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Spots for M. A. T. H.™ 
Professional Development 
School Year ‘14-‘15 
• Understanding the program philosophy 
• Getting acquainted with your material 
• Books 
• Teaching Materials 
• Practice Cards 
• Posters 
• Daily Routine Materials 
• Modeling a sample lesson 
• The Goal of the Common Core 
Our Goal 
To help all students develop real math wisdom 
This includes: 
• An understanding of numbers and math concepts 
• The ability to manipulate numbers 
• The ability to make generalizations with 
Or to solve a problem like 36 + 23 
mentally, by breaking up the 23 into 
tens and ones so it would be calculated 
• Fluency in basic math facts, which is so important 
To be able to solve problems with 
teen for future sums, math such success 
as 8 + 5, using the 
“make a ten” strategy (at a Grade 1 level). 
That is to say, If I can solve 6 + ___ = 10, 
• Proficiency in solving word problems 
as 36 + 20 = 56 + 3 = 59 (at a Grade 2 level). 
then I can solve 46 + ___ = 50. 
Research on Early Math Education 
Research done by the National Institute for Child 
Health Development shows that early math 
success is critical to math success both in upper 
grades and in life. Students in the first grade who 
have failed to: acquire an understanding of the 
number system, the relationship between a 
numeral and the quantity it represents, and then 
to manipulate these numbers and make 
calculations, will most likely never catch up. When 
tested in the seventh grade, these students 
scored far behind their peers. (NICHD, Feb. 2013). 
The Challenge 
How can we help our students become 
mathematical thinkers while teaching 
them to solve a problem like 9 - 6? 
The Challenge 
• Math is a challenging abstract subject, built on 
concepts and strategies. It has its own language and 
a host of symbols: digits, >, <, operation symbols, etc. 
• How can we teach six-year-old children to 
manipulate numbers? 
• How can we teach so that children learn to make 
The Spots for M.A.T.H. Solution 
• Through the use of innovative tools: 
 Spots for M.A.T.H. Dot Cards 
 The Open Number Line 
 Puzzle-Piece Models for Solving Word Problems 
• A predictable and unique program 
• A progressive practice system 
We can help all students develop real math 
The Dot Cards 
Predictable images of numbers and operations, 
which are easy to visualize confidently, are 
used to overcome the abstract challenge. 
Dot Cards 1-10 
• These show the quantity of numbers 1-10, 
using black dots in a specific format. 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Spots for Math Dot Cards 
vs. Other Types of Ten Frames 
DecaDots® is a trademark of ETA hand2mind and is not affiliated with Spots for M.A.T.H. 
Teen Numbers 
Math educator Kathy Richardson has observed 
just how hard it is for children to understand the 
numbers 11 through 20 in terms of place value. 
She summarizes her many years of working with 
and observing children attempting this hurdle as 
follows: “Children who have not yet learned that 
numbers are composed of tens and ones think 
of the numerals that are used to write particular 
numbers as the way you 'spell' them. 
Teen Numbers 
From the child's point of view, it just happens 
that we need a 1 and a 5 to write fifteen and a 1 
and a 2 to write twelve. It is not obvious to 
young children that the numerals describe the 
underlying structure of the number” (p. 26). 
Richardson, K. (2003). Assessing Math Concepts: Ten Frames. Rowley, MA: 
Teen Dot Cards 11-19 
When and how are the Dot Cards used? 
• Teacher models the concept or strategy using 
Magnetic Dry-Erase Dot-Boards with magnetic 
• Students use Dot Boards and counters, and 
they practice in their book. 
• Then the Concept Representation Dot-Cards 
are used in lesson warm-ups for practice and 
Stages of Learning 
Effective mathematics instruction tells us to move 
from the concrete to abstract. All too often, these 
processes are seen as single entities. i.e. On day one 
use actual object, day 2 representational objects 
(chips), day 3 drawing, day 4 abstract and from then 
on all abstract… 
Transitioning the Stages of Learning 
Our program is unique in that we see these 
experiences as a coordinated holistic approach. 
With this as our belief, Spots for M.A.T.H. offers the 
teacher with specific tools, namely our set of 
patented Dot Boards which is used to introduce 
concepts and strategies. Our corresponding 
Concept Representation Dot Cards which is used to 
reinforce the concepts and strategies in order to 
facilitate the transition from concrete to abstract 
experiences. Using these tools, we foster greater 
understanding, fluency and internalization of given 
Magnetic Dry-Erase Dot Boards 
What’s inside? 
Magnetic Dry-Erase Dot Boards with 
black-and-white magnetic counters 
Modeling a Concept with Magnetic Dry- 
Erase Dot Boards and Magnetic Counters 
7 + 2 = 9 7 - 1 = 6 
7 - 6 = 1
Modeling a Concept with Magnetic Dry- 
Erase Dot Boards and Magnetic Counters 
• The make-a-ten strategy 
9 + 8 = 17 
Modeling the Concept with 
Magnetic Dry-Erase Dot Boards 
13 - 5 = 8 22 13 - 9 = 4
Students’ Blank Dot Boards and 
Black-and-White Foam counters 
Concept-Representation Dot Cards 
What’s Inside? 
Addition Dot Cards 1-10 
The greater addend is shown first, with black 
dots; the lesser addend is shown second, with 
white dots. 
3 + 1 = 4 4 + 2 = 6 5 + 3 = 8 6 + 4 = 10 
Subtraction Dot Cards 1-10 
The subtrahend (the number subtracted) is shown by 
circling and crossing off the appropriate number of dots. 
When it is a small number, the dots are crossed off the 
10 – 1 = 9 9 – 2 = 7 26
Subtraction Dot Cards 1-10 
When the subtrahend is a large number, the 
dots are crossed off the bottom. 
7 – 6 = 1 
Teen Addition Dot Cards 
• Used for addition with teen sums to 19. The 
greater addend is shown first, with black dots; 
the lesser addend is shown second, with white 
9 + 5 = 14 8 + 7 = 15 28
Teen Subtraction Dot Cards 
• When subtracting a small number, dots are 
crossed off starting from the “ones side.” 
14 - 6 = 8 29
Teen Subtraction Dot Cards 
When subtracting a large number (10, 9, 8, and some-times 
7), they are crossed off from the “ten side.” 
