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Gram : CENBOSEC, Delhl - 92
L-Mall:                                                                                           Phones: 011-22542693
   webslte:                                                                                           Fax: 011-22057089

                                          CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION
        (An Autonomous Organlsatlon under the Unlon Mlnlstry of Human Resource Development GoTjt. of I n i l d
                    "SHIKSHA KENDRA", 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE, PREET VIHAF,                                          DELHI - 110091

    C~SE/CU/1NSP1RE-2012/06576                                                                                             Dated : 06/06/12

Advisory Note to the Candidate for Eligibility in Scholarship for Higher Education
                   (SHE) Component under INSPIRE Scheme.
It is certified that Roll No.4641231 Mr./Ms.DAWN JOSE
ward of Shri T J JOSEPH                                         qualifies for award of
Scholarship for Higher Educaiton (SHEIunder innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired
Research (INSPIRE) by virtue of performance within top 1% of the Senior School Certificate
Examination 2012 (Class XII) co.nducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
held during the academic session ending March/April 2012.

Perfsrmance in top 1% in Class XI1 Board Examination and enrolment into education in Basic
a?a Natural Sclence courses at B.Sc./Integrated M.Sc. or M.S. levels qualify eligibility
ailtomat~.zallyfor Scholarship for yigher Education of GO1 valued at Rs. 8'0,000 per yea: for
five years.
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Sclence courses (like Mathematics or Statistics or Physics or Chemistry or Sire 5 L , L k . : b,
(Botany and Zoology), in any University or College in India recognized by UGC, India,
the candidate is advised to register in Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) through
on-line registration at or through an
appilcation to the Department of Science and Technology by dowploading the application
and attaching this Advisory Note and avail the eligibility for scholarship.

                                                                                                                                                ','    /
                                                                                                                            '   (B M (I;UPrrA)

It L S Certlfled that Roll No. 4641231 Mr./Ms. DAWN ,JOSE
ward sf Shri T J JOSEPH                             is a bonafide student of

                                                                         .lawahar    Navodaya Vidyalaya
                                                                         WoQm M l a p p u r m
12 Kc-.~il~>                                                                http:' ~hsercs~~lt.liic.i~~ I
                                                                                                 ~1.:. . !.?I   c!?h,;   1220 i-..;.;

                                                                           Exam ination Resu Its 2012
                                                           Brought to you b j

               Roll No:
               Mother's Name:                         LIZAMMA MATHEW
               Father's Name:                        T J JOSEPH

                  SUB CODE        SUB NAME                               MARKS
                      30 1        ENGLISH CORE                           095
                                            b    '

                      04 1        MATHEMATICS                            090
                      04 2        PHYSICS                                095
                      04 3        CHEMISTRY           I                  095
                      04 4        BIOLOGY                                097                       oorakam Qzhrnuri! j
                                                                                                I%                 P;

                      500         WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                          PIN: 676 519        .-
                      502         PHY 8 HEACrH EDUCA
                      503         GENERAL STUDIES
                                  Result: PASS

                           Note: Abbreviations used against Result:
                  N.E.- Not Eligibile. R.W. - Result Withheld, R.L. -#Result~ate'r,
                   UFM - Unfairmeqns. XXXX - Improvement, SJD - Subjudice

                Disclaimer: Neither NIC nor CBSE IS responsible for any inadvertel-~t
                                                                                    error that may
               have crept In the results being published on NET The results published on net are for
                ~mmediate  information to the examinees. These cannot be treated as original mark
                      sheets. Original mark gheets have been issued by the Board separately
-                                  ,   ,                             F

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                                                             mesfsa;         *r
                                                                              q,     201 0
                                ALL INDIA                SECONDARY SCHOOL EXAMINATION, 201 0

                   This is to certify that           b h JOSE
                   z4141332                              SO~IM&@&
                                                         -     of

                   Smt.          LIZAMMA MATHEW

                   & Shrl T J JOSEPH

         :+        .
                   Born on      "ckf%            FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED NINETY FOUR

               ;   % 4 W m d , .z0103 * 1 v ~ 3
                    ,                  9 * - m ,                                                      #

                   qualifled the Secon lary Schooi Examination of the Board held in March, ;!OlrJ


                   from              NAVO~IAYA
                                             VlDYALAYA VADAvATHooR KoTTAYiiM KL
           . In the following subjects :-
         .- E N G L ~ HLNG -LIT.
          *.                                                  MALAYALAM                        MATHEMATICS

