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2010 International Colloquium on Computing,
 Communication, Control, and Management (CCCM 2010)

2010 International Symposium on Intelligent Information
                         Processing (ISIIP2010)

                           August 20 ~ 22, 2010, Yangzhou

                  Conference Program Guide

Yangzhou University
Intelligent Information Technology Application Research Association, Hong Kong
Civil Aviation University of China
Jiangsu Computer Federation
Yangzhou Association for Science & Technology
Table of Contents

Part I   Conference Schedule

Part II Keynote Speeches
Keynote Speech 1: Prof. Volker Graefe
Keynote Speech 2: Prof. Alejandro Pazos Sierra
Keynote Speech 3: Prof. Yi Pan
Keynote Speech 4: Prof. Chin-Chen Chang
Keynote Speech 5: Prof. Jun Wang
Keynote Speech 6: Dr. Yixin Chen

Part III Oral Sessions or Poster Session
  Oral Session 1: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  Oral Session 2: System Analysis and Control
  Oral Session 3: Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation
  Oral Session 4: Theories and Methodologies of Management
  Oral Session 5: High-Performance Computing and Optimization
  Oral Session 6: Control Systems and Applications
  Oral Session 7: Signal, Image and Video Processing
  Oral Session 8: System Engineering、Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  Oral Session 9: Autonomic Computing and Technical Education
  Oral Session 10: Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  Oral Session 11: Communications Theory and Technology
  Oral Session 12: Information Management and Business Intelligence
  Oral Session 13: Software Engineering and Biomedical Informatics
  Oral Session 14: Network Communication and Security
  Oral Session 15:Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Part IV Hotel Information

Part V Instructions for Presentations

Part VI Contact Us
Part I Conference Schedule

                  August 20, 2010
                                          Yangzhou Conference
9:00-20:00          Registration

                August 21 Morning, 2010

08:00 - 08:15     Opening Ceremony

08:15 – 08:30           Photo

                  Keynote Speech 1:
08:30 -09:10
                  Prof. Volker Graefe

                  Keynote Speech 2        Academic Report
 9:10- 9:50
                 Alejandro Pazos Sierra       Hall,
                  Keynote Speech 3
9:50- 10:30                               Yangzhou Conference
                        Yi Pan

10:30-10:50          Coffee Break

                  Keynote Speech 4
                   Chin-Chen Chang
                  Keynote Speech 5
                       Jun Wang
                  Keynote Speech 6
                      Yixin Chen

                                           Banquet hall,
12:50-13:40             Lunch             Yangzhou Conference
August 21 Afternoon, 2010

                Oral Session1:
14:30 - 18:00   Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
                Meeting room 1

                Oral Session2: System Analysis and Control
14:30 - 18:00
                Meeting room 2                                       Yangzhou
                Oral Session3:
14:30 - 18:00   Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation
                Meeting room 3
                Oral Session4:                                     Coffee Break
14:30 - 18:00   Theories and Methodologies of Management
                Meeting room 4
                Oral Session 5:
14:30 - 18:00   High-Performance Computing and Optimization
                Meeting room 5

                                                             Banquet hall,
 18:20-20:00                     Banquet                    Yangzhou Conference

                                                               Hotel lobby,
                     Appreciates the night scene of
 20:10-21:10                                                 Yangzhou Conference
                            Yangzhou city
August 22 Morning, 2010

                Oral Session 6:
08:40 - 12:00   Control Systems and Applications
                Meeting room 1

                Oral Session 7:
08:40 - 12:00   Signal, Image and Video Processing
                Meeting room 2                                         Yangzhou
                Oral Session 8:                                       Conference
                System Engineering、Logistics and Supply Chain           Central
08:40 - 12:00
                Meeting room 3                                        10:10-10:30
                Oral Session 9:                                       Coffee Break
08:40 - 12:00   Autonomic Computing and Technical Education
                Meeting room 4
                Oral Session 10:
08:40 - 12:00   Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
                Meeting room 5

                                                                Banquet hall,
 12:00-13:30                       Lunch                       Yangzhou Conference

                     August 22 Afternoon, 2010

                Oral Session 11:
14:00 - 17:00   Communications Theory and Technology
                Meeting room 1

                Oral Session 12:
                Information Management             and     Business
14:00 - 17:00
                Intelligence                                           Yangzhou
                Meeting room 2                                        Conference
                Oral Session 13:                                        Central
14:00 - 17:00   Software Engineering and Biomedical Informatics
                Meeting room 3                                        15:30-15:50
                Oral Session 14:                                      Coffee Break
14:00 - 17:00   Network Communication and Security
                Meeting room 4
                Oral Session 15:
14:00 - 17:00   Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
                Meeting room 5
Part II Keynote Speech

                                        Keynote Speech 1:

                                Human-Robot Communication

Speaker: Prof. Volker Graefe (Germany)
 Professor of Measurement Science, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Bundeswehr
University MuenCher1(Germany), Head of the intelligent Robots Laboratory, Faculty of
Aerospace Engineering, Bundeswehr University MuenCher1(Germany), Doctor of Sciences
in Physics, Mathematics and Oceanography.

Abstract –Present industrial robots usually must be carefully instructed, programmed and calibrated by
specialized experts before being used, and also later whenever the task or the environment changes. Such
an approach to human-robot “communication” will be quite unacceptable for the versatile service and
personal robots that we hope to have in the future and which we expect to relieve us from all kinds of
daily chores in our homes and offices. For them the services of expert engineers will be unaffordable and
they will have to co-exist, communicate and cooperate with humans who are not
knowledgeable about, and not interested in, robotics.
  A robotic assistant equipped with an ideal communication and interaction system would allow a
human to ask for what he needs in any way he chooses. Human-robot interaction would be similar to the
everyday interaction among humans. Especially when robots and robotic laymen have to interact and
collaborate, a human-like communication and interaction is desirable.
  Human conversation is usually multimodal. Multimodality enhances the richness of the
communication and interaction and allows more complex information to be conveyed than is possible
with a single or two modalities. Consequently, implementing most of the human senses and
communication channels is a prime prerequisite for cooperative and user-friendly service robots. Ideally,
they should, in addition to communication via spoken language, generate and understand gestures, body
and facial expressions and touch events, to fully support a truly human-friendly interaction.
  In their conversations humans often refer to past and current utterances and to perceived
environmental features. To understand instructions in natural language, the robot must, therefore, be
able to interpret them in a context- and situation-dependent way. To converse naturally, the robot, too,
must formulate its own utterances in a similarly context- and situation-dependent way. The variety of
possible situations the robot might find itself in, and the number of expressions the human might use,
make this a real challenge for current robot technology, in particular for perception, situation recognition
and speech understanding.
   To advance research in the field of multimodal human-robot communication we designed and built the
humanoid robot HERMES. Equipped with an omnidirectional undercarriage and two manipulator arms
it combines visual, kinesthetic, tactile, and auditory sensing with natural spoken language input and
output and body expressions for natural communication and interaction with humans. HERMES was
successfully tested in an extended six-month experiment in a museum where only naive users interacted
with the robot. They chatted with HERMES in several languages and
requested various services. Multimodal communication and an understanding of the current situation by
the robot turned out to be the key to success.

     1956 to 1964, Universities of Göttingen, Munich, Hamburg and Kiel; studies of physics, mathematics,
astrophysics and oceanography.
    1961 to 1965, University of Kiel, Germany; research in applied physics.
    1964, Doctor of Sciences degree, in physics, mathematics and oceanography (University of Kiel,
     1965 to 1969, University of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics; research in physical
    1969 to1975, Project manager with Krupp, a major German industrial corporation; management of
research and development projects in ocean engineering and computer design.
    1975 to 2003, Professor and head of the Institute of Measurement Science, Faculty of Aerospace
Engineering, Bundeswehr University Munich.
    2003, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering. Since
2003, Head of the Intelligent Robots Lab, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Bundeswehr University
     Since 2004, Visiting Professor, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering Honorary
Professor of the Changsha Institute of Technology (China). 1993-1998, Member, Administrative
Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. General chairman of the IEEE/RSJ/GI
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 1994, IROS '94. Associate Editor of the
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR). 1997, IROS Fellow and Member, IROS Advisory
Council Nakamura Prize for contributions to the advancement of the technology of intelligent robots and
systems over a decade. 1998, IAPR/MVA Prize for the most influential paper of the past decade.
Keynote Speech 2:

                    Recent Research Progress in Medical Informatics

Speaker: Alejandro Pazos Sierra, chair professor in University of La Coruña, Spain. He has
two Ph.D. degrees in:computer science, and medicine. His research interests include
artificial neural network, evolutionary computation, adaptive systems, bioinformatics,
telemedicine and tele-diagnostic.

   Abstract –The content of the talk will focus on introducing several projects undergoing in the
RNASA-IMEDIR group of University of A Courña.
   The content of the talk will focus on introducing several projects undergoing in the RNASA-IMEDIR
group of University of A Courña. Nanomedicine and Converging Technologies (NBIC) in the medical field
is to integrate nanotechnology, biomedicine, information technology and cognitive skills to find new
diagnostics for complex diseases: colorectal cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders.
Intelligent biomedical informatics is focus on associated studies in genomics and proteomics, electronic
medical records, security and medical data, epidemiological information, and biomedical image, etc.
Accessibility for disabled people is related to develop software and hardware for desktop and mobile
devices which help the disabled people to access the information technologies and communications.

     Professor Alejandro has published over 250 papers in scientific journals and international
conferences, contributed to more than 30 books, and held 17 patents. He acts as PI for more than 60
projects from Europe Union, NCI (National Cancer Institute)-USA, and Spanish national and provincial
governments. The total research budget exceeds Six million Euros. Professor Alejandro is a member of
the IEEE, ACM, International Neural Network Society, Internet Society, etc. He is the founder and
director of "Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Systems–Medical Informatics and Radiological
Diagnosis Laboratory (RNASA-IMEDIR)" in University of La Coruña. He has cooperated research with
groups in Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and Politécnica de Madrid University. He
also has worked as consultant of the Defense Ministry of Spain and the Galician regional Research and
Development plan.
Keynote Speech 3:

     From Supercomputing to Cluster Computing to Grid Computing to Cloud

                            Computing─Challenges and Solutions

Speaker: Yi Pan received the BEng and MEng degrees in computer engineering from
Tsinghua University, China, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and the PhD degree in
computer science from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1991.

    Abstract–Cloud computing has emerged rapidly as a growing paradigm of on-demand access to
computing, data and software utilities using a usage-based billing model. Users essentially rent resources
and pay for what they use and everything including software, platform, and infrastructure is as a service.
Cloud computing overlaps some of the concepts of cluster, distributed, grid, service, ubiquitous, utility
and virtual computing; However it outgrows from these computing domains and has its own meaning
now. Many mature technologies used in other computing models are also employed as components in
cloud computing. Clearly, there are still many unresolved and open problems due to its unique
characteristics which are different from supercomputing, cluster computing, grid computing, utility
computing and service computing. In this talk, I will give a review of supercomputing, cluster computing,
grid computing and cloud computing. Since the first supercomputer was developed 40 years ago, there
have been many technological changes and many programming models developed. Hence, a review of
technologies and approaches used in supercomputing, cluster computing, grid computing will be helpful
for us to identify issues and approaches in cloud computing. Comparisons of these computing domains,
their limitations and potential solutions will be included in this talk.

 Yi Pan is the chair and a professor in the Department of Computer Science and a professor in the
Department of Computer Information Systems at Georgia State University. Dr. Pan received his B.Eng.
and M.Eng. degrees in computer engineering from Tsinghua University, China, in 1982 and 1984,
respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 1991.
He is also a guest professor of many universities including Tsinghua University and Beijing University.
  Dr. Pan's research interests include parallel and distributed computing, optical networks, wireless
networks, and bioinformatics. Dr. Pan has published more than 100 journal papers with 40 papers
published in various IEEE journals. In addition, he has published over 100 papers in refereed
conferences (including IPDPS, ICPP, ICDCS, INFOCOM, and GLOBECOM). He has also
co-authored/co-edited 34 books (including proceedings) and contributed several book chapters. His
pioneer work on computing using reconfigurable optical buses has inspired extensive subsequent work
by many researchers, and his research results have been cited by more than 100 researchers worldwide in
books, theses, journal and conference papers. He is a co-inventor of three U.S. patents (pending) and 5
provisional patents, and has received many awards from agencies such as NSF, AFOSR, JSPS, IISF and
Mellon Foundation. His recent research has been supported by NSF, NIH, NSFC, AFOSR, AFRL, JSPS,
IISF and the states of Georgia and Ohio. He has served as a reviewer/panelist for many research
foundations/agencies such as the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Australian Research Council, and the Hong Kong Research
Grants Council. Dr. Pan has served as an editor-in-chief or editorial board member for 15 journals
including 5 IEEE Transactions and a guest editor for 10 special issues for 9 journals including 2 IEEE
Transactions. He has organized several international conferences and workshops and has also served as a
program committee member for several major international conferences such as INFOCOM,
  Dr. Pan has delivered over many keynote speeches at international conferences. Dr. Pan is an IEEE
Distinguished Speaker (2000-2002), a Yamacraw Distinguished Speaker (2002), a Shell Oil Colloquium
Speaker (2002), and a senior member of IEEE. He is listed in Men of Achievement, Who's Who in
Midwest, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in Computational
Science and Engineering, and Who's Who of Asian Americans.
Keynote Speech 4:
                            Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing

Speaker: Prof. Chin-Chen Chang (Taiwan), Professor, IEEE and IET Fellow
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Feng Chia University
Research Fields: Database Design, E-Business Security,
Electronic Imaging Techniques, and Computer Cryptography

Abstract –The computer technologies have grown significantly in the past years. More and more
multimedia products such as digital cameras have become popular, so digital images are shared and
transmitted widely over Internet. However, transmitting secret or important images, such as military or
commercial images, over Internet is very dangerous. Malicious users may monitor Internet and try to
eavesdrop these valuable images. To protect these images, visual cryptography is necessary for secure
communications over Internet. Herein, secret image sharing can be applied to achieve the goal of visual
cryptography. In this speech, I will talk about some visual cryptosystems based on the concept of secret
image sharing. Also, I'll talk about the concept of designing an authenticatable visual secret sharing. As
for the topic of secret image sharing, the secret image sharing scheme uses several noise-like images,
called shadows, to replace the original image transmitting over the Internet. The shadows can avoid
threats from the illegal persons to access the secret image directly. Secret image sharing techniques were
proposed to be another branch outside traditional cryptographic techniques and steganography. Based
on sharing secret images, visual cryptography for binary images, grayscale images and color images will
be introduced.


Professor Alan Chin-Chen Chang obtained his Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from Chiao Tung
University. His first degree is Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and master degree is Master of
Science in Computer and Decision Sciences. Both were awarded in Tsing Hua University. Dr. Chang
served in Chung Cheng University from 1989 to 2005. His current title is Chair Professor in Department
of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University, from Feb. 2005. Prior to
joining Feng Chia University, Professor Chang was an associate professor in Chiao Tung University,
professor in Chung Hsing University, chair professor in Chung Cheng University. He had also been
Visiting Researcher and Visiting Scientist to Tokyo University and Kyoto University, Japan. During his
service in Chung Cheng, Professor Chang served as Chairman of the Institute of Computer Science and
Information Engineering, Dean of College of Engineering, Provost and then Acting President of Chung
Cheng University and Director of Advisory Office in Ministry of Education, Taiwan.

Professor Chang’s specialties include, but not limited to, data engineering, database systems, computer
cryptography and information security. A researcher of acclaimed and distinguished services and
contributions to his country and advancing human knowledge in the field of information science,
Professor Chang has won many research awards and honorary positions by and in prestigious
organizations both nationally and internationally. He is currently a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IEE,
UK. And since his early years of career development, he consecutively won Outstanding Youth Award of
Taiwan, Outstanding Talent in Information Sciences of Taiwan, AceR Dragon Award of the Ten Most
Outstanding Talents, Outstanding Scholar Award of Taiwan, Outstanding Engineering Professor Award
of Taiwan, Chung-Shan Academic Publication Awards, Distinguished Research Awards of National
Science Council of Taiwan, Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award of the International Institute for
Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Top Fifteen Scholars in Systems and Software
Engineering of the Journal of Systems and Software, and so on. On numerous occasions, he was invited
to serve as Visiting Professor, Chair Professor, Honorary Professor, Honorary Director, Honorary
Chairman, Distinguished Alumnus, Distinguished Researcher, Research Fellow by universities and
research institutes. He also published more than 1200 papers in Information Sciences. In the meantime,
he participates actively in international academic organizations and performs advisory work to
government agencies and academic organizations.
Keynote Speech 5:

Speaker: Prof. Jun Wang, PhD, FIEEE
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong


About the Speaker: Jun Wang is a Professor and the Director of Computational Intelligence Laboratory
in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Prior to this position, he held various academic positions at Dalian University of Technology, Case
Western Reserve University, and University of North Dakota. Besides, he also holds a Cheung Kong Chair
Professorship in computer science and engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on a part-time basis
since 2008. He received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering and an M.S. degree in systems engineering
from Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in systems
engineering from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. His current research interests
include neural networks and their applications. He published over 140 journal papers, 12 book chapters,
9 edited books, and numerous conference papers in the areas. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part B since 2003 and a member of the Editorial
Advisory Board of the International Journal of Neural System since 2006. He also served as an Associate
Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (1999 – 2009) and IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics – Part C (2002-2005), a guest editor/co-editor of the special issue of European
Journal of Operational Research (1996), International Journal of Neural Systems (2007), and
Neurocomputing (2008), He was an organizer of several international conferences such as the General
Chair of the 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (2006) and the 2008 IEEE
World Congress on Computational Intelligence. He served as the President of Asia Pacific Neural
Network Assembly in 2006. He is an IEEE Fellow, an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (2010-2012) and a
recipient of the Research Excellence Award from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2008-2009) and
the First Class Shanghai natural Science Award (2009).
Keynote Speech 6:

  Conditional Random Fields: Introduction, Training Algorithms, and Extension

                                    to Semi-Supervised Learning

Speaker: Yixin Chen is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Washington
University in St Louis. His research interests include planning and scheduling,
computational optimization, data mining, and machine learning.

    Abstract– Conditional random fields (CRFs) are a class of undirected graphical models which have
been widely used for classifying and labeling sequence data. In this talk, I will first give a quick
introduction to the intuition, mathematical structure, and computational algorithms for CRF learning.
Then, I present a novel constrained nonlinear optimization formulation for addressing the acute
over-fitting problem often seen in CRF learning. The new formulation includes the prediction accuracy of
cross-validation sets as constraints. Instead of requiring multiple passes of training, the constrained
formulation allows the cross-validation be handled in one pass of constrained optimization.
Experimental results on gene and stock-price prediction tasks show that the constrained formulation is
able to significantly improve the generalization ability of CRFs. Finally, since CRF is invented for
supervised learning, I present a recent technique that extends CRF to semi-supervised learning through a
large-margin co-training framework. Promising results on medical applications are reported.

