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Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
HHooww ccaann wwee aattttaaiinn tthhee ttaarrggeett ooff nneeaarr zzeerroo aacccciiddeenntt//iinncciiddeennttss,,
MMiinniimmuumm iinnssuurraannccee ccoossttss aanndd ggoooodd eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall mmaannuuffaaccttuurree
ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee aanndd MMaaxxiimmuumm PPRR iimmaaggiinnaabbllee vvaalluueess ffoorr BBaallll PPaacckkaaggiinngg
EEuurrooppee ((BBPPEE))??
HHooww mmaannyy aacccciiddeennttss//iinncciiddeennttss ccaann ooccccuurr??
HHooww mmuucchh mmoonneeyy ddooeess BBPPEE OOssss BB..VV wwaassttee ffoorr iinnssuurraannccee ccoossttss dduuee ttoo tthhee
ddaammaaggee ooff aacccciiddeenntt ooccccuurrrriinngg ffrroomm llaasstt 1100 yyeeaarrss uunnttiill nnooww??
HHooww ccaann wwee pprroodduuccee wwiitthh mmiinniimmaall eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iinntteerrnnaall && eexxtteerrnnaall eeffffeeccttss??
HHooww ccaann wwee ccrreeaattee mmaaxxiimmuumm tthhee PPRR iimmaaggiinnaabbllee vvaalluueess ffoorr BBPPEE??
IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn CCoonnttaacctt
MMeennttoorr:: HHaannss VVaann DDeenn HHeeuuiijj
CCoommppaannyy CCooaacchh:: HHaann FFlluuiitt
SSttuuddeenntt:: JJoohhnn HHuuyynnhh
SSttuuddeenntt NNuummbbeerr:: 3388001144550033
AAdddd:: PPaarraalllleellwweegg 11,, NNLL--55334499 AADD OOssss,, NNLL
DDaattee:: 0011--0044--22000099
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Nowadays, accident and incident is the big problem with operational manufacture
lines, especially it is more responsibilities than with multinational company such
as Ball Packaging Europe.
In BPE, Health and Safety is top number one among of top-five list such as:
efficiency, quality, spoiled and cost.
Appreciating with the important level of H&S, we always keep going on to make
surveillance and analysis to find out the proper solutions for control of hazard.
This internship in BPE, I am starting project risk management and working upon
to ISO STANDARD 18001:2007(an international H&S standard written by UK
organization) that be worked parallel to ISO 14001 environments, ISO 9000
Working with this project, I also have training in risk management BPE; meeting
with top management every morning to keep on eye the process of performance,
interview with employees in the line to receive their feedbacks then making
analysis, give the corrective action program and evaluation of results of
performance .
To complete project successfully, I really want to give my special thanks to:
 All employees, they are very friendly to corporate with me in
 My company’s coach , Hans fluit coordinator in H&S who is
very sincerely and kindly to help me all during I am doing
 My colleges, Team leaders who is very friendly and corporate
to share their skill and experience for me.
 Mentor, Hans van Denheuij who helped me kindly in
completing my graduation project successfully.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Executive Summarize:
Ball Packaging Europe (BPE) is one of the leading beverage can producers in
Europe. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Ball Corporation, an international producer
of high quality packaging, Ball Packaging Europe reported turnover of EUR 1.3
billion in 2008 with 2,900 employees.
Twelve production plants situated in close proximity to clients in Germany,
France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands (located in Oss city), Poland and
Serbia ensure that the company has extensive presence both in the traditional
core markets of Western Europe and also in the significant growth regions of
eastern and southern Europe.
Ensuring operational manufacture line is going well from different local areas all
over the world, annual year BPE faced with many problems about H&S of all
employees and hardly protecting them far away from incident, accident in the
BPE must adhere well to the regulations, procedures and constitutions about
H&S for employees in local governments. And take care that is lowest incident,
accident in line during year working.
According to the accident statistics report of H&S Department in BPE, annually in
average there are about 58 to 110 accidents and more than 213 incidents in Ball
Packaging Europe (BPE). These damages leaded to BPE had been spent a
huge of insurance cost to set up again the mechanical systems and medical
treatment of employees. In averagely these figures are about 3,896 million of
dollars annual year, separately in Oss plant that amount is about more than 0,52
M Dollars yearly ,(More detail about insurance costs please see in the chapter
2/2.2Total accidents, incidents during last 10 yrs and chapter 5/achieved results
and attachment ).
This time, doing internship in Risk management of H&S department in BPE Oss
B.V, I realized this hot problem and chose it is my graduation report.
The proposal research question is made: “How can we attain the target of near
zero accident/incidents, Minimum insurance costs and good environmental
manufacture performance and Maximum PR imaginable values for Ball
Packaging Europe (BPE)?
Upon to the full meaning of above proposal research question, it can be
understood simply as “how can we control incident, accident decline to near zero
in workplace?”
To answer this hard question fully, clearly and strategically, I have to spend four
weeks to think how to work with this. I took a step to read a lot of books of other
authors in risk management. I have the reference from different ideas of my
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
colleges, take a short term training course, and use data in SAP network (system
analysis program) to investigate accidents, incidents from all operational
manufacture lines worldwide in Ball Corp. I always keep my eyes to look how
people working in the line, how machinery system working, interview with
workers from the line and attend the meeting from 9:00 in the morning daily to
keep the progress of the performance and report it to planning management
team .
In conclusion, how can accident, incident be solved?
Basically there are 5 steps in risk management to find out the solution for
accident, incident measurement.
11.. HHaazzaarrdd iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn
22.. RRiisskk aasssseessssmmeenntt
33.. DDeetteerrmmiinnee ccoorrrreeccttiivvee aaccttiioonnss
44.. EExxeeccuuttiioonn ooff AAccttiioonnss
55.. RRiisskk eevvaalluuaattiioonn
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Above each step, I have to use Matrix model to calculate level of hazard and
immediately to give the proper solution. We can say this is the most important
and flexible method to measure risk among of other ways.
BPE Risk
Evaluation Matrix
Likelihood of occurrence
1 2 3 4 5
1 1 2 3 4 5
2 2 4 6 8 10
3 3 6 9 12 15
4 4 8 12 16 20
5 5 10 15 20 25
1 – 8. LOW
9 – 15. MEDIUM
16 – 25. HIGH
And here is the following solution that can be applicable in measurement of
 BBS (based behavior safety) observation
 Regulations, procedures that force to be applicable in ISO
Standard 18001:2007
 Risk management JSA (job safety analysis)
 Training for skills and awareness of employees
 PPE using (personnel protection equipment)
 SAP Network to record accidents, incidents and using for
reference in BPE worldwide
In the end, I already make up a developing corrective acting programs that
should be kept developing more in the future. Moreover, I also have my special
advice in H&S that can be used for innovation and application prospectively in
(Please see my conclusion for clear detail)
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Table of Content
Preface…………….. …………………….………………………………………2
Executive Summarize…………….……………………………………………..3
Chapter 1: Introduction ……………………………………….………….…..7
1.1 Imaginable PR values of BPE. ……………………….…………….7
1.2 Problems occurred due to unsafely work ……………….………...8
1.3 Mission of Health and Safety …………………………….………....8
1.4 Objectives ………………………….................................................9
Chapter 2: Literature Review Literature Review ………………………...10
2.1 Introduction …………………………………………………….…....10
2.2 History of accidents, incident during last 10 yrs………….……....11
2.3 Reasons and Results of Accidents / Incidents……………….…..12
2.4 Power of Government’s intervention ………………………..….....13
Chapter 3: Methodology ………………………………………….……......14
3.1 Introduction ……………………..……………………………….…..14
3.2 Analysis Causes & Effects of Incidents/Accidents……………....15
3.3 Solutions ………………………………………………………….…17
3.3.1 ISO STANDARD 18001:2007…………………….…...17
3.3.2 BBS Observation …………………………………….....19
3.3.3 Risk Management………………………………….…...21
3.3.4 Training ………………………………….…………… ...24
3.3.5 PPE……………………………………….……………....27
Chapter 4: Recommendation……………………………………………......28
Chapter 5: Achieved Results & Conclusion ……………….……….……...30
Reference ……………………………………………………….……………….37
Appendix ……………………………………………………….……………...…38
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Chapter 1: Introduction
Ball Corporation is committed to the health, safety and welfare of its employees.
We strive to make all the rules of life in the countries where we operate. Our
efforts are going beyond compliance with regulations alone. The health and
safety of each member of Ball Corporation have priority in all our work. The
management is responsible and accountable for the security work to prevent
disease and injury at work in our businesses is conducted in accordance with our
objectives in the field of social security.
For achieving the objectives of occupational Ball Corporation is the commitment
of management and the active participation of all employees is necessary. All
employees are expected to make their own health and safety observance, as
well as the health and safety of others whom their acts or omissions may affect.
The continuous improvement of occupational safety is achieved, documented,
maintained and evaluated.
For Ball Corporation's sustainable focus on care for its employees and the
community it is necessary that each of us actively contributes to improving the
health and safety. Our long term goal is "zero" accidents.
1.1 Imaginable PR values of Ball Packaging Europe (BPE) due
To good risk management:
Ball Corporation’s sustainability focus to care for employees and communities
requires that each of them be proactive in enhancing employee health and
safety. Zero accidents are the long-term goal. Building an urgent network H&S
from European Union which is always in ready condition to help and solve
problem of H&S of employees and to Sponsoring good quality of products,
protecting healthy of customers , achieved loyal product using of customer in
long term .
Systematical development of a consistent, concise company image with a public-
and internal perception – Corporate identity with its Health and safety to sponsor
that BPE is not only premium services, good products but also building up
successfully its brand name `s reputation to customers in long term and achieved
the credits with external stakeholders .
Please see the attachment: chapter 1/ 1.1/page 7, page 8 /procedure Award
of Excellence
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
1.2 Problems occurred due to unsafe behavior of employees?
More than 85% of all accidents are caused by unsafe behavior. For BBS (based
behavior safety), the accidents of the past three years inventoried. Many of the
accidents were the employees are not aware of the risks they ran. It claimed an
unsafe action. Unconsciously and with all good intentions:
=> Year 2006: 89.3% (unawareness of workers in H&S)
=> Year 2007: 85.0%
=> Year 2008: 81.3%
Can these accidents be prevented?