                   SCIENCE                                    SOCIAL SCIENCE


               Delhi                                                                                          iM   1::   Sharma)
               R;rrJi                                                                                                             r ? r i ~ c
               Dated            28-05-201 0                                                     Con troller of Exam~nations
               ~ r s o ~ : * t 4 o n R a r ~ l ~ ~ m , j ~ r m * ~ o m d t s ~ 9 m m ! n l ~ ~ ~ ~ 1
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                                                                        CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATiO!!
                                                                                                        ~ ~ ~ f a F . l i m
                                                                             STATEMENT OF SUBJECT WISE PERFORMANCE
                                                                                     qlPAfZm; ~ i ; l q T , 2010
                                                                               SECONDARY SCHOOL EXAMINATIOF!, 2010
                                         ALL, I N D I A                                                                                    -13                        Roll No.

                                              T J JOSEPH

                                                 ENGLISH LNG & L I T .

                                                 SOCIAL                 SCIENCE


~.I N Q ~ :&fp&ymMqhfl?+w & H f i m a a & ; ~ ~ ~ q ~ f q y , j j . ; f d.fir                                                                                                   [;f   ik,i !I;;.   ./.:
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                      The CQP/J is thr average of Grade Points obtained in all the sub~scls
                                                                                                  addit~onal6m subject 6s iper Sc:i;,!nt$ i~
                                                                                                                                           fi':                      ':I#
                      h ~ @ ~ m m ' a s n & + ? d ~ d ~ k ~ ~ f 8 ; s l ~ ~ ; r ; r n i :
$2. .     "           An             equivalence    dt ~ r a d e and Percentage of Marks c a n be assessed as rollow.
                  '               M*
              '       X-                  M i T f ? l V W l = 9.5 > fVW57                                          e     perce!llage r fn w i r = 9 5 r C i l l of ir
                                                                                                      Subject w ~ mdic~lwe                                                        i i:,r

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                                                                                 CENTRAL BOARD O F SECOSDARY EDUCATION
                                                                                 A L L INDIA PRE-MEDICALIPKE-DENTAL. ENTRANCE EXAMINAT101(-2012
                                                                                 Admit Card (Prelirninarj Examination)

                                                                                       - --. -
                                                                                            .    ~            ~                                             --         - --     -                  -
                                                                                                                                                                                                    I --          -~    --           -   ---.I
         , Roll                                                                                                                          Registration No.:                                             329896

                                                                                 j 1016348                                                                                                         I
                 (       :~ntlid:~tc'
                                    3:lmc:                                       / DAWN JOSE                                                                                                           ~

                 k:tther'$ :~rnc:                                                 T J JOSEPH
         - -
         ; (.;~tegor!:
                                  -     -

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                                                                                 / 03/02/ I 994                                  ----LC~"~~~:
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                                                                                 /101-04-2012                                                                                                      b(; 1 ~ ~
         r               ~

         [Ilate J 'lime o f Examination:
                 :                                                                                                                      Question Paper Language::                                    1 .
                                                                                 1   10 A M to i .0O         P b1 (IST)                   --       .
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         I I<ani <'enter itltlress:                                             I NALANDA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                                                                 I KIITHAP.AI)Y T H A M M A N A M P.O.
                                                                                 I KOCHI

         1           .       .


         ( ( ontmller o f
                                                                                                                              . .-..-
             It ;lminwtion
             ~                                                           -                                            Signature o f ~and'idate

         Note :
         FIcase dffix p l i u t o y r a ( ~ h pasted o n conflrmatiun pag

             .                          Please check your Name, Date of Birth, Cate

                                        Nc cand~date
                                                           shall be admitted t o the E

                                                                                                                                                                            +   -.
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                                                                                                                                                                                       n           r.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   7n      ,. .   % -
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             <                          N,; E a ~ ~ d i d a wlthout an Admit Card shall be allowed
                                                            te                                                                           t ' i b y t h e Centre Superinter- dents

             i             cand~date    shall be allowed t o leave the Examination Hall before the conclusion o f the t e s t and w i t h o l ~ t ! a n ~ l l ~*~ v t~. ! ill<.
                                        Nti                                                                                                               l              >i - i
                  4nswcr Sher't t o the I n v ~ g ~ l a t o r .
                 s or4tlldert3., ~ l w ~ t(Ileck anil ensure that the Test Booklet contams as many number of pages as a!-e w r l t t ~ i ]
                                               ld                                                                                                                0 1 i b c I J I. 1 r

                 :rle :O,J~I-       gage.
                  ; I , < , ,.d~~Il,iates slidll n o t reiliove any page(s) f r o ~ nthe Test Booitlet and if any p a g e ( s j ~ s i a r e
                                                                                                                                          found r ~ ~ i s s i nfruri, i113jtierTt:s;
                 Booklet, heishe WIII be l~able crlmlnal actlon.
             :   Cand~dates          should b r ~ n g o o d qlrallty blue/black ball point pens for the e x a m ~ n a t ~ o n .
             !C Cand~dates            should use blue/black ball polnt pen only t o wrlte pa31cularso n the cover page of Test Booklet, A:!s:?: Shcet and
                 for rlarken~rlg        the circles o f responses.
             . ! Calculators, Log tables, Calculating devices, Mobile Phones. Pagers & Other Communication Devices, Side Rules,
                 Geometry Box and Textual material etc, are not allowed inside the premises where examination is being
             ii u s t fo~lov!t h e ~ristructions t ~ ~ c tas contamed in the information Bulletin.
                                      m                                 s        ly
             :: 'he Admit Card is Issued prov~sionallyto the cand~date                   subject to nls/her satisfying the el~g~bility      condlt~o;ls
             :4  ;,I, , . o ~ ~ ~ p l e o ~ the test, cand~date u s t handover the Answer Sheet t o the Invigilator and t a k e away w i t h ~ ? I I I~ V , ~
                                          t f on                     m                                                                                                    I only rtre
                  :es: Booklet.
             i i T1. caiid~dates
                       e                  who qual~fy1 1the P r e l ~ m ~ n a Examination shall be Issued a separate A d r n ~ t
                                                            1                 ry                                                      Card for the F ~ n aE x d ~ l ~ ~ r i d ~ l o r l .
             lb. A  ,        ;-*-:----- qt of instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.

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4.16.24 21st Century Movements for Black Lives.pptx

