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                                  WHY LEARN HOW TO READ STATISTICS ?

Several studies have reported the error rate in reporting and/or interpreting statistics in the medical literature is between
                                               30-90% (Novak et al., 2006).
Understanding basic statistical concepts will allow you to become a more critical consumer of the medical literature, and
                    ultimately be able to produce better research and make better clinical decisions.

Descriptive Statistics:
These are numbers used simply to describe the sample population of the study. They do not actually test any hypotheses,
or yield any p-values.
         Example descriptive statistics: Frequencies, mean, median, percentages, standard deviation.
Parametric (distribution-dependent) Statistics:
These are the most powerful type of statistics we use. Unfortunately, researchers must make sure their data meets a
number of assumptions (or rules) before these tests can be used properly. In research, you always want to use parametric
statistics if possible.
          Example parametric statistics: Independent t-test, Pearson r correlation, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Nonparametric Statistics:
A less-powerful group of statistical analyses that are used either when the researcher has violated the assumptions (i.e.
broke the rules) necessary to run parametric statistics or when using categorical or ordinal variables. They are also used to
test the risk or odds of someone an outcome occurring. These tests are extremely common due to the nature of many
research studies, and parametric statistics have a nonparametric counterpart that tests the same type of hypotheses. Some
research questions can only be asked non-parametrically (e.g. odds of developing cancer based on smoker/non-smoker).
         Example nonparametric statistics:Mann-Whitney U (independent t-test equivalent), Odds/Risk, Survival
         Analysis, Logistic Regression, Spearman Rho (Pearson r equivalent), and Kruskall-Wallis (ANOVA equivalent)

                                 DIFFERENT TYPES OF STATISTICAL TESTS
Tests of Relationships:
These analyses look at the relationship between a set of variables. Specifically, they seek to determine how an outcome
(dependent) variable changes in response to changes in one or more predictor (independent) variables.
        Example tests of relationships: Pearson r correlation, Spearman Rho correlation, multiple regression.

Tests of Group Differences:
This group of statistical tests focuses on determining the average difference between two or more groups of independent
participants. They compare the mean (average) score for each group on an outcome (dependent) variable.
        Example tests of group differences: Independent t-test, between-subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA),
        analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).

Tests of Repeated Measures:
A group of tests which looks at the difference in average score on an outcome (dependent) variable between two or more
time-points using the same group of participants. These tests are used to compare pretest and posttest scores, or other
changes over time.
        Example tests of repeated measures: Dependent t-test, repeated-measures analysis of variance.

                                                                          Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
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Tests of Odds / Risk:
A group of Non-Parametric tests which look at the odds or risk (risk is prospective, odds is retrospective) of an event
occurring or not occurring based on one or more predictor variables (independent). These tests involve categorical
variables as the independent variables and a dichotomous dependent variable (i.e. develops cancer, yes or no).
        Example tests of odds/risk: Chi-square, Odds Ratio / Relative Risk, Logistic Regression, Survival Analysis.

                                     COMMONLY USED STATISTICAL TESTS:
Pearson R Correlation: A statistical analysis that tests the relationship between two continuous variables.
       Commonly Associated Terms:bivariate correlation, relationship, r-value, scatterplot, confidence interval,
       relationship, association, direction, magnitude.
       What to interpret: p-values (<.05), EFFECT SIZE (square the r-value to obtain effect size), magnitude of the
       relationship (between -1.0 and 1.0), direction (positive or negative), weak |.1|-|.3|, moderate |.3|-|.5|, strong |.5|-
       How to interpret:
                There is a significant positive relationship between the two variables, where as one increases, the other
                also increases.
                There is a significant negative relationship between the two variables, where as one increases the other
       Non-Parametric Equivalent: Spearman Rho

