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RichFaces 4 Webinar Series

Webinar #1:
RichFaces 4 – Everything You Need To

April 20, 2011

Max Katz
Charley Cowens

RichFaces 4 Webinar

May 11, 2011
RichFaces 3 to RichFaces 4 – A
Class in Moving Up

June 15, 2011
RichFaces 4 – New and Advanced

Max Katz
● Senior   Systems Engineer
● JSF,RichFaces, Java EE consulting,
 and training
● Manages – Exadel's open
 source projects and community
● Community    manager for
 – tool for creating and sharing
 interactive web and mobile HTML

                        Summer 2011

    Author of             Lead-author of
Practical RichFaces   Practical RichFaces, 2/e
     (Apress)           (Apress, June 2011)

April 11, 2011

Exadel is a global software
engineering company.
● Founded in 1998,

  headquarters in San Francisco
  Bay Area
● 7 development offices in

● 350+ employees

Exadel Products
●   Open Source with JBoss
    ◦ RichFaces
    ◦ JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio
    ◦   Flamingo
    ◦   Fiji
    ◦   jsf4birt
    ◦   JavaFX Plug-in for Eclipse
●– interactive Web and mobile
    HTML prototypes

Exadel Services
● Professional services
● Rich enterprise application
● Eclipse development
● Custom rich   component development
● Mobile   development
● Training

The Plan Is Simple

1) Ajax features in JSF 2

2) The new RichFaces 4

JavaServer Faces™ (JSF) is
 the standard component-
 based user interface (UI)
    framework for the
 Java EE (5 & 6) platform
   JSF 1.2     Java EE 5
   JSF 2       Java EE 6

● JSF   2 is a major upgrade over JSF 1.x

● Many features, ideas taken from
 projects such as Seam, and RichFaces,
 and others

JSF 2 new features
● Facelets             ● New   scopes
● Composite              ◦ Flash, View,
 components                custom
● Implicit             ● Configuration

 navigation             via annotations
● GET                  ● Bean Validation
  ◦ h:link, h:button
                       ● Basic Ajax
● Resource   loading

JSF 2 <f:ajax>
● Very   basic Ajax functionality
● Greatly
        inspired by RichFaces 3
 <a4j:support> tag
● Ajax in   JSF in 3 easy steps:
  1. Sending an Ajax request
  2.Partial view processing
  3.Partial view rendering

   <h:input value="#{bean.word}"/>
      <f:ajax event="click" 1
              execute="@form" 2
              render="out1 out2"/> 3
   <h:input value="#{bean.text}" id="out1"/>
   <h:input value="#{bean.phrase}" id="out2"/>

   <h:input value="#{bean.word}"/>
   <h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.selected}">
      <f:selectItems value="#{bean.items}"/>
      <f:ajax event="change" 1
              execute="@form"   2
              render="@form"/> 3
   <h:input value="#{bean.text}" id="out1"/>
   <h:input value="#{bean.phrase}" id="out2"/>

             Attribute   Value
                         Event on which to fire the
<f:ajax>     event
                         Ajax request
attributes               @all
                         @this (default)
                         @none (default)

 That's good, but where do
you get rich components and

A rich component framework
  is still(?) needed to build
       Ajax applications.

RichFaces 4 is a lightweight,
open source framework for
          JSF 2

RichFaces 4 – rich JSF framework
   ● UI components

     ◦ a4j:* tag library (core)
     ◦ rich:* tag library (UI)
     ◦ Components' JavaScript API
   ● Skins
   ● Client-side   validation (Bean Validation
   ● CDK –   Component Development Kit

Good, now tell me what's new
and what features you get in
       RichFaces 4?

RichFaces 4

  100% built on top of JSF2,
 just extends functionality in
            JSF 2

RichFaces 4

 JavaScript is now entirely
based on the popular jQuery

RichFaces 4
● All components are reviewed for
 consistency, usability
● Redesigned following    semantic
 HTML principles
● Server-side
           and client-side
 performance optimization
● Strict   code clean-up and review

RichFaces 4

Just drop RichFaces into the

RichFaces 4

 New client-side validation
 based on Bean Validation
         (JSR 303)

RichFaces 4

  New, and easy to use CDK
   (Component Development Kit),
 allows quickly to build your
own custom rich components

RichFaces 4

Run on: Tomcat 6/7, Resin,
JBoss AS 6/7, GlassFish 3.x,
(run on any server when JSF 2 application
            can be deployed)

RichFaces 4

 Run on: Google App Engine
   (GAE), Amazon EC2,

RichFaces 4

   JSF implementations:
    Mojarra or Myfaces

RichFaces 4

        Any browser

RichFaces 4

  Tooling support through
   JBoss Tools, IntelliJ,

Just tell me when RichFaces 4
   is going to be released?

 RichFaces was released on
      March 29, 2011
       (Yes, finally!)

