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The Credentials and Privileges Committee reviews the credentials of providers applying for initial appointment or
reappointment to the Medical Staff at SHC, and makes recommendations for membership and delineation of
privileges in compliance with the Medical Staff Bylaws, Credentialing Policies and Procedures, and Clinical Service
requirements; reviews and approves new or revised credentials and privileges, forms and processes; reviews and
approves credentialing policies and procedures.

In addition, the Credentials and Privileges Committee reviews and acts upon reports from the Interdisciplinary
Practice Committee (IDPC) of appointment and evaluations of Advanced Practice Providers. The IDPC is a
subcommittee of the Credentials and Privileges Committee and is accountable to the Medical Executive Committee
and the Governing Body.


    Hospital Committee                    General functions:                 Areas of responsibility

                                             Formulate policies
Execom (Executive                                                         Quality services and
Committtee)                                                               organizational direction
Mancom (Management                                                        Quality services and
Committee)                                                                operational management
Quality Council                                                           Quality services and
                                                                          quality management
Committee on Medical                                                      Quality medical services
Services                                                                  rendered by physicians
Bioethics Committee                                                       Bioethical matters in
                                                                          patient care
Pharmacy and                                                              Drug therapy
Therapeutic Committee
Infection Control                                                         Infection control
Waste Management                                                          Waste management
Medical Audit and Tissue                                                  Outcome in patient care
Committee                                                                 such as mortality,
                                                                          morbidity, and tissue
Tumor Board                                                               Cancer management
Medical Records                                                           Medical records
Credentials Committee                                                       Credentialing of
    Blood Transfusion                                                           Blood transfusion

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    Credentialing monthly: What is the role of the credentials
    committee in addressing unprofessional conduct?
    Medical Staff Leader Connection, November 18, 2009

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    If you believe everything you read, it may appear that we are in the midst of a disruptive physician behavior epidemic.

    As I travel to hospitals across the country, I am not convinced that the frequency or severity of unprofessional

    conduct (the term I prefer to use instead of “disruptive behavior”) has increased. Rather, I believe that we are

    changing our expectations of physician behavior.

    In other words, medical staffs are no longer tolerating behavior that they tolerated in the past. The Joint Commission

    has weighed in on this issue withSentinel Event Alert #40, which highlights the adverse affect unprofessional conduct

    has on patient safety. The Joint Commission also issued leadership standard LD.03.01.01, which requires hospitals

    to address unprofessional conduct throughout all levels of the hospital, including management, staff, and board

    members—not just physicians.

    As members of the self-governed medical staff, department chairs are accountable for the behavior of physicians
    within their department. Thus, they are responsible for intervening when a physician displays inappropriate or

    disruptive behavior.
In addition to department chairs, the credentials committee plays an important role in keeping problem behavior in

check. I’d like to share with you a clear set of actions a credentials committee can take to fulfill its role in eliminating

unprofessional conduct:

1.   Take a close look at the criteria for medical staff membership, which are located in your bylaws or

     credentials manual, and make sure they address professional conduct. If you don’t have criteria in place

     that address professional conduct, consider this sample language: “Physician must produce a history of

     consistently acting in an appropriate and professional manner in previous clinical settings.” This would

     not preclude a physician who has had a rare outburst from joining your medical staff if he or she acts in

     an appropriate and professional manner the majority of the time. This would however, prevent chronic

     offenders from joining your medical staff.

2.   Once the credentials committee has established criteria for membership that address professional

     conduct, it now has the grounds for gathering information on an applicant’s conduct in previous clinical

     settings. This is where references come in handy, especially those your medical staff services

     department sends to MSPs at those settings (not the handpicked references of the applicant’s choosing).

     The credentials committee owns the content of those reference queries and needs to ensure it has

     answered any questions about an applicant’s conduct.

3.   One of the credentials committee’s most important roles is to prevent what I like to call an “information

     error.” An information error occurs when information existed that your hospital could have or should have

     discovered but didn’t, and that information would have caused the committee to make a different

     credentialing decision. In this case, the credentials committee needs to gather all the information it needs

     regarding the applicant’s behavior in previous clinical settings to make a well informed decision. If the

     committee has any concerns about the applicant’s conduct, the committee should drill down into those

     concerns to resolve them to the satisfaction of your medical staff’s professional conduct policy. The

     credentials committee is responsible for making sure this policy is well written and consistently

     implemented. The credentials committee should not make any decisions regarding an applicant when

     concerns regarding his or her conduct remain unresolved.

4.   The credentials committee needs to guard against the second kind of credentialing mistake: a “decision

     error.” A decision error occurs when the medical staff and hospital are aware of potential issues

     regarding an applicant but lack the wisdom, clarity, or courage to make a wise decision. When the

     credentials committee receives a recommendation from the department chair regarding each applicant

     and re-applicant, it is responsible for ensuring that the department chair appropriately understood the

     physician’s past behavior and made a wise decision. Typical concerns that occur at this stage include:
   The physician admits a lot of patients to the hospital and may have been given too much

         latitude with his or her behavior in the past.

        The physician is well-liked, resulting in their friends on the credentials committee approving the

         reapplication based on camaraderie, not objective evidence.

        Members of the credentials committee or others are afraid to lose referrals from the applicant or

         reapplication and continue to approve his or her membership on the medical staff in spite of

         significant, chronic behavior problems.

        The physician threatens to sue the hospital if it tries to affect his or her membership or privileges

         based on behavior concerns, and the hospital backs down.

        Credentials committee members and other medical staff leaders lack a consensus concerning

         whether to take poor physician conduct seriously and what types of behavior are tolerable.

5.   The credentials committee needs to remember that the goal of the medical staff professional conduct

     policy is not to “kick physicians off the staff” for bad behavior, but to help every physician act in an

     appropriate and professional manner as much as possible. Therefore, the credentials committee should

     recognize when to recommend to a department chair that further interventions are warranted to address

     a physician’s behavior. This may warrant initial or reappointment for a period of less than two years while

     the interventions regarding their behavior are carried out.

By fulfilling its role, your credentials committee can help make unprofessional conduct a thing of the past, and in so

doing enhance patient safety and collegiality throughout your hospital.

Richard A. Sheff, MD, CMSL, is the chair and executive director of The Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc. in

Marblehead, MA.

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Carondelet Health Network

Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital

Nogales, Arizona

Organization and Functions Manual

Nogales, Arizona 1

Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital



Enabling Procedures ........................................................................................

Approval and Modification..............................................................................

Current Organization .......................................................................................

Departments .....................................................................................................

Divisions ..........................................................................................................

Committees ......................................................................................................

Medical Executive Committee.........................................................................

Infection Control Function...............................................................................

Quality Council (QC) ......................................................................................

Credentials Committee of the Board of Directors ...........................................

Carondelet Health Network Human Subjects Committee ...............................

Nominating Committee....................................................................................
Carondelet Health Network Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee................

Professional Behavior Committee ......................................



This Organization and Functions Manual has been created pursuant to and under the authority of

the Professional Staff Bylaws of Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital. The purpose of the Manual is

to describe the current organization of the Professional Staff and to define the mechanisms that

the Professional Staff will utilize to accomplish the following functions as outlined in the current

Professional Staff Bylaws.

This Manual is one of three that have been designed to support the Professional Staff Bylaws.

1. Credentialing Policy and Procedures Manual

2. Organization and Functions Manual

3. Professional Staff Rules and Regulations

This Manual and its contents are subject to the approval of the Medical Executive Committee

using the procedures found in the Professional Staff Bylaws.


This Manual and its contents are subject to the approval of the Medical Executive Committee

and of the Board of Directors. Once approved, the Manual will become effective subject to

future amendments as may from time to time be required and approved by the Medical Executive

Committee. All such amendments will be reviewed by the Board of Directors for their



The Professional Staff of Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital will be organized as a

departmentalized professional staff. At the present time, three (3) departments exist:

1. Department of Family Practice/Internal Medicine
2. Department of Surgery/OB-Gyn

3. Department of Pediatrics

In addition, the following committees have been created:

* Medical Executive Committee

* Quality Council

* Credentials Committee of the Board

* Carondelet Health Network Human Subjects Committee

* Professional Staff Bylaws Committee

* Nominating Committee

* Professional Behavior Committee

DEPARTMENTSCarondelet Holy Cross Hospital               Organization and Functions Manual

Nogales, Arizona 2

Professional Staff will be assigned to one of the three (3) departments depending on their

primary area of practice. In the event a member of the Professional Staff wishes to attend

department meetings other than the one to which he/she is assigned, this is entirely permitted.

However, the individual attending a department other than his/her official department will not be

permitted to vote on issues within the department.

At the discretion of the department chairperson, professional staff specific specialties may

organize themselves into "divisions" for purposes of education, discussion, policy direction, or

for purposes of generating recommendations to the department chair concerning departmental

issues. Additionally, divisions may at times be requested to address specific issues pertinent to

their department.

Departments will be required to hold regular meetings, not less than quarterly. At these

meetings, the chairperson of the department (or designee) will present a report of departmental

activities based upon the past quarter's work. This report is expected to include a brief report
covering the quality of services provided by members of the department, any new policies or

procedures that impact a significant number of the department's members, significant
hospitalwide/administrative issues, as well as other issues that affect overall departmental organization.

Any specific actions taken by the Medical Executive Committee that should be communicated to

all members of the department will also be touched upon in this report.

Attendance requirements will be determined by each specific department. All members are

encouraged to attend; attendance will be recorded.


Any division, if organized, will not be required to hold any number of regularly scheduled

meetings. Nor will attendance be required unless the division chairperson calls a special meeting

to discuss a particular issue. (Such special meetings must be preceded by at least two weeks

prior notification to all of those individuals expected to attend.) The department will select their


At the present time, the following divisions exist:

1. Department of Surgery/OB-Gyn

• Obstetrics/Gynecology

2. Department of Family Practice/Internal Medicine

• Obstetrics

• Emergency Medicine


The professional staff of Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital will operate through the following

committee structure:

MEDICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEECarondelet Holy Cross Hospital                   Organization and Functions

Nogales, Arizona 3

The Medical Executive Committee will conduct those activities and functions specified in the
Professional Staff Bylaws but will be specifically required to do or perform the following

functions, though not limited to:

1. Receive, review and act upon the reports of other medical staff committees and

departments responsible to it;

2. Perform the safety oversight function on behalf of the professional staff;

3. Perform the disaster plan oversight on behalf of the professional staff;

4. Provide leadership for the organizational performance improvement and patient safety

activities to include process measurement and improvement;

5. Ensure that process measurement and improvement include:

- medical assessment and treatment of patients

- use of blood and blood components

- use of medications and operative and other procedures

- efficiency of clinical practice patterns;

6. Identify opportunities to improve patient care and patient safety, and set priorities for its

evaluation using relevant indicators, quality, improvement tools and appropriate clinical


7. Review reports from Risk Management, Safety and other departments/services;

8. Review Patient Satisfaction Survey results and complaints and make appropriate


9. Receive Performance Improvement (PI) Team Reports;

10. Provide guidance to the review of hospital systems and processes and report findings to

departments with recommendations for improvement;

11. Other patient care functions to include Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Medical Record

review and Sentinel Event review processes; and

12. Approve the sources of patient care provided outside the hospital. This applies to
“medical care providers” caring for hospital patients OUTSIDE of the hospital. The

MEC will ratify any source of patient care service (not the contract) that originates

outside the hospital. The purpose is to assure that there are no “quality problems”

related to a specific provider or group of providers with whom service is being


The Medical Executive Committee will meet at least nine times per year for the performance of

the functions outlined above and further defined elsewhere in this Organization and Functions

Manual. The Medical Executive Committee will maintain a permanent record of its activities

and will be staffed by at least one designee from the medical staff office.

The Medical Executive Committee may go into "executive session" during which time all nonmembers
will be excused. The Hospital Chief Executive Officer or designee may remain unless

the Medical Executive Committee wishes to discuss that individual.

NOTE: Any Professional Staff member may submit a request for a meeting with the Medical

Executive Committee. Such request will ordinarily be honored unless the individual has not

discussed the issue with his/her department chair in advance.

The Medical Executive Committee will arrange for the performance of other medical staff

functions such as institutional review of experimental procedures and research protocols,

continuing medical education, ethics and ethics review functions, intensive/coronary care

oversight and monitoring as well as participation in policy and procedure development in all

areas directly impacting upon the provision of medical care provided within the institution. Chief of Staff

1. Act in coordination and cooperation with the hospital CEO or designee in all matters of

mutual concern with the hospital;

2. Call, preside at, and be responsible for the agenda of all general meetings of the

Professional Staff;

3. Serve as Chairperson of the Medical Executive Committee;
4. Serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors;

5. Serve as ex officio member of all other Professional Staff committees without vote;

6. Be responsible for the enforcement of Professional Staff Bylaws, Rules and Regulations,

for implementation of sanctions where these are indicated, and for the Professional Staff's

compliance with procedural safeguards in all instances where corrective action has been

requested against a practitioner;

7. Appoint a committee chairperson to all standing special and multidisciplinary Professional

Staff committees except the Quality Council. (This does not include Departments);

8. Appoint a department chairman if the department is unable to vote on one.

9. Represent the views, policies, needs and grievances of the Professional Staff to the Board

of Directors and to the Hospital CEO or designee;

10. Receive and interpret the policies of the Board of Directors to the Professional Staff and

report to the Board of Directors on the performance and maintenance of quality with

respect to the Professional Staff's delegated responsibility to provide medical care;

11. Be responsible for the educational activities of the Professional Staff; and

12. Be the spokesperson for the Professional Staff in its external professional and public



Composition - The Infection Control Function will be delegated to the Quality Council (QC) for

oversight and monitoring. (See Quality Council for composition and functions). These members

of QC will participate actively in the affairs of the Infection Control Function.


Membership - The Committee shall be multidisciplinary and shall be composed of at least the

following representatives: Physician Chairperson shall be recommended by the Chief of Staff

and the CEO or designee and confirmed by the Medical Executive Committee. The appointment
will be reviewed every 2 years at the time of election of the Chief of Staff Elect. The Medical

Executive Committee may revoke the appointment at any time without cause. Vice Chairperson

may be delegated to assist the Chairperson in all review activities. The remaining members will

include, but not be limited to the following chairpersons or their designees. (The designee must

be a member of the respective Department):

• Department of Pediatrics

• Department of Family Practice/Internal Medicine

• Department of Surgery/OB-Gyn

• Chief of Staff - (optional)

• Chief of Staff Elect

Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital             Organization and Functions Manual

Nogales, Arizona 4               Other members include:

• Sr. VP/CEO or designee

• Chief Nursing Officer-Acute/Administrator-Long Term Care or designee

• Quality Management Coordinator or designee

• Board of Directors Liaison or designee

• Pharmacy Manager or designee

• Medical/Post-Surgical Service Line Manager or designee

• Long-Term Care/Transitional Care Unit Manager or designee

• Education/Development Specialist or designee

• Infection Control Manager or designee

• Risk Management Director or designee

• Medical Records Manager or designee

• Information Systems Representative or designee

• Laboratory Services Manager or designee
Representatives from other Ancillary/Care Continuum Services shall also be included as

members/participants of the Council.

Members present shall constitute a quorum.

The Chairperson will make a report to the Medical Executive Committee (each month that a

meeting is held) concerning the activities of QC. A report of PA&I activities will be made to the

Board of Directors at least quarterly. (See Appendix A for Quality Information Flow and

Appendix B for Organizational Chart.)

Function - Implementation of the program shall be the responsibility of the Quality Council.

The Committee shall:

1. Receive reports, bring focus and oversee the critical performance standards, expectations,

and improvement activities of the Professional Staff departments and Hospital services

for appropriateness of care, to insure that processes for delivery of care are analyzed for

opportunities to improve patient care, to insure that corrective action/education taken and

the action plans are evaluated for effectiveness in resolving the issue, to spotlight

performance that differs from the norm, to give management an opportunity to remove

roadblocks to success, and to share best practices;

2. Identify opportunities to improve patient care and set priorities for its evaluation using

relevant indicators, quality improvement tools, and appropriate clinical criteria;

3. Apprise Professional Staff and hospital services of opportunities to improve either care or

processes and recommend appropriate reviews for evaluation;

4. Coordinate and integrate activities to pursue the most efficient use of hospital resources

for the greatest benefit of patient care services provided;

5. Insure that ongoing evaluation and improvement in the use of blood and medications is

performed for appropriate utilization;

6. Establish a plan and carry out a program of concurrent utilization management. It shall
revise the program as necessary to analyze and evaluate different aspects of patient care

Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital            Organization and Functions Manual

Nogales, Arizona 5                or processes. It shall comply with applicable statutes and regulations
for review of

patient care;

7. Appoint a Physician Advisor to review and assess activities of non-physician

Performance Assessment & Improvement Department reviewers. It will empower the

Physician Advisor as delegated by the Executive Committee of the medical staff to

perform procedures outlined in the Utilization Management Plan for decertification of

admission and continued stay;

8. Receive reports of Risk Management/Safety activities and provide for professional

review of hospital claims and evaluation of alternative view-points;

9. Receive reports of the hospital’s Quality Indicators and Financial Indicators;

10. Receive QI Team reports;

11. Provide review of Patient Satisfaction Survey results and make appropriate


  12. Review hospital procedures and professional staff practices, and report findings to

departments and MEC with recommendations for appropriate changes for improvement;

  13. Assist the Professional Staff in carrying out Infection Control, Surveillance and

Prevention. Other functions include:

A. Maintain surveillance over the Hospital's infection control program.

B. Develop a system for reporting, identifying and analyzing the incidence and cause of

all infections.

C. Develop and implement a preventive and corrective program designed to minimize

infection hazards, including establishing, reviewing and evaluating aseptic isolation

and sanitation techniques.
D. Develop, evaluate and review preventive, surveillance and control policies and

procedures relating to all phases of the Hospital's activities, including: operating

rooms, special care units, central service, housekeeping and laundry, sterilization and

disinfection procedures by heat, chemical, or otherwise isolation procedures;

prevention of cross-infection by anesthesia apparatus or inhalation therapy

equipment; testing of Hospital personnel for carrier status; disposal of infectious

material; food sanitation and waste management; and other situations as requested.

E. Review action on findings from the Professional Staff's review of the clinical use of


F. Conduct on a periodic basis statistical/prevalence studies of antibiotic usage and

susceptibility/resistance trend studies.

G. Submit written reports at least quarterly to each department on the progress and

results of this activity and of any particular policies and procedures which may

impact the affairs of the department or it's members.

H. On an annual basis, the chairperson of QC will present an annual report to the

Medical Executive Committee concerning the status and appropriateness of the

infection control procedures established by the institution; and

 14. Other functions include: Pharmacy and Therapeutics and Medical Record Review.

Meetings - The Committee should meet regularly (at least quarterly) at a designated time.

Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson. The Quality Council may

recommend specific CQI topics to the Medical Executive Committee for further study and

problem resolution using the CQI Model.

Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital             Organization and Functions Manual


Composition - There will be a Credentials Committee of the Board of Directors, which will be
composed of the Chief of Staff or designee, Sr. VP/CEO or designee, and the Board Chairperson

or designee.

The Credentials Committee will function pursuant to policies and procedures adopted and

documented in the Credentialing Policy and Procedures Manual.

Purpose: The primary purpose of the Credentials Committee shall be to coordinate all phases of

the credentialing process.


1. Coordinate consistency in overall credentialing policies.

2. Develop a Credentialing Policy and Procedures Manual for Carondelet Holy Cross


3. Review privileging criteria and recommend changes, whenever appropriate.

4. Review recommendations on new appointments and reappointments from the Medical

Executive Committee and present these to the Board of Directors for final action.

5. Educate the Board of Directors on current and future national trends in hospital staff


6. Recommend improvements in the credentialing system.

Meetings: The Credentials Committee of the Board shall meet at least ten (10) times per year.


Composition - The chairperson is appointed by Administration, upon approval of the Chiefs of

Staff of St. Mary's Hospital, St. Joseph's Hospital and Holy Cross Hospital. The Committee is

comprised of the physicians appointed by the Chairperson.

Term of Office - Members are appointed for a two (2) year term and may be reappointed to an

additional two (2) year term. Appointments shall be staggered so that no more than half of the

members will be new in any given year.

Quorum - A quorum shall consist of 50% of the voting members of the committee. There shall
be no proxy voting.

Duties - The Carondelet Human Subjects Committee shall review proposals of an experimental

nature, protocols, concerns with use of investigational or experimental drugs, and new

procedures still not generally accepted.

Meetings - The Committee shall meet as needed at the request of the Chairperson.


Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital             Organization and Functions Manual

Nogales, Arizona 7            Composition - The committee shall be appointed by the Medical
Executive Committee and shall

include members of the Medical Executive Committee, the current president of the Professional

Staff and active members of the staff designated by the MEC.

Duties - The Nominating Committee shall provide nominations for staff officers as required.

The committee shall seek and welcome the advice of the members of the Professional Staff.

Meetings - The committee shall meet as required


Composition: The committee shall be a multidisciplinary team with at least representatives from

Pharmacy, Administration, Nursing, and Members of the Medical Staff.

Duties: The committee will establish procedures for implementing the pharmacy formulary while

continually overseeing formulary changes/revisions. The committee will address Pharmacy

issues as determined appropriate.

Meetings: The committee will meet monthly.


Composition - Membership is appointed from among members of the medical staff. The

Chairperson of the committee will be a member of the Medical Executive Committee, other than

the Chief of Staff. The committee will consist of three to seven voting members. Voting will be

restricted to members of the Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital Professional Staff. Administration
will be represented by the Chief Medical Officer or designee.

Term - To be determined by the Chief of Staff.

Purpose - The purpose of the Professional Behavior Committee is to review reported instances of

unprofessional behavior by a member of the Professional Staff. Unprofessional behavior

includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical threats, demeaning or insulting remarks or

comments, sexual harassment of a physical or verbal nature, and any other activity which is

threatening, intimidating or abusive.

Meetings - The committee shall meet as needed at the request of the Chairperson.


1. Receive and process all alleged incidents of Professional Staff misconduct.

2. Review all alleged incidents of misconduct which have not been resolved by the department

chairperson and the involved physician.

3. Make recommendations to the appropriate department and/or the Medical Executive

Committee on all reviewed incidents of misconduct.

Adopted by:     Revised:

Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital

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Credentials Committee Role in Addressing Unprofessional Conduct

  • 1. Purpose The Credentials and Privileges Committee reviews the credentials of providers applying for initial appointment or reappointment to the Medical Staff at SHC, and makes recommendations for membership and delineation of privileges in compliance with the Medical Staff Bylaws, Credentialing Policies and Procedures, and Clinical Service requirements; reviews and approves new or revised credentials and privileges, forms and processes; reviews and approves credentialing policies and procedures. In addition, the Credentials and Privileges Committee reviews and acts upon reports from the Interdisciplinary Practice Committee (IDPC) of appointment and evaluations of Advanced Practice Providers. The IDPC is a subcommittee of the Credentials and Privileges Committee and is accountable to the Medical Executive Committee and the Governing Body. Chair Hospital Committee General functions: Areas of responsibility Formulate policies Coordinate Monitor Execom (Executive Quality services and Committtee) organizational direction Mancom (Management Quality services and Committee) operational management Quality Council Quality services and quality management system Committee on Medical Quality medical services Services rendered by physicians Bioethics Committee Bioethical matters in patient care Pharmacy and Drug therapy Therapeutic Committee Infection Control Infection control Committee Waste Management Waste management Committee Medical Audit and Tissue Outcome in patient care Committee such as mortality, morbidity, and tissue review Tumor Board Cancer management Medical Records Medical records Committee
  • 2. Credentials Committee Credentialing of physicians Blood Transfusion Blood transfusion Committee  Home  » Medical Staff Main Page  » e-Newsletters  » Medical Staff Leader Connection  E-mail  Print  RSS  ShareThis Credentialing monthly: What is the role of the credentials committee in addressing unprofessional conduct? Medical Staff Leader Connection, November 18, 2009 Want to receive articles like this one in your inbox?Subscribe to Medical Staff Leader Connection! If you believe everything you read, it may appear that we are in the midst of a disruptive physician behavior epidemic. As I travel to hospitals across the country, I am not convinced that the frequency or severity of unprofessional conduct (the term I prefer to use instead of “disruptive behavior”) has increased. Rather, I believe that we are changing our expectations of physician behavior. In other words, medical staffs are no longer tolerating behavior that they tolerated in the past. The Joint Commission has weighed in on this issue withSentinel Event Alert #40, which highlights the adverse affect unprofessional conduct has on patient safety. The Joint Commission also issued leadership standard LD.03.01.01, which requires hospitals to address unprofessional conduct throughout all levels of the hospital, including management, staff, and board members—not just physicians. As members of the self-governed medical staff, department chairs are accountable for the behavior of physicians within their department. Thus, they are responsible for intervening when a physician displays inappropriate or disruptive behavior.
  • 3. In addition to department chairs, the credentials committee plays an important role in keeping problem behavior in check. I’d like to share with you a clear set of actions a credentials committee can take to fulfill its role in eliminating unprofessional conduct: 1. Take a close look at the criteria for medical staff membership, which are located in your bylaws or credentials manual, and make sure they address professional conduct. If you don’t have criteria in place that address professional conduct, consider this sample language: “Physician must produce a history of consistently acting in an appropriate and professional manner in previous clinical settings.” This would not preclude a physician who has had a rare outburst from joining your medical staff if he or she acts in an appropriate and professional manner the majority of the time. This would however, prevent chronic offenders from joining your medical staff. 2. Once the credentials committee has established criteria for membership that address professional conduct, it now has the grounds for gathering information on an applicant’s conduct in previous clinical settings. This is where references come in handy, especially those your medical staff services department sends to MSPs at those settings (not the handpicked references of the applicant’s choosing). The credentials committee owns the content of those reference queries and needs to ensure it has answered any questions about an applicant’s conduct. 3. One of the credentials committee’s most important roles is to prevent what I like to call an “information error.” An information error occurs when information existed that your hospital could have or should have discovered but didn’t, and that information would have caused the committee to make a different credentialing decision. In this case, the credentials committee needs to gather all the information it needs regarding the applicant’s behavior in previous clinical settings to make a well informed decision. If the committee has any concerns about the applicant’s conduct, the committee should drill down into those concerns to resolve them to the satisfaction of your medical staff’s professional conduct policy. The credentials committee is responsible for making sure this policy is well written and consistently implemented. The credentials committee should not make any decisions regarding an applicant when concerns regarding his or her conduct remain unresolved. 4. The credentials committee needs to guard against the second kind of credentialing mistake: a “decision error.” A decision error occurs when the medical staff and hospital are aware of potential issues regarding an applicant but lack the wisdom, clarity, or courage to make a wise decision. When the credentials committee receives a recommendation from the department chair regarding each applicant and re-applicant, it is responsible for ensuring that the department chair appropriately understood the physician’s past behavior and made a wise decision. Typical concerns that occur at this stage include:
  • 4. The physician admits a lot of patients to the hospital and may have been given too much latitude with his or her behavior in the past.  The physician is well-liked, resulting in their friends on the credentials committee approving the reapplication based on camaraderie, not objective evidence.  Members of the credentials committee or others are afraid to lose referrals from the applicant or reapplication and continue to approve his or her membership on the medical staff in spite of significant, chronic behavior problems.  The physician threatens to sue the hospital if it tries to affect his or her membership or privileges based on behavior concerns, and the hospital backs down.  Credentials committee members and other medical staff leaders lack a consensus concerning whether to take poor physician conduct seriously and what types of behavior are tolerable. 5. The credentials committee needs to remember that the goal of the medical staff professional conduct policy is not to “kick physicians off the staff” for bad behavior, but to help every physician act in an appropriate and professional manner as much as possible. Therefore, the credentials committee should recognize when to recommend to a department chair that further interventions are warranted to address a physician’s behavior. This may warrant initial or reappointment for a period of less than two years while the interventions regarding their behavior are carried out. By fulfilling its role, your credentials committee can help make unprofessional conduct a thing of the past, and in so doing enhance patient safety and collegiality throughout your hospital. Richard A. Sheff, MD, CMSL, is the chair and executive director of The Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc. in Marblehead, MA. Want to receive articles like this one in your inbox?Subscribe to Medical Staff Leader Connection! PROFESSIONAL STAFF ORGANIZATION
  • 5. AND FUNCTIONS MANUAL Carondelet Health Network Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital Nogales, Arizona PROFESSIONAL STAFF ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS MANUAL Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital Organization and Functions Manual Nogales, Arizona 1 Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPIC PAGE Enabling Procedures ........................................................................................ Approval and Modification.............................................................................. Current Organization ....................................................................................... Departments ..................................................................................................... Divisions .......................................................................................................... Committees ...................................................................................................... Medical Executive Committee......................................................................... Infection Control Function............................................................................... Quality Council (QC) ...................................................................................... Credentials Committee of the Board of Directors ........................................... Carondelet Health Network Human Subjects Committee ............................... Nominating Committee....................................................................................
  • 6. Carondelet Health Network Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee................ Professional Behavior Committee ...................................... ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS MANUAL ENABLING PROCEDURES This Organization and Functions Manual has been created pursuant to and under the authority of the Professional Staff Bylaws of Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital. The purpose of the Manual is to describe the current organization of the Professional Staff and to define the mechanisms that the Professional Staff will utilize to accomplish the following functions as outlined in the current Professional Staff Bylaws. This Manual is one of three that have been designed to support the Professional Staff Bylaws. 1. Credentialing Policy and Procedures Manual 2. Organization and Functions Manual 3. Professional Staff Rules and Regulations This Manual and its contents are subject to the approval of the Medical Executive Committee using the procedures found in the Professional Staff Bylaws. APPROVAL AND MODIFICATION This Manual and its contents are subject to the approval of the Medical Executive Committee and of the Board of Directors. Once approved, the Manual will become effective subject to future amendments as may from time to time be required and approved by the Medical Executive Committee. All such amendments will be reviewed by the Board of Directors for their concurrence. CURRENT ORGANIZATION The Professional Staff of Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital will be organized as a departmentalized professional staff. At the present time, three (3) departments exist: 1. Department of Family Practice/Internal Medicine
  • 7. 2. Department of Surgery/OB-Gyn 3. Department of Pediatrics In addition, the following committees have been created: * Medical Executive Committee * Quality Council * Credentials Committee of the Board * Carondelet Health Network Human Subjects Committee * Professional Staff Bylaws Committee * Nominating Committee * Professional Behavior Committee DEPARTMENTSCarondelet Holy Cross Hospital Organization and Functions Manual Nogales, Arizona 2 Professional Staff will be assigned to one of the three (3) departments depending on their primary area of practice. In the event a member of the Professional Staff wishes to attend department meetings other than the one to which he/she is assigned, this is entirely permitted. However, the individual attending a department other than his/her official department will not be permitted to vote on issues within the department. At the discretion of the department chairperson, professional staff specific specialties may organize themselves into "divisions" for purposes of education, discussion, policy direction, or for purposes of generating recommendations to the department chair concerning departmental issues. Additionally, divisions may at times be requested to address specific issues pertinent to their department. Departments will be required to hold regular meetings, not less than quarterly. At these meetings, the chairperson of the department (or designee) will present a report of departmental activities based upon the past quarter's work. This report is expected to include a brief report
  • 8. covering the quality of services provided by members of the department, any new policies or procedures that impact a significant number of the department's members, significant hospitalwide/administrative issues, as well as other issues that affect overall departmental organization. Any specific actions taken by the Medical Executive Committee that should be communicated to all members of the department will also be touched upon in this report. Attendance requirements will be determined by each specific department. All members are encouraged to attend; attendance will be recorded. DIVISIONS Any division, if organized, will not be required to hold any number of regularly scheduled meetings. Nor will attendance be required unless the division chairperson calls a special meeting to discuss a particular issue. (Such special meetings must be preceded by at least two weeks prior notification to all of those individuals expected to attend.) The department will select their chairpersons. At the present time, the following divisions exist: 1. Department of Surgery/OB-Gyn • Obstetrics/Gynecology 2. Department of Family Practice/Internal Medicine • Obstetrics • Emergency Medicine COMMITTEES The professional staff of Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital will operate through the following committee structure: MEDICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEECarondelet Holy Cross Hospital Organization and Functions Manual Nogales, Arizona 3 The Medical Executive Committee will conduct those activities and functions specified in the
  • 9. Professional Staff Bylaws but will be specifically required to do or perform the following functions, though not limited to: 1. Receive, review and act upon the reports of other medical staff committees and departments responsible to it; 2. Perform the safety oversight function on behalf of the professional staff; 3. Perform the disaster plan oversight on behalf of the professional staff; 4. Provide leadership for the organizational performance improvement and patient safety activities to include process measurement and improvement; 5. Ensure that process measurement and improvement include: - medical assessment and treatment of patients - use of blood and blood components - use of medications and operative and other procedures - efficiency of clinical practice patterns; 6. Identify opportunities to improve patient care and patient safety, and set priorities for its evaluation using relevant indicators, quality, improvement tools and appropriate clinical criteria; 7. Review reports from Risk Management, Safety and other departments/services; 8. Review Patient Satisfaction Survey results and complaints and make appropriate recommendations; 9. Receive Performance Improvement (PI) Team Reports; 10. Provide guidance to the review of hospital systems and processes and report findings to departments with recommendations for improvement; 11. Other patient care functions to include Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Medical Record review and Sentinel Event review processes; and 12. Approve the sources of patient care provided outside the hospital. This applies to
  • 10. “medical care providers” caring for hospital patients OUTSIDE of the hospital. The MEC will ratify any source of patient care service (not the contract) that originates outside the hospital. The purpose is to assure that there are no “quality problems” related to a specific provider or group of providers with whom service is being contemplated. The Medical Executive Committee will meet at least nine times per year for the performance of the functions outlined above and further defined elsewhere in this Organization and Functions Manual. The Medical Executive Committee will maintain a permanent record of its activities and will be staffed by at least one designee from the medical staff office. The Medical Executive Committee may go into "executive session" during which time all nonmembers will be excused. The Hospital Chief Executive Officer or designee may remain unless the Medical Executive Committee wishes to discuss that individual. NOTE: Any Professional Staff member may submit a request for a meeting with the Medical Executive Committee. Such request will ordinarily be honored unless the individual has not discussed the issue with his/her department chair in advance. The Medical Executive Committee will arrange for the performance of other medical staff functions such as institutional review of experimental procedures and research protocols, continuing medical education, ethics and ethics review functions, intensive/coronary care oversight and monitoring as well as participation in policy and procedure development in all areas directly impacting upon the provision of medical care provided within the institution. Chief of Staff Duties/Responsibilities: 1. Act in coordination and cooperation with the hospital CEO or designee in all matters of mutual concern with the hospital; 2. Call, preside at, and be responsible for the agenda of all general meetings of the Professional Staff; 3. Serve as Chairperson of the Medical Executive Committee;
  • 11. 4. Serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors; 5. Serve as ex officio member of all other Professional Staff committees without vote; 6. Be responsible for the enforcement of Professional Staff Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, for implementation of sanctions where these are indicated, and for the Professional Staff's compliance with procedural safeguards in all instances where corrective action has been requested against a practitioner; 7. Appoint a committee chairperson to all standing special and multidisciplinary Professional Staff committees except the Quality Council. (This does not include Departments); 8. Appoint a department chairman if the department is unable to vote on one. 9. Represent the views, policies, needs and grievances of the Professional Staff to the Board of Directors and to the Hospital CEO or designee; 10. Receive and interpret the policies of the Board of Directors to the Professional Staff and report to the Board of Directors on the performance and maintenance of quality with respect to the Professional Staff's delegated responsibility to provide medical care; 11. Be responsible for the educational activities of the Professional Staff; and 12. Be the spokesperson for the Professional Staff in its external professional and public relations. INFECTION CONTROL FUNCTION Composition - The Infection Control Function will be delegated to the Quality Council (QC) for oversight and monitoring. (See Quality Council for composition and functions). These members of QC will participate actively in the affairs of the Infection Control Function. QUALITY COUNCIL (QC) Membership - The Committee shall be multidisciplinary and shall be composed of at least the following representatives: Physician Chairperson shall be recommended by the Chief of Staff and the CEO or designee and confirmed by the Medical Executive Committee. The appointment
  • 12. will be reviewed every 2 years at the time of election of the Chief of Staff Elect. The Medical Executive Committee may revoke the appointment at any time without cause. Vice Chairperson may be delegated to assist the Chairperson in all review activities. The remaining members will include, but not be limited to the following chairpersons or their designees. (The designee must be a member of the respective Department): • Department of Pediatrics • Department of Family Practice/Internal Medicine • Department of Surgery/OB-Gyn • Chief of Staff - (optional) • Chief of Staff Elect Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital Organization and Functions Manual Nogales, Arizona 4 Other members include: • Sr. VP/CEO or designee • Chief Nursing Officer-Acute/Administrator-Long Term Care or designee • Quality Management Coordinator or designee • Board of Directors Liaison or designee • Pharmacy Manager or designee • Medical/Post-Surgical Service Line Manager or designee • Long-Term Care/Transitional Care Unit Manager or designee • Education/Development Specialist or designee • Infection Control Manager or designee • Risk Management Director or designee • Medical Records Manager or designee • Information Systems Representative or designee • Laboratory Services Manager or designee
  • 13. Representatives from other Ancillary/Care Continuum Services shall also be included as members/participants of the Council. Members present shall constitute a quorum. The Chairperson will make a report to the Medical Executive Committee (each month that a meeting is held) concerning the activities of QC. A report of PA&I activities will be made to the Board of Directors at least quarterly. (See Appendix A for Quality Information Flow and Appendix B for Organizational Chart.) Function - Implementation of the program shall be the responsibility of the Quality Council. The Committee shall: 1. Receive reports, bring focus and oversee the critical performance standards, expectations, and improvement activities of the Professional Staff departments and Hospital services for appropriateness of care, to insure that processes for delivery of care are analyzed for opportunities to improve patient care, to insure that corrective action/education taken and the action plans are evaluated for effectiveness in resolving the issue, to spotlight performance that differs from the norm, to give management an opportunity to remove roadblocks to success, and to share best practices; 2. Identify opportunities to improve patient care and set priorities for its evaluation using relevant indicators, quality improvement tools, and appropriate clinical criteria; 3. Apprise Professional Staff and hospital services of opportunities to improve either care or processes and recommend appropriate reviews for evaluation; 4. Coordinate and integrate activities to pursue the most efficient use of hospital resources for the greatest benefit of patient care services provided; 5. Insure that ongoing evaluation and improvement in the use of blood and medications is performed for appropriate utilization; 6. Establish a plan and carry out a program of concurrent utilization management. It shall
  • 14. revise the program as necessary to analyze and evaluate different aspects of patient care Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital Organization and Functions Manual Nogales, Arizona 5 or processes. It shall comply with applicable statutes and regulations for review of patient care; 7. Appoint a Physician Advisor to review and assess activities of non-physician Performance Assessment & Improvement Department reviewers. It will empower the Physician Advisor as delegated by the Executive Committee of the medical staff to perform procedures outlined in the Utilization Management Plan for decertification of admission and continued stay; 8. Receive reports of Risk Management/Safety activities and provide for professional review of hospital claims and evaluation of alternative view-points; 9. Receive reports of the hospital’s Quality Indicators and Financial Indicators; 10. Receive QI Team reports; 11. Provide review of Patient Satisfaction Survey results and make appropriate recommendations; 12. Review hospital procedures and professional staff practices, and report findings to departments and MEC with recommendations for appropriate changes for improvement; 13. Assist the Professional Staff in carrying out Infection Control, Surveillance and Prevention. Other functions include: A. Maintain surveillance over the Hospital's infection control program. B. Develop a system for reporting, identifying and analyzing the incidence and cause of all infections. C. Develop and implement a preventive and corrective program designed to minimize infection hazards, including establishing, reviewing and evaluating aseptic isolation and sanitation techniques.
  • 15. D. Develop, evaluate and review preventive, surveillance and control policies and procedures relating to all phases of the Hospital's activities, including: operating rooms, special care units, central service, housekeeping and laundry, sterilization and disinfection procedures by heat, chemical, or otherwise isolation procedures; prevention of cross-infection by anesthesia apparatus or inhalation therapy equipment; testing of Hospital personnel for carrier status; disposal of infectious material; food sanitation and waste management; and other situations as requested. E. Review action on findings from the Professional Staff's review of the clinical use of antibiotics. F. Conduct on a periodic basis statistical/prevalence studies of antibiotic usage and susceptibility/resistance trend studies. G. Submit written reports at least quarterly to each department on the progress and results of this activity and of any particular policies and procedures which may impact the affairs of the department or it's members. H. On an annual basis, the chairperson of QC will present an annual report to the Medical Executive Committee concerning the status and appropriateness of the infection control procedures established by the institution; and 14. Other functions include: Pharmacy and Therapeutics and Medical Record Review. Meetings - The Committee should meet regularly (at least quarterly) at a designated time. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairperson. The Quality Council may recommend specific CQI topics to the Medical Executive Committee for further study and problem resolution using the CQI Model. Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital Organization and Functions Manual Nogales, Arizona 6 CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Composition - There will be a Credentials Committee of the Board of Directors, which will be
  • 16. composed of the Chief of Staff or designee, Sr. VP/CEO or designee, and the Board Chairperson or designee. The Credentials Committee will function pursuant to policies and procedures adopted and documented in the Credentialing Policy and Procedures Manual. Purpose: The primary purpose of the Credentials Committee shall be to coordinate all phases of the credentialing process. Duties: 1. Coordinate consistency in overall credentialing policies. 2. Develop a Credentialing Policy and Procedures Manual for Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital. 3. Review privileging criteria and recommend changes, whenever appropriate. 4. Review recommendations on new appointments and reappointments from the Medical Executive Committee and present these to the Board of Directors for final action. 5. Educate the Board of Directors on current and future national trends in hospital staff credentialing. 6. Recommend improvements in the credentialing system. Meetings: The Credentials Committee of the Board shall meet at least ten (10) times per year. CARONDELET HEALTH NETWORK HUMAN SUBJECTS COMMITTEE Composition - The chairperson is appointed by Administration, upon approval of the Chiefs of Staff of St. Mary's Hospital, St. Joseph's Hospital and Holy Cross Hospital. The Committee is comprised of the physicians appointed by the Chairperson. Term of Office - Members are appointed for a two (2) year term and may be reappointed to an additional two (2) year term. Appointments shall be staggered so that no more than half of the members will be new in any given year. Quorum - A quorum shall consist of 50% of the voting members of the committee. There shall
  • 17. be no proxy voting. Duties - The Carondelet Human Subjects Committee shall review proposals of an experimental nature, protocols, concerns with use of investigational or experimental drugs, and new procedures still not generally accepted. Meetings - The Committee shall meet as needed at the request of the Chairperson. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital Organization and Functions Manual Nogales, Arizona 7 Composition - The committee shall be appointed by the Medical Executive Committee and shall include members of the Medical Executive Committee, the current president of the Professional Staff and active members of the staff designated by the MEC. Duties - The Nominating Committee shall provide nominations for staff officers as required. The committee shall seek and welcome the advice of the members of the Professional Staff. Meetings - The committee shall meet as required CARONDELET HEALTH NETWORK PHARMACY & THERAPEUTICS COMMITTEE Composition: The committee shall be a multidisciplinary team with at least representatives from Pharmacy, Administration, Nursing, and Members of the Medical Staff. Duties: The committee will establish procedures for implementing the pharmacy formulary while continually overseeing formulary changes/revisions. The committee will address Pharmacy issues as determined appropriate. Meetings: The committee will meet monthly. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR COMMITTEE Composition - Membership is appointed from among members of the medical staff. The Chairperson of the committee will be a member of the Medical Executive Committee, other than the Chief of Staff. The committee will consist of three to seven voting members. Voting will be restricted to members of the Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital Professional Staff. Administration
  • 18. will be represented by the Chief Medical Officer or designee. Term - To be determined by the Chief of Staff. Purpose - The purpose of the Professional Behavior Committee is to review reported instances of unprofessional behavior by a member of the Professional Staff. Unprofessional behavior includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical threats, demeaning or insulting remarks or comments, sexual harassment of a physical or verbal nature, and any other activity which is threatening, intimidating or abusive. Meetings - The committee shall meet as needed at the request of the Chairperson. Functions 1. Receive and process all alleged incidents of Professional Staff misconduct. 2. Review all alleged incidents of misconduct which have not been resolved by the department chairperson and the involved physician. 3. Make recommendations to the appropriate department and/or the Medical Executive Committee on all reviewed incidents of misconduct. Adopted by: Revised: Carondelet Holy Cross Hospital