Linear/Multiple Regression: A statistical analysis that tests the relationship betweenmultiple predictor variables and
onecontinuousoutcome variable.
       Commonly Associated Terms:multivariate,beta weight,r2-value, relationship, model, forward regression,
       backward regression, sequential/hierarchical regression,standard/simultaneous regression, statistical/stepwise
       regression, confidence interval, correlation, association, direction, magnitude.
       What to interpret: p-values (<.05), EFFECT SIZE (square the r-value to obtain effect size), magnitude of the
       relationship beta weights: beta < 1 = protective effect/negative relationship, beta > 1 = positive relationship.
       How to interpret:
                Beta is positive: There is a significant positive relationship between the predictor and outcome variables,
                whereas the predictor increases by 1 unit (e.g. 1lbs to 2lbs), the outcome variable also increases by (beta)
                after controlling for *at least one* other covariate.
                Beta is negative:There is a significant negative relationship between the two variables, whereas the
                predictor increases by 1 unit (e.g. 1lbs to 2lbs), the outcome variable also decreases by (beta) after
                controlling for *at least one* other covariate.

Independent T-Test: A statistical analysis that tests differences between two independent groups at one time-point.
       Commonly Associated Terms:two sample t-test, student’s t-test, means, group means, standard deviations,
       mean differences, case-control, group difference, confidence interval, group comparison.
       What to interpret: p-values (<.05), large mean differences and small standard deviations based on your judgment
       of the variables included (via literature review, clinical expertise, etc.), EFFECT SIZE
       How to interpret:
               There is a significant difference between the two groups where one group has a
               significantly higher/lower score on the dependent variable than the other.
       Non-Parametric Equivalent: Mann-Whitney U

One-Way Between Subjects Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): A statistical analysis that tests differences between two
or more independent groups at one time-point.
       Commonly Associated Terms:two or more groups, means, standard deviations, confidence interval, group
       differences, group comparisons, F-test, interactions, post-hoc tests (tukey HSD, bonferroni, scheffe, dunnett, etc.).
       What to interpret: main effect, post-hoc, p-values (<.05), large mean differences between two or more groups and
       small standard deviations based on your judgment of the variables included, EFFECT SIZE
       How to interpret:

                                                                            Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
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              Main Effect – There was an overall significant difference among the groups of the independent variable
              on the dependent variable, however we must figure out where that difference is through the post-hoc test
              that was performed in the study.
              Post-Hoc: There is a significant difference between the two groups where one (or more) group(s) has a
              significantly higher/lower score on the dependent variable than the other(s).
        Non-Parametric Equivalent: Kruskall-Wallis with follow-up Mann-Whitney U tests

Dependent T-Test: A statistical analysis that tests differences of one group between two time-points.
      Commonly Associated Terms:pre and posttest, matched pairs, means, standard deviations, mean differences,
      confidence interval, paired samples, time.
      What to interpret: p-values (<.05), large mean change between two time-points and small standard deviations
      based on your judgment of the variables included, EFFECT SIZE
      How to interpret:
              There is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest where the score on the posttest was
              significantly higher/lower on the dependent variable than the pretest.
      Non-Parametric Equivalent: Wilcoxon Matched Pairs

Repeated Measures ANOVA: A statistical analysis that tests differences of one group between two or more time-points.
       Commonly Associated Terms:multiple time-points (e.g. pretest, posttest, follow-up; not JUST pre and post),
       means, standard deviations, confidence interval, mean differences, time series, F-test, interactions, repeated
       measures, post-hoc tests (Tukey HSD, Bonferroni, Scheffe, Dunnett, etc.).
       What to interpret: main effect, post-hoc, p-values (<.05), large mean change between two or more time-points
       and small standard deviations based on your judgment of the variables included, EFFECT SIZE, direction of
       change (Do scores increase between each time-point? Do they decrease at each? Is it a mix of both?)
       How to interpret:
               Main Effect – There was an overall significant difference among the different time-points on the
               dependent variable, however we must figure out where that difference is through the post-hoc test that
               was performed in the study.
               Post-Hoc: There is a significant difference between the pretest, posttest, and follow-up where scores at
               one or more time-points were significantly higher/lower on the dependent variable than the other time-
       Non-Parametric Equivalent: Friedman ANOVA with follow-up Wilcoxon Matched Pairs tests

     Mixed ANOVA: A statistical analysis that tests differences between two or more independent groups at two or
     more time-points.
     ANCOVA:A statistical analysis that tests differences between two or more independent groups at one time-point
     while controlling for other variables.
     Multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA):A statistical analysis that tests differences between two or more independent
     groups on multiple dependent variables.

