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Achieving the Full Potential
of Your Distributed Agile Team
A workshop for those working in complex environments
Scalable. Flexible. Open.
Dipesh Pala
Agile Capability Lead
Kurt Solarte
Agile Practice Lead
Morning Agenda Topic
1. Background and Introductions 9:00
Social Contract
2. Why are we distributed?
Group Discussion: Why are you distributed?
BREAK 10:30
3. Types of Distribution 11:00
Exercise: What are your greatest challenges?
4. Choosing Communication and Collaboration Methods
Demo: Collaboration with Rational Team Concert
5. Time Zone Issues
Exercise: Picture with 2 sentences
LUNCH 12:30
Afternoon Agenda Topic
LUNCH 12:30
Exercise - Mini Farm 1:30
BREAK 3:00
6. Language and Culture Issues 3:30
7. Dealing with Teleconference Dysfunctions
8 . Tips for Distributed Agile Activities
Open Discussion
Close 5:00
Part 1:
Background and
Our Social ContractOur Social ContractOur Social ContractOur Social Contract
We, as a team, agree that:We, as a team, agree that:We, as a team, agree that:We, as a team, agree that:
we will…we will…we will…we will…
And we will not…And we will not…And we will not…And we will not…
Our Social ContractOur Social ContractOur Social ContractOur Social Contract
Anyone breaching this social contract will be rewarded with an
opportunity to enlighten the rest of the team with a small
motivational talk. The topic of the talk will be randomly picked by
the individual from “the jar” that will be pre-populated with a
selection of topics.
All team members are requested to submit a topic by placing a stick-
note with the talk title in “the jar”. You can continue submitting the
random topics as you come up with them in the future.
Each talk should be no less that 30 seconds and to a maximum of 2
minutes in duration.
Our Expectations
Agile Scaling Factors
Agile Community Survey Circa 2007
Members from 7 Business Units responded -- SWG, STG, GBS, GTS, CHQ, Research, Learning
Members in 12 countries (India, China, US, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Ireland,
UK,Brazil, Mexico and Canada) provided feedback
98 projects were represented
What is Your Greatest Challenge?
#1 Challenge for IBM Teams was*?
Working as a distributed team!
Note: This is just one unit, IBM Software Group
Montreal, Victoria
London / Staines
Milton Keynes
Shanghai Yamato
Foster City
San Francisco
SVL/San Jose
Agoura Hills
El Segundo
Costa Mesa
Las Vegas
Bedford, MA
Bedford, NH
Gold Coast
Sydney Canberra
Lexington, KY
Boca Raton
Sao Paulo
Rochester, MN
Lenexa, KA
New York City
Example Mid-Size Team
338 Members World Wide
China 40
Westford 22
Dublin 10
India 20
Sydney 44
Raleigh 79
Boeblingen 123
Core Team
US 101
Germany 123
China 40
Sydney 44
Dublin 10
India 20
Total 338
We turned to the broader Agile community
for discussion*
&and to the
creators of
Scrum for
validation of
to spirit
is a culture
“Culture reflects the
realities of people working
together every day&
&a set of values,
practices, and traditions
that define who we are as a
--Frances Hesselbeim
Uwe Kils)
Of course, Agile provides us with
values, practices, traditions&
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Agile Manifesto
Satisfy the Customer
Our highest priority is to satisfy the
through early and continuous delivery
of valuable software.
Welcome Change
Welcome changing requirements, even late
in development. Agile processes harness
change for the customer's competitive
Deliver Frequently
Deliver working software frequently,
from a couple of weeks to a couple of
months, with a preference to the
shorter timescale.
Business + Development
Business people and developers must
together daily throughout the project.
Trust the Team
Build projects around motivated
Give them the environment and
support they need,
and trust them to get the job done.
F2F Communication
The most efficient and effective method
conveying information to and within a
team is face-to-face conversation.
Working Software
Working software is the primary
measure of progress.
Sustainable Pace
Agile processes promote sustainable
The sponsors, developers, and users
should be able
to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
Technical Excellence
Continuous attention to technical
and good design enhances agility.
Simplicity--the art of maximizing the
of work not done--is essential.
Self Organizing
The best architectures, requirements,
and designs
emerge from self-organizing teams.
At regular intervals, the team reflects on
how to become more effective, then tunes
and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Embrace the values and principles to fully benefit
Part 2:
Common Reasons
for Distributed Teams
Group Discussion:
Why are you distributed?
Do you consider it a
“valid” reason?
