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        Volume   1    Number   1      January-March   2002


   Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis: a
   model for the study of portal

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                               Mexican Association of Hepatology

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6                                                        Annals of hepatology 1(1) 2002: 06-11
                                                  Annals of hepatology 2002; 1(1): January-March: 06-11

                                                                 Concise Review

    hepatology                Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis:
                        a model for the study of portal hypertension*
                                                                 Edna Strauss MD1

    Schistosomiasis is an endemic disease of tropical areas.                    the portal vein. The presence and degree of fibrosis depend
In American countries as Brazil, Venezuela, Puerto Rico,                        on parasitic load, immune response and genetic factors.2
Antilles and Suriname the worm that causes schitosomiasis                           Clinical forms of the disease in humans are classically
is the schistosoma mansoni. According to the World Health                       classified in slight and severe. Persons living in endemic
Orzganization more than 600 million people live in risk                         areas usually have the so-called intestinal form or the hepato-
areas and about 200 million are infected in 75 countries.1                      intestinal form. The later represents an intermediate phase
    The biological cicle of the worm corresponds to three                       in the evolution of the disease, when a palpable liver can be
phases: when human feces containing the eggs of the para-                       found at physical examination. Some authors, however,
site fall in water, they rupture liberating the miracide. The                   consider that all slight chronic forms of mansoni schistoso-
intermediate cicle occurs in a snail of the gender biompha-                     miasis are hepatointestinal. In fact, hepatic granumolas
laria. The parasite multiplies inside the snail and after 20 to                 around the eggs can be found without evident hepatome-
30 days gives origin to the cercariae, that spread in warm                      galy. Complains of these patients are scarce and non-specif-
water of about 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Free in the water                      ic, as fatigue and diarrhea. Besides Kato’s test for the search
the cercariae enter through the intact skin and mucosa, suf-                    of eggs in stools, a high percentage of eosinophils in the
fering modifications and achieving maturation in the portal                     blood may call the attention for the diagnosis.
system, where sexuated adult worms lay their eggs. From                             About 5% to 10% of infected individuals develop the hep-
the portal system eggs can spread to tissues and organs,                        atosplenic form, which gives origin to portal hypertension
specially the liver and intestines. As eggs are elimianted                      and is considered the severe form of the disease. As clinical
with feces they may contaminate water, closing the cycle.                       presentation hepatomegaly, specially of the left lobe, and a
    Adults worms live in the portal system, where about                         huge splenomegaly are found. The main manifestation of this
300 eggs per day are laid and about 2/3 of them carried to                      severe form is gastrointestinal bleeding due to portal hyper-
the liver. The typical egg has a characteristic lateral spine,                  tension, leading to high morbidity and mortality. Clinically,
useful for its diagnosis, not only in stools but also in the                    what is striking in this type of portal hypertension due to
various tissues where the egg can be found (Figure 1). As                       chronic liver disease is the lack of the typical physical signs
various couples of adult worms can be found in the veins                        of hepatic dysfunction as jaundice, spiders, palmar erithema,
of the portal system, specially the mesenteric veins, this                      gynecomastia or ascites. Epidemiological data is very impor-
parasitic infection gives rise to a vascular disorder that                      tant for the diagnosis since other types of pre-sinusoidal por-
may end up with an hepatic disease.                                             tal hypertension may have a similar clinical presentation, in-
    Worms and eggs are responsible for the pathopysiology                       cluding large splenomegaly. Stool examinations may be re-
of the disease. In the initial phases there is formation of im-                 peatedly negative, but abdominal ultrasound, histology of the
mune complexes, rarely with acute manifestations. The chron-                    liver or its angiographic study are usually conclusive for
ic forms are very common, due primarily to the deposition of                    schistosomiasis.
eggs and dead worms in different organs and tissues, par-                           Contrasting with cirrhosis, where fibrosis starts around por-
ticularly intestines and liver. In the later they obliterate small              tal tracts or hepatic veins and spreads forming bridges between
vessels, forming granulomas in the portal tract, obstructing                    hepatic and portal veins, in schistosomiasis the fibrosis is re-
                                                                                stricted to the portal area, with preservation of the lobular archi-
                                                                                tecture of the liver (Figure 2). The macroscopic specimen may
                                                                                show large fibrous septa, the typical “pipestem fibrosis.”
    * This text corresponds to the State of the Art Lecture given in                In the intra-hepatic vascular tree, the differences between
      Fukuoka, Japan, during the Biennial Meeting of IASL in 2000.
      Professor of Gastroenterology at the School of Medicine,
                                                                                cirrhosis and schistosomiasis are also remarkable. Tortuous
      University of São Paulo, Brazil and Hepatologist of the Liver Unit        vessels are characteristic of cirrhosis whereas the amputation
      in the same University.                                                   of portal vein branches with formation of multiple thinny
                                                                                vascular channels is consistant with schistosomiasis. “In
Address for correspondence:
Edna Strauss, M.D
                                                                                vivo” angiographic studies detect these differences.
Rua Florida 169Ap. 91, São Paulo, CEP04565-000BRAZIL                                Among the many conditions – pre-hepatic, hepatic and
Fax: 011551130824923, E-mail:                         post-hepatic, that may lead to portal hypertension –Schisto-
E Strauss. Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis                                                       7

