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CetgK o l g o t f t lkdD t
           rain n w d e u o I eine a
                   e        nr      a
                                          These slides are published under :

       Plenary Meeting, Vienna
       WP 10 Overview, Status, Outreach
       Training, Dissemination, Community
       Building, Fertilization

                                        Martin Kaltenböck
                                         Smn W b o pn ( W )
                                         e at e C mayS C
L D Pee tt n . 0 .0 .2 1 . P g
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Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
                  r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a
                   a      e       nr      a

        D e s c r ip t io n o f W o r k

        T e e eaa o tis ok akg is oet lh worldwide foc al point for
         h g n rlim fh wr p ca e t s b a       a is
        ac ademic and indus try parties ineet in o t uin t o t in a vna e fh
                                          t s d c nr tg o ra g da t o te
                                           r e       ib       k        g
        n vline D t m to o g s n c m o e t wic wlm re te rj tI
         oeL kd a e d l ie a d o p n ns h h il eg in h po c n
                       a h o                       ,       e           e.
        p r u r u atits il e ag t a
         at l o r c ie wl t e d t
            ic a       iv        b r e :

        • informing the c ommunity o te t eo teat ee p e t t in
                                    fh s t fh - rd vl m ns a g
                                        a- -        o       k
         p c in h fl
           l e te ie ,
           a           d

        • dis s eminating the projec t res ults in re t f t c m u itb il g
                                                  od ro o e o m ny ud
                                                         sr             in
         a dt cet a im at n d s y n rsac in uo e wr w e
          n o ra n p c o in ut a d eerh E rp & ol id ,
                     e                      r                       d

        • providing training t ineet a d n e in h t h o g s
                             o t s d u ie cs te e n l ie
                                  r e              c o
         d vl e tru h u te rj t
           ee p d ho g o th po c
              o                     e?

2 LOD2 Plenary     Page   2                                  
Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
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         L O D 2 p a r t n e r s in v o lv e d

          ULE I (5 PM)
                                                 All 10 partners involved
          C I P )
            W( M
               3                                         In WP 10!
          N I( P )
            UG 4 M
          F B( P )
           U 4 M
          O e L k4P )
            p n in ( M                           + N w L D P r es
                                                    e 5 O 2 at r
          S WC (7 PM)                            U P( P )
                                                  E 5M
          T n oc ( P )
           e F re3 M                             Z M( P )
                                                  E 3 M
          Ea a ( P )
            xl d 3 M
             e                                   I (P )
                                                 2 1M
          W D( P )
            K 4 M
                                                 I P( P )
                                                 M 1M
          OKFN (7 PM)
                                                 K IT( P )
                                                  AS 7 M
3 LOD2 Plenary      Page   3                                      
Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
                  r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a
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         T a s k s a n d T im e lin e
         Tas k 10.1 Training
         ( 1 – M7
          M 4 3)
         •I en l c 2f e rin g
          n raf e a Ta in
           t      a       c
         •E t n lrin g
           x raTa in
         •P DPo rm e
           h rga m

         Tas k 10.2 Dis s emination, C ommunity Building
          & C ros s -Fertilization
         ( 1– 4 )
          M     8
         •S ie t D sm a n
           c nif ise in t
                 ic             io
         •I ut l ise in tn
          n s iaD sm a
           d r                  io
         •O le aktgatits cos l e t dt g t ru s
           n M r in c ie ars a id nif a e go p
             in        e        iv         l     ie r

4 LOD2 Plenary     Page   4                      
Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
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        D e liv e r a b le s a n d T im e lin e s

         •       1 .1 L Dt in gc us f et n lu ie c ( 1 )
                  0 .1 O r in o r o x raa d n eM 8
                           a        e r e
         •       1 .1 P Dwr h pa dsm e sh o( 1 , M 6 M 8
                  0 .2 h ok o n u m r c o l 4 2 , 3 )
                             s                 M
         •       1 .2 C nin o s u d t po c wb it ( 14 )
                  0 .1 o tu ul p a d rj t e seM - 8
                               y    e    e
         •       1 .2 C nin o s u d t d sm a n l ( 13 )
                  0 .2 o tu ul p a d ise in t p n M - 6
                               y    e        io a
         •       1 .2 R p ro d sm a n c m u itb il ga dcos
                  0 .3 e ot n ise in t , o m ny ud
                                     io             in n rs-
                 f t a nM 2 2 , 3 )
                 e il t ( 1 , 4 6
                  riz io

         • Keep in mind: W 1 h s ob in l e oo ea n it W 1
                          P 0 a t e c s c - p rt wh P 1
                                       o        io
           E p it io & t d riztn
            x l a n Sa ad a
              o t         n    io