Odds Ratios / Relative Risk:A statistical analysis that tests the odds or risk of an event occurring or not occurring based
on one or more predictor variables (independent). These tests involve categorical variables as the independent variables
and a dichotomous dependent variable (i.e. develops cancer, yes or no). (A Fisher’s Exact Test is used when you have a
small sample size (n < 20) or when one of the cells of a 2x2 table has fewer than 5 observations. It is interpreted the exact
same way as a Chi Square.)
        Commonly Associated Terms:unadjusted odds ratio (OR), relative risk, 2x2, chi-square, absolute
        riskreduction, absolute risk, relative risk reduction, odds, confidence intervals, protective effect, likelihood,
        forest plot.
        What to interpret: p-values (<.05), confidence interval (should not cross over 1.0), odds ratio (<1 is a protective
        effect, >1 is increased odds/risk)
        How to interpret:

                                                                          Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
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                Odds Ratio < 1:For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the outcome
                decrease by (OR) times.
                Odds Ratio > 1:For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the outcome
                increase by (OR) times.
                Odds Ratio = 1or CI crosses 1.0 or p > .05:You are no more or less likely to have the outcome as a result
                of the predictor variable. (this would be non-significant)

Logistic Regression:A statistical procedure that attempts to correctly predict the occurrence or non-occurrence of an
event (i.e. dichotomous DV) based on multiple predictor variables (IVs). This is considered a multivariate (multiple
variables) approach to looking at research questions dealing with odds, risks, and proportions.
         Commonly Associated Terms:adjusted odds ratio(AOR), multivariate adjusted odds ratio,likelihood,
         protective effect, risk, odds, 95% confidence interval, classification table, dichotomous DV, backward regression,
         forward regression, standard/simultaneous regression, sequential/hierarchical regression, statistical/stepwise
         What to interpret:OR (these are your measures for risk of the outcome occurring given the predictor variable), p-
         value for OR, confidence intervals for OR (should not cross over 1.0, should not be overly large e.g. 1.2 – 45.5),
         classification table (if it is provided).
         How to interpret:
                  Odds Ratio < 1:For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the outcome
                  decrease by (OR) times after controlling for *at least one* other covariate.
                  Odds Ratio > 1:For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the outcome
                  increase by (OR) times after controlling for *at least one* other covariate.
                  Odds Ratio = 1 or CI crosses 1.0 or p > .05:You are no more or less likely to have the outcome as a
                  result of the predictor variable after controlling for *at least one* other covariate. (this would be non-

Survival Analysis: A statistical procedure that deals with investigating the time it takes for a certain event to occur
(disease, complication, death, etc.). With these analyses a research can look at simply the time it took for an event to occur
based on one IV (Kaplan Meier Analysis), or one can look at the time for an event to occur when multiple variables are
considered at once (Cox Proportional Hazard).
        Commonly Associated Terms:survival, Kaplan Meier, life table, Cochran Mantel-Haenszel, Log-Rank,
        Breslow, Cox Regression, Cox Proportional Hazard,survival function, rate ratio (RR), hazard ratio
        (HR),odds ratio,likelihood, protective effect, risk, odds, 95% confidence interval, classification table,
        dichotomous DV, backward regression, forward regression, standard/simultaneous regression,
        sequential/hierarchical regression, statistical/stepwise regression.
        What to interpret:OR/RR/HR (these are your measures for risk of the event occurring given the predictor
        variable), p-value for OR, RR, or HR, Confidence intervals for OR/RR/HR (should not cross over 1.0, should not
        be overly large e.g. 1.2 – 45.5), survival curves (if they are included).
        How to interpret:
                Odds Ratio/Rate Ratio/Hazard Ratio < 1: For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of
                having the event occurring decrease by (OR) times. “Protective effect.”
                Odds Ratio/Rate Ratio/Hazard Ratio > 1: For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of
                the event occurring increase by (OR) times.
                Odds Ratio/Rate Ratio/Hazard Ratio = 1 or CI crosses 1.0 or p > .05: You are no more or less likely to
                have the event occurring as a result of the predictor variable (this would be non-significant).
                **Sometimes covariates may be used to account for the variance in the study.

