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Curs 2013-14

Nivells d’ensenyament: 3 i 4 ESO / Batxillerats / C. Formatius / C. de Formació d’Adults - Àrees: Llengua anglesa / Món contemporani / Educació
per a la ciutadania i els drets humans / Educació ètica cívica / Llengua catalana i literatura - Temes: Educació en valors / Recursos naturals. Comerç.
Consum. Riquesa i pobresa / El món del treball. Relacions laborals / Relacions humanes. Psicologia. Sociologia / Família. Relacions familiars / El món
Educatiu. Coeducació. Relacions professorat- alumnat / Sistema judicial. Presons. Pena de mort.
Suggeriments per al professorat
El dossier que us fem arribar conté un
seguit d’activitats per treballar amb
l’alumnat dins l’aula abans o després de
la projecció. Aquestes activitats són
opcionals, deixant al vostre criteri, a
partir del coneixement real que teniu
del vostre alumnat, la manera de
treballar el film.

Direcció i concepció gràfica:
Cinema per a estudiants
Activitats i adaptació de textos:
Abel Gálvez i José Pica

Índex d’activitats

Fitxa tècnica i artística; sinopsi …......................................................…....



English activities

Who is who in the film ……………………...........................................……………
The plot of the film …………….…................................…………………………..……
Vocabulary of crim …………….…..…………………………...............................…….
Use of Passive Voice: How whisky is made ……….....................………………
Expressions with GET ……………....…........................……………………………..….
Authentic reading 1: “Binge Drinking” in Britain …………….....……….……….
Authentic reading 2: Community Service ……………………....……….………..….
Prepositions: 500 miles in 33 prepositions ……………………....…….………..….

10 - 11
12 - 13
14 - 15
Direcció: Ken Loach. Interpretació: Paul Brannigan (Robbie), John
Henshaw (Harry), Gary Maitland (Albert), Jasmin Riggins (Mo), William
Ruane (Rhino), Roger Allam (Thaddeus), Siobhan Reilly (Leonie). Guió:
Paul Laverty. Producció: Rebecca O’Brien. Música: George Fenton.
Fotografia: Robbie Ryan. Muntatge: Jonathan Morris. Disseny de
producció: Fergus Clegg. Gènere: Comèdia dramàtica. Països: Regne
Unit, França, Bèlgica, Itàlia. Any: 2012. Durada: 101 min.
Robbie és un jove pare de família de Glasgow que no aconsegueix
escapar del seu passat delictiu. Es creua en el camí de Rhino, Albert i la
jove Mo quan, com ells, evita per poc la presó però rep una pena de
treballs socials. Henri, l'educador que els han assignat, es converteix
llavors en el seu nou mentor i els inicia en secret... en l'art del whisky!
Entre destil·leries i sessions de degustació, Robbie descobreix que té un
autèntic talent com a tastador i ràpidament és capaç d'identificar les
collites més excepcionals, les més cares. Al costat dels seus tres
companys, transformarà en Robbie aquest do en una estafa, una etapa
més en la vida de delictes i violència? O en un futur nou i ple de
promeses? Només els àngels ho saben...






These are the names of the protagonists of
the film and their photographs.



Can you match the names to the
corresponding picture? Read the plot on
page four if you need help.
Harry, Mo, Rhino, Robbie, Leonie, the
whisky expert, Albert, Thaddeus



The film takes place in Glasgow, an
industrial city in Scotland. Read the
questions on the next page and decide
who did what in the story.

