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Deer as a facilitator of exotic species invasion
         in mature forests of Virginia
William McShea
Conservation Ecology Center, Smithsonian Conservation
Biology Institute, Front Royal, VA
Appalachian Mountains
                   /Ridge and Valley

                   • World-class temperate forest
                   both for diversity and extent

                   • Large blocks of public forest

                   • Primarily deciduous forest

                   • Mature 2° forest (>100 yrs)

                   • Close to urban centers
Stressors on eastern deciduous forests

• Forest loss, fragmentation, and parcelization
• Loss of critical species (American chestnut, wolves, cougars)
• Climate change (temperature, storm severity and frequency)

 Invasive plant and animal species      White-tailed deer
          – you know the story         – you know the story
Browsing by deer alters forest succession pathways and sustainability
When Should We Worry About “Overabundant”
•   Cause significant economic loss
•   Lower diversity across the landscape
•   Unsustainable demographics of rare species
•   Alters pathways for productivity or succession
A species that, other than as a result of an introduction,
   Native Species           historically occurred, or currently occurs, in a particular

                          Any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores or other
   Exotic Species         biological material capable of propagating that
                          species, that is not native to a particular ecosystem.

     Invasive Species               An exotic species whose introduction does, or is
                                    likely to, cause economic, human health or
                                    environmental harm.

In US – 20,000 native plant sp.; 4,000 alien plants; 400 invasive plants
Lets agree to worry about invasive (native or exotic) first & exotic later
Abundant ground cover – little of it native species
Hidden native species are
denied light but also invisible
to deer??
The problem – low recruitment and diversity
             of native plants
• White-tailed deer prefer browsing native
  vegetation compared to exotic species, so
  native woody species not only compete with
  invasive species for light, but must survive
  preferential herbivory by deer.
                   The Solutions
 • Remove invasives. But - when invasive plants are
 removed - do plant populations increase or does herbivory
 • Reduce deer numbers. But - when deer are removed -
 do natives increase or do invasive plants respond more
Direct consumption            (-)   (-)
                                          (+)   Competition for light
                                                and nutrients

                                          Can you increase recruitment
  Predictions:                            of woody seedling or species richness
  1) Reduced invasives                    of herbaceous plants by fixing only
  will increase herbivory                 one
  2) Reduced herbivory                    problem???
  will increase invasives                 Are you promising something you can
                                          not deliver when you try only one??
Project Details
• Co-Investigators – Norm Bourg, Chad Stewart
• C & O Canal and SCBI – 330 Plots
• 4 x 4 m plot with 4 1x1 m subplots within each
• ID and count all native herbaceous and woody plants
  < 30cm high, within each sub plot. All saplings ( > 30
  cm) within each plot. For grasses and ferns estimate
  % cover.
• Identify all exotic species, count and estimate %
• Calculated species richness, species diversity
  (Shannon index, H’), and number of individuals per
  plot in 2005 (pre) and 2007 and 2009
Do Nothing

  179 plots NN   53 plots PN

45 plots NF         49 plots PF
Measured all plots in summer 2005 and
select management category
Pulled Invasives twice
each year: may and august

• 325 plots established 2005 (+ 8 in 2006)
• Invasives pulled twice each year & fences maintained
• Plots resurveyed in 2007 and 2009
After 4 years: Woody Species (> 30 cm)

    Mean Number of Stems

                                stocking rate for                                 native (all)
                                seedlings                                         native (trees)
                                                                                  invasives (all)
                                Control         Pulled      Fenced   Pull/Fence
   2009 Sapling Data

Fencing (not pulling) increased native species (total or just trees)

Invasive species highest when deer excluded

Neither treatment achieved needed stocking rate after 4 years
                                                                               Red Maple
                                                              No treatments increased numbers

Number of Individuals/Plot







                                    Control   Fenced Only               Pulled Only   Pulled and Fenced

                             2005      2009

                             0.9   Quercus Species
                                   Only combined treatment increased numbers
Number of Individuals/Plot

                             0.7                                                                  *






                                   Control         Fenced Only        Pulled Only   Pulled and Fenced

                 2005               2009                   Treatment
Oak Saplings in 2009
Treatment    N of Plots N of Saplings   Density