                                                                                                                       Figure 1. Adult sexuated
                                                                                                                       worms live in the mesenteric
                                                                                                                       veins, where they lie about
                                                                                                                       300 typical eggs per day, car-
                                                                                                                       ried mainly to the liver.


Figure 2. Liver histology of alcoholic cirrhosis in the left showing fibrosis in blue
(Masson’s trichromme) and a complete alteration of hepatic architecture. On the right, liver
histology in schistosomiasis showing fibrosis again in blue, restricted to the portal tract
and with preserved liver architecture.


      Portal Pressure                          Collateral Circulation

High                                                                Many


Low                                                                 Few

                           Hepatic Dysfunction
                                                                       Figure 4. The characteristic histological appearance
                                                                                               of the altered venous vessels in the portal tract. Top
                                                                                               left (A) shows telangectasias: many small portal ves-
Figures 3. In the severe form of schistosomiasis high portal pressure                          sels instead of a large portal vein. Top right (B): spe-
may lead to the formation of many collateral vessels and severe bleed-                         cial staining to show the thickness of the walls of the
ing due to varices, but differently from cirrhosis, with minimal hepatic                       portal vessels, Bottom (C) showing a small portal
dysfunction.                                                                                   tract with a kind of "varice" of the portal vein.
8                                                      Annals of hepatology 1(1) 2002: 06-11

Table I. Hyperdynamic circulation is present in portal hypertension due to both cirrhosis and schistosomiasis, but its consequence on systems and or-
gans may be similar or different as depicted here.

                                                              Portal hypertension
                                                    Effects of Hyperdinamic Circulation
                                    Cirrhosis                                    Schistosomiasis

Splanchnic and                      Portal flow                                      Portal pressure
hepatic area                        Portal pressure                                  Normal hepatic blood flow

Systemic                            Cardiac output                                   Normal wedged venous pressure
                                    Arterial pressure

Renal                               Water and Na+ retention                          Glomerulonephritis related to
                                    Hepatorenal syndrome                             immune complexes of schistosoma

Pulmonary                           Arterial O2                                      Pulmonary hypertension related to
                                    Hepatopulmonary syndrome                         porto-collateral circulation (shunts)

Brain                               Edema                                            Rare cases of Hepatic Encephalopathy
                                    Coma                                             related to surgical shunts

