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Prepared by: National Planning Commission, GON
in close consultation with
Ministry of Health and Population
Ministry of Agriculture Development
Ministry of Federal Affairs & Local development
Ministry of Urban Development
Ministry of Education
Lead Technical Support: UNICEF
in close collaboration with WB, HKI, WFP and Other Developing Partners
Government of Nepal
National Planning Commission
Nutrition Situation of Women
and Children in Nepal
61 54 54
48 46
45.9 50
39 33 33
1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2015
Mortality Trend and MDG Goal
(Under 5, Infant and Neonatal)
Deaths associated with
At - min 35%
About 35-60% of Child
Mortality is associated
with undernutrition
EPI/WHO. Black et al, 2008. The Lancet Series on Maternal and Child
Without Improvement in
Nutrition, Further Child
Mortality Reduction is
less likely
Status of Undernutrition in U5 Nepal
Source: NDHS 2011
NDHS 2001 NDHS 2006 NDHS 2011 MDG Target 2015
Stunting Underweight Wasting
6.5 8.6
NFHS 1996 NDHS 2001 NDHS 2006 NDHS 2011
Women’s Under-nutrition is Declining But
Over-Nutrition is on the Increase
Maternal Under-nutrition Maternal Overnutrition
Fig 24: Stunting (-2SD) Trend for children between 6-23 months,
by Wealth Index
1996 2001 2006
M iddle
Ref: DHS 2001 and 2006. Adapted from Ramu Bishwakarma. Social Inequalities in Child Nutrition in Nepal. August 2009
(Background paper for Nepal Nutrition Assessment and Gap Analysis, November 2009)
65% reduction in
richest quintile!
12% increase in
poorest quintile!
14% reduction
MARKED INEQUITY: Wealth Quintiles, Ecology, Ethnicity
Nutrition context: trend in stunting prevalence by wealth index
Percent of children under age 5
who are too short for their age
(based on WHO standards)
Eastern terai
Central terai
Western mountain
hill 58%
Eastern hill 46%
hill 31%
Western hill
Mid-western hill
52%Far-western terai
Western terai
Central mountain
Eastern mountain
Marked Disparity in Stunting Across the Regions
> 30%: High Prevalence
> 40: Very High Prevalence
Percent of children under age 5
who are too thin for their height
(based on WHO standards)
Eastern terai
Central terai
Western mountain
13.2 %
Mid-western terai
hill 17%
Eastern hill 10.5%
hill 15%
Western hill
Mid-western hill
8%Far-western terai
Western terai
Central mountain
7.9% Eastern mountain
>15%: Serious
>10%: Critical
Marked Disparity in Wasting Across the Regions
IYCF Practices among Under 5 Children
Breast milk
plus water
Breast milk
plus other
Breast milk
plus other
Breast milk
ntary foods
Breastfeeding Status Under 6
Percent of children 6-23 months
Recommended IYCF Practices among 6-23 months
Improvements in Micronutrient
• Sustained High Vitamin A
Supplementation and De-
worming to Children
Focus on: 6-11 months – below 80
% and Urban below 90%
• Household Use of
Adequately Iodized Salt (>15
ppm) 80% Nearing Universal
Salt Iodization Target
Focus on: Mid/Far West Hills-
38%, Eastern Hill - 53.5,
• Increased Iron Folic Acid and
Deworming Coverage
Targeted Towards Anemia
Focus on:
Among 6-23 months -68%
Adolescent Girls – IFA with de-
Increasing IFA Compliance among
52 48 46
IFA Deworming Anemia
Ref: National Micronutrient Status Survey 1998, DHS 2001 , 2006 and 2011
Anemia trend
among children 6-
59 months
Anemia Prevalence High in Children:
The Problem is serious among 6-23 months children
74 72
6-8 9-11 12-17 18-23 24-35 36-47 48-59 Total
Age in months
Source: NDHS 2011
Mid-Western Terai
Central Hill
Mid-Western Mountain
Eastern Hill
Western Terai
Eastern Mountain
Far-Western Terai
Central Mountain
Eastern Terai
Western Mountain
Western Hill
Far-Western Mountain
Far-Western Hill
Central Terai
Mid-Western Hill
Anaemia Among U5 Children is More than Critical
Critical: > 40%, Serious > 20%
Consequences of
Severe forms of malnutrition
Impact of Malnutrition
• Are rare - a few percent
• Represents the tip of the
• Should not be seen as “the
nutritional problem”
More than 80% brain development –
within 2 years of age
Malnourished & ill
due to high burden
of infections
―Empty Brain‖ – Irreversible Damage
Diminished Learning Capacity
Reduced Economic Productivity
& Income (Diminished Life)
Well nourished
& healthy
Smart Child— Meets Full Potential
Enhanced Learning & Performance
Increased Productivity & Higher
Income (>7% or More)
High Social and Economic
Human Capacity Resource,
Increased Productivity
Consequences of Malnutrition
Child’s Brain Growth and Development
By: Prof. Ascobat Gani
Growth and muscle mass
Body composition
Metabolic Syndrome:
programming of metabolism
of glucose, lipids, protein
Cognitive and
Work Capacity
Diabetes, Obesity
Heart Disease
High blood pressure
Cancer, stroke,
and ageing
Poor nutrition
in uterus
and early
Short term Long term
(James et al 2000)
Stunting is preventable
Need to act before the child is 2 years
The Critical “Window
of Opportunity”
1000 DAYS
Pregnancy: 9*30= 270 days
2 years: 365*2=730 days
Strategic Shift Needed
Priority focus on pregnancy to under 2 years:”
0 3 10 70
Brain’s development
Spending on Health,
Education and Welfare
Spending vs. Brain Development
Total National Budget ‘000s: NRs.
329167675 in F/Y 2069/70-2011/12)
Health Budget: NRs. 20124858
(6.11 % of Total National Budget)
Nutrition Budget: NRs. 511074
(2.54 % of Total Health Budget)
(0.16% of Total National Budget)
Nutrition in National Budget
Multi-Sector Nutrition Plan
Development Process
Malnutrition &
Inadequate dietary
food security
Inadequate Maternal
& Child Care
Insufficient health services
& unhealthy environment
Political, Ideological,
Economic structures
Resource Control
Organizational structures
Nutrition Assessment and
Gap Analysis (2009-2010)
Build the National
“Nutrition Architecture”
• Identified
strengths, weaknesses,
and gaps;
• Need for a national
nutrition architecture;
• A multi-sectoral
approach through an
agreed nutrition
determinants model.
• NPC led High Level Nutrition and
Food Security Steering
Committee chaired by the Vice
Chair of the NPC in place and
National Nutrition and Food
Security Coordination
• Technical working group to
guide multi-sectoral nutrition
review, and planning; and
• Nutrition and Food Secretariat
being established at the NPC –
with links to NNC of the MoHP
and MoAD
Nutrition Multi-Sectoral
Reviews: A consultative
Process (2011)
Costed Multi-sectoral
Nutrition Plan of Action
• Nutrition reviews by sector:
Agriculture, Education, Physical
Planning and Works, and Local
• Defined scope: Global and
national evidences for ‘what
works’: essential nutrition
specific interventions through
the Health sector & nutrition
sensitive interventions through
other sectors
• Systematic consultation:
through Reference Group
Meetings by sector at key stages
and All Reference Group
Meetings to identify the cross-
 Clear leadership: the NPC and
actively involving health &
other sectors
 Focused: the first 1,000 days
of life and stunting reduction
 Addressing the
immediate, underlying and
basic factors:
• women and children’s access to
health and nutrition;
• safe water & sanitation; and
• education and inequity.
 Emphasis on decentralized
implementation: initially in
selected districts (2012-2014)
 Vision to gradually scale up:
to all other districts by 2016
(A new approach: learning by
Multi-sectoral Nutrition Planning Framework
Child growth
failure/ death
Low Birthweight
Low weight &
height in teenagers
Early pregnancy
Small adult
Small adult man
The intergenerational transmission of growth
failure: When to intervene in the life cycle
SO 2. Ministry of Health
and Population
R 2.1 Maternal Infant Young Child
MIYC micronutrient status improved
R 2.2 MIYC feeding improved
R 2.3 IYC Malnutrition better managed
R 2.4 Nutrition related
policies, standards and acts updated
SO 4. Ministry of
• R 4.1 Adolescent girl’s
awareness and behaviours in
relation to protecting foetal, infant
and young child growth improved
• R 4.2 Parents better informed
with regard to avoiding growth
• R 4.3 Nutritional status of
adolescent girls improved
• R 4.4 Primary and secondary
school completion rates for girls
SO 5. Ministry Federal
Affairs and Local
R 5.1 Nutritional content of local
development plans better articulated
R 5.2 Collaboration between local
bodies’ health, agriculture, and
education sector strengthened at
DDC and VDC level
R 5.3 Social transfer programmes
corroborated for reducing chronic
under nutrition
R 5.4 Local resources increasingly
mobilized to accelerate the reduction
of MCU
SO 6. Ministry of Agriculture Development
R6.1 Increased availability of animal foods at the household level
R 6.2 Increased income amongst young mothers and adolescent girls from lowest
wealth quintile
R 6.3 Increased consumption of animal foods by adolescent girls, young mothers
and young children
R 6.4 Reduced workload of women and better home and work environment
Strategic Objective (SO) 1. National Planning Commission
Result (R) 1.1. Multi-sectoral commitment and resources for nutrition are increased
R 1.2. Nutritional information management and data analysis strengthened
R 1.3 Nutrition capacity of implementing agencies is strengthened
SO 3. Ministry of Urban
R3.1 All young mothers and
adolescent girls use improved
sanitation facilities
R 3.2 All young mothers and
adolescent girls use soap to wash
R 3.3 All young mothers and
adolescent girls as well as children
under 2 use treated drinking water
Declaration of Commitment for
Accelerated Improvement of
Maternal and Child Nutrition in
Nepal signed by the NPC
VC, Secretaries form 7 key
Ministries, Representatives of the
Health, Civil Society and Private
Sector, 17 September 2012
Multi-sector Nutrition Plan for
Accelerated Reduction of
Maternal and Child Under-
nutrition in Nepal, 2013-2017
(2023) launched by HE Prime
Minister Rt. Hon Prime Minister
Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai , 20th
September 2012
ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgf
dfgj k"FhL / ;du| ;fdflhs cfly{s ljsf;df
s'kf]if0f cj/f]wsf] ?kdf g/xg] cj:yf ;'lglZrt
ug{sf nflu pNn]vgLo ?kdf bL3{ s'kf]if0f
Go"gLs/0f ug]{tkm{ d'n'snfO{ cu|;/ u/fpg'
• cfufdL kfFrjif{df dft[ tyf lzz' kf]if0fsf]
l:yltdf ;'wf/ / tbg';f/ dft[lzz' tyf
afnaflnsfsf] s'kf]if0fnfO{ Go"g u/L
cfdfx?sf] zf/Ll/s 3gTj ;"rfÍ (BMI) /
aRrfx?sf] k'8sf]kgdf Ps ltxfO{n] sdL
• ;dfhsf ;a} :t/df dft[lzz' kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf
ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgf
tLg d'Vo pknAwLx?
• pknAwL g+ !M /fli6«o / :yfgLo:t/df
gLlt, of]hgf / ax'If]qLo ;dGjodf ;'wf/
cfPsf] x'g]5 .
• pknAwL g+ @M …kf]if0f–nlIftÚ jf
…kf]if0fk|lt ;Dj]bgzLnÚ ;]jfx?sf] pRrtd
k|of]u ug]{ Jojxf/df ;'wf/ e} cGttM
dft[lzz' kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 .
• pknlAw g+ #M cfwf/e"t ;]jfnfO{ ;dfj]zL /
;dtfd"ns 9Ën] k|jfx ug{sf nflu s]Gb|Lo tyf
:yfgLo ;/sf/x?sf] kf]if0f;DaGwL Ifdtf ;'b[9
ePsf] x'g]5 .
;g @)!& sf] cGTo;DddfM
• kfFr jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfdWo] k'8sf]kg
x'g]sf] k|ltzt @( eGbf sd ePsf] x'g]5 .
• kfFr jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfdWo] sd tf}n
x'g]sf] k|ltzt @) eGbf sd ePsf] x'g]5 .
• kfFr jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfdWo] Vofp6]kg
x'g]sf] k|ltzt % eGbf sd ePsf] x'g]5 .
• dlxnfx?df bL3{ zlQm sdL (Chronic Energy
Deficiency) x'g]sf] ;+Vof -BMI sf] ?kdf dfkg
x'g]_ !% k|ltzt eGbf tn x'g]5 .
• sd tf}n e} hGdg] aRrfsf] -≤@%)) u|fd_ Ü sd
ePsf] x'g]5 .
• k|fylds tyf cfwf/e't :s"n lzIff k'/fgug]{
afnaflnsf tyf lszf]/ lszf]/Lsf] k|ltzt
36]sf] x'g]5 .
cf7 k|ltkmnx? - k|ltkmn g+=
!Mkf]if0f nlIft Pj+ ;+j]bglzn ;"rsx? ;dfj]z ug{ /fli6«o tyf
:yfgLo:t/sf gLlt tyf of]hgfx?sf] k"g/fjnf]sg e} cBfjlws
ul/Psf] x'g]5 . b]xfosf ;fÍ]lts ls|ofsnfkx? sfof{Gjog u/L
/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u tyf If]qut dGqfnox? -:yfgLo
ljsf;, :jf:Yo, lzIff, s[lif, ef}lQs of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f_ of]
k|ltkmn xfl;n ug{ lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g .
!=! If]qut dGqfnox?sf kf]if0f;DaGwL e"ldsfdf
clea[l4 ug]{ .
!=@ kf]if0fsf] ljifonfO{ cfkmgf] of]hgfdf k|fyldstf
lbg / kf]if0f nlIft Pj+ ;+j]bglzn d'Vo d'Vo ;"rsx?nfO{
;dfj]z ug{ dGqfnox?df k}/jL ug]{ .
!=# ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgf cg'?k /fli6«o kf]if0f gLlt
tyf /0fgLltnfO{ cBfjlws ug]{ / cg'udg tyf d"NofÍgsf]
k|f?k cBfjlws ug]{ .
k|ltkmn g+= @M
/fli6«o / :yfgLo txdf ax'If]qLo ;dGjo
;+oGqx? ls|ofzLn ePsf x'g]5g . b]xfosf
;fÍ]lts ls|ofsnfkx? sfof{Gjog u/L /fli6«o
of]hgf cfof]u / :yfgLo lgsfox? of]
k|ltkmn k|flKtsf nflu lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g
@=! kf]if0f / vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL
ls|ofsnfkx?nfO{ 6]jf k'¥ofpgsf nflu
/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]udf Ps ;lrjfnosf]
:yfkgf÷;'b[9 agfpg] .
@=@ ;dGjodf ;'wf/ Nofpg k|efjsf/L ;+rf/
k|0ffnL :yfkgf ug]{ .
k|ltkmn g+= #M
ljz]if u/L ;dfhsf ljkGg / kx'Fr jflx/ /x]sf
;d'bfodf dft[lzz' kf]if0fsf ;]jfx? pkof]usf]
l:yltdf ;'wf/ cfPsf] x'g]5 . b]xfosf ;fÍ]lts
ls|ofsnfkx? sfof{Gjog u/L of] k|ltkmn xfl;n ug{
:jf:Yo If]q lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 .
#=! Jofks b[li6sf]0f cjnDag u/L dft[lzz' tyf
afnaflnsfsf] kf]if0fsf] sfo{s|d sfof{Gjog
/ la:tf/ ug]{ .
#=@ ljz]if u/L kx'Frjflx/ /x]sf ;d'bfox? tyf
s'kf]if0faf6 a9L k|efljt lhNnfx?df hf]8 lbO{
cfdf, lzz' tyf afnaflnsfx?sf] ;"Idkf]if0fsf]
l:yltdf ;'wf/ Nofpg] sfo{s|dx?nfO{ lg/Gt/tf
lbg] / la:tf/ ug]{ .
#=# vf;u/L a9L c;/ k/]sf lhNnfx?df lzz' tyf
afnaflnsfx?df /x]sf] clt Pj+ dWod s8f s'kf]if0f
k|ltkmn g+= $M
lszf]/Lx?sf] dftflktfx?sf] lzIff, hLjgofkgsf ;Lkx?
/ kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf clea[l4 ePsf] x'g]5 . b]xfosf
ls|ofsnfkx? sfof{Gjog u/L of] k|ltkmn xfl;n u
$=! ljz]if u/L cfdfx? / afnaflnsfx?sf] kf]if0fdf
;'wf/ / bL3{ s'kf]if0fnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{ s'/fdf
hf]8 lb+b} lszf]/Lx?nfO{ k|bfg ul/g] hLjgofkgsf
;Lkx?df kf]if0fsf] ljifonfO{ PsLs[t ug{ ;xof]u
$=@ lszf]/Lx?df bL3{ s'kf]if0fnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{
1fg / l;ksf] clea[l4 ug]{ .
$=# cfdf tyf afnaflnsfx?sf] x]/rfx /
vfglkg;DaGwL Jojxf/df ;'wf/ Nofpg
cleefjsx?sf] lzIffsf nflu ;|f]t ;fdu|Lx?
tof/cBfjlws ug]{ .
$=$ cfdf / afnaflnsfx?sf] x]/rfx / vfglkg;DaGwL
Jojxf/sf ljifodf cleefjsx?sf] 1fgdf clea[l4
ug{ sfo{s|dx? cfof]hgf ug]{ .
k|ltkmn g+= %M
sd pd]/sf cfdfx?, lszf]/Lx?, lzz'x? /
afnaflnsfx?df emf8f kvfnf / ARI sf
36gfx?df sdL cfPsf] x'g]5 . of] k|ltkmn
k|flKtsf nflu ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f
If]q lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 .
%=! ljz]if u/L
lszf]/lszf]/Lx?, afnaflnsfx? / ;–;fgf
aRrfsf cfdfx?nfO{ hf]8 lb+b} vf; vf;
;dodf ;fj'gn] xftw'g] afgL a;fpg
k|a4{gfTds cleofgx? cfof]hgf ug]{ .
%=@ a9L k|efljt lhNnfx?nfO{ ljz]if hf]8
k|ltkmn g+= ^M
pko'Qm ef]hgsf] pknAwtf tyf pkef]udf -
u'0f:t/, k/Ldf0f, vfgf vfg] k6s / ;'/Iffsf b[li6n]_
a[l4 Pj+ dlxnfx?sf] sfo{af]emdf sdL cfPsf] x'g]5
. b]xfosf ls|ofsnfkx?sf] sfof{Gjog u/L o;
k|ltkmnsf] k|flKtsf nflu s[lif, tyf :yfgLo ljsf;
If]qx? lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g .
^=! 3/kl/jf/ / ;d'bfosf] txdf h}ljs ;|f]tdf
cfwfl/t vfgf nufot ;"Id kf]ifstTjo'Qm ef]hg
pknAw u/fpg]
^=@ ;"Id kf]ifstTjo'Qm :yfgLo afnLx?sf] ;'q ljsf;
/ k|a4{g ug]{
^=# sd cfo;d"xsf lszf]/Lx?, ue{jlt dlxnfx? / #
jif{eGbf sd pd]/sf aRrfx?nfO{ :tgkfg u/fpg]
cfdfx?df ;"Id kf]ifstTjo'Qm ef]hg tyf cfodf
a[l4 ug{ ljleGg sfo{s|dx?jLr ;x;DaGw :yfkgf
k|ltkmn g+= &M
s]Gb|, lhNnf, gu/ tyf uflj; txx?df cfdf / aRrfx?sf]
kf]if0fdf ;'wf/ Nofpg pko'Qm ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg]
Ifdtfdf clea[l4 ePsf] x'g]5 . of] k|ltkmn xfl;n
ug{sf nflu /fli6«o of]hgf
cfof]u, :jf:Yo, lzIff, ef}lts of]hgf tyf
lgdf{0f, s[lif / :yfgLo ljsf; If]qx? lhDd]jf/
x'g]5g .
&=! s]Gb| / :yfgLo txdf hgzlQmsf] ax'If]qLo
kf]if0f Ifdtf ljsf; ug]{ u/fpg]
&=@ ;+u7gfTds ;'b[9Ls/0fsf nflu ;Da4 If]qx?sf]
;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg;DaGwL n]vfhf]vf ug]{ .
&=# Ps} lsl;dsf] tyf glthfd'vL k|ltj]bg k|0ffnLsf]
:yfkgf ug]{ .
&=$ ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgfsf k|d'v ;"rsx?nfO{
;dflji6 ug{ ul/jL cg'udg tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL
(PMAS) / lhNnf ul/jL cg'udg tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL
(DPMAS) sf ;"rsx?sf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{ .
k|ltkmn g+= *M
/fli6«o tyf :yfgLo txx?df ax'If]qLo kf]if0f
;"rgf k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; e} k/:k/ cfj4 / cBfjlws
ul/Psf] x'g]5 . of] k|ltkmnsf] k|flKtsf nflu
/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u, :jf:Yo, lzIff, ef}lts
of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f, s[lif / :yfgLo ljsf; If]qx?
lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g
*=! k|d'v ;/f]sf/jfnfx?nfO{ ;dflji6 u/L -
:Jff:Yo Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL, lzIff
Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL, vfg]kfgL tyf
;/;kmfO{, s[lif tyf :yfgLo ljsf;sf_
s]Gb|:t/df ax'If]qLo kf]if0f;DaGwL ;"rgf
ul/jL cg'udg tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL ;Fu
k/:k/ cfj4 / cBfjlws ug]{ .
sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo
pknlAw != dft[lzz' tyf afnaflnsfx?sf]
cfxf/df ;'wf/ x'g]5 .k|ltkmn !=)M ue{jtLsf] cfxf/ Jojxf/df ;'wf/ x'g]5 .
!=! :jf:Yo :jo+;]ljsfx? dfkm{t ue{jtLsf] a]n}df klxrfg u/L btf{ ug]{
!=@ ue{jtL tyf kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?nfO{ ay{ lk|Ko/8g]z Kofs]h cg';f/ h}ljs
;|f]tsf] vfgf pkef]u ug{ k}/jL ug]{
!=# ue{jtLsf] cfxf/ Jojxf/df ;'wf/ ug{ kf]if0fsf] nflu ;~rf/ /0fgLltsf]
c+usf] ?kdf Jojxf/ kl/jt{g ;~rf/ sfo{qmd ug]{
k|ltkmn @=)M hGdg]lalQs} :tgkfg u/fpg] tyf k"0f{ :tgkfg -
cfdfsf] b"wdfq_ u/fpg kxn ;'? ePsf] x'g]5
@=! ;fd'bflos :jf:Yo sfo{stf{ tyf :jo+;]jsx?nfO{ lzz' tyf s]6fs]6Lsf]
cfxf/ ;DaGwL tflnd k|bfg ug]{
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cfTd;ft ug]{
@=# k|ltkmn ! sf] !=# lqmofsnfk
k|ltkmn #=)M 5 b]lv @# dlxgf;Ddsf afnaflnsfsf] k"/s
cfxf/ pknAwtfdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 .
sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo
pknlAw @=)M dft[lzz' tyf afnaflnsfsf] ;"Id
kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 .k|ltkmn $=) ue{jtL tyf k|;"ltkZrft cfdfx?aLr cfO/g / h'sf
lgoGq0f rSsLsf] vkt a9L x'g]5 .
$=! :jf:YosdL{ tyf dlxnf :jf:Yo :jo+;]ljsfx?nfO{ cfO/g tTj ld;fpg]
;DaGwdf k"gtf{huL tflnd k|bfg ug]{
$=@ k|lt dlxgf dlxnf :jf:Yo :jo+;]ljsfx? dfkm{t #) rSsL cfO/g kmf]lns
Pl;8 afF8g nufpg] tyf cfdfx?nfO{ vfg] ug{ pTk|]l/t ug]{, ;Demfpg]
$=# :jf:Yo sfo{stf{x? dfkm{t cfO/g kmf]lns Pl;8 -uef{j:yfdf !*) rSsL /
uef{j:yfkl5 :tgkfg u/fpFbf $% rSsL_ tyf ! h'sf lgoGq0f rSsL -
uef{j:yfdf_ afF8g nufpg]
$=$ ue{jtL tyf cfdfx?n] cfO/g kmf]lns Pl;8 tyf ! h'sf lgoGq0f rSsL
vfg'kg]{ ;DjGwdf ue{jtL dlxnf tyf cGo kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ k}/jL ug]{
$=$=! ;"Id kf]ifstTj ;e]{If0f ug]{
k|ltkmn %=) cfO/g tTj ld;fPsf] vfg]s'/fsf] pkef]u a9g]5
%=! 3/kl/jf/n] cfO/g tTj ld;fPsf] cGgsf] pkef]u a9fpg] ljifodf cleofg
;~rfng ug]{
%=@ ;do ;dodf lk;fgL ldnx?sf] cg'udg u/L vfg]s'/fdf cfO/g tTj pko'Qm
lsl;dn] ld;fPsf] ;'lglZrt ug]{
sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo
pknlAw @=)M dft[lzz' tyf afnaflnsfsf] ;"Id
kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 .k|ltkmn &=) 5 b]lv t]O; dlxgfsf lzz'aLr ;"Idkf]ifstTj o'Qm
kfp8/sf] pkof]u a9]sf] x'g]5 .
