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     Paolo Ciancarini

    The role of sw architecture in the
     development process
    What is a software development
     process and how it is described
    Traditional vs iterative process models
    Characteristics and benefits of
     architecture-centric sw development
    Agile Processes and Architecture
The role of architecture in sw lifecycle
Short History of Development Methods
                                                                            AGILE e.g. XP
                                                                            (Kent Beck)

                                                                          RUP (Rational) user
                                                                              driven, low process
                                                            RAD           Object oriented,
                                                            (James Martin)iterative, time-boxed,
                                                                          user driven
                                                            Prototyping,                     RUP
                                                            iterative, time-boxed,
                                             SPIRAL MODEL   user driven           RAD
   WATERFALL (Royce)                         (Barry Boehm)
                               V-MODEL (Anon)
   Requirements, design                      Iterative Spiral Model
   implementation,             Aligns testing to
   verification &              Waterfall
   maintenance                 development V-Model

1960                    1970                       1980            85              91          98 99
Traditional process

    Waterfall

                 Requirements   Review

                                 Design   Review

                                              Code   Review

                                                      Test    Review

Waterfall characteristics
                                              Delays confirmation of
                                               critical risk resolution
Waterfall Process                             Measures progress by
 Requirements                                  assessing work-products
                                               that are poor predictors
                                               of time-to-completion
       Code and unit test

           Subsystem integration
                                              Delays and aggregates
                                               integration and testing
                            System test
                                              Precludes early
                                              Frequently results in
                                               major unplanned
V Model
 Level of Detail

        Requirements                                    Acceptance
Low      Elicitation                                      Testing


                          Design        Integration Testing

                       Object Design   Unit Testing

                                                      Project Time
The spiral model
Determine objectives,                                                                         Evaluate alternatives,
alternatives, & constraints                                                                   identify & resolve risks



                              Requirements   Concept of
                                      plan   operation      Software
                                                          Requirements       Product            Detailed
                                                                            Design              Design
                              Development Requirements
                                     plan validation

                                 Integration Design                             Unit Test
                                       plan validation                                                Develop & verify
Plan next phase                                                                                       next level product
                                                          Integration & Test
The spiral model: phases
    Determine objectives
        Each phase has specific objectives
    Evaluate alternatives, reduce risks
        Each risk has to be identified and managed
    Develop and verify
        The process model can be generic
        Each phase includes development and verification
    Plan next phase
        Review the project and plan its future
    Name the pros and cons of each of the
     following software process models
         waterfall model
         v-model
         spiral model
    Specifically focus on their ability to solicit and
     react to customer requirement approval and
Iterative Development
                                               Analysis & Design
Planning                         Management


              Each iteration
               results in an
            executable release
Iterative process

    Iterative
                  Requirements   Requirements   Requirements

                    Design        Design         Design

                    Code           Code           Code

                    Testing        Testing        Testing

                    Deploy          Deploy         Deploy

                    Assess        Assess          Assess

                   Iteration 1   Iteration 2     Iteration 3
Waterfall vs. iterative

                                                                 Requirements     Requirements    Requirements

                                                                        Design       Design          Design

                                                                        Code         Code            Code



                                             Testing      Testing         Testing

                                                                    Deploy          Deploy          Deploy


                                                                        Assess      Assess           Assess

                                                                    Iteration 1     Iteration 2      Iteration 3




Iterative Development
    Phase - the time between two major project milestones,
     during which a well-defined set of objectives is met,
     artifacts are completed, and decisions are made to
     move or not into the next phase. A phase includes one
     or more iterations.
    Iteration – a time period in which a number of
     predefined tasks are performed and results are
     evaluated to feedback to the next iteration. An iteration
     results in a release.
    Release (external) – a coherent set of completed
     functionalities (code and other artifacts) that is useful to
     the stakeholders of the system
    Release (internal) - a coherent set of completed
     functionalities that is used only by the development
     organization, as part of a milestone, or for a
     demonstration to users
Risk: waterfall vs iterative