 Yixin Chen is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Washington University in St Louis. His
research interests include planning and scheduling, computational optimization, data mining, machine learning, and
cloud computing. He received a Ph.D. in Computing Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in
2005, under his advisor Dr. Benjamin Wah. He has received an Best Paper Award at the AAAI Conference in 2010.
His work on planning has won First Prizes in optimal and satisficing tracks in the International Planning
Competitions (2004 & 2006) and the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Tools for AI (2005).
He has received an Early Career Principal Investigator Award from the Department of Energy (2006) and a
Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship (2007). He serves on the Editorial Board of Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Research (JAIR) and IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), and as a Guest
Editor for ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.
Part III Oral Session
Session 1      14:30-18:00

Room           Meeting room 1

Chair          Prof. Ling CHEN, Dr.Li TU

Topics         Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

 No.                                             Title
         Outlier Mining Process Model and its application
          Huan Zhou, Lian Hu, Yi-mu Sun      79
         Research on Privacy Preserving Data Mining
         Pingshui WANG, Jiandong WANG, Xinfeng ZHU, Jian JIANG             92
         A Graph Summarization Algorithm based on RFID Logistics
         Yan Sun, Kongfa Hu, Zhipeng Lu, Li Zhao, Ling Chen     97
         Application Research on Computer Rank Examination Basing on Data Mining
         Xue Xiao-feng,Xue Xiang-hong ,Ye Fei-yue   104
         A Shell Multi-dimensional Hierarchical Cubing Approach for High-Dimensional Cube
         Shuzhi ZOU,Li ZHAO,Kongfa HU 106
         An Algorithm for Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets in Data Stream
         Caiyan Dai,Ling Chen     150
         A General Throughput Model for Parallel Cluster tools
         Zheng Xiuhong,Yu Haibin , Hu Jingtao      174
         Identity-Based Parallel Key-Insulated Encryption with Multiple Long-Term Keys
         Yanli Ren, Shuozhong Wang,Xinpeng Zhang, Zhenxing Qian         187
         Multi-Level Sequential Pattern Mining Based on Prime Encoding
         Sun Lianglei,Li Yun, Yin Jiang 228
         Research on Trustworthiness-based Grid Resource Selection Optimized Algorithm
         Xu Shun-fu, Wang Bing,Zhang Xue-jie,Zheng Shi-ming,Shao Rong-ming           283
         Identifying Useful Information in Temperature Oscillations
         Chunxia Yang, Danting Hu, Bingying Xia, Liping Zou 284
         A New R-tree Spatial Index Based on Space Grid Coordinate Division
         Guobin Li, Jine Tang 336
         Exploiting Dependency Information for Feature-based Protein-Protein Interaction
 13      Extraction
         Bing Liu ,Longhua Qian, Guodong Zhou,Qiaoming Zhu 381
         A New Approach for Mining Frequent Items in Data Stream
         Li Tu, Ling Chen  431
         Parameter Optimization For Machined Round Parts By Using Grey Relational Analysis
         Hong Zhennan, Liu Chunbao, Li Junhong 495
         The Online System for Measuring Sediment Concentration Based on Data Fusion
 16      Technology
         Liu Mingtang, Yu Hui, Fu Libin, Li Li 496
Formal modelling of immune complex network based on B method
         Yujing Peng,Hao Sun , Chunqiu Liu , Shengrong Zou    502
         A Path-based Method of Constructing Data Cube for RFID Data Sets
         Youwei DING, Shuzhi ZOU, Kongfa HU, Ling CHEN 525
         Knowledge Acquisition from ANSYS Analyzed Data for Driving Head of Hydraulic
 19      Drill
         Daohua Liu, Jin Li   598
         Collaborative Information Retrieval Framework Based on FCA
         Cencheng Shen, Yun Li, Yan Sheng, Luan Luan 619
         An Extended Keyword Extraction Method
         Bao Hong, Deng Zhen     629
         Grid-based DBSCAN Algorithm with Referential Parameters
         Huang Darong , Wang Peng        642
         An Incremental Mining Method for RFID Database
         Zhuxi Chen, Li Zhao, Kongfa Hu     746
         The Research on Subject Database Division Based on Entity Similarity
         Hongjun Zheng, Jinli Peng, Duo Wang       832
         Incremental Mining Algorithm of Sequential Patterns Based on Sequence Tree
         Jiaxin Liu, Shuting Yan, Yanyan Wang, Jiadong Ren             876
         An Improved Ant Algorithm for Grid Task Scheduling Strategy
         Laizhi Wei, Xiaobin Zhang, Yun Li , Yujie Li            865
         Multi-relational Clustering Based on Relational Distance
         Luan Luan, Yun Li, Jiang Yin, Yan Sheng                    892

Session 2      14:30 -18:00
Room           Meeting room 2
Chair          Prof. Tianping ZHANG, Dr. Yang YI
Topics         System Analysis and Control
 No.                                              Title
         Neural Network-Based Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback
  1      Systems
         Hongchun Li, Jiandong Mei, Zhenmin Guo 394
         Adaptive PID Control Strategy for Nonlinear Model Based on RBF Neural Network
         Changliang Liu, Fei Ming, Gefeng Ma, Junchi Ma 533
         New Method of Controlling Grinding Accuracy with Dynamic Compensatory
         Huibin Xu, Jianwu Tao, Xiang Gao    715
         Constraint Aggregation Approaches for Numerical Optimal Control with Inequality Path
  4      Constraints
         Xiaodong Zhang,Qiang Zhang, Shurong Li, Yang Lei 280
         Robust Stability and Stabilization of Delta operator formulated discrete-time delay LPV
  5      systems
         Yangyang Zhao, Jianying Yang       23
Chaotification of Nonlinear Discrete Systems via Sliding Mode Control
     Qiyue Xie, Zhengzhi Han      89
     Design of Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for the Rolling Mill Automatic
7    Position Control Stopping System
     Zhang Ruicheng,Li Guide 223
     Chaos-control of a delayed laser via a reflective grating
     Yan Senlin    81
     Adaptive Neural Network Stabilization for a Class of Delayed Systems
     Qing Zhu, Xiang Yao, Wei Ding, Quan Sun        342
     Adaptive Output Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Delayed Systems
     Qing Zhu, Tianping Zhang, Xiang Yao, Wei Ding, Quan Sun 391
     Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Time-varying Delay Systems with Unknown Control
11   Gain Signs
     Qiuqin Zhu, Tianping Zhang   379
     A New Roadside Detection Method Based on Obstacle Detection
     Chunhe Yu, Danping Zhang, Rui Guo         730
     An Artificial Intelligence Central Air-conditioning Controller
     Chunhe Yu, Danping Zhang            824
     A Traffic Light Detection Method
     Chunhe Yu, Ying Bai 862
     Research of the New Principal Component Analysis Algorithm Based on the Dynamic
15   Model
     You Zhou,Qinglin Wang, Guangda Yang, Dehui Qiu 248
     Design of Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for Main Drive System of Rolling
16   Mill With Uncertainty Parameters
     Zhang Ruicheng, Chen Zhikun      220
     Improvement of Congestion Control based on HSTCP
     QIN Jun, ZONG Ping      E003
     Research of Active Disturbances Rejection Controller in Adaptive Optics System
     You Zhou, Guangda Yang, Zhide Liu       1092
     Controlling Discrete Time T-S Fuzzy Chaotic Systems via Adaptive Adjustment
     Yibei Nian, Yongai Zheng      535
     Adaptive Neural Control of MIMO Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems with
20   Minimum Adjustable Parameters
     Shujie Zhou, Lijuan Xu, Tianping Zhang 505
     Superheater Steam Temperature Control Based on the Expanded-Structure Neural
21   Network Inverse Models
     Liangyu Ma,Zhenxing Shi, Kwang Y. Lee     925
     Research on Intelligent Control of the New Synchronous Transformative Pressure
22   Ventilation Bed
     Su Junjie, Zhong Qiuhai         930
     An Implementation of CANopen at Water Electrolysis Hydrogen Generation Station
     Fuhua Kuang, Bugong Xu        863
VRLA Battery Management System Based on LIN Bus for Electric Vehicle
         Changhao Piao, Qifeng Liu, Zhiyu Huang, Chongdu Cho, Xiaonong Shu                  864
         Research of the optimal wavelet selection on entropy function
         Hongfeng Ma, Jianwu Dang , Xin Liu          883
         The Analysis of Thermal Field and Thermal Deformation of a Water-cooling Radiator by
 26      Finite Element Simulation        Y
         ANG Lianfa, Wang Qin, ZHANG Zhen          841
         Adaptive Neural Network Applications in Ship Motion Control
         HU Guanshan, PAN Weigang             845
         ESPRIT-Based Joint Angle and Frequency Estimation Using Multiple Delay Output
         Sun Zhongwei, Li Jianfeng, Liu Jian, Zhang Xiaofei        856
         Effects of Supply Pressures on Two-Stage Electro-Hydraulic Servo Valve
         YAN Jie, PAN Hongliang                857
         Study on Non Energy Saving Status Detection of Groundwater Heat Pump System Using
 30      Artificial Neural Network Method
         Zhiwei Wang, Yi Peng, Zhonghe Zhang, Wei Cao, Peng Li        787
         Control System Development for Flexible Roll Forming Machine
         Wang Guiyong, Li Qiang, Qian Bo      588
         Stabilizing a Class of Chaotic Systems by Using Adaptive Feedback Control
         Dejin Wang, Yongai Zheng 536

Session 3      14:30 -18:00
Room           Meeting room 3
Chair          Prof. Seiichi SERIKAWA
Topics         Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation
 No.                                              Title
  1      The Filtering Algorithm Based on Spatial Correlation for Echo of Ultrasonic in Detecting
         Defects of Bonding Interface of Thin Composite Plate
         Xiu-fei Wang,Ze Zhang 13
  2      Cooperative spectrum sensing based on iterative weighting under Nakagami fading
         Yaping Bao , Lijuan Shi , Xiaomei Zhu,Feng Tian 105
  3      A vehicle identification system based on the ultrasonic technology
         Lv Wenhong,Zhang Jifen, Chen Youfeng ,Li Anliang ,Wang Yanxia          120
  4      A New Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Method of Engine Based on
         Spectrometric Oil Analysis
         Gao Jingwei,Hu Niaoqin,Jiang Lehua, Fu Jianyi 137
  5      Chirplet-Fractal Characteristics of Leakage Current on HV Insulators
         Ali Hui,Hui Lin       155
  6      Design and Application of Fieldbus OPC DA Server
         Jianchun Xing, Qiliang Yang,Ping Wang, Ronghao Wang             204
  7      A Calibration Method for Pavement Roughness Measurement System Based on Laser
Yingying An,Fengying Sun      312
  8    A Cooperative Spectrum Detection Technique in Non-Gaussian Noise
       Xiaomei Zhu, Weiping Zhu 344
  9    The design of Instrument for the level and label of gasoline Measurement Based on
       Han hongfang, Sun Shouchang ,Lin Kanghong ,Chen Shuyue 380
 10    Simulation of Power Quality Using S-Transform
       GU Jin-hong, LIU Qi, CHENG Chao-hui 425
 11    Design and Realization of an Embedded Gateway base on 3G
       Shuang Wu, Gui-gen Zeng 492
 12    The Discussion about Test Technology of SoC
       Zhang Zhen, Zhang Hui, Cai WenJun       511
 13    Air Quality Monitoring System Based on LabVIEW
       Hai-bao WANG, Ting-ting WU, Guang-jie WU      539
 14    A Range Measurement Scheme for Chinese Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Signals
       included Positioning Systems
       Wenqi Li, Hong Wu, Nan Zhang, Yuang Jin, Kai Guo 592
 15    Harmonic Control based on Fuzzy Logic
       Shihong Wu, Gang Dang,Jun Wang, Xiaohui Li, Zhixia Zhang, Fengli Jiang          721
 16    Study On Piezoelectric Effect of Ceramic Capacitors in Daya Bay Neutrino Experimen
       Wenqi Jiang, Zheng Wang           767
 17    Study on Parallel 2-DOF Rotation Machanism in Radar
       Ming JIANG, Xuelong HU, Lei LIU, Yunfei YU                     834
 18    The research of Mica Pulp Concentration Detecting Which is based on Laser with 650nm
       Yi Zhang, Ying-bo Zhu           905
 19    A Batch Adaptive Model Predictive Controller for Electromagnetic Stirrers
       Gang Shen, Xu Cheng             954
 20    A Study of SVDD-based Algorithm to the Fault Diagnosis of Mechanical Equipment
       Zhiqiang Jiang, Xilan Feng, Xianzhang Feng, Lingjun Li 1058
 21    A Novel Method of Measuring and Analysis IGBT’s Driver Waveform
       Ni Yun feng ,Wang Meng, Yu Gong jun     1099
 22    A Novel Method of Signal Denoising
       Gang Bi, Shanshan Zheng     1070
 23    An Improved EMD Method & Its Application in Nonstationary Signals Analysis
       Jianhui Chen        672
 24    Improved Bags-of-Words Algorithm for Scene Recognition
       Liu Gang , Wang Xiaochi 693

Session 4    14:30 -18:00
Room         Meeting room 4
Chair          Prof. HU kongfa, Dr. DING Xiaochao
Topics         Theories and Methodologies of Management
No.                                                Title
         Research of the Influence Factors on Chinese Listed Agribusiness’ profit ——An
  1      Analysis Based on Panel Data Model
         Leng Jianfei, DU Xiaorong      43
         Research on the Tender Evaluation of Scientific and Technical Projects Based on Fuzzy
         Comprehension Assessment
         Zhang Min,Yin Zhongfeng ,Tang Zhaojie          135
         The Econometric Analysis of the Contribution Degree of Technological Progress in
         Bohai Rim Region
         Zhang Jingqiang,Zhou Hong,Huang Zilang            242
         Life Cycle Assessment Study on Rare Earth Mining Process
  4      Feng Xiujuan, Tao tao, Du li   1042
         Network spokesman: The new role of communication between the Government and the
         Yu Shuwen       345
         Discussion of the metropolis pet funeral and burial service
         Yi ZHU, Min LIU         430
         System Dynamics Simulation of Regional Water Resources Sustainable Utilization: A
         Case of Hubei Province, China
         LIU Dan, Cheng Wei-shuai        517
         Study Of Project Risk Continuous Process Pattern
         Zhang Yali, Yang Huixiu ,Jiangxiangmei        528
         A Study on Shanghai-Shenzhen Stock Price Co-movement and Spillover Effects
         Chunxia Yang, Bingying Xia, Liping Zou, Qi Zhao         530
         Empirical Research on the Influencing Factors in Technological Progress of Beijing’s
         High-tech Industry
         Zhang Jingqiang       554
         The source of China's Economics Growth: An Analysis Based on Input-Output Approach
         Liu Ruixiang      651
         Discussion of Planning and Operating of Chongming Qianwei Village’s Nongjiale
         tourism site
         Qingqing GUO, Min LIU               760
         Current Status Investigation and Analysis on Energy Efficiency Monitoring System of
         Groundwater Source Heat Pump Normal Projects in Xianyang City
         Zhiwei Wang, Jifeng Zhao, Kang Wang, Peng Li, Wei Cao         786
         Can Strategic Trade Policies Improve Comparative Advantages of Exports?--- A
 14      Heterogeneous Panel Analysis of Chinese Agro-based Manufactures
         Yu Hong, Hong-wei Su              825
 15      Strategic Support for Managers by Core Competence
Liu Kan         908
     Weigh in Motion Based on Dynamic Tire Force Separation
     Zhou Zhi-feng         252
     A Comprehensive Approach to ERP Selection
     Huo Lingyu, Liu Bingwu, Yan Fang,Huo Lingyu          265
     Game Analysis of Internal Harmonious Management within Enterprise Based on
     Remuneration System Design
     Wu fang, Wang Ji-gan         361
     An Empirical Study on Decision-making Model for Recruitment of R & D staff of
     Wu Haiyan, Yang Wu          434
     Extended Enterprise Input-Output Model for Sustainability Management
     Fang Wang, Xiao-Ping Jia           556
     An Empirical Study on the Effect of Work/Life Commitment to Work-Life Conflict
     MA Li,    YIN Jie-lin       741
     The Construction of Shapley Value in Cooperative Game And its Application on
     Enterprise Alliance
     Xu Xiaofeng, Ruan Aiqing           749
     Abnormality Detection Methods for Airborne Equipment’s Working Performance Based
     on χ2 Distribution Model
     Lü Yongle             806
     The Financial Structure and High-Tech Industries Development in China
     Yang Liuyong,     Mo Shensheng,          Zhou Anqi         972
     The modelling pharmacokinetic profile of freeze-dried cyclosporine A-Eudragit S100
     nanoparticle formulation in dogs
     Yang LIU , Zhi-gang Fang, Ben-Gang YOU, Xin-yuan DING,Xue-nong ZHANG
     R&D Globalization of MNC and Knowledge Spillover in China
     Liu Zhongwei          965
     Research on business model innovation methods based on TRIZ theory
     Ding junwu Yang dongtao      E201
     Decision-making Modeling of Military Engineering Repair Operations Based on
28   Organizational Design
     Fengshan Wang,Wanhong Zhu, Houqing Lu 115
     Study on Method of Data Fusion in Metro Stray Current Monitoring
     WANG Yu-qiao , LI Wei, YANG Xue-feng, YE Guo, GE Xi-yun,SU Xiu-ping 179
     The Study of Community Detection Algorithm Based on Cellular Automata
     TIAN Shuang-liang,LI Kai    203
      Analysis and Construction of the Emergency Decision Support System for Serious
31   Environmental Pollution Accident in Coal Chemical Industry Region
     Yang Lifeng, Kou Ziming      1067
Session 5      14:30 -18:00

Room           Meeting room 5

Chair          Dr. Xiaohua Xu

Topics         High-Performance Computing and Optimization

 No.                                             Title
         Hierarchical model of cloud & client computing based on multi-agent
         XU Xiao-long,CHENG Chun-Ling,XIONG Jing-Yi            12
         Research and Performance Analysis on Parallel Computing of Remote Sensing Image
  2      based on MPICH
         LI Jun, MA Weifeng    1063
         A GPU Implementation of Fast Solver for Large Scale Nonlinear Equations
         Sha Liu,Chengwen Zhong,Xiaopeng Chen,Jun Cao         17
         Deceptive Problems of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Improvement of
  4      Their Performance
         Shu Wang, Ling Chen 37
         Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on Ensemble Learning
         ZhenZhou Yu, ZhengQun Wang,GuanHua Chen,          110
         SI-NS Diagram Program Design and Development Method
         Si Chuangen,Si Ximing, Zhang Chunjuan   183
         Blind Joint 2D Direction of Arrival And Frequency Estimation with L-shape Array
         Xulingyun, Zhang xiaofei ,Xu zongze       372
         Based on Heterogeneous Matching Matrix Scalability Analysis
         Shuixia Hao, Guosun Zeng     441
         A Fused Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking
         Yong Li        497
         Support Fast Generation Algorithm Based on Discrete-marking in Rapid Prototyping
         Qian Bo ,Zhang Lichao Shi Yusheng Liu Guocheng 586
         A Robust Algorithm based on Spatial Differencing Matrix for Source Number Detection
 11      and DOA Estimation in Multipath Environment
         Fulai Liu, Changyin Sun, Jinkuan Wang, Ruiyan Du 720
         Incremental Particle Swarm Optimization
         Xiaohua Xu, Zhoujin Pan, Yanqiu Xi, Ling Chen        750
         k-Biclusters Algorithm for Gene Expressing Data
         Xiaohua Xu, Yanqiu Xi , Zhoujin Pan, Ling Chen             748
         Intelligent Quality Prediction Using Weighted Least Square Support Vector Regression
         Yaojun Yu            752
         Nonlinear Calibration of Thermocouple Sensor Using Least Squares Support Vector
 15      Regression
         Yaojun Yu          753
         Identification for Polynomial Wiener Model Using Improved Back Propagation Method
         Xiaobing Shao        756
Non-math-modelling data analytical methods base on artificial neural networks(ANNs)
 17      applied to optimize preparation of norcantharidin-loaded chitosan nanoparticles
         Yang LIU , Wei ZHANG ,Xue-Nong ZHANG                   778
         Memory Performance Characterization of SPEC CPU2006 Benchmarks Using TSIM
         Fucen Zeng, Lin Qiao, Mingliang Liu, Zhizhong Tang 795
         Particle swarm optimization based Nonlinear Least-squares Parameter Estimation of
 19      Maintenance Time Distribution
         Zhong Lu, You-chao Sun, Jia Zhou        807
         Multicore-based performance optimization for evaluating the inverse of sparse matrix
         Zhang Xiaobin, Mao Guoyong, Hu Kongfa, Li Yun, Wei Laizhi, Li Yujie         890
         Process calculus with data structure and its model checking algorithm
         Qing Zheng,         897
         Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms-Based Routing Planning of Mobile Sink
         Wang jia, He zhimin        909
         Panorama Stitching Based on SIFT Algorithm and Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization
         ZHONG Min, ZENG Jiguo, XIE Xusheng                     928
         Model-based Normal       Modes     Estimation    using   Forward-difference   Derivative
 24      Approximation
         Du Jinyan, Sun Chao          940
         Information System Attribute Reduction Parallel Algorithm Based on Information
 25      Entropy
         Yang chunlin, Zhang Zhonglin , Zhang Jun         994
         Application of PSO Algorithm to Multi-objective Optimization in Network Planning
         Lixin QU, Yihong Zhou, Na Chen            1028
         Study on the Optimization of Multi-factor Influencing Ice Thermal Storage Air
 27      Conditioning System Economy
         Zhiwei Wang, Qiuli Yang, Leimin Zhang, Liping Han, Jie Sun  788
         Research on XML Normalization Struct Indexing Tree
         Xu Li, Di Wu, Bangzuo Zhang     1085

Session 6      08:40 -12:00
Room           Meeting room 1
Chair          Dr. Yuequan YANG
Topics         Control Systems and Applications
 No.                                              Title
         Dynamic Analysis and Design of the Rhombic Drive of Stirling Engine
         Xu Zhang, Yan Ma, Chun-mei Yang, Li Fu    423
         Greenhouse Temperature Control Strategy Based on Fuzzy Algorithm
         Wang Jianxin, Sui Meili  424
         Development on Intelligent Controller of Automobile ABS Based on the Slip Ratio
         Wanxin Kang, Xiucheng Dong, Renyun Sun, Yunyun Xu 447
The Grey Prediction Fuzzy PID Control in Auto-drainage System of Mine
     Wujuan, Kouziming      500
     T-S fuzzy neural network algorithm application in nonlinear control
     Ying-jun Sang ,Cai-qian Xu,Bin Liu, Qing-xia Kong,Fei Huang,Gang-yuan      Mao 346
     Control Method Research of Three-DOF Helicopter Based on Active Disturbances
6    Rejection Controller
     You Zhou, Qinglin Wang,Dehui Qiu  281
     The Design of the Internal Combustion Engine based on the Intelligent PID Control
7    Algorithm
     Wang Dongyun,Wang Kai       196
     Chaotic Dynamics and Chaos Control of Cournot Model with heterogenous players
     Rong Hu,Qi Chen    261
     Research on High-Current Source control and protection technology in the HVDC
9    synthetic test system
     YAO Guang Ping,CHEN Jian Dong     269
     Realization of Control Algorithm for Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System Based on
     MC9S08AW32 Microcontroller Xia Chang-gao,ZhuZhong-ming,ZhengRong-liang 270
     Applied Research of Expert-fuzzy PID in Wireless Temperature Control System
     Jun Wang, Meifeng Gao, Jianhong Zhu 571
     The Sensor Fault Diagnosis of the UV Based on the Wavelet Neural Network
     WANG Shengwu, SHI Xiuhua ,WEI Zhaoyu 407
     The Application of Fuzzy Neural Networks      Based on Genetic Optimization Algorithm
13   in Intelligent Vehicle Speed Control System
     Xiucheng Dong, Xu Yang         419
     Space-Time Adaptive Processing for GPS anti-jamming Receiver
     Hongwei Zhao, Baowang Lian, Juan Feng         1016
     Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID Control for the Electro-hydraulic Position Servo System with
15   Uncertainties
     Suolin Duan, Lanping Chen ,Zhenghua Ma, Lanping Chen        1078
     Study for Event Mechanism based on AIS
     ZONG Ping, QIN Jun      E002
     Research on Ship CPP Networked Control System Based on SVM、GPC and QS
     Qi Liang, Yu Menghong     352
     Method of Vehicle Cut-In Action Recognition Using Vehicular Radar
18   Wei Zhang, Haiou Liu, Huiyan Chen      1068