somiasis is classified as a pre-sinusoidal cause of portal hy-                hyperesplenism and/or consumption coagulopathy. In
pertension whereas cirrhosis is typically classified as sinusoi-              conclusion, a direct correlation between portal hyperten-
dal and post-sinusoidal. It is universally accepted that, regard-             sion and hepatic dysfunction occurs in cirrhosis but not in
less the causing disorder or disease, the physiopathologic                    schistosomiasis (Figure 3).
mechanisms of the syndrome of portal hypertension is basi-                        As concomitance of cirrhosis may occur in patients with
cally the same, but there are some differences.3                              schistosomiasis, it is essential to differentiate pure forms of
    The starting point for the elevation of the portal pres-                  hepatosplenic schistosomiasis from the association with the
sure is the increase in vascular resistance and/or an augmen-                 most frequent causes of cirrhosis as alcoholism and hepatitis
tation of blood flow, which gives origin to collateral cir-                   virus. Hepatitis B has been associated with mansoni schisto-
culation. This is true for any type of portal hypertension                    somiasis for a long time.6 Our data,7 in accordance with
leading to the presence of varices and its consequent bleed-                  others,8,9 shows that the infection is more frequent in the he-
ing tendency.4 In the last twenty years we have learned                       patosplenic forms associated with bleeding episodes, blood
that due to collateral circulation, vasodilating substances                   transfusions or other medical manipulations, whereas the ear-
reach the systemic circulation creating splanchnic and sys-                   lier forms of schistosomiasis have the same prevalence of
temic vasodilation with the consequences of hypervolemia                      HBsAg as control regional groups. A recent work from Pe-
and increased blood flow, closing the vicious cycle of a                      reira and co-authors,10 shows that in Brazil the more advanced
persistent hypertension in the portal system.                                 forms of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, with decompensa-
    The clinical consequences of portal hypertension, as dis-                 tion, are due to the association with hepatitis C virus.
ease progresses, affect various organs and systems, besides                       Jaundice, a symptom of hepatic decompensation is not re-
the liver, as kidneys, lungs and brain. In table I consequences               lated to portal hypertension and not found in schistosomiasis.
of the hyperdinamic circulation in cirrhosis is compared to                   But it may appear after surgical treatment, with predomi-
those found in the same organs or areas for schistosomiasis,                  nance of the non-conjugated fraction of bilirubin. Comparing
where similarities and differences can be found. Usually,                     surgeries with and without a shunt procedure, hyperbilirubi-
some of the clinical manifestations may be related or aggra-                  nemia was present only in those with shunt. Some years ago
vated by a very poor hepatic function. In schistosomiasis,                    we have conducted an investigation (Ref) to evaluate the role
however, some manifestations are absent or very rare, what                    of splenomegaly or the shunt itself in the production of he-
has been attributed to a preserved hepatic function.                          molysis, comparing different groups of patients with pres-
    In a recent review of liver function tests,5 comparing                    ence or absence of these factors. Biochemical parameters:
hepato-intestinal and hepatosplenic forms of schistoso-                       haptoglobin, hemopexin, total and non-conjugated bilirubins
miasis with controls, the authors found slight alterations                    were analysed in the 4 groups and compared. The statistical
of liver enzymes: ALT, AST, Alkaline Phosphatase, as                          analysis was clear in showing that presence of shunt was the
well as low platelets and prothrombin time in the hepatos-                    main factor for the development of hemolysis and splenome-
plenic form of the disease. Although albumin levels re-                       galy was only a contributing factor.11
main similar to control, other proteins as transthyretin and                      Hemodynamic studies in schistosomiasis, on the other
protein C have shown lower values, attesting a minimal                        hand, have shown an important role of splenomegaly. When
hepatic dysfunction. The altered coagulation test, a con-                     systemic and hepatic hemodynamics were studied, Brazilian
stant report in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is related to                   authors12,13 have found high cardiac outflow and low periph-
E Strauss. Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis                                                       9

Table II. Results of two human hemodynamic studies about the effects of propranolol are shown here, as well as an experimental one. The Brazilian
clinical trial was interrupted due to the need of very high doses of propranolol and the Egyptian trial, showing good results, has high percentage of
dropouts. A better clinical evaluation is needed.

                                                      Treatment of portal hypertension
                                                 Propranolol in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis
Authors                            n                           Design                                    Results

Braillon et al.                    4 patients                     Hemodynamic                            Hypercinetic circulatory
1989                                                              study                                  syndrome
                                                                                                         Azygos blood flow
Strauss et al                      23 patients                    Randomized trial                       Rebleeding > P
1990                                                              Prop X Sclerotheraphy                  Higher doses P
Sarin et al                        20 animals                     Chronic murine                         Portal pressure
1991                                                              schistosomiasis                        systemic shunting
                                                                                                         portal flow
El Tourabi et al                   82 patients                    Randomized trial                       Rebleeding
1994                                                              Prop X Placebo                         mortality
                                                                                                         (high dropout)
Mies et al                         11 patients                    Hemodynamic                            Hypercinetic
1997                                                              study                                  circulatory syndrome
                                                                                                         azygo blood flow
                                                                                                         portal pressure ~
                                                                                                         portal flow ~
                                                                                                         pulmonary hypertension

                                                                              Table III. The main results of our randomized trial comparing sur-
                                                                              geries of portal hypertension in schistosomiasis have shown no diffe-
                                                                              rences in re-bleeding but higher percentages of hepatic encephalopathy
                                                                              for PSS and higher hemolysis for DSS.
                                                                              Surgical treatment of portal hypertension in schistosomiasis

                                                                                                PSS           EGDS           DSS          "p"
                                                                                                (n=28)        (n=28)         (n=27)

