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Underpinned by the theories of Piaget, Vygotsky,
Dewey, Bruner and Montessori, Inquiry Based
Learning (IBL) is a reflective process that recognises
the active role of the learner in building,
understanding and making sense of information.
IBL is largely student directed with
the teacher guiding the students
through investigations that involve
experiences that are meaningful for
students, leading them to alternative
paths and solutions in the process of
exploring and discovering
information about a given topic.
The media and ICT in an Inquiry
based learning classroom.
IBL is a vehicle for the teaching
of HSIE, the inclusion of ICT and
media accentuates the lesson
The students we will be teaching in our
classrooms are digital natives of the 21st
‘ICT to our 21st century learners is something
akin to oxygen.
They expect it, it's what they breathe, and it's
how they live. They use ICT to meet, play,
date, and learn. It’s an integral part of their
social life; It’s how they acknowledge each
other and form their personal identities’
(John Seely-Brown, 2004).
Today's education system faces
irrelevance unless we bridge the
gap between how students live
and how the learn.
- Partnership for 21st Century
Skills, 2004
The use of media and ICT, according to numerous
bodies of research, has been shown to deliver
substantial positive effects and outcomes such as:
Students are more engaged
Teachers have a more positive attitude toward their
work and are able to provide more personalised
Family interaction and involvement may increase
Research also indicates that a
more technology environment
delivers greater impacts.
So how can we deliver and
transform teaching and learning
with ICT and media?
“Teachers need to integrate
technology seamlessly into the
curriculum instead of viewing it
as an add-on, after thought or
event” Heidi-Hayes Jacob
Through using IBL in HSIE
paired with ICT students are
encouraged to learn how to learn
IBL can be used to draw upon
individual strengths and
preferred learning styles focusing
upon what students know, are
interested in and can do.
Learning is designed on upper
levels of Blooms’ – synthesis,
analysis and evaluation.
Pierre Baron de Coubertin – Forefather of
the Modern Olympic Games
• Baron Pierre de Coubertin is credited with being the
founder of the modern Olympics.
• In 1892, de Coubertin, at the age of 29, began to rally
support for the revival of the Olympics. He felt that
a great deal could be gained by bringing together
the youth of the world in friendly competition. He
also believed that the Modern Olympic Games
could become a period of harmony in which all
differences of status, religion, politics and race
would be forgotten.
• de Coubertin was the first president of the IOC,
serving from 1896 to 1925
Spa-tial learn-ers can visu-al-ize images
clearly and can com-plete jig-saw puz-zles
Spa-tial learn-ers are sen-si-tive to line,
shape, form, space, colour and their
inter-re-la-tion-ships. They can visu-al-ize
things and graph-i-cally rep-re-sent ideas –
draw accu-rate rep-re-sen-ta-tion of
peo-ple and things easily.
Do you enjoy art activ-i-ties; read-ing dia-grams, maps and
charts; or think-ing in terms of pic-tures or images?
Do you enjoy watch-ing movies, slides or pho-tographs, and day-
You may be a visual/spatial learner.
You will be good at art and also good at other activities where
you look at pictures like map reading, finding your way out of
mazes and graphs.
You are a designer…
Appraise the different medal designs over
the different games.
… Create a new and improved medal.
Take pictures of your model and upload
You may be nature smart.
People with a naturalistic intelligence are often
ide-al-ist –they want to change the world.
Strengths associated with this intelligence involve
being very caring, ratio-nal and skilled in
Do you find it enjoyable and easy clas-sifying plants, or relating to
ani-mals, body parts, nat-ural mate-ri-als and geo-graphic fea-tures?
This is sometimes
called being Nature
You will like the world
of plants and animals
and enjoy learning
about them. You
under-stand the
rela-tion-ships, nat-ural
pat-terns and processes
of life.
You are Alfred Picard, in charge of creating the different
sports sites and venues for the 1900 Olympic games in
Create plans for the Olympic building and construction
sites that does not harm France’s native plants and animals.
Using a Web 2.0 based website for
creating, sharing, watching hand-drawn frame-by-frame
animations, demonstrate how your strategy, for the site of the
Games of the II Olympiad, does not harm these native plants and
Do you often sing songs
and hum or whis-tle to
And pre-fer lis-ten-ing
to music when study-ing
or working?