 RichFaces versions

       Version             JSF 1.1       JSF 1.2   JSF 2

RichFaces 3.1.x              •
RichFaces 3.3.3*                            •       •
RichFaces 4                                         •
* Note: RichFaces 3.3.3 has basic JSF 2 support

RichFaces history
2005: started by Alexander Smirnov
2005-2007: Developed by Exadel
           Ajax4jsf - open source, free
           RichFaces - commercial
2007: JBoss takes over
      Exadel team continues to develop
      the framework, project is known as

RichFaces 4

   Let's look at RichFaces
  features in more detail...

RichFaces 4 core – sending
     an Ajax request
● a4j:ajax
● a4j:commandButton
● a4j:commandLink
● a4j:jsFunction
● a4j:poll
● a4j:push

RichFaces 4

It's important to say it again,
 RichFaces only extends and
       upgrades JSF 2...

      RichFaces <a4j:ajax>
       ● 100% based on     standard <f:ajax>
       ● Just replace f: with a4j: and get
         exactly the same functionality
       ● But,   you get extra features...
   <f:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/>

   <a4j:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/>

    <a4j:ajax> attributes
         Attribute                  Description

onbegin              JavaScript to execute before Ajax request
                     JavaScript to execute after response
                     comes back but before DOM update
oncomplete           JavaScript to execute after DOM update
                     Skips Update Model and Invoke
bypassUpdates        Application phases, useful for form
                     Skips all <a4j:outputPanel
limitRender          ajaxRender=”true”> panels. Only
                     renders what is set in current render
status               Status to display during Ajax request

      – Ajax button/link
/* standard button with f:ajax */
<h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.action}">
   <f:ajax execute="@form"

/* RichFaces button */
<a4j:commandButton value="Save"
     action="#{bean.action}" />

                                  Need to set
   <h:commandButton>              execute=”@form”
      <f:ajax execute="@form"/>   (or execute=”id1 id2”)

<h:form>                          RichFaces default
                                  value for
   <a4j:commandButton/>           button/link
<h:form>                          execute=”@form”

      <a4j:jsFunction> – fire Ajax
      request from any JavaScript
      function, HTML event
   <td onmouseover="update('yellow')"/>

 <a4j:jsFunction name="update"
      action="#{bean.change}" render="...">
   <a4j:param value="param1" assignTo="#{bean.color}"/>

      <a4j:poll> – periodically
      send an Ajax request

<a4j:poll interval="1000"
          enabled="#{bean.pollEnabled}" />

<h:panelGrid id="output">

       ● Server-side  events are pushed to
         client using Comet or WebSockets.
       ● Implemented    using Atmosphere
       ● Providesexcellent integration with
         EE containers, and advanced
         messaging services

<a4j:push address="topic@chat"
     ondataavailable="alert(" />

RichFace 4 core – advanced
rendering features
● <a4j:outputPanel>
● limitRender   attribute
● render=”{bean.renderList}”

      <a4j:outputPanel> – auto
      rendered panel

<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.fruit}">
   <a4j:ajax listener="#{bean.change}"/>

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
   </h:panelGrid>                          Rendered on every
</a4j:outputPanel>                         Ajax request

      Advanced rendering options:

<a4j:commandButton render="output"/>
<a4j:commandButton render="output" limitRender="true"/>

<h:panelGrid id="output">
                               Turns off all auto rendered panels,
                               only renders what is set in current
</h:panelGrid>                 render

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">

JSF                            RichFaces
1) Ajax request sent           1) Ajax request sent
2) Component id's to be        2) Component id's to
  rendered resolved              be rendered
3) Component id's are            resolved
  rendered into the page       3) Component id's
4) 2nd Ajax request is sent.     are rendered
  In this request the
  components (resolved in
  step 2 are sent with
  request) will be rendered

RichFace 4 core – advanced
execute features
● <a4j:region>
● bypassUpdates   attribute

<a4j:region> – declaratively
define execute region
<h:form>                                    Execute
 <a4j:region>                              options:
  <h:inputText />                          ● @all
  <h:inputText />
                                           ● @this
  <a4j:commandButton execute="@region"/>
                                           ● @form
</h:form>                                  ● @none

                                           ● id's
<h:form>                                   ● EL
                                           ● @region
   <h:inputText />
   <h:inputText />
   <a4j:commandButton />

1.Restore View
2.Apply Request Values
3.Process Validation
4.Update Model
5.Invoke Application
6.Render Response

 <h:inputText id="name" value="#{}"/>
    <a4j:ajax event="blur" bypassUpdates="true"/>
 <rich:message for="name"/>

      JavaScript interactions
<h:commandLink value="Link"
   <f:ajax onevent="ajaxEvent();">
                                  Called three times:
                                  1) begin
                                  2) success
                                  3) complete

<a4j:commandLink value="Link"

                           Events are separated for easier development

JSF 2 queue
● JSF2 has very basic queue
● Events   are queued and fired one at a
● Only one request is processed on the
 server at a time

RichFaces queue upgrades
● Combine
        requests from one or more
● Delay firing   Ajax request
● Cancel DOM      updates if “similar” request
 was fired
● Define queue    as:
  ◦   Global (all views have queue)
  ◦   View-based
  ◦   Form-based
  ◦   Named (used by particular components only)

      <a4j:queue> – “combining”
      events from the same
<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/>
<a4j:commandButton value="Button A1"/>
<a4j:commandButton value="Button AB"/>

Events (clicks) from the same component
are “combined” which results in just one request
from a component being sent. Prevents sending multiple
request from the same component.