                                                                              UGIB              28.6%         21.4%          22.2%        NS
                                                                              HE                39.3%         0.0%           14.8%        p=0.001
                                                                              Hemolysis         29.6%         0.0%           52%          p<0.001

                                                                              PSS = Proximal splenorenal shunt
                                                                              EGDS = Esophagogastric devascularization with splenectomy;
                                                                              DSS = Distal splenorenal shunt
                                                                              UGIB = Upper gastrointestinal bleeding;
Figure 5. Blockade doses of propranolol are much higher in patients with
                                                                              HE = Hepatic encephalopathy
portal hypertension due to schistosomiasis than those due to cirrhosis.       Strauss E, 1989

eral resistance, confirming the existence of a hypercinetic cir-
culation, although cardiac rate and mean arterial pressure re-
mained normal, differently from cirrhosis. As far as hepatic
hemodynamics is concerned, besides the very high portal
pressure, evaluated by transhepatic measurements, free and
wedged venous pressures are usually normal.
    Differently from cirrhosis, where hepatic blood flow
is lower than normal, many authors, including our-
selves14 have described that total hepatic blood flow is
normal in portal hypertension due to hepatosplenic
schistosomiasis. It has been demonstrated that portal
flow remains in the normal range, although splenic flow   Figure 6. A randomized controlled trial with 5 to 10 years follow-up
is extremely high and mesenteric flow is lower than nor-                      and less than 10% dropout, has shown better survival rates for esopha-
mal. Azygos blood flow is also high, but not as high as                       gogastric disconnection with splenectomy when compared to shunt
the values found in cirrhosis.                                                surgeries: PSS and DSS.
                                                                              PSS = Proximal Splenorenal Shunt
    Morphological and morphometric studies of intra-hepatic                   DSS = Distal Splenorenal Shunt
portal veins have shown many telangiectasias (Figure 4A),                     EGDS = Esophago-Gastric Disconnection with Splenectomy.
10                                              Annals of hepatology 1(1) 2002: 06-11

greater thickness of their muscular layer, as demonstrated in         patic dysfunction. As we have shown, the physiopatholog-
figure 4B and also, although rare, the formation of a type of         ical mechanisms seem to have similarities with cirrhosis,
“varice” of the portal vein (Figure 4C).                              but with important differences. Pharmacological therapy
   Another important contribution for the diagnosis of                showed low efficacy of propranolol besides the need of
Mansoni’s hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is abdominal ul-              very high doses. Surgical treatment was the most interesting
trasound. Hyperechoic fibrotic bands can be recongnized               model to demonstrate that portal hypertension has a dif-
along the portal vessels, as well as volumetric reduction of          ferent behavior when dissociated from hepatic insufficiency.
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  • 1. ANNALS OF HEPATOLOGY Volume 1 Number 1 January-March 2002 Article: Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis: a model for the study of portal hypertension Copyright © 2002: Mexican Association of Hepatology Otras secciones de Others sections in este sitio: this web site: ☞ Índice de este número ☞ Contents of this number ☞ Más revistas ☞ More journals ☞ Búsqueda ☞ Search
  • 2. 6 Annals of hepatology 1(1) 2002: 06-11 Annals of hepatology 2002; 1(1): January-March: 06-11 Concise Review Annals of hepatology Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis: a model for the study of portal hypertension* Edna Strauss MD1 Schistosomiasis is an endemic disease of tropical areas. the portal vein. The presence and degree of fibrosis depend In American countries as Brazil, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, on parasitic load, immune response and genetic factors.2 Antilles and Suriname the worm that causes schitosomiasis Clinical forms of the disease in humans are classically is the schistosoma mansoni. According to the World Health classified in slight and severe. Persons living in endemic Orzganization more than 600 million people live in risk areas usually have the so-called intestinal form or the hepato- areas and about 200 million are infected in 75 countries.1 intestinal form. The later represents an intermediate phase The biological cicle of the worm corresponds to three in the evolution of the disease, when a palpable liver can be phases: when human feces containing the eggs of the para- found at physical examination. Some authors, however, site fall in water, they rupture liberating the miracide. The consider that all slight chronic forms of mansoni schistoso- intermediate cicle occurs in a snail of the gender biompha- miasis are hepatointestinal. In fact, hepatic granumolas laria. The parasite multiplies inside the snail and after 20 to around the eggs can be found without evident hepatome- 30 days gives origin to the cercariae, that spread in warm galy. Complains of these patients are scarce and non-specif- water of about 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Free in the water ic, as fatigue and diarrhea. Besides Kato’s test for the search the cercariae enter through the intact skin and mucosa, suf- of eggs in stools, a high percentage of eosinophils in the fering modifications and achieving maturation in the portal blood may call the attention for the diagnosis. system, where sexuated adult worms lay their eggs. From About 5% to 10% of infected individuals develop the hep- the portal system eggs can spread to tissues and organs, atosplenic form, which gives origin to portal hypertension specially the liver and intestines. As eggs are elimianted and is considered the severe form of the disease. As clinical with feces they may contaminate water, closing the cycle. presentation hepatomegaly, specially of the left lobe, and a Adults worms live in the portal system, where about huge splenomegaly are found. The main manifestation of this 300 eggs per day are laid and about 2/3 of them carried to severe form is gastrointestinal bleeding due to portal hyper- the liver. The typical egg has a characteristic lateral spine, tension, leading to high morbidity and mortality. Clinically, useful for its diagnosis, not only in stools but also in the what is striking in this type of portal hypertension due to various tissues where the egg can be found (Figure 1). As chronic liver disease is the lack of the typical physical signs various couples of adult worms can be found in the veins of hepatic dysfunction as jaundice, spiders, palmar erithema, of the portal system, specially the mesenteric veins, this gynecomastia or ascites. Epidemiological data is very impor- parasitic infection gives rise to a vascular disorder that tant for the diagnosis since other types of pre-sinusoidal por- may end up with an hepatic disease. tal hypertension may have a similar clinical presentation, in- Worms and eggs are responsible for the pathopysiology cluding large splenomegaly. Stool examinations may be re- of the disease. In the initial phases there is formation of im- peatedly negative, but abdominal ultrasound, histology of the mune complexes, rarely with acute manifestations. The chron- liver or its angiographic study are usually conclusive for ic forms are very common, due primarily to the deposition of schistosomiasis. eggs and dead worms in different organs and tissues, par- Contrasting with cirrhosis, where fibrosis starts around por- ticularly intestines and liver. In the later they obliterate small tal tracts or hepatic veins and spreads forming bridges between vessels, forming granulomas in the portal tract, obstructing hepatic and portal veins, in schistosomiasis the fibrosis is re- stricted to the portal area, with preservation of the lobular archi- tecture of the liver (Figure 2). The macroscopic specimen may show large fibrous septa, the typical “pipestem fibrosis.” * This text corresponds to the State of the Art Lecture given in In the intra-hepatic vascular tree, the differences between Fukuoka, Japan, during the Biennial Meeting of IASL in 2000. 1 Professor of Gastroenterology at the School of Medicine, cirrhosis and schistosomiasis are also remarkable. Tortuous University of São Paulo, Brazil and Hepatologist of the Liver Unit vessels are characteristic of cirrhosis whereas the amputation in the same University. of portal vein branches with formation of multiple thinny vascular channels is consistant with schistosomiasis. “In Address for correspondence: Edna Strauss, M.D vivo” angiographic studies detect these differences. Rua Florida 169Ap. 91, São Paulo, CEP04565-000BRAZIL Among the many conditions – pre-hepatic, hepatic and Fax: 011551130824923, E-mail: post-hepatic, that may lead to portal hypertension –Schisto-
  • 3. E Strauss. Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis 7 Figure 1. Adult sexuated worms live in the mesenteric veins, where they lie about 300 typical eggs per day, car- ried mainly to the liver. A Figure 2. Liver histology of alcoholic cirrhosis in the left showing fibrosis in blue (Masson’s trichromme) and a complete alteration of hepatic architecture. On the right, liver histology in schistosomiasis showing fibrosis again in blue, restricted to the portal tract and with preserved liver architecture. B PORTAL HYPERTENSION AND HEPATIC FUNCTION Portal Pressure Collateral Circulation High Many iasis som isto sis rho Cir Sch Low Few C Hepatic Dysfunction Figure 4. The characteristic histological appearance of the altered venous vessels in the portal tract. Top left (A) shows telangectasias: many small portal ves- Figures 3. In the severe form of schistosomiasis high portal pressure sels instead of a large portal vein. Top right (B): spe- may lead to the formation of many collateral vessels and severe bleed- cial staining to show the thickness of the walls of the ing due to varices, but differently from cirrhosis, with minimal hepatic portal vessels, Bottom (C) showing a small portal dysfunction. tract with a kind of "varice" of the portal vein.
  • 4. 8 Annals of hepatology 1(1) 2002: 06-11 Table I. Hyperdynamic circulation is present in portal hypertension due to both cirrhosis and schistosomiasis, but its consequence on systems and or- gans may be similar or different as depicted here. Portal hypertension Effects of Hyperdinamic Circulation Cirrhosis Schistosomiasis Splanchnic and Portal flow Portal pressure hepatic area Portal pressure Normal hepatic blood flow Systemic Cardiac output Normal wedged venous pressure Arterial pressure Renal Water and Na+ retention Glomerulonephritis related to Hepatorenal syndrome immune complexes of schistosoma Pulmonary Arterial O2 Pulmonary hypertension related to Hepatopulmonary syndrome porto-collateral circulation (shunts) Brain Edema Rare cases of Hepatic Encephalopathy Coma related to surgical shunts somiasis is classified as a pre-sinusoidal cause of portal hy- hyperesplenism and/or consumption coagulopathy. In pertension whereas cirrhosis is typically classified as sinusoi- conclusion, a direct correlation between portal hyperten- dal and post-sinusoidal. It is universally accepted that, regard- sion and hepatic dysfunction occurs in cirrhosis but not in less the causing disorder or disease, the physiopathologic schistosomiasis (Figure 3). mechanisms of the syndrome of portal hypertension is basi- As concomitance of cirrhosis may occur in patients with cally the same, but there are some differences.3 schistosomiasis, it is essential to differentiate pure forms of The starting point for the elevation of the portal pres- hepatosplenic schistosomiasis from the association with the sure is the increase in vascular resistance and/or an augmen- most frequent causes of cirrhosis as alcoholism and hepatitis tation of blood flow, which gives origin to collateral cir- virus. Hepatitis B has been associated with mansoni schisto- culation. This is true for any type of portal hypertension somiasis for a long time.6 Our data,7 in accordance with leading to the presence of varices and its consequent bleed- others,8,9 shows that the infection is more frequent in the he- ing tendency.4 In the last twenty years we have learned patosplenic forms associated with bleeding episodes, blood that due to collateral circulation, vasodilating substances transfusions or other medical manipulations, whereas the ear- reach the systemic circulation creating splanchnic and sys- lier forms of schistosomiasis have the same prevalence of temic vasodilation with the consequences of hypervolemia HBsAg as control regional groups. A recent work from Pe- and increased blood flow, closing the vicious cycle of a reira and co-authors,10 shows that in Brazil the more advanced persistent hypertension in the portal system. forms of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, with decompensa- The clinical consequences of portal hypertension, as dis- tion, are due to the association with hepatitis C virus. ease progresses, affect various organs and systems, besides Jaundice, a symptom of hepatic decompensation is not re- the liver, as kidneys, lungs and brain. In table I consequences lated to portal hypertension and not found in schistosomiasis. of the hyperdinamic circulation in cirrhosis is compared to But it may appear after surgical treatment, with predomi- those found in the same organs or areas for schistosomiasis, nance of the non-conjugated fraction of bilirubin. Comparing where similarities and differences can be found. Usually, surgeries with and without a shunt procedure, hyperbilirubi- some of the clinical manifestations may be related or aggra- nemia was present only in those with shunt. Some years ago vated by a very poor hepatic function. In schistosomiasis, we have conducted an investigation (Ref) to evaluate the role however, some manifestations are absent or very rare, what of splenomegaly or the shunt itself in the production of he- has been attributed to a preserved hepatic function. molysis, comparing different groups of patients with pres- In a recent review of liver function tests,5 comparing ence or absence of these factors. Biochemical parameters: hepato-intestinal and hepatosplenic forms of schistoso- haptoglobin, hemopexin, total and non-conjugated bilirubins miasis with controls, the authors found slight alterations were analysed in the 4 groups and compared. The statistical of liver enzymes: ALT, AST, Alkaline Phosphatase, as analysis was clear in showing that presence of shunt was the well as low platelets and prothrombin time in the hepatos- main factor for the development of hemolysis and splenome- plenic form of the disease. Although albumin levels re- galy was only a contributing factor.11 main similar to control, other proteins as transthyretin and Hemodynamic studies in schistosomiasis, on the other protein C have shown lower values, attesting a minimal hand, have shown an important role of splenomegaly. When hepatic dysfunction. The altered coagulation test, a con- systemic and hepatic hemodynamics were studied, Brazilian stant report in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is related to authors12,13 have found high cardiac outflow and low periph-
  • 5. E Strauss. Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis 9 Table II. Results of two human hemodynamic studies about the effects of propranolol are shown here, as well as an experimental one. The Brazilian clinical trial was interrupted due to the need of very high doses of propranolol and the Egyptian trial, showing good results, has high percentage of dropouts. A better clinical evaluation is needed. Treatment of portal hypertension Propranolol in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis Authors n Design Results Braillon et al. 4 patients Hemodynamic Hypercinetic circulatory 1989 study syndrome Azygos blood flow Strauss et al 23 patients Randomized trial Rebleeding > P 1990 Prop X Sclerotheraphy Higher doses P Sarin et al 20 animals Chronic murine Portal pressure 1991 schistosomiasis systemic shunting portal flow El Tourabi et al 82 patients Randomized trial Rebleeding 1994 Prop X Placebo mortality (high dropout) Mies et al 11 patients Hemodynamic Hypercinetic 1997 study circulatory syndrome azygo blood flow portal pressure ~ portal flow ~ pulmonary hypertension Table III. The main results of our randomized trial comparing sur- geries of portal hypertension in schistosomiasis have shown no diffe- rences in re-bleeding but higher percentages of hepatic encephalopathy for PSS and higher hemolysis for DSS. Surgical treatment of portal hypertension in schistosomiasis PSS EGDS DSS "p" (n=28) (n=28) (n=27) UGIB 28.6% 21.4% 22.2% NS HE 39.3% 0.0% 14.8% p=0.001 Hemolysis 29.6% 0.0% 52% p<0.001 PSS = Proximal splenorenal shunt EGDS = Esophagogastric devascularization with splenectomy; DSS = Distal splenorenal shunt UGIB = Upper gastrointestinal bleeding; Figure 5. Blockade doses of propranolol are much higher in patients with HE = Hepatic encephalopathy portal hypertension due to schistosomiasis than those due to cirrhosis. Strauss E, 1989 eral resistance, confirming the existence of a hypercinetic cir- culation, although cardiac rate and mean arterial pressure re- mained normal, differently from cirrhosis. As far as hepatic hemodynamics is concerned, besides the very high portal pressure, evaluated by transhepatic measurements, free and wedged venous pressures are usually normal. Differently from cirrhosis, where hepatic blood flow is lower than normal, many authors, including our- selves14 have described that total hepatic blood flow is normal in portal hypertension due to hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. It has been demonstrated that portal flow remains in the normal range, although splenic flow Figure 6. A randomized controlled trial with 5 to 10 years follow-up is extremely high and mesenteric flow is lower than nor- and less than 10% dropout, has shown better survival rates for esopha- mal. Azygos blood flow is also high, but not as high as gogastric disconnection with splenectomy when compared to shunt the values found in cirrhosis. surgeries: PSS and DSS. PSS = Proximal Splenorenal Shunt Morphological and morphometric studies of intra-hepatic DSS = Distal Splenorenal Shunt portal veins have shown many telangiectasias (Figure 4A), EGDS = Esophago-Gastric Disconnection with Splenectomy.