                                                                          Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
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                                             SENSITIVITY & SPECIFICITY
Sensitivity and Specificity are two areas of statistical analysis that are usually seen in diagnostic testing and/or the
engineering field. They provide the probability that a test will yield a correct response.
        Commonly Associated Terms:
        True Positive: Test classified the patient as having a disease and the patient did have the disease
        True Negative: Test classified the patient as not having the disease and the patient did not have the disease.
        False Positive: Test classified the patient as having a disease and the patient did not have the disease.
        False Negative: Test classified the patient as not having the disease and the patient did have the disease.
        Sensitivity: Proportion of patients with a disease who will test positive for it. The ability of the test to identify
        positive results.
        Specificity: Proportion of patients without a disease who will test negative for it. The ability of the test to identify
        negative results.
        Positive Predictive Value: Proportion of True Positive classifications. The ability of the test to correctly classify
        patients with a disease.
        Negative Predictive Value: Proportion of True Negative classifications. The Ability of the test to correctly
        classify patients without a disease.

                                                  Disease State
                                                     +                  -
                                                                                     Positive Predictive
                                        +     True Positive      False Positive
                                                                                      Predictive Value
                                        -    False Negative      True Negative

                        Sensitivity =                                              Specificity =

                                                                            Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
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Remember: Just because a finding is not significant does not mean that it is not meaningful. You should always consider
the effect size and context of the research when making a decision about whether or not any finding is clinically relevant.

                           "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!" -- Carl Sagan

      The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Office of Medical Education, Research, and Development
                              Patrick Barlow, Eric Heidel, and Tiffany Smith
                                  University of Tennessee Medical Center

                                                                         Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel

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Respond  using one or more of the following approachesAsk a pro
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F unit 5.pptx
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Quantitative data analysis
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bio statistics for clinical research
bio statistics for clinical researchbio statistics for clinical research
bio statistics for clinical research
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One way repeated measure anova
ANOVA Parametric test: Biostatics and Research Methodology
ANOVA Parametric test: Biostatics and Research MethodologyANOVA Parametric test: Biostatics and Research Methodology
ANOVA Parametric test: Biostatics and Research Methodology
© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 1 of 5 Week 4 A.docx
© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.   Page 1 of 5  Week 4 A.docx© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc.   Page 1 of 5  Week 4 A.docx
© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 1 of 5 Week 4 A.docx
When to use, What Statistical Test for data Analysis modified.pptx
When to use, What Statistical Test for data Analysis modified.pptxWhen to use, What Statistical Test for data Analysis modified.pptx
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Commonly used Statistics in Medical Research Handout

