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Myths & Facts
Victim & Survivor Resources

 2009 Jean Nidetch Women's Center
       P.A.A.V.E. Presentation
Jean Nidetch Women’s Center
We provide:
• Workshops and
• Events on campus
• Advocacy for
  violence prevention
  and breast cancer
• Academic
 Formerly known as SAFE Team
 Educators completed 18 hour training on
  domestic violence and sexual assault
 Provides UNLV campus with presentations on
  specific topics in domestic violence and
  sexual assault
 Next training in Fall 2009!
Agenda & Topics
 Agenda
     Definitions
     Statistics
     Myths & Facts
     Resources
 Topics
     Domestic Violence
     Sexual Assault
     Stalking
     Cultural Awareness and Competency
 Sexual Assault: a broader category that
  the Justice Department uses to classify
  rape, attempted rape and other violent
  felonies that fall short of rape (which is
  defined as strictly forced vaginal, anal or
  oral penetration)
 Assault/Battering: “Physical assault is a
  behavior that threatens, attempts, or
  actually inflicts physical harm, ranging
  from slapping and hitting to using a gun”
  (US Justice Department)
 Marginalized: We use this term as a blanket
  term to encompass social identities that are
  not dominant and central in our society. This
  includes but is not limited to –
  race, ethnicity, gender, sexual
  orientation, citizen status, class, physical and
  mental ability, age etc.
 Advocates: Go through extensive training to
  work directly with victims/survivors every step
  of the reporting and court processes
  immediately following experiences of
 Many forms of abuse:
   Physical battering – can range from
   pushing or bruising to murder. Escalates
   in level of abuse
  Sexual abuse – Physical attack that is
   coupled with forced/unwanted sexual
  Psychological battering – verbal
   abuse, harassment, excessive
   possessiveness, economic resource
   limiting and destruction of personal
Defining Physical Assault
 U.S. Justice Department:
   “Physical assault is a behavior that
    threatens, attempts, or actually inflicts physical
    harm, ranging from slapping and hitting to
    using a gun”
 Nevada Revised Statutes:
   Battery that is classified as domestic violence
    for the first offense within 7 years, is classified as
    a misdemeanor and is punishable by
    imprisonment for no less than 2 days and no
    more than 6 months and includes 48 hours of
    community service
What is stalking?
 Stalking is defined differently per
 Stalking is used to describe specific
  kinds of behaviors directed at a
  particular person and includes forms
  of harassing and threat.
 As a general rule, stalking is any
  unwanted contact between a
  stalker and victim and often results in
LGBTQQI & the alphabet soup
  Lesbian
  Gay
  Bisexual
  Transgender
  Queer or questioning
  Intersexed
  self-identifying term for someone whose
   gender identity or expression differs from
   traditional gender roles
  also an umbrella term that refers to
   everyone who crosses gender roles in one
   way or another including transsexuals, drag
   queens/kings, etc

             •Gwen Araujo
            •Brandon Teena
  once used to negatively describe a gay man
   or woman
  now used by the gay community as a positive
   or neutral descriptive of each other
  embracing a word that was used to attack or
   degrade, the gay community has
   demagnetized the strength of the
   word, making it a common everyday
   term, lessening the effect of the word when
   used against them
  assumption that everyone is, or should
   be, heterosexual
  heterosexuality is the only
   normal, natural expression of sexuality
  heterosexuality is superior and therefore
   preferable to being
   gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or
 First used in print in 1969 in Time Magazine. It
  was coined by a clinical psychologist, George
 Irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination
  against gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and
  queer people
 Prejudice, discrimination, harassment and acts
  of violence
   To discriminate is to label one group as “less good” or
    “less deserving”
   Discriminatory practices target people who typically
    occupy devalued groups
Two types of Homophobia
  Internalized homophobia
   Often refuse to believe their own sexuality
   Believes all the bad “what if’s”
  Institutionalized homophobia
   Systematic oppression forced to maintain
    the status quo
Relationships are a BASIC NEED
 Living with rejection or threat of rejection, can
 be detrimental to a person’s sense of well-
 being and connection
   Maslow’s Basic Hierarchy of Human Needs
     Love and Belongingness
         We need to feel connected that we fit, that we are
         Because of perceived or real threat of rejection, a
          person may hide his or her sexual identity
         What is the cost to their sense of self-esteem?
Stalking Statistics
 1 in 20 women report being stalked annually
 13% of female college students reported an
  incidence of stalking during their first
 3 in 10 women reported being emotionally or
  physically hurt by a stalker
 93.4% of study participants confided in a
  friend they were being stalked
    From The National College Women’s Sexual
     Victimization Study, 1997 of 4,446 female college
     students on 223 campuses
National Stalking Statistics
 1 out of every 12 women will be stalked in
    their lifetime
   1 out of every 45 men will be stalked in their
   94% of stalkers defined by female victims
    were men
   60% of stalkers defined by male victims were
   77% of female victims were stalked by
    someone they knew
   31% of stalking victims have expressed
    suicidal thoughts
Domestic Violence Statistics
 25% of women and 7% of men will be victims
  of domestic violence or partner rape.
 Six months following an experience of
  domestic violence, 32% of battered women
  are victimized again
 Yearly, 3.3 million children are exposed to
  interfamily violence against their mothers or
  female caretakers
Sexual Assault Statistics
 Only about 42% of rapes sexual assaults were reported to
    law enforcement in 2007
   1 out of 6 American women have been the victims of an
    attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
   About 3% of American men- a total of 2.78 million men –
    have experienced an attempted or completed rape in
    their lifetime.
   98% of males who raped boys were heterosexual
   70% of female rape victims and 74% of male victims knew
    their assailant.
   90% of college women of rape and sexual assault knew
    their attacker prior to the assault.
    since 1993 rape/sexual assault has decreased by over 60%
LGBT & Violence Statistics
 Substantial lack of current research in this area
 Domestic violence occurs in LGBTQ relationships
  with the same severity and frequency as in
  heterosexual relationships
   Consistent abuse occurs in as many as 1 in 3
   At least one episode of abuse occurs in 1 in 2
 Lesbians are more likely to report sexual violence
  than gay men
 1 in 2 transgender individuals have experienced
  sexual violence (FORGE)
Rethinking Domestic Violence
   MYTHS                           FACTS
    1.  Battering occurs             1.   Violence occurs in all
        more frequently in                racial and ethnic
                                          groups and in all
        certain ethnic or
                                          class levels of society
                                     2.   Substances can
                                          trigger violence but
    2. Violence is caused                 batterers are violent
        by substance abuse                even when sober
    3. Women who stay in             3.   Many mothers
        violent situations are            choose to stay
        not good mothers                  because there’s no
                                          where else to go and
                                          often, to protect
Rethinking Domestic Violence
   MYTHS                          FACTS
    4.   Violence only              4. 25-50% of all
         affects a small part          women are
         of the population             abused. Battering
                                       deaths are more
                                       common than
                                       cancer and car
    5. Fights in                       accidents
       relationships are               combined
       normal and natural
                                    5. Disagreements
                                       occur but
                                       arguments must be
                                       analyzed for signs
                                       of violence
Same Sex (LGBTQ) Abuse
 Abuse in relationships is any pattern of
  behavior that is used to coerce, dominate or
  isolate the other partner to gain control
 Abuse knows no boundary concerning
  race, class, gender, sexual orientation etc.
 Remember, violence may take a different
  form in different communities but that does
  not make one form more important than
LGBT & Domestic Violence
  Remember, DV is about power and control.
  May be especially difficult for lesbian victim
    Size does not matter
    Verbal and emotional abuse can be
    compounded for the lesbian/gay/trans
     Threats to “out” the person
     Threats to disclose HIV/AIDS status
   Not “easier to leave”
     Individuals may be more intertwined with
      each other’s lives
     What happens in DV shelters?
LGBT & Sexual Violence
 Sexual Violence
   By stranger
   By known individual
   By significant other
 More judgment on the person’s sexual
  orientation than on the attacker
 Heterosexism is at work because it is typically a
  heterosexual model upon which findings are
‘Unique Victimization’
 Hate Crimes
  Difficult at times to ascertain whether the crime
   was, in fact, motivated by the person’s sexual
  14th Amendment: Every citizen has equal
   protection under the law
‘Unique considerations’
 Threat of being “outed” when an LGBTQ person
    is abused
   Concerned about betraying the LGBTQ
    community when reporting
   Homophobia intersects with possible sexism and
    racism for LGBTQ victims/survivors
   Institutionalized homophobia affects the support
    services victims/survivors receive
   Shelters are often not available to men, while
    women may not feel safe if their abuser has
   Victims of same-sex sexual violence are not
    necessarily LGBTQ
   Lack of knowledge about LGBTQ sexual violence
    affects victims/survivors, educators, and support
    Similarities
    1.   Abuse is always the responsibility of the
         abuser. It is their choice.