Control      183           4            0.02/plot
Pulled        55           0            0.00/plot
Fenced        50           6            0.12/plot
Pull/Fence    48          16            0.33/plot
Forestry matters: decline of oaks in eastern forests
    JWM 2007, McShea et al. based on FIA data

•    Decline in proportion of intermediate-sized oaks in eastern
    forests: 32% in 1989 down to 21% in 2000

•stem density of
maples doubled from
660 (+ 201) in 1989
1303 (+246) in 2000

• nosignificant change
in mast production yet

• maples are immune to
deer and invasives and
(lack of fire), while
oaks are not
Setting the Stage for this Study
                                 Study took place on SIGEO Plot at SCBI

                                           SIGEO Origins
                            Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
                          In 1980, Steve Hubbell and Robin Foster established a 50-
                          hectare (124-acre) forest plot in Panama. The survey
                          methodology was unprecedented in scale and scope.
                         Every tree greater than or equal to 1cm diameter was
                         identified, measured, tagged, and mapped. All trees are
                         re-censured every 5 years.

                                                A “base layer” of tree community
                                                is overlaid with multiple explanatory
                                                and ancillary layers to understand forest
                                                community structure

Barro Colorado Island
SCBI - SIGEO Plot Location
                      26 ha plot is created in 2008
                      With 20 x 20 m grid cells
                      with each post marked with row and column
                      Due to be resurveyed in 2013
Tree Measurements
- all stems > 1cm dbh measured, mapped, tagged & identified to species

    Layers subsequently added: DEM, Downed woody debri; Soil nutrients and carbon;
    Seedlings; Small mammals; Invasive worms; Invasive exotic plants
SCBI - SIGEO Forest Dynamics Plot
Initial census of 25.6 ha completed:

   - 40,180 stems (29,914 living); 26 Families, 38 genera

   - 62 species of free-standing trees & shrubs, 54 of which are native;

- Mature secondary Eastern mixed deciduous forest – dominant species:

  Canopy:                              Understory:
   - Liriodendron tulipifera           Asimina triloba
   - Carya glabra                      Carpinus canadensis
   - Carya tomentosa                   Cornus florida
   - Quercus alba                      Cercis canadensis
   - Q. rubra                          Amelanchier arborea
   - Nyssa sylvatica
   - Fraxinus americana                Shrubs: Lindera benzoin (>17,000 stems)

    - Succeeding to oak-hickory forest (8 spp. oaks, 4 spp. hickory + 2 Juglans spp.)
Added Twist to Plot
26 ha site includes 4 ha deer exclosure
erected in 1990

8 ft fence with 4 ft of American wire fencing
(set with larger mesh on bottom)
and 6 strands of high tensile wire (4 ft)
8 ft 2”x2” spacers with 6 slots (10o angle)
hold high tensile fence in place
Idea for study came mainly from
   distribution of Microstegium in plot
   relative to deer exclosure
 4 ha deer exclosure erected in 1990 prior
 to invasion of most exotic species

1) Are invasive plant distributions shaped
by distribution of deer
2) Underlying mechanisms for impact

                                             Protocol for invasive species study
                                             • All 20 x 20 m grid cells examined in 2010
                                             • All invasive species recorded as present/absent
                                             • All individual clusters counted except
                                             Microstegium (5 abundance classes based on %)
                                             • Distributions matched with data layers
Common invasive plants in forest

    Wineberry Rubus phoenicolasius

                                     Japanese barberry Berberis thunbergii
Common invasive plants in forest

Japanese stiltgrass Microstegium vimineum

                                            Multiflora rose Rosa multiflora
Experimental Design
Four step process

1) Use canonical correlations to determine tree communities within each grid cell and select
   section of grid (reference plot) that “matched” deer exclosure

2) Insure that the range of all parameters within deer exclosure and reference plot are
encompassed by the remaining squares (Phosphorus issue)

3) Permutation trees (conditional inference tree; party in R) were constructed using all
squares outside of deer exclosure and reference plot (p < 0.99 to prune tree)

4) Repeated process using significant variables identified in first tree - using gird cells from
   deer exclosure and reference plot while adding “Fence” as variable
SIGEO study area (20 x 20 m2 quadrats)
Colors reflect community types,
created using a cluster analysis based
on basal area of the 10 dominant
tree species in each unit (80%).

