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EC 313: Numerical Methods                            Mayank Awasthi
MATLAB Assignment – 1                               M. Tech, IIT Roorkee
                                                    (Communication Systems)


MATLAB routine which finds the coefficients of Lagrange polynomial is below:
%Implementing Lagrange Interpolating Formula
function l = lagranp(x,y)
N = length(x)-1; %the degree of polynomial
l = 0;
for m = 1:N + 1
P = 1;
for k = 1:N + 1
%Multiplication of two polynomials corresponds to convolution of their
if k ~= m

%”linconv” function created by own.
P = linconv(P,[1 -x(k)])/(x(m)-x(k));
l = l + y(m)*P; %Lagrange polynomial coefficients

MATLAB routine for Linear Convolution:
%Linear convolution of sequence using formula
function s=linconv(x,h)
for n=1:N+M-1
for k=1:M
if a<0
elseif k>N
elseif a<M
MATLAB routine which finds the coefficients of Newton polynomial is below:

%Implementing the Newton divided difference formula
function n = newtonp(x,y)
N = length(x)-1;
f = zeros(N+1,1);
f(1:N+1,1) = y;
for k = 2:N + 1
for m = 1: N + 2 - k %Divided Difference
f(m,k) = (f(m + 1,k - 1) - f(m,k - 1))/(x(m + k - 1)- x(m));
a = f(1,:);
n = a(N+1);
for k =N:-1:1
%Nested multiplication form for better computation efficiency
n = [n a(k)] - [0 n*x(k)]; %f(x)*(a_k*(x - x(k - 1))+a_k – 1)

>> x=[1 3 4];                 Calculating the polynomial using both routines for
>> y=[1 27 64];               given data.

>> coefflag = lagranp(x,y)
coefflag =
8.0000 -19.0000 12.0000           So required polynomial we get 8x2 – 19x + 12

>> coeffnew = newtonp(x,y)
coeffnew =
8 -19 12

a)- For Straight Line: deg(Polynomial)=1
    So using Newton or Lagrange routine we can get the coeff. Of polynomial as

>> x= [1970 1990] ;
>> y= [3707475887 5281653820] ;
>> nc=newtonp(x,y)
nc =
1.0e+011 *
0.0008 -1.5135

>> v0=polyval(nc,1980)

v0 =                                  % 1980 Population using straight line

b)- For parabola: deg(Polynomial)=2

>> x= [1960 1970 1990];
>> y= [3039585530 3707475887 5281653820];
>> nc= newtonp(x,y)
nc =
1.0e+012 *
 0.0000 -0.0015 1.4063

>> v1=polyval(nc,1980)                % 1980 Population parabola

v1 =

c)- For cubic curve deg(Polynomial)

>> x= [1960 1970 1990 2000];
>> y= [3039585530 3707475887 5281653820 6079603571];
>> nc=newtonp(x,y)
nc =
1.0e+013 *
 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0107 7.0777

>> v3=polyval(nc,1980)                 % 1980 Population using cubic curve

v3 =

MATLAB routine which computes the divide difference coefficient is below:

%matalb script for computing dividedifference coefff.
function ddc = dividediff(x,y)
N = length(x)-1;
f = zeros(N+1,1);
f(1:N+1,1) = y;
for k = 2:N + 1
for m = 1: N + 2 - k %Divided Difference
f(m,k) = (f(m + 1,k - 1) - f(m,k - 1))/(x(m + k - 1)- x(m));

Calculating the divide difference coefficients.
>> x=[1 2 4 5 7 9];
>> y=[2 3 8 6 14 6];
>> divide_diff_coeff = dividediff(x,y)

divide_diff_coeff =

  2.0000 1.0000 0.5000 -0.5000           0.2000 -0.0518

Now Calculating the polynomial using Newton method routine used in Ques1.
>> x=[1 2 4 5 7 9];
>> y=[2 3 8 6 14 6];
>> nc= newtonp(x,y)

nc =

 -0.0518 1.1839 -9.7875 35.6018 -53.4464 28.5000

Required Polynomial is
-0.0518x5 + 1.1839x4 -9.7875x3 + 35.6018x2-53.4464x +28.5000

v0=p(1.5), v1=p(3.7), v2=p(6.6), v3=p(9.5)