  • 1. Page 1 of 6 HOW TO INTERPRET COMMONLY USED STATISTICS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH WHY LEARN HOW TO READ STATISTICS ? Several studies have reported the error rate in reporting and/or interpreting statistics in the medical literature is between 30-90% (Novak et al., 2006). Understanding basic statistical concepts will allow you to become a more critical consumer of the medical literature, and ultimately be able to produce better research and make better clinical decisions. THREE MAJOR CATEGORIES OF STATISTICAL TESTS Descriptive Statistics: These are numbers used simply to describe the sample population of the study. They do not actually test any hypotheses, or yield any p-values. Example descriptive statistics: Frequencies, mean, median, percentages, standard deviation. Parametric (distribution-dependent) Statistics: These are the most powerful type of statistics we use. Unfortunately, researchers must make sure their data meets a number of assumptions (or rules) before these tests can be used properly. In research, you always want to use parametric statistics if possible. Example parametric statistics: Independent t-test, Pearson r correlation, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Nonparametric Statistics: A less-powerful group of statistical analyses that are used either when the researcher has violated the assumptions (i.e. broke the rules) necessary to run parametric statistics or when using categorical or ordinal variables. They are also used to test the risk or odds of someone an outcome occurring. These tests are extremely common due to the nature of many research studies, and parametric statistics have a nonparametric counterpart that tests the same type of hypotheses. Some research questions can only be asked non-parametrically (e.g. odds of developing cancer based on smoker/non-smoker). Example nonparametric statistics:Mann-Whitney U (independent t-test equivalent), Odds/Risk, Survival Analysis, Logistic Regression, Spearman Rho (Pearson r equivalent), and Kruskall-Wallis (ANOVA equivalent) DIFFERENT TYPES OF STATISTICAL TESTS Tests of Relationships: These analyses look at the relationship between a set of variables. Specifically, they seek to determine how an outcome (dependent) variable changes in response to changes in one or more predictor (independent) variables. Example tests of relationships: Pearson r correlation, Spearman Rho correlation, multiple regression. Tests of Group Differences: This group of statistical tests focuses on determining the average difference between two or more groups of independent participants. They compare the mean (average) score for each group on an outcome (dependent) variable. Example tests of group differences: Independent t-test, between-subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Tests of Repeated Measures: A group of tests which looks at the difference in average score on an outcome (dependent) variable between two or more time-points using the same group of participants. These tests are used to compare pretest and posttest scores, or other changes over time. Example tests of repeated measures: Dependent t-test, repeated-measures analysis of variance. Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
  • 2. Page 2 of 6 Tests of Odds / Risk: A group of Non-Parametric tests which look at the odds or risk (risk is prospective, odds is retrospective) of an event occurring or not occurring based on one or more predictor variables (independent). These tests involve categorical variables as the independent variables and a dichotomous dependent variable (i.e. develops cancer, yes or no). Example tests of odds/risk: Chi-square, Odds Ratio / Relative Risk, Logistic Regression, Survival Analysis. COMMONLY USED STATISTICAL TESTS: Pearson R Correlation: A statistical analysis that tests the relationship between two continuous variables. Commonly Associated Terms:bivariate correlation, relationship, r-value, scatterplot, confidence interval, relationship, association, direction, magnitude. What to interpret: p-values (<.05), EFFECT SIZE (square the r-value to obtain effect size), magnitude of the relationship (between -1.0 and 1.0), direction (positive or negative), weak |.1|-|.3|, moderate |.3|-|.5|, strong |.5|- |1.0| How to interpret: There is a significant positive relationship between the two variables, where as one increases, the other also increases. There is a significant negative relationship between the two variables, where as one increases the other decreases. Non-Parametric Equivalent: Spearman Rho Linear/Multiple Regression: A statistical analysis that tests the relationship betweenmultiple predictor variables and onecontinuousoutcome variable. Commonly Associated Terms:multivariate,beta weight,r2-value, relationship, model, forward regression, backward regression, sequential/hierarchical regression,standard/simultaneous regression, statistical/stepwise regression, confidence interval, correlation, association, direction, magnitude. What to interpret: p-values (<.05), EFFECT SIZE (square the r-value to obtain effect size), magnitude of the relationship beta weights: beta < 1 = protective effect/negative relationship, beta > 1 = positive relationship. How to interpret: Beta is positive: There is a significant positive relationship between the predictor and outcome variables, whereas the predictor increases by 1 unit (e.g. 1lbs to 2lbs), the outcome variable also increases by (beta) after controlling for *at least one* other covariate. Beta is negative:There is a significant negative relationship between the two variables, whereas