         Reference Plot (4 ha)
         matching communities

           Deer Exclosure (4 ha)
           erected 1990
Norm Bourg

Jenny McGarvey and Xiaoli Shen
Min Max Mean         SD
ROMU individual number (clumps)                           0     33    1.01     2.96
BETH individual number (clumps)                           0     138   6.44     11.79
RUPH individual number (clumps)                           0     125   6.33     12.96
%MIVI cover in category
                                                           0    4     1.76     1.2
0 = absent; 1 = 1-25%; 2 = 26-50%; 3 = 51-75%; 4 = 76-100%
Comfrey individual number                                 0     116   10.99    18.83
No. of deer fecal pellet groups                           0     52    1.93     4.99
Distance from quadrat center to forest edge (m)           21    523   282.89   115.5
Transformed aspect†                                       -1    1     -0.008   0.72
Slope (degrees)                                           1.9   21.4 10.34     3.81
Topographic convergence index‡                            0     280.8 34.45    30.35
Woody species richness                                    3     20    10.16    2.85
No. of woody stem                                         7     582   60.37    71.22
pH                                                        3.96 6.11   5.09     0.47
ECEC (estimated cation exchange capacity, cmol/kg)        6.98 41.26 18.13     5.65
Nitrogen (mg/kg)                                          2.13 9.09 4.3        1.16
Phosphorus (mg/kg)                                        10.31 35.05 20.1     5.82
% canopy openness (hemispherical photo)                   3.69 20.89 9.07      2.16
Test Case – known deer-dispersed plant

Wild Comfrey Cynoglossum virginianum

                                       11.39    1.17    38.49   4.48    4.15    0.79

                                        21.79    2.20    6.21   1.71   0.01    0.01
Multiflora rose Rosa multiflora

More abundant in exclosure
Higher nitrogen levels increase abundance

                                                  1.00 + 0.15                 4.58 + 1.01

                                            0.29 + 0.10         1.55 + 0.43      0.22 + 0.05
Japanese barberry Berberis thunbergii

Soil cations important (organic content)
Twice as abundant outside of exclosure

                                           2.17 + 0.39         5.32 + 0.80     11.16 + 1.0

                                                         3.26 + 0.25         1.80 + 0.33
Wineberry Rubus phoenicolasius

High nitrogen and low shrub density
increases abundance
- but in cells with low nitrogen more abundant
with deer
                                                   3.25 + 0.51   20.9 + 2.68   9.82 + 1.28

                                                 2.25 + 0.36     0.22 + 0.09    7.11 + 1.29
Japanese stiltgrass
     Microstegium vimineum

Highest abundances found with low
density of shrubs and high pH or high
Levels of P and understory openness

Absence found almost only within
deer exclosure

0 = absent; 1 = 0-25%; 2 = 26-50%; 3 = 51-75%;   1.76+0.13   2.60+0.1    1.39+0.09   1.67+0.16   2.33+0.12
4 = 76-100%.

                                                             1.58+0.14      2.20+0.12      0.49+0.06
Hard Seed Crops Critical for Wildlife Populations in
                      Eastern Forests

  • In order to produce seed we need mature trees
  • In order to produce mature trees we need:
       – Lower densities of deer
       – Control of invasive plants
       – Periodic light reaching forest floor – disturbance
           • Fire, harvest, hurricanes, insect outbreaks

These are not problems with seedling establishment but
problems with the transition from seedling to sapling
A “Perfect” World
• Overall Lower Density of Deer
• Removal of invasive, exotic species
• Create Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity
• Increase the Movement of Ungulates with
  Respect to Resources (Predators)
• Increased Avenues for Flow of Productivity and
  thereby Increased Biodiversity
Virginiathis all mean?
                      What does
• Deer do play a role in establishment of some exotic species in this forest
• For one species (multiflora rose) the distribution of the plant was not
  influenced by deer – bird-dispersed seeds
• Mechanism may not be the same for each exotic species
• Mechanisms for facilitation are not clear from this study
                                 1                                     1
      • Deer actively spread seeds through feces or on coat – possible but unlikely
       Bill McShea , Maria Van Dyke , and James
      • Deer activity changes soil characteristics and nutrient levels – possible (N, ECEC, P lower)
      • Absence of deer reduces leaf litter disturbance - possible
      • Native plants established before arrival of most invasives (1990 fence) - possible
   1. Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Front Royal, VA
   2. Piedmont Environmental Council, Warrenton, VA