>> v0=polyval(nc,1.5)                             >> v2=polyval(nc,6.6)
v0 =                                              v2 =
1.0020                                            10.6441

>> v1=polyval(nc,3.7)                             >> v3=polyval(nc,9.5)
v1 =                                              v3 =
8.3474                               -21.6454

Plotting Graph
>> x=[1 2 4 5 7 9];
>> y=[2 3 8 6 14 6];
>> nc= newtonp(x,y)

nc =

 -0.0518 1.1839 -9.7875 35.6018 -53.4464 28.5000

>> m=[0:10];
>> n=polyval(nc,m)

28.5000 2.0000 3.0000 7.6286 8.0000 6.0000      7.0714 14.0000 20.7000
6.0000 -72.5714

>> plot(m,n)
Ques5 :
Bisection Method :
%Bisection method to solve Non-linear equations.
function [x] = bisct(f,a,b,z,MaxIter)
fa = feval(f,a);
fb = feval(f,b);
if fa*fb > 0
error('We must have f(a)f(b)<0!');
for k = 1:MaxIter
xx(k) = (a + b)/2;
fx =feval(f,xx(k));
err = (b-a)/2;
if abs(err)<z
elseif fx*fa > 0
a = xx(k); fa = fx;
else b = xx(k);
x = xx(k);
fprintf('The Interval in which root lie is %d   %dn',a,b)
fprintf('Iteration Required is %dn',k)
fprintf('The approx. error is %dn',err)

Regula Falsi Method :
%Implementing Regula Falsi algorithm.
function [] = falsp(f,a,b,z,MaxIter)
fa =feval(f,a);
if fa*fb > 0
error('We must have f(a)f(b)<0!');
for k = 1: MaxIter
xx(k) = (a*fb-b*fa)/(fb-fa);
fx = feval(f,xx(k));
err = max(abs(xx(k) - a),abs(b - xx(k)));
if err<z
elseif fx*fa > 0
    a = xx(k);
    fa = fx;
else b = xx(k);
     fb = fx;
x = xx(k);
fprintf('The Interval in which root lie is %d   %dn',a,b)
fprintf('Iteration Required is %dn',k)
fprintf('The approx. error is %dn',err)
Modified Regula Falsi Method :
%Implementing Modified Regula Falsi algorithm
function [] = mrfalsp(f,a,b,z,MaxIter)
fa =feval(f,a);

if fa*fb > 0
error('We must have f(a)f(b)<0!');
for k = 1: MaxIter
xx(k+1) = (a*G-b*F)/(G-F);
fx = feval(f,xx(k+1));
err = max(abs(xx(k) - a),abs(b - xx(k)));
if err<z
if fx*fa > 0
    a = xx(k+1);
    fa = fx;
elseif feval(f,xx(k))*feval(f,xx(k+1))>0
if fx*fa < 0
    b = xx(k+1);
     fb = fx;
    elseif feval(f,xx(k))*feval(f,xx(k+1))>0
fprintf('The Interval in which root lie is %d %dn',a,b)
fprintf('Iteration Required is %dn',k)
fprintf('The approx. error is %dn',err)
Newton Raphson Meyhod :
%Implementing Newton Raphson Method
function [] = newton(f,df,x0,z,MaxIter)
xx(1) = x0;
fx = feval(f,x0);
for k = 1: MaxIter
if ~isnumeric(df)
    dfdx = feval(df,xx(k));end
dx = -fx/dfdx;
xx(k+1) = xx(k)+dx;
fx = feval(f,xx(k + 1));
a= xx;
if abs(dx) < z
break; end
fprintf('The approx. Root is %dnn',x);
fprintf('Iteration Required is %dn',k)

Now calculating the roots of given polynomials
a)- exp(-x)-sin(x)                  assuming interval (0,1) & Max_Iteration=50

>> f=inline('exp(-x)-sin(x)');   %matlab command to define function
>> df=inline('-exp(-x)-cos(x)'); %derivative of f

1)- Bisection method:
>> bisct(f,0,1,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 5.885315e-001   5.885334e-001
Iteration Required is 20
The approx. error is 9.536743e-007

2)- Regula Falsi:
>> rfalsi(f,0,1,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 0 5.885327e-001
Iteration Required is 50
The approx. error is 5.885327e-001

3)- Modified Regula Falsi:
>> mrfalsi(f,0,1.0,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 5.885315e-001 5.885342e-001
Iteration Required is 23
The approx. error is 3.976230e-006

4)- Newton Raphson Method:
>> newtonrap(f,df,.2,1e-6,50)
The approx. Root is 5.885327e-001
Iteration Required is 4
b)- x- exp(-(x^2))                     assuming interval (0,1) & Max_Iteration=50
>> f=inline('x-exp(-(x^2))');          %matlab command to define function
>> df=inline('1+2*x*exp(-(x^2))');     %derivative of f

1)- Bisection method:
>> bisct(f,0,1,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 6.529179e-001 6.529198e-001
Iteration Required is 20
The approx. error is 9.536743e-007

2)- Regula Falsi:
>> rfalsi(f,0,1.0,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 6.529186e-001   6.534421e-001
Iteration Required is 50
The approx. error is 5.234929e-004

3)- Modified Regula Falsi:
>> mrfalsi(f,0,1.0,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 6.529059e-001 6.529198e-001
Iteration Required is 25
The approx. error is 2.490377e-005

4)- Newton Raphson Method:
>> newtonrap(f,df,.5,1e-6,50)
The approx. Root is 6.529186e-001
Iteration Required is 4

c)- (x^3)-x-2                assuming interval (-1,2) & Max_Iteration=50
>> f=inline('(x^3)-x-2')     %matlab command to define function
>> df=inline('3*(x^2)-1');   %derivative of f

1)- Bisection method:
>> bisct(f,-1,2,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 1.521379e+000 1.521382e+000
Iteration Required is 22
The approx. error is 2.861023e-006

2)- Regula Falsi:
>> rfalsi(f,-1,2,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 1.521380e+000 2
Iteration Required is 50
The approx. error is 4.786203e-001
3)- Modified Regula Falsi:
>> mrfalsi(f,-1,2,1e-6,50)
The Interval in which root lie is 1.521356e+000 1.521386e+000
Iteration Required is 28
The approx. error is 6.021365e-005

4)- Newton Raphson Method:
>> newtonrap(f,df,1,1e-6,50)
The approx. Root is 1.521380e+000
Iteration Required is 6


For finding the the smallest positive guess for which Newton method diverges,
we can use Newton Raphson method check for various guess as the root start
diverging we can say that that is our required positive guess.

Assuming z-1e-006        % Tolerance parameter

>> f=inline('atan(x)')


     Inline function:
     f(x) = atan(x)

>> df=inline('1/(1+x^2)')

df =

     Inline function:
     df(x) = 1/(1+x^2)

>> newtonrap(f,df,1,1e-6,1000)
The approx. Root is 0
Iteration Required is 5

>> newtonrap(f,df,1.1,1e-6,1000)
The approx. Root is -1.803121e-019
Iteration Required is 5
>> newtonrap(f,df,1.2,1e-6,1000)
The approx. Root is 0
Iteration Required is 6

>> newtonrap(f,df,1.3,1e-6,1000)
The approx. Root is 0
Iteration Required is 7

>> newtonrap(f,df,1.38,1e-6,1000)
The approx. Root is 0
Iteration Required is 9

>> newtonrap(f,df,1.39,1e-6,1000)
The approx. Root is 0
Iteration Required is 11

>> newtonrap(f,df,1.4,1e-6,1000)
Warning: Divide by zero.
> In newtonrap at 8
Warning: Divide by zero.
> In newtonrap at 8
The approx. Root is NaN
Iteration Required is 1000

From the above data we get
Since at 1.4 there is divide by zero error so beyond 1.4 function (‘atanx’) may
Smallest positive guess will be 1.4.

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EC 313 Numerical Methods: Root Finding Techniques in MATLAB

  • 1. EC 313: Numerical Methods Mayank Awasthi MATLAB Assignment – 1 M. Tech, IIT Roorkee (Communication Systems) Ques1: MATLAB routine which finds the coefficients of Lagrange polynomial is below: %Implementing Lagrange Interpolating Formula function l = lagranp(x,y) N = length(x)-1; %the degree of polynomial l = 0; for m = 1:N + 1 P = 1; for k = 1:N + 1 %Multiplication of two polynomials corresponds to convolution of their coefficients. if k ~= m %”linconv” function created by own. P = linconv(P,[1 -x(k)])/(x(m)-x(k)); end end l = l + y(m)*P; %Lagrange polynomial coefficients end MATLAB routine for Linear Convolution: %Linear convolution of sequence using formula function s=linconv(x,h) N=length(x); M=length(h); for n=1:N+M-1 s(n)=0; for k=1:M a=n-k; if a<0 y(k)=0; elseif k>N y(k)=0; elseif a<M y(k)=x(k)*h(a+1); else y(k)=0; end s(n)=s(n)+y(k); end end
  • 2. MATLAB routine which finds the coefficients of Newton polynomial is below: %Implementing the Newton divided difference formula function n = newtonp(x,y) N = length(x)-1; f = zeros(N+1,1); f(1:N+1,1) = y; for k = 2:N + 1 for m = 1: N + 2 - k %Divided Difference f(m,k) = (f(m + 1,k - 1) - f(m,k - 1))/(x(m + k - 1)- x(m)); end end a = f(1,:); n = a(N+1); for k =N:-1:1 %Nested multiplication form for better computation efficiency %a_k=f(x0,x1,……….xk) n = [n a(k)] - [0 n*x(k)]; %f(x)*(a_k*(x - x(k - 1))+a_k – 1) end >> x=[1 3 4]; Calculating the polynomial using both routines for >> y=[1 27 64]; given data. >> coefflag = lagranp(x,y) coefflag = 8.0000 -19.0000 12.0000 So required polynomial we get 8x2 – 19x + 12 >> coeffnew = newtonp(x,y) coeffnew = 8 -19 12
  • 3. Ques2: a)- For Straight Line: deg(Polynomial)=1 So using Newton or Lagrange routine we can get the coeff. Of polynomial as below: >> x= [1970 1990] ; >> y= [3707475887 5281653820] ; >> nc=newtonp(x,y) nc = 1.0e+011 * 0.0008 -1.5135 >> v0=polyval(nc,1980) v0 = % 1980 Population using straight line 4.4946e+009 b)- For parabola: deg(Polynomial)=2 >> x= [1960 1970 1990]; >> y= [3039585530 3707475887 5281653820]; >> nc= newtonp(x,y) nc = 1.0e+012 * 0.0000 -0.0015 1.4063 >> v1=polyval(nc,1980) % 1980 Population parabola v1 = 4.4548e+009 c)- For cubic curve deg(Polynomial) >> x= [1960 1970 1990 2000]; >> y= [3039585530 3707475887 5281653820 6079603571]; >> nc=newtonp(x,y) nc = 1.0e+013 * -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0107 7.0777 >> v3=polyval(nc,1980) % 1980 Population using cubic curve v3 =
  • 4. 4.4729e+009 Ques4: MATLAB routine which computes the divide difference coefficient is below: %matalb script for computing dividedifference coefff. function ddc = dividediff(x,y) N = length(x)-1; f = zeros(N+1,1); f(1:N+1,1) = y; for k = 2:N + 1 for m = 1: N + 2 - k %Divided Difference f(m,k) = (f(m + 1,k - 1) - f(m,k - 1))/(x(m + k - 1)- x(m)); end ddc=f(1,:); end end Calculating the divide difference coefficients. >> x=[1 2 4 5 7 9]; >> y=[2 3 8 6 14 6]; >> divide_diff_coeff = dividediff(x,y) divide_diff_coeff = 2.0000 1.0000 0.5000 -0.5000 0.2000 -0.0518 Now Calculating the polynomial using Newton method routine used in Ques1. >> x=[1 2 4 5 7 9]; >> y=[2 3 8 6 14 6]; >> nc= newtonp(x,y) nc = -0.0518 1.1839 -9.7875 35.6018 -53.4464 28.5000 Required Polynomial is -0.0518x5 + 1.1839x4 -9.7875x3 + 35.6018x2-53.4464x +28.5000 v0=p(1.5), v1=p(3.7), v2=p(6.6), v3=p(9.5) >> v0=polyval(nc,1.5) >> v2=polyval(nc,6.6) v0 = v2 = 1.0020 10.6441 >> v1=polyval(nc,3.7) >> v3=polyval(nc,9.5) v1 = v3 =
  • 5. 8.3474 -21.6454 Plotting Graph >> x=[1 2 4 5 7 9]; >> y=[2 3 8 6 14 6]; >> nc= newtonp(x,y) nc = -0.0518 1.1839 -9.7875 35.6018 -53.4464 28.5000 >> m=[0:10]; >> n=polyval(nc,m) n= 28.5000 2.0000 3.0000 7.6286 8.0000 6.0000 7.0714 14.0000 20.7000 6.0000 -72.5714 >> plot(m,n)
  • 6. Ques5 : Bisection Method : %Bisection method to solve Non-linear equations. function [x] = bisct(f,a,b,z,MaxIter) fa = feval(f,a); fb = feval(f,b); if fa*fb > 0 error('We must have f(a)f(b)<0!'); end for k = 1:MaxIter xx(k) = (a + b)/2; fx =feval(f,xx(k)); err = (b-a)/2; if abs(err)<z break; elseif fx*fa > 0 a = xx(k); fa = fx; else b = xx(k); end x = xx(k); end fprintf('The Interval in which root lie is %d %dn',a,b) fprintf('Iteration Required is %dn',k) fprintf('The approx. error is %dn',err) end Regula Falsi Method : %Implementing Regula Falsi algorithm. function [] = falsp(f,a,b,z,MaxIter) fa =feval(f,a); fb=feval(f,b); if fa*fb > 0 error('We must have f(a)f(b)<0!'); end for k = 1: MaxIter xx(k) = (a*fb-b*fa)/(fb-fa); fx = feval(f,xx(k)); err = max(abs(xx(k) - a),abs(b - xx(k))); if err<z break; elseif fx*fa > 0 a = xx(k); fa = fx; else b = xx(k); fb = fx; end end x = xx(k); fprintf('The Interval in which root lie is %d %dn',a,b) fprintf('Iteration Required is %dn',k) fprintf('The approx. error is %dn',err) end
  • 7. Modified Regula Falsi Method : %Implementing Modified Regula Falsi algorithm function [] = mrfalsp(f,a,b,z,MaxIter) fa =feval(f,a); fb=feval(f,b); F=fa; G=fb; if fa*fb > 0 error('We must have f(a)f(b)<0!'); end xx(1)=a/2; for k = 1: MaxIter xx(k+1) = (a*G-b*F)/(G-F); fx = feval(f,xx(k+1)); err = max(abs(xx(k) - a),abs(b - xx(k))); if err<z break; end if fx*fa > 0 a = xx(k+1); fa = fx; elseif feval(f,xx(k))*feval(f,xx(k+1))>0 F=F/2; end if fx*fa < 0 b = xx(k+1); fb = fx; elseif feval(f,xx(k))*feval(f,xx(k+1))>0 G=G/2; end end fprintf('The Interval in which root lie is %d %dn',a,b) fprintf('Iteration Required is %dn',k) fprintf('The approx. error is %dn',err) end
  • 8. Newton Raphson Meyhod : %Implementing Newton Raphson Method function [] = newton(f,df,x0,z,MaxIter) xx(1) = x0; fx = feval(f,x0); for k = 1: MaxIter if ~isnumeric(df) dfdx = feval(df,xx(k));end dx = -fx/dfdx; xx(k+1) = xx(k)+dx; fx = feval(f,xx(k + 1)); a= xx; if abs(dx) < z break; end end l=length(a); fprintf('The approx. Root is %dnn',x); fprintf('Iteration Required is %dn',k) end Now calculating the roots of given polynomials a)- exp(-x)-sin(x) assuming interval (0,1) & Max_Iteration=50 >> f=inline('exp(-x)-sin(x)'); %matlab command to define function >> df=inline('-exp(-x)-cos(x)'); %derivative of f 1)- Bisection method: >> bisct(f,0,1,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 5.885315e-001 5.885334e-001 Iteration Required is 20 The approx. error is 9.536743e-007 2)- Regula Falsi: >> rfalsi(f,0,1,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 0 5.885327e-001 Iteration Required is 50 The approx. error is 5.885327e-001 3)- Modified Regula Falsi: >> mrfalsi(f,0,1.0,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 5.885315e-001 5.885342e-001 Iteration Required is 23 The approx. error is 3.976230e-006 4)- Newton Raphson Method: >> newtonrap(f,df,.2,1e-6,50) The approx. Root is 5.885327e-001 Iteration Required is 4
