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@jocranford         *IMO
Tuesday, 8 May 12
How CoffeeScript works

                                                Include via
     Compile   file.js


Tuesday, 8 May 12
Getting started was EASY

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Installation with Node Package Manager

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Compiling a Coffee Script File

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Compiling Multiple Coffee Script Files

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Web Workbench Visual Studio Plugin

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Autogeneration of JavaScript

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Errors in Output Window

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Basic Syntax

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Object Definition
 var myPresentation = {
    title: "CoffeeScript",
    when: {
      day: "8 May 2012",
      time: "6:30pm"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Object Definition
 var myPresentation = {
    title: "CoffeeScript",
    when: {
      day: "8 May 2012",
      time: "6:30pm"

 myPresentation =
   subject: "CoffeeScript”
     day: "8 May 2012"
     time: "6:30pm"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Object Definition
 var myPresentation = {
    title: "CoffeeScript",
    when: {
      day: "8 May 2012",
      time: "6:30pm"

 myPresentation =
   subject: "CoffeeScript”
     day: "8 May 2012"
     time: "6:30pm"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Function Definition
  function startPresentation(subject) {
      alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now

  var startPresentation = function(subject) {
      alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now


Tuesday, 8 May 12
Function Definition
  function startPresentation(subject) {
      alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now

  var startPresentation = function(subject) {
      alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now


  startPresentation = (subject) ->
    alert "A presentation about " + subject + " is now

  startPresentation "CoffeeScript"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Function Definition
  function startPresentation(subject) {
      alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now

  var startPresentation = function(subject) {
      alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now


  startPresentation = (subject) ->
    alert "A presentation about " + subject + " is now

  startPresentation "CoffeeScript"

Tuesday, 8 May 12

              is              ===
              isnt            !==
              not             !
              and             &&
              or              ||
              of              in

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Syntactic Sugar

Tuesday, 8 May 12
String Interpolation

    var description = "This is a talk about " +
    myPresentation.subject + " by " + myPresentation.presenter
    + ". It will start at " + myPresentation.startTime + " and
    finish by " + myPresentation.endTime;

Tuesday, 8 May 12
String Interpolation

    var description = "This is a talk about " +
    myPresentation.subject + " by " + myPresentation.presenter
    + ". It will start at " + myPresentation.startTime + " and
    finish by " + myPresentation.endTime;

    description = "This is a talk about
    #{myPresentation.subject} by #{myPresentation.presenter}.
    It will start at #{myPresentation.startTime} and finish
    by #{myPresentation.endTime}"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
String Interpolation

    var description = "This is a talk about " +
    myPresentation.subject + " by " + myPresentation.presenter
    + ". It will start at " + myPresentation.startTime + " and
    finish by " + myPresentation.endTime;

    description = "This is a talk about
    #{myPresentation.subject} by #{myPresentation.presenter}.
    It will start at #{myPresentation.startTime} and finish
    by #{myPresentation.endTime}"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
@ replaces this
   var Presentation = function(title, presenter) {

          this.getHeadline = function() {
              return title + " by " + presenter;

          this.showHeadline = function() {


Tuesday, 8 May 12
@ replaces this
   var Presentation = function(title, presenter) {

          this.getHeadline = function() {
              return title + " by " + presenter;

          this.showHeadline = function() {


   class Presentation

        constructor: (@title, @presenter) ->

        getHeadline: ->
          "#{@title} by #{@presenter}"

        showHeadline: ->

Tuesday, 8 May 12
@ replaces this
   var Presentation = function(title, presenter) {

          this.getHeadline = function() {
              return title + " by " + presenter;

          this.showHeadline = function() {


   class Presentation

        constructor: (@title, @presenter) ->

        getHeadline: ->
          "#{@title} by #{@presenter}"

        showHeadline: ->

Tuesday, 8 May 12
functions return the last value

       function add(x, y) {
           return x + y;