The protagonist of the film is Robbie, a young man who lives in Glasgow and leads a
turbulent life. He is sentenced to hours of community service because he violently
attacked another man when he was high on drugs. The leader of the community
service is Harry, a kind man who is always ready to help. Robbie’s girlfriend is called
Leonie, and she’s giving birth to a beautiful boy who will change Robbie’s vision of
life. Leonie and Robbie don’t want their little boy, Luke, to grow in a violent and
criminal atmosphere. To celebrate the boy’s birth, Harry brings out a vintage whisky
and offers Robbie a glass.
Other members of the community service are Mo, a dark haired girl who loves
stealing things, Rhino, a tall serious man, and Albert, a short-sighted plump man
with not much intelligence. The community service group is doing a good job, and as
a reward for their good behavior Harry takes the group to a distillery. There they
learn what “the angels’ share is”: the 2% of whisky that evaporates in the cask each
year. In the distillery, Robbie discovers a fantastic ability to identify flavours. At the
next community service session, Harry invites Robbie to go to a whisky tasting
session in Edinburgh. Robbie accepts and invites the other members of the group to
the meeting. In Edinburgh, the whisky experts tells everyone about a cask of
priceless whisky, the Malt Mill, set to go on auction soon, and Robbie is passed a
card by a whisky collector, Thaddeus. After they leave, Mo reveals she stole
documents detailing the warehouse in which the "Malt Mill" is kept.

community service: 1. services volunteered by
individuals or an organization to benefit a
community or its institutions. 2. Similar work
performed by law offenders to serve a
sentence in lieu of or in addition to jail time.
short-sighted: imprudent, injudicious, seeing
no further than (the end of) your nose

Leonie’s father is not happy with Robbie’s lifestyle, and he offers him a lot of money
if he goes to London to start a new life disappearing from Leonie’s and Luke’s lives.
Robbie loves his girlfriend and son, but he admits he needs a radical change in his
life. Desperately, he comes up with a crazy plan: he will steal the priceless Malt Mill
with his community service partners. At first, they seem a bit skeptical about the
plan, but when they secure an invitation to the tasting and auction in the Highlands,
they set off on a journey to the north of Scotland where they will hide in the
warehouse and steal the golden drink that might change their lives forever.

Who attacked a young man? a) Robbie, b) Leonie, c) Harry, c)


Who is giving birth to a baby? a) Leonie, b) Mo, c) Thaddeus, d) Robbie.


What's the baby's name? a) Mo, b) Rhino, c) Luke, d) Harry.


Who leads the community service group? a) Thaddeus, b) Rhino, c)
Harry, d) Luke.


Who takes the group to a distillery? a) Harry, b) Mo, c) Albert, d)


Who has a talent for tasting whisky? a) Mo, b) Albert, c) Leonie, d)


Who talks about a valuable cask of whisky put up for auction? a)
Leonie's father, b) Robbie, c) the whisky expert, d) Luke.


Who offers Robbie a lot of money for leaving his girlfriend? a) Leonie's
father, b) Robbie, c) the whisky expert, d) Luke.


The crime of getting into a building to steal things.

Robbie, the protagonist, is almost going
to go to prison for his violent conduct.


The crime of stealing things from shops, for example by
hiding them in a bag or under your clothes.
The crime of stealing money or things from a bank,
shop etc, especially using violence.
An act of stealing something.

Here, you have a list of some unlawful
activities. Can you match the names of
these crimes to their definitions?
theft – smuggling – drug dealing – arson
– bribery – burglary – shoplifting – assault
– mugging – rape – forgery – vandalism –


The act of illegally giving money or a gift to someone to
persuade them to do something for you.
The crime of deliberately making something burn,
especially a building.
The crime of selling drugs to someone.
The crime of forcing someone to have sex, especially by
using violence.
The crime of physically attacking someone.
An attack on someone in which they are robbed in a
public place.
The crime of deliberately damaging things, especially
public property.
Taking something or someone illegally from one
country to another.
The crime of copying official documents, money.


They produce whisky in Scotland = Whisky is produced in Scotland

Whisky, the golden drink, is another
protagonist of this film. Scotland is well known
for its distilleries, the factories where whisky is
produced. Three ingredients are necessary to
make whisky: barley, water and yeast.


In English, we use the passive voice to describe
processes. For example, instead of writing THEY
SCOTLAND, because we don’t know the people
who produce the whisky and because we are
interested in the process and the object of this
process, which is whisky.
Try to turn these active sentences into PASSIVE
SENTENCES, using IS or ARE followed by the
past participle of the main verb.


