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Single View with MongoDB 
MongoDB World London 
6th November 2015 
Robert Hill – Head of Big Data for Financial Services
Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 
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Single View – No, It’s Not Tinder! 
 Single View is the 
formation of a unified 
view of an “entity” from 
a mix of source 
These entities can be 
customers, employees, 
partners, suppliers, etc. 
 In reality, customers 
make up the vast 
majority of use cases, 
so this is commonlhy 
called Single View of 
Customer, or SVC 
Canonical Single View Architecture 
Fuzzy matches 
generates link 
IDs, etc.
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Why Care About a Single View? 
 Let’s say we end up with 100 “John Smiths” in our Data Warehouse 
 How many are different John Smiths in person? 
 How many are simply different systems representing the same John Smith? 
 How many are a single system representing the same John Smith multiple times? 
 How many are a “John Smith” that has contacted us multiple times through differing 
channels, branches, or brands, in differing contexts – i.e., corporate CFO John Smith of 
XYZ Corp. is also citizen John Smith, who has a mortgage, auto loan, and a checking 
 Any customer-centric activity becomes very difficult when we actually 
cannot tell with certainty who a “customer” is…that includes Risk 
modelling, Fraud detection, and of course Customer Analytics for 
marketing and sales. 
Taking the example of our CFO above, a bank would be hesitant to turn 
him down for another car loan given he might have his company invest 20 
million with the bank’s business division, wouldn’t they?
 Lack of customer knowledge has a high potential cost – poor 
understanding of customer view data has been known to have huge 
business impacts. 
 For example, a customer data flaw in a demand forecasting system cost a major US 
airline $50 million in one year of operation…on top of the $40 million development cost to 
implement it 
 When a global stationary retailer examined their views of a customer, it was found that 
every real customer had roughly 2.5 “virtual” customer records across 75 source data 
systems. In short, they had no way of really understanding the value of any given 
customer, or even a customer segment, via their sales and marketing data, and the 
resulting cost was estimated as a net loss of 9% per customer transaction 
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Bad SVC is Bad, Bad Business
Big Data is Making SVC Harder Than Ever 
 The growth in Data Lakes (or Data Hubs depending…) means that 
companies store more and more information about entities than they have 
ever had access to before 
 More data is not the same as more information – what good is knowing 
everything about “John Smith” when you have records for 30,000 “John 
Smiths” stored from various sources in your Data Lake…notice that we 
may have an order of magnitude more “John Smiths” than we had prior to 
Big Data 
 Big Data also means richer data…now we require SVC programming 
detect duplicate customers from more varied data streams, such as web, 
images, voice, geospatial, etc. The matching algorithms become much 
harder, longer to develop, and costly 
The Data Hub exists to allow new extracts/titrations of it to change to meet 
business needs…which places greater demands on the SVC solution to 
adapt to new data formats 
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Single View Affects All Big 4 Big Data Use Cases 
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Data Rationalisation 
 The Data Lake / Data Hub architecture enables 
companies to retain all data in original source formats 
 These source formats are rife with duplicated entity 
objects, and any use of the Data Lake in it’s native 
form for analytics or modelling will contain possibly 
indeterminate and inaccurate results 
 The move from Extract/Transform/Load to 
Extract/Load/Transform has pushed this further down-stream 
 Big Data is enabling longer retention of data, and 
richer sources of data including voice and image 
 Fraud is moving towards real-time detection and 
decisioning, where performance is important 
 But Big Data expands the difficulty in finding a “true” 
customer record to model against, and can exacerbate 
the performance issues of real-time or near-real-time 
fraud models 
 Similarly to Fraud, Big Data is enabling Risk models to 
have access to more and richer customer data, 
including social media, detailed web interactions, 
voice, and image data 
 This leads to more customer interactions in the data, 
and potentially better data training sets for better risk 
modelling - if a single customer can be identified to 
input into the models! The confusion matrix of the 
models is now highly dependant upon Single View. 
