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透過網路 提供一個能幫助學習且良好的語言教學平台

一、 個人基本資料………………………………………1

二、 網路聽、說、閱讀分享     (NPR、TED、YouTube)

I、     在文明世界的憤怒管理……………………………3

II、    中國工人要求加薪 ………………………………8         The Kite Runner

                                      Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one
III、   傑夫.史密斯:從監獄學到的經商之道………15         of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so
                                      through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual
                                      kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition
三、課外閱讀心得                              but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father
                                      that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite
I、      燦爛千陽………………………………………21         runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan
                                      always helps Amir out of trouble. But Hassan is a Shi’a Muslim and this is
II、     姊姊的守護者…………………………………24         1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amir’s school friends;
                                      he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir’s house. So why
III、    追風箏的孩子…………………………………27         does Amir feel such envy towards his friend?
                                      Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to
                                      shatter all their lives, and define their futures.


                                          一、 Self – Introduction………………………………………..….………..1

                                          二、 Listening , Speaking and Reading Online (NPR、TED、YouTube)

                                          I、 Anger Management in the Civilized World……………….…..…..3

                                          II、Chinese Workers Demand Higher Pay….………………….……...…8

  小說故事的歷史、民族背景是阿富汗一個以信奉 遜尼派伊斯蘭教 的 普什
                                          III、Jeff. Smith:The method of making business learned from
圖族 為主體民族的多民族國家 而信奉 什葉派 的具有 蒙古人 血統的 哈扎拉族
則歷史上幾個世紀來一直生活在底層 當阿富汗共產黨在 蘇聯 的幫助下取得政
                。                             prison………………………………………………………………….………….....15
權之後,大量依靠地位比較低下的 塔吉克族 、哈扎拉族,引起從前得勢的普什
                                          三、Extracurricular reading experience
哈扎拉族、烏茲別克族 等組成的 北方聯盟 ,在即將徹底失敗之時,機緣巧合
                                           I、 The Kite Runner…………………………………………………………..21
  12 歲的阿富汗富家少爺阿米爾與僕人哈桑情同手足。然而,在一場風箏比
                                           II、 My Sister's Keeper……………………………………………………...24
                                           III、A Thousand Splendid Suns…………………………………..………27

Attorney Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin) agrees to work for Anna as her
                      基本資料        guardian ad litem, suing for partial termination of parental rights. It is later learned
                                  he agreed to take the case not for the notoriety, but because he has epilepsy and
                                  understands her predicament of not having control over her own body.

                                  The film is interlaced with flashbacks that detail Kate and Anna's closeness, as well
                                  as how Kate's illness has affected her siblings' lives and their relationships. In a
                                  flashback, Kate also meets a fellow cancer patient, Taylor Ambrose (Thomas
                                  Dekker), whom she begins dating. After a date, they share their first kiss outside
個人資料:馮冠銘 / Miller / 男             Kate's house, with Anna and Kate's father Brian (Jason Patric) watching from their
                                  bedroom window. After this, he becomes her boyfriend in and out of hospital and
生日:民國 77 年 12 月 25 日
                                  supports her as she undergoes treatment. He then asks her to the hospital's "prom"
                                  for teen patients; there, they slow-dance, then proceed to a vacant hospital room to
家鄉:台灣 , 高雄市                       make love. A few days later, Kate is crying because Taylor hasn't called her for
                                  several days. Her mother Sara is furious when Kate mentions they did "stuff" after
學歷:長榮大學_經營管理研究所_行銷組_碩士            the prom and storms out to ask the nurse where Taylor is, evidently believing that he
                                  had dated her daughter merely to sleep with her, and learns that he has died……….


經歷:安親班/補習班 行政助理、教學助教


My Sister's Keeper
                                                                                                                   Basic information

Now a major film. Sara Fitzgerald's daughter Kate is just two years old when she is
diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia. Reeling with the helpless shock of it, Sara
knows she will do anything -- whatever it takes - to save her child. Then the tests
results come back time and again to show that no one in their family is a match for
Kate. If they are to find a donor for the crucial bone marrow transplant she needs,
                                                                                           Personal Information :Kuan-Ming Feng /
there is only one option: creating another baby, specifically designed to save her
                                                                                           Miller / Male
sister. For Sara, it seems the ideal solution. Not only does Kate live, but she gets a
beautiful new daughter, Anna, too. Until the moment Anna hands Sara the papers
that will rock her whole world. Because, aged thirteen, Anna has decided that she
                                                                                           Date of Birth:12 / 25 / 1988
doesn't want to help Kate live any more. She is suing her parents for the rights to her
own body.                                                                                  Place of Birth:Kaohsiung , Taiwan

Conceived by means of in vitro fertilization, Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) was        Degree:Graduate school of Business and Operations Management ,
brought into the world to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate (Sofia                    Chang Jung Christian University
Vassilieva), who suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia, in order to keep her                    Department of Engineering and Management Advanced
alive. Her family members are introduced one by one and each tells about how                        Technology,Chang Jung Christian University
Kate's illness has affected them personally. When Kate turns 15, she goes intorenal
failure. Eleven-year-old Anna knows that she will be forced by her parents to donate
                                                                                           Language proficiency:Chinese、English、Taiwanese
one of her kidneys. She also realizes that she may not be able to live the life she will
want to lead - she may be unable to cheer-lead, play soccer, or be a mother. Anna
                                                                                           Work experience:Daycare/CLASS Teaching assistant
tells her parents that she does not want any of this, and proceeds to sue them for
medical emancipation and the rights to her own body. Her extremely overprotective
mother, Sara (Cameron Diaz), who leads an obsessive campaign to keep Kate alive,
is indignant at Anna's decision and even strikes her across the face when she
receives the notice of court proceedings.                                                  Contact telephone:0988-133234
                                            25                                                                             2
Anger Management in the Civilized World

Our next piece is another story about college students and gridlock. Commentator
John Miller used to report for NPR from the Philippines and Peru. Now he lives a
slightly more domestic life in Ithaca, New York, which is home to Cornell
JOHN MILLER: If you've ever lived in a college town, you know they can be some
of the most civilized places on earth. At least until the students come and gum                故事的主角叫安娜 Anna。她的姐姐凱特 Kate 在 2 歲的時候被診斷出患有
everything up. You don't need a calendar to know when they're back. You just wait            acute promyelocytic leukemia 急性早幼粒細胞白血病)為了拯救這個孩子,
                                                                                                                        (           ,
for the SUVs with out of state plates to start rolling through the stop signs and            安娜的父母通過體外受精方式生下了和姐姐有著完美基因配型的安娜。從安娜
charging onto the one lane bridges out of order.                                             出生時為她的姐姐提供的臍帶血細胞開始,每當姐姐的白血病一次又一次的復
So I was driving my ancient Civic going to pick up my son from his piano lesson              發,安娜就要不斷的提供血液和骨髓來維持姐姐的生命。凱特 16 歲的時候面臨
when a college kid in a big red SUV with New Jersey plates rumbled through a                 腎衰竭的威脅,而唯一能挽救她的生命的就是腎臟移植手術,由於接受無血緣
four-way stop out of turn. And I did what any peace-loving, well adjusted, middle            關係的人的腎臟的成功率不高,他們的家族裡又沒有適合的腎臟,安娜就需要
aged guy in a tiny beat-up car running late to pick up his kid from his piano lesson         為姐姐獻出自己的一個腎臟,而那時候,她才 13 歲。然而安娜決定聘請一名律
would do. I shot into the intersection and cut him off. I guess I thought he'd say yo        師,要從父母那兒解放自己的身體,贏得自己的“身體支配權”。她的律師亞
dude, my bad, and back off.                                                                  歷山大 Campbell Alexander 於是為她奔波上訴。
But he didn't. So we stopped grill to grill and stood there like a terrier facing off with     作者在接近尾聲的時候才揭開了安娜控告她父母的原因其實是她的姐姐不
a horse. After a minute I got out of the car and shouted, "At a four-way stop you've         願意接受她捐獻的腎臟。凱特說她不想再在醫院裡過她的日子了,她已經準備
got to wait your turn." Then I got back into my car and waited and the traffic backed        好了要接受死亡。案件以安娜獲得了自己身體支配權為收尾。而就在安娜要宣
up in every direction. We were officially gumming things up.                                 佈自己是否願意為姐姐捐獻出自己的腎臟的時候,她遭遇車禍,頭部受傷,腦
So I rolled down my window and yelled, "I'm old enough to be your father." I don't           死亡。不過她的律師持有安娜授權的醫學意向書,最終安娜的腎臟還是捐獻給
know why I thought that would move him and of course it didn't. After both of us             了她的姐姐。
                                            3                                                                        24
soon becomes abusive toward Laila. Mariam and Laila eventually become                     ostentatiously took down each other's license plate numbers he finally did back up
confidantes and best friends. They plan to run away from Rasheed and leave Kabul,         but just a little and I squeezed through in front of him and went on my way.
but they are caught at the bus station. Rasheed beats them and deprives them of           So, I won but every time I remember it, my ears go red. I mean, what was I thinking?
water for several days, almost killing Aziza.                                             That by confronting this stranger in a busy intersection I could teach him about the
A few years later, Laila gives birth to Zalmai, Rasheed's son. The Taliban has risen      golden rule or the rule of law or, I don't know, fairness and justice and the very
to power, and there is a drought, and living conditions in Kabul become poor.             foundation of civilization as we know it? Or that in a small town no one I knew
Rasheed's workshop burns down, and he is forced to take jobs for which he is              would see me there shouting, holding up traffic and think I was being a little bit
ill-suited. Rasheed sends Aziza to an orphanage. Then one day, Tariq appears outside      ridiculous?
the house. He and Laila are reunited, and their passions flare anew. When Rasheed         I guess that's a problem with picking fights. It's hard to back down. You say to
returns home from work, Zalmai tells his father about the visitor. Rasheed starts to      yourself, I could stay the course or I could cut and run. I stayed the course. Now
savagely beat Laila. He nearly strangles her, but Mariam intervenes and kills             every time I go out I'm wondering what the kid in the SUV is going to do if he sees
Rasheed with a shovel. Afterwards, Mariam confesses to killing Rasheed, in order to       me. I'm not used to living with this kind of fear.
draw attention away from Laila and Tariq, and is executed, while Laila and Tariq          I can't tell you how important it is to respect four way stops but there's got to be a
leave for Pakistan with Aziza and Zalmai.                                                 better way to make the point. Yo dude, my bad.
After the fall of the Taliban, Laila and Tariq return to Afghanistan. They stop in the
village where Mariam was raised, and discover a package that Mariam's father left
behind for her: a videotape of Pinocchio, a small pile of money and a letter. Laila
reads the letter and discovers that Jalil regretted sending Mariam away. Laila and
Tariq return to Kabul and fix up the orphanage, where Laila starts working as a
teacher. Laila is pregnant with her third child, and if it is a girl, she will be named

                                           23                                                                                         4
A Thousand Splendid Suns

                                               The novel centers around the friendship between Mariam and Laila. It is split into
                                               four parts, with a focus on Mariam in the first part, continuing Laila in the second
                                               and fourth, and the relationship between the two women in the third part.
                                               Mariam lives in a kolba on the outskirts of Herat with her embittered mother. Jalil,
                                               her father, is a wealthy man who lives in town with three wives and nine children.
                                               Because Mariam is his illegitimate daughter, she cannot live with them, but Jalil
                                               visits her every Thursday. On her fifteenth birthday, Mariam wants her father to take
                                               her to see Pinocchio at his movie theater. When he does not show up, she hikes into
                                               town and goes to his house. He refuses to see her, and she ends up sleeping on the
                                               porch. In the morning, Mariam returns home to find that her mother has committed
                                               suicide out of fear that her daughter has deserted her. Mariam is then taken to live in
                                               her father's house. Jalil arranges for her to be married to Rasheed, a shoemaker
我們下一個作品是關於大學生和僵局的故事。評論員 John Miller 在 NPR 從菲   from Kabul who is thirty years her senior. In Kabul, Mariam becomes pregnant
律賓和秘魯的報導。現在他很簡單地生活在紐約州伊薩卡市,一個在美國康奈             seven successive times, but is never able to carry a child to term, and Rasheed
爾大學的路上。                                        gradually becomes more abusive.
                                               A girl named Laila and a boy named Tariq, who are close friends and aware of social
JOHN MILLER:如果你曾經住在大學城,你就會知道這些地方可能是地球上最文       boundaries, live in the same neighborhood. War comes to Afghanistan, and Kabul is
明的地方。至少直到學生的到來和把這一切都搞砸為止。你不需要知道他們何             bombarded by rocket attacks. Tariq's family decides to leave the city, and the
時回來。因為你只要等到運動休旅車的操作系統有開始停止滾動的跡象和一條             emotional farewell between Laila and Tariq ends with them making love. Laila's
行車道橋上的收費器失靈為止。                                 family also decides to leave Kabul, but as they are packing a rocket destroys the
                                               house, kills her parents, and severely injures Laila. Laila is taken in by Rasheed and
                                               After recovering from her injuries, Laila discovers that she is pregnant with Tariq's
                                               child. After learning that Tariq is dead, she agrees to marry Rasheed, who is eager to
                                               have a young and attractive second wife, and hopes to have a child with her. When
                                               Laila gives birth to a daughter, Aziza, Rasheed is displeased and suspicious, and he
                     5                                                                   22
小說的另一位女主人翁萊拉 是拉希德另一個妻子 在與前蘇聯的戰爭中,
              ,         。             我駕駛著我的老爺車-Civic 剛從鋼琴教室接回我的兒子,當時一個大學生正開
萊拉失去了兩個哥哥。炸彈奪走了她父母的生命。她深愛的男孩也被迫逃離阿    著一部紅色的休旅車印著紐澤西板且聲音隆隆地並想輕率地要通過十字路口。
富汗。主人公生活裡到處都是失落與絕望。過著簡單美國式生活的美國讀者甚    當時我做了任何愛好和平的動作,並在調整後,一個中年人在一輛很小又跑得
至難以體會。                                慢的老爺車中撿起他孩子的鋼琴課本。然後站在交叉路口並打斷他的話。我原
                                      以為猜想他會說 嗨!,是我的錯,然後將車子倒退。
密無間。她們的友情在拉希德的虐待,國家的無情戰火中留存。動人的情感成    但他沒有。然後我們就當著面對面對峙,並停在那裡,就像一隻小獵犬面對一
為小說的核心。兩個女人苦難深重,某種程度上,她們慶祝塔利班的到來,希    匹馬。一分鐘後,我下了車,喊道:“在這十字路口,你必須先等待後才輪到
望能結束她們的苦難……關於不可寬恕的時代,不可能的友誼以及不可毀滅的    你過去。” 然後,我回到了我的車上,等待著並且阻塞了各個方向的交通。我
愛。                                    們真的把事情搞砸了。

                                      然後,我搖下了我的窗子,喊道:“我老得足以當你的父親。” 我不知道為什



來處理這個事件。就是說,嗨! 都是我不好。


                                       瑪麗雅姆是個私生女,1974 年,她 15 歲,母親自殺。父親強迫她嫁給喀
                                     布爾的老鞋匠拉希德 拉希德是小說裡許多人性中暴力的源頭 在流產六次後,
                                              。                 。
                 7                                     20
And they seem to indicate that China's low-wage workers are being pushed to their
very limits. And in the case of the electronics factory you talked about - Foxconn -
maybe even beyond their limits. At that factory they've had 10 suicides in the past
few months. And a number of different factors are behind blamed - long working
hours, lots of overtime, and an almost military discipline on the production lines,
which some said were making workers depressed.

So some people are now wondering whether the era of cheap Chinese labor could be
coming to an end. And, indeed, if you look at the demographics, factory workers in
China are gaining leverage. Maybe because of the one child policy, in the past
decade the number of workers in that labor pool - 20 to 39-year-olds - has fallen by
22 percent. So that in many ways does increase their bargaining power.
                                                                                       Jeff. Smith:The method of making business learned from prison

                                                                                       B.J. was one of many fellow inmates who had big plans for the future. He had a
                                                                                       vision. When he got out, he was going to leave the dope game for good and fly
                                                                                       straight, and he was actually working on merging his two passions into one
                                                                                       vision. He'd spent 10,000 dollars to buy a website that exclusively featured
                                                                                       women having sex on top of or inside of luxury sports cars.

                                                                                       It was my first week in federal prison, and I was learning quickly that it wasn't what
                                                                                       you see on TV. In fact, it was teeming with smart, ambitious men whose business
                                                                                       instincts were in many cases as sharp as those of the CEOs who had wined and
                                                                                       dined me six months earlier when I was a rising star in the Missouri Senate.

                                          19                                                                                     8
Now, 95 percent of the guys that I was locked up with had been drug dealers on the        LIM: Well, it does appear to be part of a trend. Authorities do appear to be allowing
outside, but when they talked about what they did, they talked about it in a different    sporadic peaceful protests. And in this case the strike was, even as you say, given
jargon, but the business concepts that they talked about weren't unlike those that        coverage in the state-run media. But many wonder whether this could be linked to
you'd learn in a first year MBA class at Wharton:promotional incentives, you never        the fact that the company involved was Japanese, not a Chinese company.
charge a first-time user, focus-grouping new product launches, territorial expansion.
                                                                                          Yesterday, local media, however, reported that there was some violence, there were
But they didn't spend a lot of time reliving the glory days. For the most part,           some clashes between strikers and members of an official government-authorized
everyone was just trying to survive. It's a lot harder than you might think. Contrary     union who in theory are supposed to represent workers but were actually trying to
to what most people think, people don't pay, taxpayers don't pay, for your life when      get them back to work. And today we've seen fewer reports in the official media. So
you're in prison. You've got to pay for your own life. You've got to pay for your soap,   this may signal that authorities are beginning to lose patience with this strike after
your deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, all of it. And it's hard for a couple of          two weeks.
                                                                                          MONTAGNE: And, Louisa, this strike at Honda comes after a spate of workers'
First, everything's marked up 30 to 50 percent from what you'd pay on the                 suicides at a Taiwanese-owned electronics factory, also in south China, which led to
street, and second, you don't make a lot of money. I unloaded trucks. That was my         a 20 percent wage hike. Is there a connection between the two?
full-time job, unloading trucks at a food warehouse, for $5.25, not an hour, but per
month.                                                                                    LIM: Yes. Well, I mean, I suppose both cases are bringing the spotlight onto working
                                                                                          conditions in China's factories.

                                           9                                                                                         18
But the workers were originally asking for more than a 50 percent increase. And          So how do you survive? Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles. There's legal
about 100 workers are still holding out for more. Their argument is that they're being   hustles.You pay everything in stamps. Those are the currency. You charge another
paid 50 times less than Japanese employees for the same job, so they deserve more.       inmate to clean his cell. There's sort of illegal hustles, like you run a barbershop out
                                                                                         of your cell.
MONTAGNE: And how much leverage do these workers have? I mean, how much
impact has this strike had on Honda?                                                     There's pretty illegal hustles: You run a tattoo parlor out of your own cell. And
                                                                                         there's very illegal hustles, which you smuggle in, you get smuggled in, drugs,
LIM: Well, these workers have already been on strike for more than two weeks.            pornography, cell phones, and just as in the outer world, there's a risk-reward
They work at an auto parts factory, but after a week on strike they've actually - they   tradeoff, so the riskier the enterprise, the more profitable it can potentially be.
actually managed to shut down Honda's four car plants in China. That's a loss to
Honda of about 3,000 vehicles a day. So it is costing Honda very dearly. And the         You want a cigarette in prison? Three to five dollars.You want an old-fashioned cell
company says all its factories will remain closed at least through Thursday.             phone that you flip open and is about as big as your head? Three hundred bucks. You
                                                                                         want a dirty magazine? Well, it can be as much as 1,000 dollars.
And this strike highlights some of the vulnerabilities of the supply chain. Honda
didn't have a second supplier of auto parts in China. It obviously wasn't expecting      So as you can probably tell, one of the defining aspects of prison life is
strikes in China, since unauthorized labor organizing is actually illegal in China.      ingenuity. Whether it was concocting delicious meals from stolen scraps from the
                                                                                         warehouse, sculpting people's hair with toenail clippers, or constructing weights
MONTAGNE: You know, though, how much significance can be attached to the fact            from boulders in laundry bags tied on to tree limbs, prisoners learn how to make do
that this strike was allowed to go ahead and even to be reported on by official          with less, and many of them want to take this ingenuity that they've learned to the
media?                                                                                   outside and start restaurants, barber shops,personal training businesses.

                                          17                                                                                        10
But there's no training, nothing to prepare them for that, no rehabilitation at all in
prison, no one to help them write a business plan, figure out a way to translate the
business conceptsthey intuitively grasp into legal enterprises, no access to the
Internet, even. And then, when they come out, most states don't even have a law
prohibiting employers from discriminating against people with a background. So
none of us should be surprised that two out of three ex-offenders re-offend within
five years.

Look, I lied to the Feds. I lost a year of my life from it. But when I came out, I
vowed that I was going to do whatever I could to make sure that guys like the ones I
was locked up withdidn't have to waste any more of their life than they already had.
So I hope that you'll think about helping in some way. The best thing we can do is
figure out ways to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit and the tremendous untapped
potential in our prisons, because if we don't, they're not going to learn any new        Chinese Workers Demand Higher Pay
skills that's going to help them, and they'll be right back. All they'll learn on the
inside is new hustles. Thank you.                                                        Now to labor unrest in China. Chinese workers are on strike at the Japanese auto
                                                                                         company Honda. And they've shut down an auto plant and four factories. Honda
                                                                                         responded by offering a 24 percent raise. This is just the latest labor problem to hit
                                                                                         southern China. NPR's Louisa Lim joins us from Shanghai to tell us more.

                                                                                         Good morning.
                                                                                         LOUISA LIM: Morning, Renee.
                                                                                         MONTAGNE: Where does the strike stand as of this morning?
                                                                                         LIM: Well, Honda's now saying that most of the 2,000 striking workers will accept
                                                                                         this pay rise, which actually would bring their salary to $280 a month, which is more
                                                                                         than double the minimum wage in that part of China.

                                            11                                                                                     16
LIM: 恩,這些工人從開始到現在已經罷工了兩個多星期了。他們在汽車配件廠工作,
但罷工一個星期後,他們實際上已經 - 他們實際上設法關閉本田公司設在中國的四家
車廠 這使本田等於一天損失掉約 3000 輛的車子 所以這花費了本田相當巨大的代價。
  。                      。
這次的罷工凸顯出了一些供應鏈的安全漏洞 而且本田在中國沒有第二間零件供應商。
MONTAGNE: 你知道嗎,即使如此,有多大的意義可以附加一個事實,就是這次罷工被
LIM: 恩,它似乎是一種趨勢的一部分。當局似乎允許一些零星的和平抗議活動。而在
MONTAGNE: 那麼,Louisa,在本田的罷工事件之後接著發生的在台資電子廠的工人自    B.J. 是個有長遠計畫的囚犯 B.J. 是個有長遠計畫的囚犯 他很有遠見 出獄
殺事件,而且也發生在中國南方,這因此導致了 20%的工資上漲。請問這兩者之間是          後循規蹈矩 不再碰毒品 他正將兩件他熱衷的事合為一項夢想 他花一萬美元
否有所關聯性嗎?                                         買了個網站 講述女人在豪華跑車上/車內做愛 講述女人在豪華跑車上/車內
LIM: 是的。恩,我的意思是,我認為這兩種情況會給中國工廠的工作環境帶來受矚目         做愛 。
的焦點。他們似乎表明,中國的低工資工人已經被推到極限。然後你所說的富士康電            我在聯邦監獄的第一個星期 便知道情況不如電視上看到的那樣 監獄裡有智
子廠的案例可能甚至超出了他們的極限。而該工廠在過去的幾個月裡已經有十個人自            慧、有野心的人比比皆是 他們的商業頭腦 很多時可以媲美行政總裁 像那些
殺了。然而,在背後有好幾種不同的指責,工作超時,大量加班和在生產線上的管理            六個月前宴請我的大老闆一樣 而我當時還是密蘇里州參議院的新秀 和我一
幾乎像是軍事紀律,以導致有些工人說工作使人鬱悶。                         起蹲大牢的囚犯當中 百分之九十五的人在外頭賣過毒品 提起往事時 他們總
因此,有些人現在想知道是否中國的廉價勞動力時代即將結束。因為,事實上,如果            說圈內獨有的行話 但他們談論的經商理念 與你頭一年在華頓MBA課裡學到的
你看人口統計,在中國工廠的工人是有影響力的。也許是因為一胎化政策,在過去的            不相上下 各種促銷手法 如永不向新客人收錢 舉辦產品發表會 拓展據點 。
十年中,工人的勞動圈 - 20 到 39 歲的孩子 - 也下降了 22%。因此,在許多方面會
                      15                                            12
但他們沒花多少時間緬懷黃金歲月 人人只一心努力求存 而這比你所想的困
難得多 與大部分人所想的相反 你坐牢,納稅人不會為你付生活費 自己的生
活費要自己負責 肥皂、除臭劑、牙刷、牙膏... 通通自己買 監獄裡日子難過
有幾個原因 第一,什麼都比街上賣的貴三到五成第一,什麼都比街上賣的貴
三到五成 第二,你賺不了多少錢 我負責卸貨,那可是全職工作在食物倉庫卸
貨 收入只有 5.25 美元,不是時薪,是月薪 。
你怎麼能生存? 你得學會用各種方式賺錢 那裡有一套合法的買賣方式 買東
西便付郵票,那是裡頭的貨幣 你幫獄友清理牢房,向他要錢 有些賺錢方法輕
微違規,如在牢房外開理髮店有些賺錢方法明顯違規,如在牢房外幫人刺青 有
些賺錢方法嚴重違規 像走私毒品 色情刊物 行動電話 情況一如外面的世界
               、    、
這些交易都有風險 風險愈大 潛在回報愈高 想在監獄裡抽煙嗎?盛惠三到五
美元 想要舊款的折疊式手機嗎? 電話大小和你的頭差不多,盛惠三百美元
想看色情雜誌嗎? 可能要花一千美元 。
你該知道,絞盡腦汁是牢獄生活的最佳寫照 你該知道,絞盡腦汁是牢獄生活
的最佳寫照 把倉庫裡偷來的剩菜煮成佳餚 把倉庫裡偷來的剩菜煮成佳餚 用     現在在中國的勞資糾紛。在日本的本田汽車公司裡的中國工人集體罷工。然後他們目
指甲剪幫人做髮型 把石頭裝到洗衣袋裡來製造重量 然後綁在樹枝上 囚犯學
                       ,                前已經關閉自動設備和四家工廠。本田作出反應,願意提供 24%的加薪。這是目前最
習如何用最簡單的方式做事 很多人想把這份才智運用在出獄後的事業 像經      新重創中國南方的勞動問題。NPR 的 Louisa Lim 加入我們的報導並從上海來告訴我們
營餐廳、理髮店 及個人健身訓練指導 。                     更多的消息。
但是裡頭沒有更新訓練 沒人為他們準備任何事 也沒人幫他們撰寫創業計畫      早安。
把忽然想到的生意點子 轉換成一盤合法生意 監獄裡甚至連不上網絡 很多州     LOUISA LIM : 早,Renee。
政府沒有法例保護有前科的員工很多州政府沒有法例保護有前科的員工 使他      MONTAGNE:今天早上罷工到何處呢?
們免受歧視 因此在座各位不必驚訝 三分之二的囚犯出獄五年內會再次入獄      恩,現在本田公司說,2000 名裡大多數的罷工工人都接受這次的加薪,這實際上會使
三分之二的囚犯出獄五年內會再次入獄 。                     他們的工資變成每月 280 元,這對於中國地區的最低工資標準多出一倍以上。
我欺騙聯邦政府,在牢獄蹲了一年 但我出獄後 發誓定必盡我所能,去幫助囚     但工人最初的要求是增加 50%以上。因此大約還有 100 名的工人仍堅持要求更多。他
犯 發誓定必盡我所能,去幫助囚犯 不讓他們在監獄裡浪費更多時間         們抱怨的是,他們所支付的薪水是與日本員工同樣工作的 50 分之一,所以他們應該得
我希望你能考慮用某種方法幫他們 最好的法子是培養囚犯的創業精神 最好      到更多。
的法子是培養囚犯的創業精神 以及那些未開發的驚人潛能 否則 沒有自給自
                             ,          MONTAGNE: 那麼,這些工人有多少影響力?我的意思是,這次的罷工對本田影響了多少?
足的新技能 他們很快便會重回監獄 只會學到更多違法賺錢手段 謝謝 。
                    13                                          14

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  • 2. 目錄 一、 個人基本資料………………………………………1 二、 網路聽、說、閱讀分享 (NPR、TED、YouTube) I、 在文明世界的憤怒管理……………………………3 II、 中國工人要求加薪 ………………………………8 The Kite Runner Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one III、 傑夫.史密斯:從監獄學到的經商之道………15 of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition 三、課外閱讀心得 but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite I、 燦爛千陽………………………………………21 runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But Hassan is a Shi’a Muslim and this is II、 姊姊的守護者…………………………………24 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amir’s school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amir’s house. So why III、 追風箏的孩子…………………………………27 does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures. 28
  • 3. INDEX 一、 Self – Introduction………………………………………..….………..1 二、 Listening , Speaking and Reading Online (NPR、TED、YouTube) I、 Anger Management in the Civilized World……………….…..…..3 II、Chinese Workers Demand Higher Pay….………………….……...…8 追風箏的孩子 小說故事的歷史、民族背景是阿富汗一個以信奉 遜尼派伊斯蘭教 的 普什 III、Jeff. Smith:The method of making business learned from 圖族 為主體民族的多民族國家 而信奉 什葉派 的具有 蒙古人 血統的 哈扎拉族 , 則歷史上幾個世紀來一直生活在底層 當阿富汗共產黨在 蘇聯 的幫助下取得政 。 prison………………………………………………………………….………….....15 權之後,大量依靠地位比較低下的 塔吉克族 、哈扎拉族,引起從前得勢的普什 圖人不滿。在蘇軍撤退之後,普什圖人為主的宗教軍隊塔利班戰勝了其他民族 的武裝,基本統一了阿富汗,並對其他族群實施宗教、種族迫害。塔吉克族、 三、Extracurricular reading experience 哈扎拉族、烏茲別克族 等組成的 北方聯盟 ,在即將徹底失敗之時,機緣巧合 得到被九一一襲擊的美國的幫助,取得了阿富汗的支配權。 I、 The Kite Runner…………………………………………………………..21 12 歲的阿富汗富家少爺阿米爾與僕人哈桑情同手足。然而,在一場風箏比 賽後,發生了一件悲慘不堪的事,阿米爾為自己的懦弱感到自責和痛苦,逼走 II、 My Sister's Keeper……………………………………………………...24 了哈桑,不久,自己也跟隨父親逃往美國。 成年後的阿米爾始終無法原諒自己當年對哈桑的背叛。為了贖罪,阿米爾 III、A Thousand Splendid Suns…………………………………..………27 再度踏上暌違二十多年的故鄉,希望能為不幸的好友盡最後一點心力,卻發現 一個驚天謊言,兒時的噩夢再度重演,阿米爾該如何抉擇? 27
  • 4. Attorney Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin) agrees to work for Anna as her 基本資料 guardian ad litem, suing for partial termination of parental rights. It is later learned he agreed to take the case not for the notoriety, but because he has epilepsy and understands her predicament of not having control over her own body. The film is interlaced with flashbacks that detail Kate and Anna's closeness, as well as how Kate's illness has affected her siblings' lives and their relationships. In a flashback, Kate also meets a fellow cancer patient, Taylor Ambrose (Thomas Dekker), whom she begins dating. After a date, they share their first kiss outside 個人資料:馮冠銘 / Miller / 男 Kate's house, with Anna and Kate's father Brian (Jason Patric) watching from their bedroom window. After this, he becomes her boyfriend in and out of hospital and 生日:民國 77 年 12 月 25 日 supports her as she undergoes treatment. He then asks her to the hospital's "prom" for teen patients; there, they slow-dance, then proceed to a vacant hospital room to 家鄉:台灣 , 高雄市 make love. A few days later, Kate is crying because Taylor hasn't called her for several days. Her mother Sara is furious when Kate mentions they did "stuff" after 學歷:長榮大學_經營管理研究所_行銷組_碩士 the prom and storms out to ask the nurse where Taylor is, evidently believing that he had dated her daughter merely to sleep with her, and learns that he has died………. 長榮大學_科技工程與管理學系_學士 語言:中文、英文、台語 經歷:安親班/補習班 行政助理、教學助教 聯絡電話:0988-133234 1 26
  • 5. My Sister's Keeper Basic information Now a major film. Sara Fitzgerald's daughter Kate is just two years old when she is diagnosed with a rare form of leukaemia. Reeling with the helpless shock of it, Sara knows she will do anything -- whatever it takes - to save her child. Then the tests results come back time and again to show that no one in their family is a match for Kate. If they are to find a donor for the crucial bone marrow transplant she needs, Personal Information :Kuan-Ming Feng / there is only one option: creating another baby, specifically designed to save her Miller / Male sister. For Sara, it seems the ideal solution. Not only does Kate live, but she gets a beautiful new daughter, Anna, too. Until the moment Anna hands Sara the papers that will rock her whole world. Because, aged thirteen, Anna has decided that she Date of Birth:12 / 25 / 1988 doesn't want to help Kate live any more. She is suing her parents for the rights to her own body. Place of Birth:Kaohsiung , Taiwan Conceived by means of in vitro fertilization, Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) was Degree:Graduate school of Business and Operations Management , brought into the world to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate (Sofia Chang Jung Christian University Vassilieva), who suffers from acute promyelocytic leukemia, in order to keep her Department of Engineering and Management Advanced alive. Her family members are introduced one by one and each tells about how Technology,Chang Jung Christian University Kate's illness has affected them personally. When Kate turns 15, she goes intorenal failure. Eleven-year-old Anna knows that she will be forced by her parents to donate Language proficiency:Chinese、English、Taiwanese one of her kidneys. She also realizes that she may not be able to live the life she will want to lead - she may be unable to cheer-lead, play soccer, or be a mother. Anna Work experience:Daycare/CLASS Teaching assistant tells her parents that she does not want any of this, and proceeds to sue them for medical emancipation and the rights to her own body. Her extremely overprotective mother, Sara (Cameron Diaz), who leads an obsessive campaign to keep Kate alive, is indignant at Anna's decision and even strikes her across the face when she receives the notice of court proceedings. Contact telephone:0988-133234 25 2
  • 6. Anger Management in the Civilized World Our next piece is another story about college students and gridlock. Commentator John Miller used to report for NPR from the Philippines and Peru. Now he lives a slightly more domestic life in Ithaca, New York, which is home to Cornell University. 姐姐的守護者 JOHN MILLER: If you've ever lived in a college town, you know they can be some of the most civilized places on earth. At least until the students come and gum 故事的主角叫安娜 Anna。她的姐姐凱特 Kate 在 2 歲的時候被診斷出患有 everything up. You don't need a calendar to know when they're back. You just wait acute promyelocytic leukemia 急性早幼粒細胞白血病)為了拯救這個孩子, ( , for the SUVs with out of state plates to start rolling through the stop signs and 安娜的父母通過體外受精方式生下了和姐姐有著完美基因配型的安娜。從安娜 charging onto the one lane bridges out of order. 出生時為她的姐姐提供的臍帶血細胞開始,每當姐姐的白血病一次又一次的復 So I was driving my ancient Civic going to pick up my son from his piano lesson 發,安娜就要不斷的提供血液和骨髓來維持姐姐的生命。凱特 16 歲的時候面臨 when a college kid in a big red SUV with New Jersey plates rumbled through a 腎衰竭的威脅,而唯一能挽救她的生命的就是腎臟移植手術,由於接受無血緣 four-way stop out of turn. And I did what any peace-loving, well adjusted, middle 關係的人的腎臟的成功率不高,他們的家族裡又沒有適合的腎臟,安娜就需要 aged guy in a tiny beat-up car running late to pick up his kid from his piano lesson 為姐姐獻出自己的一個腎臟,而那時候,她才 13 歲。然而安娜決定聘請一名律 would do. I shot into the intersection and cut him off. I guess I thought he'd say yo 師,要從父母那兒解放自己的身體,贏得自己的“身體支配權”。她的律師亞 dude, my bad, and back off. 歷山大 Campbell Alexander 於是為她奔波上訴。 But he didn't. So we stopped grill to grill and stood there like a terrier facing off with 作者在接近尾聲的時候才揭開了安娜控告她父母的原因其實是她的姐姐不 a horse. After a minute I got out of the car and shouted, "At a four-way stop you've 願意接受她捐獻的腎臟。凱特說她不想再在醫院裡過她的日子了,她已經準備 got to wait your turn." Then I got back into my car and waited and the traffic backed 好了要接受死亡。案件以安娜獲得了自己身體支配權為收尾。而就在安娜要宣 up in every direction. We were officially gumming things up. 佈自己是否願意為姐姐捐獻出自己的腎臟的時候,她遭遇車禍,頭部受傷,腦 So I rolled down my window and yelled, "I'm old enough to be your father." I don't 死亡。不過她的律師持有安娜授權的醫學意向書,最終安娜的腎臟還是捐獻給 know why I thought that would move him and of course it didn't. After both of us 了她的姐姐。 結尾處凱特提及她對安娜的死的悲痛。她說她的母親不斷尋找安娜蘇醒的 跡象。她還說,每當她看到自己身上移植手術留下的深深的疤痕,她就永遠不 會忘記她的小妹妹。 3 24
  • 7. soon becomes abusive toward Laila. Mariam and Laila eventually become ostentatiously took down each other's license plate numbers he finally did back up confidantes and best friends. They plan to run away from Rasheed and leave Kabul, but just a little and I squeezed through in front of him and went on my way. but they are caught at the bus station. Rasheed beats them and deprives them of So, I won but every time I remember it, my ears go red. I mean, what was I thinking? water for several days, almost killing Aziza. That by confronting this stranger in a busy intersection I could teach him about the A few years later, Laila gives birth to Zalmai, Rasheed's son. The Taliban has risen golden rule or the rule of law or, I don't know, fairness and justice and the very to power, and there is a drought, and living conditions in Kabul become poor. foundation of civilization as we know it? Or that in a small town no one I knew Rasheed's workshop burns down, and he is forced to take jobs for which he is would see me there shouting, holding up traffic and think I was being a little bit ill-suited. Rasheed sends Aziza to an orphanage. Then one day, Tariq appears outside ridiculous? the house. He and Laila are reunited, and their passions flare anew. When Rasheed I guess that's a problem with picking fights. It's hard to back down. You say to returns home from work, Zalmai tells his father about the visitor. Rasheed starts to yourself, I could stay the course or I could cut and run. I stayed the course. Now savagely beat Laila. He nearly strangles her, but Mariam intervenes and kills every time I go out I'm wondering what the kid in the SUV is going to do if he sees Rasheed with a shovel. Afterwards, Mariam confesses to killing Rasheed, in order to me. I'm not used to living with this kind of fear. draw attention away from Laila and Tariq, and is executed, while Laila and Tariq I can't tell you how important it is to respect four way stops but there's got to be a leave for Pakistan with Aziza and Zalmai. better way to make the point. Yo dude, my bad. After the fall of the Taliban, Laila and Tariq return to Afghanistan. They stop in the village where Mariam was raised, and discover a package that Mariam's father left behind for her: a videotape of Pinocchio, a small pile of money and a letter. Laila reads the letter and discovers that Jalil regretted sending Mariam away. Laila and Tariq return to Kabul and fix up the orphanage, where Laila starts working as a teacher. Laila is pregnant with her third child, and if it is a girl, she will be named Mariam. 23 4
  • 8. A Thousand Splendid Suns The novel centers around the friendship between Mariam and Laila. It is split into four parts, with a focus on Mariam in the first part, continuing Laila in the second and fourth, and the relationship between the two women in the third part. Mariam lives in a kolba on the outskirts of Herat with her embittered mother. Jalil, her father, is a wealthy man who lives in town with three wives and nine children. Because Mariam is his illegitimate daughter, she cannot live with them, but Jalil visits her every Thursday. On her fifteenth birthday, Mariam wants her father to take her to see Pinocchio at his movie theater. When he does not show up, she hikes into town and goes to his house. He refuses to see her, and she ends up sleeping on the porch. In the morning, Mariam returns home to find that her mother has committed 在文明世界的憤怒管理 suicide out of fear that her daughter has deserted her. Mariam is then taken to live in her father's house. Jalil arranges for her to be married to Rasheed, a shoemaker 我們下一個作品是關於大學生和僵局的故事。評論員 John Miller 在 NPR 從菲 from Kabul who is thirty years her senior. In Kabul, Mariam becomes pregnant 律賓和秘魯的報導。現在他很簡單地生活在紐約州伊薩卡市,一個在美國康奈 seven successive times, but is never able to carry a child to term, and Rasheed 爾大學的路上。 gradually becomes more abusive. A girl named Laila and a boy named Tariq, who are close friends and aware of social JOHN MILLER:如果你曾經住在大學城,你就會知道這些地方可能是地球上最文 boundaries, live in the same neighborhood. War comes to Afghanistan, and Kabul is 明的地方。至少直到學生的到來和把這一切都搞砸為止。你不需要知道他們何 bombarded by rocket attacks. Tariq's family decides to leave the city, and the 時回來。因為你只要等到運動休旅車的操作系統有開始停止滾動的跡象和一條 emotional farewell between Laila and Tariq ends with them making love. Laila's 行車道橋上的收費器失靈為止。 family also decides to leave Kabul, but as they are packing a rocket destroys the house, kills her parents, and severely injures Laila. Laila is taken in by Rasheed and Mariam. After recovering from her injuries, Laila discovers that she is pregnant with Tariq's child. After learning that Tariq is dead, she agrees to marry Rasheed, who is eager to have a young and attractive second wife, and hopes to have a child with her. When Laila gives birth to a daughter, Aziza, Rasheed is displeased and suspicious, and he 5 22
  • 9. 小說的另一位女主人翁萊拉 是拉希德另一個妻子 在與前蘇聯的戰爭中, , 。 我駕駛著我的老爺車-Civic 剛從鋼琴教室接回我的兒子,當時一個大學生正開 萊拉失去了兩個哥哥。炸彈奪走了她父母的生命。她深愛的男孩也被迫逃離阿 著一部紅色的休旅車印著紐澤西板且聲音隆隆地並想輕率地要通過十字路口。 富汗。主人公生活裡到處都是失落與絕望。過著簡單美國式生活的美國讀者甚 當時我做了任何愛好和平的動作,並在調整後,一個中年人在一輛很小又跑得 至難以體會。 慢的老爺車中撿起他孩子的鋼琴課本。然後站在交叉路口並打斷他的話。我原 以為猜想他會說 嗨!,是我的錯,然後將車子倒退。 剛開始,兩位妻子相互敵視,漸漸的,兩人在養育孩子的過程中越來越親 密無間。她們的友情在拉希德的虐待,國家的無情戰火中留存。動人的情感成 但他沒有。然後我們就當著面對面對峙,並停在那裡,就像一隻小獵犬面對一 為小說的核心。兩個女人苦難深重,某種程度上,她們慶祝塔利班的到來,希 匹馬。一分鐘後,我下了車,喊道:“在這十字路口,你必須先等待後才輪到 望能結束她們的苦難……關於不可寬恕的時代,不可能的友誼以及不可毀滅的 你過去。” 然後,我回到了我的車上,等待著並且阻塞了各個方向的交通。我 愛。 們真的把事情搞砸了。 然後,我搖下了我的窗子,喊道:“我老得足以當你的父親。” 我不知道為什 麼,我覺得這樣說或許能說動他,但當然地,他無動於衷。之後,在我們誇張 地記下了對方的車牌號碼後,他終於做了讓步,但只有一點點,然後我就從他 面前硬擠過,走回我的道路。 21 6
  • 10. 因此,雖然我贏了,但每次我一回想起,我的耳朵都會變紅。我的意思是,我 到底在想什麼?在一個繁忙的十字路口中面對這個陌生人,雖然我可以教他黃 金法則或法律上的規則或是…,我不知道,是我們所知道的公平,正義和文明 的根基嗎?或者在這一個小鎮上我知道沒有人會注意到我在大街上嚷嚷,阻礙 交通,我想想都覺得有點可笑? 我想這就是一個會引起打架的問題。一般是很難做出讓步的。你對你自己說, 我可以留在原地,或者我可以打了就跑。但我選擇留在原地。現在每當我外出 時我都在想,如果下次那個開著休旅車的孩子再看到我,我該怎麼辦。我實在 不習慣在這種恐懼中生活。 我不能告訴你在十字路口中遵守交通規則是多麼的重要,但是有個更好的方式 燦爛千陽 來處理這個事件。就是說,嗨! 都是我不好。 《燦爛千陽》再次以阿富汗戰亂為背景,時空跨越三十年,用細膩感人的 筆觸描繪了阿富汗舊家族制度下苦苦掙紮的婦女,她們所懷抱的希望、愛情、 夢想與所有的失落。 《燦爛千陽》一書的主人公瑪麗雅姆在阿富汗一個偏遠貧窮 的地方長大,她想上學,母親卻告誡她:“學校怎麼會教你這樣的人?一個女 人只要學一樣本領,那就是忍耐。”“忍耐什麼?”“不用操心,”她母親娜 娜說,“需要你忍耐的東西絕不會少。” 繼暢銷過百萬冊的《追風箏的人》之後,卡勒德?胡賽尼在《燦爛千陽》 裡展現了半個世紀阿富汗婦女所要忍耐的種種。個人,要忍耐饑餓、病痛的約 束。家庭要承受戰爭的創傷、難民的流離失所。國家要忍耐前蘇聯、塔利班與 美國的戰爭。這是一部阿富汗忍耐的歷史。 瑪麗雅姆是個私生女,1974 年,她 15 歲,母親自殺。父親強迫她嫁給喀 布爾的老鞋匠拉希德 拉希德是小說裡許多人性中暴力的源頭 在流產六次後, 。 。 瑪麗雅姆不能再生育。她遭到拉希德的毒打虐待。 7 20
  • 11. And they seem to indicate that China's low-wage workers are being pushed to their very limits. And in the case of the electronics factory you talked about - Foxconn - maybe even beyond their limits. At that factory they've had 10 suicides in the past few months. And a number of different factors are behind blamed - long working hours, lots of overtime, and an almost military discipline on the production lines, which some said were making workers depressed. So some people are now wondering whether the era of cheap Chinese labor could be coming to an end. And, indeed, if you look at the demographics, factory workers in China are gaining leverage. Maybe because of the one child policy, in the past decade the number of workers in that labor pool - 20 to 39-year-olds - has fallen by 22 percent. So that in many ways does increase their bargaining power. Jeff. Smith:The method of making business learned from prison B.J. was one of many fellow inmates who had big plans for the future. He had a vision. When he got out, he was going to leave the dope game for good and fly straight, and he was actually working on merging his two passions into one vision. He'd spent 10,000 dollars to buy a website that exclusively featured women having sex on top of or inside of luxury sports cars. It was my first week in federal prison, and I was learning quickly that it wasn't what you see on TV. In fact, it was teeming with smart, ambitious men whose business instincts were in many cases as sharp as those of the CEOs who had wined and dined me six months earlier when I was a rising star in the Missouri Senate. 19 8
  • 12. Now, 95 percent of the guys that I was locked up with had been drug dealers on the LIM: Well, it does appear to be part of a trend. Authorities do appear to be allowing outside, but when they talked about what they did, they talked about it in a different sporadic peaceful protests. And in this case the strike was, even as you say, given jargon, but the business concepts that they talked about weren't unlike those that coverage in the state-run media. But many wonder whether this could be linked to you'd learn in a first year MBA class at Wharton:promotional incentives, you never the fact that the company involved was Japanese, not a Chinese company. charge a first-time user, focus-grouping new product launches, territorial expansion. Yesterday, local media, however, reported that there was some violence, there were But they didn't spend a lot of time reliving the glory days. For the most part, some clashes between strikers and members of an official government-authorized everyone was just trying to survive. It's a lot harder than you might think. Contrary union who in theory are supposed to represent workers but were actually trying to to what most people think, people don't pay, taxpayers don't pay, for your life when get them back to work. And today we've seen fewer reports in the official media. So you're in prison. You've got to pay for your own life. You've got to pay for your soap, this may signal that authorities are beginning to lose patience with this strike after your deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, all of it. And it's hard for a couple of two weeks. reasons. MONTAGNE: And, Louisa, this strike at Honda comes after a spate of workers' First, everything's marked up 30 to 50 percent from what you'd pay on the suicides at a Taiwanese-owned electronics factory, also in south China, which led to street, and second, you don't make a lot of money. I unloaded trucks. That was my a 20 percent wage hike. Is there a connection between the two? full-time job, unloading trucks at a food warehouse, for $5.25, not an hour, but per month. LIM: Yes. Well, I mean, I suppose both cases are bringing the spotlight onto working conditions in China's factories. 9 18
  • 13. But the workers were originally asking for more than a 50 percent increase. And So how do you survive? Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles. There's legal about 100 workers are still holding out for more. Their argument is that they're being hustles.You pay everything in stamps. Those are the currency. You charge another paid 50 times less than Japanese employees for the same job, so they deserve more. inmate to clean his cell. There's sort of illegal hustles, like you run a barbershop out of your cell. MONTAGNE: And how much leverage do these workers have? I mean, how much impact has this strike had on Honda? There's pretty illegal hustles: You run a tattoo parlor out of your own cell. And there's very illegal hustles, which you smuggle in, you get smuggled in, drugs, LIM: Well, these workers have already been on strike for more than two weeks. pornography, cell phones, and just as in the outer world, there's a risk-reward They work at an auto parts factory, but after a week on strike they've actually - they tradeoff, so the riskier the enterprise, the more profitable it can potentially be. actually managed to shut down Honda's four car plants in China. That's a loss to Honda of about 3,000 vehicles a day. So it is costing Honda very dearly. And the You want a cigarette in prison? Three to five dollars.You want an old-fashioned cell company says all its factories will remain closed at least through Thursday. phone that you flip open and is about as big as your head? Three hundred bucks. You want a dirty magazine? Well, it can be as much as 1,000 dollars. And this strike highlights some of the vulnerabilities of the supply chain. Honda didn't have a second supplier of auto parts in China. It obviously wasn't expecting So as you can probably tell, one of the defining aspects of prison life is strikes in China, since unauthorized labor organizing is actually illegal in China. ingenuity. Whether it was concocting delicious meals from stolen scraps from the warehouse, sculpting people's hair with toenail clippers, or constructing weights MONTAGNE: You know, though, how much significance can be attached to the fact from boulders in laundry bags tied on to tree limbs, prisoners learn how to make do that this strike was allowed to go ahead and even to be reported on by official with less, and many of them want to take this ingenuity that they've learned to the media? outside and start restaurants, barber shops,personal training businesses. 17 10
  • 14. But there's no training, nothing to prepare them for that, no rehabilitation at all in prison, no one to help them write a business plan, figure out a way to translate the business conceptsthey intuitively grasp into legal enterprises, no access to the Internet, even. And then, when they come out, most states don't even have a law prohibiting employers from discriminating against people with a background. So none of us should be surprised that two out of three ex-offenders re-offend within five years. Look, I lied to the Feds. I lost a year of my life from it. But when I came out, I vowed that I was going to do whatever I could to make sure that guys like the ones I was locked up withdidn't have to waste any more of their life than they already had. So I hope that you'll think about helping in some way. The best thing we can do is figure out ways to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit and the tremendous untapped potential in our prisons, because if we don't, they're not going to learn any new Chinese Workers Demand Higher Pay skills that's going to help them, and they'll be right back. All they'll learn on the inside is new hustles. Thank you. Now to labor unrest in China. Chinese workers are on strike at the Japanese auto company Honda. And they've shut down an auto plant and four factories. Honda responded by offering a 24 percent raise. This is just the latest labor problem to hit southern China. NPR's Louisa Lim joins us from Shanghai to tell us more. Good morning. LOUISA LIM: Morning, Renee. MONTAGNE: Where does the strike stand as of this morning? LIM: Well, Honda's now saying that most of the 2,000 striking workers will accept this pay rise, which actually would bring their salary to $280 a month, which is more than double the minimum wage in that part of China. 11 16
  • 15. LIM: 恩,這些工人從開始到現在已經罷工了兩個多星期了。他們在汽車配件廠工作, 但罷工一個星期後,他們實際上已經 - 他們實際上設法關閉本田公司設在中國的四家 車廠 這使本田等於一天損失掉約 3000 輛的車子 所以這花費了本田相當巨大的代價。 。 。 因此,該公司聲稱他們的工廠會持續關閉至少到週四。 這次的罷工凸顯出了一些供應鏈的安全漏洞 而且本田在中國沒有第二間零件供應商。 。 這在中國的罷工很明顯是無法預料到的,因為在中國未經授權的勞動組織實際上是非 法的。 MONTAGNE: 你知道嗎,即使如此,有多大的意義可以附加一個事實,就是這次罷工被 允許繼續進行,甚至會被官方媒體報導嗎? LIM: 恩,它似乎是一種趨勢的一部分。當局似乎允許一些零星的和平抗議活動。而在 這種情況下罷工,就如你所說,會在國營媒體給予報導。但很多人想知道這是否會被 連接到該公司是日本的而不是中國公司的事實。 昨天,當地媒體報導,然而,報導了一些之前的暴力事件,有一些理論上應該代表工 人,但實際上是試圖讓他們回去工作的官方授權的政府聯盟成員與罷工的工人們發生 傑夫.史密斯:從監獄學到的經商之道 衝突。今天,我們看到在官方媒體上的報導已經比較少了。因此,這可能暗示著當局 在這次罷工後的兩個星期已經開始失去耐心了。 MONTAGNE: 那麼,Louisa,在本田的罷工事件之後接著發生的在台資電子廠的工人自 B.J. 是個有長遠計畫的囚犯 B.J. 是個有長遠計畫的囚犯 他很有遠見 出獄 殺事件,而且也發生在中國南方,這因此導致了 20%的工資上漲。請問這兩者之間是 後循規蹈矩 不再碰毒品 他正將兩件他熱衷的事合為一項夢想 他花一萬美元 , 否有所關聯性嗎? 買了個網站 講述女人在豪華跑車上/車內做愛 講述女人在豪華跑車上/車內 LIM: 是的。恩,我的意思是,我認為這兩種情況會給中國工廠的工作環境帶來受矚目 做愛 。 的焦點。他們似乎表明,中國的低工資工人已經被推到極限。然後你所說的富士康電 我在聯邦監獄的第一個星期 便知道情況不如電視上看到的那樣 監獄裡有智 子廠的案例可能甚至超出了他們的極限。而該工廠在過去的幾個月裡已經有十個人自 慧、有野心的人比比皆是 他們的商業頭腦 很多時可以媲美行政總裁 像那些 殺了。然而,在背後有好幾種不同的指責,工作超時,大量加班和在生產線上的管理 六個月前宴請我的大老闆一樣 而我當時還是密蘇里州參議院的新秀 和我一 幾乎像是軍事紀律,以導致有些工人說工作使人鬱悶。 起蹲大牢的囚犯當中 百分之九十五的人在外頭賣過毒品 提起往事時 他們總 因此,有些人現在想知道是否中國的廉價勞動力時代即將結束。因為,事實上,如果 說圈內獨有的行話 但他們談論的經商理念 與你頭一年在華頓MBA課裡學到的 你看人口統計,在中國工廠的工人是有影響力的。也許是因為一胎化政策,在過去的 不相上下 各種促銷手法 如永不向新客人收錢 舉辦產品發表會 拓展據點 。 , 十年中,工人的勞動圈 - 20 到 39 歲的孩子 - 也下降了 22%。因此,在許多方面會 增加他們的議價能力。 15 12
  • 16. 但他們沒花多少時間緬懷黃金歲月 人人只一心努力求存 而這比你所想的困 難得多 與大部分人所想的相反 你坐牢,納稅人不會為你付生活費 自己的生 活費要自己負責 肥皂、除臭劑、牙刷、牙膏... 通通自己買 監獄裡日子難過 有幾個原因 第一,什麼都比街上賣的貴三到五成第一,什麼都比街上賣的貴 三到五成 第二,你賺不了多少錢 我負責卸貨,那可是全職工作在食物倉庫卸 貨 收入只有 5.25 美元,不是時薪,是月薪 。 你怎麼能生存? 你得學會用各種方式賺錢 那裡有一套合法的買賣方式 買東 西便付郵票,那是裡頭的貨幣 你幫獄友清理牢房,向他要錢 有些賺錢方法輕 微違規,如在牢房外開理髮店有些賺錢方法明顯違規,如在牢房外幫人刺青 有 些賺錢方法嚴重違規 像走私毒品 色情刊物 行動電話 情況一如外面的世界 、 、 這些交易都有風險 風險愈大 潛在回報愈高 想在監獄裡抽煙嗎?盛惠三到五 , 美元 想要舊款的折疊式手機嗎? 電話大小和你的頭差不多,盛惠三百美元 中國工人要求加薪 想看色情雜誌嗎? 可能要花一千美元 。 你該知道,絞盡腦汁是牢獄生活的最佳寫照 你該知道,絞盡腦汁是牢獄生活 的最佳寫照 把倉庫裡偷來的剩菜煮成佳餚 把倉庫裡偷來的剩菜煮成佳餚 用 現在在中國的勞資糾紛。在日本的本田汽車公司裡的中國工人集體罷工。然後他們目 指甲剪幫人做髮型 把石頭裝到洗衣袋裡來製造重量 然後綁在樹枝上 囚犯學 , 前已經關閉自動設備和四家工廠。本田作出反應,願意提供 24%的加薪。這是目前最 習如何用最簡單的方式做事 很多人想把這份才智運用在出獄後的事業 像經 新重創中國南方的勞動問題。NPR 的 Louisa Lim 加入我們的報導並從上海來告訴我們 營餐廳、理髮店 及個人健身訓練指導 。 更多的消息。 但是裡頭沒有更新訓練 沒人為他們準備任何事 也沒人幫他們撰寫創業計畫 早安。 把忽然想到的生意點子 轉換成一盤合法生意 監獄裡甚至連不上網絡 很多州 LOUISA LIM : 早,Renee。 政府沒有法例保護有前科的員工很多州政府沒有法例保護有前科的員工 使他 MONTAGNE:今天早上罷工到何處呢? 們免受歧視 因此在座各位不必驚訝 三分之二的囚犯出獄五年內會再次入獄 恩,現在本田公司說,2000 名裡大多數的罷工工人都接受這次的加薪,這實際上會使 三分之二的囚犯出獄五年內會再次入獄 。 他們的工資變成每月 280 元,這對於中國地區的最低工資標準多出一倍以上。 我欺騙聯邦政府,在牢獄蹲了一年 但我出獄後 發誓定必盡我所能,去幫助囚 但工人最初的要求是增加 50%以上。因此大約還有 100 名的工人仍堅持要求更多。他 犯 發誓定必盡我所能,去幫助囚犯 不讓他們在監獄裡浪費更多時間 們抱怨的是,他們所支付的薪水是與日本員工同樣工作的 50 分之一,所以他們應該得 我希望你能考慮用某種方法幫他們 最好的法子是培養囚犯的創業精神 最好 到更多。 的法子是培養囚犯的創業精神 以及那些未開發的驚人潛能 否則 沒有自給自 , MONTAGNE: 那麼,這些工人有多少影響力?我的意思是,這次的罷工對本田影響了多少? 足的新技能 他們很快便會重回監獄 只會學到更多違法賺錢手段 謝謝 。 13 14