Tuesday, 8 May 12
functions return the last value

       function add(x, y) {
           return x + y;

       add = (x, y) ->
         x + y

Tuesday, 8 May 12
functions return the last value

       function add(x, y) {
           return x + y;

       add = (x, y) ->
         x + y

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Conditionals return automatically
   var textColor;

   if (result === "failed") {
       textColor = "red";
   } else if (result === "not run") {
       textColor = "yellow";
   } else {
       textColor = "green";

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Conditionals return automatically
   var textColor;

   if (result === "failed") {
       textColor = "red";
   } else if (result === "not run") {
       textColor = "yellow";
   } else {
       textColor = "green";

   textColor =
     if result is "failed"
     else if result is "not run"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Conditionals return automatically
   var textColor;

   if (result === "failed") {
       textColor = "red";
   } else if (result === "not run") {
       textColor = "yellow";
   } else {
       textColor = "green";

   textColor =
     if result is "failed"
     else if result is "not run"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Protection from Evil

Tuesday, 8 May 12
In JavaScript, variables are global by default
    var tonightsPresentations = [ "CoffeeScript", "i18n",
    "Rails Conf"];

    var whoopsie = function() {
        tonightsPresentations = [];
        return tonightsPresentations;

Tuesday, 8 May 12
In CoffeeScript, they are automatically scoped
    var tonightsPresentations = [ "CoffeeScript", "i18n",
    "Rails Conf"];

    var whoopsie = function() {
        teamHugPresentationList = [];
        return teamHugPresentationList;

    tonightsPresentations = [ "CoffeeScript", "i18n", "Rails

    whoopsie = ->
    ! tonightsPresentations = []
    ! tonightsPresentations

Tuesday, 8 May 12
WTF ...

             0 == "" and 0 =="0" are both TRUE ...
                     but "" == "0" is NOT!

                      false == "0" is TRUE ...
                    but false == "false" is NOT!

Tuesday, 8 May 12
WTF ...

             0 == "" and 0 =="0" are both TRUE ...
                     but "" == "0" is NOT!

                      false == "0" is TRUE ...
                    but false == "false" is NOT!

                             is => ===
                            isnt => !==
                             == -> ===

Tuesday, 8 May 12

                Reserved Keywords

Tuesday, 8 May 12

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Example 1
  var Presentation = function(title, presenter) {
      return {
          getHeadline: function() {
               return title + " by " + presenter;

  var myPresentation = Presentation("CoffeeScript", "Jo

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Example 2
    var Presentation = function(title, presenter) {

           this.getHeadline = function() {
               return title + " by " + presenter;


    var myPresentation = new Presentation("CoffeeScript", "Jo

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Example 3
   var Presentation = function(title, presenter) {
       this.title = title;
       this.presenter = presenter;

   Presentation.prototype.getHeadline = function() {
       return this.title + " by " + this.presenter;

   var myPresentation = new Presentation("CoffeeScript", "Jo

Tuesday, 8 May 12

      class Presentation

         constructor: (@title, @presenter) ->

         getHeadline: ->
           @title + " " + @presenter

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Less Code

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Average Lines Of Code







Tuesday, 8 May 12
For Loop
   var i, weatherInCities;
   weatherInCities = [];

   for(i = 0; i < listOfCities.length; i++) {
   !           var city = listOfCities[i];
   !           weatherInCities.push( + ":" +;

Tuesday, 8 May 12
For Loop
   var i, weatherInCities;
   weatherInCities = [];

   for(i = 0; i < listOfCities.length; i++) {
   !           var city = listOfCities[i];
   !           weatherInCities.push( + ":" +;

 weatherInCities =
 (("#{}: #{}") for city in listOfCities)

Tuesday, 8 May 12
For Loop
   var i, weatherInCities;
   weatherInCities = [];

   for(i = 0; i < listOfCities.length; i++) {
   !           var city = listOfCities[i];
   !           weatherInCities.push( + ":" +;

 weatherInCities =
 (("#{}: #{}") for city in listOfCities)