Musi-cal learn-ers are sen-si-tive to sounds, enjoy music, like to
play musi-cal instru-ments.
Musi-cal learn-ers appre-ci-ate pitch, rhythm and tim-bre, and
can tell when a note is off key.
They have an intu-itive and tech-ni-cal under-stand-ing of music
and can inter-pret dif-fer-ent types of music.
You may be music
smart. You will
enjoy music and
can recognise
sounds, and
timbre, or the
quality of a tone.
This is sometimes
called being
Musical smart
You are an up-and-coming band or solo
Research and measure the success of the
1904 Olympics.
Create a melody or a tune that is catchy
and a lot more successful in attracting
athletes and spectators to the game using
You may be word
You will enjoy
reading, writing
and talking about
learn-ers enjoy
using the word
proces-sor, have
well devel-oped
vocab-u-lar-ies and
can use lan-guage
Lin-guis-tic learn-ers are at ease with phon-ics and can
spell words accu-rately.
Lin-guis-tic learn-ers can manip-u-late the struc-ture of
lan-guage, com-pre-hend sounds of words and under-stand
the use of language.
Can you eas-ily
remem-ber names,
dates and places.
Do you have well
devel-oped audi-tory
Do you enjoy
read-ing, writ-ing,
play-ing word
The 1904 Summer Olympics, officially known as
the Games of the III Olympiad, celebrated in St.
Louis, Missouri, in the United States - the first
time that the Olympic Games were held in a
majority English language nation, and the first
time that they were held outside of Europe - were
surrounded by controversy.
You are a newspaper journalist, write a
column on the most controversial moments
in Modern Olympics throughout 1896 – 1932
Controversial Moments in the 1908 Olympic games
To access this document please go to:
Password: EDSS428
You may be number smart.
You will be good at
mathematics and other
number activities; you are also
good at solving problems.
You enjoy explor-ing pat-terns
and rela-tion-ships and doing
activ-i-ties in
sequen-tial order.
This is sometimes called being
Logical smart.
learn-ers enjoy activ-i-ties
such as math,
exper-i-men-ta-tion, prob-lem
solv-ing, and rea-son-ing
log-i-cally and clearly.
Do you find clas-si-fi-ca-tion,
cat-e-go-riza-tion, mak-ing Infer-ences,
gen-er-al-iza-tions and hypoth-e-sis easy?
Do you enjoy using com-put-ing tools such as
pro-grams, data-bases and spread sheets, and
can use them to devise exper-i-ments to test
things not eas-ily understood?
Logical-mathematical intel-li-gences can use num-bers effec-tively,
under-stand pat-terns and rela-tion-ships, state-ments and propo-si-tions, and
cause and effect.
Order, logic and sys-tem-atic way of pre-sent-ing infor-ma-tion works best for
The 1912 Games featured a number of innovations and were a
model of efficiency. The Swedish hosts introduced the use of
unofficial electronic timing devices for track and swimming events.
Research an Australian Athlete from the 1912 games who set a
world record or won a race or title. Look at the time they set.
Compare the different speeds of things with the world records set
in these games using to organise your
Create a multimedia slideshow on that
assess the introduction of timing to the tenth of a second, and its
What would it mean to you if you were the competing athlete you
Go to for an online collection
of historical military records categorised by
each war showing images and documents
with annotated information.
Think about the impact of war both on the
Olympic games, Australia and the world?
You may be
myself smart.
You will
probably keep
a diary.
This is
called being
Do you pre-fer being alone to pur-sue per-sonal inter-ests, hob-bies or
Do you have an intu-itive abil-ity and have a sense of style, behaviour or
Do you like to be alone in your own inner world, and are aware of your
strengths, weak-ness and inner feelings.
al learners are
They have a
sense of self-
e, are strong
willed and can
them-selves to
do well in
There were several remarkable athletes in
the 1920 games.
Select an Australian athlete competing at
these games to research.
Imagine you are this athlete.
write a journal entry describing your
experiences there.
You may be body smart.
You will enjoy sports and are
good at swimming, athletics,
gymnastics and other sports.
This is sometimes called being
Kinaesthetic smart.