Distribution - Why & How
Access to New Markets
2012 Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive survey:
Expansion into new markets or geographies was one of top three 2012 priorities.
Cost Reduction
“In Asian countries, labor cost is very low. In India, the labor wages are less
than 50% of their equivalent labor in USA and other European countries.”*
*Fabriek, Matthias, Reasons for success and failure in Offshore Software development projects, Department of
Information and Computing Sciences, Utrech University, The Netherlands, August, 2007.
2012 Cost
% Cost
China 74.2 25.8%
India 74.7 25.3%
Mexico 79.0 21.0%
Russia 80.3 19.7%
Brazil 93.0 7.0%
KPMG’s Competitive Alternatives survey
Expanding for Innovation and Thought
“Multinational companies
produce more ideas
than purely domestic
Chiara Criscuolo "Why Are Some Firms More Innovative? Knowledge Inputs, Knowledge Stocks, and the Role of
Global Engagement"* April 2004
Telecommuting and Convenience
“30 percent of workers in
India, Mexico, and
Indonesia claim to
telecommute regularly, and
one in ten overall work
from home every day.”*
Speed to Market with “Follow the Sun”
“We conclude that there was
an approximate
10% reduction in
development duration -
rather than
the theoretical 50% of FTS.”
Erran Carmel, et al. Follow The Sun Software Development: New Perspectives, Conceptual
Foundation, and Exploratory Field Study
As of June 6, 2011 IBM had
invested more than $14
billion in 24 acquisitions to
expand just its analytics
Microsoft has acquired
approximately 148
Cisco has acquired approximately 153
Access to Needed Skills
Improved Tools for Distance Collaboration
• High-speed Internet
• Voice Over IP
• Video Conferencing
• Whiteboards
• Electronic Meeting Tools
• Electronic Whiteboards
• Collaborative editing tools
• Chat
• Email
• Blogs
• Forums
• Social Networking
• Mobile/Smartphone
• ALM Tools&
Part 3:
Types of Distribution
Types of Geographical Distribution
* Greater opportunity for language and cultural differences.
work hours*
Increasing Challenge
Isolated Scrum Teams
Deliverable A:
Cross-Functional Scrum Team
(3-9 Team Members)
Deliverable C:
Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9
Team Members)
Deliverable B:
Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9
Team Members)
Sutherland and Schoenheim, Fully Distributed Scrum, 2008
IBM Global Business Services
Distributed Scrum of Scrums
Scrum of Scrums
1. What did your team do yesterday?
2. What will your team do today?
3. What blockers do you have?
4. What blockers might you throw in another team’s way?
Sutherland and Schoenheim, Fully Distributed Scrum, 2008
IBM Research
Technology Integration
and IBM Global Business
Services Examples
Totally Integrated Scrum (with Scrum of Scrums)
Deliverable A:
Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9
Team Members)
Deliverable B:
Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9
Team Members)
Deliverable C:
Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-
9 Team Members)
Scrum of Scrums
Sutherland and Schoenheim, Fully Distributed Scrum, 2008
Large-scale Product
Development Examples
Feature Teams
Team is aware of how their work
addresses the needs of end users.
Dependencies are reduced.
Handoffs are reduced.
Planning is easier.
Design issues are found and
corrected earlier.
Administer user accounts
Administer Web server accounts
Bill for services
Administer email accounts
Feature teams work on customer-
centric capabilities delivered as
features in the final product.
Component Teams
Where teams are focused primarily on “layers”
or components rather than features:
Limited understanding of problem
Increased dependencies
Delays for feature teams
Bottleneck for feature teams that use the
Slower to detect and correct design flaws
Creates risk
user accounts
Database Team
Component Team:
Web Services Team
Component Team:
Billing System Team
Billing details
Component Teams
What is the greatest
challenge that your
Distributed teams
(might) face?
Challenges & Tips
Part 4:
Choosing Your Method
for Communicating and
Strive for the
Channel Possible
Nonverbal Communication
Edward T. Hall (1959), a
renowned social anthropologist,
argued that in a normal
“More than 65 percent of social
meaning occurs through the
nonverbal channel.”
Critical Tools for Distributed Team Communication
11 • Conference phones and headsets
22 • Screen sharing
33 • Instant messenger
44 • Video conferencing
55 • Agile Project Management (Electronic Storyboard)
66 • Lifecycle Management
That Was Basic
What About
Silo’d teams;
disconnected data
Important discussions are
lost to email -project
records are missing the
“real reason” for decisions
Unified team shares
linked data
ALM environment tracks
what is important for
“Am I blocking others”
“Are others waiting for
my approval”
Collaborating in Real-time and in Context of Project Work
Team Awareness
Shows team members and their online
Discussions kept with work for all time
Change Awareness
Automatically links to changes if
in chat
Drag and drop any work item or
query into chat
Avoid Duplication
Find potential duplicates
Subscribe team members
Move / Copy work between projects
Rational Team Concert
Part 5:
Dealing with Time
Zone Issues
Approaches to Time Zone Issues
Use a
Whole team
Consistent Date/time
Whole team
Meeting Times
(and chat)
Using documentation
Anyone who cannot attend documents their answers in an
e-mail or wiki
The Scrum Master reads their answers in the meeting
Lack of opportunity for Q&A
Less rich communication vehicle
People don’t always read about what team mates are doing
Reduces the whole team experience
Reduces peer pressure
Meeting via instant messaging (form of documentation)
Transcript of session produce notes for the meeting
Makes the meeting easier for non-native speakers
Complete loss of non-verbal communication
Difficult to gauge if everyone is paying attention
Depends on the Scrum Master to start on time
Hard to follow if the meeting is not structured
Instant Messaging
Taking a Liaison Approach
Team schedules the meeting at
two different times
Team members attend at the
meeting time most convenient to
One team member serves as a
liaison and attends both
Liaison communicates
information from the other
Taking a Liaison Approach
Better for sustainable pace
Allows for a degree of visibility on
everyone’s work
Can be better than docs because
people can ask questions.
Richer communication medium.
The liaison is basically “playing
The liaison may not present all the
Risk of fracturing of the team
Negative impact on “whole team”
Negative affect on the work-life
balance of the liaison
Describe this in 2 sentences&
(in 1 min)
3 Important Questions
What days/times work best for you (including hours
outside of normal hours)?
Which days/times are okay?
Which days/times are off limits?
Even if you have fancy tools& ask!
Or, you can alternate meeting times for whole team
Team identifies two different times
for the meeting
Team alternates the time used for
the daily scrum at a set frequency
(every day, every week)
Everyone is encouraged to attend
Anyone who cannot attend
documents their answers in an
e-mail or wiki
The Scrum Master reads their
answers in the meeting
Alternating Meeting Times
Everyone shares equally in the
Aligns best with interactive spirit of
Scrum and Agile
Verbal communication
Opportunity for Q&A
Greater pressure to deliver on
Challenging for sustainable pace
Some may not be willing to share the pain
Loss of information from members if team
members don’t show up during the hours
that are bad for them
Distributed Scrum Game
Miniature Farm
Game: Miniature Farm
The aim is to create a miniature farm while using the Distributed Scrum Framework.
Event Duration
Release Planning / Planning Poker 30 mins
Sprint (including Sprint Planning) 6 mins
Sprint Review 5 mins
Sprint Retrospective 5 mins
Final Production Release (Demo) 5 mins
Miniature Farm – Release Planning (30 mins)
• Product Backlog
• Product Vision
• Team Capacity
• Risks, Issues, Dependencies
Product Owner presents the product vision and goals
Product Owner reviews key milestones and dates
Product Owner presents the first cut of the Product Backlog
Team asks questions to understand the stories
Team estimates the stories at a high level
Team estimates initial capacity/velocity per sprint
Team produces a Release Plan
Key Risks, Assumptions, Risks and Dependencies are recorded
Miniature Farm – Sprint Planning
• Product Backlog
• Prior velocity
• Team capacity
• Risks, Issues, Dependencies
Product Owner proposes the Product Backlog for review
Product Owner and Team review and clarify each item
Larger Stories are broken down if necessary
Team and Product Owner clearly define the Acceptance Criteria for every story
Team estimates all resultant stories
Team selects the stories they can complete within this sprint
Team identifies the Sprint Goal or Theme
Product Owner agrees with the order in which work will be completed
The Agile Farm
Part 6:
Language and
Culture Issues
Literally Speaking&
Publicity photo from Oprah Winfrey show. Some rights reserved.
What does this mean?
Paul is a bit blue today.
Paul ist blau.
Paul is true blue.
Until Paul is blue in the face.