           Mission: To encourage the sustainable use of Virginia
                        landscapes for biodiversity

Develop a Conservation Network:

Grassland Research:
Measuring biodiversity on grasslands in the Northern
Shenandoah Valley and Piedmont Regions

   1. Richness and Abundance of:
      • Birds
      • Pollinators
      • Native Plants
   2. Effects of Management programs on these three
   3. Conversion of introduced (CSG) to native grasslands
Wildlife WSG      All Fields = 20 Acres

Not hayed
Not grazed

New and/or
Managed WSG

Hayed or
≤ 2 yrs old

Wildlife CSG

Not hayed
Not grazed

Managed CSG

Hayed or grazed
Citizen Science
         Survey Protocol Techniques
         Field Identification Training

Native Bees and Butterflies
       Surveys Protocol Techniques
       Ecology and Life History
       Identification Training

         Survey Protocol Techniques
         Field and Microscope Identification
Fruit -eating
                Ground-nesting                                                Under-story
                     birds                                                     seedlings

                    Rodents                                                          Humans
Gypsy moths

Mast-eating                                                              Pathogens
   birds                                          DEER
                Mast Production
                                                  Oak seedlings

                   Oak Trees

    Sunlight       Soil Nutrients       Soil Moisture

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Deer as a Facilitator of Exotic Species Invasion in Mature Forests of Virginia