                                         Waterfall Risk

                        Risk Reduction

       Iterative Risk

Test each iteration
                  Iteration 1    Iteration 2   Iteration 3    Iteration 4

    UML Model

                 Test Suite 1   Test Suite 2   Test Suite 3   Test Suite 4

Original RUP
RUP is iterative
Evaluate the pros and cons of iterative processes
Benefits of Iterative Development

A software project evolves in iterations to:
      Mitigate risk
      Accommodate change
      Learn along the way
      Improve the quality of the artifacts
      Exploit reuse thus increasing productivity
Problems with iterative processes

    How iterative? How many rounds?
    Agile or rigid?
    Heavy weight (many rules, practices
     and documents) vs. lightweight (few
     rules and practices)
    Disciplined vs ad hoc (or chaotic)
A story
A pig and a chicken are walking down a road. 

The chicken looks at the pig and says, "Hey, why don't
we open a restaurant?" The pig looks back at the
chicken and says, "Good idea, what do you want to call
it?" The chicken thinks about it and says, "Why don't we
call it 'Ham and Eggs'?" "I don't think so," says the pig,
"I'd be committed but you'd only be involved."#
Committed vs involved

    The core roles in development teams
     are those committed to the project in
     the process - they are the ones
     producing the product: product owner,
     team, project manager
    The ancillary roles in teams are those
     with no formal role and infrequent
     involvement in the process - and must
     nonetheless be taken into account
The Planning Spectrum

Source: B. Boehm “Get Ready For Agile Methods, With Care”, IEEE Computer, Jan 2002
Agile developments methods
Some agile sw development methods
  Dynamic System Development Methodology and
   RAD (, 1995)
  Scrum (Sutherland and Schwaber, 1995)

  XP - eXtreme Programming (Beck, 1999)

  Feature Driven Development (DeLuca, 1999)

  Adaptive Sw Development (Highsmith, 2000)

  Lean Development (Poppendieck, 2003)

  Crystal Clear (Cockburn, 2004)

  Agile Unified Process (Ambler, 2005)
Agile ethics
           We are uncovering better ways of developing
           software by doing it and helping others do it.
            Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
  Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
     Responding to change over following a plan

           That is, while there is value in the items on
            the right, we prefer the items on the left.
    Management can tend to prefer the things on the
     right over the things on the left
Traditional vs agile team
Agile development
     Agile development uses feedback to make
      constant adjustments in a highly collaborative
     There are many agile development methods;
      most minimize risk by developing software in
      short amounts of time#
     Software developed during one unit of time is
      referred to as an iteration, which typically
      lasts from hours or few days#
     Each iteration passes through a full software
      development cycle
Agile development: architecture-centric
The Generic Agile Lifecycle
Agile practices
Agile Unified Process
Architectural Effort During the Lifecycle

         Inception     Elaboration   Construction    Transition


       Majority of architectural design activities
Little dedicated architectural effort

    Inception         Construction         Transition


      Minimal pure
                         Ideal realm of agile
Iterations and Phases
  Inception      Elaboration                 Construction                  Transition

 Preliminary Architect. Architect. Devel.        Devel.      Devel.    Transition Transition
  Iteration  Iteration Iteration Iteration     Iteration   Iteration    Iteration Iteration

       Internal Releases with                    Releases with main
        focus on architecture                     focus on features

  An architectural iteration focuses on major architectural elements,
resulting in a baseline architectural prototype at the end of elaboration
                                                                            Daily Scrum Meeting:
                                                                            15 minutes
   Team-Level                                                               Each teams member answers 3 questions:
                                                                            1) What did I do since last meeting?
   Planning                          Every 24hrs                            2) What obstacles are in my way?
                                                                            3) What will I do before next meeting?

                                                   Every Iteration
                                                     4-6 weeks
                                                                     Working Software
   Prioritised                                                          Delivered
   Scope              Requirements

                                Prioritised Requirements &
  Requirements                  Features Backlog
                                      Applying Agile:
                                      Continuous integration; continuously monitored progress
Agile: eXtreme Programming
The ethic values of eXtreme Programming
  Communication
  Simplicity
  Feedback
  Courage
  Respect         (added in the latest version)
eXtreme Programming (XP)
    “Extreme Programming is a discipline of software
     development based on values of simplicity,
     communication, feedback, and courage”                   Kent Beck

    Proponents of XP and agile methodologies regard
     ongoing changes to requirements as a natural and
     desirable aspect of sw projects
    They believe that adaptability to changing requirements
     at any point during the lifecycle is a better approach than
     attempting to define all requiremenmts at the beginning
     and then expending effort to control changes to the

 !     !       !!
The 12 Practices of XP
1.     Metaphor
2.     Release Planning
3.     Testing
4.     Pair Programming
5.     Refactoring
6.     Simple Design
7.     Collective Code
8.     Continuous Integration
9.     On-site Customer
10.    Small Releases
11.    40-Hour Work Week
12.    Coding Standards
    Programmers define a handful of classes and
     patterns that shape the core business problem
     and solution, like a primitive architecture
    Gives the team a consistent picture of
     describing the system, where new parts fit, etc.
    Example: payroll . . . The paycheck goes down
     an assembly line and pieces of information are
    Sometimes, you just can’t come up with a
    Find other useful metaphors
Release Planning
•  Requirements via User Stories
  •  Short (index-card length) natural language
     description of what a customer wants
      •  A commitment for further conversation
  •  Prioritized by customer
  •  Resource and risk estimated by developers
•  “The Planning Game”
  •  Highest priority, highest risk user stories
     included in early “time boxed” increments
•  Play the Planning Game after each
User stories: examples
  A user can post her cv

  A user can search for jobs

  A company can post new job openings

  A user can limit who can see her resume

  The software will be written in C++

  The program will connect to the database
   through a connection pool
User story: example
User story testing: example
    Test-Driven
     Development (TDD)
         Write tests before code
         Tests are automated
         Often use xUnit
         Must run at 100% before

    Acceptance Tests
         Written with the
         Act as “contract”
         Measure of progress
Pair Programming
•  Two software engineers work on
   one task at one computer
•  One engineer, the driver, has
   control of the keyboard and
   mouse and creates the
•  The other engineer, the navigator,
   watches the driver’s
   implementation to identify defects
   and participates in on-demand
•  The roles of driver and observer
   are periodically rotated between
   the two software engineers
Simple Design
•     No Big Design Up Front (BDUF)
•    “Do The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly
     •    Including documentation
•    “You Aren’t Gonna Need It” (YAGNI)
•    CRC cards (optional)
 Refactoring: as you write code, there are
  times when you need to change its structure -
  usually to conform to a pattern, to facilitate
  extensibility, or just because your code got
  long and messy
 Improve the design of existing code without
  changing functionality
    Simplify code, remove duplicate code
    Search actively all opportunity for abstraction
 Relies on testing to ensure nothing breaks in
  the process of refactoring
Collective Code Ownership
    Code to belongs to the project, not to an
     individual engineer
    As engineers develop required
     functionality, they may browse into and
     modify any class
Continuous Integration
  Each pair writes up its own unit test cases and
   code for a task (part of a user story)
  Pair tests units of code to 100%

  Pair integrates

  Pair runs ALL integrated unit test cases to
  Pair moves on to next task with clean slate and
   clear mind
  Should happen once or twice a day; prevents
   “Integration Hell”
On-Site Customer
    Customer available on site to clarify
     stories and to make critical business
    Developers don’t make assumptions
    Developers don’t have to wait for
    Face to face communication minimizes
     the chances of misunderstanding
Small Releases
•  Timeboxed
•  As small as possible, but still delivering
   business value
  •  No releases to ‘implement the database’
•  Get customer feedback early and often
   Do the planning game after each iteration
  •  Do they want something different?
  •  Have their priorities changed?
40h work per week (sustainable pace)