     Design of Fingerprint Access Control System in Intelligent Community
19   Han Cheng-hao, Li-Min, Ren-Ye         805

     Research of the Remote Experiment System Based on Virtual Reality
20   Liangyu Lei ,Jianjun Liu Xiufang Yang 655

     Effects of Vision Clues on Spatial Cognition of Mice
21   ZHOU Zan, CHANG Jun-li, XIE Min, LIAO Xiao-mei 656
Implement of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Control of Aero Variable Stroke Plunger Pump
 22      PAN Hongliang, YAN Jie           770

         LQR self-adjusting based control for the planar double inverted pendulum
 23      Jiao-long Zhang, Wei Zhang        771

         Simulations and Analysis on Performance Limitations of Aircraft's Longitudinal Motion
 24      Di Lu, Guoliang Fan, Jianqiang Yi     773

         The Research on Fuzzy PID Control of the Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous
 25      Motor
         Ying Wu, Hang Jiang,Min Zou    731
         Double Motor Coordinated Control Bas ed on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and CMAC
 26      Shaozhong Cao, Ji Tu , Heping Liu  664

         PMSM Driver Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and CMAC
 27      Ji Tu , Heping Liu, Shaozhong Cao  666

         Design on The Air-conditioning System’s Automation of Evaporative Cooling Assisting
 28      to Mechanical Refrigeration
         Huang Xiang, Lu Yong-mei, Qiang Tian-wei, Xiong Li 713
         Platform-Level Design for a Robotic Dolphin
 29      Fei Shen, Changming Wei, Zhiqiang Cao, De Xu, Junzhi Yu, Chao Zhou          726

         Indoor Unmanned Airship System Airborne Control Module Design
 30      Gao YongXia, Li YiBo      703

         Variable Structure Control for Tethered Satellite Fast Deployment and Retrieval
 31      Liu Yingying, Zhou Jun, Chen Huanlong                   1006

         Nonlinear Regression for Analog Data based on BP Neural Network
 32      Yin-Zhen Jiang,Yi-Huai Wang 131

Session 7      08:40 -12:00
Room           Meeting room 2
Chair          Prof. Xuelong HU, Dr. Zhibo GUO
Topics         Signal, Image and Video Processing
 No.                                              Title
  1      Design of Low-power Wake-up Circuits in Underwater Acoustic Communication
         Zhang Cuixia , Wu Jiaxin, Li Yuanxuan    84
  2      Researches on Content Delivery Policies for Interactive Video Network
         Dao-yi Wang,Wenan Zhou,Yuanan Liu         160
  3      A novel approach to calibrating the line scan camera of Vehicle-borne 3D data
         acquisition system
         Youmei Han,Liuzhao Wang       190
  4      Wire Communication System Based on DSP in Feeder Automation
5    Object Tracking and DSP Realization based on Combined Algorithm with Camshift and
     Hongyuan Wang,Yue Zhou,Lei Zhao      273
6    Extraction of Speech MFCC Based on the Rapid Prototyping Method of DSP
     Guo Tian-wen , Wu Xiao-guang        305
7    The research on positioning based on digital television signal and GNSS
     Song Kexin, Hua Yu, Xiang Yu, Huang Changjiang               368
8    The research on the measuring based on the digital television terrestrial broadcasting
     Song Kexin, Wu Haitao, Xiang Yu, Li Shifeng        369
9    Application of Bernoulli Compressed Sensing for Video-Based Augmented Reality
     Shuhong Jiao, Gesen Zhang, Xiaoli Xu 375
10   A 3G Video Phone Solution for Reducing the Delay of Video Data
     Shang Dan ,Gao Yongqing, Ping Yucai 459
11   Monitoring System of Power Line Icing Based on GPRS
     Xie Wancheng          671
12   A New Type Device of Detecting True and False Coin
     Chunhe Yu, Chao Zhang, Ying Bai      775
13   Exploring Data Prefetching Mechanisms for Last Level Cache in Chip Multi-processors
     Mingliang Liu, Lin Qiao, Fucen Zeng and Zhizhong Tang        808
14   The Development of a Portable ECG Monitor Based on DSP
     CHI Jian Nan, YAN Yan Tao, LIU Meng Chen, YANG Li                     854
15   Application of ARM in Multi-target Simulator
     Wang Aihua, Zhang Hong           868
16   The Study of Signal Simulation Based on the Active Radar Seeker
     Jia Zongsheng, Si Xicai, Zhao Na, Li Shasha,             942
17   Cross-range Super-resolution Algorithm Based on Non-synthetic Aperture Radar
     Xiaoyan Fan, She Shang, Dawei Song, Wenfeng Sun, Dong Li                   953
18   A Nonlinear Cobweb Model
     Xiyun Wang, Lei Wang, Xianfeng Li                      957
19   Past, Current and Future Positions Index of Moving Objects in Networks
     Zhanyu Zhu, Qun Yang , Dechang Pi          984
20   A partner selection and evaluation approach of LCD TV screen supplier for TCL group
     using AHP approach
     Zhiqiang Jiang, Xilan Feng, Xianzhang Feng, Jinfa Shi   1059
21   A Study of Space-borne Sliding Spotlight SAR Imaging Algorithm
     Chen Yingying, Jia Xin     348
22   An Advanced Algorithm for Image Segmentation by Random Seed Region Search
     Ji wenhua, Zhou chang    376
23   Supervised Semantic Image Annotation Using Region Relevance
     Fei Shi, Fangfang Yang, Jiajun Wang  297
24   Research on the Application of Artificial neural networks in tender offer for construction
Zhang Minli, Qiao Shanshan       275
 25      The Application of SOM and GRNN in Creativity Measurement for Middle School
         Jiayuan Yu    172
 26      Face Detection and Tracking Based on Weighted Histogram and Shape Constraints
         Qin Ling,Tong Xian Hui      152
 27      Image De-noising and Granularity Detection Based on Morphology
         Xuelong HU, Min ZHANG, Nan JIANG,Weiping YANG,Xiang YIN                   393

Session 8      08:40 -12:00
Room           Meeting room 3
Chair          Prof. BAO Zhenqiang, Dr. DING Junwu
Topics         System Engineering、Logistics and Supply Chain Management
 No.                                               Title
         Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method Applied in the Real Estate Investment Risks
  1      Research
         Zhang Minli, Yang Wenpo    383
         Corporate Governance and Operating Performance: Evidences from Chinese Small and
  2      Medium-sized Firms
         Wang Hui 392
         A Collaborative Planning Model with Divisible Orders and Its Differential Evolution
  3      Algorithm
         Hanjie Gu, Zhenqiang Bao, Weiye Wang, Rong Bao 467
         The Application of AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Harmonious Level
  4      Measurement between Human and Water in City
         Xie Fang, Tang De-Shan   596
         Optimization Research of Generation Investment Based on Linear Programming Model
         Juan WU, Xueqian GE         757
         Multivariate statistical methods the level of our comprehensive analysis of all regions
         Qian Xiaoxin         768
         Fuzzy Raw Materials Allocation Problem
         Gao-Ji Sun   780
         A Subsidy Model of Green Buildings based on Government Cost
         Zhou YP(Zhou Yingpu), Yang GS(Yang Gaosheng)               967
         Wartime Repair Decision-making Framework for Military Engineering on Complex
  9      System Theory
         Fengshan Wang,Wanhong Zhu, Houqing Lu 116
         Study on the distribution and computer simulation of metro rail potential
 10      WANG Yu-qiao, LI Wei, YANG Xue-feng,YE Guo, FAN Qi-gao, ZHANG Li-ping
         Study of resource allocation Efficiency in diversified railway logistics under
         Administrative Monopoly’s Influence
FENG Lipeng,QIN Jiwei        136
     An Supply Chain Network Evolving Model Based on Preferential Attachment of Path
12   and Degree
     Peihua Fu,Yanchu Liu   158
     Two Level Strategies for Supply Chain Knowledge Innovation
     WANG Wei-hua,Nie Qing         176
     The Strategic Decisions and Evaluation System of Chinese Logistics Agency Enterprises
14   in Green Logistics Developmen
     Xu Deling,Geng Fengchun       218
     A Model for Closed-Loop Supply Chain Based on Fuzzy Graph Theory
     Yisheng Wu      396
     Supply Chain-based Research into the Modes of Prepaid Accounts Trade Financing
     Guojie Yu, Fang Cao    408
     Performance analysis in remanufacturing with uncertain return and demand
     ZHANG Fu-an, DA Qing-li        410
     Research on Coordination Strategy of Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chain
18   Based on Quantity Discount
     Zuqing Huang,Guoqing Zhang, Lijun Meng    576
     The Study of Enterprise Supply Chain Optimization Based on Brand       Strategy
     WANG Bao-li,TIAN Hong-yuan CHEN Xin-lan           585
     Research on reverse logistics location under uncertainty environment based on grey
20   prediction
     BAO Zhenqiang, ZHU Congwei, ZHAO Yuqin, PAN Quanke               996
     Pollutant Transport Model and Numerical Simulation in Landfill Site
     Zhao Ying; Xue Qiang; Liu Lei, Liang Bing      1005
     Service-oriented Agile Supply Chain Collaborative Management Research
     JiaJu WU, Cuifang Zheng, JiLan ZHANG, Chuanyu Xi .               1025
     The Research on How Social Capital Facilitates Knowledge Sharing between Individuals
     Jin Hui,Chen Yijia  185
     The Attitude towards Translation Exposure and Its Hedging Techniques
     Ying Zhang,Yunlin Zheng        239
     A Game between Enterprise and Employees about the Tacit Knowledge Transfer and
25   Sharing
     ZHAO Yuqin, BAO Zhenqiang, WANG Guijun,PAN Quanke        277
     Research on capturing of customer requirements based on Innovation theory
     Ding junwu, Yang dongtao, Bao zhenqiang       469
     Research on Production Scheduling System with Bottleneck Based on Multi-agent
     Bao Zhenqiang, Wang Weiye,Wang Peng, Quanke Pan        515
     Empirical Research on the Technology Innovation Capability of Bohai Rim Region
     Zhang Jingqiang, Zhou Hong,Huang Zilang       526
     Supply Chain Risk Evaluation Based on Bayesian Network
     Liu Bo-chao     1090
     Reliability modeling and performance evaluation of Series Supply Chain System with
     Partial dependent components
Xujie Jia, Gengxin Zheng, Shiying Xu        E030

Session 9      08:40 -12:00

Room           Meeting room 4

Chair          Dr.Chao Wang

Topics         Autonomic Computing and Technical Education

 No.                                              Title
         Dependent information security of star topology
         Li Tianmu, Zhong Weijun        47
         Cryptanalysis on Public Key Encryption Scheme Using Ergodic Matrices over GF(2)
         GU Chun-sheng, YU Zhi-ming, Jing Zheng-jun, GU Jixing        55
         Preliminary Studies on Word-cell and Its Properties
         Xiao Zhi-Quan, MO Hong 83
         The Metadata Management Algorithm Based on Hash Postfix Table
         Xiujuan Li,Shiguang Ju, Tao Cai 164
         The Research of the Generalized Fibonacci sequence -based propagation
         Aihua Gu,Yingying Xu     169
         Analysis and Design of RFID Tag Ownership Transfer Protocol
         Wang Shaohui          177
         Security Enhancement on an Authentication Method for Proxy Mobile IPv6
         Qi Jiang, Jianfeng Ma,Guangsong Li,Ayong Ye       212
         A New Data Randomization Method to Defend Buffer Overflow Attacks
         Yan Fen, Yuan Fuchao, Shen Xiaobing, Yin Xinchun, Mao Bing        231
         An Improved Anomaly Detection Method Based on Fuzzy Association Rules
         Zifen Yang 233
         Analysis of Multi-Scalar Multiplication in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem
         Xinchun Yin,Hailing Zhang          259
         Dynamic Programming Example Analysis of a Pump Station
         Kairong Li, Kui Zuo,Juanni Wang,Weiying Gao   328
         Research on Dam Simulation System Based on OpenGL
         Kairong Li, Juanni Wang, Kui Zuo,Jian Yun 329
         Course Evaluation Method Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process
         Chunna Zhao, Yu Zhao ,Xiaohui Tan, Yingshun Li, Liming Luo, Yeqing Xiong           466
         Experimental Contrast of Several Typical Algorithms for Local Features Detection
         Chunxia Yin, Chengrong Li, Honglin Liu, De Xu      472
         CCD Image Centerline Complementary Matching Error and Correction
         Yan-fei Shao, Yong-an Xu, Jie Wu, Ye Lu 514
         A Detection Method for the Resource Misuses in Information Systems
         Chao Wang, Gaoyu Zhang ,Lan Liu       543
 17      An Network Attack Modeling Method Based on MLL-AT
Yan Fen, Yin Xinchun, Huang Hao        549
         A Gen2 Based Security Authentication Protocol for RFID System
         Xiaoluo YI, Liangmin WANG, Dongmei MAO, Yongzhao ZHAN                751
         The Analysis of PWR SBO Accident with RELAP5 Based on Linux
         Zhimin Xia, Dafa Zhang 737
         The Research of a Cooperative Model Intrusion Detection System
         ZHU Qiang, Shun Yuqiang         785
         Research and Practice of Bilingual Teaching for Electrical and Electronic Technology
         Chen Peijiang      846
         Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Non-Monotonic Access Structure
         Jia Hong-Yong, Chen Yue, Mao Xiu-Qing, Dou Rui-Yu                     1033
         Research and Design of Rootkit Detection Method
         Leian Liu, Zuanxing Yin, Yuli Shen, Haitao Lin, Hongjiang Wang       1052
         The research and implementation of a unified identity authentication in e-government
         network / Personalized Learning Network Teaching Model

         ZHOU Feng        E010/E011
         Research and Practice of ‘Teaching, learning, practice integration teaching model’ in
 25      Higher Vocational and Technical Education
         Yunhui Ren Limin Zhao       575
         Foreign Experts Foreign Languages Teaching Pattern Optimization Management under
 26      Current Chinese Educational Context
         YANG Dong        291

Session 10     08:40 -12:00
Room           Meeting room 5
Chair          Dr. Caikou CHEN, Prof. Zhengqun WANG
Topics         Image Processing and Pattern Recognition I
 No.                                              Title
  1      A Liquid Level Measuring Device for a Tank Based on Image Senor
         Chunhe Yu, Chao Zhang, Ying Bai, Chuan Huang                    945
  2      Application of Digital Image Processing and Recognition Technology on Screen Printing
         CHEN De-yu , HANG Yue-qin, SU Xiao-cheng, ZHU Xue-fang            323
  3      Design and Implementation of Medical Image Teleconsultation System Based on Web
         CHEN DE-Yu,JIANG Zhi-Lin, ANG Jia-Jun, ZONG Wu-Yi            326
  4      Study on Feature Layer fusion Classification Model on Text/ Image Information
         Xiao-Dan Zhang      944
  5      Postmark Date Recognition Based on Machine Vision
         LIU Ying-Jie,  YOU Fu-Cheng             947
  6      Features Extraction For Structured Light Stripe Image Based On OTSU Threshold
         Lei, Zhang and Yongkang, Xu, Chuanyu, Wu                       956
7    Image Segmentation Based on Level Set Method
     Xin-Jiang, Renjie-Zhang, Shengdong-Nie, Xin-Jiang               1013
8    GPU-Accelerated Volumetric Medical Image Visualization Techniques
     Weiming Zhai, Fan Yang, Hong Wang     901
9    An Improved Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Set          Xiwen Liu 907

10   Image Denoising Using Orthogonal Spline
     Kaiting Zhou/ Lixin Zheng, Fuyong Lin              910
11   Resource Optimization Scheme Based on ROI Distortion-Minimized for Mobile Image
     Zhenhua Tang, Tuanfa Qin, Xiangcheng Li         861
12   Natural-Landmark Scene Matching Vision Navigation based on Dynamic Key-frame
     Yaojun Li, Quan Pan, Chunhui Zhao      783
13   Study on the Methods of Detecting Cucumber Downy Mildew Using Hyperspectral
     Imaging Technology
     Youwen Tian, Lin Zhang        809
14   An Evaluation Approach to the Normativity of Handwritten Chinese Character Based on
     Vector Cross-Product
     Si Huayou, Qi Hengnian, Deng Fei, Zhuang Li       838
15   An Improved License Plate Location Method         Based On Edge Detection
     Rongbao Chen, Yunfei Luo        742
16   A New Image Inpainting Method Based on TV Model
     Mengxin Li, Yan Wen 743

17   A Novel Multi-focus Image Fusion Method Using NSCT and PCNN
     Zhuqing JIAO, Jintao SHAO, Baoguo XU     66
18   Block-based Kernel Semi-supervised Discriminant Projection
     Yiming Yu, Caikou Chen        722
19   Unsupervised Discriminant Analysis Based on the Local and Non-local Mean
     Caikou Chen, Jun Shi, Pu Huang       736
20   Feature Extraction by Locality-based Linear Discriminant Analysis
     Pu Huang Caikou Chen              1018
21   The Technology of Line-spectrum Enhancement Based on Image Processing
     Daizhu Zhu, Wenhua Huang       662
22   Study on Object Contour Extraction based on Hölder Exponent and Multifractal
     Jun Zhang 601
23   An equivalent model of pattern generator in jitter testing
     Donglv Wang, Junfeng Yang         Yanfang Wang 614
24   The Technique Of Shape-based Multi-feature Combination Of TradeMark Image
     Zhang Cong, You Fu-Cheng 620
25   Lip Feature Analyzing in Speech Synthesis System for Speech Impaired
     Wang Mengjun, Li Gang       405
26      An Improved Acquisition Algorithm Based On Power Spectrum Analysis
         Zhonghui-Chen, Lingxiao-Huang, Xinxin-Feng, Xin-Chen 477
 27      Adaptive Watershed Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image Based on Wavelet
         Transform and Fractal Dimension
         Gang Li,Youchuan Wan 318

Session 11     14:00-17:00
Room           Meeting room 1
Chair          Dr. Jie DING
Topics         Communications Theory and Technology
 No.                                             Title
  1      Design of Noncoherent Orthogonal BFSK Demodulator by a Hilbert Transform
         SUN Ming, YAN Jun-zhi      77
  2      Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm for MIMO-OFDM System Using
         Multi-invariance Property
         Gaopeng Feng, Zhongwei Sun, Xiaofei Zhang        79
  3      Analysis of Subrefraction and Its Influence on Electromagnetic Waves Propagation
         Haichuan Tang, Xiaomao Huang, Hua Wang,Yunlong Jia         91
  4      Theoretical analysis of demodulatin characterization of chaos modulation of
         semiconductor lasers in secure communication
         Yan Senlin         103
  5      Multi-invariance MUSIC Algorithm for DOA Estimation in Acoustic Vector-sensor
         Weiyang Chen, Zhongwei Sun, Xiaofei Zhang 194
  6      Theoretical Derivation of terahertz birefringence in liquid crystal
         Xiaoguang Zhang, Guangda Yang,You Zhou,Xiusheng Yan, Huai Yang         296
  7      The Channel Estimation of OFDM System Based on DVB-T
         Zhang Huaqing, Liu Jianbo 401
  8      10Gb/s RS-BCH Concatenated Encoder with Pipelined Strategies for Fiber
         Zheng Song, Qingsheng Hu 414
  9      Implementation of 10-Gb/s Parallel BCH Decoder Based on Virtex-5 FPGA
         Zhang Qin, Qingsheng Hu 416
 10      Random Coding for Distributed Network based on the Vandermonde Matrix
         Gong Maokang, Song Qi       421
 11      A CFO Matrix Method for Interleaved Uplink OFDMA Systems
         Ruiyan Du Jinkuan Wang Fengming Xin, Liqun Shan    595
 12      A Self-Adaptive Decoding Scheme for BICM-ID Embedded Turbo Codes
         Liu Shuyang, Li Jianping       776
 13      Advanced Modulation Schemes Based on BICM-ID for FM IBOC
         Fang Weiwei, Li Jianping, Cai Chaoshi     814
14      An Improved Non Data Aided Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm for
         OFDM Systems
         HU Dengpeng,SHI Feng,ZHANG Eryang        819
 15      Adaptive Equalization Using a New RLS Algorithm Combined with the Coordinate
         Descent Method
         Xiangyuan Bu, Yaoyao Yang         829
 16      An Improved CUSUM Algorithm in Cognitive Radio
         Song Xiao-ou, Xiang Xin      831
 17      Ka Band Transition between Rectangular Waveguide and Substrate Integrated
         Yazhou Dong, Shiwei Dong, Zhongbo Zhu, Ying Wang   840
 18      An Improved Code Modulation Scheme Based on BICM for IBOC-FM
         Song Yang, Li Jianping, Cai chaoshi, Yang wei      859
 19      An Improved Spatial Division Multiplexing of STBC Scheme Based on BICM
         Song Yang, Li Jianping,Cai chaoshi        860
 20      The SNR Estimation and Prediction for AFH/MSK System
         Wang Aihua, Yu Shujing          873
 21      A new Interleaver Design for BICM-ID
         Huaqing Zhang, Lulu Zhang            1026
 22      Defeating Correlated Jamming in DSSS System with ICA Method
         Miao Yu, Jianzhong Chen, Xianwei Zeng     1039
 23      Partial-Band Noise Jamming Suppression in DSSS System with ICA Method
         Miao Yu, Jianzhong Chen, Xianwei Zeng      1041
 24      Effective Log-MAP Decoding for Low Complexity Algorithm with Piecewise Linear and
         Scaling Factor
         Gang Bi, Jianyi Wang   1069
 25      Performance Evaluation of STBC-OFDM System over Frequency-Selective Fading
         Channels with Non-Gaussian Noise
         Chunli Gao, Xudong Wang, Yu Gong, Xue Han E001
 26      A New Method of Feature Selection for Flow Classification
         Meifeng Sun,Jingtao Chen, Yun Zhang, Shangzhe Shi         156
 27      Fractal Prediction of Porosity in Clastic Rock Based on GIS
         Bo Li, Tingshan Zhang, Guangming Ding, Weiyuan Wang             941

Session 12     14:00-17:00
Room           Meeting room 2
Chair          Prof. WANG Yu, Dr. ZHANG Fu-an
Topics         Information Management            and Business Intelligence
 No.                                            Title
         Prediction of Customers Consumption Patterns Based on Two-stage Behavior Analysis
  1      Model-Taking Precision Marketing of Telecommunications Data Services as Examples
         Wang Zeng-min, Wang Kai-jue      370
The Application of Information Fusion and Extraction in Maize Seed Breeding
     Ji Dan1, Qiu Jianlin, Dai Xiaoyu,Gu Xiang, Chen Li 243
     Research on the Improvement of Program Organization Structure based on Information
3    Management
     Feixue Yang,Qianru Guo 274
     Multivariate Information Metallogenic Prognosis Model
     Wang Wei, Sun Baosheng,Zhou Kefa,Wang Jinlin        618
     How to Use the IEEEtran BIBTEX Style
     Michael Shell    880
     Technology Linkage Types Analysis of Patent Evaluate Index
     Xiaorong Hou, Wenlong Zhao, Dechun Zhao             939
     Research on LBS-based Customized PUSH Service for Flight Information
     Qiang CAI , Haisheng LI, Yusong TIAN, Min ZUO, Tao XU                         1027
     A mutual-information-based approach for resolving inference conflicts of qualitative
8    probabilistic networks
     Mu-Jin Wei, Kun Yue, Wei-Yi Liu    1049
     Research and Realization of Streaming Media Digital Rights Management
     JunXie,Chuanzhong Li      238
     On the Management Mechanism of the Third-party E-business Platform for Medicine in
10   China
     Jie Jiang, Yanli Chen 350
     The Application of ARIMA Modle in the Prediction of the Electricity Consumption of
11   Jiangsu Province
     WU Min, CAO Jia-he 30
     E-commerce capability by Chinese firms: An assessment of the facilitators
     Min Liu     878
     Research on the Effect of Trust on Continuous Usage of Online Banking
     Hanyang Luo        1022
     Application of Electronic Bills of Lading in International E-commerce
     LIU Dong-hua, XIAO Xiao-kong           1080
     Research on the Influence of Perceived Risk in Consumer On-line Purchasing Decision
     Zhao Hong, Li Yi           729
     The Improving of Initial Exchanges in IKEv2
     Jieru Lu,Bing Su, Hongyuan Wang, Yihan Zhang        255
     Risk Assessment of Communication Network of Power Company Based on Rough Set
17   Theory and Multiclass SVM
     Xi He, Wei Wang, Xinyu Liu Yong Ji    670
     Model Checking Web Applications Based On Web Navigation
     Mingyue Jiang, Zuohua Ding         852
     Trusted State-Space based Remote Attestation
     Rongyu He, Zheng Qin                  1024
     The Link between EC Application and Enterprises Performance
     Yunping Liu       1032
21   Suspicious subgroups recognition in financial networks – A hidden group based model
for anti-money laundering
         Xuan Liu, Pengzhu Zhang       1066
         Analysis on Implementation Condition of Mass Customization for Knowledge
 22      Production
         Cuixiao Fu, Xingsan Qian  545
         Price Decisions of New Product Based on Subsidy-price-depending and Payment-sharing
         Gu Qiaolun, Gao Tiegang      607
         An Emperical Analysis of the Corperate Ownership Concentration on the Operation
 24      Performance after IPOs of Chinese listed SMEs
         Li Jiming , Sun Xing       648
         New Thoughts of Customer Value Study
         SUN Hong, SU Zhuqing        673
         Fuzzy AHP Analysis on Enterprises’ Independent Innovation Capability Evaluation
         Yu Zhu, Huai-ying Lei      719
         The Relationship between Incentives to Learn and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
         Wenling Wu         740
         Designing A Lightweight and Scaleable Transaction Engine for Front Banking
 28      Applications
         QIN Xiongpai    849
         Build Competitive Strength for Telecom Companies Based on Lean Process
 29      Management
         Dongwei Han, Lin Bai         955
         A Utility Quality of Service for Grid Resource Brokers
         JunXie,MingChen 237
         An Extension Dynamic Model Based on BDI Agent
         Wang Yu, Zhu Feng, Geng Hua, Zhu WangJing 590
         The Partner Selection in Virtual Enterprise based on BDI Agent
         Wang Yu, Zhu Feng, Geng Hua, Zhu Wang Jing          591
         Analysis and Research on         Haier Group’s Website Construction Based on
 33      Cybermarketing-orientation
         Zhao Hong, Bao Yintao              725

Session 13     14:00-17:00

Room           Meeting room 3

Chair          Prof. bin LI ,Dr. bin CHEN

Topics         Software Engineering and Biomedical Informatics

 No.                                              Title
         Proposal for the Software Development of a Radar Power Fault Detection System
         Zhu Jie-zhong, Yao Yong-lei, Chen Su-ting    7
         Prediction Model of Software Development Effort Based on Input Output Correlation
         Li-Na Qin, Cong Jin, En-Mei Dong          22
Immune Mobile Agent and Its Application in Intrusion Detection System
     Yongzhong Li , Chunwei Jing, Jing Xu       25
     Study and Design on the Model of Personalized Recommendation System in
4    E-commerce Based on Multi-Agent
     Yun Xue,Xiaoping Shen, Jianbin Chen 127
     An Auto-management Thesis Program WebMIS Based on Workflow
     LI Chang, SHI Jie, ZHONG Weibo     173
     A Web Service Composition Algorithm based on Global QoS Optimizing with
     Wang Li, He Yan-xiang   321
     Adaptation in Agent Organization based Web Services Composition
     Tieshan Wang, Bin Li, Yan Xu, Xiaowei Zhang      1047
     Logical NAND and NOR Operations Using Algorithmic Self-assembly of DNA
8    Molecules
     Yanfeng Wang, Junwei Sun, Guangzhao Cui, Xuncai Zhang, Yan Zheng 429
     Survey on Ontology Mapping
     Fei Wang, Sicheng Wang, Junwu ZHU        433
     Research on the complex network of the UNSPSC ontology
     Yingying Xu, Shengrong Zou, Aihua Gu, Li Wei, Ta Zhou         450
     DNA sequences analysis based on classifications of nucleotide bases
     Long Shi, Hailan Huang     456
     An Approach to Support Evolution of Software Architecture and Its Formalization
     Li Xiaojian, Zheng Ying     457
     Semantic Information Retrieval Based on RDF and Fuzzy Ontology for University
13   Scientific Research Management
     Jun Zhai,Meng Li and Jianfeng Li 581
     Performance Analysis of Web Applications Based on User Navigation
     Quanshu Zhou, Hairong Ye ,Zuohua Ding       733
     Research of Hybrid Programming with and Matlab
     Yu Zhang, Jian-Ping An, Pan Chen    772
     Specific genetic immunotherapy induced by recombinant vaccine alpha-fetoprotein-heat
16   shock protein 70 complex
     Xiaoping Wang, Huanping Lin, Qiaoxia Wang         804
     Study on Fluorimetric Method Determination            of   Glucose      molecule   in
17   microchannels
     Zheng Huang,   Zhong-cheng Bai    855
     A Method for Automatic Composition of Information Web Services
     Yeqing Li, Lirong Qiu; Xiaobing Zhao          874
     The Encapsulation and Reuse of ADO Database Access Interface in Software
19   Engineering
     WANG Wei, WANG Rang-ding          920
     Structural Optimization of Woven Fabric with Curved Surface
     Yanfang Wang, Xingfeng Guo            929
Geophysical Data Processing and Identifying for Gas Hydrate in the Slope of South
 21      China Sea
         Su Pibo , Liang Jinqiang , Sha Zhibin , Lei Huaiyan, Guan Baocong        974
         Applying Service-oriented Composition Process in TPMS Chengwei Yang ,     Lei Wu,
         Shijun Liu, Xiangxu Meng       1011
         A Method for Capturing Semantics of Product Model in Collaborative Development
 23      Environment
         Yichao Lou           1031
         A Web Services Composition Design framework based on Agent Organization
         JiaJia Li. Bin Li, Xiaowei Zhang  1045
         A goal-driven Self-adaptive Software System Design Framework based on Agent
         Tieshan Wang, Bin Li, Lingjun Zhao, Xiaowei Zhang      1046

Session 14     14:00-17:00
Room           Meeting room 4
Chair          Prof.Keming Tang,Dr. Bin WANG
Topics         Network Communication and Security
 No.                                            Title
  1      Research and Implementation of Security Wireless LANs based on EAP-TLS and IPSec
         ZHOU Li, TAN Fang-yong GAO Xiao-hui        38
  2      A Cross-Layer Resource Allocation Algorithm for WLANs
         Lei Xu, Dazhuan Xu, Xiaofei Zhang, Shufang Xu    60
  3      A Virtual Channel based Inter-domain Any Source Multicast Protocol
         Chen Yue, Xu Jia 76
  4      VxWroks-based Mass Storage Driver Stack Framework and Application
         Gong Yun,Sun Li-hua 229
  5      A Clustering-based Routing Algorithm with Nonuniform Node Distribution in Wireless
         Sensor Networks
         Chen Jie, Yang Yun, Gu Shen-jun, Tian Hao-cheng, Xu Ping 320
  6      Performance Analysis of Virtual Force Models in Node Deployment Algorithm of WSN
         Ren Xiaoping, Cai Zixing, Li Zhao, Wang Wuyi          491
  7      Design of WEB Video Monitoring Center Server
         Jiang Xuehua    562
  8      Secure Communication with Network Coding
         Zhanghua Cao, Yuansheng Tang, Jinquan Luo      634
  9      An Agent-based Distributed QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm
         Gu Shen-jun, Chen Jie, Tian Hao-cheng, Xu Ping, Yang Yun       645
 10      FBUP2PSim : A Flow-Based Universal Peer-to-Peer Simulator
         Keming Tang, Chuangwei Wang, Ling Chen, Yuan Gu       759
 11      An RSSI-based Method for Mobile Robot Navigation in Wireless Sensor Network
         Xiao Sun, Xiaoguang Zhao, En Li, Hongchun Li, Zize Liang     781
12      An Overlapping Structured P2P for REIK Overlay Network
         Wenjun Liu, Jingjing Song, Jiguo Yu   791
 13      A Novel Reputation Model Based on Subjective Logic for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
         Xuemai Gu, Pei Lin, Shuo Shi       794
 14      A Group Based Context-Aware Strategy for Mobile Collaborative Applications
         Wei WANG, Junzhong GU, Jing YANG, Peng CHEN          799
 15      A Study on user activity patterns in the wireless network
         ChunXia Yang, HongFa Wu, Masaru Itoh , Tao Zhou           853
 16      A GAF Algorithm of Dislocated Grid for Wireless Sensor Networks
         Chen Zu-jue, Ouyang Ye-long, Liu Shao-qing         858
 17      Adjacency List Based Multicast QoS Routing Problem Optimization with Advanced
         Immune Algorithm
         Shanshan Wan, Ying Hao, Dongwei Qiu        881
 18      An channel-awared transmission protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
         Bin-bin Xiong, Wei Yan, Chuang Lin                   886
 19      A DiffServ Supporting And Distributed Dynamic Dual Round Robin Scheduling
         Algorithm on DS-CICQ
         Li Xiuqin , Yan Luoheng, Lan Julong          911
 20      A In-order Queuing Parallel Packet Switch Solution Based on CICQ
         Li Xiuqin, Li Xiuli, Lan Julong            914
 21      Qos Modeling and Analysis in DiffServ-aware      MPLS Network Using OPNET
         Juan Wu, Ying Shi, Hideya Yoshiuchi                  983

Session 15     14:00-17:00

Room           Meeting room 5

Chair          Dr. Zhenguo Shi,Dr. Wei LIU
Topics         Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

 No.                                              Title
         Research on Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm WEKA-Based
         Yang Jun-qiang, Du Jia,Zheng Shi-ming,Dong Lei,Qiao Bing        282
         Research of text categorization based on SVM
         Meihua Wang, Hongbin Zhang, Renshuang Ding        319
         What Do Searchers Mean: Semantic Annotation of User Queries on the Web
         Hui Liu, Yuquan Chen     324
         Direction of Arrival Parametric Estimation and Simulation Based on MATLAB
         Wu Xiao-guang, Guo Tian-wen        341
         One-Class Support Vector Machines Based on Matrix Patterns
         Yuesong Yan, Zhisong Pan, Qiong Wang, Guiqiang Ni, Rui Kong           367
         Expert System of Concrete Crack Diagnosis Based on Neural Network
         Wu Xiaowei      385
Towards Scalable Semantic Data Processing by Knowledge Summarization
     Zaiyue Zhang, Zhisheng Huangy, Xiaoru Zhang, Shang Gao, Xiaofei Zhang          395
     A Distributed Sequence Fuzzy Concept Lattice Model and Incremental Construction
8    Algorithm
     Yunhao Yuan, Yun Li,Lianglei Sun     460
     Rebuilding the competitive equilibrium theory with differentiable dynamic systems
     Li Yingjuan, Meng Ying       464
     Design and Development of the Bayesian Network Platform Based on B/S Structure
     Pengfei ZHAO, Lili ZHANG, Guanmin LIU, Shubin SI            932
     On Computation of Resource Circuits in a Class of Petri Nets
     Shouguang Wang, Chengying Wang, Yanping Yu                  934
     Study on Topic Tracking System Based on SVM
     Shuping Li, Jie zhao, Zhichao Song, Shengdong Li                     952
     The Application of Artificial Neural Network in Medical Meteorology
     Yu-xia Ma Shi-gong Wang            973
     A Framework for Network Multi-robot System and the Localization Research in Indoor
14   Environment
     Kun Shi, Zhiqiang Cao, Jile Jiao, Xu Wang, Chao Zhou                975
     A Dynamic Interval Decision-Making Method Based on GRA
     Tang Xue-jun, Chen Jia    1077
     Research on Logic Rules for Refinement Learning
     Zhenguo Shi, Zongtian Liu,DaSheng Feng        1087
     Using Logic Rules for Concept Refinement Learning in FCA
     Zhenguo Shi, Zongtian Liu,DaSheng Feng       E051
     A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on references and separation
     Li Yujie, Zhang Xiaobing, Li Yun, Wei Laizhi 623
     An Improved Particle Filter Based on Evolutionary Re-sampling
     Bian Zhiguo , Jin Lizuo , Fei Shumin    708
     A rank-based prediction algorithm of learning user’s intention
     Jie Shen,Ying Gao, Cang Chen, HaiPing Gong        221
     A Function Analysis Model Based on Granular Computing and Practical Example in
22   Product Data Management
     Cai Chi-lan, Bai Yue-wei, Xia Yan-chun, Wang Xiao-gang, Liu Kai  636
     Recognition of Control Chart Patterns Using Decision Tree of Multi-class SVM
     Xiaobing Shao     755
     Resarch on Methods of Optimal Road Transportation Routing for Dangerous Goods
     Huo Hong,Xiong Zhenyu      219
     Modeling and Implementation of Inter-campuses Equipment Optimized Management
25   Based on WebGIS
     MA Weifeng     1062
     WDGCluster: Mining differential bicluster based on weighted graph in microarray
26   dataset
     Jingni Diao, Xuequn Shang , Miao Wang , Xiaogang Lei              946
Part IV Hotel Information

            Yangzhou Conference Center


    扬州会议中心是由扬州市委党校全权委托扬子江集团管理的一家大型会议酒店。 它座
利,距著名景区瘦西湖车程约十五分钟。酒店占地面积为 103 亩, 建筑面积 42000 平方米,
是集会议、旅游、培训等为一体的现代化综合性的建筑群。扬州会议中心拥有客房 303 间
(套),其中标准间 258 间,大床间 30 间,套间 15 间;各类餐厅 16 个,其中百畅厅可同
时容纳 1000 余人就餐,是目前扬州市规模最大的高规格宴会厅;大小会议室、贵宾接待室
26 个,其中学术报告厅拥有 1000 余个座位数,是扬州市唯一一座容纳人数最多、功能配套

1. 从东站乘 19 路车至育才小学或(苏北医院)站台下转乘 1 路车至扬州市委新党校站下(扬州会议中心);
2. 从西站乘 20 路车至石桥站台下到马路对面转乘 1 路车至扬州市委新党校站下(扬州会议中心) ;
3. 从上海方向开车:从扬州南下沿扬子江南路至文昌西路左转扬州农业银行、扬州工商银行十字路口红
绿灯)直走至扬州国展中心红绿灯右转扬州会议中心(市委新党校)       ;
4. 从南京方向开车:从扬州西下沿文昌西路向前至扬州国展中心左转弯到扬州会议中心(市委新党校)     ;
5. 从天长方向开车:从扬州北下沿扬子江北路至文昌西路右转扬州农业银行、扬州工商银行十字路口红
绿灯)直走至扬州国展中心红绿灯右转扬州会议中心(市委新党校)       ;
6. 从火车站下打的到扬州会议中心(市委新党校)   ,约 10 元以内

  CCCM2010 组委会为参会作者预定了足够的房间,标间 A 房价 200RMB 每晚,
标间 B 房价 160RMB 每晚。您可以在会议注册时登记缴费入住。
Short Introduction of Yangzhou Conference Center

     Yangzhou Conference Center is a large scale conference hotel under charge of Yangtze Group
 commissioned by Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee. It is located in the new western center of Yangzhou
 downtown, neighbored with Yangzhou National Exhibition Center, PE Park, and Yangzhou Train Station, with
 sophisticated environment around, convenient traffic, which takes around 15 minutes to travel to the western
 slender lake. It covers an area of 103 Mu, and the building area is 42,000 square meters, it is a group of
 buildings and an integrated center offering services combining usages of conference, sight seeing, and training.
 Yangzhou Conference Center has 303 guest rooms, 258 are standard rooms, 30 are big bed rooms, the other 15
 is suites, and there are 16 different kind restaurants inside. Like, Baichang restaurant can hold more than 1000
 people to eat at one time, which is the most sophisticated and high standard banquet hall in Yangzhou at
 present. There are 26 conference rooms and VIP reception rooms, among them, the Academic Report Hall has
 more than 1000 seats inside, and it has the most complete function, the best environment and the most capacity
 in Yangzhou.

                                            Traffic Guidance
 1. Take #19 bus at Yangzhou East Bus Station, get off and take #1 bus at Yucai Primary School (Subei
 Hospital), until you arrive at New Party School of Yangzhou Party Committee(The conference center);
 2. Take #20 bus at Yangzhou West Bus Station, get off at Shiqiao (Stone Bridge) station, go to the opposite
 side of the street, take #1 bus till destination;
 3. From Shanghai, drive from south to downtown along Yangzijiang South Road till you arrive the cross
 corner (Green lights place) of Yangzhou Agriculture Bank, Industry and Commerce Bank, turn left and drive
 straightforward till Yangzhou National Exhibition Center and green lights place, then turn right and drive
 straightforward till the conference center(New Party School);
 4. From Nanjing, drive from west along Wenchang West Road till Yangzhou National Exhibition Center, then,
 turn left and drive straightforward till the destination;
 5. From Tianchang, drive from north along Yangzijiang North Road till the cross corner of Agriculture bank,
 Industry and Commence Bank, turn right till Yangzhou National Exhibition Center, then turn right till the
 conference center (New Party School);
 6. Take a taxi at the train station till the conference center (Party School), and it costs less than 10 RMB.