They soak the barley in warm water.
They leave the barley grains to germinate.
They turn the germinated barley into malt.
They grind the malt in a mill.
They add the ground malt to warm water to form the mash.
They take out the dissolved sugars to form the wort*.
They put the wort into big steel tanks.
They add the yeast to start the fermentation.
They call this fermented liquid the wash*.
They distill the wash twice in the stills*.
They take the alcohol from the distillations to maturation.
They call this alcohol the spirit.
They put the spirit into oak casks*.
They leave the spirit in the casks for three years.
This process mixes the spirit with air and other flavours.
The maturation process loses two per cent of the spirit. This is called
the Angels’ share.
They put the matured whisky into bottles after three years.
They sell the whisky bottles to the public.

barley: crop which has seeds that are used in the production of food, beer, and whisky... ; yeast: a kind of plant which is used to make bread rise, and in
making alcoholic drinks such as beer, whisky; wort: the sweet liquid obtained from the soaked mixture of warm water and ground malt; wash: an
alcoholic liquid resembling strong beer, resulting from the fermentation of wort in the production of whisky; still: distilling apparatus; cask: a strong
wooden barrel used mainly to hold alcoholic drink.


In English, the verb GET is complex, but it
is very commonly used in everyday
expressions. This verb is usually followed
by an adjective to indicate a process.


Read these sentences and decide which
expression with GET we need to complete
get sick – get drunk – get pregnant – get
depressed – get angry – get dark


It’s eight o’clock. We must get home before it
Many teenagers ……………………….….. at the weekend, and
that can be dangerous for their health.
Some teenagers ……………………….….. because they drink too
much alcohol.
Robbie and Leonie had unprotected sex and Leonie
……………………….….. (past tense)
The victim ……………………….….. (past tense) because Robbie
had attacked him and he couldn’t overcome that moment.
Leonie’s dad ……………………….….. (past tense) with Robbie and
decided to hit him.
Many teenagers in Europe are getting into the dangerous habit
of BINGE DRINKING, which is getting together at the weekend
with the only purpose of getting drunk.


Read the text on the next page and then decide the options
which complete these statements correctly.




The World Health Organization has done a study in
Britain is the THIRD / FOURTH country in the
ranking of alcohol drinking among teens.
In 2001 the results for Britain were WORSE / BETTER
than the present study.
The study asked if teenagers had got drunk BEFORE
/ AFTER they were 13 years old.
Politicians are worried because the number of
CHILDREN / TEENAGERS drinking alcohol has
British teenagers have also increased the use of
cannabis and COCAINE / CONDOMS.
British teenagers are among the heaviest drinkers in
Teens are watching many advertisements that say
that drinking alcohol is DANGEROUS / A NATURAL
The Scottish National Party wants supermarkets to
sell alcohol to people older than 21 / 18 years old.
Binge drinking kills every year 2.3 / 50 million people
in the world.
British teenagers rank among worst in world for binge drinking, a major international report will disclose later this week.

A study, by the World Health Organisation, will
show that more young people in Britain have
been drunk at a young age than in most other
developed countries.
The figures, published every couple of years and
to be released on Wednesday, look at the intake
of alcohol and drugs, and the sexual behaviour, of
young teenagers in 41 countries across the world.
They are expected to show that Britain has the
fourth highest levels of underage drinking among
The ranking is a slight improvement on the last
publication of the report, in 2001, when Britain's
teens were placed second behind only Denmark
as the heaviest consumers of beer, wine, or
That study compared the number of 15-year-olds
who admitted that they had been drunk at or
before the age of 13.
Last month ministers announced new plans to
target the problem, with a multi-million pound
advertising campaign highlighting the dangers of
underage binge drinking.
Official figures show that there has been a 37 per
cent increase in the number of children being
admitted to hospital because of alcohol since

