different attributes by using following attributes. Quality Attributes Price
  • 20. We have performed paired comparison by making comparison on the following brands: a) All clear b) Head & Shoulders c) Pantene d) Sunsilk e) Dove f) Garnier g) Vatika & h) L’Oreal Results of Data Analysis: Regression Analysis: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 0.460 0.212 -0.143 1.53143 a. Predictors: (Constant), Halal Consideration in Purchasing, Frequency of Usage, Types of Cosmetics Used, Purchase decision based on person marketing, Advertising media exposure preference, Factors considered for Purchasing, Company favored for purchasing, Price is critical in Purchase decision, Quality is Most Important. b. Dependent Variable: Customers' Positive Perception towards Imported Cosmetics. R= 0.460, R represents the multiple correlation among the variables specified. Here, R = 0.460 means positive correlation among the variables.
  • 21. R2 = 0.212 measures the proportion of variation in one variable that is explained by the other. It means that variation in the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables. Here, R & R2 are not close to symmetric measures of association. Adjusted R2 = 0.212-9(1- 0.212)/20 = -0.143 measures the number of independent variables & the sample size to account for diminishing return. ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 12.595 9 1.399 0.597 0.785 Residual 46.905 20 2.345 Total 59.500 29 a. Predictors: (Constant), Halal Consideration in Purchasing, Frequency of Usage, Types of Cosmetics Used, Purchase decision based on person marketing, Advertising media exposure preference, Factors considered for Purchasing, Company favored for purchasing, Price is critical in Purchase decision, Quality is Most Important. b. Dependent Variable: Customers' Positive Perception towards Imported Cosmetics. F is significant with 20 degrees of freedom. Here, F = 𝑆𝑆 𝑟𝑒𝑔 /𝑘 𝑆𝑆 𝑟𝑒𝑠 /(𝑛−𝑘−1) = 𝑅2/𝑘 (1−𝑅2)/(𝑛−𝑘−1) = .212/9 (1−.212)/(30−9−1) = 0.597 Null hypothesis is rejected means that one or more partial regression coefficient have a value different from 0. But to determine which β (s) are nonzero t-test is required.
  • 22. Independent variables like Halal Consideration in Purchasing, Frequency of Usage, Types of Cosmetics Used, Purchase decision based on person marketing, Advertising media exposure preference, Factors considered for Purchasing, Company favored for purchasing, Price is critical in Purchase decision, Quality is Most Important are significant in t-test. That means these variables have values of nonzero and there are linear relationship between X & Y. Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardiz ed Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 5.978 2.781 2.150 .044 Types of Cosmetics Used .476 .764 .159 .622 .541 Frequency of Usage .107 .553 .048 .194 .848 Factors considered for Purchasing -.360 .529 -.175 -.682 .503 Quality is Most Important -.657 .559 -.390 -1.176 .253 Price is critical in Purchase decision .027 .338 .024 .080 .937 Purchase decision based on person marketing -.302 .289 -.275 -1.046 .308 Advertising media exposure preference .055 .355 .036 .154 .879 Company favored for purchasing -.270 .263 -.257 -1.026 .317 Halal Consideration in Purchasing .465 .413 .361 1.126 .273
  • 23. From the testing for significance of the Partial regression coefficients (βi’s), Halal Consideration in Purchasing, Frequency of Usage, Types of Cosmetics Used, Advertising media exposure preference & Price is critical in Purchase decision are important in explaining “Customers' Perception towards Imported Cosmetics”. On the other hand, Factors considered for Purchasing, Quality is Most Important, Purchase decision based on person marketing &Company favored for purchasing are not important in explaining “Customers' Perception towards Imported Cosmetics”. The estimated model can be illustrated as the following: Ŷ (Customers' Positive Perception towards Imported Cosmetics) = 5.978 (Constant) + .476 (Types of Cosmetics Used) + .107 (Frequency of Usage) + (-.360) (Factors considered for Purchasing) + (-.657) (Quality is Most Important) + .027 (Price is critical in Purchase decision) + (-.302) (Purchase decision based on person marketing) + .055 (Advertising media exposure preference) + (-.270) (Company favored for purchasing) + .465 (Halal Consideration in Purchasing) On the basis of these models, “Customers' Positive Perception towards Imported Cosmetics” shows 3.5. It means that customers have positive perception towards the imported cosmetics.
  • 24. MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) Analysis: We have labeled horizontal axis as quality and the vertical axis as Brand Image. Positive large values of horizontal axis denote higher in quality and negative values denotes lower in quality. On the other hand, positive large values of vertical axis denote high brand image and negative values denotes low brand image of that product. In the horizontal axis, Head & Shoulder, Garnier and Pantene are with positive value. It indicates that Head & Shoulder, Garnier and Pantene are very high quality brands of shampoo. Head & Shoulder is a leading brand on quality dimension and Garnier is the close competitor competing on quality according to customers’ preference. Pantene is also good at quality but the brand image is not so strong according to the perceptions of customers. On the vertical axis, Clear, Sunsilk and Dove are on negative sides. It indicates that the brand image of Clear Sunsilk and Dove are not good according to customers’ preference. On the other hand, Vatika, L’Oreal are on positive side of the vertical axis. It indicates that the brand image of Vatika and L’Oreal are good.
  • 25. For the matrix, Stress = .26547 RSQ = .40216 Here, RSQ indicates that 40% of variance of dependent variable is explained by the Multidimensional Scaling. Though it is not desirable, it is representative because my sample size was small. Limitations & Scope of Research:  Lack of expertise is one of the major barriers in conducting the study. Besides, this study has been conducted only on the basis of regression analysis that might include other techniques.  Questionnaire may not be well developed to identify the underlying influences.  Sample size of 30 may not be representative of the total users of cosmetics products.  Those who are interested will find this field more attractive as there is great number of respondents to provide the valuable information needed. It offers available opportunities for the researchers to work with this field that will help increase the quality of domestic cosmetic products.  We will not use more than 30 samples of respondents as it will costs for us more.  We may need one month to conduct the research on customers. Because surveying customers using questionnaire, analyzing the data and preparing the total project will require considerable time.
  • 26. Conclusion: Cosmetic product is very much demandable product in Bangladesh. The prospect of this product is lucrative. But the businessmen should be careful about the quality assurance of the product. And they should also choose the right brand which helps them to profit in the marketplace. As our client is also a importer of cosmetic product he should follow the following factors. We are very much sure that following those factors are helping our clients to do well in this business. Recommendation: The report finds following recommendation: 1) Our client should import the Halal product as the most of the respondent given preference in this issue. 2) In advertising personal marketing is important. The customer is greatly influence by the personal marketing. So our clients need to advertise by the celebrities of his product. 3) Quality is most important in comparison of price in cosmetic product. So the quality should be given more priorities than the price by our clients.
  • 27. Appendices: Statistical Output (In Case of 1st Topic): Descriptive Statistics Variables Mean Std. Deviation N Customers' Positive Perception Towards Imported Cosmetics 3.5000 1.43238 30 Types of Cosmetics Used 1.6667 .47946 30 Frequency of Usage 1.7333 .63968 30 Factors considered for Purchasing 2.0000 .69481 30 Quality is Most Important 4.3667 .85029 30 Price is critical in Purchase decision 3.4000 1.24845 30 Purchase decision based on person marketing 3.4667 1.30604 30 Advertising media exposure preference 1.5667 .93526 30 Company favored for purchasing 3.0667 1.36289 30 Halal Consideration in Purchasing 3.9333 1.11211 30 Residuals Statistics Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N Predicted Value 2.4268 4.6984 3.5000 .65901 30 Residual -2.16337 2.53594 .00000 1.27178 30 Std. Predicted Value -1.628 1.818 .000 1.000 30 Std. Residual -1.413 1.656 .000 .830 30
  • 29. Statistical Output (In Case of 2nd Topic): Optimally Scaled Data (Disparities) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 .000 2 1.641 .000 3 .925 2.358 .000 4 2.358 1.641 1.641 .000 5 .925 3.074 3.074 1.641 .000 6 1.641 1.641 2.358 2.358 2.358 .000 7 1.641 1.641 2.358 2.358 2.358 2.358 .000 8 1.641 2.358 3.074 1.641 2.358 2.358 1.641 .000
  • 30.
  • 31. References:  Naresh K. Malhotra & Satyabhusan Dash (2011-2012). Marketing Research, An Applied Orientation, Sixth Edition  Robert J. Kaden. 2010. Guerrilla Marketing Research: Marketing Research Techniques That Can Help Any Business Make More Money . 4th Edition.  Arlene Fink. 2009. How to Conduct Surveys: A Step-by-Step Guide . 5th edition.  › Marketing 