Yes, if one is aware of the risks and take into account many accidents can be
avoided. Attentions to the work, to follow the proper procedures, use the right
tools and protective equipment and a tidy, concise work are the basis for a safe
working environment.
BBS is one of the important management tools of risk management for a culture
change to achieve. This makes security a part of our routine that we shared with
each other and display a pro-active environment in which accidents to minimum.
Safety is aware of acceptable risks
Conduct of staff plays a major role when it comes to security. For the right to
develop is also timed. With the aim that the number of accidents each year
between 10-25% declines may indicate that within a few years we want to and
where we are today.
1.3 Mission of Health and Safety
 Creating a safe environment for our employees, visitors and motivating
our employees. Health and Safety of each individual is of paramount
importance in the conduct of our business.
 Management is responsible and held accountable for ensuring the
means and methods for managing the risks inherent in our operations to
prevent occupational injuries and disease
 We continuously distinguish ourselves by exceeding the required local
Health and Safety expectations and permanently adding value to the health
and wellbeing of our employees.
 Achieving the credits in H&S of the customer value in long term.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
1.4 Objectives
 Zero Accident approach supported by OHSAS (Occupational Health
and Safety Assessment Series ) 18001 implementation
 Commit ourselves as a responsible member of society to act to ensure
a safe working environment and the development of our employees work.
 Ensuring that health and safety practices are adopted in our
operations to prevent illness and occupational injuries in line with our
social sustainability goals.
 Making sure that everyone be proactive in health and safety
To achieve the strategic targets, close co-operation between all manufacturing
functions is imperative:
Monthly conference call
Key performance
Accident/incident statics
H&S policy
Risk assessment
Legal requirements
Measurable objectives
for all functions
Human resource
Director & Manager of
Plant management
Directives and
Relevant sate regulations
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction:
During working, I have used some books and authors which very famous that
help me very much in this report to conference and posting the audits such as
Heninrich`s Domino theory, Peter d.wickens, kiyoshi suzaki , W. Edwards
Deming , regulations and knowledges of ISO 18001 …..Etc but the most of
important author who I usually have conference is Henrinrich with Domino `s
Nowadays this theory step by step updates and develops with many scopes that
are very effective and convenient for risk management.
(Please keep your eyes on my attachment `s address: chapter 2/2.1 intro/
page 12/Summary the Heinrich’s)
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
2.2 History of total accidents, incidents during last 10 yrs
According to the statistics of data record system H&S in BPE, averagely there
are more than 85% of accidents/incidents that occurred annually due to unsafely
behavior in working and here is the following more detail statistic numbers:
 75 to 100 fatal accidents
 Hospitalization and /or permanent injury about 200,000 small accidents
which is 80,000 injury
Up to 3000 reporting and surveillance about probability of accident occur:
Among of ± 7,500,000 workforce, 1 in the ± 35 persons annually an accident
That wasted a lot of money maybe up to hundreds thousands to million Dollars
and other damages for BPE.
(For more detail please keep your eyes on my attachment `s address:
 chapter 2/2.2/ page 14/Safety is aware of acceptable risks
 chapter 2/2.2/ page 15/Costs & benefits /A. cost accident last 10 yrs
 chapter 2/2.2/ page 16/Costs and benefits /B. costs
 chapter 2/2.2/ page 17/Costs and benefits /C. saving
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
2.3 Reasons and Results of Accidents / Incidents
2.3.1 Reasons of Accident/incident
 Almost equally rapidly , not proactive in task
 No PPE Any deviation from procedures
 Not the right resources
 Order and cleanliness inadequate
 Hurry, do quickly with the result
 Insufficient attention to the work
 They don’t think accident will come to them, it comes to other people
2.3.2 Results of Accident/incident
According to the Knowledge’s data base from Health and safety of Ball
Packaging Europe Corporation about monthly statistics for all injury types, body
parts and work areas that occurs accidents and incidents in the line. Here is the
following statistics numbers report about results of accident occurred which I
already described very detailed by graph and it is explained clearly the level of
each accident, incident that I attached with address following:
Attachment `s address: chapter 2/2.3.2/ page 19 page 20, page 21/Results
of accident/incident
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
2.4 Power of Government’s Intervention
Most of the operational manufacture lines in EU especially in Netherland together
have Labour inspection organization which is established by government and
working legally paralleled within those lines to fulfil their responsibilities and
creating, maintaining H&S working conditions for employers and employees.
In Netherland, it is called by the name Arbeidsinpectie .The Dutch Safety and
Health Act (Arbowet) contains a code of conduct for safety & health policy and
the Working Hours Act (Arbeidstijdenwet) forms a statutory framework for
working hours. The Labor Inspectorate ensures compliance with the legislation. A
number of financial measures have been implemented to reward good conduct
and to penalize bad practices. Besides that, the Ministry encourages executives
and workers to cooperate and take an active role. The Ministry also encourages
all parties involved to actively increase expertise.
When there is accident that damage highly to the people and make them lost
their works to stay in hospital more than 24 hours or even laceration , wound to
the body of employees then immediately that organization force the line to stop
running and they send the experts to investigate accident .
Or when there are some incidents are very dangerous that can be damage to
H&S of employees, environment then they also force stopping the line upon to
the obligations are defined in particular by the Civil Code and the Arbowet ,
Article 7:658 . This article was introduced in April 1, 1997. It replaced the older
Article 7A: 1638x BW until the incidents is solved.
(More details about rules and regulations please have your reading to website: and my
Attachment: Chapter 2/2.4/page 23, 24, 25/statutory duties in relation to
Healthy and Safety)
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Introduction
Working with this project, I have used many methods, guidelines and training
from BPE event making interview directly face by face with my colleges who are
very corporately and kindly to help me to full fill my knowledge.
Moreover , my company `s coach who is very proactive to help me all guideline
and send me to go to many departments in BPE to have training and reference
the knowledge and sharing experience , skills in Risk management .
In BPE, I always working actively in the performance and treated such as a staff
employee by Ball even I usually sent to ball school in quarterly of year to have
training with many ways to make sure that I sufficient skills in Risk management
to working the performance efficiently .
Team group working is the effective method that also is the habit in BPE. In the
early morning, we always have meeting to report the problem and receive the
ideas to find out the proper solutions.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
3.2 Analysis the causes and effects of incidents/accidents
If accidents/incidents had occurred or we had been in poor environment then
what did happen in the past about causes and effects?
Causes Effects
AAppppeeaarr wwhheenn
AAcccciiddeenntt //
iinncciiddeenntt ooccccuurr
In the line
Wrong doing , failed in
Expenditures for recovery
a new program in safety
working system, poor
housekeeping in the line
or bad transport cans due
to increasing spoilages.
Not adhere to the
procedures well, wrong
doing, working a lone,
working distraction, all
due to accident occur.
Insufficient labour force to
operate system due to
incomplete the
performance, incidents in
transports occur, high
Failed management
Costs increase
Labour force decrease
Failed deliver cans on
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
ooccccuurr dduuee ttoo
In the
Cans are not enough
standard, bad scrapper,
cans in bad hygiene due
to poor housekeeping.
Costs increase, high
customer complaints, bad
quality, poor environment
due to decreasing
stockholder values.
Poor housekeeping, high
spoilage cans, bad
transport input/output,
high ink substances,
changing labels, cans in
bad hygiene, technical
incidents in mechanical
Poor environment, many
accident which directly
affected to the healthy
and safety of employees
and local people.
Customer complaints
due to the loose
customers for long
Stockholder values
Bad quality due to
loose customers ,
weakness in
Responsibility in law
due to stop running the
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
3.3 Solutions
3.3.1 ISO Standard 18001:2007
OHSAS 18001 is a Health and Safety management system with British standards
classification. OHSAS stands for ‘Occupational Health & Safety Assessment
System’, it is the benchmark that all Ball Packaging plants in Europe are
committed to achieving.
There are now a total of 192 standard risk assessments under 94 headings with
over 600 PM&R RA’s being written as well as our COSHH RA’s being reviewed!
OHSAS 18001 Front page procedures which Provides the legal compliant
framework for Health and Safety management .
Standard Risk Assessments
Certification to OHSAS 18001 demonstrates a company's commitment to a safer
working environment and for the protection of employees against injury at work
Certification should assist in organisations saving money and maintaining a good
reputation. Certification also provides a platform for attracting lower insurance
Premiums, developed to be compatible with the ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO
14001 (Environmental) management systems standards. Ensuring legal and
regulatory compliance .
The company should establish and maintains a management system that
conforms to all of the requirements of OHSAS 18001. This should also assist the
organization in the meeting every morning which is appliance legal or other
OH&S regulations. The level of detail and complexity of the OH&S management
system, the extent of documentation and the resources devoted to it are
dependent on the size of an organization and the nature of its activities.
So that up to the issues , regulations, policies , terms in ISO STANDARD
18001:2007 , all of workers , management team from all departments in the plant
must adhere well seriously , proactive in their H&S and working connection
together systematically ,pay attention more to performance , ensure that running
machines is safety and healthy environment around the line.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Planning for Hazard identification
 Policy: put into practice
 Audit: assess and review on a regular basis the effectiveness of the policy in
the regular meeting
 Implementation and operation: consult increase employee’s awareness of the
OH&S, Economic, and Financial requirements on the Company and report
any significant changes which may occur.
 Feedback from measuring performance: improve the flow of information and
feedback as a means of discussion with, and feedback from employees.