The organizers of CCCM2010 have booked enough rooms for authors, you can
check in at the registration desk.
Part V Instructions for Presentations

Oral Presentation
Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer:
Laptops (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader)

Projectors & Screen

Laser Sticks

Materials Provided by the Presenters:
PowerPoint or PDF files

Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively):

Regular Oral Session: about 10-15 Minutes of Presentation, 5 Minutes of Q&A

Keynote Speech: 40 Minutes of Presentation, 10 Minutes of Q&A
Part VI       Contact Us

CCCM2010 & ISIIP2010 Organizing Committee

Tel: +86-18802716682      Miss Li

    +86-18802716680       Miss Jia

Call for Papers

1. 2010 International Conference on               International Conference on Industrial
Education and sports Education (ESE               and Information Systems (IIS 2010)
2010)                                             2010 年IEEE 工业与信息系统国际学术会议
2010 年教育和体育教育国际学术会议 (ISTP 检                       (EI&ISTP 检索,接收中/英文稿件)
索,接收中/英文稿件)                                       Dalian, China, July 10 - 11, 2010
Wuhan, China, July 17-18, 2010                    Website大会网站:
Website会议网站:                                        Submission Website 投稿系统:
Submission Website投稿系统:                     onf=iitaiis2010
2010                                              Submission Date截稿时间:2010-7-1
Submission Date截稿时间:2010-6-25
                                                  5.2011 International Conference on
2. 2010 Second IITA Conference on                 Materials, Mechatronics and Automation
Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IITA-              (ICMMA 2011)
GRS 2010)                                         2011 年材料、机电一体化、自动化国际学术研讨会
2010 年IITA 第二届地球科学与遥感国际学术研                        (EI 检索)
讨会(EI&ISTP 检索)                                    Australia, Melbourne, 15-16 January,2011
Qingdao, China, August 28 ~ 31, 2010              会议网站:
Website会议网站:                                      ICMMA 2011 will be published by Key           Engineering Materials Journal, which will be
Submission     Website    投 稿 系 统 :               indexed by EI Compendex.   我们将出版400 篇在 Key Engineering Materials
grs2010                                           期刊,先投先审先录用原则,录用了400 篇就不要
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Cccm 2010

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Cccm 2010

  • 1. 2010 International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management (CCCM 2010) 2010 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Processing (ISIIP2010) August 20 ~ 22, 2010, Yangzhou Conference Program Guide Co-Sponsors Yangzhou University Intelligent Information Technology Application Research Association, Hong Kong Civil Aviation University of China Jiangsu Computer Federation Yangzhou Association for Science & Technology
  • 2. Table of Contents Part I Conference Schedule Part II Keynote Speeches Keynote Speech 1: Prof. Volker Graefe Keynote Speech 2: Prof. Alejandro Pazos Sierra Keynote Speech 3: Prof. Yi Pan Keynote Speech 4: Prof. Chin-Chen Chang Keynote Speech 5: Prof. Jun Wang Keynote Speech 6: Dr. Yixin Chen Part III Oral Sessions or Poster Session Oral Session 1: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Oral Session 2: System Analysis and Control Oral Session 3: Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation Oral Session 4: Theories and Methodologies of Management Oral Session 5: High-Performance Computing and Optimization Oral Session 6: Control Systems and Applications Oral Session 7: Signal, Image and Video Processing Oral Session 8: System Engineering、Logistics and Supply Chain Management Oral Session 9: Autonomic Computing and Technical Education Oral Session 10: Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Oral Session 11: Communications Theory and Technology Oral Session 12: Information Management and Business Intelligence Oral Session 13: Software Engineering and Biomedical Informatics Oral Session 14: Network Communication and Security Oral Session 15:Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Part IV Hotel Information Part V Instructions for Presentations Part VI Contact Us
  • 3. Part I Conference Schedule August 20, 2010 Yangzhou Conference 9:00-20:00 Registration Central August 21 Morning, 2010 08:00 - 08:15 Opening Ceremony 08:15 – 08:30 Photo Keynote Speech 1: 08:30 -09:10 Prof. Volker Graefe Keynote Speech 2 Academic Report 9:10- 9:50 Alejandro Pazos Sierra Hall, Keynote Speech 3 9:50- 10:30 Yangzhou Conference Yi Pan Central 10:30-10:50 Coffee Break Keynote Speech 4 10:50-11:30 Chin-Chen Chang Keynote Speech 5 11:30-12:10 Jun Wang Keynote Speech 6 12:10-12:50 Yixin Chen Banquet hall, 12:50-13:40 Lunch Yangzhou Conference Central
  • 4. August 21 Afternoon, 2010 Oral Session1: 14:30 - 18:00 Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meeting room 1 Oral Session2: System Analysis and Control 14:30 - 18:00 Meeting room 2 Yangzhou Conference Oral Session3: Central 14:30 - 18:00 Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation Meeting room 3 15:50-16:10 Oral Session4: Coffee Break 14:30 - 18:00 Theories and Methodologies of Management Meeting room 4 Oral Session 5: 14:30 - 18:00 High-Performance Computing and Optimization Meeting room 5 Banquet hall, 18:20-20:00 Banquet Yangzhou Conference Central Hotel lobby, Appreciates the night scene of 20:10-21:10 Yangzhou Conference Yangzhou city Central
  • 5. August 22 Morning, 2010 Oral Session 6: 08:40 - 12:00 Control Systems and Applications Meeting room 1 Oral Session 7: 08:40 - 12:00 Signal, Image and Video Processing Meeting room 2 Yangzhou Oral Session 8: Conference System Engineering、Logistics and Supply Chain Central 08:40 - 12:00 Management Meeting room 3 10:10-10:30 Oral Session 9: Coffee Break 08:40 - 12:00 Autonomic Computing and Technical Education Meeting room 4 Oral Session 10: 08:40 - 12:00 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Meeting room 5 Banquet hall, 12:00-13:30 Lunch Yangzhou Conference Central August 22 Afternoon, 2010 Oral Session 11: 14:00 - 17:00 Communications Theory and Technology Meeting room 1 Oral Session 12: Information Management and Business 14:00 - 17:00 Intelligence Yangzhou Meeting room 2 Conference Oral Session 13: Central 14:00 - 17:00 Software Engineering and Biomedical Informatics Meeting room 3 15:30-15:50 Oral Session 14: Coffee Break 14:00 - 17:00 Network Communication and Security Meeting room 4 Oral Session 15: 14:00 - 17:00 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Meeting room 5
  • 6. Part II Keynote Speech Keynote Speech 1: Human-Robot Communication Speaker: Prof. Volker Graefe (Germany) Professor of Measurement Science, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Bundeswehr University MuenCher1(Germany), Head of the intelligent Robots Laboratory, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Bundeswehr University MuenCher1(Germany), Doctor of Sciences in Physics, Mathematics and Oceanography. Abstract –Present industrial robots usually must be carefully instructed, programmed and calibrated by specialized experts before being used, and also later whenever the task or the environment changes. Such an approach to human-robot “communication” will be quite unacceptable for the versatile service and personal robots that we hope to have in the future and which we expect to relieve us from all kinds of daily chores in our homes and offices. For them the services of expert engineers will be unaffordable and they will have to co-exist, communicate and cooperate with humans who are not knowledgeable about, and not interested in, robotics. A robotic assistant equipped with an ideal communication and interaction system would allow a human to ask for what he needs in any way he chooses. Human-robot interaction would be similar to the everyday interaction among humans. Especially when robots and robotic laymen have to interact and collaborate, a human-like communication and interaction is desirable. Human conversation is usually multimodal. Multimodality enhances the richness of the communication and interaction and allows more complex information to be conveyed than is possible with a single or two modalities. Consequently, implementing most of the human senses and communication channels is a prime prerequisite for cooperative and user-friendly service robots. Ideally, they should, in addition to communication via spoken language, generate and understand gestures, body and facial expressions and touch events, to fully support a truly human-friendly interaction. In their conversations humans often refer to past and current utterances and to perceived environmental features. To understand instructions in natural language, the robot must, therefore, be able to interpret them in a context- and situation-dependent way. To converse naturally, the robot, too, must formulate its own utterances in a similarly context- and situation-dependent way. The variety of
  • 7. possible situations the robot might find itself in, and the number of expressions the human might use, make this a real challenge for current robot technology, in particular for perception, situation recognition and speech understanding. To advance research in the field of multimodal human-robot communication we designed and built the humanoid robot HERMES. Equipped with an omnidirectional undercarriage and two manipulator arms it combines visual, kinesthetic, tactile, and auditory sensing with natural spoken language input and output and body expressions for natural communication and interaction with humans. HERMES was successfully tested in an extended six-month experiment in a museum where only naive users interacted with the robot. They chatted with HERMES in several languages and requested various services. Multimodal communication and an understanding of the current situation by the robot turned out to be the key to success. Biography: 1956 to 1964, Universities of Göttingen, Munich, Hamburg and Kiel; studies of physics, mathematics, astrophysics and oceanography. 1961 to 1965, University of Kiel, Germany; research in applied physics. 1964, Doctor of Sciences degree, in physics, mathematics and oceanography (University of Kiel, Germany). 1965 to 1969, University of Hawaii, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics; research in physical oceanography. 1969 to1975, Project manager with Krupp, a major German industrial corporation; management of research and development projects in ocean engineering and computer design. 1975 to 2003, Professor and head of the Institute of Measurement Science, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Bundeswehr University Munich. 2003, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering. Since 2003, Head of the Intelligent Robots Lab, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Bundeswehr University Munich. Since 2004, Visiting Professor, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering Honorary Professor of the Changsha Institute of Technology (China). 1993-1998, Member, Administrative Committee of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. General chairman of the IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 1994, IROS '94. Associate Editor of the International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR). 1997, IROS Fellow and Member, IROS Advisory Council Nakamura Prize for contributions to the advancement of the technology of intelligent robots and systems over a decade. 1998, IAPR/MVA Prize for the most influential paper of the past decade.
  • 8. Keynote Speech 2: Recent Research Progress in Medical Informatics Speaker: Alejandro Pazos Sierra, chair professor in University of La Coruña, Spain. He has two Ph.D. degrees in:computer science, and medicine. His research interests include artificial neural network, evolutionary computation, adaptive systems, bioinformatics, telemedicine and tele-diagnostic. Abstract –The content of the talk will focus on introducing several projects undergoing in the RNASA-IMEDIR group of University of A Courña. The content of the talk will focus on introducing several projects undergoing in the RNASA-IMEDIR group of University of A Courña. Nanomedicine and Converging Technologies (NBIC) in the medical field is to integrate nanotechnology, biomedicine, information technology and cognitive skills to find new diagnostics for complex diseases: colorectal cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders. Intelligent biomedical informatics is focus on associated studies in genomics and proteomics, electronic medical records, security and medical data, epidemiological information, and biomedical image, etc. Accessibility for disabled people is related to develop software and hardware for desktop and mobile devices which help the disabled people to access the information technologies and communications. Biography: Professor Alejandro has published over 250 papers in scientific journals and international conferences, contributed to more than 30 books, and held 17 patents. He acts as PI for more than 60 projects from Europe Union, NCI (National Cancer Institute)-USA, and Spanish national and provincial governments. The total research budget exceeds Six million Euros. Professor Alejandro is a member of the IEEE, ACM, International Neural Network Society, Internet Society, etc. He is the founder and director of "Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Systems–Medical Informatics and Radiological Diagnosis Laboratory (RNASA-IMEDIR)" in University of La Coruña. He has cooperated research with groups in Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and Politécnica de Madrid University. He also has worked as consultant of the Defense Ministry of Spain and the Galician regional Research and Development plan.
  • 9. Keynote Speech 3: From Supercomputing to Cluster Computing to Grid Computing to Cloud Computing─Challenges and Solutions Speaker: Yi Pan received the BEng and MEng degrees in computer engineering from Tsinghua University, China, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1991. Abstract–Cloud computing has emerged rapidly as a growing paradigm of on-demand access to computing, data and software utilities using a usage-based billing model. Users essentially rent resources and pay for what they use and everything including software, platform, and infrastructure is as a service. Cloud computing overlaps some of the concepts of cluster, distributed, grid, service, ubiquitous, utility and virtual computing; However it outgrows from these computing domains and has its own meaning now. Many mature technologies used in other computing models are also employed as components in cloud computing. Clearly, there are still many unresolved and open problems due to its unique characteristics which are different from supercomputing, cluster computing, grid computing, utility computing and service computing. In this talk, I will give a review of supercomputing, cluster computing, grid computing and cloud computing. Since the first supercomputer was developed 40 years ago, there have been many technological changes and many programming models developed. Hence, a review of technologies and approaches used in supercomputing, cluster computing, grid computing will be helpful for us to identify issues and approaches in cloud computing. Comparisons of these computing domains, their limitations and potential solutions will be included in this talk. Biography: Yi Pan is the chair and a professor in the Department of Computer Science and a professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems at Georgia State University. Dr. Pan received his B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in computer engineering from Tsinghua University, China, in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 1991. He is also a guest professor of many universities including Tsinghua University and Beijing University. Dr. Pan's research interests include parallel and distributed computing, optical networks, wireless networks, and bioinformatics. Dr. Pan has published more than 100 journal papers with 40 papers
  • 10. published in various IEEE journals. In addition, he has published over 100 papers in refereed conferences (including IPDPS, ICPP, ICDCS, INFOCOM, and GLOBECOM). He has also co-authored/co-edited 34 books (including proceedings) and contributed several book chapters. His pioneer work on computing using reconfigurable optical buses has inspired extensive subsequent work by many researchers, and his research results have been cited by more than 100 researchers worldwide in books, theses, journal and conference papers. He is a co-inventor of three U.S. patents (pending) and 5 provisional patents, and has received many awards from agencies such as NSF, AFOSR, JSPS, IISF and Mellon Foundation. His recent research has been supported by NSF, NIH, NSFC, AFOSR, AFRL, JSPS, IISF and the states of Georgia and Ohio. He has served as a reviewer/panelist for many research foundations/agencies such as the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Australian Research Council, and the Hong Kong Research Grants Council. Dr. Pan has served as an editor-in-chief or editorial board member for 15 journals including 5 IEEE Transactions and a guest editor for 10 special issues for 9 journals including 2 IEEE Transactions. He has organized several international conferences and workshops and has also served as a program committee member for several major international conferences such as INFOCOM, GLOBECOM, ICC, IPDPS, and ICPP. Dr. Pan has delivered over many keynote speeches at international conferences. Dr. Pan is an IEEE Distinguished Speaker (2000-2002), a Yamacraw Distinguished Speaker (2002), a Shell Oil Colloquium Speaker (2002), and a senior member of IEEE. He is listed in Men of Achievement, Who's Who in Midwest, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in Computational Science and Engineering, and Who's Who of Asian Americans.
  • 11. Keynote Speech 4: Authenticatable Visual Secret Sharing Speaker: Prof. Chin-Chen Chang (Taiwan), Professor, IEEE and IET Fellow Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science Feng Chia University Research Fields: Database Design, E-Business Security, Electronic Imaging Techniques, and Computer Cryptography Abstract –The computer technologies have grown significantly in the past years. More and more multimedia products such as digital cameras have become popular, so digital images are shared and transmitted widely over Internet. However, transmitting secret or important images, such as military or commercial images, over Internet is very dangerous. Malicious users may monitor Internet and try to eavesdrop these valuable images. To protect these images, visual cryptography is necessary for secure communications over Internet. Herein, secret image sharing can be applied to achieve the goal of visual cryptography. In this speech, I will talk about some visual cryptosystems based on the concept of secret image sharing. Also, I'll talk about the concept of designing an authenticatable visual secret sharing. As for the topic of secret image sharing, the secret image sharing scheme uses several noise-like images, called shadows, to replace the original image transmitting over the Internet. The shadows can avoid threats from the illegal persons to access the secret image directly. Secret image sharing techniques were proposed to be another branch outside traditional cryptographic techniques and steganography. Based on sharing secret images, visual cryptography for binary images, grayscale images and color images will be introduced. Biography: Professor Alan Chin-Chen Chang obtained his Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from Chiao Tung University. His first degree is Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and master degree is Master of Science in Computer and Decision Sciences. Both were awarded in Tsing Hua University. Dr. Chang served in Chung Cheng University from 1989 to 2005. His current title is Chair Professor in Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University, from Feb. 2005. Prior to joining Feng Chia University, Professor Chang was an associate professor in Chiao Tung University, professor in Chung Hsing University, chair professor in Chung Cheng University. He had also been Visiting Researcher and Visiting Scientist to Tokyo University and Kyoto University, Japan. During his
  • 12. service in Chung Cheng, Professor Chang served as Chairman of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Dean of College of Engineering, Provost and then Acting President of Chung Cheng University and Director of Advisory Office in Ministry of Education, Taiwan. Professor Chang’s specialties include, but not limited to, data engineering, database systems, computer cryptography and information security. A researcher of acclaimed and distinguished services and contributions to his country and advancing human knowledge in the field of information science, Professor Chang has won many research awards and honorary positions by and in prestigious organizations both nationally and internationally. He is currently a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IEE, UK. And since his early years of career development, he consecutively won Outstanding Youth Award of Taiwan, Outstanding Talent in Information Sciences of Taiwan, AceR Dragon Award of the Ten Most Outstanding Talents, Outstanding Scholar Award of Taiwan, Outstanding Engineering Professor Award of Taiwan, Chung-Shan Academic Publication Awards, Distinguished Research Awards of National Science Council of Taiwan, Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award of the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Top Fifteen Scholars in Systems and Software Engineering of the Journal of Systems and Software, and so on. On numerous occasions, he was invited to serve as Visiting Professor, Chair Professor, Honorary Professor, Honorary Director, Honorary Chairman, Distinguished Alumnus, Distinguished Researcher, Research Fellow by universities and research institutes. He also published more than 1200 papers in Information Sciences. In the meantime, he participates actively in international academic organizations and performs advisory work to government agencies and academic organizations.
  • 13. Keynote Speech 5: Speaker: Prof. Jun Wang, PhD, FIEEE Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong Biography: About the Speaker: Jun Wang is a Professor and the Director of Computational Intelligence Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to this position, he held various academic positions at Dalian University of Technology, Case Western Reserve University, and University of North Dakota. Besides, he also holds a Cheung Kong Chair Professorship in computer science and engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on a part-time basis since 2008. He received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering and an M.S. degree in systems engineering from Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China. He received his Ph.D. degree in systems engineering from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. His current research interests include neural networks and their applications. He published over 140 journal papers, 12 book chapters, 9 edited books, and numerous conference papers in the areas. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part B since 2003 and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Neural System since 2006. He also served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (1999 – 2009) and IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics – Part C (2002-2005), a guest editor/co-editor of the special issue of European Journal of Operational Research (1996), International Journal of Neural Systems (2007), and Neurocomputing (2008), He was an organizer of several international conferences such as the General Chair of the 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (2006) and the 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. He served as the President of Asia Pacific Neural Network Assembly in 2006. He is an IEEE Fellow, an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (2010-2012) and a recipient of the Research Excellence Award from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2008-2009) and the First Class Shanghai natural Science Award (2009).
  • 14. Keynote Speech 6: Conditional Random Fields: Introduction, Training Algorithms, and Extension to Semi-Supervised Learning Speaker: Yixin Chen is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Washington University in St Louis. His research interests include planning and scheduling, computational optimization, data mining, and machine learning. Abstract– Conditional random fields (CRFs) are a class of undirected graphical models which have been widely used for classifying and labeling sequence data. In this talk, I will first give a quick introduction to the intuition, mathematical structure, and computational algorithms for CRF learning. Then, I present a novel constrained nonlinear optimization formulation for addressing the acute over-fitting problem often seen in CRF learning. The new formulation includes the prediction accuracy of cross-validation sets as constraints. Instead of requiring multiple passes of training, the constrained formulation allows the cross-validation be handled in one pass of constrained optimization. Experimental results on gene and stock-price prediction tasks show that the constrained formulation is able to significantly improve the generalization ability of CRFs. Finally, since CRF is invented for supervised learning, I present a recent technique that extends CRF to semi-supervised learning through a large-margin co-training framework. Promising results on medical applications are reported. Biography: Yixin Chen is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Washington University in St Louis. His research interests include planning and scheduling, computational optimization, data mining, machine learning, and cloud computing. He received a Ph.D. in Computing Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2005, under his advisor Dr. Benjamin Wah. He has received an Best Paper Award at the AAAI Conference in 2010. His work on planning has won First Prizes in optimal and satisficing tracks in the International Planning Competitions (2004 & 2006) and the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Tools for AI (2005). He has received an Early Career Principal Investigator Award from the Department of Energy (2006) and a Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship (2007). He serves on the Editorial Board of Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) and IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), and as a Guest Editor for ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.
  • 15. Part III Oral Session Session 1 14:30-18:00 Room Meeting room 1 Chair Prof. Ling CHEN, Dr.Li TU Topics Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining No. Title Outlier Mining Process Model and its application 1 Huan Zhou, Lian Hu, Yi-mu Sun 79 Research on Privacy Preserving Data Mining 2 Pingshui WANG, Jiandong WANG, Xinfeng ZHU, Jian JIANG 92 A Graph Summarization Algorithm based on RFID Logistics 3 Yan Sun, Kongfa Hu, Zhipeng Lu, Li Zhao, Ling Chen 97 Application Research on Computer Rank Examination Basing on Data Mining 4 Xue Xiao-feng,Xue Xiang-hong ,Ye Fei-yue 104 A Shell Multi-dimensional Hierarchical Cubing Approach for High-Dimensional Cube 5 Shuzhi ZOU,Li ZHAO,Kongfa HU 106 An Algorithm for Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets in Data Stream 6 Caiyan Dai,Ling Chen 150 A General Throughput Model for Parallel Cluster tools 7 Zheng Xiuhong,Yu Haibin , Hu Jingtao 174 Identity-Based Parallel Key-Insulated Encryption with Multiple Long-Term Keys 8 Yanli Ren, Shuozhong Wang,Xinpeng Zhang, Zhenxing Qian 187 Multi-Level Sequential Pattern Mining Based on Prime Encoding 9 Sun Lianglei,Li Yun, Yin Jiang 228 Research on Trustworthiness-based Grid Resource Selection Optimized Algorithm 10 Xu Shun-fu, Wang Bing,Zhang Xue-jie,Zheng Shi-ming,Shao Rong-ming 283 Identifying Useful Information in Temperature Oscillations 11 Chunxia Yang, Danting Hu, Bingying Xia, Liping Zou 284 A New R-tree Spatial Index Based on Space Grid Coordinate Division 12 Guobin Li, Jine Tang 336 Exploiting Dependency Information for Feature-based Protein-Protein Interaction 13 Extraction Bing Liu ,Longhua Qian, Guodong Zhou,Qiaoming Zhu 381 A New Approach for Mining Frequent Items in Data Stream 14 Li Tu, Ling Chen 431 Parameter Optimization For Machined Round Parts By Using Grey Relational Analysis 15 Hong Zhennan, Liu Chunbao, Li Junhong 495 The Online System for Measuring Sediment Concentration Based on Data Fusion 16 Technology Liu Mingtang, Yu Hui, Fu Libin, Li Li 496