In 2006-7 there were 8,072 cases, up from 5,885
in 2000-1, the figures, obtained by the Liberal
Democrats show.
The WHO report is also expected to show that
young people in Britain have among the highest
cannabis use in the world.
British teens are also using more condoms than in
previous years, the study, which concentrates on
the behaviours of 11, 13 and 15-year-olds, will
show, possibly as a result of safe sex messages.
Frank Soodeen, from Alcohol Concern, said that a
radical change was needed to tackle a culture of
underage binge drinking among Britain's young
He said: "The new WHO figures confirm what
earlier studies have already established. British
teenagers are simply some of the heaviest
drinkers in Europe.
"While the new youth alcohol action plan shows
that government is acutely aware of the problem,
there are widespread concerns that it doesn't go
to the heart of why teenagers are drinking
"Not only do many of these children grow up in
challenging social environments but they are
bombarded with hundreds of millions of pounds

worth of advertising telling them that drinking is a
completely natural, and safe part of life."
Scotland's ruling Scottish National Party (SNP) is
set to announce plans to raise the age at which
young people can buy alcohol in off licences and
supermarkets from 18 to 21.
Although under-21s will still be able to drinks in
pubs and clubs, the SNP believes that the move
will have help to curb problem drinking among
young people.
The Association of Chief Police Officers warned
earlier this year that 50 per cent of young drinkers
were getting alcohol from their parents.
The WHO plans to draw up a global strategy to
tackle binge drinking among young people and
other forms of harmful drinking, which it blames
for 2.3 million deaths across the globe every year.

By Kate Devlin and Andrew Porter

Robbie, the protagonist of the film, is sentenced
to some hours of Community Service.
To know what Community Service is and how it
works, please read the text on the next page
and answer these questions

1. What is a Community Service order?
2. Who does this work?
3. How many hours of work do people do?
4. Which salary do they receive?
5. If you do not agree, can you do Community Service?
6. What contract do you sign before you begin work?
7. What work do you have to do at Community Service?
8. Who are the Community Service Supervisors?
9. Why do you have to attend an initial interview?
10. What happens if you are judged unfit for work?






In the film, when the four friends go to the
Highlands we hear the song 500 MILES
performed by a band called The Proclaimers, a
Scottish group composed of identical twin
brothers Charlie and Craig Reid.





























Follow the link below and listen to the song. Can
you fill in the blanks with the prepositions you
have in the box?

When I wake 1………….….. , well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who wakes 2 ………….….. 3 ………….….. you.
When I go 4………….….. , yeah I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who goes 5 ………….….. 6 ………….….. you.

But I would walk 500 miles,
And I would walk 500 more,
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall 20 ………….….. 21 ………….….. your door

If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk 7 ………….….. 8 ………….….. you.
And if I haver, yeah I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who's havering 9 ………….….. you.

When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who’s lonely 22 ………….….. you.
When I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream,
I’m gonna dream 23 ………….….. the time when I'm 24 ………….….. you.

But I would walk 500 miles,
And I would walk 500 more,
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall 10 ………….….. 11 ………….….. your door.

When I go 25 ………….….. well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who goes 26 ………….….. 27 ………….….. 28 ………….….. you.
When I come home, yes I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who comes 29 ………….….. home 30 ………….….. you.
I’m gonna be the man who’s coming home 31 ………….….. you.

When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who's working hard 12 ………….….. you.
And when the money comes 13 ………….….. 14 ………….….. the work I'll do,
I'll pass almost every penny 15 ………….….. 16 ………….….. you
When I come home, yeah I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who comes 17 ………….….. home 18 ………….….. you.
And if I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be,
I'm gonna be the man who's growing old 19 ………….….. you.

But I would walk 500 miles,
And I would walk 500 more,
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall 32 ………….….. 33 ………….….. your door.


