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SSCCAADDAA SSeeccuurriittyy 
SSCCAADDAA SSeeccuurriittyy || AAhhmmeedd SShheerriiff 22001144
IInndduussttrriiaall CCoonnttrrooll SSyysstteemmss 
● WWhhaatt iiss iitt ?? 
● DDeeffiinniittiioonnss 
● HHooww DDooeess iitt wwoorrkk ?? 
● DDeeffiinniittiioonnss 
● HHooww DDooeess iitt wwoorrkk ?? 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
● Some Incidents 
● Stuxnet VS PLC 
● Security Best Practices 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
IInndduussttrriiaall CCoonnttrrooll SSyysstteemmss 
● Industrial control system (ICS) is a general term that 
encompasses several types of control systems used 
in industrial production, including supervisory control 
and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed 
control systems (DCS), and other smaller control 
system configurations such as programmable logic 
controllers (PLC) often found in the industrial sectors 
and critical infrastructures. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
● A Programmable Logic Controller, PLC or 
Programmable Controller is a digital computer 
used for automation of typically industrial 
electromechanical processes, such as control 
of machinery on factory assembly lines, 
amusement rides, or light fixtures. PLCs are 
used in many industries and machines 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
PPLLCC –– HHooww DDooeess iitt WWoorrkk ?? 
1. Computer is Connected to PLC unit Through Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485 or 
RS-422 cabling . 
2. The programming software allows entry and editing of the ladder-style logic 
3. the program is transferred from a personal computer to the PLC through a 
programming board which writes the program into a removable chip such as an 
4. The Program Then Can Be Run and Executed. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
PLC – How Does it Work ? 
1. Computer is Connected to PLC unit Through Ethernet, RS-232, 
RS-485 or RS-422 cabling . 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
PLC – How Does it Work ? 
2. The programming software allows entry and editing of the 
ladder-style logic 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
PLC – How Does it Work ? 
3. the program is transferred from a personal computer to the PLC 
through a programming board which writes the program into a 
removable chip such as an EEPROM 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
PLC – How Does it Work ? 
4. The Program Then Can Be Run and Executed. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
PLC – Simulation 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SCADA is .... 
Industrial Control Systems (ICS), commonly referred to as 
SCADA underlie much of the infrastructure that makes every day 
life possible in the modern world. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSCCAADDAA iiss ........ 
● Industrial Control Systems (ICS), commonly 
referred to as 
● SCADA underlie much of the infrastructure that 
makes every day 
● life possible in the modern world. 
● Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SCADA is used For .... 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ 
sseennssoorrss aanndd 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ 
cchheemmiiccaall ppllaanntt,, 
ppoowweerr ppllaanntt,, 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ 
sseennssoorrss aanndd 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ 
TTrraaffffiicc SSiiggnnaall 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
HHooww DDooeess SSccaaddaa WWoorrkkss ?? 
PPhhyyssiiccaall MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt//ccoonnttrrooll eennddppooiinnttss:: 
● Measure voltage, adjust valve, flip switch 
IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee pprroocceessssiinngg 
● Usually based on a commonly used Oses 
● *nix, Windows, VMS 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
HHooww DDooeess SSccaaddaa WWoorrkkss ?? 
CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn IInnffrraassttrruuccttuurree 
● Serial, Internet, Wi­fi 
● Modbus, DNP3, OPC, ICCP 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
Components ooff aa SSCCAADDAA nneettwwoorrkk 
● RTU / PLC – Reads information on voltage, flow, the 
status of 
switches or valves. Controls pumps, switches, valves 
● MTU – Master Terminal Unit – Processes data to send 
to HMI 
● HMI – Human Machine Interface – GUI, Windows – 
traditionally presented in the form of a mimic diagram 
● Communication network – LAN, Wireless, Fiber etc etc 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
PPrroottooccoollss ooff SSccaaddaa NNeettwwoorrkk 
RRaaww DDaattaa PPrroottooccoollss –– MMooddbbuuss // DDNNPP33 
● For serial radio links mainly, but you can run anything over 
● anything these days, especially TCP/IP (for better or worse) 
● Reads data (measures voltage / fluid flow etc) 
● Sends commands (flips switches, starts pumps) / alerts (it’s 
● broken!) 
HHiigghh LLeevveell DDaattaa PPrroottooccoollss –– IICCCCPP // OOCCPP 
● Designed to send data / commands between apps / databases 
● Provides info for humans 
● These protocols often bridge between office and control 
● networks 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
TTeessttiinngg SSccaaddaa NNeettwwoorrkkss 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSccrriipptt KKiiddddiieess vvss SSccaaddaa 
SSoommeettiimmeess iitt DDooeessnn''tt rreeqquuiirree HHiigghh 
SSkkiillllss ccoozz ...... 
● TTeennaabbllee hhaass rreelleeaasseedd 3322 pplluugg--iinnss 
ffoorr NNeessssuuss wwhhiicchh ssppeecciiffiiccaallllyy tteesstt 
SSCCAADDAA ddeevviicceess 
● CCoorree--IImmppaacctt aanndd MMeettaassppllooiitt nnooww 
iinncclluuddee SSCCAADDAA hhaacckkss ((SSiinnccee 
AAuugguusstt 22000088)) 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSCCAADDAA ((iinn)) sseeccuurriittyy 
LLaacckk ooff AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn 
● I don’t mean lack of strong authentication. I mean NO AUTH!! 
● There’s no “users” on an automated system 
● OPC on Windows requires anonymous login rights for DCOM 
● (XPSP2 breaks SCADA because anonymous DCOM off by 
● default) 
● Normal policies regarding user management, password rotation 
● etc etc do not apply 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSCCAADDAA ((iinn)) sseeccuurriittyy 
CCaann’’tt PPaattcchh,, WWoonn’’tt ppaattcchh 
● SCADA systems traditionally aren’t patched 
● Install the system, replace the system a decade later 
● Effects of patching a system can be worse than the 
effects of 
● compromise? 
● Very large vulnerability window 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
IInncciiddeennttss !! !! 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
IInncciiddeennttss !! !! 
In 2000, in Queensland, Australia. Vitek Boden 
released millions of liters of Untreated Sewage 
Into fresh water streams using a wireless laptop. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
IInncciiddeennttss !! !! 
“In August 2003 Slammer infected a private computer network at 
the idled Davis­Besse 
nuclear power plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio, 
disabling a safety monitoring system for nearly five hours.” 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
IInncciiddeennttss !! !! 
In 2003, the east coast of America experienced a blackout. 
While the Blaster worm was not the cause, many related 
systems were found to be infected 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
IInncciiddeennttss !! !! 
In 1997, a teenager broke into NYNEX and cut off Worcester 
Airport in Massachusetts for 6 hours by affecting ground and air 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
TThhee NNiigghhttmmaarree ....SSttuuxxnneett 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
TThhee NNiigghhttmmaarree ....SSttuuxxnneett 
TTaarrggeettss SSccaaddaa NNeettwwoorrkkss 
● Siemens Simatic WinCC specifically. 
UUsseess RRoooottKKiitt tteecchhnnoollooggyy ttoo hhiiddee iittsseellff 
● Classic Windows rootkit 
● PLC rootkit 
SSpprreeaaddss vviiaa UUSSBB ssttiicckkss aanndd nneettwwoorrkk sshhaarreess 
● Uses 4 Zero-day vulnerabilities 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
TThhee NNiigghhttmmaarree ....SSttuuxxnneett 
MMaalliicciioouuss ppaayyllooaadd ssiiggnneedd wwiitthh ssttoolleenn 
ddiiggiittaall CCeerrttiiffiiccaatteess 
● Realtek and Jmicron. 
IInnffeecctteedd MMaacchhiinneess bbeeccoommee ppaarrtt ooff 
tthhee SSttuuxxnneett bboottnneett 
● Can Steal code,documents, Projects designs . 
● Can inject and hide code into PLCs – modifying 
production processes. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk 
● MMaaiinn DDrrooppppeerr 
This section contains the main stuxnet DLL file. And this DLL contains all stuxnet’s 
functions, mechanisms, files and rootkits. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk 
● After finding this section, it loads stuxnet DLL file in a special way. 
11..EEssccaallaattiinngg tthhee PPrriivviilleeggeess aanndd IInnjjeeccttiinngg IInnttoo aa NNeeww 
● It checks if the configuration data is correct and recent and then it checks the admin rights. If 
it’s not running on administrator level, it uses one of two zero-day vulnerabilities to escalate 
the privileges and run in the administrator level. 
● CVE-2010-2743(MS-10-073) –Win32K.sys Keyboard Layout Vulnerability 
● CVE-xxxx-xxxx(MS-xx-xxx) –Windows Task Scheduler Vulnerability 
● These two vulnerabilities allow the worm to escalate the privileges and run in a new 
● process (“csrss.exe” in case of Win32K.sys) or as a new task in the Task Scheduler case 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk 
11..EEssccaallaattiinngg tthhee PPrriivviilleeggeess aanndd IInnjjeeccttiinngg IInnttoo aa NNeeww 
After everything goes right and the environment is prepared to be infected by stuxnet, it 
injects itself into another process to install itself from that process. 
The injection begins by searching for an Antivirus application installed in the machine 
Depending on the antivirus application (AVP or McAfee or what?), stuxnet chooses the 
process to inject itself into. If there’s no antivirus program it chooses “lsass.exe” 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk 
22..IInnssttaalllliinngg SSttuuxxnneett iinnttoo tthhee 
IInnffeecctteedd MMaacchhiinnee.. 
The Function #16 begins by checking the configuration data and be sure that everything 
is ready to begin the installation. And also, it checks if the there’s a value in the registry 
with this name “NTVDM TRACE” in 
SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionMS-DOS Emulation 
And then, it checks if this value equal to “19790509”. 
This special number seems a date “May 9, 1979” and this date has a historical meaning 
(by Wikipedia) “Habib Elghanian was executed by a firing squad in Tehran sending 
shock waves through the closely knit Iranian Jewish community” 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk 
33..TThhee UUSSBB DDrriivveess IInnffeeccttiioonn 
For infecting USB Flash memory, Stuxnet creates a new hidden window “AFX64c313” 
and get notified of any new USB flash memory inserted to the computer by waiting for “WM_DEVICECHANGE” 
Windows Message. 
● After getting notified of a new drive added to the computer (USB Flash Memory), 
stuxnet writes 6 files into the flash memory drive: 
● Copy of Shortcut to.lnk 
● Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk 
● Copy of Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk 
● Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk 
● And 2 executable files (DLL files): 
● ~WTR4141.tmp 
● ~WTR4132.tmp 
These malformed shortcut files use vulnerability in Windows Shell named: 
● CVE-2010-2568(MS-10-046) -Windows Shell LNK Vulnerability 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
WWaass iitt aa ssuucccceessss ?? 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
● Real World Scenario 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
● Real World Scenario 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
● Real World Scenario 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
● Real World Scenario 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
● Real World Scenario 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
● Real World Scenario 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
● Real World Scenario 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
● Real World Scenario 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SShhooddaann && SSCCAADDAA 
port:161 country:US simatic 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SShhooddaann && SSCCAADDAA 
Python user.list pass.list 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrrootteeccttiioonn GGuuiiddeelliinneess:: 
● Create strong passwords and protect those passwords. 
● Use a security token (or some other additional protection method) with a 
password to provide much stronger protection than a password alone. 
● Take great care in what you publish on the internet and your company intranet. 
● Sanitize or destroy all equipment that may contain critical information. 
● Follow your company's reporting procedures if you observe any suspicious or 
abnormal activity. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess 
PPhhyyssiiccaall PPrrootteeccttiioonn GGuuiiddeelliinneess:: 
● Limit access to systems you're responsible for to those who have a need to know. 
● Protect systems and information (use password-protected screen savers, lock office 
doors, lock information in cabinets, etc.) when leaving them unattended. 
● When traveling, pay special attention when going through airport security. Thieves 
may be able to steal your laptop while you are focusing on getting through the 
security checkpoint. 
● Never leave systems or storage media in your vehicle. 
● Protect work systems and information at home at the same level or higher as you 
would at work. 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
SSoo,, IIss SSccaaddaa IImmppoorrttaanntt ?? 
● No ... 
● Why ?! ... 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
Any Questions ? 
SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014

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SCADA Security Insights

  • 1. SSCCAADDAA SSeeccuurriittyy SSCCAADDAA SSeeccuurriittyy || AAhhmmeedd SShheerriiff 22001144
  • 2. AAggeennddaa IInndduussttrriiaall CCoonnttrrooll SSyysstteemmss ● WWhhaatt iiss iitt ?? PPLLCC ● DDeeffiinniittiioonnss ● HHooww DDooeess iitt wwoorrkk ?? SSCCAADDAA ● DDeeffiinniittiioonnss ● HHooww DDooeess iitt wwoorrkk ?? SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 3. AAggeennddaa ● Some Incidents ● Stuxnet VS PLC ● Security Best Practices SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 4. IInndduussttrriiaall CCoonnttrrooll SSyysstteemmss ● Industrial control system (ICS) is a general term that encompasses several types of control systems used in industrial production, including supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed control systems (DCS), and other smaller control system configurations such as programmable logic controllers (PLC) often found in the industrial sectors and critical infrastructures. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 5. PPLLCC ● A Programmable Logic Controller, PLC or Programmable Controller is a digital computer used for automation of typically industrial electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or light fixtures. PLCs are used in many industries and machines SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 6. PPLLCC –– HHooww DDooeess iitt WWoorrkk ?? 1. Computer is Connected to PLC unit Through Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485 or RS-422 cabling . 2. The programming software allows entry and editing of the ladder-style logic 3. the program is transferred from a personal computer to the PLC through a programming board which writes the program into a removable chip such as an EEPROM 4. The Program Then Can Be Run and Executed. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 7. PLC – How Does it Work ? 1. Computer is Connected to PLC unit Through Ethernet, RS-232, RS-485 or RS-422 cabling . SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 8. PLC – How Does it Work ? 2. The programming software allows entry and editing of the ladder-style logic SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 9. PLC – How Does it Work ? 3. the program is transferred from a personal computer to the PLC through a programming board which writes the program into a removable chip such as an EEPROM SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 10. PLC – How Does it Work ? 4. The Program Then Can Be Run and Executed. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 11. PLC – Simulation SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 12. SCADA SCADA is .... Industrial Control Systems (ICS), commonly referred to as SCADA underlie much of the infrastructure that makes every day life possible in the modern world. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 13. SCADA SSCCAADDAA iiss ........ ● Industrial Control Systems (ICS), commonly referred to as ● SCADA underlie much of the infrastructure that makes every day ● life possible in the modern world. ● Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 14. SCADA SCADA is used For .... PPOOWWEERR GGrriiddss SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 15. SCADA SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ PPiippeeLLiinneess SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 16. SCADA SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ IInntteerr-- ccoonnnneecctteedd sseennssoorrss aanndd ccoonnttrroollss uunnddeerr cceennttrraall mmaannaaggeemmeenntt SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 17. SCADA SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ cchheemmiiccaall ppllaanntt,, ppoowweerr ppllaanntt,, mmaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg ffaacciilliittyy SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 18. SCADA SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ IInntteerr-- ccoonnnneecctteedd sseennssoorrss aanndd ccoonnttrroollss uunnddeerr cceennttrraall mmaannaaggeemmeenntt SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 19. SCADA SSCCAADDAA iiss uusseedd FFoorr ........ TTrraaffffiicc SSiiggnnaall SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 20. HHooww DDooeess SSccaaddaa WWoorrkkss ?? PPhhyyssiiccaall MMeeaassuurreemmeenntt//ccoonnttrrooll eennddppooiinnttss:: ● RTU, PLC ● Measure voltage, adjust valve, flip switch IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee pprroocceessssiinngg ● Usually based on a commonly used Oses ● *nix, Windows, VMS SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 21. HHooww DDooeess SSccaaddaa WWoorrkkss ?? CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn IInnffrraassttrruuccttuurree ● Serial, Internet, Wi­fi ● Modbus, DNP3, OPC, ICCP SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 22. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 23. Components ooff aa SSCCAADDAA nneettwwoorrkk ● RTU / PLC – Reads information on voltage, flow, the status of switches or valves. Controls pumps, switches, valves ● MTU – Master Terminal Unit – Processes data to send to HMI ● HMI – Human Machine Interface – GUI, Windows – Information traditionally presented in the form of a mimic diagram ● Communication network – LAN, Wireless, Fiber etc etc SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 24. PPrroottooccoollss ooff SSccaaddaa NNeettwwoorrkk RRaaww DDaattaa PPrroottooccoollss –– MMooddbbuuss // DDNNPP33 ● For serial radio links mainly, but you can run anything over ● anything these days, especially TCP/IP (for better or worse) ● Reads data (measures voltage / fluid flow etc) ● Sends commands (flips switches, starts pumps) / alerts (it’s ● broken!) HHiigghh LLeevveell DDaattaa PPrroottooccoollss –– IICCCCPP // OOCCPP ● Designed to send data / commands between apps / databases ● Provides info for humans ● These protocols often bridge between office and control ● networks SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 25. TTeessttiinngg SSccaaddaa NNeettwwoorrkkss SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 26. SSccrriipptt KKiiddddiieess vvss SSccaaddaa SSoommeettiimmeess iitt DDooeessnn''tt rreeqquuiirree HHiigghh SSkkiillllss ccoozz ...... ● TTeennaabbllee hhaass rreelleeaasseedd 3322 pplluugg--iinnss ffoorr NNeessssuuss wwhhiicchh ssppeecciiffiiccaallllyy tteesstt SSCCAADDAA ddeevviicceess ● CCoorree--IImmppaacctt aanndd MMeettaassppllooiitt nnooww iinncclluuddee SSCCAADDAA hhaacckkss ((SSiinnccee AAuugguusstt 22000088)) SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 27. SSCCAADDAA ((iinn)) sseeccuurriittyy LLaacckk ooff AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn ● I don’t mean lack of strong authentication. I mean NO AUTH!! ● There’s no “users” on an automated system ● OPC on Windows requires anonymous login rights for DCOM ● (XPSP2 breaks SCADA because anonymous DCOM off by ● default) ● Normal policies regarding user management, password rotation ● etc etc do not apply SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 28. SSCCAADDAA ((iinn)) sseeccuurriittyy CCaann’’tt PPaattcchh,, WWoonn’’tt ppaattcchh ● SCADA systems traditionally aren’t patched ● Install the system, replace the system a decade later ● Effects of patching a system can be worse than the effects of ● compromise? ● Very large vulnerability window SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 29. IInncciiddeennttss !! !! SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 30. IInncciiddeennttss !! !! In 2000, in Queensland, Australia. Vitek Boden released millions of liters of Untreated Sewage Into fresh water streams using a wireless laptop. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 31. IInncciiddeennttss !! !! “In August 2003 Slammer infected a private computer network at the idled Davis­Besse nuclear power plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio, disabling a safety monitoring system for nearly five hours.” SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 32. IInncciiddeennttss !! !! In 2003, the east coast of America experienced a blackout. While the Blaster worm was not the cause, many related systems were found to be infected SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 33. IInncciiddeennttss !! !! In 1997, a teenager broke into NYNEX and cut off Worcester Airport in Massachusetts for 6 hours by affecting ground and air communications SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 34. TThhee NNiigghhttmmaarree ....SSttuuxxnneett SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 35. TThhee NNiigghhttmmaarree ....SSttuuxxnneett TTaarrggeettss SSccaaddaa NNeettwwoorrkkss ● Siemens Simatic WinCC specifically. UUsseess RRoooottKKiitt tteecchhnnoollooggyy ttoo hhiiddee iittsseellff ● Classic Windows rootkit ● PLC rootkit SSpprreeaaddss vviiaa UUSSBB ssttiicckkss aanndd nneettwwoorrkk sshhaarreess ● Uses 4 Zero-day vulnerabilities SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 36. TThhee NNiigghhttmmaarree ....SSttuuxxnneett MMaalliicciioouuss ppaayyllooaadd ssiiggnneedd wwiitthh ssttoolleenn ddiiggiittaall CCeerrttiiffiiccaatteess ● Realtek and Jmicron. IInnffeecctteedd MMaacchhiinneess bbeeccoommee ppaarrtt ooff tthhee SSttuuxxnneett bboottnneett ● Can Steal code,documents, Projects designs . ● Can inject and hide code into PLCs – modifying production processes. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 37. SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk ● MMaaiinn DDrrooppppeerr This section contains the main stuxnet DLL file. And this DLL contains all stuxnet’s functions, mechanisms, files and rootkits. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 38. SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk ● After finding this section, it loads stuxnet DLL file in a special way. 11..EEssccaallaattiinngg tthhee PPrriivviilleeggeess aanndd IInnjjeeccttiinngg IInnttoo aa NNeeww PPrroocceessss.. ● It checks if the configuration data is correct and recent and then it checks the admin rights. If it’s not running on administrator level, it uses one of two zero-day vulnerabilities to escalate the privileges and run in the administrator level. ● CVE-2010-2743(MS-10-073) –Win32K.sys Keyboard Layout Vulnerability ● CVE-xxxx-xxxx(MS-xx-xxx) –Windows Task Scheduler Vulnerability ● These two vulnerabilities allow the worm to escalate the privileges and run in a new ● process (“csrss.exe” in case of Win32K.sys) or as a new task in the Task Scheduler case SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 39. SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk 11..EEssccaallaattiinngg tthhee PPrriivviilleeggeess aanndd IInnjjeeccttiinngg IInnttoo aa NNeeww PPrroocceessss.. After everything goes right and the environment is prepared to be infected by stuxnet, it injects itself into another process to install itself from that process. The injection begins by searching for an Antivirus application installed in the machine Depending on the antivirus application (AVP or McAfee or what?), stuxnet chooses the process to inject itself into. If there’s no antivirus program it chooses “lsass.exe” SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 40. SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk 22..IInnssttaalllliinngg SSttuuxxnneett iinnttoo tthhee IInnffeecctteedd MMaacchhiinnee.. The Function #16 begins by checking the configuration data and be sure that everything is ready to begin the installation. And also, it checks if the there’s a value in the registry with this name “NTVDM TRACE” in SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionMS-DOS Emulation And then, it checks if this value equal to “19790509”. This special number seems a date “May 9, 1979” and this date has a historical meaning (by Wikipedia) “Habib Elghanian was executed by a firing squad in Tehran sending shock waves through the closely knit Iranian Jewish community” SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 41. SSttuuxxnneett .... DDeeeeppeerr LLooookk 33..TThhee UUSSBB DDrriivveess IInnffeeccttiioonn For infecting USB Flash memory, Stuxnet creates a new hidden window “AFX64c313” and get notified of any new USB flash memory inserted to the computer by waiting for “WM_DEVICECHANGE” Windows Message. ● After getting notified of a new drive added to the computer (USB Flash Memory), stuxnet writes 6 files into the flash memory drive: ● Copy of Shortcut to.lnk ● Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk ● Copy of Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk ● Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of Shortcut to.lnk ● And 2 executable files (DLL files): ● ~WTR4141.tmp ● ~WTR4132.tmp These malformed shortcut files use vulnerability in Windows Shell named: ● CVE-2010-2568(MS-10-046) -Windows Shell LNK Vulnerability SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 42. WWaass iitt aa ssuucccceessss ?? SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 43. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess ● Real World Scenario SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 44. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess ● Real World Scenario SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 45. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess ● Real World Scenario SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 46. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess ● Real World Scenario SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 47. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess ● Real World Scenario SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 48. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess ● Real World Scenario SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 49. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess ● Real World Scenario SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 50. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess ● Real World Scenario SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 51. SShhooddaann && SSCCAADDAA port:161 country:US simatic SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 52. SShhooddaann && SSCCAADDAA Python user.list pass.list SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 53. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPrrootteeccttiioonn GGuuiiddeelliinneess:: ● Create strong passwords and protect those passwords. ● Use a security token (or some other additional protection method) with a password to provide much stronger protection than a password alone. ● Take great care in what you publish on the internet and your company intranet. ● Sanitize or destroy all equipment that may contain critical information. ● Follow your company's reporting procedures if you observe any suspicious or abnormal activity. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 54. SSeeccuurriittyy BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicciieess PPhhyyssiiccaall PPrrootteeccttiioonn GGuuiiddeelliinneess:: ● Limit access to systems you're responsible for to those who have a need to know. ● Protect systems and information (use password-protected screen savers, lock office doors, lock information in cabinets, etc.) when leaving them unattended. ● When traveling, pay special attention when going through airport security. Thieves may be able to steal your laptop while you are focusing on getting through the security checkpoint. ● Never leave systems or storage media in your vehicle. ● Protect work systems and information at home at the same level or higher as you would at work. SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 55. SSoo,, IIss SSccaaddaa IImmppoorrttaanntt ?? ● No ... ● Why ?! ... SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014
  • 56. Any Questions ? SCADA Security | Ahmed Sherif 2014