the predictor increases by 1 unit (e.g. 1lbs to 2lbs), the outcome variable also decreases by (beta) after controlling for *at least one* other covariate. Independent T-Test: A statistical analysis that tests differences between two independent groups at one time-point. Commonly Associated Terms:two sample t-test, student’s t-test, means, group means, standard deviations, mean differences, case-control, group difference, confidence interval, group comparison. What to interpret: p-values (<.05), large mean differences and small standard deviations based on your judgment of the variables included (via literature review, clinical expertise, etc.), EFFECT SIZE How to interpret: There is a significant difference between the two groups where one group has a significantly higher/lower score on the dependent variable than the other. Non-Parametric Equivalent: Mann-Whitney U One-Way Between Subjects Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): A statistical analysis that tests differences between two or more independent groups at one time-point. Commonly Associated Terms:two or more groups, means, standard deviations, confidence interval, group differences, group comparisons, F-test, interactions, post-hoc tests (tukey HSD, bonferroni, scheffe, dunnett, etc.). What to interpret: main effect, post-hoc, p-values (<.05), large mean differences between two or more groups and small standard deviations based on your judgment of the variables included, EFFECT SIZE How to interpret: Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
  • 3. Page 3 of 6 Main Effect – There was an overall significant difference among the groups of the independent variable on the dependent variable, however we must figure out where that difference is through the post-hoc test that was performed in the study. Post-Hoc: There is a significant difference between the two groups where one (or more) group(s) has a significantly higher/lower score on the dependent variable than the other(s). Non-Parametric Equivalent: Kruskall-Wallis with follow-up Mann-Whitney U tests Dependent T-Test: A statistical analysis that tests differences of one group between two time-points. Commonly Associated Terms:pre and posttest, matched pairs, means, standard deviations, mean differences, confidence interval, paired samples, time. What to interpret: p-values (<.05), large mean change between two time-points and small standard deviations based on your judgment of the variables included, EFFECT SIZE How to interpret: There is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest where the score on the posttest was significantly higher/lower on the dependent variable than the pretest. Non-Parametric Equivalent: Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Repeated Measures ANOVA: A statistical analysis that tests differences of one group between two or more time-points. Commonly Associated Terms:multiple time-points (e.g. pretest, posttest, follow-up; not JUST pre and post), means, standard deviations, confidence interval, mean differences, time series, F-test, interactions, repeated measures, post-hoc tests (Tukey HSD, Bonferroni, Scheffe, Dunnett, etc.). What to interpret: main effect, post-hoc, p-values (<.05), large mean change between two or more time-points and small standard deviations based on your judgment of the variables included, EFFECT SIZE, direction of change (Do scores increase between each time-point? Do they decrease at each? Is it a mix of both?) How to interpret: Main Effect – There was an overall significant difference among the different time-points on the dependent variable, however we must figure out where that difference is through the post-hoc test that was performed in the study. Post-Hoc: There is a significant difference between the pretest, posttest, and follow-up where scores at one or more time-points were significantly higher/lower on the dependent variable than the other time- point(s). Non-Parametric Equivalent: Friedman ANOVA with follow-up Wilcoxon Matched Pairs tests OTHER ANOVAs: Mixed ANOVA: A statistical analysis that tests differences between two or more independent groups at two or more time-points. ANCOVA:A statistical analysis that tests differences between two or more independent groups at one time-point while controlling for other variables. Multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA):A statistical analysis that tests differences between two or more independent groups on multiple dependent variables. Odds Ratios / Relative Risk:A statistical analysis that tests the odds or risk of an event occurring or not occurring based on one or more predictor variables (independent). These tests involve categorical variables as the independent variables and a dichotomous dependent variable (i.e. develops cancer, yes or no). (A Fisher’s Exact Test is used when you have a small sample size (n < 20) or when one of the cells of a 2x2 table has fewer than 5 observations. It is interpreted the exact same way as a Chi Square.) Commonly Associated Terms:unadjusted odds ratio (OR), relative risk, 2x2, chi-square, absolute riskreduction, absolute risk, relative risk reduction, odds, confidence intervals, protective effect, likelihood, forest plot. What to interpret: p-values (<.05), confidence interval (should not cross over 1.0), odds ratio (<1 is a protective effect, >1 is increased odds/risk) How to interpret: Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
