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Strength Groovy
Tools for the Professional Groovy Developer
Dr Paul King, ASERT: @paulk_asert

• Testing/Mocking: JUnit, TestNG, EasyB, Spock,
  Instinct, MockFor, Gmock, EasyMock
• Injection: Spring, Guice
• Coverage: Cobertura
• Code style: CodeNarc, IntelliJ
• Duplication: Simian
• Documentation: GroovyDoc
• Builds: Ant, Gant, GMaven, Gradle, Hudson
• Modularisation: Grapes, OSGi
©   What is Groovy?

0   • ―Groovy is like a super version
9     of Java. It can leverage Java's
      enterprise capabilities but also
      has cool productivity features like closures,
      DSL support, builders and dynamic typing.‖

                       SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 4
©   Groovy Goodies Overview

    • Fully object oriented

    • Closures: reusable                 • GPath: efficient
      and assignable pieces                object navigation
      of code                            • GroovyBeans
    • Operators can be
0                                        • grep and switch
                                         • Templates, builder,
    • Multimethods                         swing, Ant, markup,
    • Literal declaration for              XML, SQL, XML-RPC,
      lists (arrays), maps,                Scriptom, Grails,
      ranges and regular                   tests, Mocks

                          SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 5
Growing Acceptance …


Now free
    … Growing Acceptance …



                      SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 7
©   … Growing Acceptance …
What alternative JVM language are you using or intending to use


                               SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 8
©   … Growing Acceptance …

9 (translated using
                                          SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 9
©   … Growing Acceptance


                   SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 10
Groovy‘s Appeal

• Innovators/Thought leaders
  – Ideas, power, flexibility, novelty, thinking community
• Early adopters
  – Productivity benefits and collegiate community
  – Leverage JVM and potential for mainstream
• Mainstream
  –   Leverage existing Java skills, low learning curve
  –   Leverage JVM and production infrastructure
  –   Professional community
  –   Tools, tools, tools

      SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.
Utilities              Runners
Groovy and Testing Tool Spectrum
                                   Combinations           Native Groovy, JUnit, TestNG, Spock, EasyB,
                                   Polyglot languages     JBehave, Cucumber, Robot Framework
                                   Logic programming
                                   Threads, Parallel /
                                   Concurrency            Web           Database     SOAP /    Other
                                   libraries              Drivers       Drivers      REST      Drivers
                                   Data-driven                                       Drivers
                                                          WebTest       DbUnit                FEST
                                                          WebDriver     DataSets     GroovyWS Email
                                   Networking libraries
                                   XML Processing         JWebUnit      SqlUnit      XML-RPC  FTP
                                   Read/write files /     Tellurium     groovy.sql   CXF      AntUnit
                                   Excel / Word / CSV     Selenium      JPA          Axis2    Telnet
                                   Reporting, Logging     HtmlUnit      JDO          JAX-WS   SSH
                                                          Watij         BigTable     JAX-RS   Exec
                                                          HttpBuilder   JDBC
                                   iTest2, SoapUI,
                                   Twist, IDEs, JMeter,
                                   Text editors,
                                   Recorders, Sahi,
                                   Build Tools, CI
Testing: JUnit

  import org.junit.Test
  import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals

  class ArithmeticTest {
      void additionIsWorking() {
          assertEquals 4, 2+2

      void divideByZero() {
          println 1/0
Testing: TestNG

   import ...
   public class SimpleTest {

       public void setUp() {
         // code invoked when test is created

       @Test(groups = [ "fast" ])
       public void aFastTest() {
         System.out.println("Fast test");

       @Test(groups = [ "slow" ])
       public void aSlowTest() {
          System.out.println("Slow test");
import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*
                    mockControl = createStrictControl()
                    mockReverser = mockControl.createMock(Reverser)
                    storer = new JavaStorer(mockReverser)
                    def testStorage() {
                       expectReverse(123.456, -123.456)
Mocking: EasyMock

                       expectReverse('hello', 'olleh')
                       checkReverse(123.456, -123.456)
                       checkReverse('hello', 'olleh')
                    def expectReverse(input, output) {
                    def checkReverse(value, reverseValue) {
                       assert value == storer.get()
                       assert reverseValue == storer.getReverse()
class a_default_storer {
                        def storer
                        @initially void create_new_storer() {
                            storer = new Storer()
                        private check_persist_and_reverse(value, expectedReverse) {
                            def persisted = storer.get()
                            assert persisted == value
                            def reversed = storer.reverse
                            assert reversed == expectedReverse
Testing: Instinct

                        @spec def should_reverse_numbers() {
                            check_persist_and_reverse 123.456, -123.456
                        @spec def should_reverse_strings() {
                            check_persist_and_reverse 'hello', 'olleh'
                        @spec def should_reverse_lists() {
                            check_persist_and_reverse([1, 3, 5], [5, 3, 1])

                    check_specs_for a_default_storer
import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor

                   def mocker = new MockFor(Collaborator.class)    //   create the Mock support
          { 1 }                   //   demand the 'one' method one
                                                                   //   or two times, returning 1
                   mocker.demand.two()      { 2 }                  //   demand the 'two' method
                                                                   //   exactly once, returning 2
                   mocker.use {                                    //   start using the Mock
                       def caller =   new Caller()                 //   caller will call Collaborator
                       assertEquals   1, caller.collaborateOne()   //   will call
                       assertEquals   1, caller.collaborateOne()   //   will call
                       assertEquals   2, caller.collaborateTwo()   //   will call Collaborator.two
Mocking: MockFor

                   }                                               //   implicit verify here

                           import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor

                           def mocker = new MockFor(Collaborator.class)
                  { 1 }
                           mocker.demand.two()     { 2 }
                           mocker.use {
                               def caller = new Caller()
                               assertEquals 1, caller.collaborateOne()
                               assertEquals 1, caller.collaborateOne()
                               assertEquals 2, caller.collaborateTwo()
Mocking: Gmock ...

•   Method mocking: mockLoader.load("fruit").returns("apple")

•   Exception mocking: mockLoader.load("unknown").raises(new RuntimeException())

•   Stub mocking: mockLoader.load("fruit").returns("apple").stub()

•   Static method mocking: mockMath.static.random().returns(0.5)

•   Property mocking:"loader")

•   Constructor mocking: def mockFile = mock(File, constructor('/a/path/file.txt'))

•   Partial mocking: mock(controller).params.returns([id: 3])

•   Times expectation: mockLoader.load("fruit").returns("apple").atLeastOnce()

•   Custom matcher: mockLoader.load(match{ it.startsWith("fru") })

•   Strict ordering: ordered { ... }

•   Optional support for Hamcrest matcher: mockLoader.put("test", is(not(lessThan(5))))

•   GMockController if you can't extend GMockTestCase in your test
Mocking: Gmock

 import org.gmock.GMockTestCase

 class LoaderTest extends GMockTestCase {
     void testLoader(){
         def mockLoader = mock()
         play {
             assertEquals "value", mockLoader.load('key')
Testing: Spock ...
... Testing: Spock

  class PublisherSubscriberSpeck {
    def "events are received by all subscribers"() {
      def pub = new Publisher()
      def sub1 = Mock(Subscriber)
      def sub2 = Mock(Subscriber)
      pub.subscribers << sub1 << sub2


          1 * sub1.receive("event")
          1 * sub2.receive("event")
Testing: EasyB ...

given "an invalid zip code", {
    invalidzipcode = "221o1"

and "given the zipcodevalidator is initialized", {
    zipvalidate = new ZipCodeValidator()

when "validate is invoked with the invalid zip code", {
    value = zipvalidate.validate(invalidzipcode)

then "the validator instance should return false", {
    value.shouldBe false
before "start selenium", {
                       given "selenium is up and running", {
                         // start selenium

                     scenario "a valid person has been entered", {

                         when "filling out the person form with a first and last name", {
                           selenium.type("fname", "Britney")
                           selenium.type("lname", "Smith")
Testing: EasyB ...

                         and "the submit link has been clicked", {

                         then "the report should have a list of races for that person", {
                           values = ["Mclean 1/2 Marathon", "Reston 5K", "Herndon 10K", "Leesburg 10K"]
                           for(i in 0..<values.size()){
                             selenium.getText("//table//tr[${(i+3)}]/td").shouldBeEqualTo values[i]

                     after "stop selenium" , {
                       then "selenium should be shutdown", {
                         // stop selenium
Dependency Injection

• Hollywood Principle
  – Don‘t call us, we‘ll call you
• “All problems in computer science
  can be solved by another level of
• "...except for the problem of too
  many layers of indirection“
  – For attributions, see
Dependency Injection

• Pattern for loosely coupled & testable objects

      class Client {              class Client {
        Calculator calc =           Calculator calc
          new CalculatorImpl()      def executeCalc(a, b) {
        def executeCalc(a, b) {       calc.add(a, b)
          calc.add(a, b)            }
        }                         }

     Service locator/factory        Need to select setter,
                                      constructor, field style
     Tightly coupled?
                                     Can add complexity
     Hard to test?
                                     Manage configuration
     Easy to understand?
                                     Direct or framework
     Refactoring/navigation?
                                     Consistency/lifecycle
Dependency Injection: Spring ...

• Several flavors
   – let‘s look at Annotation and BeanBuilder flavors
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

    @Component class AdderImpl {
        def add(x, y) { x + y }

    import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

    @Component class CalcImpl3 {
        @Autowired private AdderImpl adder
        def doAdd(x, y) { adder.add(x, y) }
... Dependency Injection: Spring


def ctx = new GenericApplicationContext()
new ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner(ctx).scan('')
def calc = ctx.getBean('calcImpl3')
println calc.doAdd(3, 4) // => 7

    def bb = new grails.spring.BeanBuilder()
    bb.beans {
        calcBean(CalcImpl2) { delegate.adder = adder }
    def ctx = bb.createApplicationContext()
    def calc = ctx.getBean('calcBean')
    println calc.doAdd(3, 4) // => 7
Dependency Injection: Guice

                              interface Calculator {
                                  def add(a, b)

                              class CalculatorImpl implements Calculator {
                                  private total = 0
                                  def add(a, b) { total++; a + b }
                                  def getTotalCalculations() { 'Total Calculations: ' + total }
                                  String toString() { 'Calc: ' + hashCode()}

                              class Client {
                                  @Inject Calculator calc
                                  // ...

                              def injector = Guice.createInjector()
                              // ...
Dependency Injection:
Metaprogramming Style

   class Calculator {
       def total = 0
       def add(a, b) { total++; a + b }

   def INSTANCE = new Calculator()
   Calculator.metaClass.constructor = { -> INSTANCE }

   def c1 = new Calculator()
   def c2 = new Calculator()

   assert c1.add(1, 2) == 3
   assert c2.add(3, 4) == 7

   assert [c1, c2].total == [2, 2]
Coverage: Cobertura ...

...Coverage: Cobertura ...


                             java –cp ...                               Command-line

                             grails install-plugin code-coverage --global
...Coverage: Cobertura
Remember 100% coverage rule ...   • Necessary but not sufficient condition

                                                                             // 100%
...Remember 100% coverage rule ...   • Necessary but not sufficient condition

                                                                                // 100%

                                                                                // Fail
...Remember 100% coverage rule   • Necessary but not sufficient condition
Code style: CodeNarc ...

                  About 50 rules (1 broken?)
... Code style: CodeNarc ...
... Code style: CodeNarc
Code style: IntelliJ
Duplication: Simian ...

Simian fully supports the following languages:
• Java
• C#
• C++
                                    with partial support
• C
• Objective-C
• JavaScript (ECMAScript)           •   JSP
• COBOL, ABAP                       •   ASP
• Ruby                              •   HTML
• Lisp                              •   XML
• Visual Basic
• Groovy
... Duplication: Simian ...
... Duplication: Simian ...
... Duplication: Simian

Similarity Analyser 2.2.23 -
Copyright (c) 2003-08 RedHill Consulting Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Simian is not free unless used solely for non-commercial or evaluation
{failOnDuplication=true, ignoreCharacterCase=true,
     ignoreCurlyBraces=true, ignoreIdentifierCase=true,
     ignoreModifiers=true, ignoreStringCase=true, threshold=6}
Found 6 duplicate lines in the following files:
 Between lines 201 and 207 in
Found 66375 duplicate lines in 5949 blocks in 1260 files
Processed a total of 390309 significant (1196065 raw) lines in 4242 files
Processing time: 9.490sec
Documentation: GroovyDoc ...

<taskdef name="groovydoc"
    <path path="${mainClassesDirectory}" />
    <path refid="compilePath" />

<groovydoc destdir="${docsDirectory}/gapi"
    packagenames="**.*" use="true" windowtitle="${title} "
    doctitle="${title}" header="${title}" footer="${docFooter}"
    overview="src/main/overview.html" private="false">
  <link packages="java.,org.xml.,javax.,org.xml."
      href="" />
  <link packages="org.apache.ant.,"
      href="" />
  <link packages="org.junit.,junit.framework."
      href="" />
... Documentation:
Builds: Groovy from Ant

• Need groovy jar on your Ant classpath
    <taskdef name="groovy"

    <target name="printXmlFileNamesFromJar">
      <zipfileset id="found" src="foobar.jar"
        project.references.found.each {
Builds: Ant from Groovy

• Built-in (need ant.jar on your Groovy classpath)
  new AntBuilder().with {
      echo(file:'', '''
      class Temp {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
      javac(srcdir:'.', includes:'', fork:'true')
      java(classpath:'.', classname:'Temp', fork:'true')
  // =>
  //    [javac] Compiling 1 source file
  //      [java] Hello
  //      [echo] Done
Builds: Gant