  • 1. Deer as a facilitator of exotic species invasion in mature forests of Virginia William McShea Conservation Ecology Center, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Front Royal, VA
  • 2. Appalachian Mountains /Ridge and Valley • World-class temperate forest both for diversity and extent SNP & M,GW&J NFs • Large blocks of public forest • Primarily deciduous forest • Mature 2° forest (>100 yrs) • Close to urban centers
  • 3. Stressors on eastern deciduous forests • Forest loss, fragmentation, and parcelization • Loss of critical species (American chestnut, wolves, cougars) • Climate change (temperature, storm severity and frequency) Invasive plant and animal species White-tailed deer – you know the story – you know the story
  • 4. Browsing by deer alters forest succession pathways and sustainability
  • 5. When Should We Worry About “Overabundant” Species • Cause significant economic loss • Lower diversity across the landscape • Unsustainable demographics of rare species • Alters pathways for productivity or succession
  • 6. A species that, other than as a result of an introduction, Native Species historically occurred, or currently occurs, in a particular ecosystem. Any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores or other Exotic Species biological material capable of propagating that species, that is not native to a particular ecosystem. Invasive Species An exotic species whose introduction does, or is likely to, cause economic, human health or environmental harm. In US – 20,000 native plant sp.; 4,000 alien plants; 400 invasive plants Lets agree to worry about invasive (native or exotic) first & exotic later
  • 7. Abundant ground cover – little of it native species
  • 8. Hidden native species are denied light but also invisible to deer??
  • 9. The problem – low recruitment and diversity of native plants • White-tailed deer prefer browsing native vegetation compared to exotic species, so native woody species not only compete with invasive species for light, but must survive preferential herbivory by deer. The Solutions • Remove invasives. But - when invasive plants are removed - do plant populations increase or does herbivory increase? • Reduce deer numbers. But - when deer are removed - do natives increase or do invasive plants respond more quickly?
  • 10. Direct consumption (-) (-) (+) Competition for light (-) and nutrients Can you increase recruitment Predictions: of woody seedling or species richness 1) Reduced invasives of herbaceous plants by fixing only will increase herbivory one 2) Reduced herbivory problem??? will increase invasives Are you promising something you can not deliver when you try only one??
  • 11. Project Details • Co-Investigators – Norm Bourg, Chad Stewart • C & O Canal and SCBI – 330 Plots • 4 x 4 m plot with 4 1x1 m subplots within each • ID and count all native herbaceous and woody plants < 30cm high, within each sub plot. All saplings ( > 30 cm) within each plot. For grasses and ferns estimate % cover. • Identify all exotic species, count and estimate % cover. • Calculated species richness, species diversity (Shannon index, H’), and number of individuals per plot in 2005 (pre) and 2007 and 2009
  • 12. Do Nothing 179 plots NN 53 plots PN 45 plots NF 49 plots PF
  • 13. Measured all plots in summer 2005 and select management category
  • 14. Pulled Invasives twice each year: may and august
  • 15.
  • 16. Timeline • 325 plots established 2005 (+ 8 in 2006) • Invasives pulled twice each year & fences maintained • Plots resurveyed in 2007 and 2009
  • 17. After 4 years: Woody Species (> 30 cm) 14 Mean Number of Stems 12 10 Recommended stocking rate for native (all) 8 seedlings native (trees) 6 invasives (all) 4 2 0 Control Pulled Fenced Pull/Fence Treatments 2009 Sapling Data Fencing (not pulling) increased native species (total or just trees) Invasive species highest when deer excluded Neither treatment achieved needed stocking rate after 4 years
  • 18. 1 Red Maple 0.9 No treatments increased numbers 0.8 0.7 Number of Individuals/Plot 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Control Fenced Only Pulled Only Pulled and Fenced Treatment 2005 2009
  • 19. 1 0.9 Quercus Species Only combined treatment increased numbers 0.8 Number of Individuals/Plot 0.7 * 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Control Fenced Only Pulled Only Pulled and Fenced 2005 2009 Treatment
  • 20. Oak Saplings in 2009 Treatment N of Plots N of Saplings Density Control 183 4 0.02/plot Pulled 55 0 0.00/plot Fenced 50 6 0.12/plot Pull/Fence 48 16 0.33/plot
  • 21. Forestry matters: decline of oaks in eastern forests JWM 2007, McShea et al. based on FIA data • Decline in proportion of intermediate-sized oaks in eastern forests: 32% in 1989 down to 21% in 2000 •stem density of maples doubled from 660 (+ 201) in 1989 1303 (+246) in 2000 • nosignificant change in mast production yet • maples are immune to deer and invasives and (lack of fire), while oaks are not
