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Who is Marcel ?
Marcel Pinheiro Caraciolo - @marcelcaraciolo
  Sergipano, porém Recifense.

     Cientista Chefe da Orygens (

         Mestrando em Ciência da Computação no CIN/UFPE na área de mineração de dados

            Membro e Moderador da Celúla de Usuários Python de Pernambuco (PUG-PE)

                Minhas áreas de interesse: Computação móvel e Computação inteligente

                   Meus blogs: (sobre Mobilidade desde 2006)

              (sobre I.A. desde 2009)

                  Jovem Aprendiz ainda nas artes pythonicas.... (desde 2007)


 Provide features that can enhance online social learning environment

 One social software in special are recommender systems

 Several approaches have been applied to web-based educational systems [1] [2]

 But only a few recommender systems use data mining and explanations in
                           the recommendations
     Design a methodology for social recommender systems that incorporate different knowledge sources
         It can be structured such as messages, personal profile, timeline, questions , answers
         It can be non-structured study plans, disciplines, classes watched, relationships

  educational resources
ents in a social envi-                                              01'
  g a recommender en-                          (%)*++%&$%,''        01'
                                                   -&./&%'          01'
different recommenda-
 ation called Crab [15].      !"#$%&"'                         (%)*++%&$23*&4'
 al domains, including                                                  56786-'
  suggest online learn-
eir preferences, knowl-
terests. The system is                          8&;*,+23*&'
ational social network                            9/<"%,/&.'
dents, helping them to
 The innovative aspect
 ing on social networks
 ions at the given rec- components of Architecture proposal for the recom-
          It uses several Figure 1: the social network
udent more confidence      mender system
 arning understanding.
  s use data mining and
   [5].                   3. CONTENT RECOMMENDATION IN ED-
st we describe the re-           UCATIONAL SOCIAL NETWORKS
Design an improved explanation of the recommendation to the user
   Generally in the currently available systems, the recommendation only comes with an overall score
   Increase the recommendation acceptance rate in order to enhance the student experience in social networks

   You answered questions about X,Y, Z.                          You answered questions about X,Y, Z.

                                                 You have A,B,C friends in common
         Your friend asked this question.

  Your friends P,X and Y follows him.
                                                                            You both live at the same state Pernambuco.

            You have X,Y, Z followers in common
                                                                You are both interested in portuguese, maths and english.
You have X,Y, Z concursos in common

                                                                     You have P,Q, R study groups in common.

 Because you have difficulty in portuguese, maths and english.
                                                                           Because it is a most searched course
What recommender systems really do?

       1. Predict how much you would like a certain
                      product or service
    2. Suggest a list of N items ranked based on your
3. Suggest a list of N users ranked for a product/
4. Explain to you why those recommendations were
5. Adjust the prediction and the recommendation
    based on your feedback and from others.


  Portuguese              Maths                            Biology    Items


                                    Marcel                           Users

 Portuguese           Literature           Maths       Physics   Items

               like                           like

           Marcel                Rafael       Amanda             Users


                                                              Meta recommender system architecture
Customized control over the generation of
a recommendation list
It adapts in accordance to the structure of the data                                                      ./0#$-+1'/%

 Recommendation of Friends ?

  More weight to Collaborative Filtering                                     %
 Recommendation of Courses ?                                         2$,#/3"%456575689%
  More weight to Content Filtering                                *+>')-$">,?;%%@$-3A-0#3%

 Cold Start: Mitigate using Popular Recommendations                                                                               B#0-%<#+'CC#/3#$%
                                                                                                                                  %% %&-$-C#0#$"%%
             accepted from another users

  Feedback and temporal slicing:
    Learn from users and select limited results by time
                                                          Figure 2: Meta Recommender Components Interac-

                                                          be highly beneficial given that students do not meet phys-
                                                          ically. It may result in their becoming more socially con-
   ./0#$-+1'/% this engine with the popular brazilian social network AtéPassar
             More than 70.000 students registered studying for the public examinations

    Recommend StudyGroups, Friends,Video Classes, Questions and Concursos
           More than 70.000 items available for recommend
    Written in Python using a open-source framework Crab
                Framework available   for building recommender systems (My contribution)

     It is running since January 2011
            In March B#0-%<#+'CC#/3#$% was performed.
                      2011 , questionnaire
                     %% %&-$-C#0#$"%%
                                       Liked                  Not Liked


mender Components Interac-
                                                                   Figure 3: AtePassar Recommender Syste
 Improve the Learning Process
   Analyze how the recommenders can increase the learning process in online educational social networks.
   Mining all types of source in social networks in forms of recommendations

 Explore the Hidden Knowledge
     There are several knowledge sources in a educational social network.
     All those sources as basis for discovery novel content and learning resources

 Better Recommendation Understanding
     The explanations can be quite helpful to better understanding of the given resource
     Better learning interaction and simplification of the human/computer interaction

Proposal of a personalized recommender system
that incorporate different types of source of knowledge

It can be applied in adaptive social networks
Bring machine learning to web educational systems
Help the students to find an optimal path to learning resources

Help the researchers and designers how to design
the social network to achieve those tasks efficiently
                A Python Framework for Building
                    Recommendation Engines

Marcel Caraciolo Ricardo Caspirro             Bruno Melo
   @marcelcaraciolo       @ricardocaspirro        @brunomelo
What is Crab ?

 A python framework for building recommendation engines
A Scikit module for collaborative, content and hybrid filtering
       Mahout Alternative for Python Developers :D
             Open-Source under the BSD license

The current Crab

Collaborative Filtering algorithms
  User-Based, Item-Based and Slope One

Evaluation of the Recommender Algorithms
 Precision, Recall, F1-Score, RMSE

                           Precision-Recall Charts
The current Crab
The current Crab
>>>#load the dataset
The current Crab
>>>#load the dataset

>>> from crab.datasets import load_sample_movies
The current Crab
>>>#load the dataset

>>> from crab.datasets import load_sample_movies
>>> data = load_sample_movies()
The current Crab
>>>#load the dataset

>>> from crab.datasets import load_sample_movies
>>> data = load_sample_movies()
>>> data
The current Crab
>>>#load the dataset

>>> from crab.datasets import load_sample_movies
>>> data = load_sample_movies()
>>> data
{'DESCR': 'sample_movies data set was collected by the book called
          nProgramming the Collective Intelligence by Toby Segaran nnNotesn-----
          nThis data set consists ofnt* n ratings with (1-5) from n users to n movies.',
 'data': {1: {1: 3.0, 2: 4.0, 3: 3.5, 4: 5.0, 5: 3.0},
  2: {1: 3.0, 2: 4.0, 3: 2.0, 4: 3.0, 5: 3.0, 6: 2.0},
  3: {2: 3.5, 3: 2.5, 4: 4.0, 5: 4.5, 6: 3.0},
  4: {1: 2.5, 2: 3.5, 3: 2.5, 4: 3.5, 5: 3.0, 6: 3.0},
  5: {2: 4.5, 3: 1.0, 4: 4.0},
  6: {1: 3.0, 2: 3.5, 3: 3.5, 4: 5.0, 5: 3.0, 6: 1.5},
  7: {1: 2.5, 2: 3.0, 4: 3.5, 5: 4.0}},
 'item_ids': {1: 'Lady in the Water',
  2: 'Snakes on a Planet',
  3: 'You, Me and Dupree',
  4: 'Superman Returns',
  5: 'The Night Listener',
  6: 'Just My Luck'},
 'user_ids': {1: 'Jack Matthews',
  2: 'Mick LaSalle',
  3: 'Claudia Puig',
  4: 'Lisa Rose',
  5: 'Toby',
  6: 'Gene Seymour',
  7: 'Michael Phillips'}}
The current Crab
The current Crab

>>> from crab.models import MatrixPreferenceDataModel
The current Crab

>>> from crab.models import MatrixPreferenceDataModel
>>> m = MatrixPreferenceDataModel(
The current Crab

>>> from crab.models import MatrixPreferenceDataModel
>>> m = MatrixPreferenceDataModel(

>>> print m
MatrixPreferenceDataModel (7 by 6)
         1          2          3          4            5        ...
1        3.000000   4.000000   3.500000   5.000000   3.000000
2        3.000000   4.000000   2.000000   3.000000   3.000000
3           ---     3.500000   2.500000   4.000000   4.500000
4        2.500000   3.500000   2.500000   3.500000   3.000000
5           ---     4.500000   1.000000   4.000000       ---
6        3.000000   3.500000   3.500000   5.000000   3.000000
7        2.500000   3.000000       ---    3.500000   4.000000
The current Crab
The current Crab
>>> #import pairwise distance
The current Crab
>>> #import pairwise distance
>>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import
The current Crab
>>> #import pairwise distance
>>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import
>>> #import similarity
The current Crab
>>> #import pairwise distance
>>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import
>>> #import similarity
>>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity
The current Crab
>>> #import pairwise distance
>>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import
>>> #import similarity
>>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity
>>> similarity = UserSimilarity(m,
The current Crab
>>> #import pairwise distance
>>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import
>>> #import similarity
>>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity
>>> similarity = UserSimilarity(m,
>>> similarity[1]
The current Crab
>>> #import pairwise distance
>>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import
 >>> #import similarity
 >>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity
 >>> similarity = UserSimilarity(m,
 >>> similarity[1]
       [(1, 1.0),
(6, 0.66666666666666663),
(4, 0.34054242658316669),
(3, 0.32037724101704074),
(7, 0.32037724101704074),
(2, 0.2857142857142857),
(5, 0.2674788903885893)]
The current Crab
>>> #import pairwise distance
>>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import
 >>> #import similarity
 >>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity
 >>> similarity = UserSimilarity(m,
 >>> similarity[1]
       [(1, 1.0),
(6, 0.66666666666666663),   MatrixPreferenceDataModel (7 by 6)
                                     1          2          3          4            5
(4, 0.34054242658316669),   1        3.000000   4.000000   3.500000   5.000000   3.000000
(3, 0.32037724101704074),   2        3.000000   4.000000   2.000000   3.000000   3.000000
                            3           ---     3.500000   2.500000   4.000000   4.500000
(7, 0.32037724101704074),   4        2.500000   3.500000   2.500000   3.500000   3.000000
                            5           ---     4.500000   1.000000   4.000000       ---
(2, 0.2857142857142857),    6        3.000000   3.500000   3.500000   5.000000   3.000000
(5, 0.2674788903885893)]    7        2.500000   3.000000       ---    3.500000   4.000000
The current Crab
The current Crab

>>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender
The current Crab

>>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender
>>> recsys = UserBasedRecommender(model=m,
similarity=similarity, capper=True,with_preference=True)
The current Crab

>>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender
>>> recsys = UserBasedRecommender(model=m,
similarity=similarity, capper=True,with_preference=True)

>>> recsys.recommend(5)
array([[ 5.        , 3.45712869],
       [ 1.        , 2.78857832],
       [ 6.        , 2.38193068]])
The current Crab

>>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender
>>> recsys = UserBasedRecommender(model=m,
similarity=similarity, capper=True,with_preference=True)

>>> recsys.recommend(5)
array([[ 5.        , 3.45712869],
       [ 1.        , 2.78857832],
       [ 6.        , 2.38193068]])

>>> recsys.recommended_because(user_id=5,item_id=1)
array([[ 2. , 3. ],
       [ 1. , 3. ],
       [ 6. , 3. ],
       [ 7. , 2.5],
       [ 4. , 2.5]])
The current Crab

>>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender
>>> recsys = UserBasedRecommender(model=m,
similarity=similarity, capper=True,with_preference=True)

>>> recsys.recommend(5)
array([[ 5.        , 3.45712869],
       [ 1.        , 2.78857832],
       [ 6.        , 2.38193068]])

>>> recsys.recommended_because(user_id=5,item_id=1)
array([[ 2. , 3. ],
       [ 1. , 3. ],       MatrixPreferenceDataModel (7 by 6)
                                   1          2          3        4                     5        ...
       [ 6. , 3. ],       1        3.000000   4.000000   3.500000 5.000000            3.000000
                          2        3.000000   4.000000   2.000000 3.000000            3.000000
       [ 7. , 2.5],       3           ---     3.500000   2.500000 4.000000            4.500000
       [ 4. , 2.5]])      4        2.500000   3.500000   2.500000 3.500000            3.000000
                                   5         ---     4.500000   1.000000   4.000000       ---
                                   6      3.000000   3.500000   3.500000   5.000000   3.000000
                                   7      2.500000   3.000000      ---     3.500000   4.000000
Distributed Computing with mrJob
Distributed Computing with mrJob

It supports Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce(EMR) service, your own Hadoop cluster or
                                 local (for testing)
Distributed Computing with mrJob

It supports Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce(EMR) service, your own Hadoop cluster or
                                 local (for testing)
Distributed Computing with mrJob

                                                """The classic MapReduce job: count the frequency of words.
                                                from mrjob.job import MRJob
                                                import re

                                                WORD_RE = re.compile(r"[w']+")

                                                class MRWordFreqCount(MRJob):

                                                    def mapper(self, _, line):
                                                        for word in WORD_RE.findall(line):
                                                            yield (word.lower(), 1)

                                                    def reducer(self, word, counts):
                                                        yield (word, sum(counts))

                                                if __name__ == '__main__':

It supports Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce(EMR) service, your own Hadoop cluster or
                                 local (for testing)
Studies with Sparse Matrices
 Real datasets come with lots of empty values


       scipy.sparse package

       Sharding operations

       Matrix Factorization
        techniques (SVD)

                                                  Apontador Reviews Dataset
Studies with Sparse Matrices
     Real datasets come with lots of empty values


          scipy.sparse package

          Sharding operations

          Matrix Factorization
           techniques (SVD)

  Crab implements a Matrix
Factorization with Expectation
   Maximization algorithm

                                                      Apontador Reviews Dataset
Studies with Sparse Matrices
     Real datasets come with lots of empty values


          scipy.sparse package

          Sharding operations

          Matrix Factorization
           techniques (SVD)

  Crab implements a Matrix
Factorization with Expectation
   Maximization algorithm
      scikits.crab.svd package
                                                      Apontador Reviews Dataset
Why migrate ?
Old Crab running only using Pure Python
     Recommendations demand heavy maths calculations and lots of processing

Compatible with Numpy and Scipy libraries
   High Standard and popular scientific libraries optimized for scientific calculations in Python

Scikits projects are amazing!
    Active Communities, Scientific Conferences and updated projects (e.g. scikit-learn)

Turn the Crab framework visible for the community
 Join the scientific researchers and machine learning developers around the Globe coding with
                                 Python to help us in this project

                              Be Fast and Furious
How are we working ?
            Sprints, Online Discussions and Issues
How are we working ?
      Our Project’s Home Page
Future Releases
        Planned Release 0.1
   Collaborative Filtering Algorithms working, sample datasets to load and test

        Planned Release 0.11
       Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms and Database Models support

        Planned Release 0.12
   Recommendation as Services with REST APIs

Join us!

1. Read our Wiki Page

2. Check out our current sprints and open issues

3. Forks, Pull Requests mandatory
4. Join us at #muricoca or at our
                     discussion list
Recommended books

Toby Segaran, Programming Collective   SatnamAlag, Collective Intelligence in
Intelligence, O'Reilly, 2007           Action, Manning Publications, 2009

 Sites such as TechCrunch and ReadWriteWeb
Recommended Conferences
- ACM RecSys.

–ICWSM: Weblogand Social Media

–WebKDD: Web Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

–WWW: The original WWW conference

–SIGIR: Information Retrieval

–ACM KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

–ICML: Machine Learning
plore more the learning resource materials, one of the goals
          of the e-learning system.                                             Conference, Bratislava, 2005. 229-234.
                                                                            [7] Romero, C., Ventura, S.: Educational Data Mining: a

          3.5.3 Better Recommendation Understanding
          The explanations can be quite helpful for users to better
          understand if the given resource is (or is not ) suitable for
                                                                                Survey from 1995 to 2005. Expert Systems with
                                                                                Applications. Elsevier 1:33, 2007. 135-146.
                                                                            [8] Romero, C., Ventura, S.: Data mining in e-learning.
 th the       5. REFERENCES                                                     Wit Press, 2006.
          them. Those explanations can be beneficial in how to for-
 er en-   mulate Brusilovsky, P., Peylo, C.: Adaptive and to simply and
              [1] a better learning interaction and hence Intelligent       [9] Atepassar. Available at:
ed the    shorten the human/computer Systems. International Journal
                  Web-based Educational interaction.                        [10] J. B. Schafer, J. A. Konstan, and J. Riedl.:
rought            of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 13, 2003, 156 -       E-commerce recommendation applications. Data Mining
quality           169.                                                          and Knowledge Discovery, 2001.
nalized   4. [2] Conole, G. & Culver, J.: The design of Cloudworks:
                CONCLUSIONS                                                 [11] Shen, L.P., Shen, R.M.: Learning Content
          In this Applying social networking practice to foster the sys-
                   paper, we presents a personalized recommender
                                                                                Recommendation Service Based-on Simple Sequencing
          tem that incorporate different types of sourcesand knowledge
                  exchange of learning and teaching ideas of designs In:        Specification. In Proceedings of Advanced in Web-based
          in a adaptative educational social network by3using a meta-
                  Computers & Education , Vol. 54 , Nr. Elsevier, 2010          Learning 2004 363-
          recommender approach. We believe that this technique will
                  , S. 679-692 .
          bring more personalized andE., Grigoriadou, M., Samarakou,        [12] M. Montaner, B. L’opez, and J. Rosa.: A taxonomy of
 orking       [3] Gogoulou, A., Gouli, better recommendations for the           recommender agents on the internet. In Artificial
          students. and Chinou, D.: A Web-based Educational Setting
mmen-                                                                           Intelligence Review, volume 19, pages 285-330. Kluwer
 ing to           Supporting Individualized Learning, Collaborative
                                                                                Academic, 2003.
          Although we have integrated the In ProceedingsAtePassar, it
                  Learning and Assessment. system in the of
tion of                                                                     [13] J. Herlocker, J. Konstan, and J. Riedl.: Explaining
 e that   can, in Educational Technology & Society. 2007, 242-256.
                  principle, also be used in other web-based educational
          systems. MoreJ.B.: The application of data-mining the area
              [4] Schafer, research need to be conducted in to
                                                                                collaborative filtering recommendations. In In
educa-                                                                          proceedings of ACM 2000 Conference on Computer
mprove    of the recommendation systemsJ. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia
                  recommender systems. In in social learning and how
          they can data warehousing and mining. Hershey, PA. Idea
                  of influence the student satisfaction, motivation and          Supported Cooperative Work, 2000.
          learning process. 44 - 48.
                  Group 2005                                                [14] B. Schafer, J. Konstan, and J. Riedl.:
              [5] Farzan, R., Brusilovsky, P.: Social Navigation Support        Meta-recommendation systems: user-controlled
                  in a Course Recommendation System. In proceedings of
          Bringing machine learning and artificial intelligence to edu-          integration of diverse recommendations. In Proceedings
rces in                                                                         of the 11th conference on Information and knowledge
 of the   cational social networks Conference on main contributions of
                  4th International is one of the Adaptive Hypermedia
          this work, Adaptive resulting on a new generation of web-
                  and which is Web-based Systems. Dublin, 2006.                 management, pages 43-51. ACM Press, 2002.
 of the
          educational systems. The task of recommendation in web-           [15] Crab. Available at:
ve the
mation    based education A.: Recommender System for Adaptive col-
              [6] Ksristofic, can be considered as special type of           [16] AtePassar Video. Available at:
nd ex-    laborative learning, due to the fact that they of Informatics
                  Hypermedia Applications. In Proceeding help student 
e goals           and Information Technology Student Research
          with similar interests to find an optimal path through the
          learning material and facilitate the 229-234.
                  Conference, Bratislava, 2005. social network design to
              [7] Romero, C., Ventura, S.: Educational Data Mining: a
          be effectively be used to achieve these targets. We provide
          a videoSurvey from 1995 to recommender Systemsin action at
                   demonstrating the 2005. Expert system with
                  Applications. Elsevier 1:33, 2007. 135-146.
          AtePassar, which can be accessible at œ[16].
              [8] Romero, C., Ventura, S.: Data mining in e-learning.
ble for
                  Wit Press, 2006.
to for-
ly and        [9] Atepassar. Available at:
              [10] J. B. Schafer, J. A. Konstan, and J. Riedl.:
                  E-commerce recommendation applications. Data Mining
                  and Knowledge Discovery, 2001.
              [11] Shen, L.P., Shen, R.M.: Learning Content
er sys-
                  Recommendation Service Based-on Simple Sequencing
Where will you be ?


     Thanks !!

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Recomendação de Conteúdo para Redes Sociais Educativas

  • 1. Content  Recommenda,on  Based   on  Data  Mining  in  Adap,ve   Social  Networks Marcel  Pinheiro  Caraciolo Orientador:  Germano  Crispim
  • 2. Who is Marcel ? Marcel Pinheiro Caraciolo - @marcelcaraciolo Sergipano, porém Recifense. Cientista Chefe da Orygens ( Mestrando em Ciência da Computação no CIN/UFPE na área de mineração de dados Membro e Moderador da Celúla de Usuários Python de Pernambuco (PUG-PE) Minhas áreas de interesse: Computação móvel e Computação inteligente Meus blogs: (sobre Mobilidade desde 2006) (sobre I.A. desde 2009) Jovem Aprendiz ainda nas artes pythonicas.... (desde 2007) 2
  • 3. The  Problem Provide features that can enhance online social learning environment One social software in special are recommender systems Several approaches have been applied to web-based educational systems [1] [2] But only a few recommender systems use data mining and explanations in the recommendations
  • 4. Objec,ves Design a methodology for social recommender systems that incorporate different knowledge sources It can be structured such as messages, personal profile, timeline, questions , answers It can be non-structured study plans, disciplines, classes watched, relationships educational resources ents in a social envi- 01' g a recommender en- (%)*++%&$%,'' 01' -&./&%' 01' different recommenda- ation called Crab [15]. !"#$%&"' (%)*++%&$23*&4' al domains, including 56786-' suggest online learn- 599786-' eir preferences, knowl- terests. The system is 8&;*,+23*&' ational social network 9/<"%,/&.' =%)>&/?#%4' dents, helping them to !"#$%&":4'7*.' The innovative aspect ing on social networks ions at the given rec- components of Architecture proposal for the recom- It uses several Figure 1: the social network udent more confidence mender system arning understanding. s use data mining and [5]. 3. CONTENT RECOMMENDATION IN ED- st we describe the re- UCATIONAL SOCIAL NETWORKS
  • 5. Objec,ves Design an improved explanation of the recommendation to the user Generally in the currently available systems, the recommendation only comes with an overall score Increase the recommendation acceptance rate in order to enhance the student experience in social networks You answered questions about X,Y, Z. You answered questions about X,Y, Z. You have A,B,C friends in common Your friend asked this question. Your friends P,X and Y follows him. You both live at the same state Pernambuco. You have X,Y, Z followers in common You are both interested in portuguese, maths and english. You have X,Y, Z concursos in common You have P,Q, R study groups in common. Because you have difficulty in portuguese, maths and english. Because it is a most searched course
  • 6. What recommender systems really do? 1. Predict how much you would like a certain product or service 2. Suggest a list of N items ranked based on your interests 3. Suggest a list of N users ranked for a product/ service 4. Explain to you why those recommendations were given 5. Adjust the prediction and the recommendation based on your feedback and from others.
  • 7. Mee,ng  Recommenda,on  Systems Content  Based  Filtering Similar Text Portuguese Maths Biology Items Interpretation recommend likes Marcel Users
  • 8. Mee,ng  Recommenda,on  Systems Collabora,ve  Based  Filtering Portuguese Literature Maths Physics Items like like recommends Marcel Rafael Amanda Users Similar
  • 9. Mee,ng  Recommenda,on  Systems Our  Approach  -­‐  Hybrid  Recommender  System Meta recommender system architecture Customized control over the generation of a recommendation list !"#$%*'+,-)% !"#$%&$'()#% It adapts in accordance to the structure of the data ./0#$-+1'/% Recommendation of Friends ? More weight to Collaborative Filtering % % % % !"#$%#$&'()%*&+,-$%.,#/& !"--(0".(12%&'()%*&+,-$%.,#/& % Recommendation of Courses ? 2$,#/3"%456575689% % !"#"$%&&'%()*&+,-(.'&/,-0&+,-(.'& :'+-1'/;%%<#+,=#% %12%&'303#2,&('",'&2,"&34& More weight to Content Filtering *+>')-$">,?;%%@$-3A-0#3% % % Cold Start: Mitigate using Popular Recommendations B#0-%<#+'CC#/3#$% %% %&-$-C#0#$"%% accepted from another users <#+'CC#/3-1'/"% Feedback and temporal slicing: Learn from users and select limited results by time Figure 2: Meta Recommender Components Interac- tion be highly beneficial given that students do not meet phys- ically. It may result in their becoming more socially con-
  • 10. Methodology  and  Current  Results !"#$%*'+,-)% ./0#$-+1'/% this engine with the popular brazilian social network AtéPassar Integrated More than 70.000 students registered studying for the public examinations Recommend StudyGroups, Friends,Video Classes, Questions and Concursos More than 70.000 items available for recommend % % !"--(0".(12%&'()%*&+,-$%.,#/& % Written in Python using a open-source framework Crab !"#"$%&&'%()*&+,-(.'&/,-0&+,-(.'& %12%&'303#2,&('",'&2,"&34& % Framework available for building recommender systems (My contribution) It is running since January 2011 In March B#0-%<#+'CC#/3#$% was performed. 2011 , questionnaire %% %&-$-C#0#$"%% Liked Not Liked -1'/"% 23% mender Components Interac- 77% Figure 3: AtePassar Recommender Syste face
  • 11.
  • 12. Expected  Results Improve the Learning Process Analyze how the recommenders can increase the learning process in online educational social networks. Mining all types of source in social networks in forms of recommendations Explore the Hidden Knowledge There are several knowledge sources in a educational social network. All those sources as basis for discovery novel content and learning resources Better Recommendation Understanding The explanations can be quite helpful to better understanding of the given resource Better learning interaction and simplification of the human/computer interaction
  • 13. Conclusions Proposal of a personalized recommender system that incorporate different types of source of knowledge It can be applied in adaptive social networks Bring machine learning to web educational systems Help the students to find an optimal path to learning resources Help the researchers and designers how to design the social network to achieve those tasks efficiently
  • 15. Crab A Python Framework for Building Recommendation Engines Marcel Caraciolo Ricardo Caspirro Bruno Melo @marcelcaraciolo @ricardocaspirro @brunomelo
  • 16. What is Crab ? A python framework for building recommendation engines A Scikit module for collaborative, content and hybrid filtering Mahout Alternative for Python Developers :D Open-Source under the BSD license
  • 17. The current Crab Collaborative Filtering algorithms User-Based, Item-Based and Slope One Evaluation of the Recommender Algorithms Precision, Recall, F1-Score, RMSE Precision-Recall Charts
  • 20. The current Crab >>>#load the dataset >>> from crab.datasets import load_sample_movies
  • 21. The current Crab >>>#load the dataset >>> from crab.datasets import load_sample_movies >>> data = load_sample_movies()
  • 22. The current Crab >>>#load the dataset >>> from crab.datasets import load_sample_movies >>> data = load_sample_movies() >>> data
  • 23. The current Crab >>>#load the dataset >>> from crab.datasets import load_sample_movies >>> data = load_sample_movies() >>> data {'DESCR': 'sample_movies data set was collected by the book called nProgramming the Collective Intelligence by Toby Segaran nnNotesn----- nThis data set consists ofnt* n ratings with (1-5) from n users to n movies.',  'data': {1: {1: 3.0, 2: 4.0, 3: 3.5, 4: 5.0, 5: 3.0},   2: {1: 3.0, 2: 4.0, 3: 2.0, 4: 3.0, 5: 3.0, 6: 2.0},   3: {2: 3.5, 3: 2.5, 4: 4.0, 5: 4.5, 6: 3.0},   4: {1: 2.5, 2: 3.5, 3: 2.5, 4: 3.5, 5: 3.0, 6: 3.0},   5: {2: 4.5, 3: 1.0, 4: 4.0},   6: {1: 3.0, 2: 3.5, 3: 3.5, 4: 5.0, 5: 3.0, 6: 1.5},   7: {1: 2.5, 2: 3.0, 4: 3.5, 5: 4.0}},  'item_ids': {1: 'Lady in the Water',   2: 'Snakes on a Planet',   3: 'You, Me and Dupree',   4: 'Superman Returns',   5: 'The Night Listener',   6: 'Just My Luck'},  'user_ids': {1: 'Jack Matthews',   2: 'Mick LaSalle',   3: 'Claudia Puig',   4: 'Lisa Rose',   5: 'Toby',   6: 'Gene Seymour',   7: 'Michael Phillips'}}
  • 25. The current Crab >>> from crab.models import MatrixPreferenceDataModel
  • 26. The current Crab >>> from crab.models import MatrixPreferenceDataModel >>> m = MatrixPreferenceDataModel(
  • 27. The current Crab >>> from crab.models import MatrixPreferenceDataModel >>> m = MatrixPreferenceDataModel( >>> print m MatrixPreferenceDataModel (7 by 6)          1 2 3 4 5 ... 1 3.000000 4.000000 3.500000 5.000000 3.000000 2 3.000000 4.000000 2.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3 --- 3.500000 2.500000 4.000000 4.500000 4 2.500000 3.500000 2.500000 3.500000 3.000000 5 --- 4.500000 1.000000 4.000000 --- 6 3.000000 3.500000 3.500000 5.000000 3.000000 7 2.500000 3.000000 --- 3.500000 4.000000
  • 29. The current Crab >>> #import pairwise distance
  • 30. The current Crab >>> #import pairwise distance >>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
  • 31. The current Crab >>> #import pairwise distance >>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances >>> #import similarity
  • 32. The current Crab >>> #import pairwise distance >>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances >>> #import similarity >>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity
  • 33. The current Crab >>> #import pairwise distance >>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances >>> #import similarity >>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity >>> similarity = UserSimilarity(m, euclidean_distances)
  • 34. The current Crab >>> #import pairwise distance >>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances >>> #import similarity >>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity >>> similarity = UserSimilarity(m, euclidean_distances) >>> similarity[1]
  • 35. The current Crab >>> #import pairwise distance >>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances >>> #import similarity >>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity >>> similarity = UserSimilarity(m, euclidean_distances) >>> similarity[1] [(1, 1.0), (6, 0.66666666666666663), (4, 0.34054242658316669), (3, 0.32037724101704074), (7, 0.32037724101704074), (2, 0.2857142857142857), (5, 0.2674788903885893)]
  • 36. The current Crab >>> #import pairwise distance >>> from crab.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances >>> #import similarity >>> from crab.similarities import UserSimilarity >>> similarity = UserSimilarity(m, euclidean_distances) >>> similarity[1] [(1, 1.0), (6, 0.66666666666666663), MatrixPreferenceDataModel (7 by 6)          1 2 3 4 5 (4, 0.34054242658316669), 1 3.000000 4.000000 3.500000 5.000000 3.000000 (3, 0.32037724101704074), 2 3.000000 4.000000 2.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3 --- 3.500000 2.500000 4.000000 4.500000 (7, 0.32037724101704074), 4 2.500000 3.500000 2.500000 3.500000 3.000000 5 --- 4.500000 1.000000 4.000000 --- (2, 0.2857142857142857), 6 3.000000 3.500000 3.500000 5.000000 3.000000 (5, 0.2674788903885893)] 7 2.500000 3.000000 --- 3.500000 4.000000
  • 38. The current Crab >>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender
  • 39. The current Crab >>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender >>> recsys = UserBasedRecommender(model=m, similarity=similarity, capper=True,with_preference=True)
  • 40. The current Crab >>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender >>> recsys = UserBasedRecommender(model=m, similarity=similarity, capper=True,with_preference=True) >>> recsys.recommend(5) array([[ 5. , 3.45712869],        [ 1. , 2.78857832],        [ 6. , 2.38193068]])
  • 41. The current Crab >>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender >>> recsys = UserBasedRecommender(model=m, similarity=similarity, capper=True,with_preference=True) >>> recsys.recommend(5) array([[ 5. , 3.45712869],        [ 1. , 2.78857832],        [ 6. , 2.38193068]]) >>> recsys.recommended_because(user_id=5,item_id=1) array([[ 2. , 3. ],        [ 1. , 3. ],        [ 6. , 3. ],        [ 7. , 2.5],        [ 4. , 2.5]])
  • 42. The current Crab >>> from crab.recommenders.knn import UserBasedRecommender >>> recsys = UserBasedRecommender(model=m, similarity=similarity, capper=True,with_preference=True) >>> recsys.recommend(5) array([[ 5. , 3.45712869],        [ 1. , 2.78857832],        [ 6. , 2.38193068]]) >>> recsys.recommended_because(user_id=5,item_id=1) array([[ 2. , 3. ],        [ 1. , 3. ], MatrixPreferenceDataModel (7 by 6)          1 2 3 4 5 ...        [ 6. , 3. ], 1 3.000000 4.000000 3.500000 5.000000 3.000000 2 3.000000 4.000000 2.000000 3.000000 3.000000        [ 7. , 2.5], 3 --- 3.500000 2.500000 4.000000 4.500000        [ 4. , 2.5]]) 4 2.500000 3.500000 2.500000 3.500000 3.000000 5 --- 4.500000 1.000000 4.000000 --- 6 3.000000 3.500000 3.500000 5.000000 3.000000 7 2.500000 3.000000 --- 3.500000 4.000000
  • 43. Distributed Computing with mrJob
  • 44. Distributed Computing with mrJob It supports Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce(EMR) service, your own Hadoop cluster or local (for testing)
  • 45. Distributed Computing with mrJob It supports Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce(EMR) service, your own Hadoop cluster or local (for testing)
  • 46. Distributed Computing with mrJob """The classic MapReduce job: count the frequency of words. """ from mrjob.job import MRJob import re WORD_RE = re.compile(r"[w']+") class MRWordFreqCount(MRJob):     def mapper(self, _, line):         for word in WORD_RE.findall(line):             yield (word.lower(), 1)     def reducer(self, word, counts):         yield (word, sum(counts)) if __name__ == '__main__': It supports Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce(EMR) service, your own Hadoop cluster or local (for testing)
  • 47. Studies with Sparse Matrices Real datasets come with lots of empty values Solutions: scipy.sparse package Sharding operations Matrix Factorization techniques (SVD) Apontador Reviews Dataset
  • 48. Studies with Sparse Matrices Real datasets come with lots of empty values Solutions: scipy.sparse package Sharding operations Matrix Factorization techniques (SVD) Crab implements a Matrix Factorization with Expectation Maximization algorithm Apontador Reviews Dataset
  • 49. Studies with Sparse Matrices Real datasets come with lots of empty values Solutions: scipy.sparse package Sharding operations Matrix Factorization techniques (SVD) Crab implements a Matrix Factorization with Expectation Maximization algorithm scikits.crab.svd package Apontador Reviews Dataset
  • 50. Why migrate ? Old Crab running only using Pure Python Recommendations demand heavy maths calculations and lots of processing Compatible with Numpy and Scipy libraries High Standard and popular scientific libraries optimized for scientific calculations in Python Scikits projects are amazing! Active Communities, Scientific Conferences and updated projects (e.g. scikit-learn) Turn the Crab framework visible for the community Join the scientific researchers and machine learning developers around the Globe coding with Python to help us in this project Be Fast and Furious
  • 51. How are we working ? Sprints, Online Discussions and Issues
  • 52. How are we working ? Our Project’s Home Page
  • 53. Future Releases Planned Release 0.1 Collaborative Filtering Algorithms working, sample datasets to load and test Planned Release 0.11 Evaluation of Recommendation Algorithms and Database Models support Planned Release 0.12 Recommendation as Services with REST APIs ....
  • 54. Join us! 1. Read our Wiki Page 2. Check out our current sprints and open issues 3. Forks, Pull Requests mandatory 4. Join us at #muricoca or at our discussion list
  • 55. Recommended books Toby Segaran, Programming Collective SatnamAlag, Collective Intelligence in Intelligence, O'Reilly, 2007 Action, Manning Publications, 2009 Sites such as TechCrunch and ReadWriteWeb
  • 56. Recommended Conferences - ACM RecSys. –ICWSM: Weblogand Social Media –WebKDD: Web Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining –WWW: The original WWW conference –SIGIR: Information Retrieval –ACM KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining –ICML: Machine Learning
  • 57. plore more the learning resource materials, one of the goals of the e-learning system. Conference, Bratislava, 2005. 229-234. [7] Romero, C., Ventura, S.: Educational Data Mining: a References 3.5.3 Better Recommendation Understanding The explanations can be quite helpful for users to better understand if the given resource is (or is not ) suitable for Survey from 1995 to 2005. Expert Systems with Applications. Elsevier 1:33, 2007. 135-146. [8] Romero, C., Ventura, S.: Data mining in e-learning. th the 5. REFERENCES Wit Press, 2006. them. Those explanations can be beneficial in how to for- er en- mulate Brusilovsky, P., Peylo, C.: Adaptive and to simply and [1] a better learning interaction and hence Intelligent [9] Atepassar. Available at: ed the shorten the human/computer Systems. International Journal Web-based Educational interaction. [10] J. B. Schafer, J. A. Konstan, and J. Riedl.: rought of Artificial Intelligence in Education. 13, 2003, 156 - E-commerce recommendation applications. Data Mining quality 169. and Knowledge Discovery, 2001. nalized 4. [2] Conole, G. & Culver, J.: The design of Cloudworks: CONCLUSIONS [11] Shen, L.P., Shen, R.M.: Learning Content In this Applying social networking practice to foster the sys- paper, we presents a personalized recommender Recommendation Service Based-on Simple Sequencing tem that incorporate different types of sourcesand knowledge exchange of learning and teaching ideas of designs In: Specification. In Proceedings of Advanced in Web-based in a adaptative educational social network by3using a meta- Computers & Education , Vol. 54 , Nr. Elsevier, 2010 Learning 2004 363- recommender approach. We believe that this technique will , S. 679-692 . bring more personalized andE., Grigoriadou, M., Samarakou, [12] M. Montaner, B. L’opez, and J. Rosa.: A taxonomy of orking [3] Gogoulou, A., Gouli, better recommendations for the recommender agents on the internet. In Artificial students. and Chinou, D.: A Web-based Educational Setting M., mmen- Intelligence Review, volume 19, pages 285-330. Kluwer ing to Supporting Individualized Learning, Collaborative Academic, 2003. Although we have integrated the In ProceedingsAtePassar, it Learning and Assessment. system in the of tion of [13] J. Herlocker, J. Konstan, and J. Riedl.: Explaining e that can, in Educational Technology & Society. 2007, 242-256. principle, also be used in other web-based educational systems. MoreJ.B.: The application of data-mining the area [4] Schafer, research need to be conducted in to collaborative filtering recommendations. In In educa- proceedings of ACM 2000 Conference on Computer mprove of the recommendation systemsJ. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia recommender systems. In in social learning and how they can data warehousing and mining. Hershey, PA. Idea of influence the student satisfaction, motivation and Supported Cooperative Work, 2000. learning process. 44 - 48. Group 2005 [14] B. Schafer, J. Konstan, and J. Riedl.: [5] Farzan, R., Brusilovsky, P.: Social Navigation Support Meta-recommendation systems: user-controlled in a Course Recommendation System. In proceedings of Bringing machine learning and artificial intelligence to edu- integration of diverse recommendations. In Proceedings rces in of the 11th conference on Information and knowledge of the cational social networks Conference on main contributions of 4th International is one of the Adaptive Hypermedia this work, Adaptive resulting on a new generation of web- and which is Web-based Systems. Dublin, 2006. management, pages 43-51. ACM Press, 2002. of the 91-100. educational systems. The task of recommendation in web- [15] Crab. Available at: ve the mation based education A.: Recommender System for Adaptive col- [6] Ksristofic, can be considered as special type of [16] AtePassar Video. Available at: nd ex- laborative learning, due to the fact that they of Informatics Hypermedia Applications. In Proceeding help student e goals and Information Technology Student Research with similar interests to find an optimal path through the learning material and facilitate the 229-234. Conference, Bratislava, 2005. social network design to [7] Romero, C., Ventura, S.: Educational Data Mining: a be effectively be used to achieve these targets. We provide a videoSurvey from 1995 to recommender Systemsin action at demonstrating the 2005. Expert system with Applications. Elsevier 1:33, 2007. 135-146. AtePassar, which can be accessible at œ[16]. better [8] Romero, C., Ventura, S.: Data mining in e-learning. ble for Wit Press, 2006. to for- ly and [9] Atepassar. Available at: [10] J. B. Schafer, J. A. Konstan, and J. Riedl.: E-commerce recommendation applications. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2001. [11] Shen, L.P., Shen, R.M.: Learning Content er sys- Recommendation Service Based-on Simple Sequencing wledge
  • 58. AtéPassar  -­‐  hOp:// Data  available  for  researching  -­‐
  • 59. Where will you be ? Source: Thanks !!
  • 60. Content  Recommenda,on  Based   on  Data  Mining  in  Adap,ve   Social  Networks Marcel  Pinheiro  Caraciolo