• lightweight façade on Groovy's AntBuilder
• target def‘ns, pre-defined ‗ant‘, operations on
  predefined objects
    includeTargets << gant.targets.Clean
    cleanPattern << [ '**/*~' , '**/*.bak' ]
    cleanDirectory << 'build'

    target ( stuff : 'A target to do some stuff.' ) {
      println ( 'Stuff' )
      depends ( clean )
      echo ( message : 'A default message from Ant.' )
      otherStuff ( )

    target ( otherStuff : 'A target to do some other stuff' ) {
      println ( 'OtherStuff' )
      echo ( message : 'Another message from Ant.' )
      clean ( )
Builds: GMaven

• Implementing Maven plugins has never been
• Groovy Mojos
  – A Simple Groovy Mojo
• Building Plugins
  – Project Definition
  – Mojo Parameters
• Putting More Groove into your Mojo
  – Using ant, Using fail()
• gmaven-archetype-mojo Archetype
• gmaven-plugin Packaging
Builds: GMaven

Builds: GMaven

def domainDir =['weblogic.domain.easyimage.dir']


def stopWebLogic() {
   weblogicServerDir =['weblogic.server.dir']
   adminUrl =['easyimage.weblogic.admin.t3']
   userName = 'weblogic'
   password = 'weblogic'
   ant.exec(executable: 'cmd', failonerror: 'false') {
      arg(line: "/C ${wlsDir}/bin/setWLSEnv.cmd && java ..." ...

Builds: Gradle ...

• A very flexible general purpose build tool like Ant
• Switchable, build-by-convention frameworks a la Maven.
  But we never lock you in!
• Powerful support for multi-project builds
• Powerful dependency management (Apache Ivy based)
• Full support for your existing Maven or Ivy repository
• Support for transitive dependency management without
  the need for remote repositories or pom.xml/ivy.xml files
• Ant tasks as first class citizens
• Groovy build scripts
• A rich domain model for describing your build
... Builds: Gradle
Builds: Hudson

• Gant Plugin — This plugin allows Hudson to invoke
  Gant build script as the main build step
• Gradle Plugin — This plugin allows Hudson to
  invoke Gradle build script as the main build step
• Grails Plugin — This plugin allows Hudson to invoke
  Grails tasks as build steps
• Hudson CLI and GroovyShell       Usage pattern?

<project name="StringUtilsBuild" default="package"
                             xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns="">

                          <target name="clean">
                              <delete dir="target"/>
                              <delete dir="lib"/>

                          <target name="compile" depends="-init-ivy">
                               <mkdir dir="target/classes"/>
                               <javac srcdir="src/main"

                          <target name="compileTest" depends="compile">
                               <mkdir dir="target/test-classes"/>
Ant Build File...

                               <javac srcdir="src/test"
                                        <pathelement location="target/classes"/>
                                        <fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>
                          <target name="test" depends="compileTest">
                              <mkdir dir="target/test-reports"/>
                              <junit printsummary="yes" fork="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
                                       <pathelement location="target/classes"/>
                                       <pathelement location="target/test-classes"/>
                                       <fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/>
                                  <formatter type="plain"/>
                                  <formatter type="xml"/>
                                  <batchtest fork="yes" todir="target/test-reports">
                                       <fileset dir="target/test-classes"/>

                          <target name="package" depends="test">
                              <jar destfile="target/stringutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
...Ant Build File

                          <target name="-init-ivy" depends="-download-ivy">
                              <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml"
                                       uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpath="lib/ivy.jar"/>
                              <ivy:settings file="ivysettings.xml"/>

                        <target name="-download-ivy">
                            <property name="ivy.version" value="2.1.0-rc2"/>
                            <mkdir dir="lib"/>
                                  dest="lib/ivy.jar" usetimestamp="true"/>
<project xmlns=""
                         <!-- this is a java 1.5 project -->
Maven POM

import static groovy.xml.NamespaceBuilder.newInstance as namespace

                   ant = new AntBuilder()

                   def doPackage() {
                       ant.jar destfile: 'target/stringutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar',
                           basedir: 'target/classes'

                   private dependencies() {
                       def ivy_version = '2.1.0-rc2'
                       def repo = ''
                       ant.mkdir dir: 'lib'
                       ant.get dest: 'lib/ivy.jar',
                               usetimestamp: 'true',
                               src: "$repo/org/apache/ivy/ivy/$ivy_version/ivy-${ivy_version}.jar"
build.groovy ...

                       ant.taskdef classpath: 'lib/ivy.jar',
                               uri: 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant',
                               resource: 'org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml'
                       def ivy = namespace(ant, 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant')
                       ivy.settings file: 'ivysettings.xml'

                   def clean() {
                       ant.delete dir: 'target'
                       ant.delete dir: 'lib'
                   def compile() {
                       ant.mkdir dir: 'target/classes'
                       ant.javac destdir: 'target/classes', srcdir: 'src/main',
                           includeantruntime: false

                   def compileTest() {
                       ant.mkdir dir: 'target/test-classes'
                       ant.javac(destdir: 'target/test-classes', srcdir: 'src/test',
                           includeantruntime: false) {
                           classpath {
                               pathelement location: 'target/classes'
                               fileset dir: 'lib', includes: '*.jar'
... build.groovy

                   def test() {
                       ant.mkdir dir: 'target/test-reports'
                       ant.junit(printsummary: 'yes', haltonfailure: 'yes', fork: 'yes') {
                           classpath {
                                pathelement location: 'target/classes'
                                pathelement location: 'target/test-classes'
                                fileset dir: 'lib', includes: '*.jar'
                           formatter type: 'plain'
                           formatter type: 'xml'
                           batchtest(todir: 'target/test-reports', fork: 'yes') {
                                fileset dir: 'target/test-classes'
import static groovy.xml.NamespaceBuilder.newInstance as namespace

                 target('package': '') {
                     depends 'test'
                     jar destfile: 'target/stringutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar',
                         basedir: 'target/classes'

                 target('-download-ivy': '') {
                     def ivy_version = '2.1.0-rc2'
                     def repo = ''
                     mkdir dir: 'lib'
                     get dest: 'lib/ivy.jar', usetimestamp: 'true',
                         src: "$repo/org/apache/ivy/ivy/$ivy_version/ivy-${ivy_version}.jar"

                 target(clean: '') {
                     delete dir: 'target'
build.gant ...

                     delete dir: 'lib'

                 target(compile: '') {
                     depends '-init-ivy'
                     mkdir dir: 'target/classes'
                     javac destdir: 'target/classes', srcdir: 'src/main'
                 target('-init-ivy': '') {
                     depends '-download-ivy'
                     taskdef classpath: 'lib/ivy.jar', uri: 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant',
                             resource: 'org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml'
                     def ivy = namespace(ant, 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant')
                     ivy.settings file: 'ivysettings.xml'

                 target(compileTest: '') {
                     depends 'compile'
                     mkdir dir: 'target/test-classes'
                     javac(destdir: 'target/test-classes', srcdir: 'src/test') {
                         classpath {
                             pathelement location: 'target/classes'
                             fileset dir: 'lib', includes: '*.jar'

                 target(test: '') {
                     depends 'compileTest'
                     mkdir dir: 'target/test-reports'
                     junit(printsummary: 'yes', haltonfailure: 'yes', fork: 'yes') {
                         classpath {
... build.gant

                             pathelement location: 'target/classes'
                             pathelement location: 'target/test-classes'
                             fileset dir: 'lib', includes: '*.jar'
                         formatter type: 'plain'
                         formatter type: 'xml'
                         batchtest(todir: 'target/test-reports', fork: 'yes') {
                             fileset dir: 'target/test-classes'

                 setDefaultTarget 'package'
usePlugin 'java'

               sourceCompatibility = 1.5
               version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

               repositories {

               dependencies {
                   testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7'
Modularisation: Grapes

   // Google Collections example
   def getFruit() {
       [ grape:'purple',
        orange:'orange' ] as HashBiMap
   assert fruit.lemon == 'yellow'
   assert fruit.inverse().yellow == 'lemon'
Modularisation: OSGi

This is Apache Sling in five bullets:
• REST based web framework
• Content-driven, using a JCR content repository
• Powered by OSGi
• Scripting inside, multiple languages         See also: Grails JCR plugin
• Apache Open Source project

           See also:
    Better Design Patterns:
A   Immutable...
E                                                                   // ...
    • Java Immutable Class
T                                                                   public boolean equals(Object obj) {
                                                                        if (this == obj)

2     – As per Joshua Bloch
      public final class Punter {
          private final String first;
                                                                            return true;
                                                                        if (obj == null)

          Effective Java
0         private final String last;                                        return false;
0                                                                       if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
         public String getFirst() {                                         return false;
6            return first;                                              Punter other = (Punter) obj;
-        }                                                              if (first == null) {
2                                                                           if (other.first != null)
0        public String getLast() {                                              return false;
             return last;                                               } else if (!first.equals(other.first))
0        }                                                                  return false;
9                                                                       if (last == null) {
         @Override                                                          if (other.last != null)
         public int hashCode() {                                                return false;
             final int prime = 31;                                      } else if (!last.equals(other.last))
             int result = 1;                                                return false;
             result = prime * result + ((first == null)                 return true;
                 ? 0 : first.hashCode());                           }
             result = prime * result + ((last == null)
                 ? 0 : last.hashCode());                            @Override
             return result;                                         public String toString() {
         }                                                              return "Punter(first:" + first
                                                                            + ", last:" + last + ")";
         public Punter(String first, String last) {                 }
             this.first = first;
             this.last = last;                                  }
         // ...

                                                AUG 2009 - 70
    ...Better Design Patterns:
A   Immutable...                                                                            boilerplate
E                                                                   // ...

    • Java Immutable Class
R                                                                   @Override
T                                                                   public boolean equals(Object obj) {
                                                                        if (this == obj)
      public final class Punter {                                           return true;
2         private final String first;                                   if (obj == null)
0         private final String last;                                        return false;
0                                                                       if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
         public String getFirst() {                                         return false;
6            return first;                                              Punter other = (Punter) obj;
-        }                                                              if (first == null) {
2                                                                           if (other.first != null)
0        public String getLast() {                                              return false;
             return last;                                               } else if (!first.equals(other.first))
0        }                                                                  return false;
9                                                                       if (last == null) {
         @Override                                                          if (other.last != null)
         public int hashCode() {                                                return false;
             final int prime = 31;                                      } else if (!last.equals(other.last))
             int result = 1;                                                return false;
             result = prime * result + ((first == null)                 return true;
                 ? 0 : first.hashCode());                           }
             result = prime * result + ((last == null)
                 ? 0 : last.hashCode());                            @Override
             return result;                                         public String toString() {
         }                                                              return "Punter(first:" + first
                                                                            + ", last:" + last + ")";
         public Punter(String first, String last) {                 }
             this.first = first;
             this.last = last;                                  }
         // ...

                                                AUG 2009 - 71
    ...Better Design Patterns:
A   Immutable

0           @Immutable class Punter {
-               String first, last
0           }

                        AUG 2009 - 72
    Better Design Patterns:
A   Singleton
R   class Calculator {
T       def total = 0
2       def add(a, b) { total++; a + b }
0   }
-   def INSTANCE = new Calculator()
0   Calculator.metaClass.constructor = { -> INSTANCE }
    def c1 = new Calculator()
    def c2 = new Calculator()                   @Singleton(lazy=true)
                                                class X {
    assert c1.add(1, 2) == 3                       def getHello () {
    assert c2.add(3, 4) == 7                         "Hello, World!"
    assert                            }
    assert [c1, c2].total == [2, 2]
                                                println X.instance.hello

                                AUG 2009 - 73
Better Design Patterns: Delegate…
                                             public Date getWhen() {
    import java.util.Date;
A                                               return when;
S                                            }
E public class Event {
R    private String title;
                                             public void setWhen(Date when) {
T    private String url;
                                                this.when = when;
      private Date when;
2                                            }
0     public String getUrl() {
                                             public boolean before(Date other) {
6        return url;
                                                return when.before(other);
-     }
2                                            }
      public void setUrl(String url) {
0                                            public void setTime(long time) {
9        this.url = url;
      public String getTitle() {
                                             public long getTime() {
         return title;
                                                return when.getTime();
      public void setTitle(String title) {
                                         public boolean after(Date other) {
         this.title = title;
                                            return when.after(other);
      // ...
                                         // ...

                                    AUG 2009 - 74
…Better Design Patterns: Delegate…
                                                      public Date getWhen() {
    import java.util.Date;
A                                                        return when;
S                            boilerplate              }
E public class Event {
R    private String title;
                                                      public void setWhen(Date when) {
T    private String url;
                                                         this.when = when;
        private Date when;
2                                                     }
0       public String getUrl() {
                                                      public boolean before(Date other)
6          return url;
-       }
2                                                         return when.before(other);
0                                                     }
        public void setUrl(String url) {
9          this.url = url;
                                                      public void setTime(long time) {
        public String getTitle() {
           return title;
                                                      public long getTime() {
                                                         return when.getTime();
        public void setTitle(String title)
                                                      public boolean after(Date other) {
          this.title = title;
                                                         return when.after(other);
        // ...
                                                      // ...