Bodily-kinaesthetic intel-li-gences process infor-ma-tion
through bod-ily sen-sa-tions and use their bod-ies in
skilled and dif-fer-en-ti-ated ways.
They have to engage the motor cor-tex part of the brain
in order to learn best.
Do you find it difficult to sit still for long periods?
Do you pos-sess dex-ter-ity, bal-ance, coor-di-na-tion,
strength, flex-i-bil-ity, speed, and tac-tile and hap-tic abil-ity?
The Olympics of 1924 had 126 sports events in 17
Research these events and create a new
event/sport that you think should be in the
Remember to think about the Olympic motto,
“Citius, Altius, Fortius”
“Swifter, Higher, Stronger”
that was introduced in these Olympic games.
Using an auto-scrolling,
high-contrast window, which displays your text,
write out how the event/sport is played and
demonstrate to your class mates
You may be people smart. You will like to mix with other people
and you will belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are
good at sharing.
Some-times, you can inter-pret voice, facial expres-sion and
ges-ture of oth-ers
This is sometimes called being Interpersonal smart.
Can you under-stand the moods,
moti-va-tions, tem-pera-ments and inten-tions
of oth-ers, and empathize with their feelings?
Do you enjoy being around peo-ple, have many
friends and enjoy par-tic-i-pat-ing in social
Inter-per-sonal learn-ers enjoy relat-ing to
oth-ers and par-tic-i-pat-ing in
cooperative/collaborative activ-i-ties such
as paired prob-lem solv-ing or think-pair-
share activ-i-ties.
Inter-per-son-ally intel-li-gent peo-ple can
influ-ence oth-ers to fol-low a cer-tain line
of action.
Australia sent a team of 19 athletes
to Amsterdam, returning with four medals: one
gold, two silver and one bronze.
The three champions responsible for the medals
are each regarded among the greatest Australians
ever to compete in their respective sports.
In a group research these champions. Represent
your information in a venn diagram using
Pierre Baron de Coubertin – Forefather of
the Modern Olympic Games
• Baron Pierre de Coubertin is credited with being the
founder of the modern Olympics.
• In 1892, de Coubertin, at the age of 29, began to rally
support for the revival of the Olympics. He felt that
a great deal could be gained by bringing together
the youth of the world in friendly competition. He
also believed that the Modern Olympic Games
could become a period of harmony in which all
differences of status, religion, politics and race
would be forgotten.
• de Coubertin was the first president of the IOC,
serving from 1896 to 1925
• You tube clip Did You Know?
Virtual Tour
• Using the VIRTUAL TOUR you have
created in past lessons on the Modern
• Using or Google docs
in order to keep track of your research,
collate notes and to work in real time with
group members
• Using to highlight text and
images on web pages then access at a later
date or to create sticky notes to write
additional comments
Colloborating and Brainstorming
• Using post the
different parts you would like to include in
the timeline
Mindmapping in real time
• Use of to create mind
maps in collaboration with others in real
time for what to put on the timeline.
• MI quiz
• Quiz on different games
– have it pre-made and then have the class
invent a question for the other grops
• – have Ss respond via
FB or Twitter
• Using to automatically
convert references into the correct format
Staying in touch outside of school
Polling and Voting
• to vote for most
interesting/best/etc. part of the timeline/to
vot for what period had the biggest impact
on Australia’s identity
• You tube clip Did You Know?
Virtual Tour
• Using the VIRTUAL TOUR you have
created in past lessons on the Modern
• Using or Google docs
in order to keep track of your research,
collate notes and to work in real time with
group members
• Using to highlight text and
images on web pages then access at a later
date or to create sticky notes to write
additional comments
Colloborating and Brainstorming
• Using post the
different parts you would like to include in
the timeline
Mindmapping in real time
• Use of to create mind
maps in collaboration with others in real
time for what to put on the timeline.
• MI quiz
• Quiz on different games
– have it pre-made and then have the class
invent a question for the other grops
• – have Ss respond via
FB or Twitter
• Using to automatically
convert references into the correct format
Staying in touch outside of school
Polling and Voting
• to vote for most
interesting/best/etc. part of the timeline/to
vot for what period had the biggest impact
on Australia’s identity
Ict & ibl presentation ass 2
Ict & ibl presentation ass 2
Ict & ibl presentation ass 2

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Ict & ibl presentation ass 2

  • 1. Underpinned by the theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey, Bruner and Montessori, Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) is a reflective process that recognises the active role of the learner in building, understanding and making sense of information.