1 • Keep language simple• Keep language simple
2 • Say the same thing more than one way• Say the same thing more than one way
3 • Give everyone a chance to be heard• Give everyone a chance to be heard
4 • Use text or verbal as needed• Use text or verbal as needed
5 • Confirm understanding• Confirm understanding
6 • Use translator/transcription as needed• Use translator/transcription as needed
Cultural Differences
The meaning of
• Impacts effectiveness of communication
• In some cultures, it is inappropriate for someone to
say they do not understand the speaker
• Humor does not always translate well
• Each person interprets conversation based on their
cultural background…
• Impact on Holiday Schedules
Part 7:
Dealing with
Teleconference Dysfunctions
Side conversations
One person talks too much
Lack of understanding
Lack of attention
Too little information
“Us” vs “Them”
Assuming commitment
Teleconference Tips
Make sure
everyone can dial
Make sure
everyone can dial
Work in meeting
rooms with
Work in meeting
rooms with
Identify the
speaker until
team becomes
more familiar
Identify the
speaker until
team becomes
more familiar
Handle missing
visual cues
Handle missing
visual cues
Limit the side
Limit the side
Mute the linesMute the lines
Check for
agreement and
Check for
agreement and
Name a remote
Name a remote
When nothing
else works,
everyone dials in
Everyone is a
Part 8:
Tips for Distributed
Sprint Activities
Trust and Connection
Get to know each other
Culture, customs,
personality, family, likes,
Distributed Planning
May have to do planning in two chunks of time
rather than one solid (4-hour) block
Will need/want an electronic agile planning tool
to pull stories into the Sprint plan
Typically use electronic modeling, drawing tools
and screen sharing. May do some diagrams
offline and share electronically.
Easy Planning Poker (Chat, everyone enters
the number of story points)
Teams will share files and links to facilitate
Distributed Daily Scrums
Distributed Retrospectives
“At regular intervals, the team
reflects on how to become more
effective, then tunes and adjusts
its behavior accordingly.”*
“Rotation” Approach
Example Social Contract
We commit to be honest with each other. If we have a concern, a doubt, a worry,
or if we see a problem, we commit to surface it to each other immediately.
If we are unhappy about something that has happened, or something that the
other has done, we commit to surface this immediately to each other.
We commit not to escalate a problem to upper management without first trying
to work it out with each other. If an escalation does become necessary, we
commit to letting each other know in advance, so it doesn't catch anyone by
We recognise that people make mistakes and have misunderstandings, and that
the important thing is to find and fix the mistake or misunderstandings as quickly
as we can. For this reason, we commit to each other that there will be no
retribution for surfacing a problem or a concern, a mistake or misunderstanding,
or for speaking honestly.
Key Takeaways
1. Even though one of the primary tenets of The Agile Manifesto is that teams need to be
co-located, it’s no longer required for everything
2. If you’re not co-located, tight collaboration and coordination is imperative. Make sure
that everyone is communicating, both in real time and in non-real time
3. Tools are critical, but they are not the only answer. It’s necessary to have good
processes in place, and for team members to meet in person as frequently as possible
4. Technology will help bridge most obstacles so code review, wikis, discussion forums,
bug tracking, requirement tracking, Continuous Integration and SCM tools are very
5. Having one integrated platform helps breeding synergy, transparency, productivity and
trust increases efficiencies across projects and organisations.
WOWs!, Risks, & Parking
Thank You
Our Contact details:
Dipesh Pala
Agile Capability Lead
Kurt Solarte
Agile Practice Lead

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Achieving the Full Potential of Your Distributed Agile Team (AgileAus 2013)

  • 1. Achieving the Full Potential of Your Distributed Agile Team A workshop for those working in complex environments Scalable. Flexible. Open. Dipesh Pala Agile Capability Lead Kurt Solarte Agile Practice Lead @KurtSolarte @DipeshPala
  • 2. Morning Agenda Topic 1. Background and Introductions 9:00 Social Contract 2. Why are we distributed? Group Discussion: Why are you distributed? BREAK 10:30 3. Types of Distribution 11:00 Exercise: What are your greatest challenges? 4. Choosing Communication and Collaboration Methods Demo: Collaboration with Rational Team Concert 5. Time Zone Issues Exercise: Picture with 2 sentences LUNCH 12:30
  • 3. Afternoon Agenda Topic LUNCH 12:30 Exercise - Mini Farm 1:30 BREAK 3:00 6. Language and Culture Issues 3:30 7. Dealing with Teleconference Dysfunctions 8 . Tips for Distributed Agile Activities Open Discussion Close 5:00
  • 5. Our Social ContractOur Social ContractOur Social ContractOur Social Contract We, as a team, agree that:We, as a team, agree that:We, as a team, agree that:We, as a team, agree that: we will…we will…we will…we will… • • And we will not…And we will not…And we will not…And we will not… • •
  • 6. Our Social ContractOur Social ContractOur Social ContractOur Social Contract Anyone breaching this social contract will be rewarded with an opportunity to enlighten the rest of the team with a small motivational talk. The topic of the talk will be randomly picked by the individual from “the jar” that will be pre-populated with a selection of topics. All team members are requested to submit a topic by placing a stick- note with the talk title in “the jar”. You can continue submitting the random topics as you come up with them in the future. Each talk should be no less that 30 seconds and to a maximum of 2 minutes in duration.
  • 9. Agile Community Survey Circa 2007 Members from 7 Business Units responded -- SWG, STG, GBS, GTS, CHQ, Research, Learning Members in 12 countries (India, China, US, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Ireland, UK,Brazil, Mexico and Canada) provided feedback 98 projects were represented What is Your Greatest Challenge?
  • 10. #1 Challenge for IBM Teams was*? Working as a distributed team! Note: This is just one unit, IBM Software Group Canada Toronto,Ottawa Montreal, Victoria Edinburgh London / Staines Milton Keynes Haifa Rehovot China Beijing Shanghai Yamato Taiwan Paris PornichetBeaverton Kirkland Seattle Foster City San Francisco SVL/San Jose Almaden Agoura Hills Irving El Segundo Costa Mesa Las Vegas Andover Bedford, MA Bedford, NH Lexington Westborough Westford Cambridge Cork Dublin Galway India Bangalore Pune Hyderabad Gurgaon Cairo Rome Gold Coast Sydney Canberra Fairfax Raleigh Charlotte Lexington, KY Atlanta Boca Raton Tampa Perth Krakow Warsaw Sao Paulo Malaysia Delft Stockholm Pittsburgh Poughkeepsie Somers Rochester, MN Boulder Denver Lenexa, KA Tucson Phoenix Austin Dallas Boeblingen Hursley Warwick York Southbury New York City Princeton
  • 11. Example Mid-Size Team 338 Members World Wide China 40 Westford 22 Dublin 10 India 20 Sydney 44 Raleigh 79 Boeblingen 123 Core Team US 101 Germany 123 China 40 Sydney 44 Dublin 10 India 20 Total 338
  • 12. We turned to the broader Agile community for discussion* &and to the creators of Scrum for validation of adherence to spirit
  • 13. Agile transformation is a culture change “Culture reflects the realities of people working together every day& &a set of values, practices, and traditions that define who we are as a group.” --Frances Hesselbeim Uwe Kils)
  • 14. Of course, Agile provides us with values, practices, traditions& Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Agile Manifesto Values Satisfy the Customer Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Welcome Change Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. Deliver Frequently Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. Business + Development Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Trust the Team Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. F2F Communication The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. Working Software Working software is the primary measure of progress. Sustainable Pace Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. Technical Excellence Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. Simplicity Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential. Self Organizing The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. Reflections At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
  • 15. Embrace the values and principles to fully benefit
  • 16. Part 2: Common Reasons for Distributed Teams
  • 17. Group Discussion: Why are you distributed? Do you consider it a “valid” reason?
  • 19. Access to New Markets 2012 Gartner CEO and Senior Business Executive survey: Expansion into new markets or geographies was one of top three 2012 priorities.
  • 20. Cost Reduction “In Asian countries, labor cost is very low. In India, the labor wages are less than 50% of their equivalent labor in USA and other European countries.”* *Fabriek, Matthias, Reasons for success and failure in Offshore Software development projects, Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrech University, The Netherlands, August, 2007. Growth Country 2012 Cost Index % Cost Advantage China 74.2 25.8% India 74.7 25.3% Mexico 79.0 21.0% Russia 80.3 19.7% Brazil 93.0 7.0% KPMG’s Competitive Alternatives survey
  • 21. Expanding for Innovation and Thought Leadership “Multinational companies produce more ideas than purely domestic counterparts.” Chiara Criscuolo "Why Are Some Firms More Innovative? Knowledge Inputs, Knowledge Stocks, and the Role of Global Engagement"* April 2004
  • 22. Telecommuting and Convenience “30 percent of workers in India, Mexico, and Indonesia claim to telecommute regularly, and one in ten overall work from home every day.”* *
  • 23. Speed to Market with “Follow the Sun” “We conclude that there was an approximate 10% reduction in development duration - rather than the theoretical 50% of FTS.” Erran Carmel, et al. Follow The Sun Software Development: New Perspectives, Conceptual Foundation, and Exploratory Field Study
  • 24. Acquisitions As of June 6, 2011 IBM had invested more than $14 billion in 24 acquisitions to expand just its analytics capabilities. Microsoft has acquired approximately 148 companies. Cisco has acquired approximately 153 companies.
  • 26. Improved Tools for Distance Collaboration • High-speed Internet • Voice Over IP • Video Conferencing • Whiteboards • Electronic Meeting Tools • Electronic Whiteboards • Collaborative editing tools • Chat • Email • Blogs • Forums • Social Networking • Mobile/Smartphone • ALM Tools&
  • 27. Part 3: Types of Distribution
  • 28. Types of Geographical Distribution * Greater opportunity for language and cultural differences. Collocated Collocated part-time Distributed with overlapping work hours* Distributed without overlapping work hours* Increasing Challenge
  • 29. Isolated Scrum Teams Deliverable A: Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9 Team Members) Deliverable C: Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9 Team Members) Deliverable B: Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9 Team Members) Sutherland and Schoenheim, Fully Distributed Scrum, 2008 IBM Global Business Services Examples
  • 30. Distributed Scrum of Scrums Scrum of Scrums 1. What did your team do yesterday? 2. What will your team do today? 3. What blockers do you have? 4. What blockers might you throw in another team’s way? Sutherland and Schoenheim, Fully Distributed Scrum, 2008 IBM Research Technology Integration and IBM Global Business Services Examples
  • 31. Totally Integrated Scrum (with Scrum of Scrums) Deliverable A: Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9 Team Members) Deliverable B: Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3-9 Team Members) Deliverable C: Cross-Functional Scrum Team (3- 9 Team Members) Scrum of Scrums Sutherland and Schoenheim, Fully Distributed Scrum, 2008 Large-scale Product Development Examples
  • 32. Feature Teams Team is aware of how their work addresses the needs of end users. Dependencies are reduced. Handoffs are reduced. Planning is easier. Design issues are found and corrected earlier. Administer user accounts Administer Web server accounts Bill for services Administer email accounts Feature teams work on customer- centric capabilities delivered as features in the final product.
  • 33. Component Teams Where teams are focused primarily on “layers” or components rather than features: Limited understanding of problem Increased dependencies Delays for feature teams Bottleneck for feature teams that use the components Slower to detect and correct design flaws Creates risk Feature: Administer user accounts Component Team: Database Team Component Team: Web Services Team Component Team: Billing System Team Feature: Administer Billing details Component Teams
  • 34. Exercise: What is the greatest challenge that your Distributed teams (might) face?
  • 36. Part 4: Choosing Your Method for Communicating and Collaborating
  • 37.
  • 39. Nonverbal Communication Edward T. Hall (1959), a renowned social anthropologist, argued that in a normal conversation: “More than 65 percent of social meaning occurs through the nonverbal channel.”
  • 40. Critical Tools for Distributed Team Communication 11 • Conference phones and headsets 22 • Screen sharing 33 • Instant messenger 44 • Video conferencing 55 • Agile Project Management (Electronic Storyboard) 66 • Lifecycle Management
  • 41. That Was Basic Communication& What About Collaboration? Silo’d teams; disconnected data Important discussions are lost to email -project records are missing the “real reason” for decisions Unified team shares linked data ALM environment tracks what is important for delivering “Am I blocking others” “Are others waiting for my approval” ww w
  • 42. Collaborating in Real-time and in Context of Project Work Team Awareness Shows team members and their online status Discussions kept with work for all time Change Awareness Automatically links to changes if mentioned in chat Drag and drop any work item or query into chat Avoid Duplication Find potential duplicates Subscribe team members Move / Copy work between projects Rational Team Concert
  • 43. Part 5: Dealing with Time Zone Issues
  • 44. Approaches to Time Zone Issues Use a Liaison Whole team Consistent Date/time Whole team Alternating Meeting Times Documentation (and chat)
  • 45. Using documentation Anyone who cannot attend documents their answers in an e-mail or wiki The Scrum Master reads their answers in the meeting BUT& Lack of opportunity for Q&A Less rich communication vehicle People don’t always read about what team mates are doing Reduces the whole team experience Reduces peer pressure
  • 46. Meeting via instant messaging (form of documentation) Transcript of session produce notes for the meeting Makes the meeting easier for non-native speakers BUT& Complete loss of non-verbal communication Difficult to gauge if everyone is paying attention Depends on the Scrum Master to start on time Hard to follow if the meeting is not structured Instant Messaging
  • 47. Taking a Liaison Approach Team schedules the meeting at two different times Team members attend at the meeting time most convenient to them One team member serves as a liaison and attends both meetings Liaison communicates information from the other meeting 4 7
  • 48. Taking a Liaison Approach Pros Better for sustainable pace Allows for a degree of visibility on everyone’s work Can be better than docs because people can ask questions. Richer communication medium. Cons The liaison is basically “playing telephone” The liaison may not present all the details Risk of fracturing of the team Negative impact on “whole team” view Negative affect on the work-life balance of the liaison
  • 49. Exercise: Describe this in 2 sentences& (in 1 min)
  • 50. 3 Important Questions What days/times work best for you (including hours outside of normal hours)? Which days/times are okay? Which days/times are off limits? 1 2 3
  • 51. Even if you have fancy tools& ask!
  • 52. Or, you can alternate meeting times for whole team Team identifies two different times for the meeting Team alternates the time used for the daily scrum at a set frequency (every day, every week) Everyone is encouraged to attend Anyone who cannot attend documents their answers in an e-mail or wiki The Scrum Master reads their answers in the meeting 5 2
  • 53. Alternating Meeting Times Pros Everyone shares equally in the compromise Aligns best with interactive spirit of Scrum and Agile Verbal communication Opportunity for Q&A Greater pressure to deliver on commitments Cons Challenging for sustainable pace Some may not be willing to share the pain Loss of information from members if team members don’t show up during the hours that are bad for them
  • 55. Game: Miniature Farm The aim is to create a miniature farm while using the Distributed Scrum Framework. Timings Event Duration Release Planning / Planning Poker 30 mins Sprint (including Sprint Planning) 6 mins Sprint Review 5 mins Sprint Retrospective 5 mins Final Production Release (Demo) 5 mins
  • 56. Miniature Farm – Release Planning (30 mins) Inputs • Product Backlog • Product Vision • Team Capacity • Risks, Issues, Dependencies Agenda Product Owner presents the product vision and goals Product Owner reviews key milestones and dates Product Owner presents the first cut of the Product Backlog Team asks questions to understand the stories Team estimates the stories at a high level Team estimates initial capacity/velocity per sprint Team produces a Release Plan Key Risks, Assumptions, Risks and Dependencies are recorded
  • 57. Miniature Farm – Sprint Planning Inputs • Product Backlog • Prior velocity • Team capacity • Risks, Issues, Dependencies Agenda Product Owner proposes the Product Backlog for review Product Owner and Team review and clarify each item Larger Stories are broken down if necessary Team and Product Owner clearly define the Acceptance Criteria for every story Team estimates all resultant stories Team selects the stories they can complete within this sprint Team identifies the Sprint Goal or Theme Product Owner agrees with the order in which work will be completed
  • 60. Literally Speaking& Publicity photo from Oprah Winfrey show. Some rights reserved. What does this mean? Paul is a bit blue today. Paul ist blau. Paul is true blue. Until Paul is blue in the face.
  • 62. Addressing Language Issues 1 • Keep language simple• Keep language simple 2 • Say the same thing more than one way• Say the same thing more than one way 3 • Give everyone a chance to be heard• Give everyone a chance to be heard 4 • Use text or verbal as needed• Use text or verbal as needed 5 • Confirm understanding• Confirm understanding 6 • Use translator/transcription as needed• Use translator/transcription as needed
  • 64. Cultural Differences 11 • Impacts effectiveness of communication 22 • In some cultures, it is inappropriate for someone to say they do not understand the speaker 33 • Humor does not always translate well 44 • Each person interprets conversation based on their cultural background… 55 • Impact on Holiday Schedules
  • 66. Teleconference Dysfunctions Side conversations One person talks too much Lack of understanding Lack of attention Too little information “Us” vs “Them” Assuming commitment
  • 67.
  • 68. Teleconference Tips Make sure everyone can dial in Make sure everyone can dial in Work in meeting rooms with telephones Work in meeting rooms with telephones Identify the speaker until team becomes more familiar Identify the speaker until team becomes more familiar Handle missing visual cues Handle missing visual cues Encourage participation Encourage participation Limit the side conversations Limit the side conversations Mute the linesMute the lines Check for agreement and disagreement Check for agreement and disagreement Name a remote team representative Name a remote team representative When nothing else works, everyone dials in Everyone is a moderator
  • 69. Part 8: Tips for Distributed Sprint Activities
  • 71. Get to know each other Culture, customs, personality, family, likes, dislikes&
  • 72. Distributed Planning May have to do planning in two chunks of time rather than one solid (4-hour) block Will need/want an electronic agile planning tool to pull stories into the Sprint plan Typically use electronic modeling, drawing tools and screen sharing. May do some diagrams offline and share electronically. Easy Planning Poker (Chat, everyone enters the number of story points) Teams will share files and links to facilitate discussions
  • 74. Distributed Retrospectives “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.”*
  • 75. Demos
  • 77. Example Social Contract We commit to be honest with each other. If we have a concern, a doubt, a worry, or if we see a problem, we commit to surface it to each other immediately. If we are unhappy about something that has happened, or something that the other has done, we commit to surface this immediately to each other. We commit not to escalate a problem to upper management without first trying to work it out with each other. If an escalation does become necessary, we commit to letting each other know in advance, so it doesn't catch anyone by surprise. We recognise that people make mistakes and have misunderstandings, and that the important thing is to find and fix the mistake or misunderstandings as quickly as we can. For this reason, we commit to each other that there will be no retribution for surfacing a problem or a concern, a mistake or misunderstanding, or for speaking honestly.
  • 78. Key Takeaways 1. Even though one of the primary tenets of The Agile Manifesto is that teams need to be co-located, it’s no longer required for everything 2. If you’re not co-located, tight collaboration and coordination is imperative. Make sure that everyone is communicating, both in real time and in non-real time 3. Tools are critical, but they are not the only answer. It’s necessary to have good processes in place, and for team members to meet in person as frequently as possible 4. Technology will help bridge most obstacles so code review, wikis, discussion forums, bug tracking, requirement tracking, Continuous Integration and SCM tools are very important 5. Having one integrated platform helps breeding synergy, transparency, productivity and trust increases efficiencies across projects and organisations.
  • 79. WOWs!, Risks, & Parking
  • 81. Thank You Our Contact details: Dipesh Pala Agile Capability Lead Kurt Solarte Agile Practice Lead @KurtSolarte @DipeshPala

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. People see what’s on the surface of agile, the results. They see that teams are delivering more quickly and frequently. They see that quality is going up. They see that risk is going down. And so on. What may not be so obvious is that this is the result of a culture change taking place. That’s what’s below the surface here.Frances Hesselbeim, an amazing change leader who was responsible for leading a transformation of one of the largest organizations in the world -- with a workforce of over 700,000 adults serving more than 2.2 million young members. She tells us culture reflects the realities of people working together every day…a set of values practices and traditions that define who we are as a group.”And that is exactly what we have with Agile.
  2. Of course, Agile provides us with values, practices, traditions… I won’t go over those here, but that’s the heart of Agile. The Agile manifesto. The values and the twelve guiding principles.
  3. The problem is that if we implement an Agile process or a transformation that is not rooted in the Agile principles and values, we get a paint-by-numbers on black velvet not a Mona Lisa.Discuss the difference and importance of values and principlesExample: The Daily Scrum or standupExample: Velocity
  5. According to a new Deloitte Human Resources survey titled 'Talent Edge 2020: perspectives from the financial services industry (FSI) which polled 300 senior executives and talent managers worldwide, Executives ranked cutting and managing costs (36%) and expanding into global and new markets, including the Middle East (33%), highest among the top strategic issues facing their companies. 2012 Gartner CEO and senior business executive survey revealed that one of the top three priorities in 2012 is to expand into new markets or geographies. Reuters report in May 2012 indicated that Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, last year spent $2.4 billion on a majority stake in South Africa's Massmart (MSMJ.J), a discounter with a growing presence on the continent.
  6., Matthias, Reasons for success and failure in Offshore Softwaredevelopment projects, Department ofInformation and ComputingSciences, Utrech University, The Netherlands, August, 2007.'s 2012 Competitive Alternatives study provides an independent comparison of international business locations in more than 110 cities in 14 countries around the world. The study looks at a wide range of issues when assessing competitiveness for business, with a primary focus on business costs, but also population and demographics, education and skilled labor, innovation, infrastructure, economic conditions, regulatory environment, cost of living, and personal quality of life. It also examines cost competitiveness of locations for different industry sectors including manufacturing, digital, research & development, and corporate services.
  9. example is Cognos. Cognos had already acquired several companies in different locations world wide before being acquired by IBM. That in IBM has invested more than $14 billion in 24 acquisitions to expand its analytics capabilities.
  11. Examples: two teams, one working with US Homeland Security, the advanced techology team that I’m currently working with in ResearchPart Time – People who prefer to work from home. We give them flexibilityDistributed with Overlapping work hours. In the US, the US and Europe. Without overlapping work hours
  14. Source: Distributed Agile Teams achieving the benefits – Projects At Work