  • 4. Page 4 of 6 Odds Ratio < 1:For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the outcome decrease by (OR) times. Odds Ratio > 1:For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the outcome increase by (OR) times. Odds Ratio = 1or CI crosses 1.0 or p > .05:You are no more or less likely to have the outcome as a result of the predictor variable. (this would be non-significant) Logistic Regression:A statistical procedure that attempts to correctly predict the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event (i.e. dichotomous DV) based on multiple predictor variables (IVs). This is considered a multivariate (multiple variables) approach to looking at research questions dealing with odds, risks, and proportions. Commonly Associated Terms:adjusted odds ratio(AOR), multivariate adjusted odds ratio,likelihood, protective effect, risk, odds, 95% confidence interval, classification table, dichotomous DV, backward regression, forward regression, standard/simultaneous regression, sequential/hierarchical regression, statistical/stepwise regression. What to interpret:OR (these are your measures for risk of the outcome occurring given the predictor variable), p- value for OR, confidence intervals for OR (should not cross over 1.0, should not be overly large e.g. 1.2 – 45.5), classification table (if it is provided). How to interpret: Odds Ratio < 1:For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the outcome decrease by (OR) times after controlling for *at least one* other covariate. Odds Ratio > 1:For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the outcome increase by (OR) times after controlling for *at least one* other covariate. Odds Ratio = 1 or CI crosses 1.0 or p > .05:You are no more or less likely to have the outcome as a result of the predictor variable after controlling for *at least one* other covariate. (this would be non- significant) Survival Analysis: A statistical procedure that deals with investigating the time it takes for a certain event to occur (disease, complication, death, etc.). With these analyses a research can look at simply the time it took for an event to occur based on one IV (Kaplan Meier Analysis), or one can look at the time for an event to occur when multiple variables are considered at once (Cox Proportional Hazard). Commonly Associated Terms:survival, Kaplan Meier, life table, Cochran Mantel-Haenszel, Log-Rank, Breslow, Cox Regression, Cox Proportional Hazard,survival function, rate ratio (RR), hazard ratio (HR),odds ratio,likelihood, protective effect, risk, odds, 95% confidence interval, classification table, dichotomous DV, backward regression, forward regression, standard/simultaneous regression, sequential/hierarchical regression, statistical/stepwise regression. What to interpret:OR/RR/HR (these are your measures for risk of the event occurring given the predictor variable), p-value for OR, RR, or HR, Confidence intervals for OR/RR/HR (should not cross over 1.0, should not be overly large e.g. 1.2 – 45.5), survival curves (if they are included). How to interpret: Odds Ratio/Rate Ratio/Hazard Ratio < 1: For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of having the event occurring decrease by (OR) times. “Protective effect.” Odds Ratio/Rate Ratio/Hazard Ratio > 1: For every unit increase in the independent variable, the odds of the event occurring increase by (OR) times. Odds Ratio/Rate Ratio/Hazard Ratio = 1 or CI crosses 1.0 or p > .05: You are no more or less likely to have the event occurring as a result of the predictor variable (this would be non-significant). **Sometimes covariates may be used to account for the variance in the study. Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
  • 5. Page 5 of 6 SENSITIVITY & SPECIFICITY Sensitivity and Specificity are two areas of statistical analysis that are usually seen in diagnostic testing and/or the engineering field. They provide the probability that a test will yield a correct response. Commonly Associated Terms: True Positive: Test classified the patient as having a disease and the patient did have the disease True Negative: Test classified the patient as not having the disease and the patient did not have the disease. False Positive: Test classified the patient as having a disease and the patient did not have the disease. False Negative: Test classified the patient as not having the disease and the patient did have the disease. Sensitivity: Proportion of patients with a disease who will test positive for it. The ability of the test to identify positive results. Specificity: Proportion of patients without a disease who will test negative for it. The ability of the test to identify negative results. Positive Predictive Value: Proportion of True Positive classifications. The ability of the test to correctly classify patients with a disease. Negative Predictive Value: Proportion of True Negative classifications. The Ability of the test to correctly classify patients without a disease. Disease State + - Positive Predictive Value + True Positive False Positive Test Results Negative Predictive Value - False Negative True Negative Sensitivity = Specificity = Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel
  • 6. Page 6 of 6 Remember: Just because a finding is not significant does not mean that it is not meaningful. You should always consider the effect size and context of the research when making a decision about whether or not any finding is clinically relevant. "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!" -- Carl Sagan The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Office of Medical Education, Research, and Development Patrick Barlow, Eric Heidel, and Tiffany Smith University of Tennessee Medical Center Prepared By: Tiffany Smith, Patrick Barlow, and Eric Heidel