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Programming Paradigms & Constructs

    Nicolas Demengel                              2011, July 7th

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 Ruby, Io, Prolog, Scala,
  Erlang, Clojure, Haskell

 Presentation of those
  languages' main features

 Exercises

 Good start...
  but not enough!

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 Talk
  ▶ Definitions and Examples
  ▶ Laptops allowed! (and encouraged)

 Hands On!
  ▶ Choose one or several exercises to solve

 Retrospective
  ▶ Comparison of solutions to some exercises
  ▶ Feelings about this or that feature/language

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 Image for VirtualBox

 Under your home:
  ▶ A folder for each language
  ▶ Simple examples of the language
  ▶ HOWTO: instructions for compiling
    or interpreting the examples
  ▶ Solved exercises
  ▶ Unresolved problems

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Describing A Language

 Paradigm
  ▶ Style, concepts, abstractions, computation

 Typing
  ▶ Constraints applied to values
  ▶ Operations provided for kinds of values

 Constructs
  ▶ Decision constructs, data structures, advanced features

 Syntax
  ▶ Rules, expressiveness

 Ecosystem, …
  ▶ Out of scope

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The Four Main Paradigms (1/4)

 Imperative (Procedural)
  ▶ “First do this, next do that” => recipe
  ▶ Control structures and procedures
  ▶ Hard to organize
  ▶ Sensitive to small changes

 Functional
  ▶ Theory of functions
  ▶ Given the same input, a function will produce the same output
  ▶ Immutable values, no side effect
  ▶ Higher-order functions
  ▶ Computation-oriented, suitable for data transformation
  ▶ Sometimes allows for proof of correctness

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The Four Main Paradigms (2/4)

 Logic
  ▶ Build a knowledge base with facts and rules
  ▶ Query the program and let it infer solutions
  ▶ Adapted to knowledge extraction => IA

 Object-Oriented
  ▶ Grouping of data and behavior
  ▶ Message passing between objects
  ▶ Inheritance and polymorphism
  ▶ Domain-oriented, adapted to large and evolutive programs

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The Four Main Paradigms (3/4)

 A word about Prototype-based Programming
  ▶ A flavor of OO
  ▶ No classes, but still allows for inheritance via prototypes
  ▶ Naively put: a given object may be:
     › an “instance” of another object (having it as prototype)
     › a “class” of another object (being one of its prototypes)
  ▶ Very powerful! Example:
     › a publication
     › a newspaper
     › Le Monde
     › the July 7th edition of Le Monde
     › my copy of the July 7th edition of Le Monde
     › ...

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The Four Main Paradigms (4/4)

 A language is not always tied to a given paradigm
  ▶ You can write OO or Functional programs in C

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The Four Main Paradigms (4/4)

 A language is not always tied to a given paradigm
  ▶ You can write OO or Functional programs in C

                          Source: Pulp Fiction. Dir. Quentin Tarentino. Miramax Films. 1994. Film

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The Four Main Paradigms (4/4)

 A language is not always tied to a given paradigm
  ▶ You can write OO or Functional programs in C

                           Source: Pulp Fiction. Dir. Quentin Tarentino. Miramax Films. 1994. Film

  ▶ You can write OO programs with a Functional language and vice-versa
  ▶ Some languages mixes paradigms (C++, Scala, ...)

 There are many other paradigms
  ▶ Most of them are flavors of the four main ones

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The Main Languages That We Will See (1/2)

 Erlang
  ▶ 1986, functional, dynamic, concurrent, fault-tolerant
  ▶ “Ericsson Language”

 Haskell
  ▶ 1990, purely functional, static, lazy, “standard”

 Ruby
  ▶ 1995, object-oriented and functional, dynamic

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The Main Languages That We Will See (2/2)

 Scala
  ▶ 2003, object-oriented and functional, static, concurrent, on the JVM

 Clojure
  ▶ 2007, functional, dynamic (code as data), concurrent, on the JVM
  ▶ Lisp dialect

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A Word About Prolog (1/3)

 What we are used to: assignment
  ▶ X = 10   assign 10 to variable X

 Prolog: Unification
  ▶ X = 10   given an unknown X, make 10 and X match    (binding)
  ▶ X = 10   given a yet known X, does it match 10?     (matching)

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A Word About Prolog (1/3)

 What we are used to: assignment
  ▶ X = 10      assign 10 to variable X

 Prolog: Unification
  ▶ X = 10      given an unknown X, make 10 and X match      (binding)
  ▶ X = 10      given a yet known X, does it match 10?       (matching)
  ▶ Basics of logic programming:

             author(what_mad_universe, frederic_brown).
             author(the_eyre_affair, jasper_fforde).
             genre(what_mad_universe, science_fiction).
             genre(the_eyre_affair, science_fiction).
             genre(the_eyre_affair, comic_novel).

             writes_genre(Author, Genre) :-
                 author(Book, Author),
                 genre(Book, Genre).

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A Word About Prolog (2/3)

   |?- writes_genre(Who, science_fiction).
   Who = frederic_brown ?
   Who = jasper_fforde

   |?- writes_genre(frederic_brown, What).
   What = science_fiction

   |?- writes_genre(jasper_fforde, comic_novel).


   |?- writes_genre(frederic_brown, comic_novel).

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A Word About Prolog (3/3)

 Pattern matching

         smallest([LonelyNumber], LonelyNumber).
         smallest([Head|Tail], SmallestSoFar) :-
             smallest(Tail, TailSmallest),
             SmallestSoFar is min(Head, TailSmallest).

         smallest([3, 1, 7], S). % S = 1

         % more matching
         smallest([], -1). % empty list

         smallest(_, -1). % anything
         smallest([_|[SecondItem|_]], -1) :-
             SecondItem > 5, % guard
             % ...

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Typing (1/6)

 Static
  ▶ Type-checking at compile-time
  ▶ C, Java, Scala, Erlang, Haskell

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Typing (1/6)

 Static
  ▶ Type-checking at compile-time
  ▶ C, Java, Scala, Erlang, Haskell

 Dynamic
  ▶ Type-checking at run-time
  ▶ JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Clojure

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Typing (1/6)

 Static
  ▶ Type-checking at compile-time
  ▶ C, Java, Scala, Erlang, Haskell

 Dynamic
  ▶ Type-checking at run-time
  ▶ JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Clojure

 “Strong” / “Weak”
  ▶ What happens when types collide?
     › 5 + 'a string'
  ▶ Can you subvert the type system?
     › int an_int = (int) some_bytes;
  ▶ Few languages are totally “strongly” or “weakly” typed

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Typing (2/6)

 Type Inference
  ▶ Deduction of the type of an expression at compile time
  ▶ Less boiler-plate code: eases writing and reading
  ▶ Haskell:

    double x = x * 2
    -- (Num a) => a -> a
    double :: Integer -> Integer
    double x = x * 2
    -- Integer -> Integer

  ▶ Scala:

    val ints = List(1, 2, 3)
    // List[Int]
    def addNumbers(first: Int, second: Int) = first + second
    // equivalent to
    def addNumbers(first: Int, second: Int): Int = first + second

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Typing (2/6)

 Type Inference
  ▶ Deduction of the type of an expression at compile time
  ▶ Less boiler-plate code: eases writing and reading
  ▶ Java:

            List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>();

            // Java 7
            List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<>();

            // java.util.Arrays, unmodifiable
            List<Integer> ints = asList(1, 2, 3);

            // Guava, modifiable
            List<Integer> ints = newArrayList(1, 2, 3);

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Typing (3/6)

 Duck Typing
  ▶ Example (JS):
    var car = {
        startEngine: function() { /* vroom */ }
    var blender = {
        startEngine: function() { /* ouch my fingers! */ }
    var thingsWithEngine = [car, blender];
    for (thing in thingsWithEngine) {

  ▶ If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

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Typing (3/6)

 Duck Typing
  ▶ Example (JS):
    var car = {
        startEngine: function() { /* vroom */ }
    var blender = {
        startEngine: function() { /* ouch my fingers! */ }
    var thingsWithEngine = [car, blender];
    for (thing in thingsWithEngine) {

  ▶ If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.

                                          And if it weighs the same as a duck...

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Typing (3/6)

                                                                      A witch!

Source: Monthy Python and the Holy Grail.
Dir. Terry Gillian, Terry Jones. EMI Films.
1974. Film

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Typing (4/6)

 Structural Typing: Type-safe Duck Typing
  ▶ Example (Scala):
    class Car {
      def startEngine = println("vroom")
    class Blender {
      def startEngine = println("ouch my fingers!")

    type T = {def startEngine}
    val thingsWithEngine = List[T](new Car(), new Blender())

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Typing (5/6)

 Mixins
  ▶ Interfaces with partial implementations
     › Ruby:
     module Printable
         def print_me
             print self.my_representation

     class Thing
         extend OtherThing # only one extension
         include Printable
         include Xxx # several inclusions

           def my_representation
               # ...

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Typing (5/6)

 Mixins
  ▶ Interfaces with partial implementations
     › Scala:
     trait Printable {
       def printMe() = println(myRepresentation)
       def myRepresentation(): String
     class Thing extends OtherThing with Printable with Xxx {
       def myRepresentation() = // ...

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Typing (6/6)

 Out of scope but still interesting:
  ▶ Haskell's ad-hoc polymorphism
     › type classes
     › != subtype polymorphism or parametric polymorhism
     › somehow equivalent to Java interfaces

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A Word About Dynamic Languages

 Concision, productivity
  ▶ No need to declare value types

 Meta-programming
  ▶ Ruby, Python, Groovy: message interception (method_missing)
  ▶ Io, Clojure: Deferred argument evaluation
  ▶ Perfect for DSL

 Downside: safety
  ▶ Test it!

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Types we don't have in Java (1/5)

 Symbols
  ▶ Sometimes called atoms or keywords: Prolog, Erlang
  ▶ Allows for naming things, for conveying meaning
  ▶ Clearer and more efficient than using strings or ints
     › Ruby:
        link_to("View Article", :controller => "articles", :action => "show")

     › Prolog:
        friend(laurel, hardy)

     › Clojure:
       (def product {:name "laser", :price 15})

     › ...

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Types we don't have in Java (2/5)

 Regex
  ▶ Scala:

    val line = """Completed in 100ms (View: 25, DB: 75)
     | 200 OK []"""
    val LogEntry = """Completed in (d+)ms (View: (d+), DB: (d+))
     | (d+) OK [*)?.*""".r

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Types we don't have in Java (2/5)

 Regex
  ▶ Scala:

    val line = """Completed in 100ms (View: 25, DB: 75)
     | 200 OK []"""
    val LogEntry = """Completed in (d+)ms (View: (d+), DB: (d+))
     | (d+) OK [*)?.*""".r

    val LogEntry(totalTime, viewTime, dbTime, responseCode, uri) = line
    // result
    totalTime: String = 100
    viewTime: String = 25
    dbTime: String = 75
    responseCode: String = 200
    uri: String = ""

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Types we don't have in Java (2/5)

 Regex
  ▶ Scala:

    val line = """Completed in 100ms (View: 25, DB: 75)
     | 200 OK []"""
    val LogEntry = """Completed in (d+)ms (View: (d+), DB: (d+))
     | (d+) OK [*)?.*""".r

    val LogEntry(totalTime, viewTime, dbTime, responseCode, uri) = line
    // result
    totalTime: String = 100
    viewTime: String = 25
    dbTime: String = 75
    responseCode: String = 200
    uri: String = ""
    Source.fromFile(logFile).getLines.collect { _ match {
        case LogEntry(tt, vt, dbt, rc, uri) => println(rc)
        case OtherPattern(var1, var2) => // …
        case _ =>

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Types we don't have in Java (3/5)

  ▶ Scala:
    val things = <things>
      <movie genre="action">Pirates of the Caribbean</movie>
      <movie genre="fairytale">Edward Scissorhands</movie>
      <book genre={ genre }>{ title }</book>

    things  "movie"
    (things  "@genre")(1).text
    things  "movie" find { node: Node => (node  "@genre").text == "action" }

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Types we don't have in Java (3/5)

  ▶ Scala:
    val things = <things>
      <movie genre="action">Pirates of the Caribbean</movie>
      <movie genre="fairytale">Edward Scissorhands</movie>
      <book genre={ genre }>{ title }</book>

    things  "movie"
    (things  "@genre")(1).text
    things  "movie" find { node: Node => (node  "@genre").text == "action" }

    (things  "_").foreach { _ match {
        case <movie>{ title }</movie> => println(title)
        case <book>{ _ }</book> => println("book")
        case _ =>

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Types we don't have in Java (4/5)

 Ranges
  ▶ Ruby:
    myArray[1..3]           (1..3).to_a            (1..21).each{|n| print n}

  ▶ Scala:

    0 to 10    for (i <- 0 until 10)          (0 until 10 by 5).start //.end .step

  ▶ Haskell:
    [1..5]     [1,1.5..5]   -- 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, ...

  ▶ Clojure:
    (range 1 21) ; actually this produces a sequence, more on that later

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Types we don't have in Java (4/5)

 Ranges
  ▶ Ruby:
    myArray[1..3]           (1..3).to_a            (1..21).each{|n| print n}

  ▶ Scala:

    0 to 10    for (i <- 0 until 10)          (0 until 10 by 5).start //.end .step

  ▶ Haskell:
    [1..5]     [1,1.5..5]   -- 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, ...

  ▶ Clojure:
    (range 1 21) ; actually this produces a sequence, more on that later

 Tuples
     › (x, y) = (1, 2)         {x, y} = {1, 2}

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Types we don't have in Java (5/5)


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Higher-Order Functions

 Produces or consumes other functions
  ▶ Ruby:
               def do_something(x, y)
                 z = # ...
                 lambda { |w| z + w }

  ▶ Haskell:

               applyToArg f x = f(x)

 Partial Application (~Currying)
  ▶ Erlang:

               prod x y = x * y
               double = prod 2
               triple = prod 3

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Functions and Sequences

 Sequence: abstraction for “iterable things”
  ▶ Scala:
     persons foreach { p => println( }
     persons map { }

     persons filter { _.female }

  ▶ Clojure:

     => (def m1 {:car 2, :doll 5, :table 1})
     => (def m2 {:bike 6, :doll 3})

     => (def m (merge-with + m1 m2))
     {:bike 6, :car 2, :doll 8, :table 1}
     => (reduce (fn [acc [_ qty]] (+ acc qty)) 0 m)

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Functional Programming Concepts

 Immutability
 Nil
   ▶ Empty list
   ▶ Nil.size(), count(nil)

 Optional result
   ▶ Scala:                                           Haskell:

   map.get(aKey) match {                               case aValue of
       case Some(x) => println(x)                          Just x -> ...
       case None => println("Nope")                        Nothing -> ...

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List Comprehension

 Builds a list from other list(s)
  ▶ Erlang:
               [ {X, Y} || X <- lists:seq(1, 4), X < 3, Y <- [5, 6] ].
               % [{1,5},{1,6},{2,5},{2,6}]

  ▶ Haskell:
               [ (x, y) | x <- [1..4], x < 3, y <- [5, 6] ]

  ▶ Clojure:
               (for [ x [1,2,3,4], y [5,6], :when (< x 3)]
                   (* x y))

  ▶ Scala:
               for (x <- 1 to 2; y <- List(5, 6); if x < 3)
                   yield (x, y)

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Lazy evaluation

 Delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is required
 Increases performance
 Allows for infinite sequences
   ▶ Haskell:
     take 4 (dropWhile (< 34098) [0, 0.5 ..])
     -- [34098.0, 34098.5, 34099.0, 34099.5]
     zip (take 5 (iterate (2*) 10)) (take 5 (iterate (/2) 10))
     -- [(10, 10.0), (20, 5.0), (40, 2.5), (80, 1.25), (160, 0.625)]

   ▶ Clojure
     => (take 5 (interpose
                    (cycle [:x :k :e])))

     (:x :and :k :and :e)

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Lazy evaluation

 An alternative to recursion
   ▶ Fibonacci:

     (defn fib-pair [[a b]] [b (+ a b)])

     (defn fibonacci
         (map first
             (iterate fib-pair [1 1])))

     (take 10 (fibonacci))
     ; (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)

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 The Problem
  ▶ Shared resources
  ▶ Interactions between threads/processes
  ▶ Coordination
  ▶ Failures

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 An independent computational entity having a mailbox
 It can send/receive messages (a-)synchronously
   ▶ Erlang (synchronous example):

                loop() ->
                        {From, "voiture"} ->
                            From ! "car",
                        {From, _} ->
                            From ! "unknown word",


                Service = spawn(fun loop/0).
                Service ! {self(), "voiture"},
                     Translation -> Translation

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 An independent computational entity having a mailbox
 It can send/receive messages (a-)synchronously
   ▶ Scala (asynchronous example):

                class Service extends Actor {
                    def act() = {
                      loop {
                        react {
                          case "voiture" => println("car")
                          case _ => println("unknown word")

                val service = new Service()
                service ! "voiture"

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Software Transactional Memory

  ▶ Same approach as for databases (ACID)
  ▶ Wrap code accessing shared resources in a transaction
  ▶ The transaction sees values as they were when opening it

     › Clojure:           (def i (ref 0))
                          (def j (ref 0))
                            (alter i inc)
                            (alter j dec))

         – But also, in a nutshell:

                             Uncoordinated         Coordinated
           Synchronous       Atom                  Reference (ref)
           Asynchronous      Agent

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Let it Crash!

 Erlang philosophy
 Cheap processes instead of threads
 Monitor your processes
 Make them restart on failure
 Refer to the “library” example

  loop() ->
      process_flag(trap_exit, true),
          new ->
              register(revolver, spawn_link(fun russian_roulette_loop/0)),
             {'EXIT', From, Reason} ->
                 self() ! new,

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Exercises                   1. Shopping Cart

    Represent a catalog in the form of a list of tuples (article, quantity, price)

    Write a function that returns the price of an article when present in the catalog or
     nothing/nil (depending on the language) otherwise

    Using recursion, write a function that computes the total value of the catalog

    Write a function that feeds a cart with items from the catalog until:

      ▶ either a maximum amount is reached for the cart value

      ▶ or the catalog is empty

Note: It might be simpler to represent the cart as a list of tuples (article, price) at first (with
the same article occuring serveral times).

    Amends your function so that it also returns the catalog minus the items that are in the

    Using fold/reduce (depending on the language), writes a function that computes the total
     value of the cart

    Using a list comprehension, write a function that takes a cart and returns it with a given
     tax applied to its items

    Interesting candidates are: Erlang, Haskell, Clojure and Scala
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Exercises                 2. Tic-Tac-Toe

   Write a pogram that accepts a tic-tac-toe board and returns whether there is a winner
    and, if it is the case, which one.

   Depending on the language you choose, try to use the most different functional constructs
    you can think of:

     ▶ list processing with functions

     ▶ list comprehensions

     ▶ pattern matching and data deconstruction

     ▶ ...

   Should you finish the first part early, modify your program so that it tells when there is a

   Interesting candidates are: Scala, Clojure, Erlang, Haskell

   Alternatively, solve the problem with Prolog

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Exercises                  3. Erlang: Chat

   The aim of this exercise is to write a chat application allowing for discussing between two
    terminals, based on the "translate_service", "russian_roulette" and "library" examples.

   You can find template files for a server, a supervisor and a client.

   The server will be in charge to log in clients and dispatch their messages. It will be built
    with Erlang OTP's generic server feature.

   The supervisor will be in charge to restart the server should a crash occur.

   The client will spawn a process when the user requests a connection to the server, so that
    this underlying process can handle messages from the server while the user use the
    console process to give orders to the client.

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Exercises                 4. Reverse Dependency Tree

   Using Scala, write a program that can scan a local Maven repository for POM files and
    build a reverse dependency tree for a given module.

   Use actors to load and parse files concurrently, and then send pieces of dependency
    model to a collecting actor.

   Use Scala's XML capabilities to read POM files

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Exercises                  5. The Sleeping Barber

   A barber has one barber chair and a waiting room with a number of chairs in it.

   When the barber finishes cutting a customer's hair, he dismisses the customer and then
    goes to the waiting room to see if there are other customers waiting:

     ▶ if there are, he brings one of them back to the chair and cuts his or her hair,

     ▶ if there are no other customers waiting, he returns to his chair and sleeps in it.

   Each customer, when he arrives, looks to see what the barber is doing:

     ▶ if the barber is sleeping, then he wakes him up and sits in the chair,

     ▶ if the barber is cutting hair, then he goes to the waiting room:

         ›   if there is a free chair in the waiting room, he sits in it and waits his turn,
         ›   if there is no free chair, then the customer leaves.

   Write a program that print events occurring in the shop: customer arrival and departure
    (and why), barber state (cutting hair, sleeping), etc...

   Use the following durations: a hair cut last 100 to 500 ms, a customer enters the shop
    every 1 to 450 ms. Stop sending customers after the 20th one.

                            /                              56

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XKE - Programming Paradigms & Constructs

  • 1. Programming Paradigms & Constructs Nicolas Demengel 2011, July 7th / 1
  • 2. Inspiration  Ruby, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, Clojure, Haskell  Presentation of those languages' main features  Exercises  Good start... but not enough! / 2
  • 3. Agenda  Talk ▶ Definitions and Examples ▶ Laptops allowed! (and encouraged)  Hands On! ▶ Choose one or several exercises to solve  Retrospective ▶ Comparison of solutions to some exercises ▶ Feelings about this or that feature/language / 3
  • 4. Material  Image for VirtualBox  Under your home: ▶ A folder for each language ▶ Simple examples of the language features ▶ HOWTO: instructions for compiling or interpreting the examples ▶ Solved exercises ▶ Unresolved problems / 4
  • 5. Describing A Language  Paradigm ▶ Style, concepts, abstractions, computation  Typing ▶ Constraints applied to values ▶ Operations provided for kinds of values  Constructs ▶ Decision constructs, data structures, advanced features  Syntax ▶ Rules, expressiveness  Ecosystem, … ▶ Out of scope / 5
  • 6. The Four Main Paradigms (1/4)  Imperative (Procedural) ▶ “First do this, next do that” => recipe ▶ Control structures and procedures ▶ Hard to organize ▶ Sensitive to small changes  Functional ▶ Theory of functions ▶ Given the same input, a function will produce the same output ▶ Immutable values, no side effect ▶ Higher-order functions ▶ Computation-oriented, suitable for data transformation ▶ Sometimes allows for proof of correctness / 6
  • 7. The Four Main Paradigms (2/4)  Logic ▶ Build a knowledge base with facts and rules ▶ Query the program and let it infer solutions ▶ Adapted to knowledge extraction => IA  Object-Oriented ▶ Grouping of data and behavior ▶ Message passing between objects ▶ Inheritance and polymorphism ▶ Domain-oriented, adapted to large and evolutive programs / 7
  • 8. The Four Main Paradigms (3/4)  A word about Prototype-based Programming ▶ A flavor of OO ▶ No classes, but still allows for inheritance via prototypes ▶ Naively put: a given object may be: › an “instance” of another object (having it as prototype) › a “class” of another object (being one of its prototypes) ▶ Very powerful! Example: › a publication › a newspaper › Le Monde › the July 7th edition of Le Monde › my copy of the July 7th edition of Le Monde › ... / 8
  • 9. The Four Main Paradigms (4/4)  A language is not always tied to a given paradigm ▶ You can write OO or Functional programs in C / 9
  • 10. The Four Main Paradigms (4/4)  A language is not always tied to a given paradigm ▶ You can write OO or Functional programs in C Source: Pulp Fiction. Dir. Quentin Tarentino. Miramax Films. 1994. Film / 10
  • 11. The Four Main Paradigms (4/4)  A language is not always tied to a given paradigm ▶ You can write OO or Functional programs in C Source: Pulp Fiction. Dir. Quentin Tarentino. Miramax Films. 1994. Film ▶ You can write OO programs with a Functional language and vice-versa ▶ Some languages mixes paradigms (C++, Scala, ...)  There are many other paradigms ▶ Most of them are flavors of the four main ones / 11
  • 12. The Main Languages That We Will See (1/2)  Erlang ▶ 1986, functional, dynamic, concurrent, fault-tolerant ▶ “Ericsson Language”  Haskell ▶ 1990, purely functional, static, lazy, “standard”  Ruby ▶ 1995, object-oriented and functional, dynamic / 12
  • 13. The Main Languages That We Will See (2/2)  Scala ▶ 2003, object-oriented and functional, static, concurrent, on the JVM  Clojure ▶ 2007, functional, dynamic (code as data), concurrent, on the JVM ▶ Lisp dialect / 13
  • 14. A Word About Prolog (1/3)  What we are used to: assignment ▶ X = 10 assign 10 to variable X  Prolog: Unification ▶ X = 10 given an unknown X, make 10 and X match (binding) ▶ X = 10 given a yet known X, does it match 10? (matching) / 14
  • 15. A Word About Prolog (1/3)  What we are used to: assignment ▶ X = 10 assign 10 to variable X  Prolog: Unification ▶ X = 10 given an unknown X, make 10 and X match (binding) ▶ X = 10 given a yet known X, does it match 10? (matching) ▶ Basics of logic programming: author(what_mad_universe, frederic_brown). author(the_eyre_affair, jasper_fforde). genre(what_mad_universe, science_fiction). genre(the_eyre_affair, science_fiction). genre(the_eyre_affair, comic_novel). writes_genre(Author, Genre) :- author(Book, Author), genre(Book, Genre). / 15
  • 16. A Word About Prolog (2/3) |?- writes_genre(Who, science_fiction). Who = frederic_brown ? Who = jasper_fforde yes |?- writes_genre(frederic_brown, What). What = science_fiction yes |?- writes_genre(jasper_fforde, comic_novel). true yes |?- writes_genre(frederic_brown, comic_novel). no / 16
  • 17. A Word About Prolog (3/3)  Pattern matching smallest([LonelyNumber], LonelyNumber). smallest([Head|Tail], SmallestSoFar) :- smallest(Tail, TailSmallest), SmallestSoFar is min(Head, TailSmallest). smallest([3, 1, 7], S). % S = 1 % more matching smallest([], -1). % empty list smallest(_, -1). % anything smallest([_|[SecondItem|_]], -1) :- SecondItem > 5, % guard % ... / 17
  • 18. Typing (1/6)  Static ▶ Type-checking at compile-time ▶ C, Java, Scala, Erlang, Haskell / 18
  • 19. Typing (1/6)  Static ▶ Type-checking at compile-time ▶ C, Java, Scala, Erlang, Haskell  Dynamic ▶ Type-checking at run-time ▶ JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Clojure / 19
  • 20. Typing (1/6)  Static ▶ Type-checking at compile-time ▶ C, Java, Scala, Erlang, Haskell  Dynamic ▶ Type-checking at run-time ▶ JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Clojure  “Strong” / “Weak” ▶ What happens when types collide? › 5 + 'a string' ▶ Can you subvert the type system? › int an_int = (int) some_bytes; ▶ Few languages are totally “strongly” or “weakly” typed / 20
  • 21. Typing (2/6)  Type Inference ▶ Deduction of the type of an expression at compile time ▶ Less boiler-plate code: eases writing and reading ▶ Haskell: double x = x * 2 -- (Num a) => a -> a double :: Integer -> Integer double x = x * 2 -- Integer -> Integer ▶ Scala: val ints = List(1, 2, 3) // List[Int] def addNumbers(first: Int, second: Int) = first + second // equivalent to def addNumbers(first: Int, second: Int): Int = first + second / 21
  • 22. Typing (2/6)  Type Inference ▶ Deduction of the type of an expression at compile time ▶ Less boiler-plate code: eases writing and reading ▶ Java: List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ints.add(1); ints.add(2); ints.add(3); // Java 7 List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<>(); // java.util.Arrays, unmodifiable List<Integer> ints = asList(1, 2, 3); // Guava, modifiable List<Integer> ints = newArrayList(1, 2, 3); / 22
  • 23. Typing (3/6)  Duck Typing ▶ Example (JS): var car = { startEngine: function() { /* vroom */ } } var blender = { startEngine: function() { /* ouch my fingers! */ } } var thingsWithEngine = [car, blender]; for (thing in thingsWithEngine) { thing.startEngine(); } ▶ If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. / 23
  • 24. Typing (3/6)  Duck Typing ▶ Example (JS): var car = { startEngine: function() { /* vroom */ } } var blender = { startEngine: function() { /* ouch my fingers! */ } } var thingsWithEngine = [car, blender]; for (thing in thingsWithEngine) { thing.startEngine(); } ▶ If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. And if it weighs the same as a duck... / 24
  • 25. Typing (3/6) A witch! Source: Monthy Python and the Holy Grail. Dir. Terry Gillian, Terry Jones. EMI Films. 1974. Film / 25
  • 26. Typing (4/6)  Structural Typing: Type-safe Duck Typing ▶ Example (Scala): class Car { def startEngine = println("vroom") } class Blender { def startEngine = println("ouch my fingers!") } type T = {def startEngine} val thingsWithEngine = List[T](new Car(), new Blender()) thingsWithEngine.foreach(_.startEngine) / 26
  • 27. Typing (5/6)  Mixins ▶ Interfaces with partial implementations › Ruby: module Printable def print_me print self.my_representation end end class Thing extend OtherThing # only one extension include Printable include Xxx # several inclusions def my_representation # ... end end / 27
  • 28. Typing (5/6)  Mixins ▶ Interfaces with partial implementations › Scala: trait Printable { def printMe() = println(myRepresentation) def myRepresentation(): String } class Thing extends OtherThing with Printable with Xxx { def myRepresentation() = // ... } / 28
  • 29. Typing (6/6)  Out of scope but still interesting: ▶ Haskell's ad-hoc polymorphism › type classes › != subtype polymorphism or parametric polymorhism › somehow equivalent to Java interfaces / 29
  • 30. A Word About Dynamic Languages  Concision, productivity ▶ No need to declare value types  Meta-programming ▶ Ruby, Python, Groovy: message interception (method_missing) ▶ Io, Clojure: Deferred argument evaluation ▶ Perfect for DSL  Downside: safety ▶ Test it! / 30
  • 31. Types we don't have in Java (1/5)  Symbols ▶ Sometimes called atoms or keywords: Prolog, Erlang ▶ Allows for naming things, for conveying meaning ▶ Clearer and more efficient than using strings or ints › Ruby: link_to("View Article", :controller => "articles", :action => "show") › Prolog: friend(laurel, hardy) › Clojure: (def product {:name "laser", :price 15}) › ... / 31
  • 32. Types we don't have in Java (2/5)  Regex ▶ Scala: val line = """Completed in 100ms (View: 25, DB: 75) | 200 OK []""" val LogEntry = """Completed in (d+)ms (View: (d+), DB: (d+)) | (d+) OK [*)?.*""".r / 32
  • 33. Types we don't have in Java (2/5)  Regex ▶ Scala: val line = """Completed in 100ms (View: 25, DB: 75) | 200 OK []""" val LogEntry = """Completed in (d+)ms (View: (d+), DB: (d+)) | (d+) OK [*)?.*""".r val LogEntry(totalTime, viewTime, dbTime, responseCode, uri) = line // result totalTime: String = 100 viewTime: String = 25 dbTime: String = 75 responseCode: String = 200 uri: String = "" / 33
  • 34. Types we don't have in Java (2/5)  Regex ▶ Scala: val line = """Completed in 100ms (View: 25, DB: 75) | 200 OK []""" val LogEntry = """Completed in (d+)ms (View: (d+), DB: (d+)) | (d+) OK [*)?.*""".r val LogEntry(totalTime, viewTime, dbTime, responseCode, uri) = line // result totalTime: String = 100 viewTime: String = 25 dbTime: String = 75 responseCode: String = 200 uri: String = "" Source.fromFile(logFile).getLines.collect { _ match { case LogEntry(tt, vt, dbt, rc, uri) => println(rc) case OtherPattern(var1, var2) => // … case _ => } } / 34
  • 35. Types we don't have in Java (3/5)  XML ▶ Scala: val things = <things> <movie genre="action">Pirates of the Caribbean</movie> <movie genre="fairytale">Edward Scissorhands</movie> <book genre={ genre }>{ title }</book> </things> things "movie" (things "@genre")(1).text things "movie" find { node: Node => (node "@genre").text == "action" } / 35
  • 36. Types we don't have in Java (3/5)  XML ▶ Scala: val things = <things> <movie genre="action">Pirates of the Caribbean</movie> <movie genre="fairytale">Edward Scissorhands</movie> <book genre={ genre }>{ title }</book> </things> things "movie" (things "@genre")(1).text things "movie" find { node: Node => (node "@genre").text == "action" } (things "_").foreach { _ match { case <movie>{ title }</movie> => println(title) case <book>{ _ }</book> => println("book") case _ => } } / 36
  • 37. Types we don't have in Java (4/5)  Ranges ▶ Ruby: myArray[1..3] (1..3).to_a (1..21).each{|n| print n} ▶ Scala: 0 to 10 for (i <- 0 until 10) (0 until 10 by 5).start //.end .step ▶ Haskell: [1..5] [1,1.5..5] -- 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, ... ▶ Clojure: (range 1 21) ; actually this produces a sequence, more on that later / 37
  • 38. Types we don't have in Java (4/5)  Ranges ▶ Ruby: myArray[1..3] (1..3).to_a (1..21).each{|n| print n} ▶ Scala: 0 to 10 for (i <- 0 until 10) (0 until 10 by 5).start //.end .step ▶ Haskell: [1..5] [1,1.5..5] -- 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, ... ▶ Clojure: (range 1 21) ; actually this produces a sequence, more on that later  Tuples › (x, y) = (1, 2) {x, y} = {1, 2} / 38
  • 39. Types we don't have in Java (5/5) Functions! / 39
  • 40. Higher-Order Functions  Produces or consumes other functions ▶ Ruby: def do_something(x, y) z = # ... lambda { |w| z + w } end ▶ Haskell: applyToArg f x = f(x)  Partial Application (~Currying) ▶ Erlang: prod x y = x * y double = prod 2 triple = prod 3 / 40
  • 41. Functions and Sequences  Sequence: abstraction for “iterable things” ▶ Scala: persons foreach { p => println( } persons map { } persons filter { _.female } ▶ Clojure: => (def m1 {:car 2, :doll 5, :table 1}) => (def m2 {:bike 6, :doll 3}) => (def m (merge-with + m1 m2)) {:bike 6, :car 2, :doll 8, :table 1} => (reduce (fn [acc [_ qty]] (+ acc qty)) 0 m) 17 / 41
  • 42. Functional Programming Concepts  Immutability  Nil ▶ Empty list ▶ Nil.size(), count(nil)  Optional result ▶ Scala: Haskell: map.get(aKey) match { case aValue of case Some(x) => println(x) Just x -> ... case None => println("Nope") Nothing -> ... } / 42
  • 43. List Comprehension  Builds a list from other list(s) ▶ Erlang: [ {X, Y} || X <- lists:seq(1, 4), X < 3, Y <- [5, 6] ]. % [{1,5},{1,6},{2,5},{2,6}] ▶ Haskell: [ (x, y) | x <- [1..4], x < 3, y <- [5, 6] ] ▶ Clojure: (for [ x [1,2,3,4], y [5,6], :when (< x 3)] (* x y)) ▶ Scala: for (x <- 1 to 2; y <- List(5, 6); if x < 3) yield (x, y) / 43
  • 44. Lazy evaluation  Delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is required  Increases performance  Allows for infinite sequences ▶ Haskell: take 4 (dropWhile (< 34098) [0, 0.5 ..]) -- [34098.0, 34098.5, 34099.0, 34099.5] zip (take 5 (iterate (2*) 10)) (take 5 (iterate (/2) 10)) -- [(10, 10.0), (20, 5.0), (40, 2.5), (80, 1.25), (160, 0.625)] ▶ Clojure => (take 5 (interpose :and (cycle [:x :k :e]))) (:x :and :k :and :e) / 44
  • 45. Lazy evaluation  An alternative to recursion ▶ Fibonacci: (defn fib-pair [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) (defn fibonacci [] (map first (iterate fib-pair [1 1]))) (take 10 (fibonacci)) ; (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55) / 45
  • 46. Concurrency  The Problem ▶ Shared resources ▶ Interactions between threads/processes ▶ Coordination ▶ Failures / 46
  • 47. Actors  An independent computational entity having a mailbox  It can send/receive messages (a-)synchronously ▶ Erlang (synchronous example): loop() -> receive {From, "voiture"} -> From ! "car", loop(); {From, _} -> From ! "unknown word", loop() end. Service = spawn(fun loop/0). Service ! {self(), "voiture"}, receive Translation -> Translation end. / 47
  • 48. Actors  An independent computational entity having a mailbox  It can send/receive messages (a-)synchronously ▶ Scala (asynchronous example): class Service extends Actor { def act() = { loop { react { case "voiture" => println("car") case _ => println("unknown word") } } } } val service = new Service() service.start service ! "voiture" / 48
  • 49. Software Transactional Memory  STM ▶ Same approach as for databases (ACID) ▶ Wrap code accessing shared resources in a transaction ▶ The transaction sees values as they were when opening it › Clojure: (def i (ref 0)) (def j (ref 0)) (dosync (alter i inc) (alter j dec)) – But also, in a nutshell: Uncoordinated Coordinated Synchronous Atom Reference (ref) Asynchronous Agent / 49
  • 50. Let it Crash!  Erlang philosophy  Cheap processes instead of threads  Monitor your processes  Make them restart on failure  Refer to the “library” example loop() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), receive new -> register(revolver, spawn_link(fun russian_roulette_loop/0)), loop(); {'EXIT', From, Reason} -> self() ! new, loop() end. / 50
  • 51. Questions? / 51
  • 52. Exercises 1. Shopping Cart  Represent a catalog in the form of a list of tuples (article, quantity, price)  Write a function that returns the price of an article when present in the catalog or nothing/nil (depending on the language) otherwise  Using recursion, write a function that computes the total value of the catalog  Write a function that feeds a cart with items from the catalog until: ▶ either a maximum amount is reached for the cart value ▶ or the catalog is empty Note: It might be simpler to represent the cart as a list of tuples (article, price) at first (with the same article occuring serveral times).  Amends your function so that it also returns the catalog minus the items that are in the cart  Using fold/reduce (depending on the language), writes a function that computes the total value of the cart  Using a list comprehension, write a function that takes a cart and returns it with a given tax applied to its items  Interesting candidates are: Erlang, Haskell, Clojure and Scala / 52
  • 53. Exercises 2. Tic-Tac-Toe  Write a pogram that accepts a tic-tac-toe board and returns whether there is a winner and, if it is the case, which one.  Depending on the language you choose, try to use the most different functional constructs you can think of: ▶ list processing with functions ▶ list comprehensions ▶ pattern matching and data deconstruction ▶ ...  Should you finish the first part early, modify your program so that it tells when there is a tie.  Interesting candidates are: Scala, Clojure, Erlang, Haskell  Alternatively, solve the problem with Prolog / 53
  • 54. Exercises 3. Erlang: Chat  The aim of this exercise is to write a chat application allowing for discussing between two terminals, based on the "translate_service", "russian_roulette" and "library" examples.  You can find template files for a server, a supervisor and a client.  The server will be in charge to log in clients and dispatch their messages. It will be built with Erlang OTP's generic server feature.  The supervisor will be in charge to restart the server should a crash occur.  The client will spawn a process when the user requests a connection to the server, so that this underlying process can handle messages from the server while the user use the console process to give orders to the client. / 54
  • 55. Exercises 4. Reverse Dependency Tree  Using Scala, write a program that can scan a local Maven repository for POM files and build a reverse dependency tree for a given module.  Use actors to load and parse files concurrently, and then send pieces of dependency model to a collecting actor.  Use Scala's XML capabilities to read POM files / 55
  • 56. Exercises 5. The Sleeping Barber  A barber has one barber chair and a waiting room with a number of chairs in it.  When the barber finishes cutting a customer's hair, he dismisses the customer and then goes to the waiting room to see if there are other customers waiting: ▶ if there are, he brings one of them back to the chair and cuts his or her hair, ▶ if there are no other customers waiting, he returns to his chair and sleeps in it.  Each customer, when he arrives, looks to see what the barber is doing: ▶ if the barber is sleeping, then he wakes him up and sits in the chair, ▶ if the barber is cutting hair, then he goes to the waiting room: › if there is a free chair in the waiting room, he sits in it and waits his turn, › if there is no free chair, then the customer leaves.  Write a program that print events occurring in the shop: customer arrival and departure (and why), barber state (cutting hair, sleeping), etc...  Use the following durations: a hair cut last 100 to 500 ms, a customer enters the shop every 1 to 450 ms. Stop sending customers after the 20th one. / 56