  • 22.
  • 23. Setting the Stage for this Study Study took place on SIGEO Plot at SCBI SIGEO Origins Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) In 1980, Steve Hubbell and Robin Foster established a 50- hectare (124-acre) forest plot in Panama. The survey methodology was unprecedented in scale and scope. Every tree greater than or equal to 1cm diameter was identified, measured, tagged, and mapped. All trees are re-censured every 5 years. A “base layer” of tree community is overlaid with multiple explanatory and ancillary layers to understand forest community structure Barro Colorado Island
  • 24. SCBI - SIGEO Plot Location 26 ha plot is created in 2008 With 20 x 20 m grid cells with each post marked with row and column Due to be resurveyed in 2013
  • 25. Tree Measurements - all stems > 1cm dbh measured, mapped, tagged & identified to species Layers subsequently added: DEM, Downed woody debri; Soil nutrients and carbon; Seedlings; Small mammals; Invasive worms; Invasive exotic plants
  • 26. SCBI - SIGEO Forest Dynamics Plot Initial census of 25.6 ha completed: - 40,180 stems (29,914 living); 26 Families, 38 genera - 62 species of free-standing trees & shrubs, 54 of which are native; Composition: - Mature secondary Eastern mixed deciduous forest – dominant species: Canopy: Understory: - Liriodendron tulipifera Asimina triloba - Carya glabra Carpinus canadensis - Carya tomentosa Cornus florida - Quercus alba Cercis canadensis - Q. rubra Amelanchier arborea - Nyssa sylvatica - Fraxinus americana Shrubs: Lindera benzoin (>17,000 stems) - Succeeding to oak-hickory forest (8 spp. oaks, 4 spp. hickory + 2 Juglans spp.)
  • 27. Added Twist to Plot 26 ha site includes 4 ha deer exclosure erected in 1990 8 ft fence with 4 ft of American wire fencing (set with larger mesh on bottom) and 6 strands of high tensile wire (4 ft) 8 ft 2”x2” spacers with 6 slots (10o angle) hold high tensile fence in place
  • 28. Idea for study came mainly from distribution of Microstegium in plot relative to deer exclosure 4 ha deer exclosure erected in 1990 prior to invasion of most exotic species 1) Are invasive plant distributions shaped by distribution of deer 2) Underlying mechanisms for impact Protocol for invasive species study • All 20 x 20 m grid cells examined in 2010 • All invasive species recorded as present/absent • All individual clusters counted except Microstegium (5 abundance classes based on %) • Distributions matched with data layers
  • 29. Common invasive plants in forest Wineberry Rubus phoenicolasius Japanese barberry Berberis thunbergii
  • 30. Common invasive plants in forest Japanese stiltgrass Microstegium vimineum Multiflora rose Rosa multiflora
  • 31. Experimental Design Four step process 1) Use canonical correlations to determine tree communities within each grid cell and select section of grid (reference plot) that “matched” deer exclosure 2) Insure that the range of all parameters within deer exclosure and reference plot are encompassed by the remaining squares (Phosphorus issue) 3) Permutation trees (conditional inference tree; party in R) were constructed using all squares outside of deer exclosure and reference plot (p < 0.99 to prune tree) 4) Repeated process using significant variables identified in first tree - using gird cells from deer exclosure and reference plot while adding “Fence” as variable
  • 32. SIGEO study area (20 x 20 m2 quadrats) Colors reflect community types, created using a cluster analysis based on basal area of the 10 dominant tree species in each unit (80%). Reference Plot (4 ha) matching communities Deer Exclosure (4 ha) erected 1990
  • 33. Norm Bourg Jenny McGarvey and Xiaoli Shen
  • 34. Min Max Mean SD SPECIES ABUNDANCE ROMU individual number (clumps) 0 33 1.01 2.96 BETH individual number (clumps) 0 138 6.44 11.79 RUPH individual number (clumps) 0 125 6.33 12.96 %MIVI cover in category 0 4 1.76 1.2 0 = absent; 1 = 1-25%; 2 = 26-50%; 3 = 51-75%; 4 = 76-100% Comfrey individual number 0 116 10.99 18.83 PREDICTOR VARIABLES No. of deer fecal pellet groups 0 52 1.93 4.99 Distance from quadrat center to forest edge (m) 21 523 282.89 115.5 Transformed aspect† -1 1 -0.008 0.72 Slope (degrees) 1.9 21.4 10.34 3.81 Topographic convergence index‡ 0 280.8 34.45 30.35 Woody species richness 3 20 10.16 2.85 No. of woody stem 7 582 60.37 71.22 pH 3.96 6.11 5.09 0.47 ECEC (estimated cation exchange capacity, cmol/kg) 6.98 41.26 18.13 5.65 Nitrogen (mg/kg) 2.13 9.09 4.3 1.16 Phosphorus (mg/kg) 10.31 35.05 20.1 5.82 % canopy openness (hemispherical photo) 3.69 20.89 9.07 2.16
  • 35. Test Case – known deer-dispersed plant Wild Comfrey Cynoglossum virginianum 11.39 1.17 38.49 4.48 4.15 0.79 21.79 2.20 6.21 1.71 0.01 0.01
  • 36. Multiflora rose Rosa multiflora More abundant in exclosure Higher nitrogen levels increase abundance 1.00 + 0.15 4.58 + 1.01 0.29 + 0.10 1.55 + 0.43 0.22 + 0.05
  • 37. Japanese barberry Berberis thunbergii Soil cations important (organic content) Twice as abundant outside of exclosure 2.17 + 0.39 5.32 + 0.80 11.16 + 1.0 3.26 + 0.25 1.80 + 0.33
  • 38. Wineberry Rubus phoenicolasius High nitrogen and low shrub density increases abundance - but in cells with low nitrogen more abundant with deer 3.25 + 0.51 20.9 + 2.68 9.82 + 1.28 2.25 + 0.36 0.22 + 0.09 7.11 + 1.29
  • 39. Japanese stiltgrass Microstegium vimineum Highest abundances found with low density of shrubs and high pH or high Levels of P and understory openness Absence found almost only within deer exclosure 0 = absent; 1 = 0-25%; 2 = 26-50%; 3 = 51-75%; 1.76+0.13 2.60+0.1 1.39+0.09 1.67+0.16 2.33+0.12 4 = 76-100%. 1.58+0.14 2.20+0.12 0.49+0.06
  • 40.
  • 41. Hard Seed Crops Critical for Wildlife Populations in Eastern Forests • In order to produce seed we need mature trees • In order to produce mature trees we need: – Lower densities of deer – Control of invasive plants – Periodic light reaching forest floor – disturbance • Fire, harvest, hurricanes, insect outbreaks These are not problems with seedling establishment but problems with the transition from seedling to sapling
  • 42. A “Perfect” World • Overall Lower Density of Deer • Removal of invasive, exotic species • Create Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity • Increase the Movement of Ungulates with Respect to Resources (Predators) • Increased Avenues for Flow of Productivity and thereby Increased Biodiversity
  • 43. Virginiathis all mean? What does Working Landscapes • Deer do play a role in establishment of some exotic species in this forest • For one species (multiflora rose) the distribution of the plant was not influenced by deer – bird-dispersed seeds • Mechanism may not be the same for each exotic species • Mechanisms for facilitation are not clear from this study 1 1 • Deer actively spread seeds through feces or on coat – possible but unlikely Bill McShea , Maria Van Dyke , and James • Deer activity changes soil characteristics and nutrient levels – possible (N, ECEC, P lower) 2 • Absence of deer reduces leaf litter disturbance - possible Barnes • Native plants established before arrival of most invasives (1990 fence) - possible 1. Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Front Royal, VA 2. Piedmont Environmental Council, Warrenton, VA Mission: To encourage the sustainable use of Virginia landscapes for biodiversity
  • 44. Develop a Conservation Network: Landowners
  • 45. Grassland Research: Measuring biodiversity on grasslands in the Northern Shenandoah Valley and Piedmont Regions 1. Richness and Abundance of: • Birds • Pollinators • Native Plants 2. Effects of Management programs on these three biota 3. Conversion of introduced (CSG) to native grasslands (WSG)
  • 46. Wildlife WSG All Fields = 20 Acres Not hayed Not grazed New and/or Managed WSG Hayed or ≤ 2 yrs old Wildlife CSG Not hayed Not grazed Managed CSG Hayed or grazed
  • 47. Citizen Science Birds Survey Protocol Techniques Field Identification Training Native Bees and Butterflies Surveys Protocol Techniques Ecology and Life History Identification Training Plants Survey Protocol Techniques Field and Microscope Identification
  • 48. Fruit -eating birds Ground-nesting Under-story birds seedlings Non-mast seeds mesopredators Rodents Humans Ticks Gypsy moths Pathogens Mast-eating Pathogens birds DEER Mast Production Oak seedlings Oak Trees Fire Sunlight Soil Nutrients Soil Moisture

Editor's Notes

  1. Networking (~2 slides) Who else we want to attract to our work – who we hope to attract Partners – each has their roleThroughlandowner participation and networking with contractors and state and non-governmental agenciesProviding education and community centered opportunities to discuss all aspects of conservation on working landscapes and those adjoining them.Research management strategies to determine the effectiveness, cost-benefit (environmental and economic), and bmp’s
  2. We are attempting to determine best management practices and their costs, benefits (environmental and economic) and effectivness
  3. Discuss that Farms come in all different sizes we standardized to 20 acres.Discuss the Four Management Types
  4. 50+ Citizen Scientists trained by professional birders, botanists and pollinator ecologists. I d like to point out that while the pollinator surveyors need not bee professional amateur bee taxonomists we do require that amateur experts lead each bird and plant survey. Any citizen scientist that is not an expert assists the amateur expert until the feel comfortable in taking the lead.***In training Plant and Bird citizen scientists are simply being trained in running our specific protocolsWhich is different from the poll’s and then we rely on prof for ID’s Not enough expertise in poll to be able to …