  • 2. IBL is largely student directed with the teacher guiding the students through investigations that involve experiences that are meaningful for students, leading them to alternative paths and solutions in the process of exploring and discovering information about a given topic.
  • 3. The media and ICT in an Inquiry based learning classroom.
  • 4. IBL is a vehicle for the teaching of HSIE, the inclusion of ICT and media accentuates the lesson
  • 5. The students we will be teaching in our classrooms are digital natives of the 21st century. ‘ICT to our 21st century learners is something akin to oxygen. They expect it, it's what they breathe, and it's how they live. They use ICT to meet, play, date, and learn. It’s an integral part of their social life; It’s how they acknowledge each other and form their personal identities’ (John Seely-Brown, 2004).
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. Today's education system faces irrelevance unless we bridge the gap between how students live and how the learn. - Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2004
  • 9.
  • 11. The use of media and ICT, according to numerous bodies of research, has been shown to deliver substantial positive effects and outcomes such as: Students are more engaged Teachers have a more positive attitude toward their work and are able to provide more personalised learning Family interaction and involvement may increase
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. Research also indicates that a more technology environment delivers greater impacts. So how can we deliver and transform teaching and learning with ICT and media?
  • 15. “Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, after thought or event” Heidi-Hayes Jacob
  • 16. Through using IBL in HSIE paired with ICT students are encouraged to learn how to learn
  • 17. IBL can be used to draw upon individual strengths and preferred learning styles focusing upon what students know, are interested in and can do. Learning is designed on upper levels of Blooms’ – synthesis, analysis and evaluation.
  • 18. Pierre Baron de Coubertin – Forefather of the Modern Olympic Games • Baron Pierre de Coubertin is credited with being the founder of the modern Olympics. • In 1892, de Coubertin, at the age of 29, began to rally support for the revival of the Olympics. He felt that a great deal could be gained by bringing together the youth of the world in friendly competition. He also believed that the Modern Olympic Games could become a period of harmony in which all differences of status, religion, politics and race would be forgotten. • de Coubertin was the first president of the IOC, serving from 1896 to 1925
  • 19. Spa-tial learn-ers can visu-al-ize images clearly and can com-plete jig-saw puz-zles eas-ily. Spa-tial learn-ers are sen-si-tive to line, shape, form, space, colour and their inter-re-la-tion-ships. They can visu-al-ize things and graph-i-cally rep-re-sent ideas – draw accu-rate rep-re-sen-ta-tion of peo-ple and things easily. Do you enjoy art activ-i-ties; read-ing dia-grams, maps and charts; or think-ing in terms of pic-tures or images? Do you enjoy watch-ing movies, slides or pho-tographs, and day- dreaming? You may be a visual/spatial learner. You will be good at art and also good at other activities where you look at pictures like map reading, finding your way out of mazes and graphs.
  • 20. You are a designer… Appraise the different medal designs over the different games. … Create a new and improved medal. Take pictures of your model and upload onto
  • 21. You may be nature smart. People with a naturalistic intelligence are often ide-al-ist –they want to change the world. Strengths associated with this intelligence involve being very caring, ratio-nal and skilled in craftsmanship, Do you find it enjoyable and easy clas-sifying plants, or relating to ani-mals, body parts, nat-ural mate-ri-als and geo-graphic fea-tures? This is sometimes called being Nature smart. You will like the world of plants and animals and enjoy learning about them. You under-stand the eco-log-i-cal rela-tion-ships, nat-ural pat-terns and processes of life.
  • 22. You are Alfred Picard, in charge of creating the different sports sites and venues for the 1900 Olympic games in France! Create plans for the Olympic building and construction sites that does not harm France’s native plants and animals. Using a Web 2.0 based website for creating, sharing, watching hand-drawn frame-by-frame animations, demonstrate how your strategy, for the site of the Games of the II Olympiad, does not harm these native plants and animals.
  • 23. Do you often sing songs and hum or whis-tle to yourself? And pre-fer lis-ten-ing to music when study-ing or working? Musi-cal learn-ers are sen-si-tive to sounds, enjoy music, like to play musi-cal instru-ments. Musi-cal learn-ers appre-ci-ate pitch, rhythm and tim-bre, and can tell when a note is off key. They have an intu-itive and tech-ni-cal under-stand-ing of music and can inter-pret dif-fer-ent types of music. You may be music smart. You will enjoy music and can recognise sounds, and timbre, or the quality of a tone. This is sometimes called being Musical smart
  • 24. You are an up-and-coming band or solo artist. Research and measure the success of the 1904 Olympics. Create a melody or a tune that is catchy and a lot more successful in attracting athletes and spectators to the game using
  • 25. You may be word smart. You will enjoy reading, writing and talking about things. Lin-guis-tic learn-ers enjoy using the word proces-sor, have well devel-oped vocab-u-lar-ies and can use lan-guage flu-ently. Lin-guis-tic learn-ers are at ease with phon-ics and can spell words accu-rately. Lin-guis-tic learn-ers can manip-u-late the struc-ture of lan-guage, com-pre-hend sounds of words and under-stand the use of language. Can you eas-ily remem-ber names, dates and places. Do you have well devel-oped audi-tory skills? Do you enjoy read-ing, writ-ing, play-ing word games?
  • 26. The 1904 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the III Olympiad, celebrated in St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States - the first time that the Olympic Games were held in a majority English language nation, and the first time that they were held outside of Europe - were surrounded by controversy. You are a newspaper journalist, write a column on the most controversial moments in Modern Olympics throughout 1896 – 1932 using
  • 27. Controversial Moments in the 1908 Olympic games To access this document please go to: Password: EDSS428
  • 28. You may be number smart. You will be good at mathematics and other number activities; you are also good at solving problems. You enjoy explor-ing pat-terns and rela-tion-ships and doing activ-i-ties in sequen-tial order. This is sometimes called being Logical smart. Logical-mathematical learn-ers enjoy activ-i-ties such as math, exper-i-men-ta-tion, prob-lem solv-ing, and rea-son-ing log-i-cally and clearly. Do you find clas-si-fi-ca-tion, cat-e-go-riza-tion, mak-ing Infer-ences, gen-er-al-iza-tions and hypoth-e-sis easy? Do you enjoy using com-put-ing tools such as pro-grams, data-bases and spread sheets, and can use them to devise exper-i-ments to test things not eas-ily understood? Logical-mathematical intel-li-gences can use num-bers effec-tively, under-stand pat-terns and rela-tion-ships, state-ments and propo-si-tions, and cause and effect. Order, logic and sys-tem-atic way of pre-sent-ing infor-ma-tion works best for
  • 29. The 1912 Games featured a number of innovations and were a model of efficiency. The Swedish hosts introduced the use of unofficial electronic timing devices for track and swimming events. Research an Australian Athlete from the 1912 games who set a world record or won a race or title. Look at the time they set. Compare the different speeds of things with the world records set in these games using to organise your information. Create a multimedia slideshow on that assess the introduction of timing to the tenth of a second, and its significance. What would it mean to you if you were the competing athlete you researched?
  • 30.
  • 31. Go to for an online collection of historical military records categorised by each war showing images and documents with annotated information. Think about the impact of war both on the Olympic games, Australia and the world?
  • 32. You may be myself smart. You will probably keep a diary. This is sometimes called being Intrapersonal smart. Do you pre-fer being alone to pur-sue per-sonal inter-ests, hob-bies or projects? Do you have an intu-itive abil-ity and have a sense of style, behaviour or attitude? Do you like to be alone in your own inner world, and are aware of your strengths, weak-ness and inner feelings. Intrap-er-son al learners are reflec-tive thinkers. They have a sense of self- confidence, inde-pen-denc e, are strong willed and can moti-vate them-selves to do well in inde-pen-dent projects.
  • 33. There were several remarkable athletes in the 1920 games. Select an Australian athlete competing at these games to research. Imagine you are this athlete. Using write a journal entry describing your experiences there.
