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State and
Industrial Relations
The modern state and its
  It will almost be impossible to understand
   in any meaningful sense the nature of
   industrial relations and trade unionism in
   any country without first looking at the
   role played by the state or government.
The modern state and its
  The reason for this seems simple
   enough: society has to be governed or
   managed by a group of people for the
   citizens to go about their own businesses
   and activities safely and systematically.
The modern state and its
  The problem of maintaining any social
   order is constant, and unavoidable, and
   remains intertwined with the rise and
   development of the modern state.
The modern state and its
  It is not merely by accident that a few
   persons or a relatively large number of
   persons find themselves in positions of
   authority and exercise power over others.
The modern state and its
  Under feudalism, those in position of power
   claimed that God more or less made life that
  In that period, it was not very difficult to identify
   the ‘State’ and its origins for, as King Louis XIV
   of France was reported to have said in French,
   “I am the State”: those who owned everything,
   including the power of life and death over
   peasants, slaves, serfs, etc., literally embodied
   the State in their person and activities.
The modern state and its
  Specific territories and persons and property
   therein were expressly owned by specific
   individuals (king, emperor, prince, etc.) or
   groups of individuals and as such the fortunes
   and governance of these rose and fell
   according to the plight or circumstances of
   those who owned them.
  The right to life and other rights and liberties
   were granted as a favour.
The modern state and its
origins - Hegel

  Hegel, in his discussion of the philosophy
   of the State, conceived public
   administration as a BRIDGE between the
The modern state and its
origins - Hegel

  The CIVIL SOCIETY comprised the
   professions, the corporations which
   represented the various PARTICULAR
   INTERESTS, with the State representing
The modern state and its
origins - Hegel

  Between the two, the BUREAUCRACY
   was the medium through which this
   passage from the PARTICULAR to the
   GENERAL INTEREST became possible.
The modern state and its
origins - Hegel

  Hegel, in effect, expected there to be
   ‘opposition’ between the PARTICULAR
   interests of the corporations (that
   represented the interests of organised
   capital, their owners and the professions)
   and the COMMON interest represented
   by the state.
The modern state and its
origins - Hegel

  In this social order, political franchise
   was very limited, extended only to the
   aristocracy, the emergent wealthy groups
   (landed or rentier, mercantile and
   industrial capitalists), their corporations
   and organised professional associations.
The modern state and its
origins - Hegel

  In the struggle for domination of society,
   Hegel imagined that through the
   bureaucracy and other sets of activities,
   the State would somehow stand for the
   protection of general interests.
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  Karl Marx accepted Hegel’s tripartite
   structure of society made up of the state,
   bureaucracy (in terms of state
   administration) and civil society, but
   disagreed with Hegel over their
   composition and the role each one of
   them plays in a capitalist society.
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  According to Marx, this “opposition”
   offered by the
   administration/bureaucracy to the State
   as envisaged by Hegel does not exist
   because the State does not represent the
   general or common interest but the
   particular interests of the dominant social
   class, a social class that itself is a part of
   the civil society.
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  Indeed, ‘the executive of the modern
   state is but a committee for managing the
   common affairs of the whole
   bourgeoisie,’ Marx and Engels had
   maintained instead.
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  Marx’s central argument is that all human
   society through history is class-dominated, the
   nature and character of the dominant social
   class depending on the epoch. And, as such,
   the state (however composed) has historically
   always served class (particular and privileged)
   interests and not general interests.
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  Thus, ‘the elaboration of state institutions has
   been closely associated with the development
   of antagonistic class interests, and their
   functions have always included the
   reinforcement of the system of class rule
   enshrined in the existing social order by
   suppressing acts of resistance and revolt by
   subordinate classes.’
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  From this viewpoint,
  a) bureaucracy constitutes a very specific and
   particular social group,
  b) that the state administration/bureaucracy is
   not a social class, and along with the State
   itself, is an instrument by which the dominant
   class exercises its domination over society.
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  In this way, to a certain degree, the future and
   the interests of bureaucracy are closely linked
   to those of the dominant class and the State.
   Its justification and existence depends on
  In capitalist society, the real task of
   bureaucracy is to impose on the whole of
   society an order of things which consolidates
   and perpetuates class division and domination.
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  At the same time, its other task is to
   mask this domination by interposing itself
   as the general interest smoke screen
   between exploiters and exploited.
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  But, on the other hand, as bureaucracy is
   not an integral part of the capitalist class,
   it has a certain autonomy which makes
   conflict with its masters possible. This
   conflict cannot go beyond certain limits,
   which are always determined by the
   existing forces and relations of
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  Briefly, from the above, it follows that
   bureaucracy does not occupy an organic
   position in the social structure, as it is not
   directly linked with the process of production.
   Its existence and development has a transient
   and parasitic character. Its main task is to
   maintain the status quo and the privileges of its
The modern state and its
origins - Karl Marx

  From this point of view bureaucracy and further
   bureaucratisation become unavoidable and
   indispensable in a society divided into social
  Indeed the political system of such a society
   increasingly requires further and stricter control
   for the maintenance of the divisions and
   inequalities among its various groups.
Current arguments

  The debate, since Marx, over the nature of the state
   and thus of modern capitalist society has not subsided,
   a great many attempts directed more at confusing the
   issues rather shedding more light. Certainly, most of
   the attempts have been driven by the desire to
   ‘disprove’ Marx over
  a) the existence of two social classes in society (by the
   same token, the degree of exploitation in society);
  b) the partisan role of the state; and
  c) the conception of a communist or classless society.
Current arguments - nature of
the state