  • 9. b)- x- exp(-(x^2)) assuming interval (0,1) & Max_Iteration=50 >> f=inline('x-exp(-(x^2))'); %matlab command to define function >> df=inline('1+2*x*exp(-(x^2))'); %derivative of f 1)- Bisection method: >> bisct(f,0,1,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 6.529179e-001 6.529198e-001 Iteration Required is 20 The approx. error is 9.536743e-007 2)- Regula Falsi: >> rfalsi(f,0,1.0,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 6.529186e-001 6.534421e-001 Iteration Required is 50 The approx. error is 5.234929e-004 3)- Modified Regula Falsi: >> mrfalsi(f,0,1.0,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 6.529059e-001 6.529198e-001 Iteration Required is 25 The approx. error is 2.490377e-005 4)- Newton Raphson Method: >> newtonrap(f,df,.5,1e-6,50) The approx. Root is 6.529186e-001 Iteration Required is 4 c)- (x^3)-x-2 assuming interval (-1,2) & Max_Iteration=50 >> f=inline('(x^3)-x-2') %matlab command to define function >> df=inline('3*(x^2)-1'); %derivative of f 1)- Bisection method: >> bisct(f,-1,2,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 1.521379e+000 1.521382e+000 Iteration Required is 22 The approx. error is 2.861023e-006 2)- Regula Falsi: >> rfalsi(f,-1,2,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 1.521380e+000 2 Iteration Required is 50 The approx. error is 4.786203e-001
  • 10. 3)- Modified Regula Falsi: >> mrfalsi(f,-1,2,1e-6,50) The Interval in which root lie is 1.521356e+000 1.521386e+000 Iteration Required is 28 The approx. error is 6.021365e-005 4)- Newton Raphson Method: >> newtonrap(f,df,1,1e-6,50) The approx. Root is 1.521380e+000 Iteration Required is 6 Ques3: For finding the the smallest positive guess for which Newton method diverges, we can use Newton Raphson method check for various guess as the root start diverging we can say that that is our required positive guess. Assuming z-1e-006 % Tolerance parameter >> f=inline('atan(x)') f= Inline function: f(x) = atan(x) >> df=inline('1/(1+x^2)') df = Inline function: df(x) = 1/(1+x^2) >> newtonrap(f,df,1,1e-6,1000) The approx. Root is 0 Iteration Required is 5 >> newtonrap(f,df,1.1,1e-6,1000) The approx. Root is -1.803121e-019 Iteration Required is 5
  • 11. >> newtonrap(f,df,1.2,1e-6,1000) The approx. Root is 0 Iteration Required is 6 >> newtonrap(f,df,1.3,1e-6,1000) The approx. Root is 0 Iteration Required is 7 >> newtonrap(f,df,1.38,1e-6,1000) The approx. Root is 0 Iteration Required is 9 >> newtonrap(f,df,1.39,1e-6,1000) The approx. Root is 0 Iteration Required is 11 >> newtonrap(f,df,1.4,1e-6,1000) Warning: Divide by zero. > In newtonrap at 8 Warning: Divide by zero. > In newtonrap at 8 The approx. Root is NaN Iteration Required is 1000 From the above data we get Since at 1.4 there is divide by zero error so beyond 1.4 function (‘atanx’) may diverge. Smallest positive guess will be 1.4.