  • 16. Formal modelling of immune complex network based on B method 17 Yujing Peng,Hao Sun , Chunqiu Liu , Shengrong Zou 502 A Path-based Method of Constructing Data Cube for RFID Data Sets 18 Youwei DING, Shuzhi ZOU, Kongfa HU, Ling CHEN 525 Knowledge Acquisition from ANSYS Analyzed Data for Driving Head of Hydraulic 19 Drill Daohua Liu, Jin Li 598 Collaborative Information Retrieval Framework Based on FCA 20 Cencheng Shen, Yun Li, Yan Sheng, Luan Luan 619 An Extended Keyword Extraction Method 21 Bao Hong, Deng Zhen 629 Grid-based DBSCAN Algorithm with Referential Parameters 22 Huang Darong , Wang Peng 642 An Incremental Mining Method for RFID Database 23 Zhuxi Chen, Li Zhao, Kongfa Hu 746 The Research on Subject Database Division Based on Entity Similarity 24 Hongjun Zheng, Jinli Peng, Duo Wang 832 Incremental Mining Algorithm of Sequential Patterns Based on Sequence Tree 25 Jiaxin Liu, Shuting Yan, Yanyan Wang, Jiadong Ren 876 An Improved Ant Algorithm for Grid Task Scheduling Strategy 26 Laizhi Wei, Xiaobin Zhang, Yun Li , Yujie Li 865 Multi-relational Clustering Based on Relational Distance 27 Luan Luan, Yun Li, Jiang Yin, Yan Sheng 892 Session 2 14:30 -18:00 Room Meeting room 2 Chair Prof. Tianping ZHANG, Dr. Yang YI Topics System Analysis and Control No. Title Neural Network-Based Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback 1 Systems Hongchun Li, Jiandong Mei, Zhenmin Guo 394 Adaptive PID Control Strategy for Nonlinear Model Based on RBF Neural Network 2 Changliang Liu, Fei Ming, Gefeng Ma, Junchi Ma 533 New Method of Controlling Grinding Accuracy with Dynamic Compensatory 3 Huibin Xu, Jianwu Tao, Xiang Gao 715 Constraint Aggregation Approaches for Numerical Optimal Control with Inequality Path 4 Constraints Xiaodong Zhang,Qiang Zhang, Shurong Li, Yang Lei 280 Robust Stability and Stabilization of Delta operator formulated discrete-time delay LPV 5 systems Yangyang Zhao, Jianying Yang 23
  • 17. Chaotification of Nonlinear Discrete Systems via Sliding Mode Control 6 Qiyue Xie, Zhengzhi Han 89 Design of Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for the Rolling Mill Automatic 7 Position Control Stopping System Zhang Ruicheng,Li Guide 223 Chaos-control of a delayed laser via a reflective grating 8 Yan Senlin 81 Adaptive Neural Network Stabilization for a Class of Delayed Systems 9 Qing Zhu, Xiang Yao, Wei Ding, Quan Sun 342 Adaptive Output Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Delayed Systems 10 Qing Zhu, Tianping Zhang, Xiang Yao, Wei Ding, Quan Sun 391 Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Time-varying Delay Systems with Unknown Control 11 Gain Signs Qiuqin Zhu, Tianping Zhang 379 A New Roadside Detection Method Based on Obstacle Detection 12 Chunhe Yu, Danping Zhang, Rui Guo 730 An Artificial Intelligence Central Air-conditioning Controller 13 Chunhe Yu, Danping Zhang 824 A Traffic Light Detection Method 14 Chunhe Yu, Ying Bai 862 Research of the New Principal Component Analysis Algorithm Based on the Dynamic 15 Model You Zhou,Qinglin Wang, Guangda Yang, Dehui Qiu 248 Design of Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for Main Drive System of Rolling 16 Mill With Uncertainty Parameters Zhang Ruicheng, Chen Zhikun 220 Improvement of Congestion Control based on HSTCP 17 QIN Jun, ZONG Ping E003 Research of Active Disturbances Rejection Controller in Adaptive Optics System 18 You Zhou, Guangda Yang, Zhide Liu 1092 Controlling Discrete Time T-S Fuzzy Chaotic Systems via Adaptive Adjustment 19 Yibei Nian, Yongai Zheng 535 Adaptive Neural Control of MIMO Nonlinear Time-Varying Delay Systems with 20 Minimum Adjustable Parameters Shujie Zhou, Lijuan Xu, Tianping Zhang 505 Superheater Steam Temperature Control Based on the Expanded-Structure Neural 21 Network Inverse Models Liangyu Ma,Zhenxing Shi, Kwang Y. Lee 925 Research on Intelligent Control of the New Synchronous Transformative Pressure 22 Ventilation Bed Su Junjie, Zhong Qiuhai 930 An Implementation of CANopen at Water Electrolysis Hydrogen Generation Station 23 Fuhua Kuang, Bugong Xu 863
  • 18. VRLA Battery Management System Based on LIN Bus for Electric Vehicle 24 Changhao Piao, Qifeng Liu, Zhiyu Huang, Chongdu Cho, Xiaonong Shu 864 Research of the optimal wavelet selection on entropy function 25 Hongfeng Ma, Jianwu Dang , Xin Liu 883 The Analysis of Thermal Field and Thermal Deformation of a Water-cooling Radiator by 26 Finite Element Simulation Y ANG Lianfa, Wang Qin, ZHANG Zhen 841 Adaptive Neural Network Applications in Ship Motion Control 27 HU Guanshan, PAN Weigang 845 ESPRIT-Based Joint Angle and Frequency Estimation Using Multiple Delay Output 28 Sun Zhongwei, Li Jianfeng, Liu Jian, Zhang Xiaofei 856 Effects of Supply Pressures on Two-Stage Electro-Hydraulic Servo Valve 29 YAN Jie, PAN Hongliang 857 Study on Non Energy Saving Status Detection of Groundwater Heat Pump System Using 30 Artificial Neural Network Method Zhiwei Wang, Yi Peng, Zhonghe Zhang, Wei Cao, Peng Li 787 Control System Development for Flexible Roll Forming Machine 31 Wang Guiyong, Li Qiang, Qian Bo 588 Stabilizing a Class of Chaotic Systems by Using Adaptive Feedback Control 32 Dejin Wang, Yongai Zheng 536 Session 3 14:30 -18:00 Room Meeting room 3 Chair Prof. Seiichi SERIKAWA Topics Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation No. Title 1 The Filtering Algorithm Based on Spatial Correlation for Echo of Ultrasonic in Detecting Defects of Bonding Interface of Thin Composite Plate Xiu-fei Wang,Ze Zhang 13 2 Cooperative spectrum sensing based on iterative weighting under Nakagami fading Yaping Bao , Lijuan Shi , Xiaomei Zhu,Feng Tian 105 3 A vehicle identification system based on the ultrasonic technology Lv Wenhong,Zhang Jifen, Chen Youfeng ,Li Anliang ,Wang Yanxia 120 4 A New Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Method of Engine Based on Spectrometric Oil Analysis Gao Jingwei,Hu Niaoqin,Jiang Lehua, Fu Jianyi 137 5 Chirplet-Fractal Characteristics of Leakage Current on HV Insulators Ali Hui,Hui Lin 155 6 Design and Application of Fieldbus OPC DA Server Jianchun Xing, Qiliang Yang,Ping Wang, Ronghao Wang 204 7 A Calibration Method for Pavement Roughness Measurement System Based on Laser Ranging
  • 19. Yingying An,Fengying Sun 312 8 A Cooperative Spectrum Detection Technique in Non-Gaussian Noise Xiaomei Zhu, Weiping Zhu 344 9 The design of Instrument for the level and label of gasoline Measurement Based on AT89C52 Han hongfang, Sun Shouchang ,Lin Kanghong ,Chen Shuyue 380 10 Simulation of Power Quality Using S-Transform GU Jin-hong, LIU Qi, CHENG Chao-hui 425 11 Design and Realization of an Embedded Gateway base on 3G Shuang Wu, Gui-gen Zeng 492 12 The Discussion about Test Technology of SoC Zhang Zhen, Zhang Hui, Cai WenJun 511 13 Air Quality Monitoring System Based on LabVIEW Hai-bao WANG, Ting-ting WU, Guang-jie WU 539 14 A Range Measurement Scheme for Chinese Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Signals included Positioning Systems Wenqi Li, Hong Wu, Nan Zhang, Yuang Jin, Kai Guo 592 15 Harmonic Control based on Fuzzy Logic Shihong Wu, Gang Dang,Jun Wang, Xiaohui Li, Zhixia Zhang, Fengli Jiang 721 16 Study On Piezoelectric Effect of Ceramic Capacitors in Daya Bay Neutrino Experimen Wenqi Jiang, Zheng Wang 767 17 Study on Parallel 2-DOF Rotation Machanism in Radar Ming JIANG, Xuelong HU, Lei LIU, Yunfei YU 834 18 The research of Mica Pulp Concentration Detecting Which is based on Laser with 650nm Wavelength Yi Zhang, Ying-bo Zhu 905 19 A Batch Adaptive Model Predictive Controller for Electromagnetic Stirrers Gang Shen, Xu Cheng 954 20 A Study of SVDD-based Algorithm to the Fault Diagnosis of Mechanical Equipment System Zhiqiang Jiang, Xilan Feng, Xianzhang Feng, Lingjun Li 1058 21 A Novel Method of Measuring and Analysis IGBT’s Driver Waveform Ni Yun feng ,Wang Meng, Yu Gong jun 1099 22 A Novel Method of Signal Denoising Gang Bi, Shanshan Zheng 1070 23 An Improved EMD Method & Its Application in Nonstationary Signals Analysis Jianhui Chen 672 24 Improved Bags-of-Words Algorithm for Scene Recognition Liu Gang , Wang Xiaochi 693 Session 4 14:30 -18:00 Room Meeting room 4
  • 20. Chair Prof. HU kongfa, Dr. DING Xiaochao Topics Theories and Methodologies of Management No. Title Research of the Influence Factors on Chinese Listed Agribusiness’ profit ——An 1 Analysis Based on Panel Data Model Leng Jianfei, DU Xiaorong 43 Research on the Tender Evaluation of Scientific and Technical Projects Based on Fuzzy Comprehension Assessment 2 Zhang Min,Yin Zhongfeng ,Tang Zhaojie 135 The Econometric Analysis of the Contribution Degree of Technological Progress in Bohai Rim Region 3 Zhang Jingqiang,Zhou Hong,Huang Zilang 242 Life Cycle Assessment Study on Rare Earth Mining Process 4 Feng Xiujuan, Tao tao, Du li 1042 Network spokesman: The new role of communication between the Government and the public 5 Yu Shuwen 345 Discussion of the metropolis pet funeral and burial service 6 Yi ZHU, Min LIU 430 System Dynamics Simulation of Regional Water Resources Sustainable Utilization: A Case of Hubei Province, China 7 LIU Dan, Cheng Wei-shuai 517 Study Of Project Risk Continuous Process Pattern 8 Zhang Yali, Yang Huixiu ,Jiangxiangmei 528 A Study on Shanghai-Shenzhen Stock Price Co-movement and Spillover Effects 9 Chunxia Yang, Bingying Xia, Liping Zou, Qi Zhao 530 Empirical Research on the Influencing Factors in Technological Progress of Beijing’s High-tech Industry 10 Zhang Jingqiang 554 The source of China's Economics Growth: An Analysis Based on Input-Output Approach 11 Liu Ruixiang 651 Discussion of Planning and Operating of Chongming Qianwei Village’s Nongjiale tourism site 12 Qingqing GUO, Min LIU 760 Current Status Investigation and Analysis on Energy Efficiency Monitoring System of Groundwater Source Heat Pump Normal Projects in Xianyang City 13 Zhiwei Wang, Jifeng Zhao, Kang Wang, Peng Li, Wei Cao 786 Can Strategic Trade Policies Improve Comparative Advantages of Exports?--- A 14 Heterogeneous Panel Analysis of Chinese Agro-based Manufactures Yu Hong, Hong-wei Su 825 15 Strategic Support for Managers by Core Competence
  • 21. Liu Kan 908 Weigh in Motion Based on Dynamic Tire Force Separation 16 Zhou Zhi-feng 252 A Comprehensive Approach to ERP Selection 17 Huo Lingyu, Liu Bingwu, Yan Fang,Huo Lingyu 265 Game Analysis of Internal Harmonious Management within Enterprise Based on Remuneration System Design 18 Wu fang, Wang Ji-gan 361 An Empirical Study on Decision-making Model for Recruitment of R & D staff of enterprises 19 Wu Haiyan, Yang Wu 434 Extended Enterprise Input-Output Model for Sustainability Management 20 Fang Wang, Xiao-Ping Jia 556 An Empirical Study on the Effect of Work/Life Commitment to Work-Life Conflict 21 MA Li, YIN Jie-lin 741 The Construction of Shapley Value in Cooperative Game And its Application on Enterprise Alliance 22 Xu Xiaofeng, Ruan Aiqing 749 Abnormality Detection Methods for Airborne Equipment’s Working Performance Based on χ2 Distribution Model 23 Lü Yongle 806 The Financial Structure and High-Tech Industries Development in China 24 Yang Liuyong, Mo Shensheng, Zhou Anqi 972 The modelling pharmacokinetic profile of freeze-dried cyclosporine A-Eudragit S100 nanoparticle formulation in dogs 25 Yang LIU , Zhi-gang Fang, Ben-Gang YOU, Xin-yuan DING,Xue-nong ZHANG 797 R&D Globalization of MNC and Knowledge Spillover in China 26 Liu Zhongwei 965 Research on business model innovation methods based on TRIZ theory 27 Ding junwu Yang dongtao E201 Decision-making Modeling of Military Engineering Repair Operations Based on 28 Organizational Design Fengshan Wang,Wanhong Zhu, Houqing Lu 115 Study on Method of Data Fusion in Metro Stray Current Monitoring 29 WANG Yu-qiao , LI Wei, YANG Xue-feng, YE Guo, GE Xi-yun,SU Xiu-ping 179 The Study of Community Detection Algorithm Based on Cellular Automata 30 TIAN Shuang-liang,LI Kai 203 Analysis and Construction of the Emergency Decision Support System for Serious 31 Environmental Pollution Accident in Coal Chemical Industry Region Yang Lifeng, Kou Ziming 1067
  • 22. Session 5 14:30 -18:00 Room Meeting room 5 Chair Dr. Xiaohua Xu Topics High-Performance Computing and Optimization No. Title Hierarchical model of cloud & client computing based on multi-agent 1 XU Xiao-long,CHENG Chun-Ling,XIONG Jing-Yi 12 Research and Performance Analysis on Parallel Computing of Remote Sensing Image 2 based on MPICH LI Jun, MA Weifeng 1063 A GPU Implementation of Fast Solver for Large Scale Nonlinear Equations 3 Sha Liu,Chengwen Zhong,Xiaopeng Chen,Jun Cao 17 Deceptive Problems of Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Improvement of 4 Their Performance Shu Wang, Ling Chen 37 Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on Ensemble Learning 5 ZhenZhou Yu, ZhengQun Wang,GuanHua Chen, 110 SI-NS Diagram Program Design and Development Method 6 Si Chuangen,Si Ximing, Zhang Chunjuan 183 Blind Joint 2D Direction of Arrival And Frequency Estimation with L-shape Array 7 Xulingyun, Zhang xiaofei ,Xu zongze 372 Based on Heterogeneous Matching Matrix Scalability Analysis 8 Shuixia Hao, Guosun Zeng 441 A Fused Algorithm for Maneuvering Target Tracking 9 Yong Li 497 Support Fast Generation Algorithm Based on Discrete-marking in Rapid Prototyping 10 Qian Bo ,Zhang Lichao Shi Yusheng Liu Guocheng 586 A Robust Algorithm based on Spatial Differencing Matrix for Source Number Detection 11 and DOA Estimation in Multipath Environment Fulai Liu, Changyin Sun, Jinkuan Wang, Ruiyan Du 720 Incremental Particle Swarm Optimization 12 Xiaohua Xu, Zhoujin Pan, Yanqiu Xi, Ling Chen 750 k-Biclusters Algorithm for Gene Expressing Data 13 Xiaohua Xu, Yanqiu Xi , Zhoujin Pan, Ling Chen 748 Intelligent Quality Prediction Using Weighted Least Square Support Vector Regression 14 Yaojun Yu 752 Nonlinear Calibration of Thermocouple Sensor Using Least Squares Support Vector 15 Regression Yaojun Yu 753 Identification for Polynomial Wiener Model Using Improved Back Propagation Method 16 Xiaobing Shao 756
  • 23. Non-math-modelling data analytical methods base on artificial neural networks(ANNs) 17 applied to optimize preparation of norcantharidin-loaded chitosan nanoparticles Yang LIU , Wei ZHANG ,Xue-Nong ZHANG 778 Memory Performance Characterization of SPEC CPU2006 Benchmarks Using TSIM 18 Fucen Zeng, Lin Qiao, Mingliang Liu, Zhizhong Tang 795 Particle swarm optimization based Nonlinear Least-squares Parameter Estimation of 19 Maintenance Time Distribution Zhong Lu, You-chao Sun, Jia Zhou 807 Multicore-based performance optimization for evaluating the inverse of sparse matrix 20 Zhang Xiaobin, Mao Guoyong, Hu Kongfa, Li Yun, Wei Laizhi, Li Yujie 890 Process calculus with data structure and its model checking algorithm 21 Qing Zheng, 897 Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms-Based Routing Planning of Mobile Sink 22 Wang jia, He zhimin 909 Panorama Stitching Based on SIFT Algorithm and Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization 23 ZHONG Min, ZENG Jiguo, XIE Xusheng 928 Model-based Normal Modes Estimation using Forward-difference Derivative 24 Approximation Du Jinyan, Sun Chao 940 Information System Attribute Reduction Parallel Algorithm Based on Information 25 Entropy Yang chunlin, Zhang Zhonglin , Zhang Jun 994 Application of PSO Algorithm to Multi-objective Optimization in Network Planning 26 Lixin QU, Yihong Zhou, Na Chen 1028 Study on the Optimization of Multi-factor Influencing Ice Thermal Storage Air 27 Conditioning System Economy Zhiwei Wang, Qiuli Yang, Leimin Zhang, Liping Han, Jie Sun 788 Research on XML Normalization Struct Indexing Tree 28 Xu Li, Di Wu, Bangzuo Zhang 1085 Session 6 08:40 -12:00 Room Meeting room 1 Chair Dr. Yuequan YANG Topics Control Systems and Applications No. Title Dynamic Analysis and Design of the Rhombic Drive of Stirling Engine 1 Xu Zhang, Yan Ma, Chun-mei Yang, Li Fu 423 Greenhouse Temperature Control Strategy Based on Fuzzy Algorithm 2 Wang Jianxin, Sui Meili 424 Development on Intelligent Controller of Automobile ABS Based on the Slip Ratio 3 Wanxin Kang, Xiucheng Dong, Renyun Sun, Yunyun Xu 447
  • 24. The Grey Prediction Fuzzy PID Control in Auto-drainage System of Mine 4 Wujuan, Kouziming 500 T-S fuzzy neural network algorithm application in nonlinear control 5 Ying-jun Sang ,Cai-qian Xu,Bin Liu, Qing-xia Kong,Fei Huang,Gang-yuan Mao 346 Control Method Research of Three-DOF Helicopter Based on Active Disturbances 6 Rejection Controller You Zhou, Qinglin Wang,Dehui Qiu 281 The Design of the Internal Combustion Engine based on the Intelligent PID Control 7 Algorithm Wang Dongyun,Wang Kai 196 Chaotic Dynamics and Chaos Control of Cournot Model with heterogenous players 8 Rong Hu,Qi Chen 261 Research on High-Current Source control and protection technology in the HVDC 9 synthetic test system YAO Guang Ping,CHEN Jian Dong 269 Realization of Control Algorithm for Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering System Based on 10 MC9S08AW32 Microcontroller Xia Chang-gao,ZhuZhong-ming,ZhengRong-liang 270 Applied Research of Expert-fuzzy PID in Wireless Temperature Control System 11 Jun Wang, Meifeng Gao, Jianhong Zhu 571 The Sensor Fault Diagnosis of the UV Based on the Wavelet Neural Network 12 WANG Shengwu, SHI Xiuhua ,WEI Zhaoyu 407 The Application of Fuzzy Neural Networks Based on Genetic Optimization Algorithm 13 in Intelligent Vehicle Speed Control System Xiucheng Dong, Xu Yang 419 Space-Time Adaptive Processing for GPS anti-jamming Receiver 14 Hongwei Zhao, Baowang Lian, Juan Feng 1016 Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID Control for the Electro-hydraulic Position Servo System with 15 Uncertainties Suolin Duan, Lanping Chen ,Zhenghua Ma, Lanping Chen 1078 Study for Event Mechanism based on AIS 16 ZONG Ping, QIN Jun E002 Research on Ship CPP Networked Control System Based on SVM、GPC and QS 17 Qi Liang, Yu Menghong 352 Method of Vehicle Cut-In Action Recognition Using Vehicular Radar 18 Wei Zhang, Haiou Liu, Huiyan Chen 1068 Design of Fingerprint Access Control System in Intelligent Community 19 Han Cheng-hao, Li-Min, Ren-Ye 805 Research of the Remote Experiment System Based on Virtual Reality 20 Liangyu Lei ,Jianjun Liu Xiufang Yang 655 Effects of Vision Clues on Spatial Cognition of Mice 21 ZHOU Zan, CHANG Jun-li, XIE Min, LIAO Xiao-mei 656
  • 25. Implement of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Control of Aero Variable Stroke Plunger Pump 22 PAN Hongliang, YAN Jie 770 LQR self-adjusting based control for the planar double inverted pendulum 23 Jiao-long Zhang, Wei Zhang 771 Simulations and Analysis on Performance Limitations of Aircraft's Longitudinal Motion 24 Di Lu, Guoliang Fan, Jianqiang Yi 773 The Research on Fuzzy PID Control of the Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous 25 Motor Ying Wu, Hang Jiang,Min Zou 731 Double Motor Coordinated Control Bas ed on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and CMAC 26 Shaozhong Cao, Ji Tu , Heping Liu 664 PMSM Driver Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization and CMAC 27 Ji Tu , Heping Liu, Shaozhong Cao 666 Design on The Air-conditioning System’s Automation of Evaporative Cooling Assisting 28 to Mechanical Refrigeration Huang Xiang, Lu Yong-mei, Qiang Tian-wei, Xiong Li 713 Platform-Level Design for a Robotic Dolphin 29 Fei Shen, Changming Wei, Zhiqiang Cao, De Xu, Junzhi Yu, Chao Zhou 726 Indoor Unmanned Airship System Airborne Control Module Design 30 Gao YongXia, Li YiBo 703 Variable Structure Control for Tethered Satellite Fast Deployment and Retrieval 31 Liu Yingying, Zhou Jun, Chen Huanlong 1006 Nonlinear Regression for Analog Data based on BP Neural Network 32 Yin-Zhen Jiang,Yi-Huai Wang 131 Session 7 08:40 -12:00 Room Meeting room 2 Chair Prof. Xuelong HU, Dr. Zhibo GUO Topics Signal, Image and Video Processing No. Title 1 Design of Low-power Wake-up Circuits in Underwater Acoustic Communication Zhang Cuixia , Wu Jiaxin, Li Yuanxuan 84 2 Researches on Content Delivery Policies for Interactive Video Network Dao-yi Wang,Wenan Zhou,Yuanan Liu 160 3 A novel approach to calibrating the line scan camera of Vehicle-borne 3D data acquisition system Youmei Han,Liuzhao Wang 190 4 Wire Communication System Based on DSP in Feeder Automation
  • 26. 5 Object Tracking and DSP Realization based on Combined Algorithm with Camshift and Kalman Hongyuan Wang,Yue Zhou,Lei Zhao 273 6 Extraction of Speech MFCC Based on the Rapid Prototyping Method of DSP Guo Tian-wen , Wu Xiao-guang 305 7 The research on positioning based on digital television signal and GNSS Song Kexin, Hua Yu, Xiang Yu, Huang Changjiang 368 8 The research on the measuring based on the digital television terrestrial broadcasting signal Song Kexin, Wu Haitao, Xiang Yu, Li Shifeng 369 9 Application of Bernoulli Compressed Sensing for Video-Based Augmented Reality Shuhong Jiao, Gesen Zhang, Xiaoli Xu 375 10 A 3G Video Phone Solution for Reducing the Delay of Video Data Shang Dan ,Gao Yongqing, Ping Yucai 459 11 Monitoring System of Power Line Icing Based on GPRS Xie Wancheng 671 12 A New Type Device of Detecting True and False Coin Chunhe Yu, Chao Zhang, Ying Bai 775 13 Exploring Data Prefetching Mechanisms for Last Level Cache in Chip Multi-processors Mingliang Liu, Lin Qiao, Fucen Zeng and Zhizhong Tang 808 14 The Development of a Portable ECG Monitor Based on DSP CHI Jian Nan, YAN Yan Tao, LIU Meng Chen, YANG Li 854 15 Application of ARM in Multi-target Simulator Wang Aihua, Zhang Hong 868 16 The Study of Signal Simulation Based on the Active Radar Seeker Jia Zongsheng, Si Xicai, Zhao Na, Li Shasha, 942 17 Cross-range Super-resolution Algorithm Based on Non-synthetic Aperture Radar Xiaoyan Fan, She Shang, Dawei Song, Wenfeng Sun, Dong Li 953 18 A Nonlinear Cobweb Model Xiyun Wang, Lei Wang, Xianfeng Li 957 19 Past, Current and Future Positions Index of Moving Objects in Networks Zhanyu Zhu, Qun Yang , Dechang Pi 984 20 A partner selection and evaluation approach of LCD TV screen supplier for TCL group using AHP approach Zhiqiang Jiang, Xilan Feng, Xianzhang Feng, Jinfa Shi 1059 21 A Study of Space-borne Sliding Spotlight SAR Imaging Algorithm Chen Yingying, Jia Xin 348 22 An Advanced Algorithm for Image Segmentation by Random Seed Region Search Ji wenhua, Zhou chang 376 23 Supervised Semantic Image Annotation Using Region Relevance Fei Shi, Fangfang Yang, Jiajun Wang 297 24 Research on the Application of Artificial neural networks in tender offer for construction projects
  • 27. Zhang Minli, Qiao Shanshan 275 25 The Application of SOM and GRNN in Creativity Measurement for Middle School Students Jiayuan Yu 172 26 Face Detection and Tracking Based on Weighted Histogram and Shape Constraints Qin Ling,Tong Xian Hui 152 27 Image De-noising and Granularity Detection Based on Morphology Xuelong HU, Min ZHANG, Nan JIANG,Weiping YANG,Xiang YIN 393 Session 8 08:40 -12:00 Room Meeting room 3 Chair Prof. BAO Zhenqiang, Dr. DING Junwu Topics System Engineering、Logistics and Supply Chain Management No. Title Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method Applied in the Real Estate Investment Risks 1 Research Zhang Minli, Yang Wenpo 383 Corporate Governance and Operating Performance: Evidences from Chinese Small and 2 Medium-sized Firms Wang Hui 392 A Collaborative Planning Model with Divisible Orders and Its Differential Evolution 3 Algorithm Hanjie Gu, Zhenqiang Bao, Weiye Wang, Rong Bao 467 The Application of AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Harmonious Level 4 Measurement between Human and Water in City Xie Fang, Tang De-Shan 596 Optimization Research of Generation Investment Based on Linear Programming Model 5 Juan WU, Xueqian GE 757 Multivariate statistical methods the level of our comprehensive analysis of all regions 6 Qian Xiaoxin 768 Fuzzy Raw Materials Allocation Problem 7 Gao-Ji Sun 780 A Subsidy Model of Green Buildings based on Government Cost 8 Zhou YP(Zhou Yingpu), Yang GS(Yang Gaosheng) 967 Wartime Repair Decision-making Framework for Military Engineering on Complex 9 System Theory Fengshan Wang,Wanhong Zhu, Houqing Lu 116 Study on the distribution and computer simulation of metro rail potential 10 WANG Yu-qiao, LI Wei, YANG Xue-feng,YE Guo, FAN Qi-gao, ZHANG Li-ping 165 Study of resource allocation Efficiency in diversified railway logistics under 11 Administrative Monopoly’s Influence
  • 28. FENG Lipeng,QIN Jiwei 136 An Supply Chain Network Evolving Model Based on Preferential Attachment of Path 12 and Degree Peihua Fu,Yanchu Liu 158 Two Level Strategies for Supply Chain Knowledge Innovation 13 WANG Wei-hua,Nie Qing 176 The Strategic Decisions and Evaluation System of Chinese Logistics Agency Enterprises 14 in Green Logistics Developmen Xu Deling,Geng Fengchun 218 A Model for Closed-Loop Supply Chain Based on Fuzzy Graph Theory 15 Yisheng Wu 396 Supply Chain-based Research into the Modes of Prepaid Accounts Trade Financing 16 Guojie Yu, Fang Cao 408 Performance analysis in remanufacturing with uncertain return and demand 17 ZHANG Fu-an, DA Qing-li 410 Research on Coordination Strategy of Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chain 18 Based on Quantity Discount Zuqing Huang,Guoqing Zhang, Lijun Meng 576 The Study of Enterprise Supply Chain Optimization Based on Brand Strategy 19 WANG Bao-li,TIAN Hong-yuan CHEN Xin-lan 585 Research on reverse logistics location under uncertainty environment based on grey 20 prediction BAO Zhenqiang, ZHU Congwei, ZHAO Yuqin, PAN Quanke 996 Pollutant Transport Model and Numerical Simulation in Landfill Site 21 Zhao Ying; Xue Qiang; Liu Lei, Liang Bing 1005 Service-oriented Agile Supply Chain Collaborative Management Research 22 JiaJu WU, Cuifang Zheng, JiLan ZHANG, Chuanyu Xi . 1025 The Research on How Social Capital Facilitates Knowledge Sharing between Individuals 23 Jin Hui,Chen Yijia 185 The Attitude towards Translation Exposure and Its Hedging Techniques 24 Ying Zhang,Yunlin Zheng 239 A Game between Enterprise and Employees about the Tacit Knowledge Transfer and 25 Sharing ZHAO Yuqin, BAO Zhenqiang, WANG Guijun,PAN Quanke 277 Research on capturing of customer requirements based on Innovation theory 26 Ding junwu, Yang dongtao, Bao zhenqiang 469 Research on Production Scheduling System with Bottleneck Based on Multi-agent 27 Bao Zhenqiang, Wang Weiye,Wang Peng, Quanke Pan 515 Empirical Research on the Technology Innovation Capability of Bohai Rim Region 28 Zhang Jingqiang, Zhou Hong,Huang Zilang 526 Supply Chain Risk Evaluation Based on Bayesian Network 29 Liu Bo-chao 1090 Reliability modeling and performance evaluation of Series Supply Chain System with 30 Partial dependent components
  • 29. Xujie Jia, Gengxin Zheng, Shiying Xu E030 Session 9 08:40 -12:00 Room Meeting room 4 Chair Dr.Chao Wang Topics Autonomic Computing and Technical Education No. Title Dependent information security of star topology 1 Li Tianmu, Zhong Weijun 47 Cryptanalysis on Public Key Encryption Scheme Using Ergodic Matrices over GF(2) 2 GU Chun-sheng, YU Zhi-ming, Jing Zheng-jun, GU Jixing 55 Preliminary Studies on Word-cell and Its Properties 3 Xiao Zhi-Quan, MO Hong 83 The Metadata Management Algorithm Based on Hash Postfix Table 4 Xiujuan Li,Shiguang Ju, Tao Cai 164 The Research of the Generalized Fibonacci sequence -based propagation 5 Aihua Gu,Yingying Xu 169 Analysis and Design of RFID Tag Ownership Transfer Protocol 6 Wang Shaohui 177 Security Enhancement on an Authentication Method for Proxy Mobile IPv6 7 Qi Jiang, Jianfeng Ma,Guangsong Li,Ayong Ye 212 A New Data Randomization Method to Defend Buffer Overflow Attacks 8 Yan Fen, Yuan Fuchao, Shen Xiaobing, Yin Xinchun, Mao Bing 231 An Improved Anomaly Detection Method Based on Fuzzy Association Rules 9 Zifen Yang 233 Analysis of Multi-Scalar Multiplication in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem 10 Xinchun Yin,Hailing Zhang 259 Dynamic Programming Example Analysis of a Pump Station 11 Kairong Li, Kui Zuo,Juanni Wang,Weiying Gao 328 Research on Dam Simulation System Based on OpenGL 12 Kairong Li, Juanni Wang, Kui Zuo,Jian Yun 329 Course Evaluation Method Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process 13 Chunna Zhao, Yu Zhao ,Xiaohui Tan, Yingshun Li, Liming Luo, Yeqing Xiong 466 Experimental Contrast of Several Typical Algorithms for Local Features Detection 14 Chunxia Yin, Chengrong Li, Honglin Liu, De Xu 472 CCD Image Centerline Complementary Matching Error and Correction 15 Yan-fei Shao, Yong-an Xu, Jie Wu, Ye Lu 514 A Detection Method for the Resource Misuses in Information Systems 16 Chao Wang, Gaoyu Zhang ,Lan Liu 543 17 An Network Attack Modeling Method Based on MLL-AT
