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Towards Reusable
          Components with Aspects:
An Empirical Study on Modularity and Obliviousness

                Kevin Hoffman / Patrick Eugster
Seen code that looks like this?

                         (Carlo H. Séquin @ Berkeley)                   (

   (George W. Hart @ Stony Brook)           (George W. Hart @ Stony Brook)

 AOP with AspectJ
 Challenges
 Cooperative AOP with Explicit Join Points
 Empirical Study
     How obliviousness can be traded for increased
      modularity and reuse through Cooperative AOP
     Potential pitfalls and guidelines
Cross-cutting Concerns

     (Thanks to AspectJ Dev Tools (AJDT) Visualization Eclipse Perspective)
Cross-cutting Concerns

     (Thanks to AspectJ Dev Tools (AJDT) Visualization Eclipse Perspective)
Real Crosscutting Concerns

 Logging (canonical example)
 Pooling / caching
 Dependency injection
 Policy / contract enforcement
 Security
 Transactions
 Exception Handling
AOP & Crosscutting Concerns
AOP Stratagems [Filman/Friedman’00]

 Obliviousness
   Increased modularity of base code and aspect code
   Parallel and domain-specific development
   Better post-mortem extendibility

 Quantification (pattern matching)
   Reduction in code size and duplicity
   Higher level interaction between primary and cross-
   cutting concerns

 AspectJ [Kiczales ’01]
 Join point model
     Structural points in ‘base code’

   Quantification model (pointcuts)
     Lexical patterns and type constraints
     Dynamic predicates and control flow

   Aspects inject advice before, after, around…
Looks Nice, However…
Aspect  Base Code Coupling
Fragile Pointcuts
Base Code                       Aspect Code
private void initScreens(       public aspect
         ServletContext ctxt,     WafViewTemplateHandler
         String language)
{                               {
  …                               pointcut initScrGetResHdlr():
  screenDefURL =                    withincode(
         ctxt.getResource(…);            private void
  …                                      TemplateServlet.
}                                         initScreens(
                                    && call(URL ServletContext
State—Point Separation Issue
Base Code                  aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer {
try {                      pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex):
   …                          handler(OldExc) && args(ex);
} catch (OldExc e) {       pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr):
   t.abortTrans(…);           call(* *.abortTrans(..))
   throw new                   && target(tr);
      GenExc (quot;failedquot;);
}                          pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex):
                               && target(ex);
                           //======NOT POSSIBLE=======
                           pointcut get3State(OldExc old,
                                          Tran tr, GenExc gen):
                               && abortedTran(tr)
                               && gotGenExc(ex);
State—Point Separation Issue
Base Code                  aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer {
try {                      pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex):
   …                          handler(OldExc) && args(ex);
} catch (OldExc e) {       pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr):
   t.abortTrans(…);           call(* *.abortTrans(..))
   throw new                   && target(tr);
      GenExc (quot;failedquot;);
}                          pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex):
                               && target(ex);
                           //======NOT POSSIBLE=======
                           pointcut get3State(OldExc old,
                                          Tran tr, GenExc gen):
                               && abortedTran(tr)
                               && gotGenExc(ex);
State—Point Separation Issue
Base Code                  aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer {
try {                      pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex):
   …                          handler(OldExc) && args(ex);
} catch (OldExc e) {       pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr):
   t.abortTrans(…);           call(* *.abortTrans(..))
   throw new                   && target(tr);
      GenExc (quot;failedquot;);
}                          pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex):
                               && target(ex);
                           //======NOT POSSIBLE=======
                           pointcut get3State(OldExc old,
                                          Tran tr, GenExc gen):
                               && abortedTran(tr)
                               && gotGenExc(ex);
State—Point Separation Issue
Base Code                  aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer {
try {                      pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex):
   …                          handler(OldExc) && args(ex);
} catch (OldExc e) {       pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr):
   t.abortTrans(…);           call(* *.abortTrans(..))
   throw new                   && target(tr);
      GenExc (quot;failedquot;);
}                          pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex):
                               && target(ex);
                           //======NOT POSSIBLE=======
                           pointcut get3State(OldExc old,
                                          Tran tr, GenExc gen):
                               && abortedTran(tr)
                               && gotGenExc(ex);
State—Point Separation Issue
Base Code                  aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer {
try {                      pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex):
   …                          handler(OldExc) && args(ex);
} catch (OldExc e) {       pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr):
   t.abortTrans(…);           call(* *.abortTrans(..))
   throw new                   && target(tr);
      GenExc (quot;failedquot;);
}                          pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex):
                               && target(ex);
                           //======NOT POSSIBLE=======
                           pointcut get3State(OldExc old,
                                          Tran tr, GenExc gen):
                               && abortedTran(tr)
                               && gotGenExc(ex);
AspectJ-specific Problems

 Abstract aspects can’t share pointcuts
 Anonymous advice --> hard to advise aspects
 Blocks of code inside methods not advisable
 Pointcuts can’t parameterize advice
Lack of Advice Parameterization
Base Code                   aspect ExceptionPrinter {
                                pointcut p1(Exc1 ex):
try {                              handler(Exc1) && args(ex);
   …                            before(Exception ex):
} catch (Exc1 e) {                 p1(ex) || p2(ex)
   println(quot;timeoutquot;);          { handleExc(quot;timeoutquot;, thisJP); }
try {                           pointcut p2(Exc2 ex):
   …                               handler(Exc2) && args(ex);
} catch (Exc2 e) {              before(Exception ex):
   println(quot;net failedquot;);          p1(ex) || p2(ex)
}                               { handleExc(“net failedquot;, thisJP); }

                                void handleExc(String m,
                                                   JoinPoint jp) {
                                  println(jp + quot;:quot; + m); …
Some Proposed Techniques

 Aspect-aware Interfaces [Kiczales, Mezini ‘05]
 Open Modules [Aldrich ‘05]
 HyperJ [Ossher, Tarr ‘00]
 Classpects [Rajan, Sullivan ‘05]
 CaesarJ [Aracic, Gasiunas, Mezini, Ostermann ‘06]
 XPIs [Sullivan et. al. ‘05]
 Explicit Join Points [Hoffman, Eugster ‘07]
Explicit Join Points (EJPs)

   Abstract a cross-cutting concern to its most
    essential form
     Invoke the information hiding principle

   Model the abstraction explicitly using named
    join points instead of implicit join points

   Reference EJPs in code explicitly
     Or use aspects to inject EJP references obliviously
Aspect  Base Code Coupling
Cooperative AOP Methodology

    AspectJ: 39 AspectBase couplings
EJPs: 11 AspectInterface, 15 BaseInterface
Comparison of Approaches
   AspectJ:
                         Base Code                Aspects

   AspectJ with EJPs (Cooperative AOP):
                             Library Interfaces        Pluggable Libraries

        Base Code              EJP Interfaces                Aspects

    Scoped EJPs, pointcutargs and thisblock, advice
    parameterization by type/value, and policy enforcement
Building Aspect Libraries with EJPs

   Define semantic interfaces of cross-cutting
    concerns using interfaces and EJPs
     Package these in a JAR
   Define aspects that advise the EJPs to
    implement the cross cutting concerns
     Package each implementation in a different JAR
   Write base code or aspects to reference EJPs
     Choose aspect implementation JAR at load-time
   As the EJPs evolve, use aspects to obliviously
    adapt calls from old EJPs to new EJPs
EJPs Address…

 Fragile pointcuts
 State—point separation problem
 Abstract aspects can’t share pointcuts
 Anonymous advice
 Blocks of code inside methods not advisable
 Pointcuts can’t parameterize advice
Sullivan—Levels of Obliviousness

  Language-level (i.e. language support for AOP)
  Feature obliviousness—base code unaware of
   features in aspects, but do know of preconditions

  Designer obliviousness—
       Base code programmers blissfully unaware…
  Pure obliviousness—
       Complete, symmetric separation
This Empirical Study

 What are the tradeoffs
  between modularity
  and obliviousness?
This Empirical Study
   Refactored Exception Handling for 3 Java Apps:
     Using AspectJ
     Using EJPs / Cooperative AOP

   Empirical Metrics Measuring:
     Coupling & Cohesion
     Size & Complexity
     Separation of Concerns
     Reusability

   Revisiting ‘Exceptions and Aspects’ @ FSE06
    [Filho et. al.] – Thanks!
Target Applications

   Telestrada (Java)
     220+ classes and interfaces, 3400 LOC

   Java Pet Store (Java)
     340+ classes and interfaces,17800 LOC

   Health Watcher (AspectJ)
     36 aspects, 96 classes and interfaces, 6600 LOC
     Aspects for CC, distribution, persistence, some EH
Refactoring Strategy (AspectJ)
BEFORE                  AFTER
class C {               aspect A {
  void m() throws … {     pointcut p():
    try { /*body*/ }        execution(void C.m());
    catch(E e) { … }      void around(): p() {
  }                         try {
}                              proceed();
                            } catch (E e) { … }
                          declare soft: E: p();
                        class C {
                          void m(){ /*body*/ }
Refactoring Strategy (EJPs)
BEFORE                  AFTER
class C {               aspect A {
  void m() throws … {     scoped joinpoint ejpH()
    try { /*body*/ }        handles E throws …;
    catch(E e) { … }      void around() throws …:
  }                         call(ejpScope(ejpH))
}                         {
                            try{ proceed(); }
                            catch(E e) { … }
                        class C {
                          void m() throws … {
                            A.ejpH(){ /*body*/ }
Empirical Metrics
   Coupling Between Modules (CBM)
   Coupling on Intercepted Modules (CIM)
   Lack of Cohesion of Operations (LCO)
   Lines of Code (LOC) / Concern LOC (CLOC)
   Number of Operations (NoO)
   Concern Diffusion over Modules (CDoM)
   Concern Diffusion over Operations (CDoO)
   Concern Diffusion over Lines of Code (CDoLOC)
   Reusable Operation Use Percentage (ROUP)
Coupling Metrics
   Coupling Between Modules (CBM)
     Number of other modules referenced via field access
      or method call or EJP reference
     Extended to include reference to EJP interfaces
     [Chidamber, Kemerer 1994]

           class C {
             void m1(B var1, B var2) {
               A.ejpH(){ var1.m3(); }
                                         CBM = 2
             }                            (A and B)
             static void m2() { … }
Coupling Between Modules
Coupling Metrics

   Coupling on Intercepted Modules (CIM)
     # of modules explicitly named in pointcuts
     [Ceccato, Tonella 2004]

       pointcut initScrGetResHdlr():
              private void
                   ServletContext,      CIM = 3
         && call(URL ServletContext
Coupling on Intercepted Modules
Cohesion Metric

   Lack of Cohesion in Operations (LCO)
     # of method pairs accessing different fields minus
      # of method pairs accessing common fields
     Helps to measure commonality of purpose

         class C {
            Object f1, f2, f3;
                                          LCO = 2
            void m1() { f1=…; }
            void m2() { f2=…; }
            void m3() { f3=…; }
            void m4() { f1=…; f2=…;}
                Disjoint Pairs: m1-m2, m1-m3, m2-m3, m3-m4
           Non-Disjoint Pairs: m1-m4, m2-m4
Lack of Cohesion of Operations
Size / Complexity Metrics

   Lines of Code (LOC)
     # of lines of code without whitespace / comments

   Concern Lines of Code (CLOC)
     # of lines of code required to implement the exception
      handling concern
   Number of Operations (NoO)
     Number of declared methods and advice
Lines of Code
Concern Lines of Code
Number of Operations
Separation of Concern Metrics

   Concern Diffusion over Modules (CDoM)
     # of modules that implement a concern
     … OR reference one that does

   Concern Diffusion over Operations (CDoO)
     # of operations that implement a concern
     … OR reference one that does
Concern Diffusion over Modules
Concern Diffusion over Operations
Separation of Concern Metrics

   Concern Diffusion over Lines of Code
     # of transitions between one concern to another

class C {                        class C {
  void m() throws … {              void m() throws … {
    try {                            A.ejpHandler() {
      /*                               /*
          body                            body
      */                               */
    } catch(E e) { … }               }
  }                                }
}                                }
Concern Diffusion over LOC
% of handlers implemented by
abstract aspects or EJP library
                                  Exception Handler Reuse
Reusable Exception Handler EJPs

 Ignore exception
 Print/log exception
 Rethrow different exception or its cause
 On exception set variable to value
 Propagate exception if flagged

    16 EJPs covered 74% of all handlers
Empirically, This Happens
Cooperative AOP Can Help

    AspectJ: 39 AspectBase couplings
EJPs: 11 AspectInterface, 15 BaseInterface

   Explicit Interfaces and EJP references:
     Provided effective means for advice
     Greatly increased aspect reusability
     Must be carefully designed, ideally in advance

   Greatest software quality achieved when using
    combination of obliviousness + EJPs
Future Work
                                         JSR-308 includes
                                          proposal for annotations
                                          on statements
                                         Study interactions
                                          between obliviousness
                                          and software quality in
                                          the presence of multiple
                                          cross-cutting concerns


Download papers, slides, and compiler at
Addressing EJP Explicitness

 Use EJPs only when appropriate
 Design EJPs so that their presence is minimal

       Base Code        EJP Interfaces   Aspects

 Use aspects to reference EJPs as appropriate
 Aspect-oriented code editors
     Fluid AOP [Hon / Kiczales]
Empirical Metrics Formulated…

   Coupling, Cohesion, Separation of Concerns
     On the reuse and maintenance of Aspect-Oriented
      software: [Sant’Anna et. al. 2000]
   AspectBase Code Coupling
     Measuring the effects of software aspectization
      [Ceccato/Tonella 2004]
Empirical Studies Emerging…
   Separation of Concerns in Multi-agent Systems: An
    Empirical Study [2004]
   Modularizing design patterns with aspects: a quantitative
    study [AOSD’05]
   Composing design patterns: a scalability study of aspect-
    oriented programming [AOSD’06]
   Exceptions and aspects: the devil is in the details [FSE’06]
   On the impact of aspectual decompositions on design
    stability: An empirical study [ECOOP’07]
   Towards Reusable Components with Aspects [ICSE’08]
   Evolving Software Product Lines with Aspects [ICSE’08]
Explicit Join Point Declarations

abstract aspect TranConcern {
  scoped joinpoint void enterTrans(int isolation)
        throws TranException;
}         Keyword to  Explicit Name to Associate
              Declare EJP      with Abstract Semantics

  Optional       Constraints Acting             Explicit Value
  Modifiers       Upon Base Code               Parameterization
Referencing EJPs in Base Code
abstract aspect TranConcern {
  scoped joinpoint void enterTrans(int isolation)
          throws TranException;
  joinpoint int defIso() = 1;   Some policy aspect could
}                              implement/override this EJP

void someMethod() throws TranException {
  TranConcern.enterTrans(TranConcern.defIso()) {
      //block of code
  } Reference to scoped EJP;        Reference to
} entire block of code is advised EJP in base code
Advising EJPs in Aspects
aspect TranConcernViaSomeLibrary {
   void around(int iso) throws TranException:
           && args(iso) {
   TransContext t = …;
   try {
       proceed(); /* calls original block of code */
   } catch(Throwable e) {
       throw TranException(e);
Advising EJPs in Aspects

aspect BillingComponentsTranPolicy {
  int around(): call(ejp(TranConcern.defIso))
                && within (*)
  { return 4; } //use a higher isolation level in billing pkg

aspect ForceIsolationLevel {
  int around(): call(ejp(TranConcern.defIso))
             && cflow(call(* CreditCard+.*(..)))
  { return 5; } //anytime the call stack includes a method
}               //from the CreditCard class use iso level 5

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Towards Reusable Components With Aspects [ICSE 2008]

  • 1. Towards Reusable Components with Aspects: An Empirical Study on Modularity and Obliviousness Kevin Hoffman / Patrick Eugster
  • 2. Seen code that looks like this? (Carlo H. Séquin @ Berkeley) ( (George W. Hart @ Stony Brook) (George W. Hart @ Stony Brook)
  • 3. Roadmap  AOP with AspectJ  Challenges  Cooperative AOP with Explicit Join Points  Empirical Study  How obliviousness can be traded for increased modularity and reuse through Cooperative AOP  Potential pitfalls and guidelines
  • 4. Cross-cutting Concerns (Thanks to AspectJ Dev Tools (AJDT) Visualization Eclipse Perspective)
  • 5. Cross-cutting Concerns (Thanks to AspectJ Dev Tools (AJDT) Visualization Eclipse Perspective)
  • 6. Real Crosscutting Concerns  Logging (canonical example)  Pooling / caching  Dependency injection  Policy / contract enforcement  Security  Transactions  Exception Handling
  • 10. AOP Stratagems [Filman/Friedman’00]  Obliviousness  Increased modularity of base code and aspect code  Parallel and domain-specific development  Better post-mortem extendibility  Quantification (pattern matching)  Reduction in code size and duplicity  Higher level interaction between primary and cross- cutting concerns
  • 11. AspectJ  AspectJ [Kiczales ’01]  Join point model  Structural points in ‘base code’  Quantification model (pointcuts)  Lexical patterns and type constraints  Dynamic predicates and control flow  Aspects inject advice before, after, around…
  • 13. Aspect  Base Code Coupling
  • 14. Fragile Pointcuts Base Code Aspect Code private void initScreens( public aspect ServletContext ctxt, WafViewTemplateHandler extends String language) ExceptionGenericAspect { { … pointcut initScrGetResHdlr(): screenDefURL = withincode( ctxt.getResource(…); private void … TemplateServlet. } initScreens( ServletContext, String)) && call(URL ServletContext .getResource(String)); … }
  • 15. State—Point Separation Issue Base Code aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer { //========POSSIBLE======== try { pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex): … handler(OldExc) && args(ex); } catch (OldExc e) { pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr): t.abortTrans(…); call(* *.abortTrans(..)) throw new && target(tr); GenExc (quot;failedquot;); } pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex): initialization( && target(ex); //======NOT POSSIBLE======= pointcut get3State(OldExc old, Tran tr, GenExc gen): gotOldExc(old) && abortedTran(tr) && gotGenExc(ex); }
  • 16. State—Point Separation Issue Base Code aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer { //========POSSIBLE======== try { pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex): … handler(OldExc) && args(ex); } catch (OldExc e) { pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr): t.abortTrans(…); call(* *.abortTrans(..)) throw new && target(tr); GenExc (quot;failedquot;); } pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex): initialization( && target(ex); //======NOT POSSIBLE======= pointcut get3State(OldExc old, Tran tr, GenExc gen): gotOldExc(old) && abortedTran(tr) && gotGenExc(ex); }
  • 17. State—Point Separation Issue Base Code aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer { //========POSSIBLE======== try { pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex): … handler(OldExc) && args(ex); } catch (OldExc e) { pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr): t.abortTrans(…); call(* *.abortTrans(..)) throw new && target(tr); GenExc (quot;failedquot;); } pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex): initialization( && target(ex); //======NOT POSSIBLE======= pointcut get3State(OldExc old, Tran tr, GenExc gen): gotOldExc(old) && abortedTran(tr) && gotGenExc(ex); }
  • 18. State—Point Separation Issue Base Code aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer { //========POSSIBLE======== try { pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex): … handler(OldExc) && args(ex); } catch (OldExc e) { pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr): t.abortTrans(…); call(* *.abortTrans(..)) throw new && target(tr); GenExc (quot;failedquot;); } pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex): initialization( && target(ex); //======NOT POSSIBLE======= pointcut get3State(OldExc old, Tran tr, GenExc gen): gotOldExc(old) && abortedTran(tr) && gotGenExc(ex); }
  • 19. State—Point Separation Issue Base Code aspect AbortedTranAnalyzer { //========POSSIBLE======== try { pointcut gotOldExc(OldExc ex): … handler(OldExc) && args(ex); } catch (OldExc e) { pointcut abortedTran(Tran tr): t.abortTrans(…); call(* *.abortTrans(..)) throw new && target(tr); GenExc (quot;failedquot;); } pointcut gotGenExc(GenExc ex): initialization( && target(ex); //======NOT POSSIBLE======= pointcut get3State(OldExc old, Tran tr, GenExc gen): gotOldExc(old) && abortedTran(tr) && gotGenExc(ex); }
  • 20. AspectJ-specific Problems  Abstract aspects can’t share pointcuts  Anonymous advice --> hard to advise aspects  Blocks of code inside methods not advisable  Pointcuts can’t parameterize advice
  • 21. Lack of Advice Parameterization Base Code aspect ExceptionPrinter { pointcut p1(Exc1 ex): try { handler(Exc1) && args(ex); … before(Exception ex): } catch (Exc1 e) { p1(ex) || p2(ex) println(quot;timeoutquot;); { handleExc(quot;timeoutquot;, thisJP); } } try { pointcut p2(Exc2 ex): … handler(Exc2) && args(ex); } catch (Exc2 e) { before(Exception ex): println(quot;net failedquot;); p1(ex) || p2(ex) } { handleExc(“net failedquot;, thisJP); } void handleExc(String m, JoinPoint jp) { println(jp + quot;:quot; + m); … } }
  • 22. Some Proposed Techniques  Aspect-aware Interfaces [Kiczales, Mezini ‘05]  Open Modules [Aldrich ‘05]  HyperJ [Ossher, Tarr ‘00]  Classpects [Rajan, Sullivan ‘05]  CaesarJ [Aracic, Gasiunas, Mezini, Ostermann ‘06]  XPIs [Sullivan et. al. ‘05]  Explicit Join Points [Hoffman, Eugster ‘07]
  • 23. Explicit Join Points (EJPs)  Abstract a cross-cutting concern to its most essential form  Invoke the information hiding principle  Model the abstraction explicitly using named join points instead of implicit join points  Reference EJPs in code explicitly  Or use aspects to inject EJP references obliviously
  • 24. Aspect  Base Code Coupling
  • 25. Cooperative AOP Methodology AspectJ: 39 AspectBase couplings EJPs: 11 AspectInterface, 15 BaseInterface
  • 26. Comparison of Approaches  AspectJ: Base Code Aspects  AspectJ with EJPs (Cooperative AOP): Library Interfaces Pluggable Libraries Base Code EJP Interfaces Aspects Scoped EJPs, pointcutargs and thisblock, advice parameterization by type/value, and policy enforcement
  • 27. Building Aspect Libraries with EJPs  Define semantic interfaces of cross-cutting concerns using interfaces and EJPs  Package these in a JAR  Define aspects that advise the EJPs to implement the cross cutting concerns  Package each implementation in a different JAR  Write base code or aspects to reference EJPs  Choose aspect implementation JAR at load-time  As the EJPs evolve, use aspects to obliviously adapt calls from old EJPs to new EJPs
  • 28. EJPs Address…  Fragile pointcuts  State—point separation problem  Abstract aspects can’t share pointcuts  Anonymous advice  Blocks of code inside methods not advisable  Pointcuts can’t parameterize advice
  • 29. Sullivan—Levels of Obliviousness  Language-level (i.e. language support for AOP)  Feature obliviousness—base code unaware of features in aspects, but do know of preconditions  Designer obliviousness—  Base code programmers blissfully unaware…  Pure obliviousness—  Complete, symmetric separation
  • 30. This Empirical Study What are the tradeoffs between modularity and obliviousness?
  • 31. This Empirical Study  Refactored Exception Handling for 3 Java Apps:  Using AspectJ  Using EJPs / Cooperative AOP  Empirical Metrics Measuring:  Coupling & Cohesion  Size & Complexity  Separation of Concerns  Reusability  Revisiting ‘Exceptions and Aspects’ @ FSE06 [Filho et. al.] – Thanks!
  • 32. Target Applications  Telestrada (Java)  220+ classes and interfaces, 3400 LOC  Java Pet Store (Java)  340+ classes and interfaces,17800 LOC  Health Watcher (AspectJ)  36 aspects, 96 classes and interfaces, 6600 LOC  Aspects for CC, distribution, persistence, some EH
  • 33. Refactoring Strategy (AspectJ) BEFORE AFTER class C { aspect A { void m() throws … { pointcut p(): try { /*body*/ } execution(void C.m()); catch(E e) { … } void around(): p() { } try { } proceed(); } catch (E e) { … } } declare soft: E: p(); } class C { void m(){ /*body*/ } }
  • 34. Refactoring Strategy (EJPs) BEFORE AFTER class C { aspect A { void m() throws … { scoped joinpoint ejpH() try { /*body*/ } handles E throws …; catch(E e) { … } void around() throws …: } call(ejpScope(ejpH)) } { try{ proceed(); } catch(E e) { … } } } class C { void m() throws … { A.ejpH(){ /*body*/ } } }
  • 35. Empirical Metrics  Coupling Between Modules (CBM)  Coupling on Intercepted Modules (CIM)  Lack of Cohesion of Operations (LCO)  Lines of Code (LOC) / Concern LOC (CLOC)  Number of Operations (NoO)  Concern Diffusion over Modules (CDoM)  Concern Diffusion over Operations (CDoO)  Concern Diffusion over Lines of Code (CDoLOC)  Reusable Operation Use Percentage (ROUP)
  • 36. Coupling Metrics  Coupling Between Modules (CBM)  Number of other modules referenced via field access or method call or EJP reference  Extended to include reference to EJP interfaces  [Chidamber, Kemerer 1994] class C { void m1(B var1, B var2) { A.ejpH(){ var1.m3(); } C.m2(); var2.m4(); CBM = 2 } (A and B) static void m2() { … } }
  • 38. Coupling Metrics  Coupling on Intercepted Modules (CIM)  # of modules explicitly named in pointcuts  [Ceccato, Tonella 2004] pointcut initScrGetResHdlr(): withincode( private void TemplateServlet. initScreens( ServletContext, CIM = 3 String)) && call(URL ServletContext .getResource(String));
  • 40. Cohesion Metric  Lack of Cohesion in Operations (LCO)  # of method pairs accessing different fields minus # of method pairs accessing common fields  Helps to measure commonality of purpose class C { Object f1, f2, f3; LCO = 2 void m1() { f1=…; } void m2() { f2=…; } void m3() { f3=…; } void m4() { f1=…; f2=…;} } Disjoint Pairs: m1-m2, m1-m3, m2-m3, m3-m4 Non-Disjoint Pairs: m1-m4, m2-m4
  • 41. Lack of Cohesion of Operations
  • 42. Size / Complexity Metrics  Lines of Code (LOC)  # of lines of code without whitespace / comments  Concern Lines of Code (CLOC)  # of lines of code required to implement the exception handling concern  Number of Operations (NoO)  Number of declared methods and advice
  • 46. Separation of Concern Metrics  Concern Diffusion over Modules (CDoM)  # of modules that implement a concern  … OR reference one that does  Concern Diffusion over Operations (CDoO)  # of operations that implement a concern  … OR reference one that does
  • 49. Separation of Concern Metrics  Concern Diffusion over Lines of Code  # of transitions between one concern to another class C { class C { void m() throws … { void m() throws … { try { A.ejpHandler() { /* /* body body */ */ } catch(E e) { … } } } } } }
  • 51. % of handlers implemented by abstract aspects or EJP library Exception Handler Reuse
  • 52. Reusable Exception Handler EJPs  Ignore exception  Print/log exception  Rethrow different exception or its cause  On exception set variable to value  Propagate exception if flagged 16 EJPs covered 74% of all handlers
  • 54. Cooperative AOP Can Help AspectJ: 39 AspectBase couplings EJPs: 11 AspectInterface, 15 BaseInterface
  • 55. Conclusions  Explicit Interfaces and EJP references:  Provided effective means for advice parameterization  Greatly increased aspect reusability  Must be carefully designed, ideally in advance  Greatest software quality achieved when using combination of obliviousness + EJPs
  • 56. Future Work  JSR-308 includes proposal for annotations on statements  Study interactions between obliviousness and software quality in the presence of multiple cross-cutting concerns Download papers, slides, and compiler at
  • 58. Addressing EJP Explicitness  Use EJPs only when appropriate  Design EJPs so that their presence is minimal Base Code EJP Interfaces Aspects  Use aspects to reference EJPs as appropriate  Aspect-oriented code editors  Fluid AOP [Hon / Kiczales]
  • 59. Empirical Metrics Formulated…  Coupling, Cohesion, Separation of Concerns  On the reuse and maintenance of Aspect-Oriented software: [Sant’Anna et. al. 2000]  AspectBase Code Coupling  Measuring the effects of software aspectization [Ceccato/Tonella 2004] 
  • 60. Empirical Studies Emerging…  Separation of Concerns in Multi-agent Systems: An Empirical Study [2004]  Modularizing design patterns with aspects: a quantitative study [AOSD’05]  Composing design patterns: a scalability study of aspect- oriented programming [AOSD’06]  Exceptions and aspects: the devil is in the details [FSE’06]  On the impact of aspectual decompositions on design stability: An empirical study [ECOOP’07]  Towards Reusable Components with Aspects [ICSE’08]  Evolving Software Product Lines with Aspects [ICSE’08]
  • 61. Explicit Join Point Declarations abstract aspect TranConcern { scoped joinpoint void enterTrans(int isolation) throws TranException; } Keyword to Explicit Name to Associate Declare EJP with Abstract Semantics Optional Constraints Acting Explicit Value Modifiers Upon Base Code Parameterization
  • 62. Referencing EJPs in Base Code abstract aspect TranConcern { scoped joinpoint void enterTrans(int isolation) throws TranException; joinpoint int defIso() = 1; Some policy aspect could } implement/override this EJP void someMethod() throws TranException { TranConcern.enterTrans(TranConcern.defIso()) { //block of code } Reference to scoped EJP; Reference to } entire block of code is advised EJP in base code
  • 63. Advising EJPs in Aspects aspect TranConcernViaSomeLibrary { void around(int iso) throws TranException: call(ejpScope(TranConcern.enterTrans)) && args(iso) { TransContext t = …; t.beginTrans(); try { proceed(); /* calls original block of code */ t.commitTrans(); } catch(Throwable e) { t.abortTrans(); throw TranException(e); }}
  • 64. Advising EJPs in Aspects aspect BillingComponentsTranPolicy { int around(): call(ejp(TranConcern.defIso)) && within (*) { return 4; } //use a higher isolation level in billing pkg } aspect ForceIsolationLevel { int around(): call(ejp(TranConcern.defIso)) && cflow(call(* CreditCard+.*(..))) { return 5; } //anytime the call stack includes a method } //from the CreditCard class use iso level 5