5 LOD2 Plenary        Page   5                       
Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
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        W h a t w e h a v e d o n e s o f a r : im p o r t a n t L O D 2
        d is s e m in a t io n c h a n n e ls
       lo d 2 @ is t s . o k f n . o r g
       h t t p : //w w w . f l i c k r . c o m /p h o t o s /l o d 2 /
v e y h t t p : //s u r v e y . l o d 2 . e u
        h t t p : //l o d 2 . e u /B l o g P o s t /w e b i n a r - s e r i e s
        h t t p : //w w w . d a t a - f o r u m . e u
          Remark: please use #lod2 on twitter for your posts & connect with: lod2project
                  Many thanks in advance!! AND new: #l o d 2 s t a c k
6 LOD2 Plenary        Page   6                                                   
Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
                    r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a
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        W h a t w e h a v e d o n e s o f a r : L O D 2 In t e r v ie w
        S e r ie s
     ULEI                                                              OKFN
     The Hype, the Hope,                                           Advocates
     and the LOD                                              on Transparency

                 Wolters Kluwer
                 A stable content environment                               REEEP & NREL
                 for the dynamic media market                               LOD Energy related
                                                                            Information Systems
                                                Search using the power
                                                of the cloud

7 LOD2 Plenary          Page   7                                                   
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        Wha t w e ha ve d o ne s o fa r: L O D 2 O G D
        S t a k e h o ld e r S u r v e y

          • Analyzing the 340 responses showed the importance of facilitating Open
            Government Data

          • Geospatial information, Scientific & Environmental Data are the top
            ranked requested domains.

          • National & regional data seems to be most important for users

          • It shows a shift in currently used formats to new formats

          • It shows that the source of a dataset is the most important indicator for
            quality assurance

          • White Papers, Best Practise and Success Stories are requested as
            additional information on

                 Results & raw data available online: h t t p : //s u r v e y . l o d 2 . e u
8 LOD2 Plenary          Page      8                                                   
Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
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        W h a t w e h a v e d o n e s o f a r : T r a in in g A c t iv it ie s

      LOD2 Webinar Series

      09.11.2012, Linked Data Management (143, 62), SWCG, AT, Presentation

      29.11. 11 – LOD2 Stack (71/35), 1st release (TenForce, Belgium) – Slideshare, Recording

      20.12. 11 – Virtuoso (62/37, Open Link Software) – Slideshare, Youtube

      24.01. 12 – OntoWiki (40/21, University of Leipzig, Germany) – Slideshare, Youtube

      21.02. 12 – SILK Workbench (98/54) Free University of Berlin) – Slideshare, Youtube

      27.03. 12 – LIMES (University of Leipzig) – information & registration

      24.04. 12 – D2R (University of Leipzig) – information & registration

9 LOD2 Plenary       Page   9                                               
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       W h a t w e h a v e d o n e s o f a r : P U B L IN K C o n s u lt in g
       S e r v ic e

        • PubLink helps selected organizations
          with a f o c u s e d c o n s u l t i n g effort of 10-15
          days t o p u b l i s h a n d m a k e u s e o u t o f L i n k e d D a t a

        • PubLink helps to e v a l u a t e t h e L O D 2
          t e c h n o l o g i e s and to i n c r e a s e t h e w e a l t h o f L i n k e d
          D a ta

        • 2 0 12 P U B L I N K p a r t i c i p a n t s include:

        •   Food and Agricure Organisation of UN - LOD2 contact partner: SWCG
        •   Municipality of Udine (Municipality of Udine), Italy - LOD2 contact partner: ULEI
        •   European Envrionment Agency - LOD2 contact partner: TenForce and DERI
        •   Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia - LOD2 contact partner: IMP
        •   Birmingham City Council - LOD2 contact partner: OGL
        •   Bezirksverordnetenversammlung Berlin Kreuzberg - LOD2 contact partner: ULEI

 LOD2 Plenary
10                    Page   10                                                 
Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
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       S h o r t ‚ h o w t o ‘ o n t h e L O D 2 w e b lo g :
       h t t p : //b l o g . l o d 2 . e u


                                                  Us er & pwd   wle rv e o rq et
                                                                 il poid d n e u s

                                                  Pleas e do not forget:
                                                  • U e m a in f te
                                                     s a en g l l
                                                               u it
                                                  • A dp trs v e s oyu p s
                                                     d ic e / id o t o r ot
                                                          u                 s
                                                  • S t uip ct oie
                                                     e m l l a g rs
                                                          te e
                                                  • G e as
                                                     iv tg
                                                  • I et ‚m r t ‘ a e 1t aa rp
                                                    n ra oe a f r s p rga h
                                                     s          g t