    2.   Victims are often blamed for the abuse by
         their partner.
    3.   It is difficult for victims to leave their
    4.   Victims often feel responsible for their abuse.
    5.   Abuse escalates over time.
    6.   The abuser is often apologetic after
         abusing, giving false hope that the abuse
         will stop.
    Differences
    1.   There are limited resources available for
         abused and abusive LGBTQ people.
    2.   Homophobia in society denies the reality of
         some same sex relationships, including their
         very existence, let alone abuse.
    3.   Shelters for women may not be sensitive to a
         victim of same sex assault.
    4.   Gay/Bi/Trans men have even fewer options
         for help.
    5.   Reporting may result in a feeling or
         experience of being excluded from the
         LGBTQ community.
Everyday Occurrences
   Invisibility/Isolation
   Qualifiers
   Subject to gay jokes/degrading comments
   Presumption of heterosexuality
   Threats to “disown” by family
   Partner Exclusion
   Perceived danger to children
   Name calling
   Forced sexual acts (rape) to “make” them
LGBTQ Myths and Facts
 MYTH: Women can not be abusive, only men can
   Fact: Anyone can choose to be abusive or not

 MYTH: LGBTQ people are always equal in
 relationships. It’s not abuse, it’s a relationship
   Fact: Same sex or gender in a relationship does not
   guarantee equality

 MYTH: Abuse in LGBTQ relationships is sexual
 behavior. It’s a version of S&M and they usually
 like it.
   If consent is NOT there, the sexual act is not
   consensual, no matter what the nature of the act is.
 Sexual assault & domestic
Myth 1                            violence do occur in LGBTQ
 Sexual assault & domestic      Domestic violence occurs in
  violence don't occur in         LGBTQ relationships as
  LGBTQ relationships             frequently and as severely as
  (denial)                        it does in heterosexual
                                 Level of trauma of sexual
                                  violence is not defined by
                                  whether or not the weapon
                                  was a penis
                                 LGBTQ survivors also need
                                  support in healing
                                 Some key dynamics of
                                  domestic violence are the
                                  same in all relationships
                                  (violence is about power &
                                  control, violence occurs in a
                                  cycle, violence escalates
                                  over time, etc.
Myth 2
 Sexual & domestic            There is nothing inherently
  violence occurs in LGBTQ      unhealthy about these
  relationships because         relationships
  there is something           People do not abuse
  inherently unhealthy with     because they are LGBTQ (or
                                heterosexual). People abuse
  these relationships           to have power & control over
                                another person.
                               LGBTQ people can have
                                healthy relationships
Myth 3
 The bigger, more       Size, masculinity/femi
 masculine or             ninity and gender
 masculine identified     identity are not
 person is always the     causes of abuse and
 abusive partner in a     do not determine
 domestic violence        who is the abusive
 relationship             partner
                         Sexual and domestic
                          violence does not
                          occur in
                          relationships more
Myths 4 & 5
 Sexual and domestic                In all relationships, both
  violence in LGBTQ                   partners can have unhealthy
  relationships is "mutual" (both     behavior. But in domestic
  partners are abusive to each        violence relationships, mutual
  other)                              abuse rarely happens.

                                     The reasons why it is difficult
 It's easier for an LGBTQ            to leave an abusive
  person to leave an abusive          relationship are similar for all
  relationship                        abusive relationships.
                                      Homo/bi/transphobic &
                                      heterosexism also contribute
                                      to difficulties leaving an
                                      abusive relationship
Myth 6
 Sexual & domestic violence
  occurs in LGBTQ relationships     Sexual & domestic violence
  that engage in SM play more          does not occur in LGBTQ
  frequently                           relationships that engage in
                                       SM play more frequently
 SM play is sexual and
  domestic violence                 SM play is consensual so it is
                                       not abuse
 Children are never an issue in
  LGBTQ relationships                 LGBTQ people have
                                       children in their lives
Relevance to sexual violence
 We cannot afford, nor would want, to alienate
 LGBTQI victims/survivors.
 Within the field of sexual violence
 prevention, heterosexism can serve to reinforce
 homophobia (be it societal or internalized).
 Growing in the anonymity of the Internet
 Social networking sites like Myspace and
  Facebook make it easier to “keep tabs” on
 Technology creates a barrier between the
  stalker and victim
 Many people may not know they are being
What to do…
 Save all communication evidence
 You can contact the harasser’s Internet
  Service Provider (ISP) and many ISP’s respond
  with suspension or closing of account
  belonging to abusers
 Call the police or local domestic violence
  hotlines, get help from local violence centers
UNLV Police Services
Reports of Forcible Sex Offenses on
              2005 – 4
              2006 – 0
              2007 – 3

*Often times these crimes occur and
     are reported outside of the
          jurisdiction of UNLV.
The Rape Crisis Center of Southern
                        Gender:
                       Female – 97%
                         Male – 3%

                     Race/Ethnicity:
                        White – 58%
                  Latino/Hispanic – 18%
                       Black – 16%
                        Asian – 3%
                      Bi-racial – 2%
                       Native – <1%
                  Unknown/Other – <1%

 43% of the total 833 reported victims in 2007 were between
                       the ages of 19-29.
Protocol for Victims on Campus
 Go to a safe place
 Seek medical attention immediately. University Medical
    Center (UMC) is the only hospital that will do a rape kit.
    You may be injured more seriously than you realize.
    Medical evidence will be needed, if you decide to press
   Call University Police (895-3668) or CALL 911. Reporting is
    not the same as pressing charges.
   Call the Counseling and Psychological Services (895-3627).
   Do not blame yourself-you are the victim of a crime.
   Do NOT bathe, shower, douche, or change clothes until you
    have talked with the police or nurse. However, if you have
    already done these things, please do not let his stop you
    from seeking medical care. If you’ve changed clothes
    , place the clothes you were wearing in a paper bag and
    them to the hospital with you.
   Remember you may have an advocate to help every step
    of the way
Cultural Competency
 The Rape Crisis Center – “Problemas dos
 PAAVE – All trainings included an entire
  session on cultural competency
 Jean Nidetch Women’s Center –
  programming on sexual assault and domestic
  violence infused into racial identity months
  (and LGBT pride and Women’s history
  months, as well!)
The Jean Nidetch Women’s
 The only on campus resource for referrals to
    community organizations
   One on-staff, certified advocate (Christina
    Hernandez, Outreach & Awareness
   Member of ASSERTAV task force
   Oversees all violence prevention
    programming on campus
   Provides twice a year peer education
    training (PAAVE) on domestic violence and
    sexual assault
 Advocacy. Support. Educate. & Response
  Team Against Violence (ASERTAV)
 ASERTAV strives to coordinate a
  collaborative response to
  student, staff, and faculty members of our
  community who may have been affected
  by violence. Our goal is to communicate
  to survivors that they are not alone during
  their recovery by providing
  resources, advocacy and education.
 Members of the task force include
  campus and community organizations
  and local law enforcement
Nevada Network Against
        Domestic Violence
 Resource hub to advocacy, prevention
  programs and legislative lobbying
 Provides referrals to shelter services, including
  SafeNest and SAFE House
 Part of the ASERTAV task force
 A member of the National Coalition Against
  Domestic Violence
The Rape Crisis Center of Southern
 Las Vegas’ main resource for sexual assault
    victim advocacy
   Implements community programming (Nina’s
    Night Out) to raise awareness
   Trains victim advocates in conjunction with
   Provides referrals to UMC for sexual assault
    examinations (aka: rape kits)
   Represented on ASSERTAV task force
Stalking Resources
 CyberAngels: Support group/resource center
 Working to Half Online Abuse (WHOA)
 International Association of Computer
 Investigative Specialists:
LGBTQQI Resources
 Community United Against Violence (CUAV)
   24 hr crisis line: 415-333-HELP (4357)
   Matthew’s Place
   Trevor Helpline: 1-866-4-U-TREVOR
   GLBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-PRIDE
   National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
     212-714-1184
   FORGE: For Ourselves: Reworking Gender
More Local Resources
 Safe House (Domestic Violence Support)
   702.451.4203
 Abuse Crisis Center / DV Hotline
   702.646.4981
 Nevada Division of Child and Family
  702.486.7800
 More information available at:
   The Jean Nidetch Women’s Center, UNLV
      SSC A, 255 – 702.895.4475
Even more Local Resources
 Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence:
 The Rape Crisis Center of Southern Nevada:
 The Jean Nidetch Women’s Center at UNLV:

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Myths & facts

  • 1. Myths & Facts Victim & Survivor Resources 2009 Jean Nidetch Women's Center P.A.A.V.E. Presentation
  • 2. Jean Nidetch Women’s Center We provide: • Workshops and presentations • Events on campus • Advocacy for violence prevention and breast cancer awareness • Academic involvement
  • 3. P.A.A.V.E  Formerly known as SAFE Team  Educators completed 18 hour training on domestic violence and sexual assault  Provides UNLV campus with presentations on specific topics in domestic violence and sexual assault  Next training in Fall 2009!
  • 4. Agenda & Topics  Agenda  Definitions  Statistics  Myths & Facts  Resources  Topics  Domestic Violence  Sexual Assault  LGBTQQI  Stalking  Cultural Awareness and Competency
  • 5. Definitions  Sexual Assault: a broader category that the Justice Department uses to classify rape, attempted rape and other violent felonies that fall short of rape (which is defined as strictly forced vaginal, anal or oral penetration)  Assault/Battering: “Physical assault is a behavior that threatens, attempts, or actually inflicts physical harm, ranging from slapping and hitting to using a gun” (US Justice Department)
  • 6. Definitions  Marginalized: We use this term as a blanket term to encompass social identities that are not dominant and central in our society. This includes but is not limited to – race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, citizen status, class, physical and mental ability, age etc.  Advocates: Go through extensive training to work directly with victims/survivors every step of the reporting and court processes immediately following experiences of violence.
  • 7. Definitions  Many forms of abuse:  Physical battering – can range from pushing or bruising to murder. Escalates in level of abuse  Sexual abuse – Physical attack that is coupled with forced/unwanted sexual activity  Psychological battering – verbal abuse, harassment, excessive possessiveness, economic resource limiting and destruction of personal property
  • 8. Defining Physical Assault  U.S. Justice Department:  “Physical assault is a behavior that threatens, attempts, or actually inflicts physical harm, ranging from slapping and hitting to using a gun”  Nevada Revised Statutes:  Battery that is classified as domestic violence for the first offense within 7 years, is classified as a misdemeanor and is punishable by imprisonment for no less than 2 days and no more than 6 months and includes 48 hours of community service
  • 9. What is stalking?  Stalking is defined differently per state  Stalking is used to describe specific kinds of behaviors directed at a particular person and includes forms of harassing and threat.  As a general rule, stalking is any unwanted contact between a stalker and victim and often results in fear
  • 10. LGBTQQI & the alphabet soup  Lesbian  Gay  Bisexual  Transgender  Queer or questioning  Intersexed
  • 11. Transgender  self-identifying term for someone whose gender identity or expression differs from traditional gender roles  also an umbrella term that refers to everyone who crosses gender roles in one way or another including transsexuals, drag queens/kings, etc •Gwen Araujo •Brandon Teena
  • 12. Queer  once used to negatively describe a gay man or woman  now used by the gay community as a positive or neutral descriptive of each other  embracing a word that was used to attack or degrade, the gay community has demagnetized the strength of the word, making it a common everyday term, lessening the effect of the word when used against them
  • 13. Heterosexism  assumption that everyone is, or should be, heterosexual  heterosexuality is the only normal, natural expression of sexuality  heterosexuality is superior and therefore preferable to being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or queer
  • 14. Homophobia  First used in print in 1969 in Time Magazine. It was coined by a clinical psychologist, George Weinberg.  Irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer people  Prejudice, discrimination, harassment and acts of violence  To discriminate is to label one group as “less good” or “less deserving”  Discriminatory practices target people who typically occupy devalued groups
  • 15. Two types of Homophobia  Internalized homophobia  Often refuse to believe their own sexuality  Believes all the bad “what if’s”  Institutionalized homophobia  Systematic oppression forced to maintain the status quo
  • 16. Relationships are a BASIC NEED  Living with rejection or threat of rejection, can be detrimental to a person’s sense of well- being and connection  Maslow’s Basic Hierarchy of Human Needs  Love and Belongingness  We need to feel connected that we fit, that we are valued.  Because of perceived or real threat of rejection, a person may hide his or her sexual identity  What is the cost to their sense of self-esteem?
  • 17. Stalking Statistics  1 in 20 women report being stalked annually  13% of female college students reported an incidence of stalking during their first semester  3 in 10 women reported being emotionally or physically hurt by a stalker  93.4% of study participants confided in a friend they were being stalked  From The National College Women’s Sexual Victimization Study, 1997 of 4,446 female college students on 223 campuses
  • 18. National Stalking Statistics  1 out of every 12 women will be stalked in their lifetime  1 out of every 45 men will be stalked in their lifetime  94% of stalkers defined by female victims were men  60% of stalkers defined by male victims were men  77% of female victims were stalked by someone they knew  31% of stalking victims have expressed suicidal thoughts
  • 19. Domestic Violence Statistics  25% of women and 7% of men will be victims of domestic violence or partner rape.  Six months following an experience of domestic violence, 32% of battered women are victimized again  Yearly, 3.3 million children are exposed to interfamily violence against their mothers or female caretakers
  • 20. Sexual Assault Statistics  Only about 42% of rapes sexual assaults were reported to law enforcement in 2007  1 out of 6 American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.  About 3% of American men- a total of 2.78 million men – have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.  98% of males who raped boys were heterosexual  70% of female rape victims and 74% of male victims knew their assailant.  90% of college women of rape and sexual assault knew their attacker prior to the assault.  since 1993 rape/sexual assault has decreased by over 60%
  • 21. LGBT & Violence Statistics  Substantial lack of current research in this area  Domestic violence occurs in LGBTQ relationships with the same severity and frequency as in heterosexual relationships  Consistent abuse occurs in as many as 1 in 3 relationships  At least one episode of abuse occurs in 1 in 2 relationships  Lesbians are more likely to report sexual violence than gay men  1 in 2 transgender individuals have experienced sexual violence (FORGE)
  • 22. Rethinking Domestic Violence  MYTHS  FACTS 1. Battering occurs 1. Violence occurs in all more frequently in racial and ethnic groups and in all certain ethnic or class levels of society socioeconomic 2. Substances can groups trigger violence but 2. Violence is caused batterers are violent by substance abuse even when sober 3. Women who stay in 3. Many mothers violent situations are choose to stay not good mothers because there’s no where else to go and often, to protect children
  • 23. Rethinking Domestic Violence  MYTHS  FACTS 4. Violence only 4. 25-50% of all affects a small part women are of the population abused. Battering deaths are more common than cancer and car 5. Fights in accidents relationships are combined normal and natural 5. Disagreements occur but “heated” arguments must be analyzed for signs of violence
  • 24. Same Sex (LGBTQ) Abuse  Abuse in relationships is any pattern of behavior that is used to coerce, dominate or isolate the other partner to gain control  Abuse knows no boundary concerning race, class, gender, sexual orientation etc.  Remember, violence may take a different form in different communities but that does not make one form more important than another
  • 25. LGBT & Domestic Violence  Remember, DV is about power and control.  May be especially difficult for lesbian victim  Size does not matter  Verbal and emotional abuse can be compounded for the lesbian/gay/trans victim/survivor  Threats to “out” the person  Threats to disclose HIV/AIDS status  Not “easier to leave”  Individuals may be more intertwined with each other’s lives  What happens in DV shelters?
  • 26. LGBT & Sexual Violence  Sexual Violence  By stranger  By known individual  By significant other  More judgment on the person’s sexual orientation than on the attacker  Heterosexism is at work because it is typically a heterosexual model upon which findings are based.
  • 27. ‘Unique Victimization’  Hate Crimes  Difficult at times to ascertain whether the crime was, in fact, motivated by the person’s sexual orientation.  14th Amendment: Every citizen has equal protection under the law
  • 28. ‘Unique considerations’  Threat of being “outed” when an LGBTQ person is abused  Concerned about betraying the LGBTQ community when reporting  Homophobia intersects with possible sexism and racism for LGBTQ victims/survivors  Institutionalized homophobia affects the support services victims/survivors receive  Shelters are often not available to men, while women may not feel safe if their abuser has access  Victims of same-sex sexual violence are not necessarily LGBTQ  Lack of knowledge about LGBTQ sexual violence affects victims/survivors, educators, and support services
  • 29. LGBTQ Abuse  Similarities 1. Abuse is always the responsibility of the abuser. It is their choice. 2. Victims are often blamed for the abuse by their partner. 3. It is difficult for victims to leave their relationship. 4. Victims often feel responsible for their abuse. 5. Abuse escalates over time. 6. The abuser is often apologetic after abusing, giving false hope that the abuse will stop.
  • 30. LGBTQ Abuse  Differences 1. There are limited resources available for abused and abusive LGBTQ people. 2. Homophobia in society denies the reality of some same sex relationships, including their very existence, let alone abuse. 3. Shelters for women may not be sensitive to a victim of same sex assault. 4. Gay/Bi/Trans men have even fewer options for help. 5. Reporting may result in a feeling or experience of being excluded from the LGBTQ community.
  • 31. Everyday Occurrences  Invisibility/Isolation  Qualifiers  Subject to gay jokes/degrading comments  Presumption of heterosexuality  Threats to “disown” by family  Partner Exclusion  Perceived danger to children  Name calling  Forced sexual acts (rape) to “make” them straight
  • 32. LGBTQ Myths and Facts  MYTH: Women can not be abusive, only men can  Fact: Anyone can choose to be abusive or not  MYTH: LGBTQ people are always equal in relationships. It’s not abuse, it’s a relationship struggle  Fact: Same sex or gender in a relationship does not guarantee equality  MYTH: Abuse in LGBTQ relationships is sexual behavior. It’s a version of S&M and they usually like it.  If consent is NOT there, the sexual act is not consensual, no matter what the nature of the act is.
  • 33.  Sexual assault & domestic Myth 1 violence do occur in LGBTQ relationships  Sexual assault & domestic  Domestic violence occurs in violence don't occur in LGBTQ relationships as LGBTQ relationships frequently and as severely as (denial) it does in heterosexual relationships  Level of trauma of sexual violence is not defined by whether or not the weapon was a penis  LGBTQ survivors also need support in healing  Some key dynamics of domestic violence are the same in all relationships (violence is about power & control, violence occurs in a cycle, violence escalates over time, etc.
  • 34. Myth 2  Sexual & domestic  There is nothing inherently violence occurs in LGBTQ unhealthy about these relationships because relationships there is something  People do not abuse inherently unhealthy with because they are LGBTQ (or heterosexual). People abuse these relationships to have power & control over another person.  LGBTQ people can have healthy relationships
  • 35. Myth 3  The bigger, more  Size, masculinity/femi masculine or ninity and gender masculine identified identity are not person is always the causes of abuse and abusive partner in a do not determine domestic violence who is the abusive relationship partner  Sexual and domestic violence does not occur in butch/femme relationships more frequently
  • 36. Myths 4 & 5  Sexual and domestic  In all relationships, both violence in LGBTQ partners can have unhealthy relationships is "mutual" (both behavior. But in domestic partners are abusive to each violence relationships, mutual other) abuse rarely happens.  The reasons why it is difficult  It's easier for an LGBTQ to leave an abusive person to leave an abusive relationship are similar for all relationship abusive relationships. Homo/bi/transphobic & heterosexism also contribute to difficulties leaving an abusive relationship
  • 37. Myth 6  Sexual & domestic violence occurs in LGBTQ relationships  Sexual & domestic violence that engage in SM play more does not occur in LGBTQ frequently relationships that engage in SM play more frequently  SM play is sexual and domestic violence  SM play is consensual so it is not abuse  Children are never an issue in LGBTQ relationships  LGBTQ people have children in their lives
  • 38. Relevance to sexual violence prevention  We cannot afford, nor would want, to alienate LGBTQI victims/survivors.  Within the field of sexual violence prevention, heterosexism can serve to reinforce homophobia (be it societal or internalized).
  • 39. Cyberstalking  Growing in the anonymity of the Internet  Social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook make it easier to “keep tabs” on others  Technology creates a barrier between the stalker and victim  Many people may not know they are being stalked
  • 40. What to do…  Save all communication evidence  You can contact the harasser’s Internet Service Provider (ISP) and many ISP’s respond with suspension or closing of account belonging to abusers  Call the police or local domestic violence hotlines, get help from local violence centers
  • 41. UNLV Police Services Reports of Forcible Sex Offenses on Campus 2005 – 4 2006 – 0 2007 – 3 *Often times these crimes occur and are reported outside of the jurisdiction of UNLV.
  • 42. The Rape Crisis Center of Southern Nevada  Gender:  Female – 97%  Male – 3%  Race/Ethnicity:  White – 58%  Latino/Hispanic – 18%  Black – 16%  Asian – 3%  Bi-racial – 2%  Native – <1%  Unknown/Other – <1% 43% of the total 833 reported victims in 2007 were between the ages of 19-29.
  • 43. Protocol for Victims on Campus  Go to a safe place  Seek medical attention immediately. University Medical Center (UMC) is the only hospital that will do a rape kit. You may be injured more seriously than you realize. Medical evidence will be needed, if you decide to press charges.  Call University Police (895-3668) or CALL 911. Reporting is not the same as pressing charges.  Call the Counseling and Psychological Services (895-3627).  Do not blame yourself-you are the victim of a crime.  Do NOT bathe, shower, douche, or change clothes until you have talked with the police or nurse. However, if you have already done these things, please do not let his stop you from seeking medical care. If you’ve changed clothes , place the clothes you were wearing in a paper bag and them to the hospital with you.  Remember you may have an advocate to help every step of the way
  • 44. Cultural Competency  The Rape Crisis Center – “Problemas dos Todos”  PAAVE – All trainings included an entire session on cultural competency  Jean Nidetch Women’s Center – programming on sexual assault and domestic violence infused into racial identity months (and LGBT pride and Women’s history months, as well!)
  • 45. The Jean Nidetch Women’s Center  The only on campus resource for referrals to community organizations  One on-staff, certified advocate (Christina Hernandez, Outreach & Awareness Coordinator)  Member of ASSERTAV task force  Oversees all violence prevention programming on campus  Provides twice a year peer education training (PAAVE) on domestic violence and sexual assault
  • 46. ASERTAV  Advocacy. Support. Educate. & Response Team Against Violence (ASERTAV)  ASERTAV strives to coordinate a collaborative response to student, staff, and faculty members of our community who may have been affected by violence. Our goal is to communicate to survivors that they are not alone during their recovery by providing resources, advocacy and education.  Members of the task force include campus and community organizations and local law enforcement
  • 47. Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence  Resource hub to advocacy, prevention programs and legislative lobbying  Provides referrals to shelter services, including SafeNest and SAFE House  Part of the ASERTAV task force  A member of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  • 48. The Rape Crisis Center of Southern Nevada  Las Vegas’ main resource for sexual assault victim advocacy  Implements community programming (Nina’s Night Out) to raise awareness  Trains victim advocates in conjunction with UMC  Provides referrals to UMC for sexual assault examinations (aka: rape kits)  Represented on ASSERTAV task force
  • 49. Stalking Resources  CyberAngels: Support group/resource center   Working to Half Online Abuse (WHOA)   International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists: 
  • 50. LGBTQQI Resources  Community United Against Violence (CUAV)  24 hr crisis line: 415-333-HELP (4357)  Matthew’s Place   Trevor Helpline: 1-866-4-U-TREVOR  GLBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-PRIDE (7743)  National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs  212-714-1184  FORGE: For Ourselves: Reworking Gender Expression 
  • 51. More Local Resources  Safe House (Domestic Violence Support)  702.451.4203  Abuse Crisis Center / DV Hotline  702.646.4981  Nevada Division of Child and Family Services  702.486.7800  More information available at:  The Jean Nidetch Women’s Center, UNLV SSC A, 255 – 702.895.4475
  • 52. Even more Local Resources  Nevada Network Against Domestic Violence:   The Rape Crisis Center of Southern Nevada:   The Jean Nidetch Women’s Center at UNLV: 