Tuesday, 8 May 12
For “Own” Loop

 var objectToString = function (obj) {
 !      var key, val, _results;
 !      _results = [];

 !           for (key in obj) {
 !           !      if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
 !           !      val = obj[key];
 !           !      if (val !== null) _results.push(key + ":" + val);
 !           }
 !           return _results.join(",");

Tuesday, 8 May 12
For “Own” Loop

 var objectToString = function (obj) {
 !      var key, val, _results;
 !      _results = [];

 !           for (key in obj) {
 !           !      if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
 !           !      val = obj[key];
 !           !      if (val !== null) _results.push(key + ":" + val);
 !           }
 !           return _results.join(",");

 objectToString = (obj) ->
   !    ("#{key}:#{val}" for own key, val of obj when val isnt

Tuesday, 8 May 12
For “Own” Loop

 var objectToString = function (obj) {
 !      var key, val, _results;
 !      _results = [];

 !           for (key in obj) {
 !           !      if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
 !           !      val = obj[key];
 !           !      if (val !== null) _results.push(key + ":" + val);
 !           }
 !           return _results.join(",");

 objectToString = (obj) ->
   !    ("#{key}:#{val}" for own key, val of obj when val isnt

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Constructor - JavaScript

   var Region = function(states) {
   !      this.states = states;

   Region.prototype.findStatesBeginningWith = function(letter) {
   !      var matchingStates = [];
          for (var i = 0;i < this.states.length; i++) {
   !      !      state = this.states[i];
   !      !      if (state.substr(0,1) === letter) {
   !      !      !      matchingStates.push(state)
   !      !      }
   !      }
   !      return matchingStates;

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Constructor - CoffeeScript

  class Region

     constructor: (@states) ->

     findStatesBeginningWith: (letter) ->
         state for state in @states when state.substr(0,1) is letter

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Constructor - CoffeeScript

  class Region

     constructor: (@states) ->

     findStatesBeginningWith: (letter) ->
         state for state in @states when state.substr(0,1) is letter

Tuesday, 8 May 12
this and that
  var Clickable = function (baseElement) {
  !           var that = this;
  !           this.displayAlert = function() {
  !           !     alert("You just clicked me!");
  !           };
  !           $(baseElement).click(that.displayAlert);

Tuesday, 8 May 12
this and that
  var Clickable = function (baseElement) {
  !           var that = this;
  !           this.displayAlert = function() {
  !           !     alert("You just clicked me!");
  !           };
  !           $(baseElement).click(that.displayAlert);

Tuesday, 8 May 12
this and that
  var Clickable = function (baseElement) {
  !           var that = this;
  !           this.displayAlert = function() {
  !           !     alert("You just clicked me!");
  !           };
  !           $(baseElement).click(that.displayAlert);

  class window.Clickable

       constructor: (@baseElement) ->

       displayAlert: =>
         window.alert("You just clicked me!")

Tuesday, 8 May 12
this and that
  var Clickable = function (baseElement) {
  !           var that = this;
  !           this.displayAlert = function() {
  !           !     alert("You just clicked me!");
  !           };
  !           $(baseElement).click(that.displayAlert);

  class window.Clickable

       constructor: (@baseElement) ->

       displayAlert: =>
         window.alert("You just clicked me!")

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Pattern Matching – Reading an Object

   var london = {
      lat: 51.5171,
      lng: 0.1062

   var lat =;
   var lng = london.lng;

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Pattern Matching – Reading an Object

   var london = {
      lat: 51.5171,
      lng: 0.1062

   var lat =;
   var lng = london.lng;

   london =
     lat: 51.5171
     lng: 0.1062

   {lat,lng} = london

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Pattern Matching

   var london = {
      lat: 51.5171,
      lng: 0.1062

   var lat =;
   var lng = london.lng;

   london =
     lat: 51.5171
     lng: 0.1062

   {lat,lng} = london

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Pattern Matching

      doSomethingWithPoint = ({lat,lng}) ->
          console.log(lat, lng);

      doSomethingWithPoint london

      createPoint = (lat, lng) ->
        { lat, lng }

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Existing libraries just work

Tuesday, 8 May 12
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var tip = $("#js-tooltip");

           if (!tip.hasClass("hidden")) {

Tuesday, 8 May 12
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var tip = $("#js-tooltip");

           if (!tip.hasClass("hidden")) {

      tip = $ "#coffee-tooltip"

        tip.addClass "hidden" unless tip.hasClass "hidden"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var tip = $("#js-tooltip");

           if (!tip.hasClass("hidden")) {

      tip = $ "#coffee-tooltip"

        tip.addClass "hidden" unless tip.hasClass "hidden"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Easy to Test with Jasmine

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Jasmine Test
   describe("The Game Object", function() {

       it("should have a score of 0 if I knock down no
   skittles", function() {
           var game = new Game();
           var score = game.score();

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Jasmine Test
   describe("The Game Object", function() {

       it("should have a score of 0 if I knock down no
   skittles", function() {
           var game = new Game();
           var score = game.score();

   describe "The Game Object", ->

       it "should have a score of 0 if I knock down no skittles", -
          game = new Game()
          score = game.score()
          expect(score).toBe 0

Tuesday, 8 May 12
Clean, Efficient, Easy to Read

Tuesday, 8 May 12
class Presentation

          constructor: (@title, @presenter) ->

          getHeadline: ->
            "#{@title} #{@presenter}"

Tuesday, 8 May 12
(function() {
     var Presentation;

       Presentation = (function() {

 = 'Presentation';

          function Presentation(title, presenter) {
            this.title = title;
            this.presenter = presenter;

          Presentation.prototype.getHeadline = function() {
             return this.title + " " + this.presenter;

          return Presentation;



Tuesday, 8 May 12
(function() {
     var Presentation;

       Presentation = (function() {

 = 'Presentation';

          function Presentation(title, presenter) {
            this.title = title;
            this.presenter = presenter;

          Presentation.prototype.getHeadline = function() {
             return this.title + " " + this.presenter;

          return Presentation;



Tuesday, 8 May 12
Of course, it’s not perfect 

Tuesday, 8 May 12
It IS an additional step


                    Shouldn't we just write good

               Should we even be writing object
                     oriented JavaScript?

Tuesday, 8 May 12


Tuesday, 8 May 12

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Why CoffeeScript Is Awesome

  • 1. Why CoffeeScript Is Awesome* @jocranford *IMO Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 2. How CoffeeScript works Include via <script> webpage. Compile file.js html   Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 3. Getting started was EASY Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 4. Installation with Node Package Manager Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 5. Compiling a Coffee Script File Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 6. Compiling Multiple Coffee Script Files Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 7. Web Workbench Visual Studio Plugin Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 9. Errors in Output Window Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 11. Object Definition var myPresentation = { title: "CoffeeScript", when: { day: "8 May 2012", time: "6:30pm" } }; Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 12. Object Definition var myPresentation = { title: "CoffeeScript", when: { day: "8 May 2012", time: "6:30pm" } }; myPresentation = subject: "CoffeeScript” when: day: "8 May 2012" time: "6:30pm" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 13. Object Definition var myPresentation = { title: "CoffeeScript", when: { day: "8 May 2012", time: "6:30pm" } }; myPresentation = subject: "CoffeeScript” when: day: "8 May 2012" time: "6:30pm" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 14. Function Definition function startPresentation(subject) { alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now starting!"); } var startPresentation = function(subject) { alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now starting!"); }; startPresentation("JavaScript"); Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 15. Function Definition function startPresentation(subject) { alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now starting!"); } var startPresentation = function(subject) { alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now starting!"); }; startPresentation("JavaScript"); startPresentation = (subject) -> alert "A presentation about " + subject + " is now starting!" startPresentation "CoffeeScript" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 16. Function Definition function startPresentation(subject) { alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now starting!"); } var startPresentation = function(subject) { alert("A presentation about " + subject + " is now starting!"); }; startPresentation("JavaScript"); startPresentation = (subject) -> alert "A presentation about " + subject + " is now starting!" startPresentation "CoffeeScript" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 17. Operators CoffeeScript JavaScript is === isnt !== not ! and && or || of in Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 19. String Interpolation var description = "This is a talk about " + myPresentation.subject + " by " + myPresentation.presenter + ". It will start at " + myPresentation.startTime + " and finish by " + myPresentation.endTime; Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 20. String Interpolation var description = "This is a talk about " + myPresentation.subject + " by " + myPresentation.presenter + ". It will start at " + myPresentation.startTime + " and finish by " + myPresentation.endTime; description = "This is a talk about #{myPresentation.subject} by #{myPresentation.presenter}. It will start at #{myPresentation.startTime} and finish by #{myPresentation.endTime}" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 21. String Interpolation var description = "This is a talk about " + myPresentation.subject + " by " + myPresentation.presenter + ". It will start at " + myPresentation.startTime + " and finish by " + myPresentation.endTime; description = "This is a talk about #{myPresentation.subject} by #{myPresentation.presenter}. It will start at #{myPresentation.startTime} and finish by #{myPresentation.endTime}" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 22. @ replaces this var Presentation = function(title, presenter) { this.getHeadline = function() { return title + " by " + presenter; }; this.showHeadline = function() { alert(this.getHeadline()); }; }; Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 23. @ replaces this var Presentation = function(title, presenter) { this.getHeadline = function() { return title + " by " + presenter; }; this.showHeadline = function() { alert(this.getHeadline()); }; }; class Presentation constructor: (@title, @presenter) -> getHeadline: -> "#{@title} by #{@presenter}" showHeadline: -> alert(@getHeadline()) Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 24. @ replaces this var Presentation = function(title, presenter) { this.getHeadline = function() { return title + " by " + presenter; }; this.showHeadline = function() { alert(this.getHeadline()); }; }; class Presentation constructor: (@title, @presenter) -> getHeadline: -> "#{@title} by #{@presenter}" showHeadline: -> alert(@getHeadline()) Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 25. functions return the last value function add(x, y) { return x + y; } Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 26. functions return the last value function add(x, y) { return x + y; } add = (x, y) -> x + y Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 27. functions return the last value function add(x, y) { return x + y; } add = (x, y) -> x + y Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 28. Conditionals return automatically var textColor; if (result === "failed") { textColor = "red"; } else if (result === "not run") { textColor = "yellow"; } else { textColor = "green"; } Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 29. Conditionals return automatically var textColor; if (result === "failed") { textColor = "red"; } else if (result === "not run") { textColor = "yellow"; } else { textColor = "green"; } textColor = if result is "failed" "red" else if result is "not run" "yellow" else "green" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 30. Conditionals return automatically var textColor; if (result === "failed") { textColor = "red"; } else if (result === "not run") { textColor = "yellow"; } else { textColor = "green"; } textColor = if result is "failed" "red" else if result is "not run" "yellow" else "green" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 32. In JavaScript, variables are global by default var tonightsPresentations = [ "CoffeeScript", "i18n", "Rails Conf"]; var whoopsie = function() { tonightsPresentations = []; return tonightsPresentations; } Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 33. In CoffeeScript, they are automatically scoped var tonightsPresentations = [ "CoffeeScript", "i18n", "Rails Conf"]; var whoopsie = function() { teamHugPresentationList = []; return teamHugPresentationList; } tonightsPresentations = [ "CoffeeScript", "i18n", "Rails Conf"] whoopsie = -> ! tonightsPresentations = [] ! tonightsPresentations Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 34. WTF ... 0 == "" and 0 =="0" are both TRUE ... but "" == "0" is NOT! false == "0" is TRUE ... but false == "false" is NOT! Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 35. WTF ... 0 == "" and 0 =="0" are both TRUE ... but "" == "0" is NOT! false == "0" is TRUE ... but false == "false" is NOT! is => === isnt => !== == -> === Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 36. With ✗; ✗ Reserved Keywords Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 38. Example 1 var Presentation = function(title, presenter) { return { getHeadline: function() { return title + " by " + presenter; } } }; var myPresentation = Presentation("CoffeeScript", "Jo Cranford"); Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 39. Example 2 var Presentation = function(title, presenter) { this.getHeadline = function() { return title + " by " + presenter; }; }; var myPresentation = new Presentation("CoffeeScript", "Jo Cranford"); Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 40. Example 3 var Presentation = function(title, presenter) { this.title = title; this.presenter = presenter; }; Presentation.prototype.getHeadline = function() { return this.title + " by " + this.presenter; }; var myPresentation = new Presentation("CoffeeScript", "Jo Cranford"); Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 41. CoffeeScript class Presentation constructor: (@title, @presenter) -> getHeadline: -> @title + " " + @presenter Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 43. Average Lines Of Code 40 1.8X 30 20 10 0 JavaScript CoffeeScript Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 44. For Loop var i, weatherInCities; weatherInCities = []; for(i = 0; i < listOfCities.length; i++) { ! var city = listOfCities[i]; ! weatherInCities.push( + ":" +; } Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 45. For Loop var i, weatherInCities; weatherInCities = []; for(i = 0; i < listOfCities.length; i++) { ! var city = listOfCities[i]; ! weatherInCities.push( + ":" +; } weatherInCities = (("#{}: #{}") for city in listOfCities) Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 46. For Loop var i, weatherInCities; weatherInCities = []; for(i = 0; i < listOfCities.length; i++) { ! var city = listOfCities[i]; ! weatherInCities.push( + ":" +; } weatherInCities = (("#{}: #{}") for city in listOfCities) Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 47. For “Own” Loop var objectToString = function (obj) { ! var key, val, _results; ! _results = []; ! for (key in obj) { ! ! if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; ! ! val = obj[key]; ! ! if (val !== null) _results.push(key + ":" + val); ! } ! return _results.join(","); }; Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 48. For “Own” Loop var objectToString = function (obj) { ! var key, val, _results; ! _results = []; ! for (key in obj) { ! ! if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; ! ! val = obj[key]; ! ! if (val !== null) _results.push(key + ":" + val); ! } ! return _results.join(","); }; objectToString = (obj) -> ! ("#{key}:#{val}" for own key, val of obj when val isnt null).join(“,") Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 49. For “Own” Loop var objectToString = function (obj) { ! var key, val, _results; ! _results = []; ! for (key in obj) { ! ! if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; ! ! val = obj[key]; ! ! if (val !== null) _results.push(key + ":" + val); ! } ! return _results.join(","); }; objectToString = (obj) -> ! ("#{key}:#{val}" for own key, val of obj when val isnt null).join(“,") Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 50. Constructor - JavaScript var Region = function(states) { ! this.states = states; }; Region.prototype.findStatesBeginningWith = function(letter) { ! var matchingStates = []; for (var i = 0;i < this.states.length; i++) { ! ! state = this.states[i]; ! ! if (state.substr(0,1) === letter) { ! ! ! matchingStates.push(state) ! ! } ! } ! return matchingStates; }; Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 51. Constructor - CoffeeScript class Region constructor: (@states) -> findStatesBeginningWith: (letter) -> state for state in @states when state.substr(0,1) is letter Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 52. Constructor - CoffeeScript class Region constructor: (@states) -> findStatesBeginningWith: (letter) -> state for state in @states when state.substr(0,1) is letter Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 53. this and that var Clickable = function (baseElement) { ! var that = this; ! this.displayAlert = function() { ! ! alert("You just clicked me!"); ! }; ! $(baseElement).click(that.displayAlert); }; Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 54. this and that var Clickable = function (baseElement) { ! var that = this; ! this.displayAlert = function() { ! ! alert("You just clicked me!"); ! }; ! $(baseElement).click(that.displayAlert); }; Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 55. this and that var Clickable = function (baseElement) { ! var that = this; ! this.displayAlert = function() { ! ! alert("You just clicked me!"); ! }; ! $(baseElement).click(that.displayAlert); }; class window.Clickable constructor: (@baseElement) -> $(@baseElement).click(@displayAlert) displayAlert: => window.alert("You just clicked me!") Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 56. this and that var Clickable = function (baseElement) { ! var that = this; ! this.displayAlert = function() { ! ! alert("You just clicked me!"); ! }; ! $(baseElement).click(that.displayAlert); }; class window.Clickable constructor: (@baseElement) -> $(@baseElement).click(@displayAlert) displayAlert: => window.alert("You just clicked me!") Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 57. Pattern Matching – Reading an Object var london = { lat: 51.5171, lng: 0.1062 }; var lat =; var lng = london.lng; Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 58. Pattern Matching – Reading an Object var london = { lat: 51.5171, lng: 0.1062 }; var lat =; var lng = london.lng; london = lat: 51.5171 lng: 0.1062 {lat,lng} = london Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 59. Pattern Matching var london = { lat: 51.5171, lng: 0.1062 }; var lat =; var lng = london.lng; london = lat: 51.5171 lng: 0.1062 {lat,lng} = london Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 60. Pattern Matching doSomethingWithPoint = ({lat,lng}) -> console.log(lat, lng); doSomethingWithPoint london createPoint = (lat, lng) -> { lat, lng } Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 61. Existing libraries just work Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 62. JQuery $(document).ready(function() { var tip = $("#js-tooltip"); if (!tip.hasClass("hidden")) { tip.addClass("hidden"); } }); Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 63. JQuery $(document).ready(function() { var tip = $("#js-tooltip"); if (!tip.hasClass("hidden")) { tip.addClass("hidden"); } }); $(document).ready(-> tip = $ "#coffee-tooltip" tip.addClass "hidden" unless tip.hasClass "hidden" ) Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 64. JQuery $(document).ready(function() { var tip = $("#js-tooltip"); if (!tip.hasClass("hidden")) { tip.addClass("hidden"); } }); $(document).ready(-> tip = $ "#coffee-tooltip" tip.addClass "hidden" unless tip.hasClass "hidden" ) Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 65. Easy to Test with Jasmine Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 66. Jasmine Test describe("The Game Object", function() { it("should have a score of 0 if I knock down no skittles", function() { var game = new Game(); game.roll(0); var score = game.score(); expect(score).toBe(0); }); }); Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 67. Jasmine Test describe("The Game Object", function() { it("should have a score of 0 if I knock down no skittles", function() { var game = new Game(); game.roll(0); var score = game.score(); expect(score).toBe(0); }); }); describe "The Game Object", -> it "should have a score of 0 if I knock down no skittles", - > game = new Game() game.roll(0) score = game.score() expect(score).toBe 0 Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 68. Clean, Efficient, Easy to Read JavaScript Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 69. class Presentation constructor: (@title, @presenter) -> getHeadline: -> "#{@title} #{@presenter}" Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 70. (function() { var Presentation; Presentation = (function() { = 'Presentation'; function Presentation(title, presenter) { this.title = title; this.presenter = presenter; } Presentation.prototype.getHeadline = function() { return this.title + " " + this.presenter; }; return Presentation; })(); }).call(this); Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 71. (function() { var Presentation; Presentation = (function() { = 'Presentation'; function Presentation(title, presenter) { this.title = title; this.presenter = presenter; } Presentation.prototype.getHeadline = function() { return this.title + " " + this.presenter; }; return Presentation; })(); }).call(this); Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 72. Of course, it’s not perfect  Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 73. It IS an additional step Debugging Shouldn't we just write good JavaScript? Should we even be writing object oriented JavaScript? Tuesday, 8 May 12
  • 74. References • • Coffee-Script.pdf • • • • CoffeeScript • ashkenas.php • • closures-with-local-variables/643664#643664 • use-coffeescript/ Tuesday, 8 May 12