                                                  • Iomd sm a nc r t mt po oe
                                                    n r ise in t oe e o rm t
                                                     f         io     a
                                                  • A d/ rtit r sn v L D m ilglt
                                                     n o: wt & e d ia O 2 ain is

 LOD2 Plenary
11                Page   11                                       
Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
                 r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a
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       S ho rt ‚ ho w to ‘    o n t h e L O D 2 p r o je c t w ik i


                                                 Us er & pwd    aed aaa l
                                                                 la y vil e
                                                                 r       b

                                                 Pleas e do not forget:
                                                 • U e m a in f te
                                                     s a en g l l
                                                               u it
                                                 • Fl yu po e u l da h t
                                                    il o r rf & p a p oo
                                                      in     il     o
                                                 • G e as
                                                     iv tg
                                                 • Tyoke a sf s u tr
                                                    r t ep ue lt c e
                                                                u r u
                                                 • U e a h gm c a is we ue l
                                                     s wt in eh n m h n sf
                                                          c                 u
                                                 • D w i g re in wee sf / eesr
                                                     o ik ad n g h r ue l n csay

                                                 • Iomd sm a nc r t mt po oe
                                                   n r ise in t oe e o rm t
                                                    f         io     a
                                                 • A d/ rtit r sn v L D m ilglt
                                                    n o: wt & e d ia O 2 ain is

 LOD2 Plenary
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       O u t r e a c h : n e x t p l a n n e d W P 10 a c t i v i t i e s

            •Continuous up to date website:

            •Motivate LOD2 partners to publish more blog posts and publish blog posts
             by the dissemination team on:

            •Continuous management of viral marketing channels

            •Strong involvement in dissemination activities of all LOD2 partners for:
             LOD2 Stack & EDF2012

            •Continue successful LOD2 webinar series along project duration

            •Bi-monthly TelCos on Dissemination Issues of LOD2 to involve more partners!

         Remark: please use #lod2 on twitter for your posts & connect with: lod2project
                 Many thanks in advance!! AND: #l o d 2 s t a c k !
 LOD2 Plenary
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Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t
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       S o me a nno unc e me nts a t the e nd

                              European Data Forum 2012
                              6. – 7. June 2012, Copenhagen, DK

                              LOD2 is one of main organisers

                              I-Semantics 2012
                              5. – 7. September 2012, Graz, AT

                              LOD2 / SWCG is main organisers

                              OKFEST 2012
                              17.-22. September 2012, Helsinki, FIN

                              LOD2 / OKFN is main organisers

 LOD2 Plenary
14                Page   14                                 
These slides are published under :

T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r a t t e n t io n !

M a r t in K a lt e n b ö c k , C M C
Meta Data Management made easy:

Phone: +43 - 1 - 402 12 35 – 25

LOD2 Project:
LOD2 OGD StakeholderSurvey:
PUBLINK LOD Consultancy:

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LOD2 Plenary Vienna 2012: WP10 - Training, Dissemination, Community Building, Fertilization

  • 1. CetgK o l g o t f t lkdD t rain n w d e u o I eine a e nr a These slides are published under : Plenary Meeting, Vienna WP 10 Overview, Status, Outreach Training, Dissemination, Community Building, Fertilization Martin Kaltenböck Smn W b o pn ( W ) e at e C mayS C ic L D Pee tt n . 0 .0 .2 1 . P g O 2 rsnaio 2 9 00 ae ht:/o 2 u t / d .e p l
  • 2. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a D e s c r ip t io n o f W o r k T e e eaa o tis ok akg is oet lh worldwide foc al point for h g n rlim fh wr p ca e t s b a a is ac ademic and indus try parties ineet in o t uin t o t in a vna e fh t s d c nr tg o ra g da t o te r e ib k g n vline D t m to o g s n c m o e t wic wlm re te rj tI oeL kd a e d l ie a d o p n ns h h il eg in h po c n a h o , e e. p r u r u atits il e ag t a at l o r c ie wl t e d t ic a iv b r e : • informing the c ommunity o te t eo teat ee p e t t in fh s t fh - rd vl m ns a g a- - o k p c in h fl l e te ie , a d • dis s eminating the projec t res ults in re t f t c m u itb il g od ro o e o m ny ud sr in a dt cet a im at n d s y n rsac in uo e wr w e n o ra n p c o in ut a d eerh E rp & ol id , e r d • providing training t ineet a d n e in h t h o g s o t s d u ie cs te e n l ie r e c o d vl e tru h u te rj t ee p d ho g o th po c o e? 2 LOD2 Plenary Page 2
  • 3. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a L O D 2 p a r t n e r s in v o lv e d ULE I (5 PM) All 10 partners involved C I P ) W( M 3 In WP 10! N I( P ) UG 4 M F B( P ) U 4 M O e L k4P ) p n in ( M + N w L D P r es e 5 O 2 at r n S WC (7 PM) U P( P ) E 5M T n oc ( P ) e F re3 M Z M( P ) E 3 M Ea a ( P ) xl d 3 M e I (P ) 2 1M G W D( P ) K 4 M I P( P ) M 1M OKFN (7 PM) K IT( P ) AS 7 M 3 LOD2 Plenary Page 3
  • 4. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a T a s k s a n d T im e lin e Tas k 10.1 Training ( 1 – M7 M 4 3) •I en l c 2f e rin g n raf e a Ta in t a c •E t n lrin g x raTa in e •P DPo rm e h rga m Tas k 10.2 Dis s emination, C ommunity Building & C ros s -Fertilization ( 1– 4 ) M 8 •S ie t D sm a n c nif ise in t ic io •I ut l ise in tn n s iaD sm a d r io •O le aktgatits cos l e t dt g t ru s n M r in c ie ars a id nif a e go p in e iv l ie r 4 LOD2 Plenary Page 4
  • 5. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a D e liv e r a b le s a n d T im e lin e s • 1 .1 L Dt in gc us f et n lu ie c ( 1 ) 0 .1 O r in o r o x raa d n eM 8 a e r e • 1 .1 P Dwr h pa dsm e sh o( 1 , M 6 M 8 0 .2 h ok o n u m r c o l 4 2 , 3 ) s M • 1 .2 C nin o s u d t po c wb it ( 14 ) 0 .1 o tu ul p a d rj t e seM - 8 y e e • 1 .2 C nin o s u d t d sm a n l ( 13 ) 0 .2 o tu ul p a d ise in t p n M - 6 y e io a • 1 .2 R p ro d sm a n c m u itb il ga dcos 0 .3 e ot n ise in t , o m ny ud io in n rs- f t a nM 2 2 , 3 ) e il t ( 1 , 4 6 riz io • Keep in mind: W 1 h s ob in l e oo ea n it W 1 P 0 a t e c s c - p rt wh P 1 o io E p it io & t d riztn x l a n Sa ad a o t n io 5 LOD2 Plenary Page 5
  • 6. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a W h a t w e h a v e d o n e s o f a r : im p o r t a n t L O D 2 d is s e m in a t io n c h a n n e ls lo d 2 @ is t s . o k f n . o r g l h t t p : //w w w . f l i c k r . c o m /p h o t o s /l o d 2 / v e y h t t p : //s u r v e y . l o d 2 . e u h t t p : //l o d 2 . e u /B l o g P o s t /w e b i n a r - s e r i e s h t t p : //w w w . d a t a - f o r u m . e u Remark: please use #lod2 on twitter for your posts & connect with: lod2project Many thanks in advance!! AND new: #l o d 2 s t a c k 6 LOD2 Plenary Page 6
  • 7. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a W h a t w e h a v e d o n e s o f a r : L O D 2 In t e r v ie w S e r ie s ULEI OKFN The Hype, the Hope, Advocates and the LOD on Transparency Wolters Kluwer A stable content environment REEEP & NREL for the dynamic media market LOD Energy related Information Systems EXALEAD Search using the power of the cloud 7 LOD2 Plenary Page 7
  • 8. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a Wha t w e ha ve d o ne s o fa r: L O D 2 O G D S t a k e h o ld e r S u r v e y • Analyzing the 340 responses showed the importance of facilitating Open Government Data • Geospatial information, Scientific & Environmental Data are the top ranked requested domains. • National & regional data seems to be most important for users • It shows a shift in currently used formats to new formats • It shows that the source of a dataset is the most important indicator for quality assurance • White Papers, Best Practise and Success Stories are requested as additional information on Results & raw data available online: h t t p : //s u r v e y . l o d 2 . e u 8 LOD2 Plenary Page 8
  • 9. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a W h a t w e h a v e d o n e s o f a r : T r a in in g A c t iv it ie s LOD2 Webinar Series 09.11.2012, Linked Data Management (143, 62), SWCG, AT, Presentation 29.11. 11 – LOD2 Stack (71/35), 1st release (TenForce, Belgium) – Slideshare, Recording 20.12. 11 – Virtuoso (62/37, Open Link Software) – Slideshare, Youtube 24.01. 12 – OntoWiki (40/21, University of Leipzig, Germany) – Slideshare, Youtube 21.02. 12 – SILK Workbench (98/54) Free University of Berlin) – Slideshare, Youtube 27.03. 12 – LIMES (University of Leipzig) – information & registration 24.04. 12 – D2R (University of Leipzig) – information & registration 9 LOD2 Plenary Page 9
  • 10. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a W h a t w e h a v e d o n e s o f a r : P U B L IN K C o n s u lt in g S e r v ic e • PubLink helps selected organizations with a f o c u s e d c o n s u l t i n g effort of 10-15 days t o p u b l i s h a n d m a k e u s e o u t o f L i n k e d D a t a • PubLink helps to e v a l u a t e t h e L O D 2 t e c h n o l o g i e s and to i n c r e a s e t h e w e a l t h o f L i n k e d D a ta • 2 0 12 P U B L I N K p a r t i c i p a n t s include: • Food and Agricure Organisation of UN - LOD2 contact partner: SWCG • Municipality of Udine (Municipality of Udine), Italy - LOD2 contact partner: ULEI • European Envrionment Agency - LOD2 contact partner: TenForce and DERI • Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia - LOD2 contact partner: IMP • Birmingham City Council - LOD2 contact partner: OGL • Bezirksverordnetenversammlung Berlin Kreuzberg - LOD2 contact partner: ULEI LOD2 Plenary 10 Page 10
  • 11. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a S h o r t ‚ h o w t o ‘ o n t h e L O D 2 w e b lo g : h t t p : //b l o g . l o d 2 . e u Login: Us er & pwd wle rv e o rq et il poid d n e u s b Pleas e do not forget: • U e m a in f te s a en g l l u it • A dp trs v e s oyu p s d ic e / id o t o r ot u s • S t uip ct oie e m l l a g rs te e • G e as iv tg • I et ‚m r t ‘ a e 1t aa rp n ra oe a f r s p rga h s g t • Iomd sm a nc r t mt po oe n r ise in t oe e o rm t f io a • A d/ rtit r sn v L D m ilglt n o: wt & e d ia O 2 ain is e LOD2 Plenary 11 Page 11
  • 12. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a S ho rt ‚ ho w to ‘ o n t h e L O D 2 p r o je c t w ik i Login: Us er & pwd aed aaa l la y vil e r b Pleas e do not forget: • U e m a in f te s a en g l l u it • Fl yu po e u l da h t il o r rf & p a p oo in il o • G e as iv tg • Tyoke a sf s u tr r t ep ue lt c e u r u • U e a h gm c a is we ue l s wt in eh n m h n sf c u • D w i g re in wee sf / eesr o ik ad n g h r ue l n csay u • Iomd sm a nc r t mt po oe n r ise in t oe e o rm t f io a • A d/ rtit r sn v L D m ilglt n o: wt & e d ia O 2 ain is e LOD2 Plenary 12 Page 12
  • 13. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a O u t r e a c h : n e x t p l a n n e d W P 10 a c t i v i t i e s •Continuous up to date website: •Motivate LOD2 partners to publish more blog posts and publish blog posts by the dissemination team on: •Continuous management of viral marketing channels •Strong involvement in dissemination activities of all LOD2 partners for: LOD2 Stack & EDF2012 •Continue successful LOD2 webinar series along project duration •Bi-monthly TelCos on Dissemination Issues of LOD2 to involve more partners! Remark: please use #lod2 on twitter for your posts & connect with: lod2project Many thanks in advance!! AND: #l o d 2 s t a c k ! LOD2 Plenary 13 Page 13
  • 14. Cetg nw de u o Ieine D t r in Ko l g ot f t lkd a a e nr a S o me a nno unc e me nts a t the e nd European Data Forum 2012 6. – 7. June 2012, Copenhagen, DK LOD2 is one of main organisers I-Semantics 2012 5. – 7. September 2012, Graz, AT LOD2 / SWCG is main organisers OKFEST 2012 17.-22. September 2012, Helsinki, FIN LOD2 / OKFN is main organisers LOD2 Plenary 14 Page 14
  • 15. These slides are published under : T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r a t t e n t io n ! M a r t in K a lt e n b ö c k , C M C Web: Blog: Meta Data Management made easy: Mail: Phone: +43 - 1 - 402 12 35 – 25 LOD2 Project: LOD2 OGD StakeholderSurvey: PUBLINK LOD Consultancy: