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ES6 metaprogramming unleashed
Javascript metaprogramming?
Metaprogramming is powerful and fun, but remember:
"With great power comes great responsibility"
about me
Javier Arias, senior software engineer at Telefonica.
Technology and software development lover.
the challenge
“The key property of metaprograms is that
manipulate other programs or program
representations.” - Gregor Kiczales
Meta level vs Base level
metaprogramming in real life
Compiler/transpilers: gcc, coffeescript…
Macro languages (eg. C preprocessor)
Using "eval" to execute a string as code
Database scaffolding/ORM: mongoose, …
IDEs: Eclipse, …
reflective metaprogramming
A program that metaprograms itself -
This is the subject of the talk!
Reflective Metaprogramming in JS
MMM… very
interesting … is
there any JS?
do you use metaprogramming?
JS metaprogramming up to ES5
object metaprogramming API
- Good
function metaprogramming
- Ugly
- Bad
The Good: Object metapgrming API
● modify property access:
○ getters & setters
○ property descriptors
● Object mutability:
seal, freeze
Obj metaprogramming: Test Spy
Test Spy myFunction
[1] myFunction = spy (myFunction)
[5] assert eg. calledOnce
[2] myFunction(1, ‘a’)
Test spy is a function that records calls to a spied function
- SinonJS
[3] store call [4] call
Obj metaprogramming: Test Spy
function functionSpy(func){
Obj metaprogramming: Test Spy
function functionSpy(func){
Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "_callCount", {value: 0, writable: true});
Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "once", {get: function(){return this._callCount==1});
Obj metaprogramming: Test Spy
function functionSpy(func){
Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "_callCount", {value: 0, writable: true});
Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "once", {get: function(){return this._callCount==1});
var proxyFunc = function () { //intercept and count calls to func
proxyFunc._callCount += 1;
return func.apply(null, arguments);
return proxyFunc;
The Bad: eval
The Bad: eval
avoid using eval in the browser for input from the user or your
remote servers (XSS and man-in-the-middle)
“is sometimes necessary, but in most cases it
indicates the presence of extremely bad coding.”
- Douglas Crockford
The Ugly: func metaprogramming
> Function constructor
> Function reflection
var remainder = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a % b;');
remainder(5, 2); // 1
function constructor
Create functions from Strings…
Similar to eval but differences in scope.
function reflection - length
Function.length: number of parameters of a
Usage example: Express checking middlewares signature
function parameters: reflection
Get informaton about function parameters
Eg: Dependency Injection
function parameters reflection
How do we do that in JS?
Function.toString() + RegExp
This is ugly!
Defined in ES5 and ES2015 specs.
function getParameters(func) { //The regex is from Angular
var FN_PARAMS = /^functions*[^(]*(s*([^)]*))/m;
var params = func.toString().match(FN_PARAMS)[1].split(',');
return params;
function parameters reflection
ES6 - The Zen of JS?
ES6 and Proxy
The Proxy can define custom behavior for
fundamental operations.
➔ property lookup
➔ assignment
➔ enumeration
➔ (...)
Proxy explained
interceptor. traps per operation.
A Proxy wraps a target object.
proxied object.
proxy sample: noSuchPropertyze
var myObj = {
a: 1,
b: 'nice'
myObj = noSuchPropertyze(myObj); // We want to INTERCEPT access to properties (get)
myObj.b; // nice
myObj.nonExistingProperty; // Error
function noSuchPropertyze(obj) {
var handler = {
get: function(target, name, receiver){
if(name in target) return target[name];
throw new Error('Not found:' + name);
return new Proxy(obj, handler);
var myObj = noSuchPropertyze({a: 1, b: 'nice'});
myObj.b; // nice
myObj.nonExistingProperty; // Error
proxy sample: noSuchPropertyze
function noSuchPropertyze(obj) {
var handler = {
get: function(target, name, receiver){
if(name in target) return target[name];
throw new Error('Not found:' + name);
return new Proxy(obj, handler);
var myObj = noSuchPropertyze({a: 1, b: 'nice'});
myObj.b; // nice
myObj.nonExistingProperty; // Error
proxy sample: noSuchPropertyze
function noSuchPropertyze(obj) {
var handler = {
get: function(target, name, receiver){
if(name in target) return target[name];
throw new Error('Not found:' + name);
return new Proxy(obj, handler);
var myObj = noSuchPropertyze({a: 1, b: 'nice'});
myObj.b; // nice
myObj.nonExistingProperty; // Error
proxy sample: noSuchPropertyze
Proxy usages
virtual objects: persistent or remote objects
do fancy things such as DSLs
DSL with Proxies
to(3).double.pow.get // 36
Overriding the dot (.) operator!!!
DSL with Proxies- implementation
// ==== to(3).double.pow.get ===
var to = (function closure() { // closure for containing our context
var functionsProvider = { //Object containing our functions
double: function (n) { return n*2 },
pow: function (n) { return n*n }
return function toImplementation(value) { // Magic happens here!
// (...) implementation
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);
DSL with Proxies- implementation
// ==== to(3).double.pow.get ===
var to = (function closure() { // closure for containing our context
var functionsProvider = { //Object containing our functions
double: function (n) { return n*2 },
pow: function (n) { return n*n }
return function toImplementation(value) { // Magic happens here!
// (...) implementation
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);
// ==== to(3).double.pow.get ===
var to = (function closure() { // closure for containing our context
var functionsProvider = { //Object containing our functions
double: function (n) { return n*2 },
pow: function (n) { return n*n }
return function toImplementation(value) { // Magic happens here!
// (...) implementation
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);
DSL with Proxies- implementation
DSL with Proxies- implementation
// ==== to(3).double.pow.get ===
return function toImplementation(value) {
var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called
var handler =
{ get(target, fnName, receiver) {
if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it
return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3)
if (fnName == "get")
return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value);
throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported');
}, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) {
target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
DSL with Proxies- implementation
// ==== to(3).double.pow.get ===
return function toImplementation(value) {
var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called
var handler =
{ get(target, fnName, receiver) {
if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it
return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3)
if (fnName == "get")
return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value);
throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported');
}, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) {
target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
DSL with Proxies- implementation
// ==== to(3).double.pow.get ===
return function toImplementation(value) {
var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called
var handler =
{ get(target, fnName, receiver) {
if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it
return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3)
if (fnName == "get")
return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value);
throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported');
}, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) {
target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
DSL with Proxies- implementation
// ==== to(3).double.pow.get ===
return function toImplementation(value) {
var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called
var handler =
{ get(target, fnName, receiver) {
if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it
return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3)
if (fnName == "get")
return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value);
throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported');
}, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) {
target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
DSL with Proxies- implementation
// ==== to(3).double.pow.get ===
return function toImplementation(value) {
var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called
var handler =
{ get(target, fnName, receiver) {
if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it
return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3)
if (fnName == "get")
return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value);
throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported');
}, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) {
target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
Composition with Object.assign
Composition: model/create Objects by
“what they do”
const barker = (state) => ({ //factory function barker
bark: () => console.log('woof, woof ' +
const angryHuman = (name) => { //factory function angryHuman
let state = {name}; //state object stays in the closure
return Object.assign( //assign to {} all own properties of barker(state)
var angryJavi = angryHuman('javi')
angryJavi.bark() //woof, woof javi
Composition with Object.assign
const barker = (state) => ({ //factory function barker
bark: () => console.log('woof, woof ' +
const angryHuman = (name) => { //factory function angryHuman
let state = {name}; //state object stays in the closure
return Object.assign( //assign to {} all own properties of barker(state)
var angryJavi = angryHuman('javi')
angryJavi.bark() //woof, woof javi
Composition with Object.assign
const barker = (state) => ({ //factory function barker
bark: () => console.log('woof, woof ' +
const angryHuman = (name) => { //factory function angryHuman
let state = {name}; //state object stays in the closure
return Object.assign( //assign to {} all own properties of barker(state)
var angryJavi = angryHuman('javi')
angryJavi.bark() //woof, woof javi
Composition with Object.assign
That’s all folks!