Here is the summarizing of Solution ISO STANDARD 18001:2007
1. Duty people who got authority to make accident Monitor that the scheduled
actions have been completed investigation
2. Root causes of accidents
 Material
 Environment
 Personnel
 Management
3. Steps to investigate
4. How to collect the facts of accident, incident
 Injured workers
 Record of accidents on KDB (knowledge’s data base ) of BPE`s network
 Physical evidence
 Eyewitness accounts
 Interview with people to investigate
For more detail about my solution ISO STANDARD 18001:2007 please keep
you’re into my Attachment: chapter 3/3.3.1/ISO Standard 18001:2007/page31 to
page 46
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
3.3.2 BBS Observation
Ball Packaging Europe Oss (Oss BPE) is a production company. All employees
are focused on making products that are safety often lose sight. Often this
happens unconsciously and with all good intentions. More than 80% of accidents
in BPE Oss can be back in the unsafe behavior of workers. These accidents are
preventable. Through Risk management should increase the awareness on
safety and safe behavior is a matter of course. This will ultimately reduce the
number of accidents.
1. Identifies the behavior accidents may occur
BBS is a system based on safe behavior. Through observations of work makes
safety negotiable and we collect data on behavior.
With BBS, we incidents / injuries on the workplace safety to be a part of our daily
routine .Unlike traditional security, which focuses on accident reduction, BBS is a
systematic approach.
2. Encourages this behavior by motivational feedback
3. Meet safely to prevent accidents and unsafe behavior to predict and prevent.
Traditional vs. Security
Most current efforts in the field of security will take place after an accident has
occurred. At that time, actions to prevent such an accident in the future . This is
re-active security. That's not the best approach. BBS is an approach to pro-active
way to show risky behavior and increase awareness so that this risky behavior
change and the likelihood of accidents decrease.
In other words, BBS focuses on accident prevention.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Benefits of BBS
 Goes beyond regulatory requirements
 Identifies accidents before they occur
 Provides pro-active measurement data
 Targets unsafe acts/behaviors
 Allows for positive safety dialogue
BBS Observation Program
Observe → Act → Reinforce → Talk → Report
 Personal Protective Equipment
 Good Housekeeping
 Use Of Tools & Body Position
 Use Of Equipment
 Access To Machinery
 Reactions/Positions of People
 Housekeeping
 Procedures
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
3.3.3 Risk management
Risk assessment is a process of identifying hazards and determining their
associated risks. In practice, a risk assessment in the workplace is an
examination of what could cause harm to people in that particular environment.
The outcome is an action plan which helps employers to focus attention on
reducing risks where it is needed and to prioritize any action to safeguard against
harm occurring to people.
An improvement cycle
Risk assessment in practice is a continual cycle of improvement. The workplace
and what goes on there continually changes, and so too should the risk
assessment. The diagram below shows that change, review and action to reduce
risks are all key stages in the risk assessment process. This continual cycle
helps to ensure that health and safety standards are kept high.
Finally, there are five generally recognized steps to completing a risk
assessment. These five steps can be used as a guide to help you think about the
areas which you're required - by law - to cover in a risk assessment.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Working the five steps will involve some careful preparation, the process of
actually assessing the risks and then taking action to reduce risks. In order to
properly complete the steps, risk assessors need to have a good knowledge of
the business, the workforce and activities going on.
So basically, there are five steps to measure accident, incident:
Step 1 Identify the hazards
Spot hazards by:
 walking around the workplace
 asking employees what they think
 calling the Workplace H&S Connect
 Advice line or visiting website of expert
 checking manufacturers’ instructions;
 Checking accidents, incidents on SAP Network to have update accident
from other lines on the world for reference.
 Keep in mind long-term health hazards
Step 2 Decide who could be harmed and how
 Identify groups of people. Remember:
I. Some workers have particular needs
II. People who may not be in the workplace all the time
III. Members of the public
 If we share our workplace think about how our work affects others present
 Always say hoe the hazard could cause harm
Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
 What are we already doing?
 List what is already in place to reduce the likelihood of harm or make any
harm less serious
 What further action is necessary?
We need to make sure that we have reduced risks so far as is reasonably
practicable’. An easy way of doing this is to compare what you are already doing
with good practice. If there is a difference, list what needs to be done.
Step 4 Record your findings and implement them
How will we put the assessment into action?
Remember to priorities. Deal with those hazards that are high-risk and have
serious consequences first.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Step 5 Review the assessment and update if necessary
 Review our assessment to make sure we are still improving, or at least not
sliding back.
 If there is a significant change in the workplace, remember to check our
risk assessment and where necessary, amend it.
Please keep your eye to see the explanation of each step of risk management in
my attachment: Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/ page 51/ 56
Supportive Toolkit Management
Risk Management Toolkit provides a wealth of information and many tools for
management. Quickly accessible, this extensive Toolkit offers practical
assistance for many risk management needs.
Please see my attachment: Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/Supportive
toolkit management/ page 58
And: Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/information
Information and tools/page 59, 60, 61
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
3.3.4 Training And Development Programs
In this chapter, I had references in many famous books such as “principles of
HMR” Dessler, Kiyoshi Suzuki with “The new manufacture challenge”.
Guest,D.R.Pecci & P.Rosenthal with management training and development and
career success in K.Bradley “people and performance” . Scholtes,P.R(1987) An
elaboration on Deming`s teaching on performance appraisal ….etc..
It is very important to build up foundation of acknowledge and it is also
definitions, principles that already has been used from long time until now.
As we can know training is the best important and a major part of the
responsibility to develop employees within BPE according to the need and
potential and to ensure appropriate succession planning as well as to serve the
short and long term staffing requirements of the company. Personnel’s H&S
development of each employee is a key responsibility of each manager within
We can say most of accidents, incidents that ever happened in the line due to
awareness and ignorance of employees. So the important thing in the mean time
is finding out the effective training programs for employees, help them
Awareness of H&S themselves and capacities in working performance effective.
People focus as one critical success factor
We want to meet current and future business needs through the ongoing
development of our knowledgably people. Motivation, communication and
satisfaction as well as health & safety are essential to maintaining an engaged
and challenged workforce.
All training needs should be agreed between employee and manager in the one
to one interview, during the process of annual review and reported the local HR
Employees interested in registering, training on my ball portal (Ball Packaging
Europe’s net work system) and interoffice mail or fax to local HR Department as
well as to the HR Office personnel.
There are some important main points which are really needed to focus on during
 Language of instruction
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Due to the fact that BPE employees are unified through the English language all
course offered as well as the provided material; will be in English
Therefore, fluently in English is extremely important and essential for successful
completion of the training.
Should fluency in English not be of the required standard, please contact your
local HR department to organize a similar training in the respective mother
tongue of the employee.
 Attendance /Punctuality
To stay reasonable, cancellations should be made at least one week in advance
 Dress code
The dress code during the training courses is casual.
Suggesting employees bring a jacket or sweater to class, Due to the large
amount of electronic equipment, temperature of our training rooms tends to be
 Individual and team skills
 Intercultural awareness training
 Intercultural skill training
 Seven habits of highly effective people
 Management and Leadership skills
 BPE leadership training
 Advanced leadership
 Technical skills
 PEP – audience oriented presentation methods
 Employee can school
 Project management
 Training Details
 Intercultural awareness training
 Intercultural skill training
 The seven Habits of highly effective people
 BPE leadership training
 Advanced leadership training
 Audience orientated presentation methods
 Presentations and group discussion
Please see my attachment: Chapter 3/3.3.4Training And Development
Programs/page 62 to 68
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Role of supervisors
As a supervisor, you have an important role to play in ensuring the health and
safety of people, in a number of ways:
o ensuring safe work practices are implemented;
o explaining their importance;
o setting a good example yourself;
o helping to promote a safety culture and;
o Rewarding safe behavior.
People may lack experience but it is still important to actively seek their views
and encourage their participation in safety matters. There should be
arrangements in place for young worker health and safety based on a risk
assessment. Measures need to be monitored to check they work as expected
and may need revision if there are any changes. So, it should be reported any
problems or changes, and encourage people to report any problems and
concerns too.
Exposes them to radiation;
o Involves extreme heat, noise or vibration;
o Involves risks that they are unlikely to recognize or avoid because
of their lack of experience or training or their insufficient attention to
Fact sheet ‘Protection for people in the workplace’ provides more details of task
and hours restrictions according to age, and special exceptions for vocational
training. If there are any doubt about the work of people, raise it with the
employer. Check national requirements.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
3.3.5 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)
As to the regulations and standards of European Union Health and safety
personnel protective equipment (PPE) is designed to protect employees from
serious workplace injuries or illness resulting from contact with chemical,
radiogical, physical , electrical , mechanical and other workplace hazards .
It is depending to style of business of manufactures line of its self business to
design the right PPE using for employees `s protection in work programs.
Especially, all PPE using in the line which is recognized and issued by the
standards of H&S of European Union
Upon to the regulations and standards in H&S of EU Labor of Department, Ball
Packaging Europe must supply safety protection equipments for employees in
the line sufficiently and it is basically including equipments as following as:
1 CEN/TC 79 Respiratory protective devices
2 CEN/TC/85 Eye protective equipment
3 CEN/TC/158 Head protection
4 CEN/TC/159 Hearing protectors
5 CEN/TC/160 Protection against falls from height working, safety belts
6 CEN/TC/161 Foot and leg protectors
7 CEN/TC/162 Safety Vis-jackets
(CEN/TC 79 to 162: regulations and standards about safety equipment of EU standards)
Let see more in my attachment: Chapter 3/3.3.5/page 36, 37 Work program
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Chapter 4: Recommendation
Developing corrective action programs in the future
To gain with the above objectives about H&S successfully in protection our
employees and customers out of incidents/accidents and especially protection
the brand name Ball Packaging Europe competitively of the leadership in
packaging industry in the worldwide
To sponsor that it is on safety running business in long term, we should keep
going to develop more H&S management programs in each local
manufacture line from BPE network over the world.
In the present, immediately we should develop projects about H&S and using
it such as manual risk control basically in the operating manufacture line:
 International ISO STADARD 18001:2007
 BBS observations
 Instructions , Guidelines, checklists
 JSA (job safety analysis in risk management , it is attached together
with this report about the “ Job Safety Analysis sheet form “)
FA: First Aid ….NM: Near Miss……NLT: None lost Time ….LT: Lost Time
Please see explanation more in attachment “BPE statistics report “
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
through plant
SOP`S in own
Comply with
requirement of
system is
designed for
this purpose
plants to set
BPE best
Make observers
accountable for
regular observing
Plant management
evolved in BBS
program by review
checklist by regular
base and assuring
checklist with
improvement safe
behavior. This
shows the success of
actions based on
structural unsafe
Check to
RA is
by means
of review
how safety
is managed
by means of
training and
how good
PPE rules
up in
with BPE
OHSAS 18001
system which is
based on BPE
best practice
is critical
PPE and
risks are
against the
PPE practice
Observation should
include verbal
feedback to
.outcome of this
plan be noted as
workers comment.
This is important
information to get
more understanding
about the actual
All working
areas should
……. And
nt training
All working
area’s should
covered by
RA in order to
have all
identified and
of PPE
Measure use
PPE through
use PPE
Make RA
within BPE.
This enables
exchange of
methods etc.
report in
with GRI
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Chapter 5: Achieved Results & Conclusion
If we check back the data numbers about accident, incident and H&S of labor force in
BPE last ten year, especially pointed years recently year 2006 to 2009 then we can
appreciate that accident and incident has been declined sharply.
In the meantime, we are in good progress, achieving success in many aspects, especially
in Healthy and Safety, setting up a safety operational manufacturing environment,
protection H&S of employees and customers in producing and using products.
That means we can save millions of Dollar insurance costs for Ball Corp, good top-
minder task in protecting H&S of employees; make sure that sponsoring enough Labor
force for Ball Corp about Skill and certification and over-matching with a higher
expectation standards of Department of Labor legally .
We are absolutely successful in building up best products, best premium services and best
safety using products can especially we are best efficiency in managing and measuring
with accident. That is also the important factor helped Ball to become a leadership in
Packaging industry and gained many excellence Awards.
Year 2009 Ball Packaging Europe has been chosen top-100 Corps on the world in H&S
and lowest accident in operational manufacture lines.
(Please have a look in my attachment)
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Primary Key Result
1. Accident, incident decreased sharply
A> Performance measure achieved :
 Protection H & S of employees
Results of Accident occured from 2006 - 2009
LT 35 22 15 3
NLT 35 40 25 7
2006 2007 2008 2009
As we can see , it is clear to appreciate that accident , incident already decreased
pointedly from 35 LT (lost time) and 35 NLT (none lost time) year 2006 to 3 LT and 7
NLT quarterly 2009 in BPE .
Please see explanation detail in attachment file: statistics Report 2006,2007,2008,2009.
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
 Decreasing insurance cost
(Unit of insurance cost; USDx10.000)
Results of Lost workdays & Insurance Costs from 2006-2009
92 58
2006 2007 2008 2009
Lost WorkDays
Insurance Cost
And above graph show that happy result for BPE to save a lot of money when from year
2006 Lost workdays was 779 correlative with 3 M USD insurance cost that made a huge
damage for Ball Corp and other bad things .
But if we keep seeing from years 2007, 2008 the data to be declined clearly and finally it
was temporally stop with 50 lost workdays and 0.58 M USD insurance cost in quarterly
It is success to gain that target due to we are in good using proper solutions in Risk
management control, working to procedures, innovation in performance skills, especially
we are in solidarity working and be proactive in each of our individual H&S.
So finally, it is all about insurance cost year 2006-2009 in BPE. Separately in BPE Oss
B.V, these figures had been declined happily from 0, 93 M Dollars in 2006 to 0, 61 M
Dollars in 2009 dramatically. Please have a look my attachment “statistics report” to see
more detail about insurance cost yearly, total accidents…etc…
Let see explanation detail in attachment file: statistics Report 2006,2007,2008,2009.
B> Goal:
Trying best to decline minimum accident, incident as we can
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
2. Training for performance skills & certification in employment
A> Performance measure achieved:
 Getting awareness of H&S of employees
As I already mentioned in chapter 3 and 4, it is about more than 80% the root of
causation of accident, incident that happened in the line due to people not awareness of
H&S. They never think that accident can be happen to anyone including themselves.
So in this part , it is time to train for people and guide them clear about characteristics of
level of risk in them everyday , help them skills to protect their life, concentration on
their working and remind them always be owner in their H&S.
 Percentage of trainees who full fill the skills, obtain
employment and increase labor force for company as well
as bring the benefits for each of individual participants
Training achived in H&S
181 192 200
42 57
23.20% 29.69% 41.50%
% of certification
Employment 181 192 200
Certification 42 57 83
% of
23.20% 29.69% 41.50%
2006 2007 2008
From 2006-2008, labor force has been increased pointedly, especially top management in
BPE recognized that the ignorance of know ledges of employees is the main factor lead
to fail in management because Awareness and skills , know ledges is the most important
thing to protect H&S of employees and running line safety . So we tried our best to
motivate and made chance for employees to working and training to get the license
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
B> Goal:
Keep going on to exceed requirements of regulations and standards of
Labor of department
3. Efficiency
A> Performance measure achieved:
Risk management achieved during working performance
Efficiency = Actual/Target (Unit= %)
The percentage of Efficiency in H&S that obtained measurement
75% 80% 83%
72% 75%80.0%
90.0% 90.4%
Target 75% 80% 83%
Actual 60% 72% 75%
Efficiency 80.0% 90.0% 90.4%
2006 2007 2008
Target: maximum output (working capacity of planning management team and
The adherence of employees about procedures in BPE)
Actual: total real output that obtained in H&S during working
As we can see on graph, it is absolutely change data during 2006 to 2008 (should be
mentioned 2009 but it is in progress to update the whole year).
Generally, the process is going well, it is developing in good tendency recently from
2006 to 2008 with 80.0% to 90.4% dramatically. But it is also hard to keep this statue in
the future if we are not motivated ourselves and awareness of everyone together with
solidarity spirit of all employees in BPE in performance.
C> Goal: Doing the thing right
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
It is very pleased when we take a look to see again all performance results achieved from
BPE in H&S of employees in the line recently last ten years.
Upon to the efforts and challenges of all workers and management team in BPE, we not
only met with standards and requirements in sponsoring H&S of employees but also
exceeded the great majority of customer’s standards, local Government’s regulations in
the line as well.
Moreover, it is not just temporally stop here but it will be kept going on to do the
research and find out more effective proper solutions which is not only protecting Ball’s
H&S of employees but also saving insurant costs for company, especially building up
BPE brand name successfully in customer’s eyes and keep the statue top-leadership in
packaging industry and top-100 Corps in Honor about lowest accident in operational
manufacture line.
Here are the following core strategic challenges to be kept in progress and more
development in the future for the accident, incident control:
 Proper management solution tool for controlling accident, incident in the line
 Training for performance skills & certification in employment Awareness of H&S
 Efficiency (Leading and Controlling the performance in H&S efficiently )
 Best Can in quality and safety H&S for customers using
 Increasing facilities , safety guards , equipments…etc… more safety and effective
using in performance
 Strictly adhere well to the procedures, always proactive in owner of H&S of each
individual of employees
 Working upon to the ISO STANDARD 18001:2007 , 14001 , 9000
 Keep developing BBS observation
 System analysis program Network (SAP NETWEAVER PORTAL)
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Special planning advice for development in the future
Workers Workers Workers
When Procedures about H&S be issued by top-man and H&S Department
Then immediately all other departments must be obeyed and work in order as following:
1) Acting: Top man and H&S making analysis risk then planning proper solution
and do it for trial and back up again to make sure before sending it to production
department. Finally, production department and team leaders forwarding to
workers from the line to obey and working strictly.
2) Discipline: in case if employees don’t obey procedures strictly then they will be
remarked with bad report into their profile.
Best practice is developed from PCDA model of W. Edwards Deming in H&S and
quality in operational manufacture line.
PCDA Model
Please have reference in website
Top management
H&S Department
Man .Team Man .Team Man .Team
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Some Regulations, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Occupational Safety and Health Sector:
European harmonized standards under the New Approach directives:
Kjeen.U.Boe, K.and Hagen, H.L (1997) Economic effects of implementation
internal control of healthy and safety, environment: A retrospective case study of
an aluminum plant.
Regulations, information guideline of ISO Standard 18001, 14001, 9000 in
knowledge data base in Ball Packaging Europe net work (internal staff employee
using only).
Heninrich`s Domino theory. Peter d.wickens with the ascendant organization.
The new manufacturing challenge of kiyoshi suzaki. W. Edwards Deming.
What`s new in motivation of Guest,D.(1984) with personnel management.
Guest,D.R.Pecci & P.Rosenthal with management training and development and
career success in K.Bradley “people and performance” .
Scholtes,P.R(1987) An elaboration on Deming`s teaching on performance
appraisal . Trade Union Congress (1994) with Human resource management
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY
Attachment’s Files:
Chapter 1/ 1.1/page 7, page 8 /procedure Award of Excellence
Chapter 2/2.1 intro/ page 12/Summary the Heinrich’s
Chapter 2/2.2/ page 14/Safety is aware of acceptable risks
Chapter 2/2.2/ page 15/Costs & benefits /A. cost accident last 10 yrs
Chapter 2/2.2/ page 16/Costs and benefits /B. costs
Chapter 2/2.2/ page 17/Costs and benefits /C. saving
Chapter 2/2.3.2/ page 19 page 20, page 21/Results of accident/incident
Chapter 2/2.4/page 23, 24, 25/statutory duties in relation to H & S
Chapter 3/3.3.1/ISO Standard 18001:2007/page31 to page 46
Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/ page 51 to page 56
Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/Supportive toolkit management/ page 58
Chapter 3/3.3.5/page 36, 37 Work program
Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/ page 51/ 56
Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/Information and tools/page 59, 60, 61
Chapter 3/3.3.4Training And Development Programs/page 62 to 68
President’s Safety Award. BPE Safety Statistics Report 2007, 2008, 2009.
Top 100 Best Corp Citizens 2009.
Research Report assessment form (be assessed by Mentor)
Company Coach Evaluation Form 2 (used after 6 month)
Internship Hour Declaration Form (it is filled by student signed by coach)
Final interview assessment form (to register result of final interview and
published in the course of the year).
Dissertation Graduation
Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY

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Graduation Thesis

  • 1. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 1 HHooww ccaann wwee aattttaaiinn tthhee ttaarrggeett ooff nneeaarr zzeerroo aacccciiddeenntt//iinncciiddeennttss,, MMiinniimmuumm iinnssuurraannccee ccoossttss aanndd ggoooodd eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall mmaannuuffaaccttuurree ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee aanndd MMaaxxiimmuumm PPRR iimmaaggiinnaabbllee vvaalluueess ffoorr BBaallll PPaacckkaaggiinngg EEuurrooppee ((BBPPEE))?? Sub-questions HHooww mmaannyy aacccciiddeennttss//iinncciiddeennttss ccaann ooccccuurr?? HHooww mmuucchh mmoonneeyy ddooeess BBPPEE OOssss BB..VV wwaassttee ffoorr iinnssuurraannccee ccoossttss dduuee ttoo tthhee ddaammaaggee ooff aacccciiddeenntt ooccccuurrrriinngg ffrroomm llaasstt 1100 yyeeaarrss uunnttiill nnooww?? HHooww ccaann wwee pprroodduuccee wwiitthh mmiinniimmaall eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iinntteerrnnaall && eexxtteerrnnaall eeffffeeccttss?? HHooww ccaann wwee ccrreeaattee mmaaxxiimmuumm tthhee PPRR iimmaaggiinnaabbllee vvaalluueess ffoorr BBPPEE?? IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn CCoonnttaacctt MMeennttoorr:: HHaannss VVaann DDeenn HHeeuuiijj CCoommppaannyy CCooaacchh:: HHaann FFlluuiitt SSttuuddeenntt:: JJoohhnn HHuuyynnhh SSttuuddeenntt NNuummbbeerr:: 3388001144550033 AAdddd:: PPaarraalllleellwweegg 11,, NNLL--55334499 AADD OOssss,, NNLL DDaattee:: 0011--0044--22000099
  • 2. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 2 Acknowledgements: Nowadays, accident and incident is the big problem with operational manufacture lines, especially it is more responsibilities than with multinational company such as Ball Packaging Europe. In BPE, Health and Safety is top number one among of top-five list such as: efficiency, quality, spoiled and cost. Appreciating with the important level of H&S, we always keep going on to make surveillance and analysis to find out the proper solutions for control of hazard. This internship in BPE, I am starting project risk management and working upon to ISO STANDARD 18001:2007(an international H&S standard written by UK organization) that be worked parallel to ISO 14001 environments, ISO 9000 quality. Working with this project, I also have training in risk management BPE; meeting with top management every morning to keep on eye the process of performance, interview with employees in the line to receive their feedbacks then making analysis, give the corrective action program and evaluation of results of performance . To complete project successfully, I really want to give my special thanks to:  All employees, they are very friendly to corporate with me in line  My company’s coach , Hans fluit coordinator in H&S who is very sincerely and kindly to help me all during I am doing project  My colleges, Team leaders who is very friendly and corporate to share their skill and experience for me.  Mentor, Hans van Denheuij who helped me kindly in completing my graduation project successfully.
  • 3. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 3 Executive Summarize: Ball Packaging Europe (BPE) is one of the leading beverage can producers in Europe. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Ball Corporation, an international producer of high quality packaging, Ball Packaging Europe reported turnover of EUR 1.3 billion in 2008 with 2,900 employees. Twelve production plants situated in close proximity to clients in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands (located in Oss city), Poland and Serbia ensure that the company has extensive presence both in the traditional core markets of Western Europe and also in the significant growth regions of eastern and southern Europe. Ensuring operational manufacture line is going well from different local areas all over the world, annual year BPE faced with many problems about H&S of all employees and hardly protecting them far away from incident, accident in the line. BPE must adhere well to the regulations, procedures and constitutions about H&S for employees in local governments. And take care that is lowest incident, accident in line during year working. According to the accident statistics report of H&S Department in BPE, annually in average there are about 58 to 110 accidents and more than 213 incidents in Ball Packaging Europe (BPE). These damages leaded to BPE had been spent a huge of insurance cost to set up again the mechanical systems and medical treatment of employees. In averagely these figures are about 3,896 million of dollars annual year, separately in Oss plant that amount is about more than 0,52 M Dollars yearly ,(More detail about insurance costs please see in the chapter 2/2.2Total accidents, incidents during last 10 yrs and chapter 5/achieved results and attachment ). This time, doing internship in Risk management of H&S department in BPE Oss B.V, I realized this hot problem and chose it is my graduation report. The proposal research question is made: “How can we attain the target of near zero accident/incidents, Minimum insurance costs and good environmental manufacture performance and Maximum PR imaginable values for Ball Packaging Europe (BPE)? Upon to the full meaning of above proposal research question, it can be understood simply as “how can we control incident, accident decline to near zero in workplace?” To answer this hard question fully, clearly and strategically, I have to spend four weeks to think how to work with this. I took a step to read a lot of books of other authors in risk management. I have the reference from different ideas of my
  • 4. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 4 colleges, take a short term training course, and use data in SAP network (system analysis program) to investigate accidents, incidents from all operational manufacture lines worldwide in Ball Corp. I always keep my eyes to look how people working in the line, how machinery system working, interview with workers from the line and attend the meeting from 9:00 in the morning daily to keep the progress of the performance and report it to planning management team . In conclusion, how can accident, incident be solved? Basically there are 5 steps in risk management to find out the solution for accident, incident measurement. 11.. HHaazzaarrdd iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn 22.. RRiisskk aasssseessssmmeenntt RRIISSKK MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT SSTTEEPPSS 33.. DDeetteerrmmiinnee ccoorrrreeccttiivvee aaccttiioonnss 44.. EExxeeccuuttiioonn ooff AAccttiioonnss 55.. RRiisskk eevvaalluuaattiioonn
  • 5. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 5 Above each step, I have to use Matrix model to calculate level of hazard and immediately to give the proper solution. We can say this is the most important and flexible method to measure risk among of other ways. CATEGORY CLASSIFICATION MATRIX RISK RATING BPE Risk Evaluation Matrix Likelihood of occurrence 1 2 3 4 5 Severity 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 4 6 8 10 3 3 6 9 12 15 4 4 8 12 16 20 5 5 10 15 20 25 1 – 8. LOW 9 – 15. MEDIUM 16 – 25. HIGH And here is the following solution that can be applicable in measurement of hazard:  BBS (based behavior safety) observation  Regulations, procedures that force to be applicable in ISO Standard 18001:2007  Risk management JSA (job safety analysis)  Training for skills and awareness of employees  PPE using (personnel protection equipment)  SAP Network to record accidents, incidents and using for reference in BPE worldwide In the end, I already make up a developing corrective acting programs that should be kept developing more in the future. Moreover, I also have my special advice in H&S that can be used for innovation and application prospectively in BPE. (Please see my conclusion for clear detail)
  • 6. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 6 Table of Content Preface…………….. …………………….………………………………………2 Executive Summarize…………….……………………………………………..3 Chapter 1: Introduction ……………………………………….………….…..7 1.1 Imaginable PR values of BPE. ……………………….…………….7 1.2 Problems occurred due to unsafely work ……………….………...8 1.3 Mission of Health and Safety …………………………….………....8 1.4 Objectives ………………………….................................................9 Chapter 2: Literature Review Literature Review ………………………...10 2.1 Introduction …………………………………………………….…....10 2.2 History of accidents, incident during last 10 yrs………….……....11 2.3 Reasons and Results of Accidents / Incidents……………….…..12 2.4 Power of Government’s intervention ………………………..….....13 Chapter 3: Methodology ………………………………………….……......14 3.1 Introduction ……………………..……………………………….…..14 3.2 Analysis Causes & Effects of Incidents/Accidents……………....15 3.3 Solutions ………………………………………………………….…17 3.3.1 ISO STANDARD 18001:2007…………………….…...17 3.3.2 BBS Observation …………………………………….....19 3.3.3 Risk Management………………………………….…...21 3.3.4 Training ………………………………….…………… ...24 3.3.5 PPE……………………………………….……………....27 Chapter 4: Recommendation……………………………………………......28 Chapter 5: Achieved Results & Conclusion ……………….……….……...30 Reference ……………………………………………………….……………….37 Appendix ……………………………………………………….……………...…38
  • 7. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 7 Chapter 1: Introduction Ball Corporation is committed to the health, safety and welfare of its employees. We strive to make all the rules of life in the countries where we operate. Our efforts are going beyond compliance with regulations alone. The health and safety of each member of Ball Corporation have priority in all our work. The management is responsible and accountable for the security work to prevent disease and injury at work in our businesses is conducted in accordance with our objectives in the field of social security. For achieving the objectives of occupational Ball Corporation is the commitment of management and the active participation of all employees is necessary. All employees are expected to make their own health and safety observance, as well as the health and safety of others whom their acts or omissions may affect. The continuous improvement of occupational safety is achieved, documented, maintained and evaluated. For Ball Corporation's sustainable focus on care for its employees and the community it is necessary that each of us actively contributes to improving the health and safety. Our long term goal is "zero" accidents. 1.1 Imaginable PR values of Ball Packaging Europe (BPE) due To good risk management: Ball Corporation’s sustainability focus to care for employees and communities requires that each of them be proactive in enhancing employee health and safety. Zero accidents are the long-term goal. Building an urgent network H&S from European Union which is always in ready condition to help and solve problem of H&S of employees and to Sponsoring good quality of products, protecting healthy of customers , achieved loyal product using of customer in long term . Systematical development of a consistent, concise company image with a public- and internal perception – Corporate identity with its Health and safety to sponsor that BPE is not only premium services, good products but also building up successfully its brand name `s reputation to customers in long term and achieved the credits with external stakeholders . Please see the attachment: chapter 1/ 1.1/page 7, page 8 /procedure Award of Excellence
  • 8. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 8 1.2 Problems occurred due to unsafe behavior of employees? More than 85% of all accidents are caused by unsafe behavior. For BBS (based behavior safety), the accidents of the past three years inventoried. Many of the accidents were the employees are not aware of the risks they ran. It claimed an unsafe action. Unconsciously and with all good intentions: => Year 2006: 89.3% (unawareness of workers in H&S) => Year 2007: 85.0% => Year 2008: 81.3% Can these accidents be prevented? Yes, if one is aware of the risks and take into account many accidents can be avoided. Attentions to the work, to follow the proper procedures, use the right tools and protective equipment and a tidy, concise work are the basis for a safe working environment. BBS is one of the important management tools of risk management for a culture change to achieve. This makes security a part of our routine that we shared with each other and display a pro-active environment in which accidents to minimum. Safety is aware of acceptable risks Conduct of staff plays a major role when it comes to security. For the right to develop is also timed. With the aim that the number of accidents each year between 10-25% declines may indicate that within a few years we want to and where we are today. 1.3 Mission of Health and Safety  Creating a safe environment for our employees, visitors and motivating our employees. Health and Safety of each individual is of paramount importance in the conduct of our business.  Management is responsible and held accountable for ensuring the means and methods for managing the risks inherent in our operations to prevent occupational injuries and disease  We continuously distinguish ourselves by exceeding the required local Health and Safety expectations and permanently adding value to the health and wellbeing of our employees.  Achieving the credits in H&S of the customer value in long term.
  • 9. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 9 1.4 Objectives  Zero Accident approach supported by OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series ) 18001 implementation  Commit ourselves as a responsible member of society to act to ensure a safe working environment and the development of our employees work.  Ensuring that health and safety practices are adopted in our operations to prevent illness and occupational injuries in line with our social sustainability goals.  Making sure that everyone be proactive in health and safety To achieve the strategic targets, close co-operation between all manufacturing functions is imperative: Objectives Methods Monthly conference call meeting Controls Key performance indicators Accident/incident statics alerts Inputs H&S policy Risk assessment Legal requirements Outputs Measurable objectives for all functions Human resource Director & Manager of H&S Plant management team Materials Directives and Relevant sate regulations
  • 10. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 10 Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction: During working, I have used some books and authors which very famous that help me very much in this report to conference and posting the audits such as Heninrich`s Domino theory, Peter d.wickens, kiyoshi suzaki , W. Edwards Deming , regulations and knowledges of ISO 18001 …..Etc but the most of important author who I usually have conference is Henrinrich with Domino `s theory. Nowadays this theory step by step updates and develops with many scopes that are very effective and convenient for risk management. (Please keep your eyes on my attachment `s address: chapter 2/2.1 intro/ page 12/Summary the Heinrich’s)
  • 11. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 11 2.2 History of total accidents, incidents during last 10 yrs Recently: According to the statistics of data record system H&S in BPE, averagely there are more than 85% of accidents/incidents that occurred annually due to unsafely behavior in working and here is the following more detail statistic numbers:  75 to 100 fatal accidents  Hospitalization and /or permanent injury about 200,000 small accidents which is 80,000 injury Up to 3000 reporting and surveillance about probability of accident occur: Among of ± 7,500,000 workforce, 1 in the ± 35 persons annually an accident That wasted a lot of money maybe up to hundreds thousands to million Dollars and other damages for BPE. (For more detail please keep your eyes on my attachment `s address:  chapter 2/2.2/ page 14/Safety is aware of acceptable risks  chapter 2/2.2/ page 15/Costs & benefits /A. cost accident last 10 yrs  chapter 2/2.2/ page 16/Costs and benefits /B. costs  chapter 2/2.2/ page 17/Costs and benefits /C. saving
  • 12. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 12 2.3 Reasons and Results of Accidents / Incidents 2.3.1 Reasons of Accident/incident  Almost equally rapidly , not proactive in task  No PPE Any deviation from procedures  Not the right resources  Order and cleanliness inadequate  Hurry, do quickly with the result  Insufficient attention to the work  They don’t think accident will come to them, it comes to other people 2.3.2 Results of Accident/incident According to the Knowledge’s data base from Health and safety of Ball Packaging Europe Corporation about monthly statistics for all injury types, body parts and work areas that occurs accidents and incidents in the line. Here is the following statistics numbers report about results of accident occurred which I already described very detailed by graph and it is explained clearly the level of each accident, incident that I attached with address following: Attachment `s address: chapter 2/2.3.2/ page 19 page 20, page 21/Results of accident/incident
  • 13. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 13 2.4 Power of Government’s Intervention Most of the operational manufacture lines in EU especially in Netherland together have Labour inspection organization which is established by government and working legally paralleled within those lines to fulfil their responsibilities and creating, maintaining H&S working conditions for employers and employees. In Netherland, it is called by the name Arbeidsinpectie .The Dutch Safety and Health Act (Arbowet) contains a code of conduct for safety & health policy and the Working Hours Act (Arbeidstijdenwet) forms a statutory framework for working hours. The Labor Inspectorate ensures compliance with the legislation. A number of financial measures have been implemented to reward good conduct and to penalize bad practices. Besides that, the Ministry encourages executives and workers to cooperate and take an active role. The Ministry also encourages all parties involved to actively increase expertise. When there is accident that damage highly to the people and make them lost their works to stay in hospital more than 24 hours or even laceration , wound to the body of employees then immediately that organization force the line to stop running and they send the experts to investigate accident . Or when there are some incidents are very dangerous that can be damage to H&S of employees, environment then they also force stopping the line upon to the obligations are defined in particular by the Civil Code and the Arbowet , Article 7:658 . This article was introduced in April 1, 1997. It replaced the older Article 7A: 1638x BW until the incidents is solved. (More details about rules and regulations please have your reading to website: and my Attachment: Chapter 2/2.4/page 23, 24, 25/statutory duties in relation to Healthy and Safety)
  • 14. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 14 Chapter 3: Methodology 3.1 Introduction Working with this project, I have used many methods, guidelines and training from BPE event making interview directly face by face with my colleges who are very corporately and kindly to help me to full fill my knowledge. Moreover , my company `s coach who is very proactive to help me all guideline and send me to go to many departments in BPE to have training and reference the knowledge and sharing experience , skills in Risk management . In BPE, I always working actively in the performance and treated such as a staff employee by Ball even I usually sent to ball school in quarterly of year to have training with many ways to make sure that I sufficient skills in Risk management to working the performance efficiently . Team group working is the effective method that also is the habit in BPE. In the early morning, we always have meeting to report the problem and receive the ideas to find out the proper solutions.
  • 15. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 15 3.2 Analysis the causes and effects of incidents/accidents If accidents/incidents had occurred or we had been in poor environment then what did happen in the past about causes and effects? Causes Effects PPrroobblleemmss AAppppeeaarr wwhheenn AAcccciiddeenntt // iinncciiddeenntt ooccccuurr In the line Wrong doing , failed in efficiency Expenditures for recovery a new program in safety working system, poor housekeeping in the line or bad transport cans due to increasing spoilages. Not adhere to the procedures well, wrong doing, working a lone, working distraction, all due to accident occur. Insufficient labour force to operate system due to incomplete the performance, incidents in transports occur, high spoilages. Failed management Costs increase Labour force decrease Failed deliver cans on time
  • 16. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 16 PPrroobblleemmss ooccccuurr dduuee ttoo bbaadd EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt In the operational manufacture line Cans are not enough standard, bad scrapper, cans in bad hygiene due to poor housekeeping. Costs increase, high customer complaints, bad quality, poor environment due to decreasing stockholder values. Poor housekeeping, high spoilage cans, bad transport input/output, high ink substances, changing labels, cans in bad hygiene, technical incidents in mechanical system. Poor environment, many accident which directly affected to the healthy and safety of employees and local people. Customer complaints due to the loose customers for long term Stockholder values decrease Bad quality due to loose customers , weakness in competition Responsibility in law due to stop running the line
  • 17. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 17 3.3 Solutions 3.3.1 ISO Standard 18001:2007 Introduction: OHSAS 18001 is a Health and Safety management system with British standards classification. OHSAS stands for ‘Occupational Health & Safety Assessment System’, it is the benchmark that all Ball Packaging plants in Europe are committed to achieving. There are now a total of 192 standard risk assessments under 94 headings with over 600 PM&R RA’s being written as well as our COSHH RA’s being reviewed! OHSAS 18001 Front page procedures which Provides the legal compliant framework for Health and Safety management . Standard Risk Assessments Certification to OHSAS 18001 demonstrates a company's commitment to a safer working environment and for the protection of employees against injury at work Certification should assist in organisations saving money and maintaining a good reputation. Certification also provides a platform for attracting lower insurance Premiums, developed to be compatible with the ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environmental) management systems standards. Ensuring legal and regulatory compliance . The company should establish and maintains a management system that conforms to all of the requirements of OHSAS 18001. This should also assist the organization in the meeting every morning which is appliance legal or other OH&S regulations. The level of detail and complexity of the OH&S management system, the extent of documentation and the resources devoted to it are dependent on the size of an organization and the nature of its activities. So that up to the issues , regulations, policies , terms in ISO STANDARD 18001:2007 , all of workers , management team from all departments in the plant must adhere well seriously , proactive in their H&S and working connection together systematically ,pay attention more to performance , ensure that running machines is safety and healthy environment around the line.
  • 18. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 18 Planning for Hazard identification  Policy: put into practice  Audit: assess and review on a regular basis the effectiveness of the policy in the regular meeting  Implementation and operation: consult increase employee’s awareness of the OH&S, Economic, and Financial requirements on the Company and report any significant changes which may occur.  Feedback from measuring performance: improve the flow of information and feedback as a means of discussion with, and feedback from employees. Here is the summarizing of Solution ISO STANDARD 18001:2007 1. Duty people who got authority to make accident Monitor that the scheduled actions have been completed investigation 2. Root causes of accidents  Material  Environment  Personnel  Management 3. Steps to investigate 4. How to collect the facts of accident, incident  Injured workers  Record of accidents on KDB (knowledge’s data base ) of BPE`s network  Physical evidence  Eyewitness accounts  Interview with people to investigate For more detail about my solution ISO STANDARD 18001:2007 please keep you’re into my Attachment: chapter 3/3.3.1/ISO Standard 18001:2007/page31 to page 46
  • 19. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 19 3.3.2 BBS Observation Ball Packaging Europe Oss (Oss BPE) is a production company. All employees are focused on making products that are safety often lose sight. Often this happens unconsciously and with all good intentions. More than 80% of accidents in BPE Oss can be back in the unsafe behavior of workers. These accidents are preventable. Through Risk management should increase the awareness on safety and safe behavior is a matter of course. This will ultimately reduce the number of accidents. 1. Identifies the behavior accidents may occur BBS is a system based on safe behavior. Through observations of work makes safety negotiable and we collect data on behavior. With BBS, we incidents / injuries on the workplace safety to be a part of our daily routine .Unlike traditional security, which focuses on accident reduction, BBS is a systematic approach. 2. Encourages this behavior by motivational feedback 3. Meet safely to prevent accidents and unsafe behavior to predict and prevent. Traditional vs. Security Most current efforts in the field of security will take place after an accident has occurred. At that time, actions to prevent such an accident in the future . This is re-active security. That's not the best approach. BBS is an approach to pro-active way to show risky behavior and increase awareness so that this risky behavior change and the likelihood of accidents decrease. In other words, BBS focuses on accident prevention.
  • 20. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 20 Benefits of BBS  Goes beyond regulatory requirements  Identifies accidents before they occur  Provides pro-active measurement data  Targets unsafe acts/behaviors  Allows for positive safety dialogue BBS Observation Program Observe → Act → Reinforce → Talk → Report  Personal Protective Equipment  Good Housekeeping  Use Of Tools & Body Position  Use Of Equipment  Access To Machinery  Reactions/Positions of People  PPE  Housekeeping  Procedures
  • 21. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 21 3.3.3 Risk management Risk assessment is a process of identifying hazards and determining their associated risks. In practice, a risk assessment in the workplace is an examination of what could cause harm to people in that particular environment. The outcome is an action plan which helps employers to focus attention on reducing risks where it is needed and to prioritize any action to safeguard against harm occurring to people. An improvement cycle Risk assessment in practice is a continual cycle of improvement. The workplace and what goes on there continually changes, and so too should the risk assessment. The diagram below shows that change, review and action to reduce risks are all key stages in the risk assessment process. This continual cycle helps to ensure that health and safety standards are kept high. Finally, there are five generally recognized steps to completing a risk assessment. These five steps can be used as a guide to help you think about the areas which you're required - by law - to cover in a risk assessment.
  • 22. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 22 Working the five steps will involve some careful preparation, the process of actually assessing the risks and then taking action to reduce risks. In order to properly complete the steps, risk assessors need to have a good knowledge of the business, the workforce and activities going on. So basically, there are five steps to measure accident, incident: Step 1 Identify the hazards Spot hazards by:  walking around the workplace  asking employees what they think  calling the Workplace H&S Connect  Advice line or visiting website of expert  checking manufacturers’ instructions;  Checking accidents, incidents on SAP Network to have update accident from other lines on the world for reference.  Keep in mind long-term health hazards Step 2 Decide who could be harmed and how  Identify groups of people. Remember: I. Some workers have particular needs II. People who may not be in the workplace all the time III. Members of the public  If we share our workplace think about how our work affects others present  Always say hoe the hazard could cause harm Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions  What are we already doing?  List what is already in place to reduce the likelihood of harm or make any harm less serious  What further action is necessary? We need to make sure that we have reduced risks so far as is reasonably practicable’. An easy way of doing this is to compare what you are already doing with good practice. If there is a difference, list what needs to be done. Step 4 Record your findings and implement them How will we put the assessment into action? Remember to priorities. Deal with those hazards that are high-risk and have serious consequences first.
  • 23. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 23 Step 5 Review the assessment and update if necessary  Review our assessment to make sure we are still improving, or at least not sliding back.  If there is a significant change in the workplace, remember to check our risk assessment and where necessary, amend it. Please keep your eye to see the explanation of each step of risk management in my attachment: Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/ page 51/ 56 Supportive Toolkit Management Risk Management Toolkit provides a wealth of information and many tools for management. Quickly accessible, this extensive Toolkit offers practical assistance for many risk management needs. Please see my attachment: Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/Supportive toolkit management/ page 58 And: Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/information Information and tools/page 59, 60, 61
  • 24. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 24 3.3.4 Training And Development Programs Introduction: In this chapter, I had references in many famous books such as “principles of HMR” Dessler, Kiyoshi Suzuki with “The new manufacture challenge”. Guest,D.R.Pecci & P.Rosenthal with management training and development and career success in K.Bradley “people and performance” . Scholtes,P.R(1987) An elaboration on Deming`s teaching on performance appraisal ….etc.. It is very important to build up foundation of acknowledge and it is also definitions, principles that already has been used from long time until now. As we can know training is the best important and a major part of the responsibility to develop employees within BPE according to the need and potential and to ensure appropriate succession planning as well as to serve the short and long term staffing requirements of the company. Personnel’s H&S development of each employee is a key responsibility of each manager within BPE. We can say most of accidents, incidents that ever happened in the line due to awareness and ignorance of employees. So the important thing in the mean time is finding out the effective training programs for employees, help them Awareness of H&S themselves and capacities in working performance effective. People focus as one critical success factor We want to meet current and future business needs through the ongoing development of our knowledgably people. Motivation, communication and satisfaction as well as health & safety are essential to maintaining an engaged and challenged workforce. All training needs should be agreed between employee and manager in the one to one interview, during the process of annual review and reported the local HR department. Employees interested in registering, training on my ball portal (Ball Packaging Europe’s net work system) and interoffice mail or fax to local HR Department as well as to the HR Office personnel. There are some important main points which are really needed to focus on during training:  Language of instruction
  • 25. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 25 Due to the fact that BPE employees are unified through the English language all course offered as well as the provided material; will be in English Therefore, fluently in English is extremely important and essential for successful completion of the training. Should fluency in English not be of the required standard, please contact your local HR department to organize a similar training in the respective mother tongue of the employee.  Attendance /Punctuality To stay reasonable, cancellations should be made at least one week in advance  Dress code The dress code during the training courses is casual. Suggesting employees bring a jacket or sweater to class, Due to the large amount of electronic equipment, temperature of our training rooms tends to be cool.  Individual and team skills  Intercultural awareness training  Intercultural skill training  Seven habits of highly effective people  Management and Leadership skills  BPE leadership training  Advanced leadership  Technical skills  PEP – audience oriented presentation methods  Employee can school  Project management  Training Details  Intercultural awareness training  Intercultural skill training  The seven Habits of highly effective people  BPE leadership training  Advanced leadership training  Audience orientated presentation methods  Presentations and group discussion Please see my attachment: Chapter 3/3.3.4Training And Development Programs/page 62 to 68
  • 26. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 26 Role of supervisors As a supervisor, you have an important role to play in ensuring the health and safety of people, in a number of ways: o ensuring safe work practices are implemented; o explaining their importance; o setting a good example yourself; o helping to promote a safety culture and; o Rewarding safe behavior. People may lack experience but it is still important to actively seek their views and encourage their participation in safety matters. There should be arrangements in place for young worker health and safety based on a risk assessment. Measures need to be monitored to check they work as expected and may need revision if there are any changes. So, it should be reported any problems or changes, and encourage people to report any problems and concerns too. Exposes them to radiation; o Involves extreme heat, noise or vibration; o Involves risks that they are unlikely to recognize or avoid because of their lack of experience or training or their insufficient attention to safety. Fact sheet ‘Protection for people in the workplace’ provides more details of task and hours restrictions according to age, and special exceptions for vocational training. If there are any doubt about the work of people, raise it with the employer. Check national requirements.
  • 27. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 27 3.3.5 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) As to the regulations and standards of European Union Health and safety personnel protective equipment (PPE) is designed to protect employees from serious workplace injuries or illness resulting from contact with chemical, radiogical, physical , electrical , mechanical and other workplace hazards . It is depending to style of business of manufactures line of its self business to design the right PPE using for employees `s protection in work programs. Especially, all PPE using in the line which is recognized and issued by the standards of H&S of European Union Upon to the regulations and standards in H&S of EU Labor of Department, Ball Packaging Europe must supply safety protection equipments for employees in the line sufficiently and it is basically including equipments as following as: 1 CEN/TC 79 Respiratory protective devices 2 CEN/TC/85 Eye protective equipment 3 CEN/TC/158 Head protection 4 CEN/TC/159 Hearing protectors 5 CEN/TC/160 Protection against falls from height working, safety belts 6 CEN/TC/161 Foot and leg protectors 7 CEN/TC/162 Safety Vis-jackets (CEN/TC 79 to 162: regulations and standards about safety equipment of EU standards) Let see more in my attachment: Chapter 3/3.3.5/page 36, 37 Work program
  • 28. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 28 Chapter 4: Recommendation Developing corrective action programs in the future To gain with the above objectives about H&S successfully in protection our employees and customers out of incidents/accidents and especially protection the brand name Ball Packaging Europe competitively of the leadership in packaging industry in the worldwide To sponsor that it is on safety running business in long term, we should keep going to develop more H&S management programs in each local manufacture line from BPE network over the world. In the present, immediately we should develop projects about H&S and using it such as manual risk control basically in the operating manufacture line:  International ISO STADARD 18001:2007  BBS observations  Instructions , Guidelines, checklists  PPE  JSA (job safety analysis in risk management , it is attached together with this report about the “ Job Safety Analysis sheet form “) DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS PROCESS FOR ACCIDENT OCCURENCE FA: First Aid ….NM: Near Miss……NLT: None lost Time ….LT: Lost Time Please see explanation more in attachment “BPE statistics report “
  • 29. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 29 `` Deployment BPE procedures through plant SOP`S in own language/ Format Comply with OHSAS requirement of incident recordkeeping. The SAP incident management system is designed for this purpose Challenge plants to set BPE best practices Make observers accountable for regular observing Plant management evolved in BBS program by review checklist by regular base and assuring checklist with Measure improvement safe behavior. This shows the success of actions based on determined structural unsafe behavior Check to ensure RA is updated by means of review Measure how safety knowledge is managed by means of training and instruction Measure how good PPE rules are followed up in practice Compliance with BPE OHSAS 18001 system which is based on BPE best practice benchmark Plan management is critical regarding PPE and execute review actual identified risks are evaluated against the PPE practice Observation should include verbal feedback to observed colleague(s) .outcome of this plan be noted as workers comment. This is important information to get more understanding about the actual practices All working areas should ……. And assessed. Have regular safety refreshme nt training to maintain awareness All working area’s should covered by RA in order to have all related Hazards identified and assessed Full appliance of PPE Measure use PPE through BBS observation card Measure use PPE through BBS observation card Make RA comparable within BPE. This enables exchange of this knowledge. Working methods etc. Ball corporate sustain Ability report in Compliance with GRI
  • 30. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 30 Chapter 5: Achieved Results & Conclusion Introduction If we check back the data numbers about accident, incident and H&S of labor force in BPE last ten year, especially pointed years recently year 2006 to 2009 then we can appreciate that accident and incident has been declined sharply. In the meantime, we are in good progress, achieving success in many aspects, especially in Healthy and Safety, setting up a safety operational manufacturing environment, protection H&S of employees and customers in producing and using products. That means we can save millions of Dollar insurance costs for Ball Corp, good top- minder task in protecting H&S of employees; make sure that sponsoring enough Labor force for Ball Corp about Skill and certification and over-matching with a higher expectation standards of Department of Labor legally . We are absolutely successful in building up best products, best premium services and best safety using products can especially we are best efficiency in managing and measuring with accident. That is also the important factor helped Ball to become a leadership in Packaging industry and gained many excellence Awards. Year 2009 Ball Packaging Europe has been chosen top-100 Corps on the world in H&S and lowest accident in operational manufacture lines. (Please have a look in my attachment)
  • 31. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 31 Primary Key Result 1. Accident, incident decreased sharply A> Performance measure achieved :  Protection H & S of employees Results of Accident occured from 2006 - 2009 35 22 15 3 35 40 25 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 Year Accident LT NLT LT 35 22 15 3 NLT 35 40 25 7 2006 2007 2008 2009 As we can see , it is clear to appreciate that accident , incident already decreased pointedly from 35 LT (lost time) and 35 NLT (none lost time) year 2006 to 3 LT and 7 NLT quarterly 2009 in BPE . Please see explanation detail in attachment file: statistics Report 2006,2007,2008,2009.
  • 32. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 32  Decreasing insurance cost (Unit of insurance cost; USDx10.000) Results of Lost workdays & Insurance Costs from 2006-2009 779 456 240 50 303 177 92 58 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year Lostworkdays&InsuranceCosts Lost WorkDays Insurance Cost And above graph show that happy result for BPE to save a lot of money when from year 2006 Lost workdays was 779 correlative with 3 M USD insurance cost that made a huge damage for Ball Corp and other bad things . But if we keep seeing from years 2007, 2008 the data to be declined clearly and finally it was temporally stop with 50 lost workdays and 0.58 M USD insurance cost in quarterly 2009. It is success to gain that target due to we are in good using proper solutions in Risk management control, working to procedures, innovation in performance skills, especially we are in solidarity working and be proactive in each of our individual H&S. So finally, it is all about insurance cost year 2006-2009 in BPE. Separately in BPE Oss B.V, these figures had been declined happily from 0, 93 M Dollars in 2006 to 0, 61 M Dollars in 2009 dramatically. Please have a look my attachment “statistics report” to see more detail about insurance cost yearly, total accidents…etc… Let see explanation detail in attachment file: statistics Report 2006,2007,2008,2009. B> Goal: Trying best to decline minimum accident, incident as we can
  • 33. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 33 2. Training for performance skills & certification in employment A> Performance measure achieved:  Getting awareness of H&S of employees As I already mentioned in chapter 3 and 4, it is about more than 80% the root of causation of accident, incident that happened in the line due to people not awareness of H&S. They never think that accident can be happen to anyone including themselves. So in this part , it is time to train for people and guide them clear about characteristics of level of risk in them everyday , help them skills to protect their life, concentration on their working and remind them always be owner in their H&S.  Percentage of trainees who full fill the skills, obtain employment and increase labor force for company as well as bring the benefits for each of individual participants Training achived in H&S 181 192 200 42 57 83 23.20% 29.69% 41.50% 0 100 200 300 year Humaresource Employment Certification % of certification Achieved Employment 181 192 200 Certification 42 57 83 % of certification Achieved 23.20% 29.69% 41.50% 2006 2007 2008 From 2006-2008, labor force has been increased pointedly, especially top management in BPE recognized that the ignorance of know ledges of employees is the main factor lead to fail in management because Awareness and skills , know ledges is the most important thing to protect H&S of employees and running line safety . So we tried our best to motivate and made chance for employees to working and training to get the license legally.
  • 34. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 34 B> Goal: Keep going on to exceed requirements of regulations and standards of Labor of department 3. Efficiency A> Performance measure achieved: Risk management achieved during working performance Efficiency = Actual/Target (Unit= %) The percentage of Efficiency in H&S that obtained measurement 75% 80% 83% 60% 72% 75%80.0% 90.0% 90.4% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Target Actual Efficiency Target 75% 80% 83% Actual 60% 72% 75% Efficiency 80.0% 90.0% 90.4% 2006 2007 2008 Target: maximum output (working capacity of planning management team and The adherence of employees about procedures in BPE) Actual: total real output that obtained in H&S during working As we can see on graph, it is absolutely change data during 2006 to 2008 (should be mentioned 2009 but it is in progress to update the whole year). Generally, the process is going well, it is developing in good tendency recently from 2006 to 2008 with 80.0% to 90.4% dramatically. But it is also hard to keep this statue in the future if we are not motivated ourselves and awareness of everyone together with solidarity spirit of all employees in BPE in performance. C> Goal: Doing the thing right
  • 35. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 35 Conclusion It is very pleased when we take a look to see again all performance results achieved from BPE in H&S of employees in the line recently last ten years. Upon to the efforts and challenges of all workers and management team in BPE, we not only met with standards and requirements in sponsoring H&S of employees but also exceeded the great majority of customer’s standards, local Government’s regulations in the line as well. Moreover, it is not just temporally stop here but it will be kept going on to do the research and find out more effective proper solutions which is not only protecting Ball’s H&S of employees but also saving insurant costs for company, especially building up BPE brand name successfully in customer’s eyes and keep the statue top-leadership in packaging industry and top-100 Corps in Honor about lowest accident in operational manufacture line. Here are the following core strategic challenges to be kept in progress and more development in the future for the accident, incident control:  Proper management solution tool for controlling accident, incident in the line  Training for performance skills & certification in employment Awareness of H&S  Efficiency (Leading and Controlling the performance in H&S efficiently )  Best Can in quality and safety H&S for customers using  Increasing facilities , safety guards , equipments…etc… more safety and effective using in performance  Strictly adhere well to the procedures, always proactive in owner of H&S of each individual of employees  Working upon to the ISO STANDARD 18001:2007 , 14001 , 9000  Keep developing BBS observation  System analysis program Network (SAP NETWEAVER PORTAL)
  • 36. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 36 Special planning advice for development in the future Workers Workers Workers When Procedures about H&S be issued by top-man and H&S Department Then immediately all other departments must be obeyed and work in order as following: 1) Acting: Top man and H&S making analysis risk then planning proper solution and do it for trial and back up again to make sure before sending it to production department. Finally, production department and team leaders forwarding to workers from the line to obey and working strictly. 2) Discipline: in case if employees don’t obey procedures strictly then they will be remarked with bad report into their profile. Best practice is developed from PCDA model of W. Edwards Deming in H&S and quality in operational manufacture line. PCDA Model Please have reference in website BEST PRACTISE Top management H&S Department Production Man .Team Man .Team Man .Team
  • 37. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 37 Reference Some Regulations, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work s%3Alist=risk_assessment&submit=Search Standards (EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDISATION) Occupational Safety and Health Sector: and+safety/index.asp European harmonized standards under the New Approach directives: Kjeen.U.Boe, K.and Hagen, H.L (1997) Economic effects of implementation internal control of healthy and safety, environment: A retrospective case study of an aluminum plant. Regulations, information guideline of ISO Standard 18001, 14001, 9000 in knowledge data base in Ball Packaging Europe net work (internal staff employee using only). Heninrich`s Domino theory. Peter d.wickens with the ascendant organization. The new manufacturing challenge of kiyoshi suzaki. W. Edwards Deming. What`s new in motivation of Guest,D.(1984) with personnel management. Guest,D.R.Pecci & P.Rosenthal with management training and development and career success in K.Bradley “people and performance” . Scholtes,P.R(1987) An elaboration on Deming`s teaching on performance appraisal . Trade Union Congress (1994) with Human resource management
  • 38. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 38 Appendix Attachment’s Files: Chapter 1/ 1.1/page 7, page 8 /procedure Award of Excellence Chapter 2/2.1 intro/ page 12/Summary the Heinrich’s Chapter 2/2.2/ page 14/Safety is aware of acceptable risks Chapter 2/2.2/ page 15/Costs & benefits /A. cost accident last 10 yrs Chapter 2/2.2/ page 16/Costs and benefits /B. costs Chapter 2/2.2/ page 17/Costs and benefits /C. saving Chapter 2/2.3.2/ page 19 page 20, page 21/Results of accident/incident Chapter 2/2.4/page 23, 24, 25/statutory duties in relation to H & S Chapter 3/3.3.1/ISO Standard 18001:2007/page31 to page 46 Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/ page 51 to page 56 Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/Supportive toolkit management/ page 58 Chapter 3/3.3.5/page 36, 37 Work program Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/ page 51/ 56 Chapter 3/3.3.3 risk management/Information and tools/page 59, 60, 61 Chapter 3/3.3.4Training And Development Programs/page 62 to 68 President’s Safety Award. BPE Safety Statistics Report 2007, 2008, 2009. Top 100 Best Corp Citizens 2009. Research Report assessment form (be assessed by Mentor) Company Coach Evaluation Form 2 (used after 6 month) Internship Hour Declaration Form (it is filled by student signed by coach) Final interview assessment form (to register result of final interview and published in the course of the year).
  • 39. Dissertation Graduation Bachelor Degree – IBMS in HAN UNIVERSITY 39