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La part-dels-angels-dossier

  • 1. Curs 2013-14 LA PART DELS ÀNGELS [THE ANGELS’ SHARE] Nivells d’ensenyament: 3 i 4 ESO / Batxillerats / C. Formatius / C. de Formació d’Adults - Àrees: Llengua anglesa / Món contemporani / Educació per a la ciutadania i els drets humans / Educació ètica cívica / Llengua catalana i literatura - Temes: Educació en valors / Recursos naturals. Comerç. Consum. Riquesa i pobresa / El món del treball. Relacions laborals / Relacions humanes. Psicologia. Sociologia / Família. Relacions familiars / El món Educatiu. Coeducació. Relacions professorat- alumnat / Sistema judicial. Presons. Pena de mort.
  • 2. Suggeriments per al professorat El dossier que us fem arribar conté un seguit d’activitats per treballar amb l’alumnat dins l’aula abans o després de la projecció. Aquestes activitats són opcionals, deixant al vostre criteri, a partir del coneixement real que teniu del vostre alumnat, la manera de treballar el film. Direcció i concepció gràfica: Cinema per a estudiants Activitats i adaptació de textos: Abel Gálvez i José Pica Índex d’activitats Fitxa tècnica i artística; sinopsi …......................................................….... Pàgines 3 English activities - Who is who in the film ……………………...........................................…………… The plot of the film …………….…................................…………………………..…… Vocabulary of crim …………….…..…………………………...............................……. Use of Passive Voice: How whisky is made ……….....................……………… Expressions with GET ……………....…........................……………………………..…. Authentic reading 1: “Binge Drinking” in Britain …………….....……….………. Authentic reading 2: Community Service ……………………....……….………..…. Prepositions: 500 miles in 33 prepositions ……………………....…….………..…. 4 5-6 7 8 9 10 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 15
  • 3. FITXA TÈCNICA I ARTÍSTICA Direcció: Ken Loach. Interpretació: Paul Brannigan (Robbie), John Henshaw (Harry), Gary Maitland (Albert), Jasmin Riggins (Mo), William Ruane (Rhino), Roger Allam (Thaddeus), Siobhan Reilly (Leonie). Guió: Paul Laverty. Producció: Rebecca O’Brien. Música: George Fenton. Fotografia: Robbie Ryan. Muntatge: Jonathan Morris. Disseny de producció: Fergus Clegg. Gènere: Comèdia dramàtica. Països: Regne Unit, França, Bèlgica, Itàlia. Any: 2012. Durada: 101 min. SINOPSI Robbie és un jove pare de família de Glasgow que no aconsegueix escapar del seu passat delictiu. Es creua en el camí de Rhino, Albert i la jove Mo quan, com ells, evita per poc la presó però rep una pena de treballs socials. Henri, l'educador que els han assignat, es converteix llavors en el seu nou mentor i els inicia en secret... en l'art del whisky! Entre destil·leries i sessions de degustació, Robbie descobreix que té un autèntic talent com a tastador i ràpidament és capaç d'identificar les collites més excepcionals, les més cares. Al costat dels seus tres companys, transformarà en Robbie aquest do en una estafa, una etapa més en la vida de delictes i violència? O en un futur nou i ple de promeses? Només els àngels ho saben...
  • 4. [ENGLISH ] ACTIVITIES 1- 2- 3- ACTIVITY ONE - WHO IS WHO IN THE FILM These are the names of the protagonists of the film and their photographs. 4- 5- Can you match the names to the corresponding picture? Read the plot on page four if you need help. Harry, Mo, Rhino, Robbie, Leonie, the whisky expert, Albert, Thaddeus 6- 7- 8-
  • 5. ACTIVITY TWO - THE PLOT OF THE FILM The film takes place in Glasgow, an industrial city in Scotland. Read the questions on the next page and decide who did what in the story. The protagonist of the film is Robbie, a young man who lives in Glasgow and leads a turbulent life. He is sentenced to hours of community service because he violently attacked another man when he was high on drugs. The leader of the community service is Harry, a kind man who is always ready to help. Robbie’s girlfriend is called Leonie, and she’s giving birth to a beautiful boy who will change Robbie’s vision of life. Leonie and Robbie don’t want their little boy, Luke, to grow in a violent and criminal atmosphere. To celebrate the boy’s birth, Harry brings out a vintage whisky and offers Robbie a glass. Other members of the community service are Mo, a dark haired girl who loves stealing things, Rhino, a tall serious man, and Albert, a short-sighted plump man with not much intelligence. The community service group is doing a good job, and as a reward for their good behavior Harry takes the group to a distillery. There they learn what “the angels’ share is”: the 2% of whisky that evaporates in the cask each year. In the distillery, Robbie