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                   !   By Angela Del Fiacco

! PowerPoint
! Application movie

! Class activity

I chose skin cancer as my topic for my senior graduation project because almost every teenage girl that I know goes tanning or has
before and I do not think they realize how dangerous it is. Before this project I tanned almost every day. My parents would
constantly tell me that I should stop going tanning and that it is very bad, so I kind of wanted to scare myself away from tanning
and at the same time make other people aware about how dangerous it is.
 Skin cancer is becoming a big
                    problem in the United States. It is
                    important to know how to
                    prevent skin cancer and the
                    signs to catch it early.


                   ! We   all have skin

                   ! Weare all exposed to the sun

                   ! About2 million Americans
                    develop skin cancer yearly


Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal/damaged skin cells
It is very slow to develop
About 40 to 50 percent of Americans who live to age 65 will have skin cancer at least once in their lifetime
It is best to catch skin cancer early on because it can spread to the organs

(google images)
!1   sunburn may take 20+ years
                                for skin cancer to form

                              !1   serious sunburn can increase
                                risks by 50%

Sunburn can start within 30 minutes of exposure
The sun gives off both UVA and UVB, both are responsible for pre-mature aging
Between 10 am and 3 pm the sun puts out more radiation, which means you can burn easier
As the ozone layer depletes, the rays will get stronger

1 in 5        Americans will develop
                   skin cancer

28% of teenage girls have
                                      used a tanning bed at least 3

                                      7% of teenage boys have
                                      used a tanning bed at least 3

It is really bad because teenagers think that they have nothing to worry about until they are older, but they are putting their selves
at higher risk because they are using tanning beds

Why do so
                                           many teens
Teens tan indoor and outdoor without proper protection

They say it is an

Most of my friends that use tanning beds say they do it because it is addicting, once they are tan they do not want stop because
they do not want to look pale -- and when you do look pale, people point it out because looking tan is what is “in”
it is also quicker than laying out in the sun
Going to the tanning salon for about 10-15 minutes a day is a lot easier than laying outside all day for a tan, they tan outside when
they have time

Magda Spisak, 18, said she used
                 to go to tanning booths every
                 few weeks — not because she
                thought it was safe but because
                   "it's the fashion right now."

What is a tan?

A tan is an injury to the skin’s DNA-- the skin darkens as a reaction, it is an attempt to prevent further damage to the DNA. Skin
cancer occurs when more damage is done.


Vitamin D is actually the only good thing about the sun
Vitamin D is the essential nutrient for the teeth and bones
The elderly and people who are dark-skinned produce less vitamin D.
It also helps with seasonal depression
It reduces the risk of:
       Colon Cancer
       Breast Cancer
       Multiple sclerosis
       High blood pressure

     (google images)

95 percent of the suns rays are UVA
The rays cause premature aging
they penetrate in the skin deeper
It is the dominant tanning ray
Tanning booths give off UVA rays. The tanning beds give off 12 times more UVA than the sun
UVA penetrates through glass


Causes most of the sunburn
It plays a key role in the development of skin cancer and causes premature aging
at high altitudes and on reflective surfaces such as snow, ice and water
The intensity varies by the season, location and time of day
UVB does not go through glass
                                        THROUGH CAR & HOME

A lot of people do not realize that they are exposed because they are inside their homes and do not even think of it when they are
in cars

Types of skin cancer

(google images)
Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most
                                  common form of Skin Cancer

This picture is of scar from cancer removal
Affects about one million Americans a year
Most common areas are the face, ears, neck, scalp, shoulders, and back but it can form anywhere
Most affected are people in their 20’s or 30’s, occasionally a teenager, and rarely children.
Men have twice the chance of getting it.
It is easily treated in the early stages.
The larger the tumor grows, the more treatment is needed.
This cancer on scalp and nose are very hard to treat.
! Pearly or waxy
                                 ! Flat, flesh-
                                   colored or
                                   brown lesions
                                                                       ! Open   sores
                                                                       ! Scar like areas