Dawn jose

  • 1. Gram : CENBOSEC, Delhl - 92 L-Mall: Phones: 011-22542693 webslte: Fax: 011-22057089 CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (An Autonomous Organlsatlon under the Unlon Mlnlstry of Human Resource Development GoTjt. of I n i l d "SHIKSHA KENDRA", 2, COMMUNITY CENTRE, PREET VIHAF, DELHI - 110091 C~SE/CU/1NSP1RE-2012/06576 Dated : 06/06/12 Advisory Note to the Candidate for Eligibility in Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) Component under INSPIRE Scheme. It is certified that Roll No.4641231 Mr./Ms.DAWN JOSE ward of Shri T J JOSEPH qualifies for award of Scholarship for Higher Educaiton (SHEIunder innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) by virtue of performance within top 1% of the Senior School Certificate Examination 2012 (Class XII) co.nducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi held during the academic session ending March/April 2012. Perfsrmance in top 1% in Class XI1 Board Examination and enrolment into education in Basic a?a Natural Sclence courses at B.Sc./Integrated M.Sc. or M.S. levels qualify eligibility ailtomat~.zallyfor Scholarship for yigher Education of GO1 valued at Rs. 8'0,000 per yea: for five years. b - C ...-.---. - -- ; . I - . ,.- , . .. -uL-...--u- d . . -..;c;:2t.2d f.,uJLe; ' S i:'.:5; F;i;jidr&7 ii, -e - . , r * .->, .. Sclence courses (like Mathematics or Statistics or Physics or Chemistry or Sire 5 L , L k . : b, (Botany and Zoology), in any University or College in India recognized by UGC, India, the candidate is advised to register in Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) through on-line registration at or through an appilcation to the Department of Science and Technology by dowploading the application and attaching this Advisory Note and avail the eligibility for scholarship. ',' / ' (B M (I;UPrrA) ADVISOR It L S Certlfled that Roll No. 4641231 Mr./Ms. DAWN ,JOSE ward sf Shri T J JOSEPH is a bonafide student of 06576 J NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA OORAKAM MALAPPURAM KERALA .lawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya WoQm M l a p p u r m
  • 2. 12 Kc-.~il~> http:' ~hsercs~~lt.liic.i~~ I ~1.:. . !.?I c!?h,; 1220 i-..;.; Exam ination Resu Its 2012 Brought to you b j Roll No: Name: Mother's Name: LIZAMMA MATHEW Father's Name: T J JOSEPH SUB CODE SUB NAME MARKS 30 1 ENGLISH CORE 095 b ' 04 1 MATHEMATICS 090 04 2 PHYSICS 095 04 3 CHEMISTRY I 095 04 4 BIOLOGY 097 oorakam Qzhrnuri! j I% P; 500 WORK EXPERIENCE PIN: 676 519 .- 502 PHY 8 HEACrH EDUCA 503 GENERAL STUDIES Result: PASS Note: Abbreviations used against Result: N.E.- Not Eligibile. R.W. - Result Withheld, R.L. -#Result~ate'r, UFM - Unfairmeqns. XXXX - Improvement, SJD - Subjudice Disclaimer: Neither NIC nor CBSE IS responsible for any inadvertel-~t error that may have crept In the results being published on NET The results published on net are for ~mmediate information to the examinees. These cannot be treated as original mark sheets. Original mark gheets have been issued by the Board separately
  • 3. - , , F .. . , ' y " r -F 1 * d 25ifj109 (~16565) -*$$%:t.arei2Ti=qeF -', ,* f4' . .,- -. --.~a-w~;,,* h41ari; 6 L rt . L, ,, . I . ? P ",, OLmfrnl garb ~f $ecalzbarp .7 (.A !;:I:! i:~:li:-: : MI10/06565/448128 mesfsa; *r q, 201 0 ALL INDIA SECONDARY SCHOOL EXAMINATION, 201 0 w*hm This is to certify that b h JOSE ~ z4141332 SO~IM&@& 1 - of Smt. LIZAMMA MATHEW * & Shrl T J JOSEPH b :+ . Born on "ckf% FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED NINETY FOUR 'i. ; % 4 W m d , .z0103 * 1 v ~ 3 , 9 * - m , # qualifled the Secon lary Schooi Examination of the Board held in March, ;!OlrJ ' I f4rms.J from NAVO~IAYA VlDYALAYA VADAvATHooR KoTTAYiiM KL ... ''d4-~iiif~m1:- . In the following subjects :- .- E N G L ~ HLNG -LIT. *. MALAYALAM MATHEMATICS SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE Q' M Delhi iM 1:: Sharma) R;rrJi r ? r i ~ c Dated 28-05-201 0 Con troller of Exam~nations .si" ~ r s o ~ : * t 4 o n R a r ~ l ~ ~ m , j ~ r m * ~ o m d t s ~ 9 m m ! n l ~ ~ ~ ~ 1
  • 4. m-.... . .L ,.- . . , ', . .," -- -.-. --.-. -. . ... CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATiO!! ~ ~ ~ f a F . l i m STATEMENT OF SUBJECT WISE PERFORMANCE qlPAfZm; ~ i ; l q T , 2010 SECONDARY SCHOOL EXAMINATIOF!, 2010 ALL, I N D I A -13 Roll No. 4141332 T J JOSEPH ENGLISH LNG & L I T . MALAYALAM SOCIAL SCIENCE a ~.I N Q ~ :&fp&ymMqhfl?+w & H f i m a a & ; ~ ~ ~ q ~ f q y , j j . ; f d.fir [;f ik,i !I;;. ./.: ., . A, *td.i;jfi +.,,i.;rr ~c):I~Y'.,!cF .; i. The CQP/J is thr average of Grade Points obtained in all the sub~scls eiclud~ng addit~onal6m subject 6s iper Sc:i;,!nt$ i~ fi': ':I# '.,<A?. h ~ @ ~ m m ' a s n & + ? d ~ d ~ k ~ ~ f 8 ; s l ~ ~ ; r ; r n i : $2. . " An equivalence dt ~ r a d e and Percentage of Marks c a n be assessed as rollow. Point ' M* -- ' X- M i T f ? l V W l = 9.5 > fVW57 e perce!llage r fn w i r = 9 5 r C i l l of ir Subject w ~ mdic~lwe i i:,r &?id . . m~~T+II-A r ~ m Y 5 = i *$ 3 ~ x O.;EI;~II 1not:a:lvu porce:nlage of m,it;ts :Y 3 x C;C. -.-- ., .. ." .." .
  • 5. I 1 - 3 1 I : 1'1.o ~ i o a n l.Idmi( C'a1.d http: : i i l ~ ~ i i t . ~ i i c . i ~ i 'o11111:). i ~ ai~i~i .': - ..~IIII~< I ~ L I ~ I ~ O ~ ,, :I CENTRAL BOARD O F SECOSDARY EDUCATION ' A L L INDIA PRE-MEDICALIPKE-DENTAL. ENTRANCE EXAMINAT101(-2012 Admit Card (Prelirninarj Examination) PKOVISIOiLAl. r- - --. - . ~ ~ -- - -- - - I -- -~ -- - ---.I , Roll Registration No.: 329896 I).: -~ j 1016348 I ! - 1 ( :~ntlid:~tc' 3:lmc: / DAWN JOSE ~ I k:tther'$ :~rnc: T J JOSEPH - - . ; (.;~tegor!: - - - - - .-- - ~OTH - -Sb a p u- - Ct- - - r- ~ ~- .- 8 r_ ~ i ~I f - - - - - II):,~C ,,f K~ITII: - / 03/02/ I 994 ----LC~"~~~: -- - -i ~-.. /101-04-2012 b(; 1 ~ ~ r ~ [Ilate J 'lime o f Examination: : Question Paper Language:: 1 . I I 1 10 A M to i .0O P b1 (IST) -- . I ,,.. .. .- - --- - -. - ~ ~ ~ , ( r.,. !nq= I-.. . . . - _ - .- - _- - . . .; - %.-- - - --7- . . I I I<ani <'enter itltlress: I NALANDA PUBLIC SCHOOL I KIITHAP.AI)Y T H A M M A N A M P.O. I KOCHI 1 . . 1 ( ( ontmller o f . .-..- It ;lminwtion ~ - Signature o f ~and'idate Note : FIcase dffix p l i u t o y r a ( ~ h pasted o n conflrmatiun pag as Inst~t~~t~or. . Please check your Name, Date of Birth, Cate r7 : 011-22509251. Ldr)il1~dteS-3l?&Dt Nc cand~date presFm-- shall be admitted t o the E -I..-Il. examination. + -. -C +.I.--..2. n r. 7n ,. . % - 2 -.-.. _ -.-. < N,; E a ~ ~ d i d a wlthout an Admit Card shall be allowed te t ' i b y t h e Centre Superinter- dents i cand~date shall be allowed t o leave the Examination Hall before the conclusion o f the t e s t and w i t h o l ~ t ! a n ~ l l ~*~ v t~. ! ill<. Nti l >i - i 4nswcr Sher't t o the I n v ~ g ~ l a t o r . s or4tlldert3., ~ l w ~ t(Ileck anil ensure that the Test Booklet contams as many number of pages as a!-e w r l t t ~ i ] ld 0 1 i b c I J I. 1 r 1 :rle :O,J~I- gage. ; I , < , ,.d~~Il,iates slidll n o t reiliove any page(s) f r o ~ nthe Test Booitlet and if any p a g e ( s j ~ s i a r e found r ~ ~ i s s i nfruri, i113jtierTt:s; r) Booklet, heishe WIII be l~able crlmlnal actlon. for : Cand~dates should b r ~ n g o o d qlrallty blue/black ball point pens for the e x a m ~ n a t ~ o n . g !C Cand~dates should use blue/black ball polnt pen only t o wrlte pa31cularso n the cover page of Test Booklet, A:!s:?: Shcet and for rlarken~rlg the circles o f responses. . ! Calculators, Log tables, Calculating devices, Mobile Phones. Pagers & Other Communication Devices, Side Rules, Geometry Box and Textual material etc, are not allowed inside the premises where examination is being conducted. ii u s t fo~lov!t h e ~ristructions t ~ ~ c tas contamed in the information Bulletin. m s ly :: 'he Admit Card is Issued prov~sionallyto the cand~date subject to nls/her satisfying the el~g~bility condlt~o;ls :4 ;,I, , . o ~ ~ ~ p l e o ~ the test, cand~date u s t handover the Answer Sheet t o the Invigilator and t a k e away w i t h ~ ? I I I~ V , ~ t f on m I only rtre :es: Booklet. i i T1. caiid~dates e who qual~fy1 1the P r e l ~ m ~ n a Examination shall be Issued a separate A d r n ~ t 1 ry Card for the F ~ n aE x d ~ l ~ ~ r i d ~ l o r l . l lb. A , ;-*-:----- qt of instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.