      <a4j:queue> – “combining”
      events from different

<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/>
   <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId="ajaxGroup"/>
   <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId="ajaxGroup"/>

       <a4j:queue> delay
<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/>
...                                          Delay request
                                             by 2 seconds
<a4j:commandButton value="Button1"/>
<a4j:commandButton value="Button2"/>

<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/>
...                                                 Overwrite default
<a4j:commandButton>                                 delay request
                                                    by 1 second
   <a4j:attachQueue requestDelay="1000"/>
<a4j:commandButton />

Delay is a “wait” to combine similar events (events from the
same components) together.

      <a4j:queue> – ignoring
      “stale” responses
<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000

<h:inputText value="#{bean.state}">
 <a4j:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{bean.load}"

RichFace 4 core – more
advanced features
● <a4j:status>
● <a4j:param>
● <a4j:log>
● JavaScript   interactions

      <a4j:status> – Ajax request

<a4j:status name="ajaxStatus">
  <f:facet name="start">
    <h:graphicImage value="ajaxStatus.jpg"/>

   <a4j:commandButton status="ajaxStatus"/>

       ● Similar to <f:param>   but simpler as it
         also assigns the value to a bean
         property automatically
<a4j:commandButton value="Save">
   <a4j:param name="product" value="1009"/>

public class Bean {
   private String product;
   public void setProduct (String product) {...}
   public String getProduct () {...}

<a4j:log> – Ajax request
● Levels:

  ◦ debug, info, warn, error

RichFaces UI components
● Output, panels
● Input
● Menu
● Data iteration
● Tree
● Drag   and drop
● Client   side validation
● Miscellaneous




More rich output, panels
● rich:panel
● rich:togglePanel
● rich:popupPanel
● rich:collapsiblePanel
● rich:toolTip





More rich input
● rich:inputNumberSpinner
● rich:inplaceSelect
● rich:select
● rich:fileUpload





rich:dataTable with


             Partial table update




 To render from outside the table:

              Partial table update


More rich data iteration
● a4j:repeat
● rich:extendedDataTable
● rich:collapsibleSubTable
● rich:list

  ◦ list | ordered | definition
● rich:dataGrid
● rich:column

  ◦ Column and row spanning
  ◦ Filtering, sorting


Drag and drop

Client-side validation based
    on Bean Validation
         (JSR 303)

    New in RichFaces 4

      Bean Validation (JSR 303)
       ● JSF 2 has support for Bean Validation
public class Bean {
  private String email;

<h:inputText id="email" value="#{}">
   <a4j:ajax event="blur"/>
<rich:message for="email"/>

    RichFaces client validation

public class Bean {
  private String email;

<h:inputText id="email" value="#{}">
<rich:message for="email"/>

               RichFaces client validation
<rich:graphValidator value="#{bean}" id="gv">
   <h:inputText value="#{bean.password1}"/>
   <h:inputText value="#{bean.password2}"/>
   <rich:message for="email" for="gv"/>

private String password1;
private String password2;

@AssertTrue(message="Passwords don't match")
public boolean isPasswordsEquals() {
   return password1.equals(password1);

         RichFaces client functions
         Function                        Description

rich:client(id)           Returns component client id
rich:element(id)          Returns DOM element
                          Returns RichFaces client component
                          instance to call JS API method
rich:isUserInRole(role)   Returns if the user has specified role
                          Returns component instance for given
                          short id

Many RichFaces components
provide client-side JavaScript API
<rich:popupPanel> JavaScript API
Method name            Description
                       Return the top co-ordinate for the position of
                       the pop-up panel.
                       Return the left co-ordinate for the position of
                       the pop-up panel.
                       Move the pop-up panel to the co-ordinates
                       specified with the top and left parameters.
                       Resize the pop-up panel to the size specified
                       with the width and height parameters.
show()                 Show the pop-up panel.
hide()                 Hide the pop-up panel.

 Using <rich:component('id')>
<input type="button"
       value="Open" />

<rich:popupPanel id="popup">
   <h:outputLink value="#"
           return false;">
          <h:outputText value="Close"/>

Rich miscellaneous
● <rich:componentControl>
● <rich:hashParam>
● <rich:jQuery>

       ● Allows  to call JS API on a component
         in declarative fashion
<h:outputLink id="openLink" value="#">
   <h:outputText value="Open" />
   <rich:componentControl event="click"
                          target="popup" />

<rich:popupPanel id="popup">

       ● Group   client side parameters into a
         hash map to be passed to component
         client API
<h:commandButton value="Show popup">
   <rich:componentControl target="pp" operation="show">
         <f:param name="width" value="500" />
         <f:param name="height" value="300" />
         <f:param name="minWidth" value="300" />
         <f:param name="minHeight" value="150" />

<input type="button" id="changeButton"
                      value="Change title" />
<rich:jQuery selector="#changeButton"
   $('#panel #panel_header').text('Capital of Russia');

<rich:panel header="Moscow" id="panel">
   Moscow is the capital, the most populous ...


● Lightweight   extension on top of CSS
● Change
       look and feel of all rich
 component with a few minor changes
● Can
    be applied to standard JSF and
 HTML tags as well

Ready-to-use skins
● classic       <context-param>
● wine            <param-value>ruby</param-value>
● blueSky
● ruby
● emeraldTown
● deepMarine
● plain
● japanCherry

      Skin file (just a property file)

generalFamilyFont=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif


● Modify   existing or create your own

● Change   skins in runtime

      Overwriting skins
 .rf-p-hr {
    // your custom style, applied to all panels on
    // on page
 .panelHeader {
    // custom header style

<rich:panel id="panel1">
</rich:panel id="panel2">
<rich:panel headerClass="panelHeader">

       Skinning standard JSF tags
       and HTML tags
Apply to each control:
<h:button style="background-color:

Apply to all standard controls (JSF and HTML):

      Skinning standard JSF tags
      and HTML tags

<div class="rfs-ctn">
   <h:panelGrid columns="1">
                               Can be applied to
      <h:outputText />         <h:panelGrid>, <rich:panel>, <div>
      <h:inputText />          Any standard controls inside the
      <h:commandButton />      container will be skinned using
   </h:panelGrid>              standard controls skinning classes.

     Where can I try the new
         RichFaces 4?

        How can we help with RichFaces
● Web development
 with RichFaces
                                     Training      Days
● Version   3 to 4 migration   JSF 1.2, 2          1-2
● Performance    tune-up       RichFaces 3, 4      1-2
                               JSF and RichFaces   2-3
● Custom    component          RichFaces 3 to 4    1-2

● On-site training

That's it for RichFaces, there
 is one more thing I want to
           show you.

Tiggr ( is a web
application for building and
sharing interactive web and
 mobile HTML prototypes

Powerful prototyping                Build interactive
Large number of web components,     HTML prototypes
   layout containers and jQuery   Define navigation, show pop-ups
       Mobile components.         and other event/actions to make
                                     the prototype like the real

      Collaborate                   View and share
Collaborate with colleagues and   the HTML prototype
  customers in real time, get     View prototypes in any browser,
           feedback.              share with anyone, get feedback.

Try this web prototype:    Try this mobile prototype:

Thank   @maxkatz

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RichFaces 4 webinar #1: Everything You Need To Know

  • 1. Exadel RichFaces 4 Webinar Series Webinar #1: RichFaces 4 – Everything You Need To Know April 20, 2011 Max Katz Charley Cowens Exadel
  • 2. Exadel RichFaces 4 Webinar Schedule May 11, 2011 RichFaces 3 to RichFaces 4 – A Class in Moving Up June 15, 2011 RichFaces 4 – New and Advanced Features
  • 3. Exadel Max Katz ● Senior Systems Engineer ● JSF,RichFaces, Java EE consulting, and training ● Manages – Exadel's open source projects and community ● Community manager for – tool for creating and sharing interactive web and mobile HTML prototypes
  • 4. Exadel 4 Summer 2011 Author of Lead-author of Practical RichFaces Practical RichFaces, 2/e (Apress) (Apress, June 2011)
  • 6. Exadel Exadel is a global software engineering company. ● Founded in 1998, headquarters in San Francisco Bay Area ● 7 development offices in Europe ● 350+ employees
  • 7. Exadel Exadel Products ● Open Source with JBoss ◦ RichFaces ◦ JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio ● ◦ Flamingo ◦ Fiji ◦ jsf4birt ◦ JavaFX Plug-in for Eclipse ●– interactive Web and mobile HTML prototypes
  • 8. Exadel Exadel Services ● Professional services ● Rich enterprise application development ● Eclipse development ● Custom rich component development ● Mobile development ● Training
  • 9. Exadel The Plan Is Simple 1) Ajax features in JSF 2 2) The new RichFaces 4
  • 10. Exadel JavaServer Faces™ (JSF) is the standard component- based user interface (UI) framework for the Java EE (5 & 6) platform JSF 1.2 Java EE 5 JSF 2 Java EE 6
  • 11. Exadel JSF 2 ● JSF 2 is a major upgrade over JSF 1.x ● Many features, ideas taken from projects such as Seam, and RichFaces, and others
  • 12. Exadel JSF 2 new features ● Facelets ● New scopes ● Composite ◦ Flash, View, components custom ● Implicit ● Configuration navigation via annotations ● GET ● Bean Validation support support ◦ h:link, h:button ● Basic Ajax ● Resource loading
  • 13. Exadel JSF 2 <f:ajax> ● Very basic Ajax functionality ● Greatly inspired by RichFaces 3 <a4j:support> tag ● Ajax in JSF in 3 easy steps: 1. Sending an Ajax request 2.Partial view processing 3.Partial view rendering
  • 14. Exadel <h:form> <h:input value="#{bean.word}"/> <h:commandButton> <f:ajax event="click" 1 execute="@form" 2 listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" render="out1 out2"/> 3 </h:commandButton> <h:input value="#{bean.text}" id="out1"/> <h:input value="#{bean.phrase}" id="out2"/> </h:form>
  • 15. Exadel <h:form> <h:input value="#{bean.word}"/> <h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.selected}"> <f:selectItems value="#{bean.items}"/> <f:ajax event="change" 1 execute="@form" 2 listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" render="@form"/> 3 </h:commandButton> <h:input value="#{bean.text}" id="out1"/> <h:input value="#{bean.phrase}" id="out2"/> </h:form>
  • 16. Exadel Attribute Value Important Event on which to fire the <f:ajax> event Ajax request attributes @all @this (default) @form execute @none id's EL @all @this @form render @none (default) id's EL
  • 17. Exadel That's good, but where do you get rich components and more? A rich component framework is still(?) needed to build real-world Ajax applications.
  • 18. Exadel RichFaces 4 is a lightweight, open source framework for JSF 2
  • 19. Exadel RichFaces 4 – rich JSF framework ● UI components ◦ a4j:* tag library (core) ◦ rich:* tag library (UI) ◦ Components' JavaScript API ● Skins ● Client-side validation (Bean Validation based) ● CDK – Component Development Kit
  • 20. Exadel Good, now tell me what's new and what features you get in RichFaces 4?
  • 21. Exadel RichFaces 4 100% built on top of JSF2, just extends functionality in JSF 2
  • 22. Exadel RichFaces 4 JavaScript is now entirely based on the popular jQuery library
  • 23. Exadel RichFaces 4 ● All components are reviewed for consistency, usability ● Redesigned following semantic HTML principles ● Server-side and client-side performance optimization ● Strict code clean-up and review
  • 24. Exadel RichFaces 4 Zero-configuration. Just drop RichFaces into the application.
  • 25. Exadel RichFaces 4 New client-side validation based on Bean Validation (JSR 303)
  • 26. Exadel RichFaces 4 New, and easy to use CDK (Component Development Kit), allows quickly to build your own custom rich components
  • 27. Exadel RichFaces 4 Run on: Tomcat 6/7, Resin, JBoss AS 6/7, GlassFish 3.x, WebLogic (run on any server when JSF 2 application can be deployed)
  • 28. Exadel RichFaces 4 Run on: Google App Engine (GAE), Amazon EC2, CloudBees
  • 29. Exadel RichFaces 4 JSF implementations: Mojarra or Myfaces
  • 30. Exadel RichFaces 4 Any browser
  • 31. Exadel RichFaces 4 Tooling support through JBoss Tools, IntelliJ, NetBeans
  • 32. Exadel Just tell me when RichFaces 4 is going to be released? RichFaces was released on March 29, 2011 (Yes, finally!)
  • 33. Exadel RichFaces versions Version JSF 1.1 JSF 1.2 JSF 2 RichFaces 3.1.x • RichFaces 3.3.3* • • RichFaces 4 • * Note: RichFaces 3.3.3 has basic JSF 2 support
  • 34. Exadel RichFaces history 2005: started by Alexander Smirnov 2005-2007: Developed by Exadel Ajax4jsf - open source, free RichFaces - commercial 2007: JBoss takes over Exadel team continues to develop the framework, project is known as RichFaces
  • 35. Exadel RichFaces 4 Let's look at RichFaces features in more detail...
  • 36. Exadel RichFaces 4 core – sending an Ajax request ● a4j:ajax ● a4j:commandButton ● a4j:commandLink ● a4j:jsFunction ● a4j:poll ● a4j:push
  • 37. Exadel RichFaces 4 It's important to say it again, RichFaces only extends and upgrades JSF 2...
  • 38. Exadel RichFaces <a4j:ajax> ● 100% based on standard <f:ajax> ● Just replace f: with a4j: and get exactly the same functionality ● But, you get extra features... <h:commandButton> <f:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/> </h:commandButton> <h:commandButton> <a4j:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/> </h:commandButton>
  • 39. Exadel <a4j:ajax> attributes Attribute Description onbegin JavaScript to execute before Ajax request JavaScript to execute after response onbeforedomupdate comes back but before DOM update oncomplete JavaScript to execute after DOM update Skips Update Model and Invoke bypassUpdates Application phases, useful for form validation Skips all <a4j:outputPanel limitRender ajaxRender=”true”> panels. Only renders what is set in current render status Status to display during Ajax request
  • 40. Exadel <a4j:commandButton/Link> – Ajax button/link /* standard button with f:ajax */ <h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.action}"> <f:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/> </h:commandButton> /* RichFaces button */ <a4j:commandButton value="Save" render="output" action="#{bean.action}" />
  • 41. Exadel <h:form> <h:inputText> <h:selectOneMenu> Need to set <h:commandButton> execute=”@form” <f:ajax execute="@form"/> (or execute=”id1 id2”) </h:commandButton> <h:form> <h:form> RichFaces default <h:inputText> <h:selectOneMenu> value for <a4j:commandButton/> button/link <h:form> execute=”@form”
  • 42. Exadel <a4j:jsFunction> – fire Ajax request from any JavaScript function, HTML event <table> ... <td onmouseover="update('yellow')"/> ... </table> <h:form> <a4j:jsFunction name="update" action="#{bean.change}" render="..."> <a4j:param value="param1" assignTo="#{bean.color}"/> </a4j:jsFunction> </h:form>
  • 43. Exadel <a4j:poll> – periodically send an Ajax request <a4j:poll interval="1000" action="#{bean.count}" render="output" enabled="#{bean.pollEnabled}" /> <h:panelGrid id="output"> ... </h:panelGrid>
  • 44. Exadel <a4j:push> ● Server-side events are pushed to client using Comet or WebSockets. ● Implemented using Atmosphere ● Providesexcellent integration with EE containers, and advanced messaging services <a4j:push address="topic@chat" ondataavailable="alert(" />
  • 45. Exadel RichFace 4 core – advanced rendering features ● <a4j:outputPanel> ● limitRender attribute ● render=”{bean.renderList}”
  • 46. Exadel <a4j:outputPanel> – auto rendered panel <h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.fruit}"> <a4j:ajax listener="#{bean.change}"/> </<h:selectOneMenu> <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <h:panelGrid> ... </h:panelGrid> Rendered on every </a4j:outputPanel> Ajax request
  • 47. Exadel Advanced rendering options: limitRender <a4j:commandButton render="output"/> <a4j:commandButton render="output" limitRender="true"/> <h:panelGrid id="output"> Turns off all auto rendered panels, ... only renders what is set in current </h:panelGrid> render <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> ... </a4j:outputPanel>
  • 48. Exadel render=”#{bean.renderList}” JSF RichFaces 1) Ajax request sent 1) Ajax request sent 2) Component id's to be 2) Component id's to rendered resolved be rendered 3) Component id's are resolved rendered into the page 3) Component id's 4) 2nd Ajax request is sent. are rendered In this request the components (resolved in step 2 are sent with request) will be rendered
  • 49. Exadel RichFace 4 core – advanced execute features ● <a4j:region> ● bypassUpdates attribute
  • 50. Exadel <a4j:region> – declaratively define execute region <h:form> Execute <a4j:region> options: <h:inputText /> ● @all <h:inputText /> ● @this <a4j:commandButton execute="@region"/> ● @form <a4j:region> </h:form> ● @none ● id's <h:form> ● EL <a4j:region> ● @region <h:inputText /> <h:inputText /> <a4j:commandButton /> <a4j:region> </h:form>
  • 51. Exadel Skipping phases when validating 1.Restore View 2.Apply Request Values 3.Process Validation 4.Update Model 5.Invoke Application 6.Render Response <h:inputText id="name" value="#{}"/> <a4j:ajax event="blur" bypassUpdates="true"/> </h:inputText> <rich:message for="name"/>
  • 52. Exadel JavaScript interactions <h:commandLink value="Link" <f:ajax onevent="ajaxEvent();"> </h:commandLink> Called three times: 1) begin 2) success 3) complete <a4j:commandLink value="Link" onbegin="ajaxOnBegin()" onbeforedomupdate="ajaxOnBeforeDomUpdate()" oncomplete="ajaxOnComplete()"> </a4j:commandLink> Events are separated for easier development
  • 53. Exadel JSF 2 queue ● JSF2 has very basic queue functionality ● Events are queued and fired one at a time ● Only one request is processed on the server at a time
  • 54. Exadel RichFaces queue upgrades ● Combine requests from one or more components ● Delay firing Ajax request ● Cancel DOM updates if “similar” request was fired ● Define queue as: ◦ Global (all views have queue) ◦ View-based ◦ Form-based ◦ Named (used by particular components only)
  • 55. Exadel <a4j:queue> – “combining” events from the same component <a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/> … <a4j:commandButton value="Button A1"/> <a4j:commandButton value="Button AB"/> Events (clicks) from the same component are “combined” which results in just one request from a component being sent. Prevents sending multiple request from the same component.
  • 56. Exadel <a4j:queue> – “combining” events from different components <a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/> ... <a4j:commandButton> <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId="ajaxGroup"/> </a4j:commmandButton> <a4j:commandButton> <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId="ajaxGroup"/> </a4j:commmandButton>
  • 57. Exadel <a4j:queue> delay <a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/> ... Delay request by 2 seconds <a4j:commandButton value="Button1"/> <a4j:commandButton value="Button2"/> <a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/> ... Overwrite default <a4j:commandButton> delay request by 1 second <a4j:attachQueue requestDelay="1000"/> </a4j:commmandButton> <a4j:commandButton /> Delay is a “wait” to combine similar events (events from the same components) together.
  • 58. Exadel <a4j:queue> – ignoring “stale” responses <a4j:queue requestDelay="2000 ingoreDupResponses="true"/> <h:inputText value="#{bean.state}"> <a4j:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{bean.load}" render="states"/> </h:inputText>
  • 59. Exadel RichFace 4 core – more advanced features ● <a4j:status> ● <a4j:param> ● <a4j:log> ● JavaScript interactions
  • 60. Exadel <a4j:status> – Ajax request status <a4j:status name="ajaxStatus"> <f:facet name="start"> <h:graphicImage value="ajaxStatus.jpg"/> </f:facet> </a4j:status> <h:form> <a4j:commandButton status="ajaxStatus"/> </h:form>
  • 61. Exadel <a4j:param> ● Similar to <f:param> but simpler as it also assigns the value to a bean property automatically <a4j:commandButton value="Save"> <a4j:param name="product" value="1009"/> </a4j:commandButton> public class Bean { private String product; public void setProduct (String product) {...} public String getProduct () {...} }
  • 62. Exadel <a4j:log> – Ajax request information ● Levels: ◦ debug, info, warn, error
  • 63. Exadel RichFaces UI components ● Output, panels ● Input ● Menu ● Data iteration ● Tree ● Drag and drop ● Client side validation ● Miscellaneous
  • 65. Exadel More rich output, panels ● rich:panel ● rich:togglePanel ● rich:popupPanel ● rich:collapsiblePanel ● rich:toolTip
  • 67. Exadel More rich input ● rich:inputNumberSpinner ● rich:inplaceSelect ● rich:select ● rich:fileUpload
  • 70. Exadel Partial table update render="@column" render="@header" render="@row" render="@body" render="@footer" render="cellId" To render from outside the table: render="tableId@header" render="tableId@body" render="tableId@footer"
  • 71. Exadel Partial table update render="tableId:rows(bean.rowsSet)" render="tableId:rows(bean.rowsSet):cellId"
  • 72. Exadel More rich data iteration ● a4j:repeat ● rich:extendedDataTable ● rich:collapsibleSubTable ● rich:list ◦ list | ordered | definition ● rich:dataGrid ● rich:column ◦ Column and row spanning ◦ Filtering, sorting
  • 75. Exadel Client-side validation based on Bean Validation (JSR 303) New in RichFaces 4
  • 76. Exadel Bean Validation (JSR 303) ● JSF 2 has support for Bean Validation (server-side) public class Bean { @Pattern(regexp="...") private String email; } <h:inputText id="email" value="#{}"> <a4j:ajax event="blur"/> </h:inputText> <rich:message for="email"/>
  • 77. Exadel RichFaces client validation <rich:validator> public class Bean { @Pattern(regexp="...") private String email; } <h:inputText id="email" value="#{}"> <rich:validator/> </h:inputText> <rich:message for="email"/>
  • 78. Exadel RichFaces client validation <rich:graphValidator> <rich:graphValidator value="#{bean}" id="gv"> ... <h:inputText value="#{bean.password1}"/> <h:inputText value="#{bean.password2}"/> <rich:message for="email" for="gv"/> </rich:graphValidator> @Size(min=5,max=15,message="...") private String password1; @Size(min=5,max=15,message="...") private String password2; @AssertTrue(message="Passwords don't match") public boolean isPasswordsEquals() { return password1.equals(password1); }
  • 79. Exadel RichFaces client functions Function Description rich:client(id) Returns component client id rich:element(id) Returns DOM element Returns RichFaces client component rich:component(id) instance to call JS API method rich:isUserInRole(role) Returns if the user has specified role Returns component instance for given rich:findComponent(id) short id
  • 80. Exadel Many RichFaces components provide client-side JavaScript API <rich:popupPanel> JavaScript API Method name Description Return the top co-ordinate for the position of getTop() the pop-up panel. Return the left co-ordinate for the position of getLeft() the pop-up panel. Move the pop-up panel to the co-ordinates moveTo(top,left) specified with the top and left parameters. Resize the pop-up panel to the size specified resize(width,height) with the width and height parameters. show() Show the pop-up panel. hide() Hide the pop-up panel.
  • 81. Exadel Using <rich:component('id')> <input type="button" onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.show();" value="Open" /> <rich:popupPanel id="popup"> <h:outputLink value="#" onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.hide(); return false;"> <h:outputText value="Close"/> </h:outputLink> </rich:popupPanel>
  • 82. Exadel Rich miscellaneous ● <rich:componentControl> ● <rich:hashParam> ● <rich:jQuery>
  • 83. Exadel <rich:componentControl> ● Allows to call JS API on a component in declarative fashion <h:outputLink id="openLink" value="#"> <h:outputText value="Open" /> <rich:componentControl event="click" operation="show" target="popup" /> </h:outputLink> <rich:popupPanel id="popup"> ... </rich:popupPanel>
  • 84. Exadel <rich:hashParam> ● Group client side parameters into a hash map to be passed to component client API <h:commandButton value="Show popup"> <rich:componentControl target="pp" operation="show"> <rich:hashParam> <f:param name="width" value="500" /> <f:param name="height" value="300" /> <f:param name="minWidth" value="300" /> <f:param name="minHeight" value="150" /> </rich:hashParam> </rich:componentControl> </h:commandButton
  • 85. Exadel <rich:jQuery> <input type="button" id="changeButton" value="Change title" /> <rich:jQuery selector="#changeButton" query="click(function(){ $('#panel #panel_header').text('Capital of Russia'); })"/> <rich:panel header="Moscow" id="panel"> Moscow is the capital, the most populous ... </rich:panel>
  • 87. Exadel Skins ● Lightweight extension on top of CSS ● Change look and feel of all rich component with a few minor changes ● Can be applied to standard JSF and HTML tags as well
  • 88. Exadel Ready-to-use skins ● classic <context-param> <param-name></param-name> ● wine <param-value>ruby</param-value> </context-param> ● blueSky ● ruby ● emeraldTown ● deepMarine ● plain ● japanCherry
  • 89. Exadel Skin file (just a property file) #Colors headerBackgroundColor=#900000 headerGradientColor=#DF5858 headerTextColor=#FFFFFF headerWeightFont=bold generalBackgroundColor=#f1f1f1 generalTextColor=#000000 generalSizeFont=11px generalFamilyFont=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif controlTextColor=#000000 controlBackgroundColor=#ffffff additionalBackgroundColor=#F9E4E4
  • 90. Exadel Skins ● Modify existing or create your own <context-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>myCoolSkin</param-value> </context-param> ● Change skins in runtime <context-param> <param-name></param-name> <param-value>#{}</param-value> </context-param>
  • 91. Exadel Overwriting skins <style> .rf-p-hr { // your custom style, applied to all panels on // on page } .panelHeader { // custom header style } </style> <rich:panel id="panel1"> ... </rich:panel id="panel2"> <rich:panel headerClass="panelHeader"> ... </rich:panel>
  • 92. Exadel Skinning standard JSF tags and HTML tags Apply to each control: <h:button style="background-color: '#{richSkin.tableBackgroundColor}'"/> Apply to all standard controls (JSF and HTML): <context-param> <param-name> org.richfaces.enableControlSkinning </param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param>
  • 93. Exadel Skinning standard JSF tags and HTML tags <context-param> <param-name> org.richfaces.enableControlSkinningClasses </param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> <div class="rfs-ctn"> <h:panelGrid columns="1"> Can be applied to <h:outputText /> <h:panelGrid>, <rich:panel>, <div> <h:inputText /> Any standard controls inside the <h:commandButton /> container will be skinned using </h:panelGrid> standard controls skinning classes. </div>
  • 94. Exadel Where can I try the new RichFaces 4?
  • 95. Exadel How can we help with RichFaces ● Web development with RichFaces Training Days ● Version 3 to 4 migration JSF 1.2, 2 1-2 ● Performance tune-up RichFaces 3, 4 1-2 JSF and RichFaces 2-3 ● Custom component RichFaces 3 to 4 1-2 development ● On-site training
  • 96. Exadel That's it for RichFaces, there is one more thing I want to show you.
  • 97. Exadel Tiggr ( is a web application for building and sharing interactive web and mobile HTML prototypes
  • 98. Exadel Powerful prototyping Build interactive Large number of web components, HTML prototypes layout containers and jQuery Define navigation, show pop-ups Mobile components. and other event/actions to make the prototype like the real application. Collaborate View and share Collaborate with colleagues and the HTML prototype customers in real time, get View prototypes in any browser, feedback. share with anyone, get feedback.
  • 99. Exadel Try this web prototype: Try this mobile prototype:
  • 100. Exadel Thank @maxkatz you!