  • 30. Yan Fen, Yin Xinchun, Huang Hao 549 A Gen2 Based Security Authentication Protocol for RFID System 18 Xiaoluo YI, Liangmin WANG, Dongmei MAO, Yongzhao ZHAN 751 The Analysis of PWR SBO Accident with RELAP5 Based on Linux 19 Zhimin Xia, Dafa Zhang 737 The Research of a Cooperative Model Intrusion Detection System 20 ZHU Qiang, Shun Yuqiang 785 Research and Practice of Bilingual Teaching for Electrical and Electronic Technology 21 Chen Peijiang 846 Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Non-Monotonic Access Structure 22 Jia Hong-Yong, Chen Yue, Mao Xiu-Qing, Dou Rui-Yu 1033 Research and Design of Rootkit Detection Method 23 Leian Liu, Zuanxing Yin, Yuli Shen, Haitao Lin, Hongjiang Wang 1052 The research and implementation of a unified identity authentication in e-government network / Personalized Learning Network Teaching Model 24 ZHOU Feng E010/E011 Research and Practice of ‘Teaching, learning, practice integration teaching model’ in 25 Higher Vocational and Technical Education Yunhui Ren Limin Zhao 575 Foreign Experts Foreign Languages Teaching Pattern Optimization Management under 26 Current Chinese Educational Context YANG Dong 291 Session 10 08:40 -12:00 Room Meeting room 5 Chair Dr. Caikou CHEN, Prof. Zhengqun WANG Topics Image Processing and Pattern Recognition I No. Title 1 A Liquid Level Measuring Device for a Tank Based on Image Senor Chunhe Yu, Chao Zhang, Ying Bai, Chuan Huang 945 2 Application of Digital Image Processing and Recognition Technology on Screen Printing CHEN De-yu , HANG Yue-qin, SU Xiao-cheng, ZHU Xue-fang 323 3 Design and Implementation of Medical Image Teleconsultation System Based on Web CHEN DE-Yu,JIANG Zhi-Lin, ANG Jia-Jun, ZONG Wu-Yi 326 4 Study on Feature Layer fusion Classification Model on Text/ Image Information Xiao-Dan Zhang 944 5 Postmark Date Recognition Based on Machine Vision LIU Ying-Jie, YOU Fu-Cheng 947 6 Features Extraction For Structured Light Stripe Image Based On OTSU Threshold Lei, Zhang and Yongkang, Xu, Chuanyu, Wu 956
  • 31. 7 Image Segmentation Based on Level Set Method Xin-Jiang, Renjie-Zhang, Shengdong-Nie, Xin-Jiang 1013 8 GPU-Accelerated Volumetric Medical Image Visualization Techniques Weiming Zhai, Fan Yang, Hong Wang 901 9 An Improved Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Set Xiwen Liu 907 10 Image Denoising Using Orthogonal Spline Kaiting Zhou/ Lixin Zheng, Fuyong Lin 910 11 Resource Optimization Scheme Based on ROI Distortion-Minimized for Mobile Image Transmission Zhenhua Tang, Tuanfa Qin, Xiangcheng Li 861 12 Natural-Landmark Scene Matching Vision Navigation based on Dynamic Key-frame Yaojun Li, Quan Pan, Chunhui Zhao 783 13 Study on the Methods of Detecting Cucumber Downy Mildew Using Hyperspectral Imaging Technology Youwen Tian, Lin Zhang 809 14 An Evaluation Approach to the Normativity of Handwritten Chinese Character Based on Vector Cross-Product Si Huayou, Qi Hengnian, Deng Fei, Zhuang Li 838 15 An Improved License Plate Location Method Based On Edge Detection Rongbao Chen, Yunfei Luo 742 16 A New Image Inpainting Method Based on TV Model Mengxin Li, Yan Wen 743 17 A Novel Multi-focus Image Fusion Method Using NSCT and PCNN Zhuqing JIAO, Jintao SHAO, Baoguo XU 66 18 Block-based Kernel Semi-supervised Discriminant Projection Yiming Yu, Caikou Chen 722 19 Unsupervised Discriminant Analysis Based on the Local and Non-local Mean Caikou Chen, Jun Shi, Pu Huang 736 20 Feature Extraction by Locality-based Linear Discriminant Analysis Pu Huang Caikou Chen 1018 21 The Technology of Line-spectrum Enhancement Based on Image Processing Daizhu Zhu, Wenhua Huang 662 22 Study on Object Contour Extraction based on Hölder Exponent and Multifractal Spectrum Jun Zhang 601 23 An equivalent model of pattern generator in jitter testing Donglv Wang, Junfeng Yang Yanfang Wang 614 24 The Technique Of Shape-based Multi-feature Combination Of TradeMark Image Retrieval Zhang Cong, You Fu-Cheng 620 25 Lip Feature Analyzing in Speech Synthesis System for Speech Impaired Wang Mengjun, Li Gang 405
  • 32. 26 An Improved Acquisition Algorithm Based On Power Spectrum Analysis Zhonghui-Chen, Lingxiao-Huang, Xinxin-Feng, Xin-Chen 477 27 Adaptive Watershed Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image Based on Wavelet Transform and Fractal Dimension Gang Li,Youchuan Wan 318 Session 11 14:00-17:00 Room Meeting room 1 Chair Dr. Jie DING Topics Communications Theory and Technology No. Title 1 Design of Noncoherent Orthogonal BFSK Demodulator by a Hilbert Transform SUN Ming, YAN Jun-zhi 77 2 Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm for MIMO-OFDM System Using Multi-invariance Property Gaopeng Feng, Zhongwei Sun, Xiaofei Zhang 79 3 Analysis of Subrefraction and Its Influence on Electromagnetic Waves Propagation Haichuan Tang, Xiaomao Huang, Hua Wang,Yunlong Jia 91 4 Theoretical analysis of demodulatin characterization of chaos modulation of semiconductor lasers in secure communication Yan Senlin 103 5 Multi-invariance MUSIC Algorithm for DOA Estimation in Acoustic Vector-sensor Array Weiyang Chen, Zhongwei Sun, Xiaofei Zhang 194 6 Theoretical Derivation of terahertz birefringence in liquid crystal Xiaoguang Zhang, Guangda Yang,You Zhou,Xiusheng Yan, Huai Yang 296 7 The Channel Estimation of OFDM System Based on DVB-T Zhang Huaqing, Liu Jianbo 401 8 10Gb/s RS-BCH Concatenated Encoder with Pipelined Strategies for Fiber Communication Zheng Song, Qingsheng Hu 414 9 Implementation of 10-Gb/s Parallel BCH Decoder Based on Virtex-5 FPGA Zhang Qin, Qingsheng Hu 416 10 Random Coding for Distributed Network based on the Vandermonde Matrix Gong Maokang, Song Qi 421 11 A CFO Matrix Method for Interleaved Uplink OFDMA Systems Ruiyan Du Jinkuan Wang Fengming Xin, Liqun Shan 595 12 A Self-Adaptive Decoding Scheme for BICM-ID Embedded Turbo Codes Liu Shuyang, Li Jianping 776 13 Advanced Modulation Schemes Based on BICM-ID for FM IBOC Fang Weiwei, Li Jianping, Cai Chaoshi 814
  • 33. 14 An Improved Non Data Aided Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithm for OFDM Systems HU Dengpeng,SHI Feng,ZHANG Eryang 819 15 Adaptive Equalization Using a New RLS Algorithm Combined with the Coordinate Descent Method Xiangyuan Bu, Yaoyao Yang 829 16 An Improved CUSUM Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Song Xiao-ou, Xiang Xin 831 17 Ka Band Transition between Rectangular Waveguide and Substrate Integrated Waveguide Yazhou Dong, Shiwei Dong, Zhongbo Zhu, Ying Wang 840 18 An Improved Code Modulation Scheme Based on BICM for IBOC-FM Song Yang, Li Jianping, Cai chaoshi, Yang wei 859 19 An Improved Spatial Division Multiplexing of STBC Scheme Based on BICM Song Yang, Li Jianping,Cai chaoshi 860 20 The SNR Estimation and Prediction for AFH/MSK System Wang Aihua, Yu Shujing 873 21 A new Interleaver Design for BICM-ID Huaqing Zhang, Lulu Zhang 1026 22 Defeating Correlated Jamming in DSSS System with ICA Method Miao Yu, Jianzhong Chen, Xianwei Zeng 1039 23 Partial-Band Noise Jamming Suppression in DSSS System with ICA Method Miao Yu, Jianzhong Chen, Xianwei Zeng 1041 24 Effective Log-MAP Decoding for Low Complexity Algorithm with Piecewise Linear and Scaling Factor Gang Bi, Jianyi Wang 1069 25 Performance Evaluation of STBC-OFDM System over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels with Non-Gaussian Noise Chunli Gao, Xudong Wang, Yu Gong, Xue Han E001 26 A New Method of Feature Selection for Flow Classification Meifeng Sun,Jingtao Chen, Yun Zhang, Shangzhe Shi 156 27 Fractal Prediction of Porosity in Clastic Rock Based on GIS Bo Li, Tingshan Zhang, Guangming Ding, Weiyuan Wang 941 Session 12 14:00-17:00 Room Meeting room 2 Chair Prof. WANG Yu, Dr. ZHANG Fu-an Topics Information Management and Business Intelligence No. Title Prediction of Customers Consumption Patterns Based on Two-stage Behavior Analysis 1 Model-Taking Precision Marketing of Telecommunications Data Services as Examples Wang Zeng-min, Wang Kai-jue 370
  • 34. The Application of Information Fusion and Extraction in Maize Seed Breeding 2 Ji Dan1, Qiu Jianlin, Dai Xiaoyu,Gu Xiang, Chen Li 243 Research on the Improvement of Program Organization Structure based on Information 3 Management Feixue Yang,Qianru Guo 274 Multivariate Information Metallogenic Prognosis Model 4 Wang Wei, Sun Baosheng,Zhou Kefa,Wang Jinlin 618 How to Use the IEEEtran BIBTEX Style 5 Michael Shell 880 Technology Linkage Types Analysis of Patent Evaluate Index 6 Xiaorong Hou, Wenlong Zhao, Dechun Zhao 939 Research on LBS-based Customized PUSH Service for Flight Information 7 Qiang CAI , Haisheng LI, Yusong TIAN, Min ZUO, Tao XU 1027 A mutual-information-based approach for resolving inference conflicts of qualitative 8 probabilistic networks Mu-Jin Wei, Kun Yue, Wei-Yi Liu 1049 Research and Realization of Streaming Media Digital Rights Management 9 JunXie,Chuanzhong Li 238 On the Management Mechanism of the Third-party E-business Platform for Medicine in 10 China Jie Jiang, Yanli Chen 350 The Application of ARIMA Modle in the Prediction of the Electricity Consumption of 11 Jiangsu Province WU Min, CAO Jia-he 30 E-commerce capability by Chinese firms: An assessment of the facilitators 12 Min Liu 878 Research on the Effect of Trust on Continuous Usage of Online Banking 13 Hanyang Luo 1022 Application of Electronic Bills of Lading in International E-commerce 14 LIU Dong-hua, XIAO Xiao-kong 1080 Research on the Influence of Perceived Risk in Consumer On-line Purchasing Decision 15 Zhao Hong, Li Yi 729 The Improving of Initial Exchanges in IKEv2 16 Jieru Lu,Bing Su, Hongyuan Wang, Yihan Zhang 255 Risk Assessment of Communication Network of Power Company Based on Rough Set 17 Theory and Multiclass SVM Xi He, Wei Wang, Xinyu Liu Yong Ji 670 Model Checking Web Applications Based On Web Navigation 18 Mingyue Jiang, Zuohua Ding 852 Trusted State-Space based Remote Attestation 19 Rongyu He, Zheng Qin 1024 The Link between EC Application and Enterprises Performance 20 Yunping Liu 1032 21 Suspicious subgroups recognition in financial networks – A hidden group based model
  • 35. for anti-money laundering Xuan Liu, Pengzhu Zhang 1066 Analysis on Implementation Condition of Mass Customization for Knowledge 22 Production Cuixiao Fu, Xingsan Qian 545 Price Decisions of New Product Based on Subsidy-price-depending and Payment-sharing 23 Gu Qiaolun, Gao Tiegang 607 An Emperical Analysis of the Corperate Ownership Concentration on the Operation 24 Performance after IPOs of Chinese listed SMEs Li Jiming , Sun Xing 648 New Thoughts of Customer Value Study 25 SUN Hong, SU Zhuqing 673 Fuzzy AHP Analysis on Enterprises’ Independent Innovation Capability Evaluation 26 Yu Zhu, Huai-ying Lei 719 The Relationship between Incentives to Learn and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 27 Wenling Wu 740 Designing A Lightweight and Scaleable Transaction Engine for Front Banking 28 Applications QIN Xiongpai 849 Build Competitive Strength for Telecom Companies Based on Lean Process 29 Management Dongwei Han, Lin Bai 955 A Utility Quality of Service for Grid Resource Brokers 30 JunXie,MingChen 237 An Extension Dynamic Model Based on BDI Agent 31 Wang Yu, Zhu Feng, Geng Hua, Zhu WangJing 590 The Partner Selection in Virtual Enterprise based on BDI Agent 32 Wang Yu, Zhu Feng, Geng Hua, Zhu Wang Jing 591 Analysis and Research on Haier Group’s Website Construction Based on 33 Cybermarketing-orientation Zhao Hong, Bao Yintao 725 Session 13 14:00-17:00 Room Meeting room 3 Chair Prof. bin LI ,Dr. bin CHEN Topics Software Engineering and Biomedical Informatics No. Title Proposal for the Software Development of a Radar Power Fault Detection System 1 Zhu Jie-zhong, Yao Yong-lei, Chen Su-ting 7 Prediction Model of Software Development Effort Based on Input Output Correlation 2 Li-Na Qin, Cong Jin, En-Mei Dong 22
  • 36. Immune Mobile Agent and Its Application in Intrusion Detection System 3 Yongzhong Li , Chunwei Jing, Jing Xu 25 Study and Design on the Model of Personalized Recommendation System in 4 E-commerce Based on Multi-Agent Yun Xue,Xiaoping Shen, Jianbin Chen 127 An Auto-management Thesis Program WebMIS Based on Workflow 5 LI Chang, SHI Jie, ZHONG Weibo 173 A Web Service Composition Algorithm based on Global QoS Optimizing with 6 MOCACO Wang Li, He Yan-xiang 321 Adaptation in Agent Organization based Web Services Composition 7 Tieshan Wang, Bin Li, Yan Xu, Xiaowei Zhang 1047 Logical NAND and NOR Operations Using Algorithmic Self-assembly of DNA 8 Molecules Yanfeng Wang, Junwei Sun, Guangzhao Cui, Xuncai Zhang, Yan Zheng 429 Survey on Ontology Mapping 9 Fei Wang, Sicheng Wang, Junwu ZHU 433 Research on the complex network of the UNSPSC ontology 10 Yingying Xu, Shengrong Zou, Aihua Gu, Li Wei, Ta Zhou 450 DNA sequences analysis based on classifications of nucleotide bases 11 Long Shi, Hailan Huang 456 An Approach to Support Evolution of Software Architecture and Its Formalization 12 Li Xiaojian, Zheng Ying 457 Semantic Information Retrieval Based on RDF and Fuzzy Ontology for University 13 Scientific Research Management Jun Zhai,Meng Li and Jianfeng Li 581 Performance Analysis of Web Applications Based on User Navigation 14 Quanshu Zhou, Hairong Ye ,Zuohua Ding 733 Research of Hybrid Programming with and Matlab 15 Yu Zhang, Jian-Ping An, Pan Chen 772 Specific genetic immunotherapy induced by recombinant vaccine alpha-fetoprotein-heat 16 shock protein 70 complex Xiaoping Wang, Huanping Lin, Qiaoxia Wang 804 Study on Fluorimetric Method Determination of Glucose molecule in 17 microchannels Zheng Huang, Zhong-cheng Bai 855 A Method for Automatic Composition of Information Web Services 18 Yeqing Li, Lirong Qiu; Xiaobing Zhao 874 The Encapsulation and Reuse of ADO Database Access Interface in Software 19 Engineering WANG Wei, WANG Rang-ding 920 Structural Optimization of Woven Fabric with Curved Surface 20 Yanfang Wang, Xingfeng Guo 929
  • 37. Geophysical Data Processing and Identifying for Gas Hydrate in the Slope of South 21 China Sea Su Pibo , Liang Jinqiang , Sha Zhibin , Lei Huaiyan, Guan Baocong 974 Applying Service-oriented Composition Process in TPMS Chengwei Yang , Lei Wu, 22 Shijun Liu, Xiangxu Meng 1011 A Method for Capturing Semantics of Product Model in Collaborative Development 23 Environment Yichao Lou 1031 A Web Services Composition Design framework based on Agent Organization 24 JiaJia Li. Bin Li, Xiaowei Zhang 1045 A goal-driven Self-adaptive Software System Design Framework based on Agent 25 Tieshan Wang, Bin Li, Lingjun Zhao, Xiaowei Zhang 1046 Session 14 14:00-17:00 Room Meeting room 4 Chair Prof.Keming Tang,Dr. Bin WANG Topics Network Communication and Security No. Title 1 Research and Implementation of Security Wireless LANs based on EAP-TLS and IPSec VPN ZHOU Li, TAN Fang-yong GAO Xiao-hui 38 2 A Cross-Layer Resource Allocation Algorithm for WLANs Lei Xu, Dazhuan Xu, Xiaofei Zhang, Shufang Xu 60 3 A Virtual Channel based Inter-domain Any Source Multicast Protocol Chen Yue, Xu Jia 76 4 VxWroks-based Mass Storage Driver Stack Framework and Application Gong Yun,Sun Li-hua 229 5 A Clustering-based Routing Algorithm with Nonuniform Node Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks Chen Jie, Yang Yun, Gu Shen-jun, Tian Hao-cheng, Xu Ping 320 6 Performance Analysis of Virtual Force Models in Node Deployment Algorithm of WSN Ren Xiaoping, Cai Zixing, Li Zhao, Wang Wuyi 491 7 Design of WEB Video Monitoring Center Server Jiang Xuehua 562 8 Secure Communication with Network Coding Zhanghua Cao, Yuansheng Tang, Jinquan Luo 634 9 An Agent-based Distributed QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm Gu Shen-jun, Chen Jie, Tian Hao-cheng, Xu Ping, Yang Yun 645 10 FBUP2PSim : A Flow-Based Universal Peer-to-Peer Simulator Keming Tang, Chuangwei Wang, Ling Chen, Yuan Gu 759 11 An RSSI-based Method for Mobile Robot Navigation in Wireless Sensor Network Xiao Sun, Xiaoguang Zhao, En Li, Hongchun Li, Zize Liang 781
  • 38. 12 An Overlapping Structured P2P for REIK Overlay Network Wenjun Liu, Jingjing Song, Jiguo Yu 791 13 A Novel Reputation Model Based on Subjective Logic for Mobile Ad hoc Networks Xuemai Gu, Pei Lin, Shuo Shi 794 14 A Group Based Context-Aware Strategy for Mobile Collaborative Applications Wei WANG, Junzhong GU, Jing YANG, Peng CHEN 799 15 A Study on user activity patterns in the wireless network ChunXia Yang, HongFa Wu, Masaru Itoh , Tao Zhou 853 16 A GAF Algorithm of Dislocated Grid for Wireless Sensor Networks Chen Zu-jue, Ouyang Ye-long, Liu Shao-qing 858 17 Adjacency List Based Multicast QoS Routing Problem Optimization with Advanced Immune Algorithm Shanshan Wan, Ying Hao, Dongwei Qiu 881 18 An channel-awared transmission protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks Bin-bin Xiong, Wei Yan, Chuang Lin 886 19 A DiffServ Supporting And Distributed Dynamic Dual Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm on DS-CICQ Li Xiuqin , Yan Luoheng, Lan Julong 911 20 A In-order Queuing Parallel Packet Switch Solution Based on CICQ Li Xiuqin, Li Xiuli, Lan Julong 914 21 Qos Modeling and Analysis in DiffServ-aware MPLS Network Using OPNET Juan Wu, Ying Shi, Hideya Yoshiuchi 983 Session 15 14:00-17:00 Room Meeting room 5 Chair Dr. Zhenguo Shi,Dr. Wei LIU Topics Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning No. Title Research on Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm WEKA-Based 1 Yang Jun-qiang, Du Jia,Zheng Shi-ming,Dong Lei,Qiao Bing 282 Research of text categorization based on SVM 2 Meihua Wang, Hongbin Zhang, Renshuang Ding 319 What Do Searchers Mean: Semantic Annotation of User Queries on the Web 3 Hui Liu, Yuquan Chen 324 Direction of Arrival Parametric Estimation and Simulation Based on MATLAB 4 Wu Xiao-guang, Guo Tian-wen 341 One-Class Support Vector Machines Based on Matrix Patterns 5 Yuesong Yan, Zhisong Pan, Qiong Wang, Guiqiang Ni, Rui Kong 367 Expert System of Concrete Crack Diagnosis Based on Neural Network 6 Wu Xiaowei 385
  • 39. Towards Scalable Semantic Data Processing by Knowledge Summarization 7 Zaiyue Zhang, Zhisheng Huangy, Xiaoru Zhang, Shang Gao, Xiaofei Zhang 395 A Distributed Sequence Fuzzy Concept Lattice Model and Incremental Construction 8 Algorithm Yunhao Yuan, Yun Li,Lianglei Sun 460 Rebuilding the competitive equilibrium theory with differentiable dynamic systems 9 Li Yingjuan, Meng Ying 464 Design and Development of the Bayesian Network Platform Based on B/S Structure 10 Pengfei ZHAO, Lili ZHANG, Guanmin LIU, Shubin SI 932 On Computation of Resource Circuits in a Class of Petri Nets 11 Shouguang Wang, Chengying Wang, Yanping Yu 934 Study on Topic Tracking System Based on SVM 12 Shuping Li, Jie zhao, Zhichao Song, Shengdong Li 952 The Application of Artificial Neural Network in Medical Meteorology 13 Yu-xia Ma Shi-gong Wang 973 A Framework for Network Multi-robot System and the Localization Research in Indoor 14 Environment Kun Shi, Zhiqiang Cao, Jile Jiao, Xu Wang, Chao Zhou 975 A Dynamic Interval Decision-Making Method Based on GRA 15 Tang Xue-jun, Chen Jia 1077 Research on Logic Rules for Refinement Learning 16 Zhenguo Shi, Zongtian Liu,DaSheng Feng 1087 Using Logic Rules for Concept Refinement Learning in FCA 17 Zhenguo Shi, Zongtian Liu,DaSheng Feng E051 A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on references and separation 18 Li Yujie, Zhang Xiaobing, Li Yun, Wei Laizhi 623 An Improved Particle Filter Based on Evolutionary Re-sampling 19 Bian Zhiguo , Jin Lizuo , Fei Shumin 708 A rank-based prediction algorithm of learning user’s intention 20 Jie Shen,Ying Gao, Cang Chen, HaiPing Gong 221 A Function Analysis Model Based on Granular Computing and Practical Example in 22 Product Data Management Cai Chi-lan, Bai Yue-wei, Xia Yan-chun, Wang Xiao-gang, Liu Kai 636 Recognition of Control Chart Patterns Using Decision Tree of Multi-class SVM 23 Xiaobing Shao 755 Resarch on Methods of Optimal Road Transportation Routing for Dangerous Goods 24 Huo Hong,Xiong Zhenyu 219 Modeling and Implementation of Inter-campuses Equipment Optimized Management 25 Based on WebGIS MA Weifeng 1062 WDGCluster: Mining differential bicluster based on weighted graph in microarray 26 dataset Jingni Diao, Xuequn Shang , Miao Wang , Xiaogang Lei 946
  • 40. Part IV Hotel Information Yangzhou Conference Center 扬州会议中心简介 扬州会议中心是由扬州市委党校全权委托扬子江集团管理的一家大型会议酒店。 它座 落在扬州市新城西区中心,毗临扬州国展中心、体育公园和扬州火车站,环境优越,交通便 利,距著名景区瘦西湖车程约十五分钟。酒店占地面积为 103 亩, 建筑面积 42000 平方米, 是集会议、旅游、培训等为一体的现代化综合性的建筑群。扬州会议中心拥有客房 303 间 (套),其中标准间 258 间,大床间 30 间,套间 15 间;各类餐厅 16 个,其中百畅厅可同 时容纳 1000 余人就餐,是目前扬州市规模最大的高规格宴会厅;大小会议室、贵宾接待室 26 个,其中学术报告厅拥有 1000 余个座位数,是扬州市唯一一座容纳人数最多、功能配套 最全、会场环境最佳的大型会议中心。 交通指南 1. 从东站乘 19 路车至育才小学或(苏北医院)站台下转乘 1 路车至扬州市委新党校站下(扬州会议中心); 2. 从西站乘 20 路车至石桥站台下到马路对面转乘 1 路车至扬州市委新党校站下(扬州会议中心) ; 3. 从上海方向开车:从扬州南下沿扬子江南路至文昌西路左转扬州农业银行、扬州工商银行十字路口红 绿灯)直走至扬州国展中心红绿灯右转扬州会议中心(市委新党校) ; 4. 从南京方向开车:从扬州西下沿文昌西路向前至扬州国展中心左转弯到扬州会议中心(市委新党校) ; 5. 从天长方向开车:从扬州北下沿扬子江北路至文昌西路右转扬州农业银行、扬州工商银行十字路口红 绿灯)直走至扬州国展中心红绿灯右转扬州会议中心(市委新党校) ; 6. 从火车站下打的到扬州会议中心(市委新党校) ,约 10 元以内 特别注意: CCCM2010 组委会为参会作者预定了足够的房间,标间 A 房价 200RMB 每晚, 标间 B 房价 160RMB 每晚。您可以在会议注册时登记缴费入住。
  • 41. Short Introduction of Yangzhou Conference Center Yangzhou Conference Center is a large scale conference hotel under charge of Yangtze Group commissioned by Yangzhou Municipal Party Committee. It is located in the new western center of Yangzhou downtown, neighbored with Yangzhou National Exhibition Center, PE Park, and Yangzhou Train Station, with sophisticated environment around, convenient traffic, which takes around 15 minutes to travel to the western slender lake. It covers an area of 103 Mu, and the building area is 42,000 square meters, it is a group of buildings and an integrated center offering services combining usages of conference, sight seeing, and training. Yangzhou Conference Center has 303 guest rooms, 258 are standard rooms, 30 are big bed rooms, the other 15 is suites, and there are 16 different kind restaurants inside. Like, Baichang restaurant can hold more than 1000 people to eat at one time, which is the most sophisticated and high standard banquet hall in Yangzhou at present. There are 26 conference rooms and VIP reception rooms, among them, the Academic Report Hall has more than 1000 seats inside, and it has the most complete function, the best environment and the most capacity in Yangzhou. Traffic Guidance 1. Take #19 bus at Yangzhou East Bus Station, get off and take #1 bus at Yucai Primary School (Subei Hospital), until you arrive at New Party School of Yangzhou Party Committee(The conference center); 2. Take #20 bus at Yangzhou West Bus Station, get off at Shiqiao (Stone Bridge) station, go to the opposite side of the street, take #1 bus till destination; 3. From Shanghai, drive from south to downtown along Yangzijiang South Road till you arrive the cross corner (Green lights place) of Yangzhou Agriculture Bank, Industry and Commerce Bank, turn left and drive straightforward till Yangzhou National Exhibition Center and green lights place, then turn right and drive straightforward till the conference center(New Party School); 4. From Nanjing, drive from west along Wenchang West Road till Yangzhou National Exhibition Center, then, turn left and drive straightforward till the destination; 5. From Tianchang, drive from north along Yangzijiang North Road till the cross corner of Agriculture bank, Industry and Commence Bank, turn right till Yangzhou National Exhibition Center, then turn right till the conference center (New Party School); 6. Take a taxi at the train station till the conference center (Party School), and it costs less than 10 RMB. Notice The organizers of CCCM2010 have booked enough rooms for authors, you can check in at the registration desk.
  • 42. Part V Instructions for Presentations Oral Presentation Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer: Laptops (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader) Projectors & Screen Laser Sticks Materials Provided by the Presenters: PowerPoint or PDF files Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively): Regular Oral Session: about 10-15 Minutes of Presentation, 5 Minutes of Q&A Keynote Speech: 40 Minutes of Presentation, 10 Minutes of Q&A
  • 43. Part VI Contact Us CCCM2010 & ISIIP2010 Organizing Committee Tel: +86-18802716682 Miss Li +86-18802716680 Miss Jia Email:
  • 44. Call for Papers 1. 2010 International Conference on International Conference on Industrial Education and sports Education (ESE and Information Systems (IIS 2010) 2010) 2010 年IEEE 工业与信息系统国际学术会议 2010 年教育和体育教育国际学术会议 (ISTP 检 (EI&ISTP 检索,接收中/英文稿件) 索,接收中/英文稿件) Dalian, China, July 10 - 11, 2010 Wuhan, China, July 17-18, 2010 Website大会网站: Website会议网站: Submission Website 投稿系统: Submission Website投稿系统: onf=iitaiis2010 2010 Submission Date截稿时间:2010-7-1 Submission Date截稿时间:2010-6-25 5.2011 International Conference on 2. 2010 Second IITA Conference on Materials, Mechatronics and Automation Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IITA- (ICMMA 2011) GRS 2010) 2011 年材料、机电一体化、自动化国际学术研讨会 2010 年IITA 第二届地球科学与遥感国际学术研 (EI 检索) 讨会(EI&ISTP 检索) Australia, Melbourne, 15-16 January,2011 Qingdao, China, August 28 ~ 31, 2010 会议网站: Website会议网站: ICMMA 2011 will be published by Key Engineering Materials Journal, which will be Submission Website 投 稿 系 统 : indexed by EI Compendex. 我们将出版400 篇在 Key Engineering Materials grs2010 期刊,先投先审先录用原则,录用了400 篇就不要 Submission Date截稿时间:2010-6-30 接收论文。为了保证论文集质量,第一作者投稿不 超过2 篇。 3. 2010 Second Pacific-Asia Conference on 投稿系统即将开放,详情见大会网站。 Circuits,Communications and System (PACCS 2010) 2010 年IEEE 亚太电路通信和系统国际学术会议 更多会议信息见 IITA 官方网站: (EI&ISTP 检索,接收中/英文稿件) August 1~2, 2010 Beijing, China Website会议网站: More conferences: Submission Website投稿系统: 010 Submission Date截稿时间:2010-7-1 4. The 2nd International Conference on 国际智能信息技术应用研究学会
  • 45. 国际智能信息技术应用研究学会成立于2007年,致力于国际学术交流和知识传播,从事国际学术会议论文 集出版和检索,以及专业学术期刊的出版和发行。我们拥有最出色的工作团队和优质的国际合作伙伴,愿 意与有兴趣的科研院所及个人开展论文集出版检索和学术期刊的出版发行方面的合作,并帮助其进入 EI 和 ISTP 检索 (检索100%), 愿意合作会议高校和个人请联系: Intelligent Information Technology Application Research Association (IITA Association) is a scientific and non-profit association. It provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, university and industry to present their latest research findings in any aspects of intelligent information technology.This time, we especially encourage research topics on Data Mining, Knowledge Management, intelligent agent, machine learning, autonomic reasoning etc. We also welcome research that highlight successful modern applications of IIT, such as Agriculture, Biomedicine, Bioinformatics, e-Services, e-Learning, Business Intelligence. At present, Intelligent Information Technology Application Research Association is a leading association in Asia. Miss Jia: +(86) 18802716680 or More Conference See: Welcome to the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society The Industrial Electronics Society through its members encompasses a diverse range of technical activities devoted to the application of electronics and electrical sciences for the enhancement of industrial and manufacturing processes. These technical activities address the latest developments in intelligent and computer control systems, robotics, factory communications and automation, flexible manufacturing, data acquisition and signal processing, vision systems, and power electronics. The Society continually updates its program of technical activities to meet the needs of modern industry See: