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Early Pregnancy Bleeding – Antepartum Haemorrhage
īļ Spontaneous Abortion
â€ĸ Threatened Miscarriage
â€ĸ Inevitable Miscarriage
īļ Implantation Bleeding
īļ Decidual Bleeding
īļ Ectopic Pregnancy
īļ Spontaneous Abortion
â€ĸ Threatened Miscarriage
â€ĸ Inevitable Miscarriage
ī‚§ Defined as the involuntary loss of the
products of conception prior to 24 weeks
ī‚§ It is thought that 15% of conceptions result in
ī‚§ Majority occur within first trimester
Birth of
Viable Infant
ī‚§ Maldevelopment of the conceptus
īƒē Most common cause
īƒē Chromosomal abnormalities account for 70% of
defective conceptions
īƒē Spontaneous mutations may still arise
ī‚§ Defective Implantation
ī‚§ Hydatidiform Mole
ī‚§ Fibroids
ī‚§ Maternal Infection
īƒē Due to high temperature relating to general
metabolic effect of fever
īƒē Result of transplacental passage of viruses, e.g.
ī‚  Influenza
ī‚  Rubella
ī‚  Pneumonia
ī‚  Toxoplasmosis
ī‚  Cytomegalovirus
ī‚  Listeriosis
ī‚  Syphilis
ī‚  Brucellosis
ī‚  Appendicitis
ī‚§ GenitalTract Infections
īƒē Bacterial vaginosis
īƒē Vaginal mycoplasma infection
ī‚§ Medical Disorders
īƒē Diabetes
īƒē Thyroid disease
īƒē Hypertensive disorders
īƒē Renal disease
ī‚§ Endocrine Abnormalities
īƒē Poor development of the corpus luteum
īƒē Inadequate secretory endometrium
īƒē Low serum progesterone levels
ī‚§ UterineAbnormalities
īƒē Structural abnormalities implicated in 15% of early
pregnancy losses e.g.
ī‚  Double uterus
ī‚  Unicornuate, bicornuate, septate or subseptate uterus
īƒē Failure of uterus to develop to adult size,
remaining infantile
ī‚§ Retroversion of the Uterus
īƒē Does not itself cause abortion
īƒē As uterus fails to enlarge into abdomen, vaginal and
abdominal manipulation to correct the retroversion
causes abortion
ī‚§ CervicalWeakness
īƒē Caused by laceration of cervix or undue stretching of
internal os as a result of previous medical abortion or
īƒē Membranes bulge through cervical canal and rupture
īƒē Characterised by recurrent late pregnancy losses
ī‚§ Environmental Factors
īƒē Environment teratogens such as lead and
īƒē Ingested teratogenetic substances such as drugs
(namely cocaine) and alcohol
īƒē Smoking
ī‚§ Maternal Age
īƒē Women in late 30’s and older at higher risk,
irrespective of previous obstetric history
ī‚§ Stress and Anxiety
īƒē Severe emotional upset may disrupt hypothalmic
and pituitary functions
ī‚§ Paternal Factors
īƒē Poor sperm quality
īƒē Source of chromosomal abnormalities
ī‚§ Immunologocial Factors
īƒē Maternal lymphocytes with natural killer cell
activity may affect trophoblast development
īƒē Autoimmune diseases such as antiphospholipid
Despite detailed investigations,
no cause can be found for the
majority of cases of spontaneous abortion
ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms
īƒē Pain: Variable, possibly slight lower
abdominal pain or backache
īƒē Bleeding: Scant, during first 3 months
īƒē Cervical Os: Closed, no dilation
īƒē Uterus: If palpable, soft and not tender
ī‚§ No vaginal assessment as may provoke uterine
ī‚§ No evidence that bedrest is effective
ī‚§ Woman should be referred for medical
attention straight away
ī‚§ A pregnancy test is carried out and ultrasound
performed to assess viability
ī‚§ Heavy or increased amount of bleeding in an
ominous sign and may precede inevitable
ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms
īƒē Pain: Severe, rhythmical
īƒē Bleeding: Heavy, clots
īƒē Cervical Os: Open with dilation
īƒē Uterus: If palpable, smaller than expected
ī‚§ As name indicates, it is unavoidable pregnancy
ī‚§ Gestational sac separates from uterine wall
and uterus contracts to expel the contents of
ī‚§ Midwife should attend at once when called as
woman may collapse from blood loss
ī‚§ Speculum examination in hospital, input from
obstetrician or gynaecologist
ī‚§ Oxytocic drug may be given after products
ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms
īƒē Pain: Severe
īƒē Bleeding: Heavy, profuse
īƒē Cervical Os: Open with dilation
īƒē Uterus: Tender and painful
īƒē Other: Tissue present in cervix
ī‚§ Gestational sac is incompletely expelled, with
usually the placental tissue retained
ī‚§ Static or slowly falling HCG levels
ī‚§ Evacuation of retained products of conception
from the uterus carried out
ī‚§ Medical management possible using
prostaglandin analogues such as misoprostol
ī‚§ If surgical evacuation required, woman should
be screened for chlamydial infection
ī‚§ Transfusion may be given if blood loss
ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms
īƒē Pain: Diminishing or absent
īƒē Bleeding: Minimal or absent
īƒē Cervical Os: Closed
īƒē Uterus: If palpable, firm and contracted
ī‚§ Gestational sac completely expelled
ī‚§ History of abdominal pain, bleeding with
passing of clots and tissue
ī‚§ Once miscarriage is complete, pain and
bleeding subside, cervix closes
ī‚§ Ultrasound shows empty uterus coupled with
falling HCG levels
ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms
īƒē Pain: Absent
īƒē Bleeding: Some spotting possible, brown loss
īƒē Cervical Os: Closed
īƒē Uterus: If palpable, smaller than expected
ī‚§ Also known as delayed or silent abortion
ī‚§ Usually follows threatened abortion
ī‚§ Bleeding occurs between uterine wall and
gestational sac and embryo dies
ī‚§ Layers of blood clots form and later become
ī‚§ Retainment of fetus inhibits menses
ī‚§ Other signs of pregnancy diminish
ī‚§ Confirmed by ultrasound
ī‚§ Surgical evacuation or expectant management
ī‚§ GTD general term that covers
īƒē Hydatidiform mole (benign)
īƒē Choriocarcinoma (malignant)
ī‚§ Clinical presentation of Hydatidiform Mole
īƒē Exaggerated signs of pregnancy, appearing by 6-8
weeks due to high levels of HCG
īƒē Bleeding or a blood stained vaginal discharge after
period of amenorrhoea
īƒē Ruptured vesicles, resulting in light pink or brown
vaginal discharge, or detached vesicles, which may be
passed vaginally
īƒē Anaemia as a result of the gradual loss of blood
īƒē Early-onset pre-eclampsia
īƒē On examination, uterine size exceeding that expected
for gestation
īƒē On palpation, a uterus that feels ‘doughy’ or elastic
ī‚§ Hydatidiform Mole
īƒē Gross malformation of trophoblast
īƒē Chorionic villi proliferate and become avascular
īƒē Found in cavity of uterus and rarely within uterine
īƒē Can lead to development of cancer, therefore
accurate and rapid diagnosis, treatment and follow-
up paramount
īƒē Two forms of mole
ī‚  Complete hydatidiform mole (risk of choriocarcinoma)
ī‚  Partial mole
ī‚§ Treatment of Hydatidiform Mole
īƒē Treatment is to remove all trophoblastic tissue
īƒē In some cases, mole will abort spontaneously
īƒē If this does not occur, vacuum aspiration or D and C
īƒē Spontaneous abortion carries less risk of malignant
īƒē Pregnancy to be avoided in follow up period
īƒē IUCDs contraindicated and hormonal methods of
contraception to be avoided until HCG levels normal
ī‚§ Choriocarcinoma
īƒē Malignant disease of trophoblastic tissue
īƒē HCG levels will rise and test will become strongly
positive again
īƒē May occur in next pregnancy following evacuation
of mole
īƒē Condition rapidly fatal unless treated
īƒē Disease spreads by local invasion and via
īƒē Metastases my occur in lungs, liver or brain
ī‚§ Treatment of Choriocarcinoma
īƒē Responds extremely well to chemotherapy
īƒē Cytotoxic drugs are used singly or in combination
with other therapy
īƒē Nearly always completely successful
īƒē Pregnancy should be avoided for at least one year
on completion of treatment
īƒē Subsequent pregnancy will require close HCG
monitoring as there is a risk of recurrance
ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms
īƒē Pain: Severe or variable
īƒē Bleeding: Variable, may be offensive
īƒē Cervical Os: Open
īƒē Uterus: Bulky, tender and painful on
ī‚§ May occur after spontaneous or induced abortion,
more likely after incomplete miscarriage
ī‚§ Causitive organisms include Staphyloccus aureus,
Clostridium welchii, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella,
Serratia and Bacteroides species, and group B
haemolytic streptococci
ī‚§ Woman will feel acutely ill with fever, tachycardia,
headache, nausea and general malaise
ī‚§ High vaginal swab and blood cultures should be
ī‚§ Antibiotics before any surgical intervention
ī‚§ Risks include septicaemia, endotoxic shock, DIC,
liver and renal damage, salpingitis and infertility
ī‚§ Blood loss
īƒē Amount?
īƒē Nature?
īƒē When did it start?
īƒē What were you doing
at the time?
ī‚§ Pain
ī‚§ Menstrual History
īƒē Confirm LMP
ī‚§ Symptoms of Pregnancy
īƒē Still present?
īƒē Have they changed?
ī‚§ Obstetric History
ī‚§ Gynaecological History
īƒē Cervical infections
īƒē Cervical operations
ī‚§ Contraceptive History
ī‚§ Blood Group and Rhesus
ī‚§ Referral
īƒē Support groups
īƒē Recurrent miscarriage clinic
īƒē GP/gynaecologist-obstetrician
ī‚§ Advice
īƒē Expect a grief reaction
īƒē Dependent on gestation, lactation may occur
īƒē Understand it takes weeks – months to recover from a miscarriage
physically and even longer emotionally
īƒē Menstruation may return four to six weeks later
īƒē Await the next normal period before trying to conceive
īƒē Expect bleeding for up to two weeks
īƒē No intercourse, swimming, tampons for two weeks or duration of
ī‚§ Support
īƒē Remember the partner too
īļ Implantation Bleeding
ī‚§ As the trophoblast erodes the endometrial
endothelium and the blastocyst implants, a
small vaginal loss may be apparent
ī‚§ Occurs at approximately 10-12 days post
conception, around the same time as
expected menses and may be mistaken for a
woman’s period, although abnormal (usually
bright red and lighter)
ī‚§ It is significant when calculating LMP for
estimation of due date
īļ Decidual Bleeding
Decidual Bleeding
ī‚§ Occasionally there is bleeding from the decidua
during the first 10 weeks, usually at around the
time menses is expected
ī‚§ Caused by menstrual hormones
ī‚§ Especially common in the early stages of
pregnancy, before the lining has completely
attached to the placenta
ī‚§ Not thought to be a health threat to mother
or fetus
ī‚§ May affect calculation of EDD
īļ Ectopic Pregnancy
ī‚§ Occurs when a fertilised ovum implants itself
outside the uterine cavity
ī‚§ Sites can include the uterine tube, an ovary,
the cervix or the abdomen
ī‚§ 95% implant in the uterine tube (tubal
pregnancy), of which 64% are implanted in
the ampulla of the fallopian tube (where
fertilisation takes place)
ī‚§ Any alterations of the normal function of the uterine
tube in transporting gametes contributes to the risk of
ectopic pregnancy:
īƒē Previous ectopic pregnancy
īƒē Previous surgery on the uterine tube, pelvic or abdominal
surgery which may cause adhesions
īƒē Exposure to diethylstillboestrol in utero (postcoital
īƒē Congenital abnormalities of the tube
īƒē Endometriosis
īƒē Previous infection including chlamydia, gonorrhoea and pelvic
inflammatory disease
īƒē Use of intrauterine contraceptive devices
īƒē Assisted reproductive technology
īƒē Delayed childbearing (>35 years)
ī‚§ Tubal pregnancy very rarely remains
asymptomatic beyond 8 weeks gestation
ī‚§ Typical Signs:
īƒē Localised/abdominal pain
īƒē Amenorrhoea
īƒē Vaginal bleeding or spotting
ī‚§ Atypical Signs:
īƒē Shoulder pain
īƒē Abdominal distension
īƒē Nausea, vomiting
īƒē Dizziness, fainting
ī‚§ Pelvic pain can be very severe
ī‚§ Acute symptoms are the result of tubal rupture (more
likely to occur between 5-7 weeks gestation) and relate
to the degree of haemorrhage there has been
ī‚§ Ultrasound enables an accurate diagnosis of tubal
pregnancy, making management more proactive
ī‚§ Vaginal ultrasound, combined with the use of sensitive
blood and urine tests which detect the presence of
HCG, helps to ensure diagnosis is made earlier
ī‚§ If the tube ruptures, shock may ensue; therefore
resuscitation, followed by laparotomy, is needed
ī‚§ The mother should be offered follow-up support and
information regarding subsequent pregnancies
ī‚§ The woman will give a history of early pregnancy signs
ī‚§ The uterus will have enlarged and feel soft
ī‚§ Abdominal pain may occur as the tube distends and
uterine bleeding may be present
ī‚§ Abdomen may be tender and distended
ī‚§ Shoulder tip pain due to referred pain
ī‚§ Woman may appear pale, complain of nausea and
ī‚§ Severe pain felt during pelvic exam
ī‚§ A mass may be felt on one side of the uterus
ī‚§ Hormonal assay will find progesterone levels low and
hCG levels falling
ī‚§ USS may show fluid or and mass in pelvic cavity and
absence of intrauterine pregnancy
Nowadays occurrence of an extra-uterine
pregnancy is diagnosed with a combination of
serum hCG levels and ultrasound scan
ī‚§ Common perception is that everyone with an
ectopic needs an operation to deal with it
ī‚§ However, a number of treatment options are
available including expectant management if
no bleeding, pain or shock
ī‚§ If there is evidence of pain and bleeding
producing shock, immediate treatment is
essential, as it is a life-threatening condition
ī‚§ This is a surgical emergency and in most
cases a laparotomy is performed
ī‚§ Salpingectomy
ī‚  Salpingectomy (tubal removal) is the principle
treatment especially where there is tubal rupture
ī‚§ Salpingotomy
ī‚  Conservative surgical management may be
employed when the ectopic has not ruptured and
where the tube appears normal
ī‚  This is called salpingotomy, where the ectopic is
removed and the tube allowed to heal
ī‚§ Used when pain is less and indicators are that the
ectopic is a small one or it is not bleeding too much
ī‚§ Expectant approach involves close follow up with hCG
tests every 2-7 days until levels have returned to
ī‚§ Is successful in 90% of selected patients
ī‚§ Methotrexate – a drug that destroys actively growing
tissues such as the placental tissues that support the
pregnancy is used as an injection in selected cases to
avoid surgery (in non ruptured ectopic)
ī‚§ Side effects include abdominal pain for 3 – 7 days in
50% of cases and mild symptoms of nausea, mouth
dryness and soreness and diarrhoea
īļ Placental Abruption
īļ Placenta Praevia
ī‚§ Defined as bleeding from the genital tract
after the 24th week of gestation and before
the onset of labour
ī‚§ Bleeding during labour is referred to as
Intrapartum Haemorrhage
ī‚§ Bleeding usually due to placental separation,
but can also be due to incidental causes from
extraplacental sites in the birth canal, such as
cervical polyps or some other local lesion
ī‚§ Mortality and Morbidity increased as a result
of severe vaginal bleeding in pregnancy
ī‚§ Stillbirth or neonatal death may occur
ī‚§ Premature separation of the placenta and
subsequent hypoxia may result in severe
neurological damage in the baby
ī‚§ If bleeding is severe, it may be accompanied by
shock and disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC)
ī‚§ The mother may die or be left with permanent
ill health
ī‚§ APH is unpredictable and the woman’s
condition can deteriorate rapidly at any time
ī‚§ Rapid decisions about the urgency of need for
medical or paramedic presence, or both, must
be made often at the same time as observing
and talking to the woman and her partner
Placenta Praevia Incidence = 31.0%
Placental Abruption Incidence = 22.0%
‘Unclassified Bleeding”, e.g. Incidence = 47.0% (Total)
Vulvovaginal varosities
Genital tumours
Genital infections
Vasa praevia
ī‚§ Take a detailed history from the woman
ī‚§ Take observations: Temperature, Pulse,
Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure
ī‚§ Observe for any pallor or breathlessness
ī‚§ Assess the amount of blood loss
ī‚§ Perform a gentle abdominal examination,
observing signs that the woman is going into
ī‚§ Ask the mother is the baby has been moving as
much as normal
ī‚§ Attempt to auscaltate the fetal heart
ī‚§ Insert large bore canula, take bloods for FBC,
Cross match, LFTs, Clotting times, Kleihaur if
ī‚§ Obstetric referral
ī‚§ Anti-D administration if applicable
ī‚§ Steroids if <34 weeks gestation
On no account must any vaginal or rectal
examination be done; nor may an enema or
suppository be given to a woman suffering
from an Antepartum Haemorrhage
ī‚§ Pain
īƒē Did the pain precede bleeding and is it continuous or
ī‚§ Onset of bleeding
īƒē Was this associate with any event such as coitus?
ī‚§ Amount of blood loss visible
īƒē Is there any reason to suspect that some blood has been
retained in utero?
ī‚§ Colour of the blood
īƒē Is it bright red or darker in colour?
ī‚§ Degree of shock
īƒē Is this commensurate with the amount of blood visible or
more severe?
ī‚§ Consistency of the abdomen
īƒē Is it soft or tense and board-like?
ī‚§ Tenderness of the abdomen
īƒē Does the mother resent abdominal palpation?
ī‚§ Lie, presentation and engagement
īƒē Are any of these abnormal when account is taken of parity and
ī‚§ Audibility of the fetal heart
īƒē Is the fetal heart heard?
ī‚§ Ultrasound scan
īƒē Does a scan suggest that the placenta is in the lower uterine
ī‚§ Provide woman and partner with emotional
ī‚§ Give rapid fluid replacement (warmed) with a
plasma expander, and later with whole blood if
ī‚§ Give analgesia
ī‚§ If at home, arrange transfer to hospital
ī‚§ Subsequent management depends on the
definite diagnosis
Section88 MaternityNotice
Previous Obstetric History
ī‚§ LEVEL 2 (Code 3001)
- Previous Placental Abruption
Current Pregnancy
ī‚§ LEVEL 2 (Code 4004)
- Antepartum Haemorrhage
ī‚§ LEVEL 3 (Code 4020)
- Placenta Praevia (At or >32 weeks)
īļ Placental Abruption
ī‚§ Premature separation of a normally situated
placenta, occurring after the 24th week of
ī‚§ Aetiology is not always clear, some predisposing
factors are:
īƒē Pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia
īƒē A sudden reduction in uterine size, e.g. SRM with
polyhydramnios or after the birth of a first twin
īƒē Short umbilical cord
īƒē Direct trauma to the abdomen (risk remains for 2 days
following trauma)
īƒē High parity
īƒē Previous caesarean section
īƒē Cigarette smoking or illicit drug use (esp. Cocaine)
ī‚§ Blood loss may be:
īƒē Revealed
īƒē Concealed
īƒē Mixed
ī‚§ Separation may be:
īƒē Mild
īƒē Moderate
īƒē Severe
ī‚§ Complications of Placental Abruption:
īƒē Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
īƒē Postpartum Haemorrhage
īƒē Renal Failure
īƒē Pituitary Necrosis
ī‚§ Separation and the haemorrhage are minimal
ī‚§ Mother and fetus are in a stable condition
ī‚§ No indication of maternal shock
ī‚§ Fetus is alive, with normal heart sounds
ī‚§ Consistency of uterus is normal
ī‚§ No tenderness on abdominal palpation
ī‚§ Ultrasound scan
īƒē Determine placental location
īƒē Identify any degree of concealed bleeding
ī‚§ Monitoring of fetal heart rate
īƒē Frequently to assess fetal condition whilst bleeding
īƒē CTG should be carried out once or twice daily
ī‚§ Admission to hospital
īƒē Women who are not yet 37 weeks gestation may be
cared for in an antenatal ward for a few days
īƒē May be discharged if there is no further bleeding and
placenta has been found to be in the upper uterine
ī‚§ Induction of Labour
īƒē May be offered for woman who have passed the 37th
week of pregnancy
īƒē Especially if there has been more than one episode of
mild bleeding
ī‚§ Further management
īƒē Heavy bleeding or evidence of fetal distress may
indicate that a caesarean section is necessary
ī‚§ Separation of about one-quarter
ī‚§ Considerable amount of blood may be lost, some
of which will escape from the vagina and some
will be retained as a retroplacental clot or an
extravasation into the uterine muscle
ī‚§ Mother will be shocked, with tachycardia and
ī‚§ Degree of uterine tenderness with abdominal
ī‚§ Fetus may be alive, although hypoxic and
intrauterine death is also a possibility
ī‚§ Fluid replacement
īƒē Should be monitored with the aid of a central
venous pressure line
ī‚§ Monitoring of fetal condition
īƒē Should be assessed with continuous CTG if the fetus
is alive
īƒē Immediate caesarean section may be indicated
once the woman’s condition is stablised
ī‚§ If fetus is alive or has already died, vaginal birth
may be contemplated
ī‚§ Such a birth is advantageous because it enables
the uterus to contract and control the bleeding
ī‚§ Spontaneous labour frequently accompanies
moderately severe abruption, but if it does not,
then amniotomy is usually sufficient to induce
ī‚§ Syntocinon may be used with great care, if
ī‚§ Delivery is often quite sudden, after a short labour
ī‚§ Drugs to attempt to cease labour is usually
ī‚§ Acute obstetric emergency
ī‚§ Two-thirds of the placenta has become
ī‚§ 2000 mls of blood or more are lost from the
maternal circulation
ī‚§ Most or all of the blood can be concealed
behind the placenta
ī‚§ Woman will be severely shocked, perhaps to a
degree far beyond what might be expected
from the amount of blood loss visible
ī‚§ Woman will have severe abdominal pain with
excruciating tenderness; the uterus has a
board like consistency
ī‚§ Hypotensive, however woman may be
normotensive owing to preceding
ī‚§ The fetus will almost certainly be dead
ī‚§ Features associated with severe haemorrhage:
īƒē Coagulation defects (e.g. DIC)
īƒē Renal failure
īƒē Pituitary failure
ī‚§ Treatment is same as for moderate separation
ī‚§ Whole bloods transfused rapidly and subsequent amounts
calculated in accordance with the woman’s central venous
ī‚§ Labour may begin spontaneously in advance of amniotomy
and the midwife should be alert for signs of uterine
contraction causing periodic intensifying of abdominal pain
ī‚§ However, if bleeding continues of a compromised fetal heart
rate is present, caesarean section may be required as soon as
the woman is adequately stable
ī‚§ The woman requires constant explanation and psychological
support, despite the fact that her shocked condition may
mean she is not fully conscious
ī‚§ Pain relief must be considered
ī‚§ Don’t forget the partner!
īļ Placenta Praevia
ī‚§ Placenta partially or wholly implanted in the
lower uterine segment on either the anterior
or posterior wall
ī‚§ Lower segment of uterus grows and stretches
progressively after the 12th week of
ī‚§ In later weeks, this may cause the placenta to
separate and severe bleeding can occur
ī‚§ Type 1 Placenta Praevia
īƒē Majority of placenta is in the upper uterine segment
īƒē Blood loss is usually mild
īƒē Mother and fetus remain in good condition
īƒē Vaginal birth is possible
ī‚§ Type 2 Placenta Praevia
īƒē Placenta is partially located in the lower segment near
the internal cervical os
īƒē Blood loss is usually moderate
īƒē Condition of mother and fetus can vary
īƒē Vaginal birth is possible, particularly if placenta is
ī‚§ Type 3 Placenta Praevia
īƒē Placenta is located over the internal cervical os but not
īƒē Bleeding is likely to be severe
īƒē Vaginal birth is inappropriate
ī‚§ Type 4 Placenta Praevia
īƒē The placenta is located centrally over the internal
cervical os
īƒē Torrential haemorrhage is very likely
īƒē Caesarean section is essential
Indicationsof PlacentaPraevia
ī‚§ Bleeding from vagina is the only sign, and it is
ī‚§ Uterus is not tender or tense
ī‚§ Presence of placenta preavia should be
considered when:
īƒē Fetal head is not engaged in a primigravida (after 36
weeks gestation)
īƒē There is a malpresentation, especially breech
īƒē The lie is oblique or transverse
īƒē The lie is unstable, usually in a multigravida
ī‚§ Location of the placenta under USS will confirm
the existence and extent of placenta praevia
Managementof PlacentaPraevia
ī‚§ Management of placenta praevia depends
īƒē The amount of bleeding
īƒē The condition of mother and fetus
īƒē The location of the placenta
īƒē The stage of pregnancy

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Bleeding in pregnancy

  • 1. BLEEDING IN PREGNANCY Early Pregnancy Bleeding – Antepartum Haemorrhage
  • 2. īļ Spontaneous Abortion â€ĸ Threatened Miscarriage â€ĸ Inevitable Miscarriage īļ Implantation Bleeding īļ Decidual Bleeding īļ Ectopic Pregnancy EARLYPREGNANCYBLEEDING
  • 3. īļ Spontaneous Abortion â€ĸ Threatened Miscarriage â€ĸ Inevitable Miscarriage EARLYPREGNANCYBLEEDING
  • 4. SpontaneousAbortion ī‚§ Defined as the involuntary loss of the products of conception prior to 24 weeks gestation ī‚§ It is thought that 15% of conceptions result in miscarriage ī‚§ Majority occur within first trimester
  • 6. SpontaneousAbortion Causes ī‚§ Maldevelopment of the conceptus īƒē Most common cause īƒē Chromosomal abnormalities account for 70% of defective conceptions īƒē Spontaneous mutations may still arise ī‚§ Defective Implantation ī‚§ Hydatidiform Mole ī‚§ Fibroids
  • 7. SpontaneousAbortion Causes ī‚§ Maternal Infection īƒē Due to high temperature relating to general metabolic effect of fever īƒē Result of transplacental passage of viruses, e.g. ī‚  Influenza ī‚  Rubella ī‚  Pneumonia ī‚  Toxoplasmosis ī‚  Cytomegalovirus ī‚  Listeriosis ī‚  Syphilis ī‚  Brucellosis ī‚  Appendicitis
  • 8. SpontaneousAbortion Causes ī‚§ GenitalTract Infections īƒē Bacterial vaginosis īƒē Vaginal mycoplasma infection ī‚§ Medical Disorders īƒē Diabetes īƒē Thyroid disease īƒē Hypertensive disorders īƒē Renal disease
  • 9. SpontaneousAbortion Causes ī‚§ Endocrine Abnormalities īƒē Poor development of the corpus luteum īƒē Inadequate secretory endometrium īƒē Low serum progesterone levels ī‚§ UterineAbnormalities īƒē Structural abnormalities implicated in 15% of early pregnancy losses e.g. ī‚  Double uterus ī‚  Unicornuate, bicornuate, septate or subseptate uterus īƒē Failure of uterus to develop to adult size, remaining infantile
  • 10. SpontaneousAbortion Causes ī‚§ Retroversion of the Uterus īƒē Does not itself cause abortion īƒē As uterus fails to enlarge into abdomen, vaginal and abdominal manipulation to correct the retroversion causes abortion ī‚§ CervicalWeakness īƒē Caused by laceration of cervix or undue stretching of internal os as a result of previous medical abortion or childbirth īƒē Membranes bulge through cervical canal and rupture īƒē Characterised by recurrent late pregnancy losses
  • 11. SpontaneousAbortion Causes ī‚§ Environmental Factors īƒē Environment teratogens such as lead and radiation īƒē Ingested teratogenetic substances such as drugs (namely cocaine) and alcohol īƒē Smoking ī‚§ Maternal Age īƒē Women in late 30’s and older at higher risk, irrespective of previous obstetric history
  • 12. SpontaneousAbortion Causes ī‚§ Stress and Anxiety īƒē Severe emotional upset may disrupt hypothalmic and pituitary functions ī‚§ Paternal Factors īƒē Poor sperm quality īƒē Source of chromosomal abnormalities ī‚§ Immunologocial Factors īƒē Maternal lymphocytes with natural killer cell activity may affect trophoblast development īƒē Autoimmune diseases such as antiphospholipid syndrome
  • 13. SpontaneousAbortion Causes Despite detailed investigations, no cause can be found for the majority of cases of spontaneous abortion
  • 14. SpontaneousAbortion ThreatenedMiscarriage ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms īƒē Pain: Variable, possibly slight lower abdominal pain or backache īƒē Bleeding: Scant, during first 3 months īƒē Cervical Os: Closed, no dilation īƒē Uterus: If palpable, soft and not tender
  • 15. SpontaneousAbortion ThreatenedMiscarriage ī‚§ No vaginal assessment as may provoke uterine activity ī‚§ No evidence that bedrest is effective ī‚§ Woman should be referred for medical attention straight away ī‚§ A pregnancy test is carried out and ultrasound performed to assess viability ī‚§ Heavy or increased amount of bleeding in an ominous sign and may precede inevitable abortion
  • 16. SpontaneousAbortion InevitableMiscarriage ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms īƒē Pain: Severe, rhythmical īƒē Bleeding: Heavy, clots īƒē Cervical Os: Open with dilation īƒē Uterus: If palpable, smaller than expected
  • 17. SpontaneousAbortion InevitableMiscarriage ī‚§ As name indicates, it is unavoidable pregnancy loss ī‚§ Gestational sac separates from uterine wall and uterus contracts to expel the contents of conception ī‚§ Midwife should attend at once when called as woman may collapse from blood loss ī‚§ Speculum examination in hospital, input from obstetrician or gynaecologist ī‚§ Oxytocic drug may be given after products expelled
  • 18. SpontaneousAbortion IncompleteMiscarriage ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms īƒē Pain: Severe īƒē Bleeding: Heavy, profuse īƒē Cervical Os: Open with dilation īƒē Uterus: Tender and painful īƒē Other: Tissue present in cervix Shock
  • 19. SpontaneousAbortion IncompleteMiscarriage ī‚§ Gestational sac is incompletely expelled, with usually the placental tissue retained ī‚§ Static or slowly falling HCG levels ī‚§ Evacuation of retained products of conception from the uterus carried out ī‚§ Medical management possible using prostaglandin analogues such as misoprostol ī‚§ If surgical evacuation required, woman should be screened for chlamydial infection ī‚§ Transfusion may be given if blood loss excessive
  • 20. SpontaneousAbortion CompleteMiscarriage ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms īƒē Pain: Diminishing or absent īƒē Bleeding: Minimal or absent īƒē Cervical Os: Closed īƒē Uterus: If palpable, firm and contracted
  • 21. SpontaneousAbortion CompleteMiscarriage ī‚§ Gestational sac completely expelled ī‚§ History of abdominal pain, bleeding with passing of clots and tissue ī‚§ Once miscarriage is complete, pain and bleeding subside, cervix closes ī‚§ Ultrasound shows empty uterus coupled with falling HCG levels
  • 22. SpontaneousAbortion MissedMiscarriage ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms īƒē Pain: Absent īƒē Bleeding: Some spotting possible, brown loss īƒē Cervical Os: Closed īƒē Uterus: If palpable, smaller than expected
  • 23. SpontaneousAbortion MissedMiscarriage ī‚§ Also known as delayed or silent abortion ī‚§ Usually follows threatened abortion ī‚§ Bleeding occurs between uterine wall and gestational sac and embryo dies ī‚§ Layers of blood clots form and later become organised ī‚§ Retainment of fetus inhibits menses ī‚§ Other signs of pregnancy diminish ī‚§ Confirmed by ultrasound ī‚§ Surgical evacuation or expectant management possible
  • 24. SpontaneousAbortion MissedMiscarriage–GestationalTrophoblasticDisease ī‚§ GTD general term that covers īƒē Hydatidiform mole (benign) īƒē Choriocarcinoma (malignant)
  • 25. SpontaneousAbortion MissedMiscarriage–GestationalTrophoblasticDisease ī‚§ Clinical presentation of Hydatidiform Mole īƒē Exaggerated signs of pregnancy, appearing by 6-8 weeks due to high levels of HCG īƒē Bleeding or a blood stained vaginal discharge after period of amenorrhoea īƒē Ruptured vesicles, resulting in light pink or brown vaginal discharge, or detached vesicles, which may be passed vaginally īƒē Anaemia as a result of the gradual loss of blood īƒē Early-onset pre-eclampsia īƒē On examination, uterine size exceeding that expected for gestation īƒē On palpation, a uterus that feels ‘doughy’ or elastic
  • 26. SpontaneousAbortion MissedMiscarriage–GestationalTrophoblasticDisease ī‚§ Hydatidiform Mole īƒē Gross malformation of trophoblast īƒē Chorionic villi proliferate and become avascular īƒē Found in cavity of uterus and rarely within uterine tube īƒē Can lead to development of cancer, therefore accurate and rapid diagnosis, treatment and follow- up paramount īƒē Two forms of mole ī‚  Complete hydatidiform mole (risk of choriocarcinoma) ī‚  Partial mole
  • 27. SpontaneousAbortion MissedMiscarriage–GestationalTrophoblasticDisease ī‚§ Treatment of Hydatidiform Mole īƒē Treatment is to remove all trophoblastic tissue īƒē In some cases, mole will abort spontaneously īƒē If this does not occur, vacuum aspiration or D and C necessary īƒē Spontaneous abortion carries less risk of malignant change īƒē Pregnancy to be avoided in follow up period īƒē IUCDs contraindicated and hormonal methods of contraception to be avoided until HCG levels normal
  • 28. SpontaneousAbortion MissedMiscarriage–GestationalTrophoblasticDisease ī‚§ Choriocarcinoma īƒē Malignant disease of trophoblastic tissue īƒē HCG levels will rise and test will become strongly positive again īƒē May occur in next pregnancy following evacuation of mole īƒē Condition rapidly fatal unless treated īƒē Disease spreads by local invasion and via bloodstream īƒē Metastases my occur in lungs, liver or brain
  • 29. SpontaneousAbortion MissedMiscarriage–GestationalTrophoblasticDisease ī‚§ Treatment of Choriocarcinoma īƒē Responds extremely well to chemotherapy īƒē Cytotoxic drugs are used singly or in combination with other therapy īƒē Nearly always completely successful īƒē Pregnancy should be avoided for at least one year on completion of treatment īƒē Subsequent pregnancy will require close HCG monitoring as there is a risk of recurrance
  • 30. SpontaneousAbortion SepticMiscarriage ī‚§ Signs and Symptoms īƒē Pain: Severe or variable īƒē Bleeding: Variable, may be offensive īƒē Cervical Os: Open īƒē Uterus: Bulky, tender and painful on examination
  • 31. SpontaneousAbortion SepticMiscarriage ī‚§ May occur after spontaneous or induced abortion, more likely after incomplete miscarriage ī‚§ Causitive organisms include Staphyloccus aureus, Clostridium welchii, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Serratia and Bacteroides species, and group B haemolytic streptococci ī‚§ Woman will feel acutely ill with fever, tachycardia, headache, nausea and general malaise ī‚§ High vaginal swab and blood cultures should be taken ī‚§ Antibiotics before any surgical intervention ī‚§ Risks include septicaemia, endotoxic shock, DIC, liver and renal damage, salpingitis and infertility
  • 32. SpontaneousAbortion MidwiferyAssessments ī‚§ Blood loss īƒē Amount? īƒē Nature? īƒē When did it start? īƒē What were you doing at the time? ī‚§ Pain ī‚§ Menstrual History īƒē Confirm LMP ī‚§ Symptoms of Pregnancy īƒē Still present? īƒē Have they changed? ī‚§ Obstetric History ī‚§ Gynaecological History īƒē Cervical infections īƒē Cervical operations ī‚§ Contraceptive History ī‚§ Blood Group and Rhesus Status
  • 33. SpontaneousAbortion MidwiferyResponsibilities ī‚§ Referral īƒē Support groups īƒē Recurrent miscarriage clinic īƒē GP/gynaecologist-obstetrician ī‚§ Advice īƒē Expect a grief reaction īƒē Dependent on gestation, lactation may occur īƒē Understand it takes weeks – months to recover from a miscarriage physically and even longer emotionally īƒē Menstruation may return four to six weeks later īƒē Await the next normal period before trying to conceive īƒē Expect bleeding for up to two weeks īƒē No intercourse, swimming, tampons for two weeks or duration of bleeding ī‚§ Support īƒē Remember the partner too
  • 35. ImplantationBleeding ī‚§ As the trophoblast erodes the endometrial endothelium and the blastocyst implants, a small vaginal loss may be apparent ī‚§ Occurs at approximately 10-12 days post conception, around the same time as expected menses and may be mistaken for a woman’s period, although abnormal (usually bright red and lighter) ī‚§ It is significant when calculating LMP for estimation of due date
  • 37. Decidual Bleeding ī‚§ Occasionally there is bleeding from the decidua during the first 10 weeks, usually at around the time menses is expected ī‚§ Caused by menstrual hormones ī‚§ Especially common in the early stages of pregnancy, before the lining has completely attached to the placenta ī‚§ Not thought to be a health threat to mother or fetus ī‚§ May affect calculation of EDD
  • 39. EctopicPregnancy ī‚§ Occurs when a fertilised ovum implants itself outside the uterine cavity ī‚§ Sites can include the uterine tube, an ovary, the cervix or the abdomen ī‚§ 95% implant in the uterine tube (tubal pregnancy), of which 64% are implanted in the ampulla of the fallopian tube (where fertilisation takes place) ī‚§
  • 40. EctopicPregnancy RiskFactors ī‚§ Any alterations of the normal function of the uterine tube in transporting gametes contributes to the risk of ectopic pregnancy: īƒē Previous ectopic pregnancy īƒē Previous surgery on the uterine tube, pelvic or abdominal surgery which may cause adhesions īƒē Exposure to diethylstillboestrol in utero (postcoital contraception) īƒē Congenital abnormalities of the tube īƒē Endometriosis īƒē Previous infection including chlamydia, gonorrhoea and pelvic inflammatory disease īƒē Use of intrauterine contraceptive devices īƒē Assisted reproductive technology īƒē Delayed childbearing (>35 years)
  • 41. EctopicPregnancy SignsofEctopicPregnancy ī‚§ Tubal pregnancy very rarely remains asymptomatic beyond 8 weeks gestation ī‚§ Typical Signs: īƒē Localised/abdominal pain īƒē Amenorrhoea īƒē Vaginal bleeding or spotting ī‚§ Atypical Signs: īƒē Shoulder pain īƒē Abdominal distension īƒē Nausea, vomiting īƒē Dizziness, fainting
  • 42. EctopicPregnancy ClinicalPresentation ī‚§ Pelvic pain can be very severe ī‚§ Acute symptoms are the result of tubal rupture (more likely to occur between 5-7 weeks gestation) and relate to the degree of haemorrhage there has been ī‚§ Ultrasound enables an accurate diagnosis of tubal pregnancy, making management more proactive ī‚§ Vaginal ultrasound, combined with the use of sensitive blood and urine tests which detect the presence of HCG, helps to ensure diagnosis is made earlier ī‚§ If the tube ruptures, shock may ensue; therefore resuscitation, followed by laparotomy, is needed ī‚§ The mother should be offered follow-up support and information regarding subsequent pregnancies
  • 43. EctopicPregnancy Diagnosis ī‚§ The woman will give a history of early pregnancy signs ī‚§ The uterus will have enlarged and feel soft ī‚§ Abdominal pain may occur as the tube distends and uterine bleeding may be present ī‚§ Abdomen may be tender and distended ī‚§ Shoulder tip pain due to referred pain ī‚§ Woman may appear pale, complain of nausea and collapse ī‚§ Severe pain felt during pelvic exam ī‚§ A mass may be felt on one side of the uterus ī‚§ Hormonal assay will find progesterone levels low and hCG levels falling ī‚§ USS may show fluid or and mass in pelvic cavity and absence of intrauterine pregnancy
  • 44. EctopicPregnancy Diagnosis Nowadays occurrence of an extra-uterine pregnancy is diagnosed with a combination of serum hCG levels and ultrasound scan
  • 45. EctopicPregnancy Treatment ī‚§ Common perception is that everyone with an ectopic needs an operation to deal with it ī‚§ However, a number of treatment options are available including expectant management if no bleeding, pain or shock ī‚§ If there is evidence of pain and bleeding producing shock, immediate treatment is essential, as it is a life-threatening condition ī‚§ This is a surgical emergency and in most cases a laparotomy is performed
  • 46. EctopicPregnancy SurgicalTreatment ī‚§ Salpingectomy ī‚  Salpingectomy (tubal removal) is the principle treatment especially where there is tubal rupture ī‚§ Salpingotomy ī‚  Conservative surgical management may be employed when the ectopic has not ruptured and where the tube appears normal ī‚  This is called salpingotomy, where the ectopic is removed and the tube allowed to heal
  • 47. EctopicPregnancy ExpectantTreatment ī‚§ Used when pain is less and indicators are that the ectopic is a small one or it is not bleeding too much ī‚§ Expectant approach involves close follow up with hCG tests every 2-7 days until levels have returned to normal ī‚§ Is successful in 90% of selected patients ī‚§ Methotrexate – a drug that destroys actively growing tissues such as the placental tissues that support the pregnancy is used as an injection in selected cases to avoid surgery (in non ruptured ectopic) ī‚§ Side effects include abdominal pain for 3 – 7 days in 50% of cases and mild symptoms of nausea, mouth dryness and soreness and diarrhoea
  • 48. īļ Placental Abruption īļ Placenta Praevia ANTEPARTUMHAEMORRHAGE
  • 49. AntepartumHaemorrhage ī‚§ Defined as bleeding from the genital tract after the 24th week of gestation and before the onset of labour ī‚§ Bleeding during labour is referred to as Intrapartum Haemorrhage ī‚§ Bleeding usually due to placental separation, but can also be due to incidental causes from extraplacental sites in the birth canal, such as cervical polyps or some other local lesion
  • 50. AntepartumHaemorrhage EffectsontheFetus ī‚§ Mortality and Morbidity increased as a result of severe vaginal bleeding in pregnancy ī‚§ Stillbirth or neonatal death may occur ī‚§ Premature separation of the placenta and subsequent hypoxia may result in severe neurological damage in the baby
  • 51. AntepartumHaemorrhage EffectsontheMother ī‚§ If bleeding is severe, it may be accompanied by shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) ī‚§ The mother may die or be left with permanent ill health ī‚§ APH is unpredictable and the woman’s condition can deteriorate rapidly at any time ī‚§ Rapid decisions about the urgency of need for medical or paramedic presence, or both, must be made often at the same time as observing and talking to the woman and her partner
  • 52. AntepartumHaemorrhage CausesofBleedinginLatePregnancy Placenta Praevia Incidence = 31.0% Placental Abruption Incidence = 22.0% ‘Unclassified Bleeding”, e.g. Incidence = 47.0% (Total) Marginal Show Cervicitis Trauma Vulvovaginal varosities Genital tumours Genital infections Haematuria Vasa praevia Other
  • 53. AntepartumHaemorrhage InitialAssessmentofPhysicalCondition ī‚§ Take a detailed history from the woman ī‚§ Take observations: Temperature, Pulse, Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure ī‚§ Observe for any pallor or breathlessness ī‚§ Assess the amount of blood loss ī‚§ Perform a gentle abdominal examination, observing signs that the woman is going into labour
  • 54. AntepartumHaemorrhage InitialAssessmentofPhysicalCondition ī‚§ Ask the mother is the baby has been moving as much as normal ī‚§ Attempt to auscaltate the fetal heart ī‚§ Insert large bore canula, take bloods for FBC, Cross match, LFTs, Clotting times, Kleihaur if necessary ī‚§ Obstetric referral ī‚§ Anti-D administration if applicable ī‚§ Steroids if <34 weeks gestation
  • 55. AntepartumHaemorrhage InitialAssessmentofPhysicalCondition On no account must any vaginal or rectal examination be done; nor may an enema or suppository be given to a woman suffering from an Antepartum Haemorrhage
  • 56. DifferentialDiagnosis ī‚§ Pain īƒē Did the pain precede bleeding and is it continuous or intermittent? ī‚§ Onset of bleeding īƒē Was this associate with any event such as coitus? ī‚§ Amount of blood loss visible īƒē Is there any reason to suspect that some blood has been retained in utero? ī‚§ Colour of the blood īƒē Is it bright red or darker in colour? ī‚§ Degree of shock īƒē Is this commensurate with the amount of blood visible or more severe?
  • 57. DifferentialDiagnosis ī‚§ Consistency of the abdomen īƒē Is it soft or tense and board-like? ī‚§ Tenderness of the abdomen īƒē Does the mother resent abdominal palpation? ī‚§ Lie, presentation and engagement īƒē Are any of these abnormal when account is taken of parity and gestation? ī‚§ Audibility of the fetal heart īƒē Is the fetal heart heard? ī‚§ Ultrasound scan īƒē Does a scan suggest that the placenta is in the lower uterine segment?