  • 6. 10 Annals of hepatology 1(1) 2002: 06-11 greater thickness of their muscular layer, as demonstrated in patic dysfunction. As we have shown, the physiopatholog- figure 4B and also, although rare, the formation of a type of ical mechanisms seem to have similarities with cirrhosis, “varice” of the portal vein (Figure 4C). but with important differences. Pharmacological therapy Another important contribution for the diagnosis of showed low efficacy of propranolol besides the need of Mansoni’s hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is abdominal ul- very high doses. Surgical treatment was the most interesting trasound. Hyperechoic fibrotic bands can be recongnized model to demonstrate that portal hypertension has a dif- along the portal vessels, as well as volumetric reduction of ferent behavior when dissociated from hepatic insufficiency. the right hepatic lobe with enlargement of the left one, sple- nomegaly and peri-vesicular fibrotic thickening. When as- References sociated with Doppler features collateral veins and flow ab- 1. Lambertucci JR & Nobre V. Doença Hepática Esquistossomótica. normalities are also detectable.15 IN Kalil AN, Coelho J, Strauss E. Fígado e Vias Biliares: Clínica e It is well known that treatment must have a physiopath- Cirurgia, Ed. Revinter, Rio de Janeiro, 2000: 349-364. ological basis. If all cases of portal hypertension have a 2. Abel L & Dessein A. Genetic predispositin to high infections in an common physiopathological mechanism, efficacy of one endemic area of Schistosoma mansoni. Revista da Sociedade Bra- sileira de Medicina Tropical 1991; 24: 1-3. type of treatment should be the same for all patients suf- 3. Kravets D & Romero G. Fisiopatologia da Hipertensão Portal IN fering from the syndrome. The efficacy of propranolol, for Gayotto LCC & Alves VAF Doenças do Fígado e Vias Biliares, Ed. example, is well demonstrated in cirrhotic patients.16 But Atheneu, São Paulo, 2000: 103-117. few studies were done in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, 4. Strauss E. Hipertensão Portal IN Matos AA & Dantas W. Compên- dio de Hepatologia. Fundo Editorial Byk, 2ª ed. 2001: 625-655. as shown in table II. Hemodynamic studies were initially 5. Camacho-Lobato L. & Borges DR. Early liver dysfunction in schis- performed by Lebrec’s group17 who have shown the hyper- tosomiasis. J Hepatology 1998; 29: 233-240. diynamic circulation, confirmed in the studies of Mies.12 6. Bassily S, Dunn MA, Farid Z, Kilpatrick ME, El Masry NA, Kamel We have interrupted a clinical trial comparing propranolol IA, El Alamy M et al. Chronic hepatitis B in patients with schisto- somiasis. J Trop Med Hyg 1983; 86: 67-71. with sclerotherapy due to unfavorable results in the 7. Strauss E. Hepatite e esquistossomose mansônica. IN Silva LC. He- groups taking propranolol,18 besides the need for very patites Agudas e Crônicas, Sarvier, São Paulo 2ª ed. 1995: 253-258. high doses, what may be risky (Figure 5). Although some 8. Hyams KC, Mansour MM, Masoud A & dunn MA. Parenteral an- authors have shown good clinical results, when compared tischistosomal therapy: a potential risk factor for hepatitis B infec- tion. J Med Virol 1987; 23: 109-114. to placebo, long-time follow-up was not available.19,20 9. Frank C, Mohamed MK, Strickland GT, Lavanchy D, Arthur RR, Other authors confirmed the need for very high doses of Magder LS, El Khoby T et al. The role of parenteral antischistoso- propranolol and also showed an increase in the pulmonary mal therapy in the spread of hepatitis C virus in Egypt. Lancet venous pressure.12 In these studies a decrease in portal 2000; 355: 887-91. 10. 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Intra-hepatic percuta- the efficacy of 3 types of surgery namely Proximal Sple- neous deposition of radioxenon (133Xe) as a means of measuring norenal Shunt, Distal Splenorenal Shunt and Esophago- hepatic blood flow. Acta Hepato-Gastroenterol 1980; 27: 99-103. gastric Disconnection with Splenectomy.22 After 5 to 10 15. Cerri GG, Oliveira IRS & Machado MM. Hepatosplenic schistoso- miasis: ultrasound evaluation update. Ultrasound Quarterly 1999; years of follow-up, with only 9% of dropout, we could 15: 210-215. show that re-bleeding was the same for the 3 surgical 16. D’Amico G, Pagliaro L, Bosch J. The treatment of portal hyperten- groups, whereas hepatic encephalopathy was greater in sion: a meta-analytic review. Hepatology 1995; 22: 332-354. the proximal splenorenal shunt, also occurring, after the 17. Braillon A, Moreau R, Hadengue A, Roulot D, Sayegh R, Lebrec D. 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  • 7. E Strauss. Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis 11 ment of portal systemic shunting in a chronic murine schistoso- 22. Strauss E. Hipertensão portal esquistossomótica: análise evolutiva miasis model of portal hypertension. J Clin Invest 1991; 87: de intercorrências clínicas, dados endoscópicos e laboratoriais em 1032-36. estudo randomizado comparando três tipos de cirurgia. Tese de Li- 20. El Tourabi H, el Amin AA, Shaheen M, Woda AS, Homeida M, vre-Docência – Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Uni- Harron DW. Propranolol reduces mortality in patients with portal versidade de São Paulo, 1989. hypertension secondary to schistosomiasis. Ann Trop Med Parasi- 23. Raia S, Silva LC, Gayotto LCC, Forster SC, Fukushima J & Strauss tol 1994; 88: 493-500. E. Portal hypertension in schitosomiasis: a long-term follow-up of a 21. Raia S, Mies S & Alfieri Jr. F-Portal hypertension in mansonic randomized trial comparing three types of surgery. Hepatology schistosomiasis. World J Surg 1991; 15: 176-187. 1994; 20: 398-403.