No animals were harmed in the preparation of
this presentation.
● Alex Rauschmayer on Proxies:
● About quines:
● Kiczales on metaprogramming and AOP:
● Brendan Eich. Proxies are awesome:
● eval() isn’t evil, just misunderstood:
● On DI:
● Express middlewares:
● Proxies by Daniel Zautner:
● Storm by Kelly Delay:
● The complete explorer:
● Record Player by Andressa Rodrigues:
● Wall by Nicole Köhler:
● Remote by Solart:
● Rocket launch by Space-X:
● Coffee by Skeeze:
● Sleeping Monkey by Mhy:
● Funny Monkey by WikiImages:
● Lemur by ddouk:
● Fire in the sky by NASA:
complete code examples
function sayHi(name){ console.log('Hi '+name+'!') }// we define a very interesting function
sayHi = functionSpy(sayHi);// now we Spy on sayHi function.
console.log('calledOnce?', sayHi.once); // false. Note that ‘once’ looks like a property!!
sayHi('Gregor'); // calling our Function!!
console.log('calledOnce?', sayHi.once); // true
function functionSpy(func){
var proxyFunc = function () { //intercept and count calls to func
proxyFunc._callCount += 1;
return func.apply(null, arguments);
Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "_callCount", {value: 0, writable: true});
Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "once", {get: function(){return this._callCount==1});
return proxyFunc;
Test Spy
function constructor vs eval
function functionCreate(aParam) { //Func consctructor cannot access to the closure
var funcAccessToClosure = Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b + aParam');
return funcAccessToClosure(1, 2);
functionCreate(3); //ReferenceError: aParam is not defined
function functionInEval(aParam) {//has access to the closure
eval("function funcAccessToClosure(a, b){return a + b + aParam}");
return funcAccessToClosure(1, 2);
functionInEval(3); // 6
var aParam = 62; //Now, define aParam.
functionCreate(3); // 65
functionInEval(3); // 6
DI container
● Function reflection (parameters) eg: Dependency Injection
var Injector = {dependencies: {},
add : function(qualifier, obj){
this.dependencies[qualifier] = obj;},
get : function(func){
var obj = Object.create(func.prototype);
func.apply(obj, this.resolveDependencies(func));
return obj;},
resolveDependencies : function(func) {
var args = this.getParameters(func);
var dependencies = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
return dependencies;},
getParameters : function(func) {//This regex is from require.js
var FN_ARGS = /^functions*[^(]*(s*([^)]*))/m;
var args = func.toString().match(FN_ARGS)[1].split(',');
return args;}};
var aFancyLogger = {
log: function(log){console.log(Date().toString()+" => "+ log);}
var ItemController = function(logger){
this.logger = logger;
this.doSomething = function(item){this.logger.log("Item[""] handled!");};
Injector.add("logger", aFancyLogger); //register logger into DI container
var itemController = Injector.get(ItemController); //get Item controller from DI
itemController.doSomething({id : 5});
proxy sample: DRY REST Client
// DRY REST client
function prepareGetter(resource) {
return function resourceGetter(id) {
console.log('HTTP GET /server/'+resource+( id ? '/'+id : ''));
return 200;
let proto = new Proxy({}, {
get(target, name, receiver) {
if(name.startsWith('get')) {
return prepareGetter(name.slice(3).toLowerCase());}
return target[name];
let myRestClient = Object.create(proto); //Prototype is a Proxy
myRestClient.allo = 7;
myRestClient.getClient('kent.beck'); //200 "HTTP GET /server/client/kent.beck"
myRestClient.allo; // 7;
DSL with Proxies
var to = (function closure() {
var functionsProvider = {
double: function (n) { return n*2 },
pow: function (n) { return n*n }
return function toImplementation(value) {
var pipe = [];
var handler =
get(target, fnName, receiver) {
if (fnName == "get")
return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value);
if (fnName in target) {
return receiver;}
throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported');
set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) {
target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions
return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
console.log('to(3).double.pow.get::',to(3).double.pow.get); // 36
console.log('to(2).triple::', to(2).triple.get); //Error: Method: triple not yet supported
to().triple = function(n) {return n*3};
Composition with Object.assign
const barker = (state) => ({ //factory function barker
bark: () => console.log('woof, woof ' +
const angryHuman = (name) => { //factory function angryHuman
let state = {name}; //state object stays in the closure
return Object.assign( //assign to {} all own properties of barker(state)
var angryJavi = angryHuman('javi')
angryJavi.bark() //woof, woof javi
ES6 delivers some exciting metaprogramming capabilities with its new Proxies feature.
Metaprogramming is powerful, but remember: "With great power comes great responsibility". In the
talk we will shortly revisit Javascript metaprogramming and explain ES6 Proxies with code
Session type: 40-minute session
Topics: none
During the talk we will explain different metaprogramming concepts and techniques with code
samples related to a very simple testing library.
First, we will discuss about what metaprogramming is, what metaprogramming is useful for and a
very light overview of metaprogramming in other programming languages.
Current capacities from Javascript up to ES5 will be revisited with some code examples.
Finally, ES6 and proxies will be covered.

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OSCON - ES6 metaprogramming unleashed

  • 2. Javascript metaprogramming? Metaprogramming is powerful and fun, but remember: "With great power comes great responsibility"
  • 3. about me Javier Arias, senior software engineer at Telefonica. Technology and software development lover. @javier_arilos
  • 5. metaprogramming “The key property of metaprograms is that manipulate other programs or program representations.” - Gregor Kiczales Meta level vs Base level
  • 6. metaprogramming in real life Compiler/transpilers: gcc, coffeescript… Macro languages (eg. C preprocessor) Using "eval" to execute a string as code Database scaffolding/ORM: mongoose, … IDEs: Eclipse, …
  • 7. reflective metaprogramming A program that metaprograms itself - This is the subject of the talk! Reflective Metaprogramming in JS MMM… very interesting … is there any JS?
  • 8. do you use metaprogramming?
  • 9. JS metaprogramming up to ES5 object metaprogramming API - Good function metaprogramming - Ugly eval - Bad
  • 10. The Good: Object metapgrming API ● modify property access: ○ getters & setters ○ property descriptors ● Object mutability: preventExtensions, seal, freeze
  • 11. Obj metaprogramming: Test Spy Test Spy myFunction [1] myFunction = spy (myFunction) [5] assert eg. calledOnce [2] myFunction(1, ‘a’) Test spy is a function that records calls to a spied function - SinonJS [3] store call [4] call
  • 12. Obj metaprogramming: Test Spy function functionSpy(func){
  • 13. Obj metaprogramming: Test Spy function functionSpy(func){ Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "_callCount", {value: 0, writable: true}); Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "once", {get: function(){return this._callCount==1});
  • 14. Obj metaprogramming: Test Spy function functionSpy(func){ Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "_callCount", {value: 0, writable: true}); Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "once", {get: function(){return this._callCount==1}); var proxyFunc = function () { //intercept and count calls to func proxyFunc._callCount += 1; return func.apply(null, arguments); }; return proxyFunc; }
  • 16. The Bad: eval avoid using eval in the browser for input from the user or your remote servers (XSS and man-in-the-middle) “is sometimes necessary, but in most cases it indicates the presence of extremely bad coding.” - Douglas Crockford
  • 17. The Ugly: func metaprogramming > Function constructor > Function reflection
  • 18. var remainder = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a % b;'); remainder(5, 2); // 1 function constructor Create functions from Strings… Similar to eval but differences in scope.
  • 19. function reflection - length Function.length: number of parameters of a function. Usage example: Express checking middlewares signature
  • 20. function parameters: reflection Get informaton about function parameters Eg: Dependency Injection
  • 21. function parameters reflection How do we do that in JS? Function.toString() + RegExp This is ugly!
  • 23. function getParameters(func) { //The regex is from Angular var FN_PARAMS = /^functions*[^(]*(s*([^)]*))/m; var params = func.toString().match(FN_PARAMS)[1].split(','); return params; } function parameters reflection
  • 24. ES6 - The Zen of JS?
  • 25. ES6 and Proxy The Proxy can define custom behavior for fundamental operations. ➔ property lookup ➔ assignment ➔ enumeration ➔ (...)
  • 26. Proxy explained handler: interceptor. traps per operation. proxy & handler target A Proxy wraps a target object. target: proxied object.
  • 27. proxy sample: noSuchPropertyze var myObj = { a: 1, b: 'nice' }; myObj = noSuchPropertyze(myObj); // We want to INTERCEPT access to properties (get) myObj.b; // nice myObj.nonExistingProperty; // Error
  • 28. function noSuchPropertyze(obj) { var handler = { get: function(target, name, receiver){ if(name in target) return target[name]; throw new Error('Not found:' + name); } }; return new Proxy(obj, handler); } var myObj = noSuchPropertyze({a: 1, b: 'nice'}); myObj.b; // nice myObj.nonExistingProperty; // Error proxy sample: noSuchPropertyze proxy & handler target myObj[name]
  • 29. function noSuchPropertyze(obj) { var handler = { get: function(target, name, receiver){ if(name in target) return target[name]; throw new Error('Not found:' + name); } }; return new Proxy(obj, handler); } var myObj = noSuchPropertyze({a: 1, b: 'nice'}); myObj.b; // nice myObj.nonExistingProperty; // Error proxy sample: noSuchPropertyze proxy & handler target myObj[name]
  • 30. function noSuchPropertyze(obj) { var handler = { get: function(target, name, receiver){ if(name in target) return target[name]; throw new Error('Not found:' + name); } }; return new Proxy(obj, handler); } var myObj = noSuchPropertyze({a: 1, b: 'nice'}); myObj.b; // nice myObj.nonExistingProperty; // Error proxy sample: noSuchPropertyze proxy & handler target myObj[name]
  • 31. Proxy usages virtual objects: persistent or remote objects do fancy things such as DSLs
  • 32. DSL with Proxies to(3).double.pow.get // 36 Overriding the dot (.) operator!!!
  • 33. DSL with Proxies- implementation // ==== to(3).double.pow.get === var to = (function closure() { // closure for containing our context var functionsProvider = { //Object containing our functions double: function (n) { return n*2 }, pow: function (n) { return n*n } }; return function toImplementation(value) { // Magic happens here! // (...) implementation return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler); } }());
  • 34. DSL with Proxies- implementation // ==== to(3).double.pow.get === var to = (function closure() { // closure for containing our context var functionsProvider = { //Object containing our functions double: function (n) { return n*2 }, pow: function (n) { return n*n } }; return function toImplementation(value) { // Magic happens here! // (...) implementation return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler); } }());
  • 35. // ==== to(3).double.pow.get === var to = (function closure() { // closure for containing our context var functionsProvider = { //Object containing our functions double: function (n) { return n*2 }, pow: function (n) { return n*n } }; return function toImplementation(value) { // Magic happens here! // (...) implementation return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler); } }()); DSL with Proxies- implementation
  • 36. DSL with Proxies- implementation // ==== to(3).double.pow.get === return function toImplementation(value) { var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called var handler = { get(target, fnName, receiver) { if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it pipe.push(target[fnName]); return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3) if (fnName == "get") return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value); throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported'); }, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) { target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions }; return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
  • 37. DSL with Proxies- implementation // ==== to(3).double.pow.get === return function toImplementation(value) { var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called var handler = { get(target, fnName, receiver) { if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it pipe.push(target[fnName]); return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3) if (fnName == "get") return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value); throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported'); }, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) { target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions }; return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
  • 38. DSL with Proxies- implementation // ==== to(3).double.pow.get === return function toImplementation(value) { var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called var handler = { get(target, fnName, receiver) { if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it pipe.push(target[fnName]); return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3) if (fnName == "get") return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value); throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported'); }, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) { target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions }; return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
  • 39. DSL with Proxies- implementation // ==== to(3).double.pow.get === return function toImplementation(value) { var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called var handler = { get(target, fnName, receiver) { if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it pipe.push(target[fnName]); return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3) if (fnName == "get") return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value); throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported'); }, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) { target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions }; return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
  • 40. DSL with Proxies- implementation // ==== to(3).double.pow.get === return function toImplementation(value) { var pipe = []; //stores functions to be called var handler = { get(target, fnName, receiver) { if (fnName in target){ //eg. .double : get the function and push it pipe.push(target[fnName]); return receiver;} //receiver is our Proxy object: to(3) if (fnName == "get") return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value); throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported'); }, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) { target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions }; return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}());
  • 41. Composition with Object.assign Composition: model/create Objects by “what they do”
  • 42. const barker = (state) => ({ //factory function barker bark: () => console.log('woof, woof ' + }) const angryHuman = (name) => { //factory function angryHuman let state = {name}; //state object stays in the closure return Object.assign( //assign to {} all own properties of barker(state) {}, barker(state), talker(state) ) } var angryJavi = angryHuman('javi') angryJavi.bark() //woof, woof javi Composition with Object.assign
  • 43. const barker = (state) => ({ //factory function barker bark: () => console.log('woof, woof ' + }) const angryHuman = (name) => { //factory function angryHuman let state = {name}; //state object stays in the closure return Object.assign( //assign to {} all own properties of barker(state) {}, barker(state), talker(state) ) } var angryJavi = angryHuman('javi') angryJavi.bark() //woof, woof javi Composition with Object.assign
  • 44. const barker = (state) => ({ //factory function barker bark: () => console.log('woof, woof ' + }) const angryHuman = (name) => { //factory function angryHuman let state = {name}; //state object stays in the closure return Object.assign( //assign to {} all own properties of barker(state) {}, barker(state), talker(state) ) } var angryJavi = angryHuman('javi') angryJavi.bark() //woof, woof javi Composition with Object.assign
  • 45. That’s all folks! No animals were harmed in the preparation of this presentation.
  • 46. references ● Alex Rauschmayer on Proxies: ● About quines: ● Kiczales on metaprogramming and AOP: ● Brendan Eich. Proxies are awesome: ● eval() isn’t evil, just misunderstood: just-misunderstood/ ● On DI: ● Express middlewares: ● Proxies by Daniel Zautner:
  • 47. Media ● Storm by Kelly Delay: ● The complete explorer: ● Record Player by Andressa Rodrigues: ● Wall by Nicole Köhler: ● Remote by Solart: ● Rocket launch by Space-X: ● Coffee by Skeeze: ● Sleeping Monkey by Mhy: ● Funny Monkey by WikiImages: ● Lemur by ddouk: ● Fire in the sky by NASA: ●
  • 49. function sayHi(name){ console.log('Hi '+name+'!') }// we define a very interesting function sayHi = functionSpy(sayHi);// now we Spy on sayHi function. console.log('calledOnce?', sayHi.once); // false. Note that ‘once’ looks like a property!! sayHi('Gregor'); // calling our Function!! console.log('calledOnce?', sayHi.once); // true function functionSpy(func){ var proxyFunc = function () { //intercept and count calls to func proxyFunc._callCount += 1; return func.apply(null, arguments); }; Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "_callCount", {value: 0, writable: true}); Object.defineProperty(proxyFunc, "once", {get: function(){return this._callCount==1}); return proxyFunc; } Test Spy
  • 50. function constructor vs eval function functionCreate(aParam) { //Func consctructor cannot access to the closure var funcAccessToClosure = Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b + aParam'); return funcAccessToClosure(1, 2); } functionCreate(3); //ReferenceError: aParam is not defined function functionInEval(aParam) {//has access to the closure eval("function funcAccessToClosure(a, b){return a + b + aParam}"); return funcAccessToClosure(1, 2); } functionInEval(3); // 6 var aParam = 62; //Now, define aParam. functionCreate(3); // 65 functionInEval(3); // 6
  • 51. DI container ● Function reflection (parameters) eg: Dependency Injection var Injector = {dependencies: {}, add : function(qualifier, obj){ this.dependencies[qualifier] = obj;}, get : function(func){ var obj = Object.create(func.prototype); func.apply(obj, this.resolveDependencies(func)); return obj;}, resolveDependencies : function(func) { var args = this.getParameters(func); var dependencies = []; for ( var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { dependencies.push(this.dependencies[args[i]]);} return dependencies;}, getParameters : function(func) {//This regex is from require.js var FN_ARGS = /^functions*[^(]*(s*([^)]*))/m; var args = func.toString().match(FN_ARGS)[1].split(','); return args;}}; var aFancyLogger = { log: function(log){console.log(Date().toString()+" => "+ log);} }; var ItemController = function(logger){ this.logger = logger; this.doSomething = function(item){this.logger.log("Item[""] handled!");}; }; Injector.add("logger", aFancyLogger); //register logger into DI container var itemController = Injector.get(ItemController); //get Item controller from DI itemController.doSomething({id : 5});
  • 52. proxy sample: DRY REST Client // DRY REST client function prepareGetter(resource) { return function resourceGetter(id) { console.log('HTTP GET /server/'+resource+( id ? '/'+id : '')); return 200; } } let proto = new Proxy({}, { get(target, name, receiver) { if(name.startsWith('get')) { return prepareGetter(name.slice(3).toLowerCase());} return target[name]; } }); let myRestClient = Object.create(proto); //Prototype is a Proxy myRestClient.allo = 7; myRestClient.getClient('kent.beck'); //200 "HTTP GET /server/client/kent.beck" myRestClient.allo; // 7;
  • 53. DSL with Proxies var to = (function closure() { var functionsProvider = { double: function (n) { return n*2 }, pow: function (n) { return n*n } }; return function toImplementation(value) { var pipe = []; var handler = { get(target, fnName, receiver) { if (fnName == "get") return pipe.reduce(function (val, fn) { return fn(val) }, value); if (fnName in target) { pipe.push(target[fnName]); return receiver;} throw Error('Method: '+ fnName +' not yet supported'); }, set(target, fnName, fn, receiver) { target[fnName] = fn;} //dynamic declaration of functions }; return new Proxy(functionsProvider, handler);}}()); console.log('to(3).double.pow.get::',to(3).double.pow.get); // 36 console.log('to(2).triple::', to(2).triple.get); //Error: Method: triple not yet supported to().triple = function(n) {return n*3}; console.log('to(2).triple::',to(2).triple.get);
  • 54. Composition with Object.assign const barker = (state) => ({ //factory function barker bark: () => console.log('woof, woof ' + }) const angryHuman = (name) => { //factory function angryHuman let state = {name}; //state object stays in the closure return Object.assign( //assign to {} all own properties of barker(state) {}, barker(state) ) } var angryJavi = angryHuman('javi') angryJavi.bark() //woof, woof javi
  • 55. proposal Description ES6 delivers some exciting metaprogramming capabilities with its new Proxies feature. Metaprogramming is powerful, but remember: "With great power comes great responsibility". In the talk we will shortly revisit Javascript metaprogramming and explain ES6 Proxies with code examples. Session type: 40-minute session Topics: none Abstract During the talk we will explain different metaprogramming concepts and techniques with code samples related to a very simple testing library. First, we will discuss about what metaprogramming is, what metaprogramming is useful for and a very light overview of metaprogramming in other programming languages. Current capacities from Javascript up to ES5 will be revisited with some code examples. Finally, ES6 and proxies will be covered.