  On the composition of the state and its
   apparatuses, the generalised picture of non-
   Marxian position is as follows. The modern
   state has as its core the ‘government’, its other
   arms being the main civil service, legislature
   (where they exist), local government, judiciary,
   public utilities and parastatals, law enforcement
   and intelligence agencies, and the armed
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  The group of people who make up
   the government carry out the
   functions we call ‘governance’, and
   the government consequently has
   the constitutional responsibility to
   pass laws to regulate the conduct of
   citizens and institutions in the
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  It is because this general role is so
   important to the survival of a country
   and of the dominant classes that
   how a government comes into being
   is not left to chance and the
   processes and procedures for
   composing it are usually spelt out.
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  The existence of a government means
   that the citizens temporarily give up
   some of their own power or sovereignty,
   through their elected representatives, as
   it is not possible for everyone to
   physically and directly participate in
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  And it is through representatives
   and by periodically changing them
   that citizens can indirectly contribute
   to decisions affecting their lives. This
   process is both delegation of power
   and political democracy.
Current arguments
- Nature of the state

  This is also why it is not possible to
   justify an authoritarian regime or a
   dictatorship in the name of the
   people or citizens: dictatorships
   seize the power or sovereignty of the
   people and which may or may not be
   used (overwhelmingly, the latter) to
   further the general interest or good.
Current arguments - Nature
of the State

  For modern liberal governments to function effectively
   and legitimately, they have to be first elected according
   to laid down rules and procedures (usually contained in
   a constitution), and when elected make rules or laws.
   For these rules or laws to be implemented and to
   regulate the conduct of all, institutions are established,
   and this is what accounts for the existence of the civil
   service, local government, the judiciary, police,
   customs, immigration, armed forces, and other public
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  Even unelected governments, such as military
   regimes and territories ruled by absolute
   monarchs/kings, also make laws and develop
   the above-mentioned institutions to implement
   them. Where such citizens accept and believe
   such rulers have a right to make laws without
   consulting or involving them, then such rulers
   may not feel the need to justify or explain their
   laws and actions.
Current arguments - Nature of
the State
  Nowadays, however, even authoritarian and
   military regimes find that they have to explain
   and defend some of the laws they decree into
   existence and many of their decisions and
   actions are contested by their own citizens and
   the international community in a new age of
   individual and fundamental human rights after
   the collapse of the Soviet Union and so-called
   East European countries.
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  Anyway, once a government is in place, it
   claims the role of regulating the conduct of
   everyone inside the country, and since all
   interests groups in society have some sectional
   or private interests to protect, the dislike and
   contestation of some government policies are
   bound to occur any time a specific law or policy
   negatively affects such sectional interests.
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  It should also be borne in mind that although a
   government may have the power to make laws, those
   laws that do not conform to laid down procedures in
   their enactment or violate those rights and privileges
   protected by the constitution and are universally
   recognised and embodied in the various conventions
   and declarations of international institutions (e.g. the
   United Nations Organisation - UNO) can be declared
   unlawful by the courts. It is to avoid this that some
   military dictatorships introduce so-called ‘ouster
   clauses’ that prevent the law courts from even
   examining such laws.
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  Wherever there are private and public employers and
   individuals are physically and legally free to secure
   paid employment, workers exist. So also would a
   private employment contract be created, whether
   verbal or written. Those relations arising from the
   employment situation, including attempts by the private
   employer, public employer and workers to sort out
   differences over terms of employment and other issues
   that may arise from time to time often involve the state.
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  The state itself is both an employer and
   the institution that makes laws to regulate
   the activities of everyone else, including
   those of private employers and workers
   and their organisations.
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  These two interests, that of employer and
   ostensible regulator, can and do conflict
   and sometimes influence the kind of laws
   passed to regulate the three parties in
   industrial relations.
Current arguments - Nature of
the State

  So, the right of the state to regulate or
   intervene seems to be widely accepted in
   principle by all parties in industry, but
   how far, where and how frequently are
   often the problem. How far, where and
   how frequently the state intervenes can
   hardly be separated from the nature of
   the state itself.
Role of the State

 The logic underlying orthodox explanations
  dictates that the state has to be an arbiter.
 Not particularly concerned with the historical
  evolution of state’s regulatory capacity, the
  focus and emphasis in such explanations is on
  the integrative function of regulation - a
  snapshot of the present or status quo.
 Clearly then, the state operates at three levels:
  the international, the national level and then at
  the micro-level (organisations).
Role of the State

 At the international level, the state
  disappears from the analysis, to be
  replaced by such doctrines as
  ‘comparative advantage’ in international
  trade and ‘market forces’. Transnational
  companies have global operations and
  make profits by being ‘more competitive’
  and ‘beating the opposition’.
Role of the State

 Here the state is supposed to protect
  ‘national interests’ through a judicious
  mix of policies: import-export controls,
  tax regime, investments in ‘sensitive
  sectors of the economy’, diplomatic
  pressures on foreign governments to
  ‘open up trade’, and so forth.
Role of the State

 For the national and micro levels,
  because of the regulatory and sometimes
  mediatory roles of the government, some
  have strenuously argued and struggled
  to give the impression that the state is in
  principle ‘neutral’: that it is merely a
  question of taking case by case and
  examining state’s role.
Role of the State

 That, sometimes, government’s decision
  might favour the employer, and at other
  times the worker and his/her
  organisation. The examples of Factories
  Act and similar legislation that seek to
  establish minimum health and other
  standards at the work place may be seen
  as favouring workers.
Role of the State
 On the question of the state attempting to
  establish health and safety standards at
  the work-place representing an even-
  handed approach, such a position
  assumes the meeting of such standards
  (physical work space, lighting, noise
  levels, dust levels, protective clothing
  against chemicals, gas, etc.) to be added
  cost that employers can do without.
Bias of the system

  In addition to the above, private industry
   requires investments to make profits, and
   ensuing profits are supposedly ploughed
   back as further investments for more
   profits. In this process, more jobs might
   be created and government can derive
   some revenue from taxes and as duties.
Bias of the system

  Many government’s attempt to create ‘a
   favourable climate for investments’ by lowering
   corporate and production taxes, engaging in
   periodic downward review of import tariffs,
   keeping a lid on wages and salaries, etc., aside
   from the fact that most laws are geared to the
   protection of private property can only but
   favour managements and investors.
Bias of the system

  A government that is dedicated to the
   protection of private property and minimising
   disruptions to production and seeking the
   elimination of ‘threats’ to investments and
   investors, and ‘ensure a buoyant economy’,
   CANNOT BE NEUTRAL in industrial relations.
  Quite simply, there is no ‘economic growth’ and
   ‘buoyant economy’ without profit-making
   private companies in this context.
Bias of the system

  Trade unions, striking workers,
   protesting students, all those seeking
   improvements in their terms of
   employment commonly tend to constitute
   a ‘threat’ of a sort before the eyes of
   most state functionaries - much more so
   under military regimes that cannot
   stomach any opposition or protests.
Bias of the system

  In addition, where many members of the ruling
   group and elite of the state system (civil
   service, parastatal, local governments,
   judiciary, police, armed forces, intelligence
   agencies, etc.) are investors and own
   companies (results of privatisation, etc.),
   hostile labour legislation is to be expected, and
   harassment of workers and other vocal groups
   in society by the whole range of law
   enforcement agencies routine.
Bias of the system

  It is not convincing to portray the
   mediating role of the state in conflict
   situations as neutral. The institutions and
   processes of mediation, conciliation and
   arbitration are in reality manipulable and
   contestable, especially as the state often
   sets the limits within which they operate.
Bias of the system
  For example, decision-making processes in
   business organisations are autocratically
   arrived at, yet a group of workers reacting to
   some of such decisions that affect them
   adversely may be required by law to meet
   several conditions, including balloting before
   going on strike, to determine whether decision
   to strike was democratically arrived at!
Bias of the system

  A minister or employer might take his
   time about taking a dispute to arbitration,
   and eventually when done the pace at
   which proceedings progress is
   subjectively determined by the
   arbitrators), and so on.
Bias of the system

  Or, when a government passes
   legislation to block the bank accounts of
   a trade union whose members are on
   strike, or a court orders same, or
   legislation or court order prevents trade
   unions from using their funds ‘for political
Bias of the system

  There is usually no commensurate
   legislation nor court order preventing
   employers and businesses from doing
   same: indeed, most political parties
   (where they exist) compete for their
   support and patronage!
  The areas most frequently subject to
   state regulation are usually
Main areas of State’s direct

  employment and manpower
  wages and salaries,
  union government and administration;
  collective bargaining; and
  industrial conflict.
Context of state involvement

  According to the pluralist model, all
   groups in society, whether economic,
   socio-cultural, or political, organise to
   meet and protect the interests of their
Context of state involvement

  In respect of industrial relations, for example, most
   private employers and investors, even when they
   recognise the notion of social responsibility, hardly see
   their operations in terms of ‘national interest’. They see
   instead opportunities, markets, sources of finance and
   raw materials, and other resources and constraints that
   can facilitate or hinder their operations within the given
   environment, while their activities at the same time
   serving to shape the environment itself.
Context of state involvement

  Thus, by definition, their interests are
   partisan or sectional and private
   employers largely concern themselves
   with complying with relevant laws and
   agreements reached with workers and
   their trades unions - that is where unions
Context of state involvement

  The wages, fringe benefits, and other welfare
   schemes constitute a cost to them, and official
   policies and trades union activities directed at
   increasing these would habitually be resisted.
   But such resistance, under certain
   circumstances, might in fact be in everyone’s
   interest if the passing on of such costs to the
   consumer would sharply increase the rate of
   inflation and reduce general purchasing power.
Context of state involvement

  The same goes for governments and
   politicians. What this suggests, among
   other possibilities, is that government’s
   economic and social policies may not
   necessarily be in the “national interest” or
   affect a larger number of citizens
   positively all of the time.
Context of state involvement

  Those who control any government (or
   political parties that form such
   governments) have their own agendas
   which they try to achieve within the law
   and constitution, if they have any respect
   left at all for both.
Context of state involvement

  Where governments, like military regimes
   everywhere, have ouster clauses that prevent
   organisations, citizens and the law courts
   themselves from challenging their own laws
   and decisions, any talk of some decision being
   in the national interest must be closely
   examined and questioned, especially where
   the government says there is no alternative to
   its policies and affected parties or the public
   have no way of changing such a policy.
Context of state involvement

  This alone, if nothing else, is why
   democratically elected governments are far
   superior to the most benevolent of military
   regimes: namely, that policies are debated and
   majority vote settles the choice of policy, and
   when such a policy has far too many negative
   consequences, protests and more debates
   arise and the policy is modified in due course.
Context of state involvement

  So, what constitutes normal policy
   making process under democratic
   government is often presented by
   spokesmen of military regimes as
   ‘opposing the government’, ‘subversive
   of the government’s plan’, ‘sabotage’ and
   similar labels.
Context of state involvement

  The phrase ‘national interest’ has
   become an indispensable legitimising
   slogan in government’s propaganda
   machinery everywhere, even in places
   where those in government make it clear
   that they wish to hang on to power
   against the wishes or preferences of the
   public or electorate.
Union government and
  Many governments target the capacity of
   unions to organize by trying to influence
   who can be members, who can stand for
   elections and how often union elections
   can be held, and so forth.
Union government and
  These are complemented by verbal and
   media attacks on union officials, freezing
   some bank accounts, and undermining
   the legitimacy of union executives
   especially in periods of conflict.
Union government and
  While in some countries the Registrar of
   Trade Unions (or equivalent) contributes
   his own part by withdrawing official
   recognition by de-registration,
  recognising an unpopular faction of a
Union government and
  denying some unions permission to
   amalgamate or federate, extending recognition
   to only one central labour organisation,
  insisting on voluntary check-off system,
  balloting before strikes are embarked upon;
  refusing to accept some union accounts when
Union government and
  In any case, all governments attempt to
   influence organised labour everywhere,
   and for a variety of reasons may choose
   to give grants or subventions to trades
   unions or the central labour organisation.
Union government and
  Where a section of the labour movement is itself
   involved in the government of the day (as happens in
   Europe and Britain where some political parties and
   many trade unions have joint committees and are
   inextricably institutionally intertwined), in such a plural
   situation of political parties and trades unions
   subscribing to various and differing ideological
   positions and thus different social agendas, it all then
   boils down to rivalry and competition for the minds of
   the electorate.
Union government and
  Official policies perceived to be inimical to the interests
   of wage earners or to those of a section of the labour
   movement are then opposed by those affected.
Union government and
  However, the situation is contrastingly different
   in Africa, Asia and South America where most
   governments, civilian and military, appear to be
   routinely anti-unions and, aside from direct
   physical attack on union leaders and some
   workers, legislation and decrees which
   severely restrict the capacity of unions to
   function effectively are put in place.
Union government and
  The notion of plurality of interests and the
   democratic right of persons to organise
   and protect such interests do not seem to
   enjoy wide acceptance among those who
   control the levers of power in these
Collective bargaining and
wage bargain

  The state is also heavily involved in
   regulating collective bargaining. The
   state as an employer attempts to
   determine public sector terms through
   various mechanisms, depending on
   whether such public sector employees
   enjoy the legal right to organise or not.
Collective bargaining and
wage bargain

  Where they do not (e.g., Essential
   Services in several countries), quite often
   terms of employment may be determined
   through the establishment and
   functioning of wages and salaries
   commissions, or committee or wages
   board, or some such ad hoc or
   permanent institution.
Collective bargaining and
wage bargain

  There is usually a ministry or official body
   concerned with industrial relations and
   labour matters and some main legislation
   or code which provides a legal
   framework for collective bargaining.
Collective bargaining and
wage bargain

  Of course, developments in the domestic
   and international economy that serve to
   constrain the state and impact on
   collective bargaining processes cannot
   be overlooked.
Collective bargaining and
wage bargain

  Since the mid-1980s the dramatically
   deteriorating standard of living in the face
   of stagflation and decreasing capacity
   utilisation in many industries has
   presented problems of sorts for all
   parties in industry.
Collective bargaining and
wage bargain

  Not all the problems in the economy and
   industry have been caused by world-wide
   economic depression.
  The rate of inflation,
  monetary and fiscal policy,
  autonomy and effectiveness of monetary
   institutions and authorities,
Collective bargaining and
wage bargain

   extra-budgetary expenditures and budget deficits,
  official housing, health and educational policies,
  elite-generated political crises and tensions,
  sourcing of raw materials,
   pricing policies of trading and manufacturing
  activities of middlemen and of market-women and
   men, just to mention a few, all impact upon the
Wage bargain institutions

  Wage bargain institutions in the public
   sector have tended to take
   institutionalised forms as wages
   commissions/committees, wages boards
   or councils.
Wage bargain institutions

  Where workers therein are not organised
   into trades unions, such bodies are
   legally empowered to negotiate salaries,
   fringe benefits and general conditions of
   service for the employees so affected.
Wage bargain institutions

  In the so-called non-unionised private
   sector, special tribunals or commissions
   might be established to investigate
   conditions in some of the establishments
   or industries.
Wage bargain institutions

  What is left of the private sector is
   presumed to be subject to collective
   attempts by management and
   workers at continuously modifying
   terms of employment.
Wage bargain institutions

  But, over and above all, many
   governments adopt some variant of
   incomes and policy guidelines, in spite of
   periodic calls for completely deregulated
   economies or dominance of ‘market
   forces’, to put an upper ceiling on
   percentage increases in wages and
Wage bargain institutions

  Wage bargaining processes are thus
   restricted to the range provided
   under such economic policies,
   percentages that often are below the
   rate of inflation.
Wage bargain institutions

  Wage settlements under such
   incomes policy guidelines remain
   unsatisfactory even before they are
   reached, leaving a residue of
   bitterness and discontentment.
Wage bargain institutions

  In many countries, especially in Africa,
   Asia and South America, such wage
   bargain institutions in the public sector
   are rendered moribund and ineffectual,
   the government preferring the method of
   administrative fiat.
Industrial conflict

  Either through pre-emptive moves or in
   reaction to generalised disquiet and pockets of
   protests alongside adverse press coverage,
   the government would appoint ad hoc inter-
   ministerial, bilateral and tripartite committees
   largely to defuse the situation by addressing
   themselves with much fanfare to particular
Industrial conflict

  Many governments routinely claim the
   maintenance of ‘peace and order’ as one
   of their main functions, and are
   particularly upset over industrial conflicts
   that disrupt production and services.
Industrial conflict

  Quite often, they use intelligence
   organisations, police and soldiers to
   break strikes, either physically or by
   detaining union officials and some
   strikers, physical harassment and
   intimidation, or sending some strikers to
   tribunals/courts for trial.
Industrial conflict

  The government also regulates industrial
   conflict through some decrees or laws
   and institutions. Mediation, conciliation
   and arbitration services are offered by
   some organs of the state, quite often a
   ministry of employment or labour or
   some bodies enjoying a measure of
   institutional autonomy.
Industrial conflict

  Despite the tripartite composition of
   these bodies, in many countries the
   government usually has greater influence
   over them and can and does ignore
   some of their rulings or decisions.
Concluding observations
-Importance of the State

  The first is the determination of the conditions
   on which labour power may be sold: the state
   intervenes to affect the reproduction of labour
   power, for example through social security
   legislation that guarantees minimum living
   standards, the result being that the supply of
   labour power no longer depends solely on the
Concluding observations
-Importance of the State

  Second, there is the regulation of how
   that labour power is used – e.g.
   Compulsory union recognition and
   collective bargaining as means of
   constraining management’s freedom to
   discipline workers.
Concluding observations
-Importance of the State
  Other examples are legislation restricting
   the hours of labour and establishing
   standards of health and safety: the
   employer’s freedom to use the labour
   power that he has bought is restrained
   not only by workers’ own actions but also
   by state regulation.
Concluding observations
-Importance of the State
  Regulations on the price of labour power
   may set limits to what can go on inside
   the labour process, but they do not
   directly shape the pattern of relations.
Concluding observations
-Importance of the State

  Regulations on the use of labour power
   directly constrain employers’ power over
   labour and affect how the labour process
   is organised.
Concluding observations
-Importance of the State
  But, at the end of the day, private
   employers have enough free hand to
   deal with workers as they deem fit.

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State and industrial relations

  • 2. The modern state and its origins  It will almost be impossible to understand in any meaningful sense the nature of industrial relations and trade unionism in any country without first looking at the role played by the state or government.
  • 3. The modern state and its origins  The reason for this seems simple enough: society has to be governed or managed by a group of people for the citizens to go about their own businesses and activities safely and systematically.
  • 4. The modern state and its origins  The problem of maintaining any social order is constant, and unavoidable, and remains intertwined with the rise and development of the modern state.
  • 5. The modern state and its origins  It is not merely by accident that a few persons or a relatively large number of persons find themselves in positions of authority and exercise power over others.
  • 6. The modern state and its origins  Under feudalism, those in position of power claimed that God more or less made life that way.  In that period, it was not very difficult to identify the ‘State’ and its origins for, as King Louis XIV of France was reported to have said in French, “I am the State”: those who owned everything, including the power of life and death over peasants, slaves, serfs, etc., literally embodied the State in their person and activities.
  • 7. The modern state and its origins  Specific territories and persons and property therein were expressly owned by specific individuals (king, emperor, prince, etc.) or groups of individuals and as such the fortunes and governance of these rose and fell according to the plight or circumstances of those who owned them.  The right to life and other rights and liberties were granted as a favour.
  • 8. The modern state and its origins - Hegel  Hegel, in his discussion of the philosophy of the State, conceived public administration as a BRIDGE between the STATE and the CIVIL SOCIETY.
  • 9. The modern state and its origins - Hegel  The CIVIL SOCIETY comprised the professions, the corporations which represented the various PARTICULAR INTERESTS, with the State representing the GENERAL INTEREST.
  • 10. The modern state and its origins - Hegel  Between the two, the BUREAUCRACY was the medium through which this passage from the PARTICULAR to the GENERAL INTEREST became possible.
  • 11. The modern state and its origins - Hegel  Hegel, in effect, expected there to be ‘opposition’ between the PARTICULAR interests of the corporations (that represented the interests of organised capital, their owners and the professions) and the COMMON interest represented by the state.
  • 12. The modern state and its origins - Hegel  In this social order, political franchise was very limited, extended only to the aristocracy, the emergent wealthy groups (landed or rentier, mercantile and industrial capitalists), their corporations and organised professional associations.
  • 13. The modern state and its origins - Hegel  In the struggle for domination of society, Hegel imagined that through the bureaucracy and other sets of activities, the State would somehow stand for the protection of general interests.
  • 14. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  Karl Marx accepted Hegel’s tripartite structure of society made up of the state, bureaucracy (in terms of state administration) and civil society, but disagreed with Hegel over their composition and the role each one of them plays in a capitalist society.
  • 15. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  According to Marx, this “opposition” offered by the administration/bureaucracy to the State as envisaged by Hegel does not exist because the State does not represent the general or common interest but the particular interests of the dominant social class, a social class that itself is a part of the civil society.
  • 16. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  Indeed, ‘the executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie,’ Marx and Engels had maintained instead.
  • 17. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  Marx’s central argument is that all human society through history is class-dominated, the nature and character of the dominant social class depending on the epoch. And, as such, the state (however composed) has historically always served class (particular and privileged) interests and not general interests.
  • 18. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  Thus, ‘the elaboration of state institutions has been closely associated with the development of antagonistic class interests, and their functions have always included the reinforcement of the system of class rule enshrined in the existing social order by suppressing acts of resistance and revolt by subordinate classes.’
  • 19. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  From this viewpoint,  a) bureaucracy constitutes a very specific and particular social group,  b) that the state administration/bureaucracy is not a social class, and along with the State itself, is an instrument by which the dominant class exercises its domination over society.
  • 20. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  In this way, to a certain degree, the future and the interests of bureaucracy are closely linked to those of the dominant class and the State. Its justification and existence depends on them.  In capitalist society, the real task of bureaucracy is to impose on the whole of society an order of things which consolidates and perpetuates class division and domination.
  • 21. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  At the same time, its other task is to mask this domination by interposing itself as the general interest smoke screen between exploiters and exploited.
  • 22. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  But, on the other hand, as bureaucracy is not an integral part of the capitalist class, it has a certain autonomy which makes conflict with its masters possible. This conflict cannot go beyond certain limits, which are always determined by the existing forces and relations of production.
  • 23. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  Briefly, from the above, it follows that bureaucracy does not occupy an organic position in the social structure, as it is not directly linked with the process of production. Its existence and development has a transient and parasitic character. Its main task is to maintain the status quo and the privileges of its masters.
  • 24. The modern state and its origins - Karl Marx  From this point of view bureaucracy and further bureaucratisation become unavoidable and indispensable in a society divided into social classes.  Indeed the political system of such a society increasingly requires further and stricter control for the maintenance of the divisions and inequalities among its various groups.
  • 25. Current arguments  The debate, since Marx, over the nature of the state and thus of modern capitalist society has not subsided, a great many attempts directed more at confusing the issues rather shedding more light. Certainly, most of the attempts have been driven by the desire to ‘disprove’ Marx over  a) the existence of two social classes in society (by the same token, the degree of exploitation in society);  b) the partisan role of the state; and  c) the conception of a communist or classless society.
  • 26. Current arguments - nature of the state  On the composition of the state and its apparatuses, the generalised picture of non- Marxian position is as follows. The modern state has as its core the ‘government’, its other arms being the main civil service, legislature (where they exist), local government, judiciary, public utilities and parastatals, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and the armed forces.
  • 27. Current arguments - Nature of the State  The group of people who make up the government carry out the functions we call ‘governance’, and the government consequently has the constitutional responsibility to pass laws to regulate the conduct of citizens and institutions in the country.
  • 28. Current arguments - Nature of the State  It is because this general role is so important to the survival of a country and of the dominant classes that how a government comes into being is not left to chance and the processes and procedures for composing it are usually spelt out.
  • 29. Current arguments - Nature of the State  The existence of a government means that the citizens temporarily give up some of their own power or sovereignty, through their elected representatives, as it is not possible for everyone to physically and directly participate in decision-making.
  • 30. Current arguments - Nature of the State  And it is through representatives and by periodically changing them that citizens can indirectly contribute to decisions affecting their lives. This process is both delegation of power and political democracy.
  • 31. Current arguments - Nature of the state  This is also why it is not possible to justify an authoritarian regime or a dictatorship in the name of the people or citizens: dictatorships seize the power or sovereignty of the people and which may or may not be used (overwhelmingly, the latter) to further the general interest or good.
  • 32. Current arguments - Nature of the State  For modern liberal governments to function effectively and legitimately, they have to be first elected according to laid down rules and procedures (usually contained in a constitution), and when elected make rules or laws. For these rules or laws to be implemented and to regulate the conduct of all, institutions are established, and this is what accounts for the existence of the civil service, local government, the judiciary, police, customs, immigration, armed forces, and other public utilities.
  • 33. Current arguments - Nature of the State  Even unelected governments, such as military regimes and territories ruled by absolute monarchs/kings, also make laws and develop the above-mentioned institutions to implement them. Where such citizens accept and believe such rulers have a right to make laws without consulting or involving them, then such rulers may not feel the need to justify or explain their laws and actions.
  • 34. Current arguments - Nature of the State  Nowadays, however, even authoritarian and military regimes find that they have to explain and defend some of the laws they decree into existence and many of their decisions and actions are contested by their own citizens and the international community in a new age of individual and fundamental human rights after the collapse of the Soviet Union and so-called East European countries.
  • 35. Current arguments - Nature of the State  Anyway, once a government is in place, it claims the role of regulating the conduct of everyone inside the country, and since all interests groups in society have some sectional or private interests to protect, the dislike and contestation of some government policies are bound to occur any time a specific law or policy negatively affects such sectional interests.
  • 36. Current arguments - Nature of the State  It should also be borne in mind that although a government may have the power to make laws, those laws that do not conform to laid down procedures in their enactment or violate those rights and privileges protected by the constitution and are universally recognised and embodied in the various conventions and declarations of international institutions (e.g. the United Nations Organisation - UNO) can be declared unlawful by the courts. It is to avoid this that some military dictatorships introduce so-called ‘ouster clauses’ that prevent the law courts from even examining such laws.
  • 37. Current arguments - Nature of the State  Wherever there are private and public employers and individuals are physically and legally free to secure paid employment, workers exist. So also would a private employment contract be created, whether verbal or written. Those relations arising from the employment situation, including attempts by the private employer, public employer and workers to sort out differences over terms of employment and other issues that may arise from time to time often involve the state.
  • 38. Current arguments - Nature of the State  The state itself is both an employer and the institution that makes laws to regulate the activities of everyone else, including those of private employers and workers and their organisations.
  • 39. Current arguments - Nature of the State  These two interests, that of employer and ostensible regulator, can and do conflict and sometimes influence the kind of laws passed to regulate the three parties in industrial relations.
  • 40. Current arguments - Nature of the State  So, the right of the state to regulate or intervene seems to be widely accepted in principle by all parties in industry, but how far, where and how frequently are often the problem. How far, where and how frequently the state intervenes can hardly be separated from the nature of the state itself.
  • 41. Role of the State  The logic underlying orthodox explanations dictates that the state has to be an arbiter.  Not particularly concerned with the historical evolution of state’s regulatory capacity, the focus and emphasis in such explanations is on the integrative function of regulation - a snapshot of the present or status quo.  Clearly then, the state operates at three levels: the international, the national level and then at the micro-level (organisations).
  • 42. Role of the State  At the international level, the state disappears from the analysis, to be replaced by such doctrines as ‘comparative advantage’ in international trade and ‘market forces’. Transnational companies have global operations and make profits by being ‘more competitive’ and ‘beating the opposition’.
  • 43. Role of the State  Here the state is supposed to protect ‘national interests’ through a judicious mix of policies: import-export controls, tax regime, investments in ‘sensitive sectors of the economy’, diplomatic pressures on foreign governments to ‘open up trade’, and so forth.
  • 44. Role of the State  For the national and micro levels, because of the regulatory and sometimes mediatory roles of the government, some have strenuously argued and struggled to give the impression that the state is in principle ‘neutral’: that it is merely a question of taking case by case and examining state’s role.
  • 45. Role of the State  That, sometimes, government’s decision might favour the employer, and at other times the worker and his/her organisation. The examples of Factories Act and similar legislation that seek to establish minimum health and other standards at the work place may be seen as favouring workers.
  • 46. Role of the State  On the question of the state attempting to establish health and safety standards at the work-place representing an even- handed approach, such a position assumes the meeting of such standards (physical work space, lighting, noise levels, dust levels, protective clothing against chemicals, gas, etc.) to be added cost that employers can do without.
  • 47. Bias of the system  In addition to the above, private industry requires investments to make profits, and ensuing profits are supposedly ploughed back as further investments for more profits. In this process, more jobs might be created and government can derive some revenue from taxes and as duties.
  • 48. Bias of the system  Many government’s attempt to create ‘a favourable climate for investments’ by lowering corporate and production taxes, engaging in periodic downward review of import tariffs, keeping a lid on wages and salaries, etc., aside from the fact that most laws are geared to the protection of private property can only but favour managements and investors.
  • 49. Bias of the system  A government that is dedicated to the protection of private property and minimising disruptions to production and seeking the elimination of ‘threats’ to investments and investors, and ‘ensure a buoyant economy’, CANNOT BE NEUTRAL in industrial relations.  Quite simply, there is no ‘economic growth’ and ‘buoyant economy’ without profit-making private companies in this context.
  • 50. Bias of the system  Trade unions, striking workers, protesting students, all those seeking improvements in their terms of employment commonly tend to constitute a ‘threat’ of a sort before the eyes of most state functionaries - much more so under military regimes that cannot stomach any opposition or protests.
  • 51. Bias of the system  In addition, where many members of the ruling group and elite of the state system (civil service, parastatal, local governments, judiciary, police, armed forces, intelligence agencies, etc.) are investors and own companies (results of privatisation, etc.), hostile labour legislation is to be expected, and harassment of workers and other vocal groups in society by the whole range of law enforcement agencies routine.
  • 52. Bias of the system  It is not convincing to portray the mediating role of the state in conflict situations as neutral. The institutions and processes of mediation, conciliation and arbitration are in reality manipulable and contestable, especially as the state often sets the limits within which they operate.
  • 53. Bias of the system  For example, decision-making processes in business organisations are autocratically arrived at, yet a group of workers reacting to some of such decisions that affect them adversely may be required by law to meet several conditions, including balloting before going on strike, to determine whether decision to strike was democratically arrived at!
  • 54. Bias of the system  A minister or employer might take his time about taking a dispute to arbitration, and eventually when done the pace at which proceedings progress is subjectively determined by the arbitrators), and so on.
  • 55. Bias of the system  Or, when a government passes legislation to block the bank accounts of a trade union whose members are on strike, or a court orders same, or legislation or court order prevents trade unions from using their funds ‘for political purposes’.
  • 56. Bias of the system  There is usually no commensurate legislation nor court order preventing employers and businesses from doing same: indeed, most political parties (where they exist) compete for their support and patronage!  The areas most frequently subject to state regulation are usually
  • 57. Main areas of State’s direct involvement  employment and manpower development;  wages and salaries,  union government and administration;  collective bargaining; and  industrial conflict.
  • 58. Context of state involvement  According to the pluralist model, all groups in society, whether economic, socio-cultural, or political, organise to meet and protect the interests of their members.
  • 59. Context of state involvement  In respect of industrial relations, for example, most private employers and investors, even when they recognise the notion of social responsibility, hardly see their operations in terms of ‘national interest’. They see instead opportunities, markets, sources of finance and raw materials, and other resources and constraints that can facilitate or hinder their operations within the given environment, while their activities at the same time serving to shape the environment itself.
  • 60. Context of state involvement  Thus, by definition, their interests are partisan or sectional and private employers largely concern themselves with complying with relevant laws and agreements reached with workers and their trades unions - that is where unions exist.
  • 61. Context of state involvement  The wages, fringe benefits, and other welfare schemes constitute a cost to them, and official policies and trades union activities directed at increasing these would habitually be resisted. But such resistance, under certain circumstances, might in fact be in everyone’s interest if the passing on of such costs to the consumer would sharply increase the rate of inflation and reduce general purchasing power.
  • 62. Context of state involvement  The same goes for governments and politicians. What this suggests, among other possibilities, is that government’s economic and social policies may not necessarily be in the “national interest” or affect a larger number of citizens positively all of the time.
  • 63. Context of state involvement  Those who control any government (or political parties that form such governments) have their own agendas which they try to achieve within the law and constitution, if they have any respect left at all for both.
  • 64. Context of state involvement  Where governments, like military regimes everywhere, have ouster clauses that prevent organisations, citizens and the law courts themselves from challenging their own laws and decisions, any talk of some decision being in the national interest must be closely examined and questioned, especially where the government says there is no alternative to its policies and affected parties or the public have no way of changing such a policy.
  • 65. Context of state involvement  This alone, if nothing else, is why democratically elected governments are far superior to the most benevolent of military regimes: namely, that policies are debated and majority vote settles the choice of policy, and when such a policy has far too many negative consequences, protests and more debates arise and the policy is modified in due course.
  • 66. Context of state involvement  So, what constitutes normal policy making process under democratic government is often presented by spokesmen of military regimes as ‘opposing the government’, ‘subversive of the government’s plan’, ‘sabotage’ and similar labels.
  • 67. Context of state involvement  The phrase ‘national interest’ has become an indispensable legitimising slogan in government’s propaganda machinery everywhere, even in places where those in government make it clear that they wish to hang on to power against the wishes or preferences of the public or electorate.
  • 68. Union government and administration  Many governments target the capacity of unions to organize by trying to influence who can be members, who can stand for elections and how often union elections can be held, and so forth.
  • 69. Union government and administration  These are complemented by verbal and media attacks on union officials, freezing some bank accounts, and undermining the legitimacy of union executives especially in periods of conflict.
  • 70. Union government and administration  While in some countries the Registrar of Trade Unions (or equivalent) contributes his own part by withdrawing official recognition by de-registration,  recognising an unpopular faction of a union,
  • 71. Union government and administration  denying some unions permission to amalgamate or federate, extending recognition to only one central labour organisation,  insisting on voluntary check-off system,  balloting before strikes are embarked upon; and  refusing to accept some union accounts when submitted.
  • 72. Union government and administration  In any case, all governments attempt to influence organised labour everywhere, and for a variety of reasons may choose to give grants or subventions to trades unions or the central labour organisation.
  • 73. Union government and administration  Where a section of the labour movement is itself involved in the government of the day (as happens in Europe and Britain where some political parties and many trade unions have joint committees and are inextricably institutionally intertwined), in such a plural situation of political parties and trades unions subscribing to various and differing ideological positions and thus different social agendas, it all then boils down to rivalry and competition for the minds of the electorate.
  • 74. Union government and administration  Official policies perceived to be inimical to the interests of wage earners or to those of a section of the labour movement are then opposed by those affected.
  • 75. Union government and administration  However, the situation is contrastingly different in Africa, Asia and South America where most governments, civilian and military, appear to be routinely anti-unions and, aside from direct physical attack on union leaders and some workers, legislation and decrees which severely restrict the capacity of unions to function effectively are put in place.
  • 76. Union government and administration  The notion of plurality of interests and the democratic right of persons to organise and protect such interests do not seem to enjoy wide acceptance among those who control the levers of power in these places.
  • 77. Collective bargaining and wage bargain  The state is also heavily involved in regulating collective bargaining. The state as an employer attempts to determine public sector terms through various mechanisms, depending on whether such public sector employees enjoy the legal right to organise or not.
  • 78. Collective bargaining and wage bargain  Where they do not (e.g., Essential Services in several countries), quite often terms of employment may be determined through the establishment and functioning of wages and salaries commissions, or committee or wages board, or some such ad hoc or permanent institution.
  • 79. Collective bargaining and wage bargain  There is usually a ministry or official body concerned with industrial relations and labour matters and some main legislation or code which provides a legal framework for collective bargaining.
  • 80. Collective bargaining and wage bargain  Of course, developments in the domestic and international economy that serve to constrain the state and impact on collective bargaining processes cannot be overlooked.
  • 81. Collective bargaining and wage bargain  Since the mid-1980s the dramatically deteriorating standard of living in the face of stagflation and decreasing capacity utilisation in many industries has presented problems of sorts for all parties in industry.
  • 82. Collective bargaining and wage bargain  Not all the problems in the economy and industry have been caused by world-wide economic depression.  The rate of inflation,  monetary and fiscal policy,  autonomy and effectiveness of monetary institutions and authorities,
  • 83. Collective bargaining and wage bargain  extra-budgetary expenditures and budget deficits,  official housing, health and educational policies,  elite-generated political crises and tensions,  sourcing of raw materials,  pricing policies of trading and manufacturing industries,  activities of middlemen and of market-women and men, just to mention a few, all impact upon the situation.
  • 84. Wage bargain institutions  Wage bargain institutions in the public sector have tended to take institutionalised forms as wages commissions/committees, wages boards or councils.
  • 85. Wage bargain institutions  Where workers therein are not organised into trades unions, such bodies are legally empowered to negotiate salaries, fringe benefits and general conditions of service for the employees so affected.
  • 86. Wage bargain institutions   In the so-called non-unionised private sector, special tribunals or commissions might be established to investigate conditions in some of the establishments or industries.
  • 87. Wage bargain institutions  What is left of the private sector is presumed to be subject to collective attempts by management and workers at continuously modifying terms of employment.
  • 88. Wage bargain institutions  But, over and above all, many governments adopt some variant of incomes and policy guidelines, in spite of periodic calls for completely deregulated economies or dominance of ‘market forces’, to put an upper ceiling on percentage increases in wages and salaries.
  • 89. Wage bargain institutions  Wage bargaining processes are thus restricted to the range provided under such economic policies, percentages that often are below the rate of inflation.
  • 90. Wage bargain institutions  Wage settlements under such incomes policy guidelines remain unsatisfactory even before they are reached, leaving a residue of bitterness and discontentment.
  • 91. Wage bargain institutions  In many countries, especially in Africa, Asia and South America, such wage bargain institutions in the public sector are rendered moribund and ineffectual, the government preferring the method of administrative fiat.
  • 92. Industrial conflict  Either through pre-emptive moves or in reaction to generalised disquiet and pockets of protests alongside adverse press coverage, the government would appoint ad hoc inter- ministerial, bilateral and tripartite committees largely to defuse the situation by addressing themselves with much fanfare to particular issues.
  • 93. Industrial conflict  Many governments routinely claim the maintenance of ‘peace and order’ as one of their main functions, and are particularly upset over industrial conflicts that disrupt production and services.
  • 94. Industrial conflict  Quite often, they use intelligence organisations, police and soldiers to break strikes, either physically or by detaining union officials and some strikers, physical harassment and intimidation, or sending some strikers to tribunals/courts for trial.
  • 95. Industrial conflict  The government also regulates industrial conflict through some decrees or laws and institutions. Mediation, conciliation and arbitration services are offered by some organs of the state, quite often a ministry of employment or labour or some bodies enjoying a measure of institutional autonomy.
  • 96. Industrial conflict  Despite the tripartite composition of these bodies, in many countries the government usually has greater influence over them and can and does ignore some of their rulings or decisions.
  • 97. Concluding observations -Importance of the State  The first is the determination of the conditions on which labour power may be sold: the state intervenes to affect the reproduction of labour power, for example through social security legislation that guarantees minimum living standards, the result being that the supply of labour power no longer depends solely on the market.
  • 98. Concluding observations -Importance of the State  Second, there is the regulation of how that labour power is used – e.g. Compulsory union recognition and collective bargaining as means of constraining management’s freedom to discipline workers.
  • 99. Concluding observations -Importance of the State  Other examples are legislation restricting the hours of labour and establishing standards of health and safety: the employer’s freedom to use the labour power that he has bought is restrained not only by workers’ own actions but also by state regulation.
  • 100. Concluding observations -Importance of the State  Regulations on the price of labour power may set limits to what can go on inside the labour process, but they do not directly shape the pattern of relations.
  • 101. Concluding observations -Importance of the State  Regulations on the use of labour power directly constrain employers’ power over labour and affect how the labour process is organised.
  • 102. Concluding observations -Importance of the State  But, at the end of the day, private employers have enough free hand to deal with workers as they deem fit.