                                      AUG 2009 - 75
…Better Design Patterns: Delegate

T    class Event {
         String title, url
         @Delegate Date when
6    }
0    def gr8conf = new Event(title: "GR8 Conference",
             url: "",
             when: Date.parse("yyyy/MM/dd", "2009/05/18"))

     def javaOne = new Event(title: "JavaOne",
             url: "",
             when: Date.parse("yyyy/MM/dd", "2009/06/02"))

     assert gr8conf.before(javaOne.when)

                              AUG 2009 - 76
©   More Information: on the web

    • Web sites
2      –
0      – (many examples)
-      – (workshop)
0   • Mailing list for users
9      –
    • Information portals
    • Documentation (1000+ pages)
       – Getting Started Guide, User Guide, Developer Guide, Testing
         Guide, Cookbook Examples, Advanced Usage Guide

                                  AUG 2009 - 78
    More Information: Groovy in Action


     Second edition of GinA, ‘ReGinA’ now under development
                                                 AUG 2009 - 79

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Industrial Strength Groovy - Tools for the Professional Groovy Developer: Paul King

  • 1. Industrial Strength Groovy Tools for the Professional Groovy Developer Dr Paul King, ASERT: @paulk_asert
  • 2. Topics • Testing/Mocking: JUnit, TestNG, EasyB, Spock, Instinct, MockFor, Gmock, EasyMock • Injection: Spring, Guice • Coverage: Cobertura • Code style: CodeNarc, IntelliJ • Duplication: Simian • Documentation: GroovyDoc • Builds: Ant, Gant, GMaven, Gradle, Hudson • Modularisation: Grapes, OSGi
  • 4. © What is Groovy? A S E R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 • ―Groovy is like a super version 0 9 of Java. It can leverage Java's enterprise capabilities but also has cool productivity features like closures, DSL support, builders and dynamic typing.‖ SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 4
  • 5. © Groovy Goodies Overview A S E • Fully object oriented R T 2 0 • Closures: reusable • GPath: efficient 0 6 and assignable pieces object navigation - 2 of code • GroovyBeans • Operators can be 0 0 • grep and switch overloaded 9 • Templates, builder, • Multimethods swing, Ant, markup, • Literal declaration for XML, SQL, XML-RPC, lists (arrays), maps, Scriptom, Grails, ranges and regular tests, Mocks expressions SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 5
  • 6. Growing Acceptance … Making Java Groovy (soon) Now free
  • 7. © … Growing Acceptance … A S E R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 9 SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 7
  • 8. © … Growing Acceptance … What alternative JVM language are you using or intending to use A S E R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 9 SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 8
  • 9. © … Growing Acceptance … A S E R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 9 (translated using SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 9
  • 10. © … Growing Acceptance A S E R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 9 SpringOne2gx_Oct2009 - 10
  • 11. Groovy‘s Appeal • Innovators/Thought leaders – Ideas, power, flexibility, novelty, thinking community • Early adopters – Productivity benefits and collegiate community – Leverage JVM and potential for mainstream • Mainstream – Leverage existing Java skills, low learning curve – Leverage JVM and production infrastructure – Professional community – Tools, tools, tools
  • 12. TESTING SpringOne 2GX 2009. All rights reserved. Do not distribute without permission.
  • 13. Utilities Runners Groovy and Testing Tool Spectrum AllPairs, Combinations Native Groovy, JUnit, TestNG, Spock, EasyB, Polyglot languages JBehave, Cucumber, Robot Framework Logic programming Threads, Parallel / Concurrency Web Database SOAP / Other libraries Drivers Drivers REST Drivers Data-driven Drivers WebTest DbUnit FEST libraries WebDriver DataSets GroovyWS Email Networking libraries XML Processing JWebUnit SqlUnit XML-RPC FTP Read/write files / Tellurium groovy.sql CXF AntUnit Excel / Word / CSV Selenium JPA Axis2 Telnet Reporting, Logging HtmlUnit JDO JAX-WS SSH Watij BigTable JAX-RS Exec Tools HttpBuilder JDBC iTest2, SoapUI, Twist, IDEs, JMeter, Cyberneko Text editors, Recorders, Sahi, Build Tools, CI
  • 14. Testing: JUnit import org.junit.Test import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals class ArithmeticTest { @Test void additionIsWorking() { assertEquals 4, 2+2 } @Test(expected=ArithmeticException) void divideByZero() { println 1/0 } }
  • 15. Testing: TestNG import ... public class SimpleTest { @BeforeClass public void setUp() { // code invoked when test is created } @Test(groups = [ "fast" ]) public void aFastTest() { System.out.println("Fast test"); } @Test(groups = [ "slow" ]) public void aSlowTest() { System.out.println("Slow test"); } }
  • 16. import static org.easymock.EasyMock.* mockControl = createStrictControl() mockReverser = mockControl.createMock(Reverser) storer = new JavaStorer(mockReverser) testStorage() def testStorage() { expectReverse(123.456, -123.456) Mocking: EasyMock expectReverse('hello', 'olleh') mockControl.replay() checkReverse(123.456, -123.456) checkReverse('hello', 'olleh') mockControl.verify() } def expectReverse(input, output) { expect(mockReverser.reverse(input)).andReturn(output) } def checkReverse(value, reverseValue) { storer.put(value) assert value == storer.get() assert reverseValue == storer.getReverse() }
  • 17. class a_default_storer { def storer @initially void create_new_storer() { storer = new Storer() } private check_persist_and_reverse(value, expectedReverse) { storer.put(value) def persisted = storer.get() assert persisted == value def reversed = storer.reverse assert reversed == expectedReverse Testing: Instinct } @spec def should_reverse_numbers() { check_persist_and_reverse 123.456, -123.456 } @spec def should_reverse_strings() { check_persist_and_reverse 'hello', 'olleh' } @spec def should_reverse_lists() { check_persist_and_reverse([1, 3, 5], [5, 3, 1]) } } check_specs_for a_default_storer
  • 18. import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor def mocker = new MockFor(Collaborator.class) // create the Mock support { 1 } // demand the 'one' method one // or two times, returning 1 mocker.demand.two() { 2 } // demand the 'two' method // exactly once, returning 2 mocker.use { // start using the Mock def caller = new Caller() // caller will call Collaborator assertEquals 1, caller.collaborateOne() // will call assertEquals 1, caller.collaborateOne() // will call assertEquals 2, caller.collaborateTwo() // will call Collaborator.two Mocking: MockFor } // implicit verify here import groovy.mock.interceptor.MockFor def mocker = new MockFor(Collaborator.class) { 1 } mocker.demand.two() { 2 } mocker.use { def caller = new Caller() assertEquals 1, caller.collaborateOne() assertEquals 1, caller.collaborateOne() assertEquals 2, caller.collaborateTwo() }
  • 19. Mocking: Gmock ... • Method mocking: mockLoader.load("fruit").returns("apple") • Exception mocking: mockLoader.load("unknown").raises(new RuntimeException()) • Stub mocking: mockLoader.load("fruit").returns("apple").stub() • Static method mocking: mockMath.static.random().returns(0.5) • Property mocking:"loader") • Constructor mocking: def mockFile = mock(File, constructor('/a/path/file.txt')) • Partial mocking: mock(controller).params.returns([id: 3]) • Times expectation: mockLoader.load("fruit").returns("apple").atLeastOnce() • Custom matcher: mockLoader.load(match{ it.startsWith("fru") }) • Strict ordering: ordered { ... } • Optional support for Hamcrest matcher: mockLoader.put("test", is(not(lessThan(5)))) • GMockController if you can't extend GMockTestCase in your test
  • 20. Mocking: Gmock import org.gmock.GMockTestCase class LoaderTest extends GMockTestCase { void testLoader(){ def mockLoader = mock() mockLoader.load('key').returns('value') play { assertEquals "value", mockLoader.load('key') } } }
  • 22. ... Testing: Spock @Speck @RunWith(Sputnik) class PublisherSubscriberSpeck { def "events are received by all subscribers"() { def pub = new Publisher() def sub1 = Mock(Subscriber) def sub2 = Mock(Subscriber) pub.subscribers << sub1 << sub2 when: pub.send("event") then: 1 * sub1.receive("event") 1 * sub2.receive("event") } }
  • 23. Testing: EasyB ... given "an invalid zip code", { invalidzipcode = "221o1" } and "given the zipcodevalidator is initialized", { zipvalidate = new ZipCodeValidator() } when "validate is invoked with the invalid zip code", { value = zipvalidate.validate(invalidzipcode) } then "the validator instance should return false", { value.shouldBe false }
  • 24. before "start selenium", { given "selenium is up and running", { // start selenium } } scenario "a valid person has been entered", { when "filling out the person form with a first and last name", {"") selenium.type("fname", "Britney") selenium.type("lname", "Smith") } Testing: EasyB ... and "the submit link has been clicked", {"submit") } then "the report should have a list of races for that person", { selenium.waitForPageToLoad("5000") values = ["Mclean 1/2 Marathon", "Reston 5K", "Herndon 10K", "Leesburg 10K"] for(i in 0..<values.size()){ selenium.getText("//table//tr[${(i+3)}]/td").shouldBeEqualTo values[i] } } } after "stop selenium" , { then "selenium should be shutdown", { // stop selenium } }
  • 25. Dependency Injection • Hollywood Principle – Don‘t call us, we‘ll call you • “All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection” • "...except for the problem of too many layers of indirection“ – For attributions, see
  • 26. Dependency Injection • Pattern for loosely coupled & testable objects class Client { class Client { Calculator calc = Calculator calc new CalculatorImpl() def executeCalc(a, b) { def executeCalc(a, b) { calc.add(a, b) calc.add(a, b) } } } }  Service locator/factory  Need to select setter, constructor, field style  Tightly coupled?  Can add complexity  Hard to test?  Manage configuration  Easy to understand?  Direct or framework  Refactoring/navigation?  Consistency/lifecycle
  • 27. Dependency Injection: Spring ... • Several flavors – let‘s look at Annotation and BeanBuilder flavors import org.springframework.stereotype.Component @Component class AdderImpl { def add(x, y) { x + y } } import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired import org.springframework.stereotype.Component @Component class CalcImpl3 { @Autowired private AdderImpl adder def doAdd(x, y) { adder.add(x, y) } }
  • 28. ... Dependency Injection: Spring import import org.springframework.context.annotation.ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner def ctx = new GenericApplicationContext() new ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner(ctx).scan('') ctx.refresh() def calc = ctx.getBean('calcImpl3') println calc.doAdd(3, 4) // => 7 def bb = new grails.spring.BeanBuilder() bb.beans { adder(AdderImpl) calcBean(CalcImpl2) { delegate.adder = adder } } def ctx = bb.createApplicationContext() def calc = ctx.getBean('calcBean') println calc.doAdd(3, 4) // => 7
  • 29. Dependency Injection: Guice import* @ImplementedBy(CalculatorImpl) interface Calculator { def add(a, b) } @Singleton class CalculatorImpl implements Calculator { private total = 0 def add(a, b) { total++; a + b } def getTotalCalculations() { 'Total Calculations: ' + total } String toString() { 'Calc: ' + hashCode()} } class Client { @Inject Calculator calc // ... } def injector = Guice.createInjector() // ...
  • 30. Dependency Injection: Metaprogramming Style class Calculator { def total = 0 def add(a, b) { total++; a + b } } def INSTANCE = new Calculator() Calculator.metaClass.constructor = { -> INSTANCE } def c1 = new Calculator() def c2 = new Calculator() assert c1.add(1, 2) == 3 assert c2.add(3, 4) == 7 assert assert [c1, c2].total == [2, 2]
  • 33. ...Coverage: Cobertura ... Maven cobertura-instrument java –cp ... Command-line cobertura-report cobertura-check cobertura-merge Grails grails install-plugin code-coverage --global
  • 35. Remember 100% coverage rule ... • Necessary but not sufficient condition // 100%
  • 36. ...Remember 100% coverage rule ... • Necessary but not sufficient condition // 100% // Fail
  • 37. ...Remember 100% coverage rule • Necessary but not sufficient condition
  • 38. Code style: CodeNarc ... About 50 rules (1 broken?)
  • 39. ... Code style: CodeNarc ...
  • 40. ... Code style: CodeNarc
  • 42. Duplication: Simian ... Simian fully supports the following languages: • Java • C# • C++ with partial support • C for: • Objective-C • JavaScript (ECMAScript) • JSP • COBOL, ABAP • ASP • Ruby • HTML • Lisp • XML • SQL • Visual Basic • Groovy
  • 45. ... Duplication: Simian Similarity Analyser 2.2.23 - Copyright (c) 2003-08 RedHill Consulting Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. Simian is not free unless used solely for non-commercial or evaluation purposes. {failOnDuplication=true, ignoreCharacterCase=true, ignoreCurlyBraces=true, ignoreIdentifierCase=true, ignoreModifiers=true, ignoreStringCase=true, threshold=6} Found 6 duplicate lines in the following files: Between lines 201 and 207 in /Users/haruki_zaemon/Projects/redhill/simian/build/dist/src/java/ awt/image/ ... Found 66375 duplicate lines in 5949 blocks in 1260 files Processed a total of 390309 significant (1196065 raw) lines in 4242 files Processing time: 9.490sec
  • 46. Documentation: GroovyDoc ... <taskdef name="groovydoc" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovydoc"> <classpath> <path path="${mainClassesDirectory}" /> <path refid="compilePath" /> </classpath> </taskdef> <groovydoc destdir="${docsDirectory}/gapi" sourcepath="${mainSourceDirectory}" packagenames="**.*" use="true" windowtitle="${title} " doctitle="${title}" header="${title}" footer="${docFooter}" overview="src/main/overview.html" private="false"> <link packages="java.,org.xml.,javax.,org.xml." href="" /> <link packages="org.apache.ant.," href="" /> <link packages="org.junit.,junit.framework." href="" /> </groovydoc>
  • 49. Builds: Groovy from Ant • Need groovy jar on your Ant classpath <taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpathref="my.classpath"/> <target name="printXmlFileNamesFromJar"> <zipfileset id="found" src="foobar.jar" includes="**/*.xml"/> <groovy> project.references.found.each { println } </groovy> </target>
  • 50. Builds: Ant from Groovy • Built-in (need ant.jar on your Groovy classpath) new AntBuilder().with { echo(file:'', ''' class Temp { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello"); } } ''') javac(srcdir:'.', includes:'', fork:'true') java(classpath:'.', classname:'Temp', fork:'true') echo('Done') } // => // [javac] Compiling 1 source file // [java] Hello // [echo] Done
  • 51. Builds: Gant • lightweight façade on Groovy's AntBuilder • target def‘ns, pre-defined ‗ant‘, operations on predefined objects includeTargets << gant.targets.Clean cleanPattern << [ '**/*~' , '**/*.bak' ] cleanDirectory << 'build' target ( stuff : 'A target to do some stuff.' ) { println ( 'Stuff' ) depends ( clean ) echo ( message : 'A default message from Ant.' ) otherStuff ( ) } target ( otherStuff : 'A target to do some other stuff' ) { println ( 'OtherStuff' ) echo ( message : 'Another message from Ant.' ) clean ( ) }
  • 52. Builds: GMaven • Implementing Maven plugins has never been Groovier! • Groovy Mojos – A Simple Groovy Mojo • Building Plugins – Project Definition – Mojo Parameters • Putting More Groove into your Mojo – Using ant, Using fail() • gmaven-archetype-mojo Archetype • gmaven-plugin Packaging
  • 53. Builds: GMaven <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo.groovy</groupId> <artifactId>groovy-maven-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> <id>restart-weblogic</id> <phase>pre-integration-test</phase> <goals> <goal>execute</goal> </goals> <configuration> <source> ${pom.basedir}/src/main/script/restartWeblogic.groovy </source> </configuration> </execution> ...
  • 54. Builds: GMaven def domainDir =['weblogic.domain.easyimage.dir'] stopWebLogic() copyFiles(domainDir) startWebLogic(domainDir) waitForWebLogicStartup() def stopWebLogic() { weblogicServerDir =['weblogic.server.dir'] adminUrl =['easyimage.weblogic.admin.t3'] userName = 'weblogic' password = 'weblogic' ant.exec(executable: 'cmd', failonerror: 'false') { arg(line: "/C ${wlsDir}/bin/setWLSEnv.cmd && java ..." ... } ...
  • 55. Builds: Gradle ... • A very flexible general purpose build tool like Ant • Switchable, build-by-convention frameworks a la Maven. But we never lock you in! • Powerful support for multi-project builds • Powerful dependency management (Apache Ivy based) • Full support for your existing Maven or Ivy repository infrastructure • Support for transitive dependency management without the need for remote repositories or pom.xml/ivy.xml files • Ant tasks as first class citizens • Groovy build scripts • A rich domain model for describing your build
  • 57. Builds: Hudson • Gant Plugin — This plugin allows Hudson to invoke Gant build script as the main build step • Gradle Plugin — This plugin allows Hudson to invoke Gradle build script as the main build step • Grails Plugin — This plugin allows Hudson to invoke Grails tasks as build steps • Hudson CLI and GroovyShell Usage pattern? Source:
  • 58. <project name="StringUtilsBuild" default="package" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns=""> <target name="clean"> <delete dir="target"/> <delete dir="lib"/> </target> <target name="compile" depends="-init-ivy"> <mkdir dir="target/classes"/> <javac srcdir="src/main" destdir="target/classes"/> </target> <target name="compileTest" depends="compile"> <mkdir dir="target/test-classes"/> Ant Build File... <javac srcdir="src/test" destdir="target/test-classes"> <classpath> <pathelement location="target/classes"/> <fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/> </classpath> </javac> </target> ...
  • 59. ... <target name="test" depends="compileTest"> <mkdir dir="target/test-reports"/> <junit printsummary="yes" fork="yes" haltonfailure="yes"> <classpath> <pathelement location="target/classes"/> <pathelement location="target/test-classes"/> <fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/> </classpath> <formatter type="plain"/> <formatter type="xml"/> <batchtest fork="yes" todir="target/test-reports"> <fileset dir="target/test-classes"/> </batchtest> </junit> </target> <target name="package" depends="test"> <jar destfile="target/stringutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" basedir="target/classes"/> </target> ...Ant Build File <target name="-init-ivy" depends="-download-ivy"> <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml" uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpath="lib/ivy.jar"/> <ivy:settings file="ivysettings.xml"/> <ivy:retrieve/> </target> <target name="-download-ivy"> <property name="ivy.version" value="2.1.0-rc2"/> <mkdir dir="lib"/> <get src="${ivy.version}/ivy- ${ivy.version}.jar" dest="lib/ivy.jar" usetimestamp="true"/> </target> </project>
  • 60. <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>org.groovycookbook.builds</groupId> <artifactId>stringutils</artifactId> <packaging>jar</packaging> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <name>stringutils</name> <url></url> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.7</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <plugins> <!-- this is a java 1.5 project --> Maven POM <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <source>1.5</source> <target>1.5</target> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </project>
  • 61. import static groovy.xml.NamespaceBuilder.newInstance as namespace ant = new AntBuilder() clean() doPackage() def doPackage() { test() ant.jar destfile: 'target/stringutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar', basedir: 'target/classes' } private dependencies() { def ivy_version = '2.1.0-rc2' def repo = '' ant.mkdir dir: 'lib' ant.get dest: 'lib/ivy.jar', usetimestamp: 'true', src: "$repo/org/apache/ivy/ivy/$ivy_version/ivy-${ivy_version}.jar" build.groovy ... ant.taskdef classpath: 'lib/ivy.jar', uri: 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant', resource: 'org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml' def ivy = namespace(ant, 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant') ivy.settings file: 'ivysettings.xml' ivy.retrieve() } def clean() { ant.delete dir: 'target' ant.delete dir: 'lib' } ...
  • 62. ... def compile() { dependencies() ant.mkdir dir: 'target/classes' ant.javac destdir: 'target/classes', srcdir: 'src/main', includeantruntime: false } def compileTest() { compile() ant.mkdir dir: 'target/test-classes' ant.javac(destdir: 'target/test-classes', srcdir: 'src/test', includeantruntime: false) { classpath { pathelement location: 'target/classes' fileset dir: 'lib', includes: '*.jar' } } } ... build.groovy def test() { compileTest() ant.mkdir dir: 'target/test-reports' ant.junit(printsummary: 'yes', haltonfailure: 'yes', fork: 'yes') { classpath { pathelement location: 'target/classes' pathelement location: 'target/test-classes' fileset dir: 'lib', includes: '*.jar' } formatter type: 'plain' formatter type: 'xml' batchtest(todir: 'target/test-reports', fork: 'yes') { fileset dir: 'target/test-classes' } } }
  • 63. import static groovy.xml.NamespaceBuilder.newInstance as namespace target('package': '') { depends 'test' jar destfile: 'target/stringutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar', basedir: 'target/classes' } target('-download-ivy': '') { def ivy_version = '2.1.0-rc2' def repo = '' mkdir dir: 'lib' get dest: 'lib/ivy.jar', usetimestamp: 'true', src: "$repo/org/apache/ivy/ivy/$ivy_version/ivy-${ivy_version}.jar" } target(clean: '') { delete dir: 'target' build.gant ... delete dir: 'lib' } target(compile: '') { depends '-init-ivy' mkdir dir: 'target/classes' javac destdir: 'target/classes', srcdir: 'src/main' } ...
  • 64. ... target('-init-ivy': '') { depends '-download-ivy' taskdef classpath: 'lib/ivy.jar', uri: 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant', resource: 'org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml' def ivy = namespace(ant, 'antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant') ivy.settings file: 'ivysettings.xml' ivy.retrieve() } target(compileTest: '') { depends 'compile' mkdir dir: 'target/test-classes' javac(destdir: 'target/test-classes', srcdir: 'src/test') { classpath { pathelement location: 'target/classes' fileset dir: 'lib', includes: '*.jar' } } } target(test: '') { depends 'compileTest' mkdir dir: 'target/test-reports' junit(printsummary: 'yes', haltonfailure: 'yes', fork: 'yes') { classpath { ... build.gant pathelement location: 'target/classes' pathelement location: 'target/test-classes' fileset dir: 'lib', includes: '*.jar' } formatter type: 'plain' formatter type: 'xml' batchtest(todir: 'target/test-reports', fork: 'yes') { fileset dir: 'target/test-classes' } } } setDefaultTarget 'package'
  • 65. usePlugin 'java' sourceCompatibility = 1.5 version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT' repositories { mavenCentral() } build.gradle dependencies { testCompile 'junit:junit:4.7' }
  • 67. Modularisation: Grapes // Google Collections example import @Grab(group='', module='google-collections', version='1.0-rc1') def getFruit() { [ grape:'purple', lemon:'yellow', orange:'orange' ] as HashBiMap } assert fruit.lemon == 'yellow' assert fruit.inverse().yellow == 'lemon'
  • 68. Modularisation: OSGi This is Apache Sling in five bullets: • REST based web framework • Content-driven, using a JCR content repository • Powered by OSGi • Scripting inside, multiple languages See also: Grails JCR plugin • Apache Open Source project See also:
  • 70. © Better Design Patterns: A Immutable... S E // ... R • Java Immutable Class @Override T public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) 2 – As per Joshua Bloch public final class Punter { private final String first; return true; if (obj == null) Effective Java 0 private final String last; return false; 0 if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) public String getFirst() { return false; 6 return first; Punter other = (Punter) obj; - } if (first == null) { 2 if (other.first != null) 0 public String getLast() { return false; return last; } else if (!first.equals(other.first)) 0 } return false; 9 if (last == null) { @Override if (other.last != null) public int hashCode() { return false; final int prime = 31; } else if (!last.equals(other.last)) int result = 1; return false; result = prime * result + ((first == null) return true; ? 0 : first.hashCode()); } result = prime * result + ((last == null) ? 0 : last.hashCode()); @Override return result; public String toString() { } return "Punter(first:" + first + ", last:" + last + ")"; public Punter(String first, String last) { } this.first = first; this.last = last; } } // ... AUG 2009 - 70
  • 71. © ...Better Design Patterns: A Immutable... boilerplate S E // ... • Java Immutable Class R @Override T public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) public final class Punter { return true; 2 private final String first; if (obj == null) 0 private final String last; return false; 0 if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) public String getFirst() { return false; 6 return first; Punter other = (Punter) obj; - } if (first == null) { 2 if (other.first != null) 0 public String getLast() { return false; return last; } else if (!first.equals(other.first)) 0 } return false; 9 if (last == null) { @Override if (other.last != null) public int hashCode() { return false; final int prime = 31; } else if (!last.equals(other.last)) int result = 1; return false; result = prime * result + ((first == null) return true; ? 0 : first.hashCode()); } result = prime * result + ((last == null) ? 0 : last.hashCode()); @Override return result; public String toString() { } return "Punter(first:" + first + ", last:" + last + ")"; public Punter(String first, String last) { } this.first = first; this.last = last; } } // ... AUG 2009 - 71
  • 72. © ...Better Design Patterns: A Immutable S E R T 2 0 0 @Immutable class Punter { 6 - String first, last 2 0 } 0 9 AUG 2009 - 72
  • 73. © Better Design Patterns: A Singleton S E R class Calculator { T def total = 0 2 def add(a, b) { total++; a + b } 0 } 0 6 - def INSTANCE = new Calculator() 2 0 Calculator.metaClass.constructor = { -> INSTANCE } 0 9 def c1 = new Calculator() def c2 = new Calculator() @Singleton(lazy=true) class X { assert c1.add(1, 2) == 3 def getHello () { assert c2.add(3, 4) == 7 "Hello, World!" } assert } assert [c1, c2].total == [2, 2] println X.instance.hello AUG 2009 - 73
  • 74. Better Design Patterns: Delegate… © public Date getWhen() { import java.util.Date; A return when; S } E public class Event { R private String title; public void setWhen(Date when) { T private String url; this.when = when; private Date when; 2 } 0 0 public String getUrl() { public boolean before(Date other) { 6 return url; return when.before(other); - } 2 } 0 public void setUrl(String url) { 0 public void setTime(long time) { 9 this.url = url; when.setTime(time); } } public String getTitle() { public long getTime() { return title; return when.getTime(); } } public void setTitle(String title) { public boolean after(Date other) { this.title = title; return when.after(other); } } // ... // ... AUG 2009 - 74
  • 75. …Better Design Patterns: Delegate… © public Date getWhen() { import java.util.Date; A return when; S boilerplate } E public class Event { R private String title; public void setWhen(Date when) { T private String url; this.when = when; private Date when; 2 } 0 0 public String getUrl() { public boolean before(Date other) 6 return url; { - } 2 return when.before(other); 0 } 0 public void setUrl(String url) { 9 this.url = url; public void setTime(long time) { } when.setTime(time); } public String getTitle() { return title; public long getTime() { } return when.getTime(); } public void setTitle(String title) { public boolean after(Date other) { this.title = title; return when.after(other); } } // ... // ... AUG 2009 - 75
  • 76. …Better Design Patterns: Delegate © A S E R T class Event { 2 String title, url 0 0 @Delegate Date when 6 } - 2 0 0 def gr8conf = new Event(title: "GR8 Conference", 9 url: "", when: Date.parse("yyyy/MM/dd", "2009/05/18")) def javaOne = new Event(title: "JavaOne", url: "", when: Date.parse("yyyy/MM/dd", "2009/06/02")) assert gr8conf.before(javaOne.when) AUG 2009 - 76
  • 78. © More Information: on the web A S • Web sites E R T – 2 – 0 0 – (many examples) 6 - – (workshop) 2 0 • Mailing list for users 0 9 – • Information portals – – • Documentation (1000+ pages) – Getting Started Guide, User Guide, Developer Guide, Testing Guide, Cookbook Examples, Advanced Usage Guide AUG 2009 - 78
  • 79. © More Information: Groovy in Action A S E R T 2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 9 Second edition of GinA, ‘ReGinA’ now under development AUG 2009 - 79