  • 34. You may be body smart. You will enjoy sports and are good at swimming, athletics, gymnastics and other sports. This is sometimes called being Kinaesthetic smart. Bodily-kinaesthetic intel-li-gences process infor-ma-tion through bod-ily sen-sa-tions and use their bod-ies in skilled and dif-fer-en-ti-ated ways. They have to engage the motor cor-tex part of the brain in order to learn best. Do you find it difficult to sit still for long periods? Do you pos-sess dex-ter-ity, bal-ance, coor-di-na-tion, strength, flex-i-bil-ity, speed, and tac-tile and hap-tic abil-ity?
  • 35. The Olympics of 1924 had 126 sports events in 17 disciplines. Research these events and create a new event/sport that you think should be in the Olympics. Remember to think about the Olympic motto, “Citius, Altius, Fortius” “Swifter, Higher, Stronger” that was introduced in these Olympic games. Using an auto-scrolling, high-contrast window, which displays your text, write out how the event/sport is played and demonstrate to your class mates
  • 36. You may be people smart. You will like to mix with other people and you will belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are good at sharing. Some-times, you can inter-pret voice, facial expres-sion and ges-ture of oth-ers This is sometimes called being Interpersonal smart. Can you under-stand the moods, moti-va-tions, tem-pera-ments and inten-tions of oth-ers, and empathize with their feelings? Do you enjoy being around peo-ple, have many friends and enjoy par-tic-i-pat-ing in social activities Inter-per-sonal learn-ers enjoy relat-ing to oth-ers and par-tic-i-pat-ing in cooperative/collaborative activ-i-ties such as paired prob-lem solv-ing or think-pair- share activ-i-ties. Inter-per-son-ally intel-li-gent peo-ple can influ-ence oth-ers to fol-low a cer-tain line of action.
  • 37. Australia sent a team of 19 athletes to Amsterdam, returning with four medals: one gold, two silver and one bronze. The three champions responsible for the medals are each regarded among the greatest Australians ever to compete in their respective sports. In a group research these champions. Represent your information in a venn diagram using
  • 38. Pierre Baron de Coubertin – Forefather of the Modern Olympic Games • Baron Pierre de Coubertin is credited with being the founder of the modern Olympics. • In 1892, de Coubertin, at the age of 29, began to rally support for the revival of the Olympics. He felt that a great deal could be gained by bringing together the youth of the world in friendly competition. He also believed that the Modern Olympic Games could become a period of harmony in which all differences of status, religion, politics and race would be forgotten. • de Coubertin was the first president of the IOC, serving from 1896 to 1925
  • 39. Introduction • • You tube clip Did You Know?
  • 40. Virtual Tour • Using the VIRTUAL TOUR you have created in past lessons on the Modern Olympics •
  • 42. Researching • Using or Google docs in order to keep track of your research, collate notes and to work in real time with group members • Using to highlight text and images on web pages then access at a later date or to create sticky notes to write additional comments
  • 43. Colloborating and Brainstorming • Using post the different parts you would like to include in the timeline
  • 44. Mindmapping in real time • Use of to create mind maps in collaboration with others in real time for what to put on the timeline.
  • 45. Tests • MI quiz • Quiz on different games – have it pre-made and then have the class invent a question for the other grops • – have Ss respond via FB or Twitter
  • 46. Referencing • Using to automatically convert references into the correct format
  • 47. Staying in touch outside of school •
  • 48. Polling and Voting • to vote for most interesting/best/etc. part of the timeline/to vot for what period had the biggest impact on Australia’s identity
  • 49. Introduction • • You tube clip Did You Know?
  • 50. Virtual Tour • Using the VIRTUAL TOUR you have created in past lessons on the Modern Olympics •
  • 52. Researching • Using or Google docs in order to keep track of your research, collate notes and to work in real time with group members • Using to highlight text and images on web pages then access at a later date or to create sticky notes to write additional comments
  • 53. Colloborating and Brainstorming • Using post the different parts you would like to include in the timeline
  • 54. Mindmapping in real time • Use of to create mind maps in collaboration with others in real time for what to put on the timeline.
  • 55. Tests • MI quiz • Quiz on different games – have it pre-made and then have the class invent a question for the other grops • – have Ss respond via FB or Twitter
  • 56. Referencing • Using to automatically convert references into the correct format
  • 57. Staying in touch outside of school •
  • 58. Polling and Voting • to vote for most interesting/best/etc. part of the timeline/to vot for what period had the biggest impact on Australia’s identity