14 - 8 = 6 30
• Must children cross off dots the way we tell 
them to? 
• What if a student of mine will want to cross 
off dots differently? 
• What does “sometimes 7” mean? Why not all 
the time? 
How would you subtract 7? 
• Will my students still use their fingers to help 
them add or subtract? 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 1 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 2 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 3 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 4 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 5 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 6 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 7 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 8 
Lesson Index 
Chapter 9 
Using the Number Line to Extend Thinking 
Strategies to Two Digit Numbers and Beyond 
When it comes to calculating with larger 
numbers mentally, it becomes hard to visualize 
the amounts, as we must think of quantity 
images of all the tens and ones we had, and 
then how many we are adding on. At this point 
it’s much more helpful to think of a number line 
beginning at a specific point, and then jumping 
by tens and by ones. 
Using the Number Line cont. 
There is much research showing that the brain actually 
thinks of the larger units first; that is, if you would ask a 
student to solve two-digit addition before he or she was 
taught a formal process for such equations, the child 
would think of the tens first! The algorithm actually asks 
us to work against our understanding of numbers! So its 
crucial to first develop number sense and the ability to 
calculate mentally, and then to transfer it to the 
algorithm – the formal paper and pencil process. 
Number line Classroom Banner 1-100 
Student Book, Pages 49 and 83 
Student Book, Pages 121 and 125 
Student Book, Pages 141 and 153 
The Program Progression 
Students see clearly how one skill builds on 
6 + 1 = 7 6 + 3 = 9 6 - 1 = 5 6 - 2 = 4 57
The Program Progression 
Predictability and patterns help students generalize strategies 
The Program Progression cont. 
Concepts are built and layered over time. 
Chapter 4: Teen Numbers Chapter 5: Decade Numbers Chapter 6: Two-Digit Nu5m9bers
The Program Progression cont. 
• In each chapter we compare the numbers to each other 
(e.g., 15 to 50 or 51). 
The Program Progression cont. 
Money skills are inserted throughout the chapters as a 
problem solving application of the concepts presented. 
This helps teach students to generalize skills. 
Problem Solving 
Problem solving is an integral component 
needed to be successful with mathematics. 
We don’t leave this skill to chance, as part of 
our goal to develop a solid foundation, we 
offer a formal methodical meta-cognitive 
approach to problem solving. We have a 
scaffolding mapping tool - the puzzle piece 
model which gives students the framework of 
how to solve story problems. 
Puzzle-Piece Models 
Math Puzzles are a great tool to 
help organize the parts of a 
number sentence. The top 
piece shows the whole number, 
and the two bottom pieces 
show the parts of that number. 
The puzzles are used to show 
the relationship between 
numbers, as in number 
families. They are also used to 
help solve various types of 
story problems. 63
Puzzle-Piece Models cont. 
Using puzzles, the numbers can be easily 
organized, making it simple to identify the missing 
component – whether the whole or a part – and 
then solve accordingly: For a missing whole, add 
the two parts; for a missing part, subtract the part 
we already know from the whole. The puzzle 
pieces are always the same size. They are not 
scaled according to quantity. This helps students 
stay focused on organizing the numbers into their 
respective parts, as opposed to trying to figure 
out what size the pieces should be. 
Puzzle-Piece Models for 
Problem Solving 
From Understanding to Internalization 
Common Core State Standards for Mathematics 
2.OA.2: Fluently add and subtract within 20 using 
mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from 
memory all sums of two one-digit numbers. Research 
indicates that students internalize facts and develop 
fluency by repeatedly using the strategies that make 
sense to them. Research indicates that teachers can 
best support students’ memory of the sums of two 
one-digit numbers through varied experiences 
including making 10, breaking numbers apart, and 
working on mental strategies. 
From Understanding to Internalization cont. 
These strategies replace the use of repetitive timed tests 
in which students try to memorize operations as if there 
were not any relationships among the various facts. 
When teachers teach facts for automaticity, rather than 
memorization, they encourage students to think about 
the relationships among the facts. (Fosnot & Dolk, 2001) 
It is no coincidence that the standard uses the term 
“know from memory” rather than “memorize.” The 
former describes an outcome, whereas the latter might 
be seen as describing a method of achieving that 
outcome. So, no, the standards are not dictating timed 
tests. (McCallum, October 2011) 
The Practice System 
Lesson Warm-Up with Drop-Its Form #1 
The Practice System, cont’d. 
Lesson Warm-Up with Drop-Its Form #2 
The Practice System 
+ 2 
+ 3 
Lesson Warm-Up with Drop-Its Form #3 
The Practice System, cont’d. 
Double-Sided Number Sentence Wipe-Off 
Boards (optional product) 
SMART Board® - Interactive Whiteboard 
• All student lesson pages are available for the 
Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). They are 
compatible with SMART Board® Interactive 
Whiteboards and any other interactive surface 
or projector. 
• Additional Components: Dot Boards, Counters, 
Concept Representation Dot-Cards and Drop-It 
Focus Standards and Facts Fluency 
Practice Book 
Maximizing the Learning Experience 
• The daily routine 
• Ongoing visual reinforcement 
– Banners 
– Math window 
• Teacher’s Resource Book 
Daily Routine Material 
Spots for M. A. T. H. 
Magnetic Money House 
Hundred Number Pocket Chart with 
100 Clear Pockets, & Pattern Marke75rs
Ongoing Visual Reinforcement 
Included in your “Classroom 
Kit” is the Teacher’s Resource 
Book, it is a 148-page binder 
that provides copy masters for 
teachers to use throughout 
the year. It includes: 
• Family letters (to keep the 
families informed of and 
involved in all that the class is 
• Drop-Its forms (used in the 
lesson warm-up section to 
develop fluency and for 
ongoing assessment) 
• Cutouts (drawings that are 
meant to be cut, for the 
teacher to use, such as a frog 
cutout to model jumping on 
the number line) 
• Lesson Handouts (which are 
used by students to enhance 
the lessons) 
• Assessment Forms 
• Reproducible Game Cards and 
The Spots for M.A.T.H. Lesson Format 
Model Lesson 
Chapter 2 Lesson 5: Adding Three 
Lesson Goal: 
• CCSS 1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20. 
• Goal: Students will use Addition Dot Cards to 
demonstrate adding three. 
• Materials Needed: Dot Board; black and white 
magnetic counters; blank Dot Boards (cut from 
the last page of the student book); student 
Common Core State Standard 
Lesson Warm-Up: 
Flash all +1 and +2 Addition Dot Cards. Have the class identify 
the number sentence of each card in unison. 
(Remember to show each card for only a few seconds! ) 
Introductory Statement: 
• Yesterday, we learned to add one and two using 
our Addition Dot Cards. Today we will use 
Addition Dot Cards to add three. 
Thinking Trigger: 
• How did we add one and two using our Dot 
Cards? [Place a sample of each on the board. 
Have class identify the equation each one 
shows.] How do you think we will add three 
with the Dot Cards? [Allow time for 
suggestions. Remove the cards.] 
Concept Development: 
I. Adding three 
Place Dot Card 4 on the board and use magnetic counters to model adding three. As 
you place the white counters, count on: We begin with 4 and we add on 5, 6, and 7. 
Ask: How many black dots are on the card? [4] How many white dots did I add? [3] How 
many do we have in all? What number does this look like? [7] What addition sentence 
can we write for what we did? [4 + 3 = 7] [Show Dot Card 7 and point out that the 
formation is the same as the 4 + 3 Dot Card on the board.] 
4 + 3 = 7 
Concept Development: 
• Present Dot Card 6 and model adding three 
magnetic counters. Ask: How many do we 
have in all? What number does this look like? 
[9] What addition sentence do we have now? 
[6 + 3 = 9] [Show Dot Card 9 and compare.] 
• Continue in the same way for 5 + 3. 
Concept Development: 
• Show the class the +3 Addition Dot Cards and 
read the equations together. 
Concept Development: 
II. Adding by counting on 
• Now let’s do something different. [Write 6 + 3 on the 
board]. Let’s solve this without using Dot Cards and 
counters. We can use the banner and pretend. With what 
number do we start? [6] Let’s look at Dot Card-6 on the 
banner. [Point to Dot Card-6.] How many more do we need 
to put on? [3] Let’s pretend to put on three more counters. 
We begin with 6 and we count on 7, 8, and 9. There are 
nine in all. [Write in the sum.] 
• In the same way, model solving 3 + 3 and 7 + 3. 
Student Teacher: 
• Divide the class into pairs. Have each partner write 
an addition sentence with +3 on their number 
sentence wipe off boards. Then have the partners 
work together to show the number sentences on 
their Dot Cards. Have each set of partners show their 
work to another set of partners and explain what 
they did. 
• Be sure counters are placed correctly, from left to 
right, so that the correct format for each number is 
• We see that we can solve “plus 3” addition 
sentences by adding three white dots to our 
Dot Cards and seeing what new Dot Cards we 
Using The Book: Pages 41-42 
Page 41: 
Place Dot Card 3 on the board. Model adding three 
counters. Ask: What addition sentence do we have? 
First we had ___ [3], then we added ___ [3]. Which Dot 
Card do we have now? [6] 3 + 3 = 6. [Write the addition 
sentence under the card.] 
3 + 3 = 6 90
Using The Book: Page 41 
• Read the directions. Have the class find the first 
example in their books. Show that example 1 is the 
same as you modeled on the board. Say: In the book 
they also have Dot Card 3 with three white counters. 
Fill in the addition sentence : 3 + 3 = 6. 
• Examples 2-5: In the same way, continue with 
example 2 through 5. Have the class complete the 
section independently while you circulate to offer 
help as needed. Review the answers together. 
Using The Book: Page 41 
• Examples 6-9: Say: This is a new kind of 
practice for us. [Read the directions.] Look at 
example 6. It is done for us. What is the 
number sentence? [6 + 3 = 9] The book has a 
line drawn to the matching Addition Dot Card. 
It is the one next to the yellow square. Trace 
the connecting line and write in the sum. 
• In this way, complete the section together. 
Using The Book: Pages 41 
Using The Book: Page 42 
• Examples 1-6: Read the directions. Read the first number 
sentence together. Ask: Which Dot Card matches this 
sentence? Why? [Wait for answers.] In the book, the correct 
Dot Card is already circled for us. 
• In a similar way, read examples 2 and 3. Place the correct 
Addition Dot Card on the board, and remind the students 
to circle the correct one in their books. Have the class 
complete the page independently while you offer 
assistance as necessary. Review the answers together. 
Using The Book: Page 42 
• Examples 7-12: Have students complete this 
section independently. Students may choose 
to draw dots or just pretend adding dots to 
help them add. Review the section together. 
Using The Book: Pages 42 
Closing Statement: 
• Ask: What did we learn to do today in math 
class? [Accept relevant answers.] Today we 
learned how to add three using our Dot Cards. 
When we add three white dots to the Dot 
Card, we can see how many we have 
altogether. Tomorrow we will use Dot Cards to 
tell math stories. 
Changes in Instruction 
"The Common Core demands significant shifts in 
the way we teach. Each teacher must adopt 
these shifts so that students remain on track 
towards success in college and careers. These 
shifts in instruction will require that many 
teachers learn new skills and reflect upon and 
evolve in their classroom practices" 
The Goals of the Common Core 
• To develop students who are proficient in 
• To teach with deep conceptual understanding 
and practice to acquire fluency of facts and 
• We can’t be satisfied with students just being 
quick “counters” 
• Your efforts will affect the results of grade 3 
state testing 
Managing Your Time 
• How long does a lesson take? 
• Can I skip lessons? Or parts of a lesson? 
Pacing Guide for School Year ‘14- ‘15 
Based on a four-days-per-week schedule (excluding off days). 
Each lesson should take one day. An extra day is allotted for assessment and chapter introduction. 
Plan for Grade 2 
• Transition with a Stepping Up Review Unit as 
the first chapter for grade 2 is included, along 
with a Teacher’s Edition. 
• Then students will continue with their current 
grade-2 program, until Spots for M.A.T.H. will 
officially release their grade-2 book! 
The Results בס"ד 
• Develop true number sense 
• Master their math facts 
• Acquire thinking strategies 
• Generalize their learning 
• And most important, students develop a 
confident, “can do!” attitude toward math. 

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Spots for M.A.T.H. Profession​al Development​ Events

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Spots for M. A. T. H.™ Professional Development School Year ‘14-‘15 2
  • 3. Agenda • Understanding the program philosophy • Getting acquainted with your material • Books • Teaching Materials • Practice Cards • Posters • Daily Routine Materials • Modeling a sample lesson • The Goal of the Common Core 3
  • 4. Our Goal To help all students develop real math wisdom This includes: • An understanding of numbers and math concepts • The ability to manipulate numbers • The ability to make generalizations with mathematics Or to solve a problem like 36 + 23 mentally, by breaking up the 23 into tens and ones so it would be calculated • Fluency in basic math facts, which is so important To be able to solve problems with teen for future sums, math such success as 8 + 5, using the “make a ten” strategy (at a Grade 1 level). That is to say, If I can solve 6 + ___ = 10, • Proficiency in solving word problems as 36 + 20 = 56 + 3 = 59 (at a Grade 2 level). then I can solve 46 + ___ = 50. 4
  • 5. Research on Early Math Education Research done by the National Institute for Child Health Development shows that early math success is critical to math success both in upper grades and in life. Students in the first grade who have failed to: acquire an understanding of the number system, the relationship between a numeral and the quantity it represents, and then to manipulate these numbers and make calculations, will most likely never catch up. When tested in the seventh grade, these students scored far behind their peers. (NICHD, Feb. 2013). 5
  • 6. The Challenge How can we help our students become mathematical thinkers while teaching them to solve a problem like 9 - 6? 6
  • 7. The Challenge • Math is a challenging abstract subject, built on concepts and strategies. It has its own language and a host of symbols: digits, >, <, operation symbols, etc. • How can we teach six-year-old children to manipulate numbers? • How can we teach so that children learn to make connections? 7
  • 8. The Spots for M.A.T.H. Solution • Through the use of innovative tools:  Spots for M.A.T.H. Dot Cards  The Open Number Line  Puzzle-Piece Models for Solving Word Problems • A predictable and unique program progression • A progressive practice system We can help all students develop real math wisdom. 8
  • 9. The Dot Cards Predictable images of numbers and operations, which are easy to visualize confidently, are used to overcome the abstract challenge. 9
  • 10. Dot Cards 1-10 • These show the quantity of numbers 1-10, using black dots in a specific format. 14372561890 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10
  • 11. Spots for Math Dot Cards vs. Other Types of Ten Frames DecaDots® is a trademark of ETA hand2mind and is not affiliated with Spots for M.A.T.H. 11
  • 12. Teen Numbers Math educator Kathy Richardson has observed just how hard it is for children to understand the numbers 11 through 20 in terms of place value. She summarizes her many years of working with and observing children attempting this hurdle as follows: “Children who have not yet learned that numbers are composed of tens and ones think of the numerals that are used to write particular numbers as the way you 'spell' them. 12
  • 13. Teen Numbers From the child's point of view, it just happens that we need a 1 and a 5 to write fifteen and a 1 and a 2 to write twelve. It is not obvious to young children that the numerals describe the underlying structure of the number” (p. 26). Richardson, K. (2003). Assessing Math Concepts: Ten Frames. Rowley, MA: Didax. 13
  • 14. Teen Dot Cards 11-19 14
  • 15. When and how are the Dot Cards used? • Teacher models the concept or strategy using Magnetic Dry-Erase Dot-Boards with magnetic counters. • Students use Dot Boards and counters, and they practice in their book. • Then the Concept Representation Dot-Cards are used in lesson warm-ups for practice and reinforcement. 15
  • 16. Stages of Learning Effective mathematics instruction tells us to move from the concrete to abstract. All too often, these processes are seen as single entities. i.e. On day one use actual object, day 2 representational objects (chips), day 3 drawing, day 4 abstract and from then on all abstract… 16
  • 17. Transitioning the Stages of Learning Our program is unique in that we see these experiences as a coordinated holistic approach. With this as our belief, Spots for M.A.T.H. offers the teacher with specific tools, namely our set of patented Dot Boards which is used to introduce concepts and strategies. Our corresponding Concept Representation Dot Cards which is used to reinforce the concepts and strategies in order to facilitate the transition from concrete to abstract experiences. Using these tools, we foster greater understanding, fluency and internalization of given concepts. 17
  • 18. Magnetic Dry-Erase Dot Boards What’s inside? 18
  • 19. Magnetic Dry-Erase Dot Boards with black-and-white magnetic counters 19
  • 20. Modeling a Concept with Magnetic Dry- Erase Dot Boards and Magnetic Counters 7 + 2 = 9 7 - 1 = 6 20 7 - 6 = 1
  • 21. Modeling a Concept with Magnetic Dry- Erase Dot Boards and Magnetic Counters • The make-a-ten strategy 9 + 8 = 17 21
  • 22. Modeling the Concept with Magnetic Dry-Erase Dot Boards 13 - 5 = 8 22 13 - 9 = 4
  • 23. Students’ Blank Dot Boards and Black-and-White Foam counters 23
  • 24. Concept-Representation Dot Cards What’s Inside? 24
  • 25. Addition Dot Cards 1-10 The greater addend is shown first, with black dots; the lesser addend is shown second, with white dots. 3 + 1 = 4 4 + 2 = 6 5 + 3 = 8 6 + 4 = 10 25
  • 26. Subtraction Dot Cards 1-10 The subtrahend (the number subtracted) is shown by circling and crossing off the appropriate number of dots. When it is a small number, the dots are crossed off the top. 10 – 1 = 9 9 – 2 = 7 26
  • 27. Subtraction Dot Cards 1-10 When the subtrahend is a large number, the dots are crossed off the bottom. 7 – 6 = 1 27
  • 28. Teen Addition Dot Cards • Used for addition with teen sums to 19. The greater addend is shown first, with black dots; the lesser addend is shown second, with white dots. 9 + 5 = 14 8 + 7 = 15 28
  • 29. Teen Subtraction Dot Cards • When subtracting a small number, dots are crossed off starting from the “ones side.” 14 - 6 = 8 29
  • 30. Teen Subtraction Dot Cards When subtracting a large number (10, 9, 8, and some-times 7), they are crossed off from the “ten side.” 14 - 8 = 6 30
  • 31. FAQ • Must children cross off dots the way we tell them to? • What if a student of mine will want to cross off dots differently? • What does “sometimes 7” mean? Why not all the time? 31
  • 32. How would you subtract 7? 32
  • 33. FAQ • Will my students still use their fingers to help them add or subtract? 33
  • 35. 35
  • 37. 37
  • 39. 39
  • 41. 41
  • 43. 43
  • 45. 45
  • 47. 47
  • 49. 49
  • 51. 51
  • 52. Using the Number Line to Extend Thinking Strategies to Two Digit Numbers and Beyond When it comes to calculating with larger numbers mentally, it becomes hard to visualize the amounts, as we must think of quantity images of all the tens and ones we had, and then how many we are adding on. At this point it’s much more helpful to think of a number line beginning at a specific point, and then jumping by tens and by ones. 52
  • 53. Using the Number Line cont. There is much research showing that the brain actually thinks of the larger units first; that is, if you would ask a student to solve two-digit addition before he or she was taught a formal process for such equations, the child would think of the tens first! The algorithm actually asks us to work against our understanding of numbers! So its crucial to first develop number sense and the ability to calculate mentally, and then to transfer it to the algorithm – the formal paper and pencil process. Number line Classroom Banner 1-100 53
  • 54. Student Book, Pages 49 and 83 54
  • 55. Student Book, Pages 121 and 125 55
  • 56. Student Book, Pages 141 and 153 56
  • 57. The Program Progression Students see clearly how one skill builds on another. 6 + 1 = 7 6 + 3 = 9 6 - 1 = 5 6 - 2 = 4 57
  • 58. The Program Progression Predictability and patterns help students generalize strategies 58
  • 59. The Program Progression cont. Concepts are built and layered over time. Chapter 4: Teen Numbers Chapter 5: Decade Numbers Chapter 6: Two-Digit Nu5m9bers
  • 60. The Program Progression cont. • In each chapter we compare the numbers to each other (e.g., 15 to 50 or 51). 60
  • 61. The Program Progression cont. Money skills are inserted throughout the chapters as a problem solving application of the concepts presented. This helps teach students to generalize skills. 61
  • 62. Problem Solving Problem solving is an integral component needed to be successful with mathematics. We don’t leave this skill to chance, as part of our goal to develop a solid foundation, we offer a formal methodical meta-cognitive approach to problem solving. We have a scaffolding mapping tool - the puzzle piece model which gives students the framework of how to solve story problems. 62
  • 63. Puzzle-Piece Models Math Puzzles are a great tool to help organize the parts of a number sentence. The top piece shows the whole number, and the two bottom pieces show the parts of that number. The puzzles are used to show the relationship between numbers, as in number families. They are also used to help solve various types of story problems. 63
  • 64. Puzzle-Piece Models cont. Using puzzles, the numbers can be easily organized, making it simple to identify the missing component – whether the whole or a part – and then solve accordingly: For a missing whole, add the two parts; for a missing part, subtract the part we already know from the whole. The puzzle pieces are always the same size. They are not scaled according to quantity. This helps students stay focused on organizing the numbers into their respective parts, as opposed to trying to figure out what size the pieces should be. 64
  • 65. Puzzle-Piece Models for Problem Solving 65
  • 66. From Understanding to Internalization Common Core State Standards for Mathematics 2.OA.2: Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers. Research indicates that students internalize facts and develop fluency by repeatedly using the strategies that make sense to them. Research indicates that teachers can best support students’ memory of the sums of two one-digit numbers through varied experiences including making 10, breaking numbers apart, and working on mental strategies. 66
  • 67. From Understanding to Internalization cont. These strategies replace the use of repetitive timed tests in which students try to memorize operations as if there were not any relationships among the various facts. When teachers teach facts for automaticity, rather than memorization, they encourage students to think about the relationships among the facts. (Fosnot & Dolk, 2001) It is no coincidence that the standard uses the term “know from memory” rather than “memorize.” The former describes an outcome, whereas the latter might be seen as describing a method of achieving that outcome. So, no, the standards are not dictating timed tests. (McCallum, October 2011) 67
  • 68. The Practice System Lesson Warm-Up with Drop-Its Form #1 68
  • 69. The Practice System, cont’d. Lesson Warm-Up with Drop-Its Form #2 69
  • 70. The Practice System 4 + 2 5 + 3 Lesson Warm-Up with Drop-Its Form #3 70
  • 71. The Practice System, cont’d. Double-Sided Number Sentence Wipe-Off Boards (optional product) 71
  • 72. SMART Board® - Interactive Whiteboard • All student lesson pages are available for the Interactive Whiteboard (IWB). They are compatible with SMART Board® Interactive Whiteboards and any other interactive surface or projector. • Additional Components: Dot Boards, Counters, Concept Representation Dot-Cards and Drop-It forms. 72
  • 73. Focus Standards and Facts Fluency Practice Book 73
  • 74. Maximizing the Learning Experience • The daily routine • Ongoing visual reinforcement – Banners – Math window • Teacher’s Resource Book 74
  • 75. Daily Routine Material Spots for M. A. T. H. Magnetic Money House Hundred Number Pocket Chart with 100 Clear Pockets, & Pattern Marke75rs
  • 77. Included in your “Classroom Kit” is the Teacher’s Resource Book, it is a 148-page binder that provides copy masters for teachers to use throughout the year. It includes: • Family letters (to keep the families informed of and involved in all that the class is learning) • Drop-Its forms (used in the lesson warm-up section to develop fluency and for ongoing assessment) • Cutouts (drawings that are meant to be cut, for the teacher to use, such as a frog cutout to model jumping on the number line) • Lesson Handouts (which are used by students to enhance the lessons) • Assessment Forms • Reproducible Game Cards and Boards 77
  • 78. The Spots for M.A.T.H. Lesson Format 78
  • 79. Model Lesson Chapter 2 Lesson 5: Adding Three 79
  • 80. Lesson Goal: • CCSS 1.OA.6 Add and subtract within 20. • Goal: Students will use Addition Dot Cards to demonstrate adding three. • Materials Needed: Dot Board; black and white magnetic counters; blank Dot Boards (cut from the last page of the student book); student counters. Common Core State Standard 80
  • 81. Lesson Warm-Up: Flash all +1 and +2 Addition Dot Cards. Have the class identify the number sentence of each card in unison. (Remember to show each card for only a few seconds! ) 81
  • 82. Introductory Statement: • Yesterday, we learned to add one and two using our Addition Dot Cards. Today we will use Addition Dot Cards to add three. 82
  • 83. Thinking Trigger: • How did we add one and two using our Dot Cards? [Place a sample of each on the board. Have class identify the equation each one shows.] How do you think we will add three with the Dot Cards? [Allow time for suggestions. Remove the cards.] 83
  • 84. Concept Development: I. Adding three Place Dot Card 4 on the board and use magnetic counters to model adding three. As you place the white counters, count on: We begin with 4 and we add on 5, 6, and 7. Ask: How many black dots are on the card? [4] How many white dots did I add? [3] How many do we have in all? What number does this look like? [7] What addition sentence can we write for what we did? [4 + 3 = 7] [Show Dot Card 7 and point out that the formation is the same as the 4 + 3 Dot Card on the board.] 4 + 3 = 7 84
  • 85. Concept Development: • Present Dot Card 6 and model adding three magnetic counters. Ask: How many do we have in all? What number does this look like? [9] What addition sentence do we have now? [6 + 3 = 9] [Show Dot Card 9 and compare.] • Continue in the same way for 5 + 3. 85
  • 86. Concept Development: • Show the class the +3 Addition Dot Cards and read the equations together. 86
  • 87. Concept Development: II. Adding by counting on • Now let’s do something different. [Write 6 + 3 on the board]. Let’s solve this without using Dot Cards and counters. We can use the banner and pretend. With what number do we start? [6] Let’s look at Dot Card-6 on the banner. [Point to Dot Card-6.] How many more do we need to put on? [3] Let’s pretend to put on three more counters. We begin with 6 and we count on 7, 8, and 9. There are nine in all. [Write in the sum.] • In the same way, model solving 3 + 3 and 7 + 3. 87
  • 88. Student Teacher: • Divide the class into pairs. Have each partner write an addition sentence with +3 on their number sentence wipe off boards. Then have the partners work together to show the number sentences on their Dot Cards. Have each set of partners show their work to another set of partners and explain what they did. • Be sure counters are placed correctly, from left to right, so that the correct format for each number is shown. 88
  • 89. Conclusion: • We see that we can solve “plus 3” addition sentences by adding three white dots to our Dot Cards and seeing what new Dot Cards we get. 89
  • 90. Using The Book: Pages 41-42 Page 41: Place Dot Card 3 on the board. Model adding three counters. Ask: What addition sentence do we have? First we had ___ [3], then we added ___ [3]. Which Dot Card do we have now? [6] 3 + 3 = 6. [Write the addition sentence under the card.] 3 + 3 = 6 90
  • 91. Using The Book: Page 41 • Read the directions. Have the class find the first example in their books. Show that example 1 is the same as you modeled on the board. Say: In the book they also have Dot Card 3 with three white counters. Fill in the addition sentence : 3 + 3 = 6. • Examples 2-5: In the same way, continue with example 2 through 5. Have the class complete the section independently while you circulate to offer help as needed. Review the answers together. 91
  • 92. Using The Book: Page 41 • Examples 6-9: Say: This is a new kind of practice for us. [Read the directions.] Look at example 6. It is done for us. What is the number sentence? [6 + 3 = 9] The book has a line drawn to the matching Addition Dot Card. It is the one next to the yellow square. Trace the connecting line and write in the sum. • In this way, complete the section together. 92
  • 93. Using The Book: Pages 41 93
  • 94. Using The Book: Page 42 • Examples 1-6: Read the directions. Read the first number sentence together. Ask: Which Dot Card matches this sentence? Why? [Wait for answers.] In the book, the correct Dot Card is already circled for us. • In a similar way, read examples 2 and 3. Place the correct Addition Dot Card on the board, and remind the students to circle the correct one in their books. Have the class complete the page independently while you offer assistance as necessary. Review the answers together. 94
  • 95. Using The Book: Page 42 • Examples 7-12: Have students complete this section independently. Students may choose to draw dots or just pretend adding dots to help them add. Review the section together. 95
  • 96. Using The Book: Pages 42 96
  • 97. Closing Statement: • Ask: What did we learn to do today in math class? [Accept relevant answers.] Today we learned how to add three using our Dot Cards. When we add three white dots to the Dot Card, we can see how many we have altogether. Tomorrow we will use Dot Cards to tell math stories. 97
  • 98. Changes in Instruction "The Common Core demands significant shifts in the way we teach. Each teacher must adopt these shifts so that students remain on track towards success in college and careers. These shifts in instruction will require that many teachers learn new skills and reflect upon and evolve in their classroom practices" ( 98
  • 99. The Goals of the Common Core • To develop students who are proficient in mathematics • To teach with deep conceptual understanding and practice to acquire fluency of facts and procedures • We can’t be satisfied with students just being quick “counters” • Your efforts will affect the results of grade 3 state testing 99
  • 100. Managing Your Time • How long does a lesson take? • Can I skip lessons? Or parts of a lesson? 100
  • 101. Pacing Guide for School Year ‘14- ‘15 Based on a four-days-per-week schedule (excluding off days). Each lesson should take one day. An extra day is allotted for assessment and chapter introduction. 101
  • 102. Plan for Grade 2 • Transition with a Stepping Up Review Unit as the first chapter for grade 2 is included, along with a Teacher’s Edition. • Then students will continue with their current grade-2 program, until Spots for M.A.T.H. will officially release their grade-2 book! 102
  • 103. The Results בס"ד Students: • Develop true number sense • Master their math facts • Acquire thinking strategies • Generalize their learning • And most important, students develop a confident, “can do!” attitude toward math. 103

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Student Book, Volume I: Chapters 1-4 (158 pages); Volume II: Chapters 5-8 (156 pages) Teacher’s Edition, Volume I and II Teachers Resource Book (Blackline Masters) Focus Standards and Facts Fluency Practice Book
  2. What’s the problem if a student puts out nine fingers and then hides away six? It may become embarrassing as students get older. The strategy is not extendable to problems with larger numbers, such as 13 – 6.
  3. Jean Piaget’s four stages of children’s cognitive development: Sensory-motor learning Preoperational learning Concrete operational learning Operational learning
  4. Generally, when we say “all,” it indicates that we want to include lower achieving or less capable students. This program is not necessarily geared for children with special needs, although its strong visual base and fine progression makes it very adaptable for them. The thinking level involved here is actually very high, and the fact is that many average and above-average students have been underserviced until now, as they were not helped to develop real number sense. We were satisfied if they found the sum of a number by counting; we did not develop their thinking abilities. When we say we can help all students develop real math wisdom, we refer to gaining a greater quality of achievement for all.
  5. As the NCTM points out, &quot;The ten-frame uses the concept of benchmark numbers (5 and 10) and helps students develop visual images for each number.&quot; Using a ten-frame, students can easily see, for example, that 6 is 1 more than 5 and 4 less than 10, or that 8 can be seen as &quot;5 and 3 more&quot; and as &quot;2 away from 10.&quot; Once students are able to visualize the numbers 1 through 10, they begin to develop mental strategies for manipulating those numbers, all within the context of the numbers&apos; relationship to ten.
  6. With the Dot Cards as our base, we can call our approach a “quantity-based” approach as opposed to a digit-based approach. These cards are the most basic element of the program. The students learn to recognize each Dot Card as an image without counting the dots. Once students learn what each Dot Card represents with instantaneous recognition, they can use these cards to build their understanding of progressively more abstract math concepts.Math becomes so simple that even when working with the complicated process of the “make a ten” strategy, one wonders, “What&apos;s so hard about math?”
  7. As you may know, ten frames are an ancient Japanese mathematical model. Ten frames in and of themselves are helpful but are not visually dynamic or powerful enough to help students internalize concepts.Christine Losque devised putting the dots in sets of two. (Her product is called Deca-Dots.) The division of the card into 5 red and 5 green is our innovation. Having the 5 as a bench mark helps differentiate between similar-looking numbers, such as the even numbers 4, 6, and or the odd numbers 5, 7, and 9.
  8. If children don’t understand the underlying structure of teen numbers, how can we expect them to decompose 14 when solving 14 - 6 as 14 - 4 - 2?
  9. These are a basic application of the 1-10 Dot Cards. These Dot Cards develop a strong foundation for place value: we have 1 ten and a specific number of ones to represent the teen number. Using this system, the percentage of young students who don’t understand the concept of place value, or who reverse numbers, is really very low. We had one student who her digits in mirror image but wrote them in the correct places!
  10. The material used to teach concepts with, is referred to as Dot Boards; they are magnetic dry-erase boards. The material used for practice and reinforcement is referred to as Dot cards, like flash cards.
  11. A Dot Board is used to show the first number in the number sentence. The teacher models the operation by adding white counters or crossing off dots.
  12. We turn over the white counter to its black side to show we need it to make a ten .Then the students are taught to imagine that the dot needed to make a ten “fly over” to the tens side while the rest stay white in their place on the ones side. Focusing on the white dots, it is clear to see the sum is 17.
  13. This is taught in chapter 7. Working with Dot Boards has a number of advantages. It saves time because the teacher does not have to count out the first quantity in the equation- its just printed on the board. Also, the images allow students to solve the problem without too much teacher explanation. When students solve problems in this manner they can create a mental image of the process - which would be harder to do if they were working with counters.
  14. You will find this page at the end of your Student Book. [SHOW STUDENT DOT CARDS]You will receive a packet with 600 foam counters. Every student needs 20 of them. [SHOW COUNTERS]Students use these when concepts are introduced. We recommend that teachers collect the materials after use so students don’t loose them.
  15. Reviewing with our Dot Cards provides reinforcement in the most time-efficient manner; students develop fluency of the facts as well as internalizing the thinking framework for how to solve similar problems. Thus, when a 9 - 6 Dot Card is presented, the student is practicing the specific example while the concept of “subtracting a lot” is being reinforced. Also, practicing with Dot Cards takes less time than practicing with other manipulatives.Practicing on digit level, with flashcards or the like, is “rote drill.” This gives students the message, “Get the answer fast,” so they just count, and we end up creating great “counters” instead of great “thinkers.”
  16. At this point the red and green are embedded in the subconscious. The focus is on the black and the white.
  17. There is much debate in the research regarding how first-graders should learn to subtract equations such as 9 – 7. Should we have them count back six numbers? Or should we teach them to count forward (six…7, 8, 9)? Research suggests that they learn to count back, because that is consistent with the concept of subtracting as taking away. However, the Common Core wants children to understand that we can count on to subtract. With our Dot Cards, this is clear and elegantly simple.The Subtraction Dot Cards show the “shape” of the number we are subtracting. This model makes it clear that we are taking away, yet we can also clearly see the amount that is left, encouraging counting up.FAQWhy is the seventh dot not crossed off?Why are the dots in the equation 9 - 2 circled and crossed off with 1 big X?ANSWERS: When we subtract a “lot,” as in 9 – 7, we want to think of the 7 as a group of seven that we are taking away. The circle indicates that whatever is in this circle is being subtracted, even though the X isn’t actually covering the seventh dot.Because we have two methods of subtracting – from the top for a little and from the bottom for a lot – we want students to think, “Do I need to subtract from the top or from the bottom?” We don’t want them to have to think about, “Do I need one big X or a few X’s?”
  18. This is taught in Chapter 7.
  19. This question reflects your experience with rules on a digit level. When we present math as a “quantity-based” subject, our “rules” are based on number sense, which simply makes sense. Of course, we can’t force children to cross off nine dots on the “tens” side, but why would she/he want to do it differently?When it comes to subtracting 7, we help students arrive at their own conclusions regarding from which numbers is pays to subtract from the “tens” side and from which numbers it pays to subtract from the “ones” side. Let’s look at our teen Dot Cards and see: What do you think? How would you subtract 7?
  20. Research suggests that students should have reference to a numbered number line prior to working with an open, or empty, number line. The banner exposes the students to this more advancedrepresentation of number.In fact, the Common Core is requiring modeling with open number lines in grades 2 and up. Teaching this to our students in this format will give them a head start for future success in math.
  21. After students have learned about the concept of addition with the Dot Cards, they learn that they can think of a number line. For subtraction, they first learn the concept of subtracting a little (i.e., a small amount-such as 9 - 2), then they learn to subtract on the number line; then they learn to subtract a lot, such as 9 - 6. (We don’t model 9 - 6 on the number line, because we feel it might confuse the students.) In these chapters they work with a numbered number line. in chapter 4 we introduce the open number line.
  22. In Chapter 4 we introduce the number line with no numbers. The students learn that we can make one big jump instead of individual jumps! And we can make two jumps when working with 3 addends! Students learn about this way of thinking by filling in modeled number lines. The “On Your Own” section gives students an opportunity to draw the jumps themselves.
  23. We then apply the strategy of adding in two steps to making two jumps. This will help the students the following year with solving problems such as 39 + 7. I’ve included p. 153 to point out that we make students aware there are several approaches and each one is correct, and some students actually choose the number line!After learning to add with Dot Cards,students have also been shown how to represent the make-a ten strategy with a “break-apart number sentence. All three methods; Dot cards, number lines and the break- apart number sentence. are referenced on this page.
  24. The puzzle piece modelprovides an iconic graphic organizer for the parts of a story. Each number sentence consists of three variables; two of them are known and one is unknown. With the puzzle-piece model, students can learn to organize their variables as the “whole” or “parts,” and they can then write a number sentence which they can solve.This concludes the presentation of our unique tools. The next factor that enables students to develop real math wisdom is the program progression.
  25. The program follows a unique progression. Lessons and chapters are carefully scaffolded, to help students to absorb ideas gradually over a span of time, and to guide them to make connections and generalizations.
  26. Every concept is presented over at least 3 lessons to help students absorb the idea. First they learn to add to 10, then to 9, then to 8. Thus, in this case, when they get to adding to 7 and 6, they know just what to do. This helps them to develop confidence in their abilities.
  27. Three chapters address place value to aid in concept assimilation.In Chapter 4 we learn about numbers with a ten a some ones. In Chapter 5 we learn about numbers with many tens. In Chapter 6 we learn about numbers with many tens and many ones. In each chapter we compare the numbers to each other (e.g., 15 to 50 or 51). We also apply what we know about numbers to ten: to add or subtract with teen numbers (e.g., 12 + 6 or 17 - 5), with decade numbers (e.g., 20 + 60 or 70 - 50), or two-digit numbers (e.g., 82 + 6 or 47 – 5. For any of these examples, we think of 2 + 6 or 7 - 5 to help us).
  28. Dot Cards for Five and Ten are related to the nickel and dime.
  29. In Chapter 1 we flash Dot Cards 1-10. We flash the card for only one second! We can flash it again, but we must make sure that students don’t count the dots. Instead, they should use the structure of the Dot Card to help them identify the card (e.g., 1 or 2 more than 5, or 1 or 2 less than 10).
  30. With form #3, we begin our weaning process; from reliance on the Dot Card to calculating at the digit level.
  31. These boards are used in concept development and can also be used instead of the Drop-Its forms to provide for a change. The puzzle-piece model is used for problem solving.
  32. This student workbook provides additional practice for the focus standards, which are: conceptual understanding of place value, fluency with facts through 10, modeling with math, and proficiency with word problems. At first, in Chapters 2 through 4, the practice pages have Dot Cards either next to the examples or at the bottom of the page. Later on, there are no Do Cards on the page. There are Dot Cards on the inside of the back cover for students to refer to if they wish. This pushes children to be less dependent on actually needing to look at the cards. Instead, they can visualize the cards or think about the process of solving the examples.
  33. In addition to offering a strong suite of teaching tools and a Teacher’s Edition with step-by-step instruction for an interactive teaching style in order to achieve our goal of developing real math wisdom, we have several other components to maximize the learning experience.
  34. The goal of the daily routine is to expose students to place-value concepts prior to learning about place value and then to reinforce the concepts after they have been taught. In the Teacher’s Edition you will find instructions on how to implement the daily routine. These routines do not necessarily need to be carried during math class and should not take more than one or two minutes. Take care not to this routine into a 10-15-minute mini-lesson. Also, if you have been doing any other daily math routine, you need to compare the benefits of the two routines and decide which one to use . These routines are more effective than for example , a routine of rote counting to 100. Don’t worry! By the time your students will leave first grade they will know how to count!
  35. These banners ensure ongoing learning even when math class is not going on! The Teacher’s Edition indicates when and how to use these aids so students become accustomed to them and refer to them constantly. The 1-10 Dot Card banner should be hanging in your classroom beginning with first day of class. It will help with developing automatic recognition of the Dot Cards. The Math Windowposter provides additional reinforcement of one or two specific math facts at a time. The Teacher’s Edition will help guide you as to indicates when to hang the banners and which facts to place in the math window when.
  36. The Teacher’s Edition guides you by indicating when to use what.
  37. Each lesson follows a predictable sequence. This helps the students organize their learning and saves precious learning time as the students know what to expect. We will go through the different components in the model lesson.
  38. These are the se pages for the lesson I will model. The program is so engaging, students don’t want to miss a lesson! We had a case of a student with behavior challenges who started the math lesson class without her books. When it came to using the math book, she kept on looking at her neighbor’s open book. Her teacher told her that her book was waiting for her and that she could come to take it if she wanted to. She actually went to get the book! She didn’t want to lose out!
  39. This is a quick activity that reinforces fluency of facts and strategies previously learned.
  40. This is the introductory Statement: it’s A statement used to link previous learning to current lesson.
  41. Now we have the Thinking Trigger: A question or idea that challenges the students and encourages them to tell their own ideas about how to solve problems or apply their prior knowledge.
  42. Concept Development: A step by step guide to developing the lesson concept through use of focused questions, teacher modeling, student practice and discussion prompts.
  43. Student Teacher: An opportunity for students to practice and concretize their learning by practicing new skills and/or discussing mathematical problem solving processes with peers.
  44. Conclusion: A summary statement to recap the lesson.
  45. In the te we indicate how to do the se pages, together as a class or if we expect the students to do the work independently
  46. Closing statement: A lesson ending segment that asks students to reflect on the lesson taught and connects this lesson to the lesson that follows.
  47. *1 Students have a good sense of the value of a digit. *3 Students acquire thinking strategies, such as the “make a ten” strategy, or how to subtract 9 - 2 vs. 9 - 6, at the same time as they practice for fluency. Reviewing with the Dot Cards is the most efficient way to maximize classroom time spent on review. *5 The lessons are carefully scaffolded, and enough practice is provided for concepts and strategies to get internalized, so it’s no wonder that Spots for M.A.T.H. students develop a positive attitude toward their ability with mathematics.