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I.      Project partners:

                                  Sõmeru Põhikool

Sõmeru Põhikool is the small basic school in North-Estonia nearby town Rakvere.The first
notice about foundation of school in Sõmeru deriver’s form 19th century, which was report to
the Consistory of Estonian Evangelical Lutherian Church of the Rakvere county Rev. A. N.
Winkler in December 8th 1801. So far it is not known which the building was where children
gathered or who teachers were during the next 62 years. Definitely researchers reach to the
documents, which add more facts and information relating to this period.
School started to work in Sõmeru, since 1863 it has been in Aluvere. In official documents it
was named as Bauerschule unter Neu-Sommerhusen in Dorfe Allofer. Since the time of the
Republic of Estonia Aluvere Primary School has been listed in the Viru County schools .
During the times the name was changed a couple of times. The new schoolhouse was built for
540 students in 1988. At the moment there are 24 teachers, 12 ensembles of classes and 182
students in Sõmeru Põhikool. From the 1st of September 2006 school got back part of our
historical name – Sõmeru Põhikool. Schoolhouse was totally renovated during 2004-2008 and
now we have nice and colourful learning environment for children.


Korpuskóli is a small school in a suburb of the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik. We have a
community of 180 students and 31 staff members. The children are from 6 to 12 years old.
Korpuskóli was founded 1999 and the first 6 years our school house was an old farm. We
moved in the new building in october 2005.

From the beginning we have been working on various development projects such as variety of
teaching methods, induvidual learning, multiage grouping and team teaching.

In Korpuskóli we use team teaching. Team of teachers are responible for pupils teaching and
learning. Pupils learn individually and in groups in consideration to their abilities and their
maturity. Two age groups work together and in each group are 40-60 pupils and two or three
teachers. We emphasise diverse teaching methods, creation, initiative, use of computers and
development and innovative working methods.

Istituto Comprensivo “Centro Storico” di Firenze

The school is a compulsory school and we accept pupils from 3 to 14 y.o. It is divided in four
buildings (Serristori, Vittorio Veneto, Cairoli and Carducci) wich hosts children from different
ages and in different number: Serristori, a little kindergarden, has 4 teachers and 42 children;
Vittorio Veneto, a primary and kindergarden at the same time, has 38 teachers and around 400
children; Cairoli, a primary, with 150 pupils and 18 teachers and, last but not least, the lower
secondary Carducci, with 541 pupils and 39 teachers. Our differences made our richness! Our
schoolchildren, mainly from the city centre, are multicultural and for us, facing such diversity,
this is a big and stimulating issue! At the same time we are in a very lucky position, so we can
visit the fantastic Florence city centre and, at the same time, enjoy the century gardens that some
of our schools have.

The curricula come from the Ministery, but we manage to find a creative approach, mixing
children from the primary with seconday pupils, teaching themselves to the littles or the
opposite way round... Johnny was another excuse to ask for help and to decrease distances from
the teens to the children!
Learning is an active approach!

Kupiskis Kupa Primary School

Kupiskis Kupa Primary School was established in 1994 in the building which previously
was used as a kindergarten. Nowadays, there are 285 students in our school. Our primary
school is attend by children aged between 6 or 7 to 10 or 11.We have 12 groups (1st to 4th
forms) and pre-primary one.
Our educational program emphasizes moral and artistic development of our kids. Every grade
has mandatory lessons of choreography. We also want to care for the health of our kids through
many sports activities. For that reason we established additional sports programs using extra-
curriculum time.Through extra-curricular activities we encourage our kids to participate in our
school chorus, dancing group,early English learning group, baseball team, traffic
group,mathematics group,caring for nature group. Our school is very proud of our puppet
theatre.Our puppet theatre was founded 11 years ago. In 1998, their play “Wolf and Seven
Kids” was the winners of “Molinukas” regional puppet theatre festival. In 2002, their play
“Trivainelis” and in 2004, their play How a Piglet Swallowed the ABC book” brought the award
of the winners of the national puppet theatre festival “Molinukas” This year our theatre was the
winner of the national puppet theatre too and had the possibility to participate in the 18 th
international puppet theatres festival.
We have 24 pedagogues in our school. Every teacher has higher education and has an
opportunity to participate in the courses and seminars for raising the qualification. Our
pedagogues teach not only compulsory subjects but are trying to acquit their kids with cultural
heritage of other countries. In order to pass on our cultural heritage and traditions teachers
organise many celebrations and programs which support the protection of such heritage. Our
school also has its traditional celebrations such as Christmas Eve, the last bell, the 1-st of
September, open-school days, European language days and so on.
The general aim of our school is to prepare for the development of an educated, independent
and active personality.

Agrupamento de Escolas Serra da Gardunha

       Agrupamento de Escolas Serra da Gardunha is one of the main schools in a small town
called Fundão in the centre of Portugal. Fundão is located in a valley called “Cova da Beira” in
the Castelo Branco district between two mountains Gardunha and Estrela (the highest mountain
in Portugal), 500 metres above sea level. It has about 8,370 inhabitants. It is also a municipality
with a total area of 701,65 Km2 and 31,482 inhabitants. It is subdivided in 31 parishes. Fundão
is known for its fertile land and for its cherries, olive oil and wine.
       Agrupamento de Escolas Serra da Gardunha is a set of schools ranging from
Kindergarten, Primary school and Middle School, established on 5th July, 2003. It has got
twelve kindergartens, sixteen Primary schools and one Middle school covering a total area of
372,28Kms, 21,016 inhabitants within 17 parishes. This school year 2009-2010, it has 1330
pupils, 132 teachers, 20 teachers that work with pupils with special needs and 59 school helpers.
This set of schools is run by the Middle school which was first established in 1995 due to the
large number of children in town. The Middle School moved to its present site in 1996 which is
situated right at the foot of Gardunha Mountain.
       We value the traditions of the past whilst being a forward thinking school. Our students
are given a solid grounding in the core subjects and they have opportunities to be involved in a
variety of activities including projects, clubs, debates, music, drama, sports, ICT, field work and
educational trips.

PRIVATE BALIKESIR FIRAT PRIMARY SCHOOL meets the educational needs of its
students by supporting all contemporary education methods, such as multimedia supported
classes and well facilitated science laboratories. Added to this, it is in possession of
excellent social facilities, healthy daily menus and accommodation on-site

        PRIVATE BALIKESIR FIRAT PRIMARY SCHOOL which assimilates both
Turkish culture and civilization ,has the conscious awareness that the education of English
as a second language is a must for the student to be adapted globally to the world and
Turkey as a whole to work as a worldwide team.

II. Puppet theatre plays
                               in original languages and in english

                                    Jussikese 7 sõpra
Vana Toomas

Jutustaja: Elas kord väike Jussike, kes üle kõige armastas arvutimänge mängida. Kohe, kui ta
koolist koju jõudis, istus ta arvuti taha ja hakkas klahve klõbistades koletisi taga ajama,
vaenlastega võitlema ja seiklema.
(Süttib hämar valgus, lavaäärel arvuti, kostab arvutiklahvide klõbin.)

Jussike: Anna talle! Mine juba! Said nüüd! Oh sa poiss! Küll ma su kätte saan!
(Klahviklõbin ja repliigid vaheldumisi.)

Jutustaja: Nii möödusid arvutimaailmas tema päevad ja kuud kuni jõudis kätte suvi. Ühel
päeval, mil Jussike tundis, et tal ekraanivirvendusest juba silmad valutavad, tõusis ta arvuti
tagant, ringutas ja sirutas end ning avas akna.
(Täisvalgus, linnulaul. Pääsuke lendab aknast mööda mitu korda.)

Pääsuke: Vidiit! Vidiit! Kes sina oled siin?

Jussike: Mina olen Jussike, aga kes sina oled?

P: Kas sina mind tõesti ei tunne?

J: Oot-oot! Ma olen su pilti arvutis Eesti kodulehel näinud – sa oled Eesti rahvuslind

P: Just-just! Mina olen pääsuke, Eesti rahvuslind! Aga mida tarka seal sinu helendava kasti sees
veel on?

J: Tule, lenda tuppa, ma näitan sulle!
(Pääsuke lendab tuppa.)

J: Oota, ma panen selle koletiste tulistamise ja tagaajamise mängu kinni ja vaatame internetis
ringi, mis uudist.
P: Vidiit! Vaata siit! Mis veidrad linnud need on?

J: Mis linnud? Kus? Kas sa mõtled seda linnumustrit siin vilkuva reklaami peal?

P: Jajah!

J: Siia on kirjutatud: Tulge laulu- ja tantsupeole Tallinnasse!

P: Oi, laulda mulle meeldib! Ilma lauluta pole elu midagi väärt. Ja kui lõbusad on alati need
inimesed, kes muusika järgi tantsuringis keerutavad! Tore oleks seda pidu ise näha... Mis sa
arvad, Jussike? Lähme vaatame, kuidas seda pidu peetakse? Vidiit!Vidiit! Hakkame minema

J: ( pomiseb omaette) Võiks jah siit toast välja minna natuke ringi vaatama ja miks mitte
peole... Näha inimesi laulmas ja tantsimas, mitte uurida Internetist mingit YouTubi pisikest
(Pöördub pääsukese poole) Aga ma ei tunne ju teed ja kuidas ma üksi... Mul pole ühtegi sõpra
ka, keda kaasa kutsuda – kõik poisid istuvad ju ninapidi arvutis...

P: Ära muretse, mina võin sulle sõbraks olla. Läheme koos! Alati saab ju teed küsida!
J: Lähme siis! Aga oota natuke, kirjutan emale-isale kirjakese.
(Jussike kirjutab trükitähtedega sedeli:“ Läksin Tallinnasse laulupeole“ ja kinnitab selle lava
ääre külge. Jussike ja pääsuke lahkuvad.)

(Lavakujunduses      eemalt    paistvad
Vallimäe ordulinnuse varemed. Tulevad
Jussike ja pääsuke.)
J: Kuhu küll minna? Kas vasakule või
paremale? Kas Tallinn on veel kaugel?

P: Vaata sinnapoole, Jussike! Lähme
vaatame,       ehk       leiame      sealt
linnusevaremete juurest kedagi, kes
teaks meile teed juhatada.
(Vastu tuleb habemik ordurüütel, valge
punase ristiga vest seljas, peas kiiver ja
vööl mõõk.)

J: Tere, rüütlihärra! Sina pead siin
kõrgel künkal linnusemüüridel vahti.
Kas sa oskad meile Tallinnasse laulu- ja
tantsupeole teed juhatada?

Rüütel: Olen jah kuulnud, et Tallinnas
on suur pidu tulemas, aga mul on
praegu üks tähtis töö vaja ära teha ja
mul pole aega teile teejuhiks tulla.
Töötan    siin    Vallimäe    linnuses

muuseumivalvurina ja pean kell 12 kahurist Rakvere linna pika ajaloo auks pauku laskma. Kell
saab kohe-kohe 12 ja mul on veel kahur laadimata, ehk tuleksite mulle appi!
P: Vidiit-vidiit! Mina kardan pauku ja põgenen siit! (Lendab eemale).

J: Ära väga kaugele lenda! Kuulsid ju, Rüütel tuleb meile teed juhatama!
Lavale on ilmunud kahur Ööbik, Rüütel on kätte võtnud kahuri toppimise nuia ja
püssirohutopsi. Askeldavad Jussikesega natuke aega ümber kahuri ja lõpuks käibki pauk
konfettidega täidetud paugutajast. Kui suits on hajunud, tuleb pääsuke tagasi lavale.

P: Huh! Mis hirmsaid asju inimesed küll on välja mõtelnud!

J: Ära nüüd enam värise, sõbrake, selles kahuris polnud ju kuuli sees ja keegi pihta ei saanud.

R: Just-just! Ei ole vaja enam karta!

J: Kas me saaksime nüüd juba teele asuda?

R: Õige küll! Lubasin teile ju teed näidata. Vaat lähme siit väravast välja ja keerame seda rada
mööda pisut vasakule.
(Kõnnivad üle lava, lavalt ära.)

(Laval kuldsete sarvedega Tarvas (nukk peaks saama pead liigutada) Tulevad Rüütel, Jussike ja
R: Nonii, kaugemale mina ei saa tulla. Pean linnusesse oma vahipostile tagasi minema. Saage
tuttavaks meie linna vapilooma Tarvaga! Tema näeb siit kõrgelt künkalt kaugele kõiki
ümbruskonna teid. Kindlasti ka seda teed, mis Tallinna poole viib. (Lahkub.)

J: Tere, Tarvas! Tahan oma sõbra Pääsukesega Tallinnasse suurt laulu- ja tantsupidu vaatama
minna, aga kumbki meist ei tunne teed.

Tarvas: Või et kohe peole minek! Päris kadedaks teeb! Mina seisan siin üksi künka otsas ega
pääse kuhugi...

P: Aga sa ei ole ju üksi – terve hulk inimesi just imetlesid sind siin ja pildistasid igast küljest
enne kui me siia jõudsime.

Tarvas: Jah, need olid turistid. Neid tuleb siia tõesti hulgakaupa ja siis veel linnarahvas, kes
Vallimäel jalutamas käib, aga nemad kõik tulevad ja lähevad. Pealegi olen nii suur, et keegi ei
ulata isegi mu kõrvataguseid sügama ja mu kuldsed sarvedki on juba tuhmumas. Ehk saad sina,
Jussike siia üles ronida ja mu sarved taas läikima lüüa, siis näitan teile teed Tallinna poole.

J: Muidugi saan!

P: Vidiit-Vidiit! Roni siit!
(Jussike sügab tarvast kõrva tagant ja nühib ta sarvi.)
J: No nüüd näed küll uhke välja!
T: Suur tänu sulle, Jussike! Minge nüüd siit künkast alla ja hakake seda teed mööda astuma! Ja
tagasiteel tulge taas minu juurest läbi, tahan teada, mida suurel peol kuulsite ja nägite.

J: Kindlasti tuleme! Nägemiseni!

P: Vidiit-vidiit! Nägemiseni siis!

(Jussike ja Pääsuke käivad kaks korda üle lava ja peatuvad)
J: Me ei küsinudki Tarva käest, kui pikk tee on Tallinnasse ja kaua minek aega võtab. Ja see tee
on juba mitu käänakut teinud... ei tea, kas otsem ei saaks...

P: Otse minnes jõuaks rutem pärale küll. Oota, ma lendan ühe tiiru kõrgemalt ja vaatan
kuhupoole võiks minna.

(Pääsuke hüüab lava tagant.)
P: Vidiit-vidiit! Siit künka tagant võiks minna otse läbi metsa ja siis jõekallast pidi uuesti
maanteele. Saaksime päris otse siit. Vidiit-vidiit! Ilmub taas lavale. Lähme siis!

(Pääsuke ja Jussike kõnnivad mitu korda üle lava, vastu liiguvad erinevad puud. Viimaks piilub
ühe puu tagant Jänes.)

                                                             Jänes: Kes teie olete ja kuidas te siia

                                                             J: Mina olen Jussike ja see minu sõber
                                                             Pääsuke. Otsustasime Tallinnasse
                                                             suurele peole minna.

                                                             P: Ja nüüd otsime otseteed siit, vidiit!

                                                             J: Kas sina oskad öelda, kui palju
                                                             maad veel Tallinnasse on?

                                                             Jä: Tallinnasse!? Mis see veel on?

                                                             J: Tallinn on Eestimaa pealinn, va
rumal jänes! Suur linn, kus on palju maju ja inimesi ja...

P: ... ja sinna tuleb tuhandeid lauljaid ja tantsijaid üle Eestimaa kokku suurele peole.

Jä: Ei, sellest ei tea ma küll midagi... Aga ma nägin enne siili, tema on tark loom, äkki tema
teab. Ta läks sinnapoole. Kui me kiiresti lippame, ehk jõuame talle järele ja saame tema käest

(Kõik kolm lähevad kiiresti näidatud suunas. Puud liiguvad taas neile vastu. Lõpuks jõutakse

Jä: Siilike, oota! Oota nüüd ometi! Meil on su nõu ja abi vaja!

Siil: (Keerab end ringi hüüdja poole). Jänes, sina! Ja kes need veel on?

Jä: (ähkides) Mina jah! Oh, kui hea, et sulle järele jõudsime!!! Väledatest jalgadest on vahel
kasu ka! Aga need on mu uued sõbrad, kel on nõu ja abi vaja.

J: Mina olen Jussike ja see minu sõber Pääsuke. Otsustasime Tallinnasse suurele peole minna.

P: Ja nüüd otseteed otsime siit, vidiit!

J: Kas sina, Siil, oskad öelda, kui palju maad veel Tallinnasse on?

S: Tallinnasse? Kas see on see suur linn mere ääres, kus on palju maju ja inimesi?

J: Vist küll...

S: Mereni on siit veel tükk maad, isegi siis kui otse minna.

Jä: Seda ma kartsin!

P: Jah, ega puude vahelt merd küll ei paista siit. Vidiit!. Aga loojuva päikese kuma näen küll
juba, õhtu on peagi siin.

J: Mis nüüd saab?

S: Olete vist kaua juba teel olnud ja väsinud?

J: (Istub lavaäärele.) Jah, me oleme terve päeva kõndinud ja mu jalad on päris väsinud...

S: Mul on üks mõte, kuidas teid aidata. Siin lähedal, selle kuusetuka taga puhkab minu sõber
Kalevipoeg jalgu. Ta käis Peipsi järve tagant laudu toomas ja puhkab nüüd reisiväsimust. Ta
kõneles enne mulle, et viib lauakoorma Tallinnasse, kus seda kraami majade ehitamiseks palju
vaja läheb. Usun, et tema saab teid küll aidata.

P: Väga hea mõte! Kuule Jussike, võta nüüd oma jõuvarud kokku ja lähme edasi! Kuulsid ju,
Siil ütles, et Kalevipoeg on teel Tallinnasse! Lähme-lähme!

Lavaäärel pikutab ja norskab Kalevipoeg.
S: Kuulete, seal see meie vägilane ongi.

P:( uurib magavat Kalevipoega) Ma pole nii suurt meest küll ealeski näinud!

J: No on alles pirakas!

Jä: Päris vägilane kohe!

S : (Siil ja Jänes raputavad magajat) Tõuse üles, Kalevipoeg! Sinu abi on vaja!

Kalevipoeg: (krapsab kiiresti püsti, enda ümber segaduses ringi vaadates)
Kes vajab abi? Kus on vaenlase vägi?

S: Rahu, ainult rahu! Vaenlasi ei ole. Hoopis meie väikesed sõbrad vajavad abi. Vaata, siin on
Jussike ja Pääsuke. Nad otsivad teed Tallinnasse ning on siin metsas juba terve päeva ringi
ekselnud. Ehk saad sina neile õige tee kätte juhatada?

K: (Haigutades) Nojah, Tallinna teed ma ju tean küll aga ... (haigutab) ... praegu olen ma küll
väga väsinud. Tulin ju Peipsi tagant suure lauakoormaga, ega see naljaasi pole neid tassida...
viskasingi siis teised seljast maha ja jäin magama nagu nott. Näe nüüd hakkab juba pimedaks
kiskuma, ei nüüd tule edasiminekust midagi välja... (haigutab)

S: Kalevipoeg, kallis Kalevipoeg, aga homme?

K: Homme hommikul tuleb mul tõesti endalgi Tallinna poole teele asuda, sest linnaehitajad
juba ootavad minu lauakoormat. Asi see siis oleks väikesed sõbrad kaasa võtta. Aga te peate
lubama, et aitate mul hommikul lauakoorma korralikult virna laduda, et saaksin selle endale
selga tõsta, sest praegu vedelevad teised siin segamini risti-rästi.

J: Aga muidugi aitame.

K: No siis nii teemegi! Aga praegu viskame siiasamasse kuuse alla puhkama.

                                                              (Lavakujunduseks Tallinna siluett.
                                                              Tuleb Kalevipoeg, lauakoorem seljas,
                                                              selle otsas istub Jussike)

                                                              K: Näete, olemegi Tallinnas. Kohe
                                                              jõuame Raekoja platsile. Ma panen
                                                              oma lauakoorma nüüd ka maha. Roni
                                                              alla, Jussike!
                                                              (Viskab lauad seljast maha, sirutab
                                                              selga ja ringutab ning vaatab ringi.)
                                                               Teate sõbrad, siin, Raekoja torni otsas
                                                              elab vana tuulelipp, linnavalvur Vana
                                                              Toomas, kes teab neid linna asju
                                                              paremini kui mina ja oskab teile
                                                              näidata, kus seda suurt laulu- ja
                                                              tantsupidu peetakse.
                                                              (Hüüab kõvasti, ise üles vaadates)
                                                              Hei, Vana Toomas!

                                                              (Tuleb Vana Toomas)
                                                              Vana Toomas: Tere, Kalevipoeg! Mis
                                                              tuuled sind Tallinnasse on toonud? Ja
                                                              kes sinuga kaasas on?

                                                       K: Tere-tere, Vana Toomas! Näe, tõin
linnaehitajatele koorma laudu, aga need on minu uued sõbrad Jussike ja Pääsuke, kes tulid linna,
et oma silmaga laulu- ja tantsupidu näha.

P: Aga me ei tea täpselt, kus seda pidu peetakse...

J: ... ja siin linnas on nii palju maju ja tänavaid ja inimesi...

VT: Seda küll, siginat-saginat on siin palju – nüüd suure peo ajal eriti. Tallinna 400-le
tuhandele elanikule lisandub veel 100 tuhat lauljat ja tantsijat üle terve Eestimaa. Kui te tahate
peole jõuda, siis peame küll kohe minema hakkama, sest peoliste rongkäik hakkas juba paar
tundi tagasi Lauluväljaku poole liikuma.

P: Oi, lähme siis ruttu!

J: Kalevipoeg, aitäh sulle, et meid linna tõid ja meile nii hea teejuhi leidsid! Kuulsid, me peame
nüüd ruttama, et peole jõuda.

K: Minge-minge, sõbrakesed! Kui ehitajad oma lauad on siit ära viinud, ehk jõuan teile veel
järelegi. Nägemiseni!

Jussike ja Pääsuke koos: Head-aega!
Jussike, Pääsuke ja Vana Toomas lahkuvad lavalt ühele poole, Kalevipoeg teisele poole.

(Lavakujunduseks Lauluväljak. Laval istub Laulutaat Gustav Ernesaks. Tulijad peatuvad pisut

                                                             VT: No nii, olemegi kohal. See
                                                             siin ongi Lauluväljak ja siin on
                                                             juba 25.korda Eesti rahvas
                                                             laulupidu pidamas.

                                                             J: Vaadake, kes seal istub!

                                                             VT: Oi Jussike, sa oled nüüd küll
                                                             õige mehe leidnud -see seal on
                                                             mees, kes laulupidudest palju
                                                             rohkem teab kui mina. See on
                                                             Laulutaat, eesti koorimuusika isa
                                                             Gustav Ernesaks, kes on siin,
                                                             Lauluväljakul paljusid laulupidusid
                                                             juhatanud. (Pöördub Laulutaadi
                                                             poole) Tere, Laulutaat!

Laulutaat: Tere-tere! Kas sa näed, isegi Vana Toomas on Raekoja tornist alla roninud ja peole
tulnud! Rõõm sind näha! Ja kes need sinuga kaasas on?

VT: Need on Jussike ja Pääsuke, kes tulid esimest korda suurt pidu uudistama. Kalevipoeg tõi
nad Tallinnasse ja mina juhatasin nad Lauluväljakule. Ega ma tegelikult vist peole jääda saa –
pean oma vahipostile Raekoja torni tipus tagasi minema. Sa Laulutaat, võtad ehk mu sõbrad
oma hoole alla.

L: Jah, muidugi! Mul on alati hea meel inimestest enda ümber.

VT: Siis on tore! Jääme nägemiseni, sõbrad! (Lahkub.)

J: Miks sa, Laulutaat, SIIN istud?

L: Vaata, Jussike – kui ma veel inimene olin, mitte kuju nagu praegu, olin ma koorijuht ja
kirjutasin ise laule. Neid lauldi tihti ka siin, laulukaare all, kus tuhanded lauljad üldlaulupeol
kokku said. Sellepärast pandigi mind kujuna siia Lasnamäe nõlvale istuma, et ma igavesti
saaksin eesti laulupidudel silma peal hoida.

P: Aga mis sa siis teed, kui laulupidu läbi saab?

E: Laululava vaatan... igatsen inimeste ja muusika järele, sest üldlaulupeod toimuvad tõesti
ainult iga viie aasta tagant. Siis on küll hiigelkoorid tuhandete lauljatega laval ja kogu
lauluväljak pealtvaatajaist tulvil nagu täna. Õnneks tulevad vahepeal lapsed oma laulupidudele
ja muusikud teevad oma kontserte.

J: Ja siis veel see laulupidu, mida „Märkamise ajaks“ kutsuti... Nägin Internetis selle peo
reklaame, aga telekast kontserdi ülekannet vaadates jäin küll kohe magama, sest olin just enne
seda arvutis kaks tundi kosmoselahingut mänginud ja silmad vajusid iseenesest kinni. Ema ja isa
olid küll kella kaheni öösel teleka ees selle laulupeo ülekannet vaadanud ja kahetsenud, miks
küll teekonda Lauluväljakule õigel ajal ette ei võtnud.

 L: Usun küll, et paljudel inimestel Eestimaa kaugeimast paigust oli kahju, sest see märkamise
laulupidu oli väga võimas, tõeline meie rahva ühtehoidmise ja järjepidevuse sümbol – nagu kõik
meie laulupeod.

P: Te räägite siin laulupidudest, aga suure peo teine pool – tantsupidu – kus ja millal see siis

J: Seal laululava treppidel vist küll tantsida ei saa.

L: Ega saa küll. Tantsijate suur pidu toimub hoopis Kalevi staadionil linna teises otsas. Sinna
peaksite küll homme minema.

P: Lähme, Jussike, eks! Vaatame tantsupidu ka siis! Vidiit!

 E: Kindlasti minge! Tuhanded tantsijad on juba nädal aega seal staadionimurul kauni etenduse
jaoks tantsusamme ja mustreid jaoks kokku harjutanud.

P: Kindlasti läheme!

J: Oi, kas laulupidu hakkab nüüd peale?

L: Jah, hakkab tõesti. Näe, sealt lähevad tõrvikukandjad tuletorni poole, et süüdata laulupeotuli.
Ja vaadake, laululava on pilgeni rahvast täis! Kohe läheb peo üldjuht kooride ette dirigendipulti
ja tõstabki taktikepi., et juhatada laulupeo traditsioonilist avalaulu. Kuulake!

Lindilt kõlab: „Laulud nüüd lähevad kaunimal kõlal...“(„Koit“)

                                                                Jutustaja: Jätame nüüd
                                                                Jussikese     ja     Pääsukese
                                                                laulupidu kuulama. Kui me
                                                                vaataksime, kuidas Jussike
                                                                pihud tuliseks plaksutas ja
                                                                Pääsuke lauluviise kaasa
                                                                vidistas, kuidas nad järgmisel
                                                                päeval tantsupidu imetlesid,
                                                                kuidas nad lõpuks väsinuna
                                                                koduteele asusid, läheks meie
                                                                etendus      väga      pikaks...
                                                                Kindlasti on teil huvitav
                                                                teada, et tagasiteel jutustasid
                                                                nad oma toredaid peomuljeid
                                                                ka Tarvale ning Jussikese
                                                                emale ja isale. Sügisel aga
                                                                jättis Jussike arvutimängud
                                                                kus seda ja teist ning hakkas
hoolsalt Virumaa Poistekoori proovidel käima, et pääseda järgmisele laulupeole juba lauljana.

Johnny´s 7 Friends

Johnny – little Estoinian boy
Swallow – national bird of Estonia
Tarvas – ancient bull
Kalevipoeg – main heroe of Estonian epos
Old Toomas - turncoat
Laulutaat – famous Estonian composer and conductor

Storyteller: Once upon a time there was a little Johnny, who mostly loved to play computer
games. After getting home, he immediately sat in front of a computer and started pushing keys
on the keyboard to catch monsters, fight with enimies and adventuring.
(Dim light ignites, there is a computer on the edge of the stage, sounds of the keyboard using)

Johnny: Give him! Go already! You got what you wanted! Oh boy! I´ll catch you!
(sounds of typing keyboard and replies alternately)

Storyteller: His days and mobths in the cyber world passed like this until the summer began.
One day when Johnny felt that his eyes are aching of the colour of screen, he rised from the
front of the computer, pandiculated, stretched out and opened the window)
(full light, bird´s song. A swallow flies by window for a several time)

Swallow: Vidiit! Vidiit! Who are you here?

Johnny: I´m Johnny, but who are you?

S: Don´t you really know me?

J: Wait! Wait! I´ve seen your picture in the computer on the website of Estonia – you are the
national bird of Estonia – chimney swallow

S: Right! Right! I am a swallow, the national bird of Estonia! But what interesting do you have
in that luminous box?

J: Come, fly in! I´ll show you!
(swollow flies into the house)
Wait, I´m going to put that game of shooting monsters and hot pursuit off and let´s watch what
new is on the Internet.

S: Vidiit1 Look there! What kind of strange birds are these?

J: What birds? Where? Do you think that birds pttern here on the flash screen?

S: Yes!yes!

J: It has been written here: „Come to the song- and dancefestival to Tallinn!“

S: Oh, I like singing! Without singing life has no worth. And how happy the people are who are
wriggling by the music. It wold be nice to see this festival with my own eyes. What do you
think, Johnny? Let´s go a nd see how they are parting. Vidiit! Vidiit! Let´s go!

J: (murmuring himself): we could go out to look around and why not to go to the party. T o see
people singing and dancing, not explore some small videoclip in YouTube.
(appeals to Swallow)
I don´t know the way and how can I alone... I don´t have any friends who could join in. All guys
sit in front of computers staring at screens.

S: Don´t worry! I can be your friend. Letś go together! We can always ask way!

J: Let´s go! Wait a little! I´ll write a letter to my mother and father. (Johnny is writing a
letter:“I went toTallinn to a song festival“. He puts that on the skip. Johnny and swallow leave)

(Rakvere Vallimägi – fortress ruins are in view. Johnny and Swollow are coming).

J: Where to go? To the left or to the right? Is Tallinn still far away?

S: Look at that way, johnny! Let´s check, maybe we can find somebody from the fortress ruins,
who could tell us the way.

J: Hello, mister Knight! You are guard of the fortress up here, high on the hill. Could you tell us
the way to Tallinn, to the song and dance festival?

Knight: Yes, I have heard, that a big festival is coming in Tallinn, but I need to do one
importand job right now and I don´t have time to be a guide for you. I am working here, on
Vallimägi hills as a museum keeper and I have to bang from the cannon in honour to remember
the long history of Rakvere. It will be in a second and I still haven´t loaded the cannon. Maybe
you can help me with that!

S: Vidiit!-Vidiit! I am afraid of banging, so I´ll better escape from here.

J: Don´t fly too far! You heard that Knight is going to tell us the way.
(cannon owl has appeared on the stage. Knighttakes cannon tucking dub and a box of
gunpowder. Bustlering a bit with Johnny around the cannon, finally the bang comes from the
cannnon filled with confettes. When smoke has disappeared, swollow comes back to the stage)

S: Huh! What scary things people have thought out!

J: Don´t tremble any more, friend! There weren´t any bullets inside and none got nail down.

K: Right-right! There is no need to be scared any more.

J: Can we go now?

K: Right! I promised you to show the way. We are going out from that gate and then we´ll turn
a bit left on this path.

3. scene:
On the stage there is Tarvas with golden horns. Knight, Johnny and swollow come to the stage)
K: Okay, I can´t come more further. I have to go back to the stronghold to my post. Make
acquaintance with our city animal on the coat of arms – Tarvas. He sees every road in the
neighbourhood from the top of the high hill. I am sure that he can see also this road, which goes
to Tallinn.

J: Hello Tarvas! I want to go to Tallinn with my friend Swollow to the big song- and
dancefestival, but non of us knows the way.

Tarvas: So you are going to the festival. It makes me jealous. I am standing here alone on the
top of the hill and I can´t go anywhere.

S: but you are not alone – a lot of people just admired you and took pictures from every side of
you before we got here.

T: Yes, they were tourists. They come here in crowds and also city people, who come to
Vallimägi to walk, but they all come and leave. Besides, I am so big, that nobody can reach to
scratch my ear backs and my golden horns are already tarnished. Maybe you, Johnny can climb
up here and make my horns sparkle again! Then I can show you the way to Tallinn.

J: Ofcourse I can!

S: Vidiit-vidiit! Climb here!
(Johnny scratches Tarvas´ear backs and rubs his hornes)

J: Now you look proud!

T: Thanks for helping me Johnny! Now go down from the hill and start walking along this road.
And on your way back come again to vivit me, i want to know, what you heard and saw at the
big festival.

J: Sure we come! Goodbye!

S: Vidiit-vidiit! Goodye then!

4. scene:
(Forest. Johnny and Swallow walk around the stage twice and then stop)

J: we never asked Tarvas, how long the road to Tallinn is and how much time it takes to get
there. And this road has made many elbows already...don´t know, if there is a shorter way...

S: It would take less time if we went straight, yes. Wait, I´ll take a higher circle around the land
and look which way to take.
(Swallow shouts from the behind the stage)
We could walk around this hill and go straight through the forest, after that along the river side
to the highway. Let´s go then!
(Swallow and Johnny walk many times across the stage, a lot of trees go past them.Finally
behind one tree there is a Rabbit)

Rabbit: Who are you and how did you get here?

J: My name is Johnny and this is my friend Swallow. We decided to go to the big party in

S: And now we are looking for shortcut.

J: Can you tell us how far Tallinn is?

R: Tallinn? What is that?

J: Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia, you stupid rabbit! Big town, there are lots of people and
houses and...

S: ...and thousands of dancers and singers are going there from all across Estonia for a huge

R: No, I know nothing about this.. But I saw a hedgehog going past before, he is a smart animal,
maybe he knows. He went this way. If we make it fast, we might catch him and ask him.
(All 3 go quickly towards the shown direction. Finally they reach the hedgehog)

R: Hedgie, wait! Wait already! We need your advice and help!

Hedgehog: Rabbit, it´s you! And who are they?

R: (breathing hard) Yes, me! Oh, how good that we gained on you! Nimble legs are put to good
use sometimes too! But these are my new friends who needs advice and help.

J: I am Johnny and this is my friend Swallow. We decided to go to the big party to Tallinn.

S: And now strightaway we´re looking from here, vidiit!

J: Can you, Hedgehog, tell us how long the way is to Tallinn?

H: To Tallinn? Is it that big town near the sea, where are lots of buildings and people?

J: I guess so...

H: It´s quite a long way even when you go straight from here.

R: I afraid so!

S: Yes, the sea does not stand out here between the trees. Vidiit! But I can see eventide, night is
here soon.

J: And what now?

H: You have been on your way for a long time and you are certainly tired?

J: (sitting on the edge of the stage) Yes, we have walked all day and my feet are quite tired.

H: I´ve got an idea how to help you. Right here, behinf this fir my friend Kalevipoeg rests his
feet. He went to behind lake Peipsi to get some planks and now he is resting from a trip
tiredness. He spoke me that he will bring the burden of planks to Tallinn, where builders need it.
I think, he can help you!

S: A very good idea! Hey Johnny! Take up your strenght and let´s move on! You heard – the
hedgehog said, that kalevipoeg is on the way to Tallinn. Come-come!

5.scene: (Kalevipoeg sleeps and snores at the edge of the stage)
H: Listen, there is our hero.

S: (investigates sleeping Kalevipoeg) I have never seen a man this big.

J: He is really huge!

H: Wake up, Kalevipoeg! We need your help!

Kalevipoeg: (jumps up fast, looks around him with a confused face) Who needs help? Where
are the enemy forces?

H: Peace! There are no enemies. These are our little friends who need help. Look, here is
Johnny and Swallow. They are looking for a way to Tallinn and they have been in this forest for
a whole day. Maybe you can lead them to the right way?

K: (yawning) Yea, well. I know the way to Tallinn... right now I am really tired. I came from
the other side of lake Peipsi with a huge pile of woods, it wasn´t any fun to carry them... i
dropped them on the ground and fell asleep. Look, it´s getting darker. I cannot go anywhere

H: Kalevipoeg, dear Kalevipoeg, how about tomorrow?

K: Tomorrow I will go to Tallinn, because the builders are waiting for my pile of woods. It´s
nothing to bring these little friends with me. But you have to promise to help me to put the
woods into a correct pile again – so i can put them on my back, because right now tey´re quite
mixed up.

J: Of course we´ll help1

K: So that´s how we do it! But for now let´s rest under this fir.

6.scene: ( Tallinn. Town Hall Square)
K: You see, we are in tallinn. Soon we will arrive to town hall square. I´ll put down my pile of
woods also. Climb down, johnny!
(Kalevipoeg drops down the woods from the back, straightens the spine, stretches and looks
K: You kno, friends, there, on the top of the townhall tower lives an old turncoat, the guard of
the city – Old Toomas, who knos those town things better than me and he can show you, where
that big song- and dancefestival is held. Hey, Old Toomas!

Old Toomas: Hello, Kalevipoeg! What kind of winds have bought you into Tallinn? And who
are with you?

K: Hello! Hello, Old Toomas! Look I brought a pile of woods to citybuilders, but these are my
new friends Johnny and Swallow, who came to the city to see the song- and dancefestival.

S: But we don´t know exactly, where the festival is held.

J: ...and there are so many houses, streets and people in this city...

OT: Yes, here is so much razzmatazz now during the great party. 100 000 singers and dancers
all over Estonia will be added to 400 000 inhabitants of tallinn. If you want to beat the party on
time, we have to start moving, because the parade of partiers has already began moving towards
the singing field.

S: Lets go fast then!

J: Kalevipoeg, thank you for bringing us to town and finding us such a great guide. You heard –
we have to go now to reach the party.

K: Go, my friends! If the builders have taken this pile of woods from me, maybe I will catch
you up. Bye!

J and S: Good bye!

7.scene: (for the stage design – the Song Grounds. Gustav Ernesaks is sitting on the stage.
People coming in will stop a little further away)

OT: So, we´re here. These are The Song Grounds and in here Estonians have had their song
festivals for 25 times, once every 5 years.

J: Look, who is sitting there!

OT: Oh, little Johnny, now you have found the right man – that there is the man who knows
more about the song festivals than I do. It is Laulutaat, the father of Estonian choir music

Gustav Ernesaks. He has conducted many song festivals in here, the Song Grounds. (turns to
Laulutaat) Hi, Laulutaat!

Laulutaat: Hello-hello! Look at that, even Old toomas has climbed down from the city hall
tower and came to the party. I am happy to see you! And who are these people with you?

OT: these here are little Johnny and swallow, who came here for the first time to check out the
big party. Kalevipoeg brought them to Tallinn and i led them to The Song grounds. I can´t really
stay to the party – i need to return to my postt the top of city hall. Maybe you could take care of
my friends.

L: Yes, of cource. I am always glad to have people around me.

OT: Great, then! See you, friends! (leaves)

J: Why are you, Laulutaat, sitting here?

L: You see, Johnny, when i was still a human, not a statue as I am now, i was conductor and i
wrote songs myself. They were sung in here, under the song arch, where thousands of singers
met during the song festival. That´s why I was put sitting as statue in here, at the foot of
Lasnamägi. So I could forever keep an eye on the Estonian Song festivals.

J: but what are doing when the festival is over?

L: I look at the stage.. miss people and music, because the song festivals are held once every 5
years. Then there will be giant choirs with thousands of singers on the stage and the whole
grounds are full of spectators like today. Fortunately children have their smaller festivals and
musicians have their concerts here.

J: And then there was this festival that was called „Time of noticing“ ... I saw ads for the
festival on the Internet, but when watching it live on television I immediately fell asleep,
because I had just played my space battle computer game for two hours and my eyes fell shut
themselves. Mom and dad were wotching the show until 2 AM at night and regretted why they
didn´t go to the grounds at the right time.

L: Yes, I do believe, that lot of people in Estonia regretted, because this festival was really
powerful! – real symbol of how our nation holds together.

S: You are talking about song festivals, but the other part of big party – dance festival – where
and when this is hold?

J: I think that there, on the stairs of this stage nobody can dance.

L: No, they cannot. Dance festival is hold on the Kalev stadium on the other side of the city.
You should go there tomorrow.

S: Let´s go, Johnny! Let´s look dance festival also! Vidiit!

L: You definitely must go! Thousands of dancers have had rehearsals on the stadium during
whole week. They make nice patterns during dancing – it is really worth of seeing.

S: We´ll go there definitely!

J: Oh, is song festival beginning now?

L: Yes, it is. Look there are torchbearers going to the fire-tower – they will light the fire on the
top of tower, which will burn during festivities. Look, stage is full of singers! In seconds
conductor goes frontward choirs to conduct the traditional opening song. Listen!
(Song from tape „Dawn“)

Storyteller: We let Johnny and Swallow to the concert now. It will be very long story, if we
want to show you, how Johnny clapped his hands and how Swallow sing together with the
singers all the beautiful songs, how they admired dance festival next day, how they get tired and
started their way home, our play will be too long... but i think that it is interesting for you to
know, that on their way back home they visited Tarvas and told him about the festival. In
autumn Johnny dropped computer games and joined in rehersals of Virumaa Boys´Choir,
because he wants to go to the next song festival as singer.

Jón og vinir hans sjö

Jón tólf ára gamall ætlar að ferðast í kringum landið í tímavélinni sinni og koma við á sjö stöðum á sjö
mismunandi tímum. Hann byrjar í Reykjavík og fer til ársins 874. Þar hittir hann landnámsmanninn
Ingólf Arnarson og fer að spjalla við hann.

Ingólfur: Góðan daginn. Ek heiti Ingólfur Arnarson og ek var að nema land hér.

Jón: Ég þekki þig úr bókum. Ég hef verið að læra um þig.

Ingólfur: Er það? Hvað heitir þú ungi drengur?

Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson og er frá Reykjavík.

Ingólfur: Ek var einmitt að nefna þennan stað þar sem við
stöndum á núna, Reykjavík. Hér hef ek ákveðið að reisa mér
bæ vegna þess að öndvegissúlurnar mínar ráku hér á land.
Einnig er hér svo mikill jarðhiti.

Jón: Já, það er gott, ég kem nefnilega með tímavél úr
framtíðinni og Reykjavík verður höfuðborg Íslands.

Ingólfur: Þetta er skrítið, ek sem var rétt í þessu að nema
land hér.

Jón: Já, þú fannst góðan og fallegan stað fyrir borgina okkar.
Þar er skemmtilegt að búa og þar eru margar fallegar
byggingar, eins og Hallgrímskirkjan og Perlan. Í gegnum
borgina rennur falleg laxveiðiá, sem nefnd er Elliðaá eftir
einum þræla þinna. Einnig er til torg sem er kallað Ingólfstorg
í höfuðið á þér og svo er stytta af þér uppi á Arnarhóli.

Ingólfur: Ó, það er nú skrítið.

Jón: Já og skemmtilegt.

Ingólfur: Bless ungi dregur ek verð að fara skoða þetta fallega Ísland.

Jón: Bless Ingólfur.

Jón fer upp í tímavélina og ákveður að fara til Akureyrar árið 2456. Hann lendir á Hlíðarfjalli og sér
stelpu á skíðum, kallar á hana og hún fer að spjalla við Jón.

Stelpan: Hæ, ég heiti Emma Rós Elíasdóttir en þú mátt kalla mig Emmu ef þú vilt en hvað heitir þú?

Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón ef þú vilt Emma. Hvar er ég?

Emma: Þú ert uppi á Hlíðarfjalli Jón, en maður er bara nokkrar mínútur að keyra hingað frá Akureyri.

Jón: Getur þú sagt mér frá Akureyri Emma?

Emma: Já, já það get ég gert Jón minn.

Jón: Allt í lagi byrjaðu þá Emma.

Emma: Akureyri er stundum kölluð höfuðborg norðurlands og hér er skemmtilegt að búa og margt hægt
að gera. Til dæmis skoða fallegan grasagarð, fara í sund, skoða jólahús og mörg skemmtileg söfn. Maður
þarf líka að labba upp rosalega margar tröppur að Akureyrarkirkju. Hér uppi í Hlíðarfjalli er flott
skíðasvæði, sem hefur verið vinsælt svo lengi sem menn muna. En nú eru fjarflutningstæki í staðinn fyrir
skíðalyftur, skíðaskálinn er 20 hæða blokk og diskalyfturnar eru fljúgandi diskar. Ég á heima á efstu hæð
í hundrað hæða blokk. Ég á líka fullt af hundum.

Jón: Já þetta er merkilegt Emma.

Emma: Jæja Jón ég ætla að halda áfram að skíða. Bæ Jón.

Jón: Bless Emma.

Jón fer í tímavélina og ákveður að fara að Dettifossi í nútímanum. Þar hittir hann kannski einhvern.
Þegar hann kemur sér hann strák og þeir fara að spjalla saman.

Strákurinn: Halló ég heiti Halldór Höskuldsson en þú mátt kalla mig Halldór. Hvað heitir þú?

Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón.

Halldór: Það er hættulegt að vera hjá Dettifossi Jón því þú getur dottið ofan í hann, ef þú ferð ekki
varlega. Dettifoss er nefnilega aflmesti foss Íslands. Hann er 44 metra hár og rúmlega 100 metra breiður
foss í Jökulsá á Fjöllum. Hann er hluti af Þjóðgarðinum í Jökulsárgljúfrum.

Jón: Þetta er nú flottur foss og kraftmikill.

Halldór: Já heldur betur, en farðu nú varlega Jón.

Jón: Þakka þér fyrir þessar upplýsingar og vertu blessaður.

Halldór: Blessaður Jón.

Jón fer nú til ársins 2000 og er kominn hjá hvernum
Geysi í Haukadal. Þar sér hann stelpu og fer að spjalla
við hana.

Stelpan: Hæ ég heiti Lára Lárusdóttir en þú mátt kalla
mig Láru. En hvað heitir þú?

Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón.
Viltu segja mér frá Geysi Lára?

Lára: Já, það get ég gert Jón.

Jón: Byrjaðu þá Lára mín.

Lára: Geysir í Haukadal er goshver. Áður fyrr gaus
hann reglulega gosum sem þeyttu vatni 60 til 80 metra
upp í loftið. Eftir árið 1900 hætti hann að gjósa
reglulega. Stundum var þá sett sápa í hverinn til að fá
hann til að gjósa. Núna árið 2000 þegar
suðurlandsjarðskjálftarnir eru ný búnir, þá hefur Geysir
tekið sig til og farið að gjósa aftur. Aðrir hverir eru líka

hér á svæðinu til dæmis Strokkur, Smiður, Litli Strokkur og fleiri. Einnig er Gullfoss hér í nánd, en hann
er fallegur foss í Hvítá og vinsæll hjá ferðamönnum.

Jón: Þetta voru góðar upplýsingar Lára mín.

Lára: Nú verð ég að fara því mamma er kannski orðin hrædd um mig. Bæ bæ Jón.

Jón: Bæ bæ Lára mín.

Jón ákveður að fara til Bláa lónsins árið 2029 og vonast til að hitta einhvern. Viti menn hann sér
einhvern strák í búningsklefanum. Hann fer út með honum og þeir tala og tala saman þegar þeir fara ofan

Strákur: Hæ ég heiti Eiríkur Hauksson en þú mátt kalla mig Eika, en hvað heitir þú?

Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón ef þú vilt. En getur þú sagt mér frá Bláa lóninu?

Eiki: Já það get ég gert Jón minn. Bláa lónið er einhver fjölsóttasti ferðamannastaður á Íslandi bæði af
innlendum og erlendum ferðamönnum. Lónið þykir góð heilsulind og fólk fer þangað til að fá lækningu
á sjúkdómnum psoriasis og ýmsum húðútbrotum og exemum. Lónið er einstakt því þar eru einungis
notaðir náttúrulegir þörungar til þess að hreinsa vatnið.

Jón: Vá, þetta er stórmerkilegt Eiki minn.

Eiki: Já þetta veit ég og margt fleira Jón.

Jón: Þú veist virkilega margt.

Eiki: Já en nú þarf ég að fara. Bæ bæ Jón.

Jón: Bæ bæ Eiki.

Hann Jón ákveður að fara að Vatnajökli árið 1991 og lendir uppi á jöklinum og hittir stelpu sem fer að
tala við hann.

                                                 Stelpan: Hæ ég heiti Arna Arnarsdóttir en þú mát kalla
                                                 mig Örnu og hvað heitir þú?

                                                 Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón. En
                                                 getur þú sagt mér frá Vatnajökli Arna mín?

                                                 Arna: Já já Jón.

                                                 Jón: Jæja Arna byrjaðu þá.

                                                 Arna: Allt í lagi. Vatnajökull er staðsettur á
                                                 suðausturhluta Íslands. Hann er stærsti jökull Íslands
                                                 bæði að flatarmáli og rúmmáli og stærsti jökull Evrópu.
                                                 Undir Vatnajökli eru einhverjar mestu eldstöðvar
                                                 landsins. Grímsvötn er þeirra þekktust ásamt Öræfajökli
                                                 og Bárðarbungu. Oft verða eldgos undir ísnum sem
                                                 valda hlaupum í jökulám. Hvannadalshnúkur er hæsti
                                                 tindur Öræfajökuls og jafnframt hæsti tindur Íslands.
                                                 Samkvæmt mælingu er hæð hans 2.110 metrar yfir

sjávarmáli. Oft hafa menn gengið á topp Hvannadalshnúks, en nú árið 1991 fóru menn í fyrsta skipti á
jeppa þar upp.

Jón: Takk fyrir upplýsingarnar þínar Arna mín.

Arna: Nú þarf ég að halda áfram að labba upp jökulinn. Bæ bæ Jón.

Jón: Bæ bæ Arna.

Jón er að hugsa um að fara að Ásbyrgi árið 1981 og fræðast um það. Hann sér strák og þeir fara að tala

Strákurinn: Hæ hæ ég heiti Ólafur Óskarsson en þú mátt kalla mig Óla. En hvað heitir þú?

Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón ef þú vilt. En Óli getur þú sagt mér frá Ásbyrgi?

Óli: Já já Jón.

Jón: Jæja byrjaðu þá.

Óli: Allt í lagi. Ásbyrgi er hamrakví í þjóðgarðinum í Jökulsárgljúfrum í Norður Þingeyjarsýslu og er eitt
af mestu náttúruundrum Íslands. Ásbyrgi er allt að 3,5 km á lengd inn í botn og um 1,1 km á breidd. Í
miðjunni er mikill klettur sem kallaður er Eyjan, þótt hann standi á þurru landi. Hamraveggirnir eru
víðast um 90 til 100 metra háir, hærri en Hallgrímskirkjan í Reykjavík. Ýmsar tilgátur hafa verið settar
fram um hvernig Ásbyrgi varð til en líklegast myndaðist það þegar tvö hamfarahlaup urðu í Jökulsá á
Fjöllum við eldgos í Vatnajökli. Hið fyrra fyrir um 8 til 10 þúsund árum og hið síðara fyrir um 3 þúsund
árum. Þjóðsagan skýrir þetta náttúrufyrirbæri á annan hátt. Sagan segir að þarna hafi Sleipnir, hestur
Óðins, stigið fast niður fæti þegar hann var á ferð sinni um lönd og höf. Ásbyrgi sé því hóffar Sleipnis og
eyjan í miðjunni sé far eftir hóftunguna.

Jón: Vá er það virkilega?

Óli: Já, svona er nú sagan. En nú þarf ég að fara Jón. Bæ bæ Jón.

Jón: Blessaður Óli.

Jón hefur nú farið með tímavélinni sinni á sjö staði á landinu og hann fer aftur til 2009 í Reykjavík og
þar fær hann sér djús og ristað brauð. Síðan fer hann að sofa og segir við sjálfan sig.

Jón: (Geispar) Þetta var nú besti dagur lífs míns!


ArnaJón og vinir hans sjö

Story teller:
John, who is 12 years old, plans to travel around the country in his time machine. He is going to drop by at
seven places using seven different time frames. He starts in Reykjavik and goes back to the year 874 where he
meets with Ingólfur Arnarson. Ingólfur happened to be the first to settle in Reykjavík.

Ingólfur: Good day to you. My name is Ingólfur Arnason and I have claimed this land for me and my
Jón: I know you from books. I have been studying the history of Iceland and you are a part of it.

Ingólfur: Huh? Really? What is your name young man?

Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson and I am from Reykjavík.
Ingólfur: I just named this very place Reykjavík! This is where I have decided to build myself a farm. You
see, my high-seat pillars (öndvegissúlur) landed here and I had decided to settle wherever they landed. And of
course, there is the added bonus of geothermal activity so we have plenty of hot water.

Jón: That´s good. You know, I just came here from the future, in my new time machine. Therefore I know
that in time, Reykjavík will be the Capital of Iceland.

Ingólfur : This is odd, as I just settled here (just landed here)

Jón: Yes, you found a very nice and beautiful place for our city. It´s a nice place to live in and in the future,
there are many, many beautiful buildings like the church, Hallgrímskirkja, and Perlan (the Pearl). There is
also a very nice river, actually a salmon fishing river, that flows (runs?) straight through the city. The name of
this river is Elliðaá or the River of Elliði. You see, this river is named after one of your slaves. We also have
a square named after you, Ingólfstorg or Ingolfssquare. And to top it all, we have raised a large statue of you
on Arnarhóll, looking over the center of the city.

Ingólfur: Oh, that´s odd...

Jón: And fun also.

Ingólfur: Well, goodbye young man, I have to go and look at this amazing Iceland.

Jón: Goodbye Ingólfur.

Jón goes into his time-machine and decides to go to Akureyri, a small town up north in Iceland. He wants to
see how it looks in 2456. The time-machine lands in Hlídarfjall where he sees a young girl skiing. He calls
out to her and she walks over to him. Then they start chatting.

Emma: Hi, my name is Emma Rós but you can call me Emma. What is your name?

Jón: I am Jón Ólafsson, but you can call me Nonni if you like. Where am I?

Emma: Nonni, you are on the top of Hlídarfjall, but nevertheless only few minutes from Akureyri by car.
Jón: Can you tell me about Akureyri?

Emma: Yes, I sure can.

Jón: Ok then, I am waiting.

Emma: Akureyri is sometimes referred to as the Capital of the North. It´s a very fun place to live in and there
are lot´s of activities. For example a nice walk in a botanic garden, visit the Christmas house - where
Christmas never ends, or maybe some of the many museums here. If we want to visit the big church, we need
to climb awfully many steps! Then there is Hlídarfjall, the mountain we stand on where it´s possible to go
skiing in the wonderful ski resort. We have of course used the technology to the fullest and the ski lifts from
the past have been replaced by teleporting, the former ski-hut is a 20 floor building. The (diskalyftur) are now
flying o.
I´m living in the top flor in the big building. I have also lot of dogs.

Jón: This is awesome Emma.

Emma: Well, anyway, I am going to use the time to go skiing. Goodbye Nonni!

Jón: Bye Emma

Jón goes into the time-machine again and decides to go to Dettifoss in the present time. He might meet
someone there he thinks. When the time-machine stops, he sees a young boy. They start talking.

Halldós: Hi, I am Halldór Höskuldsson but you can call me Halldor. What is your name?
Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson but you can call me Nonni.
Halldór: It is dangerous to stand by Dettifoss Jon. You might fall into it if you are not careful. Dettifoss is the
strongest of Iceland´s falls. It drops 44 meters down and is almost 100 meters wide. The river it flows from is
Jokusa á Fjöllum and the fall is a part of the National Park in Jökulságljúfur.

Jón: The fall is really something. It´s looks very powerful!

Halldór: Yes, it is, but be careful Nonni.

Jón: Thank you for the information and goodbye.

Halldór: Bye Nonni.

Jón now goes to the year 2000 and lands by the geyser Geysir in Haukadalur. There he spots a girl whom he
starts talking with.

Lára: Hi, I am Lára Lárusdóttir but you can call me Lára. And your name is?

Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson and you can call me Nonni. Would you tell me about Geysir?

Lára: Yes, I can do that.

Jón: Well, I am all ears.

Lára: Geysir in Haukadalur is a (man ekki orðið fyrir goshver). Before, it erupted regularly and ejected water
60-80 meters into the air. But that changed shortly after the year 1900. Sometimes people put soap into it to
make it erupt. Last summer we had massive earthquake and after that Geysir has started again. Geysir is not
the only geyser in the area. There are also Strokkur, Smidur, Strokkur junior and others. For tourists, we have
also Gullfoss, a very beautiful fall in White river.

Jón: These information were good Lára.

Lára: I am sorry but I have to go now. My mom is worried about me. Bye Nonni.

Jón: Bye Lára.

Nonni decides to go to the Blue lagoon in the year 2029 in the hope of meeting interesting people. And of
course he sees a boy in the dressing room. They go out together and talk when entering the pool.

Eiríkur: Hi, my name is Eiríkur Hauksson but you can call me Eiki. What is your name?

Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson and you can call me Nonni. Can you tell me something about the Blue

Eiki: Yes I can do that. The Blue Lagoon is one of the most popular tourist place in Iceland.. Both foreigners
and Icelandic travelers visit here. The lagoon is considered to be very healthy and some come here to be cured
from psoriasis and other skin problems. The lagoon is very special as there are only natural algae used to
clean the water.

Jón: Wow, thats amazing.                                   .

Eiki: Yes, I know a lot.

Jón: You really know alot.
Eiki: Well, I need go go anyway. Bye Nonni.
Jón: Bye Eiki.

Now Jon decides to go to the glacier Vatnajokull in the year 1991. He lands on top of the glacier and meets a
girl standing there.

Arna: Hi, I am Arna Arnarsdottir but you can call me Arna. What is you name?

Jón: My name is Jon Jonsson and you can call me Nonni. But can you tell me about Vatnajokull?

Arna: Yes Nonni.

Jón: Well then, begin the story.

Arna: Ok, Vatnajökll is situated at the southwestern part of Iceland. It is Iceland´s biggest glacier and in fact
the biggest glacier in Europe. Underneath it is possibly the largest volcanic activity area in the whole country.
Of those, Grímsvötn are the best know along with Öræfajökull and Bárdarbunga. Often volcanic eruption
takes place underneath the icecap and then the glacier rivers run forward in full speed. The highest top of
Öræfajökull is Hvanadalshnjúkur which also is the highest mountain in Iceland. According to the latest
measurement it is 2.110 meters high. People have often climbed to the top but in 1991 they managed to drive
a jeep up there.

Jón: Thanks for the information Arna.

Arna: I got to go, I am on my way to the top. Bye Nonni.

Jón: Bye bye Arna.

Jón has an idea. He is going to Ásbyrgi in the year 1981 and find out about the place. He does that and of
course, meets a boy there. They start talking.

Ólafur: Hi, hi, I am Ólafur Óskarsson but you can call me Óli. What is your name.

Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson, but if you want to, you can call my Nonni. But, can you give my some
information about Ásbyrgi?

Óli: Yes Nonni.

Jón: Ok, start then.

Óli: Ok. Ásbyrgi is formed by high cliffs in the National Park in Jökulsárgljúfur in North of Iceland. It is one
of the greatest wonders of nature in Iceland. It is approximently 3.5 km long and about 1.1 km wide. In the
middle there is a large rock called the Island, even though it stands on dry land. The cliff walls are about 90 -
100 meters high, a lot higher than the church Hallgrímskirkja in Reykjavík. There has been a speculation
about how it was made but it is most likely that it has happened when two large river-runs occurred in Jökulsá
á Fjöllum when there was a volcanic eruption in Vatnajökull. The first one happened about 8-10 thousand
years ago and the last one appr. 3 thousand years ago. The Sagas say something else. They say that Sleipnir,
Óðins horse had stepped down there when traveling around the world. Therefor, Ásbyrgi is the mark of
Sleipnir´s hoof and the Island in the middle is made by the middle of the hoof.

Jón: Wow, really?
Óli: Yes, that is what the story says. But I have to go now. Bye Jon

Jón: By Oli

Jón has now traveled on his time-machine to seven places in the country and now he goes back to the year
2009 in Reykjavík where he gets himself juice and a toast. Then he goes to sleep and says to himself:

Jón (yawning): This was the best day of my life!

Giovannino SettePassi

(Interno del Museo dei Valori di Maastricht, lungo corridoio, si entra in una stanza dove ci
sono molte bandiere dei vari paesi europei; sotto ogni bandiera c’è una teca con dentro un
cubetto colorato e, al centro, la bandiera dell’Europa)
Guida: Giovannino Sette Passi era un ragazzo della vostra età, quando fece quel viaggio in
Alunni: Ci racconta la storia dall’inizio?
Guida: Va bene, però sedetevi, perché sarà una storia lunga e difficile da seguire…

(A casa di Giovannino Sette Passi, in camera, con giochi, comodino, letto, armadio e scrivania)
Mamma: Giovannino, è tardi, vai a dormire!
Giovannino: Sì mamma, ora vado…
(Giovannino va a letto e si addormenta; una piccola luce, come una lucciola, si avvicina)
FatinaEuropa: Ciao Giovannino
Giovannino: E tu chi sei?
FatinaEuropa: Sono la Fatina Europa, ti ho dato il potere dei Sette Passi, preparati, partirai per
un lungo viaggio e il primo paese che visiterai sarà l’Italia.
Questa sarà la tua missione: dovrai visitare sei paesi e guadagnare sette valori; in questo modo
io diventerò sempre più luminosa ed ogni volta che guadagnerai un valore ti ritroverai un
cubetto colorato in tasca. Nel primo viaggio ti accompagnerò io, poi, per chiamarmi, dovrai
pronunciare la parola “EURO”.
Giovannino: Ma come faccio a girare l’Europa?
FatinaEuropa: Con il potere che ti ho assegnato ti basterà fare sette passi!
Guida: Giovannino li fece e, come per magia, si ritrovò in Italia.

(In un parco giochi ci sono due ragazzi, uno nero)
Ragazzo1: Posso giocare con te?
Ragazzo2: No! Non voglio giocare con te! Vattene!
Ragazzo1: Perché?
Ragazzo2: Tu vattene! Non ti ho già detto che non voglio giocare con te?
FatinaEuropa: A quanto pare quei due ragazzi stanno litigando, probabilmente perché uno dei
due ha la pelle scura. Dovresti fargli fare amicizia. Prova a pronunciare questa formula…
(FatinaEuropa bisbiglia qualcosa nell’orecchio di Giovannino)
Giovannino: Tutti uguali noi siamo
               E per sempre amici restiamo
               La tolleranza ci aiuterà
               Hip hip hurrà!

(I ragazzi smettono di litigare)
Ragazzo2: Scusami tanto…vieni a giocare con me…sono stato uno sciocco!
Ragazzo1: Evviva, allora saremo amici!
FatinaEuropa: Sto brillando di più!
Giovannino: Ma cosa sono questi? (Si fruga in tasca e estrae due cubetti)
FatinaEuropa: Questi sono i cubetti che hai guadagnato: quello dell’uguaglianza e quello della
tolleranza! Adesso puoi partire per il prossimo paese! Giovannino, fai sette passi così potrai
arrivare in Portogallo.

(Interno sala da pranzo, tavola imbandita con famiglia intorno: padre, madre e fratello e

Padre: E’ una sciocchezza questa storia dell’invitare un mendicante a pranzo!
Mamma: Noi non lo faremo mai!
Fratello: Dai…
Sorella: Poverino!
Giovannino: Euro!
(Arriva FatinaEuropa volando)
FatinaEuropa: Oggi è la giornata dei mendicanti. Ogni famiglia deve invitare un mendicante a
casa per pranzo, ma questa famiglia non è d’accordo…usa questa formula! (FatinaEuropa gli
porge un foglietto)
Giovannino: Nella fratellanza noi crediamo
               E tutti insieme lo gridiamo!
(Passa un vecchio mendicante, vestito poveramente)
Padre: Buon signore, venga a mangiare qualcosa a casa nostra, siamo stati degli stupidi a
credere che questa giornata non serva a nulla!
FatinaEuropa: Giovannino guardami, sto brillando di più!
Giovannino: Sì, lo vedo! Ed io ho guadagnato il cubetto della fratellanza! Ora che ho imparato
che siamo tutti fratelli, mi sento più gentile con le persone. Adesso posso fare sette passi per
raggiungere la Lituania.

(Giovannino fa sette passi e si ritrova a Vilnius in un bosco –Cartello Benvenuti in Lituania)
Boscaiolo1: Dobbiamo abbattere questi alberi, forza, sbrighiamoci!
Giovannino: (irritato) E’ una cosa ignobile! Euro!
FatinaEuropa: Dobbiamo intervenire! Quei due stanno per tagliare le piante! Eccoti la
Giovannino: Un po’ di ambientalismo in questo paese
              Diminuirebbe anche le spese!
FatinaEuropa: Guarda quell’albero! E’ enorme e sta mettendo in fuga i boscaioli!
(Albero insegue i boscaioli)
Boscaiolo2: Aiuto!!
Boscaiolo1: Ahhhh!
FatinaEuropa: Evviva! Sto brillando di più!
Giovannino: Ed io adesso ho il cubetto dell’ambientalismo! Posso partire per la prossima tappa!

(Giovannino fa sette passi e arriva a Reikyavik)
Giovannino: Ma guarda! Ho preso il giornale e cosa vedo? “Un teatro verrà abbattuto e al suo
posto verrà costruito un centro commerciale”. Andrò a chiedere spiegazioni alla ditta
PresidenteFabbricony: Posso aiutarla?
Giovannino: Dovete ripensarci! Non potete abbattere il teatro!
PresidenteFabbricony: Quel centro commerciale ci farà guadagnare un sacco di soldi! Non
fermeremo il progetto!
Giovannino: Euro!
FatinaEuropa: Tieni la formula!
Giovannino: Se la cultura volete imparare
               I monumenti dovete rispettare!
PresidenteFabbrcony: Quel teatro non deve essere abbattuto! Dobbiamo fermare i lavori!
FatinaEuropa: Evviva! Sto brillando di più!
Giovannino: Ed io ho guadagnato il cubetto della cultura!

(Cartello con scritto Ankara; due case e un albero)
Guida: Arrivato con sette passi in Turchia, Giovannino fa un bel giro…
Giovannino: Wow, che bel paese!

Guida: …ma dopo aver camminato un po’, vede due uomini incappucciati che tengono bastoni
in mano e trascinano due bambini vestiti di stracci.
Giovannino: Cosa succede qua? Cosa state facendo?
Sfruttatore1: Quello che facciamo non è affar tuo!
Bambino1: Aiutaci, per favore! Siamo stanchi e affamati!
Giovannino: Lasciateli andare, brutti ceffi!
Sfruttatore2: E chi ce lo impedirà? Forse un moccioso come te?
Giovannino: Sì, proprio io, con la mia amica Fatina Europa! Euro!
(Dal cielo scende la FatinaEuropa irradiando luce)
FatinaEuropa: Sono qua, di cosa hai bisogno?
Giovannino: di un aiuto per convincerli a lasciare liberi i bambini!
FatinaEuropa: Ecco la formula:
               I bambini liberi devono essere
               E non devono tessere
               Perché liberi vogliono giocare
               E non pensare a lavorare
Guida: …e dopo aver pronunciato queste parole, gli sfruttatori dicono…
Sfruttatore1e2: Ci dispiace tantissimo…libereremo subito i bambini!
Giovannino: Ora ho anche il cubetto della libertà!

(Cartello con scritto Tallin. Giovannino è in una piazza dove c’è una parata militare)
Guida: Giovannino, camminando, vede un anziano signore senza una gamba e gli dice…
Giovannino: Signore, com’è accaduto?
Signore: Vedi, ragazzo, se non ci fosse stata la guerra, io avrei ancora la gamba…eppure, ci
sono uomini che pensano ancora alla guerra!
Giovannino: Euro!
FatinaEuropa: Stai tranquillo, ho già la soluzione! Tieni la formula:
                Il pacifismo dovete imparare
                Per evitare di farvi male
                E ognuno avrà la sua libertà
                Così la vita migliore sarà!
(Arrivano dei pacifisti che sventolano le bandiere della pace)
Pacifisti: Gettate le armi!
Guida: la parata viene dispersa e Giovannino guadagna il cubetto del pacifismo.
Giovannino: Guarda Fata! Sono sette! Evviva, ce l’abbiamo fatta!
FatinaEuropa: Grazie per il tuo aiuto, Giovannino. Adesso, però, ci dobbiamo salutare…
Giovannino: Mi mancherai. Ma ti prometto che non mi scorderò mai, né di te, né dei valori che
ho imparato grazie al tuo aiuto!
FatinaEuropa: Adesso è l’ora di tornare a casa…

(Giovannino si ritrova in camera sua, nella situazione iniziale)

(Museo dei valori)
Alunna1: Così finisce la storia?
Guida: No, in realtà no… Ve la racconterò fino in fondo…

(Giovannino si ritrova in camera sua, nella situazione iniziale)
Giovannino: Mamma! Sono tornato!
Mamma: Ma ti sei addormentato cinque minuti fa!
Giovannino: Cosa è successo? Dov’è finita la fatinaEuropa?
FatinaEuropa: Giovannino, sono qua! Sei stato molto bravo a compiere questa missione, ma
d’ora in poi te la dovrai cavare da solo, io devo andare…
Giovannino: Dove andrai?

FatinaEuropa: Caro Giovannino, devo andare ad aiutare altri bambini, ma ricorda, in qualunque
momento tu abbia bisogno di me, guarda il cielo: grazie a te io sarò sempre la stella più

(Museo dei valori)
Guida: …così finisce la storia ed ogni volta che Giovannino guarda il cielo, Europa c’è e ci sarà
sempre. Europa è quella stella lassù, la vedete?
Alunni: sì, sì! Eccola là!
Alunna2: Ma ora questi cubetti ...?
Guida: Sì, hai capito…si trovano qua al museo e ce li ha portati Giovannino in persona. Ha
deciso di portarli qua perché se anche uno andasse perduto, quel valore non esisterebbe più!
Alunna3: Se si perdesse il cubetto dell’ambientalismo, cosa succederebbe?
Guida: Tutte le foreste verrebbero tagliate!
Alunno4: E se si perdesse quello del pacifismo?
Guida: Forse vedremmo scoppiare guerre sempre più frequenti! Niente avrebbe più il proprio
equilibrio. Ma per fortuna sono ancora tutti qua, c’erano, ci sono e ci saranno sempre!
Alunna5: Ma dov’è finito Giovannino?
Guida: Giovannino sono io!

Personaggi e interpreti

Guida:                Karam
Alunna1:              Pin
Alunna2:              Corina
Alunna3:              Sara
Alunno4:              Jacopo
Alunna5:              Chiara
Giovannino:           Lorenzo
Mamma:                Ginevra
Fatina Europa:               Giada
Ragazzo1:             Lorenzo

Ragazzo2:            Daniel
Padre:               Michelangelo
Madre:               Francesca
Fratello:            Lorenzo
Sorella:                    Caterina
Boscaiolo1:          Manuel
Boscaiolo2:          Gianmarco
Presidente Fabbricony:      Michelangelo
Sfruttatore1:        Francesca
Sfruttatore2:        Manuel
Bambino Stracciato1: Maddalena
Bambino Stracciato2: Edoardo
Signore senza gamba:Gimmi
Pacifiste:           Clarissa e Ludovica

Scritto dalla II B della Scuola Media Carducci, I.C. “Centro Storico”
Allestimenti e scenografie della IV B della Scuola Elementare Cairoli e della V C della Scuola
Elementare Vittorio Veneto, I.C. “Centro Storico”

Coordinato dai seguenti insegnanti:
Walter Catalano
Morgana Di Ascenzio
Silvia Giovannini
Elisabetta Grandis
Francesca Linari
Angela Quinto
Anna Pontuale
Beatrice Tartoni

                           Little Johnny Seven Steps
(INSIDE THE MASTRICHT MUSEUM OF VALUES—long corridor, you enter a room where
there are many flags of the different European countries, under every flag there is a glass case
which contains a coloured cube and the European flag in the middle).
GUIDE - Little Johnny Seven Steps was a boy the same age as you are, when he went on that
journey around Europe...
CLASSMATE - Do you mind telling us the story from the very beginning, please?” , .
GUIDE - All right then, but take a seat because it will be a long and difficult story to follow .
(INSIDE LITTLE JOHNNY’S BEDROOM .- bed, wardrobe, table with toys on it and bedside
MUM – Little Johnny It’s time to go to bed!!!!
LITTLE JOHNNY – Ok, mum. I’ll do it in a minute!!!
LITTLE FAIRY – Hi! Little Johnny .....
LITTLE JOHNNY – HI! Who are you?
LITTLE FAIRY –I’m the fairy Europe, I gave you the power of the seven steps.
 Get ready ! You are leaving for a very long journey around Europe. Italy is
 going to be the first country you’ll visit....

This is the mission you have been assigned to: you’ll have to visit six countries and gain seven
values; in this way I’ll get brighter and brighter and every time you gain a value, you’ll find a
small coloured cube in your pocket. I’ll be with you during the first trip. From then on, you’ll
have to say the word EURO to call me out.
LITTLE JOHNNY – But how am I going to travel around Europe?
LITTLE FAIRY – With the power I gave you, you’ll just need to walk seven steps.
GUIDE – Little Johnny did what the little fairy had told him and, as if by magic, he found
himself in Italy.
1° BOY- Can I play with you?
2° BOY – No!!! I don’t want to play with you !!! Go away I don’t like you!!!!
1° BOY- Why?
2° BOY – Go away!!! Havent’t I just told you I don’t want to play with you?
EUROPE- As far as I see these two boys are quarreling because of the different colour of their
skin, You should help them to become friends! Say the following spell:
‘We are exactly the same
and for ever friends we’ll remain.
Tolerance will help us,
Hip Hip Hurrah!’
       2° BOY – I’m so sorry ... come and play with me ... I’ve been a fool!!|
       1° BOY – Hurrah!!! We’ll become friends then.!!!
       EUROPE- I’m gettino brighter and brighter!!!
LITTLE JOHNNY – But what are these? (searching in his pocket)
LITTLE FAIRY – These are the cubes you’ve earned: that of the brotherhood and the one of the
tolerance !!!!
Now we can leave for the following country!!!
      EUROPE – Little Johnny, make seven steps, so you can reach Portugal.

(INSIDE THE DINING HALL laid table with family, father, mother, children around it)
ANGRY FAMILY - we won’t invite a beggar to lunch. It’s a nonsense!
EUROPE – It’s beggars’ day today. Each family is supposed to invite a beggar for lunch but
this family doesn’t agree with it.....Use this magic spell .
LITTLE JOHNNY – In brotherhood we believe
                      And all together we say it!
(A BEGGAR WALKS ALONG an old man poorly dressed)
FATHER – Good man come and have lunch with us, we have been so stupid thinking that this
day was useless.
EUROPE – Little Johnny look at me!!!! I’m getting brighter!!!!
LITTLE JOHNNY- Yes, I can see it....and I’ve gained the cube of the
brotherhood !!!! Now that I have learned we are all brothers I feel myself more
self confident with everyone. Now I can walk seven steps to reach Lithuania.
LITTLE JOHNNY (walks seven steps and finfs himself in a wood in Vilnius) (sign “welcome”)
WOODMAN – We must cut those trees down. Come on. Hurry up.!
LITTLE JOHNNY – (crossed) it’s a despicable deed...Euro!!!!)
EUROPE – We must intervine. Those men are going to cut those trees down. Here is the magic
            A little bit of environment corcern
            Would decrease the costs as well!

EURO- Look at that tree, it’s amazing and it’s putting the woodmen to flight!
WOODMAN 1- Heeeeeeelp! Oooooouch!
WOODMAN 2 – Heeeeeelp!
EURO – Hurrah!: I’m getting brighter!
LITTLE JOHNNY – I’ve got the cube of environmentalism. Now we can leave for the
following stop.
LITTLE JOHNNY- (he walks seven steps and reaches Reikjavick) . I was reading the
newspaper and I came by a terrible article “A theathre will be pulled down and a shopping
centre will be built on its place “. I’ll go and ask for further information to the Fabbricony firm
PRESIDENT MR FABBRICONY– What’s happened sir!
LITTLE JOHNNY – Stop it! You can’t pull that theathre down!
PRESIDENT MR FABBRICONY – That shopping centre will make us earn a lot of money.We
won’t stop the project!
EURO – Here is the magic spell you need.
LITTLE JOHNNY – If you want culture to learn
                     The monuments you have to respect
PRESIDENT MR FABBRICONY – That theathre mustn’t be pulled down! We must stop the
EURO- Hurrah! I’ m getting brighter!
LITTLE JOHNNY – and I’ve gained the cube of culture!
SET- Road sign with the word Ankara written on it and behind it two houses and one tree.
GUIDE - Arrived in Turkey (Ankara) with seven steps Little Johnny strolls around the city.
LITTLE JOHNNY- Wow, what a beautiful country!
GUIDE – After having walked around he sees two hooked men who hold stiks in their hands,
there are also ragged kids.
LITTLE JOHNNY (shocked) What’s happening here? What are you doing?
EXPLOITER1 - What we are doing here it’s none of your business!
BOY- Help us please! We ‘re tired and hungry!
LITTLE JOHNNY – (angry) Let them alone!
EXPLOITER2 – You are not going to stop us . You brat!
LITTLE JOHNNY – Yes, me and my friend Euro!
SET – a light shines on the characters and Europe comes down from the sky:
EURO –I’m here. What do you need?
LITTLE JOHHNY – I need a help to persuade them to let the children free.
EURO- Here is the magic spell:
         Children must be free
         and they mustn’t weave.
         They want to play
         and do not think about work.
GUIDE – So the exploiters say
EXPLOITERS – We are so sorry: We’ll immediately set the children free.
(a light shines on Little Johnny’s pocket)
LITTLE JOHNNY – and now I also have the cube of freedom.
SET – a sign with the word Tallin written on it. Little Johnny is in a square where a military
parade is going on.
GUIDE – While he is walking he sees an old man without a leg and he says to him:
LITTLE JOHNNY – Sir, what did it happen to you?
MAN- (with tears in his eyes) You know boy, if war wouldn’t exist I still had a leg.
MAN – But there are still men who think about the war.
LITLLE JOHNNY – (moved) Euro!
(a light appears)
EURO – Don’t worry I already know how to sort it out. Here is the magic spell.

You must learn pacifism.
To avoid further wars and pain.
So everyone will leave in freedom
and life will be better.
(pacifists walk by waving peace flags )
PACIFISTS- Stop the arms.!
GUIDE – The parade scatters and Little Johnny earns the cube of pacifism.
LITTLE JOHNNY – Wait ... .It’s seven o’clock! Hurrah! We’ve made it!
EURO – Thanks for your help but now we have to say goodbye to each other.
LITTLE JOHNNY – I’ll miss you! But I promise that I won’t never forget you and your values!
EURO – Now it’s time to go back home (a light appears and Little Johnny finds himself at
CLASSMATES – So is this the way the story ends?
GUIDE – No, this is not the end, really. I’ll tell you the whole of it .
(Inside Little Johnny’s house)
LITTLE JOHNNY- Mum, I’m back!
MUM – But you only slept for five minutes!!!!!
LITTLE JOHNNY – But where’s Europe?
EUROPE – I’m here Little Johnny.
EUROPE – (miserable) You’ve been very good at doing these missions, but from now on
you have to manage on your own. I must go ....
LITTLE JOHNNY – Where???!!!
EUROPE – Dear Little Johnny, I must go and help other children. But remember ..every time
you’ll need my help just have a look at the sky.I’ ll be the brightest star.
GUIDE – This is the way the story ends and every time Little Johnny has a look at the sky
Europe is and will be there forever.
It’s that star over there. (pointing to the map of the sky)
CLASSMATE – but where are the cubes now?
GUIDE – They are here in the museum, you know! Little Johnny himself took them here
because if only one of them will get lost that value won’t exist anymore.
CLASSMATE – If the cube of environmentalism would get lost, what did it happen then?
GUIDE – All the woods will be cut down.!!!
CLASSMATE – And if you would lose the one of pacifism?
GUIDE – Perhaps wars will
break out more and more
frequently.! Nothing will keep its
own balance! But luckily they
are still here and they will be
here forever.
CLASSMATE – But where is
Little Johnny?
GUIDE – Little Johnny is me!
TITLES- A star above and below                                                            a
cloud shaped as Europe.


Girdisi balsas:

                                              - Mamyte, panešiok mane!

                                            MOTULĖ neša Jonuką ir dainuoja lopšinę

                                            -Aa aa liūlia , kas tą pupą supa?
                                             Supa tėtis ir mama ir katytė murzina ....

                                            Vėl girdisi balsas:

-Tėveli, panešiok mane!

TĖVELIS neša Jonuką ir dainuoja lopšinę
Vėl girdisi balsas:

-Mamyte, panešiok mane!

-Jonuk,tu jau didelis ,gana mes tave prinešiojom, mums darbus nudirbti reikia…

  - Panešiok, panešiok, panešiok....

 - Eik pas juodąją tetulę, tegul ji tave nešioja…

  - Pas Juodąją tetulę? Ji mane panešios?

  - Panešios , panešios, ji visus panešioja…

  - Einu ieškoti Juodosios tetulės!

 - Įsidėk duonytės į kelionę, Jonuk…

JONUKAS iškeliauja. Susitinka mergaitę.

- Kas tu toks ir kur keliauji,berniuk?

  - Aš esu Jonukas, keliauju pas juodąją tetulę.O kas tu ?

                                                      -Aš esu Onytė.Mergaitė lietuvaitė.Aš labai
                                                   domiuosi savo kraštu, jo praeitimi, kultūra.Aš
                                                   labai norėčiau turėti tokius rūbelius, kokius
                                                   kadaise nešiojo lietuvės merginos.

                                                   JONUKAS -Tai kodėl tau jų mama

                                             -Tokių drabužių pirkti nebūna. Juos moka
                                             pagaminti tik labai išmintingos moterys.Gal
                                             tavo tetulė tai moka?
JONUKAS - Nežinau, gal ir moka. Eime kartu ir sužinosim.

ONYTĖ - Eime,dviese bus linksmiau.

Vaikai prieina ŽALIĄJĮ KLONĮ.
Skleidžiasi gėlės, čiulba paukščiai. Staiga atskrenda gandras.

  - Kas gi čia mano pievomis vaikštinėja? A, čia gi Jonukas ir Onytė. Kur gi išsiruošėte?

  -O iš kur tu mus pažįsti? Kas tu toks?

-Čia gandras, Jonuk. Jis Lietuvos nacionalinis paukštis. Na,kaip simbolis, supranti?

-Šitą tai suprantu. Mano senelių kieme , medyje ,yra toks didelis gandralizdis. Senelis ten seną
vežimo ratą užkėlė, kad gandrams būtų lengviau lizdą sukti. Tik niekaip nesuprantu, iš kur
tu,gandre , žinai mano vardą?

  - O tu,Jonuk, nebeatsimeni, kad aš tave tėveliui ir mamytei atnešiau?

-O, Jonuk, aš žinau! Juk Lietuvoje gandrai vaikus neša!

-Eik, tu , Onyte, šitos pasakos mažiems vaikams!

-Vaikams, ar ne vaikams ,bet tave tai aš atnešiau! O jei tu manim netiki,tai aš einu geriau baloj
pabraidysiu, varlių pasigaudysiu…Pavargau po tokios ilgos kelionės..


-Kokios kelionės? Kur tu buvai?

                                                   GANDRAS -Afrikoj žiemojau.

                                                   JONUKAS -Taip toli skridai?

                                                   -O ką darysi? Čia man šalta, maisto nėra, visos
                                                   varlės žiemą kažkur prapuola…
                                                   Bet ne aš vienas skrendu į šiltuosius kraštus – ir
                                                   žąsys, ir kregždutės, ir gulbės, ir vieversiai, ir

                                                   JONUKAS -Tikrai, žiemą tik varnas mačiau,

-Dar žvirblių, zylių…Bet paukšteliai negieda, tylu žiemą…

-O dabar, pavasarį, paukščiai grįžta, puola lizdus sukti - vaikelius perėti ruošiasi.

-Visur girdisi paukščių čiulbesys… Paklausyk, Jonuk, kaip pempė sveikina pavasarį.

-O jūs man neatsakėt, kur keliaujat?

-Mes einam pas juodąją tetulę.

-Kad patartų,kaip man tautinius rūbus įsigyti.

-Ir kad panešiotų…

-O paskraidyti nenori?

-Na ne, gandre, neapgausi! Tu mane paimsi ir nuneši kokiems nors žmonėms, o tie paskui
sakys, kad gandras jiems Jonuką atnešė! Aš savo tėvelių sūnelis, nors jiems jau ir atsibodo mane
Mes tave ,gandre, geriau duonyte pavaišinsime. .Mano mamytė pati kepė...

-Ačiū ,vaikai. Jei jums manęs prireiks, tik pašvilpkite ir atlėksiu.

Keliautojai eina žaliu kloniu ir prieina GĖLĖTĄJĄ PIEVĄ. Čia sutinka darbščiąją BITĘ. Jie
išlaisvina bitę, ši atsidėkodama papasakoja apie gėles, apie medaus rūšis , naudą ir padovanoja
jiems medaus korį ir parodo, kur auga nacionalinė lietuvių gėlė-rūta. Vaikai nupina Onytei rūtų

Paskui prieina ežerą ir randa ant kranto dūstančią ŽUVYTĘ. Vaikai įmeta žuvytę į vandenį .
Ši papasakoja, kad Lietuvoje yra apie 3000 ežerų, kurie užima vos ne 1000 kv. km plotą, kad
ežerai upėmis susisiekia net su Baltijos jūra, kurioje kažkada gintaro rūmuose gyveno deivė
Jūratė, pamilusi mirtingąjį- žvejį Kastytį. Dievas Perkūnas užsirūstino ir sugriovė gintaro
rūmus, nuskandino Kastytį.
O Jūratės ašaros virto gintaru, kurį ir dabar Baltijos bangos išmeta į krantą... ŽUVYTĖ
padovanoja vaikams gintaro gabalėlius, iš kurių Jonukas suveria Onytei karolius.

Vaikai eina toliau. Ant jų užkrinta geltonas ąžuolo lapas. Jie pasiekia AUKSINĮ MIŠKĄ.
Čia jie susipažįsta su VOVERYTE, padeda jai rinkti grybus, sužino, kad miške auga baravykai,
raudonviršiai, lepšiai, voveraitės, ,kelmučiai, ūmėdės, kad labai gražus, bet nuodingas grybas
yra musmirė. Miške Jonukas pamato beržus, uosius, liepas, alksnius, pušis, egles, ąžuolus.
Sužino, kad senovėje ąžuolas buvo laikomas šventu medžiu.

Miško pakraštyje jie susitinka VORĄ, kuris audžia tinklą tarp dviejų medžių, bet visi ,kas tik
lekia pro šalį, voro tinklą suplėšo. Vaikai padeda išspręsti vorui jo problemą, o šis
atsidėkodamas priaudžia plonų drobelių iš lininių siūlelių. Ausdamas papasakoja, koks svarbus
senovėje buvo linas, lininio rankšluosčio burtų net velnias bijodavęs.
Onytė patenkinta- ji jau turi lino audeklo, tereikia sukirpti ir drabužėlius pasiūti. Į pagalbą
atlekia gandras su savo draugėmis , dangaus žirklėmis- kregždutėmis. Jos sukerpa sijonėlį,
marškinius, prijuostę, visi drauge, pasiskolinę adatų iš ežio, pasiuva nuostabius tautinius
lietuviškus rūbus.
 Onytė lydi Jonuką toliau- pas Juodąją tetulę. Jie prieina BALTĄJĄ LYGUMĄ ir sustoja
pailsėti, duonos su medumi užvalgyti. Iš krūmokšnių išlenda alkanas VILKAS. Jis susidomi, kas
čia taip kvepia? Vaikai duoda jam paragauti duonos. Vilkui patinka duona ir jis nusprendžia
tapti vegetaru, pats kepti duoną. Jis susidomi, kaip ta duona gaminama.
Išgirdęs visą ilgą duonos gimimo kelią, pilkis pakeičia nuomonę , vėl pasiskelbia esantis
mėsėdis ir nudūlina į mišką gaudyti kiškių. Dar papasakoja vaikams ,kad miške ne jis vienas
plėšrūnas gyvena.

Pagaliau Jonukas suranda Juodąją tetulę.

-Ką tu matei, pas mane eidamas?

-Pirmiausia aš priėjau žalią klonį.


-Tai buvo mano pavasaris, pavasaris...

-Paskui aš mačiau gėlėtą pievą.

-Tai mano vasara, vasara.

-Paskui aš buvau auksiniame miške.

-Tai buvo mano ruduo, ruduo...O ką dar matei?

-Paskui ilsėjausi baltoje lygumoje.

-Tai buvo mano žiema...žiema... O ką dar matei?

-Aš priėjau mėlyną ežerą..

-Tai mano akys, akelės... O ko tu čia atėjai?

-Noriu, kad mane panešiotum.

-Jonuk, juk aš tave dieną vakarą, žiemą vasarą nešioju... Jau tūkstantį metų nepailsdama aš visus
nešioju ir tūkstantį metų tuo pačiu vardu vadinuos.

-Tai gal tu ne mano tetulė?

-Aš tavo tetulė- gimtoji Lietuvos žemelė.

Johnny‘s seven friends
 A voice is heard behind the screen.

Johnny: Mummy! It’s me, baby bear. Bear me!

Johnny’s mummy is singing a lullaby.

Johnny’s mother: Aa-aa liūlia who surrounds my baby? You are surrounded by mummy,
daddy and dirty kitty.
 The voice is heard again.

Johnny: Daddy! Bear me!

 Johnny’s daddy is singing a lullaby.
 A voice is heard again.

 Johnny: Mum, bear me!
Mummy: Johnny, you are too big now, we need to work.

Johnny: Bear, bear me....

Mummy: Go to the Black gammer and let her carry you.

Johnny: The Black gammer? Will she carry me?

                                                     Daddy: Yes yes, she bears everybody.

                                                     Johnny: I’m going to look for the Black

                                                     Mummy: You have to take a little bite of
                                                     bread for the journey, my dear Johnny.

                                                      Johnny is ready for his big journey. He
                                                     leaves his home. On the way he meets a girl.

                                                     Girl: Who are you? Where are you going
                                                     little boy?

Johnny: I am looking for the Black gammer. Who are you?

Ann: I am Ann. I am a Lithuanian girl. I am interested my country’s heritage and culture. I
would like to have the old traditional clothes that the Lithuanian girls used to wear in the past.

Johnny: Why don‘t you ask your mum to buy them?

Ann: It is impossible to buy these clothes. Only the very old wise women are able to make
them. Maybe your gammer can make them?

Johnny: I don‘t know if she knows how to make them. Maybe, she can. Let‘s go together and
we will ask her.

Ann: Let‘s go together and have fun.

The children go to the green valley. The flowers are blooming and the birds are singing.
Suddenly a stork appears.

Stork: How dare you walk in my meadow! Are you Johnny and Ann? Where are you going?

Johnny: What is it? How does it know our names?

Ann: It is a stork, Johnny. It is Lithuania’s national bird. Well, it’s a symbol. Did you know

Johnny: Of course I did. There’s a large nest in my grandparent’s yard. Grandpa put an old
carriage circle on a tree to make it easier for the stork to make its nest. I just don’t understand
how it knows my name?

Stork: Don’t you remember Johnny? I took you to your parents when you were born.

Ann: Oh Johnny! Don’t you know that storks bring babies to Lithuania!

Johnny: Come on Ann, that’s a fairy tale for small children!

Stork: Whether it’s a fairy tale for children or not that’s up to you. I just know that I brought
you to your parents. If you don’t believe me well that’s too bad. I’m going to wonder in the
swamp and hunt for some frogs. I am so tired after such a long journey.

Johnny: Wait! Where have you been? How did you travel?

Stork: I went to Africa for the winter.

Johnny: Did you fly so far away?

Stork: Of course! I have to do it. In winter it’s cold, there is no food, the frogs disappear…but
I don’t fly alone to the south. Other birds fly with me, like the geese, the swallow, the swans, the
lark, and the starling.

Johnny: Right, that’s why I only saw the crows in winter.

Ann: The sparrows, the tomtits are there too. But the birds are silent in winter.

Stork: It’s spring now so the birds have returned. They’re making their nests and they‘re going
to breed soon.

Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas
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Johnny´s 7 friends Project book: schools and dramas

  • 1. I. Project partners: Estonia Island Italy Lithuania Portugal Tyrkey Sõmeru Põhikool Sõmeru Põhikool is the small basic school in North-Estonia nearby town Rakvere.The first notice about foundation of school in Sõmeru deriver’s form 19th century, which was report to the Consistory of Estonian Evangelical Lutherian Church of the Rakvere county Rev. A. N. Winkler in December 8th 1801. So far it is not known which the building was where children gathered or who teachers were during the next 62 years. Definitely researchers reach to the documents, which add more facts and information relating to this period. School started to work in Sõmeru, since 1863 it has been in Aluvere. In official documents it was named as Bauerschule unter Neu-Sommerhusen in Dorfe Allofer. Since the time of the Republic of Estonia Aluvere Primary School has been listed in the Viru County schools . During the times the name was changed a couple of times. The new schoolhouse was built for 540 students in 1988. At the moment there are 24 teachers, 12 ensembles of classes and 182 students in Sõmeru Põhikool. From the 1st of September 2006 school got back part of our historical name – Sõmeru Põhikool. Schoolhouse was totally renovated during 2004-2008 and now we have nice and colourful learning environment for children. 1
  • 2. Korpuskóli Korpuskóli is a small school in a suburb of the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik. We have a community of 180 students and 31 staff members. The children are from 6 to 12 years old. Korpuskóli was founded 1999 and the first 6 years our school house was an old farm. We moved in the new building in october 2005. From the beginning we have been working on various development projects such as variety of teaching methods, induvidual learning, multiage grouping and team teaching. In Korpuskóli we use team teaching. Team of teachers are responible for pupils teaching and learning. Pupils learn individually and in groups in consideration to their abilities and their maturity. Two age groups work together and in each group are 40-60 pupils and two or three teachers. We emphasise diverse teaching methods, creation, initiative, use of computers and development and innovative working methods. 2
  • 3. Istituto Comprensivo “Centro Storico” di Firenze The school is a compulsory school and we accept pupils from 3 to 14 y.o. It is divided in four buildings (Serristori, Vittorio Veneto, Cairoli and Carducci) wich hosts children from different ages and in different number: Serristori, a little kindergarden, has 4 teachers and 42 children; Vittorio Veneto, a primary and kindergarden at the same time, has 38 teachers and around 400 children; Cairoli, a primary, with 150 pupils and 18 teachers and, last but not least, the lower secondary Carducci, with 541 pupils and 39 teachers. Our differences made our richness! Our schoolchildren, mainly from the city centre, are multicultural and for us, facing such diversity, this is a big and stimulating issue! At the same time we are in a very lucky position, so we can visit the fantastic Florence city centre and, at the same time, enjoy the century gardens that some of our schools have. The curricula come from the Ministery, but we manage to find a creative approach, mixing children from the primary with seconday pupils, teaching themselves to the littles or the opposite way round... Johnny was another excuse to ask for help and to decrease distances from the teens to the children! Learning is an active approach! 3
  • 4. Kupiskis Kupa Primary School Kupiskis Kupa Primary School was established in 1994 in the building which previously was used as a kindergarten. Nowadays, there are 285 students in our school. Our primary school is attend by children aged between 6 or 7 to 10 or 11.We have 12 groups (1st to 4th forms) and pre-primary one. Our educational program emphasizes moral and artistic development of our kids. Every grade has mandatory lessons of choreography. We also want to care for the health of our kids through many sports activities. For that reason we established additional sports programs using extra- curriculum time.Through extra-curricular activities we encourage our kids to participate in our school chorus, dancing group,early English learning group, baseball team, traffic group,mathematics group,caring for nature group. Our school is very proud of our puppet theatre.Our puppet theatre was founded 11 years ago. In 1998, their play “Wolf and Seven Kids” was the winners of “Molinukas” regional puppet theatre festival. In 2002, their play “Trivainelis” and in 2004, their play How a Piglet Swallowed the ABC book” brought the award of the winners of the national puppet theatre festival “Molinukas” This year our theatre was the winner of the national puppet theatre too and had the possibility to participate in the 18 th international puppet theatres festival. We have 24 pedagogues in our school. Every teacher has higher education and has an opportunity to participate in the courses and seminars for raising the qualification. Our pedagogues teach not only compulsory subjects but are trying to acquit their kids with cultural heritage of other countries. In order to pass on our cultural heritage and traditions teachers organise many celebrations and programs which support the protection of such heritage. Our school also has its traditional celebrations such as Christmas Eve, the last bell, the 1-st of September, open-school days, European language days and so on. The general aim of our school is to prepare for the development of an educated, independent and active personality. 4
  • 5. Agrupamento de Escolas Serra da Gardunha Agrupamento de Escolas Serra da Gardunha is one of the main schools in a small town called Fundão in the centre of Portugal. Fundão is located in a valley called “Cova da Beira” in the Castelo Branco district between two mountains Gardunha and Estrela (the highest mountain in Portugal), 500 metres above sea level. It has about 8,370 inhabitants. It is also a municipality with a total area of 701,65 Km2 and 31,482 inhabitants. It is subdivided in 31 parishes. Fundão is known for its fertile land and for its cherries, olive oil and wine. Agrupamento de Escolas Serra da Gardunha is a set of schools ranging from Kindergarten, Primary school and Middle School, established on 5th July, 2003. It has got twelve kindergartens, sixteen Primary schools and one Middle school covering a total area of 372,28Kms, 21,016 inhabitants within 17 parishes. This school year 2009-2010, it has 1330 pupils, 132 teachers, 20 teachers that work with pupils with special needs and 59 school helpers. This set of schools is run by the Middle school which was first established in 1995 due to the large number of children in town. The Middle School moved to its present site in 1996 which is situated right at the foot of Gardunha Mountain. We value the traditions of the past whilst being a forward thinking school. Our students are given a solid grounding in the core subjects and they have opportunities to be involved in a variety of activities including projects, clubs, debates, music, drama, sports, ICT, field work and educational trips. 5
  • 6. PRIVATE BALIKESIR FIRAT PRIMARY SCHOOL meets the educational needs of its students by supporting all contemporary education methods, such as multimedia supported classes and well facilitated science laboratories. Added to this, it is in possession of excellent social facilities, healthy daily menus and accommodation on-site PRIVATE BALIKESIR FIRAT PRIMARY SCHOOL which assimilates both Turkish culture and civilization ,has the conscious awareness that the education of English as a second language is a must for the student to be adapted globally to the world and Turkey as a whole to work as a worldwide team. 6
  • 7. II. Puppet theatre plays in original languages and in english Jussikese 7 sõpra Tegelased: Jussike Pääsuke Rüütel Tarvas Jänes Siil Kalevipoeg Vana Toomas Laulutaat Jutustaja 1.pilt Jutustaja: Elas kord väike Jussike, kes üle kõige armastas arvutimänge mängida. Kohe, kui ta koolist koju jõudis, istus ta arvuti taha ja hakkas klahve klõbistades koletisi taga ajama, vaenlastega võitlema ja seiklema. (Süttib hämar valgus, lavaäärel arvuti, kostab arvutiklahvide klõbin.) Jussike: Anna talle! Mine juba! Said nüüd! Oh sa poiss! Küll ma su kätte saan! (Klahviklõbin ja repliigid vaheldumisi.) Jutustaja: Nii möödusid arvutimaailmas tema päevad ja kuud kuni jõudis kätte suvi. Ühel päeval, mil Jussike tundis, et tal ekraanivirvendusest juba silmad valutavad, tõusis ta arvuti tagant, ringutas ja sirutas end ning avas akna. (Täisvalgus, linnulaul. Pääsuke lendab aknast mööda mitu korda.) Pääsuke: Vidiit! Vidiit! Kes sina oled siin? Jussike: Mina olen Jussike, aga kes sina oled? P: Kas sina mind tõesti ei tunne? J: Oot-oot! Ma olen su pilti arvutis Eesti kodulehel näinud – sa oled Eesti rahvuslind suitsupääsuke. P: Just-just! Mina olen pääsuke, Eesti rahvuslind! Aga mida tarka seal sinu helendava kasti sees veel on? J: Tule, lenda tuppa, ma näitan sulle! (Pääsuke lendab tuppa.) 7
  • 8. J: Oota, ma panen selle koletiste tulistamise ja tagaajamise mängu kinni ja vaatame internetis ringi, mis uudist. P: Vidiit! Vaata siit! Mis veidrad linnud need on? J: Mis linnud? Kus? Kas sa mõtled seda linnumustrit siin vilkuva reklaami peal? P: Jajah! J: Siia on kirjutatud: Tulge laulu- ja tantsupeole Tallinnasse! P: Oi, laulda mulle meeldib! Ilma lauluta pole elu midagi väärt. Ja kui lõbusad on alati need inimesed, kes muusika järgi tantsuringis keerutavad! Tore oleks seda pidu ise näha... Mis sa arvad, Jussike? Lähme vaatame, kuidas seda pidu peetakse? Vidiit!Vidiit! Hakkame minema siis! J: ( pomiseb omaette) Võiks jah siit toast välja minna natuke ringi vaatama ja miks mitte peole... Näha inimesi laulmas ja tantsimas, mitte uurida Internetist mingit YouTubi pisikest videopilti... (Pöördub pääsukese poole) Aga ma ei tunne ju teed ja kuidas ma üksi... Mul pole ühtegi sõpra ka, keda kaasa kutsuda – kõik poisid istuvad ju ninapidi arvutis... P: Ära muretse, mina võin sulle sõbraks olla. Läheme koos! Alati saab ju teed küsida! J: Lähme siis! Aga oota natuke, kirjutan emale-isale kirjakese. (Jussike kirjutab trükitähtedega sedeli:“ Läksin Tallinnasse laulupeole“ ja kinnitab selle lava ääre külge. Jussike ja pääsuke lahkuvad.) 2.pilt (Lavakujunduses eemalt paistvad Vallimäe ordulinnuse varemed. Tulevad Jussike ja pääsuke.) J: Kuhu küll minna? Kas vasakule või paremale? Kas Tallinn on veel kaugel? P: Vaata sinnapoole, Jussike! Lähme vaatame, ehk leiame sealt linnusevaremete juurest kedagi, kes teaks meile teed juhatada. (Vastu tuleb habemik ordurüütel, valge punase ristiga vest seljas, peas kiiver ja vööl mõõk.) J: Tere, rüütlihärra! Sina pead siin kõrgel künkal linnusemüüridel vahti. Kas sa oskad meile Tallinnasse laulu- ja tantsupeole teed juhatada? Rüütel: Olen jah kuulnud, et Tallinnas on suur pidu tulemas, aga mul on praegu üks tähtis töö vaja ära teha ja mul pole aega teile teejuhiks tulla. Töötan siin Vallimäe linnuses 8
  • 9. muuseumivalvurina ja pean kell 12 kahurist Rakvere linna pika ajaloo auks pauku laskma. Kell saab kohe-kohe 12 ja mul on veel kahur laadimata, ehk tuleksite mulle appi! P: Vidiit-vidiit! Mina kardan pauku ja põgenen siit! (Lendab eemale). J: Ära väga kaugele lenda! Kuulsid ju, Rüütel tuleb meile teed juhatama! Lavale on ilmunud kahur Ööbik, Rüütel on kätte võtnud kahuri toppimise nuia ja püssirohutopsi. Askeldavad Jussikesega natuke aega ümber kahuri ja lõpuks käibki pauk konfettidega täidetud paugutajast. Kui suits on hajunud, tuleb pääsuke tagasi lavale. P: Huh! Mis hirmsaid asju inimesed küll on välja mõtelnud! J: Ära nüüd enam värise, sõbrake, selles kahuris polnud ju kuuli sees ja keegi pihta ei saanud. R: Just-just! Ei ole vaja enam karta! J: Kas me saaksime nüüd juba teele asuda? R: Õige küll! Lubasin teile ju teed näidata. Vaat lähme siit väravast välja ja keerame seda rada mööda pisut vasakule. (Kõnnivad üle lava, lavalt ära.) 3.pilt: (Laval kuldsete sarvedega Tarvas (nukk peaks saama pead liigutada) Tulevad Rüütel, Jussike ja Pääsuke.) R: Nonii, kaugemale mina ei saa tulla. Pean linnusesse oma vahipostile tagasi minema. Saage tuttavaks meie linna vapilooma Tarvaga! Tema näeb siit kõrgelt künkalt kaugele kõiki ümbruskonna teid. Kindlasti ka seda teed, mis Tallinna poole viib. (Lahkub.) J: Tere, Tarvas! Tahan oma sõbra Pääsukesega Tallinnasse suurt laulu- ja tantsupidu vaatama minna, aga kumbki meist ei tunne teed. Tarvas: Või et kohe peole minek! Päris kadedaks teeb! Mina seisan siin üksi künka otsas ega pääse kuhugi... P: Aga sa ei ole ju üksi – terve hulk inimesi just imetlesid sind siin ja pildistasid igast küljest enne kui me siia jõudsime. Tarvas: Jah, need olid turistid. Neid tuleb siia tõesti hulgakaupa ja siis veel linnarahvas, kes Vallimäel jalutamas käib, aga nemad kõik tulevad ja lähevad. Pealegi olen nii suur, et keegi ei ulata isegi mu kõrvataguseid sügama ja mu kuldsed sarvedki on juba tuhmumas. Ehk saad sina, Jussike siia üles ronida ja mu sarved taas läikima lüüa, siis näitan teile teed Tallinna poole. J: Muidugi saan! P: Vidiit-Vidiit! Roni siit! (Jussike sügab tarvast kõrva tagant ja nühib ta sarvi.) J: No nüüd näed küll uhke välja! T: Suur tänu sulle, Jussike! Minge nüüd siit künkast alla ja hakake seda teed mööda astuma! Ja tagasiteel tulge taas minu juurest läbi, tahan teada, mida suurel peol kuulsite ja nägite. J: Kindlasti tuleme! Nägemiseni! P: Vidiit-vidiit! Nägemiseni siis! 9
  • 10. 4.pilt: (Jussike ja Pääsuke käivad kaks korda üle lava ja peatuvad) J: Me ei küsinudki Tarva käest, kui pikk tee on Tallinnasse ja kaua minek aega võtab. Ja see tee on juba mitu käänakut teinud... ei tea, kas otsem ei saaks... P: Otse minnes jõuaks rutem pärale küll. Oota, ma lendan ühe tiiru kõrgemalt ja vaatan kuhupoole võiks minna. (Pääsuke hüüab lava tagant.) P: Vidiit-vidiit! Siit künka tagant võiks minna otse läbi metsa ja siis jõekallast pidi uuesti maanteele. Saaksime päris otse siit. Vidiit-vidiit! Ilmub taas lavale. Lähme siis! (Pääsuke ja Jussike kõnnivad mitu korda üle lava, vastu liiguvad erinevad puud. Viimaks piilub ühe puu tagant Jänes.) Jänes: Kes teie olete ja kuidas te siia sattusite? J: Mina olen Jussike ja see minu sõber Pääsuke. Otsustasime Tallinnasse suurele peole minna. P: Ja nüüd otsime otseteed siit, vidiit! J: Kas sina oskad öelda, kui palju maad veel Tallinnasse on? Jä: Tallinnasse!? Mis see veel on? J: Tallinn on Eestimaa pealinn, va rumal jänes! Suur linn, kus on palju maju ja inimesi ja... P: ... ja sinna tuleb tuhandeid lauljaid ja tantsijaid üle Eestimaa kokku suurele peole. Jä: Ei, sellest ei tea ma küll midagi... Aga ma nägin enne siili, tema on tark loom, äkki tema teab. Ta läks sinnapoole. Kui me kiiresti lippame, ehk jõuame talle järele ja saame tema käest küsida. (Kõik kolm lähevad kiiresti näidatud suunas. Puud liiguvad taas neile vastu. Lõpuks jõutakse siilini.) Jä: Siilike, oota! Oota nüüd ometi! Meil on su nõu ja abi vaja! Siil: (Keerab end ringi hüüdja poole). Jänes, sina! Ja kes need veel on? Jä: (ähkides) Mina jah! Oh, kui hea, et sulle järele jõudsime!!! Väledatest jalgadest on vahel kasu ka! Aga need on mu uued sõbrad, kel on nõu ja abi vaja. J: Mina olen Jussike ja see minu sõber Pääsuke. Otsustasime Tallinnasse suurele peole minna. P: Ja nüüd otseteed otsime siit, vidiit! 10
  • 11. J: Kas sina, Siil, oskad öelda, kui palju maad veel Tallinnasse on? S: Tallinnasse? Kas see on see suur linn mere ääres, kus on palju maju ja inimesi? J: Vist küll... S: Mereni on siit veel tükk maad, isegi siis kui otse minna. Jä: Seda ma kartsin! P: Jah, ega puude vahelt merd küll ei paista siit. Vidiit!. Aga loojuva päikese kuma näen küll juba, õhtu on peagi siin. J: Mis nüüd saab? S: Olete vist kaua juba teel olnud ja väsinud? J: (Istub lavaäärele.) Jah, me oleme terve päeva kõndinud ja mu jalad on päris väsinud... S: Mul on üks mõte, kuidas teid aidata. Siin lähedal, selle kuusetuka taga puhkab minu sõber Kalevipoeg jalgu. Ta käis Peipsi järve tagant laudu toomas ja puhkab nüüd reisiväsimust. Ta kõneles enne mulle, et viib lauakoorma Tallinnasse, kus seda kraami majade ehitamiseks palju vaja läheb. Usun, et tema saab teid küll aidata. P: Väga hea mõte! Kuule Jussike, võta nüüd oma jõuvarud kokku ja lähme edasi! Kuulsid ju, Siil ütles, et Kalevipoeg on teel Tallinnasse! Lähme-lähme! 5.pilt: Lavaäärel pikutab ja norskab Kalevipoeg. S: Kuulete, seal see meie vägilane ongi. P:( uurib magavat Kalevipoega) Ma pole nii suurt meest küll ealeski näinud! J: No on alles pirakas! Jä: Päris vägilane kohe! S : (Siil ja Jänes raputavad magajat) Tõuse üles, Kalevipoeg! Sinu abi on vaja! Kalevipoeg: (krapsab kiiresti püsti, enda ümber segaduses ringi vaadates) Kes vajab abi? Kus on vaenlase vägi? S: Rahu, ainult rahu! Vaenlasi ei ole. Hoopis meie väikesed sõbrad vajavad abi. Vaata, siin on Jussike ja Pääsuke. Nad otsivad teed Tallinnasse ning on siin metsas juba terve päeva ringi ekselnud. Ehk saad sina neile õige tee kätte juhatada? K: (Haigutades) Nojah, Tallinna teed ma ju tean küll aga ... (haigutab) ... praegu olen ma küll väga väsinud. Tulin ju Peipsi tagant suure lauakoormaga, ega see naljaasi pole neid tassida... viskasingi siis teised seljast maha ja jäin magama nagu nott. Näe nüüd hakkab juba pimedaks kiskuma, ei nüüd tule edasiminekust midagi välja... (haigutab) S: Kalevipoeg, kallis Kalevipoeg, aga homme? 11
  • 12. K: Homme hommikul tuleb mul tõesti endalgi Tallinna poole teele asuda, sest linnaehitajad juba ootavad minu lauakoormat. Asi see siis oleks väikesed sõbrad kaasa võtta. Aga te peate lubama, et aitate mul hommikul lauakoorma korralikult virna laduda, et saaksin selle endale selga tõsta, sest praegu vedelevad teised siin segamini risti-rästi. J: Aga muidugi aitame. K: No siis nii teemegi! Aga praegu viskame siiasamasse kuuse alla puhkama. 6.pilt: (Lavakujunduseks Tallinna siluett. Tuleb Kalevipoeg, lauakoorem seljas, selle otsas istub Jussike) K: Näete, olemegi Tallinnas. Kohe jõuame Raekoja platsile. Ma panen oma lauakoorma nüüd ka maha. Roni alla, Jussike! (Viskab lauad seljast maha, sirutab selga ja ringutab ning vaatab ringi.) Teate sõbrad, siin, Raekoja torni otsas elab vana tuulelipp, linnavalvur Vana Toomas, kes teab neid linna asju paremini kui mina ja oskab teile näidata, kus seda suurt laulu- ja tantsupidu peetakse. (Hüüab kõvasti, ise üles vaadates) Hei, Vana Toomas! (Tuleb Vana Toomas) Vana Toomas: Tere, Kalevipoeg! Mis tuuled sind Tallinnasse on toonud? Ja kes sinuga kaasas on? K: Tere-tere, Vana Toomas! Näe, tõin linnaehitajatele koorma laudu, aga need on minu uued sõbrad Jussike ja Pääsuke, kes tulid linna, et oma silmaga laulu- ja tantsupidu näha. P: Aga me ei tea täpselt, kus seda pidu peetakse... J: ... ja siin linnas on nii palju maju ja tänavaid ja inimesi... VT: Seda küll, siginat-saginat on siin palju – nüüd suure peo ajal eriti. Tallinna 400-le tuhandele elanikule lisandub veel 100 tuhat lauljat ja tantsijat üle terve Eestimaa. Kui te tahate peole jõuda, siis peame küll kohe minema hakkama, sest peoliste rongkäik hakkas juba paar tundi tagasi Lauluväljaku poole liikuma. P: Oi, lähme siis ruttu! J: Kalevipoeg, aitäh sulle, et meid linna tõid ja meile nii hea teejuhi leidsid! Kuulsid, me peame nüüd ruttama, et peole jõuda. 12
  • 13. K: Minge-minge, sõbrakesed! Kui ehitajad oma lauad on siit ära viinud, ehk jõuan teile veel järelegi. Nägemiseni! Jussike ja Pääsuke koos: Head-aega! Jussike, Pääsuke ja Vana Toomas lahkuvad lavalt ühele poole, Kalevipoeg teisele poole. 8.pilt: (Lavakujunduseks Lauluväljak. Laval istub Laulutaat Gustav Ernesaks. Tulijad peatuvad pisut eemal) VT: No nii, olemegi kohal. See siin ongi Lauluväljak ja siin on juba 25.korda Eesti rahvas laulupidu pidamas. J: Vaadake, kes seal istub! VT: Oi Jussike, sa oled nüüd küll õige mehe leidnud -see seal on mees, kes laulupidudest palju rohkem teab kui mina. See on Laulutaat, eesti koorimuusika isa Gustav Ernesaks, kes on siin, Lauluväljakul paljusid laulupidusid juhatanud. (Pöördub Laulutaadi poole) Tere, Laulutaat! Laulutaat: Tere-tere! Kas sa näed, isegi Vana Toomas on Raekoja tornist alla roninud ja peole tulnud! Rõõm sind näha! Ja kes need sinuga kaasas on? VT: Need on Jussike ja Pääsuke, kes tulid esimest korda suurt pidu uudistama. Kalevipoeg tõi nad Tallinnasse ja mina juhatasin nad Lauluväljakule. Ega ma tegelikult vist peole jääda saa – pean oma vahipostile Raekoja torni tipus tagasi minema. Sa Laulutaat, võtad ehk mu sõbrad oma hoole alla. L: Jah, muidugi! Mul on alati hea meel inimestest enda ümber. VT: Siis on tore! Jääme nägemiseni, sõbrad! (Lahkub.) J: Miks sa, Laulutaat, SIIN istud? L: Vaata, Jussike – kui ma veel inimene olin, mitte kuju nagu praegu, olin ma koorijuht ja kirjutasin ise laule. Neid lauldi tihti ka siin, laulukaare all, kus tuhanded lauljad üldlaulupeol kokku said. Sellepärast pandigi mind kujuna siia Lasnamäe nõlvale istuma, et ma igavesti saaksin eesti laulupidudel silma peal hoida. P: Aga mis sa siis teed, kui laulupidu läbi saab? E: Laululava vaatan... igatsen inimeste ja muusika järele, sest üldlaulupeod toimuvad tõesti ainult iga viie aasta tagant. Siis on küll hiigelkoorid tuhandete lauljatega laval ja kogu lauluväljak pealtvaatajaist tulvil nagu täna. Õnneks tulevad vahepeal lapsed oma laulupidudele ja muusikud teevad oma kontserte. 13
  • 14. J: Ja siis veel see laulupidu, mida „Märkamise ajaks“ kutsuti... Nägin Internetis selle peo reklaame, aga telekast kontserdi ülekannet vaadates jäin küll kohe magama, sest olin just enne seda arvutis kaks tundi kosmoselahingut mänginud ja silmad vajusid iseenesest kinni. Ema ja isa olid küll kella kaheni öösel teleka ees selle laulupeo ülekannet vaadanud ja kahetsenud, miks küll teekonda Lauluväljakule õigel ajal ette ei võtnud. L: Usun küll, et paljudel inimestel Eestimaa kaugeimast paigust oli kahju, sest see märkamise laulupidu oli väga võimas, tõeline meie rahva ühtehoidmise ja järjepidevuse sümbol – nagu kõik meie laulupeod. P: Te räägite siin laulupidudest, aga suure peo teine pool – tantsupidu – kus ja millal see siis toimub? J: Seal laululava treppidel vist küll tantsida ei saa. L: Ega saa küll. Tantsijate suur pidu toimub hoopis Kalevi staadionil linna teises otsas. Sinna peaksite küll homme minema. P: Lähme, Jussike, eks! Vaatame tantsupidu ka siis! Vidiit! E: Kindlasti minge! Tuhanded tantsijad on juba nädal aega seal staadionimurul kauni etenduse jaoks tantsusamme ja mustreid jaoks kokku harjutanud. P: Kindlasti läheme! J: Oi, kas laulupidu hakkab nüüd peale? L: Jah, hakkab tõesti. Näe, sealt lähevad tõrvikukandjad tuletorni poole, et süüdata laulupeotuli. Ja vaadake, laululava on pilgeni rahvast täis! Kohe läheb peo üldjuht kooride ette dirigendipulti ja tõstabki taktikepi., et juhatada laulupeo traditsioonilist avalaulu. Kuulake! Lindilt kõlab: „Laulud nüüd lähevad kaunimal kõlal...“(„Koit“) Jutustaja: Jätame nüüd Jussikese ja Pääsukese laulupidu kuulama. Kui me vaataksime, kuidas Jussike pihud tuliseks plaksutas ja Pääsuke lauluviise kaasa vidistas, kuidas nad järgmisel päeval tantsupidu imetlesid, kuidas nad lõpuks väsinuna koduteele asusid, läheks meie etendus väga pikaks... Kindlasti on teil huvitav teada, et tagasiteel jutustasid nad oma toredaid peomuljeid ka Tarvale ning Jussikese emale ja isale. Sügisel aga jättis Jussike arvutimängud kus seda ja teist ning hakkas hoolsalt Virumaa Poistekoori proovidel käima, et pääseda järgmisele laulupeole juba lauljana. 14
  • 15. Johnny´s 7 Friends Characters: Johnny – little Estoinian boy Swallow – national bird of Estonia Knight Tarvas – ancient bull Rabbit Hedgehog Kalevipoeg – main heroe of Estonian epos Old Toomas - turncoat Laulutaat – famous Estonian composer and conductor 1.scene Storyteller: Once upon a time there was a little Johnny, who mostly loved to play computer games. After getting home, he immediately sat in front of a computer and started pushing keys on the keyboard to catch monsters, fight with enimies and adventuring. (Dim light ignites, there is a computer on the edge of the stage, sounds of the keyboard using) Johnny: Give him! Go already! You got what you wanted! Oh boy! I´ll catch you! (sounds of typing keyboard and replies alternately) 15
  • 16. Storyteller: His days and mobths in the cyber world passed like this until the summer began. One day when Johnny felt that his eyes are aching of the colour of screen, he rised from the front of the computer, pandiculated, stretched out and opened the window) (full light, bird´s song. A swallow flies by window for a several time) Swallow: Vidiit! Vidiit! Who are you here? Johnny: I´m Johnny, but who are you? S: Don´t you really know me? J: Wait! Wait! I´ve seen your picture in the computer on the website of Estonia – you are the national bird of Estonia – chimney swallow S: Right! Right! I am a swallow, the national bird of Estonia! But what interesting do you have in that luminous box? J: Come, fly in! I´ll show you! (swollow flies into the house) Wait, I´m going to put that game of shooting monsters and hot pursuit off and let´s watch what new is on the Internet. S: Vidiit1 Look there! What kind of strange birds are these? J: What birds? Where? Do you think that birds pttern here on the flash screen? S: Yes!yes! J: It has been written here: „Come to the song- and dancefestival to Tallinn!“ S: Oh, I like singing! Without singing life has no worth. And how happy the people are who are wriggling by the music. It wold be nice to see this festival with my own eyes. What do you think, Johnny? Let´s go a nd see how they are parting. Vidiit! Vidiit! Let´s go! J: (murmuring himself): we could go out to look around and why not to go to the party. T o see people singing and dancing, not explore some small videoclip in YouTube. (appeals to Swallow) I don´t know the way and how can I alone... I don´t have any friends who could join in. All guys sit in front of computers staring at screens. S: Don´t worry! I can be your friend. Letś go together! We can always ask way! J: Let´s go! Wait a little! I´ll write a letter to my mother and father. (Johnny is writing a letter:“I went toTallinn to a song festival“. He puts that on the skip. Johnny and swallow leave) 2.scene: (Rakvere Vallimägi – fortress ruins are in view. Johnny and Swollow are coming). J: Where to go? To the left or to the right? Is Tallinn still far away? S: Look at that way, johnny! Let´s check, maybe we can find somebody from the fortress ruins, who could tell us the way. 16
  • 17. J: Hello, mister Knight! You are guard of the fortress up here, high on the hill. Could you tell us the way to Tallinn, to the song and dance festival? Knight: Yes, I have heard, that a big festival is coming in Tallinn, but I need to do one importand job right now and I don´t have time to be a guide for you. I am working here, on Vallimägi hills as a museum keeper and I have to bang from the cannon in honour to remember the long history of Rakvere. It will be in a second and I still haven´t loaded the cannon. Maybe you can help me with that! S: Vidiit!-Vidiit! I am afraid of banging, so I´ll better escape from here. J: Don´t fly too far! You heard that Knight is going to tell us the way. (cannon owl has appeared on the stage. Knighttakes cannon tucking dub and a box of gunpowder. Bustlering a bit with Johnny around the cannon, finally the bang comes from the cannnon filled with confettes. When smoke has disappeared, swollow comes back to the stage) S: Huh! What scary things people have thought out! J: Don´t tremble any more, friend! There weren´t any bullets inside and none got nail down. K: Right-right! There is no need to be scared any more. J: Can we go now? K: Right! I promised you to show the way. We are going out from that gate and then we´ll turn a bit left on this path. 3. scene: On the stage there is Tarvas with golden horns. Knight, Johnny and swollow come to the stage) K: Okay, I can´t come more further. I have to go back to the stronghold to my post. Make acquaintance with our city animal on the coat of arms – Tarvas. He sees every road in the neighbourhood from the top of the high hill. I am sure that he can see also this road, which goes to Tallinn. J: Hello Tarvas! I want to go to Tallinn with my friend Swollow to the big song- and dancefestival, but non of us knows the way. Tarvas: So you are going to the festival. It makes me jealous. I am standing here alone on the top of the hill and I can´t go anywhere. S: but you are not alone – a lot of people just admired you and took pictures from every side of you before we got here. T: Yes, they were tourists. They come here in crowds and also city people, who come to Vallimägi to walk, but they all come and leave. Besides, I am so big, that nobody can reach to scratch my ear backs and my golden horns are already tarnished. Maybe you, Johnny can climb up here and make my horns sparkle again! Then I can show you the way to Tallinn. J: Ofcourse I can! S: Vidiit-vidiit! Climb here! (Johnny scratches Tarvas´ear backs and rubs his hornes) 17
  • 18. J: Now you look proud! T: Thanks for helping me Johnny! Now go down from the hill and start walking along this road. And on your way back come again to vivit me, i want to know, what you heard and saw at the big festival. J: Sure we come! Goodbye! S: Vidiit-vidiit! Goodye then! 4. scene: (Forest. Johnny and Swallow walk around the stage twice and then stop) J: we never asked Tarvas, how long the road to Tallinn is and how much time it takes to get there. And this road has made many elbows already...don´t know, if there is a shorter way... S: It would take less time if we went straight, yes. Wait, I´ll take a higher circle around the land and look which way to take. (Swallow shouts from the behind the stage) We could walk around this hill and go straight through the forest, after that along the river side to the highway. Let´s go then! (Swallow and Johnny walk many times across the stage, a lot of trees go past them.Finally behind one tree there is a Rabbit) Rabbit: Who are you and how did you get here? J: My name is Johnny and this is my friend Swallow. We decided to go to the big party in Tallinn. S: And now we are looking for shortcut. J: Can you tell us how far Tallinn is? R: Tallinn? What is that? J: Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia, you stupid rabbit! Big town, there are lots of people and houses and... S: ...and thousands of dancers and singers are going there from all across Estonia for a huge party. R: No, I know nothing about this.. But I saw a hedgehog going past before, he is a smart animal, maybe he knows. He went this way. If we make it fast, we might catch him and ask him. (All 3 go quickly towards the shown direction. Finally they reach the hedgehog) R: Hedgie, wait! Wait already! We need your advice and help! Hedgehog: Rabbit, it´s you! And who are they? R: (breathing hard) Yes, me! Oh, how good that we gained on you! Nimble legs are put to good use sometimes too! But these are my new friends who needs advice and help. J: I am Johnny and this is my friend Swallow. We decided to go to the big party to Tallinn. 18
  • 19. S: And now strightaway we´re looking from here, vidiit! J: Can you, Hedgehog, tell us how long the way is to Tallinn? H: To Tallinn? Is it that big town near the sea, where are lots of buildings and people? J: I guess so... H: It´s quite a long way even when you go straight from here. R: I afraid so! S: Yes, the sea does not stand out here between the trees. Vidiit! But I can see eventide, night is here soon. J: And what now? H: You have been on your way for a long time and you are certainly tired? J: (sitting on the edge of the stage) Yes, we have walked all day and my feet are quite tired. H: I´ve got an idea how to help you. Right here, behinf this fir my friend Kalevipoeg rests his feet. He went to behind lake Peipsi to get some planks and now he is resting from a trip tiredness. He spoke me that he will bring the burden of planks to Tallinn, where builders need it. I think, he can help you! S: A very good idea! Hey Johnny! Take up your strenght and let´s move on! You heard – the hedgehog said, that kalevipoeg is on the way to Tallinn. Come-come! 5.scene: (Kalevipoeg sleeps and snores at the edge of the stage) H: Listen, there is our hero. S: (investigates sleeping Kalevipoeg) I have never seen a man this big. J: He is really huge! H: Wake up, Kalevipoeg! We need your help! Kalevipoeg: (jumps up fast, looks around him with a confused face) Who needs help? Where are the enemy forces? H: Peace! There are no enemies. These are our little friends who need help. Look, here is Johnny and Swallow. They are looking for a way to Tallinn and they have been in this forest for a whole day. Maybe you can lead them to the right way? K: (yawning) Yea, well. I know the way to Tallinn... right now I am really tired. I came from the other side of lake Peipsi with a huge pile of woods, it wasn´t any fun to carry them... i dropped them on the ground and fell asleep. Look, it´s getting darker. I cannot go anywhere tonight. H: Kalevipoeg, dear Kalevipoeg, how about tomorrow? 19
  • 20. K: Tomorrow I will go to Tallinn, because the builders are waiting for my pile of woods. It´s nothing to bring these little friends with me. But you have to promise to help me to put the woods into a correct pile again – so i can put them on my back, because right now tey´re quite mixed up. J: Of course we´ll help1 K: So that´s how we do it! But for now let´s rest under this fir. 6.scene: ( Tallinn. Town Hall Square) K: You see, we are in tallinn. Soon we will arrive to town hall square. I´ll put down my pile of woods also. Climb down, johnny! (Kalevipoeg drops down the woods from the back, straightens the spine, stretches and looks around) K: You kno, friends, there, on the top of the townhall tower lives an old turncoat, the guard of the city – Old Toomas, who knos those town things better than me and he can show you, where that big song- and dancefestival is held. Hey, Old Toomas! Old Toomas: Hello, Kalevipoeg! What kind of winds have bought you into Tallinn? And who are with you? K: Hello! Hello, Old Toomas! Look I brought a pile of woods to citybuilders, but these are my new friends Johnny and Swallow, who came to the city to see the song- and dancefestival. S: But we don´t know exactly, where the festival is held. J: ...and there are so many houses, streets and people in this city... OT: Yes, here is so much razzmatazz now during the great party. 100 000 singers and dancers all over Estonia will be added to 400 000 inhabitants of tallinn. If you want to beat the party on time, we have to start moving, because the parade of partiers has already began moving towards the singing field. S: Lets go fast then! J: Kalevipoeg, thank you for bringing us to town and finding us such a great guide. You heard – we have to go now to reach the party. K: Go, my friends! If the builders have taken this pile of woods from me, maybe I will catch you up. Bye! J and S: Good bye! 7.scene: (for the stage design – the Song Grounds. Gustav Ernesaks is sitting on the stage. People coming in will stop a little further away) OT: So, we´re here. These are The Song Grounds and in here Estonians have had their song festivals for 25 times, once every 5 years. J: Look, who is sitting there! OT: Oh, little Johnny, now you have found the right man – that there is the man who knows more about the song festivals than I do. It is Laulutaat, the father of Estonian choir music 20
  • 21. Gustav Ernesaks. He has conducted many song festivals in here, the Song Grounds. (turns to Laulutaat) Hi, Laulutaat! Laulutaat: Hello-hello! Look at that, even Old toomas has climbed down from the city hall tower and came to the party. I am happy to see you! And who are these people with you? OT: these here are little Johnny and swallow, who came here for the first time to check out the big party. Kalevipoeg brought them to Tallinn and i led them to The Song grounds. I can´t really stay to the party – i need to return to my postt the top of city hall. Maybe you could take care of my friends. L: Yes, of cource. I am always glad to have people around me. OT: Great, then! See you, friends! (leaves) J: Why are you, Laulutaat, sitting here? L: You see, Johnny, when i was still a human, not a statue as I am now, i was conductor and i wrote songs myself. They were sung in here, under the song arch, where thousands of singers met during the song festival. That´s why I was put sitting as statue in here, at the foot of Lasnamägi. So I could forever keep an eye on the Estonian Song festivals. J: but what are doing when the festival is over? L: I look at the stage.. miss people and music, because the song festivals are held once every 5 years. Then there will be giant choirs with thousands of singers on the stage and the whole grounds are full of spectators like today. Fortunately children have their smaller festivals and musicians have their concerts here. J: And then there was this festival that was called „Time of noticing“ ... I saw ads for the festival on the Internet, but when watching it live on television I immediately fell asleep, because I had just played my space battle computer game for two hours and my eyes fell shut themselves. Mom and dad were wotching the show until 2 AM at night and regretted why they didn´t go to the grounds at the right time. L: Yes, I do believe, that lot of people in Estonia regretted, because this festival was really powerful! – real symbol of how our nation holds together. S: You are talking about song festivals, but the other part of big party – dance festival – where and when this is hold? J: I think that there, on the stairs of this stage nobody can dance. L: No, they cannot. Dance festival is hold on the Kalev stadium on the other side of the city. You should go there tomorrow. S: Let´s go, Johnny! Let´s look dance festival also! Vidiit! L: You definitely must go! Thousands of dancers have had rehearsals on the stadium during whole week. They make nice patterns during dancing – it is really worth of seeing. S: We´ll go there definitely! 21
  • 22. J: Oh, is song festival beginning now? L: Yes, it is. Look there are torchbearers going to the fire-tower – they will light the fire on the top of tower, which will burn during festivities. Look, stage is full of singers! In seconds conductor goes frontward choirs to conduct the traditional opening song. Listen! (Song from tape „Dawn“) Storyteller: We let Johnny and Swallow to the concert now. It will be very long story, if we want to show you, how Johnny clapped his hands and how Swallow sing together with the singers all the beautiful songs, how they admired dance festival next day, how they get tired and started their way home, our play will be too long... but i think that it is interesting for you to know, that on their way back home they visited Tarvas and told him about the festival. In autumn Johnny dropped computer games and joined in rehersals of Virumaa Boys´Choir, because he wants to go to the next song festival as singer. 22
  • 23. Jón og vinir hans sjö Sögumaður: Jón tólf ára gamall ætlar að ferðast í kringum landið í tímavélinni sinni og koma við á sjö stöðum á sjö mismunandi tímum. Hann byrjar í Reykjavík og fer til ársins 874. Þar hittir hann landnámsmanninn Ingólf Arnarson og fer að spjalla við hann. Ingólfur: Góðan daginn. Ek heiti Ingólfur Arnarson og ek var að nema land hér. Jón: Ég þekki þig úr bókum. Ég hef verið að læra um þig. Ingólfur: Er það? Hvað heitir þú ungi drengur? Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson og er frá Reykjavík. Ingólfur: Ek var einmitt að nefna þennan stað þar sem við stöndum á núna, Reykjavík. Hér hef ek ákveðið að reisa mér bæ vegna þess að öndvegissúlurnar mínar ráku hér á land. Einnig er hér svo mikill jarðhiti. Jón: Já, það er gott, ég kem nefnilega með tímavél úr framtíðinni og Reykjavík verður höfuðborg Íslands. Ingólfur: Þetta er skrítið, ek sem var rétt í þessu að nema land hér. Jón: Já, þú fannst góðan og fallegan stað fyrir borgina okkar. Þar er skemmtilegt að búa og þar eru margar fallegar byggingar, eins og Hallgrímskirkjan og Perlan. Í gegnum borgina rennur falleg laxveiðiá, sem nefnd er Elliðaá eftir einum þræla þinna. Einnig er til torg sem er kallað Ingólfstorg í höfuðið á þér og svo er stytta af þér uppi á Arnarhóli. Ingólfur: Ó, það er nú skrítið. Jón: Já og skemmtilegt. Ingólfur: Bless ungi dregur ek verð að fara skoða þetta fallega Ísland. Jón: Bless Ingólfur. Sögumaður: Jón fer upp í tímavélina og ákveður að fara til Akureyrar árið 2456. Hann lendir á Hlíðarfjalli og sér stelpu á skíðum, kallar á hana og hún fer að spjalla við Jón. Stelpan: Hæ, ég heiti Emma Rós Elíasdóttir en þú mátt kalla mig Emmu ef þú vilt en hvað heitir þú? Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón ef þú vilt Emma. Hvar er ég? Emma: Þú ert uppi á Hlíðarfjalli Jón, en maður er bara nokkrar mínútur að keyra hingað frá Akureyri. Jón: Getur þú sagt mér frá Akureyri Emma? Emma: Já, já það get ég gert Jón minn. 23
  • 24. Jón: Allt í lagi byrjaðu þá Emma. Emma: Akureyri er stundum kölluð höfuðborg norðurlands og hér er skemmtilegt að búa og margt hægt að gera. Til dæmis skoða fallegan grasagarð, fara í sund, skoða jólahús og mörg skemmtileg söfn. Maður þarf líka að labba upp rosalega margar tröppur að Akureyrarkirkju. Hér uppi í Hlíðarfjalli er flott skíðasvæði, sem hefur verið vinsælt svo lengi sem menn muna. En nú eru fjarflutningstæki í staðinn fyrir skíðalyftur, skíðaskálinn er 20 hæða blokk og diskalyfturnar eru fljúgandi diskar. Ég á heima á efstu hæð í hundrað hæða blokk. Ég á líka fullt af hundum. Jón: Já þetta er merkilegt Emma. Emma: Jæja Jón ég ætla að halda áfram að skíða. Bæ Jón. Jón: Bless Emma. Sögumaður: Jón fer í tímavélina og ákveður að fara að Dettifossi í nútímanum. Þar hittir hann kannski einhvern. Þegar hann kemur sér hann strák og þeir fara að spjalla saman. Strákurinn: Halló ég heiti Halldór Höskuldsson en þú mátt kalla mig Halldór. Hvað heitir þú? Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón. Halldór: Það er hættulegt að vera hjá Dettifossi Jón því þú getur dottið ofan í hann, ef þú ferð ekki varlega. Dettifoss er nefnilega aflmesti foss Íslands. Hann er 44 metra hár og rúmlega 100 metra breiður foss í Jökulsá á Fjöllum. Hann er hluti af Þjóðgarðinum í Jökulsárgljúfrum. Jón: Þetta er nú flottur foss og kraftmikill. Halldór: Já heldur betur, en farðu nú varlega Jón. Jón: Þakka þér fyrir þessar upplýsingar og vertu blessaður. Halldór: Blessaður Jón. Sögumaður: Jón fer nú til ársins 2000 og er kominn hjá hvernum Geysi í Haukadal. Þar sér hann stelpu og fer að spjalla við hana. Stelpan: Hæ ég heiti Lára Lárusdóttir en þú mátt kalla mig Láru. En hvað heitir þú? Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón. Viltu segja mér frá Geysi Lára? Lára: Já, það get ég gert Jón. Jón: Byrjaðu þá Lára mín. Lára: Geysir í Haukadal er goshver. Áður fyrr gaus hann reglulega gosum sem þeyttu vatni 60 til 80 metra upp í loftið. Eftir árið 1900 hætti hann að gjósa reglulega. Stundum var þá sett sápa í hverinn til að fá hann til að gjósa. Núna árið 2000 þegar suðurlandsjarðskjálftarnir eru ný búnir, þá hefur Geysir tekið sig til og farið að gjósa aftur. Aðrir hverir eru líka 24
  • 25. hér á svæðinu til dæmis Strokkur, Smiður, Litli Strokkur og fleiri. Einnig er Gullfoss hér í nánd, en hann er fallegur foss í Hvítá og vinsæll hjá ferðamönnum. Jón: Þetta voru góðar upplýsingar Lára mín. Lára: Nú verð ég að fara því mamma er kannski orðin hrædd um mig. Bæ bæ Jón. Jón: Bæ bæ Lára mín. Sögumaður: Jón ákveður að fara til Bláa lónsins árið 2029 og vonast til að hitta einhvern. Viti menn hann sér einhvern strák í búningsklefanum. Hann fer út með honum og þeir tala og tala saman þegar þeir fara ofan í. Strákur: Hæ ég heiti Eiríkur Hauksson en þú mátt kalla mig Eika, en hvað heitir þú? Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón ef þú vilt. En getur þú sagt mér frá Bláa lóninu? Eiki: Já það get ég gert Jón minn. Bláa lónið er einhver fjölsóttasti ferðamannastaður á Íslandi bæði af innlendum og erlendum ferðamönnum. Lónið þykir góð heilsulind og fólk fer þangað til að fá lækningu á sjúkdómnum psoriasis og ýmsum húðútbrotum og exemum. Lónið er einstakt því þar eru einungis notaðir náttúrulegir þörungar til þess að hreinsa vatnið. Jón: Vá, þetta er stórmerkilegt Eiki minn. Eiki: Já þetta veit ég og margt fleira Jón. Jón: Þú veist virkilega margt. Eiki: Já en nú þarf ég að fara. Bæ bæ Jón. Jón: Bæ bæ Eiki. Sögumaður: Hann Jón ákveður að fara að Vatnajökli árið 1991 og lendir uppi á jöklinum og hittir stelpu sem fer að tala við hann. Stelpan: Hæ ég heiti Arna Arnarsdóttir en þú mát kalla mig Örnu og hvað heitir þú? Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón. En getur þú sagt mér frá Vatnajökli Arna mín? Arna: Já já Jón. Jón: Jæja Arna byrjaðu þá. Arna: Allt í lagi. Vatnajökull er staðsettur á suðausturhluta Íslands. Hann er stærsti jökull Íslands bæði að flatarmáli og rúmmáli og stærsti jökull Evrópu. Undir Vatnajökli eru einhverjar mestu eldstöðvar landsins. Grímsvötn er þeirra þekktust ásamt Öræfajökli og Bárðarbungu. Oft verða eldgos undir ísnum sem valda hlaupum í jökulám. Hvannadalshnúkur er hæsti tindur Öræfajökuls og jafnframt hæsti tindur Íslands. Samkvæmt mælingu er hæð hans 2.110 metrar yfir 25
  • 26. sjávarmáli. Oft hafa menn gengið á topp Hvannadalshnúks, en nú árið 1991 fóru menn í fyrsta skipti á jeppa þar upp. Jón: Takk fyrir upplýsingarnar þínar Arna mín. Arna: Nú þarf ég að halda áfram að labba upp jökulinn. Bæ bæ Jón. Jón: Bæ bæ Arna. Sögumaður: Jón er að hugsa um að fara að Ásbyrgi árið 1981 og fræðast um það. Hann sér strák og þeir fara að tala saman. Strákurinn: Hæ hæ ég heiti Ólafur Óskarsson en þú mátt kalla mig Óla. En hvað heitir þú? Jón: Ég heiti Jón Jónsson en þú mátt kalla mig Jón ef þú vilt. En Óli getur þú sagt mér frá Ásbyrgi? Óli: Já já Jón. Jón: Jæja byrjaðu þá. Óli: Allt í lagi. Ásbyrgi er hamrakví í þjóðgarðinum í Jökulsárgljúfrum í Norður Þingeyjarsýslu og er eitt af mestu náttúruundrum Íslands. Ásbyrgi er allt að 3,5 km á lengd inn í botn og um 1,1 km á breidd. Í miðjunni er mikill klettur sem kallaður er Eyjan, þótt hann standi á þurru landi. Hamraveggirnir eru víðast um 90 til 100 metra háir, hærri en Hallgrímskirkjan í Reykjavík. Ýmsar tilgátur hafa verið settar fram um hvernig Ásbyrgi varð til en líklegast myndaðist það þegar tvö hamfarahlaup urðu í Jökulsá á Fjöllum við eldgos í Vatnajökli. Hið fyrra fyrir um 8 til 10 þúsund árum og hið síðara fyrir um 3 þúsund árum. Þjóðsagan skýrir þetta náttúrufyrirbæri á annan hátt. Sagan segir að þarna hafi Sleipnir, hestur Óðins, stigið fast niður fæti þegar hann var á ferð sinni um lönd og höf. Ásbyrgi sé því hóffar Sleipnis og eyjan í miðjunni sé far eftir hóftunguna. Jón: Vá er það virkilega? Óli: Já, svona er nú sagan. En nú þarf ég að fara Jón. Bæ bæ Jón. Jón: Blessaður Óli. Sögumaður: Jón hefur nú farið með tímavélinni sinni á sjö staði á landinu og hann fer aftur til 2009 í Reykjavík og þar fær hann sér djús og ristað brauð. Síðan fer hann að sofa og segir við sjálfan sig. Jón: (Geispar) Þetta var nú besti dagur lífs míns! ENDIR 26
  • 27. ArnaJón og vinir hans sjö (Brúðuleikhús) Story teller: John, who is 12 years old, plans to travel around the country in his time machine. He is going to drop by at seven places using seven different time frames. He starts in Reykjavik and goes back to the year 874 where he meets with Ingólfur Arnarson. Ingólfur happened to be the first to settle in Reykjavík. Ingólfur: Good day to you. My name is Ingólfur Arnason and I have claimed this land for me and my household. Jón: I know you from books. I have been studying the history of Iceland and you are a part of it. Ingólfur: Huh? Really? What is your name young man? Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson and I am from Reykjavík. Ingólfur: I just named this very place Reykjavík! This is where I have decided to build myself a farm. You see, my high-seat pillars (öndvegissúlur) landed here and I had decided to settle wherever they landed. And of course, there is the added bonus of geothermal activity so we have plenty of hot water. Jón: That´s good. You know, I just came here from the future, in my new time machine. Therefore I know that in time, Reykjavík will be the Capital of Iceland. Ingólfur : This is odd, as I just settled here (just landed here) Jón: Yes, you found a very nice and beautiful place for our city. It´s a nice place to live in and in the future, there are many, many beautiful buildings like the church, Hallgrímskirkja, and Perlan (the Pearl). There is also a very nice river, actually a salmon fishing river, that flows (runs?) straight through the city. The name of this river is Elliðaá or the River of Elliði. You see, this river is named after one of your slaves. We also have a square named after you, Ingólfstorg or Ingolfssquare. And to top it all, we have raised a large statue of you on Arnarhóll, looking over the center of the city. 27
  • 28. Ingólfur: Oh, that´s odd... Jón: And fun also. Ingólfur: Well, goodbye young man, I have to go and look at this amazing Iceland. Jón: Goodbye Ingólfur. Storyteller Jón goes into his time-machine and decides to go to Akureyri, a small town up north in Iceland. He wants to see how it looks in 2456. The time-machine lands in Hlídarfjall where he sees a young girl skiing. He calls out to her and she walks over to him. Then they start chatting. Emma: Hi, my name is Emma Rós but you can call me Emma. What is your name? Jón: I am Jón Ólafsson, but you can call me Nonni if you like. Where am I? Emma: Nonni, you are on the top of Hlídarfjall, but nevertheless only few minutes from Akureyri by car. Jón: Can you tell me about Akureyri? Emma: Yes, I sure can. Jón: Ok then, I am waiting. Emma: Akureyri is sometimes referred to as the Capital of the North. It´s a very fun place to live in and there are lot´s of activities. For example a nice walk in a botanic garden, visit the Christmas house - where Christmas never ends, or maybe some of the many museums here. If we want to visit the big church, we need to climb awfully many steps! Then there is Hlídarfjall, the mountain we stand on where it´s possible to go skiing in the wonderful ski resort. We have of course used the technology to the fullest and the ski lifts from the past have been replaced by teleporting, the former ski-hut is a 20 floor building. The (diskalyftur) are now flying o. I´m living in the top flor in the big building. I have also lot of dogs. Jón: This is awesome Emma. Emma: Well, anyway, I am going to use the time to go skiing. Goodbye Nonni! Jón: Bye Emma Storyteller Jón goes into the time-machine again and decides to go to Dettifoss in the present time. He might meet someone there he thinks. When the time-machine stops, he sees a young boy. They start talking. Halldós: Hi, I am Halldór Höskuldsson but you can call me Halldor. What is your name? Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson but you can call me Nonni. Halldór: It is dangerous to stand by Dettifoss Jon. You might fall into it if you are not careful. Dettifoss is the strongest of Iceland´s falls. It drops 44 meters down and is almost 100 meters wide. The river it flows from is Jokusa á Fjöllum and the fall is a part of the National Park in Jökulságljúfur. Jón: The fall is really something. It´s looks very powerful! Halldór: Yes, it is, but be careful Nonni. Jón: Thank you for the information and goodbye. 28
  • 29. Halldór: Bye Nonni. Storyteller Jón now goes to the year 2000 and lands by the geyser Geysir in Haukadalur. There he spots a girl whom he starts talking with. Lára: Hi, I am Lára Lárusdóttir but you can call me Lára. And your name is? Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson and you can call me Nonni. Would you tell me about Geysir? Lára: Yes, I can do that. Jón: Well, I am all ears. Lára: Geysir in Haukadalur is a (man ekki orðið fyrir goshver). Before, it erupted regularly and ejected water 60-80 meters into the air. But that changed shortly after the year 1900. Sometimes people put soap into it to make it erupt. Last summer we had massive earthquake and after that Geysir has started again. Geysir is not the only geyser in the area. There are also Strokkur, Smidur, Strokkur junior and others. For tourists, we have also Gullfoss, a very beautiful fall in White river. Jón: These information were good Lára. Lára: I am sorry but I have to go now. My mom is worried about me. Bye Nonni. Jón: Bye Lára. Storyteller: Nonni decides to go to the Blue lagoon in the year 2029 in the hope of meeting interesting people. And of course he sees a boy in the dressing room. They go out together and talk when entering the pool. Eiríkur: Hi, my name is Eiríkur Hauksson but you can call me Eiki. What is your name? Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson and you can call me Nonni. Can you tell me something about the Blue Lagoon? Eiki: Yes I can do that. The Blue Lagoon is one of the most popular tourist place in Iceland.. Both foreigners and Icelandic travelers visit here. The lagoon is considered to be very healthy and some come here to be cured from psoriasis and other skin problems. The lagoon is very special as there are only natural algae used to clean the water. Jón: Wow, thats amazing. . Eiki: Yes, I know a lot. Jón: You really know alot. Eiki: Well, I need go go anyway. Bye Nonni. Jón: Bye Eiki. Storyteller: Now Jon decides to go to the glacier Vatnajokull in the year 1991. He lands on top of the glacier and meets a girl standing there. Arna: Hi, I am Arna Arnarsdottir but you can call me Arna. What is you name? 29
  • 30. Jón: My name is Jon Jonsson and you can call me Nonni. But can you tell me about Vatnajokull? Arna: Yes Nonni. Jón: Well then, begin the story. Arna: Ok, Vatnajökll is situated at the southwestern part of Iceland. It is Iceland´s biggest glacier and in fact the biggest glacier in Europe. Underneath it is possibly the largest volcanic activity area in the whole country. Of those, Grímsvötn are the best know along with Öræfajökull and Bárdarbunga. Often volcanic eruption takes place underneath the icecap and then the glacier rivers run forward in full speed. The highest top of Öræfajökull is Hvanadalshnjúkur which also is the highest mountain in Iceland. According to the latest measurement it is 2.110 meters high. People have often climbed to the top but in 1991 they managed to drive a jeep up there. Jón: Thanks for the information Arna. Arna: I got to go, I am on my way to the top. Bye Nonni. Jón: Bye bye Arna. Storyteller: Jón has an idea. He is going to Ásbyrgi in the year 1981 and find out about the place. He does that and of course, meets a boy there. They start talking. Ólafur: Hi, hi, I am Ólafur Óskarsson but you can call me Óli. What is your name. Jón: My name is Jón Ólafsson, but if you want to, you can call my Nonni. But, can you give my some information about Ásbyrgi? Óli: Yes Nonni. Jón: Ok, start then. Óli: Ok. Ásbyrgi is formed by high cliffs in the National Park in Jökulsárgljúfur in North of Iceland. It is one of the greatest wonders of nature in Iceland. It is approximently 3.5 km long and about 1.1 km wide. In the middle there is a large rock called the Island, even though it stands on dry land. The cliff walls are about 90 - 100 meters high, a lot higher than the church Hallgrímskirkja in Reykjavík. There has been a speculation about how it was made but it is most likely that it has happened when two large river-runs occurred in Jökulsá á Fjöllum when there was a volcanic eruption in Vatnajökull. The first one happened about 8-10 thousand years ago and the last one appr. 3 thousand years ago. The Sagas say something else. They say that Sleipnir, Óðins horse had stepped down there when traveling around the world. Therefor, Ásbyrgi is the mark of Sleipnir´s hoof and the Island in the middle is made by the middle of the hoof. Jón: Wow, really? Óli: Yes, that is what the story says. But I have to go now. Bye Jon Jón: By Oli Storyteller: Jón has now traveled on his time-machine to seven places in the country and now he goes back to the year 2009 in Reykjavík where he gets himself juice and a toast. Then he goes to sleep and says to himself: Jón (yawning): This was the best day of my life! 30
  • 31. Giovannino SettePassi (Interno del Museo dei Valori di Maastricht, lungo corridoio, si entra in una stanza dove ci sono molte bandiere dei vari paesi europei; sotto ogni bandiera c’è una teca con dentro un cubetto colorato e, al centro, la bandiera dell’Europa) Guida: Giovannino Sette Passi era un ragazzo della vostra età, quando fece quel viaggio in Europa… Alunni: Ci racconta la storia dall’inizio? Guida: Va bene, però sedetevi, perché sarà una storia lunga e difficile da seguire… (A casa di Giovannino Sette Passi, in camera, con giochi, comodino, letto, armadio e scrivania) Mamma: Giovannino, è tardi, vai a dormire! Giovannino: Sì mamma, ora vado… (Giovannino va a letto e si addormenta; una piccola luce, come una lucciola, si avvicina) FatinaEuropa: Ciao Giovannino Giovannino: E tu chi sei? FatinaEuropa: Sono la Fatina Europa, ti ho dato il potere dei Sette Passi, preparati, partirai per un lungo viaggio e il primo paese che visiterai sarà l’Italia. Questa sarà la tua missione: dovrai visitare sei paesi e guadagnare sette valori; in questo modo io diventerò sempre più luminosa ed ogni volta che guadagnerai un valore ti ritroverai un cubetto colorato in tasca. Nel primo viaggio ti accompagnerò io, poi, per chiamarmi, dovrai pronunciare la parola “EURO”. Giovannino: Ma come faccio a girare l’Europa? FatinaEuropa: Con il potere che ti ho assegnato ti basterà fare sette passi! Guida: Giovannino li fece e, come per magia, si ritrovò in Italia. (In un parco giochi ci sono due ragazzi, uno nero) Ragazzo1: Posso giocare con te? Ragazzo2: No! Non voglio giocare con te! Vattene! Ragazzo1: Perché? Ragazzo2: Tu vattene! Non ti ho già detto che non voglio giocare con te? FatinaEuropa: A quanto pare quei due ragazzi stanno litigando, probabilmente perché uno dei due ha la pelle scura. Dovresti fargli fare amicizia. Prova a pronunciare questa formula… (FatinaEuropa bisbiglia qualcosa nell’orecchio di Giovannino) Giovannino: Tutti uguali noi siamo E per sempre amici restiamo La tolleranza ci aiuterà Hip hip hurrà! (I ragazzi smettono di litigare) Ragazzo2: Scusami tanto…vieni a giocare con me…sono stato uno sciocco! Ragazzo1: Evviva, allora saremo amici! FatinaEuropa: Sto brillando di più! Giovannino: Ma cosa sono questi? (Si fruga in tasca e estrae due cubetti) FatinaEuropa: Questi sono i cubetti che hai guadagnato: quello dell’uguaglianza e quello della tolleranza! Adesso puoi partire per il prossimo paese! Giovannino, fai sette passi così potrai arrivare in Portogallo. (Interno sala da pranzo, tavola imbandita con famiglia intorno: padre, madre e fratello e sorella) 31
  • 32. Padre: E’ una sciocchezza questa storia dell’invitare un mendicante a pranzo! Mamma: Noi non lo faremo mai! Fratello: Dai… Sorella: Poverino! Giovannino: Euro! (Arriva FatinaEuropa volando) FatinaEuropa: Oggi è la giornata dei mendicanti. Ogni famiglia deve invitare un mendicante a casa per pranzo, ma questa famiglia non è d’accordo…usa questa formula! (FatinaEuropa gli porge un foglietto) Giovannino: Nella fratellanza noi crediamo E tutti insieme lo gridiamo! (Passa un vecchio mendicante, vestito poveramente) Padre: Buon signore, venga a mangiare qualcosa a casa nostra, siamo stati degli stupidi a credere che questa giornata non serva a nulla! FatinaEuropa: Giovannino guardami, sto brillando di più! Giovannino: Sì, lo vedo! Ed io ho guadagnato il cubetto della fratellanza! Ora che ho imparato che siamo tutti fratelli, mi sento più gentile con le persone. Adesso posso fare sette passi per raggiungere la Lituania. (Giovannino fa sette passi e si ritrova a Vilnius in un bosco –Cartello Benvenuti in Lituania) Boscaiolo1: Dobbiamo abbattere questi alberi, forza, sbrighiamoci! Giovannino: (irritato) E’ una cosa ignobile! Euro! FatinaEuropa: Dobbiamo intervenire! Quei due stanno per tagliare le piante! Eccoti la formula… Giovannino: Un po’ di ambientalismo in questo paese Diminuirebbe anche le spese! FatinaEuropa: Guarda quell’albero! E’ enorme e sta mettendo in fuga i boscaioli! (Albero insegue i boscaioli) Boscaiolo2: Aiuto!! Boscaiolo1: Ahhhh! FatinaEuropa: Evviva! Sto brillando di più! Giovannino: Ed io adesso ho il cubetto dell’ambientalismo! Posso partire per la prossima tappa! (Giovannino fa sette passi e arriva a Reikyavik) Giovannino: Ma guarda! Ho preso il giornale e cosa vedo? “Un teatro verrà abbattuto e al suo posto verrà costruito un centro commerciale”. Andrò a chiedere spiegazioni alla ditta Fabbricony! PresidenteFabbricony: Posso aiutarla? Giovannino: Dovete ripensarci! Non potete abbattere il teatro! PresidenteFabbricony: Quel centro commerciale ci farà guadagnare un sacco di soldi! Non fermeremo il progetto! Giovannino: Euro! FatinaEuropa: Tieni la formula! Giovannino: Se la cultura volete imparare I monumenti dovete rispettare! PresidenteFabbrcony: Quel teatro non deve essere abbattuto! Dobbiamo fermare i lavori! FatinaEuropa: Evviva! Sto brillando di più! Giovannino: Ed io ho guadagnato il cubetto della cultura! (Cartello con scritto Ankara; due case e un albero) Guida: Arrivato con sette passi in Turchia, Giovannino fa un bel giro… Giovannino: Wow, che bel paese! 32
  • 33. Guida: …ma dopo aver camminato un po’, vede due uomini incappucciati che tengono bastoni in mano e trascinano due bambini vestiti di stracci. Giovannino: Cosa succede qua? Cosa state facendo? Sfruttatore1: Quello che facciamo non è affar tuo! Bambino1: Aiutaci, per favore! Siamo stanchi e affamati! Giovannino: Lasciateli andare, brutti ceffi! Sfruttatore2: E chi ce lo impedirà? Forse un moccioso come te? Giovannino: Sì, proprio io, con la mia amica Fatina Europa! Euro! (Dal cielo scende la FatinaEuropa irradiando luce) FatinaEuropa: Sono qua, di cosa hai bisogno? Giovannino: di un aiuto per convincerli a lasciare liberi i bambini! FatinaEuropa: Ecco la formula: I bambini liberi devono essere E non devono tessere Perché liberi vogliono giocare E non pensare a lavorare Guida: …e dopo aver pronunciato queste parole, gli sfruttatori dicono… Sfruttatore1e2: Ci dispiace tantissimo…libereremo subito i bambini! Giovannino: Ora ho anche il cubetto della libertà! (Cartello con scritto Tallin. Giovannino è in una piazza dove c’è una parata militare) Guida: Giovannino, camminando, vede un anziano signore senza una gamba e gli dice… Giovannino: Signore, com’è accaduto? Signore: Vedi, ragazzo, se non ci fosse stata la guerra, io avrei ancora la gamba…eppure, ci sono uomini che pensano ancora alla guerra! Giovannino: Euro! FatinaEuropa: Stai tranquillo, ho già la soluzione! Tieni la formula: Il pacifismo dovete imparare Per evitare di farvi male E ognuno avrà la sua libertà Così la vita migliore sarà! (Arrivano dei pacifisti che sventolano le bandiere della pace) Pacifisti: Gettate le armi! Guida: la parata viene dispersa e Giovannino guadagna il cubetto del pacifismo. Giovannino: Guarda Fata! Sono sette! Evviva, ce l’abbiamo fatta! FatinaEuropa: Grazie per il tuo aiuto, Giovannino. Adesso, però, ci dobbiamo salutare… Giovannino: Mi mancherai. Ma ti prometto che non mi scorderò mai, né di te, né dei valori che ho imparato grazie al tuo aiuto! FatinaEuropa: Adesso è l’ora di tornare a casa… (Giovannino si ritrova in camera sua, nella situazione iniziale) (Museo dei valori) Alunna1: Così finisce la storia? Guida: No, in realtà no… Ve la racconterò fino in fondo… (Giovannino si ritrova in camera sua, nella situazione iniziale) Giovannino: Mamma! Sono tornato! Mamma: Ma ti sei addormentato cinque minuti fa! Giovannino: Cosa è successo? Dov’è finita la fatinaEuropa? FatinaEuropa: Giovannino, sono qua! Sei stato molto bravo a compiere questa missione, ma d’ora in poi te la dovrai cavare da solo, io devo andare… Giovannino: Dove andrai? 33
  • 34. FatinaEuropa: Caro Giovannino, devo andare ad aiutare altri bambini, ma ricorda, in qualunque momento tu abbia bisogno di me, guarda il cielo: grazie a te io sarò sempre la stella più luminosa! (Museo dei valori) Guida: …così finisce la storia ed ogni volta che Giovannino guarda il cielo, Europa c’è e ci sarà sempre. Europa è quella stella lassù, la vedete? Alunni: sì, sì! Eccola là! Alunna2: Ma ora questi cubetti ...? Guida: Sì, hai capito…si trovano qua al museo e ce li ha portati Giovannino in persona. Ha deciso di portarli qua perché se anche uno andasse perduto, quel valore non esisterebbe più! Alunna3: Se si perdesse il cubetto dell’ambientalismo, cosa succederebbe? Guida: Tutte le foreste verrebbero tagliate! Alunno4: E se si perdesse quello del pacifismo? Guida: Forse vedremmo scoppiare guerre sempre più frequenti! Niente avrebbe più il proprio equilibrio. Ma per fortuna sono ancora tutti qua, c’erano, ci sono e ci saranno sempre! Alunna5: Ma dov’è finito Giovannino? Guida: Giovannino sono io! Personaggi e interpreti Guida: Karam Alunna1: Pin Alunna2: Corina Alunna3: Sara Alunno4: Jacopo Alunna5: Chiara Giovannino: Lorenzo Mamma: Ginevra Fatina Europa: Giada Ragazzo1: Lorenzo 34
  • 35. Ragazzo2: Daniel Padre: Michelangelo Madre: Francesca Fratello: Lorenzo Sorella: Caterina Boscaiolo1: Manuel Boscaiolo2: Gianmarco Presidente Fabbricony: Michelangelo Sfruttatore1: Francesca Sfruttatore2: Manuel Bambino Stracciato1: Maddalena Bambino Stracciato2: Edoardo Signore senza gamba:Gimmi Pacifiste: Clarissa e Ludovica Scritto dalla II B della Scuola Media Carducci, I.C. “Centro Storico” Allestimenti e scenografie della IV B della Scuola Elementare Cairoli e della V C della Scuola Elementare Vittorio Veneto, I.C. “Centro Storico” Coordinato dai seguenti insegnanti: Walter Catalano Morgana Di Ascenzio Silvia Giovannini Elisabetta Grandis Francesca Linari Angela Quinto Anna Pontuale Beatrice Tartoni Little Johnny Seven Steps (INSIDE THE MASTRICHT MUSEUM OF VALUES—long corridor, you enter a room where there are many flags of the different European countries, under every flag there is a glass case which contains a coloured cube and the European flag in the middle). GUIDE - Little Johnny Seven Steps was a boy the same age as you are, when he went on that journey around Europe... CLASSMATE - Do you mind telling us the story from the very beginning, please?” , . GUIDE - All right then, but take a seat because it will be a long and difficult story to follow . (INSIDE LITTLE JOHNNY’S BEDROOM .- bed, wardrobe, table with toys on it and bedside table) MUM – Little Johnny It’s time to go to bed!!!! LITTLE JOHNNY – Ok, mum. I’ll do it in a minute!!! (LITTLE JOHNNY FALLS ASLEEP AND DREAMS) (A DULL LIGHT GETS NEARER AND NEARER LITTLE FAIRY – Hi! Little Johnny ..... LITTLE JOHNNY – HI! Who are you? LITTLE FAIRY –I’m the fairy Europe, I gave you the power of the seven steps. Get ready ! You are leaving for a very long journey around Europe. Italy is going to be the first country you’ll visit.... 35
  • 36. This is the mission you have been assigned to: you’ll have to visit six countries and gain seven values; in this way I’ll get brighter and brighter and every time you gain a value, you’ll find a small coloured cube in your pocket. I’ll be with you during the first trip. From then on, you’ll have to say the word EURO to call me out. LITTLE JOHNNY – But how am I going to travel around Europe? LITTLE FAIRY – With the power I gave you, you’ll just need to walk seven steps. GUIDE – Little Johnny did what the little fairy had told him and, as if by magic, he found himself in Italy. (INSIDE A PLAYGROUND) 1° BOY- Can I play with you? 2° BOY – No!!! I don’t want to play with you !!! Go away I don’t like you!!!! 1° BOY- Why? 2° BOY – Go away!!! Havent’t I just told you I don’t want to play with you? EUROPE- As far as I see these two boys are quarreling because of the different colour of their skin, You should help them to become friends! Say the following spell: (EUROPE WHISPERS THE FOLLOWING SPELL TO LITTLE JOHNNY) ‘We are exactly the same and for ever friends we’ll remain. Tolerance will help us, Hip Hip Hurrah!’ (THE TWO BOYS STOP QUARRELLING) 2° BOY – I’m so sorry ... come and play with me ... I’ve been a fool!!| 1° BOY – Hurrah!!! We’ll become friends then.!!! EUROPE- I’m gettino brighter and brighter!!! LITTLE JOHNNY – But what are these? (searching in his pocket) LITTLE FAIRY – These are the cubes you’ve earned: that of the brotherhood and the one of the tolerance !!!! Now we can leave for the following country!!! EUROPE – Little Johnny, make seven steps, so you can reach Portugal. (INSIDE THE DINING HALL laid table with family, father, mother, children around it) ANGRY FAMILY - we won’t invite a beggar to lunch. It’s a nonsense! LITTLE JOHNNY SEVEN STEPS – Euro!!!!! (EUROPE COMES FLYING) EUROPE – It’s beggars’ day today. Each family is supposed to invite a beggar for lunch but this family doesn’t agree with it.....Use this magic spell . LITTLE JOHNNY – In brotherhood we believe And all together we say it! (A BEGGAR WALKS ALONG an old man poorly dressed) FATHER – Good man come and have lunch with us, we have been so stupid thinking that this day was useless. EUROPE – Little Johnny look at me!!!! I’m getting brighter!!!! LITTLE JOHNNY- Yes, I can see it....and I’ve gained the cube of the brotherhood !!!! Now that I have learned we are all brothers I feel myself more self confident with everyone. Now I can walk seven steps to reach Lithuania. (LITTLE JOHNNY WALKS SEVEN STEPS) LITTLE JOHNNY (walks seven steps and finfs himself in a wood in Vilnius) (sign “welcome”) WOODMAN – We must cut those trees down. Come on. Hurry up.! LITTLE JOHNNY – (crossed) it’s a despicable deed...Euro!!!!) EUROPE – We must intervine. Those men are going to cut those trees down. Here is the magic spell. A little bit of environment corcern Would decrease the costs as well! 36
  • 37. EURO- Look at that tree, it’s amazing and it’s putting the woodmen to flight! WOODMAN 1- Heeeeeeelp! Oooooouch! WOODMAN 2 – Heeeeeelp! EURO – Hurrah!: I’m getting brighter! LITTLE JOHNNY – I’ve got the cube of environmentalism. Now we can leave for the following stop. LITTLE JOHNNY- (he walks seven steps and reaches Reikjavick) . I was reading the newspaper and I came by a terrible article “A theathre will be pulled down and a shopping centre will be built on its place “. I’ll go and ask for further information to the Fabbricony firm PRESIDENT MR FABBRICONY– What’s happened sir! LITTLE JOHNNY – Stop it! You can’t pull that theathre down! PRESIDENT MR FABBRICONY – That shopping centre will make us earn a lot of money.We won’t stop the project! LITTLE JOHNNY – Euro! EURO – Here is the magic spell you need. LITTLE JOHNNY – If you want culture to learn The monuments you have to respect PRESIDENT MR FABBRICONY – That theathre mustn’t be pulled down! We must stop the works! EURO- Hurrah! I’ m getting brighter! LITTLE JOHNNY – and I’ve gained the cube of culture! SET- Road sign with the word Ankara written on it and behind it two houses and one tree. GUIDE - Arrived in Turkey (Ankara) with seven steps Little Johnny strolls around the city. LITTLE JOHNNY- Wow, what a beautiful country! GUIDE – After having walked around he sees two hooked men who hold stiks in their hands, there are also ragged kids. LITTLE JOHNNY (shocked) What’s happening here? What are you doing? EXPLOITER1 - What we are doing here it’s none of your business! BOY- Help us please! We ‘re tired and hungry! LITTLE JOHNNY – (angry) Let them alone! EXPLOITER2 – You are not going to stop us . You brat! LITTLE JOHNNY – Yes, me and my friend Euro! SET – a light shines on the characters and Europe comes down from the sky: EURO –I’m here. What do you need? LITTLE JOHHNY – I need a help to persuade them to let the children free. EURO- Here is the magic spell: Children must be free and they mustn’t weave. They want to play and do not think about work. GUIDE – So the exploiters say EXPLOITERS – We are so sorry: We’ll immediately set the children free. (a light shines on Little Johnny’s pocket) LITTLE JOHNNY – and now I also have the cube of freedom. SET – a sign with the word Tallin written on it. Little Johnny is in a square where a military parade is going on. GUIDE – While he is walking he sees an old man without a leg and he says to him: LITTLE JOHNNY – Sir, what did it happen to you? MAN- (with tears in his eyes) You know boy, if war wouldn’t exist I still had a leg. MAN – But there are still men who think about the war. LITLLE JOHNNY – (moved) Euro! (a light appears) EURO – Don’t worry I already know how to sort it out. Here is the magic spell. 37
  • 38. You must learn pacifism. To avoid further wars and pain. So everyone will leave in freedom and life will be better. (pacifists walk by waving peace flags ) PACIFISTS- Stop the arms.! GUIDE – The parade scatters and Little Johnny earns the cube of pacifism. LITTLE JOHNNY – Wait ... .It’s seven o’clock! Hurrah! We’ve made it! EURO – Thanks for your help but now we have to say goodbye to each other. LITTLE JOHNNY – I’ll miss you! But I promise that I won’t never forget you and your values! EURO – Now it’s time to go back home (a light appears and Little Johnny finds himself at home). CLASSMATES – So is this the way the story ends? GUIDE – No, this is not the end, really. I’ll tell you the whole of it . (Inside Little Johnny’s house) LITTLE JOHNNY- Mum, I’m back! MUM – But you only slept for five minutes!!!!! (INSIDE LITTLE JOHNNY’S BEDROOM) LITTLE JOHNNY – But where’s Europe? (LITTLE JOHNNY LOOKS UNDER THE BED) (A FEEBLE VOICE COMES OUT OF THE WARDROBE) EUROPE – I’m here Little Johnny. EUROPE – (miserable) You’ve been very good at doing these missions, but from now on you have to manage on your own. I must go .... LITTLE JOHNNY – Where???!!! EUROPE – Dear Little Johnny, I must go and help other children. But remember ..every time you’ll need my help just have a look at the sky.I’ ll be the brightest star. (MASTRICHT MUSEUM OF VALUES) GUIDE – This is the way the story ends and every time Little Johnny has a look at the sky Europe is and will be there forever. It’s that star over there. (pointing to the map of the sky) CLASSMATE – but where are the cubes now? GUIDE – They are here in the museum, you know! Little Johnny himself took them here because if only one of them will get lost that value won’t exist anymore. CLASSMATE – If the cube of environmentalism would get lost, what did it happen then? GUIDE – All the woods will be cut down.!!! CLASSMATE – And if you would lose the one of pacifism? GUIDE – Perhaps wars will break out more and more frequently.! Nothing will keep its own balance! But luckily they are still here and they will be here forever. CLASSMATE – But where is Little Johnny? GUIDE – Little Johnny is me! TITLES- A star above and below a cloud shaped as Europe. 38
  • 39. JONUKAS IR SEPTYNI JO DRAUGAI Girdisi balsas: JONUKAS - Mamyte, panešiok mane! MOTULĖ neša Jonuką ir dainuoja lopšinę -Aa aa liūlia , kas tą pupą supa? Supa tėtis ir mama ir katytė murzina .... Vėl girdisi balsas: JONUKAS -Tėveli, panešiok mane! TĖVELIS neša Jonuką ir dainuoja lopšinę Vėl girdisi balsas: JONUKAS -Mamyte, panešiok mane! MOTULĖ -Jonuk,tu jau didelis ,gana mes tave prinešiojom, mums darbus nudirbti reikia… JONUKAS - Panešiok, panešiok, panešiok.... MOTULĖ - Eik pas juodąją tetulę, tegul ji tave nešioja… JONUKAS - Pas Juodąją tetulę? Ji mane panešios? TĖVELIAI - Panešios , panešios, ji visus panešioja… JONUKAS - Einu ieškoti Juodosios tetulės! MOTULĖ - Įsidėk duonytės į kelionę, Jonuk… JONUKAS iškeliauja. Susitinka mergaitę. 39
  • 40. - Kas tu toks ir kur keliauji,berniuk? JONUKAS - Aš esu Jonukas, keliauju pas juodąją tetulę.O kas tu ? ONYTĖ -Aš esu Onytė.Mergaitė lietuvaitė.Aš labai domiuosi savo kraštu, jo praeitimi, kultūra.Aš labai norėčiau turėti tokius rūbelius, kokius kadaise nešiojo lietuvės merginos. JONUKAS -Tai kodėl tau jų mama nenuperka? ONYTĖ -Tokių drabužių pirkti nebūna. Juos moka pagaminti tik labai išmintingos moterys.Gal tavo tetulė tai moka? JONUKAS - Nežinau, gal ir moka. Eime kartu ir sužinosim. ONYTĖ - Eime,dviese bus linksmiau. Vaikai prieina ŽALIĄJĮ KLONĮ. Skleidžiasi gėlės, čiulba paukščiai. Staiga atskrenda gandras. GANDRAS - Kas gi čia mano pievomis vaikštinėja? A, čia gi Jonukas ir Onytė. Kur gi išsiruošėte? JONUKAS -O iš kur tu mus pažįsti? Kas tu toks? ONYTĖ -Čia gandras, Jonuk. Jis Lietuvos nacionalinis paukštis. Na,kaip simbolis, supranti? JONUKAS -Šitą tai suprantu. Mano senelių kieme , medyje ,yra toks didelis gandralizdis. Senelis ten seną vežimo ratą užkėlė, kad gandrams būtų lengviau lizdą sukti. Tik niekaip nesuprantu, iš kur tu,gandre , žinai mano vardą? GANDRAS - O tu,Jonuk, nebeatsimeni, kad aš tave tėveliui ir mamytei atnešiau? ONYTĖ -O, Jonuk, aš žinau! Juk Lietuvoje gandrai vaikus neša! JONUKAS -Eik, tu , Onyte, šitos pasakos mažiems vaikams! GANDRAS -Vaikams, ar ne vaikams ,bet tave tai aš atnešiau! O jei tu manim netiki,tai aš einu geriau baloj pabraidysiu, varlių pasigaudysiu…Pavargau po tokios ilgos kelionės.. JONUKAS 40
  • 41. -Kokios kelionės? Kur tu buvai? GANDRAS -Afrikoj žiemojau. JONUKAS -Taip toli skridai? GANDRAS -O ką darysi? Čia man šalta, maisto nėra, visos varlės žiemą kažkur prapuola… Bet ne aš vienas skrendu į šiltuosius kraštus – ir žąsys, ir kregždutės, ir gulbės, ir vieversiai, ir varnėnai… JONUKAS -Tikrai, žiemą tik varnas mačiau, ONYTĖ -Dar žvirblių, zylių…Bet paukšteliai negieda, tylu žiemą… GANDRAS -O dabar, pavasarį, paukščiai grįžta, puola lizdus sukti - vaikelius perėti ruošiasi. ONYTĖ -Visur girdisi paukščių čiulbesys… Paklausyk, Jonuk, kaip pempė sveikina pavasarį. GANDRAS -O jūs man neatsakėt, kur keliaujat? JONUKAS -Mes einam pas juodąją tetulę. ONYTĖ -Kad patartų,kaip man tautinius rūbus įsigyti. JONUKAS -Ir kad panešiotų… GANDRAS -O paskraidyti nenori? JONUKAS -Na ne, gandre, neapgausi! Tu mane paimsi ir nuneši kokiems nors žmonėms, o tie paskui sakys, kad gandras jiems Jonuką atnešė! Aš savo tėvelių sūnelis, nors jiems jau ir atsibodo mane nešiot… Mes tave ,gandre, geriau duonyte pavaišinsime. .Mano mamytė pati kepė... GANDRAS -Ačiū ,vaikai. Jei jums manęs prireiks, tik pašvilpkite ir atlėksiu. Keliautojai eina žaliu kloniu ir prieina GĖLĖTĄJĄ PIEVĄ. Čia sutinka darbščiąją BITĘ. Jie išlaisvina bitę, ši atsidėkodama papasakoja apie gėles, apie medaus rūšis , naudą ir padovanoja jiems medaus korį ir parodo, kur auga nacionalinė lietuvių gėlė-rūta. Vaikai nupina Onytei rūtų vainikėlį. 41
  • 42. Paskui prieina ežerą ir randa ant kranto dūstančią ŽUVYTĘ. Vaikai įmeta žuvytę į vandenį . Ši papasakoja, kad Lietuvoje yra apie 3000 ežerų, kurie užima vos ne 1000 kv. km plotą, kad ežerai upėmis susisiekia net su Baltijos jūra, kurioje kažkada gintaro rūmuose gyveno deivė Jūratė, pamilusi mirtingąjį- žvejį Kastytį. Dievas Perkūnas užsirūstino ir sugriovė gintaro rūmus, nuskandino Kastytį. O Jūratės ašaros virto gintaru, kurį ir dabar Baltijos bangos išmeta į krantą... ŽUVYTĖ padovanoja vaikams gintaro gabalėlius, iš kurių Jonukas suveria Onytei karolius. Vaikai eina toliau. Ant jų užkrinta geltonas ąžuolo lapas. Jie pasiekia AUKSINĮ MIŠKĄ. Čia jie susipažįsta su VOVERYTE, padeda jai rinkti grybus, sužino, kad miške auga baravykai, raudonviršiai, lepšiai, voveraitės, ,kelmučiai, ūmėdės, kad labai gražus, bet nuodingas grybas yra musmirė. Miške Jonukas pamato beržus, uosius, liepas, alksnius, pušis, egles, ąžuolus. Sužino, kad senovėje ąžuolas buvo laikomas šventu medžiu. Miško pakraštyje jie susitinka VORĄ, kuris audžia tinklą tarp dviejų medžių, bet visi ,kas tik lekia pro šalį, voro tinklą suplėšo. Vaikai padeda išspręsti vorui jo problemą, o šis atsidėkodamas priaudžia plonų drobelių iš lininių siūlelių. Ausdamas papasakoja, koks svarbus senovėje buvo linas, lininio rankšluosčio burtų net velnias bijodavęs. Onytė patenkinta- ji jau turi lino audeklo, tereikia sukirpti ir drabužėlius pasiūti. Į pagalbą atlekia gandras su savo draugėmis , dangaus žirklėmis- kregždutėmis. Jos sukerpa sijonėlį, marškinius, prijuostę, visi drauge, pasiskolinę adatų iš ežio, pasiuva nuostabius tautinius lietuviškus rūbus. Onytė lydi Jonuką toliau- pas Juodąją tetulę. Jie prieina BALTĄJĄ LYGUMĄ ir sustoja pailsėti, duonos su medumi užvalgyti. Iš krūmokšnių išlenda alkanas VILKAS. Jis susidomi, kas čia taip kvepia? Vaikai duoda jam paragauti duonos. Vilkui patinka duona ir jis nusprendžia tapti vegetaru, pats kepti duoną. Jis susidomi, kaip ta duona gaminama. Išgirdęs visą ilgą duonos gimimo kelią, pilkis pakeičia nuomonę , vėl pasiskelbia esantis mėsėdis ir nudūlina į mišką gaudyti kiškių. Dar papasakoja vaikams ,kad miške ne jis vienas plėšrūnas gyvena. Pagaliau Jonukas suranda Juodąją tetulę. JUODOJI TETULĖ -Ką tu matei, pas mane eidamas? JONUKAS -Pirmiausia aš priėjau žalią klonį. JUODOJI TETULĖ -Tai buvo mano pavasaris, pavasaris... JONUKAS -Paskui aš mačiau gėlėtą pievą. JUODOJI TETULĖ -Tai mano vasara, vasara. JONUKAS -Paskui aš buvau auksiniame miške. JUODOJI TETULĖ -Tai buvo mano ruduo, ruduo...O ką dar matei? 42
  • 43. JONUKAS -Paskui ilsėjausi baltoje lygumoje. JUODOJI TETULĖ -Tai buvo mano žiema...žiema... O ką dar matei? JONUKAS -Aš priėjau mėlyną ežerą.. JUODOJI TETULĖ -Tai mano akys, akelės... O ko tu čia atėjai? JONUKAS -Noriu, kad mane panešiotum. JUODOJI TETULĖ -Jonuk, juk aš tave dieną vakarą, žiemą vasarą nešioju... Jau tūkstantį metų nepailsdama aš visus nešioju ir tūkstantį metų tuo pačiu vardu vadinuos. JONUKAS -Tai gal tu ne mano tetulė? JUODOJI TETULĖ -Aš tavo tetulė- gimtoji Lietuvos žemelė. 43
  • 44. Johnny‘s seven friends A voice is heard behind the screen. Johnny: Mummy! It’s me, baby bear. Bear me! Johnny’s mummy is singing a lullaby. Johnny’s mother: Aa-aa liūlia who surrounds my baby? You are surrounded by mummy, daddy and dirty kitty. The voice is heard again. Johnny: Daddy! Bear me! Johnny’s daddy is singing a lullaby. A voice is heard again. Johnny: Mum, bear me! Mummy: Johnny, you are too big now, we need to work. Johnny: Bear, bear me.... Mummy: Go to the Black gammer and let her carry you. Johnny: The Black gammer? Will she carry me? Daddy: Yes yes, she bears everybody. Johnny: I’m going to look for the Black gammer! Mummy: You have to take a little bite of bread for the journey, my dear Johnny. Johnny is ready for his big journey. He leaves his home. On the way he meets a girl. Girl: Who are you? Where are you going little boy? Johnny: I am looking for the Black gammer. Who are you? Ann: I am Ann. I am a Lithuanian girl. I am interested my country’s heritage and culture. I would like to have the old traditional clothes that the Lithuanian girls used to wear in the past. Johnny: Why don‘t you ask your mum to buy them? 44
  • 45. Ann: It is impossible to buy these clothes. Only the very old wise women are able to make them. Maybe your gammer can make them? Johnny: I don‘t know if she knows how to make them. Maybe, she can. Let‘s go together and we will ask her. Ann: Let‘s go together and have fun. The children go to the green valley. The flowers are blooming and the birds are singing. Suddenly a stork appears. Stork: How dare you walk in my meadow! Are you Johnny and Ann? Where are you going? Johnny: What is it? How does it know our names? Ann: It is a stork, Johnny. It is Lithuania’s national bird. Well, it’s a symbol. Did you know that? Johnny: Of course I did. There’s a large nest in my grandparent’s yard. Grandpa put an old carriage circle on a tree to make it easier for the stork to make its nest. I just don’t understand how it knows my name? Stork: Don’t you remember Johnny? I took you to your parents when you were born. Ann: Oh Johnny! Don’t you know that storks bring babies to Lithuania! Johnny: Come on Ann, that’s a fairy tale for small children! Stork: Whether it’s a fairy tale for children or not that’s up to you. I just know that I brought you to your parents. If you don’t believe me well that’s too bad. I’m going to wonder in the swamp and hunt for some frogs. I am so tired after such a long journey. Johnny: Wait! Where have you been? How did you travel? Stork: I went to Africa for the winter. Johnny: Did you fly so far away? Stork: Of course! I have to do it. In winter it’s cold, there is no food, the frogs disappear…but I don’t fly alone to the south. Other birds fly with me, like the geese, the swallow, the swans, the lark, and the starling. Johnny: Right, that’s why I only saw the crows in winter. Ann: The sparrows, the tomtits are there too. But the birds are silent in winter. Stork: It’s spring now so the birds have returned. They’re making their nests and they‘re going to breed soon. 45