•  Kent Beck says, “ . . . fresh and eager every
   morning, and tired and satisfied every night”
•  Burning the midnight oil kills performance
•  Tired programmers write poor code and make
   more mistakes, which slows you down more in
   the long run
•  If you mess with people’s personal lives (by
   taking it over), in the long run the project will
   pay the consequences
Coding standards and conventions

    Use Coding Conventions
       Considering Pair Programming, Refactor Mercilessly,
        and Collective Code Ownership . . . need to easily find
        your way around (other people’s) code

    Method Commenting
       Priority placed on intention-revealing code
          If your code needs a comment to explain it, rewrite it
          If you can't explain your code with a comment, rewrite it
The 13th Practice: The Stand Up Meeting

Start day with 15-minute meeting
  •  Everyone stands up (so the meeting stays
     short) in circle
  •  Going around the room everyone says
    •  What they did the day before
    •  What they plan to do today
    •  Any obstacles they are experiencing
  •  Can be the way pairs are formed
Research findings on XP
    Strong anecdotal evidence from industry
         “We can produce near defect-free code in less than
          half the time.”

    Empirical Study
         Pairs produced higher quality code
               15% more test cases passed (difference statistically significant)
         Pairs completed their tasks in about half the time
               58% of elapsed time (difference not statistically significant)
         Most programmers reluctantly embark on pair
               Pairs enjoy their work more (92%)
               Pairs feel more confident in their work products (96%)
Agile Misconceptions

    Agile means:        “letting the programming team do whatever they
     need to with no project management, and no architecture, allowing a
     solution to emerge, the programmers will do all the testing necessary
     with Unit Tests…”
Process control variables
    Time – duration of the project
    Quality – the requirements for ‘correctness’
    Resources – personnel, equipment, etc.
    Scope – what is to be done; the features to
     be implemented

    These process control variables are very
     difficult to control all; the simplest and most
     effective to control is scope
Self-test questions

    What are the advantages of an iterative
    What is an agile process?
    Which are the potential problems and
     risks with user involvement?
    What is the planning game?
    What is a user story?
    What are the major best practices in XP?
    Ambler, Agile Modern Driven Development with
     UML2 (The Object Primer 3ed.), Cambridge Univ.
     Press, 2004
    Beck and Fowler, Planning Extreme Programming,
     Addison Wesley, 2000
    Cockburn, Agile Software Development, 2000
    Larman, Agile and Iterative Development: a
     managers’ guide, Addison Wesley, 2003
    Schwaber, Agile Project Management with Scrum,
     Microsoft Press, 2004
    Shore and Warden, The Art of Agile Development,
     O’Reilly, 2007
Useful sites

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8 - Architetture Software - Architecture centric processes

  • 1. Architecture-centric processes Paolo Ciancarini
  • 2. Agenda   The role of sw architecture in the development process   What is a software development process and how it is described   Traditional vs iterative process models   Characteristics and benefits of architecture-centric sw development   Agile Processes and Architecture
  • 3. The role of architecture in sw lifecycle
  • 4.
  • 5. Short History of Development Methods AGILE e.g. XP (Kent Beck) RUP (Rational) user Incremental, driven, low process RAD Object oriented, (James Martin)iterative, time-boxed, user driven Prototyping, RUP iterative, time-boxed, SPIRAL MODEL user driven RAD WATERFALL (Royce) (Barry Boehm) V-MODEL (Anon) Requirements, design Iterative Spiral Model implementation, Aligns testing to verification & Waterfall maintenance development V-Model Waterfall 1960 1970 1980 85 91 98 99
  • 6. Traditional process   Waterfall Requirements Review Design Review Code Review Test Review Deploy
  • 7. Waterfall characteristics   Delays confirmation of critical risk resolution Waterfall Process   Measures progress by Requirements assessing work-products analysis that are poor predictors Design of time-to-completion Code and unit test Subsystem integration   Delays and aggregates integration and testing System test   Precludes early deployment   Frequently results in major unplanned iterations
  • 8. V Model Level of Detail Requirements Acceptance Low Elicitation Testing System Analysis Testing Design Integration Testing Object Design Unit Testing High Project Time
  • 9. The spiral model Determine objectives, Evaluate alternatives, alternatives, & constraints identify & resolve risks Risk analysis Risk analysis Risk analysis P1 Prototype3 Prototype2 Prototype1 Requirements Concept of plan operation Software System Requirements Product Detailed Design Design Development Requirements plan validation P2 Code Integration Design Unit Test plan validation Develop & verify Plan next phase next level product Integration & Test Acceptance Test
  • 10. The spiral model: phases   Determine objectives   Each phase has specific objectives   Evaluate alternatives, reduce risks   Each risk has to be identified and managed   Develop and verify   The process model can be generic   Each phase includes development and verification   Plan next phase   Review the project and plan its future
  • 11. Exercise   Name the pros and cons of each of the following software process models   waterfall model   v-model   spiral model   Specifically focus on their ability to solicit and react to customer requirement approval and changes
  • 12. Iterative Development Requirements Analysis & Design Planning Implementation Initial Planning Management Environment Test Evaluation Deployment Each iteration results in an executable release
  • 13. Iterative process   Iterative Requirements Requirements Requirements Design Design Design Code Code Code Testing Testing Testing Deploy Deploy Deploy Assess Assess Assess Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3
  • 14. Waterfall vs. iterative Requirements Requirements Requirements Design Design Design Code Code Code Requirements Review Testing Testing Testing Deploy Deploy Deploy Design Review Assess Assess Assess Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Code Review Test Review Deploy
  • 15. Iterative Development   Phase - the time between two major project milestones, during which a well-defined set of objectives is met, artifacts are completed, and decisions are made to move or not into the next phase. A phase includes one or more iterations.   Iteration – a time period in which a number of predefined tasks are performed and results are evaluated to feedback to the next iteration. An iteration results in a release.   Release (external) – a coherent set of completed functionalities (code and other artifacts) that is useful to the stakeholders of the system   Release (internal) - a coherent set of completed functionalities that is used only by the development organization, as part of a milestone, or for a demonstration to users
  • 16. Risk: waterfall vs iterative Waterfall Risk Risk Risk Reduction Iterative Risk Time
  • 17. Test each iteration Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 UML Model and Implementation Test Suite 1 Test Suite 2 Test Suite 3 Test Suite 4 Tests
  • 20. Discussion Evaluate the pros and cons of iterative processes
  • 21. Benefits of Iterative Development A software project evolves in iterations to:   Mitigate risk   Accommodate change   Learn along the way   Improve the quality of the artifacts   Exploit reuse thus increasing productivity
  • 22. Problems with iterative processes   How iterative? How many rounds?   Agile or rigid?   Heavy weight (many rules, practices and documents) vs. lightweight (few rules and practices)   Disciplined vs ad hoc (or chaotic)
  • 23. A story A pig and a chicken are walking down a road. 
 The chicken looks at the pig and says, "Hey, why don't we open a restaurant?" The pig looks back at the chicken and says, "Good idea, what do you want to call it?" The chicken thinks about it and says, "Why don't we call it 'Ham and Eggs'?" "I don't think so," says the pig, "I'd be committed but you'd only be involved."#
  • 24. Committed vs involved   The core roles in development teams are those committed to the project in the process - they are the ones producing the product: product owner, team, project manager   The ancillary roles in teams are those with no formal role and infrequent involvement in the process - and must nonetheless be taken into account
  • 25. The Planning Spectrum Source: B. Boehm “Get Ready For Agile Methods, With Care”, IEEE Computer, Jan 2002
  • 26. Agile developments methods Some agile sw development methods   Dynamic System Development Methodology and RAD (, 1995)   Scrum (Sutherland and Schwaber, 1995)   XP - eXtreme Programming (Beck, 1999)   Feature Driven Development (DeLuca, 1999)   Adaptive Sw Development (Highsmith, 2000)   Lean Development (Poppendieck, 2003)   Crystal Clear (Cockburn, 2004)   Agile Unified Process (Ambler, 2005)
  • 27. Agile ethics  We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we prefer the items on the left.   Management can tend to prefer the things on the right over the things on the left
  • 29. Agile development   Agile development uses feedback to make constant adjustments in a highly collaborative environment   There are many agile development methods; most minimize risk by developing software in short amounts of time#   Software developed during one unit of time is referred to as an iteration, which typically lasts from hours or few days#   Each iteration passes through a full software development cycle
  • 31. The Generic Agile Lifecycle
  • 34. Architectural Effort During the Lifecycle Inception Elaboration Construction Transition time Majority of architectural design activities
  • 35. Little dedicated architectural effort Inception Construction Transition time Minimal pure Ideal realm of agile Architectural practices Activities
  • 36. Iterations and Phases Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Preliminary Architect. Architect. Devel. Devel. Devel. Transition Transition Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Iteration Internal Releases with Releases with main focus on architecture focus on features An architectural iteration focuses on major architectural elements, resulting in a baseline architectural prototype at the end of elaboration
  • 37. SCRUM Daily Scrum Meeting: 15 minutes Team-Level Each teams member answers 3 questions: 1) What did I do since last meeting? Planning Every 24hrs 2) What obstacles are in my way? 3) What will I do before next meeting? Every Iteration 4-6 weeks Working Software Prioritised Delivered Iteration Scope Requirements Requirements Prioritised Requirements & Requirements Features Backlog Requirements Requirements Applying Agile: Continuous integration; continuously monitored progress
  • 38. Agile: eXtreme Programming The ethic values of eXtreme Programming   Communication   Simplicity   Feedback   Courage   Respect (added in the latest version)
  • 39. eXtreme Programming (XP)   “Extreme Programming is a discipline of software development based on values of simplicity, communication, feedback, and courage” Kent Beck   Proponents of XP and agile methodologies regard ongoing changes to requirements as a natural and desirable aspect of sw projects   They believe that adaptability to changing requirements at any point during the lifecycle is a better approach than attempting to define all requiremenmts at the beginning and then expending effort to control changes to the requirements ! ! !!
  • 40. The 12 Practices of XP 1.  Metaphor 2.  Release Planning 3.  Testing 4.  Pair Programming 5.  Refactoring 6.  Simple Design 7.  Collective Code Ownership 8.  Continuous Integration 9.  On-site Customer 10.  Small Releases 11.  40-Hour Work Week 12.  Coding Standards
  • 41. Metaphor   Programmers define a handful of classes and patterns that shape the core business problem and solution, like a primitive architecture   Gives the team a consistent picture of describing the system, where new parts fit, etc.   Example: payroll . . . The paycheck goes down an assembly line and pieces of information are added   Sometimes, you just can’t come up with a metaphor
  • 42. Exercise   Find other useful metaphors
  • 43. Release Planning •  Requirements via User Stories •  Short (index-card length) natural language description of what a customer wants •  A commitment for further conversation •  Prioritized by customer •  Resource and risk estimated by developers •  “The Planning Game” •  Highest priority, highest risk user stories included in early “time boxed” increments •  Play the Planning Game after each increment
  • 44. User stories: examples Good:   A user can post her cv   A user can search for jobs   A company can post new job openings   A user can limit who can see her resume Bad:   The software will be written in C++   The program will connect to the database through a connection pool
  • 47. Testing   Test-Driven Development (TDD)   Write tests before code   Tests are automated   Often use xUnit framework   Must run at 100% before proceeding   Acceptance Tests   Written with the customer   Act as “contract”   Measure of progress
  • 48. Pair Programming •  Two software engineers work on one task at one computer •  One engineer, the driver, has control of the keyboard and mouse and creates the implementation •  The other engineer, the navigator, watches the driver’s implementation to identify defects and participates in on-demand brainstorming •  The roles of driver and observer are periodically rotated between the two software engineers
  • 49. Simple Design •  No Big Design Up Front (BDUF) •  “Do The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work” •  Including documentation •  “You Aren’t Gonna Need It” (YAGNI) •  CRC cards (optional)
  • 50. Refactoring  Refactoring: as you write code, there are times when you need to change its structure - usually to conform to a pattern, to facilitate extensibility, or just because your code got long and messy  Improve the design of existing code without changing functionality   Simplify code, remove duplicate code   Search actively all opportunity for abstraction  Relies on testing to ensure nothing breaks in the process of refactoring
  • 51. Collective Code Ownership   Code to belongs to the project, not to an individual engineer   As engineers develop required functionality, they may browse into and modify any class
  • 52. Continuous Integration   Each pair writes up its own unit test cases and code for a task (part of a user story)   Pair tests units of code to 100%   Pair integrates   Pair runs ALL integrated unit test cases to 100%   Pair moves on to next task with clean slate and clear mind   Should happen once or twice a day; prevents “Integration Hell”
  • 53. On-Site Customer   Customer available on site to clarify stories and to make critical business decisions   Developers don’t make assumptions   Developers don’t have to wait for decisions   Face to face communication minimizes the chances of misunderstanding
  • 54. Small Releases •  Timeboxed •  As small as possible, but still delivering business value •  No releases to ‘implement the database’ •  Get customer feedback early and often Do the planning game after each iteration •  Do they want something different? •  Have their priorities changed?
  • 55. 40h work per week (sustainable pace) •  Kent Beck says, “ . . . fresh and eager every morning, and tired and satisfied every night” •  Burning the midnight oil kills performance •  Tired programmers write poor code and make more mistakes, which slows you down more in the long run •  If you mess with people’s personal lives (by taking it over), in the long run the project will pay the consequences
  • 56. Coding standards and conventions   Use Coding Conventions   Considering Pair Programming, Refactor Mercilessly, and Collective Code Ownership . . . need to easily find your way around (other people’s) code   Method Commenting   Priority placed on intention-revealing code   If your code needs a comment to explain it, rewrite it   If you can't explain your code with a comment, rewrite it
  • 57. The 13th Practice: The Stand Up Meeting Start day with 15-minute meeting •  Everyone stands up (so the meeting stays short) in circle •  Going around the room everyone says specifically: •  What they did the day before •  What they plan to do today •  Any obstacles they are experiencing •  Can be the way pairs are formed
  • 58. Research findings on XP   Strong anecdotal evidence from industry   “We can produce near defect-free code in less than half the time.”   Empirical Study   Pairs produced higher quality code   15% more test cases passed (difference statistically significant)   Pairs completed their tasks in about half the time   58% of elapsed time (difference not statistically significant)   Most programmers reluctantly embark on pair programming   Pairs enjoy their work more (92%)   Pairs feel more confident in their work products (96%)
  • 59. Agile Misconceptions   Agile means: “letting the programming team do whatever they need to with no project management, and no architecture, allowing a solution to emerge, the programmers will do all the testing necessary with Unit Tests…”
  • 60. Process control variables   Time – duration of the project   Quality – the requirements for ‘correctness’   Resources – personnel, equipment, etc.   Scope – what is to be done; the features to be implemented   These process control variables are very difficult to control all; the simplest and most effective to control is scope
  • 61. Self-test questions   What are the advantages of an iterative process?   What is an agile process?   Which are the potential problems and risks with user involvement?   What is the planning game?   What is a user story?   What are the major best practices in XP?
  • 62. References   Ambler, Agile Modern Driven Development with UML2 (The Object Primer 3ed.), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004   Beck and Fowler, Planning Extreme Programming, Addison Wesley, 2000   Cockburn, Agile Software Development, 2000   Larman, Agile and Iterative Development: a managers’ guide, Addison Wesley, 2003   Schwaber, Agile Project Management with Scrum, Microsoft Press, 2004   Shore and Warden, The Art of Agile Development, O’Reilly, 2007
  • 63. Useful sites ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !