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Entrapment neuropathy is defined as “Pressure or pressure
induced injury to a segment of a peripheral nerve secondary
to anatomical or pathologic structures”
•   Carpal tunnel syndrome
•   Cubital tunnel syndrome
•   Supraspinatus syndrome
•   Anterior interosseous syndrome
•   Posterior interosseous syndrome
•   Meralgia paresthetica
•   Tarsal tunnel syndrome
•   Piriformis syndrome
•   Peroneal tunnel syndrome
Controversial entrapment neuropathies like
• Radial tunnel syndrome
• Tarsal tunnel syndrome
• Piriformis syndromes.
In general all entrapments
have any one of the
following basic structure –

1.Fibro-osseous tunnels like
• Carpal tunnel(median
• Tarsal tunnel(posterior
   tibial nerve)
• Suprascapular tunnel
   (suprascapular nerve)
2.Fibrotendinous arcade at the
origin of certain muscle-
• Supinator(arcade of Frohse)
• Flexor carpi ulnaris (cubital
• Flexor digitorum sublimis
   (sublimis bridge)
• Common peroneal nerve
• Anterior and posterior
   interosseous nerve entrapments
• Piriformis syndrome
3.Abnormal bands causing
• Thoracic outlet syndrome
• Meralgia paresthetica
• Earliest description of CTS was given by Sir James Paget in
• Fibro-osseous passageway in the anterior aspect of the wrist
  formed by the carpal bones and flexor retinaculum.
• Floor             volar radiocarpal ligament .
• Roof              Transverse Carpal Ligament(TCL), attaches
  medially to the pisiform and hook of the hamate and laterally
  to the scaphoid tuberosity and crest of the trapezium.
• The TCL is approximately 3 to 4 cm in width and 2.5 to 3.5 mm
  in thickness and is 4 to 6 cm in length
• Contents
 1.The median nerve and its vascular bundle,
 2.Tendons- flexor digitorum superficialis
(FDS),             profundus (FDP) and flexor pollicis longus
• Henry Earle in 1816 was the first to report surgical treatment for
  ulnar nerve compression at elbow. In 1956, Feindel and Stratford
  proposed the designation “cubital tunnel” to describe the site of UN
  compression at the elbow.
• Most common site of entrapment                    between the
  medial epicondyle and olecranon within the cubital tunnel
• Roof                cubital tunnel retinaculum or arcuate ligament
  of Osborne which extends from tip of the olecranon to the medial
• Fibers oriented in transverse fashion and become taut with elbow
• Floor                capsule of the elbow joint and medial collateral
• Walls                 medial epicondyle and olecranon.
• Terminal branch of radial nerve arising in front of the lateral
  epicondyle of elbow.
• Supplies extensor carpi radialis brevis and supinator and enters
  arcade of Frohse which is the usual site of entrapment.
• Arcade is a tough fibrotendinous ring like structure at the origin of
  supinator muscle.
• Arcade is absent in full term fetuses and seen in 30% adults
  indicating that “the arcade is probably formed in the most proximal
  part of the superficial head of the supinator in response to
  repeated rotary movement of the forearm”
• It passes in the dorsal aspect of forearm and supplies most of the
  extensors of hand and wrist.
• No cutaneous branches
• principally a motor nerve
• branch of median nerve in proximal
  forearm arising variably between the
  2 heads of pronator teres, descends
  vertically in front of interosseous
  membrane between flexor digitorum
  profundus and flexor pollicis
  longus, supplies these 2 muscles and
  terminates by supplying the pronator
• The nerve can get entrapped due to
  fractures, penetrating
  wounds, constricting bands mostly
  near its origin.
• In majority the cause is not found
                                          RADIAL TUNNEL
• Radial tunnel is the space                SYNDROME
surrounding the distal radial
nerve and proximal PIN from
humeroradial joint to within
the supinator muscle.
The tunnel is 5 cm long, is anterior to
proximal radius.
The floor is formed by capsule of
radial capitulum. The brachioradialis,
ECRL and ECRB form lateral wall and
biceps and brachialis form the medial
• Suprascapular nerve is a mixed nerve arising from superior
  trunk of brachial plexus.
• Supplies supraspinatus, infraspinatus and sensory supply to
  capsule of shoulder joint.
• Runs through posterior triangle of neck, parallel to inferior
  belly of digastric under trapezius, through suprascapular
  notch, below suprascapular ligament and into suspinous
  fossa. From there loops around the lateral angle of spine and
  enters deep surface of infraspinatus to supply it.
• The nerve commonly gets trapped in the suprascapular
  notch, rarely in spinoglenoid notch
• Galen first described the presence of a cervical rib in 150 AD
• The thoracic outlet refers to the communication of the thoracic
   cavity with the root of the neck.
• There are three sites within the thoracic outlet where
   neurovascular compression may occur:
• The interscalene triangle
• The costoclavicular space
• The subpectoral tunnel.
The most important passageway clinically is interscalene triangle,
bordered by anterior scalene muscle anteriorly, middle scalene muscle
posteriorly and medial surface of the first rib inferiorly.
Contains trunks of the brachial plexus and subclavian artery
• The TT is a continuation of the deep posterior compartment
  of the calf into the posteromedial aspect of the ankle and the
  medial plantar aspect of the foot.
• The TT is made up of two main compartments:
• An upper (tibiotalar) and a lower (talocalcaneal)
• Floor of the upper compartment              posterior aspect of
  the tibia and the talus
• The posterior tibial neurovascular bundle runs through this
  space with the tendons of the Tibialis Posterior, Flexor
  Digitorum Longus and Flexor Hallucis Longus. The lower
  compartment of the TT contains the abductor hallucis muscle.
• The tibial nerve passes
  within the upper
  compartment of the TT
  posterior to the tendons of
  the TP and FDL and the
  posterior tibial artery and
• The medial and inferior
  calcaneal nerves may arise
  proximal to, within or distal
  to the TT.                      1.   TIBIALIS POSTERIOR TENDON
• The roof is formed by a         2.   FDL TENDON
                                  3.   TIBIAL NERVE
  deep aponeurosis.
                                  4.   FLEXOR RETINACULUM
                                  5.   MEDIAL PLANTAR NERVE
                                  6.   LATERAL PLANTAR NERVE
• Piriformis originates from the anterior
surface of the sacrum and the superior margin
of the greater sciatic notch. It also has
attachment to the capsule of the sacro-iliac
joint and also the sacrotuberous ligament.

• Exits pelvis through greater sciatic notch, fibres inserted into the
  superior aspect of the greater trochanter of the femur
• The sciatic nerve passes deep to piriformis in most cases
  (approximately 85% of people) but can pierce the piriformis
  itself, predisposing to piriformis syndrome and subsequent sciatica.
• Even if the sciatic nerve runs deep to piriformis, spasm in this
  muscle put direct pressure on the nerve, causing the resultant pain
  and discomfort.
• The common peroneal nerve after emerging out of the
  popliteal fossa courses around the fibular neck and passes
  through the fibro-osseous opening in the superficial head
  of the peroneus longus muscle at its origin which forms a
  sharp crescentric arch
• This opening can be quite tough, and can result in the
  nerve angulating through it at an acute angle
• Fibrous connective tissue secures the nerve to this proximal
  portion of the fibula, potentially compromising the nerve
• This opening in peroneus longus is called fibular tunnel
  where the common peroneal nerve gets entrapped
• The effect of nerve compression is mediated by ischemia and
1. Disruption of blood nerve barrier
2.Dysfunction of intraneural circulation     reversible
3.Segmental demyelination

1.Epineural fibrosis                        irreversible
2.Thickening of nerve
3.Myelin sheath damage
4.Axonal disruption
      Congenital narrowing of osseous canal
through which the nerve traverses like increased
carrying angle malunited epiphysis
      Thickening of overlying retinaculum due to
systemic diseases like hypothyroidism,
occupation related like carpenters and musicians
having thickened flexor retinaculum in the wrist
1.Normal anatomy with abnormal contents
• Tumors- intraneural neuroma, lipoma, Ganglion,
   schwannoma, hemangioma, neurofibroma, desmoid tumors,
   angiomas, fibrolipomatosis, hamartomas, vascular
   Exostosis, chondromatosis, Baker cysts- more commonly seen
around the knee in relation to the compression of the common
peroneal nerve
• Congenital- Persistent median artery as in carpal tunnel
• Rudimentary cervical rib in TOS
• Anamolous fibrous bands
2.Abnormal anatomy of the normal contents
• Inflammation or edema of surrounding
• Accessory or hypertrophic muscles
• Varicosities
• Tenosynovitis
• Prominent C7 transverse process in TOS
• Reflex spasm of the muscle like piriformis in
   piriformis syndrome
• Abnormal course of the nerve through the
   muscle or its tendon –sciatic nerve through the
• Altered biomechanics resulting from limb
   length discrepancy leading to stretching and
   shortening of the muscle like piriformis
• Malunited fractures like fibular neck
Common Conditions Associated with
     Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Metabolic/endocrine:                 Anatomic:
• Diabetes mellitus                  • Persistent median artery
• Pregnancy                          • Anomalous tendons or muscles
• Hypothyroidism                     • Congenital stenosis of the carpal tunnel
• Acromegaly                         • Fracture and/or dislocation at the wrist
• Renal failure                      Infectious:
• Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) deficiency • Septic arthritis
Autoimmune/inflammatory:             • Lyme disease
• Rheumatoid arthritis               • Tuberculosis
• Amyloidosis                        • Histoplasmosis
• Sarcoidosis                        Neoplasm:
• Tenosynovitis                      • Nerve sheath tumor
                                     • Ganglion cyst
Age and gender vary-
• Carpal tunnel- Middle aged female
• Thoracic outlet syndrome- young, thin female with a long
   neck and drooping shoulders
• Meralgia Paresthetica- middle aged over-weight men
• Athletes in general predisposed to cubital tunnel syndrome,
   thoracic outlet syndrome, piriformis syndrome
Occupation : carpentry, painting, and musicians are more
susceptible for Ulnar nerve compression
Military personal wearing heavy belts -meralgia paresthetica
Postural variation -Symptom aggravated by standing and walking
and relieved by rest in meralgia paresthetica
• Pain, numbness are the early symptoms.
• weakness, wasting, deformity are the late symptoms.
Certain syndromes have specific symptoms like
• nocturnal increase in pain with disturbed sleep - Carpal tunnel
  syndrome and Tarsal tunnel syndrome
• Vasomotor disturbances such as changes in skin color and
  temperature - thoracic outlet syndrome
• Motor weakness may precede sensory disturbances because
  of the predominance of motor fibers within the Ulnar nerve
  as in Cubital tunnel
• Frequent dropping of objects - Ulnar nerve involvement
• Sensory loss in the distribution of the nerve
• Wasting of the muscles supplied by the nerve
• Deformities of the hand/leg due to selective involvement of the
  muscles like clawed hand in ulnar involvement, foot drop in
  common peroneal involvement
• Trophic ulcers in the distribution of the nerve in long standing
  sensory nerve involvement
• Flick sign- To relieve the symptoms, patients often “flick” their
  wrist as if shaking down a thermometer in Carpal tunnel
Tapping of the nerve at the site of involvement
produces paresthesia all along the distribution of
the nerve
It reproduces the symptoms in Carpal
tunnel syndrome
Elevated arm stress test to induce reproduction of the
neurological symptoms in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Progressive shoulder abduction to reproduce the
symptoms in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Full neck extension and head rotation toward the side
being examined, during deep inhalation, to detect a
reduction in radial pulse amplitude in thoracic outlet
In ulnar nerve compression the third volar interosseous
muscle is weak and allows the extensor digiti minimi to abduct
the fifth finger during extension causing finger catching while
placing the affected hand in pocket.
Differential Diagnosis of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
• Spinal cord               Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
                            Cervical syrinx
                            Cervical spinal cord tumor
• Nerve root                Motoneuron disease(Amyotrophic lateral
                  sclerosis (ALS)-initial stages )
                            C8 or T1 radiculopathy
• Peripheral nerve          Brachial plexopathy (lower trunk or
                            medial cord)
• Ulnar nerve               Nerve sheath tumor
                            Ulnar nerve compression at the arcade of
                            Ulnar nerve entrapment at Guyon's canal
• Other                     Peripheral neuropathy
                            Thoracic outlet syndrome
Differential Diagnoses for Neurogenic
       Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Spinal             Cervical disk disease or foraminal stenosis
                   Cervical spinal cord tumor
                   Cervical syrinx
Peripheral nerve   Brachial plexitis
                   Median nerve entrapment neuropathy
                   Ulnar nerve entrapment neuropathy
                   Nerve sheath tumor
Orthopedic         Shoulder abnormalities (rotator cuff injury)

Other              Complex regional pain syndrome


                   Apical lung lesion (Pancoast's tumor)
X-rays - To see for any fractures, osteophyte formation,
hypertrophic changes, cervical rib
Ultrasound - to see for abnormal contents like tumors, cysts,
varicosities, edema of the surrounding structures.
• Refinements of the techniques has allowed direct
   visualization of neural structures and associated sites of
   constriction or compression.
• Entrapped peripheral nerves appear swollen, hypo echoic or
• Is found useful and highly sensitive is CTS, UN entrapment,
   suprascapular, axillary and radial neuropathies
• Electrophysiology is an important investigation
• EMG and NCSs use different means of measuring action
  potentials of nerve axons or muscle fibers
• SNAP(Sensory nerve action potentials ) and CMAP(Compound
  Muscle Action Potential) are recorded on both the limbs for
  comparison and in different nerves of same limb to rule out
  symmetric involvement.
• These recordings should be done across the suspected area of
  the lesion
• Recording should be done by inching technique.
• In entrapments generally the latency is increased, conduction
  velocity is reduced and amplitude is reduced in later stages.
•   Important objective information to support the diagnosis of CTS.
•   Palmar sensory latency - most sensitive test .
•   Distal motor latency may be normal in 25% of patients.
•   Sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) are either unrecordable or of low
    amplitude at the wrist.
• Helpful in grading the severity of CTS.
In mild CTS,
          SNAP or mixed nerve action potential (NAP)- prolonged
          SNAP amplitude- below the lower limit of normal.
In moderate CTS,
          findings of mild CTS plus prolongation of median motor distal latency
In severe CTS,
          median motor and sensory distal latencies-prolonged, absent SNAPs
or mixed NAPs or absent or reduced thenar compound motor action
potentials or both.
• Fibrillations, reduced recruitment, and changes in motor unit potential are
    often seen in severe cases.
• Prolonged motor and sensory latency across the
  elbow but normal latency in the distal part of the
• Motor conduction velocities of less than 50 m/sec
  across the elbow also suggest entrapment at the
• Electromyography of ulnar-innervated muscles
  may show reduced voluntary motor
  units, fibrillations, increased insertional
  activity, and other electro physiologic signs of
• Needle electromyographic examination-
  denervation potentials in innervated muscles and
  absence of same in muscles directly innervated
  by radial nerve localises lesion to PIN.
• Further absence in extensor carpi radialis brevis
  and supinator localises to arcade of Frohse.
• Nerve conduction velocity studies show slowing
  across entrapment site.
• In true neurogenic TOS,EMG shows reduced motor units under voluntary
  control in hand muscles.
• Needle examination of cervical paraspinal muscles –normal
• Maximal motor conduction velocity may be slowed in the median nerve
  but normal in the ulnar nerve, and distal motor latencies for both nerves
  are normal.
• Compound motor action potentials(CMAP) over thenar muscles are
  reduced in situations of marked axonal loss, whereas those over the
  hypothenar muscles are generally normal.
• Sensory nerve action potentials(SNAP) recorded at the median nerve in
  the wrist have normal amplitude and latency, but they are often small or
  absent from the ulnar nerve after stimulation of the fifth finger.
• In disputed neurogenic TOS, electrophysiologic studies are normal.
• Nerve conduction velocities(NCV) for the medial antebrachial cutaneous
  nerve abnormal in patients with neurogenic TOS in the absence of other
  electrophysiologic findings
• Tibial motor nerve conduction-prolonged, distal onset latency
  when recorded over the abductor hallucis and abductor digit
• Mixed nerve conduction studies of the medial and lateral
  plantar nerves- prolonged peak latency or slowed velocity
• Sensory nerve conduction of the two nerves may be slowed
  or absent across the tarsal tunnel.
• Greater sensitivity in the detection of peripheral nerve
• MRI techniques useful in patients with normal electrophysiological
  studies or in those with an underlying systemic neuropathy altering
  the electrophysiological results.
• A normal nerve appears isointense to muscle in all sequences
• Nerve thickening or nerve enlargement on MRI signifies
• Nerve may be enlarged proximally to the point of constriction
• Increased signal intensity within inflamed peripheral nerves seen on
  short tau inversion recovery (STIR) images or fat-suppressed T2-
  weighted spin echo images.
• Muscles that are innervated by the distal portion of the entrapped
  nerves appear bright on T2 and STIR thus confirming the identity of
  the nerve.
Axial STIR image through the distal forearm of a patient who has
surgically confirmed AIN syndrome. In the T1-weighted image (A),
atrophy of the PQ (arrows) is seen. In the STIR image (B),
increased signal within the PQ is visible, but there is also
increased signal without atrophy in FDP1 and FDP2 (arrows).
• May suggest adhesion of nerve to surrounding tissue.
• Magnetic resonance neurography is useful in demonstrating
  nerve position in relation to an adjacent joint placed in
  varying degrees of flexion.
• After denervation MRI changes in denerved muscle precedes
  the EMG change.
• Inflammatory conditions of the nerves also enhance on T2 but
  the enhancement is more diffuse.
• Inflammatory conditions, tumors and traumatic neuromas
  enhance with current contrast but entrapped nerves do not
• Also useful in the detection of mass lesions
• DTI(diffusion Tensor Imaging ) is used to track the nerves, can
  be used for viewing changes at the microscopic structure of
  the nerve at and proximal to the entrapment which are not
  seen on T2 or STIR
• 3D pulse sequences-high quality image reformatting in all
  planes. It has been applied to brachial plexus and sciatic
  nerves and has shown promise for being able to show
  longitudinal images of nerves over long segments thus
  identifying areas of focal narrowing or extrinsic compression
(A) T1-weighted image of excised human median nerve, obtained on
    a 3-T magnetic resonance microscopy system.
(B) Light microscopy of the same nerve. These are not seen in
    normal imaging techniques.
• Newer agents like Gadoflurine –M (not yet available for
  human use) and Vasovist having longer clearance values from
  blood due to tight protein binding are seen to produce
  enhancement in demyelinating and degenerating peripheral
  nerves which otherwise fail to enhance on conventional
  contrast agents may become useful in entrapments also.
• Magic angle effect-Water containing longitudinally arranged
  proteins as in nerves and collagen when makes an angle of
  55⁰ with main magnetic field it appears more bright on T2 and
• In syndromes where the nerves are deep and recording is not
  practical MRI definitely is the preferred technique
• IN CTS where both can be employed, many RCTs have been
  done to look for the sensitivity and specificity of the results of
  each of these 2 modalities. In CTS it can be concluded that
  MRI has some what inferior accuracy to nerve conduction
  studies but is preferred by patients as it is non invasive, fast
  and also contributes additional information.
• In ulnar nerve entrapment at elbow MRI has a sensitivity of
  (>95%) as compared to nerve conduction studies (60-70%).

           Bland JD. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Curr Opin Neurol 2005;18:581–5. Vucic S,
Cordato DJ, et al.
           Utility of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing ulnar neuropathy at the
elbow. Clin Neurophysiol 2006;117:590–5
• In piriformis syndrome MRI has shown 93% specificity for two
  findings namely T2 hyperintense signal of the sciatic nerve in
  the sciatic notch and piriformis asymmetry
• In peroneal nerve entrapment, MRI is useful in distinguishing
  this condition from L5 root involvement by demonstrating the
  additional involvement of Tibialis posterior and popliteus in L5
  root involvement apart from involvement of TA,ED,PL in both
  cases. MRI can demonstrate causes like ganglionic cysts and
  origin of these cysts(joint vs. nerve)
• Splints, physical therapy, ultrasound therapy, ice and heat
  therapy, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
• Corticosteroids (either oral or direct )
• Avoid positions that trigger pain
• Lifestyle modification: avoidance of activities that exacerbate
  or provoke symptoms
• Correcting poor posture
• Nerve blocks
• Muscle denervation through targeted injection of botulinum
• Psychological counseling
•   Resting the affected shoulder as in suprascapular entrapment
•   Weight reduction in obese people in meralgia paresthetica
•   Physiotherapy-example, Piriformis stretching exercises
•   Sports massage techniques
• The benefit of steroid treatment is transient.
• About 50% of the nerves become worse within 6 months
  and 90% within 18 months.
• Only a small percentage (8%) of the nerves remain
  improved at the 2-years follow-up.

Paolo Girlanda et al. Local steroid treatment in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome short- and long-
term efficacy:Journal of Neurology Volume 240, Number 3, 187-190
• Release of the constriction is the main surgical treatment.
• The timing of surgery, type and extent of surgery is much
   debated aspect.
Patients with motor deficits invariably require surgical
decompression at the earliest, if any improvement is expected.
This is undebatable.
Dilemma regarding timing and decision for surgery is present in
following group of patients
1. Patients with only pain
2. Pain without motor symptoms with normal
3. Controversial syndromes
Goal is complete excision of flexor retinaculum.
A 3- to 4-cm straight or slightly curvilinear incision, starting
at distal wrist crease and ending at a point intercepting an
imaginary line (Kaplan's) drawn from the distal border of
the extended thumb to the pisiform prominence, in line
with the long axis of the radial side of the ring finger.
TCL divided at midpoint, once median nerve visualized, TCL
incised both proximally and distally. The distal TCL incised
till deep palmar fat pad is visualized
In mini open approach, 1.5-3 cm incision is given.

   Uniportal technique
1.Okutsu technique
2.Agee technique.
   Biportal technique
1.Chow technique
2.Brown technique
• Cochrane collaboration did a systemic review of 33 studies looking
  at return to work or normal daily activity, complications. They found
  transient nerve dysfunction was more in endoscopic ones
  compared to open ones, the latter had more wound complications.
  They concluded that no strong evidence to suggest replacement of
  standard OCTR with ECTR.
• In 2004,Thoma and colleagues performed meta-analysis and found
  no statistically significant difference in pain or return to work.
• Atroshi and colleagues published a RCT. Primary outcome was
  severity of postoperative incisional or palmar pain and secondary
  outcomes were length of work absence ,severity of CTS symptoms
  and functional status at intervals up to 1 year. In the end they
  questioned the cost-effectiveness of endoscopy as there was no
  difference in the outcome
              Eichhorn J, Dietrich K. Open versus endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Results of a prospective study. Chir
Praxis. 2003;61:279
1. Simple decompression (with or without medial
2. Anterior subcutaneous transposition
3. Intramuscular transposition
4. Submuscular transposition

Simple or in situ decompression- of the UN, which involves
unroofing of the cubital tunnel, is the easiest and most
commonly used option.
Once decompression is completed, the elbow is flexed and
extended to look for nerve subluxation and stretch.
Anterior subcutaneous or sub muscular transposition

• Complete external neurolysis of the Ulnar nerve(UN) must be performed.
• Articular branches and small vessels tethering the UN need to be divided.
• A distal segment of the medial intermuscular septum must be excised to
  prevent tethering or compression of the transposed UN
• In anterior subcutaneous transposition, the nerve is brought anterior to
  the medial epicondyle, and a fascial sling is created to hold the nerve in
• In the case of submuscular transposition, the origin of the flexor-
  pronator mass is isolated and divided in a step-cut or Z-plasty
  configuration, with a proximal cuff of muscle and fascia left intact.
• Arm is placed in a sling for approximately 3 weeks
• Recently, endoscope has been used to decompress the UN at
  the elbow. Through a 2 to 3 cm incision over the course of the
  UN at the elbow, it is possible to decompress up to 10 cm
  proximal and 10 cm distal to the medial epicondyle
 • In 2007, Zlowodzki and coauthors published a meta-analysis of four
   randomized controlled trials that comparing in situ decompression
   and anterior transposition
 • A total of 261 patients with an average follow-up of 21 months
   were included in this study. The results of this analysis found no
   significant difference in clinical outcome or postoperative nerve
   conduction velocity between in situ decompression, subcutaneous
   transposition, and sub muscular transposition
 • In initial cases at the end of insitu decompression with flexion and
   extension of the elbow if there is no tension in the nerve, there is
   no need for transposition
 • Transposition is often procedure of choice in recurrent cases or in
   patients with significant ulnar nerve subluxation

 Zlowodzki M, Chan S, Bhandari M, et al. Anterior transposition compared with simple
 decompression for treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. A metaanalysis of randomized,
 controlled trials. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007;89:2591
• Sectioning of the suprascapular ligament is treatment of
  choice in people not improving with conservative treatment
• Posterior approach is generally used
• Anterior supraclavicular approach has not gained popularity
• Sequence of recovery is pain relief followed by gain of motor
  strength, atrophy if at all reverses at the end
• Arthroscopic and endoscopic methods have been developed
  and recent RCTs favor endoscopy as it is associated with less

Tubbs RS, Loukas M, Shoja MM, et al. Endoscopically assisted decompression of the
suprascapular nerve in the supraspinous fossa: a cadaveric feasibility study. Laboratory
investigation. J Neurosurg 2007;107:1164–7.
• Conservative management for 8-12 weeks as most cases
  recover spontaneously
• SURGICAL TREATMENT-explore the nerve and divide the
  constricting band which is commonly found near the origin of
  the nerve.
• Conservative treatment for 4-8 weeks
• Refractory cases, surgery is considered which
  involves exploration and dividing of arcade of
  Fosche and any other constricting bands.
• Open exploration of the TT is the preferred surgical
• Success rates for surgical decompression of the TT have
  been reported to be between 44% and 93%,Success
  defined as resolution or improvement of symptoms, no
  requirement for pain medications, and the ability to return
  to work.
• The deep fascia over the neurovascular bundle is divided
  proximal to the Tarsal tunnel(TT), and division is continued
  distally upto flexor retinaculum..
• The medial and lateral plantar nerves are followed into
  their separate tunnels. Both tunnels are released by
  dividing the fascial origin of the abductor hallucis brevis,
  which forms their roof.
• Complete external neurolysis is usually performed
• Surgical management has 2 options-
  Decompression of the nerve
  Sectioning of the nerve
• A horizontal or curvilinear vertical incision medial
  to ASIS is used to locate the nerve.
• All possible constricting bands to be divided and
  free space should be made around the nerve.
• Some advocate transposing the nerve medially
  for a straighter course.
1. Anterior supraclavicular approach-most commonly
   used.Wider exposure of the supraclavicular plexus and
   the middle two thirds of the first rib, where most
   potential anomalous fibrous bands are attached.
2. Transaxillary approach with first rib resection-
   Advantage is, it allows easy and almost complete access
   to the first rib, unhindered by adjacent neurovascular
3. Posterior subscapular approach-excellent exposure of
   the C8 and T1 spinal nerves and the lower trunk of the
   brachial plexus. Useful in patients who have previously
   undergone anterior approaches or received radiation
   therapy to the area.
• Surgical decompression of the nerve
• Excision of the offending lesion
  E.g., intra neural or extra neural tumors or masses.
• Open decompression is recommended between third
  and fourth months if symptoms persist or recovery is
  incomplete, even if the patient has only sensory
  symptoms that have been substantiated by electro
  physiologic studies.
• Surgery involves exposure of the nerve, decompression
  by releasing the tendinous arch and other bands if
  present and reconstruction in severely damaged cases.
• There is considerable doubts as to whether this clinical entity
  or anatomical tunnel exists
• It is differentiated from PIN syndrome(which involves loss of
  motor function ) by presence of pain and tenderness over
  proximal radial forearm without weakness. Recent studies
  have shown that patients diagnosed clinically and electro
  physiologically as Radial tunnel syndrome had MRI T2 and
  STIR hyper intense signal changes in the muscles innervated
  by PIN, indicating its involvement
• ENMG is usually normal
• The duration of recommended conservative management in
  cases with or without weakness has wide variation among
  different studies. There is no study comparing non surgical
  treatment with the surgery treatment.
• Effectiveness of the surgical decompression of the PIN was
  found to be in the range of 67% to 95% in different studies.
• Gluteal trauma with hematoma, injection palsy, compression, hip
  arthroplasty, hip fracture, or endometrial Implant can cause proximal sciatic
  nerve compression near to piriformis and hence need to be differentiated
  before labelling proximal sciatic nerve compression as piriformis syndrome
• How much a small structure like piriformis muscle can compress the sciatic
  nerve is very doubtful.
• SPASM-Abnormal leg movement(external rotation ) is never described, So is
  spasm isometric ? Nerve compression?
• The PS is the only entrapment neuropathy attributable to a muscle.
• Pace test –sciatic pain with abduction of the hip against resistance. Freiburg
  test- pain with forced internal rotation, stretching the muscle. Diametrically
  opposite tests causing same compression?
• Freiburg test should decompress the nerve by stretching the
  muscle, removing the pressure and improving the symptoms.
•     The most common variety is the disputed neurogenic one making upto 97% of TOS
•     The diagnostic tests are exceptionally sensitive and have poor specificity.
•     The provocative tests have been found to be abnormal in control groups to the
      extent of 2/3rd in RCTs
•     In proximal entrapments the role of electrophysiology is limited as distal recording
      will be normal and localisation is difficult(even in true thoracic syndromes).
•     The diagnosis of disputed TOS is by clinical signs and symptoms as elctrophysiology
      doesn’t show any abnormality.
•     On MRI nerve compression has been found in only few about 7% of symptomatic
•     Patients with disputed type undergoing surgery can develop objective deficits which
      were absent before.

    Roos DB. Thoracic outlet syndrome is underdiagnosed.Muscle Nerve 1999;22:126–9 [discussion 136–7]
Outcome is good in well recognized and common entrapments
like Carpal tunnel syndrome:
• Open method-improvement in pain-87%,paresthesias-92%
• Endoscopy- upto 82% patients had complete resolution of
   symptoms (Hankins et al)
• In controversial syndromes like Thoracic outlet syndrome-
   Resolution of pain or paresthesias, or both is seen in 50% to
   60% of patients and a partial response in another 20% to 30%.

•   Hankins CL, Brown MG, Lopez RA, et al. A 12-year experience using the Brown two-portal
    endoscopic procedure of transverse carpal ligament release in 14,722 patients: defining a
    new paradigm in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Plast Reconstr Surg.
•   Maxey TS, Reece TB, Ellman PI, et al. Safety and efficacy of the supraclavicular approach to
    thoracic outlet decompression. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;76:396.
Complications are few:
Scarring, operative site pain and pain with movement, injury to cutaneous nerves
and paresthesia, injury to adjacent neurovascular structures, neuroma formation
• Approach related deficits like weakness due to muscle dissection, fascial cutting
• Requirement for re-exploration
Specific complications
Chylothorax, pneumothorax, phrenic nerve injury,supraclavicular numbness in
Thoracic outlet syndrome surgeries
• Hernia formation due to inguinal ligament cutting in treatment of meralgia
• Carpal tunnel release surgeries-Incomplete sectioning of the TCL is the most
   common complication . Injury to the palmar cutaneous branch (PCB) of the
   median nerve is the second most common complication. Severance of the thenar
   motor branch (TMB) of the median nerve

• Patients with ulnar nerve injuries who underwent
  secondary nerve repair had improvement in 64.7%

• Best results when done within 6 months of trauma.

  Dr.Gopalakrishnan MS,Dissertation for
  MCh in neurosurgery,NIMHANS 2005.
• Uptake of pretreated (cold preserved)
  allografts better with primary suturing.

  Dr.Shaji KR ,Dissertation for MCh in
  Neurosurgery, NIMHANS 2000.
                 RATS .
• Cold preservation reduces host immune response to allograft.

• Co-relation noted between functional, electrophysiological
  and histological outcome in rats.

• Laminin has an important role in nerve regeneration

  Dr.Dhananjay I Bhat, Dissertation for MCh in Neurosurgery,
  NIMHANS 2003.
• Intercostal nerve neurotization for Brachial plexus
  (avulsions) is a viable option.
• Results with Axillary nerve neurotization better than
  musculocutaneous nerve.
• Good functional outcome if done within 6 months of
  denervation (Early diagnosis important)

  Dr.Aliasgar Moiyadi, Dissertation for
  MCh Neurosurgery,NIMHANS 2005.
  J Neurosurg 107:308-313, 2007
• Entrapment neuropathies are far more common than thought
  to be
• These syndromes are under-diagnosed
• With advances in investigations like MRI more cases can be
  diagnosed and less controversies in decision regarding
• Conservative management initially
• Surgery for appropiate patients
• Response to surgery is good overall
• Most of these entrapments can be relieved under local
  anasthesia on daycare bases with good results
• Complications can be reduced by better anatomical

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Entrapment neuropathies 28.2.12

  • 2. DEFINITION Entrapment neuropathy is defined as “Pressure or pressure induced injury to a segment of a peripheral nerve secondary to anatomical or pathologic structures”
  • 3. TYPES UPPER LIMB • Carpal tunnel syndrome • Cubital tunnel syndrome • Supraspinatus syndrome • Anterior interosseous syndrome • Posterior interosseous syndrome LOWER LIMB • Meralgia paresthetica • Tarsal tunnel syndrome • Piriformis syndrome • Peroneal tunnel syndrome Controversial entrapment neuropathies like • Radial tunnel syndrome • Tarsal tunnel syndrome • Piriformis syndromes.
  • 5. In general all entrapments have any one of the following basic structure – 1.Fibro-osseous tunnels like • Carpal tunnel(median nerve) • Tarsal tunnel(posterior tibial nerve) • Suprascapular tunnel (suprascapular nerve)
  • 6. 2.Fibrotendinous arcade at the origin of certain muscle- • Supinator(arcade of Frohse) • Flexor carpi ulnaris (cubital tunnel) • Flexor digitorum sublimis (sublimis bridge) • Common peroneal nerve entrapment • Anterior and posterior interosseous nerve entrapments • Piriformis syndrome
  • 7. 3.Abnormal bands causing compression- • Thoracic outlet syndrome • Meralgia paresthetica
  • 8. CARPAL TUNNEL • Earliest description of CTS was given by Sir James Paget in 1854 • Fibro-osseous passageway in the anterior aspect of the wrist formed by the carpal bones and flexor retinaculum. • Floor volar radiocarpal ligament . • Roof Transverse Carpal Ligament(TCL), attaches medially to the pisiform and hook of the hamate and laterally to the scaphoid tuberosity and crest of the trapezium. • The TCL is approximately 3 to 4 cm in width and 2.5 to 3.5 mm in thickness and is 4 to 6 cm in length
  • 9. • Contents 1.The median nerve and its vascular bundle, 2.Tendons- flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), profundus (FDP) and flexor pollicis longus
  • 10. ULNAR NERVE ENTRAPMENT • Henry Earle in 1816 was the first to report surgical treatment for ulnar nerve compression at elbow. In 1956, Feindel and Stratford proposed the designation “cubital tunnel” to describe the site of UN compression at the elbow. • Most common site of entrapment between the medial epicondyle and olecranon within the cubital tunnel • Roof cubital tunnel retinaculum or arcuate ligament of Osborne which extends from tip of the olecranon to the medial epicondyle. • Fibers oriented in transverse fashion and become taut with elbow flexion. • Floor capsule of the elbow joint and medial collateral ligament. • Walls medial epicondyle and olecranon.
  • 12. POSTERIOR INTEROSSEOUS NERVE ENTRAPMENT • Terminal branch of radial nerve arising in front of the lateral epicondyle of elbow. • Supplies extensor carpi radialis brevis and supinator and enters arcade of Frohse which is the usual site of entrapment. • Arcade is a tough fibrotendinous ring like structure at the origin of supinator muscle. • Arcade is absent in full term fetuses and seen in 30% adults indicating that “the arcade is probably formed in the most proximal part of the superficial head of the supinator in response to repeated rotary movement of the forearm” • It passes in the dorsal aspect of forearm and supplies most of the extensors of hand and wrist. • No cutaneous branches
  • 14. ANTERIOR INTEROSSEUS SYNDROME • principally a motor nerve • branch of median nerve in proximal forearm arising variably between the 2 heads of pronator teres, descends vertically in front of interosseous membrane between flexor digitorum profundus and flexor pollicis longus, supplies these 2 muscles and terminates by supplying the pronator quadratus. • The nerve can get entrapped due to fractures, penetrating wounds, constricting bands mostly near its origin. • In majority the cause is not found
  • 15. ANATOMY RADIAL TUNNEL • Radial tunnel is the space SYNDROME surrounding the distal radial nerve and proximal PIN from humeroradial joint to within the supinator muscle. The tunnel is 5 cm long, is anterior to proximal radius. The floor is formed by capsule of radial capitulum. The brachioradialis, ECRL and ECRB form lateral wall and biceps and brachialis form the medial wall.
  • 16. SUPRASCAPULAR ENTRAPMENT • Suprascapular nerve is a mixed nerve arising from superior trunk of brachial plexus. • Supplies supraspinatus, infraspinatus and sensory supply to capsule of shoulder joint. • Runs through posterior triangle of neck, parallel to inferior belly of digastric under trapezius, through suprascapular notch, below suprascapular ligament and into suspinous fossa. From there loops around the lateral angle of spine and enters deep surface of infraspinatus to supply it. • The nerve commonly gets trapped in the suprascapular notch, rarely in spinoglenoid notch
  • 18. THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME • Galen first described the presence of a cervical rib in 150 AD • The thoracic outlet refers to the communication of the thoracic cavity with the root of the neck. • There are three sites within the thoracic outlet where neurovascular compression may occur: • The interscalene triangle • The costoclavicular space • The subpectoral tunnel. The most important passageway clinically is interscalene triangle, bordered by anterior scalene muscle anteriorly, middle scalene muscle posteriorly and medial surface of the first rib inferiorly. Contains trunks of the brachial plexus and subclavian artery
  • 20. TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME • The TT is a continuation of the deep posterior compartment of the calf into the posteromedial aspect of the ankle and the medial plantar aspect of the foot. • The TT is made up of two main compartments: • An upper (tibiotalar) and a lower (talocalcaneal) compartment. • Floor of the upper compartment posterior aspect of the tibia and the talus • The posterior tibial neurovascular bundle runs through this space with the tendons of the Tibialis Posterior, Flexor Digitorum Longus and Flexor Hallucis Longus. The lower compartment of the TT contains the abductor hallucis muscle.
  • 21. • The tibial nerve passes within the upper compartment of the TT posterior to the tendons of the TP and FDL and the posterior tibial artery and vein. • The medial and inferior calcaneal nerves may arise proximal to, within or distal to the TT. 1. TIBIALIS POSTERIOR TENDON • The roof is formed by a 2. FDL TENDON 3. TIBIAL NERVE deep aponeurosis. 4. FLEXOR RETINACULUM 5. MEDIAL PLANTAR NERVE 6. LATERAL PLANTAR NERVE
  • 22. PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME • Piriformis originates from the anterior surface of the sacrum and the superior margin of the greater sciatic notch. It also has attachment to the capsule of the sacro-iliac joint and also the sacrotuberous ligament. • Exits pelvis through greater sciatic notch, fibres inserted into the superior aspect of the greater trochanter of the femur • The sciatic nerve passes deep to piriformis in most cases (approximately 85% of people) but can pierce the piriformis itself, predisposing to piriformis syndrome and subsequent sciatica. • Even if the sciatic nerve runs deep to piriformis, spasm in this muscle put direct pressure on the nerve, causing the resultant pain and discomfort.
  • 23. COMMON PERONEAL NERVE ENTRAPMENT • The common peroneal nerve after emerging out of the popliteal fossa courses around the fibular neck and passes through the fibro-osseous opening in the superficial head of the peroneus longus muscle at its origin which forms a sharp crescentric arch • This opening can be quite tough, and can result in the nerve angulating through it at an acute angle • Fibrous connective tissue secures the nerve to this proximal portion of the fibula, potentially compromising the nerve • This opening in peroneus longus is called fibular tunnel where the common peroneal nerve gets entrapped commonly
  • 25. PATHOLOGY • The effect of nerve compression is mediated by ischemia and edema. 1. Disruption of blood nerve barrier 2.Dysfunction of intraneural circulation reversible 3.Segmental demyelination 4.Edema 1.Epineural fibrosis irreversible 2.Thickening of nerve 3.Myelin sheath damage 4.Axonal disruption
  • 26. PREDISPOSING FACTORS Congenital narrowing of osseous canal through which the nerve traverses like increased carrying angle malunited epiphysis Thickening of overlying retinaculum due to systemic diseases like hypothyroidism, occupation related like carpenters and musicians having thickened flexor retinaculum in the wrist
  • 27. CAUSES 1.Normal anatomy with abnormal contents • Tumors- intraneural neuroma, lipoma, Ganglion, schwannoma, hemangioma, neurofibroma, desmoid tumors, angiomas, fibrolipomatosis, hamartomas, vascular abnormalities. Exostosis, chondromatosis, Baker cysts- more commonly seen around the knee in relation to the compression of the common peroneal nerve • Congenital- Persistent median artery as in carpal tunnel • Rudimentary cervical rib in TOS • Anamolous fibrous bands
  • 28. CAUSES 2.Abnormal anatomy of the normal contents • Inflammation or edema of surrounding structures • Accessory or hypertrophic muscles • Varicosities • Tenosynovitis • Prominent C7 transverse process in TOS • Reflex spasm of the muscle like piriformis in piriformis syndrome • Abnormal course of the nerve through the muscle or its tendon –sciatic nerve through the piriformis • Altered biomechanics resulting from limb length discrepancy leading to stretching and shortening of the muscle like piriformis • Malunited fractures like fibular neck
  • 29. Common Conditions Associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Metabolic/endocrine: Anatomic: • Diabetes mellitus • Persistent median artery • Pregnancy • Anomalous tendons or muscles • Hypothyroidism • Congenital stenosis of the carpal tunnel • Acromegaly • Fracture and/or dislocation at the wrist • Renal failure Infectious: • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) deficiency • Septic arthritis Autoimmune/inflammatory: • Lyme disease • Rheumatoid arthritis • Tuberculosis • Amyloidosis • Histoplasmosis • Sarcoidosis Neoplasm: • Tenosynovitis • Nerve sheath tumor • Ganglion cyst
  • 31. Age and gender vary- • Carpal tunnel- Middle aged female • Thoracic outlet syndrome- young, thin female with a long neck and drooping shoulders • Meralgia Paresthetica- middle aged over-weight men • Athletes in general predisposed to cubital tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, piriformis syndrome Occupation : carpentry, painting, and musicians are more susceptible for Ulnar nerve compression Military personal wearing heavy belts -meralgia paresthetica Postural variation -Symptom aggravated by standing and walking and relieved by rest in meralgia paresthetica
  • 32. COMPLAINTS • Pain, numbness are the early symptoms. • weakness, wasting, deformity are the late symptoms. Certain syndromes have specific symptoms like • nocturnal increase in pain with disturbed sleep - Carpal tunnel syndrome and Tarsal tunnel syndrome • Vasomotor disturbances such as changes in skin color and temperature - thoracic outlet syndrome • Motor weakness may precede sensory disturbances because of the predominance of motor fibers within the Ulnar nerve as in Cubital tunnel • Frequent dropping of objects - Ulnar nerve involvement
  • 33. SIGNS • Sensory loss in the distribution of the nerve • Wasting of the muscles supplied by the nerve • Deformities of the hand/leg due to selective involvement of the muscles like clawed hand in ulnar involvement, foot drop in common peroneal involvement • Trophic ulcers in the distribution of the nerve in long standing sensory nerve involvement • Flick sign- To relieve the symptoms, patients often “flick” their wrist as if shaking down a thermometer in Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • 34. TINELS SIGN Tapping of the nerve at the site of involvement produces paresthesia all along the distribution of the nerve
  • 35. PHALENS MANEUVER It reproduces the symptoms in Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • 36. ROOS TEST Elevated arm stress test to induce reproduction of the neurological symptoms in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • 37. WRIGHT TEST Progressive shoulder abduction to reproduce the symptoms in Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • 38. ADSON TEST Full neck extension and head rotation toward the side being examined, during deep inhalation, to detect a reduction in radial pulse amplitude in thoracic outlet syndrome
  • 39. WARTENBERG SIGN In ulnar nerve compression the third volar interosseous muscle is weak and allows the extensor digiti minimi to abduct the fifth finger during extension causing finger catching while placing the affected hand in pocket.
  • 40. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF CUBITAL TUNNEL SYNDROME Differential Diagnosis of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome • Spinal cord Cervical spondylotic myelopathy Cervical syrinx Cervical spinal cord tumor • Nerve root Motoneuron disease(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-initial stages ) C8 or T1 radiculopathy • Peripheral nerve Brachial plexopathy (lower trunk or medial cord) • Ulnar nerve Nerve sheath tumor Ulnar nerve compression at the arcade of Struthers. Ulnar nerve entrapment at Guyon's canal • Other Peripheral neuropathy Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • 41. Differential Diagnoses for Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Spinal Cervical disk disease or foraminal stenosis Cervical spinal cord tumor Cervical syrinx Peripheral nerve Brachial plexitis Median nerve entrapment neuropathy Ulnar nerve entrapment neuropathy Nerve sheath tumor Orthopedic Shoulder abnormalities (rotator cuff injury) Other Complex regional pain syndrome Fibromyalgia Apical lung lesion (Pancoast's tumor)
  • 42. INVESTIGATIONS X-rays - To see for any fractures, osteophyte formation, hypertrophic changes, cervical rib Ultrasound - to see for abnormal contents like tumors, cysts, varicosities, edema of the surrounding structures. • Refinements of the techniques has allowed direct visualization of neural structures and associated sites of constriction or compression. • Entrapped peripheral nerves appear swollen, hypo echoic or flattened. • Is found useful and highly sensitive is CTS, UN entrapment, suprascapular, axillary and radial neuropathies
  • 43. ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY • Electrophysiology is an important investigation • EMG and NCSs use different means of measuring action potentials of nerve axons or muscle fibers • SNAP(Sensory nerve action potentials ) and CMAP(Compound Muscle Action Potential) are recorded on both the limbs for comparison and in different nerves of same limb to rule out symmetric involvement. • These recordings should be done across the suspected area of the lesion • Recording should be done by inching technique. • In entrapments generally the latency is increased, conduction velocity is reduced and amplitude is reduced in later stages.
  • 44. CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME • Important objective information to support the diagnosis of CTS. • Palmar sensory latency - most sensitive test . • Distal motor latency may be normal in 25% of patients. • Sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) are either unrecordable or of low amplitude at the wrist. • Helpful in grading the severity of CTS. In mild CTS, SNAP or mixed nerve action potential (NAP)- prolonged SNAP amplitude- below the lower limit of normal. In moderate CTS, findings of mild CTS plus prolongation of median motor distal latency In severe CTS, median motor and sensory distal latencies-prolonged, absent SNAPs or mixed NAPs or absent or reduced thenar compound motor action potentials or both. • Fibrillations, reduced recruitment, and changes in motor unit potential are often seen in severe cases.
  • 45. CUBITAL TUNNEL SYNDROME • Prolonged motor and sensory latency across the elbow but normal latency in the distal part of the forearm. • Motor conduction velocities of less than 50 m/sec across the elbow also suggest entrapment at the elbow. • Electromyography of ulnar-innervated muscles may show reduced voluntary motor units, fibrillations, increased insertional activity, and other electro physiologic signs of denervation
  • 46. POSTERIOR INTEROSSEOUS NERVE ENTRAPMENT • Needle electromyographic examination- denervation potentials in innervated muscles and absence of same in muscles directly innervated by radial nerve localises lesion to PIN. • Further absence in extensor carpi radialis brevis and supinator localises to arcade of Frohse. • Nerve conduction velocity studies show slowing across entrapment site.
  • 47. THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME • In true neurogenic TOS,EMG shows reduced motor units under voluntary control in hand muscles. • Needle examination of cervical paraspinal muscles –normal • Maximal motor conduction velocity may be slowed in the median nerve but normal in the ulnar nerve, and distal motor latencies for both nerves are normal. • Compound motor action potentials(CMAP) over thenar muscles are reduced in situations of marked axonal loss, whereas those over the hypothenar muscles are generally normal. • Sensory nerve action potentials(SNAP) recorded at the median nerve in the wrist have normal amplitude and latency, but they are often small or absent from the ulnar nerve after stimulation of the fifth finger. • In disputed neurogenic TOS, electrophysiologic studies are normal. • Nerve conduction velocities(NCV) for the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve abnormal in patients with neurogenic TOS in the absence of other electrophysiologic findings
  • 48. TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME • Tibial motor nerve conduction-prolonged, distal onset latency when recorded over the abductor hallucis and abductor digit minimi. • Mixed nerve conduction studies of the medial and lateral plantar nerves- prolonged peak latency or slowed velocity • Sensory nerve conduction of the two nerves may be slowed or absent across the tarsal tunnel.
  • 49. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING • Greater sensitivity in the detection of peripheral nerve inflammation. • MRI techniques useful in patients with normal electrophysiological studies or in those with an underlying systemic neuropathy altering the electrophysiological results. • A normal nerve appears isointense to muscle in all sequences • Nerve thickening or nerve enlargement on MRI signifies inflammation. • Nerve may be enlarged proximally to the point of constriction • Increased signal intensity within inflamed peripheral nerves seen on short tau inversion recovery (STIR) images or fat-suppressed T2- weighted spin echo images. • Muscles that are innervated by the distal portion of the entrapped nerves appear bright on T2 and STIR thus confirming the identity of the nerve.
  • 50. Axial STIR image through the distal forearm of a patient who has surgically confirmed AIN syndrome. In the T1-weighted image (A), atrophy of the PQ (arrows) is seen. In the STIR image (B), increased signal within the PQ is visible, but there is also increased signal without atrophy in FDP1 and FDP2 (arrows).
  • 51. MRI • May suggest adhesion of nerve to surrounding tissue. • Magnetic resonance neurography is useful in demonstrating nerve position in relation to an adjacent joint placed in varying degrees of flexion. • After denervation MRI changes in denerved muscle precedes the EMG change. • Inflammatory conditions of the nerves also enhance on T2 but the enhancement is more diffuse. • Inflammatory conditions, tumors and traumatic neuromas enhance with current contrast but entrapped nerves do not enhance. • Also useful in the detection of mass lesions
  • 52. NEWER TECHNIQUES IN MRI • DTI(diffusion Tensor Imaging ) is used to track the nerves, can be used for viewing changes at the microscopic structure of the nerve at and proximal to the entrapment which are not seen on T2 or STIR • 3D pulse sequences-high quality image reformatting in all planes. It has been applied to brachial plexus and sciatic nerves and has shown promise for being able to show longitudinal images of nerves over long segments thus identifying areas of focal narrowing or extrinsic compression
  • 53. (A) T1-weighted image of excised human median nerve, obtained on a 3-T magnetic resonance microscopy system. (B) Light microscopy of the same nerve. These are not seen in normal imaging techniques.
  • 54. NEWER TECHNIQUES IN MRI • Newer agents like Gadoflurine –M (not yet available for human use) and Vasovist having longer clearance values from blood due to tight protein binding are seen to produce enhancement in demyelinating and degenerating peripheral nerves which otherwise fail to enhance on conventional contrast agents may become useful in entrapments also. • Magic angle effect-Water containing longitudinally arranged proteins as in nerves and collagen when makes an angle of 55⁰ with main magnetic field it appears more bright on T2 and STIR
  • 55. CAN MRI REPLACE ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY? • In syndromes where the nerves are deep and recording is not practical MRI definitely is the preferred technique • IN CTS where both can be employed, many RCTs have been done to look for the sensitivity and specificity of the results of each of these 2 modalities. In CTS it can be concluded that MRI has some what inferior accuracy to nerve conduction studies but is preferred by patients as it is non invasive, fast and also contributes additional information. • In ulnar nerve entrapment at elbow MRI has a sensitivity of (>95%) as compared to nerve conduction studies (60-70%). Bland JD. Carpal tunnel syndrome. Curr Opin Neurol 2005;18:581–5. Vucic S, Cordato DJ, et al. Utility of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. Clin Neurophysiol 2006;117:590–5
  • 56. • In piriformis syndrome MRI has shown 93% specificity for two findings namely T2 hyperintense signal of the sciatic nerve in the sciatic notch and piriformis asymmetry • In peroneal nerve entrapment, MRI is useful in distinguishing this condition from L5 root involvement by demonstrating the additional involvement of Tibialis posterior and popliteus in L5 root involvement apart from involvement of TA,ED,PL in both cases. MRI can demonstrate causes like ganglionic cysts and origin of these cysts(joint vs. nerve)
  • 58. NON-SURGICAL GENERAL • Splints, physical therapy, ultrasound therapy, ice and heat therapy, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) • Corticosteroids (either oral or direct ) • Avoid positions that trigger pain • Lifestyle modification: avoidance of activities that exacerbate or provoke symptoms • Correcting poor posture • Nerve blocks • Muscle denervation through targeted injection of botulinum toxin • Psychological counseling
  • 59. SPECIFIC • Resting the affected shoulder as in suprascapular entrapment • Weight reduction in obese people in meralgia paresthetica • Physiotherapy-example, Piriformis stretching exercises • Sports massage techniques
  • 62. LOCAL STEROID INJECTION • The benefit of steroid treatment is transient. • About 50% of the nerves become worse within 6 months and 90% within 18 months. • Only a small percentage (8%) of the nerves remain improved at the 2-years follow-up. Paolo Girlanda et al. Local steroid treatment in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome short- and long- term efficacy:Journal of Neurology Volume 240, Number 3, 187-190
  • 63. SURGICAL TREATMENT • Release of the constriction is the main surgical treatment. • The timing of surgery, type and extent of surgery is much debated aspect. Patients with motor deficits invariably require surgical decompression at the earliest, if any improvement is expected. This is undebatable. Dilemma regarding timing and decision for surgery is present in following group of patients 1. Patients with only pain 2. Pain without motor symptoms with normal electrophysiology 3. Controversial syndromes
  • 64. SURGICAL OPTIONS FOR CTS METHODS • OPEN REDUCTION Goal is complete excision of flexor retinaculum. A 3- to 4-cm straight or slightly curvilinear incision, starting at distal wrist crease and ending at a point intercepting an imaginary line (Kaplan's) drawn from the distal border of the extended thumb to the pisiform prominence, in line with the long axis of the radial side of the ring finger. TCL divided at midpoint, once median nerve visualized, TCL incised both proximally and distally. The distal TCL incised till deep palmar fat pad is visualized
  • 65. In mini open approach, 1.5-3 cm incision is given. ENDOSCOPIC TECHNIQUES- Uniportal technique 1.Okutsu technique 2.Agee technique. Biportal technique 1.Chow technique 2.Brown technique
  • 66. OPEN vs. ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY IN CTS • Cochrane collaboration did a systemic review of 33 studies looking at return to work or normal daily activity, complications. They found transient nerve dysfunction was more in endoscopic ones compared to open ones, the latter had more wound complications. They concluded that no strong evidence to suggest replacement of standard OCTR with ECTR. • In 2004,Thoma and colleagues performed meta-analysis and found no statistically significant difference in pain or return to work. • Atroshi and colleagues published a RCT. Primary outcome was severity of postoperative incisional or palmar pain and secondary outcomes were length of work absence ,severity of CTS symptoms and functional status at intervals up to 1 year. In the end they questioned the cost-effectiveness of endoscopy as there was no difference in the outcome Eichhorn J, Dietrich K. Open versus endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Results of a prospective study. Chir Praxis. 2003;61:279
  • 67. ULNAR NERVE ENTRAPMENT Types 1. Simple decompression (with or without medial epicondylectomy) 2. Anterior subcutaneous transposition 3. Intramuscular transposition 4. Submuscular transposition Simple or in situ decompression- of the UN, which involves unroofing of the cubital tunnel, is the easiest and most commonly used option. Once decompression is completed, the elbow is flexed and extended to look for nerve subluxation and stretch.
  • 68. Anterior subcutaneous or sub muscular transposition • Complete external neurolysis of the Ulnar nerve(UN) must be performed. • Articular branches and small vessels tethering the UN need to be divided. • A distal segment of the medial intermuscular septum must be excised to prevent tethering or compression of the transposed UN • In anterior subcutaneous transposition, the nerve is brought anterior to the medial epicondyle, and a fascial sling is created to hold the nerve in place • In the case of submuscular transposition, the origin of the flexor- pronator mass is isolated and divided in a step-cut or Z-plasty configuration, with a proximal cuff of muscle and fascia left intact. • Arm is placed in a sling for approximately 3 weeks
  • 69. • Recently, endoscope has been used to decompress the UN at the elbow. Through a 2 to 3 cm incision over the course of the UN at the elbow, it is possible to decompress up to 10 cm proximal and 10 cm distal to the medial epicondyle
  • 70. INSITU DECOMPRESSION vs. TRANSPOSITION IN ULNAR ENTRAPMENT • In 2007, Zlowodzki and coauthors published a meta-analysis of four randomized controlled trials that comparing in situ decompression and anterior transposition • A total of 261 patients with an average follow-up of 21 months were included in this study. The results of this analysis found no significant difference in clinical outcome or postoperative nerve conduction velocity between in situ decompression, subcutaneous transposition, and sub muscular transposition • In initial cases at the end of insitu decompression with flexion and extension of the elbow if there is no tension in the nerve, there is no need for transposition • Transposition is often procedure of choice in recurrent cases or in patients with significant ulnar nerve subluxation Zlowodzki M, Chan S, Bhandari M, et al. Anterior transposition compared with simple decompression for treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome. A metaanalysis of randomized, controlled trials. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007;89:2591
  • 71. SUPRASCAPULAR ENTRAPMENT • Sectioning of the suprascapular ligament is treatment of choice in people not improving with conservative treatment • Posterior approach is generally used • Anterior supraclavicular approach has not gained popularity • Sequence of recovery is pain relief followed by gain of motor strength, atrophy if at all reverses at the end • Arthroscopic and endoscopic methods have been developed and recent RCTs favor endoscopy as it is associated with less complications Tubbs RS, Loukas M, Shoja MM, et al. Endoscopically assisted decompression of the suprascapular nerve in the supraspinous fossa: a cadaveric feasibility study. Laboratory investigation. J Neurosurg 2007;107:1164–7.
  • 72. ANTERIOR INTEROSSEUS SYNDROME • Conservative management for 8-12 weeks as most cases recover spontaneously • SURGICAL TREATMENT-explore the nerve and divide the constricting band which is commonly found near the origin of the nerve.
  • 73. POSTERIOR INTEROSSEUS SYNDROME • Conservative treatment for 4-8 weeks • Refractory cases, surgery is considered which involves exploration and dividing of arcade of Fosche and any other constricting bands.
  • 74. TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME • Open exploration of the TT is the preferred surgical technique • Success rates for surgical decompression of the TT have been reported to be between 44% and 93%,Success defined as resolution or improvement of symptoms, no requirement for pain medications, and the ability to return to work. • The deep fascia over the neurovascular bundle is divided proximal to the Tarsal tunnel(TT), and division is continued distally upto flexor retinaculum.. • The medial and lateral plantar nerves are followed into their separate tunnels. Both tunnels are released by dividing the fascial origin of the abductor hallucis brevis, which forms their roof. • Complete external neurolysis is usually performed
  • 75. MERALGIA PARESTHETICA • Surgical management has 2 options- Decompression of the nerve Sectioning of the nerve • A horizontal or curvilinear vertical incision medial to ASIS is used to locate the nerve. • All possible constricting bands to be divided and free space should be made around the nerve. • Some advocate transposing the nerve medially for a straighter course.
  • 76. THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME TYPES 1. Anterior supraclavicular approach-most commonly used.Wider exposure of the supraclavicular plexus and the middle two thirds of the first rib, where most potential anomalous fibrous bands are attached. 2. Transaxillary approach with first rib resection- Advantage is, it allows easy and almost complete access to the first rib, unhindered by adjacent neurovascular structures 3. Posterior subscapular approach-excellent exposure of the C8 and T1 spinal nerves and the lower trunk of the brachial plexus. Useful in patients who have previously undergone anterior approaches or received radiation therapy to the area.
  • 77. COMMON PERONEAL NERVE ENTRAPMENT • Surgical decompression of the nerve • Excision of the offending lesion E.g., intra neural or extra neural tumors or masses. • Open decompression is recommended between third and fourth months if symptoms persist or recovery is incomplete, even if the patient has only sensory symptoms that have been substantiated by electro physiologic studies. • Surgery involves exposure of the nerve, decompression by releasing the tendinous arch and other bands if present and reconstruction in severely damaged cases.
  • 79. RADIAL TUNNEL SYNDROME CONTRAVERSIES • There is considerable doubts as to whether this clinical entity or anatomical tunnel exists • It is differentiated from PIN syndrome(which involves loss of motor function ) by presence of pain and tenderness over proximal radial forearm without weakness. Recent studies have shown that patients diagnosed clinically and electro physiologically as Radial tunnel syndrome had MRI T2 and STIR hyper intense signal changes in the muscles innervated by PIN, indicating its involvement • ENMG is usually normal • The duration of recommended conservative management in cases with or without weakness has wide variation among different studies. There is no study comparing non surgical treatment with the surgery treatment. • Effectiveness of the surgical decompression of the PIN was found to be in the range of 67% to 95% in different studies.
  • 80. PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME CONTRAVERSIES/CONFUSIONS • Gluteal trauma with hematoma, injection palsy, compression, hip arthroplasty, hip fracture, or endometrial Implant can cause proximal sciatic nerve compression near to piriformis and hence need to be differentiated before labelling proximal sciatic nerve compression as piriformis syndrome • How much a small structure like piriformis muscle can compress the sciatic nerve is very doubtful. • SPASM-Abnormal leg movement(external rotation ) is never described, So is spasm isometric ? Nerve compression? • The PS is the only entrapment neuropathy attributable to a muscle. • Pace test –sciatic pain with abduction of the hip against resistance. Freiburg test- pain with forced internal rotation, stretching the muscle. Diametrically opposite tests causing same compression? • Freiburg test should decompress the nerve by stretching the muscle, removing the pressure and improving the symptoms.
  • 81. THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME CONTROVERSIES • The most common variety is the disputed neurogenic one making upto 97% of TOS • The diagnostic tests are exceptionally sensitive and have poor specificity. • The provocative tests have been found to be abnormal in control groups to the extent of 2/3rd in RCTs • In proximal entrapments the role of electrophysiology is limited as distal recording will be normal and localisation is difficult(even in true thoracic syndromes). • The diagnosis of disputed TOS is by clinical signs and symptoms as elctrophysiology doesn’t show any abnormality. • On MRI nerve compression has been found in only few about 7% of symptomatic patients. • Patients with disputed type undergoing surgery can develop objective deficits which were absent before. Roos DB. Thoracic outlet syndrome is underdiagnosed.Muscle Nerve 1999;22:126–9 [discussion 136–7]
  • 82. OUTCOME OF SURGICAL TREATMENT Outcome is good in well recognized and common entrapments like Carpal tunnel syndrome: • Open method-improvement in pain-87%,paresthesias-92% • Endoscopy- upto 82% patients had complete resolution of symptoms (Hankins et al) • In controversial syndromes like Thoracic outlet syndrome- Resolution of pain or paresthesias, or both is seen in 50% to 60% of patients and a partial response in another 20% to 30%. • Hankins CL, Brown MG, Lopez RA, et al. A 12-year experience using the Brown two-portal endoscopic procedure of transverse carpal ligament release in 14,722 patients: defining a new paradigm in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;120:1911. • Maxey TS, Reece TB, Ellman PI, et al. Safety and efficacy of the supraclavicular approach to thoracic outlet decompression. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;76:396.
  • 83. COMPLICATIONS Complications are few: General Scarring, operative site pain and pain with movement, injury to cutaneous nerves and paresthesia, injury to adjacent neurovascular structures, neuroma formation • Approach related deficits like weakness due to muscle dissection, fascial cutting • Requirement for re-exploration Specific complications Chylothorax, pneumothorax, phrenic nerve injury,supraclavicular numbness in Thoracic outlet syndrome surgeries • Hernia formation due to inguinal ligament cutting in treatment of meralgia paresthetica • Carpal tunnel release surgeries-Incomplete sectioning of the TCL is the most common complication . Injury to the palmar cutaneous branch (PCB) of the median nerve is the second most common complication. Severance of the thenar motor branch (TMB) of the median nerve
  • 85. SURGICAL OUTCOME OF ULNAR NERVE LESIONS AT ELBOW. • Patients with ulnar nerve injuries who underwent secondary nerve repair had improvement in 64.7% cases. • Best results when done within 6 months of trauma. Dr.Gopalakrishnan MS,Dissertation for MCh in neurosurgery,NIMHANS 2005.
  • 86. AN ASSESSMENT OF REGENERATION IN RAT SCIATIC NERVE • Uptake of pretreated (cold preserved) allografts better with primary suturing. Dr.Shaji KR ,Dissertation for MCh in Neurosurgery, NIMHANS 2000.
  • 87. PERIPHERAL NERVE REGENERATION ACROSS COLD PRESERVED NERVE ALLOGRAFTS IN RATS . • Cold preservation reduces host immune response to allograft. • Co-relation noted between functional, electrophysiological and histological outcome in rats. • Laminin has an important role in nerve regeneration Dr.Dhananjay I Bhat, Dissertation for MCh in Neurosurgery, NIMHANS 2003.
  • 88. BRACHIAL PLEXUS INJURIES -OUTCOME FOLLOWING NEUROTIZATION • Intercostal nerve neurotization for Brachial plexus (avulsions) is a viable option. • Results with Axillary nerve neurotization better than musculocutaneous nerve. • Good functional outcome if done within 6 months of denervation (Early diagnosis important) Dr.Aliasgar Moiyadi, Dissertation for MCh Neurosurgery,NIMHANS 2005. J Neurosurg 107:308-313, 2007
  • 89. TO SUMMARISE • Entrapment neuropathies are far more common than thought to be • These syndromes are under-diagnosed • With advances in investigations like MRI more cases can be diagnosed and less controversies in decision regarding management • Conservative management initially • Surgery for appropiate patients • Response to surgery is good overall • Most of these entrapments can be relieved under local anasthesia on daycare bases with good results • Complications can be reduced by better anatomical knowledge