                                                                       ! Reddish

The signs of basal cell carcinoma ----
Picture is of the cancer on her nose.
Pearly or waxy bumps - Bumps are often pink, red or white
Flat, flesh-colored or brown lesions - Open sores that bleed, ooze, crust or remain open for 3 or more week
Scar like areas that are usually white, yellow, or waxy and are not a perfect shape
Reddish patches usually occurring on the chest, shoulders, arms or legs

Most common treatment is Mohs which is a Micrographic surgery it removes tumor with a very thin later of tissue around it to
make sure that it is removed. The patient is under anesthesia. They remove it by burning or freezing. Then the skin is checked
under a microscope, if tumor is still present the procedure is repeated until the skin is tumor free

Mohs has the highest cure rate of up to 99% in new cancers and 95% is recurrent cancers
Also, the scars are small
It removes cancer cells without removing healthy tissue

Squamous Cell
                                       Carcinoma is the
                                     second most common
                                          skin cancer

(sqame - ous)

Forms in the squamous cells
People who use tanning beds are 2.5 more likely to develop this cancer
Can form anywhere on the body
Men have double of the risk of this skin cancer
This cancer will appear before age 50 and are most often seen in people 70 or older.
It is the most common skin cancer for African-Americans
It will weaken the immune system and it is dangerous for people who already have a weak immune system

! Crusted/scaly area on
                                       the skin
                               ! Bumpy or thickened
                               !   Wart-like growth

Signs of squamous cell carcinoma ---
All sores/lesions/bumps are usually inflamed, noticeable, and do not heal
This cancer can be very dangerous if not treated, it can spread to organs

                             CARCINOMA CAN BE

Most common is Mohs because it is the most affective.
Radiation therapy is the best for older people with larger cancer

(google images)
Melanoma is the most
                                           serious form of skin

Causes the most deaths
There were 8,650 deaths in 2009
Anyone who has more than 100 moles is at greater risk for melanoma.
It is hereditary, If your first-degree relatives (mother, father, siblings, or children) -- have had a melanoma, you have a 50 percent
risk without exposure

(google images)
Exposure to indoor tanning
                                   before the age of 30
                                   increases the risk of
                                   melanoma by

                                                     75 %

The majority of people who tan indoors are under the age of 30


                                                                  Stage 4

                                          Stage 1                                     Stage 3

                                                       Stage 0              Stage 2

Stage 0 melanoma receive minor surgery to remove the tumor and some of the surrounding tissue.
Stage 1 melanoma receive surgery to remove the tumor. The surgeon may also remove as much as 2 centimeters of tissue around
the tumor. To cover the wound, the patient may have skin grafting.
Stage 2 and Stage 3 melanoma receive surgery to remove the tumor. The surgeon may also remove as much as 3 centimeters of
tissue around the tumor. Sometimes the surgeon removes nearby lymph nodes as well. Skin grafting may be done to cover the
Stage 4 melanoma receive surgery and are under intensive care because the cancer is very bad at this stage they try to help the
patient feel better - physically and emotionally.
(google images)
Signs of Melanoma--
Moles that are blue-black.
The change in size, shape, color or fell
Swollen lymph nodes, especially in the armpit or groin
Weight loss that is not expected
Grey skin which is called melanosis
A chronic cough (meaning that it will not go away when treated for it)
Severe headaches
Existing moles that are not cancerous can grow to be cancerous.

(google images)
                                    BE TREATED …

Depends on what stage, but most common is Mohs because it is most affective

!A for Asymmetry

                                 !B for Border

                                 !C for Color

                                 !D for Diameter

                                 !E for Evolving

A for Asymmetry
meaning that one half is different than the other half.
B for Border– poorly defined
The edges are notched, uneven, or blurred.
C for Color
The color is uneven. Shades of brown, tan,
and black.
D for Diameter
Diameter is greater than about a half of an inch
E for Evolving Getting bigger

(google images)

It is recommended to see a doctor first to make sure you do not have any existing signs
then self examine regularly

(google images)
Just incase you forgot..

                                          This is what you should look for

Spots on the skin that appears pearly, translucent, tan, brown, black, or multicolored
A mole, birthmark, beauty mark that has: changed color, increased in size or thickness, changed in texture, has an irregular
outline, is bigger than the size of a pencil eraser or appears after age 21
A spot/ sore that keeps itching, hurting, crusting, scabbing, eroding, or bleeding
An open sore that does not heal within three weeks
These are all signs of a skin cancer

How to perform a self
 examination ..
!   “Examine body front and back in the
                mirror, then look at the right and left
                sides with arms raised.”

            !   “Bend elbows and look carefully at
                forearms, upper underarms, and palms.”

            !   “Look at the backs of your legs and feet,

!   “Examine the back of your neck and
                scalp with a hand mirror. Part hair for
                a closer look.”

            !   “Finally, check your back and bottom
                with a hand mirror.”

epidermis                   dermis

Epidermis – is the outer layer of the skin, it provides protection from injury and it is a barrier to keep out infectious organisms.
About every 35 to 45 days, you have an entirely new epidermis

Dermis – is the second layer of skin is referred to as the top soil - this layer contains capillaries that feed the cells with nutrient-
rich blood. Just like top soil most things grow here – such as hair follicles, nerve cells, and sweat glands.

(google images)
Dark chocolate is good for you, it helps protect the skin

(Skin Cancer by Bonnie Juettner)
indoor tanning exposure can
                                   raise your risk for skin cancer

                                  even without causing
Tanning beds are listed as a cancer-causing substance by the United States Department of Health & Human Services
President Bush signed the TAN act, which regulates tanning equipment, there are now warning labels saying that the beds cause
damage to the skin and eyes.
Tanning beds give off both UVA and UVB rays
Indoor tanning give a high risk of:                        skin cancer, cataracts, premature aging,
weakened immune system

                                                                    !10 % tax on
                                                                    !About 32
                                                                     states regulate
                                                                     use of tanning
                                                                     for minors

A lot of the rules for tanning are going to change, more states are trying to regulate the use of tanning beds for minors because
they go into tanning salons not knowing their limits

About 30 million
                                       Americans tan
                                      indoors yearly…

2.3 million are teens
71% of tanning salon customers are girls and women of ages 16-29
The indoor tanning industry makes about $5 billion
Tanning is very popular because everyone wants to have a “healthy glow”


tanning causes premature aging
It causes the skin to lose flexibility and becomes saggy
When tanning at a young age, skin damage to the skin will start showing by mid-twenties

"Teenagers may think they look good now, but the sad part is that by the time they reach 60, their skin will look like a leather bag
and they'll be paying a dermatologist to try to reverse the damage," said Dr. Ted Daly, director of pediatric dermatology at Nassau
University Medical Center in New York

(google images)
The sun can damage eyes

the powerful rays have wavelengths shorter than visible light which makes them invisible to the naked eye – this is why we do not
realize how harmful it is to our eyes
The eye cornea can also suffer burns from the UVA rays
Can cause vision loss or cataracts and eyelid cancers – 240 people died from eye lid cancer in 2008
So always wear protective sunglasses

(Skin Cancer by Bonnie Juettner)

The FDA estimates there are about 3,000 hospital emergency room cases a year for indoor tanning bed and lamp exposure

Seek shade between 10 am and 3 pm because the sun is the strongest in these hours
Cover up with a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses and protective clothing.
Use sunscreen of at least 15 SPF daily - usually people only think about the using sunscreen when they are by a pool or at the
beach when actually they are exposed every day
It is okay to apply more sun screen than you should
The Skin Cancer Foundation is urging the public to reach out to Congress to request $10 million for melanoma research last year
(March 2009).

A white shirt only has an SPF of


Lycra (like rah) (fabric) nearly blocks 100% of all UV radiation

(google images)
This picture is of the proper cover up (Lycra)
(Lycra bodysuit)

(google images)
                                MORE PRONE TO SKIN CANCER

People who have fair skin,
light or red hair,
and blue, green, or gray eyes
are at highest risk of developing skin cancer
And they should avoid over exposure

If you were .. previously treated for skin cancer
Have a family history of skin cancer
Have moles/freckles/sunburn before tanning

If you .. live or vacation at the beach or tropics
Work indoors all week and then get intense sun exposure on weekends
Work out doors or spend a lot of time out doors (like gardening)

If you .. take medicines that lower your immunity
Take oral contraceptives
Taking antibiotics
Have had an organ transplant

                                    ! The more SAFE way to be tan
                                    ! Skin cancer free

                                    ! Available in high-end salon/spas and
                                      some tanning salons

DHA (dihydroxyacetone) is the active ingredient – it is a colorless sugar that interacts with the dead skin cells, creating a tanned
It lasts about 5-7 days

(google images)

You can buy self tanning lotions at any drug store, super market, or tanning salon

(google images)

                                  ! Make    up can give the appearance
                                    of a tan
                                  ! It is also skin cancer free

                                  ! You can do it at home!
First use a foundation then bronzer then blush to accent cheekbones to make it look more natural

(google images)

A lot of people that I know do not use sun screen and it is extremely important to wear it

How much sunscreen?

                                 The least that should be applied is a
                                            full shot glass..

About 1 ounce OR more of sun screen should be applied all over the body
Most people do not apply enough, so they do not have the proper protection

(google images)

Sun screen should be applied 30 minutes before exposure to the sun
It allows the ingredients to fully bind to the skin
Meaning the ingredients work as soon as you are exposed to the sun
Also make sure to cover the nose, cheek bones, top of the ears, forearms, back of the hands, and lips with sunscreen.

                                 o   Expiration date
                                 o   Waterproof
                                 o   Skin irritation
                                 o   2 types of sun

Expiration date is important because the active compounds in the sun screen stop working after a period of time, so if you apply
sunscreen that is expired, it is not worth wearing
If swimming or sweating a lot, water proof sun screen should be used
Water proof sun screen provides at least 1 hour of protection
There are now hypoallergenic sunscreens for people who break out or have irritation
Chemical Absorber Sun Screen/ tanning lotions- absorb rays (picture on top)
Physical Reflector Sun Screen/ protective lotions - they filter the UVA rays, Usually thick, White or colored (picture on bottom)

(Skin Cancer by Po-Lin-So)

Reapplying is just as important as the first application.
Reapply every 2 hours
Reapply right after swimming or heavily sweating

(google images)
Show iMovie
              !Do not tan indoors
              !Use sun protection daily

              !Perform self examinations

              !Remember that 1 in 5
               Americans will develop skin

What I’ve

Some of the most important things I learned that skin cancer is very serious when not taken care of properly. I also learned about
the other types of skin cancers, because the only one people talk about is melanoma. I learned that tanning beds are a lot more
damaging than the sun is, but we still need to use protection when in the sun. I didn’t know the proper way to use sunscreen until I
researched it. I also learned that it is important to do self examinations because it is better to catch skin cancer early so that it
does not spread..

I actually gradually stopped tanning because of this project.. I went from tanning almost every day to not tanning at all, it has
probably been over a month since I tanned indoors
                                   !   (                 !   (
                                   !   (         !   (
                                   !   (              !   (Skin Cancer by Bonnie
                                   !   (                 Juettner)
                                   !   (   !   (Skin Cancer by Po-Lin-So)
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                                   !   (google images)           !   (
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NOTE: these should have been full bibliographic citations
                                    !   Black Light
                                    !   Word Search
                                    !   Raffle for Free facial at Tantra
                                        Salon & Day Spa with Carole for
                                        the first 5 that finish correctly

Black light --- ask for volunteers to show their sun spots on their face because the face is what is always exposed and it is
exposed the most
Crossword puzzle --- first 5 that finish the word search get to be in the raffle for the free facial with Carole she is an expert on
sun damage

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Preview of “3 angela m delfiacco sgp final”

  • 1. SKIN CANCER ! By Angela Del Fiacco (
  • 2. OVER VIEW ! PowerPoint ! Application movie ! Class activity
  • 3. PERSONAL I chose skin cancer as my topic for my senior graduation project because almost every teenage girl that I know goes tanning or has before and I do not think they realize how dangerous it is. Before this project I tanned almost every day. My parents would constantly tell me that I should stop going tanning and that it is very bad, so I kind of wanted to scare myself away from tanning and at the same time make other people aware about how dangerous it is.
  • 4. THESIS Skin cancer is becoming a big problem in the United States. It is important to know how to prevent skin cancer and the signs to catch it early. (
  • 5. HOW IS THIS TOPIC RELEVANT TO YOU? ! We all have skin ! Weare all exposed to the sun daily ! About2 million Americans develop skin cancer yearly (
  • 6. SKIN CANCER IS A DISEASE Skin cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal/damaged skin cells It is very slow to develop About 40 to 50 percent of Americans who live to age 65 will have skin cancer at least once in their lifetime It is best to catch skin cancer early on because it can spread to the organs ( ( ( (google images)
  • 7. !1 sunburn may take 20+ years for skin cancer to form !1 serious sunburn can increase risks by 50% Sunburn can start within 30 minutes of exposure The sun gives off both UVA and UVB, both are responsible for pre-mature aging Between 10 am and 3 pm the sun puts out more radiation, which means you can burn easier As the ozone layer depletes, the rays will get stronger ( ( ( (
  • 8. 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer ( (
  • 9. 28% of teenage girls have used a tanning bed at least 3 times 7% of teenage boys have used a tanning bed at least 3 It is really bad because teenagers think that they have nothing to worry about until they are older, but they are putting their selves at higher risk because they are using tanning beds (
  • 10. Why do so many teens tan? Teens tan indoor and outdoor without proper protection (
  • 11. They say it is an addiction.. Most of my friends that use tanning beds say they do it because it is addicting, once they are tan they do not want stop because they do not want to look pale -- and when you do look pale, people point it out because looking tan is what is “in” it is also quicker than laying out in the sun Going to the tanning salon for about 10-15 minutes a day is a lot easier than laying outside all day for a tan, they tan outside when they have time (
  • 12. Magda Spisak, 18, said she used to go to tanning booths every few weeks — not because she thought it was safe but because "it's the fashion right now." (
  • 13. What is a tan? A tan is an injury to the skin’s DNA-- the skin darkens as a reaction, it is an attempt to prevent further damage to the DNA. Skin cancer occurs when more damage is done. ( (
  • 14. THE SUN GIVES OFF VITAMIN D Vitamin D is actually the only good thing about the sun Vitamin D is the essential nutrient for the teeth and bones The elderly and people who are dark-skinned produce less vitamin D. It also helps with seasonal depression It reduces the risk of: Colon Cancer Breast Cancer Multiple sclerosis High blood pressure ( ( ( (google images)
  • 15. UVA RAYS 95 percent of the suns rays are UVA The rays cause premature aging they penetrate in the skin deeper It is the dominant tanning ray Tanning booths give off UVA rays. The tanning beds give off 12 times more UVA than the sun UVA penetrates through glass ( (
  • 16. UVB RAYS Causes most of the sunburn It plays a key role in the development of skin cancer and causes premature aging at high altitudes and on reflective surfaces such as snow, ice and water The intensity varies by the season, location and time of day UVB does not go through glass ( (
  • 17. UVA RAYS CAN TRAVEL THROUGH CAR & HOME WINDOWS A lot of people do not realize that they are exposed because they are inside their homes and do not even think of it when they are in cars (
  • 18. Types of skin cancer (google images)
  • 19. Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common form of Skin Cancer This picture is of scar from cancer removal Affects about one million Americans a year Most common areas are the face, ears, neck, scalp, shoulders, and back but it can form anywhere Most affected are people in their 20’s or 30’s, occasionally a teenager, and rarely children. Men have twice the chance of getting it. It is easily treated in the early stages. The larger the tumor grows, the more treatment is needed. This cancer on scalp and nose are very hard to treat. ( (
  • 20. ! Pearly or waxy bumps ! Flat, flesh- colored or brown lesions ! Open sores ! Scar like areas ! Reddish patches The signs of basal cell carcinoma ---- Picture is of the cancer on her nose. Pearly or waxy bumps - Bumps are often pink, red or white Flat, flesh-colored or brown lesions - Open sores that bleed, ooze, crust or remain open for 3 or more week Scar like areas that are usually white, yellow, or waxy and are not a perfect shape Reddish patches usually occurring on the chest, shoulders, arms or legs ( (
  • 21. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA Most common treatment is Mohs which is a Micrographic surgery it removes tumor with a very thin later of tissue around it to make sure that it is removed. The patient is under anesthesia. They remove it by burning or freezing. Then the skin is checked under a microscope, if tumor is still present the procedure is repeated until the skin is tumor free Mohs has the highest cure rate of up to 99% in new cancers and 95% is recurrent cancers Also, the scars are small It removes cancer cells without removing healthy tissue ( ( (
  • 22. Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the second most common skin cancer (sqame - ous) Forms in the squamous cells People who use tanning beds are 2.5 more likely to develop this cancer Can form anywhere on the body Men have double of the risk of this skin cancer This cancer will appear before age 50 and are most often seen in people 70 or older. It is the most common skin cancer for African-Americans It will weaken the immune system and it is dangerous for people who already have a weak immune system ( (
  • 23. ! Crusted/scaly area on the skin ! Bumpy or thickened skin ! Wart-like growth Signs of squamous cell carcinoma --- All sores/lesions/bumps are usually inflamed, noticeable, and do not heal This cancer can be very dangerous if not treated, it can spread to organs ( (
  • 24. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA CAN BE Most common is Mohs because it is the most affective. Radiation therapy is the best for older people with larger cancer ( (google images)
  • 25. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer Causes the most deaths There were 8,650 deaths in 2009 Anyone who has more than 100 moles is at greater risk for melanoma. It is hereditary, If your first-degree relatives (mother, father, siblings, or children) -- have had a melanoma, you have a 50 percent risk without exposure ( ( (google images)
  • 26. Exposure to indoor tanning before the age of 30 increases the risk of melanoma by 75 % The majority of people who tan indoors are under the age of 30 ( ( (
  • 27. THERE ARE 5 STAGES OF MELANOMA Stage 4 Stage 1 Stage 3 Stage 0 Stage 2 Stage 0 melanoma receive minor surgery to remove the tumor and some of the surrounding tissue. Stage 1 melanoma receive surgery to remove the tumor. The surgeon may also remove as much as 2 centimeters of tissue around the tumor. To cover the wound, the patient may have skin grafting. Stage 2 and Stage 3 melanoma receive surgery to remove the tumor. The surgeon may also remove as much as 3 centimeters of tissue around the tumor. Sometimes the surgeon removes nearby lymph nodes as well. Skin grafting may be done to cover the wound. Stage 4 melanoma receive surgery and are under intensive care because the cancer is very bad at this stage they try to help the patient feel better - physically and emotionally. ( (google images)
  • 28. Signs of Melanoma-- Moles that are blue-black. The change in size, shape, color or fell Swollen lymph nodes, especially in the armpit or groin Weight loss that is not expected Grey skin which is called melanosis A chronic cough (meaning that it will not go away when treated for it) Severe headaches Seizures Also… Existing moles that are not cancerous can grow to be cancerous. ( (google images)
  • 29. MELANOMA CAN BE TREATED … Depends on what stage, but most common is Mohs because it is most affective (
  • 30. !A for Asymmetry !B for Border !C for Color !D for Diameter !E for Evolving A for Asymmetry meaning that one half is different than the other half. B for Border– poorly defined The edges are notched, uneven, or blurred. C for Color The color is uneven. Shades of brown, tan, and black. D for Diameter Diameter is greater than about a half of an inch E for Evolving Getting bigger ( ( (google images)
  • 31. SELF EXAMINATIONS ARE It is recommended to see a doctor first to make sure you do not have any existing signs then self examine regularly ( (google images)
  • 32. Just incase you forgot.. This is what you should look for Spots on the skin that appears pearly, translucent, tan, brown, black, or multicolored A mole, birthmark, beauty mark that has: changed color, increased in size or thickness, changed in texture, has an irregular outline, is bigger than the size of a pencil eraser or appears after age 21 A spot/ sore that keeps itching, hurting, crusting, scabbing, eroding, or bleeding An open sore that does not heal within three weeks These are all signs of a skin cancer (
  • 33. How to perform a self examination ..
  • 34. ! “Examine body front and back in the mirror, then look at the right and left sides with arms raised.” ! “Bend elbows and look carefully at forearms, upper underarms, and palms.” ! “Look at the backs of your legs and feet, (
  • 35. ! “Examine the back of your neck and scalp with a hand mirror. Part hair for a closer look.” ! “Finally, check your back and bottom with a hand mirror.” (
  • 36. epidermis dermis Epidermis – is the outer layer of the skin, it provides protection from injury and it is a barrier to keep out infectious organisms. About every 35 to 45 days, you have an entirely new epidermis Dermis – is the second layer of skin is referred to as the top soil - this layer contains capillaries that feed the cells with nutrient- rich blood. Just like top soil most things grow here – such as hair follicles, nerve cells, and sweat glands. ( ( (google images)
  • 37. Dark chocolate is good for you, it helps protect the skin (Skin Cancer by Bonnie Juettner) (
  • 38. indoor tanning exposure can raise your risk for skin cancer even without causing sunburn Tanning beds are listed as a cancer-causing substance by the United States Department of Health & Human Services President Bush signed the TAN act, which regulates tanning equipment, there are now warning labels saying that the beds cause damage to the skin and eyes. Tanning beds give off both UVA and UVB rays Indoor tanning give a high risk of: skin cancer, cataracts, premature aging, weakened immune system ( (
  • 39. FIGHTING IT !10 % tax on indoor tanning !About 32 states regulate use of tanning for minors A lot of the rules for tanning are going to change, more states are trying to regulate the use of tanning beds for minors because they go into tanning salons not knowing their limits ( (
  • 40. About 30 million Americans tan indoors yearly… 2.3 million are teens 71% of tanning salon customers are girls and women of ages 16-29 The indoor tanning industry makes about $5 billion Tanning is very popular because everyone wants to have a “healthy glow” (
  • 41. DON’T BE ONE OF THEM.. tanning causes premature aging It causes the skin to lose flexibility and becomes saggy When tanning at a young age, skin damage to the skin will start showing by mid-twenties "Teenagers may think they look good now, but the sad part is that by the time they reach 60, their skin will look like a leather bag and they'll be paying a dermatologist to try to reverse the damage," said Dr. Ted Daly, director of pediatric dermatology at Nassau University Medical Center in New York ( (google images) (
  • 42. The sun can damage eyes severely the powerful rays have wavelengths shorter than visible light which makes them invisible to the naked eye – this is why we do not realize how harmful it is to our eyes The eye cornea can also suffer burns from the UVA rays Can cause vision loss or cataracts and eyelid cancers – 240 people died from eye lid cancer in 2008 So always wear protective sunglasses (Skin Cancer by Bonnie Juettner) ( (
  • 43. 3,000… The FDA estimates there are about 3,000 hospital emergency room cases a year for indoor tanning bed and lamp exposure (
  • 44. P P R R E E V V E E N N T T I I O O N Seek shade between 10 am and 3 pm because the sun is the strongest in these hours Cover up with a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocking sunglasses and protective clothing. Use sunscreen of at least 15 SPF daily - usually people only think about the using sunscreen when they are by a pool or at the beach when actually they are exposed every day It is okay to apply more sun screen than you should The Skin Cancer Foundation is urging the public to reach out to Congress to request $10 million for melanoma research last year (March 2009). DO NOT TAN INDOORS! (
  • 45. A white shirt only has an SPF of 5-9 Lycra (like rah) (fabric) nearly blocks 100% of all UV radiation ( (google images)
  • 46. This picture is of the proper cover up (Lycra) (Lycra bodysuit) (google images)
  • 47. PEOPLE WITH FAIR SKIN ARE MORE PRONE TO SKIN CANCER People who have fair skin, light or red hair, and blue, green, or gray eyes are at highest risk of developing skin cancer And they should avoid over exposure ( (
  • 49. If you were .. previously treated for skin cancer Have a family history of skin cancer Have moles/freckles/sunburn before tanning ( (
  • 50. If you .. live or vacation at the beach or tropics Work indoors all week and then get intense sun exposure on weekends Work out doors or spend a lot of time out doors (like gardening) ( (
  • 51. If you .. take medicines that lower your immunity Take oral contraceptives Taking antibiotics Have had an organ transplant ( (
  • 52. SPRAY TANNING ! The more SAFE way to be tan ! Skin cancer free ! Available in high-end salon/spas and some tanning salons DHA (dihydroxyacetone) is the active ingredient – it is a colorless sugar that interacts with the dead skin cells, creating a tanned appearance It lasts about 5-7 days ( (google images)
  • 53. SELF TANNING LOTIONS You can buy self tanning lotions at any drug store, super market, or tanning salon (google images)
  • 54. MAKE UP ! Make up can give the appearance of a tan ! It is also skin cancer free ! You can do it at home! First use a foundation then bronzer then blush to accent cheekbones to make it look more natural (google images)
  • 55. USE SUN SCREEN! A lot of people that I know do not use sun screen and it is extremely important to wear it (
  • 56. How much sunscreen? The least that should be applied is a full shot glass.. About 1 ounce OR more of sun screen should be applied all over the body Most people do not apply enough, so they do not have the proper protection ( (google images)
  • 57. 30 MINUTES Sun screen should be applied 30 minutes before exposure to the sun It allows the ingredients to fully bind to the skin Meaning the ingredients work as soon as you are exposed to the sun Also make sure to cover the nose, cheek bones, top of the ears, forearms, back of the hands, and lips with sunscreen. ( ( (
  • 58. READ THE LABEL! o Expiration date o Waterproof o Skin irritation o 2 types of sun screen Expiration date is important because the active compounds in the sun screen stop working after a period of time, so if you apply sunscreen that is expired, it is not worth wearing If swimming or sweating a lot, water proof sun screen should be used Water proof sun screen provides at least 1 hour of protection There are now hypoallergenic sunscreens for people who break out or have irritation Chemical Absorber Sun Screen/ tanning lotions- absorb rays (picture on top) Physical Reflector Sun Screen/ protective lotions - they filter the UVA rays, Usually thick, White or colored (picture on bottom) (Skin Cancer by Po-Lin-So) (
  • 59. REAPPLY, REAPPLY, REAPPLY! Reapplying is just as important as the first application. Reapply every 2 hours Reapply right after swimming or heavily sweating ( (google images)
  • 62. CONCLUSION !Do not tan indoors !Use sun protection daily !Perform self examinations !Remember that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer (
  • 63. What I’ve Learned… Some of the most important things I learned that skin cancer is very serious when not taken care of properly. I also learned about the other types of skin cancers, because the only one people talk about is melanoma. I learned that tanning beds are a lot more damaging than the sun is, but we still need to use protection when in the sun. I didn’t know the proper way to use sunscreen until I researched it. I also learned that it is important to do self examinations because it is better to catch skin cancer early so that it does not spread.. I actually gradually stopped tanning because of this project.. I went from tanning almost every day to not tanning at all, it has probably been over a month since I tanned indoors
  • 64. WORK CITED ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! (Skin Cancer by Bonnie ! ( Juettner) ! ( ! (Skin Cancer by Po-Lin-So) ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! (google images) ! ( ! ( NOTE: these should have been full bibliographic citations
  • 65. CLASS ACTIVITY ! Black Light ! Word Search ! Raffle for Free facial at Tantra Salon & Day Spa with Carole for the first 5 that finish correctly Black light --- ask for volunteers to show their sun spots on their face because the face is what is always exposed and it is exposed the most Crossword puzzle --- first 5 that finish the word search get to be in the raffle for the free facial with Carole she is an expert on sun damage