discovers a fantastic ability to identify flavours. At the next community service session, Harry invites Robbie to go to a whisky tasting session in Edinburgh. Robbie accepts and invites the other members of the group to the meeting. In Edinburgh, the whisky experts tells everyone about a cask of priceless whisky, the Malt Mill, set to go on auction soon, and Robbie is passed a card by a whisky collector, Thaddeus. After they leave, Mo reveals she stole documents detailing the warehouse in which the "Malt Mill" is kept. Vocabulary community service: 1. services volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions. 2. Similar work performed by law offenders to serve a sentence in lieu of or in addition to jail time. short-sighted: imprudent, injudicious, seeing no further than (the end of) your nose Leonie’s father is not happy with Robbie’s lifestyle, and he offers him a lot of money if he goes to London to start a new life disappearing from Leonie’s and Luke’s lives. Robbie loves his girlfriend and son, but he admits he needs a radical change in his life. Desperately, he comes up with a crazy plan: he will steal the priceless Malt Mill with his community service partners. At first, they seem a bit skeptical about the plan, but when they secure an invitation to the tasting and auction in the Highlands, they set off on a journey to the north of Scotland where they will hide in the warehouse and steal the golden drink that might change their lives forever.
  • 6. 1. Who attacked a young man? a) Robbie, b) Leonie, c) Harry, c) Thaddeus. 2. Who is giving birth to a baby? a) Leonie, b) Mo, c) Thaddeus, d) Robbie. 3. What's the baby's name? a) Mo, b) Rhino, c) Luke, d) Harry. 4. Who leads the community service group? a) Thaddeus, b) Rhino, c) Harry, d) Luke. 5. Who takes the group to a distillery? a) Harry, b) Mo, c) Albert, d) Thaddeus. 6. Who has a talent for tasting whisky? a) Mo, b) Albert, c) Leonie, d) Robbie. 7. Who talks about a valuable cask of whisky put up for auction? a) Leonie's father, b) Robbie, c) the whisky expert, d) Luke. 8. Who offers Robbie a lot of money for leaving his girlfriend? a) Leonie's father, b) Robbie, c) the whisky expert, d) Luke.
  • 7. ACTIVITY THREE - VOCABULARY OF CRIME 1. The crime of getting into a building to steal things. Robbie, the protagonist, is almost going to go to prison for his violent conduct. 2. The crime of stealing things from shops, for example by hiding them in a bag or under your clothes. The crime of stealing money or things from a bank, shop etc, especially using violence. An act of stealing something. Here, you have a list of some unlawful activities. Can you match the names of these crimes to their definitions? theft – smuggling – drug dealing – arson – bribery – burglary – shoplifting – assault – mugging – rape – forgery – vandalism – hijacking 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The act of illegally giving money or a gift to someone to persuade them to do something for you. The crime of deliberately making something burn, especially a building. The crime of selling drugs to someone. The crime of forcing someone to have sex, especially by using violence. The crime of physically attacking someone. An attack on someone in which they are robbed in a public place. The crime of deliberately damaging things, especially public property. Taking something or someone illegally from one country to another. The crime of copying official documents, money. ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …………………………
  • 8. ACTIVITY FOUR - HOW WHISKY IS MADE They produce whisky in Scotland = Whisky is produced in Scotland Whisky, the golden drink, is another protagonist of this film. Scotland is well known for its distilleries, the factories where whisky is produced. Three ingredients are necessary to make whisky: barley, water and yeast. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. In English, we use the passive voice to describe processes. For example, instead of writing THEY PRODUCE WHISKY IN SCOTLAND, English people say WHISKY IS PRODUCED IN SCOTLAND, because we don’t know the people who produce the whisky and because we are interested in the process and the object of this process, which is whisky. Try to turn these active sentences into PASSIVE SENTENCES, using IS or ARE followed by the past participle of the main verb. 17. 18. They soak the barley in warm water. They leave the barley grains to germinate. They turn the germinated barley into malt. They grind the malt in a mill. They add the ground malt to warm water to form the mash. They take out the dissolved sugars to form the wort*. They put the wort into big steel tanks. They add the yeast to start the fermentation. They call this fermented liquid the wash*. They distill the wash twice in the stills*. They take the alcohol from the distillations to maturation. They call this alcohol the spirit. They put the spirit into oak casks*. They leave the spirit in the casks for three years. This process mixes the spirit with air and other flavours. The maturation process loses two per cent of the spirit. This is called the Angels’ share. They put the matured whisky into bottles after three years. They sell the whisky bottles to the public. Vocabulary barley: crop which has seeds that are used in the production of food, beer, and whisky... ; yeast: a kind of plant which is used to make bread rise, and in making alcoholic drinks such as beer, whisky; wort: the sweet liquid obtained from the soaked mixture of warm water and ground malt; wash: an alcoholic liquid resembling strong beer, resulting from the fermentation of wort in the production of whisky; still: distilling apparatus; cask: a strong wooden barrel used mainly to hold alcoholic drink.
  • 9. ACTIVITY FIVE - EXPRESSIONS WITH GET 1. In English, the verb GET is complex, but it is very commonly used in everyday expressions. This verb is usually followed by an adjective to indicate a process. 2. Read these sentences and decide which expression with GET we need to complete them. get sick – get drunk – get pregnant – get depressed – get angry – get dark 3. 4. 5. 6. It’s eight o’clock. We must get home before it ……………………….….. Many teenagers ……………………….….. at the weekend, and that can be dangerous for their health. Some teenagers ……………………….….. because they drink too much alcohol. Robbie and Leonie had unprotected sex and Leonie ……………………….….. (past tense) The victim ……………………….….. (past tense) because Robbie had attacked him and he couldn’t overcome that moment. Leonie’s dad ……………………….….. (past tense) with Robbie and decided to hit him.
  • 10. ACTIVITY SIX – AUTHENTIC READING – 1 “BINGE DRINKING” IN BRITAIN Many teenagers in Europe are getting into the dangerous habit of BINGE DRINKING, which is getting together at the weekend with the only purpose of getting drunk. 1. 2. 3. 4. Read the text on the next page and then decide the options which complete these statements correctly. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The World Health Organization has done a study in 41 COUNTRIES / 15 COUNTRIES. Britain is the THIRD / FOURTH country in the ranking of alcohol drinking among teens. In 2001 the results for Britain were WORSE / BETTER than the present study. The study asked if teenagers had got drunk BEFORE / AFTER they were 13 years old. Politicians are worried because the number of CHILDREN / TEENAGERS drinking alcohol has increased. British teenagers have also increased the use of cannabis and COCAINE / CONDOMS. British teenagers are among the heaviest drinkers in EUROPE / THE WORLD. Teens are watching many advertisements that say that drinking alcohol is DANGEROUS / A NATURAL PART OF LIFE. The Scottish National Party wants supermarkets to sell alcohol to people older than 21 / 18 years old. Binge drinking kills every year 2.3 / 50 million people in the world.
  • 11. UNDERAGE DRINKING IN BRITAIN “AMONG WORST IN THE WORLD” British teenagers rank among worst in world for binge drinking, a major international report will disclose later this week. A study, by the World Health Organisation, will show that more young people in Britain have been drunk at a young age than in most other developed countries. The figures, published every couple of years and to be released on Wednesday, look at the intake of alcohol and drugs, and the sexual behaviour, of young teenagers in 41 countries across the world. They are expected to show that Britain has the fourth highest levels of underage drinking among 15-year-olds. The ranking is a slight improvement on the last publication of the report, in 2001, when Britain's teens were placed second behind only Denmark as the heaviest consumers of beer, wine, or spirits. That study compared the number of 15-year-olds who admitted that they had been drunk at or before the age of 13. Last month ministers announced new plans to target the problem, with a multi-million pound advertising campaign highlighting the dangers of underage binge drinking. Official figures show that there has been a 37 per cent increase in the number of children being admitted to hospital because of alcohol since 2001. In 2006-7 there were 8,072 cases, up from 5,885 in 2000-1, the figures, obtained by the Liberal Democrats show. The WHO report is also expected to show that young people in Britain have among the highest cannabis use in the world. British teens are also using more condoms than in previous years, the study, which concentrates on the behaviours of 11, 13 and 15-year-olds, will show, possibly as a result of safe sex messages. Frank Soodeen, from Alcohol Concern, said that a radical change was needed to tackle a culture of underage binge drinking among Britain's young people. He said: "The new WHO figures confirm what earlier studies have already established. British teenagers are simply some of the heaviest drinkers in Europe. "While the new youth alcohol action plan shows that government is acutely aware of the problem, there are widespread concerns that it doesn't go to the heart of why teenagers are drinking heavily. "Not only do many of these children grow up in challenging social environments but they are bombarded with hundreds of millions of pounds worth of advertising telling them that drinking is a completely natural, and safe part of life." Scotland's ruling Scottish National Party (SNP) is set to announce plans to raise the age at which young people can buy alcohol in off licences and supermarkets from 18 to 21. Although under-21s will still be able to drinks in pubs and clubs, the SNP believes that the move will have help to curb problem drinking among young people. The Association of Chief Police Officers warned earlier this year that 50 per cent of young drinkers were getting alcohol from their parents. The WHO plans to draw up a global strategy to tackle binge drinking among young people and other forms of harmful drinking, which it blames for 2.3 million deaths across the globe every year. By Kate Devlin and Andrew Porter MORE INFORMATION AND VIDEO
  • 12. ACTIVITY SEVEN – AUTHENTIC READING - 2 COMMUNITY SERVICE Robbie, the protagonist of the film, is sentenced to some hours of Community Service. To know what Community Service is and how it works, please read the text on the next page and answer these questions 1. What is a Community Service order? 2. Who does this work? 3. How many hours of work do people do? 4. Which salary do they receive? 5. If you do not agree, can you do Community Service? 6. What contract do you sign before you begin work? 7. What work do you have to do at Community Service? 8. Who are the Community Service Supervisors? 9. Why do you have to attend an initial interview? 10. What happens if you are judged unfit for work?
  • 14. ACTIVITY EIGHT - 500 MILES IN 33 PREPOSITIONS back up for next for In the film, when the four friends go to the Highlands we hear the song 500 MILES performed by a band called The Proclaimers, a Scottish group composed of identical twin brothers Charlie and Craig Reid. down along to down without at back in out on to along to down to at with with with out out about with to with at up with Follow the link below and listen to the song. Can you fill in the blanks with the prepositions you have in the box? 500 MILES
  • 15. When I wake 1………….….. , well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who wakes 2 ………….….. 3 ………….….. you. When I go 4………….….. , yeah I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who goes 5 ………….….. 6 ………….….. you. But I would walk 500 miles, And I would walk 500 more, Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles To fall 20 ………….….. 21 ………….….. your door If I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk 7 ………….….. 8 ………….….. you. And if I haver, yeah I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's havering 9 ………….….. you. When I'm lonely, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who’s lonely 22 ………….….. you. When I'm dreaming, well I know I'm gonna dream, I’m gonna dream 23 ………….….. the time when I'm 24 ………….….. you. But I would walk 500 miles, And I would walk 500 more, Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles To fall 10 ………….….. 11 ………….….. your door. When I go 25 ………….….. well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who goes 26 ………….….. 27 ………….….. 28 ………….….. you. When I come home, yes I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who comes 29 ………….….. home 30 ………….….. you. I’m gonna be the man who’s coming home 31 ………….….. you. When I'm working, yes I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's working hard 12 ………….….. you. And when the money comes 13 ………….….. 14 ………….….. the work I'll do, I'll pass almost every penny 15 ………….….. 16 ………….….. you When I come home, yeah I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who comes 17 ………….….. home 18 ………….….. you. And if I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who's growing old 19 ………….….. you. But I would walk 500 miles, And I would walk 500 more, Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles To fall 32 ………….….. 33 ………….….. your door. ◊◊◊