&=! ;"Idkf]ifstTj kfp8/ &% lhNnfdf lj:tf/ ug{]
&=@ 5 b]lv t]O; dlxgfsf lzz'x?nfO{ ;"Idkf]ifstTj o'Qm kfp8/
v'jfpg'kg]{ ljifodf :jf:YosdL{ tyf dlxnf :jf:Yo :jo+;]ljsfdfkm{t
cfdf Pj+ kl/jf/sf cGo ;b:onfO{ ;/;Nnfx ;]jf k|bfg ug]{
k|ltkmn *=) dft[lzz' tyf s]6fs]6Lx?df x'g] ;+qmd0f 36]sf]
*=@ IMCI k"gtf{huL tflnd dfkm{t dft[lzz' tyf s]6fs]6Lx?df x'g]
;ªqmd0fsf ljifodf hf]8 lbg]
*=@ CB-NCP&% lhNnfdf lj:tf/ ubf{ dft[, lzz' tyf s]6fs]6Ldf x'g]
;+qmd0f ljifodf hf]8 lbg]
*=# ue{jtL, lszf]/lszf]/L tyf afnaflnsfsf lglDt cfjZos ;+Vofdf LLIN
sf] kof{Kt ljt/0f ug]{
*=$ lgoldt bfb'/fsf] vf]ksf] ;+Vof a9fpg ;~rf/ dfWodsf] pkof]u
j[l4 ug]{
sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo
pknlAw #=) lzz' tyf afnaflnsfx?df /x]sf] s'kf]if0fsf]
kof{Kt Joj:yfkg ePsf] x'g]5.k|ltkmn !)=) ) b]lv #^ dlxgf;Ddsf afnaflnsfsf] kf]if0fsf]
l:ylt cg'udg u/L clws s'kf]if0f klxrfg ug]{
!)=! PHC/ORC k'gM lqmofzLn ubf{ s'kf]if0f ePsf
afnaflnsfsf] klxrfg tyf kf]if0f :t/ cg'udg ;'b[9 ug]{
!)=@ ljZj :jf:Yo ;+u7g j[l4 u'0f:t/ cg';f/ ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t j[l4
cg'udg sfof{Gjog x'g]5 .
k|ltkmn !!=) kfFr jif{d'lgsf ;a} afnaflnsfsf] clts8f
s'kf]if0f 36g]5 .
!!=! ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t s8f s'kf]if0f Joj:yfkg sfo{qmd w]/}
clt s8f s'kf]lift afnaflnsf ePsf #% lhNnfdf lj:tf/ ug{]
!!=@ w]/} clts8f s'kf]lift afnaflnsf ePsf #% lhNnfdf
kf]if0f k'gM:yfkg u[x lj:tf/ ug]{
k|ltkmn !@=) kfFr jif{d'lgsf ;a} afnaflnsfsf] dWod
s'kf]if0f 36g]5
sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo
pknlAw $M :jf:Yo If]qsf kf]if0f;DaGwL
P]g, lgod, gLlt, /0fgLlt / dfkb08x?nfO{
cBfjlws ul/Psf] x'g]5 .k|ltkmn !#=) /fli6«o kf]if0f gLlt tyf /0fgLlt ;+zf]wg
tyf cBfjlws ul/Psf] x'g]5 .
!#=! ;/sf/L tyf u}/ ;/sf/L ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] ;xof]udf ljBdfg
/fli6«o kf]if0f gLlt tyf /0fgLlt ;+zf]wg ug]{ .
!#=@ kf]if0fsf] ;~rf/ /0fgLlt th'{df ug]{ .
!#=# ;+zf]lwt /fli6«o kf]if0f gLltcg'?k :jf:Yo If]qsf]
nufgL;lxtsf] ax'jifL{o kf]if0f of]hgf th'{df ug]{ .
k|ltkmn !$=) kf]if0f;DaGwL a[xb tflnd Kofs]hx?
tof/ ul/g]5 .
!$=! ljBdfg ljleGg kf]if0f;DaGwL tflnd ;fdu|L
k'g/fjnf]sg u/L ;+zf]wg ug]{ .
sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo
pknlAw %M ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgfdf :jf:Yo If]qsf]
:jf:Yo If]qsf] ;'wf/fTds of]ubfgsf] nflu ;+:yfut ;'b[9Ls/0f
tyf Ifdtf ljsf; ePsf] x'g]5 .k|ltkmn !^=) ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgfsf] k|f?k cg'?k ;a}
txdf ;+:yfut Joj:yf k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{, :jf:Yo tyf hg;+Vof
dGqfnocGtu{t /fli6«o kf]if0f s]Gb| :yfkgf;lxt
!^=! ;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg l8hfOg tyf n]vfhf]vf ug]{ Ifdtf ljsf;
!^=@ /fli6«o kf]if0f s]Gb|sf] ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgf tof/ u/L :jLs[t ug]{
!^=# ;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg n]vfhf]vf tyf /fli6«o kf]if0f s]Gb|sf]
;+u7gfTds ;+/rgf cg';f/ Ifdtf ljsf; of]hgf th'{df ug]{
!^=$ :jLs[t ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgfsf] b/jGbL cg';f/ kbk"lt{ ug]{
k|ltkmn !&=) ;a} txdf :jf:YosdL{x?sf] -dlxnf ;fd'bflos
:jf:Yo sfo{stf{;lxt_ kf]if0f;DaGwL Ifdtf ljsf; ug]{
!&=! a[xb kf]if0f tflnd Kofs]h cg';f/sf tflnd sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{
k|ltkmn !*=) dft[lzz' s'kf]if0f 36fpg :jf:Yosf hgzlQmn]
cGo If]q;Fu ;dGjo u/L of]ubfg ug]{
sfo{;Dkfbgsf ;"rsx?
nIo k'8sf]kg
36fpg hf]8
k|of;df lzIff
clej[l4 x'g]5
@)!^ sf] cGTo;Dddf lhjgofkgsf ;Lkdf
cfwfl/t kf]if0f sfo{qmd;DaGwL
tflnd k|fKtug]{ lzIfsx?, ;|f]t JolQmx?
tyf afn Snasf ;b:ox?sf] ;+Vof a9]sf]
x'g]5 .
;g @)!& sf] cGTo;DddfM
@)!^ sf] cGTo;DddfM
lszf]/Lx?dWo] sIffdf xflh/L tyf sIff
sfo{of]hgf –lzIff If]q
sfo{of]hgf – lzIff If]q
pknlAw !=) ue{ tyf lzz' tyf afnaflnsfsf] j[l4
;DaGwdf lszf]/Lx?sf] hfu/0f / Jojxf/df ;'wf/
cfPsf] x'g]5
k|ltkmn !=! bL3{sfnLg s'kf]if0f Go"gLs/0f ug]{ ljifo
lszf]/Lx?nfO{ k|bfg ul/g] hLjgofkg;DaGwL lzIffdf
a9L eGbf a9L ;dfj]z ul/Psf] x'g]5 -;an jftfj/0fsf]
l;h{gf ug]{_ .
k|ltkmn !=@ lszf]/Lx?df bL3{sfnLg s'kf]if0fnfO{
Go"gLs/0f ug]{ 1fg / ;Lksf] clej[l4 x'g]5 .
pknlAw @=) ;–;fgf afnaflnsfsf] x]/rfx / cfxf/
Jojxf/df ;'wf/ u/L j[l4 ljkmntfsf] km}nfj6
/f]Sg ;lsg] ljifodf cleefjsx? -dlxnf_ /fd|/L
;';"lrt ePsf x'g]5g .
k|ltkmn @=! afnaflnsf x]/rfx tyf cfxf/ Jojxf/sf
sfo{of]hgf – lzIff If]q
pknlAw # lszf]/L 5fqfx?sf] kf]if0f:t/df ;'wf/
k|ltkmn #=! ECD afnaflnsf tyf lszf]/L 5fqfx?n] -
* sIff ;Dd_ lbjfvfhf k|fKt ug]{5g .
k|ltkmn #=@ cfwf/e"t lzIffdf -sIff !–*_ lszf]/L
5fqfx?sf] z}lIfs ;xeflutf tyf pknlAwdf ;'wf/
x'g]5 .
pknlAw $ ax'If]qLo k|of;df of]ubfg of]ubfg
k'¥ofpg lzIff If]qsf] Ifdtf cleaj[l4 ePsf] x'g]5
k|ltkmn $=! kf]if0f lglb{i6 lzIff cWofkg ug{ lzIff
dGqfnosf k|lzIfs Pj+ lzIfsx? -k"j{ ;]jfsfnLg tyf
;]jfsfnLg_ k"0f{?kdf tof/ ul/Psf] x'g]5 .
k|ltkmn $=@ k'8sf]kg 36fpg] ljifodf lzIf dGqfno
sfo{;Dkfbgsf ;"rsx?
nIo k'8sf]kg
36fpg] sfo{df
ltj|tf lbg]
k|of;df zx/L
ljsf; dGqfnosf]
of]ubfg x'g]5 .
zx/L ljsf; dGqfnosf]
jflif{s tyf ax'jflif{s
of]hgfdf vfg]kfgL tyf
;/;kmfO sfo{qmdx?
dfkm{t s'kf]if0f 36fpg
of]ubfg k'Ug] nIf
k|ltlalDat ul/g]5
p2]] l56f] aRrfkfpg] ;g @)!& sf] cGTo;DddfM
sfo{of]hgf –vfg]kfgL tyf
;/;kmfO -zx/L ljsf;_
w !
;fa'g kfgLn] xftw'g] cEof; a9]sf] x'g]5 .
w @
;a} nlIft ljBfno, uflj; Pj+ gu/kflnsf v'Nnf
lb;fd'Qm If]q x'g]5g .
w #
hn ;'/Iff If]q 3f]if0f ePsf] x'g]5
w $
;+o'Qm sfo{ of]hgf tyf cg'udg k|0ffnL :yfkgf
ePsf] x'g]5
w %
s]Gb|Lo tyf :yfgLo:t/df hgzlQm ljsf; x'g]5 .
n !
;a} l56f] aRrf kfpg] cfdfx? tyf lszf]/Lx?sf]
xftw'g] ;'ljwfx?df kx'Fr e} xftw'gsf] nflu
;fa'g k|of]u u/]sf x'g]5g .
n @
;a} l56f] aRrfkfpg] cfdfx? tyf lszf]/Lx?n]
;'wfl/Psf] ;/;kmfO ;'ljwf tyf :jR5s/ Jojxf/
k|of]u u/]sf x'g]5g .
n #
;a} ue{jtL Pj+ :tgkfg u/fpg] cfdfx?sf ;fy;fy} @
jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfn] ;kmf kfgL k|of]u u/]sf
x'g]5g .
ljj/0ffTds ;+If]k sfo{;Dkfbgsf ;"rsx?
nIf bL3{sfnLg s'kf]if0f
36fpg] sfo{df tLj|tf
lbg] ax'If]qLo k|of;df
s[lif tyf ;xsf/L
dGqfnosf] of]ubfgdf
clej[l4 x'g]5 .
s[lif sfo{qmd
kf]if0f ;+j]bgzLn
x'g]5 .
p2]Zo sd cfo ePsf
lszf]/lszf]/Lx? / sd
pd]/df ue{jlt x'g]]
cfdfx? tyf
lalawtfk"0f{ vfgf
;"Id kf]if0fo'Qm
vfgfsf] pkef]u %)Ü
n] a9]sf] x'g]5 .
k|f0fLhGo ;|f]tsf]
vfgfsf] k|of]u
sfo{of]hgf – s[lif If]q
n !=)
3/kl/jf/ / ;d'bfosf] txdf
vf;u/L ;"Id kf]ifstTjo'Qm
ef]hg h:t} h}ljs ;|f]tdf
cfwfl/t vfgf, xl/of ;fukft /
kmnkm"n, Rofp, bfn cflb
ljljwtfk"0f{ vfgfsf]
pknAwtf 3/kl/jf/ / ;d'bfo
:t/df j[l4 x'g]5 .
cfufdL %
3/kl/jf/ /
pTkfbg %)Ü
n @=)
sd cfoePsf kl/jf/sf] cfo j[l4
e} o;df sd pd]/df ue{jlt x'g]]
cfdfx? / lszf]/lszf]/Lx?sf]
o:tf] cfodf kx'r tyf lgoGq0f
cfufdL %
jif{df nlIft
cfodf @)Ü a'l4
sfo{of]hgf – s[lif If]q
ljj/0ffTds ;+If]k sfo{;Dkfbgsf ;"rsx?
nIf kf]if0f k|a4{g
sfo{df ltj|tf lbg]
ax'If]qLo k|of;df
:ygLo ;'zf;g Pj+
;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf]
of]ubfgdf clej[l4
x'g]5 .
lhNnf:t/df kf]if0f ;"rgfsf]
kx'Frdf clej[l4 e} kf]if0f
;]jfx?df ;'wf/ x'g]5 .
kf]if0f k|a4{g
sfo{df ltj|tf lbg]
k|of;df ;xof]u
k'¥ofpg :yfgLo
;g @)!@ b]lv :yfgLo ;'zf;g gLlt
tyf sfo{qmddf l8hfOg tyf
th'{dfdf kf]if0f k|ltlalDat
x'g]5 .
sfo{of]hgf – :yfgLo ;'zf;g
k|ltkmn !M
:yfgLo lgsfosf
of]gfdf kf]if0f
:ki6?kdf /flvg]5
;g @)!# b]lv lhNnf tyf gu/ ljsf;
cfjlws of]hgf / oL ;+:yfsf] jflif{s
of]hgfdf kf]if0f ljifo k|ltljlDjt
x'g]5 .
;g @)!# b]lv :yfgLo lgsfo cg'bfg
lgb]{lzsfdf nlIft ljsf; sfo{qmdsf]
k|a4{gfTds nufgL If]qcGtu{t ;dflxt
ug{;Sg] u/L kf]if0f ;dfj]z ul/Psf] x'g]5
k|ltkmn @M
tLj|t/?kdf Go"g
ug{ :yfgLo ;|f]t
kl/rfng qmlds
?kdf a9b} uPsf]
x'g]5 .
;g @)!$ b]lv 5gf]6 ul/Psf uflj;x?df ==Ü
uflj;:tl/o ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx?
kf]if0f;DaGwL k}/jLdf ;+nUg x'g]5g .
;g @)!# b]lv ;fdflhs k/LIf0f tyf
;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO d~rx?sf 5nkmndf
kf]if0fnfO{ :yfg lbFb} ;f] ljifo logsf
k|ltj]bg tyf sfo{ of]hgfdf /flvPsf]
pknlAw ! :yfgLo ;'zf;g /0fgLlt tyf sfo{qmd l8hfOg ubf{
kf]if0f b[li6uf]r/ ul/g]5
w @
:yfgLo ;/sf/sf] th'{df ul/Psf] of]hgfsf] k|ltkm Pj+ ljleGg
If]qaLr ax'If]qLo ;dGjo ug]{ Ifdtf ljsf; ePsf] x'g]5 .
mn $
lhlj; Pj+ uflj;:t/df
:yfgLo lgsfo, :jf:Yo,
s[lif / lzIff If]qaLr
;xof]u ;'b[9 ePsf]
x'g]5 .
;g @)!@ sf] cGTo;Dddf lhlj;, gu/kflnsf /
uflj;:t/df kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff lgb]{zd
;ldlt lqmofzLn x'g]5 .
;g @)!# b]lv lhNnfdf sfof{Gjog x'g]
kf]if0f;DaGwL sfo{qmd :jLs[t ug{ Pj+
k|ult ;dLIff ;DalGwt If]qaf6 u/fO{
bL3{sfnLg s'kf]if0f 36fpg cfjZos
lqmofsnfkx? l;kmfl/; ug{ ;ldltsf]
a}7s q}dflzs ?kdf a;]sf x'g]5g .
mn %
ax'If]qLo k|of;df
of]ubfg k'¥ofpg
sd{rf/Lsf] Ifdtf
ljsf; ul/g]5 .
;g @)!# b]lv :yfgLo lgsfosf ;Dks{
;+:yfx?n] kf]if0f sfof{Gjog / cGo
;+:yfx?;Fu ;dGjo, cfˆgf] sfo{ ljj/0f
cGtu{tsf] sfdsf] ?kdf, u/]sf x'g]5g .
;g @)!# b]lv :yfgLo lgsfosf ;Da4
sd{rf/LnfO{ kf]if0f;DaGwL sfo{ut
lhDd]jf/L lbOPsf] x'g]5 .
;g @)!$ sf] cGTo;Dddf :yfljd+ tyf
:yfgLo lgsfosf tf]lsPsf d'Vo
sd{rf/LaLr kf]if0f;DaGwL 1fg a9]sf]
x'g]5 .
k|ltk lhNnf ul/aL cg'udg ;g @)!# b]lv kf]if0f;DaGwL k|ult -lnË,
Region Mid-Western Region
Western Region
Central Region
Eastern Region
Initial MSNP
Roll-out Districts
SIX INITIAL MOEL DISTRICTS (Bajura, Jumla, Kapilvastu, Nawalparashi, Parsa and Jumla)
Criteria/Indicators for selection
1. Average of 1 to 4 quarters food security phase
2. Net Enrolment Rate (NER) Basic Education
3. Working Children 10-14 years
4. Sanitation coverage
5. Per Capita Development Budget Expenditure
6. DPT 3 immunization under 1 year of age
7. Expected frequencies of diarrheal outbreaks
8. Ratio of girls to boys in secondary education
9. Proportion of severely underweight children less than 5 years
10. Minimum Conditions and Performance Measures (MCPMs) of Local Bodies of Nepal
11. Proportion of births attended by Skilled Birth Attendant as % of expected pregnancies:
12. Stunting Prevalence
13. Access
14. Similar MSNP actions by on-going programs/partners
Central Region
MSNP implementation period
(First Phase): 2013-2017
;+u7gfTds tyf
Joj:yfksLo ;+/rgf
/fli6«o txM pRr:t/Lo kf]if0f tyf vfB
;'/Iff;DaGwL lgb]{zs ;ldlt
dfggLo pkfWoIf, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u, cWoIf
/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf dfggLo ;b:ox?
-:jf:Yo, s[lif tyf jfl0fHoIf]q x]g]{ ;b:o
;lrj, s[lif tyf ;xsf/L dGqfno ;b:o
;lrj, :jf:Yo tyf hg;+Vof dGqfno ;b:o
;lrj, :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno ;b:o
;lrj, jfl0fHo tyf cfk"lt{ dGqfno ;b:o
;lrj, cy{ dGqfno ;b:o
;lrj, lzIff dGqfno ;b:o
;lrj, ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f dGqfno ;b:o
;lrj, dlxnf, afnaflnsf tyf ;dfhsNof0f dGqfno – ;b:o
$ hgf lj1x? -kf]if0f, vfB ;'/Iff, jfl0fHo tyf cfk"lt{;DaGwL_
;b:o ;lrj, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u ;b:o ;lrj
;x;lrj, ;fdflhs ljsf; dxfzfvf,
/fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf] ;lrjfno ;x–;b:o ;lrj
gLltut dfu{bz{g / cg'udgsf ;fy}
pRr:t/Lo kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL
lgb]{zs ;ldlt lgDg sfo{x?sf nflu klg
lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 M
• ax'If]qLo kf]if0f / vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL
a[xt gLltx? th'{df ug]{Ù
• cfGtl/s tyf afXo ;|f]tx? ;'lglZrt ug]{Ù
• /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o txdf
kIfkf]if0f ug]{ / k|lta4tfx? JoQm
• sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog l:yltsf] ;dLIff
tyf d"Nofªsg ug]{Ù /
pRr:t/Lo kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL
lgb]{zs ;ldltsf] ;xof]usf nflu Ps
;lrjfno /xg]5 hf] lgDg sfo{x?sf nflu
lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 M
• ;"rgf Joj:yfkgM ul/aL cg'udg tyf
ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL, lhNnf ul/aL
lgjf/0f tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL, :jf:Yo
Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL, lzIff Joj:yfkg
;"rgf k|0ffnLnufot;Fu ;DaGw :yflkt
ug]{ .
• ;"rgf ;Dk|]if0f÷kIfkf]if0f ug]{ .
• Ifdtf ljsf;sf nflu ;xof]u ug]{ .
df=;b:o -:jf:Yo tyf kf]if0f If]q_, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u
df=;b:o -s[lif If]q_, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u
;x–;lrj, gLlt of]hgf tyf a}=;= dxfzfvf, :jf:Yo tyf hg;+Vof dGqfno
;x–;lrj, vfg]kfgL dxfzfvf, ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f dGqfno
;x–;lrj, ah]6 tyf sfo{qmd dxfzfvf, cy{ dGqfno
;x–;lrj, k|zf;g, ;+:yfg tyf cfk"lt{ dxfzfvf, jfl0fHo tyf cfk"lt{ dGqfno
;x–;lrj, of]hgf tyf j}b]lzs ;xof]u ;dGjo dxfzfvf, :yflgo ljsf; dGqfno
;x–;lrj, of]hgf dxfzfvf, s[lif tyf ;xsf/L dGqfno
dxflgb]{zs, s[lif ljefu –
dxflgb]{zs, kz';]jf ljefu –
dxflgb]{zs, vfB k|ljlw tyf u'0f lgoGq0f ljefu
dxflgb]{zs, l;+rfO ljefu –
/fli6«o kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff ;dGjo
kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff If]lqo
;dGjo ;ldlt
ax'If]lqo kf]if0f of]hgfsf] sfof{Gjogdf
;xof]u / ;dGjo ug{ tyf sfof{lGjt
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6. hospital management
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6. hospital management Sanjiv Rajak
5. sector wide approach (swap)
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5. sector wide approach (swap)Sanjiv Rajak
4. health human resources as part of health service management
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3. public sector health services management in bangladesh
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3. public sector health services management in bangladeshSanjiv Rajak
2. public sector health services in bangladesh
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2. public sector health services in bangladeshSanjiv Rajak
1. overview of health services
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Maternal Health program of Srilanka
Maternal Health program of Srilanka Maternal Health program of Srilanka
Maternal Health program of Srilanka
Workshop method
Workshop method Workshop method
Workshop method
6. hospital management
6. hospital management 6. hospital management
6. hospital management
5. sector wide approach (swap)
5. sector wide approach (swap)5. sector wide approach (swap)
5. sector wide approach (swap)
4. health human resources as part of health service management
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3. public sector health services management in bangladesh
3. public sector health services management in bangladesh3. public sector health services management in bangladesh
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2. public sector health services in bangladesh
2. public sector health services in bangladesh2. public sector health services in bangladesh
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1. overview of health services
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1. overview of health services
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Improving Nutrition in Nepal's Far West

  • 2. AN OVERVIEW OF MULTI-SECTOR NUTRITION PLAN Prepared by: National Planning Commission, GON in close consultation with Ministry of Health and Population Ministry of Agriculture Development Ministry of Federal Affairs & Local development Ministry of Urban Development Ministry of Education Lead Technical Support: UNICEF in close collaboration with WB, HKI, WFP and Other Developing Partners Government of Nepal National Planning Commission
  • 3. Nutrition Situation of Women and Children in Nepal
  • 4. NEPAL IS ON TRACK TO REACH MDG4 : REDUCING CHILD MORTALITY 153 118 91 61 54 54 102 79 64 48 46 34 45.9 50 39 33 33 15 0 40 80 120 160 200 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2015 MDG U5MR IMR NMR Mortality Trend and MDG Goal (Under 5, Infant and Neonatal) Deaths associated with under-nutrition At - min 35% Diarrhoea 12% Other 29% Pneumonia 20% Malaria 8% Measles 5%HIV/AIDS 4% Perinatal 22% About 35-60% of Child Mortality is associated with undernutrition Sources: EPI/WHO. Black et al, 2008. The Lancet Series on Maternal and Child Under-nutrition. Without Improvement in Nutrition, Further Child Mortality Reduction is less likely
  • 5. Status of Undernutrition in U5 Nepal Source: NDHS 2011 57 49 41 28 43 39 29 27 11 13 11 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 NDHS 2001 NDHS 2006 NDHS 2011 MDG Target 2015 Percent Stunting Underweight Wasting
  • 6. 28.3 26.7 24.4 18.2 6.5 8.6 13.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 NFHS 1996 NDHS 2001 NDHS 2006 NDHS 2011 Women’s Under-nutrition is Declining But Over-Nutrition is on the Increase Maternal Under-nutrition Maternal Overnutrition
  • 7. Fig 24: Stunting (-2SD) Trend for children between 6-23 months, by Wealth Index 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 1996 2001 2006 Poorest Poorer M iddle Richer Richest Total Ref: DHS 2001 and 2006. Adapted from Ramu Bishwakarma. Social Inequalities in Child Nutrition in Nepal. August 2009 (Background paper for Nepal Nutrition Assessment and Gap Analysis, November 2009) 65% reduction in richest quintile! 12% increase in poorest quintile! 14% reduction overall MARKED INEQUITY: Wealth Quintiles, Ecology, Ethnicity Nutrition context: trend in stunting prevalence by wealth index High Inequity
  • 8. Percent of children under age 5 who are too short for their age (based on WHO standards) Eastern terai 31% Central terai 41% Western mountain 60% Mid-western terai 44% Far-western hill 58% Eastern hill 46% Central hill 31% Western hill 36% Mid-western hill 52%Far-western terai 32% Western terai 40% Central mountain 46% Eastern mountain 45% Marked Disparity in Stunting Across the Regions > 30%: High Prevalence > 40: Very High Prevalence 41%
  • 9. Percent of children under age 5 who are too thin for their height (based on WHO standards) Eastern terai 10.3% Central terai 10.4% Western mountain 13.2 % Mid-western terai 13.9% Far-western hill 17% Eastern hill 10.5% Central hill 15% Western hill 7.6% Mid-western hill 8%Far-western terai 7.9% Western terai 15.2% Central mountain 7.9% Eastern mountain 8.4% >15%: Serious >10%: Critical Marked Disparity in Wasting Across the Regions 11%
  • 10. IYCF Practices among Under 5 Children Exclusively breastfed 70% Breast milk plus water 10% Breast milk plus other milk 9% Breast milk plus other non-milk liquids <1% Breast milk plus compleme ntary foods 10% Not breastfed 1% Breastfeeding Status Under 6 Months Percent of children 6-23 months Recommended IYCF Practices among 6-23 months children
  • 11. Improvements in Micronutrient malnutrition • Sustained High Vitamin A Supplementation and De- worming to Children Focus on: 6-11 months – below 80 % and Urban below 90% • Household Use of Adequately Iodized Salt (>15 ppm) 80% Nearing Universal Salt Iodization Target Focus on: Mid/Far West Hills- 38%, Eastern Hill - 53.5, • Increased Iron Folic Acid and Deworming Coverage Targeted Towards Anemia Reduction Focus on: Among 6-23 months -68% Adolescent Girls – IFA with de- worming Increasing IFA Compliance among pregnant/lactating 75 23 2 59 52 48 46 0 20 40 60 80 IFA Deworming Anemia 1998 2001 2006 2011 Ref: National Micronutrient Status Survey 1998, DHS 2001 , 2006 and 2011 Anemia trend among children 6- 59 months
  • 12. Anemia Prevalence High in Children: The Problem is serious among 6-23 months children 78 74 72 57 44 38 25 46 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 6-8 9-11 12-17 18-23 24-35 36-47 48-59 Total Age in months Percentofchildrenage6-59monthswith anemia Source: NDHS 2011
  • 13. Mid-Western Terai 56.9 Central Hill 40.2 Mid-Western Mountain 52.7 Eastern Hill 42.3 Western Terai 48.8 Eastern Mountain 51.3 Far-Western Terai 60.4 Central Mountain 33.1 Eastern Terai 49.5 Western Mountain 52.7 Western Hill 43.6 Far-Western Mountain 52.7 Far-Western Hill 40.9 Central Terai 46.7 Mid-Western Hill 36 46% Anaemia Among U5 Children is More than Critical Critical: > 40%, Serious > 20%
  • 15.
  • 16. Severe forms of malnutrition Impact of Malnutrition • Are rare - a few percent • Represents the tip of the iceberg • Should not be seen as “the nutritional problem”
  • 17. More than 80% brain development – within 2 years of age
  • 18. Malnourished & ill due to high burden of infections ―Empty Brain‖ – Irreversible Damage Diminished Learning Capacity Reduced Economic Productivity & Income (Diminished Life) Well nourished & healthy Smart Child— Meets Full Potential Enhanced Learning & Performance Increased Productivity & Higher Income (>7% or More) High Social and Economic Burden Human Capacity Resource, Increased Productivity Consequences of Malnutrition Child’s Brain Growth and Development By: Prof. Ascobat Gani
  • 19. 19 Growth and muscle mass Body composition Metabolic Syndrome: programming of metabolism of glucose, lipids, protein Hormone/receptor/gene Brain development Cognitive and educational performance Immunity Work Capacity Diabetes, Obesity Heart Disease High blood pressure Cancer, stroke, and ageing Poor nutrition in uterus and early childhood (STUNTING) Short term Long term Death LIFE COURSE CONSEQUENCES OF POOR MATERNAL AND CHILD UNDERNUTRITION (MCU) (James et al 2000)
  • 20. Stunting is preventable Need to act before the child is 2 years The Critical “Window of Opportunity” 1000 DAYS Pregnancy: 9*30= 270 days 2 years: 365*2=730 days
  • 21. Strategic Shift Needed Priority focus on pregnancy to under 2 years:” 0 3 10 70 Brain’s development potential Age Spending on Health, Education and Welfare Spending vs. Brain Development Total National Budget ‘000s: NRs. 329167675 in F/Y 2069/70-2011/12) Health Budget: NRs. 20124858 (6.11 % of Total National Budget) Nutrition Budget: NRs. 511074 (2.54 % of Total Health Budget) (0.16% of Total National Budget) Nutrition in National Budget
  • 23. Malnutrition & death Inadequate dietary intake Disease Insufficient food security Inadequate Maternal & Child Care Insufficient health services & unhealthy environment Political, Ideological, Economic structures Resource Control + Organizational structures Root causes Underlying causes Immediate causes Manifestations 7/15/201323
  • 24. Nutrition Assessment and Gap Analysis (2009-2010) Build the National “Nutrition Architecture” (2011-2012): • Identified strengths, weaknesses, and gaps; • Need for a national nutrition architecture; and • A multi-sectoral approach through an agreed nutrition determinants model. • NPC led High Level Nutrition and Food Security Steering Committee chaired by the Vice Chair of the NPC in place and National Nutrition and Food Security Coordination Committee; • Technical working group to guide multi-sectoral nutrition review, and planning; and • Nutrition and Food Secretariat being established at the NPC – with links to NNC of the MoHP and MoAD
  • 25. Nutrition Multi-Sectoral Reviews: A consultative Process (2011) Costed Multi-sectoral Nutrition Plan of Action • Nutrition reviews by sector: Health; Agriculture, Education, Physical Planning and Works, and Local development • Defined scope: Global and national evidences for ‘what works’: essential nutrition specific interventions through the Health sector & nutrition sensitive interventions through other sectors • Systematic consultation: through Reference Group Meetings by sector at key stages and All Reference Group Meetings to identify the cross-  Clear leadership: the NPC and actively involving health & other sectors  Focused: the first 1,000 days of life and stunting reduction  Addressing the immediate, underlying and basic factors: • women and children’s access to health and nutrition; • safe water & sanitation; and • education and inequity.  Emphasis on decentralized implementation: initially in selected districts (2012-2014)  Vision to gradually scale up: to all other districts by 2016 (A new approach: learning by
  • 26. Multi-sectoral Nutrition Planning Framework Child growth failure/ death Low Birthweight baby Low weight & height in teenagers Early pregnancy Small adult woman Small adult man The intergenerational transmission of growth failure: When to intervene in the life cycle SO 2. Ministry of Health and Population R 2.1 Maternal Infant Young Child MIYC micronutrient status improved R 2.2 MIYC feeding improved R 2.3 IYC Malnutrition better managed R 2.4 Nutrition related policies, standards and acts updated SO 4. Ministry of Education • R 4.1 Adolescent girl’s awareness and behaviours in relation to protecting foetal, infant and young child growth improved • R 4.2 Parents better informed with regard to avoiding growth faltering • R 4.3 Nutritional status of adolescent girls improved • R 4.4 Primary and secondary school completion rates for girls increased SO 5. Ministry Federal Affairs and Local Development R 5.1 Nutritional content of local development plans better articulated R 5.2 Collaboration between local bodies’ health, agriculture, and education sector strengthened at DDC and VDC level R 5.3 Social transfer programmes corroborated for reducing chronic under nutrition R 5.4 Local resources increasingly mobilized to accelerate the reduction of MCU SO 6. Ministry of Agriculture Development R6.1 Increased availability of animal foods at the household level R 6.2 Increased income amongst young mothers and adolescent girls from lowest wealth quintile R 6.3 Increased consumption of animal foods by adolescent girls, young mothers and young children R 6.4 Reduced workload of women and better home and work environment Strategic Objective (SO) 1. National Planning Commission Result (R) 1.1. Multi-sectoral commitment and resources for nutrition are increased R 1.2. Nutritional information management and data analysis strengthened R 1.3 Nutrition capacity of implementing agencies is strengthened SO 3. Ministry of Urban Development R3.1 All young mothers and adolescent girls use improved sanitation facilities R 3.2 All young mothers and adolescent girls use soap to wash hands R 3.3 All young mothers and adolescent girls as well as children under 2 use treated drinking water
  • 27. Declaration of Commitment for Accelerated Improvement of Maternal and Child Nutrition in Nepal signed by the NPC VC, Secretaries form 7 key Ministries, Representatives of the UN, REACH, NNG, EDPs Health, Civil Society and Private Sector, 17 September 2012 Multi-sector Nutrition Plan for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal and Child Under- nutrition in Nepal, 2013-2017 (2023) launched by HE Prime Minister Rt. Hon Prime Minister Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai , 20th September 2012
  • 28.
  • 30. ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgf p2]Zo dfgj k"FhL / ;du| ;fdflhs cfly{s ljsf;df s'kf]if0f cj/f]wsf] ?kdf g/xg] cj:yf ;'lglZrt ug{sf nflu pNn]vgLo ?kdf bL3{ s'kf]if0f Go"gLs/0f ug]{tkm{ d'n'snfO{ cu|;/ u/fpg' nIo • cfufdL kfFrjif{df dft[ tyf lzz' kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ / tbg';f/ dft[lzz' tyf afnaflnsfsf] s'kf]if0fnfO{ Go"g u/L cfdfx?sf] zf/Ll/s 3gTj ;"rfÍ (BMI) / aRrfx?sf] k'8sf]kgdf Ps ltxfO{n] sdL Nofpg] • ;dfhsf ;a} :t/df dft[lzz' kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf
  • 31. ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgf tLg d'Vo pknAwLx? • pknAwL g+ !M /fli6«o / :yfgLo:t/df gLlt, of]hgf / ax'If]qLo ;dGjodf ;'wf/ cfPsf] x'g]5 . • pknAwL g+ @M …kf]if0f–nlIftÚ jf …kf]if0fk|lt ;Dj]bgzLnÚ ;]jfx?sf] pRrtd k|of]u ug]{ Jojxf/df ;'wf/ e} cGttM dft[lzz' kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 . • pknlAw g+ #M cfwf/e"t ;]jfnfO{ ;dfj]zL / ;dtfd"ns 9Ën] k|jfx ug{sf nflu s]Gb|Lo tyf :yfgLo ;/sf/x?sf] kf]if0f;DaGwL Ifdtf ;'b[9 ePsf] x'g]5 .
  • 32. ;g @)!& sf] cGTo;DddfM • kfFr jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfdWo] k'8sf]kg x'g]sf] k|ltzt @( eGbf sd ePsf] x'g]5 . • kfFr jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfdWo] sd tf}n x'g]sf] k|ltzt @) eGbf sd ePsf] x'g]5 . • kfFr jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfdWo] Vofp6]kg x'g]sf] k|ltzt % eGbf sd ePsf] x'g]5 . • dlxnfx?df bL3{ zlQm sdL (Chronic Energy Deficiency) x'g]sf] ;+Vof -BMI sf] ?kdf dfkg x'g]_ !% k|ltzt eGbf tn x'g]5 . • sd tf}n e} hGdg] aRrfsf] -≤@%)) u|fd_ Ü sd ePsf] x'g]5 . • k|fylds tyf cfwf/e't :s"n lzIff k'/fgug]{ afnaflnsf tyf lszf]/ lszf]/Lsf] k|ltzt 36]sf] x'g]5 .
  • 33. cf7 k|ltkmnx? - k|ltkmn g+= !Mkf]if0f nlIft Pj+ ;+j]bglzn ;"rsx? ;dfj]z ug{ /fli6«o tyf :yfgLo:t/sf gLlt tyf of]hgfx?sf] k"g/fjnf]sg e} cBfjlws ul/Psf] x'g]5 . b]xfosf ;fÍ]lts ls|ofsnfkx? sfof{Gjog u/L /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u tyf If]qut dGqfnox? -:yfgLo ljsf;, :jf:Yo, lzIff, s[lif, ef}lQs of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f_ of] k|ltkmn xfl;n ug{ lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g . !=! If]qut dGqfnox?sf kf]if0f;DaGwL e"ldsfdf clea[l4 ug]{ . !=@ kf]if0fsf] ljifonfO{ cfkmgf] of]hgfdf k|fyldstf lbg / kf]if0f nlIft Pj+ ;+j]bglzn d'Vo d'Vo ;"rsx?nfO{ ;dfj]z ug{ dGqfnox?df k}/jL ug]{ . !=# ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgf cg'?k /fli6«o kf]if0f gLlt tyf /0fgLltnfO{ cBfjlws ug]{ / cg'udg tyf d"NofÍgsf] k|f?k cBfjlws ug]{ .
  • 34. k|ltkmn g+= @M /fli6«o / :yfgLo txdf ax'If]qLo ;dGjo ;+oGqx? ls|ofzLn ePsf x'g]5g . b]xfosf ;fÍ]lts ls|ofsnfkx? sfof{Gjog u/L /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u / :yfgLo lgsfox? of] k|ltkmn k|flKtsf nflu lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g @=! kf]if0f / vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL ls|ofsnfkx?nfO{ 6]jf k'¥ofpgsf nflu /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]udf Ps ;lrjfnosf] :yfkgf÷;'b[9 agfpg] . @=@ ;dGjodf ;'wf/ Nofpg k|efjsf/L ;+rf/ k|0ffnL :yfkgf ug]{ .
  • 35. k|ltkmn g+= #M ljz]if u/L ;dfhsf ljkGg / kx'Fr jflx/ /x]sf ;d'bfodf dft[lzz' kf]if0fsf ;]jfx? pkof]usf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ cfPsf] x'g]5 . b]xfosf ;fÍ]lts ls|ofsnfkx? sfof{Gjog u/L of] k|ltkmn xfl;n ug{ :jf:Yo If]q lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 . #=! Jofks b[li6sf]0f cjnDag u/L dft[lzz' tyf afnaflnsfsf] kf]if0fsf] sfo{s|d sfof{Gjog / la:tf/ ug]{ . #=@ ljz]if u/L kx'Frjflx/ /x]sf ;d'bfox? tyf s'kf]if0faf6 a9L k|efljt lhNnfx?df hf]8 lbO{ cfdf, lzz' tyf afnaflnsfx?sf] ;"Idkf]if0fsf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ Nofpg] sfo{s|dx?nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg] / la:tf/ ug]{ . #=# vf;u/L a9L c;/ k/]sf lhNnfx?df lzz' tyf afnaflnsfx?df /x]sf] clt Pj+ dWod s8f s'kf]if0f
  • 36. k|ltkmn g+= $M lszf]/Lx?sf] dftflktfx?sf] lzIff, hLjgofkgsf ;Lkx? / kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf clea[l4 ePsf] x'g]5 . b]xfosf ls|ofsnfkx? sfof{Gjog u/L of] k|ltkmn xfl;n u $=! ljz]if u/L cfdfx? / afnaflnsfx?sf] kf]if0fdf ;'wf/ / bL3{ s'kf]if0fnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{ s'/fdf hf]8 lb+b} lszf]/Lx?nfO{ k|bfg ul/g] hLjgofkgsf ;Lkx?df kf]if0fsf] ljifonfO{ PsLs[t ug{ ;xof]u ug]{ $=@ lszf]/Lx?df bL3{ s'kf]if0fnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{ 1fg / l;ksf] clea[l4 ug]{ . $=# cfdf tyf afnaflnsfx?sf] x]/rfx / vfglkg;DaGwL Jojxf/df ;'wf/ Nofpg cleefjsx?sf] lzIffsf nflu ;|f]t ;fdu|Lx? tof/cBfjlws ug]{ . $=$ cfdf / afnaflnsfx?sf] x]/rfx / vfglkg;DaGwL Jojxf/sf ljifodf cleefjsx?sf] 1fgdf clea[l4 ug{ sfo{s|dx? cfof]hgf ug]{ .
  • 37. k|ltkmn g+= %M sd pd]/sf cfdfx?, lszf]/Lx?, lzz'x? / afnaflnsfx?df emf8f kvfnf / ARI sf 36gfx?df sdL cfPsf] x'g]5 . of] k|ltkmn k|flKtsf nflu ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f If]q lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 . %=! ljz]if u/L lszf]/lszf]/Lx?, afnaflnsfx? / ;–;fgf aRrfsf cfdfx?nfO{ hf]8 lb+b} vf; vf; ;dodf ;fj'gn] xftw'g] afgL a;fpg k|a4{gfTds cleofgx? cfof]hgf ug]{ . %=@ a9L k|efljt lhNnfx?nfO{ ljz]if hf]8
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  • 39. k|ltkmn g+= &M s]Gb|, lhNnf, gu/ tyf uflj; txx?df cfdf / aRrfx?sf] kf]if0fdf ;'wf/ Nofpg pko'Qm ;xof]u pknAw u/fpg] Ifdtfdf clea[l4 ePsf] x'g]5 . of] k|ltkmn xfl;n ug{sf nflu /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u, :jf:Yo, lzIff, ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f, s[lif / :yfgLo ljsf; If]qx? lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g . &=! s]Gb| / :yfgLo txdf hgzlQmsf] ax'If]qLo kf]if0f Ifdtf ljsf; ug]{ u/fpg] &=@ ;+u7gfTds ;'b[9Ls/0fsf nflu ;Da4 If]qx?sf] ;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg;DaGwL n]vfhf]vf ug]{ . &=# Ps} lsl;dsf] tyf glthfd'vL k|ltj]bg k|0ffnLsf] :yfkgf ug]{ . &=$ ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgfsf k|d'v ;"rsx?nfO{ ;dflji6 ug{ ul/jL cg'udg tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL (PMAS) / lhNnf ul/jL cg'udg tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL (DPMAS) sf ;"rsx?sf] k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{ .
  • 40. k|ltkmn g+= *M /fli6«o tyf :yfgLo txx?df ax'If]qLo kf]if0f ;"rgf k|0ffnLsf] ljsf; e} k/:k/ cfj4 / cBfjlws ul/Psf] x'g]5 . of] k|ltkmnsf] k|flKtsf nflu /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u, :jf:Yo, lzIff, ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f, s[lif / :yfgLo ljsf; If]qx? lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g *=! k|d'v ;/f]sf/jfnfx?nfO{ ;dflji6 u/L - :Jff:Yo Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL, lzIff Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL, vfg]kfgL tyf ;/;kmfO{, s[lif tyf :yfgLo ljsf;sf_ s]Gb|:t/df ax'If]qLo kf]if0f;DaGwL ;"rgf ul/jL cg'udg tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL ;Fu k/:k/ cfj4 / cBfjlws ug]{ .
  • 41. sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo pknlAw != dft[lzz' tyf afnaflnsfx?sf] cfxf/df ;'wf/ x'g]5 .k|ltkmn !=)M ue{jtLsf] cfxf/ Jojxf/df ;'wf/ x'g]5 . !=! :jf:Yo :jo+;]ljsfx? dfkm{t ue{jtLsf] a]n}df klxrfg u/L btf{ ug]{ !=@ ue{jtL tyf kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?nfO{ ay{ lk|Ko/8g]z Kofs]h cg';f/ h}ljs ;|f]tsf] vfgf pkef]u ug{ k}/jL ug]{ !=# ue{jtLsf] cfxf/ Jojxf/df ;'wf/ ug{ kf]if0fsf] nflu ;~rf/ /0fgLltsf] c+usf] ?kdf Jojxf/ kl/jt{g ;~rf/ sfo{qmd ug]{ k|ltkmn @=)M hGdg]lalQs} :tgkfg u/fpg] tyf k"0f{ :tgkfg - cfdfsf] b"wdfq_ u/fpg kxn ;'? ePsf] x'g]5 @=! ;fd'bflos :jf:Yo sfo{stf{ tyf :jo+;]jsx?nfO{ lzz' tyf s]6fs]6Lsf] cfxf/ ;DaGwL tflnd k|bfg ug]{ @=@ cfdf, gjhft lzz', afn:jf:Yo tyf ljsf;;DaGwL tflnddf IYCF Kofs]h cfTd;ft ug]{ @=# k|ltkmn ! sf] !=# lqmofsnfk k|ltkmn #=)M 5 b]lv @# dlxgf;Ddsf afnaflnsfsf] k"/s cfxf/ pknAwtfdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 .
  • 42. sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo pknlAw @=)M dft[lzz' tyf afnaflnsfsf] ;"Id kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 .k|ltkmn $=) ue{jtL tyf k|;"ltkZrft cfdfx?aLr cfO/g / h'sf lgoGq0f rSsLsf] vkt a9L x'g]5 . $=! :jf:YosdL{ tyf dlxnf :jf:Yo :jo+;]ljsfx?nfO{ cfO/g tTj ld;fpg] ;DaGwdf k"gtf{huL tflnd k|bfg ug]{ $=@ k|lt dlxgf dlxnf :jf:Yo :jo+;]ljsfx? dfkm{t #) rSsL cfO/g kmf]lns Pl;8 afF8g nufpg] tyf cfdfx?nfO{ vfg] ug{ pTk|]l/t ug]{, ;Demfpg] $=# :jf:Yo sfo{stf{x? dfkm{t cfO/g kmf]lns Pl;8 -uef{j:yfdf !*) rSsL / uef{j:yfkl5 :tgkfg u/fpFbf $% rSsL_ tyf ! h'sf lgoGq0f rSsL - uef{j:yfdf_ afF8g nufpg] $=$ ue{jtL tyf cfdfx?n] cfO/g kmf]lns Pl;8 tyf ! h'sf lgoGq0f rSsL vfg'kg]{ ;DjGwdf ue{jtL dlxnf tyf cGo kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ k}/jL ug]{ $=$=! ;"Id kf]ifstTj ;e]{If0f ug]{ k|ltkmn %=) cfO/g tTj ld;fPsf] vfg]s'/fsf] pkef]u a9g]5 %=! 3/kl/jf/n] cfO/g tTj ld;fPsf] cGgsf] pkef]u a9fpg] ljifodf cleofg ;~rfng ug]{ %=@ ;do ;dodf lk;fgL ldnx?sf] cg'udg u/L vfg]s'/fdf cfO/g tTj pko'Qm lsl;dn] ld;fPsf] ;'lglZrt ug]{
  • 43. sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo pknlAw @=)M dft[lzz' tyf afnaflnsfsf] ;"Id kf]if0fsf] l:yltdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 .k|ltkmn &=) 5 b]lv t]O; dlxgfsf lzz'aLr ;"Idkf]ifstTj o'Qm kfp8/sf] pkof]u a9]sf] x'g]5 . &=! ;"Idkf]ifstTj kfp8/ &% lhNnfdf lj:tf/ ug{] &=@ 5 b]lv t]O; dlxgfsf lzz'x?nfO{ ;"Idkf]ifstTj o'Qm kfp8/ v'jfpg'kg]{ ljifodf :jf:YosdL{ tyf dlxnf :jf:Yo :jo+;]ljsfdfkm{t cfdf Pj+ kl/jf/sf cGo ;b:onfO{ ;/;Nnfx ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ k|ltkmn *=) dft[lzz' tyf s]6fs]6Lx?df x'g] ;+qmd0f 36]sf] x'g]5 *=@ IMCI k"gtf{huL tflnd dfkm{t dft[lzz' tyf s]6fs]6Lx?df x'g] ;ªqmd0fsf ljifodf hf]8 lbg] *=@ CB-NCP&% lhNnfdf lj:tf/ ubf{ dft[, lzz' tyf s]6fs]6Ldf x'g] ;+qmd0f ljifodf hf]8 lbg] *=# ue{jtL, lszf]/lszf]/L tyf afnaflnsfsf lglDt cfjZos ;+Vofdf LLIN sf] kof{Kt ljt/0f ug]{ *=$ lgoldt bfb'/fsf] vf]ksf] ;+Vof a9fpg ;~rf/ dfWodsf] pkof]u j[l4 ug]{
  • 44. sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo pknlAw #=) lzz' tyf afnaflnsfx?df /x]sf] s'kf]if0fsf] kof{Kt Joj:yfkg ePsf] x'g]5.k|ltkmn !)=) ) b]lv #^ dlxgf;Ddsf afnaflnsfsf] kf]if0fsf] l:ylt cg'udg u/L clws s'kf]if0f klxrfg ug]{ !)=! PHC/ORC k'gM lqmofzLn ubf{ s'kf]if0f ePsf afnaflnsfsf] klxrfg tyf kf]if0f :t/ cg'udg ;'b[9 ug]{ !)=@ ljZj :jf:Yo ;+u7g j[l4 u'0f:t/ cg';f/ ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t j[l4 cg'udg sfof{Gjog x'g]5 . k|ltkmn !!=) kfFr jif{d'lgsf ;a} afnaflnsfsf] clts8f s'kf]if0f 36g]5 . !!=! ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t s8f s'kf]if0f Joj:yfkg sfo{qmd w]/} clt s8f s'kf]lift afnaflnsf ePsf #% lhNnfdf lj:tf/ ug{] !!=@ w]/} clts8f s'kf]lift afnaflnsf ePsf #% lhNnfdf kf]if0f k'gM:yfkg u[x lj:tf/ ug]{ k|ltkmn !@=) kfFr jif{d'lgsf ;a} afnaflnsfsf] dWod s'kf]if0f 36g]5
  • 45. sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo pknlAw $M :jf:Yo If]qsf kf]if0f;DaGwL P]g, lgod, gLlt, /0fgLlt / dfkb08x?nfO{ cBfjlws ul/Psf] x'g]5 .k|ltkmn !#=) /fli6«o kf]if0f gLlt tyf /0fgLlt ;+zf]wg tyf cBfjlws ul/Psf] x'g]5 . !#=! ;/sf/L tyf u}/ ;/sf/L ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] ;xof]udf ljBdfg /fli6«o kf]if0f gLlt tyf /0fgLlt ;+zf]wg ug]{ . !#=@ kf]if0fsf] ;~rf/ /0fgLlt th'{df ug]{ . !#=# ;+zf]lwt /fli6«o kf]if0f gLltcg'?k :jf:Yo If]qsf] nufgL;lxtsf] ax'jifL{o kf]if0f of]hgf th'{df ug]{ . k|ltkmn !$=) kf]if0f;DaGwL a[xb tflnd Kofs]hx? tof/ ul/g]5 . !$=! ljBdfg ljleGg kf]if0f;DaGwL tflnd ;fdu|L k'g/fjnf]sg u/L ;+zf]wg ug]{ .
  • 46. sfo{of]hgf – :jf:Yo pknlAw %M ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgfdf :jf:Yo If]qsf] :jf:Yo If]qsf] ;'wf/fTds of]ubfgsf] nflu ;+:yfut ;'b[9Ls/0f tyf Ifdtf ljsf; ePsf] x'g]5 .k|ltkmn !^=) ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgfsf] k|f?k cg'?k ;a} txdf ;+:yfut Joj:yf k'g/fjnf]sg ug]{, :jf:Yo tyf hg;+Vof dGqfnocGtu{t /fli6«o kf]if0f s]Gb| :yfkgf;lxt !^=! ;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg l8hfOg tyf n]vfhf]vf ug]{ Ifdtf ljsf; cfjZostf;lxt !^=@ /fli6«o kf]if0f s]Gb|sf] ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgf tof/ u/L :jLs[t ug]{ !^=# ;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg n]vfhf]vf tyf /fli6«o kf]if0f s]Gb|sf] ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgf cg';f/ Ifdtf ljsf; of]hgf th'{df ug]{ !^=$ :jLs[t ;+u7gfTds ;+/rgfsf] b/jGbL cg';f/ kbk"lt{ ug]{ k|ltkmn !&=) ;a} txdf :jf:YosdL{x?sf] -dlxnf ;fd'bflos :jf:Yo sfo{stf{;lxt_ kf]if0f;DaGwL Ifdtf ljsf; ug]{ !&=! a[xb kf]if0f tflnd Kofs]h cg';f/sf tflnd sfo{qmd ;~rfng ug]{ k|ltkmn !*=) dft[lzz' s'kf]if0f 36fpg :jf:Yosf hgzlQmn] cGo If]q;Fu ;dGjo u/L of]ubfg ug]{
  • 47. glt hf z[+v nf ljj/0ffTds ;+If]k sfo{;Dkfbgsf ;"rsx? nIo k'8sf]kg 36fpg hf]8 lbg] ax'If]qLo k|of;df lzIff dGqfnosf] of]ubfgdf clej[l4 x'g]5 . @)!^ sf] cGTo;Dddf lhjgofkgsf ;Lkdf cfwfl/t kf]if0f sfo{qmd;DaGwL tflnd k|fKtug]{ lzIfsx?, ;|f]t JolQmx? tyf afn Snasf ;b:ox?sf] ;+Vof a9]sf] x'g]5 . p2]] Zo lszf]/Lx?sf] lzIff, lhjgofkgsf ;g @)!& sf] cGTo;DddfM @)!^ sf] cGTo;DddfM lszf]/Lx?dWo] sIffdf xflh/L tyf sIff sfo{of]hgf –lzIff If]q
  • 48. sfo{of]hgf – lzIff If]q pknlAw !=) ue{ tyf lzz' tyf afnaflnsfsf] j[l4 ;DaGwdf lszf]/Lx?sf] hfu/0f / Jojxf/df ;'wf/ cfPsf] x'g]5 k|ltkmn !=! bL3{sfnLg s'kf]if0f Go"gLs/0f ug]{ ljifo lszf]/Lx?nfO{ k|bfg ul/g] hLjgofkg;DaGwL lzIffdf a9L eGbf a9L ;dfj]z ul/Psf] x'g]5 -;an jftfj/0fsf] l;h{gf ug]{_ . k|ltkmn !=@ lszf]/Lx?df bL3{sfnLg s'kf]if0fnfO{ Go"gLs/0f ug]{ 1fg / ;Lksf] clej[l4 x'g]5 . pknlAw @=) ;–;fgf afnaflnsfsf] x]/rfx / cfxf/ Jojxf/df ;'wf/ u/L j[l4 ljkmntfsf] km}nfj6 /f]Sg ;lsg] ljifodf cleefjsx? -dlxnf_ /fd|/L ;';"lrt ePsf x'g]5g . k|ltkmn @=! afnaflnsf x]/rfx tyf cfxf/ Jojxf/sf
  • 49. sfo{of]hgf – lzIff If]q pknlAw # lszf]/L 5fqfx?sf] kf]if0f:t/df ;'wf/ x'g]5 k|ltkmn #=! ECD afnaflnsf tyf lszf]/L 5fqfx?n] - * sIff ;Dd_ lbjfvfhf k|fKt ug]{5g . k|ltkmn #=@ cfwf/e"t lzIffdf -sIff !–*_ lszf]/L 5fqfx?sf] z}lIfs ;xeflutf tyf pknlAwdf ;'wf/ x'g]5 . pknlAw $ ax'If]qLo k|of;df of]ubfg of]ubfg k'¥ofpg lzIff If]qsf] Ifdtf cleaj[l4 ePsf] x'g]5 k|ltkmn $=! kf]if0f lglb{i6 lzIff cWofkg ug{ lzIff dGqfnosf k|lzIfs Pj+ lzIfsx? -k"j{ ;]jfsfnLg tyf ;]jfsfnLg_ k"0f{?kdf tof/ ul/Psf] x'g]5 . k|ltkmn $=@ k'8sf]kg 36fpg] ljifodf lzIf dGqfno
  • 50. glth f z[+v nf ljj/0ffTds ;+If]k sfo{;Dkfbgsf ;"rsx? nIo k'8sf]kg 36fpg] sfo{df ltj|tf lbg] ax'If]qLo k|of;df zx/L ljsf; dGqfnosf] of]ubfg x'g]5 . zx/L ljsf; dGqfnosf] jflif{s tyf ax'jflif{s of]hgfdf vfg]kfgL tyf ;/;kmfO sfo{qmdx? dfkm{t s'kf]if0f 36fpg of]ubfg k'Ug] nIf k|ltlalDat ul/g]5 p2]] l56f] aRrfkfpg] ;g @)!& sf] cGTo;DddfM sfo{of]hgf –vfg]kfgL tyf ;/;kmfO -zx/L ljsf;_
  • 51. pknlA w ! ;fa'g kfgLn] xftw'g] cEof; a9]sf] x'g]5 . pknlA w @ ;a} nlIft ljBfno, uflj; Pj+ gu/kflnsf v'Nnf lb;fd'Qm If]q x'g]5g . pknlA w # hn ;'/Iff If]q 3f]if0f ePsf] x'g]5 pknlA w $ ;+o'Qm sfo{ of]hgf tyf cg'udg k|0ffnL :yfkgf ePsf] x'g]5 pknlA w % s]Gb|Lo tyf :yfgLo:t/df hgzlQm ljsf; x'g]5 . k|ltkm n ! ;a} l56f] aRrf kfpg] cfdfx? tyf lszf]/Lx?sf] xftw'g] ;'ljwfx?df kx'Fr e} xftw'gsf] nflu ;fa'g k|of]u u/]sf x'g]5g . k|ltkm n @ ;a} l56f] aRrfkfpg] cfdfx? tyf lszf]/Lx?n] ;'wfl/Psf] ;/;kmfO ;'ljwf tyf :jR5s/ Jojxf/ k|of]u u/]sf x'g]5g . k|ltkm n # ;a} ue{jtL Pj+ :tgkfg u/fpg] cfdfx?sf ;fy;fy} @ jif{d'lgsf afnaflnsfn] ;kmf kfgL k|of]u u/]sf x'g]5g .
  • 52. glthf z[+vnf ljj/0ffTds ;+If]k sfo{;Dkfbgsf ;"rsx? nIf bL3{sfnLg s'kf]if0f 36fpg] sfo{df tLj|tf lbg] ax'If]qLo k|of;df s[lif tyf ;xsf/L dGqfnosf] of]ubfgdf clej[l4 x'g]5 . s[lif sfo{qmd kf]if0f ;+j]bgzLn x'g]5 . p2]Zo sd cfo ePsf lszf]/lszf]/Lx? / sd pd]/df ue{jlt x'g]] cfdfx? tyf afnaflnsfx?aLr lalawtfk"0f{ vfgf ;"Id kf]if0fo'Qm vfgfsf] pkef]u %)Ü n] a9]sf] x'g]5 . k|f0fLhGo ;|f]tsf] vfgfsf] k|of]u sfo{of]hgf – s[lif If]q
  • 53. k|ltkm nx? k|ltkm n !=) 3/kl/jf/ / ;d'bfosf] txdf vf;u/L ;"Id kf]ifstTjo'Qm ef]hg h:t} h}ljs ;|f]tdf cfwfl/t vfgf, xl/of ;fukft / kmnkm"n, Rofp, bfn cflb ljljwtfk"0f{ vfgfsf] pknAwtf 3/kl/jf/ / ;d'bfo :t/df j[l4 x'g]5 . cfufdL % jif{df 3/kl/jf/ / ;d'bfodf:t/df ;"Id kf]ifstTjo'Qm vfgfsf] pTkfbg %)Ü a9g]5 k|ltkm n @=) sd cfoePsf kl/jf/sf] cfo j[l4 e} o;df sd pd]/df ue{jlt x'g]] cfdfx? / lszf]/lszf]/Lx?sf] o:tf] cfodf kx'r tyf lgoGq0f cfufdL % jif{df nlIft 3/kl/jf/sf] cfodf @)Ü a'l4 sfo{of]hgf – s[lif If]q
  • 54. glth f z[+v nf ljj/0ffTds ;+If]k sfo{;Dkfbgsf ;"rsx? nIf kf]if0f k|a4{g sfo{df ltj|tf lbg] ax'If]qLo k|of;df :ygLo ;'zf;g Pj+ ;fdflhs ;'/Iffsf] of]ubfgdf clej[l4 x'g]5 . lhNnf:t/df kf]if0f ;"rgfsf] kx'Frdf clej[l4 e} kf]if0f ;]jfx?df ;'wf/ x'g]5 . p2]Z o kf]if0f k|a4{g sfo{df ltj|tf lbg] k|of;df ;xof]u k'¥ofpg :yfgLo ;g @)!@ b]lv :yfgLo ;'zf;g gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf l8hfOg tyf th'{dfdf kf]if0f k|ltlalDat x'g]5 . sfo{of]hgf – :yfgLo ;'zf;g
  • 55. k|ltkmn !M :yfgLo lgsfosf of]gfdf kf]if0f :ki6?kdf /flvg]5 ;g @)!# b]lv lhNnf tyf gu/ ljsf; cfjlws of]hgf / oL ;+:yfsf] jflif{s of]hgfdf kf]if0f ljifo k|ltljlDjt x'g]5 . ;g @)!# b]lv :yfgLo lgsfo cg'bfg lgb]{lzsfdf nlIft ljsf; sfo{qmdsf] k|a4{gfTds nufgL If]qcGtu{t ;dflxt ug{;Sg] u/L kf]if0f ;dfj]z ul/Psf] x'g]5 . k|ltkmn @M k'8sf]kg tLj|t/?kdf Go"g ug{ :yfgLo ;|f]t kl/rfng qmlds ?kdf a9b} uPsf] x'g]5 . ;g @)!$ b]lv 5gf]6 ul/Psf uflj;x?df ==Ü uflj;:tl/o ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx? kf]if0f;DaGwL k}/jLdf ;+nUg x'g]5g . ;g @)!# b]lv ;fdflhs k/LIf0f tyf ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO d~rx?sf 5nkmndf kf]if0fnfO{ :yfg lbFb} ;f] ljifo logsf k|ltj]bg tyf sfo{ of]hgfdf /flvPsf] pknlAw ! :yfgLo ;'zf;g /0fgLlt tyf sfo{qmd l8hfOg ubf{ kf]if0f b[li6uf]r/ ul/g]5
  • 56. pknlA w @ :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] th'{df ul/Psf] of]hgfsf] k|ltkm Pj+ ljleGg If]qaLr ax'If]qLo ;dGjo ug]{ Ifdtf ljsf; ePsf] x'g]5 . k|ltk mn $ lhlj; Pj+ uflj;:t/df :yfgLo lgsfo, :jf:Yo, s[lif / lzIff If]qaLr ;xof]u ;'b[9 ePsf] x'g]5 . ;g @)!@ sf] cGTo;Dddf lhlj;, gu/kflnsf / uflj;:t/df kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff lgb]{zd ;ldlt lqmofzLn x'g]5 . ;g @)!# b]lv lhNnfdf sfof{Gjog x'g] kf]if0f;DaGwL sfo{qmd :jLs[t ug{ Pj+ k|ult ;dLIff ;DalGwt If]qaf6 u/fO{ bL3{sfnLg s'kf]if0f 36fpg cfjZos lqmofsnfkx? l;kmfl/; ug{ ;ldltsf] a}7s q}dflzs ?kdf a;]sf x'g]5g . k|ltk mn % ax'If]qLo k|of;df of]ubfg k'¥ofpg sd{rf/Lsf] Ifdtf ljsf; ul/g]5 . ;g @)!# b]lv :yfgLo lgsfosf ;Dks{ ;+:yfx?n] kf]if0f sfof{Gjog / cGo ;+:yfx?;Fu ;dGjo, cfˆgf] sfo{ ljj/0f cGtu{tsf] sfdsf] ?kdf, u/]sf x'g]5g . ;g @)!# b]lv :yfgLo lgsfosf ;Da4 sd{rf/LnfO{ kf]if0f;DaGwL sfo{ut lhDd]jf/L lbOPsf] x'g]5 . ;g @)!$ sf] cGTo;Dddf :yfljd+ tyf :yfgLo lgsfosf tf]lsPsf d'Vo sd{rf/LaLr kf]if0f;DaGwL 1fg a9]sf] x'g]5 . k|ltk lhNnf ul/aL cg'udg ;g @)!# b]lv kf]if0f;DaGwL k|ult -lnË,
  • 57. NEPALFar-Western Region Mid-Western Region Western Region Central Region Eastern Region Initial MSNP Roll-out Districts DOLPA MUGU JUMLA KAILALI BARDIYA HUMLA DOTI SURKHET NAWAL PARASI KAPIL- BASTU RUPAN- DEHI DANG BANKE ACHHAM KALIKOT JHAPA MORANG SIRAHA SAPTARI DARCHULA BAJHANG BAITADI DADEL- DHURA KANCHAN- PUR BAJURA PARSA BARA RAUT- AHAT DHANUSA MAHO- TARI SUNSARI SARLAHI DHADING MAKAWAN- PUR CHITWAN KASKI TANAHU PALPA SYANGJA PARBAT ARGHAK HACHI GULMI UDAYAPUR SINDHULI ILAM BHOJ- PUR DHAN- KUTA TAPLEJUNG OKHAL- DHUNGA TERHA- THUM KHOTANG LALIT BHAK KATHM SULUK- HUMBU DOLAKHA SANKHUWA- SABA NUWAKOT SINDHU- PALCHOK KAVRE RASUWA LAMJUNG GORKHA PYUT- HAN ROLPASALYAN MYAGDI DAILEKH JAJARKOT RUKUM MUSTANG MANANG SIX INITIAL MOEL DISTRICTS (Bajura, Jumla, Kapilvastu, Nawalparashi, Parsa and Jumla) PROPOSED BASED ON 14 INDICATORS Criteria/Indicators for selection 1. Average of 1 to 4 quarters food security phase 2. Net Enrolment Rate (NER) Basic Education 3. Working Children 10-14 years 4. Sanitation coverage 5. Per Capita Development Budget Expenditure 6. DPT 3 immunization under 1 year of age 7. Expected frequencies of diarrheal outbreaks 8. Ratio of girls to boys in secondary education 9. Proportion of severely underweight children less than 5 years 10. Minimum Conditions and Performance Measures (MCPMs) of Local Bodies of Nepal 11. Proportion of births attended by Skilled Birth Attendant as % of expected pregnancies: 12. Stunting Prevalence 13. Access 14. Similar MSNP actions by on-going programs/partners Central Region MSNP implementation period (First Phase): 2013-2017
  • 59. /fli6«o txM pRr:t/Lo kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL lgb]{zs ;ldlt dfggLo pkfWoIf, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u, cWoIf /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf dfggLo ;b:ox? -:jf:Yo, s[lif tyf jfl0fHoIf]q x]g]{ ;b:o ;lrj, s[lif tyf ;xsf/L dGqfno ;b:o ;lrj, :jf:Yo tyf hg;+Vof dGqfno ;b:o ;lrj, :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno ;b:o ;lrj, jfl0fHo tyf cfk"lt{ dGqfno ;b:o ;lrj, cy{ dGqfno ;b:o ;lrj, lzIff dGqfno ;b:o ;lrj, ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f dGqfno ;b:o ;lrj, dlxnf, afnaflnsf tyf ;dfhsNof0f dGqfno – ;b:o $ hgf lj1x? -kf]if0f, vfB ;'/Iff, jfl0fHo tyf cfk"lt{;DaGwL_ ;b:o ;b:o ;lrj, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u ;b:o ;lrj ;x;lrj, ;fdflhs ljsf; dxfzfvf, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]usf] ;lrjfno ;x–;b:o ;lrj
  • 60. gLltut dfu{bz{g / cg'udgsf ;fy} pRr:t/Lo kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL lgb]{zs ;ldlt lgDg sfo{x?sf nflu klg lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 M • ax'If]qLo kf]if0f / vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL a[xt gLltx? th'{df ug]{Ù • cfGtl/s tyf afXo ;|f]tx? ;'lglZrt ug]{Ù • /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o txdf kIfkf]if0f ug]{ / k|lta4tfx? JoQm ug]{Ù • sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog l:yltsf] ;dLIff tyf d"Nofªsg ug]{Ù /
  • 61. pRr:t/Lo kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL lgb]{zs ;ldltsf] ;xof]usf nflu Ps ;lrjfno /xg]5 hf] lgDg sfo{x?sf nflu lhDd]jf/ x'g]5 M • ;"rgf Joj:yfkgM ul/aL cg'udg tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL, lhNnf ul/aL lgjf/0f tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnL, :jf:Yo Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnL, lzIff Joj:yfkg ;"rgf k|0ffnLnufot;Fu ;DaGw :yflkt ug]{ . • ;"rgf ;Dk|]if0f÷kIfkf]if0f ug]{ . • Ifdtf ljsf;sf nflu ;xof]u ug]{ .
  • 62. df=;b:o -:jf:Yo tyf kf]if0f If]q_, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u –;+of]hs df=;b:o -s[lif If]q_, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u –;x–;+of]hs ;x–;lrj, gLlt of]hgf tyf a}=;= dxfzfvf, :jf:Yo tyf hg;+Vof dGqfno –;b:o ;x–;lrj, vfg]kfgL dxfzfvf, ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f dGqfno –;b:o ;x–;lrj, ah]6 tyf sfo{qmd dxfzfvf, cy{ dGqfno –;b:o ;x–;lrj, k|zf;g, ;+:yfg tyf cfk"lt{ dxfzfvf, jfl0fHo tyf cfk"lt{ dGqfno –;b:o ;x–;lrj, of]hgf tyf j}b]lzs ;xof]u ;dGjo dxfzfvf, :yflgo ljsf; dGqfno –;b:o ;x–;lrj, of]hgf dxfzfvf, s[lif tyf ;xsf/L dGqfno –;b:o dxflgb]{zs, s[lif ljefu – ;b:o dxflgb]{zs, kz';]jf ljefu – ;b:o dxflgb]{zs, vfB k|ljlw tyf u'0f lgoGq0f ljefu –;b:o dxflgb]{zs, l;+rfO ljefu – ;b:o /fli6«o kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff ;dGjo ;ldlt
  • 63.
  • 64. kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff If]lqo ;dGjo ;ldlt ax'If]lqo kf]if0f of]hgfsf] sfof{Gjogdf ;xof]u / ;dGjo ug{ tyf sfof{lGjt sfo{qmdsf] ;'kl/j]If0f / cg'udgsf nflu If]lqo:t/df cfjZostf cg';f/ If]lqo k|zf;ssf] ;+of]hsTjdf ;Dj4 ljifout lgsfox? / ;/f]sf/jfnfx? ;d]t ePsf] kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff If]lqo ;dGjo ;ldlt u7g ug{ ;lsg]5 .
  • 65. lhNnf:t/M kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL lgb]{zs ;ldlt lhlj; ;efklt, cWoIf lhNnf :jf:Yo÷hg:jf:Yo clws[t ;x– cWoIf :yfgLo ljsf; clwsf/L ;b:o nfOg Ph]G;Lsf k|d'vx? -s[lif, kz' ;]jf, lzIff, vfg]kfgL_ ;b:ox? dlxnf ljsf; clws[t ;b:o sfo{sf/L clws[t, gu/kflnsf ;b:o cWoIf, lhNnf pBf]u jfl0fHo ;+3 ;b:o cWoIf, lhNnf u}/;/sf/L dxf;+3 ;b:o k|ltlglw, lhNnf:t/df sfdug]{ ljsf; ;fem]bf/÷-c_u};;x?
  • 66. ;fªs]lts?kdf pQm lgb]{zs ;ldltsf] sfof{b]z lgDgfg';f/ x'g]5 M • lhNnfdf sfof{Gjog x'g] kf]if0f;DaGwL sfo{qmdx?sf] ljZn]if0f, ;dLIff, cg'df]bg ug]{ / ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgfsf] dd{cg'?k lhNnf kl/ifbdf :jLs[ltsf nflu l;kmfl/; ug]{ . • lhNnfsf] cfjlws / jflif{s of]hgfx?df kf]if0fsf ;"rsx? ;dfj]z ug]{ . • nfOg Ph]G;Lx? / lhNnf ul/aL cg'udg tyf ljZn]if0f k|0ffnLsf] k|ult ;dLIff ug]{ .
  • 67. gu/kflnsf :t/ M kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL lgb]{zs ;ldlt d]o/, gu/kflnsf cWoIf lhNnf :jf:Yo÷hg:jf:Yo clws[t ;x cWoIf sfo{sf/L clws[t, gu/kflnsf ;b:o k|d'v, nfOg Ph]G;Lx? -s[lif,kz' ;]jf, lzIff, vfg]kfgL_ ;b:ox? of]hgf clws[t, lhlj; ;b:o k|d'v, gu/ :Jff:Yo s]Gb|, gu/kflnsf-ljBdfg eP_ ;b:o
  • 68. uflj;:t/M kf]if0f tyf vfB ;'/Iff;DaGwL lgb]{zs ;ldlt cWoIf, uflj; cWoIf k|ltlglw, s[lif ;]jf s]Gb|, kz' ;]jf s]Gb| / :jf:Yo rf}ls jf s]Gb| ;b:ox? k|ltlglw, :jf:Yo ;]jf Joj:yfkg ;ldlt ;b:o cWoIf, ljBfno Joj:yfkg ;ldlt w]/} eP 5flgPsf] !_ ;b:o k|ltlglw, jf8{ l;l6hg kmf]/d,
  • 69. ;fªs]lts?kdf pQm lgb]{zs ;ldltsf] sfof{b]z lgDgfg';f/ x'g]5M • lhNnfdf cjnDag ul/Psf] ax'If]qLo kf]if0f of]hgf cg'?k x'g] u/L uflj;sf jflif{s of]hgfx?df kf]if0fsf sfo{qmdx? ljZn]if0f ug]{ / ;dflxt ug]{ . • kf]if0f sfo{qmdx?sf] sfof{Gjogsf] k|ult ;dLIff ug]{ . • uflj;df bL3{ Go"gkf]if0f 36fpgsf nflu ax'If]qLo ;dGjo ug]{ .
  • 70.
  • 71. ah]6 af+8kmf+8 tyf sfof{Gjog

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Presented at DDC Achham, 14 June 2012
  2. Among the poor, the malnutrition has further increased, therefore those who are malnourished are mostly poor….can be referred from DHS 2011, 56% of children from lowest quintile are stunted versus 26% from highest quintille
  3. Grey Matters accounts for intellectuality and cognitive development, less grey matters in malnourished brainsFormation of grey matters almost completes within the age of 2, therefore re-iterates that the under nutrition need to be corrected within the age of 2The loss is irreversible- relate this to GDP and Human Capital
  4. The slide is self explanatory. Explains the reviews, consultativeprocess, leadership, focus and implementation
  5. Role of each sectors and NPC- with clear strategic objectives for each sectors, with results.Need to explain the zist of the logframe interventions in each sectors just to let them know that what they are exactly supposed to doTailoring and Adaptation at district level