Customer Analytics 
 As above, Customer Analytics and the CRM actions it 
enables (NBA, NBO, real-time targeting, etc.) are all 
potentially benefactors of Big Data. 
 With CA, the risk of mis-identifying a customer is even 
greater, as the messaging directly to the customer may 
be obviously wrong. More subtly, constantly 
suggesting “customers also liked…” and being entirely 
wrong routinely suggests to customers that the 
company really doesn’t know or care about them.
Single View Challenges – It Can’t Be Rocket 
Speed of Comparison - SVC algorithms usually require retrieval and 
comparison of vast amounts of entity data for comparison and duplicate 
detection. Historically, this has made them poor candidates for executing 
from RDBMSs, and flat files in the landing area of DWs are common 
 Flexibility – as source systems change, the data design of an entity data 
object is the product of the changes of all of the source system changes 
that underlie it. In an RDBMS, this can have a large impact on the stability 
of the Customer table and associated reference data 
 Speed of Access - Real-Time decisioning requires very fast access to the 
underlying data, usually precluding joins in high-load environments 
 Reliability – as SVC stores begin to underlie more real-time processes, it 
becomes imperative that they have high-availability and fail-over 
 Representation Flexibility - SVC processing can either combine or link 
entity data objects, depending upon use cases being considered 
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How the Canonical Model Stacks Up…And Why It Is 
Falling Over 
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Speed - RDBMS 
provides limited 
throughput for 
Comparison Processing 
Flexibility – RDMBS has 
limited flexibility, can 
require substantial 
redevelopment as source 
systems change 
Speed of Access- 
RDBMS usually requires 
joins, limiting speed of 
Reliability – RDBMs may 
support clustering, but 
usually with extra 
software costs, i.e., RAC 
Representation Flexibilty 
- RDBMS usually 
requires joins or 
combining physical 
records destructively
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Enter…Mongo! er, MongoDB 
MongoDB is an exciting and powerful platform for implementing 
enterprise-class Single View solutions 
The design of MongoDB enables implementations that avoid the pitfalls of 
traditional RDBMS-based Single View architectures, with a lower cost of 
 Due to the on-going flexibility of MongoDB to handle source systems 
changes and mixed data types, it is very likely that the overall Total Cost of 
Ownership of MongoDB solutions will be lower for the entire solution 
MongoDB – a new Big Data SVC architecture 
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We envision that 
MongoDB will 
usually sit on top of a 
Data Lake (or ODS) 
ETL has therefore 
been replaced with 
 Single View 
processing may (if 
possible) be moved 
into MongoDB, using 
 Let’s look in detail… 
New MongoDB Single View Architecture
MongoDB provides Fast Speed of Access… 
MongoDB Avoids Joins 
 Innate to MongoDB is a database architecture that 
strives to minimise joins, which is a design philosophy 
for most Real-Time Decisioning databases 
 Embedded documents provide a way to de-normalise 
repeated source data with no performance hit (subject 
to growth of the object in size) 
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Flexible Indexing 
 MongoDB provides flexible and powerful indexing 
features, that allow the system to access specific data 
objects rapidly. As most Single View uses have very 
specific and known access patterns, they are easily 
 Where possible, Covered Queries allow MongoDB to 
return Indexed results from the in-memory indexes 
themselves, saving any disk access 
Horizontal Scalability 
 MongoDB is horizontally scalable through the use of 
sharding technology. Shards allow MongoDB 
instances to be added to achieve the desired levels of 
concurrent performance to large numbers of queries 
Key to enabling the use of Single View 
data is the ability to access it quickly to 
perform Real-Time Decisioning.
MongoDB Provides Rapid Speed of Comparison… 
MongoDB Integrates MapReduce 
 By embedding Map/Reduce processing, MongoDB 
provides a better way to run large dataset Single View 
 As MapReduce operates directly against the 
MongoDB database, data import and export are 
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MapReduce Allows Intelligent SV Algorithms 
 MapReduce can implement very powerful algorithms in 
JavaScript expressions 
 One of the primary uses of MapReduce is to find 
similar objects and tag them or collect them 
Data Access Speed 
 The same technologies that enable Rapid Speed of 
Access also enable the rapid execution of SVC: 
• Indexing allows rapid data access if needed, including 
Covered Queries when possible 
• Sharding again allows the MongoDB cluster to scale 
appropriately to handle large data volumes and loads, 
without the need for costly technologies such as Oracle RAC 
Many Single View processing algorithms 
are slow and inefficient if they use a 
database, or rely upon difficult to 
manage flat files as data input and 
MongoDB Provides Representation Flexibility… 
A key design issue for many SVC implementations is how strongly to link or combine 
suspected duplicates. For applications such as maintaining a bank’s central records, 
it is usually not advised to eliminate suspected duplicates unless the algorithm is 
nearly 100% certain, or it is verified by human inspection. However, for a database 
merely running marketing operations, there is a much lower cost of combining 
suspected duplicates, even if they are false matches. MongoDB can easily cater for 
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MongoDB can provide Referenced documents 
 Despite aiming to eliminate joins, MongoDB can 
flexibly support more normalized and linked records, 
using Referenced documents 
 This allows suspected duplicate customer documents 
to be linked to a real or generated customer master 
document, and not be overwritten. 
 Such an approach remains auditable and reportable at 
any time 
Batch or Real-Time 
 Due to the power of MapReduce integrated into the 
MongoDB platform, various use cases may be catered 
 The traditional, batch-oriented approach may be 
implemented and match keys written back to the 
MongoDB database 
 For certain cases, it may be desirable to not perform 
SVC comparisons and linking until query time, which 
allows fully flexible linking
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MongoDB Provides Data Flexibility… 
Flexible Document Formatting 
 By retaining source system data longer, Data Lakes 
increase the variability of source record formats. In a 
traditional RDBMS Data Warehouse, these changes 
are costly to implement and track 
 MongoDB’s flexible JSON/BSON document structure 
accepts variant record formats easily with no 
conversion hassles of existing records, no query re-writes, 
Non-Structured Data Sources 
 MongoDB accomodates BSON objects up to 16MB, 
but has the means to easily incorporate non-structured 
source data, using GridFS. 
 GridFS stores very large image, video, audio and other 
non-structured data sources as chunks, each in their 
own document with metadata 
 The ability to store non-structured content within 
MongoDB with Customer (or Entity) data often avoids 
the need for a separate Content Management System 
Data Scalability 
 The power of Sharding does more than just allow 
improved speed – it allows MongoDB to accommodate 
data sources that simply grow and grow in size 
 New MongoDB technologies are expected shortly to 
further push data scalability within each Shard while 
constraining costs of growth 
Big Data systems are incorporating 
more data sources, longer retention 
periods, and a great deal of non-structured 
data. MongoDB provides the 
flexibility to accommodate all of these 
and lower TCO
As Single View becomes closely tied to 
customer-facing CRM and Real-Time 
Decisioning systems, it is imperative that 
their source of truth does not fail, 
particularly when used by on-line 24x7 
customer channels. 
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MongoDB Provides Reliability… 
Multiple Redundancies 
 A deployed MongoDB instance has redundancy built 
into the Query Routing nodes, the data-bearing 
Shards, and the 3 Config Servers. 
 Within each Shard, data is apportioned between 
primary and backup data sets, with the backups often 
sited off-site for security and redundancy 
 This configuration also had inherent load balancing, 
allowing degraded responses from one unit to be 
balanced dynamically
Use Case: Internal Single View of Employee 
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Business Case 
Capgemini’s needs to ensure it provides a flexible and 
adaptable HR function for its employees .There is a need 
for the following requirements to be improved and met by 
this function: 
• Availability of real time accurate and useful data (consolidated 
where possible) 
• Single Employee View - Masked data where needed 
• Dashboarding & ability to extract and manipulate data 
• Improve data quality 
• Reduce current support problems 
Objectives /Scope 
• Capgemini has a variety of employee-related databases – the Oracle HR system, Leave Management 
System, Clarity time accounting, etc. Some key data is kept on spreadsheets and data comes from various 
• HR must produce both ad-hoc and periodic reports to managers and employees, as well as use the data 
• Most data is updated monthly, leading every reporting cycle to have to adjust the previous month’s summary 
reports as corrections are applied. This affects accuracy and quality 
• HR, Recruiting, and even Managers and Employees require a comprehensive view of HR-related data, with 
appropriate data security and visibility rules strictly enforced. 
• Construct a Single-View of Employee 
data, comprised of HR, LMS, Clarity, 
Salary Reference Data, Bench and 
Roll-off data, using MongoDB 
• Provide users with Tableau, Qlikview, or 
similar reporting tool 
• Build template for SVC-type MongoDB 
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Summary and Questions 
MongoDB is an excellent platform for building Single View architectures 
and solutions 
 It solves a great many problems associated with existing RDBMS-based 
SVC solutions, especially in the areas of 
 Speed of Access 
 Speed of Comparison 
 Representation Flexibility 
 Data Flexibility 
 Reliability 
 As a result of these features, MongoDB provides a demonstrably lower 
Total Cost of Ownership for an SVC solution than previous generation 
SVC solutions, but at the cost of learning curve to master MongoDB’s 
intricacies and associated domain knowledge.
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Contact information 
Head of Big Data for Financial 
Insert Client/Partner logo 
The information contained in this presentation is proprietary. 
© 2014 Capgemini. All rights reserved. 
About Capgemini 
With almost 140,000 people in over 40 countries, Capgemini is one of the 
world's foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing 
services. The Group reported 2013 global revenues of EUR 10.1 billion. 
Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business and 
technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. A 
deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way 
of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on 
Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model. 
About MongoDB 
MongoDB is the next-generation database that helps businesses 
transform their industries by harnessing the power of data. The world’s 
most sophisticated organizations, from cutting-edge startups to the largest 
companies, use MongoDB to create applications never before possible at 
a fraction of the cost of legacy databases. MongoDB is the fastest-growing 
database ecosystem, with over 8 million downloads, thousands 
of customers, and over 650 technology and service partners.

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Single view with_mongo_db_(lo)

  • 1. Single View with MongoDB MongoDB World London 6th November 2015 Robert Hill – Head of Big Data for Financial Services
  • 2. Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 2 Single View – No, It’s Not Tinder!  Single View is the formation of a unified view of an “entity” from a mix of source systems These entities can be customers, employees, partners, suppliers, etc.  In reality, customers make up the vast majority of use cases, so this is commonlhy called Single View of Customer, or SVC Canonical Single View Architecture Fuzzy matches customer records, generates link IDs, etc.
  • 3. Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 3 Why Care About a Single View?  Let’s say we end up with 100 “John Smiths” in our Data Warehouse  How many are different John Smiths in person?  How many are simply different systems representing the same John Smith?  How many are a single system representing the same John Smith multiple times?  How many are a “John Smith” that has contacted us multiple times through differing channels, branches, or brands, in differing contexts – i.e., corporate CFO John Smith of XYZ Corp. is also citizen John Smith, who has a mortgage, auto loan, and a checking account.  Any customer-centric activity becomes very difficult when we actually cannot tell with certainty who a “customer” is…that includes Risk modelling, Fraud detection, and of course Customer Analytics for marketing and sales. Taking the example of our CFO above, a bank would be hesitant to turn him down for another car loan given he might have his company invest 20 million with the bank’s business division, wouldn’t they?
  • 4.  Lack of customer knowledge has a high potential cost – poor understanding of customer view data has been known to have huge business impacts.  For example, a customer data flaw in a demand forecasting system cost a major US airline $50 million in one year of operation…on top of the $40 million development cost to implement it  When a global stationary retailer examined their views of a customer, it was found that every real customer had roughly 2.5 “virtual” customer records across 75 source data systems. In short, they had no way of really understanding the value of any given customer, or even a customer segment, via their sales and marketing data, and the resulting cost was estimated as a net loss of 9% per customer transaction Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 4 Bad SVC is Bad, Bad Business
  • 5. Big Data is Making SVC Harder Than Ever  The growth in Data Lakes (or Data Hubs depending…) means that companies store more and more information about entities than they have ever had access to before  More data is not the same as more information – what good is knowing everything about “John Smith” when you have records for 30,000 “John Smiths” stored from various sources in your Data Lake…notice that we may have an order of magnitude more “John Smiths” than we had prior to Big Data  Big Data also means richer data…now we require SVC programming detect duplicate customers from more varied data streams, such as web, images, voice, geospatial, etc. The matching algorithms become much harder, longer to develop, and costly The Data Hub exists to allow new extracts/titrations of it to change to meet business needs…which places greater demands on the SVC solution to adapt to new data formats Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 5
  • 6. Single View Affects All Big 4 Big Data Use Cases Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 6 Data Rationalisation  The Data Lake / Data Hub architecture enables companies to retain all data in original source formats  These source formats are rife with duplicated entity objects, and any use of the Data Lake in it’s native form for analytics or modelling will contain possibly indeterminate and inaccurate results  The move from Extract/Transform/Load to Extract/Load/Transform has pushed this further down-stream Fraud  Big Data is enabling longer retention of data, and richer sources of data including voice and image  Fraud is moving towards real-time detection and decisioning, where performance is important  But Big Data expands the difficulty in finding a “true” customer record to model against, and can exacerbate the performance issues of real-time or near-real-time fraud models Risk  Similarly to Fraud, Big Data is enabling Risk models to have access to more and richer customer data, including social media, detailed web interactions, voice, and image data  This leads to more customer interactions in the data, and potentially better data training sets for better risk modelling - if a single customer can be identified to input into the models! The confusion matrix of the models is now highly dependant upon Single View. Customer Analytics  As above, Customer Analytics and the CRM actions it enables (NBA, NBO, real-time targeting, etc.) are all potentially benefactors of Big Data.  With CA, the risk of mis-identifying a customer is even greater, as the messaging directly to the customer may be obviously wrong. More subtly, constantly suggesting “customers also liked…” and being entirely wrong routinely suggests to customers that the company really doesn’t know or care about them.
  • 7. Single View Challenges – It Can’t Be Rocket Science? Speed of Comparison - SVC algorithms usually require retrieval and comparison of vast amounts of entity data for comparison and duplicate detection. Historically, this has made them poor candidates for executing from RDBMSs, and flat files in the landing area of DWs are common  Flexibility – as source systems change, the data design of an entity data object is the product of the changes of all of the source system changes that underlie it. In an RDBMS, this can have a large impact on the stability of the Customer table and associated reference data  Speed of Access - Real-Time decisioning requires very fast access to the underlying data, usually precluding joins in high-load environments  Reliability – as SVC stores begin to underlie more real-time processes, it becomes imperative that they have high-availability and fail-over  Representation Flexibility - SVC processing can either combine or link entity data objects, depending upon use cases being considered Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 7
  • 8. How the Canonical Model Stacks Up…And Why It Is Falling Over Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 8 Speed - RDBMS provides limited throughput for Comparison Processing Flexibility – RDMBS has limited flexibility, can require substantial redevelopment as source systems change Speed of Access- RDBMS usually requires joins, limiting speed of access Reliability – RDBMs may support clustering, but usually with extra software costs, i.e., RAC Representation Flexibilty - RDBMS usually requires joins or combining physical records destructively
  • 9. Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 9 Enter…Mongo! er, MongoDB MongoDB is an exciting and powerful platform for implementing enterprise-class Single View solutions The design of MongoDB enables implementations that avoid the pitfalls of traditional RDBMS-based Single View architectures, with a lower cost of implementation  Due to the on-going flexibility of MongoDB to handle source systems changes and mixed data types, it is very likely that the overall Total Cost of Ownership of MongoDB solutions will be lower for the entire solution lifecycle
  • 10. MongoDB – a new Big Data SVC architecture Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 10 We envision that MongoDB will usually sit on top of a Data Lake (or ODS) ETL has therefore been replaced with EL  Single View processing may (if possible) be moved into MongoDB, using MapReduce  Let’s look in detail… New MongoDB Single View Architecture
  • 11. MongoDB provides Fast Speed of Access… MongoDB Avoids Joins  Innate to MongoDB is a database architecture that strives to minimise joins, which is a design philosophy for most Real-Time Decisioning databases  Embedded documents provide a way to de-normalise repeated source data with no performance hit (subject to growth of the object in size) Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 11 Flexible Indexing  MongoDB provides flexible and powerful indexing features, that allow the system to access specific data objects rapidly. As most Single View uses have very specific and known access patterns, they are easily indexed  Where possible, Covered Queries allow MongoDB to return Indexed results from the in-memory indexes themselves, saving any disk access Horizontal Scalability  MongoDB is horizontally scalable through the use of sharding technology. Shards allow MongoDB instances to be added to achieve the desired levels of concurrent performance to large numbers of queries Key to enabling the use of Single View data is the ability to access it quickly to perform Real-Time Decisioning.
  • 12. MongoDB Provides Rapid Speed of Comparison… MongoDB Integrates MapReduce  By embedding Map/Reduce processing, MongoDB provides a better way to run large dataset Single View processes  As MapReduce operates directly against the MongoDB database, data import and export are eliminated Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 12 MapReduce Allows Intelligent SV Algorithms  MapReduce can implement very powerful algorithms in JavaScript expressions  One of the primary uses of MapReduce is to find similar objects and tag them or collect them Data Access Speed  The same technologies that enable Rapid Speed of Access also enable the rapid execution of SVC: • Indexing allows rapid data access if needed, including Covered Queries when possible • Sharding again allows the MongoDB cluster to scale appropriately to handle large data volumes and loads, without the need for costly technologies such as Oracle RAC Many Single View processing algorithms are slow and inefficient if they use a database, or rely upon difficult to manage flat files as data input and output
  • 13. MongoDB Provides Representation Flexibility… A key design issue for many SVC implementations is how strongly to link or combine suspected duplicates. For applications such as maintaining a bank’s central records, it is usually not advised to eliminate suspected duplicates unless the algorithm is nearly 100% certain, or it is verified by human inspection. However, for a database merely running marketing operations, there is a much lower cost of combining suspected duplicates, even if they are false matches. MongoDB can easily cater for both Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 13 MongoDB can provide Referenced documents  Despite aiming to eliminate joins, MongoDB can flexibly support more normalized and linked records, using Referenced documents  This allows suspected duplicate customer documents to be linked to a real or generated customer master document, and not be overwritten.  Such an approach remains auditable and reportable at any time Batch or Real-Time  Due to the power of MapReduce integrated into the MongoDB platform, various use cases may be catered for  The traditional, batch-oriented approach may be implemented and match keys written back to the MongoDB database  For certain cases, it may be desirable to not perform SVC comparisons and linking until query time, which allows fully flexible linking
  • 14. Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 14 MongoDB Provides Data Flexibility… Flexible Document Formatting  By retaining source system data longer, Data Lakes increase the variability of source record formats. In a traditional RDBMS Data Warehouse, these changes are costly to implement and track  MongoDB’s flexible JSON/BSON document structure accepts variant record formats easily with no conversion hassles of existing records, no query re-writes, etc. Non-Structured Data Sources  MongoDB accomodates BSON objects up to 16MB, but has the means to easily incorporate non-structured source data, using GridFS.  GridFS stores very large image, video, audio and other non-structured data sources as chunks, each in their own document with metadata  The ability to store non-structured content within MongoDB with Customer (or Entity) data often avoids the need for a separate Content Management System Data Scalability  The power of Sharding does more than just allow improved speed – it allows MongoDB to accommodate data sources that simply grow and grow in size  New MongoDB technologies are expected shortly to further push data scalability within each Shard while constraining costs of growth Big Data systems are incorporating more data sources, longer retention periods, and a great deal of non-structured data. MongoDB provides the flexibility to accommodate all of these and lower TCO
  • 15. As Single View becomes closely tied to customer-facing CRM and Real-Time Decisioning systems, it is imperative that their source of truth does not fail, particularly when used by on-line 24x7 customer channels. Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 15 MongoDB Provides Reliability… Multiple Redundancies  A deployed MongoDB instance has redundancy built into the Query Routing nodes, the data-bearing Shards, and the 3 Config Servers.  Within each Shard, data is apportioned between primary and backup data sets, with the backups often sited off-site for security and redundancy  This configuration also had inherent load balancing, allowing degraded responses from one unit to be balanced dynamically
  • 16. Use Case: Internal Single View of Employee Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 16 Business Case Capgemini’s needs to ensure it provides a flexible and adaptable HR function for its employees .There is a need for the following requirements to be improved and met by this function: • Availability of real time accurate and useful data (consolidated where possible) • Single Employee View - Masked data where needed • Dashboarding & ability to extract and manipulate data • Improve data quality • Reduce current support problems . Problem Objectives /Scope • Capgemini has a variety of employee-related databases – the Oracle HR system, Leave Management System, Clarity time accounting, etc. Some key data is kept on spreadsheets and data comes from various sources • HR must produce both ad-hoc and periodic reports to managers and employees, as well as use the data internally • Most data is updated monthly, leading every reporting cycle to have to adjust the previous month’s summary reports as corrections are applied. This affects accuracy and quality • HR, Recruiting, and even Managers and Employees require a comprehensive view of HR-related data, with appropriate data security and visibility rules strictly enforced. • Construct a Single-View of Employee data, comprised of HR, LMS, Clarity, Salary Reference Data, Bench and Roll-off data, using MongoDB • Provide users with Tableau, Qlikview, or similar reporting tool • Build template for SVC-type MongoDB projects
  • 17. Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 17 Summary and Questions MongoDB is an excellent platform for building Single View architectures and solutions  It solves a great many problems associated with existing RDBMS-based SVC solutions, especially in the areas of  Speed of Access  Speed of Comparison  Representation Flexibility  Data Flexibility  Reliability  As a result of these features, MongoDB provides a demonstrably lower Total Cost of Ownership for an SVC solution than previous generation SVC solutions, but at the cost of learning curve to master MongoDB’s intricacies and associated domain knowledge.
  • 18. Single View with MongoDB | November 2014 Copyright ©Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved 18 Contact information Robert Hill Head of Big Data for Financial Services Capgemini London
  • 19. Insert Client/Partner logo The information contained in this presentation is proprietary. © 2014 Capgemini. All rights reserved. About Capgemini With almost 140,000 people in over 40 countries, Capgemini is one of the world's foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. The Group reported 2013 global revenues of EUR 10.1 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. A deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model. About MongoDB MongoDB is the next-generation database that helps businesses transform their industries by harnessing the power of data. The world’s most sophisticated organizations, from cutting-edge startups to the largest companies, use MongoDB to create applications never before possible at a fraction of the cost of legacy databases. MongoDB is the fastest-growing database ecosystem, with over 8 million downloads, thousands of customers, and over 650 technology and service partners.