  • 58. AntenatalHaemorrhage SupportiveTreatment ī‚§ Provide woman and partner with emotional reassurance ī‚§ Give rapid fluid replacement (warmed) with a plasma expander, and later with whole blood if necessary ī‚§ Give analgesia ī‚§ If at home, arrange transfer to hospital ī‚§ Subsequent management depends on the definite diagnosis
  • 59. Section88 MaternityNotice ReferralGuidelines Previous Obstetric History ī‚§ LEVEL 2 (Code 3001) - Previous Placental Abruption Current Pregnancy ī‚§ LEVEL 2 (Code 4004) - Antepartum Haemorrhage ī‚§ LEVEL 3 (Code 4020) - Placenta Praevia (At or >32 weeks)
  • 61. PlacentalAbruption ī‚§ Premature separation of a normally situated placenta, occurring after the 24th week of pregnancy ī‚§ Aetiology is not always clear, some predisposing factors are: īƒē Pregnancy-induced hypertension or pre-eclampsia īƒē A sudden reduction in uterine size, e.g. SRM with polyhydramnios or after the birth of a first twin īƒē Short umbilical cord īƒē Direct trauma to the abdomen (risk remains for 2 days following trauma) īƒē High parity īƒē Previous caesarean section īƒē Cigarette smoking or illicit drug use (esp. Cocaine)
  • 62. PlacentalAbruption ī‚§ Blood loss may be: īƒē Revealed īƒē Concealed īƒē Mixed ī‚§ Separation may be: īƒē Mild īƒē Moderate īƒē Severe ī‚§ Complications of Placental Abruption: īƒē Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation īƒē Postpartum Haemorrhage īƒē Renal Failure īƒē Pituitary Necrosis
  • 63. PlacentalAbruption MildSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ Separation and the haemorrhage are minimal ī‚§ Mother and fetus are in a stable condition ī‚§ No indication of maternal shock ī‚§ Fetus is alive, with normal heart sounds ī‚§ Consistency of uterus is normal ī‚§ No tenderness on abdominal palpation
  • 64. PlacentalAbruption ManagementofMildSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ Ultrasound scan īƒē Determine placental location īƒē Identify any degree of concealed bleeding ī‚§ Monitoring of fetal heart rate īƒē Frequently to assess fetal condition whilst bleeding persists īƒē CTG should be carried out once or twice daily ī‚§ Admission to hospital īƒē Women who are not yet 37 weeks gestation may be cared for in an antenatal ward for a few days īƒē May be discharged if there is no further bleeding and placenta has been found to be in the upper uterine segment
  • 65. PlacentalAbruption ManagementofMildSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ Induction of Labour īƒē May be offered for woman who have passed the 37th week of pregnancy īƒē Especially if there has been more than one episode of mild bleeding ī‚§ Further management īƒē Heavy bleeding or evidence of fetal distress may indicate that a caesarean section is necessary
  • 66. PlacentalAbruption ModerateSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ Separation of about one-quarter ī‚§ Considerable amount of blood may be lost, some of which will escape from the vagina and some will be retained as a retroplacental clot or an extravasation into the uterine muscle ī‚§ Mother will be shocked, with tachycardia and hypotension ī‚§ Degree of uterine tenderness with abdominal guarding ī‚§ Fetus may be alive, although hypoxic and intrauterine death is also a possibility
  • 67. PlacentalAbruption ManagementofModerateSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ Fluid replacement īƒē Should be monitored with the aid of a central venous pressure line ī‚§ Monitoring of fetal condition īƒē Should be assessed with continuous CTG if the fetus is alive īƒē Immediate caesarean section may be indicated once the woman’s condition is stablised
  • 68. PlacentalAbruption ManagementofModerateSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ If fetus is alive or has already died, vaginal birth may be contemplated ī‚§ Such a birth is advantageous because it enables the uterus to contract and control the bleeding ī‚§ Spontaneous labour frequently accompanies moderately severe abruption, but if it does not, then amniotomy is usually sufficient to induce labour ī‚§ Syntocinon may be used with great care, if necessary ī‚§ Delivery is often quite sudden, after a short labour ī‚§ Drugs to attempt to cease labour is usually inappropriate
  • 69. PlacentalAbruption SevereSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ Acute obstetric emergency ī‚§ Two-thirds of the placenta has become detached ī‚§ 2000 mls of blood or more are lost from the maternal circulation ī‚§ Most or all of the blood can be concealed behind the placenta ī‚§ Woman will be severely shocked, perhaps to a degree far beyond what might be expected from the amount of blood loss visible
  • 70. PlacentalAbruption SevereSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ Woman will have severe abdominal pain with excruciating tenderness; the uterus has a board like consistency ī‚§ Hypotensive, however woman may be normotensive owing to preceding hypertension ī‚§ The fetus will almost certainly be dead ī‚§ Features associated with severe haemorrhage: īƒē Coagulation defects (e.g. DIC) īƒē Renal failure īƒē Pituitary failure
  • 71. PlacentalAbruption ManagementofSevereSeparationofthePlacenta ī‚§ Treatment is same as for moderate separation ī‚§ Whole bloods transfused rapidly and subsequent amounts calculated in accordance with the woman’s central venous pressure ī‚§ Labour may begin spontaneously in advance of amniotomy and the midwife should be alert for signs of uterine contraction causing periodic intensifying of abdominal pain ī‚§ However, if bleeding continues of a compromised fetal heart rate is present, caesarean section may be required as soon as the woman is adequately stable ī‚§ The woman requires constant explanation and psychological support, despite the fact that her shocked condition may mean she is not fully conscious ī‚§ Pain relief must be considered ī‚§ Don’t forget the partner!
  • 73. PlacentaPraevia ī‚§ Placenta partially or wholly implanted in the lower uterine segment on either the anterior or posterior wall ī‚§ Lower segment of uterus grows and stretches progressively after the 12th week of pregnancy ī‚§ In later weeks, this may cause the placenta to separate and severe bleeding can occur
  • 74. PlacentaPraevia DegreeofPlacentaPraevia ī‚§ Type 1 Placenta Praevia īƒē Majority of placenta is in the upper uterine segment īƒē Blood loss is usually mild īƒē Mother and fetus remain in good condition īƒē Vaginal birth is possible ī‚§ Type 2 Placenta Praevia īƒē Placenta is partially located in the lower segment near the internal cervical os īƒē Blood loss is usually moderate īƒē Condition of mother and fetus can vary īƒē Vaginal birth is possible, particularly if placenta is anterior
  • 75. PlacentaPraevia DegreeofPlacentaPraevia ī‚§ Type 3 Placenta Praevia īƒē Placenta is located over the internal cervical os but not centrally īƒē Bleeding is likely to be severe īƒē Vaginal birth is inappropriate ī‚§ Type 4 Placenta Praevia īƒē The placenta is located centrally over the internal cervical os īƒē Torrential haemorrhage is very likely īƒē Caesarean section is essential
  • 76. Indicationsof PlacentaPraevia ī‚§ Bleeding from vagina is the only sign, and it is painless ī‚§ Uterus is not tender or tense ī‚§ Presence of placenta preavia should be considered when: īƒē Fetal head is not engaged in a primigravida (after 36 weeks gestation) īƒē There is a malpresentation, especially breech īƒē The lie is oblique or transverse īƒē The lie is unstable, usually in a multigravida ī‚§ Location of the placenta under USS will confirm the existence and extent of placenta praevia
  • 77. Managementof PlacentaPraevia ī‚§ Management of placenta praevia depends on: īƒē The amount of bleeding īƒē The condition of mother and fetus īƒē The location of the placenta īƒē The stage of pregnancy